Brochure Ad Exlg crt16g GB PDF
Brochure Ad Exlg crt16g GB PDF
Brochure Ad Exlg crt16g GB PDF
Selection Applications 6
Standard 8
criteria Advantages of cast resin transformers 10
Economic advantages 12
CRT technology 14
Service Conditions 18
Protection against overvoltages 19
Protection against temperature rise 20
Ventilation of the Transformers 21
Vectorial groups 24
25 - 40 CRT Range 25
Green T.HE 27
General Red transformers 30
features Special offer 32
51 - 60 Transformers for the rest of the world comply with IEC standard 51
Technical information - BoBk 52
Technical information - XC 54
Red Transformers Technical information - NL 56
Accessories for transformers (BoBk-XC-NL) 59
61 - 76 Safety guidelines 62
Rating plate 63
Installation and Transport, receipt and storage 64
maintenance Installation 67
Commissioning 71
Maintenance 74
Technical glossary 76
Primary Secondary
voltage: voltage
20kV 400V
High-Voltage transformers are generally classified in three types depending on their construction.
Features comparisons between cast resin, oil and air transformers are below described.
Legrand is one of the most important producers of cast Correspondence to the specific International and
resin transformers. National Standards and conformity to classes C2,
Thanks to a long experience in the production of cast E2 and F1 mean that transformers can be used in
resin transformers up to 36 kV and constant investment many installation and environmental contexts.
in R&D, Legrand is capable to grant high quality The absence of insulating liquids, being self-
products, with excellent performance in many and extinguishing without emissions of toxic gases and
varied applications. the low noise levels represent a safeguard for the
environment and public health.
Shopping and cultural centres
Management centres
Military installations
Off-shore installations
Automotive technology
Mechanical industries
Chemical industries
Paper mills
Air-conditioning systems
Continuity units
Lifting systems
Welding lines
Induction furnaces
Pumping stations
- Non-polluting
- Reduction of costs
- Respect of the
environment and
resources Raw materials
Cast resin transformers do not need the expensive civil As cast resin transformers use air cooling and take
works which are instead required for oil transformers, longer to reach operation temperature, they can be more
such as collection pits, extinguishing grids and fire- overloaded than insulating liquid transformers and are
resistant separation barriers, to prevent the propagation of thus particularly suitable to feed loads with frequent
fire and the spreading of insulating liquids. current breakaway starting current.
These cast resin transformers are class F1 no separation The transformers can be overloaded, as long as the
provision with fire barrier is needed. temperature rise on the windings does not remain above
the allowable value for long periods of time.
• Installation inside buildings The power supplied can be temporarily increased by
means of the application of ventilation systems, to be
Thanks to the reduction of expensive building works, the used to tackle particular operating situations (temporary
greater safety (low fire risk) and the absence of cooling overloads or high room temperature) or to make
fluids, cast resin transformers can be installed inside available a temporary reserve of power when there is an
buildings, even near to rooms where people are present. emergency (e.g. when a transformer is out of service).
The space occupied and the installation costs can thus be
contained. • Reduction of maintenance
Moreover transformers installed inside the building can
be closer to the loads, with the advantage of saving in Cast resin transformers have lower maintenance
connection costs and reducing losses in the supply line costs because they need only be inspected regularly to
check that there is no accumulation of dust and dirt. Oil
transformers instead must be monitored to guarantee
the level of insulating liquid and to check that its
dielectric properties have not changed (e.g. the dielectric
strength of mineral oils reduces considerably when there
are small traces of humidity).
Electrical Panel
Cast Resin
For a correct economic assessment, €
when purchasing a transformer the
OPERATING COST of the machine needs 60.000
special consideration. 50.000
The purchase price of the transformer
is only a marginal part of the Total 40.000
Ownership Cost of the machine (TCO), TCO
while the operating cost (mainly 30.000
connected with losses), represents over
20.000 BEP.
80% of the total cost. Break Event Point
This means that in a relatively short time 10.000
it will be possible to recover the extra
cost invested for the purchase of a Green
T.HE cost, compared with the cost of a 0 3 6 10 15 20
standard loss transformer. YEARS
Note: The time required to reach the break even point changes depending on
energy costs, and therefore on the country in which the analysis is carried out.
The chart takes into account Europe, and an energy cost of 0.1170 €/kWh.
TCO (Total Ownership Costs) = PURCHASE COST + OPERATING COST of the transformer
Class N Class AA
transformer Green T.HE
Rated power (Sr): 1000 kVA Purchase price 14,000 € 18,500 €
Primary no-load voltage (V10): 20 kV
Operating cost 50,971 € 37,923 €
Secondary no-load voltage (V20): 400 V (20 years)
Uk: 6%
Transformer lifetime: 20 years TOTAL Cost 64,971 € 56,423 €
In this example, the extra 4,500 € required for FINANCIAL SAVING IN TERMS OF
the purchase of the Green T.HE transformer is
recovered in less than six years, while the total
saving for the 20 year period will be approximately
8,500 €. 8,548 € 112 Ton CO2
Note: Financial savings have been calculated taking into account the electric power supply costs listed on the EUROSTAT website.
EU-28: cost of energy 0,1170 €/kWh. Equivalence 0,5778 kgCO2/kWh.
Legrand is recognized for its high-quality production. 10. HV epoxy resin insulation makes the
Using state of the art constructional techniques and transformer suitable for low maintenance.
equipment, constant attention throughout the production Class 155°C (F) insulating material,
process (ISO 9001:2008) and rigorous checks in the withstanding a temperature rise of 100K.
final phase, Legrand guarantees quality for 100% of the 11. The operating temperature is checked by Pt100
production. sensor or PTC which are mounted in the LV
1. HV windings: 12. Lifting eyebolts conform to the DIN-580
made of aluminium strip coils (available in standards with safety hooking at 4 points.
copper) and cast in resin under vacuum. 13. LV terminals with optional pre-equipment for
2. Core in three columns made of magnetic steel connection of the LV - Zucchini busbar trunking
laminations with high-permeability oriented system.
crystals, available with different level of losses. 14. Terminal box for temperature probes
3. LV windings: 15. Rating plate
made of aluminium strip foil (available in 16. Delta connection
copper) impregnated in resin under vacuum.
4. LV connections upwards (standard) or
downwards version (on request).
5. HV connections upwards (standard) or
downwards version (on request). 11 13 4 12
6. Rubber inserts attenuate the transmission
of vibrations between core and windings and
reduce to a minimum the operating noise 14
generated by the transformer as well as
absorbing the thermal expansion of the
components. 6
7. Off-load tapping links on the HV side to adapt
the primary voltage to the mains, which can be 15
set with transformer switched OFF.
8. Structure, armatures and carriage, made in
strong painted sheet steel (available on request
hot – dip galvanized ) 1
9. Carriage with bi-directional rollers. The 7
carriage allows safe movement and is pre-
equipped for the mounting of an IP reinforced 2
8 3
The High Voltage windings are manufactured using The thermal class for the insulating materials used
highly automatic winding machines, constructed using will be class 155°C (F): the consequent permitted over
the continuous disk technique, and made of aluminium* temperature shall be 100 K, in accordance with
strips with a double layer of insulating material. EN 60076-11 standard.
On these disks here will be a glass fibre mesh providing
static support to the winding. HV windings in strip, rather than in wire, cause less stress
The winding will then be enclosed in a vacuum mould on the insulation between the turns.
with epoxy resin with the addition of inner charges and
alumina, in order to guarantee the F1 fire behaviour set
in the EN 60076-11 standard.
The thermal class for the insulating materials used
will be class 155°C (F): the consequent permitted over
temperature shall be 100 K, in accordance with EN
60076-11 standard.
The partial discharge level will be less than <5pC.
The HV coils are in light green colour RAL 6024 or in red
color RAL 3013.
U (V) U U U (V)
140 140
➇ ➇
120 120
➇ ➇ 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
100 100
➆ ➆ ➀ ➀
80 ➇ ➇ 80
➆ ➆ ➁ ➁
60 ➆ ➆ 60
➅ ➅ ➂ ➂
➅ ➅
40 ➃ ➃ 40
➅ ➅ ➄ ➄ 2 3 4 25 36 47 58 6 7 8
20 ➄ ➄ 20
➃ ➃ ➂ ➃➂ ➃➁ ➂➁ ➂➀ ➁ ➁ ➀ 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7
1 2 3 14 25 36 47 5 6 7
Winding made with wire conductors: Winding made with strip conductors:
the voltage increases with the number of turns. the voltage is divided and distributed uniformly.
Transformers with strip windings thus have a greater capacity of seal to impulse voltages and at industrial frequency,
as well as a lower probability of being the location of partial discharges.
Strip winding also has the advantage of drastically reducing the axial forces due to short-circuit currents.
*copper strips available on request
CRT technology
Example of LV terminals
The whole Legrand range can also be used to withstand Seismic disturbance, Environmental (E), climatic features (C) and fire
the most severe conditions: resistance (F), the perfect solutions for any condition
• Environmental class E2
• Climatic class C2
• Fire-behaviour class F1
-25°C -25°C
Maximum temperature
required for the installation
environment: (unless
otherwise requested by the Maximum relative
customer) humidity value:
40°C 93%
Protection against overvoltages
Transformers may be affected by transient induced Faults caused by overvoltages affect the insulation of the
overvoltages on the net to which they are connected. These transformer and its components.
overvoltages, due to direct or indirect lightning strikes or They can be divided into:
to electrical operation on units installed on the LV side, can
stress the transformer dielectric causing its rapid ageing • faults between the turns of the same winding (most
and its consequent possible damage as well as failure of frequent case);
the transformer. • faults between windings;
The most critical conditions normally occur when the • faults between the stressed winding and a conductor part
voltage feeding the transformer is cut by non-automatic (core or metal structure).
circuit breakers which interrupt the currents.
The harmful effects of an overvoltage depend on the peak Surge arresters may be used to efficiently protect
value and the speed variation voltage, being factors leading transformers against overvoltages.
to an irregular distribution of the stresses in the windings. For more information on surge arresters see the chapter
The risk of exposure to overvoltages is, in the first instance, dedicated to accessories.
linked to the place of installation and then to the following
15kV 75kV U 5s 20s 2
10s 1mn
Example of a characteristic curve of a Zinc Oxide (ZnO) arrester
for 20kV mains with “impulse” 125 kV insulation level.
TL = total losses in kW
sum of the no load (Po) and load losses (Pk) in kW
generated by the CRT referred to 120°C and of the other (fig.2)
losses in kW generated by any other equipment in the
same room
dT = temperature difference in °C between air inflow Formula valid for an average year temperature of 20°C
(entrance) and outflow (outlet) and a height of max 100 mt on sea level.
Q = airflow through the lower opening in m3/s The outlet opening (S’) must be about 15% larger than
the inflow (entrance) opening, due to the different
H = distance in metres between the median of the cabin density of the air at different temperatures.
and the median of the upper opening (outlet).
S’ = S x 1,15 [m2]
S = net surface on entry in m², is the surface of the
bottom opening (inflow) in m², into which possible, and
advisable, grids have to be reduced [m3/s].
TL = Po+Pk [kW]
Q = TL / (1,15 x dT) H
S = (10,752 x TL) / √(H x dT³) [m2]
flow from the bottom. 3,0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3
4,0 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4
• The values in the table refer to the necessary net
surface of the windows; the presence of a grid 5,0 1.3 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5
(advisable) reduces the net surface achieved 6,0 1.6 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6
• For dT different from 15°C multiply the value in the 7,0 1.8 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7
table by √(dT³/58) 8,0 2.1 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9
9,0 2.4 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0
If the air flow so calculated cannot be obtained, use
10,0 2.6 1.9 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1
ventilation bars, i.e. forced ventilation.
11,0 2.9 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.2
12,0 3.1 2.2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.3
13,0 3.4 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.4
14,0 3.7 2.6 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.5
15,0 3.9 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.6
16,0 4.2 3.0 2.4 2.1 1.9 1.7
17,0 4.4 3.1 2.6 2.2 2.0 1.8
18,0 4.7 3.3 2.7 2.4 2.1 1.9
19,0 5.0 3.5 2.9 2.5 2.2 2.0
20,0 5.2 3.7 3.0 2.6 2.3 2.1
21,0 5.5 3.9 3.2 2.7 2.5 2.2
22,0 5.8 4.1 3.3 2.9 2.6 2.4
23,0 6.0 4.3 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.5
24,0 6.3 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.8 2.6
25,0 6.5 4.6 3.8 3.3 2.9 2.7
26,0 6.8 4.8 3.9 3.4 3.0 2.8
27,0 7.1 5.0 4.1 3.5 3.2 2.9
28,0 7.3 5.2 4.2 3.7 3.3 3.0
29,0 7.6 5.4 4.4 3.8 3.4 3.1
30,0 7.9 5.6 4.5 3.9 3.5 3.2
31,0 8.1 5.7 4.7 4.1 3.6 3.3
32,0 8.4 5.9 4.8 4.2 3.7 3.4
Forced ventilation is necessary in the following cases: If the transformer room is small or poorly ventilated, we
suggest to use forced ventilation. This is also necessary
• frequent overloads when theHaverage annual temperature is higher than 20°C
• small room or when there are frequent transformer overloads. To
• room with poor ventilation / air exchange avoid affecting the natural convection in the room, an air
• annual average temperature higher than 20 °C extractor may be installed in the upper opening, possibly
controlled by a thermostat.
Forced ventilation can be achieved with:
Installation of an air extraction system, switched on by a
• Ventilation fans (installed directly by the manufacturer, thermostat or directly by the protection relay
H min =160mm of the CRT.
S air flow is 3,5 - 4,0 m³ / min of fresh air every kW of
or successively). The fans have to be dimensioned
according to the rating of the CRT and the losses, referred to 120°C
overtemperature to be dissipated.
H min =160mm
ATTENTION: an unsufficient air flow reduces the expected life of the CRT.
Increasing the temperature of the devices can cause the intervention of
the protection relay.
The user should always specify any operating or ambient condition that
could cause restrictions in the availability of ventilation flow. Insufficient
air flow reduces the nominal rating of the CRT.
Vectorial groups Ir
Associated with these letters some numbers represent the Star Triangle Zig-Zag
phase shift, dividing it into 4 groups:
12 12 12 12
11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 Ir
10 Ir Ir
10 2 10 2 10 2 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 Ir
6 6 6 6
The winding which receives active power from the supply Type of connection Group
D y 11
These terms have no significance as to which of the
windings has the higher rated voltage and should not be n
used except in the context of direction of active power flow. Primary windings
(upper case letter)
Secondary windings
(lower case letter)
1V 2V 1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W 1V 1U 1V 1W
2W 2U
Dd0 Dd6
1U 1W 2U 2W 1U 1W
2U 2V 2W
1V 2V 1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W 1V 2W 2U 1U 1V 1W
Yy0 Yy6
1U 1W 2U 2W 1U 1W 2V
2U 2V 2W
1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W 1U 1V 1W
1V 2V 1V
2W 2U
Dz0 Dz6
1U 1W 2U 2W 1U 1W 2V
2U 2V 2W
1V 2V 1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W 1V 2U 1U 1V 1W
2W Dy11 2W Dy5
1U 1W 2U 1U 1W 2V
2U 2V 2W
1V 2V 1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W 1V 2U 1U 1V 1W
2W Yd11 2W Yd5
1U 1W 2U 1U 1W 2V
2U 2V 2W
1V 2V 1U 1V 1W 2U 2V 2W 1V 2U 1U 1V 1W
Yz11 Yz5
1U 1W 2U 1U 1W 2V
2U 2V 2W
CRT Range
To meet any requirement of the market, Legrand has
developed different models of transformers (standard and
special versions) that allow customers to choose within
a competitive range, suitable for each installation and
oriented to energy savings.
Standard solutions are divided in two categories:
Green (High efficiency transformers), in compliance
with European Regulation 548 and Red, dedicated to all
competitive markets outside European union (EU), in
compliance with IEC standard.
Special products are customized following specific request.
Losses (W)
AAoAk* (Tier 2) 67
European range
(European Union-EU)
AoAk* (Tier 1) 74
AoBk* (Tier 1) 76
World range
(IEC standard)
BoBk 82
XC (Xtra Compact) 99
Please contact LEGRAND for special transformers.
You will receive all necessary assistance and technical
XC – Xtra compact competence to identify the best solution for specific applications.
NL – Normal losses
CRT Range
Materials of windings
• Aluminium (Al)
• at request special version (Cu/Cu or Al/Cu or Cu/Al)
1000 kVA
100 kVA
Green T.HE
standard solutions for European market
With the application in July 2015 of the European
Commission Regulation for ecodesign, efficiency of
transformers will be increased.
The Green T.HE transformers comply with the EN 50588-1
Standard. They are designed and manufactured according
to the Regulation 548/2014 of European Commission and
the new Ecodesign guidelines 2009/125/CE.
Legrand Green T.HE Transformers, designed and
manufactured in accordance with new Regulation, ensure
a consistent reduction in energy consumption, resulting
in economic savings and the decrease of CO2 emissions
released into the atmosphere.
The classification of a cast resin transformer is referred
to the value of the no-load losses (P0), as well as the load NO-LOAD LOAD
losses (Pk). LOSSES (PO) LOSSES (PK)
P0 losses are independent from the load and they remain
constant for the entire period when the transformer is A0 Ak
connected to the electric power network.
Pk losses occur only when the transformer is connected A0 Bk
to a load and they are proportional to the square of the
According to the European Regulation 548/2014, two For more information see the comparison between
different application deadlines are fixed; two transformers designed for the two phases of
TIER 1 in year 2015 and TIER 2 in 2021 (future). Thanks to Regulation:
our constant innovation and research, we are able to offer
to the market transformers environmentally friendly, with
technical characteristics ready for the future (requests for Rated power CRT 1 CRT 2
(kVA) AoAk - TIER 1 AAoAk - TIER 2
year 2021), with a further lowering of the no load P0 losses. (phase 1/2015) (phase 2/2021)
The value of even lower losses mean a complete FK4AAAGBA FK4A3AGBA
environment respect and at the same time a further saving Power: 1000kVA P0 = 1550W P0 = 1395W
on costs of electricity compared to transformers designed Primary voltage: 20kV Pk = 9000W Pk = 9000W
for phase 1 of the European Regulation 548/2014. Secondary voltage: 0,400V
UCC%: 6%
TIER 1 (from 1 July 2015) TIER 2* (from 1 July 2021). Legrand range called "AAoAk"
Rated power Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
(kVA) load losses no-load losses load losses no-load losses
Pk (W) P0 (W) Pk (W) P0 (W)
Requirements applicable (losses value) to three phase dry type transformers with rated power ≤ 3150 kVA with one winding with Um ≤ 24 kV and the
other one with Um ≤ 1,1 kV.
According to the product standard related to design
of resin transformers (CEI EN 60076-11, i.e. IEC
60076-11), all the windings with a voltage ≥ 3.6kV
should be subjected to the measurement of the partial N
discharges and the value measured should not exceed V
10 picocoulombs (pC). A
Partial discharges are a microscopic phenomena
occurring inside insulating resin cavities that can
speed up ageing.
For this reason, it is important that the values of
such currents are limited.
A low value of partial discharges gives an indication of the When the Green T.HE transformers are
positive factors, such as: subjected to partial discharges, values under
solid design criteria 5 pC have been always been achieved (this
high quality of raw materials used result exceeds the requirement of the standard
high precision during the conductor winding phases which establishes the maximum value at 10 pC).
high competence level during the epoxy resin pouring Thanks to the excellent quality of products,
around the high-voltage winding Legrand has extended its GUARANTEE to 8
high impregnation coefficient of low voltage coil YEARS for all its transformers with standard
accuracy in final assembling of semi-manufacturers features (*).
discharges means a Higher Quality of transformers and
higher life expectancy.
NL - XC - BoBk
In the table below, you can see an example of
comparison between load losses and no-load
losses of NL, XC and BoBk red transformers in
insulation class 12 kV.
For all other technical informations and different
insulation classes, see dedicated chapter.
Legrand has a wide range of cast resin transformers for
naval and offshore applications, manufactured for a high
level of performance and reliability in terms of quality
and safety. Legrand’s cast resin transformers are the
perfect choice for energy and power distribution, as well as
propulsion, in this type of environment.
LV electrical engine
LV switchboard
MV switchboard
Generator engine
Special offer
The Antiseismic Transformer has been tested and Legrand antiseismic transformers are certified:
certified by the laboratory *VIRLAB S.A., passing
successfully antiseismic test. • European Standards EN 60068-3-3: 1993:
Environmental testing – Part 3: Guidance.
The transformer has been Seismic test methods for equipments.
submited to five (5) S1 • European Standards EN 60068-2-57: 2000:
(50%S2) level tests plus one Environmental testing – Part 2-57: Tests -
(1) S2 level test, carried out Test Ff Vibration, time-history method.
in the two main horizontal • European Standards EN 60068-2-6: 2008:
directions, front-to-back and Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests – Fc:
side-side, simultaneously Vibration ( sinusoidal )
with the vertical direction. • European Standards EN 60068-2-47: 2005:
The test has been done in “Environmental testing – Part 2-47: Tests.
the worst condition, which is Mounting of specimens for vibration impact and
the one with PGA ≤0,5g (very simlar dynamic tests”.
strong earthquakes)
Accredited by ENAC, Spanish
National Accreditation Entity For more informations please contact directly Legrand
- oil analysis;
- refilling (in case of leakages);
- check of tank leakages;
- check of gasket sealing;
- verifications of highly toxic and harmful substances;
• NO enclosure is needed;
no protection enclosure is needed although
the installation is outdoor. Animal nesting
does not constitute a risk because it does not
generate a short-circuit and it is not dangerous MAIN FEATURES
during line maintenance activities.
• NO copper content; • Outdoor insulators on MV side;
risk of tampering is very low because windings • triangle cables protected with heat shrink sleeves;
are in aluminum, a less valuable material than copper. • canopy for core weather protection;
• NO oil content; • resin suitable for outdoor applications;
risk of tampering is very low because there is no oil to • hot galvanized steel structure;
steal. • hermetic resin cover for tap changer board, for outdoor
• NO risk of pollution; use;
there is no risk of pollution because there is no • lifting lugs;
oil content. • special supporting devices (slides) for pole shelves.
• Nominal Rated Power : ≤ 100kVA
• Primary insulation level : ≤ 24kV
• Secondary insulation level : ≤ 1,1kV
• Off-load tapping links : ± 2 x 2,5%
• Vector Group : Dyn
• Frequency : 50-60Hz For more informations please contact directly Legrand
Special offer
Legrand has developed very specific solutions for reactors.
• Fault-current limiting;
• inrush-current limiting (for capacitor and motors)
• harmonic filtering;
• VAR compensation;
• reduction of ripple currents;
• blocking of power-line carrier signals
• neutral Grounding
• flicker reduction for arc-furnace application;
• circuit detuning;
• load balancing
A wide range of reactors that we can produce:
1. shunt reactor;
2. current-limiting reactor;
3. neutral-earthing reactor;
4. motor starting reactor;
5. filter reactor;
6. earthing transformer (neutral coupler);
7. smoothing reactor;
Reactors have been designed and manufactured
according to the national and international standards.
International Standard: IEC 60076-6
Example of reactors
SCH 2U 2V 2W 2N
1U 1V 1W
• Full cast execution for enhanced protection and
easy handling
• Low inrush current
• Harmonic distortion < 1%
• Very low total losses
• Attenuation of impulsive transients
• Attenuation of high frequency components (< 4%)
• Voltage impulse withstand capability 45 kV
• High mechanical resistance
Special offer
400kVA with
aluminium windings
of traction
Green T.HE TIER 1 and TIER 2
HV/LV Cast Resin Transformers
Primary voltages (kV): 25-33. Insulation class: 36 kV BIL 170 kV
Secondary voltages no-load (V): 400-420 (insulation class 1.1 kV)
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] (Reg548) [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a 120 [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
AoAk FB2AAACBA 6 10 400 280 1800 1,8 51 1200 640 1270 520 125 850 2
AoBk FB2ABACBA 6 10 400 280 2050 1,8 51 1200 640 1270 520 125 800 2
AoAk FC2AAACBA 6 10 400 400 2600 1,6 54 1200 650 1350 520 125 950 2
AoBk FC2ABACBA 6 10 400 400 2900 1,6 54 1250 650 1300 520 125 1000 2
AoAk FD2AAACBA 6 10 400 450 2955 1,4 55 1250 650 1360 520 125 1050 3
AoBk FD2ABACBA 6 10 400 450 3300 1,4 55 1250 650 1350 520 125 1100 3
AoAk FE2AAACBA 6 10 400 520 3400 1,2 57 1350 650 1380 520 125 1200 3
AoBk FE2ABACBA 6 10 400 520 3800 1,2 57 1250 650 1360 520 125 1150 3
AoAk FF2AAACBA 6 10 400 615 3875 1,1 58 1350 750 1460 670 125 1350 3
AoBk FF2ABACBA 6 10 400 615 4535 1,1 58 1350 750 1450 670 125 1350 3
AoAk FG2AAACBA 6 10 400 750 4500 1 60 1350 750 1560 670 125 1600 4
AoBk FG2ABACBA 6 10 400 750 5500 1 60 1350 750 1560 670 125 1500 4
AoAk FH2AAACBA 6 10 400 900 5630 0,9 60 1350 750 1670 670 125 1650 4
AoBk FH2ABACBA 6 10 400 900 6410 0,9 60 1400 750 1650 670 125 1650 4
AoAk FI2AAACBA 6 10 400 1100 7100 0,9 62 1450 850 1700 670 160 2000 5
AoBk FI2ABACBA 6 10 400 1100 7600 0,9 62 1450 750 1760 670 125 1950 5
800 AoAk FJ2AAACBA 6 10 400 1300 8000 0,8 64 1500 850 1880 670 160 2350 5
1000 AoAk FK2AAACBA 6 10 400 1550 9000 0,7 65 1600 1000 2030 820 160 2900 6
1250 AoAk FL2AAACBA 6 10 400 1800 11000 0,7 67 1650 1000 2160 820 160 3300 6
1600 AoAk FM2AAACBA 6 10 400 2200 13000 0,5 68 1800 1000 2230 820 160 4050 7
2000 AoAk FN2AAACBA 6 10 400 2600 16000 0,5 70 1950 1310 2270 1070 200 4850 7
2500 AoAk FO2AAACBA 6 10 400 3100 19000 0,4 71 2050 1400 2430 1070 200 5950 8
3150 AoAk FP2AAACBA 6 10 400 3800 22000 0,4 74 2150 1400 2450 1070 200 7000 8
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic = drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
insulation class 17,5 kV
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] (Reg548) [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] line (0) [mm]
AoAk FB3AAAFBA 6 15 400 280 1800 1,8 51 1250 650 1260 520 125 850 2
AoBk FB3ABAFBA 6 15 400 280 2050 1,8 51 1250 650 1250 520 125 850 2
AoAk FC3AAAFBA 6 15 400 400 2600 1,6 54 1300 660 1340 520 125 1050 2
AoBk FC3ABAFBA 6 15 400 400 2900 1,6 54 1250 660 1300 520 125 1050 2
AoAk FD3AAAFBA 6 15 400 450 2955 1,4 55 1300 660 1350 520 125 1150 3
AoBk FD3ABAFBA 6 15 400 450 3300 1,4 55 1300 660 1360 520 125 1100 3
AoAk FE3AAAFBA 6 15 400 520 3400 1,2 57 1350 680 1380 520 125 1250 3
AoBk FE3ABAFBA 6 15 400 520 3800 1,2 57 1350 680 1300 520 125 1300 3
AoAk FF3AAAFBA 6 15 400 615 3875 1,1 58 1350 750 1450 670 125 1350 3
AoBk FF3ABAFBA 6 15 400 615 4535 1,1 58 1350 750 1400 670 125 1350 3
AoAk FG3AAAFBA 6 15 400 750 4500 1 60 1450 750 1550 670 125 1600 4
AoBk FG3ABAFBA 6 15 400 750 5500 1 60 1350 750 1530 670 125 1450 4
AoAk FH3AAAFBA 6 15 400 900 5630 0,9 60 1450 750 1680 670 125 1750 4
AoBk FH3ABAFBA 6 15 400 900 6410 0,9 60 1400 750 1600 670 125 1700 4
AoAk FI3AAAFBA 6 15 400 1100 7100 0,9 62 1550 850 1830 670 160 2100 5
AoBk FI3ABAFBA 6 15 400 1100 7600 0,9 62 1500 850 1750 670 160 2050 5
800 AoAk FJ3AAAFBA 6 15 400 1300 8000 0,8 64 1550 850 1890 670 160 2450 5
1000 AoAk FK3AAAFBA 6 15 400 1550 9000 0,7 65 1650 1000 2050 820 160 3050 6
1250 AoAk FL3AAAFBA 6 15 400 1800 11000 0,7 67 1700 1000 2160 820 160 3550 6
1600 AoAk FM3AAAFBA 6 15 400 2200 13000 0,5 68 1850 1000 2240 820 160 4400 7
2000 AoAk FN3AAAFBA 6 15 400 2600 16000 0,5 70 2000 1310 2300 1070 200 5300 7
2500 AoAk FO3AAAFBA 6 15 400 3100 19000 0,4 71 2150 1400 2430 1070 200 6100 8
3150 AoAk FP3AAAFBA 6 15 400 3800 22000 0,4 74 2300 1400 2600 1070 200 8200 8
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic =
drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] (Reg548) [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
AoAk FB4AAAGBA 6 20 400 280 1800 1,8 51 1300 660 1290 520 125 950 2
AoBk FB4ABAGBA 6 20 400 280 2050 1,8 51 1250 660 1250 520 125 900 2
AoAk FC4AAAGBA 6 20 400 400 2600 1,6 54 1250 660 1370 520 125 1050 2
AoBk FC4ABAGBA 6 20 400 400 2900 1,6 54 1250 660 1300 520 125 1050 2
AoAk FD4AAAGBA 6 20 400 450 2955 1,4 55 1350 660 1370 520 125 1200 3
AoBk FD4ABAGBA 6 20 400 450 3300 1,4 55 1350 660 1300 520 125 1200 3
AoAk FE4AAAGBA 6 20 400 520 3400 1,2 57 1350 680 1420 520 125 1350 3
AoBk FE4ABAGBA 6 20 400 520 3800 1,2 57 1350 680 1420 520 125 1350 3
AoAk FF4AAAGBA 6 20 400 615 3875 1,1 58 1350 750 1480 670 125 1450 3
AoBk FF4ABAGBA 6 20 400 615 4535 1,1 58 1350 750 1400 670 125 1450 3
AoAk FG4AAAGBA 6 20 400 750 4500 1 60 1450 750 1570 670 125 1680 4
AoBk FG4ABAGBA 6 20 400 750 5500 1 60 1450 750 1570 670 125 1600 4
AoAk FH4AAAGBA 6 20 400 900 5630 0,9 60 1450 750 1700 670 125 1800 4
AoBk FH4ABAGBA 6 20 400 900 6410 0,9 60 1450 750 1650 670 125 1800 4
AoAk FI4AAAGBA 6 20 400 1100 7100 0,9 62 1550 850 1830 670 160 2150 5
AoBk FI4ABAGBA 6 20 400 1100 7600 0,9 62 1550 850 1830 670 160 2150 5
800 AoAk FJ4AAAGBA 6 20 400 1300 8000 0,8 64 1550 850 1920 670 160 2550 5
1000 AoAk FK4AAAGBA 6 20 400 1550 9000 0,7 65 1650 1000 2090 820 160 3150 6
1250 AoAk FL4AAAGBA 6 20 400 1800 11000 0,7 67 1750 1000 2180 820 160 3650 6
1600 AoAk FM4AAAGBA 6 20 400 2200 13000 0,5 68 1900 1000 2260 820 160 4600 7
2000 AoAk FN4AAAGBA 6 20 400 2600 16000 0,5 70 2000 1310 2320 1070 200 5550 7
2500 AoAk FO4AAAGBA 6 20 400 3100 19000 0,4 71 2150 1400 2450 1070 200 6300 8
3150 AoAk FP4AAAGBA 6 20 400 3800 22000 0,4 74 2300 1400 2560 1070 200 8100 8
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic =
drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
Copper windings available on request
insulation class 36 kV
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] (Reg548) [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
AoAk FC5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 460 2860 1,5 57 1650 750 1600 670 125 1650 3
AoBk FC5ABAQBA 6,5 33 400 460 3190 1,5 57 1650 750 1650 670 125 1700 3
AoAk FD5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 515 3250 1,4 57 1650 750 1700 670 125 1850 3
AoBk FD5ABAQBA 6,5 33 400 515 3630 1,4 57 1650 750 1750 670 125 1850 3
AoAk FE5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 595 3740 1,3 59 1650 850 1750 670 160 1900 4
AoBk FE5ABAQBA 6,5 33 400 595 4180 1,3 59 1650 850 1800 670 160 1950 4
AoAk FF5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 705 4260 1,2 59 1650 850 1800 670 160 2100 4
AoBk FF5ABAQBA 6,5 33 400 705 4985 1,2 59 1650 850 1850 670 160 2100 4
AoAk FG5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 860 4950 1,1 61 1700 850 1850 670 160 2200 5
AoBk FG5ABAQBA 6,5 33 400 860 6050 1,1 61 1650 850 1900 670 160 2300 5
AoAk FH5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 1035 6190 1,1 61 1750 850 1950 670 160 2550 5
AoBk FH5ABAQBA 6,5 33 400 1035 7050 1,1 61 1650 850 2000 670 160 2550 5
AoAk FI5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 1265 7810 1 63 1800 1000 2000 820 160 2800 6
AoBk FI5ABAQBA 6,5 33 400 1265 8360 1 63 1700 1000 2050 820 160 2850 6
800 AoAk FJ5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 1495 8800 0,9 64 1850 1000 2100 820 160 3400 6
1000 AoAk FK5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 1780 9900 0,8 65 1950 1000 2200 820 160 3700 6
1250 AoAk FL5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 2070 12100 0,7 67 2000 1000 2350 820 160 4500 7
1600 AoAk FM5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 2530 14300 0,6 68 2150 1310 2400 1070 200 5300 7
2000 AoAk FN5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 2990 17600 0,6 72 2300 1310 2500 1070 200 6600 8
2500 AoAk FO5AAAQBA 6,5 33 400 3565 20900 0,5 73 2500 1310 2600 1070 200 7500 8
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic =
drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
Copper windings available on request
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] (Reg548) [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
100 AoAk FB2A3ACBA 6 10 400 252 1800 1,6 50 1200 600 1350 520 125 950 2
160 AoAk FC2A3ACBA 6 10 400 360 2600 1,4 53 1250 600 1360 520 125 1050 3
200 AoAk FD2A3ACBA 6 10 400 408 2955 1,2 57 1350 600 1380 520 125 1200 3
250 AoAk FE2A3ACBA 6 10 400 468 3400 1,1 56 1350 750 1450 670 125 1350 3
315 AoAk FF2A3ACBA 6 10 400 557 3875 1 60 1350 750 1560 670 125 1350 4
400 AoAk FG2A3ACBA 6 10 400 675 4500 0,9 59 1350 750 1670 670 125 1650 4
500 AoAk FH2A3ACBA 6 10 400 810 5630 0,9 62 1450 850 1700 670 160 2000 5
630 AoAk FI2A3ACBA 6 10 400 990 7100 0,8 61 1500 850 1880 670 160 2350 5
800 AoAk FJ2A3ACBA 6 10 400 1170 8000 0,7 63 1600 1000 2020 820 160 2900 6
1000 AoAk FK2A3ACBA 6 10 400 1395 9000 0,7 64 1650 1000 2150 820 160 3300 6
1250 AoAk FL2A3ACBA 6 10 400 1620 11000 0,5 66 1800 1000 2220 820 160 4050 7
1600 AoAk FM2A3ACBA 6 10 400 1980 13000 0,5 67 1900 1310 2270 1070 200 4800 7
2000 AoAk FN2A3ACBA 6 10 400 2340 16000 0,4 69 2050 1400 2430 1070 200 5950 8
2500 AoAk FO2A3ACBA 6 10 400 2790 19000 0,4 70 2150 1400 2450 1070 200 7000 8
3150 AoAk FP2A3ACBA 6 10 400 3420 22000 0,4 73 2350 1540 2550 1300 200 9100 **
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic = drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
insulation class 17,5 kV
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] (Reg548) [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
100 AoAk FB3A3AFBA 6 15 400 252 1800 1,6 50 1300 600 1330 520 125 1050 2
160 AoAk FC3A3AFBA 6 15 400 360 2600 1,4 53 1350 600 1350 520 125 1150 3
200 AoAk FD3A3AFBA 6 15 400 408 2955 1,2 57 1350 600 1380 520 125 1250 3
250 AoAk FE3A3AFBA 6 15 400 468 3400 1,1 56 1350 750 1440 670 125 1350 3
315 AoAk FF3A3AFBA 6 15 400 557 3875 1 60 1450 750 1550 670 125 1600 4
400 AoAk FG3A3AFBA 6 15 400 675 4500 0,9 59 1450 750 1680 670 125 1750 4
500 AoAk FH3A3AFBA 6 15 400 810 5630 0,9 62 1550 850 1800 670 160 2100 5
630 AoAk FI3A3AFBA 6 15 400 990 7100 0,8 61 1550 850 1890 670 160 2450 5
800 AoAk FJ3A3AFBA 6 15 400 1170 8000 0,7 63 1650 1000 2050 820 160 3050 6
1000 AoAk FK3A3AFBA 6 15 400 1395 9000 0,7 64 1700 1000 2160 820 160 3550 6
1250 AoAk FL3A3AFBA 6 15 400 1620 11000 0,5 66 1850 1000 2240 820 160 4400 7
1600 AoAk FM3A3AFBA 6 15 400 1980 13000 0,5 67 2000 1310 2300 1070 200 5300 7
2000 AoAk FN3A3AFBA 6 15 400 2340 16000 0,4 69 2150 1400 2430 1070 200 6100 8
2500 AoAk FO3A3AFBA 6 15 400 2790 19000 0,4 70 2300 1400 2550 1070 200 8000 8
3150 AoAk FP3A3AFBA 6 15 400 3420 22000 0,4 73 2400 1540 2600 1300 200 9400 **
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] (Reg548) [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
100 AoAk FB4A3AGBA 6 20 400 252 1800 1,6 50 1250 600 1360 520 125 1050 2
160 AoAk FC4A3AGBA 6 20 400 360 2600 1,4 53 1350 600 1370 520 125 1200 3
200 AoAk FD4A3AGBA 6 20 400 408 2955 1,2 57 1350 600 1410 520 125 1350 3
250 AoAk FE4A3AGBA 6 20 400 468 3400 1,1 56 1350 750 1470 670 125 1450 3
315 AoAk FF4A3AGBA 6 20 400 557 3875 1 60 1450 750 1570 670 125 1700 4
400 AoAk FG4A3AGBA 6 20 400 675 4500 0,9 59 1450 750 1700 670 125 1800 4
500 AoAk FH4A3AGBA 6 20 400 810 5630 0,9 62 1550 850 1820 670 160 2150 5
630 AoAk FI4A3AGBA 6 20 400 990 7100 0,8 61 1550 850 1920 670 160 2550 5
800 AoAk FJ4A3AGBA 6 20 400 1170 8000 0,7 63 1650 1000 2090 820 160 3150 6
1000 AoAk FK4A3AGBA 6 20 400 1395 9000 0,7 64 1750 1000 2180 820 160 3650 6
1250 AoAk FL4A3AGBA 6 20 400 1620 11000 0,5 66 1900 1000 2260 820 160 4600 7
1600 AoAk FM4A3AGBA 6 20 400 1980 13000 0,5 67 2000 1310 2320 1070 200 5550 7
2000 AoAk FN4A3AGBA 6 20 400 2340 16000 0,4 69 2150 1310 2450 1070 200 6300 8
2500 AoAk FO4A3AGBA 6 20 400 2790 19000 0,4 70 2300 1400 2560 1070 200 8100 8
3150 AoAk FP4A3AGBA 6 20 400 3420 22000 0,4 73 2450 1540 2650 1300 200 9500 **
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] (Reg548) [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
160 AoAk FC5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 410 2860 1,5 57 1650 750 1700 670 125 1850 3
200 AoAk FD5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 469 3250 1,4 57 1650 850 1750 670 160 1900 4
250 AoAk FE5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 538 3740 1,3 59 1650 850 1800 670 160 2100 4
315 AoAk FF5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 640 4260 1,2 59 1700 850 1850 670 160 2200 5
400 AoAk FG5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 780 4950 1,1 61 1750 850 1950 670 160 2550 5
500 AoAk FH5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 933 6190 1,1 61 1800 1000 2000 820 160 2800 6
630 AoAk FI5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 1140 7810 1 63 1850 1000 2100 820 160 3400 6
800 AoAk FJ5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 1345 8800 0,9 64 1950 1000 2200 820 160 3700 6
1000 AoAk FK5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 1600 9900 0,8 65 2000 1000 2350 820 160 4500 7
1250 AoAk FL5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 1860 12100 0,7 66 2150 1310 2400 1070 200 5300 7
1600 AoAk FM5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 2275 14300 0,6 67 2300 1310 2500 1070 200 6600 8
2000 AoAk FN5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 2690 17600 0,6 69 2500 1310 2600 1070 200 7500 8
2500 AoAk FO5A3AQBA 6,5 33 400 3205 20900 0,5 70 2550 1540 2900 1300 200 10000 **
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic =
drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
GREEN T.HE Cast resin transformers
installation accessories
Type Description
RAL 7035 colour
AREL door lock on the box, Cat. Nos. 230076
= =
Class 12kV-17,5kV-24kV C D = 40 =
Nos. degree Length Width Height (kg)
230277 4 23 1900 1050 1950 185 400- 315- = 50 =
230267 6 23 2300 1310 2500 325 1000- 800- 4xØ15
For enclosure Tier 2 (3150 kVA - class 12-17,5-24 kV) and (2500 kVA - class 36 kV), please
contact Legrand
Legrand reserves the right to modify the content of this booklet at any time and to
communicate, in any form and modality, the changes brought to the same.
BoBk, XC, NL – Red transformers
HV/LV Cast Resin Transformers
BoBk - XC - NL
Compliance with standard: IEC 60076-11 12 kV INSULATION CLASS
Rating (kVA): 100–3150 Primary voltages (kV): 6-10-11. Insulation class: 12 kV BIL 60 kV
Frequency (Hz): 50 (BIL 75 kV available on request).
Tapping links, HV side: ± 2 x 2.5% Secondary voltages no-load (V): 400-433 (insulation class 1.1 kV)
Aluminium for primary and secondary windings (copper on
request) 17,5 kV INSULATION CLASS
Vectorial group: Dyn11 Primary voltages (kV): 12-13,2-15. Insulation class: 17,5 kV BIL 75 kV
Thermal class of the insulating system: 155 °C (F) / 155 °C (F) (BIL 95 kV available on request).
Temperature rise: 100/100 K Secondary voltages no-load (V): 400-410-420 (insulation class 1.1 kV
Class of use: E2-C2-F1 Certified CESI A9032391 IEC 60076-11
Tolerances: According to IEC /CEI 24 kV INSULATION CLASS
Partial discharge: (BoBk < 5 pC) - (XC < 10 pC) - (NL < 5 pC) Primary voltages (kV): 20-23. Insulation class: 24 kV BIL 95 kV
(BIL 125 kV available on request).
Secondary voltages no-load (V): 400-410-420 (insulation class 1.1 kV)
Primary voltages (kV): 25-33. Insulation class: 36 kV BIL 170 kV
Secondary voltages no-load (V): 400-420 (insulation class 1.1 kV)
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
100 BoBk EB2RACBA 6 10 400 330 2000 1,8 51 1000 600 1100 520 125 550 1
160 BoBk EC2RACBA 6 10 400 450 2700 1,6 54 1100 600 1200 520 125 700 1
200 BoBk ED2RACBA 6 10 400 520 3050 1,4 55 1150 620 1200 520 125 800 1
250 BoBk EE2RACBA 6 10 400 610 3500 1,1 57 1250 630 1220 520 125 910 2
315 BoBk EF2RACBA 6 10 400 730 4100 1 58 1250 750 1250 670 125 1000 2
400 BoBk EG2RACBA 6 10 400 880 4900 0,9 60 1300 750 1320 670 125 1200 3
500 BoBk EH2RACBA 6 10 400 1000 5950 0,8 61 1300 750 1500 670 125 1400 3
630 BoBk EI2RACBA 6 10 400 1150 7300 0,7 62 1500 850 1590 670 160 1600 4
800 BoBk EJ2RACBA 6 10 400 1300 9000 0,7 65 1500 850 1740 670 160 1950 4
1000 BoBk EK2RACBA 6 10 400 1500 10000 0,6 67 1550 1000 1820 820 160 2300 5
1250 BoBk EL2RACBA 6 10 400 1800 12000 0,5 69 1550 1000 2000 820 160 2700 5
1600 BoBk EM2RACBA 6 10 400 2200 14500 0,4 71 1650 1000 2180 820 160 3300 6
2000 BoBk EN2RACBA 6 10 400 2600 18000 0,4 73 1800 1310 2260 1070 200 4000 6
2500 BoBk EO2RACBA 6 10 400 3200 21000 0,3 75 2050 1310 2390 1070 200 4800 7
3150 BoBk EP2RACBA 6 10 400 3800 26000 0,3 77 2150 1310 2400 1070 200 5900 7
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic = drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
insulation class 17,5 kV
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
100 BoBk EB3RAFBA 6 15 400 340 2050 1,9 51 1050 600 1090 520 125 560 1
160 BoBk EC3RAFBA 6 15 400 480 2900 1,6 54 1200 630 1210 520 125 750 1
200 BoBk ED3RAFBA 6 15 400 560 3300 1,4 56 1250 630 1230 520 125 800 1
250 BoBk EE3RAFBA 6 15 400 650 3800 1,2 57 1250 640 1240 520 125 950 2
315 BoBk EF3RAFBA 6 15 400 780 4550 1,1 59 1250 750 1300 670 125 1050 2
400 BoBk EG3RAFBA 6 15 400 940 5500 1 59 1350 750 1390 670 125 1250 3
500 BoBk EH3RAFBA 6 15 400 1080 6400 0,9 61 1350 750 1520 670 125 1400 3
630 BoBk EI3RAFBA 6 15 400 1250 7600 0,9 62 1500 850 1630 670 160 1700 4
800 BoBk EJ3RAFBA 6 15 400 1500 9400 0,8 64 1500 850 1780 670 160 2000 4
1000 BoBk EK3RAFBA 6 15 400 1800 11000 0,7 65 1550 1000 1870 820 160 2300 5
1250 BoBk EL3RAFBA 6 15 400 2100 13000 0,6 67 1550 1000 2010 820 160 2750 5
1600 BoBk EM3RAFBA 6 15 400 2400 16000 0,5 68 1650 1000 2190 820 160 3300 6
2000 BoBk EN3RAFBA 6 15 400 3000 18000 0,5 70 1800 1310 2250 1070 200 4000 6
2500 BoBk EO3RAFBA 6 15 400 3600 23000 0,4 71 1950 1310 2320 1070 200 4950 7
3150 BoBk EP3RAFBA 6 15 400 4300 28000 0,3 74 2150 1310 2492 1070 200 6050 7
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
100 BoBk EB4RAGBA 6 20 400 340 2050 2 51 1050 600 1110 520 125 570 1
160 BoBk EC4RAGBA 6 20 400 480 2900 1,7 54 1250 640 1240 520 125 800 1
200 BoBk ED4RAGBA 6 20 400 560 3300 1,5 56 1250 640 1250 520 125 900 1
250 BoBk EE4RAGBA 6 20 400 650 3800 1,3 57 1350 640 1260 520 125 1000 2
315 BoBk EF4RAGBA 6 20 400 780 4550 1,2 59 1350 750 1350 670 125 1200 2
400 BoBk EG4RAGBA 6 20 400 940 5500 1,1 60 1500 750 1440 670 125 1350 3
500 BoBk EH4RAGBA 6 20 400 1080 6400 1,1 61 1500 750 1560 670 125 1500 3
630 BoBk EI4RAGBA 6 20 400 1250 7600 1 62 1500 850 1650 670 160 1800 4
800 BoBk EJ4RAGBA 6 20 400 1500 9400 0,9 64 1550 850 1810 670 160 2100 4
1000 BoBk EK4RAGBA 6 20 400 1800 11000 0,8 65 1650 1000 1890 820 160 2500 5
1250 BoBk EL4RAGBA 6 20 400 2100 13000 0,7 67 1650 1000 2030 820 160 2900 5
1600 BoBk EM4RAGBA 6 20 400 2400 16000 0,6 68 1750 1000 2200 820 160 3550 6
2000 BoBk EN4RAGBA 6 20 400 3000 18000 0,5 70 1900 1310 2270 1070 200 4300 6
2500 BoBk EO4RAGBA 6 20 400 3600 23000 0,4 71 1950 1310 2350 1070 200 5250 7
3150 BoBk EP4RAGBA 6 20 400 4300 28000 0,4 74 2200 1310 2512 1070 200 6700 7
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
250 XC EE2XACBA 6 10 400 700 4200 1,2 67 1150 600 1230 520 125 850 2
315 XC EF2XACBA 6 10 400 800 5100 1,1 69 1150 750 1325 670 125 950 3
400 XC EG2XACBA 6 10 400 960 5500 1 70 1250 750 1490 670 125 1200 3
500 XC EH2XACBA 6 10 400 1150 7000 0,9 71 1300 750 1540 670 125 1300 4
630 XC EI2XACBA 6 10 400 1400 8200 0,8 72 1350 750 1610 670 160 1550 4
800 XC EJ2XACBA 6 10 400 1700 9300 0,8 73 1400 750 1740 670 160 1850 4
1000 XC EK2XACBA 6 10 400 1950 10500 0,7 74 1450 850 1900 820 160 2250 5
1250 XC EL2XACBA 6 10 400 2350 12500 0,6 75 1550 1000 1970 820 160 2600 6
1600 XC EM2XACBA 6 10 400 2750 15300 0,5 77 1600 1000 2100 820 160 3150 6
2000 XC EN2XACBA 6,5 10 400 3400 18800 0,5 80 1750 1310 2230 1070 200 3850 6
2500 XC EO2XACBA 6,5 10 400 4200 21000 0,4 82 1900 1310 2250 1070 200 4600 7
3150 XC EP2XACBA 7 10 400 5000 26000 0,4 84 2050 1310 2370 1070 200 5600 7
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic = drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
insulation class 17,5 kV
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
250 XC EE3XAFBA 6 15 400 730 4200 1,3 67 1200 600 1240 520 125 900 2
315 XC EF3XAFBA 6 15 400 840 5100 1,2 69 1200 750 1320 670 125 1000 3
400 XC EG3XAFBA 6 15 400 1000 5500 1,1 70 1250 750 1410 670 125 1150 3
500 XC EH3XAFBA 6 15 400 1200 7000 1 71 1300 750 1460 670 125 1300 4
630 XC EI3XAFBA 6 15 400 1450 8200 1 72 1400 750 1530 670 160 1600 4
800 XC EJ3XAFBA 6 15 400 1750 9300 0,9 73 1400 750 1670 670 160 1850 4
1000 XC EK3XAFBA 6 15 400 2050 10500 0,8 74 1450 850 1810 820 160 2200 5
1250 XC EL3XAFBA 6 15 400 2350 12500 0,7 75 1550 1000 1960 820 160 2600 6
1600 XC EM3XAFBA 6 15 400 2750 15300 0,6 77 1650 1000 2090 820 160 3200 6
2000 XC EN3XAFBA 6,5 15 400 3400 18800 0,6 80 1800 1310 2200 1070 200 3850 6
2500 XC EO3XAFBA 6,5 15 400 4200 21000 0,5 82 1900 1310 2230 1070 200 4650 7
3150 XC EP3XAFBA 7 15 400 5000 26000 0,4 84 2150 1310 2290 1070 200 5700 7
insulation class 24 kV
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] (0) [mm]
250 XC EE4XAGBA 6 20 400 840 4500 1,5 67 1250 630 1280 520 125 950 2
315 XC EF4XAGBA 6 20 400 990 4700 1,4 69 1300 750 1370 670 125 1100 3
400 XC EG4XAGBA 6 20 400 1100 5800 1,3 70 1350 750 1460 670 125 1250 4
500 XC EH4XAGBA 6 20 400 1320 7200 1,2 71 1400 750 1510 670 125 1400 4
630 XC EI4XAGBA 6 20 400 1600 8200 1,1 72 1450 750 1580 670 160 1700 4
800 XC EJ4XAGBA 6 20 400 1880 9200 1 73 1500 750 1720 670 160 2000 5
1000 XC EK4XAGBA 6 20 400 2250 10600 0,9 74 1550 850 1840 820 160 2350 5
1250 XC EL4XAGBA 6 20 400 2500 12800 0,8 75 1600 1000 1990 820 160 2750 6
1600 XC EM4XAGBA 6 20 400 2980 15400 0,7 77 1700 1000 2120 820 160 3350 6
2000 XC EN4XAGBA 6,5 20 400 3700 19000 0,6 80 1800 1310 2200 1070 200 4000 6
2500 XC EO4XAGBA 6,5 20 400 4500 21500 0,5 82 1950 1310 2280 1070 200 4900 7
3150 XC EP4XAGBA 7 20 400 5600 26000 0,5 85 2150 1310 2340 1070 200 6050 7
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
NL EB2NBCBA 4 10 400 440 2000 1,9 59 1000 600 1100 520 125 550 1
NL EB2NACBA 6 10 400 420 1900 1,9 59 1000 600 1100 520 125 550 1
NL EC2NBCBA 4 10 400 610 2700 1,7 62 1100 600 1200 520 125 750 1
NL EC2NACBA 6 10 400 550 2700 1,7 62 1100 600 1200 520 125 750 1
NL ED2NBCBA 4 10 400 720 3150 1,5 63 1150 620 1200 520 125 800 1
NL ED2NACBA 6 10 400 680 3500 1,5 63 1150 620 1200 520 125 800 1
NL EE2NBCBA 4 10 400 820 3500 1,2 65 1250 630 1270 520 125 950 2
NL EE2NACBA 6 10 400 750 3700 1,2 65 1250 630 1220 520 125 950 2
NL EF2NBCBA 4 10 400 880 4400 1,1 67 1200 750 1300 670 125 1050 2
NL EF2NACBA 6 10 400 850 4600 1,1 67 1250 750 1250 670 125 1000 2
NL EG2NBCBA 4 10 400 1150 4900 1 68 1250 750 1370 670 125 1250 3
NL EG2NACBA 6 10 400 1000 5400 1 68 1300 750 1320 670 125 1200 3
NL EH2NBCBA 4 10 400 1300 6500 0,9 69 1250 750 1550 670 125 1450 3
NL EH2NACBA 6 10 400 1200 6700 0,9 69 1300 750 1500 670 125 1400 3
NL EI2NBCBA 4 10 400 1500 7300 0,8 70 1350 850 1600 670 160 1650 4
NL EI2NACBA 6 10 400 1450 7600 0,8 70 1500 850 1590 670 160 1600 4
800 NL EJ2NACBA 6 10 400 1750 9400 0,8 71 1500 850 1740 670 160 1950 4
1000 NL EK2NACBA 6 10 400 2000 10000 0,7 73 1550 1000 1820 820 160 2300 5
1250 NL EL2NACBA 6 10 400 2300 12700 0,6 74 1550 1000 2000 820 160 2700 5
1600 NL EM2NACBA 6 10 400 2800 14000 0,5 76 1650 1000 2180 820 160 3300 6
2000 NL EN2NACBA 6 10 400 3300 18000 0,5 79 1800 1310 2260 1070 200 4000 6
2500 NL EO2NACBA 6 10 400 4300 21000 0,4 81 2050 1310 2390 1070 200 4800 7
3150 NL EP2NACBA 7 10 400 4600 26000 0,4 83 2150 1310 2400 1070 200 5400 7
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic =
drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
100 NL EB3NAFBA 6 15 400 430 1900 2 59 1000 600 1090 520 125 600 1
160 NL EC3NAFBA 6 15 400 570 2800 1,7 62 1200 630 1210 520 125 750 1
200 NL ED3NAFBA 6 15 400 680 3600 1,5 63 1250 630 1230 520 125 800 1
250 NL EE3NAFBA 6 15 400 750 3650 1,3 65 1250 640 1240 520 125 950 2
315 NL EF3NAFBA 6 15 400 880 4500 1,2 67 1250 750 1300 670 125 1050 2
400 NL EG3NAFBA 6 15 400 1000 5200 1,1 67 1350 750 1390 670 125 1250 3
500 NL EH3NAFBA 6 15 400 1200 6700 1 69 1350 750 1520 670 125 1400 3
630 NL EI3NAFBA 6 15 400 1600 7800 1 70 1500 850 1630 670 160 1700 4
800 NL EJ3NAFBA 6 15 400 1780 9300 0,9 71 1500 850 1780 670 160 2000 4
1000 NL EK3NAFBA 6 15 400 2000 10800 0,8 73 1550 1000 1870 820 160 2300 5
1250 NL EL3NAFBA 6 15 400 2350 12600 0,7 74 1550 1000 2010 820 160 2750 5
1600 NL EM3NAFBA 6 15 400 2750 15500 0,6 76 1650 1000 2190 820 160 3300 6
2000 NL EN3NAFBA 6 15 400 3350 18500 0,6 79 1800 1310 2250 1070 200 4000 6
2500 NL EO3NAFBA 6 15 400 4300 21800 0,5 81 1950 1310 2320 1070 200 4950 7
3150 NL EP3NAFBA 7 15 400 4700 26000 0,4 83 2150 1310 2350 1070 200 5750 7
insulation class 24 kV
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
NL EB4NBGBA 4 20 400 540 1750 2,1 59 1200 600 1160 520 125 650 1
NL EB4NAGBA 6 20 400 480 2000 2,1 59 1050 600 1110 520 125 600 1
NL EC4NBGBA 4 20 400 750 2500 1,8 62 1250 640 1260 520 125 900 1
NL EC4NAGBA 6 20 400 650 2800 1,8 62 1250 640 1240 520 125 800 1
NL ED4NBGBA 4 20 400 900 2900 1,7 63 1350 640 1320 520 125 1050 1
NL ED4NAGBA 6 20 400 800 3600 1,7 63 1250 640 1250 520 125 900 1
NL EE4NBGBA 4 20 400 1000 3450 1,5 65 1350 640 1360 520 125 1150 2
NL EE4NAGBA 6 20 400 850 3700 1,5 65 1350 640 1260 520 125 1000 2
NL EF4NBGBA 4 20 400 1150 4500 1,4 67 1350 750 1450 670 125 1350 2
NL EF4NAGBA 6 20 400 950 4500 1,4 67 1350 750 1350 670 125 1200 2
NL EG4NBGBA 4 20 400 1360 4900 1,3 68 1450 750 1530 670 125 1500 3
NL EG4NAGBA 6 20 400 1150 5400 1,3 68 1500 750 1440 670 125 1350 3
NL EH4NBGBA 4 20 400 1580 6400 1,2 69 1450 750 1610 670 125 1650 3
NL EH4NAGBA 6 20 400 1350 6700 1,2 69 1500 750 1560 670 125 1500 3
NL EI4NBGBA 4 20 400 1950 6900 1,1 70 1500 850 1690 670 160 2000 4
NL EI4NAGBA 6 20 400 1650 7800 1,1 70 1500 850 1650 670 160 1800 4
800 NL EJ4NAGBA 6 20 400 1850 9300 1 71 1550 850 1810 670 160 2100 4
1000 NL EK4NAGBA 6 20 400 2200 10800 0,9 73 1650 1000 1890 820 160 2500 5
1250 NL EL4NAGBA 6 20 400 2600 12800 0,8 74 1650 1000 2030 820 160 2900 5
1600 NL EM4NAGBA 6 20 400 2950 15500 0,7 76 1750 1000 2200 820 160 3550 6
2000 NL EN4NAGBA 6 20 400 3800 18600 0,6 79 1900 1310 2270 1070 200 4300 6
2500 NL EO4NAGBA 6 20 400 4800 22000 0,5 81 1950 1310 2350 1070 200 5250 7
3150 NL EP4NAGBA 7 20 400 5100 26000 0,5 83 2250 1310 2400 1070 200 6250 7
SR Series Item Uk Primary Secondary Po Pk Io LwA-Acoustic Length Width Height Ic - wheel R - wheel Weight Enclosure
[kVA] [%] voltage voltage [W] [W] a [%] power (A) (B) (C) centre line diameter [kg] type*
[kV] [V] 120 °C [dB (A)] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
315 NL EF5NAQBA 6 33 400 1300 4500 1,4 69 1600 820 1580 670 125 1550 3
400 NL EG5NAQBA 6 33 400 1500 5800 1,3 70 1600 880 1620 670 160 1650 3
500 NL EH5NAQBA 6 33 400 1700 6600 1,2 71 1650 890 1750 670 160 1900 4
630 NL EI5NAQBA 6 33 400 2000 7500 1 73 1650 900 1760 670 160 2200 4
800 NL EJ5NAQBA 6 33 400 2450 9700 0,9 74 1750 920 1920 670 160 2650 5
1000 NL EK5NAQBA 7 33 400 2600 11300 0,8 75 1900 1000 2040 820 160 2950 6
1250 NL EL5NAQBA 8 33 400 2900 14000 0,7 76 1950 1020 2180 820 160 3450 6
1600 NL EM5NAQBA 8 33 400 3400 16000 0,6 77 2050 1030 2220 820 160 4000 7
2000 NL EN5NAQBA** 8 33 400 4200 18000 0,5 79 2100 1310 2290 1070 200 4800 7
2500 NL EO5NAQBA** 8 33 400 5200 22000 0,5 80 2300 1310 2350 1070 200 5950 7
40 (Ø125)
50 (Ø160)
70 (Ø200)
Values are for reference only. Construction
= Ic = = Ic =
drawings must be used for design.
A B Data provided may be modified without
notice for reasons of technical production or
product improvement.
BoBk – XC – NL Cast resin transformers
installation accessories
- For a transformer rated 1250 kVA, the correct CUPAL plate
is item 030012
- Quantity calculation: 2 plates x 4 BT terminals = 8 CUPAL
RAL 7035 colour
AREL door lock on the box, Cat. Nos. 230076
= =
C D = 40 =
Class 12kV-17,5kV-24kV = 32 =
degree Length Width Height (kg)
Nos. [kVA]
230222 4 31 1900 1050 1950 180 4xØ15
Installation and maintenance
• Safety guidelines
• Rating plate
• Installation
• Commissioning
• Maintenance
• Technical glossary
A cast resin transformer is an electrical equipment. It Do not energised the transformer before having carefully
must be installed, protected and used in compliance with and completely inspected it.
the existing national and international Standards and
The possible improper installation and use of a cast resin
transformer may cause risks of electric shock or fire.
Do not access the transformer’s operation area or
remove the protection devices when the transformer is
Rating plate
The rating plate shall be in accordance with
IEC/EN 60076-11.
Use all 4 eye bolts during lifting. Do not allow that the angle between the ropes to exceed 60°.
Gradually increase the tension on the lifting cables to avoid sudden shock or stress to the transformer.
If the transformer is supplied with an enclosure, remove the top window for the attachment of the ropes.
max 60°
with an
The transformer (with or without enclosure) must be moved using the track or lower jokes where the
proper holes are located.
If the transformer is not installed immediately, it has to be protected against water, dust, humidity and sunlight even if
provided with enclosure.
In case of storage the packaging supplied with the transformer must not be removed.
During the operations for the connection Installation in protection enclosure (Fig.1)
and installation, always protect the
windings to avoid external parts such as
bolts, washers, cable parts, etc. following
into the windings and jeopardizing the
insulation capability of the transformer.
1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W
1V 1W 1U
following values :
a. 20 ° C yearly average HV
The cable connections of Medium and Low Voltage can be
done with cables coming from the bottom or the top. kV D (mm)
Some examples are listed below. ≤ 12 ≥ 125
≤ 17,5 ≥ 170
• Installation in protection enclosure (Fig.1)
≤ 24 ≥ 225
≤ 36 ≥ 320
• Installation without protection enclosure/box
(IP00) (Fig.2)
It is absolutely forbidden to
touch the cast HV coils while the
transformer is energised.
To protect the transformer from overvoltage at power frequency or of atmospheric origin, adequate surge
arresters must be installed. They need to have technical characteristics depending on the level of insulation of the
transformer and on the characteristics of the HV distribution system.
Possible equipment for the correction of the power factor connected close to the transformer must be equipped
with limiters for the inrush current in order to prevent the generation of transient overvoltages.
2u 2v 2w
3 7 8 7 8 4
1 5 6 5 6 2
2u 2v 2w
PTC 130°C
PTC 140°C
PTC 130°C
PTC 140°C
PTC 130°C
PTC 140°C
Spare terminals
These are the recommended settings when the transformer is equipped with a temperature monitor device:
Recommended setting:
Electrical connection diagram, number and function of the electrical contacts, and terminals numeration are
detailed on the manuals of the temperature control devices.
Legrand is not responsible for the installation of the
transformer. Checks need to be done before energised the
The variation of the nominal HV supplied by the electrical authority can be compensated by the tappings setting in
order to keep the nominal LV required and detailed on the rating plate. The voltage setting is made by changing the
position of the plates on the tappings.
Standard transformers are equipped with 5 tappings: ±5% in steps of 2.5%.
Before operating on the tappings and modifying the voltage setting, it is necessary that the transformer is off-load.
For transformers with one or two primary voltage windings, the voltage setting indications are detailed on the rating plate.
10000 20000
Platelets are located in the standard version on the front of the HV windings
If the transformer has been stored for a long period, clean When the transformer is connected to the electrical
carefully LV and HV windings from dust, dirt and possible system, some sparkles could be visible close to the
condensation. magnetic core. This physical phenomenon does not
Clean the HV and LV windings from dust deposits, dirt and influence the correct working of the transformer and it is
condensation. not related to the quality.
Use a vacuum cleaner to avoid dispersion of dirt and dust
on the transformer. If the protection systems are not correctly set, inrush
Make sure the room is dry, clean, with sufficient ventilation current will open the circuit breaker which protects the
and without the risk of ingress of water. transformer.
Do not attach accessories or ducts to the windings and the This can generate high voltages which can damage the
core of the transformer. windings.
For this reason, it is recomended to activate the second
harmonic restraint.
RESISTANCE After checking the installation and ensuring that no object/
tool has been left on the transformer, it is possible to close
The measurement must be performed with a the circuit breaker on the HV side.
Megohmmeter (Megger), working up to 5000V. After energizing the transformer from the HV side, close
HV and LV terminals must be disconnected from the the LV circuit breaker.
electrical system, during the measurement.
2 Correct operation of the Every 6 months and after Hot air tool for simulated heating Simulated alarm and trip
temperature control device exceptional events.
3 Cleaning of the windings from Yearly. If the environment is Clean, dry compressed air, The ventilation gaps between
dust, dirt, grease and possible particularly dusty, the frequency maximum pressure 3 bar Dry rag the windings must be completely
foreign bodies must be adequately increased clean and open
4 Cleaning of the windings from After a period with no applied Heat by short circuit up to 80 ° C External and internal surfaces of
condensation voltage the windings perfectly dry
5 Tightening of the bolts of HV Yearly / after exceptional events Torque wrench Tightening torque according to
and LV terminals and of all the page 69
electrical connections
6 Measurement of insulation After a period with no applied Mega-ohmmeter (Megger) See page 73
resistance to earth of the voltage
7 Verify that each couple of LV and After exceptional events such as Metro Uniform centering
HV windings is perfectly aligned accidental shock or short circuit
downstream of the transformer.
8 Tightening of the upper spacer Yearly / after exceptional events Torque wrench Tightening torque between 20
and 40 Nm
9 Tightening of mechanical parts Yearly and after exceptional Torque wrench Tightening torque according to
and fixing to the floor events what is indicated in the table
page 69
1 Overtemperature of a single winding Load is not distributed uniformly Check the position of the connection on the
3 Overheating in the core Eddy currents in the magnetic core, due to a Contact Technical Assistance service After
damage on the insulation of the ties Sales.
4 Abnormal noise Primary voltage too high Verify that the voltage on the off-load
secondary windings is lower or equal to the
one written on the rating plate. Check as per
pag 72
Abnormal noise Rigid connection with the Busbar Rigid Insert flexible connections between
connection with the floor. Bolts of tie rods the transformer and Busbar. Insert anti-vibration
lens nucleus pads under the rollers. Tighten loose bolts of
tie rods.
5 Intervention of the alarm and tripping relay Faulty temperature sensors or temperature Replace the faulty piece
of the temperature control device, due to control device
Load current higher than the nominal value Reduce the load in order to have the nominal
on the rating rated current or install the air circulation
plate / high content of harmonics in the load system
Possible poor electrical contact of the Check, clean and tighten all contacts of the
temperature sensors sensors
6 Untimely intervention of the electrical system The setting of the HV circuit breaker for the Modify the protection setting paying attention
protections due to transformer insertion CRT insertion current is too low to the H2 control (second harmonic)
The supplier does not assume any responsibility for the use or inappropriate use of the products
mentioned in this chapter.
This guide does not cover all the details or possible variations of the entire series of connections,
installation and possible operations.
For further information or to solve specific problems that are not included in this guide, contact Legrand.
For any information or spare parts do not hesitate to get in contact with our customer service. Call +39 030 2017100
or send a mail to:
Do not forget the serial number of your transformer.
Head office
and International Department
87045 Limoges Cedex - France
Tel.: + 33 (0) 5 55 06 87 87
Fax: + 33 (0) 5 55 06 74 55