Office of The Prefect of Discipline: Parañaque City College
Office of The Prefect of Discipline: Parañaque City College
Office of The Prefect of Discipline: Parañaque City College
2.Obtain two (2) 1.Request to the City 1.At least two personnel are manning -Office personnel S.Y. 2021 Office personnel, The office of the
office personnel HRMO for at least 2 the office of the Prefect of computer units Prefect were
personnel to be assigned Discipline provided enough
in the office of the Prefect 5- two personnel are manning the office manpower for
of Discipline that will aid 3- one personnel is manning the office assistance in the
in the speedy resolution 1- no personnel is manning the office speedy and
of the case and help clog judicious
the docket of the Office disposition of
2. Training of at least to 2.Personnel are trained to handle -Office personnel student discipline
personnel to be adept in student discipline cases. cases
handling student personnel are manning the office
discipline cases 5- two personnel are handling cases
3- one personnel is handling cases
1- no personnel is handling cases
3.Procure essential Request from the Supplies Essential supplies such as filing cabinets, -Supplies S.Y. 2020 Office supplies Sufficient office
office supplies such Department of at least 2 folders, printer, and bond papers are Department supplies were made
as; printer, folders, filing cabinet, folders, provided. available in the
filing cabinet, bond papers and printer 5-100% of the supplies are available office
locker, etc. 3- 75% of the supplies are available
1- 50% of the supplies are available