Trends and Issues in Social Studies Syllalabus
Trends and Issues in Social Studies Syllalabus
Trends and Issues in Social Studies Syllalabus
Course Name Trends and Issues in Social Studies Course Code
Prerequisite Course Credit 3 units (3 hrs/week, 54 hrs/sem)
Course Requirements
Grading System
Course Description
The course guudes the students to demonstrate knowledge on the trends and issues within the context of a changing rapidly world, and
will employ multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. It covers the various challenges (e.g. geographical, political,
economic, cultural, social and technological landscapes) affecting the social science curriculum. It also includes identification of
solutions to the problems and issues in the learning environment which will contribute in attaining better quality of life responsive to
community context.
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:
A. Demonstrate an understanding on the trends and issues in social studies; and
B. Apply skills in identifying solutions to the problems and issues in learning environment.
Time Intended Learning Content Suggested teaching Learning Suggested Assessment
Allotm Outcomes Activities
Weeks At the end of these weeks, A. Social Values and Powerpoint presentation Online Quiz
1-2 the pre-service teacher Social Conscience by the help of Zoom Online individual
should be able to: 1. What are values? KWL( Know, Want to recitation
A. Discuss the importance 2. Importance of the know, Learned) Role play (upload in
of the study of values; study? Interview elders in your Facebook) some of the
B. Identify the different 3. Classification of own barangay about the famous value system in
values operative in a values changes of value system our country.
society; and 4. Identification of in our country
C. Explain the Philippine values operative in a Video Analysis(from
Value system. society. YouTube)
5. Re-examining the Position Paper
Philippine Value
Weeks At the end of these weeks, B. Social Problems Powerpoint presentation Online quiz
3-4 the pre- service teacher and Current Issues (aid of zoom) Online recitation
should be able to: 1. What is a Social Video analysis Position paper
A. Distinguish social Problem? Concept mapping Video making ( pick one
problem from social issue; 2. What is a current Social problem and one
and issue? Current issue in our
B. Discuss the different 3. Approaches to country, and explain what
approaches to social Social Problem you as a student can do to
problem. mitigate/lessen it.
Week At the end of these weeks, C. Population and Powerpoint presentation Online quiz
5-6 the pre service teacher related Issues ( aid of Zoom) Online recitation
should be able to: 1. Determinants of Web based research: Group output online
Identify the demographic trends. find records of the presentation( about the
determinants of 2. Population Changes population of some web based research)
demographic 3. Population Newly Industrialized
trends; Structure countries and compare
Describe 4. Population it to the population of
population changes distribution. developing countries.
and structure; 5. Implication of rapid Discuss in detail how it
Discuss the population growth has transformed
implications of 6. Measures of overtime.
rapid population population control
growth; and
List priority
measures of
population control.
Weeks At the end of these weeks, D. The concept of Online Powerpoint Online quiz
7-8 the pre service teacher Human rights presentation Online recitation
should be able to: 1. Definition of Video viewing of Reflection paper about
Identify the types Human Rights human rights violation the Film
and components of 2. History of in our country Reflection paper about
human rights; Human rights Film viewing: Dekada the documentary
Discuss the history 3. Types of 70 Poster making about
and human rights Human Rights Watch documentaries human right violation
violations; and 4. Human rights about the human rights ( post your finish product
Explain the violation and victim ( choose between in FB)
importance of Abuse the Havienda Luicita
human rights. 5. Legal and the Martial Law
documents and victims)
Weeks At the end of these weeks, E. Poverty Online power point Online quiz
9 the pre service teacher Definition of presentation Online recitation
should be able to: Poverty Position paper about Video making(role play
Compare the Theories of the Poverty issues in on poverty issues in our
theories of poverty; poverty our country country)
and Causes of Research different
Identify its cause poverty programs of the
and effect Solutions and government to
programs alleviate poverty
Week At the end of this week, F. Environmental Online powerpoint Online recitation
10-11 the pre- service teacher Issues presentation Online quiz
should be able to: 1. Global concern Film review (2012, Reflection paper about
over the The Day before the film.
Describe global environment tomorrow.) Reflection about the
concerns on 2. Price of Documentary documentary viewing.
environment; prosperity viewing Slogan making about
Discuss the effect 3. Greenhouse environmental awareness
of greenhouse gases and its
warning; and effects.
Illustrate the causes 4. Climate
of La Nina and El change
Nino Phenomena
Week A t the end of this week, G. Philippine Online power point Online quiz
12 the pre- service teacher Environmental Law presentation Online recitation.
should be able to: Watch the speech of Position paper( about
Discuss ways in Ms. Greta on how you can support the
order to support the YouTube UN conference on
UN conference on Research Environment)
Environment. furthermore on tge
Environmental laws
Week At the end of this week the H. Peace and Online powerpoint Online quiz
13 PST should be able to: Terrorism presentation Online recitation
Discuss the issues Basic issues Movie review : Position paper on how to
affecting peace; affecting peace The Rise of Isis stop terrorism.
Identify the The MILF and Documentary viewing: Poster making about
difference of MILF MNLF Story of The MILF or World peace.
from MNLF in Legal MNLF
terms of their documents and
objectives; and peace
Explain the alternative
bangsamoro law The
Week At the end of this week the I. Drug Abuse: Online powerpoint Online quiz
14-15 PST should be able to: Education, Prevention presentation Online recitation
and Control Documentary viewing Position paper (about the
Identify ways to Integration of (about the "EJK" of documentary)
incorporate drug Drug drug users and pushers Research paper: How to
abuse Education in in our country) help victims of drug
prevention/educatio the Curriculum Web based research: related cases
n in the curriculum; Types of Drug find drug abused
Discuss the causes abuse incidents, emphasize
and effects of drug Causes and the bad effects of drug
abuse; and effects of drug abuse, and create an
Explain the most Measures to advocacy proposal on
effective prevent and helping the victims of
solution/measure to control drug drug related cases
control and prevent abuse
drug abuse
Week At the end of these weeks J. Other Social Online presentation Online quiz
16-18 the PTS should be able to: Problems Film Viewing (Taken, Online recitation
Alcoholism Trainspotting) Reflection paper on the
Identify the causes Prostitution Documentary viewing film
and effects of and sexually Make a simple blog about
alcoholism and transmitted the negative effects of
prostitution disease alcohol abuse and
Identify and discuss Humab sexually transmitted
the concept of trafficking disease
squatting, abortion Squatting Position paper on the
and juvenile Abortion possible solution on
deliquency;and Crimes and squatting, abortion and
Explain measures juvenile juvenile deliquency.
to solve and/or deliquency
minimize these