Modbus Remote Communication Protocol For REM 54 - : Technical Description

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Remote Communication Protocol

for REM 54_
Technical Description
1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol Modbus
Issued: 08.03.2002 for REM 54_
Version: A/18.06.2002
Checked: ML Technical Description
Approved: AF

We reserve the right to change data without prior notice.

1. Overview of the protocol ..........................................................4
1.1. Transmission frame formats ..........................................................5
1.1.1. ASCII mode ........................................................................5
1.1.2. RTU mode ..........................................................................7
1.2. Master’s queries ............................................................................8
1.3. Normal responses .........................................................................9
1.4. Exception responses ...................................................................10
2. REM 54_ profile of Modbus ....................................................11
2.1. Supported application functions ..................................................11
2.2. Supported diagnostic subfunctions .............................................11
2.3. Diagnostic counters .....................................................................13
2.4. Possible exception codes ............................................................13
2.5. Event reporting ............................................................................14
3. Setup of the Modbus interface ...............................................15
3.1. Protocol activation .......................................................................15
3.2. Protocol parameters ....................................................................16
4. Explanation of the REM 54_ configurations .........................17
4.1. Modbus configurations ................................................................17
4.2. General guidelines for how the REM 54_ application data is
seen on the Modbus protocol ......................................................17
4.3. Modbus point lists for Modbus configurations .............................18
4.3.1. Interpretation of the Modbus point list ..............................19 Coils ...................................................................20 Digital inputs .......................................................21 Input registers ....................................................21 Holding registers ................................................22
5. Appendix A: Profile checklist ................................................23
6. Appendix B: List of used abbreviations ...............................26

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

1. Overview of the protocol

The Modbus protocol was first introduced by Modicon Inc. and is widely accepted
as a communication standard for industrial device controllers and PLCs. The
protocol determines how each controller connected to the Modbus network will
recognize a message addressed to it. It also determines the task to be performed and
extracts any data or other information contained in the message. If a reply is
required, the controller will construct a reply message and send it using the Modbus
The connection of the master to the slaves can be established either directly or via
modems by using the compatible serial interface. This interface defines the
connector pinouts, the cabling, the signal levels, the transmission baud rates, and the
parity checking.
The communication technique used in the Modbus protocol is a master-slave
technique. This means that only one device can be the master and initiate
transactions, while other devices connected to the network are slaves and can
accordingly not initiate any transactions.
A message sent by the master to the slave is called a query (see Fig. 1.-1). The master
can address a query to an individual slave or to all slaves (i.e. broadcast). If a query
is broadcast, the address code 00 will be used. After the slave has received a query,
it will attempt to perform the requested task. If a query has been sent to an individual
slave, the slave will send a message (called a response) to the master. If it has been
broadcast, however, no response will be sent. The response can be either a normal
response (in case of performing the requested task) or an exception response

Query from the master

Device Address Device Address

Function Code Function Code

8-bit 8-bit
Data Bytes Data Bytes

Error Check Error Check

Response from the slave


The devices in the Modbus protocol are made up of four groups of scan or control
points (Digital Inputs, Input Registers, Coils and Holding Registers). Each group
consists of either scan or control points, which all have separate 16-bit addresses.

1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

All data addresses in the Modbus protocol are referenced to zero. The first
occurrence of a data item is addressed as item number zero: for example the coil
known as ‘coil 1’ is addressed as coil 0000 in the data address field of a Modbus
message and ‘coil 127’ as coil 007E hex (126 in decimal format).

1.1. Transmission frame formats

The format of a query in the Modbus protocol is as follows. The first byte of the
frame is the address of the slave to which the query is directed. If the query is
broadcast, the address will be 00. The second byte is a function code defining the
requested task to be performed. The following bytes are the data to be sent, and the
last two bytes form an error-checking field.
The response includes fields containing the id of the slave, confirmation of the
performed task in form of a function code, any data to be returned, and an error-
checking field. If an error occurs in the receipt of the message, or if the slave is
unable to perform the requested task, the slave will construct an error message and
send it as its response.
The Modbus protocol has two serial transmission modes: ASCII and RTU. These
modes define the bit contents of the message fields transmitted in the network. They
also determine how information will be packed into the message fields and decoded.
The selected mode and the serial parameters must be the same for all devices in a
Modbus network.

1.1.1. ASCII mode

If the Modbus ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) mode
is used, each 8-bit byte in a message will be sent as two ASCII characters forming a
hexadecimal number. The allowable characters are the hexadecimals 0-9 and A-F.
The advantage of this mode compared to the RTU is that the ASCII mode allows
time intervals of up to one second to occur between the characters without causing
an error. The format of each byte is presented in Table 1.1.1-1. Fig. 1.1.1.-1
describes the bit sequence of the ASCII mode.

Table 1.1.1-1 ASCII byte format

Coding System 8-bit byte sent as two ASCII characters
representing a hexadecimal number
Bits per Byte 1 start bit
7 data bits, the least significant bit sent first
1 bit for even/odd parity; no bit for no parity
1 stop bit if parity is used; 2 bits if no parity
Error Check Field Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC)

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

With parity checking

START 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARITY STOP

Without parity checking

START 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STOP STOP

The message starts with a colon character ( : ), followed by ASCII 3A in
hexadecimal format, and ends with a "carriage return - line feed" (CRLF) pair, i.e.
ASCII 0D and 0A in hexadecimal format. The other fields in the message frame (see
Fig. 1.1.1.-2) are identical in both modes of the Modbus protocol, with the exception
of the error-checking field. In the ASCII mode the LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy
Check) method is applied, whereas the CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) method
is applied in the RTU mode.
When a device that has been connected to the network detects a colon character, it
decodes the following field to find out whether it is the device to which the query is
directed. For this reason, each device must continuously monitor the Modbus
If a longer interval than one second occurs between the characters, the receiving
device assumes that an error has occurred. Consequently, it clears the receive buffer
and starts waiting for the colon character. A typical message frame is shown in Fig.

Start Address Function Data LRC check End

1 char 2 chars 2 chars 2*n chars 2 chars 2 chars (CRLF)

1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

1.1.2. RTU mode

In the RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) mode each message byte is sent in binary
format. Each byte has one start bit, eight data bits, one even, odd or no parity bit, and
one or two stop bits. The number of stop bits depends on whether a parity bit is used.
If odd or even parity is used, the byte has one stop bit. If parity is not used, however,
there are two stop bits. All together there are eleven bits in one byte. The format of
one byte is presented in Table 1.1.2-1.

Table 1.1.2-1 RTU byte format

Coding System 8-bit binary
Bits per Byte 1 start bit
8 data bits, the least significant bit sent first
1 bit for even/odd parity; no bit for no parity
1 stop bit if parity is used; 2 bits if no parity
Error Check Field Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC)

The messages are transmitted in the network from left to right, i.e. the Least
Significant Bit (LSB) first and the Most Significant Bit (MSB) last. The description
of the bit sequence for the RTU mode is presented in Fig. 1.1.2.-1.

With parity checking

START 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PARITY STOP

Without parity checking

START 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 STOP STOP

The beginning of each frame is marked with a silent interval of at least 3.5 character
times. This is implemented as a multiple of character times at the baud rate that is
being used. The end of the frame is also marked with a silent interval of at least 3.5
character times.
The entire message frame must be transmitted continuously. If there is a silent
interval longer than 1.5 character times between the characters, the next byte is
considered as the beginning of a new frame. If a new message begins before the 3.5
character time silent interval, the characters received will be considered as part of
the old message frame.

Start Address Function Data CRC check End

T1-T2-T3-T4 8 bits 8 bits N x 8 bits 16 bits T1-T2-T3-T4

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

1.2. Master’s queries

The format of a master’s query depends on what function is being used.
The format of a read function query (read coil status, read input status, read input
registers, read holding registers) is as follows:


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)
Address 2 characters 1 byte
Function 2 characters 1 byte
Starting data address 4 characters 2 bytes
Quantity of points 4 characters 2 bytes
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)

The format of a force single coil or a preset single register function query is as


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)
Address 2 characters 1 byte
Function 2 characters 1 byte
Data address 4 characters 2 bytes
Data value 4 characters 2 bytes
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)

The format of a force multiple coil or a preset multiple registers function query is as


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)
Address 2 characters 1 byte
Function 2 characters 1 byte
Data address 4 characters 2 bytes
Quantity of points 4 characters 2 bytes
Byte count 2 characters 1 byte
Data values 2*N characters N bytes
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)

N is equal to byte count.

1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

The format of a read/write multiple registers function query is as follows:


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)
Address 2 characters 1 byte
Function 2 characters 1 byte
Read data address 4 characters 2 bytes
Read quantity of points 4 characters 2 bytes
Write data address 4 characters 2 bytes
Write quantity of points 4 characters 2 bytes
Byte count 2 characters 1 byte
Write data values 2*N characters N bytes
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)

N is equal to byte count.

The format of a diagnostics function query is as follows:


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)
Address 2 characters 1 byte
Function 2 characters 1 byte
Subfunction 4 characters 2 bytes
Data field 4 characters 2 bytes
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)

1.3. Normal responses

The format of a normal response to a master’s query depends on what function is
being used.
The format of a response to a read function query is as follows:


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent line
Address 2 characters (echo of 1 byte (echo of master's query)
master's query)
Function 2 characters (echo of 1 byte (echo of master's query)
master's query)
Byte count 2 characters 1 byte
Data values 2*N characters N bytes
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent line

N is equal to byte count.

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

The format of a response to a force single coil or a preset single register function
query is an echo of the query itself.


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)
Address 2 characters 1 byte
Function 2 characters 1 byte
Data address 4 characters 2 bytes
Data value 4 characters 2 bytes
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)

The format of a response to a force multiple coils or a preset multiple registers

function query is as follows:


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)
Address 2 characters 1 byte
Function 2 characters 1 byte
Data address 4 characters 2 bytes
Quantity of points 4 characters 2 bytes
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent (idle)

The format of a response to a diagnostics function query is an echo of the query

itself. If the request is directed to a counter, however, the slave returns the counter’s
value in the data field.

1.4. Exception responses

The format of an exception response to a master's query is as follows:


Start character ‘:’ 3.5 character time of the silent
Address 2 characters (echo of master's 1 byte (echo of master's query)
Function 2 characters (echo of master's 1 byte (echo of master's query
query with MSB set) with MSB set)
Exception code 2 characters 1 byte
Error check field LRC 2 characters CRC 2 bytes
End characters CR LF (0x0C 0x0A) 3.5 character time of the silent

An application program in the master is responsible for handling exception

responses. Typical processes include successive attempts to send a query, sending
diagnostic messages to the slave, and notifying the operators.

1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

2. REM 54_ profile of Modbus

2.1. Supported application functions

Function code (HEX) Function description

01 Read Coil Status
Reads the on/off status of discrete outputs
02 Read Input Status
Reads the on/off status of discrete inputs
03 Read Holding Registers
Reads contents of output registers
04 Read Input Registers
Reads contents of input registers
05 Force Single Coil
Sets the status of a discrete output
06 Preset Single Register
Sets the value of a holding register
08 Diagnostics
Checks the communication system between the master and the
0B Get comm event counters
Returns amount of successful read/write operations on data points
0F Force Multiple Coils
Sets the status of multiple discrete outputs
10 Preset Multiple Registers
Sets the value of multiple holding registers
17 Read/write holding registers
Reads a set of holding registers and writes a set of holding registers
in one query

2.2. Supported diagnostic subfunctions

The implementation of the Modbus protocol in the REM 54_ supports the following
subfunction codes:

Code Name Description

00 Return Query Data The data in the query data field is to be returned (looped back)
in the response. The entire response should be identical to the
01 Restart The slave’s peripheral port is to be initialized and restarted,
Communication and all of its communication event counters are to be cleared.
Option If the port is currently in the Listen Only Mode, no response
will be sent. If the port is not currently in the Listen Only Mode,
a normal response will be sent. This occurs before the restart
is executed.
02 Return Diagnostic The contents of the slave’s diagnostic register is returned in
Register the response.
04 Force Listen Only Forces the addressed slave to enter the Listen Only Mode for
Mode Modbus communications.
10 Clear Counters Clears all counters and the diagnostic register.
and Diagnostic

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

Code Name Description

11 Return Bus The response data field returns the quantity of messages that
Message Count the slave has detected in the communications system since its
last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.
12 Return Bus The response data field returns the quantity of CRC errors
Communication encountered by the slave since its last restart, clear counters
Error Count operation, or power-up.
13 Return Bus The response data field returns the quantity of Modbus
Exception Error exception responses returned by the slave since its last
Count restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.
14 Return Slave The response data field returns the quantity of messages
Message Count addressed to the slave, or broadcast that the slave has
processed since its last restart, clear counters operation, or
15 Return Slave No The response data field returns the quantity of messages
Response Count addressed to the slave for which it sent no response (neither a
normal response nor an exception response) since its last
restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.
16 Return Slave The response data field returns the quantity of messages
NACK Response addressed to the slave for which it send a NACK response
17 Return Slave Busy The response data field returns the quantity of messages
Response Count addressed to the slave for which it send a Slave Busy
18 Return Bus The response data field returns the quantity of messages
Character Overrun addressed to the slave that it could not handle due to a
Count character overrun condition since its last restart, clear
counters operation, or power-up
Note: Sending other subfunction codes than those listed above will cause an "illegal
data value" exception response.

1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

2.3. Diagnostic counters

Name Meaning
Bus Message Count The number of messages that the REM 54_ has detected
in the communications system since its last restart, clear
counters operation, or power-up.
Bus Communication Error Count The number of CRC or LRC errors encountered by the
REM 54_ since its last restart, clear counters operation, or
Bus Exception Error Count The number of Modbus exception responses sent by the
REM 54_ since its last restart, clear counters operation, or
Slave Message Count The number of messages addressed to the REM 54_ or
broadcast that the REM 54_ has processed since its last
restart, clear counters operation, or power-up.
Slave No Response Count The number of messages addressed to the REM 54_ for
which it sent no response (neither a normal response nor
an exception response) since its last restart, clear counters
operation, or power-up.
Slave NACK Response Count The number of messages addressed to the REM 54_ for
which it returned a NACK response
Slave Busy Response Count The number of messages addressed to the REM 54_ for
which it returned a Slave Busy response
Bus Character Overrun Count The number of messages addressed to the REM 54_ that
it could not handle due to a character overrun condition
since its last restart, clear counters operation, or power-up

2.4. Possible exception codes

The following exception codes may be generated by the REM 54_ Modbus

Code Name Meaning

01 ILLEGAL FUNCTION The function code received in the query is not an
allowable action for the REM 54_.
02 ILLEGAL DATA The data address or number of items received in the
ADDRESS query is not allowable or correct for the REM 54_.
The REM 54_ will send this exception response if an
attempt to read or write part of a multiple register
database object is detected. Possible objects are time,
strings and counters.
03 ILLEGAL DATA A value contained in the query data field is out of range.
VALUE The contents of the register or the status of the coil has
not changed.
04 SLAVE DEVICE An unrecoverable error occurred while the slave was
FAILURE attempting to perform the requested action.
05 ACKNOWLEDGE The slave has accepted the request and is processing it,
but a long duration of time will be required to do so. This
response is returned to prevent a timeout error from
occurring in the master. The master can next issue a Poll
Program Complete message to determine if processing is
06 SLAVE DEVICE The slave is engaged in processing a long-duration
BUSY program command. The master should retransmit the
message later when the slave is free.

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

07 NEGATIVE The slave cannot perform the program function received

ACKNOWLEDGE in the query. This code is returned for an unsuccessful
programming request using function code 13 or 14
decimal. The master should request diagnostic or error
information from the slave.
08 MEMORY PARITY The slave attempted to read extended memory, but
ERROR detected a parity error in the memory. The master can
retry the request, but service may be required on the slave

Note: If an "Illegal data value" exception response is generated when attempting to

preset multiple registers, the contents of the register to which an illegal value has
been imposed and of the following registers will not be changed. Registers that have
already been preset will not be restored.

2.5. Event reporting

Event reporting function based on proprietary data format and procedures as defined
in REM 54_ is not supported in REM 54_. Instead, momentary change detect points
associated with digital input points can be used.
An example of momentary change detect is illustrated in the figure below. A host
device monitors a physical input bit 1. The figure illustrates the physical signal
transitions of input 1. At each rising edge/falling edge transition, the status of the
Modbus digital input 1xxxx addresses are listed. The dotted line arrows indicate the
poll received by the REM 54_ device and the state of both the status bit and the
momentary indication bit. Note that the even bit (momentary change detect) resets
itself to a zero state after the poll.



echo’s that of 01053 when read 1

1XXXX STATUS 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0

Time = 0
1XXXX = 1 1XXXX = 0 1XXXX = 1 1XXXX = 1
1XXXX + 1 = 0 1XXXX + 1 = 0 1XXXX + 1 = 1 1XXXX + 1 = 1





1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

3. Setup of the Modbus interface

3.1. Protocol activation

The Modbus protocol is assigned to the X3.2 port by using the Relay Download Tool
in the CAP 505 toolbox.
The Relay Download Tool contains a pull-down menu for protocol selection. When
Modbus communication is to be used, the pull-down menu must be set to
“MODBUS” when the relay configuration is sent to the relay (see Fig. 3.1.-1). If the
relay configuration is sent without the “MODBUS” setting, Modbus communication
will be disabled.


Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

3.2. Protocol parameters

The protocol and link parameters of the Modbus interface can be programmed by
means of the local HMI via \Communication\Modbus. Following parameters
are available:

Parameter Comment Default value

Unit address Modbus unit address 1
Baud Rate Baud rates: 9600
300/1200/ 2400/4800/9600 bps
Modbus Mode Link mode: 1
1 = RTU
Password For future use
No of data bits 7 - ASCII Mode 8
8 - RTU Mode
No of stop bits 1…2 1
Parity 0 - No parity 2
1 - Odd parity
2 - Even parity
Next character time-out Maximum allowed time gap between 0
received characters of the same frame (in
0 - Not in Use
End of frame timeout Minimum idle time following the frame 10
transmission to the REM 54_
(in milliseconds)
CRC Order Order of CRC bytes in the RTU link mode 0
0 - Low High
1 - High Low

Always when a new configuration is downloaded to the relay (see

! “Protocol activation” on page 15), the protocol parameters will be set to
their default values. The default values of the parameters are listed in
the table above.

1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

4. Explanation of the REM 54_ configurations

4.1. Modbus configurations

The REM 54_ applications are normally created by using the IEC 61131-3
programming. However, when the REM 54_ is to be used with Modbus protocol
only, Modbus configurations are applicable.
Modbus configurations are found on the REM 543 Modbus Configurations
CD-ROM (1MRS151023).

4.2. General guidelines for how the REM 54_ application data is seen
on the Modbus protocol
The figure and the table in this section describe shortly how the process data in the
REM 54_ device is seen on the Modbus protocol.
The mapping of the function block’s data into Modbus process data is done by the
Modbus Protocol Object Dictionary (POD).
In the application example below, all the possible process data is present. The grey
boxes show to which Modbus data category the signals belong.

IR x DI y

IR x+1 instance DI y+1

NOC3Low instance
1) 3)
DI x
2a) CO n
IR v Direct Open
DI z Direct Close CO n+1
2b) ACK Select Open
DI z+1 Select Close CO n+2
DI z+2 CO n+3

BIO1_BI5 BINCLOSE Modbusexample
DI = digital inputs
IR = input registers IV
CO = coil outputs


Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

Explanations to the figure above

No Application data type Explanation Modbus data type
1) One Bit Input Binary input to function block, Digital input (1x references)
e.g. blocking input.
1) One Bit Output Binary output from function Digital input (1x references)
block, e.g. START or TRIP
2a) Two Bit Input Binary position data coded in Digital inputs (1x references)
two bits (OPEN, CLOSE) coded in three bits:
Bit 1: OPEN
Bit 2: CLOSE
Bit 3: Validity (1 if OPEN
value = CLOSE value)
2b) Two Bit Input In addition to 2a) the OPEN Input Registers (3x
and the CLOSE bit values are references)
also coded as least significant Values:
bits in an input register. (One 1 = CLOSE
register per object) 2 = OPEN
3 = Undefined
0 = Undefined
3) Control output points Outputs controlled from the Coils (0x references)
Modbus host.
4) Measurement inputs Measurement inputs to the Input Registers (3x
function blocks references)
Not Parameters, settings Some parameters of the Holding Registers (4x
visible etc. device and function blocks references)
in the may be adjustable (look in the • If the data can be both read
figure Modbus point list of the and written
Modbus configuration) Input Registers (3x
• If data is read only type

4.3. Modbus point lists for Modbus configurations

The point list is a cross-reference between the function block’s signals and the
Modbus protocol. The list tells on which addresses the process data is located when
the REM 543 is viewed from the protocol’s side.
Along with the Modbus configurations on the "REM 543 Modbus Configurations"
CD-ROM are also the Modbus point lists. Each Modbus configuration has its own
list. The lists are saved in HTML format (See Fig. 4.3.-1.).

1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

The lists start with a header identifying the Modbus configuration and the revision
letter. Hereafter follows a list of function blocks in the application. Also the revision
letters of the function blocks are shown.
After this follows the description of the process data: Coils, Digital inputs, Input
registers and Holding registers. Process data will be described further in the
following section.

4.3.1. Interpretation of the Modbus point list

The point list shows how the application data of a certain Modbus configuration is
organized on the Modbus protocol. Modbus basic data areas are:
• Coils (0x references),
• Digital inputs (1x references),
• Input registers (3x references) and
• Holding registers (4x references).
The basic data areas have further been divided into subtypes called:
• Basic range,
• Extended range,
• Slowly changing,
• Control (possible in Coils and Holding registers area only) and
• Diagnostics.
Subtypes are not necessarily used in all the basic data areas which depends on the
Modbus configuration.

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

In the REM 54_ Modbus configurations the Modbus basic data areas are used as

Coils Digital inputs Input registers Holding registers

Basic range Start at 0001H Start at 0001H

Extended range Start at 0800H

Slowly changing Start at 1000H

Control Start at 2000H

Diagnostics Start at 3000H Start at 3000H Coils
Coils are outputs used for control or acknowledgement purposes. Coil outputs start
from coil address 2000H. The coils in the REM 54_ can be written but not read.
Reading will cause an exception response from the REM 54_.
If more than one coil is written at a time (write multiple coils) it will result in
exception response 05. This response indicates that the request has been accepted by
the slave and processing has started. Still, a long duration of time is required. The
master will hereafter issue a Poll Program Complete message to determine if
processing is completed. See the Modicon technical publications for more
information. Do not use multiple coil writing unless your host can interpret the 05
exception response correctly.


1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description Digital inputs

Digital inputs are used for monitoring discrete process inputs (e.g. breaker position
and locking inputs). Process outputs (like START or TRIP signals) are also available
in this area. The difference between basic range data and extended range data is that
the latter contains both momentary positions and change detect bits, while the
former contains only momentary positions of the digital inputs. Basic range data
starts from point address 0001H and extended range data from point address 0800H.
Slowly changing data means such data that can be scanned by the master with a
"slower cycle" than the basic and extended range data. Slowly changing data starts
from point address 1000H.


Measurement data is located in the Input register basic data area, starting from point
address 0001H. In the Modbus point list the value type (signed or unsigned) and the
predefined scaling are shown for each process value.
All the two-bit position data (breakers, disconnectors) found in the digital input area
are also located in the Input register area. This data is always mapped so that one
single input register contains the OPEN/CLOSE bit positions of one object in the
two least significant bit locations.
The Diagnostics area includes values which need not to be continuously scanned by
the master but rather read on demand. This data starts from point address 3000H.


Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description Holding registers

In this area resides data which may be read or written on demand. This data starts
from point address 3000H.


1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description

5. Appendix A: Profile checklist

Vendor Name: ABB Oy Substation Automation
Device Name: REM 54_
Device Function: Slave


Code (HEX) Function Supported

01 Read coil Status Yes
02 Read Input Status Yes
03 Read Holding Register Yes
04 Read Input Registers Yes
05 Force Single Coil Yes
06 Preset Single Register Yes
07 Read Exception Status No
08 Diagnostics Yes
0B Fetch Comm Event Counter Yes
0C Fetch Comm Event Log No
0F Force Multiple Coils Yes
10 Preset Multiple Registers Yes
11 Report Slave ID No
14 Read General Reference No
15 Write General Reference No
16 Mask Write 4x Register No
17 Read/Write 4x Registers No

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description


Code (HEX) Name Supported

00 Return Query Data Yes
01 Restart Communication Option Yes
02 Return Diagnostic Register Yes
03 Change ASCII Delimiter No
04 Force Listen Only Mode Yes
0A Clear Counters and Diagnostics Register Yes
0B Return Bus Message Count Yes
0C Return Bus Communication Error Count Yes
0D Return Bus Exception Error Count Yes
0E Return Slave Message Count Yes
0F Return Slave No Response Count Yes
10 Return Slave NAK Count No
11 Return Slave Busy Count No
12 Return Bus Character Overrun Count No
13 Return IOP Overrun Count No
14 Clear Overrun Counter Counter and Flag No
15 Get / Clear Modbus Plus Statistics No

Code Name Supported


1MRS 750781-MUM Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ Modbus
Technical Description


Name Supported
Digital input Yes
Coil Yes
Input register Yes
Holding register Yes
General reference No

Name Supported
Momentary change detect on digital input Yes

Modbus Remote Communication Protocol for REM 54_ 1MRS 750781-MUM

Technical Description

6. Appendix B: List of used abbreviations

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CTS Clear To Send
DCD Data Carrier Detect
LRC Longitudinal Redundancy Check
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
POD Protocol Object Dictionary
RTS Request To Send
RTU Remote Terminal Unit

1MRS 752015-MUM EN 06.2002

Substation Automation
P.O. Box 699
Tel. +358 10 22 11
Fax. +358 10 224 1094

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