This document provides instructions for using psychic powers in a roleplaying game. It explains that psychic powers are activated by declaring the power, assembling a dice pool based on mastery skill and other factors, and rolling to compare to a power's difficulty number. It also lists three levels of activation - Bound, Unbound, and Transcendent - that provide different bonus dice but also risks of complications or damage. The rest of the document consists of tables to record psychic power names, disciplines, stats like difficulty number and duration, and effects.
This document provides instructions for using psychic powers in a roleplaying game. It explains that psychic powers are activated by declaring the power, assembling a dice pool based on mastery skill and other factors, and rolling to compare to a power's difficulty number. It also lists three levels of activation - Bound, Unbound, and Transcendent - that provide different bonus dice but also risks of complications or damage. The rest of the document consists of tables to record psychic power names, disciplines, stats like difficulty number and duration, and effects.
This document provides instructions for using psychic powers in a roleplaying game. It explains that psychic powers are activated by declaring the power, assembling a dice pool based on mastery skill and other factors, and rolling to compare to a power's difficulty number. It also lists three levels of activation - Bound, Unbound, and Transcendent - that provide different bonus dice but also risks of complications or damage. The rest of the document consists of tables to record psychic power names, disciplines, stats like difficulty number and duration, and effects.
This document provides instructions for using psychic powers in a roleplaying game. It explains that psychic powers are activated by declaring the power, assembling a dice pool based on mastery skill and other factors, and rolling to compare to a power's difficulty number. It also lists three levels of activation - Bound, Unbound, and Transcendent - that provide different bonus dice but also risks of complications or damage. The rest of the document consists of tables to record psychic power names, disciplines, stats like difficulty number and duration, and effects.
Mastery Test Bonus Wrath Dice Description 1) Declare Power and Mastery (see box) 2) Assemble dice pool: Basline psychic power level. Psychic Mastery Skill, Willpower, Bound 0 *Minor Psychich Powers can only be activated Bound, Bonus Wrath dice from Mastery, but some effects can still add Bonus Wrath die/dice Gear & other sources Drawing more power from the warp. 3) Roll & compare to power DN Unbound 1 *If used, all powers in the current scene must at least be Shifted Icons can enhance Power Potency activated Unbound 4) If complication: roll for Perils of Warp Each extra complication increase first Open your mind fully for the warp. digit of the d66 roll Bonus dice: 2 + Rank or Tier (whichever higher) Transcendent 2+ 5) Activate Psychic Power *After power is complete/sustained, suffer Shock damage equal to number of bonus dice Notes: ◆ Psychic Wrath dice do not generate Glory or critical hits ◆ Sustaining a Psychic Power increases the DN for all test by +2 for each power ◆ Any damage during Sustaining requires an immidiate Willpower test (DN = total Wounds & Shock) ◆ Sustain (x) causes x Shock during sustaining a Psychic Power