Synthesis, Characterization of Banana / Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Based Hybrid Composites

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P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57


Synthesis, characterization of Banana / Glass Fiber Reinforced

Epoxy Based Hybrid Composites
P.prasanna1, V.Gopinath2, Davendhar Rao3
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU Hyderabad, India
M.Tech student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU Hyderabad, India
Ph.D. scholar, Department of Physics, JNTU Hyderabad, India
Corresponding author:

Natural fiber composites are nowadays being used in various engineering applications to increase the strength
and optimize the weight and the cost of the product. Hybridization is a process of incorporating synthetic fiber
with natural fiber to get the better material properties. In this connection an investigation has been carried out to
make better utilization of banana fiber for making value added products. The objective of the present research
work is to study the mechanical and water absorption behaviour of banana/glass fiber reinforced epoxy based
hybrid composites. Experiments are carried out as per ASTM standards to find the mechanical properties and
water absorption capacity. The effect of fiber loading and length on mechanical properties like tensile strength,
flexural strength, Impact strength and hardness of composites is studied. In addition to mechanical properties,
water absorption capacity of the composite is also studied.
Keywords: Natural Banana fibers, glass fiber, epoxy, Different fiber loading and lengths of reinforcement,
Mechanical properties, water absorption
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Date of Submission: 11-09-2017 Date of acceptance: 22-09-2017
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I. INTRODUCTION in aerospace industry, mechanical engineering
In recent years the natural fibers as applications (internal combustion engines, thermal
reinforcements in composite materials are used as control, machine components), electronic packaging,
substitute in many applications. Natural fibers have automobile, and aircraft structures and mechanical
attracting the interest to engineers, researchers, components (brakes, drive shafts, tanks, flywheels,
professionals and scientists all over the world as an and pressure vessels), process industries equipment
alternative reinforcement for fiber reinforced requiring resistance to high-temperature corrosion,
polymer composites, because of its superior dimensionally stable components, oxidation, and
properties such as high specific strength, low weight, wear, offshore and onshore oil exploration and
low cost, fairly good mechanical properties, non- production, marine structures, sports, leisure
abrasive, eco-friendly and bio-degradable equipment and biomedical devices [3, 4].
characteristics [1]. The main idea of composites reinforced
Kelly [2] defined that the composites with natural fibers is to increase the mechanical
should not be regarded simply as a combination of properties of the polymer, such as tensile strength,
two materials. It clearly states that; the combination impact strength and bending strength [5, 6].
has its own unique properties. In terms of strength to From the research of many researchers
resistance to heat or some other desirable quality, it found that the mechanical properties of composites
is better to attain properties that the individual reinforced with natural fibers have high value
components by themselves cannot attain. The depend on the adhesion between fibers and the
composite materials have advantages over other matrix [7, 10-12].Natural fiber is composed of
conventional materials due to their higher specific cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin and rich in
properties such as tensile, flexural and impact pectin. This resulted in the important problem of
strengths, stiffness and fatigue properties, which compatibility between fiber and matrix due to
enable the structural design to be more versatile. weakness in the adhesion between the surface fibers
Due to their many advantages they are widely used and the polymer matrix, so changing the fiber DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 47 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

surface by treatment. It is the best method that orientation and stress transfer at the interface.
researchers use to improve the strength and the Therefore, both the matrix and fibre properties are
compatibility between the interfacial bond strength important in improving mechanical properties of the
composites. A number of investigations have been
[8, 9].
made on various types of natural fibres to study the
The surface treated bio fibers showed effect of these fibre parameters on the mechanical
better efficiency than the untreated [13, 14].Alkaline properties of composite materials. Attempt has been
treatment (mercerization process) is illustrious. made in the current research work to study the effect
Chemical treatment of surface modification of of fibre loading and length on the performance of
natural fibers reinforced composites. This alkaline composites.
treatment removes wax, hemicellulose and lignin All polymers and polymer based
hiding the surface of the fiber. It is accepted that the composites absorb moisture in humid atmosphere
alkaline treatment result from increases surface when immersed in water. In general, moisture
roughness which create better mechanical diffusion in composites depends on factors, such as
interlocking between hydrophilic fibers and the volume fraction of fibre, void volume, additives,
hydrophobic matrices [15]. humidity, and temperature [22- 23]. Moisture
Short banana fiber content has a greatly effect on diffusion in polymer composites has been shown to
mechanical properties of the fiber reinforced be governed by three different mechanisms. The first
polyster composites. [16].Venkateshwaran et al. [17, involves the diffusion of water molecules inside the
18] studied the mechanical properties of tensile, micro gaps between the polymer chains. The second
flexural, impact and water absorption tests were involves capillary transportation into the gaps and
carried out using banana/epoxy composite material. flaws at the interfaces between the fibre and the
Many researchers have studied the effect of matrix. The third involves transportation of micro
various parameters on the mechanical behaviour of cracks in the matrix, arising from the swelling of
synthetic fibre based polymer composites. Huang et fibres, particularly in the case of natural fibre
al. [19] studied the effect of water absorption on the composites [24- 25].
mechanical behaviour of glass/polyester composites. Hybridization of natural fibre, with stronger
It was concluded that the breaking strength and and more corrosion-resistance synthetic fibre (e.g.,
tensile stress of the composites decreased gradually glass fibre), can improve the stiffness, strength, as
with increased water immersion time because the well as the moisture resistance of the composites,
weakening of bonding between fibre and matrix. and therefore, a balance between environmental
The hybridization of banana fiber and glass impact and performance may be achieved.
fiber not only improve the mechanical properties of Importantly, hybridization between natural fibres
composite but also reduce its cost and make it and glass fibres is expected to improve the properties
ecofriendly composite [20]. Hybridization of natural of the materials and decrease their water uptake, and
fibre with high corrosion and stronger resistance subsequently reducing the water absorption problem.
synthetic fibres like glass, carbon, aramid etc. can Zamri et al. [29] studied the effect of water
improve the various properties such as strength, absorption on pultruded jute/glass fibre reinforced
stiffness etc. It helps us to achieve a better unsaturated polyester hybrid composites. They
combination of properties than fibre reinforced concluded that hybridization of natural fibres with
composites.Thus banana fiber in combination with synthetic fibres decreases the maximum moisture
glass has proved to be excellent for making cost absorption and increases the mechanical properties
effective composite materials.Uses of hybrid of the composites.
composites are aeronautical applications (pilot's
cabin door), marine applications (ship hulls), wind II. ANALYTICAL STUDY
power generation (blades), telecom applications As the composites industry has grown there
(hybrid aerial, underground cable) [21]. has become a bit of a divide between the language of
[32] Most of the studies made on natural fibre the composite design engineer and the composite
composites reveal that their mechanical properties fabricator. In particular how each group describes
are strongly influenced by a number of parameters the ratio of fiber to resin in the composite structure.
such as volume fraction of the fibres, fibre length, The design engineer refers to the fiber/resin ratio in
fibre aspect ratio, fibre-matrix adhesion, fibre terms of volume of fibers to volume of resin. On the DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 48 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

other hand, the composite fabricator will talk of the

fiber/resin ratio in terms of fiber-to-resin weight
= (2.3)
ratios in the composite structure. Are they not the
same thing? Well no they are not, but they are
related. Each term has a very important relationship From above expression we can find
to the engineer or fabricator and they are essential in
their development of the final composite component Determine the fiber/resin weight ratio:
We have,
The discussion herein relates to wet resin
lay-up techniques. Here the fabrication process will
wet out the fibers with a wet resin system, i.e. wet
= (2.4)
lay-up, resin infusion processes and resin injection
processes. The basic engineering properties of a
From the above expression we can get
composite material can be determined by either
experimental stress analysis (testing) or theoretical
The resin weight is the difference between the
mechanics (micromechanics). The micromechanics
composite and fiber weights
approach utilises knowledge of the individual fibre
and resin properties, and the proportionality of fibers Wmatrix = Wcomposite – Wfiber (2.5)
to the resin in the lamina. A rule of mixtures
approach can best be used to derive the majority of Substitute determined values in above equation, we
the composite lamina properties. For example the can find Wmatrix and Wfiber
lamina axial modulus is derived from:
Table 1: Short banana and glass fiber and Epoxy resin of
Ex = Ef Vf + Em Vm (2.1) composite materials for different volume fraction of fiber
and resin
Ef is the fiber modulus of elasticity, N/mm2 Sample Volume Volume Equivalent Equivalent
Em is the matrix (resin) modulus of elasticity, compo fraction fraction Weight Weight
N/mm2 site of of fraction of fraction of
matrix banana resin (Wm) banana &
Vf is the fiber volume ratio (∀f) & glass glass fiber
fiber (Wf)
Vm is the matrix volume ratio (∀f)
Vf + Vm = 1 with zero voids S1 0.85 0.15 0.75 0.25
S2 0.85 0.15 0.75 0.25
2.1 FIBRE VOLUME AND WEIGHT RATIO S3 0.85 0.15 0.75 0.25
The determination of fiber weight ratio can be S4 0.85 0.15 0.75 0.25
derived from the fiber/resin volume ratio. The S5 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3
approach is as follows: S6 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3
S7 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3
We have,
S8 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.3
= 1− − (Assume Zero Voids) (2.2)
2.2. Model calculation of weight of the fiber and
= 1−
resin for tensile test:
Then the weight required of tensile
specimens as per ASTM D-638 for different volume
= fiber volume fraction of different types of fiber and resin can be
evaluated from,
= matrix or resin volume
Determine the Fiber matrix volume ratio: =
And we have, = DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 49 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

Where, total volume of tensile sample,

depended on as ASTM standard, selected the shape
and dimensions of tensile test sample, as shown in

Density of different materials:

Epoxy Resin Materials r =1.56 g/cm3

Glass Fiber g = 2.62 g/cm3

Banana Fiber b = 1.35 g/cm3

Weight of resin (Wm ) = (1.56) × (16.5×1.9×0.7) ×

(0.85) = 29.1 gm

Weight of fiber (Wf ) = (3.97) × (16.5×1.9×0.7) ×

(0.15) = 13.1 gm
Fig: 2 Short glass fibre
METHOD The short banana fibre is collected from
The experimental study of composite local sources and E-glass fibres procured from Ram
materials included study of mechanical properties of composites, Hyderabad are taken as reinforcement.
different types of composite materials with various Epoxy resin (LY 556) is supplied by sree Industrial
volume fractions and fiber lengths of reinforcement composite products, Hyderabad is taken as matrix
fiber as short banana and glass fiber as shown in material. The low temperature curing epoxy resin
Figures 1&2. and corresponding hardener (HX 951) are mixed in a
ratio of 10:1 by weight as recommended. Moulds are
used for casting the composite slabs for mechanical
specimens as per ASTM standards. Banana fibre
treated with NaoH and this alkaline treatment
removes wax, hemicellulose and lignin hiding the
surface of the fiber. The short banana/glass fibres are
mixed with epoxy resin by the simple mechanical
stirring. The composites are prepared with three
different fibre loading and four different fibre
lengths keeping glass fibre content constant (20
wt.%) using simple hand lay-up technique. The
mixture is poured into various moulds conforming to
the requirements of various testing conditions and
characterization standards. The detailed composition
and designation of the composites are presented in
Table 2.The cast of each composite is preserved
under a load of about 20 kg for 24 hours before it
removed from the mould cavity. Then this cast is
post cured in the air for another 24 hours after
Fig: 1 Short banana fibre removing out of the mould. Specimens of
appropriate dimension are cut for physical and
mechanical tests. Figures 1&2 shows short banana
fibre and short glass fibre. Figure 3 shows short
banana/glass fibre reinforced epoxy hybrid
composite. DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 50 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

Table 2: Preparation of Composites IV.MECHANICAL PROPERTY TESTS

Composites Compositions 4.1 Tensile test: The tensile test was conducted in
Universal testing machine MCS 60 UTE -60.The test
S1 Epoxy (75wt %) +Glass Fibre specimen was cut according to the ASTM D-638 standard.
(20wt. %) +banana Fibre (Fibre The test specimen of dimension 165x19x7mm is prepared
length 5 mm) (5wt %) as in figure. The test specimen is enclosed between the
grippers of the Universal testing machine. The load is
S2 Epoxy (75wt %) +Glass Fibre
applied gradually until the deformation of the specimen is
(20wt. %) + banana Fibre (Fibre
observed. The corresponding value of the load is noted
length 10 mm) (5wt %)
down for the deformation of the specimen. The stress for
S3 Epoxy (75wt %) +Glass Fibre the corresponding load is calculated. Figure 6 shows the
(20wt. %) + banana Fibre (Fibre experimental set up for tensile test. Figure 5 shows the
length 15mm) (5wt %) specimen of short banana/glass fiber reinforced epoxy
hybrid composites for tensile test.
S4 Epoxy (75wt %) +Glass Fibre
(20wt. %) + banana Fibre (Fibre
length 20 mm) (5wt%)

S5 Epoxy (70wt %) +Glass Fibre

(20wt %) + banana Fibre (Fibre Fig: 4 Tensile Test Specimen (ASTM D – 638)
length 5 mm) (10wt %)

S6 Epoxy (70wt %) +Glass Fibre

(20wt %) + banana Fibre (Fibre
length 10 mm) (10wt %)

S7 Epoxy (70wt %) +Glass Fibre

(20wt %) + banana Fibre (Fibre
length 15 mm) (10wt %)

S8 Epoxy (70wt %) +Glass Fibre

Fig: 5 Specimen of short banana/glass fibre
(20wt %) + banana Fibre (Fibre reinforced epoxy hybrid composites
length 20 mm) (10wt %)

Fig: 6 Experimental set up for tensile test

Fig: 3 Short banana/glass fibre reinforced epoxy
based hybrid composites 4.2 Flexural test: Flexural test was conducted in the
three point bending test arrangement in a MCS 60 DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 51 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

UTE -60.specimen is cut according to ASTM D-790 the impact load is applied by releasing the swinging
standard. The test specimen of the dimension pendulum. The pendulum hits the specimen placed
90x10x3 mm is prepared as shown in Figure 7. The in the slot. The load absorbed for the breakage of the
test specimen is placed on the roller support at both specimen is noted down. Figure 12 shows the
the ends. The load is gradually applied from the top experimental set up for impact test. Figure 11 shows
roller until the deformation is observed. The load the specimen of short banana/glass fiber reinforced
value at the maximum deformation is noted down. epoxy hybrid composites for impact test.
Figure 9 shows the experimental set up for flexural
test.Figure 8 shows the specimen of short
banana/glass fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid
composites for flexural test.

Fig: 10 Impact Test specimen (ASTM D – 256)

Fig: 7 Flexural Test Specimen (ASTM D – 790)

Fig: 11 Specimen of short banana/glass fibre

reinforced epoxy hybrid composites
Fig: 8 Specimen of short banana/glass fibre
reinforced epoxy hybrid composites

Fig: 12 Experimental set up for Impact test

4.4 Water Absorption Test: The test is conducted

Fig: 9 Experimental set up for Flexural test according to ASTM D570 standard. The water
absorption test specimen of the dimension 25x25x3
4.3 Impact test: The impact test was conducted in is prepared as shown in Figure 13.The water
the Izod Krystal Elmec,KI 300,168J for izod impact absorption of the composite was determined using
test machine. The test specimen was cut according to the relationship below:
the ASTM D-256 standards. The test specimens of Water absorption = W1 – W0 / W0 * 100%
the dimension 63x12.7x3mm are prepared as in the
Figure 10. The specimen was fixed on the slot. Then DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 52 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

Where W0 = weight of specimen before

immersion and W1 = weight of specimen after 72hrs
after immersion.

Fig: 13 Water Absorption specimen

(ASTM D - 570)

Fig: 16 Hardness Test Specimen

Fig: 14 Water Absorption Testing Specimen

Fig: 17 Experimental set up for Hardness test
4.5 Hardness Test: The test is conducted according
to ASTM D785 standard. The test specimen of the
dimension 30x30x3 is prepared as shown in Figure V.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
15.As known hardness implies a resistance to This chapter presents the results of
indentation, permanent or plastic deformation of mechanical and water absorption behaviour of Short
material. In a hybrid composite material, fiber banana/glass fibre reinforced epoxy based hybrid
weight fraction significantly affects the hardness
value of the hybrid composite material. The hardness
testing of plastics is most commonly measured by
Tensile strength of composites:
the Rockwell hardness test or Shore (Durometer)
The tensile strength calculated from the below
hardness test. Both methods measure the resistance
of the plastic toward indentation. Hardness values
measured on the Rockwell M-scale showing the
Max. Tensile strength = W / A
effect of weight percentage of banana and glass
W – Maximum tensile load in N
fibers on the hardness values of hybrid composites
A – Cross section Area in mm2
are presented in Table 3.
Flexural strength of composites:
Flexural strength calculated from the below
Max Flexural strength = 3WL/2bh2
W - Maximum load in N
L - Span of the specimen in mm
b - Width of specimen in mm
h – Height of the specimen in mm

Fig15: Hardness Test specimen (ASTM D785) DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 53 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

Impact strength of composites: Impact strength

calculated from the below relations,
Max impact strength = E / t
E - Impact energy in J
t - Thickness of the specimen in mm

Table3:Properties of Hybrid composite observations

Co Tensile Flexur Impact Hard Water

mp strengt al strengt ness Absor
osit h strengt h ption
es (MPa) h (MPa) (%)
(MPa) Fig: 18 Influence of fibre loading and length on
tensile strength of composites
S1 23.40 95.68 43.95 46 2.646
Influence of fibre loading and length on
S2 25.76 101.71 67.91 51 2.924 flexural strength of composites:
The influence of fibre loading and length
S3 28.84 114.86 96.84 54 3.122 on flexural strength of composites is shown in
Figure 19. It is marked from the figure that the
S4 26.92 108.3 87.15 57 3.312
flexural strength of composite increases with
S5 23.84 98.56 51.3 43 3.651 increase in fibre length up to 15mm. Conversely,
further increase in fibre length (up to 20mm) the
S6 26.54 104.24 72.56 47 3.741 value decreases. As far as the influence of fibre
loading is concerned, composites with 10wt% fibre
S7 29.61 118.32 101.84 51 3.906 loading shows better flexural strength value as
compared to 5wt% fibre loading. The maximum
S8 27.70 112.47 92.1 53 4.310 flexural strength of 118.3MPa is observed for
composites with 10wt% fibre loading at 15mm
Influence of fibre loading and length on tensile
strength composites:
The influence of fibre loading and length
on the tensile strength is shown in Figure 18. A
gradually increase in tensile strength can be
perceived with the increase in the fibre length up to
15 mm of banana/glass epoxy based hybrid
composites. It is because of the proper adhesion
between the both types of fibre and the matrix. But,
further increase in fibre length i.e. 20 mm there is a
decrease in the tensile strength. The reason may be
due to the curling effect of the long banana fibre
[26]. The curly nature of fibres prevents the proper Fig: 19 Influence of fibre loading and length on
alignment of fibres in the (longitudinal direction) Flexural strength of composites
composites. The maximum tensile strength is
observed for the composite with 10wt% fibre Influence of fibre loading and length on Impact
loading at 15mm length. Previous reports reveal that
strength of composites:
normally the fibres in the composite restrain the
deformation of the polymer matrix, reducing the The influence of fibre loading and length
tensile strain [27-28]. on Impact strength of composites is shown in Figure
20. The Impact energy values of different
composites recorded during the impact tests are
given in Table 3. It shows that the resistance to
impact loading of banana fiber reinforced epoxy DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 54 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

composites improves with increase in fiber length as Water absorption properties of composites: The
shown in Figure20.Impact loads may be expected in influence of fibre loading and length on the water
many engineering applications of composite absorption of the banana/glass fibre a reinforced
materials. The suitability of a composite for such composite with increase in immersion time is shown
applications should therefore be determined not only in Figure 22. It is marked from the figure that the
by usual design parameters, but by its impact energy rate of moisture absorption increases with increase
absorbing properties. in fibre lengths. Generally, the rate of water
absorption is greatly influenced by the materials
density and void content. It has been reported by
earlier researchers that the incorporation of long
banana fibres into the mix decreased workability and
increased the void space [30]. Subsequently, the
longer the fibre, the higher is the water absorption.
As far as influence of fibre loading is concerned
composites with 10wt% fibre loading shows higher
water absorption rate as compared to 5wt% fibre
loading. The reason may be due to that banana fibres
contain abundant polar hydroxide groups, which
result in a high moisture absorption level of natural
fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites and are
a major hurdle for preventing wide applications of
these materials [30]
Fig: 20 Influence of fibre loading and length on
Impact strength of composites

Influence of fibre loading and length on Hardness

of composites:
Surface hardness of the composites is
considered as one of the most important factor that
governs the wear resistance of the composites.
Figure 21 shows the influence of fibre loading and
length on hardness of composites. The test results
show that with the increase of fibre length, hardness
of the banana/glass epoxy composites is improved.
As far as the influence of fibre loading is concerned Fig: 22 Influence of fibre loading and length on
composites with 5wt% fibre loading shows better water absorption of composites
hardness value as compared to 10wt%. The hardness
The minimum water absorption rate is
properties of the composites along and across the
perceived for composites with 5wt% fibre loading
fibers are carried out. Generally, fibers that increase
and at 5mm fibre length. It is also spotted from the
the moduli of composites increase the hardness of
figure that the water absorption rate generally
the composite. This is because hardness is a function
increases with immersion time, reaching a certain
of the relative fiber volume and modulus.
value at a saturation point where no more water is
absorbed. The maximum weight gain from 2.65% to
4.31% is observed by the composite specimens at
room temperature.

The mechanical properties and water
absorption of the hybrid composites using banana
and glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin composites
were studied in this work. The composites were
fabricated by hand layup technique and tested
Fig: 21 Influence of fibre loading and length on according to ASTM standard. From the experiment
hardness of composites the following conclusions have been drawn. DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 55 | P a g e

P.prasanna. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 7, Issue 9, ( Part -6) September 2017, pp.47-57

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Journal with Sl. No. 4525, Journal no. 47088. Indexed in Cross Ref, Index Copernicus (ICV
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P.prasanna. “Synthesis, characterization of Banana / Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Based

Hybrid Composites .” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
(IJERA), vol. 7, no. 9, 2017, pp. 47–57. DOI: 10.9790/9622-0709064757 57 | P a g e

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