Durability Evaluation of Treated Pineapple Leaf Biopolymer Composites For Enhanced Eco Friendly Mortar Towards Sustainability
Durability Evaluation of Treated Pineapple Leaf Biopolymer Composites For Enhanced Eco Friendly Mortar Towards Sustainability
Durability Evaluation of Treated Pineapple Leaf Biopolymer Composites For Enhanced Eco Friendly Mortar Towards Sustainability
Received: 22 January 2024 / Revised: 7 February 2024 / Accepted: 8 February 2024 / Published online: 24 February 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024
The present work aimed to investigate the prospect of reusing natural fibers obtained from pineapples as a reinforcing ele-
ment in eco-friendly mortar exploring physical, morphological, and chemical characteristics of natural fibers in untreated
and treated conditions using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for building materials. Also, the technological properties of mortars
in fresh state, including setting time, drying shrinkage, and sorptivity were assessed. In addition, extensive research was
conducted on solidification stage of mortars, which includes durability, flexural, and compression test. The results revealed
that treating fiber with 6% NaOH enhanced the fiber properties, and incorporation of 2.5% treated fiber by mass of cement
resulted in improved technological and durability properties of mortar. Furthermore, this proposed novel approach not only
enhances the mechanical characteristics of mortar but also addresses the potential for utilizing natural fibers in cementitious
building materials thereby reducing environmental impacts.
9898 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913
materials. According to previous research [19], curauá fiber in reduced consumption of chemicals and water [33]. Fur-
has exhibited higher Young’s modulus and tensile strength in thermore, the inclusion of PALF has been found to yield
uniaxial tensile tests when compared to piassava, sisal, coir, substantial enhancements in various mechanical properties,
and jute fibers. Considerable investigation has been under- in comparison to a polypropylene matrix [34]. The impact
taken to examine the fatigue, flexural, physical, fracture, and flexural properties of polyethylene and epoxy compos-
and mechanical characteristics of composites reinforced ites have been improved as a consequence of the addition of
with natural fibers. These studies consistently demonstrate PALF [35]. In a broad sense, cementitious composites that
the advantageous influence of natural plant fibers on flex- incorporate natural plant fibers as reinforcement materials,
ural properties, mechanical, and physical characteristics of such as PALF demonstrate enhanced characteristics in terms
cement-based materials [20–23]. Prior research conducted of impact resistance, ductility, and toughness [35–38]. How-
on utilization of sisal fibers in cement-based composites has ever, there has been relatively less emphasis placed on the
documented the occurrence of a multi-cracking phenomenon examination of cement reinforced with PALF. This study on
characterized by strain-hardening behavior in both bending recently introduced cement PALF indicates the possibility of
and tension as reported [24, 25]. The occurrence of strain- advancing a more resilient and malleable cement composite.
hardening phenomena has also documented in cementitious The research findings on PALF and their effectiveness as
composites containing natural curauá fibers treated with a reinforcement in cementitious composites through NaOH
alkali, as reported in reference [26]. In a separate study, treatment hold significant importance in material science
Bartosz observed strain-softening behavior in alkali-treated and engineering mechanical interlock between the fiber sur-
natural curauá fibers that had undergone weathering due to face and matrix. PALFs’ renewability and ability to enhance
the degradation of bond between the fibers and the matrix mechanical properties make them a promising eco-friendly
[27]. The results of this study indicate the possibility of sub- alternative to synthetic fibers, contributing to sustainable
stituting synthetic and metal fibers with plant-based fibers in construction materials. The study’s insights into PALFs’
cementitious composites. structural changes through XRD and chemical modifica-
Pineapple, being a crop of nonclimacteric ranking as the tions via FTIR offer valuable knowledge for optimizing
third most extensively cultivated plant, produces a substan- fiber-matrix interactions. The research’s significance lies in
tial quantity of crop residue that necessitates appropriate its potential to create durable and corrosion-resistant cemen-
management [28]. Pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) is a notable titious materials, promoting greener construction practices
natural fiber that comes from leaves of plants, distinguished and a resilient built environment.
by its elevated cellulose content and reduced microfibrillar
angle. These characteristics are responsible for the improved
tensile properties exhibited by PALF [29]. The availabil- 2 Materials utilized
ity and impressive mechanical properties of pineapple fiber
have led to its significant recognition in this field. This has The study utilized grade 53 Portland cement, complying
made it a viable option for a wide range of engineering with the specifications of ASTM C 430 [36]. The specific
applications [30]. Nevertheless, the chemical degumming gravity of cement was measured at 3.15, and its chemical
method used in the commercial utilization of pineapple properties is detailed in Table 1. River sand, with a spe-
fiber, including PALF, presents certain obstacles such as cific gravity of 2.57 and a fineness modulus of 2.89, was
environmental contamination and sub-standard fiber char- selected as fine aggregate (Fig. 1a). The sand was properly
acteristics. These challenges render the method detrimental graded and conformed to zone II requirements according
and impede the progress of associated industries [31]. Vari- to ASTM C136 [37]. The bulk density of river sand is
ous methodologies have been investigated by researchers determined to be 1760 kg/m3. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
in order to tackle the issue of effectively utilizing PALF. was procured from Astra Chemicals, Chennai, India. The
One example of achieving efficient elimination of impurities research focused on utilizing PALF sourced from the
from PALF involves the utilization of alkaline and silicate Ananas comosus plant, which are locally obtained at a
treatments, which have demonstrated enhanced strength of farmer’s land situated in Kanyakumari, ensuring their
tensile nature [32]. The incorporation of PALF has exhib- availability and freshness. In their natural state, the PALF
ited encouraging outcomes, as it has effectively decreased measured approximately 15–20 cm in length, offering
the amount of residual gum present and has also resulted ample material for study. The PALF derived from these
Table 1 Chemical properties of Components SiO2 Fe2O3 SO3 Al2O3 MgO3 CaO Na2O K2O IR Cl LOI
Cement 22.1 3.7 2.7 3.2 1.3 64.2 0.3 0.12 0.3 0.02 1.9
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913 9899
break down the hemicellulose present in the leaves, enhanc- conducted for each of the above treatment conditions, allow-
ing the release and isolation of fiber bundles. Subsequently, ing for comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the effects
a thorough washing procedure is employed using deionized of different alkali solution concentrations on the properties
water to eliminate residues and impurities that may be pre- of PALF samples.
sent on fiber surface, ensuring durability and longevity of
fibers. After washing stage, the fibers undergo controlled 2.3 Tensile test of PALF
drying for 15 days at a temperature of 26 °C, effectively
removing excess moisture and preparing them for further Tensile experiments were performed on samples of PALF both
treatment and characterization. PALF samples are treated in untreated and treated state with NaOH at varying concentra-
with various levels of NaOH solutions to study the effects tions of 2 wt.%, 4 wt.%, 6 wt.%, and 8 wt.% in accordance with
of alkali treatment. Alkali solutions with concentrations of the prescribed protocols described in ASTM C1557-14 [50].
2 wt.%, 4 wt.%, 6 wt.%, and 8 wt.% are prepared, and the The experiments were conducted utilizing servo controlled
fiber samples are soaked in respective solutions for 1 h at Lawrance and Mayo Force Test Stand, which was outfitted
26 °C. Subsequent rinsing with deionized water is carried with a capacity of load 1.5 kN. In order to mitigate the occur-
out until reaching a neutral pH of 7, removing any residual rence of fiber slippage from the grip, the fiber specimens are
alkali solution or impurities. The rinsed fibers are then air- affixed and properly fixed on wood sheet utilizing adhesive
dried at 26 °C for 24 h to complete the treatment process. cyanoacrylate, thereby establishing robust mounting tab. Ten-
To ensure accurate characterization, parallel experiments are sile tests were done with a steady crosshead shift at a pace of
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913 9901
18 mm/min in a temperature of 25 °C and 76% relative humid- initial cross-sectional area into account, the mean force at
ity. The experimental setup involved setting the gauge length which every specimen shattered, was utilized to compute the
at 25 mm and conducting a minimum of three replicates for corresponding tensile strength using Eq. (2). As a result, the
each sample to ensure reliability and accuracy of results. The conducted tensile tests yielded significant findings regard-
force–displacement data was obtained directly using comput- ing the mechanical characteristics of the PALF samples,
erized testing to determine the tensile properties. The examina- facilitating the evaluation of their tensile strength as shown
tion of NaOH-treated PALF samples unveiled discrepancies in in Fig. 3a. The assessment of the tensile properties plays a
fiber diameter. To determine the diameter of fiber, the broken crucial role in determining the appropriateness of PALF for
end located within the defined length of gauge is measured uti- different applications and contributes to a comprehensive
lizing a micrometer screw gauge. The fragmented fiber distinc- comprehension of its performance.
tive cross-sectional dimension was calculated using equation:
2.4 SEM, XRD, and FTIR analysis of PALF
A = 𝜋d2∕4 (1)
In the given context, A—symbolizes the fibers area cross Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis is conducted
section, while d represents the diameter of fiber. The ini- on PALF samples to investigate their surface morphology
tial cross-sectional area of fragmented fiber is subsequently and microstructural features. The samples were prepared
employed to ascertain tensile strength of fiber that was by mounting small sections onto SEM stubs and sputter-
subjected to testing. The calculation of tensile strength (s) coating them with a thin layer of conductive material. The
involved dividing the force experienced by fiber at the point SEM images revealed the fibrous nature of PALF showing
of fracture (F) by the initial cross-sectional area (A) of fiber their elongated and slender structures and provided insights
at that same point. This relationship is represented by the fol- into fiber’s texture. Moreover, the high-resolution images
lowing equation: captured fine details such as surface irregularities, fiber
diameter variations, and the presence of any contaminants or
𝜎 = F∕A (2) impurities. SEM analysis helps in characterizing the physical
properties and surface characteristics of PALF enhancing the
Equation (2) represents the relationship between the ten-
structural knowledge and application potential.
sile strength (s) of a material and applied force (F) divided
X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra of sample powder have
by the cross-sectional area (A) of material. Taking Eq. (1)’s
been collected via Malvern diffractometer that comes with
Fig. 3 a Tensile testing of PALF. b Compression test on PALF composite cubes. c Flexural test on PALF composite prism
9902 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913
(λ = 1.54060 Å) CuKα monotonous radiation. The equip- mixture with and without fiber treatment was determined
ment worked with an applied voltage of 45 (kV) kilovolts using the penetration resistance method with cubed molds
having 40 (mA) milliamperes current. T scattering intensi- following the standard technique [56]. Followed curing in
ties were scanned from 5 to 45° at a resolution of 0.05°. To the ambient environment for 28 days at 23 °C, six prismatic
determine the degree of crystallinity in untreated and treated specimens of each combination were subjected to mechani-
PALF samples, according to Segal [51], empirical technique cal testing in their solid form. The evaluation of mechanical
was based on the height of peaks to determine the crystallin- strength involved compressive and flexural tests (Fig. 3b and
ity percentage. The calculation of the percentage crystallin- c) using a universal testing machine, following the specifica-
ity (C) was performed using the following equation: tions outlined by ASTM [32, 33]. Durability-related factors
were also investigated through tests measuring water absorp-
C = (I002 ∕IAM ) × 100% (3) tion by capillary pores. Water absorption by capillary pores
The variable I002 denotes the peak intensity associated analyzed the intercommunication of internal pores, while
with highest crystalline peak intensity. The amplitude of the immersion in water examined the apparent pores and their
diffraction pattern in non-crystalline material is represented volumes. These tests provided insights into the durability of
by IAM, commonly referred to as the amorphous band. The mortar mixtures. The capillary water absorption test involved
depression between the crystalline peaks is a measure of vertically positioning the specimens on a 20-mm constant
its intensity. The Debye–Scherrer relation (D) was used to water slide, and the mass of water bodies was measured after
estimate sample crystallite sizes. The equation for D can be 90 min of exposure. The mortars compressive strength was
expressed as follows: measured using 70.6-mm, 70.6-cm cube specimens after
curing for 28 days. The tests were performed using an MTS
D = K𝜆∕(b × cos𝜃) (4) testing machine with a 2000-kN capacity and a deformation
velocity of 0.1 mm/min, in accordance with ASTM C109
In the given context, the crystallite size denotes D, the
at a laboratory. A three-point bending test was conducted
wavelength of CuKα radiation is denoted by λ, b corresponds
on prism with dimensions of 160 mm × 40 mm × 40 mm in
to the fraction angles at which the full-width at half-maxi-
order to measure the flexural strength of mortar. The evalu-
mum (FWHM) is measured, K denotes the factor of correc-
ation was carried out with the assistance of a universal test-
tion 0.86, and the term θ signifies the highest peak diffrac-
ing machine that has a capacity of 1000 kN and a speed of
tion angle observed in the PALF samples.
0.1 mm/min. Also, the distance of 120 mm was determined
In Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, the treated
to be the span between the supports.
and untreated PALF samples were fragmented into small
particles measuring approximately 1 mm in size. The sam-
ples were subsequently subjected to analysis using a Bruker
3 Results and discussions
Nano-NanoIR spectrometers, manufactured by Bruker
Co. Ltd. The spectrometer was equipped with an attenu-
3.1 Tensile studies of PALF
ated total reflectance (ATR) attachment. The FTIR spec-
tra were obtained within the wavenumber interval of 500
The tensile testing of PALF samples revealed distinctive
to 4000 cm−1 utilizing a spectral resolution of 4 cm−1 and
young’s modulus (Fig. 4a) and tensile strength (Fig. 4b)
16 scans. The objective of this analysis was to ascertain the
for untreated and differentially treated specimens. The
functional groups that were present in PALF samples both
mechanical properties, including strain at break, Young’s
prior to and after treatments.
modulus, and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) are summa-
rized in Table 3. It is evident that treatment with NaOH
2.5 Mix proportions and mechanical testing of PALF at various concentrations had a significant impact on
mortar mechanical properties of PALF. The treated PALFs exhib-
ited lower strains at break, with values showing a percent-
The mortar was prepared using a mass ratio of 1:3 age decrease compared to untreated PALF. Specifically,
(cement:sand) as commonly used in the literature for struc- the strains at break for treated PALFs (2 wt.%, 4 wt.%,
tural repair mortars [52]. Fibers were incorporated at pro- 6 wt.%, and 8 wt.% NaOH) decreased by approximately
portions of 0% (reference), 0.5%,1%,1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, and 6.3%, 5.1%, 7.6%, and 7.6% respectively, in comparison to
3% by mass of cement. The fluidity of mortar was assessed untreated PALF 8.9%. Moreover, the treated PALFs dem-
using a standard slump table test according to ASTM stand- onstrated substantially higher UTS values, with a percent-
ards [53]. Technological tests were conducted in fresh state age increase in UTS compared to untreated PALF. The
to measure setting time, drying shrinkage, water absorp- UTM values for treated PALFs (2 wt.%, 4 wt.%, 6 wt.%,
tion, and sorptivity tests [54, 55]. The setting time of each and 8 wt.% NaOH) increased by approximately 147.7%,
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913 9903
of PALF, making it a promising candidate for enhancing Table 4 Crystallinity properties of raw and treated PALF composites
the performance of composite materials. Specimen Crystallite size (nm) Crystallinity (%)
Fig. 5 XRD analysis of untreated and treated PALF composites Fig. 6 FTIR analysis of treated and untreated PALF composites
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913 9905
indicative of stretching motion of C–O–C bond in β-1,4- [63]. The cementitious substrate was expected to absorb
glycosidic linkage [58]. When examining the untreated energy better with smooth natural plant fibers. It is note-
and treated PALFs, two noteworthy observations can be worthy that the surface shape did not alter noticeably after
discerned. To begin with, the PALF spectrum that has not being immersed in NaOH solutions [64–66]. This indi-
undergone any treatment (Fig. 6) displays a solitary promi- cates the durability of fiber surface under these conditions.
nent peak at around 1253 cm−1, which can be attributed to In addition to aspect ratio and fiber length, studies have
C–O lignin stretching. However, in the spectra subsequent emphasized the significance of bonding behavior between
spectrum above (Fig. 6), the aforementioned band becomes cement matrix and fibers in determining the composites
undetectable, while two distinct bands emerge at approxi- properties, particularly in terms of flexural toughness [35].
mately 1247 cm−1 and 1215 cm−1 were identified as C–OH Understanding and optimizing this bond behavior are cru-
bending [60]. Furthermore, the observed decrease in inten- cial for enhancing the overall performance of fiber-rein-
sity of prominent and distinct peak near 1726 cm−1 was due forced cementitious composites. The findings presented
to the presence of carbonyl and ester (C = O) functional in this section demonstrate that surface morphology of
groups in hemicellulose and lignin, directly correlated with PALF remains relatively stable even after exposure to
increase in NaOH concentration being involved in bond- NaOH solutions.
ing in which the respective groups will disappear. Never-
theless, the spectral analysis of PALF subjected to 8 wt.%
NaOH treatment reveals the persistence of band located at 3.5 Physical properties of fresh and hardened PALF
1726 cm−1. The aforementioned observations suggest that composites
there are reactions taking place between the lignocellulosic
fiber and NaOH [61]. The FTIR analysis offers significant The evaluation of physical characteristics of hardened and
insights in the chemical transformations occurring in poly- fresh mortars was performed by means of water absorption,
meric aromatic lignin fractions (PALFs) following treatment drying shrinkage, setting time, and sorptivity. Table 5 dis-
with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The absence of lignin- plays the mean setting durations of mortar mixtures. Gener-
related spectral band and observed changes in the intensi- ally, the setting times appeared to be prolonged with increas-
ties of bands associated with functional groups suggest that ing PALF content. However, when 2.5 wt.% PALF was
fiber structure has been effectively modified making their included, there is a decrease in setting time. This could be
prospective applications across diverse domains. attributed to excess fibers absorbing water, causing the mix
to set more quickly. The drying shrinkage behavior of mortar
3.4 Microstructural studies of PALF composites mixes was evaluated as shown in Fig. 8. Each mix containing
different ratios of PALF exhibited distinct shrinkage behav-
Natural plant fiber resilience in composites made of ior. The rate of shrinkage increase was high for all mortars,
cement is a significant area of concern [15]. Cement, as a except for mixture with 0 wt.% PALF, which can be attrib-
strongly alkaline material, yields a substantial quantity of uted to curing process. After 28 days, it can be observed that
calcium hydroxide during hydration process, which can inclusion of PALF helped in reduced shrinkage. Notably, the
impact the performance of natural plant fibers [62]. In this mortar mixes reinforced with 2.5 wt.% PALF exhibited least
study, we will examine how NaOH affects the morphology shrinkage. This finding aligns with the results reported by
of fiber surface and the tensile strength of cementitious Singh et al., who demonstrated that a higher volume fraction
composites made with natural plant fibers. Scanning elec- of oil palm trunk fiber (4 wt.%) reduced shrinkage for vari-
tron microscopy with a CIQTEK SEM 5000 was utilized ous core diameters [67]. The sorptivity and water absorption
to evaluate the morphological surface of natural plant fib- test results for mortar mixes are depicted in Fig. 9a and b
ers, as illustrated in Fig. 7. Both treated and untreated respectively. The mortar reinforced with 3 wt.% amount of
PALF with NaOH solution for 28 days are subjected to PALF demonstrated the greatest capacity for water absorp-
drying at 100 °C and subsequently coated with a layer of tion rate, whereas the reference sample displayed least
gold before analysis. Figure 7 shows that monofilament capacity of water absorption rate which is similar to other
fibers had irregular features, including lateral branches and findings [68, 69]. The mortar mixes containing 1 to 2 wt.%
center cavities. The degumming procedure eliminated sur- PALF exhibited a reduction in both water absorption rate
face contaminants, resulting in fibers with an impeccable when compared to mixes containing 2.5 wt.% and 3 wt.%
surface. It was found that the interaction of chemicals and PALF. While there may be variations in findings compared
interfacial interaction among the cementitious matrix and to certain published studies, the results presented in this
fibers might be decreased due to smooth surface. Thus, study align with other research and indicate that utilization
instead of fiber breakage, the specimens showed pullout of natural fibers, such as palm fibers, enhances the capacity
behavior, which resulted in greater energy absorption for water absorption and sorptivity [70–72].
9906 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913
specimens with higher percentages of PALF (PF1, PF1.5, making them effective inhibitors against chloride ingress
PF2, and PF2.5) exhibited the most remarkable perfor- [80]. The observed increase in chloride diffusion coefficient
mance, showing a “Very Low” level of chloride ion pen- with increasing PALF content as shown in Fig. 12 suggests
etration. This indicates that PALF effectively act as barriers, that the incorporation of PALf affects the molecular filter-
preventing the infiltration of chloride ions into mortar and ing process within nanopores, leading to enhanced chloride
thereby enhancing its resistance to chloride-induced cor- resistance. The deeper penetration of chloride ions in the
rosion. Even at lower fiber percentages (PN0.5 and PN3), plain control compared to PALF-reinforced composites
the chloride ion penetration remained at the “Low” level, further underscores the protective effects of PALF. In con-
indicating that even a small amount of fiber reinforcement clusion, the rapid chloride test results strongly support the
can confer notable benefits in terms of chloride resistance. use of PALF in cementitious composites to improve their
Comparing the findings with other fiber-reinforced mortars, durability and longevity, especially in harsh environments
PALF stands out for their promising performance in miti- with chloride exposure. Their unique properties and poten-
gating chloride ion penetration [79]. Their unique surface tial molecular filtering capabilities make them a valuable
characteristics and the potential formation of a protective and eco-friendly option for enhancing the performance of
layer around the fibers hinder the movement of chloride ions, construction materials.
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913 9909
bands and changes in intensities of functional group bands shrinkage as well as the water absorption and sorptivity
indicated effective modification of the fiber structure. increased with higher fiber content, but mortar mixes with
SEM analysis showed surface morphology of PALFs 1 to 2 wt.% PALF showed lower absorption rates. Incor-
remained stable after NaOH treatment, indicating their poration of PALF significantly enhanced both compressive
potential as reinforcement materials in cementitious com- and flexural strengths of mortar. The mortar with 2.5 wt.%
posites. Also, the addition of PALF to mortar influenced PALF exhibited highest compressive and flexural strengths,
its physical properties; the setting time was prolonged with indicating their potential as effective reinforcement materi-
increasing fiber content, but 2.5 wt.% PALF reduced the als in cementitious composites; the volume of permeability
setting time. In addition, the 2.5 wt.% PALF exhibited least decreases, and the transfer of stress will be enriched. Also,
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2024) 14:9897–9913 9911
the PALF acted as barriers, reducing chloride ion penetra- Consent for publication Written formal consent ensures that the pub-
tion in mortar. Higher fiber contents (PF1.5, PF2, PF2.5, lisher has the author’s permission to publish research findings.
and PF3) showed most significant reduction in chloride ion Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
penetration, indicating their efficacy in enhancing the mor-
tar’s resistance to chloride-induced corrosion.
To conclude, the NaOH-treated PALF exhibited improved
mechanical properties, crystalline characteristics, and micro-
structure making them a promising candidate for enhancing References
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