Guinea Pig B - Buckminster Fuller
Guinea Pig B - Buckminster Fuller
Guinea Pig B - Buckminster Fuller
by Buckminster Fuller
I started out fifty-six years ago, at the age of 32, to make that experiment.
By good fortune I had acquired a comprehensive experience in
commanding and handling ships, first as a sailor in Penobscot Bay, Maine,
and later as a regular U.S. naval officer. The navy is inherently concerned
with not only all the world's oceans, but also the world's dry land
emanating exportable resources and import necessities and the resulting
high seas commerce. The navy is concerned with all vital statistics. I saw
that there was nothing to stop me from thinking about our total planet
Earth and thinking realistically about how to operate it on an enduringly
sustainable basis as the magnificent human-passengered spaceship that it
Gravity's ability to hold together the planet itself, its waters, its biosphere,
and other protective mantles, as well as to pull the rain to Earth, thus
combines with the photosynthetic capability of the Earth's vast vegetation
to harvest solar radiation and store its energies in a manner readily and
efficiently convertible into alcohols. The alcohols (four types) constitute
the "Grand Central Reservoir" of cosmic-radiation and gravity-generated
energy in its most immediately-convertible-into-human-use state -- for
instance, as high-octane motor fuels, synthetic rubber, and all other
products misnamed "petro-chemical products" by their exploiters, whose
petroleum is in reality a time-, pressure-, and heat-produced by-product of
We have next to assume that this crucial test may well lead to humans
erroneously pressing the buttons that can now release so much
destruction as -- within only a few days after tomorrow -- to terminate
further human life aboard this planet.
The cosmic design problem -- with the solution of which we are now
concerned -- was that of employing a safe way of providing the right
amount of exclusively star-emanating energy for developing and
maintaining the critical-function-in-Universe-serving humans on the only
planet having the right environment for both protecting and ecologically
supporting those delicately, intricately designed humans, together with
their physically and metaphysically critical functionings.
The next star nearest to planet Earth -- beyond the Sun -- is 300,000 times
farther away from the Earth than is the Sun. In solving the "humans on
Earth" problem, it was therefore necessary to employ the cosmic facilities
in such a manner as to transmit the appropriate amount of the specific
radiation constituents in nonlethal concentration from the Sun, the star
nearest to the human-incubating planet Earth -- the planet having not only
the most propitious environmental condition for humanity incubating, but
also maintaining the exact vast complex of close-tolerance-of-physical-
error limits within which humans could survive.
The farther away a cosmic radiation source is, the less concentrated the
radiation. Only about one-billionth of the radiation given off
omnidirectionally by the Sun is so aimed as to impinge directly upon the
surface of planet Earth.
With all the space of Universe to work with, the great designing wisdom of
Universe seems to have found it to be essential that the energy organized
as the predominantly water-structured substance that is all biological life
be maintained at a distance apparently never greater than 95 million miles
and never less than 91 million miles away from the atomic-energy-
generating plant of the Sun's initial magnitude of radiation concentration.
Humans who think they are better designers than God are the most to be
pitied of liars-the liars who are believingly convinced by their own only-
self-conveniencing fabrications.
Secondly, we observe from experience that nature has its own checks and
balances, accelerators and brakes, temporary side-tracking, overload
circuit breakers, self-starters, transformers, birth and death rates, and
complex overall evolutionary gestation rates.
Vividly, I recall an occasion when I was about ten and my father heard me
call my own brother a fool. My father said, "Bucky, I do not take everything
I read as being reliable, not even when I read it in the Bible. But I find by
experience that statements in the Bible are far more often reliable than
are declarations printed elsewhere. There is a statement in the Bible that
you should remember: he who calls his brother a fool shall be in danger of
hell's fire. "
For all those who wished to observe them -- I being one such person -- all
the foregoing concepts were already apparent in 1927, though in far less
obvious degree. The sum of all these facts made it clear to me in 1927
that no matter how much I could, did, or might as yet accomplish, as a
human problem-solver employing only an artifact-designed industrial-
production revolution on Spaceship Earth -- seeking by techno-economic
obsolescence, rather than by political reform, to make physically obsolete
all ignorantly incapacitating reflexing of humanity -- I could not possibly
make more of a mess-of-it-all than that being made by the behind-the-
scenes absolutely selfish world power-structures' puppeting of the 150
"sovereign" prime ministers, their national legislatures, and their in-turn-
puppeted generals and admirals, and the latter's omni-intercompetitive
commanding of our one-and-only spaceship, with each five-star "admiral
general" looking out only for his own sovereignly-escutcheoned stateroom
and all the starboard-side admirals trying to find a way of sinking all the
port-side admirals without the winning admirals getting their own feet wet,
let alone being drowned.
And I repeat for emphasis that I saw in 1927 that there was nothing to
stop me from trying to think about how and why humans are here as
passengers aboard this spherical spaceship we call Earth. Return to this
initial question has always produced for me the most relevant and incisive
of insights. Therefore I hope all humanity will begin to ask itself this
question in increasingly attentive earnestness. I also saw that there was
nothing to stop me from thinking about the total physical resources we
have now discovered aboard our ship and about how to use the total
cumulative know-how to make this ship work for everybody paying
absolutely no attention to the survival problems of any separate nations or
any other individual groupings of humans, and assuming only one goal:
the omni-physically successful, spontaneous self-integration of all
humanity into what I called in 1927 "a one-town world."
I knew at the 1927 outset that this was to be a very long-distance kind of
search, research, and development experiment, probably to take at least
one-half a century to bring to fruition, with no capital backing. At any rate,
I want you to understand now why I had no competition undertaking to
solve all human physio-economic problems only by an environment-
improving, artifact inventing-and-developing revolution, which
inadvertently produced its recognition by the media, which incidental
news publishing is the only reason you know about me -- especially since I
have been only inadvertently producing news-provoking artifacts for fifty-
six years. All that news has failed to induce any sincerely sustained
realistic competition with my efforts and on my economic premise of non-
money-making but hopefully sense-making -- and only-by-faith-in-God-
sustained objectives.
Because it was a very large undertaking, I didn't know that I would be here
to see it through for all those 56 years. I was born in 1895. The life
insurance companies' actuarial life-expectancy for me was 42 years. I was
already 32 when I started the project. I have been amazed that things
have worked out to the extent that they have, that I am as yet vigorously
active, and that I have been able to find so many relevant things that a
little individual can do that a great nation and capital enterprise can't do.
This would terminate humanity's need to "earn a living," i.e., doing what
others wanted done only for others' ultimately selfish reasons. This
attending only to what needs to be done for all humanity in turn would
allow humanity the time to effectively attend to the Universe-functioning
task for the spontaneous performance of which God -- the eternal,
comprehensive, intellectual integrity usually referred to as "nature" or as
"evolution" -- had included humans in the grand design of eternally
regenerative Universe.
Because I knew at the 1927 outset of the commitment that no one else
thought my commitment to be practical or profitable, I also knew that no
one would keep any record of its evolvement should it be so fortunate as
to evolve. Since I intended to do everything in a comprehensively scientific
manner in committing myself to this very large-scale experiment (which,
as already stated, sought to discover what a little, unknown, moneyless,
creditless individual with dependents could do effectively on behalf of all
humanity that -- inherently could never be done by any nations or capital
enterprise), I saw clearly that I must keep my own comprehensive records
-- records being a prime requisite of scientific exploration. This I have
done. It has been expensive and difficult both to accomplish and to
maintain. It is comprehensive and detailed. I speak of the record as the
"archives." They consist of:
B. All the drawings and blueprints I have been able to save of all the
design and full-scale artifact-inventing, -developing and -testing
J. Over 10,000 4" x 5" photo negatives and over 30,000 photographs, all
code-listed, covering my life and work; also 20,000 35-mm projection
I do not now employ, and never have employed, any professional public
relations agents or agencies, lecture or publishing bureaus, salespeople,
sales agencies, or promotional workers. As indicated earlier, I am
convinced that nature has her own conceptioning, gestation, birth,
development, maturization, and death rates, the magnitudes of which vary
greatly in respect to the biochemistry and technological arts involved. The
most important evolutionary events take the longest.
All humans have always been born naked, completely helpless for months,
beautifully equipped but with no experience, therefore absolutely ignorant.
This is a very important design fact. I do not look at such a human start as
constituting a careless or chance oversight in the cosmic conceptioning of
the intellectual integrity governing the Universe. The initial ignorance of
humans was by deliberate cosmic (divine) design.
We know that before humans are born forth, naked from their mothers'
wombs, their protoplasmic cells are chromosomally (DNA-RNA)
programmed to produce each human in incredibly successful regenerative
Therefore the fact that we are designed to be born naked, helpless, and
ignorant is, I feel, a very important matter. We must pay attention to that.
We are also designed to be very hungry and to be continually rehungered
and rethirsted and multiplyingly curious. Therefore we are quite clearly
designed to be inexorably driven to learn only by trial and error how to get
on in life. As a consequence of the design, we have had to make an
incredible number of mistakes, that being the only way we can find out
"what's what" and a little bit about "why," and an even more meager bit
regarding "how" we can take advantage of what we have learned from our
At any rate it took a long, long time for humanity to get to the point where
it was inventing words with which to integrate and thereby share the
lessons individually learned from error-inducing experiences. Humans
could help one another only by confessing what each had found out only
by trial and error. Most often "know-it-all" ego blocked the process.
After inventing spoken words, humanity took a long time more to invent
writing, with which both the remote-from-local-community and the dead
gave the remote-from-one-another beings information about their remote-
in-time-and-space error-discovering and truth-uncovering experience.
Thus does evolution continually compound the wisdom accruing to error-
making and -discovering experiences, the self-admission of which alone
can uncover that which is true.
This fact made possible the effectiveness of the pitfall trap -- falling into
the pit at 90 degrees to the 180 degrees line of sight spontaneously
followed in pursuit of the obvious. This straightaway reflexing is frequently
employed by nature to give humans an opportunity to learn that which
humanity needs to learn if humanity is ever to attain the capability to
perform its cosmically assigned, spontaneous, intellectually responsible
functioning. If ego is surmounted, mind may discover and comprehend the
significance of the negative event and may thereby discover the principles
leading not only to escape from the entrapment but discovery of what is
truly worthwhile pursuing, but only as a consequence of the mind's
exclusive capability to discover and employ not just one principle but the
synergetically interoperative significance of all the human mind's thus-far-
discovered principles.
For instance, when I was young those humans who were most remote
from others had to travel a minimum of six months to reach one another;
approximately none of them ever did so. That is why Kipling's "East is
East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet" seemed so
obviously true to the vast millions who read or heard his words. That has
all changed. Today, any one of us having enough credit to acquire a jet air-
transport ticket can -- using only scheduled flights -- physically reach
anybody else around the world within twenty-four hours, or can reach
each other by telephone within minutes.
The furthestmost point away from any place on our approximately 25-
thousand-mile-circumferenced Earth sphere is always halfway around the
world, which is 12,500 great-circle miles away in any direction from the
point at which we start. Flying the shortest distance from the exact North
Pole to the South Pole, any direction you first head in will be "due south." If
you keep on heading exactly south you will find yourself following a one-
great-circle meridian of longitude until you get to the South Pole.
Furthermore, to reach your halfway-around-the-Earth, furthest-away-from-
you point which is always 12,500 miles away -- flying in a Concorde
supersonic transport, cruising efficiently at Mach 2 (approximately 1,400
m.p.h.), and including stopover refueling times, you will reach that
furthestmost halfway-around-the-world-from-where-you-started point in
half a day.
When I was young we were extremely ignorant about other people. I was
told that people even in the next town were very dangerous: they "drink
whiskey and have knives.... you had better not go over there." I was 7
years old when the first automobile came into Boston. When the owner of
one of those excitingly new 1902 automobiles drove me over into one of
those "dangerous" next towns, I could see no one who appeared to be
more "dangerously threatening" than any of my very nonthreatening
hometown neighbors.
I was 8 when the Wright brothers first flew. I was 12 when we had the first
public wireless telegraphy. I was 19 when we had our first "world" war.
When I was young, not only were 95 percent of human beings illiterate but
their speech patterns were also atrociously difficult to understand. I had
two jobs before World War I. The men I worked with were very skilled but
their awkwardly articulated, ill-furnished vocabularies were limited to
about 100 words 50 percent of them blasphemous or obscene. Primarily
they let you know how they felt about matters by the way in which they
spit -- delightedly, amusedly, approvingly, or disgustedly. They were
wonderfully lovable and brave human beings but that swearing and
spitting was the most articulate and effective expressive language they
had. Their pronunciations varied not only from town to town and from one
part of a town to another but also from house to house and from individual
to individual.
Since throughout at least three million years people did not understand
languages well, they were relatively ignorant. Their group survival
required leaders. Thus through the comprehensively illiterate ages we
came historically to require powerful leaders -- sometimes as physical
warriors, sometimes as spiritual warriors, sometimes as unique individual
personalities. Statesmen steered great religious organizations or great
government organizations that led the affairs of illiterate, uninformed
Until I was 28 we Earthians knew only about our own Milky Way galaxy. In
1923 Hubble discovered another galaxy. Since that time we have
discovered two billion more of them. That explosively accelerated rate of
expansion of our astronomical-information-acquisitioning typifies the rate
of popular increase of both scientifically general and technically special
information during my lifetime.
How and why were we given our beautiful minds with their exclusive
access to the scientific principles governing the operational design of
eternally regenerative Universe?
We don't know of any other phenomenon that has such a faculty and such
an access permit, wherefore we may assume that we humans must be
cosmically present for some very, very important reason.
As far as I know, we humans haven't thought or talked very much about
how and why we are here as either a desirable or a necessary function of
Universe. We have talked a great deal about the great mystery of being
here. But the majority of our public talking centers on the egotistical
assumption that human politics and the wealthy are running the Universe,
that the macrocosmic spectaculars are an accessory amusement of our
all-important selfish preoccupations, and that Universe's microcosmic
invisibles are exclusively for corporate stockholders' money-making
exploitation -- though always individually discovered or invented but only
industrially developed, funded exclusively by the research departments of
great corporations as initially funded by humanity's taxes-paid military
defense expenditures after production rights are transferred to prime
When I was born, "reality" was everything you could see, smell, touch, and
hear. That's all there was to it. But suddenly we extended our everyday
doings and thinkings, not linearly but omnidirectionally into the vast
outward, macro-ranges and inwardly penetrating to discover the infra-
micro-tune-in-able ranges of the invisible within-ness world.
Here we have found that each chemical element has its own
electromagnetic spectrum wavelengths and frequencies that are
absolutely unique to that particular element-isotope. These wavelengths
and frequencies are nondirectly tune-in-able by the human senses but are
all spectroscopically differentiable and photographically convertible into
human readability.
Taking all the light from all those galaxies we have been able to discover
spectroscopically -- and have inventoried here on board planet Earth -- the
relative interabundance of each of the unique categories of all the
chemical elements present within that 11.5 billion-light-years realm
around us. That little Earthian humans can accomplish that scale of
scientific inventorying makes it possible to realize what the human mind
can really do. One can begin to comprehend what God is planning to do
with the humans' cosmic functioning.
In our immediate need to discover more about ourselves we also note that
what is common to all human beings in all history is their ceaseless
confrontation by problems, problems, problems. We humans are
manifestly here for problem-solving and, if we are any good at problem-
solving, we don't come to utopia, we come to more difficult problems to
solve. That apparently is what we're here for, so I therefore conclude that
we humans are here for local information-gathering and local problem-
solving with our minds having access to the design principles of the
Universe and -- I repeat -- thereby finally discover that we are most
probably here for local information-gathering and local-Universe problem-
solving in support of the integrity of eternally regenerative Universe.
We note also that when nature has a very important function to perform,
such as regenerating Earthian birds to play their part in the overall
ecological regenerating, nature doesn't put all her birds' eggs in one
basket. Instead she provides myriads of fail-safe alternate means of
satisfying each function.
I said, "It has been an impressive part of my experience that most human
beings have a powerful feeling that there is some greater and more
exaltedly benign authority operating in the Universe than that of human
beings -- a phenomenon they call 'God.' There are many ways of thinking
about 'God' and I saw that most children are brought up to 'believe' this
and that concerning the subject. By the word believe I mean 'accepting
explanations of physical and metaphysical phenomena without any
supportive physical evidence, i.e., without reference to any inadvertently
experienced information-harvesting or deliberate-experimental-evidence
expansion of our knowledge.'"
I then said to myself, "If you are going to give up all the beliefs and are
going to have to go only on your own experiential evidence, you are going
to have to ask yourself if you have any experience that would cause you to
have to say to yourself there is quite clearly a greater intellect operating in
the Universe than that of human beings."
Luckily I had had a good scientific training, and the discovery of those
great, eternal, scientific principles that could only be expressed
mathematically -- mathematics is purely intellectual made me conclude
that I was overwhelmed with the manifests of a greater intellect operating
in Universe than that of humans, which acknowledgment became greatly
fortified by the following experiential observations.
Scientific perusal of the personal diaries, notes, and letters written by
three of history's most significant scientific discoverers -- just before, at
the time of, and immediately after the moment of their great discoveries --
finds that the written records of all of them, unaware of the others'
experiences, make it eminently clear that two successive intuitions always
played the principal role in their successful accomplishing of their
discoveries: the first intuition telling them that a "fish was nibbling at their
baited hook" and the second intuition telling them how to "jerk" their
fishing line to "hook" and successfully "land" that fish.
The records of these same three scientists also make clear that to start
with there must be human curiosity-arousal followed by an intuition-
excitation of the human that causes the individual to say, "There is
something very significant going on here regarding which I have yet no
specific clues, let alone comprehension, because special-case evidences of
generalized principles are always myriadly and only complexedly manifest
in nature." To qualify as a scientifically generalized principle the
scientifically observed and measured special-case behavioral manifests of
the generalized interrelationship principles must always be experimentally
redemonstrable under a given set of explicitly and implicitly controlled
"In so governing the great Universe's integrity, cosmic intellect always and
only designs with the generalized principles that are inherently eternal.
I then said, "I see the hydrogen atom doesn't have to earn a living before
behaving like a hydrogen atom. In fact, as best I can see, only human
beings operate on the basis of 'having to earn a living.' The concept is one
introduced into social conventions only by the temporal power structure's
dictums of the ages. If I am doing what God's evolutionary strategy needs
to have accomplished, I need spend no further time worrying about such
"I happen to have been born at the special moment in history in which for
the first time there exists enough experience-won and experiment-verified
information current in humanity's spontaneous conceptioning and
reasoning for all humanity to carry on in a far more intelligent way than
ever before.
"I am doing what I am doing only because at this critical moment I happen
to be a human being who, by virtue of a vast number of errors and
recognitions of such, has discovered that he would always be a failure as
judged by so society's ages-long conditioned reflexings and therefore a
"disgrace" to those related to him (me) in the misassuredly, eternally-to-
exist "not-enough-for-all," comprehensive, economic struggle of humanity
to attain only special, selfish, personal, family, corporate, or national
advantage-gaining, wherefore I had decided to commit suicide. I also
thereby qualified as a "throwaway" individual who had acquired enough
knowledge regarding relevantly essential human evolution matters to be
able to think in this particular kind of way. In committing suicide I
seemingly would never again have to feel the pain and mortification of my
failures and errors, but the only-by-experience-winnable inventory of
knowledge that I had accrued would also be forever lost an inventory of
information that, if I did not commit suicide, might prove to be of critical
advantage to others, possibly to all others, possibly to Universe." The
realization that such a concept could have even a one-in-an-illion chance
of being true was a powerful reconsideration provoker and ultimate grand-
strategy reorienter.
"If I take oath never again to work for my own advantaging and to work
only for all others for whom my experience-gained knowledge may be of
benefit, I may be justified in not throwing myself away. This will, of course,
mean that I will not be able to escape the pain and mortification of being
an absolute failure in playing the game of life as it has been taught to me."
From that time, 56 years ago, I have had absolute faith in God. My task
was not to preach about God, but to serve God in silence about God.
Because such commitment to faith is inherently a "flying blind"
commitment, I have often weakened in my confidence in myself to
comprehend what it might be that I was being taught or told to do.
Because I am a human and designed like all humans to learn only by trial
and error, I have had many times to do the wrong things in order thereby
to learn what next needed to be done. Making mistakes can be and usually
is a very dismaying experience -- so dismaying as to make it seemingly
easier to "go along with unthinking custom."
Friends would say, "You are being treacherous to your wife and child, not
going out to earn a living for them. Come over here and we will give you a
very good job." When, persuaded by their obvious generosity and concern,
I did yield, everything went wrong; and every time I went "off the deep
end" again, working only for everybody without salary, everything went
right again.
I was convinced from the 1927 outset of this new life that I would be of no
benefit whatsoever to the more than two billion humans alive in 1927 if I
set about asking people to listen to my ideas and endeavoring to persuade
them to reform their thinking and ways of behaving. People listen to you
only when in a dilemma they recognize that they don't know what to do
and, thinking that you might know, ask you to advise them what to do.
When they do ask you and you have only a seemingly "good idea" of what
they might do, you are far less effective than when you can say "Jump
aboard and I'll take you where you want to go" or "Jump aboard that
vehicle and it will take you to where you want to go." This involves an
inanimate artifact to "jump aboard."
Quite clearly I had to address not only the specific but also the
comprehensive problem of how to find ways of giving human beings more
energy-effective environment-controlling artifacts that did ever more
environment-controlling with ever less pounds of materials, ergs of
energy, and minutes of time per each realized functioning, until we
attained the physically realized techno-energetic ability to do so much
with so little that we could realize ample good-life support for everyone,
hoping that under those more favorable physical circumstances humans
would dare to be less selfish and more genuinely thoughtful toward one
another, instead of being lethally and subversively competitive for a share
in the existing misassumed-to-be-fundamental inadequacy of life support,
perpetually to be extant, on our planet. Every time I recommitted myself
so to do, everything went well again.
I can't make plans of how to invest that which I don't have or don't know
that I am going to have. I cannot count on anything. During all these last
56 years I have been unable to budget. I simply have to have faith and just
when I need the right-something for the right-reasoning, there it is -- or
there they are -- the workshops, helping hands, materials, ideas, money,
Throughout the last 56 years, I have been able to initiate and manage a
great many physical-artifact developments, well over $20 million direct-
expenditures' worth of artifact-prototype-producing-and-testing physical
research and development. For the last twenty years my income has
averaged a quarter of a million dollars a year and my office overhead,
travel, invention research and development, and taxes have also averaged
a quarter of a million dollars. I am always operating in proximity to
bankruptcy but never going bankrupt. While I owe all the humans of all
history an unrepayable debt of only-by-experience-winnable knowledge, I
don't owe anybody any money and have never consciously and
deliberately gained at the expense of others.
I have no accrued savings of earnings. Income taxes take away even the
most meager cushioning of funds. I have no retirement fund. I am on
nobody's retirement roll. My wife's and my own social security combine to
$9,000 per year. The tax experts tell me that the base of the U.S.
government taxing theory relates to capitalism and its initially-amassed-
dollars-investments in physical production facilities and the progressive
depreciation of those physical properties. I operate in a differently
accounted world in which there is nothing that I can depreciate wherewith
to accrue further-initiative-funding capability. The "know-how" capital
capability with which I operate is always appreciating at an exponentially
multiplying rate.
Over the years there have also had to be a number of important errors to
be made and important lessons to be learned. From the outset of my 1927
commitment and the first twenty subsequent years, there were individuals
who were altruistically inspired to support my commitment. For instance,
in 1928 a lawyer friend of mine gave me his services for nothing. Seeing
the advantage for me of incorporating my activity, he took a few shares in
my corporation to pay for his very prodigious services with a hope of
incidental personal profit (see my book 4 D Timelock). Fortunately, the
individual investments of those who sought to help me were as monetarily
small as they were altruistically large, for their direct profits were never
realized and their investments seemingly lost, unless they felt greatly
rewarded, as many did, to discover that they had helped to launch an
enterprise that as years went on seemed to be ever more promising for all
The last such "ultimately lost," friendly financial backing occurred during
my design and production of the Dymaxion Dwelling Machine's mass-
production prototype for Beech Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas. It was there, in
1944, 1945, and 1946, that I produced in full working scale the Dymaxion
House, which weighed the three tons that I had estimated and published it
would weigh when I designed it in 1927-29. This Beech-Dymaxion realized
weight of three tons proved the validity of both my structural and
economic efficacious theory and its important technological advance over
its conventional, equi-volumed and -equipped counterpart residence of
1927, which weighed 150 tons. It was the 1927 design-initiative discovery
that I could apparently by physical design reduce fifty-fold the weight of
materials necessary to produce a home, given certain operating
standards, that gave me a "rocket blast-off" as an increase of confidence
in my theory of solving humans' economic problems by producing ever
more performance with ever less energy investments. The confirmation
realized at Beech Aircraft seventeen years later was a second-stage rocket
acceleration of my only-by-artifact problem-solving initiative.
No one has ever won their direct monetary gains by their investment-for-
profit bets on my artifact-inventing and -developing concepts. I have
always been saddened by this because the backers' motives were most
often greatly affected by a personal affection for me. Fortunately, this
gambling on the financial success of my work despite my warnings seems
altogether to have ceased a third of a century ago.
At the outset of my 1927 commitment to exploring for that which only the
individual could do effectively for all humanity, while depending entirely
on the unpromised-to-him backing of his enterprise only by God, it became
immediately evident that if indeed the undertaking became affirmatively
supported by God, it would entail many extraordinary physical and
metaphysical insights regarding both human and cosmic affairs. I asked
myself, "(1) Can you trust yourself never to turn to your own exclusive
advantage the insights entrusted to you only for the realization of benefits
for all humanity and Universe itself? (2) Can you also be sure that you will
never exploit your insight by publicly declaring yourself to be a special
'son of God' or a divinely ordained mystic leader? (3) Can you trust
yourself to remember that you qualified for this functioning only because
you were an out-and-out throwaway? (4) Can you trust yourself to reliably
report these facts to others when they applaud you for the success of the
experiment with which you were entrusted?"
Fortunately, I can, may, and do report to you that I have never broken that
trust nor have I ever been tempted to do so.
I hope this book will prove to be an encouraging example of what the little,
average human being can do if you have absolute faith in the eternal
cosmic intelligence we call God.
*"B" stands for Bucky: "Guinea Pig B" was the last manuscript Fuller
finished before his death and it constituted Bucky's final rendering of
accounts with God and with his fellow man for the course of his life. He
intended it to be read with his collected patents, his honorary doctorates,
and the Basic Biography prepared by his office, which lists all his primary
and secondary social functions, academic appointments, awards,
publications, exhibitions, museum shows, major domes, and keynote
addresses -- i.e., as much of his life as could be objectively listed,
quantified, and tallied. (The Basic Biography is available from the R.
Buckminster Fuller Institute, 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104,
for five dollars.) Although he died a few months before publication of this
book, Fuller oversaw all stages of the work except the final reading of the
galleys. -- Ed.