SPE 14686 A Combined Perforating and Well Testing System
SPE 14686 A Combined Perforating and Well Testing System
SPE 14686 A Combined Perforating and Well Testing System
SPE 14686
This paper wae praaanted et the SPE 19S5 ProductionTechnology Symposiumheld in Lubbook,Texas November 11-12, 19S5. The material ia eubjad
to cormdon by the author. Perrrbaion to copy ia restrictedto an aberracfof not more than S00 worda. Write SPE, P.O. Sox SS3S3S,Riihardaon, Texaa
750KM836. Telex 7S09S9 SPE DAL.
Underbalanced perforating is widely used in well When a prospective pay-zone is perforated with
completions and is considered by many operators to pressure underbalanced, the sandface is suddenly
be an effective method of obtaining improved well exposed to the lower wellbore pressure and flow is
productivity. initiated immediately. The correct underbalance
should lead to effective clean-up of the formation
A measurement of downhole pressure before, during near the wellbore, with minimal formation breakdown
and after perforating can be made by installing a or sandingq*2. The well will eventually either pro-
pressure gauge on the gun-string. duce to surface, or die if there is Insufficient
static reservoir pressure.
By using a wireline, the added capability of real-
time read-out on eurface allowa the entire opera- This initial flow provides an opportunity to con-
tion to be monitored ‘live’. Correct underbalence duct a transient pressure test baaed on the
can be accurately established prior to shooting, ~=a=d==aez~ & the dQW_hOIe flowing pressure (back-
there is an unambiguous shot indication, and a pressure) while the well is filling up. This is
pressure tranaient analysis can be made during the analogous to the “slug-teat” of conventional drill-
initial flow or fill-up period. From this we can stem testing3 , where flow is induced by the opentng
obtain an estlmste of permeability, skin damage of a production valve in the DST string rather than
and, possibly, static reservoir pressure, which is by perforating.
a useful supp~ement to -1-
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which usually follows if flow reaches surface. Any For this to be possible, the sensors must be in
subsequent conventional well-test can of course be place and recording when the perforators are fired.
planned without the need to’ retrieve or run in Equipment is being developed for connection in-line
additional equipment since the pressure gauge ia with the normal types of wireline conveyed guns.
already in place. The experimental system described in this paper waa
teeted in conjunction with tubing conveyed perfo-
The advantagea of perforating and testing in one raters (TCP).
run have proven particularly attractive in low
energy or low transmissivity oil-fields. Here, In its final form, the system will serve the
testing of moat wells by conventional methods ia following functions :
difficult, time coneuming, or impossible because
flow either does not reach surface or takes a very - depth control with gamma-ray and caaing-collar
long time to do so. locator;
The measurement of pressure on a perforating run ia - checking correct underbalance before perfo-
not a new idea, although real-time read-out of data rating;
ia less common. The purpose of this paper is to
describe the system used, and to present a method aa+,m.t+q ~f the nt2rfora~0r/pOaitiVe
r----- shot
= ‘=’’’u-’””
of interpreting the data which will have a wide indication;
range of applications, particularly if a simulta-
neous measurement of the downhole flow-rate la - continuous monitoring on hu,t{ace of down-hole
available. The examples demonstrate clearly the pressure, flow-rate and, optionally, tempera-
validity of this approach. Tubing-conveyed guns ture and fluid deneity, during the operation;
were used, but the technique is suited to any type
of underbalanced perforating equipment. interpretation of the data at the well-site.
In a low energy resenoir which will not produce to Flow must not have reached surface. The theory
--.----> Qr vhe3-e low transmissivity causes an --1....,.-...4
Vu.y .le..e
.UU=AU=.= F1..’IA
a r%iag ..... ,.al,,nm
..... .
extremely slow fill-up, the initial flow data is of
particular significance. Since production from The reservoir static pressure must be Icno&.
wells of this kind usually requires installation of This can not be measured before the teat be-
a PUmPS advantage ia taken of the flow induced by cause the pressure gauge ia exposed to fhe
underbalance to obtain, by a comparatively simple wellbore cushion pressure. It can be obtain~d
method, an early estimate of reservoir permeability from a subsequent conventional shut-in teat ,
and total akin factor. These are needed to predict or, in a low energy reservoir, by waiting for
productivity and most suitable pump characteristics. the well to die. Alternatively, eatimetes from
Should the well die, the gauge will eventually elsewhere in the field, or from a wireline
register static reservoir pressure. formation tester, can be used.
If the well flows to surface, the teat can be con- The radius of influence of the pressure dis-
tinued with a drawdown/shut-in sequence as in any turbance is relatively small, but may extend
conventional testing programme, but without the to several thouaaxid wellbore radii if the
necessity for any further trip into or out of the dimensionless storage constant is large
hQl~ , --_..-L3
cXM.?ugll .
~e=ti~~~ fro= 4.1.eaa
can be derived in the ueual waylz,ls from equations having the tubing only partially filled; It is
(5) and (6) : either run in partly empty, or excess liquid is
swabbed or gas-lifted out.
~=E24&t! ● 0........ (5) Several methods are available for detonating TCP
guns. In the present examples, the guns were fired
electrically. The single conductor wireline used to
run in tha preseure gauge after the packer had been
set also served as the carrier of electrical with a fluid cushion consisting of diesel over oil-
current to detonate the guns by means of a ‘wet- based mud. Guns used were 3-3/8 in. diameter at a
connect’ adaptor. The firing system, plus preaaure density of 4 shots per foot over a 28 ft interval.
gauge and thermometer, is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 7 is the complete pressure record. The data
This system operates by running the female wet- have been edited down from a sampling rate of 1 ‘per
secund. . .
t%s tes~ ... +-.
W== ...+aa.+aa
.=.~*--.=- +*-Y ab~~~ ~ h~l~rae
connect adaptor on wireline, down onto the firiiig-
head pin which is part of the gun assembly. This just before returns were observed at surface.
eatabliahes electrical continuity and the guns can
be detonated at will. A J-latch mechanism locks the Ater clean-up, the well produced 21°API oil of 3 cp
tool onto the pin to prevent its being blown uphole viscosity at 54 Bbl/D. A conventional surface shut-
after perforating. The production valve can be in test was later performed, and with this example
r---w- by f~~ rQQl as it passes%
nnonod Or by a prior run we have the opportunity to compare the type-curva
ith a slickline, depending on the type of valve and rate-convolution analysea of the fill-up period,
installed. and a Horner analysis of the final shut-in.
The quartz crystal pressure gauge and temperature The downhole flow-rate (Fig 8) waa derived using
sub are mounted in-line with the firing adaptor as equation (3), taking into account that the well was
shown in the Figure. A shock-absorber or slip-joint vertical, tubing ID waa 2.99”, and produced oil
protects the pressure gauge from damage when the density 0.88 gfcms. We have assumed that the forme-
TCP string (which can be several hundred feet long) tion immediately produced oil, whereas it may have
is fired. flowed drilling mud (OBM in this caae) or a mixture
during clean-up. Also, under large drawdowna the
On surface, a computerized logging unit displays situation may be complicated by the evolution of
the down-hole measurements on a screen, and records dissolved gas from the oil. In the preeent case, it
data on tape and film. The data can be processed at was fairly safe to assume that the physical pro-
the wellsite if required, using a variety of diag- perties of the viecous, low gasfoil ratio oil did
nostic plota. not change much during the test. As long as we have
to &&c~ flow-rate, we are eubject to the same
Fig. 5 is a schematic of the set-up showing only the errors as the type-curve method regarding fluid
principal components. density.
Fig. 6 shows the sequence of events as they were We see a aemilog straight line on the rate-
observed on the screen of the logging unit at the convolution plot after about the firat hour of data
beginning of a TCP well-test. Following depth cor- (Ffg.9). From the slope and intercept (equatione
relation, setting of the packer, and opening of the (5) and (6)) we estimate :
production valve, the wireline tool has been latch-
ed on to the firing pin and the gauge allowed to k = 3.5 md and total ekin factor S = -1.8.
stabilize. The cushion pressure ia checked at
1624 psi. (This measurement is particularly useful This is corroborated by the Ramey et al type-curve
when underbalance has been established by gas- match (Fig. 10) on the ‘CDezS = 100’ curve, from
lifting the tubing contents, and it is not certain which we obtain388 :
just how much fluid is left).
From the Horner build-up plot of the final shut-in
Next there is a clear indication that the gun has (Fig. 11) we find : k = 2.9 md with S = -1.6,
detonated, or, rather, that the formation haa been assuming a constant rate throughout the clean-up
perforated. The pressure oscillate for several and flow periods.
minutes after perforation and continues to build up
(at a gradually decreasing rate) aa the perfo- In this case then, a good estimate of permeability
~~~i~as prQduce into Ehe ‘Ubi~~. and akin appears to have been obtained from the
fill-up data.
Looking at equation (3), it can be appreciated that
the steep pressure buildup observed at the begin- EXAMPLE B :
ning corresponds to a high initial aurge caused by
the large underbalance to which the formation ia This well was perforated with tubing-conveyed
suddenly subjected - in this example over 3000 psi. 3-3/8 in. guns at 4 shots per foot density. A
cuehion pressure of 2097 psi once again established
EXAMPLES a large underbalance relative to the 5000 psi
reservoir pressure.
The following examples were chosen from a number of
tubing-conveyed perforation jobs executed in a low The recorded data and derived flow-rate are shown
energy, viscous, low gravity oilfield. Few of the in Figs. 12 and 13 (lower curve). Initial rate waa
wells in the field are able to flow to surface, end considerably higher in this example, declining to a
conventional well-testing is rarely possible. The few hundred Bbl/D by the end of the test, at which
purpose of recording backpressure while the tubing point returns were observed on surface.
fi~~ed UP after pe~fo~a~in~ was tO aasist the
operator in the choice of appropriate pump design. Much of the oil-baeed mud and sea-water used for
the cushion were recovered before the well, which
EXAMPLE A : was flowing saline formation water, died. Unfortu-
nately, the test had already been terminated end no
The beginning of this test is shown in Fig. 6. The final downhole measurement was made to confirm the
underbalance of approximately 3000 psi was obtained stattc reservoir pressure.
LU ------ .
The rate-convolution produces a well-defined aemi- 3) In low energy or low tranamissivity wells
log trend (Fig. 14) and we estimate : which do not flow to surface or which would
take a very long time to build up against sur-
k=4mdandS=-1.5 face shut-in, it is a means of estimating
permeability, skin factor and static reservo$r
compared to 5 md and -1.0 from the type-curve match prassure in a relatively short time, with
(not shown). The relatively low viacoaity (0.5 cp) prompt wellsite processing of data if required.
of the formation water and thicker pay (87 ft)
explain why the flow-rates were so much higher than 4) It is a useful supplement to a conventional
in Example A, despite the similarity of initial well-test where the latter is feasible.
drawdown, permeability and skin factor.
We have interpreted data recorded after tubing-
In view of the high production rate at early time, conveyed perforation, using the Ramey et al type-
a tentative correction waa made for pipe friction curves and the variable rate-convolution method and
using a Moody friction factor of 0.02 for turbulent obtained similar results.
flow in the Faming equation’, and allowing for
the continuously increasing column height. After Where downhole rate haa to be deduced (it is
correcting for the pressure loss caused by pipe implicit in the type-curves, and calculated from
friction, a slightly higher flow-rate schedule was pressure derivative for convolution), the well must
computed (upper curve in Fig. 13). be open on surface. This la principally because the
wellbore storage constant can be estimated with
This straightens out some of the early rate- more confidence for a moving fluid column than for
convolved data (Fig. 15, compare Fig. 14). Although compression against a closed valve.
this is only an approximate correction, it demon-
strate that friction losses along the pipe wall The rate-convolution approach presented in this
must be considered at high rates unless flow is paper has the advantage that, with a direct simul-
measured directly. Pressure losses across the pro- taneous measurement of flow-rate, the technique can
be applied more generally to open or shut-in situa-
duction valve will, of course, always appear in the
final plot (unless the gauge ie in communication tion, and many of the uncertainties involved in
with the rat-hole instead of the tubing) - this ie attempting to calculate the downhole flow-rate can
analogous to a rate-dependent skin and may partly be removed.
explain the curvature at the beginning of Figs. 9
and 15. Clean-up of the perforations and formation
near the well-bore may also contribute to thie constant
c- wellbore storage (bbl/psi)
cm . dimensionless wellbore storage conetant
Fornut ion thickness, h . . . . . . . . ~2~qft
I-...--,...A ................... . ...
vlscoslty,~ ..................; .~~D. i_l
p,. ===,
h; li t,,
ul o!.
,,-, . . . . . ---- -- ~-
Wel!bore rodius, rw . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25 ft formation pressure
Cos!ng Internal radius, r ~.. .,25ftft
lwX TB1’ DATA mD
P1-l%f .99
t (sees) P“f n
PI–PO .+
0.0 E ■
3.0 w
6.0 ■
9.0 ~ 2150- ●
12.0 9
M ■
Z,ojy:npress; ,0 j.
TIME ( sees )
10 m
● 6
● m = 1.595
APmo = 10.14
● ✎✘
.*. *e ●
‘@e. e
[ , I 1 I
-’3 -2 -1
20 40 6U
— Calb2e head
.= ‘- Diesel
1 IIIll .-
CCL/C(zmma ray
lhbing Sho,ck absorber ., ‘- Oil-base mud
.swed.oe\ ‘,.
.- A
I -K
Wet-connect ,.
adaptor Casirq
pin ----
f .“
J1 —Packer
0 1
- — Production
Fill-joint< : .:
-.. - 0 ‘-,, PRESSURE
TCP Guns
,. 3
Fig. 4–WlmIin@w’et-comeetorfifing hati with presewd .,.
temperaturesub (echemetic). .:[ . .
f I m
18:S6 SHOOT *:;:; g I m 9
I ka
. lx
18!s8 1646,.7 t I & 2000 ,=
19:00 <+ Cushion pressure
19:oe 171!.2
10001“ ~~ ■
1730. e 61
n 2
1749.1 T:[ME (4hours )
176;7.51 IWI. 7-Exampk A-PI-W - dudng 1111-uP
m = 323.5
APz.o = 641.5
04-—-~-~ -2 -1
o 4
w 6-3XWIIPI. A-varhblm tie mdyals.
FIII. 6.-Sxmoh A —down6wb 6!aw m*. .
1 :)0001
0.8 450 c1
.. ...* ...0
✎...” ●
CDe2’ = 100 tp = 41 hrs
0.6 4ooc1 ●
● m = 15.83
●o P(lhr) = 4178 psia
0.4 ●
P* = 4770 psia
:350C) ●
2 1 )
,~g tp+At
c -n
7--’---0.1 1 10 100 1
13-Eumpk d-ltomw pl.ald WbnqwlltWti stlut-h wm.
● 40(D0
m 20(D0
~ Cushion pressure
o , ,
2000 , ~r—
0:2 0.’6 0:8
0:2 0<.6
T;;E ( ho~fs ) TI!$E ( hours )
m = 47.37
m = 49.49 /
APz.o = 149.9
m APx.o = 159.7
/ ‘/
o! I I I
-4 0 2
l-lll@OB-~ ---