SPE 74106 Environmentally Friendly Well Testing
SPE 74106 Environmentally Friendly Well Testing
SPE 74106 Environmentally Friendly Well Testing
composition meter because this nuclear determination is not tool into the production sealine. Separating, boosting and
sensitive to the distribution of the phases. flaring operations were not required. The extremely low
Uncertainties are not limited to those of the individual oil pressure drop across the PhaseTester tool helped to achieve
and gas meters installed on a test separator. Other factors that gas-flaring reduction.
can affect the separator uncertainties are Confidence in the PhaseTester multiphase flowmeter’s
• meter factor drift caused by gas entrainment in the measurement reliability and flexibility was developed during
liquid leg of the test separator its evaluation over 36 flow tests. The PhaseTester multiphase
• slugging of the wells, which affects flowmeter was then deployed on three tests to reduce gas
test-separator performance flaring. Table 1 shows the reduction in gas flaring when the
• an operator-dependent process PhaseTester multiphase flowmeter was integrated into the
• poor liquid-to-liquid separation system. (Gas is typically flared during the initial
• overall accuracy affected by the whole system (back cleanup phase.)
pressures, lines, controls, etc.)
• frequency of data gathering. TABLE 1—[Summary of gas flaring reduction results]
For a calibrated separator operated by a dedicated crew, Well no. 1 Well no. 2 Well no. 3
the uncertainties are expected to be Total job duration, hours 75 80 41
• gas uncertainty in the range of 5 to 8% Total gas produced, MMscf 13.6 8.3 3.6
• total liquid uncertainty in the range of 5 to 8%. Gas flared, MMscf 3.20 0.54 0.77
Comprehensive preparation of the reference separator was Gas flared, % 24 7 21
performed in advance, ensuring a proper conclusion. A
Gas injected, MMscf 10.4 7.7 2.9
comparison of flow rate results between the PhaseTester tool
and the reference separator indicated that the PhaseTester tool Gas Injected, % 76 93 79
performed within its operating specifications, yielding the
Future Plans. Various studies have been carried out to define
PhaseTester multiphase flowmeter uncertainty figures +/- the
practical and economical means of fully eliminating the gas
separator uncertainties.
flaring. A multiphase pump is currently being considered as a
The flow rate uncertainties(10) for the PhaseTester flowmeter
solution. The challenges to designing a multiphase pump for
are as follows:
this application include the pump capability to cover a wide
range of flow conditions, as well as size and power
The larger of 2.5% of the reading, or 300 bbl/d, for
requirements. The joint task force is currently studying
GVF between 0 and 98%
technical details and performance of a multiphase pump
specifically designed to suit a wide range of flow conditions.
The larger of 1% of the reading, or 140 scf/d, for
The current water treatment skimmer system is capable of
GVF between 0% and 30%
achieving an oil-in-water level of approximately 100 ppm.
The larger of 3% of the reading, or 420 scf/d, for
Different options were considered to achieve an oil-in-water
GVF between 30% and 60%
level of less than 15 ppm, the environmental emissions
The larger of 10% of the reading, or 1410 scf/d, for
guidelines limit specified by Abu Dhabi National Oil
GVF between 60% and 90%
Company’s Health, Safety and Environment policy. The joint
The larger of 15% of the reading, or 2120 scf/d, for
task force proposed an integrated water deoiling package. Full
GVF between 90% and 95%
feasibility and Hazardous and Operability studies were
Water-Liquid Ratio (WLR):
performed. The water deoiling unit, currently being
± 3% absolute for GVF between 0% and 70%
manufactured, is planned for utilization in January 2002.
± 4% absolute for GVF between 70% and 80%
The water deoiling unit was designed to meet the
± 5% absolute for GVF between 80% and 90%
following criteria:
± 8% absolute for GVF between 90% and 95%.
• a compact integrated solution including a degasser,
Toward Zero Gas Flaring. The ultimate goal is to achieve a hydrocyclone, reject oil tank, pumping units and
flaring-free operation. As a step toward this goal, the control panel, all on one skid that can be
PhaseTester multiphase flowmeter was deployed to reduce gas accommodated easily on the rig/barge without
flaring to a minimum. The PhaseTester flowmeter was inflicting space limitations
expected to decrease gas flaring by approximately 60% during • the ability to recycle the liquids within the system to
the overall job, as well as eliminate unnecessary shut-ins and ensure an optimum oil-in-water level
flow disturbance during the testing operations. • the ability to cover a wide range of flow rates and
After the flowback and acid neutralization, once the cope with changing flowing conditions. The system is
wellhead pressure increased to overcome the production capable of handling up to 6,000 B/D of water with
sealine pressure, well effluents bypassed the conventional oil-in-water levels of up to 1% at the inlet of
separator system and flowed naturally through the PhaseTester the system.
Figure 12 is a schematic for the proposed future setup. 2. Hassan, M.M., Fadaq, A.S. and Beadie, G.: “Reduction of
Well Emission During Clean Up and Testing Operations by
Conclusions Rig,” paper SPE 68151, presented at the 2001 SPE Middle
East Oil Show and Conference, Bahrain, March 17–20.
During the initial stages of the project, utilizing acid
3. Kontha, I.N.H, Weimer, B, Retnanto, A., Azim A and
neutralization and oil-reinjection systems achieved zero oil Martinon, D.: “Monitoring Well Performance Using
flaring. After integrating the PhaseTester multiphase Multiphase Flow Meters,” paper SPE 68718, presented at
flowmeter into these systems, the following benefits the 2001 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and
were observed: Exhibition, Jakarta, Java, Indonesia, April 17–19.
• When the wellhead pressure is high enough to 4. “Multiphase Flow Meters: A New Way to test Wells in
overcome the production sealine pressure, the well Production,” Hart First Look (September 1999).
effluents flow naturally through the PhaseTester 5. Mus, E. A, Toskey, E.D and Bascoul, S.J.F: “Added Value
multiphase flowmeter (bypassing the separator) into of a Multiphase Flow Meter in Exploration Well Testing,”
paper OTC 13146, presented at the 2001 Offshore
the production sealine. Gas flaring is eliminated
Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, April 30–
(because of the minimal pressure drop across the May 3.
PhaseTester flowmeter), reducing the amount of gas 6. Atkinson, D.I, Berard, M and Segeral, G.: “Qualification of
flared during the whole job by more than the a Nonintrusive Multiphase Flow Meter in Viscous Flows,”
targeted 60%. paper SPE 63118, presented at the 2000 SPE Annual
• The PhaseTester multiphase flowmeter results, Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, USA,
compared to a reference test separator, showed that it October 1–4.
performed within its operating specifications and 7. Theuveny, B.C., Segeral, G. and Pinguet, B.: “Multiphase
Flowmeters in Well Testing Applications,” paper SPE
provided reliable, stand-alone flow rate
71475, presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical
measurements. Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,
• Shut-ins to accommodate helicopter landings were September 30–October 3.
eliminated because fluids flow directly through the 8. Ting, V.C.: “Effects of Non-Standard Operating Conditions
PhaseTester multiphase flowmeter into the on the Accuracy of Orifice Meters,” SPE Production &
production sealine. Furthermore, helicopter flights are Facilities (February 1993) 58.
no longer dependent of the flow programs. 9. Amdal, J., Danielsen, Dykesteen, E, Flølo, D., Grendstad,
J., Hide, H.O., Moestue, H., and Torkildsen, B.H.:
Eliminating the risk to the environment posed by flaring Handbook of Multiphase Metering, Norwegian Society for
Oil and Gas Measurement, (1997).
hydrocarbons during well testing operations is a challenge. 10. Retnanto, A.: “Production Optimization Using Multiphase
Keys to achieve environmentally friendly well Well Testing: A Case Study from East Kalimantan,
testing operations: Indonesia,” paper SPE 71556, presented at the 2001 SPE
- understanding the flow conditions and Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New
operational constraints. Orleans, Louisiana, USA, September 30–October 3.
- setting reasonable targets to achieve flaring
free operations.
- examining and revising the existing
operational procedures. Metric Conversion Factors
- looking for areas in which a significant value could cp x 1.0* E–03 = Pa·s
be achieved by implementing innovative ideas bar x 1.013 25* E+05 = Pa
and solutions. psi x 6.894 757 E+00 = kPa
The deployment of an acid neutralization system and oil bbl x 1.589 873 E–01 = m3
reinjection pumps to completely eliminate oil flaring as well B/D x 6.624 471 E–03 = m3/h
as the utilization of the PhaseTester multiphase flow meter to ft3 x 2.831 685 E–02 = m3
reduce the gas flaring by more than 60% are examples of ft /D x 1.179 869 E–03 = m3/h
solutions that can be implemented to achieve environmentally lb/ft3 x 1.601 846 E+01 = kg/m3
friendly well testing operations.
*Conversion factor is exact.
The authors would like to thank the management of ADMA-
OPCO and Schlumberger for permission to publish this paper.
1. Messiri A., Al Attas, M.O., and Mohamed, N.: “Towards
Zero Flaring Emission,” paper ADIPEC 0964, presented at
the 2000 Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and
Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 15–18.
Number of tests performed
90-200 200-500 500-750 750-1000 1000-1500 1500-1800
Wellhead Flowing Pressure (Psi)
Fig. 2—Schematic of the surface well testing setup,
reinjection pump and neutralization package Fig. 5—Wellhead flowing pressure distribution versus the
number of tests
Number of tests performed
>400 400-1000 1000- 2000- 3000- 4000-
2000 3000 5000 5500
Oil Flow rate (bbl/d)
10.0 18
9.0 16
8.0 14
7.0 12
6.0 10
5.0 8
0 0.2-1 1-1.5 1.5-2 2-4
>0.3 0.5-0.75 0.75-1 1-1.5 1.5-2 2-3 3-4
H2S (%)
Gas Flow Rate (MMscf/D)
Number of Tests performed
Number of tests performed
12 10
10 8
0 0
60-70 70-80 80-90 90-95 95-98 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24 34
Fig. 8—Gas volume fraction distribution versus the Fig. 11—Basic sediment and water distribution versus the
number of tests number of tests
Number of tests performed
1.5-2 2-3 3-5 6-8 Fig. 12—Schematic of the reinjection pump, neutralization
CO2 (%) package, PhaseTester multiphase flowmeter, water
deoiling unit and multiphase pump
Fig. 9—Carbon dioxide distribution versus the number
of tests