SCART Pins and Voltage Spec
SCART Pins and Voltage Spec
SCART Pins and Voltage Spec
Sync / Composite Video In (Scart Pin 20): The sync pulses are active low signals on the composite video line: 1.0 volts = White.
0.3 volts = Black, 0 volts = Sync ("blacker than black") So in RGB mode the line is normally 0.3v, pulsed to 0v for the sync
Red (Scart Pin 15), Green (Scart Pin 11), Blue (Scart Pin 7) Inputs: 0.7 volts = peak intensity of colour, 0 volts = lowest intensity
of colour. Note: I've found that my TV does weird things if there any voltages above zero present on the RGB lines during the
sync / back porch periods (stuff like switching out of RGB scart mode, treating the colour present during sync as a black
reference) so it seems its necessary to inhibit your RGB outputs during those times.
RGB mode select ("Blanking" Scart Pin 16): Some TV's let you toggle RGB mode via the remote but to force it, put 1 to 3 volts
on this pin. (5 volts via a 100 Ohm resistor will set it at 2.1v due to the 75 Ohm load in the TV)
Note: All video (and control) signal lines see a 75 Ohm impedance at the TV end.
Audio in (if required). Scart Pin 2 - left channel (or mono), Scart Pin 6 - right channel: 1 Volt peak-peak signals (about 20K
Ohms impedance)
S-Video Connection Pinout
1 GND Ground (Y)
2 GND Ground (C)
3 Y Intensity (Luminance) 75 Ohms 1V incl. Sync.
4 C Color (Chrominance) 75 Ohms 0.3V Burst