Unit Three MG
Unit Three MG
Unit Three MG
What is a Partnership?
Partners and Partnerships Advantages of Community Involvement
Case 3.1: School/Community Participation ideas for Fostering Partnerships between
the School and the Community Parents’ involvement
Case 3.2: Strengthening Home Work
Activities 3.1: Assess and Improve Community Cooperation
Case 3.3: National Celebrations
Case 3.4: School/Community Partnership
Activity 3.2: Community Resources for Development
Former DepEd Secretary Florencio Abad once said,
Were you able to identify only one? Then that means your group is homogenous,
meaning, people have the same background.
If you identified several on the list, that means you belong to a heterogeneous
class and school. You come from different communities.
Do you have a student who comes from a community that is not on the list? Given
the variety of communities around us, that is very likely to happen. You can add
that kind of community to the above list (and you can congratulate yourself for
being observant)!
Do you think different kinds of communities would have different social, political,
economic and cultural conditions?
If your answer is yes, you are right! Read on so you will know exactly how these
communities can vary.
Examine this grid and take note of the different aspects of each kind of community.
Can you think of other communities? Is your school within a mining community, fishing
community or suburbia (or sub-urban)?
You can continue filling up the matrix by characterizing the social relations, politics,
economy and culture of these communities.
Before doing that, bear in mind these distinctions:
Economic Features–refer to the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. These days, the
economy of communities is classified as either predominantly agricultural or industrial. The people in a community
can be classified economically in terms of the socio economic status.
Cultural Features–refer to the beliefs, norms or rules of conduct, and values in a community. Today, we differentiate
between modern, westernized culture, and traditional culture. Modern culture can be traced to industrialized US and
Europe. It has reached our shores through the power of technology (think of Internet, satellites, computers, 10 and
mass media). Traditional culture refers to the beliefs, norms/rules of conduct and values that can be traced to our past
and which have survived the colonialism and /or modernization and westernization of our country. Examples of these
are the beliefs in nuno sa punso, or the practice of skipping a bath on Tuesdays and Fridays in the belief that these
are “bad” days.
The first sentence you read in this lesson bears repeating at this point:
As you went through the exercises, you learned that school performance is linked to the community where the
school is located and the communities to which its students belong.
Simply put, the social relations, politics, economy and the culture of the community can greatly affect how the school
performs its functions and how students learn.
As a future teacher, it is likely that you will be assigned to a school where students have varied social, political,
economic and cultural conditions. Some of these students are likely to come from poor communities. What
adjustments can you make in your school and in your class so that the students and parents from these poor
communities can participate more actively in school activities? (write your answers)
The Community Resources
Every community has resources. These can be in the form of human, social, material, financial, and
natural/physical environment assets.
• Human resources refer to the skills, talents, qualities, and attitudes of the people living in the
• Social assets are those relationships, rules, established course of action, and practices that can
serve as instruments in attaining specific goals in a given situation.
• Material resources are man-made things such as equipment, property, facilities, tools, and the
like which are at the disposal of a community.
• Financial assets consist of monetary, income or cash resources. ™
• Natural resources refer to the physical environment.
Most of these resources surround the school. There is a need for you as beginning teacher to be
thoroughly aware of these resources in order to tap and utilize them as you go on your teaching
Let’s do some resource mapping of the community where your school is located.
NAME OF SCHOOL: _____________________________________________
KIND OF COMMUNITY: __________________________________________
1. Enumerate at least 5 human resources of the community where your school is located.
2. Enumerate at least 5 material resources in the community where your school is located.
3. Where does the community get its financial resources? Do you think the community is rich in financial
resources? Why do you think so?
4. Rules/norms and tradition are established practices to be followed in recurring situations. These can
either be informal/unwritten or codified/written in a formal document. For each of the school objectives
listed in the table next page, write down some community norms/rules and traditions that contribute to its
realization. A sample answer is given for your reference. (see next slide)
5. Identify at least two natural resources in the community and the benefits the school derives from them.
Now, compare your answers with the answers seen in the Answer Key. Are there
answers common to both lists? There are no cut-and –dry answers to these
questions, actually. Resources vary from community to community. It’s up to people
using these resources to optimize the benefits they can draw from them.
Key answer for ACTIVITY 4
The Community Resources
Possible Answers:
Community: Nearly Urban (Most of its pupils come from the Poblacion)
You may wonder what resources the school and community can share together. For one, they
can share human resources.
Students learn through discussion, simulation, reading, writing, etc. These are
common activities inside the classroom. But there are lessons that can be
effectively and enjoyably taught and learned by going to the community and
observing, asking the experts and actively participating in, or even initiating,
community activities (Lardizabal, 1988).
Through these varied and practical strategies, teaching and learning becomes
more interesting and meaningful.
Learning and the areas to be learned should not have boundaries. Education, as
public property, should belong to everyone, not just the academically successful but
also those who have wisdom outside the school (Sayer and Williams, 1989)
Go over this table that lists down classroom lessons which can involve the community.
Analyze the following caselets and then answer the questions that follow.
The teacher give the instruction on how to submit your answers online .
Caselet A
A mother of a first year high school student complained to Mrs. Aragos, the adviser of her son. “Why did you
place my son in the Bridge Program? I know my son too well. He can read, he can write, and he can even
speak English. I heard him talking to the American husband of his aunt and the latter could understand him
well. Besides, another year of schooling means additional expenses. I really don’t understand this program”.
Mrs. Aragos was a little bit rattled but she managed to explain to the mother why her son had to go through
the Bridge Program
1. What problem is presented in the caselet?
2. How did the teacher react?
Caselet B
Ms. Guerra, a new teacher in Bangkal Barangay High School noticed that one of her students was
unusually quiet, and hardly recited in class. She would not participate in group activities and seldom
interacted with her, classmates. The teacher noticed also that she was untidy and shabbily dressed. She
was habitually late and often absent. So she talked to her and asked her if she had a problem. The girl
hesitated but after some prodding, she confided her problem which shocked the teacher – the girl was
being sexually abused by her own father.
1. What problem is presented in this caselet?
2. How did the teacher discover the student’s problem?
3. Describe the reaction of the teacher when she learned about the problem of the student.
Caselet C
Mr. Vallejo was informed by one of his students that a fraternity initiation was being conducted at an abandoned
warehouse within the vicinity of the school campus. He hurriedly went to the alleged place and found that five of
his students were the ones conducting the initiation rite.
1 What is the problem in this caselet? Why is it a problem?
2. How did the teacher find out that a prohibited activity was going on within the school premises?
3. What did the teacher do when he learned about the activity?
Caselet D
The Barangay Chairman of Brgy. Tala-Tala wanted to initiate an information campaign about illegal drugs. But he
and his councilmen lacked the knowledge and resources about this particular topic. They didn’t even know how
to start, so they asked the help of one of the teachers in Tala-Tala High School.
In Caselet A
1. The teacher has to be
In Caselet B
2. The teacher is expected to be
In Caselet C
3. The teacher has to assert his being
In Caselet D
4. The teacher has to prove that she is
Class Discussion
1. If you were the teacher in each caselet, what would you do to address the
problem presented in
Caselet A?
Caselet B?
Caselet C?
Caselet D?
2. Do you think you are ready to perform the roles that the community is expecting
of you? Why/why not?
a. agent of change (making people understand and observe policies, programs, and
projects of DepEd and government)
b. legal counsel / person in authority ( informing/ advising the community of actions /
decisions to make based on the country’s laws and Department Order, etc. )
c. person in authority (knowing and exercising authority with regard to student’s
discipline and working relationship with others based on existing laws and DepEd
d. source of knowledge (knowing current events / issues; ability to share information
with others.)
In this partnership, it is the school that must initiate the move for a
positive linkage, nurture it, and sustain it in the long term. The relationship must be
based on mutual respect and trust, and must rest in the belief that quality education is a
shared responsibility.
Partnerships and Participation
What is a Partnership?
The term ‘partnership’ connotes part-ownership or shared
responsibility. A partnership in marriage, or within the family, would be the
husband and wife; in sports, the coach and players; in education the teacher
and learner, the teacher and the Department of Education; or the teacher
and various representatives of the community. Each school is sited in a
neighborhood, district, town or community1. The purpose of the school is to
prepare the children to participate in the social, economic and cultural
activities of the community it serves. A partnership has been defined as a
“ relationship characterized by roles, responsibilities, rights, obligations,
and accountabilities. The relationship may be based on law, shared ethical
standards, rules and/or conventions. Partnerships for Capactty BuildIng and Quality Improvements In Education)
Why Partnerships?
The “business of education has two major actors: the State and Civil Society”.
Partnership with the civil society refers to general community participation, private sector
involvement and parental cooperation. Community participation, in this sense, refers to
the involvement of various groups and individuals in the life and activities of the school.
This is a two-way relationship. Members of the community can be resource persons. They
can raise funds and assist in the planning of the future of the school. In many places the
community shares in the ownership of the school, particularly the physical premises. This
is especially so in communities where religious organizations have started schools.
Advantages of Community Participation
Josefa dela Cruz the teacher at San Juan Mateo Elementary School, wished to
develop an agricultural plot with her pupils as a means of teaching them the
advantages of natural fertilization and weeding. She had no idea what seeds to use, so
she wanted to get this information from the Agricultural Information Centre in town. To
go to town, she would have to be absent from the school for two days, and this would
be detrimental to the students’ education. Fortunately, the shopkeeper was going to
town to buy his supplies. She knew him as a member of the school committee, and so
she asked him if he could get the information for her from the Agricultural Information
Centre. He agreed, and when he returned, he not only had all the information she
needed, but had also bought sufficient seeds for all pupils to plant in their plots. in the
island. In addition, several parents, for status reasons, prefer to send their children to
Building Partnerships
Parents and other community members can also play a vital role in the
educational process by:
Helping to develop and support the school curriculum to make it more
relevant to community needs; Hiring a private teacher, if the need arises;
Identifying teacher aides in the community;
Providing information about the background of the pupils; Monitoring the
behaviour and progress of pupils and the school;
Organizing special projects (such as building and expansion) and
fundraising activities;
Helping to resolve disputes.
10 Ways in Building School and Community Partnership
Mr Dela Curz, the headteacher of San Juan Mateo Elementary School, meets Mrs. Tomas,
who is illiterate, and who has a child named Maria in Grade 5.
Mrs. Tomas: I am worried. My child failed this term, and I know she is clever.
Mr. Dela Curz: You are right. Her reports show that she is not doing well in Mathematics and
English. She had the same trouble last year.
Mrs. Tomas: But, Mr. Taba, she is good in the other subjects. Why?
Mr. Dela Cruz: I will call her teacher, Miss Marikit. Maybe she can explain what is happening.
Miss Marikit comes and explains to Mrs Tomas that it is not unusual for a child to be good in some subjects and weaker in
others. She said that there are other children who also have trouble with English.
Mrs Tomas: I cannot help her very much, since I do not know much English.
(Miss Marikit mentions that Maria often stays at home to help with her brothers and sisters and goes to the market with
her mother. She tells her mother that her work would improve if she came to school every day She suggested that Mrs.
Tomas can help by making sure that Maria comes to school every day)
Miss Marikit: Mrs. Tomas, I really need your support. Your child is a hardworking pupil, and, together, we can help her
Mrs. Tomas: I see your points. I promise to send Maria to school every day I did not realize that not coming to school
would affect her work so badly I am glad we discussed this. Thank you.
Miss Marikit discusses with other teachers, parents and farmers, the kinds of materials she can prepare for students who
need help in Mathematics and English. With their help, she prepares them for the next class.
Activity 3.2 Community Resources for Development
Purpose: This activity is a role-play of a panel discussion, which aims to increased awareness:
a. of the importance of students attending school;
b. in classroom teachers of the benefits of using outside-school resources for teaching;
c. in the local community of the role its members can play in education;
d. in the community of the role the school can play in the affairs of the community.
The panelists play the roles of those who will participate in the discussion:
The school head;
The director of the community library, or community center;
A school teacher;
A representative of the farming community, local chamber of commerce, or industry;
A community leader.
The purpose of the discussion is to examine ways in which the school can use the
knowledge and experience of community leaders, and how the school could be integrated within
the community, to develop the relevance of its education, and promote the philosophy of lifelong
learning. For each role, there is a suggested reference point.
School Head
Welcome the participants, and thank them for coming to the meeting. Explain why you believe that
it is important to link the school more closely with the social, cultural and economic life of the local
community. Invite those who have come to the meeting to share in a joint partnership to provide
truly relevant education.
Director of Library or Community Centre
Welcome the idea and say what the library/center could do. Point out the implications for funding
and staffing. For example, you could set up a special children’s section, show videos, and have
seminars or talks once a week, and hold poster, poetry and/or essay competitions for the children.
The library could also prepare exhibitions for special occasions, e.g. International Women’s Day,
Child Month, No Smoking Day, or Environmental Protection Week. Special arrangements could be
made for students to use the facilities after school, for research and homework
Express support for the idea and recognized its potential to con- tribute to meaningful
learning. Indicate that you are very happy, because you will be able to get help in designing
teaching materials, which reflect the culture of the community. However, there are some
concerns. What will it mean for timetabling, syllabus completion, examinations and pressure of
the next level of education on primary education?
Farming/Business/Industry Representative
Special arrangements would have to be made for students to visit farms, factories, and
other workplaces. Some students may be a safety risk. They may be too young to understand
what is going on, and their presence will disrupt production. They would be happy to work with
teachers in developing teaching materials that reflect what they are doing. Having been
convinced by the school head and the teacher, you reluctantly agree to be a partner.
Community Leader
Applaud the move to integrate the school into the community. The move has been long
overdue. Participation will enable the community to provide an input into the cultural and civic
education of children. The community would also like to see the school participate, through its
education activities, in helping to solve community problems. Would teachers be prepared to assist
illiterate parents to read and write? In return the community leaders would try to inform parents
about the importance of sending their children to school every day, and to persuade them to do so.
Case 3.3 National Celebrations
It is the normal practice in Philippines and other countries that National Holidays,
such as National Heroes Day, Labor Day, and Independence Day, engender
considerable collaboration between the school, the community and the private
sector. This may take the form of plays, exhibitions, concerts, competing sports
activities, fairs, a poster competition, and other activities. For Independence Day
celebrations, representatives of many schools participate by singing and dancing
during the road march, and at the Grand Gala celebration. Students also prepare
performances, such as drum corps presentations, dancing traditional/folk dances
such as the fiestas, shows and contest in various forms, which they do during
eliminations, for gold, silver or bronze medals, leading up to the highlight of the
celebration. There are some celebrations which helps teachers to prepare the
Case 3.4 School/Community Partnership
Every rainy season in Philippines, there was an outbreak of fever, flu and diarrhea, that killed many
people in both urban and rural areas. The Department of Education, Health and Social Welfare launched a
vigorous campaign to educate people in how to minimize the risk of contracting the disease. One of the
pieces of advice the department gave, was that people should desist from the traditional practice of washing
hands in a communal dish before taking a meal, particularly on gatherings and celebrations. People were
advised to wash their hands from running water and soap. A very laborious practice indeed! What could be
In such a situation, schools and their communities can join in the search for solutions. An inter-
school competition can be organized so that schools, through their teaching of subjects such as craft and
design or design and technology, can design a device that could provide a solution to the problem.
An appropriate design brief should be worked out in consultation with the community One condition
would be for the design to use low-cost materials, and another for it to be one which could be easily
understood and made by rural craftspeople.
The solution would then be funded through local government or other agencies for production,
using the technological skills available in the community.
Activity 3.3 Planning for School Community Collaboration