Gateways Institute of Science and Technology: Philosophy Prelim
Gateways Institute of Science and Technology: Philosophy Prelim
Gateways Institute of Science and Technology: Philosophy Prelim
Week 2
While reasoning or inference is the subject matter of Logic, other operations of the mind must be taken
into account. Reasoning involves judgment, the act of affirming or denying ideas. Similarly, inference as
a language expression of reasoning, is composed of propositions. Propositions, in turn, involves terms.
Our study of Logic will follow the natural division in terms of the operation of the intellect corresponding
to their language expression as shown here:
The mental act usually happens in us when fronted with things around us. If the thing is yet unknown to
us, we instinctively ask “what is it?” Accompanied with curiosity to discover, the mind is urged to
penetrate into the essence of the object in order to comprehend it. Here knowledge begins when we
start grasping the whatness or quiddity of the object. When the mind grasped the quiddity, the mental
act is called “simple apprehension” or intellection.
Let us recapitulate the salient points for further and clearer understanding.
IDEA, CONCEPT, or THOUGHT is a mental image of an object.
TERM is a conventional sign (a symbol, written or sounded word) by which the concept or idea is
expressed and communicated.
SENSATION is the act of our five senses in perceiving external objects.
SENSE IMAGE is the product of the operation of the senses stimulated by the presence of an
IMAGINATION- is a material organic faculty which reproduces a previously sensed image into a
phantasm (Baldemeca, et al.:7)
PHANTASM – a product of the imagination, it is a sensible and concrete image of an object.
SIMPLE APPREHENSION also called intellection, simple apprehension is the mental act of interpreting
the imagined phantasm, putting a meaning to it. Its product is called concept or idea.
People begin thinking when they feel and see things around them. For instance, an individual sees a tree
under normal conditions: his eyesight healthy, there was a normal light, normal health, normal weather,
etc. The tree he sees produces an image in the optic nerve of the seeing individual through the eyeballs
or eyes. The tree’s image is registered and remains imprinted in the brain so that even if the person
leaves the tree behind, such tree can still be remembered at will, or when a stimulus is presented and
associated with the imprinted image in the mind. Such “mental image” is called CONCEPT or idea or
thought. This mental image is only a representation of the sensed tree but not the real tree itself. The
sensing individual may “erase’ the image from his nerve, or from memory in the course of time. This
mental ensure is called “forgetting”.
There are concepts that are classified as CONCRETE and others as ABSTRACT.
1. CONCRETE CONCEPT. It is one that presents to the mind both form and subject as non-
separable. And it is the subject that makes the concept concrete. The form is inherent in the
subject. Let us illustrate this “Man is human.” Take the concept “human” as the “subject.” The
form for human is “humanity’ and the form for the subject “man’ is “manhood.” Both humanity
and manhood are perfections to their respective subjects.
2. ABSTRACT CONCEPT. This is a concept with the “form” without the subject. The forms
“manhood” and “humanity”, separated from their respective subjects, are the abstract
concepts. These abstract terms express the perfection that makes man as man, that makes
human as human (ibid).