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 To introduce students to evo-
lutionary nature of the concept
of psychology or what is psy-
Contents : chology.
A. Contepts of psychology or what
is psychology?
 To provide ideas regarding the
scope of studies of psychol-
B. Scope of Psychology. ogy.
C. Branches of Psychology
 To give knowledge on differ-
D. Relation between Education and ent branches of psychology
Psychology and their significances.
E. Summary of the Chapter  To make students aware about
how Education and Psychol-
ogy are related.
 To provide summary of the
98 Education

A. Concept of psychology or what My dear students, you must re-

is psychology? member one thing that to define or
give the meaning of a particular
branch of study is a difficult task.
We are all aware of the fact that ev-
Because there is continuous growth
ery individual has a mind of his own.
in it's subject matter and scope of
This mind regulates and controls our
study. This is more true in case of psy-
feelings, thinking process, emotions
chology. Hence we get different
etc. These again inspire us to do some
kind of activities or show some kind views regarding the meaning or con-
of behaviour in a particular circum- cept of psychology.
stance. All our creative activities also History of the growth of
originate from mind. But then mind psychology is a long one. If we look
and mental conditions differ from to the root, we will find that the word
person to person. There is no "one" "psychology" is derived from two
common mind to all human beings. Greek words namely "psyche" and
Hence from ancient time scholars are "Logos". "Psyche" means soul and
curious to know about mind and its "Logos" means talks of, study of, or
different functions. Why different science of. Hence derivative meaning
individuals behave and act differ- of psychology is the study of 'soul' or
ently in a particular situation? Why "Atma" of a person. But this definition
we experience different moods? Why can not give us base for scientific
one can learn quickly than his fellow study. Because soul has no reality, it
classmates etc. are some of the ques- is not visible and one cannot
tions that very often come to our experience it directly. Hence this
mind. The study of psychology may concept was rejected by later
throw light on these and such issues. psychologists.
In this chapter we are going to learn Another concept emerged during
about different concepts of psychol- eighteenth century. It defined
ogy, scope of psychology, branches psychology as the "Science or study
of psychology, relation between psy- of mind". But like the soul the ideas
chology and education etc. behind mind is also vague. Mind is a
Psychology and Eductaion 99

very general terms and cannot be oped principles and theories regard-
studied scientifically. ing human behaviour by using scien-
This concept was rejected and the tific methods in their studies.
idea of "study of consciousness" was Now let us see what the three terms
put forward. Psychology as a study of "mental processes”, “experiences"
consciousness was popularized by and "behaviour" used in the formal
Vives, a philosopher from Spain. But definitions (mentioned above) im-
this concept was also criticized on the plies the term "mental processes" re-
ground that mind is not composed of fers to the state of consciousness or
the consciousness alone. It has sub- awareness of a person. It is used by
conscious and unconscious aspects. him while thinking, trying to solve a
In fact unconscious aspect occupies problems, to learn and remember
the largest part of mind and has domi- something etc. It is true that our men-
nant role on mental functions. Hence tal processes are reflected in
studying consciousness without con- brainwork and it can observe by us-
sidering the role of subconscious and ing scientific technique like brain im-
unconscious aspect will be a very aging. But although brain-activities
narrow definition of psychology. and mental process are interdepen-
As a branch of study psychology dent, they are not same.
today has evolved as a scientific dis- Human experience is another area
cipline. It may be defined formally as of interest for the psychologists. As
a science which studies mental pro- we know "experience" is something
cesses, experiences and behaviour in subjective or personal in nature. One
different contexts. It must be remem- cannot directly observe or know
bered here that although interest in about the nature of experience of an-
psychological issues has a long his- other person. Only the one who gets
tory, its scientific approach is not so the experience, is aware of it. It has
old. In fact it is during nineteenth cen- been pointed out that our experiences
tury that psychologist started study- are influenced by our external as well
ing psychological factors in an orga- as internal conditions. For example
nized and scientific way. They devel- when we are in a jovial mood we do
100 Education

not feel or experience discomfort competitive examination for three to

even in a dirty surrounding. Hence to four hours your behaviour or
understand the nature of experience response is complex as well as
the psychologist are required to ana- enduring. Again there are some
lyze some complex internal and ex- behaviour that can be observed
ternal condition of a person. directly or outwardly. They are called
Psychology is most commonly de- overt behaviour like the behaviour of
fined as the "science behavoiur". The a foot baller in field. There are others
term "behaviour" refers to the re- which are internal and called convert
sponses or reactions, we make or ac- like behaviour of a chess player while
tivities we do in a particular situation. facing difficult situation in the game.
However in psychological studies the However we should remember that all
term behaviour is very broadly used. kinds of behaviour whether simple or
It includes physical, motor, mental, complex, overt or convert are
intellectual and emotional activities. triggered by some stimulation of the
Physical and motor functions we do environment.
like engaging in various activities, Thus the concept of psychology
running, jumping, walking etc. men- evolved from the study of soul to the
tal and intellectual activities like present status. We may conclude by
thinking, reasoning, perceiving, re- quoting Wood worth in this regard.
membering etc. emotional experience "First psychology lost its soul. Then
like feeling angry, feeling of pleasure it lost its mind, then its lost
and pain etc. are included within the consciousness, it still has behaviour
range of the term 'behaviour'. of a kind."
Behaviour may be simple or
complex, short lived or enduring. For B. SCOPE OF PSYCHOLOGY
example when a bright light falls in Psychology as a discipline or
your eyes, you blink. It is a simple and branch of knowledge has it's own
short lived response or behaviour scope of study. Basically it studies
against the stimuli (bright light). But human experiences and behaviour. It
when you are appearing in a primarily looks into the factors that
Psychology and Eductaion 101

cause behaviour and then makes ef- result of conation, was the believe of
forts to study the nature of behaviour. McDougall and his followers.
Human experiences are However majority of the
characterized by three factors. Every psychologist are of the opinion that
experience involves these three our conscious mind has three
characteristics namely cognition or important aspects-cognition conation
knowing aspects, conation or doing affection and psychology must take
aspect and affection or feeling these into consideration while dealing
aspects. Some psychologist put with it’s scope.
emphasis on one of it and some on the Besides consciousness uncon-
other. For example psychologist like scious aspects of the mind also plays
Herbert and Hume gave emphasis on an important role in determining hu-
cognition while considering scope of man experience and behavior. Hence
psychology. They believed cognition today psychology put emphasis on
always leads to conation and the role of both consciousness and
affection. On the other the famous unconsciousness in human life.
psychologist McDougall consideres Many new findings are coming out
that cognition cannot origin without on mental processes and behaviour.
conation. Conation or doing aspects Consequently the scope of studying
comes first, cognition or knowledge psychology has also becoming wider
follows it. The feeling aspects is also day by day.

Points to Remember
1. There is gradual evolution in definition of psychology.
2. It was first defined as science of soul.
3. During 18th century psychology was defined as the science of mind.
4. Modern and formal definition that is accepted today is that it is a science
which studies mental processes, experiences and behaviour in deferent
102 Education

C. BRANCHES OF PSYCHOLOGY (c) Social psychology : This branch

Psychology as discipline has of psychology tries to find out how
evolved tremendously in recent human beings are affected by various
years. Consequently several fields of social environment and how people
specialization have emerged in the influence on the environment. Psy-
study of psychology. Some of the chologist belonging to this group are
important branches of psychology are interested in issues like interpersonal
mentioned (in brief) below :- relationship, co-operation, obedi-
(a) Biological psychology : This ence to leaders, prejudice, aggres-
branch of psychology gives sion, social motivation, intergroup
importance on the relation between relation etc.
behaviour and men’s biological (d) Environmental Psychology :
system. According to it there is It tries to study the influence of physi-
relation between behaviour and cal environmental condition such as
physical organs like the brain, the
temperature, pollution, humidity,
nervous system, the immune system
natural disaster etc. on human
and genetics.
behaviour. Psychologist of this
(b) Developmental psychology : branch are recently showing interest
From conception in mother’s womb in taking up research on environmen-
till death an individual passes through tal topics like waste disposal, energy
different ages and stages of develop- conservation, water management,
ment in life. Developmental psychol- population explosion etc.
ogy is that branch which studies
physical, social and psychological (e) Clinical psychology : This
changes that take place in different branch deals with causes, treatment
ages and stages of human life. In past and prevention of various psycho-
developmental psychology put em- logical disorders in individuals. One
phasis on study of child and adoles- of it’s related area is psychological
cent development. But today it is counselling which helps individual in
showing increasing interest on adult solving the challenges and problems
and aged development too. of their individual life.
Psychology and Eductaion 103

(f) Child psychology : As the name the most important and most popular
implies this branch of psychology branch of applied psychology. The
deals with behavioural development learner is the focal point of view of
of children. The ‘‘child is a child be- educational psychology. Education
fore he is a man’’ said Rousseau– The wants to modify behaviour of chil-
great French philosopher. Hence a dren. Educational psychology helps in
child is different from an adult. His understanding behaviour and solving
ideas, intelligence, aspirations, emo- all psychological problems related to
behaviour. It also studies developmen-
tions etc. are also quite different from
tal characteristics of children from in-
that of an adult. Child psychology
fancy to adolescence and help educa-
therefore composes of a full-fledged
tors in developing proper curriculum
branch of science and it is very impor-
and new methods of teaching. Thus
tant from educational point of view. Educational Psychology studies all the
(g) Educational psychology : Edu- mental processes that have signifi-
cational psychology is regarded as cance in the field of education.

Important Branches of Psychology


Biological Development Social Environmental Clinical Child Educational

Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology

(iv) RELATION BETWEEN EDU- science which deals mainly with ideas
CATION AND PSYCHOLOGY : and principles that should be followed
As disciplines or subject of stud- in the field of education. Psychology
ies Education and Psychology are dis- on the other hand is a positive sci-
tinctly different from one another. ence. It deals with what is visible,
They have separate aims and objec- audible and tangible in behaviour
tives. Education is called a normative shown by one in a particular situation.
104 Education

It uses methods like direct observa- ogy particularly regarding the

tion and experimentation to under- learner’s intelligence and interest at
stand behaviour, instead of specula- various stages of development are
tion. very necessary for effective teaching.
But inspite of these differences Psychology has also helped a lot in
education and psychology cannot be innovating many new methods of
called contradictory to each other. teaching like project method, learn-
They are complementary and there is ing by doing method etc. At the same
relation and interdependence be- time these techniques and methods of
tween these two disciplines. The fol- teaching have become useful and
lowing observations will help you to popular only because of education.
realize the relation between Educa- The other two areas where educa-
tion and Psychology. tors need help of psychology, are de-
It is true that Philosophy helps in veloping technique of motivation and
evolving aims, purposes and theories skill in communication. Teaching will
of education. But it is the Psychology miserably fail if students are not mo-
that guides in achieving the set goals. tivated and if there is lack of proper
Again many theories of Education are communication between educators
also based on psychological findings. and educands. To understand, and
Every educational system has it’s apply motivation and communicative
own theories or principles and ideals. skill a person dealing with education
But for effective practices it has to must acquire knowledge about these
take help of psychology. The knowl- psychological processes.
edge of psychological process like In modern educational system,
learning memory, motivation, intelli- guidance and counselling are also
gence, personality etc. of the learner becoming unavoidable. They are nec-
is very necessary in the field of edu- essary not only for students but for
cation. parents as well. With the help of guid-
Classroom teaching is a very im- ance and counselling various
portant component of an educational academical, behavioural and social
system. The knowledge of psychol- problems can be solved easily. As we
Psychology and Eductaion 105

all know without the knowledge of globe. Education has contributed a lot
psychology, guidance and counsel- towards widening the scope of psy-
ling are not practicable. chology. Besides it has also helped in
As mentioned above Education developing several new branches of
and Psychology are interrelated and psychology like Child psychology,
interdependent. There are several ar- Educational psychology, psychology
eas where Psychology is influenced of the physically and mentally chal-
by Education. The development of lenged etc.
Psychology as a branch of study Thus it may be observed that there
would have remained static without is sustaining relationship between
the help of Education. It is through Education and Psychology and one
Education that psychological findings cannot survive as a branch of study
have become popular throughout the without the help of the other.

1. As subjects of study Education and Psychology are distinctly different.
2. Both of them have different objectives and scope of studies.
3. Inspite of the difference there is integral relationship between Education and Psy-
4. Psychology helps Education in it’s practices and in solving different problems
related to school environment and students. Education also helps psychology in
actual application of psychological findings.
5. Education and psychology are not contradictory but complementary to each other.


It is difficult to define psychology with a single definition. Because the
subject has grown tremendously from it’s original meaning which stated that
psychology is the science of soul. Psychologists of modern era give a broad

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