De Los Santos V COA
De Los Santos V COA
De Los Santos V COA
22 De los Santos v. COA, G.R. No.198457, August 13, 2013 b) an indigent patient who has been a beneficiary will
G.R. No. 198457 be subsequently disqualified from seeking further
August 13, 2013 medical assistance; and
c) the hospital shall purchase medicines intended for
BY: Ramos, P the indigent patients from outside sources if the
TOPIC: Judicial Branch same are not available in its pharmacy, subject to
reimbursement when such expenses are supported
A MOA was entered into between Congressman Cuenca and by official receipts and other documents.
VSMMC, the former appropriated to the latter a part of his PDAF to In line with this, Ma. Isabel Cuenco, Project Director of the
cover the medical assistance of indigent patients under the TNT TNT Program, wrote petitioner Nelanie Anotoni Pharmacist V
Health Program. Through the course of the implementation of the of VSMMC, requesting the latter to purchase needed
project allegation of irregularities rose. Three audits were made (the medicines not available at the hospital pharmacy.
hospital, the CoA, and a Special Audit Team). The Petitioners (Delos Several years after the enforcement of the MOA, allegations
Santos, Bacaltos, Antoni and Bien) were held liable, which the CoA of forgery and falsification of prescription and referrals for the
affirmed. The SC found no grave abuse of discretion on the part of availment of medicines under the TNT Program surface.
the CoA. It is the general policy of the Court to sustain the decisions Petitioner Filomena G. Delos Santos, who succeeded Dr.
of administrative authorities, they are presumed expertise in the laws Alquizalas, created a fact-finding committee to investigate
they are entrusted to enforce. the matter.
Beatriz M. Booc, State Auditor IV, who was assigned to audit
FACTS: the hospital, came up with her own review of the account for
Sometime in October 2001, then Congressman Antonio V. drugs and medicines charged to the PDAF of Cuenco. She
Cuenco entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the recommended the investigation of the following irregularities:
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center(VSMMC), a) Those involving of fictitious patients and falsified
represented by Dr. Eusebio M. Alquizalas, Medical Center prescriptions for anti-rabies and drugs
Chief, appropriating to the hospital the amount of Php 1.5M b) Those involving issuance of vitamins worth
from his Priority Development Assistance Fund(PDAF) to P138,964.80 mostly to the staff of VSMMC and TNT
cover the medical assistance of indigent patients under the Office covering the period of Jan to April 2004; and
Tony N’ Tommy (TNT) Health Program (TNT Program) c) Those covering fictitious patients and falsified
It was agreed that: prescription for other drugs and medicines, and
a) Cuenco shall identify and recommend the indigent unpaid falsified prescriptions and referral letters for
patients who may avail of the benefits of the TNT drugs and medicines
Program for an amount not exceeding P5,000.00 per The fact-finding committee created by Delos Santos
patient, except those with major illnesses for whom a submitted its Report essentially affirming the “unseen and
separate limit may be specified; unnoticeable” irregularities attendant to the availment of the
TNT Program but pointing out, however that:
The CoA correctly pointed out that VSMMC, through its official,
should have been deeply involved in the implementation of the TNT
program as the hospital is a party to the MOA and, as such, has
acted as custodian and disbursing agency of Cuenco’s PDAF.