Boeing 737-800X FMC Manual 1.0.0
Boeing 737-800X FMC Manual 1.0.0
Boeing 737-800X FMC Manual 1.0.0
A flight management system (FMS) or a A primary function is in-flight managment
City / State / Country of the flight plan. Using various sensors
flight management computer (FMC) is a
such as GPS and INS to determine the
LinkedIn fundamental component of a 737’s avionics.
aircrafts lateral and vertical position in the
An FMS is a specialized computer system
Skype that automates a wide variety of in-flight
world. The FMS is normally controled
through a Control Display Unit (CDU) which
tasks, reducing the workload on the flight incorprates a small screen and keyboard.
crew to the point that during long haul flight The FMS also sends the required flight plan
on for example a 737, one pilot at a time can data to other instruments such as the PFD
even go into a controlled sleep. for better accessability
1. When you will have powered on the aircraft with your GPU or APU you will notice that the FMC will
be on its first page (IDENT). On this page you will be shown information regarding the aircraft. You
will also see what kind of navigation data you have and if you get a warning on the scratchpad that
says: NAV DATA OUT OF DATE. Then you will have to update your nav data so that it matches the
current real-world data. Also, to clear the message press CLR.
HAS TAKEN PLACE. Now you’ll need to press R6 or POS INIT> to move onto the next page.
L1 R1 Click L2 to enter your departure airport ICAO code and L3 to enter the gate at which your aircraft is
standing. Now click on the NEXT PAGE button to move onto the next page of POS INIT. Choose
L2 R2 either GPS L or GPS R (L4 or L5) to copy the GPS data to your scratchpad. Now click on PREV
L3 R3 PAGE to go back to the previous page. All you need to do now is press R4 which will paste the GPS
data into the IRS position.
L4 R4 3. Press R6 or ROUTE> to enter the part of the FMC where you will enter your desired route. You will
notice that you will have your departure airport’s ICAO code in the scratchpad already as this will
L5 R5 now be needed. Press L1 to enter your origin airport which you already have in the scratchpad as
L6 R6 mentioned before, and then press R1 to enter your arrival airport’s ICAO code. Now to finish this
page off you’ll need to do 2 more things. Press R2 to enter your fictional/real world flight number and
then enter the name of your co-route file using L2 that I showed you how to create in my other
Simbrief guide. Press R6 to activate this route and then the EXEC button to execute it.
4. Press R6 again to go onto the PERF INIT page. Note* please use my Simbrief guide for this as new
pilots might not understand where I get the following data from. Press L4 to enter your reserves (tip:
divide by 1000), L5 to enter your cost index, R1 to enter your cruise altitude (tip: divide by 100), R2
to enter your cruise wind and R3 to enter your current temperature shown on the middle display. And
then press L1 and wait a couple of seconds until the EXEC button lights up, and once it does press it.
5. Now press R6 to go onto your N1 LIMIT which is for more advanced pilots only. If you do not
understand what to do here, just press R6 again to skip this page. Once on the TAKEOFF page press
L1 to enter your takeoff flaps setting which usually should be 5, then go to your EFB / iPad and go
into the Fuel settings and look for the % next to TO CG, remember this number as you will need to go
back to the FMC and press L3 along with that number to get your takeoff trim setting. Then press R1,
R2 and R3 to get your V-Speeds.
6. Then press the DEP ARR button to input your departure and arrival data. Once on there press L1 to go
to the departure page. Then select your SID that is on your flight plan route from Simbrief and once
that is done select your runway which is also on the flight plan route. Once this information has been
inputted press DEP ARR once again and this time press R2 to enter your arrival data. This time don’t
look for the SID but the STAR which is near the end of the flight plan on Simbrief. Also input your
arrival runway and approach type which is entirely up to you and your capabilities
7. Just to verify that the flight plan was correctly entered you will need to enter PLAN MODE. This can
be accessed by turning the knob which is located next to the minimums/baro to PLN. Now you will
have to press the LEGS button on the FMC and step through all the waypoints/fixes by pressing R6.
Once verified that the integrity of the flight plan is stable turn the knob that is in PLN mode to its
original state