Gujarat Technological University: Chemical Engineering (05) SUBJECT CODE: 2160509
Gujarat Technological University: Chemical Engineering (05) SUBJECT CODE: 2160509
Gujarat Technological University: Chemical Engineering (05) SUBJECT CODE: 2160509
Rationale: This subject is an integration of chemistry with biological systems. It deals with basic
aspects of biological systems, their operations and their applications.
Animal Biotechnology
Introduction, The Immune System, Monoclonal Antibodies and Cell
2 Culture Products, In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer, Babies of 6 8
a Specified Sex, Animal Cloning, Genome Maps, DNA Fingerprinting
in Forensic Medicine
Plant Biotechnology
Introduction, History of Tissue Culture Techniques, General Techniques
3 and terminologies. Different culturing techniques, micropropogation, 5 7
Somaclonal variation, Germplasm conservation.
Enzyme Technology
Introduction, Historical, Coenzymes and Cofactors, Enzymes Vs.
Catalysts, Enzymes Vs. Whole Cells, Production of Enzymes,
Classification and Nomenclature, Chemical Energetics, Mechanism of
6 Enzyme Action, Enzyme Kinetics, Nontraditional Enzymes, 8 11%
Immobilization of Enzymes, Uses of Enzymes in Solution, Uses of
Immobilized Enzymes, Enzyme Reactors, Biosensors, Enzyme
Engineering, Bi- and Poly –Functional Enzymes, Safety and Regulatory
Fuel Biotechnology
Introduction, Useful Features of Biofuels, Undesirable Features of
8 Biofuels, Areas for Future Research Focus, Energy Crops, Modes of 5 7
Utilization of Biomass, Biogas, Bioethanol, Biobutanol, Biodiesel,
Environmental Biotechnology
Introduction, Wastes and Pollutants, Hazards from Wastes and
9 Pollutants, Waste Treatment, Landfill, Aerobic Waste Water Treatment, 8 11
Anaerobic Treatment of Waste Water, Biodegradation of Xanobiotic
Compounds, Bioremediation, Water Quality
Introduction, Historical 615, Definitions, Objectives of Safety
10 Guidelines, Risk Assessment, Containment, Planned Introduction of 5 7
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Biosafety during Industrial
Production, Biosafety Guidelines in India.
10 20 15 10 10 05
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The
actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
List of Experiments:
1. To perform monochrome staining.
2. To perform callus culture
3. Screeing of potential micro organism
4. Sterilization techniques
5. Development of Inoculum
6. Production of bioethanol through fermentative method.
7. Production of biomass in laboratory
8. Basic techniques for waste water analysis.
Reference Books:
1. Basic Biotechnology by Colin Ratledge and Bjorn Kristiansen, Cambridge University Press,
3rd Edition.
2. Biotechnology by B. D. Singh, Kalyani Publisher.
3. Principles of Fermentation Technology, by Whitaker, Peter F Stanbury, S. Hall and A.
Whitaker, Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd edition.
4. Plant Biotechnology by Dr. P. K. Gupta, Rastogi Publication.
Course Outcome:
After learning the course, the students should be able to:
1. Develop a fundamental understanding interdisciplinary approach of Biotechnology and
Chemical Engineering.
2. Understand different branches of biotechnology and its applications in real field.