Strategic Facilities Planning: A Focus On Health Care: Journal of Service Science - 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
Strategic Facilities Planning: A Focus On Health Care: Journal of Service Science - 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
Strategic Facilities Planning: A Focus On Health Care: Journal of Service Science - 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
Turbulent market conditions have forced the health care sector to re-examine its business and
operational practices. Health care has become increasingly complex as decisions and planning
are reframed in light of the current lagging economy, an increased demand for services, new
global competition, and impending legislation reform. The stress is felt most keenly within the
nation’s hospitals and consortia of health care facilities. Facility planning decisions are no
exception. Hospital administrators are abandoning the once commonplace rules governing aging
infrastructure renovations. Instead, administrators are basing decisions within their respective
strategic context and are attempting to align buildings, services, personnel, and technology to an
overall plan that looks at markets, operations, and finances as resources for competitive
advantage. This paper reviews the strategic facilities planning literature and applies those best
practices which support this organizational alignment for health care. An application in the mid-
Atlantic demonstrates that hospital facilities, by design, need to support the current and future
needs of health care delivery systems, while dated structures impede industry advances. Health
care infrastructure improvements must proactively address technological, regulatory, and
financial changes facing the sector.
T he International Facility Management Association defines a strategic facility plan (SFP) as a two-to-
five year plan that comprehensively articulates the type, quantity, and location of spaces required to
support an organization’s business objectives (____b, 2009). The overall plan then prioritizes short-
term plans and funding to achieve those business objectives. The goal is to ensure the strategic functionality of the
physical environment through the integration of people, places, processes, and technology (____a, 2009). While
incorporating an enterprise-wide perspective, SFPs also are flexible and living documents that implement long-term
goals through data-driven tactics such as relocations, downsizing, mergers and acquisitions, new construction,
renovation, site and facility selection, and real estate decisions. Such plans incorporate multiple factors such as the
current business mission, future vision, current facilities base, and projects currently underway. In doing so, they
gain organizational support and credibility internally and externally while strengthening the competitive position and
performance. To gain these benefits, organizations use a step-by-step process of understanding, analysis, planning,
and acting (Glagola, 2002).
The International Facility Management Association (____b, 2009) has further defined the SFP process
steps as:
1. Understanding the organization’s mission, vision, value and goals through four key measurements:
financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning.
Journal of Service Science – 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
2. Analyzing the organization with techniques such as SWOT and/or scenario planning to explore the potential
future outcomes.
3. Planning that encompasses the long-term and annual needs of the organization.
4. Acting to implement the plans while collecting feedback as to the products and processes.
The current competitive environment for health care competition is fierce. Approximately 5,000 acute care
hospitals in the United States compete for their 30% share of $2.4 trillion spent for health care. This yields an
overall market of $720 billion (Keehan et al., 2008) Ancillary competition is increasing from independent physician
practices, medical tourism, and alternative medicine. Yet patient volume growth, supported by forecasted US
demographic predictions, is perceived as the primary method for sustaining growth. Because patients have many
options, hospitals know they must also improve their marketing efforts while sustaining these efforts by meeting
customer expectations, introducing new technologies and programs, and building facilities.
Traditional market competition has failed to produce quality and cost improvements in health care,
resulting in current efforts to reform the industry (Porter and Teisberg, 2004). Impending legislation and increasing
pressure on cost structures have driven health care administrators to examine both positive and adverse outcomes
from industry competition. Porter and Teisberg (2004) posit that in the past, the objective of health care
improvement was to reduce and avoid costs - through increased bargaining power and rationing. The authors
contend that in the current environment, the objective for improvement is to enable choice – through endorsed health
plan options. Endorsement requires that errors be reduced. By focusing on improved provider and hospital
practices, through process innovation and redesign, health care is learning that doing things right the first time
improves outcomes and can also cut costs.
Strategically, to achieve improved outcomes and cost reductions, the trend in the industry has been for
health care facilities to move to specialization. Procedure specialization has resulted in an accelerated learning
curve due to the resulting economies of scale for the facility. This learning creates better outcomes as measured by
lower mortality rates. These outcomes are maximized through continual process improvement (Porter and Teisberg,
2004). It is in this area of process improvement that health care providers are examining their facilities to determine
how more strategic facility planning can contribute to improving economic circumstances for themselves and the
industry as a whole.
Process improvement for health care must occur within an existing context of financial realities and
external regulation. These factors have contributed to the shift from cost reduction to process improvement driven
competitive strategies. The shift in these factors has evolved over the past 40 years based on changes in regulations,
reimbursement policies, percentage of total cost paid by the patient, the mix of inpatient vs. outpatient procedures,
and the overall percentage of health care costs that can be attributed to hospitals (see Table 1) (____, 2008). The
industry’s service delivery has shifted; fewer inpatient procedures are delivered as compared to outpatient
procedures, yielding a lower percentage of health care costs accounted for in hospital facility revenues. These are
the financial realities driving hospitals to examine their facilities management strategically. The questions become
1. If more outpatient procedures are delivered and fewer dollars are available to hospitals, what are the most
cost effective procedures for any particular hospital to provide?
2. How do integrated health care delivery systems (that include hospitals) continue to compete with smaller
niche facilities that skim the most lucrative procedure dollars?
3. How do hospitals with aging facilities and infrastructure continue to attract patients who have access to
newer facilities?
4. How do hospitals with unused or underutilized facilities and infrastructure hold or increase their return on
facility assets?
Journal of Service Science – 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
Health Care Competitive Cost Factors Changing over Time
Inpatient/ Hospital % of
Decade Regulations Reimbursement Payers/Consumers
Outpatient Health care $
20% 95% IP
<1970s Hill Burton Cost based 50%
patient cost sharing 5% OP
Prospective Payments 10-15% 85% IP
1980s CON 40%
(DRGs) patient cost sharing 15% OP
Balanced Budget 10% 50% IP
1990s CON repeal 35%
Act I patient cost sharing 50% OP
Balanced Budget 15-20% 30% IP
2000s DOJ/FTC 30%
Act II patient cost sharing 70% OP
It is these questions that have moved health care facilities to undertake strategic facility planning (Reeve
2001). The next question is if health care facilities choose to undertake such planning, what best practices can they
use or incorporate to have the most positive outcomes? What can health care learn from other industries who have
undergone the same shift?
Historically, technology has been a key enabler of process redesign. This reality is emerging in health care
in the application of smart patient rooms and electronic medical records. The improvement takes the form of
accurate and reliable information captured, stored, retrieved, and displayed to enable timely and effective decision
making. More specifically, smart rooms provide bedside access to timely patient information by caregivers as well
as patients themselves. Voice recognition and laser pointers improve patient outcomes by reducing or eliminating
direct contact with work surfaces. Caregiver data entry improves the timeliness and accuracy of patient information
capture. Patient safety and security updates can be provided at the room and/or bedside. (____, 2008)
The smart rooms are connected to a technology center that performs the command center role in decision
making. Just-in-time data provides support for collaborative decision making and action and removes the
fragmenting of care processes around traditional hospital departments. Modeled after the military or air traffic
command center, such patient care command centers provide real time clinical, operational, and logistical
information for staff and physicians, notify departments of patient readiness for procedures and treatments, controls
the timing of patient flow through the facility which decreases downtime and increases efficiencies, monitors
activities to predict patient flows, and increases staff and customer service. (____, 2008)
Technology enables the global sharing of medical information across providers and locations – allowing
each patient to receive a data-driven analysis, prognosis, and treatment plan - no matter where the patient is treated.
This reality supports the transition of care away from the hospital to any number of ancillary health care facilities
and into homes through telehealth applications. For this reason, it is even more important for hospitals to use
technology to provide the highest standard of medical care (____, 2008)
Given SFP practices, hospital requirements, and technology opportunities, what steps does the hospital
administration take to develop a strategic hospital facility plan? The three components include market analysis,
operational review, and financial feasibility. The planning process must answer the following:
Market analysis
1. How will the hospital accommodate projected demand in its primary service area as well as the greater
2. What service area has an increasing market share? Declining?
3. What are the population and demographic trends in the primary service area and greater region?
Journal of Service Science – 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
4. Who are the employers and insurers in the primary service area and greater region? What are their
5. Does the hospital have the necessary physicians? If not, what is the plan to recruit and retain the necessary
Operational review
Financial feasibility
Yet the most important question to consider is: Does this plan or project support the organization’s mission?
Shohet (2006) extended strategic health care facilities management to include maintenance of those
facilities as well. His key performance indicators for determining optimal planning for maintenance include
1. Asset development
a. Built area size
b. Occupancy
c. Age
2. Organization management
a. Number of employees per 1000 m2 built area
b. Scope of maintenance outsourcing
c. Maintenance supervisory span of control
d. Maintenance organizational structure
3. Performance management
a. Building performance indicator based on the level of safe and appropriate performance of the
building’s components
4. Maintenance efficiency
a. Annual maintenance expenditures per square meter
b. Annual maintenance expenditure per patient bed
c. Maintenance efficiency indicator (maintenance expenditure relative to age)
Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, Maryland, is engaged in a planning project that incorporates the
process described here. They initially engaged in a market analysis that incorporated current and future hospitals of
their own and competitor groups. Using a geographic information system (GIS), they plotted the location of the
region’s health care facilities along with major highways and transportation systems. Next they added the location
of all physician office locations including specialty and number of physicians per office. Once the geographic
market space was analyzed, they used the following tools and technologies to determine what the future facility plan
should be:
Journal of Service Science – 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
Holy Cross recognized the constraint from the financial feasibility plan of a limited revenue stream to
manage the high fixed costs of the proposed facility. They chose instead to exploit the constraint by determining the
best way to draw profitable patient volumes while optimizing resources, reducing wait times by expediting care
through bottlenecks, and increasing patient satisfaction. They then made the final decision for the capital plan based
on return on investment.
The planning process is ongoing. Through the process, the Holy Cross facility planning group is heeding
the following to create the optimal plan (Weitzner, 2006):
In the end, the potential exists to over plan as well. The SFP process must retain an iterative improvement
process because according to Wendy M. Weitzner of Kaiser-Permanente, “No amount of good planning will result
in a perfect building that will meet all needs for the next 50 years.” The strength of the strategic planning model is
its ability to support best health care practices and the process enablement of state-of-the-art technology while
allowing for the integration of advances over time using a more evolutionary approach.”
For more than 50 years, The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
has worked to improve the quality and safety of health care services. Today, it is the largest accrediting body of
health care organizations in the United States, accrediting and certifying more than 17,000 health care organizations.
It is recognized as a leader in all aspects of safe, high quality care. In 2006, JCAHO produced a report that
articulates the roadmap for developing the hospital of the future (____, 2006). The commission reports on these
principles specifically for hospital facility planning.
Journal of Service Science – 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
Existing facilities have persistent problems that must be recognized and mitigated through data-driven
design. These include safety issues, hospital-acquired infection, and worker fatigue. New hospitals will
increasingly serve elderly patients who will require facilities designed to safely accommodate them.
Additionally, threats to patient safety such as medication errors, falls, and transfer errors can also be
minimized through strategic planning that increases lighting, reduces noise, provides visibility of patients to the
nursing staff.
In the global economy, people travel more; the supply chain is global; the media provide awareness of
global disasters. The flat world lends itself to the global spread of disease, to the assistance in recovery of disasters,
and to the potential disruption of pharmaceutical supply chains. Hospitals require planning for expansion and
reduction of capacity within the physical environment to accommodate the flattened world.
The manufacturing sector is building flexibility into its operational processes. Hospitals must likewise
build in flexibility. However, unlike in the manufacturing environment, such flexibility comes through
standardization of rooms, equipment, and processes. Such design reduces the costs of disruptions by providing a
consistent context for varying process pieces to occur in varying and often unpredictable sequences and frequencies.
4. Provide as much safety for hospital employees as for patients and families.
Design facilities to move supplies closer to their intended usages to reduce travel and walk time for care
givers. Use ergonomic technologies to reduce heavy lifting, transporting, and turning of patients. Beyond
increasing safety, such designs contribute to a culture of safety that benefits all who enter the facility.
Historically, hospitals have not been environmentally friendly. Chemicals have been used in hospital
building supplies and medical supplies; hospital emissions have created toxic spaces for patients and health care
workers. What does it say about a facility that treats disease and infection while simultaneously degrading the air
and material quality of that space? In addition, hospitals should be designed to be energy efficient with low carbon
footprints and high percentages of recycled materials. Food served should promote wellness using healthy
ingredients that are local, humane, and environmentally protective.
Holy Cross Hospital’s facility planning group is applying the best practice principles to create a sequence
of action plans that realize the following operational implications.
1. Consolidate flows
a. Organize operations and spaces around like experiences.
b. Deploy resources to the point of use; minimize patient movements.
c. Aggregate “outpatients-in-beds” to universal care unit.
d. Design to the frequent; respect the few.
2. Standardize care spaces
a. Increase safety and minimize risk.
b. Focus on information flow that is timely, accurate, relevant, and coordinated.
3. Base decisions on current data
a. Use real time metrics.
b. Enforce transparency of decision making with data.
Journal of Service Science – 2010 Volume 3, Number 1
There is still much to learn in the application of facilities planning concepts to hospital facility planning.
It’s a bit like trying to change the tires on a moving bus; the context, competitive environment, customer needs and
technology enablers are all changing at an increasingly rapid rate. Hospital planners, who get it right the first time,
stand to realize strong gains. The 2009 Community Health Replacement Study (____c, 2009) reports on the
operating performance of replacement hospitals using the financial metric of Earnings before Interest, Taxes,
Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA). The replacement hospitals studied over a 7 year period realized a
declining EBITDA in the years prior and during replacement followed by substantial gains in the years following
replacement. The same improvement trends were reported in median operating margins, and median debt to cash
flow. These financial improvements were the results of improved staffing and throughput rations that were realized
in the strategically developed facilities. Those hospitals which use the guiding principles above translated into
operational and tactical plans for development have the highest opportunities to remain competitive.
Ellen D. Hoadley, Ph. D., is Professor of Management Information Systems at Loyola University Maryland where
she has taught since 1988. Dr. Hoadley teaches Information Technology and Strategy and Operations Management
in the MBA and Executive MBA programs, as well as Systems Analysis and Design at the undergraduate level. Her
research areas include business process reengineering, requirements determination in systems analysis, and the use
of color in the human/computer interface. Dr. Hoadley has published in journals such as Communications of the
ACM, Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, and Journal of Knowledge and Process Management.
Brian Jorgensen is currently an Associate Product Manager with Simply Asia Foods, a division of McCormick &
Company. In his current role, Brian is responsible for developing and executing a new item pipeline strategy that
will allow Simply Asia Foods to continually increase revenues by capitalizing on the emerging and evolving
consumer demand for Asian cuisine. Brian has completed his MBA from Loyola University Maryland.
Craig Masters has fifteen years of healthcare finance experience including capital planning, strategic analysis and
decision support for providers ranging from large integrated health systems to rural critical access hospitals. He also
has significant experience in hospital/physician integration and reimbursement policy. Craig is a licensed Certified
Public Accountant, a Fellow in the Healthcare Financial Management Association, and a Loyola University
Maryland MBA.
Nalli Tuma is an International Marketing and Product Manager for Dentsply Pharmaceutical, a division of Dentsply
International, located in York, PA. Nalli, originally from Brazil, has been in the US since 1998. She has a BA in
Economics from PUC, São Paulo, and an MBA from Loyola University Maryland. In the US, she worked as a
Project Manager at Universal Dialog and a Marketing Manager at Zimmer Dental supporting international strategic
marketing initiatives.
Scott Wulff is a Production Scientist at Becton Dickinson Diagnostic Systems, manufacturer of medical diagnostic
instrumentation, located in Hunt Valley MD and a division of Becton Dickinson Co. (BD). Scott has a BS from
Salisbury University, an MS in Biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University, and an MBA from Loyola
University Maryland. He has worked at BD for 19 years both in R&D and most recently in Operations investigating
product quality issues and improving manufacturing efficiencies.
1. ____, (2006) Health care at the crossroads: Guiding principles for the development of the hospital of the
future. Report of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, pp. 1-45.
2. ____, (2008) Hospital of the future: core concepts. Navigant Consulting, Inc. presentation, July 9, Silver
Spring, MD.
Journal of Service Science – 2010 Volume 3, Number 1