Guide 8 My Experiences
Guide 8 My Experiences
Guide 8 My Experiences
1. Talk in pairs. When was the last time you:
Used a mobile phone?
Went to a gym?
Worked after eleven at night?
Read a book you didn’t like?
Saw a horror film?
Smoked a cigarette?
Played a new game or sport?
Ate a hamburger?
2. Read the web postings. Are any of them TRUE for you?
Do you ever feel you’re a little bit different from the crowd? What things are you happy you’ve never
I’ve never had a mobile phone. Why do people these days make phone calls while driving their
cars or shopping in the supermarket? When I leave my house, I’m happy to get away from my
phone for a few hours.
I’ve never read a Harry Potter book or seen any of the films.
I’ve never played golf. Why pay money to hit a ball around a large area of land that was once
beautiful countryside?
I’ve never liked The Beatles. I don’t understand people who do.
I’ve never worked to a company with good management. I’ve never believed managers when they
say “people are the most important thing in our company”.
I’ve never smoked, or eaten a McDonald’s hamburger. I’ve never wanted to stop smoking.
I’ve never been to a gym. I’ve never understood people who climb mountains or do extreme sports.
I’ve never said “never”.
3. In the article, Frances says: I’ve never had a mobile phone, is she talking about:
1. The past? 2. The present? 3. Her whole life up to now?
Ask the questions in pairs and answer with your own ideas.
In groups, find out who’s been in: Cartagena, San Agustin, San Andres, Miami and New York. Then
use follow – up questions.
Is it ………?