Allowable Deductions in Gross Estate
Allowable Deductions in Gross Estate
Allowable Deductions in Gross Estate
1. Which of the following properties of Reign who dies December 1, 2018 is subject to vanishing
Property 2: Commercial lot and building inherited from her mother in 2015 where the estate tax
thereon had not been paid
a. No No Yes Yes
b. No No Yes No
d. Yes Yes No No
2. A decedent has one year left to complete 30 years of continuous service with his employer when he
died. His only heir received Php 1,500,000 as benefit under RA 4917. What should be the amount to be
included in the gross estate?
a. Php 1,500,000
b. Php 500,000
c. Php 1,000,000
d. Php 0
3. A decedent has one year left to complete 30 years of continuous service with his employer when he
died. His only heir received Php 1,500,000 as benefit under RA 4917. What amount should be included
as part of deductions from gross estate?
a. Php 1,500,000
b. Php 500,000
c. Php 1,000,000
d. Php 0
4. A nonresident alien decedent left the following assets:
The country where the decedent is a citizen and resident does not impose transfer tax on transmission
of intangibles of Filipinos not residing therein. The taxable net estate in the Philippines is:
a. Php 3,800,000
b. Php 4,280,000
c. Php 4,780,000
d. Php 5,280,000
5. A nonresident alien died on March 10, 2018 leaving the following properties and deductions:
a. Php 96,000
b. Php 66,000
c. Php 1,500,000
d. Php 1,600,000