From Neglect To Respect
From Neglect To Respect
From Neglect To Respect
to Respect
A 10-point Agenda for Action
by the new
Irish Government
on Mental Health
June 2007
“Mental health is central to the human,
social and economic capital of nations
and should therefore be considered as an
integral and essential part of other public
policy areas such as human rights, social
care, education and employment.
Mental health is a human right, yet right help is available. If the new Irish
successive Irish governments have Government is committed to the
neglected mental health and related object and principle of human rights,
services. For example, children and it must make mental health a priority.
adolescents continue to wait years for
assessment, and they are placed in If the new national mental health
adult psychiatric hospitals in breach policy framework published by the
of the UN Convention on the Rights of Department of Health and Children in
the Child because children’s facilities January 2006, A Vision for Change,
are unavailable. There is widespread were implemented in full, it could
unavailability of alternatives to reverse many of the above human
medication, principally psychological rights concerns. It proposes
and social interventions, in breach of significant changes and
the right to the most appropriate and improvements in mental health
the least restrictive or intrusive services, and aims for a true
treatment. Ireland still has a high rate movement of services – the right
of hospitalisation for mental health services - into the community and
problems, due to limited community- people’s homes. It points to the
based services, conflicting with the importance of empowerment,
right to treatment in the least advocacy, peer support, offering a
restrictive environment. People with range of therapies, supporting
mental health problems can have carers, and, perhaps most
difficulty accessing or staying in importantly, recovery. It also
employment (the right to work is a recognises the crucial importance of
basic human right), or in education having service users centrally
(also a basic human right). involved in all planning and
decision-making, from official
At the extreme end, mental ill health processes to their individual cases,
can result in suicide or self-harm. For which is a fundamental human right.
others, particularly those with little It is not just a mental health services
support structures, they may become policy – it addresses a wide range of
homeless, or their behaviour may Government Departments and
bring them into contact with the agencies, which must take
criminal justice system, and many are responsibility for their role. We need
misdirected towards prison rather to see this policy translate into reality.
than appropriate mental healthcare Now is a critical time for action and
or support services. The vast majority commitment from the new Irish
of people with mental health Government.
problems continue about their lives
without encountering these
experiences, and for them, it is vital
that, when they need and want it, the
We demand that the new Irish Government,
which will span almost the entire lifetime of
A Vision for Change, commits to the following
actions at a minimum: