FLuid Flow
FLuid Flow
FLuid Flow
This experiment was set to investigate the head loss for pipes with different diameters. The
experiment was set up and the flow rate measure by taking the time and the volume collected.
The data obtained from the experiment was then used to calculate the head-loss and then
compared with the theoretical known values of different pipe diameters
We used manometer to measure and record the change in pressure through the pipe alongside
the timer to view how long it took the tank to fill up in each pipe diameter. Moreover, we
noticed that the theoretical and observed relationship between the head-loss was slightly
different since as the diameter increase the head-loss reduced.
To measure head loss versus discharge for water flowing through individual pipes with
different internal diameters.
To plot a graph of Hf against Qv and make a relationship between the head-loss and the
Mechanical Engineering field practice involves the study and analysis of the hydraulic
systems such a pipelines and flow through the pipe networks. Therefore, as an engineer it is
necessary to estimate the head loss incurred by a fluid as it flows along a pipeline network
with the aim of minimizing the losses in the flow pipes.
Also in engineering design of a network pipeline it is necessary to predict the rate of flow
along a proposed pipe connecting two reservoirs at different levels and calculate what
additional head would be required to double the rate of flow along an existing pipeline.
In this experiment study of head-loss was carried out through pipes of different diameters and
the results of the head loss compared by plotting a graph to show the relationship between the
head loss and pipe diameters. The flowrate was also calculated using the values obtained
where the pressure was recorded using the manometer, volume collected and the time it took
to collect it.
A fluid flowing through a pipe always experiences some resistance due to which some energy of fluid
is lost. Energy loss through friction in the length of pipeline is commonly termed as the major loss
(hf) which is the loss of head due to pipe friction and viscous dissipation in flowing water. The
resistance to flow in a pipe is a function of the pipe length, diameter, mean velocity, properties of the
fluid in terms of viscosity and roughness of the pipe. The flow in a pipe is always independent of
pressure under which the water flows.
Head losses in straight pipes of different diameters and equal length can be investigated over a range
of Reynolds' numbers from 103 to 105. Within this Reynolds numbers; laminar, transitional, and
turbulent flow are not depicted and the flow is smooth.
The head loss calculation is given as follows;
Frictional losses (hf), is given by Darcy’s formula as
∆ p 4 flu 2
hf = = ………Eqn1
ρg d2 g
Darcy’s formula can therefore be expressed as;
4 flu2
hf =
Where, f- is the friction factor,
u- mean velocity
d-pipe diameter
g- Gravitational force
Image source: lab manual
Any pipeline with a diameter d and a length L carrying a flow Rate of Q will have a head
losses Hf due to friction along its length defined by equation below
LQ v 2
hf =K ( d5 ) mH 20………Equation 2
( H 1−2 d 5 )
K= ( dimensionless) ….. Equation 3
( LQ v 2 )
From the graph it can be seen that Hf decreases as the diameter increases.
By measuring the flowrate and corresponding head loss (pressure drop) across pipes with different
inside diameters.
C1 I-MKII pipe network Apparatus
1-10 Hydraulic bench
Stop watch
Measuring cylinder
inside diameters.
All of the pipework network were fully primed and then configured to allow testing of pipe
A by opening and closing the appropriate isolating valves as shown in the experiment set up
images above.
Inlet flow control valve was opened at the base fully and then the system was fully primed.
Hand held pressure meter was connected to tapings H1 and H2 to measure the head loss
across pipe A.
Before taking readings from the pressure meter it was first primed by holding the meter over
the volumetric tank on F 1-10 then opening the bleed valves at the connection to the meter
until all air was expelled from the flexible tubing to the meter.
The flow was varied through the test pipe from zero to maximum flowrate by adjusting the
outlet flow control valve at the top or the inlet flow control valve at the bottom as
At each setting the conditions were allowed to settle. Thereafter, the head loss measured and
recorded using the handheld pressure meter and the corresponding flowrate using the
volumetric tank on F1-10 with a stop clock.
When a head versus flow characteristic has been obtained for test pipe A, the isolating valves
for test pipe B as shown above were then reconfigured.
The procedures for A and B were then repeated for test pipes C and D in turn and the results
recorded in the table below.
Test Pipe Pipe Head loss Volume Elapsed Flow
Bore d Length H1-2 collected Time t 𝑯𝒇𝒅𝟓
m Vm 3 secs
Lm mH2O (×10-4) K= ×10-3
Length of the pipe L= 0.7 m which was uniform for all pipes.
π (d )2
Cross-sectional area of the pipe is given by, A=
π ( 9.0 ×10−3 ) 2
A= =6.362×10-5 m2
volume collected
F low rateQ=
elapsed time
1 0 ×10−3 m3
(i); Q= =6.954 ×10-4 m3/sec
1 4. 38 sec
2 0 ×10−3 m3
(ii); Q= =7.095×10-4 m3/sec
28 . 19 sec
30 ×10−3 m3
(iii) Q= =7.022×10-4 m3/s
42.72 sec
Mean volumetric flow rate= ×10-4 = 7.024×10-4
7.024 × 10−4 ( msec3 ) = 11.04 m
6.362×10−5 m s
H (1−2) d5
constant dimensionless , K= ( LQv
2 )
K i=¿×10-3
π ( 10.0× 10−3 ) 2
A= =7.854 ×10-5 m2
volume collected
Flow rate Q=
elapsed time
5 ×10−3 m3
(i) Q= =9.804×10-4 m3/sec
5.10 sec
15 ×10−3 m3
(ii); Q= =7.895×10-4 m3/sec
19.0 sec
6 ×10−3 m3
(iii) Q= =8.451×10-4 m3/s
7.10 sec
9.804+7. 895+8.451
Mean volumetric flow rate= ×10-4 = 8.717×10-4
8.717 × 10−4 ( msec3 ) = 11. 10 m
7.854 × 10−5 m s
H (1−2) d5
constant dimensionless , K= ( LQv 2 )
π ( 14 .0 ×10−3 ) 2
A= =1.539 ×10-4 m2
volume collected
Flow rate Q=
elapsed time
7 ×10−3 m3
(i) Q= =11.38 ×10-4 m3/sec
6.15 sec
9 ×10−3 m3
(ii); Q= =9.464×10-4 m3/sec
9.51 sec
12 ×10−3 m3
(iii) Q= =12.04 ×10-4 m3/s
9.97 sec
11.38+9.464 +12.04
Mean volumetric flow rate= ×10-4 = 10.961×10-4
10.961 ×10−4 ( m3
sec ) 7.12 m
1.539× 10−4 m s
H (1−2) d5
constant dimensionless , K= ( LQv 2 )
π ( 6 .0× 10−3 ) 2
A= =2.827 ×10-5 m2
volume collected
Flow rate Q=
elapsed time
3 ×10−3 m3
(i); Q= =4.279×10-4 m3/sec
7.01 sec
5 ×10−3 m3
(ii); Q= =3.218 ×10-4 m3/sec
15.54 sec
6 ×10−3 m3
(iii) Q= =2.953×10-4 m3/s
20.32 sec
Mean volumetric flow rate= ×10-4 = 3.483×10-4
3.483 ×10−4 ( m3
sec ) 1 2.32 m
2.827 ×10−5 m s
H (1−2) d5
constant dimensionless , K= ( LQv 2 )