Ingles B1 Ssce03.140

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SSCE03: Inglés B1

Edición: 1.0

Editorial Elearning, S.L.

ISBN: 978-84-16432-64-6

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UD1. Let me introduce myself................................................... 9

1.1. Need for a change................................................................ 15
1.1.1. Grammar workshop. Present simple............................ 15
1.1.2. Vocabulary workshop. Descriptions: age...................... 17
1.1.3. Descriptive adjectives. Physical appearance................. 18
1.1.4. Descriptive adjectives. Personality................................ 19
1.1.5. Adjectives followed by prepositions and infinitives.
Gradable and non-gradable adjectives......................... 20
1.1.6. Intensifiers................................................................... 21
1.2. Grammar workshop. Present continuous............................... 21
1.2.1. Writing workshop. Email structure................................ 24
1.3. Welcome to Edinburgh.......................................................... 25
1.3.1. Speaking workshop. At the airport............................... 26
1.3.2. Pronunciation workshop.............................................. 27

UD2. Once upon a time......................................................... 33

2.1. A strange night..................................................................... 37
2.1.1. Grammar workshop. Narrative tenses.......................... 38
2.2. The poets corner.................................................................. 45
2.2.1. Grammar workshop. Usually vs. used to...................... 47
2.2.2. Pronunciation workshop. Past simple regular verbs –
ed pronunciation......................................................... 49
2.3. Once upon a time in England................................................ 50
2.3.1. Vocabulary workshop. Books and literatura.................. 51
2.3.2. Writing workshop. Book review.................................... 51
2.3.3. Writing workshop. How to sequence facts................... 54
SSCE03: Inglés B1

UD3. Enjoy your trip!.............................................................. 61

3.1. What a difficult decision!........................................................ 67
3.1.1. Grammar workshop. Future tenses.............................. 67
3.1.2. Grammar workshop. Possessive pronouns.................. 70
3.1.3. Vocabulary workshop. Travelling................................... 71
3.1.4. Grammar workshop. Question tags.............................. 73
3.1.5. Pronunciation workshop. Question tags....................... 75
3.2. Destination: Ireland................................................................ 76
3.2.1. Vocabulary workshop. At the hotel............................... 78
3.2.2. Vocabulary workshop. The weather.............................. 79
3.3. Cultural facts. Molly Malone................................................... 81
3.3.1. Writing workshop. Informal letters................................. 82

UD4. I haven’t seen you for ages!........................................... 89

4.1. I’ve never tried it before!........................................................ 95
4.1.1. Grammar workshop. Present perfect............................ 96
4.1.2. Grammar workshop. Present Perfect or Past Simple..... 99
4.1.3. Pronunciation workshop. Irregular verbs....................... 99
4.2. The bill, please.................................................................... 100
4.2.1. Grammar workshop. Already, yet, still, just, for and
since........................................................................ 101
4.2.2. Grammar workshop. Impersonal sentences: “you” /
people / they............................................................ 103
4.3. Enjoy your meal!................................................................. 104
4.3.1. Vocabulary workshop. Foods and drinks.................... 106
4.3.2. Let’s talk about numbers........................................... 112

UD5. How can I help you?.................................................... 117

5.1. I’m a compulsive shopper.................................................... 123
5.1.1. Grammar workshop. Comparison in English............... 123
5.1.2. Grammar workshop. Superlative adjectives................ 126
5.2. Cultural facts: Wales........................................................... 129
5.2.1. Grammar workshop. Inferiority comparatives............... 130
5.2.2. Grammar workshop. Equality comparatives................ 131
5.2.3. Countable or uncontable nouns................................. 132
5.2.4. Less vs. fewer.......................................................... 134
5.2.5. Pronunciation workshop. The sound ‘schwa’ / /........ 134
5.3. Shopping at Harrods........................................................... 135
5.3.1. Vocabulary workshop. Shopping................................ 136
5.3.2. Writing workshop: letter complaint.............................. 137

UD6. I’m into new technology............................................... 145

6.1. I’m a technofile.................................................................... 151
6.1.1. 6.A.1. Grammar workshop. Modal verbs.................... 152
6.1.2. Quantifiers................................................................ 157
6.1.3. Vocabulary workshop. At work................................... 159
6.2. Cultural facts: Northen Ireland.............................................. 161
6.2.1. Grammar workshop. -ED vs. -ING adjectives.............. 162
6.2.2. Pronunciation workshop. Pronunciation of / /............. 163
6.3. I am the best candidate for that job!..................................... 163

UD7. If I were in your shoes.................................................. 171

7.1. If I could, I would................................................................. 177
7.1.1. Grammar workshop. Conditional sentences............... 178
7.1.2. Grammar workshop. Wish, hope, wait and look
forward to it............................................................... 180
7.2. Cultural facts: The educational system in Great Britain and
the United States................................................................ 182
7.2.1. Vocabulary workshop. Education............................... 185
7.2.2. Grammar workshop. The gerund when not in present
continuous................................................................ 186
7.3. Dear Mr. Jones................................................................... 188
7.3.1. Writing workshop. Formal letters................................ 189

UD8. I’m not feeling a hundred per cent................................ 197

8.1. I need a rest....................................................................... 201
8.1.1. Grammar workshop. Reported speech...................... 202
8.1.2. Vocabulary workshop. Parts of the body.................... 207
8.1.3. Vocabulary workshop. Injuries.................................... 208
8.1.4. Vocabulary workshop. Medication.............................. 208
8.1.5. Vocabulary workshop. Ill and sick............................... 209
8.2. The honour of the knight..................................................... 210
8.2.1. Pronunciation workshop. Silent letters........................ 211
8.3. Linking words..................................................................... 212
8.3.1. Useful connectors and linking words.......................... 212

UD9. Farewell!!.................................................................... 221

9.1. The film is being shot!......................................................... 227
9.1.1. Grammar workshop. The passive voice...................... 228
9.2. Would you fancy a rom-com?.............................................. 231
9.2.1. Writing workshop. A film review.................................. 231
SSCE03: Inglés B1

9.2.2. Speaking workshop. Keeping a conversation going.... 233

9.2.3. Pronunciation workshop. Liaison................................ 235
9.3. I´ll miss you!........................................................................ 236
9.3.1. Auld lang syne.......................................................... 236

Soluciones.......................................................................... 243

Anexo................................................................................. 249

Capacitar al alumnado para utilizar el idioma con soltura y eficacia en situa-

ciones habituales y más específicas que requieran comprender, producir y
tratar textos orales y escritos, conceptual y lingüísticamente complejos, en
una variedad de lengua estándar, con un repertorio léxico amplio aunque no
muy idiomático, y que versen sobre temas generales, actuales o propios del
campo de especialización del hablante.
Área: servicios socioculturales y a la comunidad
Let me introduce myself
SSCE03: Inglés B1

1.1. Need for a change

1.1.1. Grammar workshop. Present simple
1.1.2. Vocabulary workshop. Descriptions: age
1.1.3. Descriptive adjectives. Physical appearance
1.1.4. Descriptive adjectives. Personality
1.1.5. Adjectives followed by prepositions and infinitives. Gradable
and non-gradable adjectives
1.1.6. Intensifiers.
1.2. Grammar workshop. Present continuous
1.2.1. Writing workshop. Email structure
1.3. Welcome to Edinburgh
1.3.1. Speaking workshop. At the airport.
1.3.2. Pronunciation workshop
Objetivos específicos

1. Comprensión oral:

1.2. Comprender e identificar la información esencial, los puntos prin-

cipales y los detalles relevantes de textos orales emitidos por
médicos técnicos, sobre asuntos de carácter general, de actua-
lidad o relacionados con su especialidad, en registro estándar,
de forma clara, a velocidad media y con posibilidad de alguna
aclaración o repetición.

2. Expresión oral:

2.1. Expresarse con adecuación, eficacia y con razonable fluidez,

precisión y corrección en una amplia gama de situaciones y te-
mas, narrando y describiendo experiencias, sentimientos y acon-
tecimientos, transmitiendo información, presentando un tema co-
nocido y justificando las propias opiniones.

2.2. Plantear el discurso de forma coherente y clara, organizando y

cohesionando con flexibilidad, aunque de forma sencilla, pudien-
do ser evidente el acento extranjero y las pausas para planear el
discurso o corregir errores.

3. Comprensión escrita:

3.1. Identificar el tema, los puntos principales, el hilo argumental, los

detalles relevantes y las conclusiones de textos claros y bien or-
ganizados sobre temas generales actuales o relacionados con
su especialidad, así como de instrucciones fáciles, reconociendo
el tipo de texto y el registro estándar, formal o informal.

3.2. Localizar información específica en textos más extensos, proce-

dentes de distintas fuentes, con el fin de realizar una tarea con-

SSCE03: Inglés B1

4. Expresión escrita:

4.1. Escribir textos sencillos sobre temas cotidianos o de interés per-

sonal, adecuados a la situación de comunicación, razonable-
mente correctos y con un repertorio de elementos lingüísticos
suficientes para dar y transmitir información, expresar opiniones,
sentimientos e impresiones personales, narrar, describir, justificar,
parafrasear y sintetizar información de forma coherente y con una
organización y cohesión sencillas pero eficaces.

5. Interacción oral y escrita:

5.2. Comprender y escribir notas, mensajes o cartas para transmitir

información e ideas suficientemente precisas sobre temas con-
cretos o acontecimientos, reales o imaginarios, adecuándose a
la situación de comunicación, respetando razonablemente las
convenciones del lenguaje escrito y cuidando la coherencia y
cohesión de los textos.

7. Competencia lingüística:

7.1. Manejar un repertorio de recursos lingüísticos sencillo pero sufi-

ciente para abordar, con razonable precisión y fluidez con alguna
duda o circunloquio, una amplia gama de situaciones, funciones
y temas.

7.2. Utilizar los conocimientos sobre la lengua y las normas de uso lin-
güístico para hablar y escribir de forma sencilla, pero coherente y
correcta, para comprender textos, orales y escritos, y reflexionar
sobre el funcionamiento de la lengua extranjera en situaciones de



–– To consolidate one’s knowledge about the present simple and present


–– To expand lexis related to family relationships.

–– To describe oneself and others both physically and their personality.

–– To inform and comprehend information referring to leisure activities.

–– To be aware of some cultural facts about Scotland.

–– To expand knowledge on adjectives.

SSCE03: Inglés B1


1.1. Need for a change


Currently: actualmente, en la actualidad.

Nowadays: hoy en día, en la actualidad.

Although: aunque.

Therefore: por lo tanto.


I wouldn´t mind: no me importaría.

First things first!: ¡Lo primero es lo primero!

Hello! My name’s María, I’m in my late twenties and I’m from a small town in
the centre of Spain. I am currently unemployed and I am really desperate
to find a job. I’ve got a degree in Business Studies and I’ve also got a cer-
tificate in English because I think nowadays knowing at least one foreign
language is essential to get a good job.

Although I’m a family person my priority is my professional career as I need

to think of my future. Therefore, if I have to move to another town, city or
even country, I wouldn’t mind. First things first!

I hope to be lucky and find a good job soon!

1.1.1. Grammar workshop. Present simple

We use the present simple to talk about:

–– Facts that happen repeatedly (routines):

I go to English lessons twice a week

–– General truths:

It’s cold in Alaska

SSCE03: Inglés B1

The THIRD PERSON SINGULAR (He, She, It) carries an “S”. We must pay at-
tention to the spelling when forming the third person singular:

–– The ending is –es when the word ends in –s, -ss, -sh, - ch, -x, -o:

He misses, he finishes, he watches, he mixes, he goes…

–– When the verb ends in consonant + y, we change the y for an –i and then,
we add the –es:

He studies, he cries…

–– When the verb ends in vowel + y, we just add the –s:

He plays, he stays…

Form of the present simple tense

Auxiliar verbs Common verbs
Those handicrafts are very original They create original handicrafts
This park has got many benches Ann wakes up early every morning
Auxiliar verbs Common verbs
Those handicrafts aren’t very original They don’t create original handicrafts
This park hasn’t got many benches VERB
Ann doesn’t wake up early every morning
Auxiliar verbs Common verbs
Are those handicrafts very original? Do they create original handicrafts?
Has this park got many benches?
Does Ann wake up early every morning?


YES/NO QUESTIONS are answered like this:

Yes+ subject+ auxiliary

Yes, she is / Yes, she has / Yes, she does...

No+ subject+ auxiliary in negative

No, she isn´t / No, she hasn´t / No, she doesn´t.

FREQUENCY ADVERBS are often used with the Present Simple. The most
common are:

100% of the time 0% of the timeflecha

Always Usually Often Sometimes Occasionally Seldom Rarely Hardly ever Never

Frecuency adverbs are placed:

–– BEFORE the main verb (except the verb “to be”):

I always study in the library when I have an exam.

–– AFTER the verb “to be”:

I am always tired after lessons.

1.1.2. Vocabulary workshop. Descriptions: age

Mid- Early About Late Thirties


–– She is in her mid- thirties: she is between 34 and 36.

–– She is in her early thirties: she is between 31 and 33.

–– She is about thirty: she is 29, 30, 31.

–– She is in her late thirties: she is between 37 and 39.

–– She is in her thirties: she is between 31 and 39.

SSCE03: Inglés B1

1.1.3. Descriptive adjectives. Physical appearance

–– General adjectives

∙∙ Attractive: atractivo/a.

∙∙ Beautiful: guapo/a, bonito/a.

∙∙ Gorgeous: guapísimo/a, precioso/a.

∙∙ Good-looking: guapo/a (generally masculine).

∙∙ Handsome: guapo (masculine).

∙∙ Pretty: guapa (feminine).

∙∙ Ugly: feo/a.

∙∙ Old: viejo/a.

∙∙ Young: joven.

∙∙ Middle-aged: de mediana edad.

–– Height and build

∙∙ Medium-height: estatura media.

∙∙ Tall: alto/a.

∙∙ Short: bajo/a.

∙∙ Chubby: regordete/a.

∙∙ Fat: gordo/a.

∙∙ (A bit) Overweight: (con un poco de) sobrepeso.

∙∙ Thin: delgado/a.

∙∙ Skinny: flacucho/a.

∙∙ Slim: delgado/a (in an attractive way).


∙∙ Well-built: fornido/a, corpulento/a.

–– Hair

∙∙ Chestnut: castaño.

∙∙ Curly: rizado.

∙∙ Dark: moreno.

∙∙ Fair / Blond: rubio.

∙∙ Grey: canoso.

∙∙ Mousy: castaño.

∙∙ Shoulder-length: (longitud) por el hombro.

∙∙ Straight: liso.

∙∙ To be bald: estar calvo/a.

∙∙ Wavy: ondulado.

1.1.4. Descriptive adjectives. Personality

Affectionate Cariñoso/a Organized Organizado/a Ambitious Ambicioso/a

Sociable, extro-
Outgoing Bossy Autoritario/a Patient Paciente

Charming Encantador/a Polite Educado/a Clever Inteligente

Reliable Fiable Competitive Competitivo/a Responsible Responsable

Friendly Simpático/a Sensible Sensato/a Honest Sincero/a

Sensitive Sensible Imaginative Imaginativo/a Shy Tímido/a

Independent Independiente Sociable Sociable Kind Amable

Tidy Ordenado/a Suspicious Desconfiado Lackadaisical Despistado

SSCE03: Inglés B1

1.1.5. Adjectives followed by prepositions and infinitives. Gra-

dable and non-gradable adjectives

–– Adjectives followed by prepositions

∙∙ Keen on: muy interesado en

∙∙ Famous for: famoso por.

∙∙ Interested in: interesado en.

∙∙ Afraid of: tener miedo de.

–– Adjectives followed by infinitives

∙∙ Happy to: feliz de.

∙∙ Sorry to: triste de.

∙∙ Likely to : probable que.

∙∙ Difficult to: difícil de.

∙∙ Lucky to: afortunado de.

∙∙ Pleased to: (con un poco de) sobrepeso.

–– Gradable adjectives

∙∙ Cold: frío.

∙∙ Hot: caliente.

∙∙ Frightened: asustado.

–– Non gradable adjectives

∙∙ Married: casado.

∙∙ Wooden: de madera.

∙∙ Terrifying: aterrador.

∙∙ Freezing: congelado.

∙∙ Amazing: asombroso.


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