WRAP 2012 Self Assessment PDF
WRAP 2012 Self Assessment PDF
WRAP 2012 Self Assessment PDF
Submit 1 copy of the completed package to the monitoring company selected to conduct the audit, and 1 copy to WRAP
2012 Edition
Manufacturer ID number. This number is either the official tax number or manufacturer/industry
identification number issued to the facility by the appropriate government authority.
Mailing Address:
Telephone #: Fax #:
Contact Person:
Contact’s Title:
E-mail Address:
Telephone #: Fax #:
E-mail Address:
Articles Produced:
Name: Title:
Signature: Date:
Principle 1. Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations: Facilities will comply
with laws and regulations in all locations where they conduct business.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedure supporting all WRAP principles.
1.1 Does your facility obtain current information on local and national laws and regulations
concerning each of the Principles? Do you promptly incorporate this information in its business
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
Do you have policies and procedures for current information on national and local laws and
regulations on each of the WRAP Principles?
Wages and hours
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Minimum ages for employment and related restrictions
Health and safety standards
Environmental standards and compliance
Employment discrimination
General labor law
Relevant international trade law
1.2 Do you have a qualified person responsible for informing the facility of changes to laws and
regulations, or access to current publications on national and local labor laws?
1.3 On a timely basis does the facility updates its practices to incorporate revision to existing laws
and regulations.
1.4 Does the facility undertake internal monitoring of its management system (internal audits) to
satisfy itself that the written procedures and processes are meeting the requirements of local law and
WRAP principles?
1.5 During the previous two years has the facility has had any notices of noncompliance levied
against the facility, including any legal proceedings or outstanding allegations concerning the
facilities operations.
1.6 Does the facility have a program to train relevant individuals regarding the changes for any new
laws or revisions to existing laws and regulations?
Note: Sub-contracting could be but not limited to: Part of the primary production processes or services offered as
an end result by the facility.
1.9 How has the facility informed the sub-contractor of their obligations under the local labor law
and WRAP Principle requirements?
1.10 Does the facility keep evidence of how any sub-contractor has been made aware of these
1.11 Does the facility keep receipt of sub-contractor acknowledgement of these requirements?
1.12 Does the facility regularly review its list of sub-contractors to make sure it is up to date?
Principle 2. Prohibition of Forced Labor: Facilities will not use involuntary, forced or
trafficked labor.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
2.1 Are all employees working at the facility voluntarily?
2.3 What security measures or logistics are being employed in the facility?
2.6 Are the doors and gates of the facility only locked for normal business and housing security
reasons in compliance with applicable local and national fire codes?
2.7 Does the facility prohibits all relevant individuals, including any person under the facility's
direction, such as security guards, form coercing employees in any way, or unnecessarily limiting
employees' freedom of movements. Is employee’s freedom of movement unimpeded upon their shift's
2.8 Does the facility require all hiring documents, such as an employment application or contract to,
1) include a statement affirming that applicants are seeking employment voluntarily and are not
under threat of any penalty, 2) be signed by each applicant, and 3) be maintained in the employee’s
personnel file?
2.9 Does the facility obtain proof that anyone seeking employment is legally entitled to work in the
country of manufacture in accordance with national immigration laws?
2.10 Does the facility obtain an executed statement from all labor brokers/agents used by the facility
stating that the brokers/agents are not supplying labor that is involuntary or forced and has the right
to work in this country?
2.11 Does the facility have a qualified person responsible for communicating, deploying and
monitoring the practices of effectively prohibiting involuntary or forced labor?
2.12 Does the facility have a program and materials used to train relevant individuals, including all
individuals responsible for the hiring process, on the facility’s policies and procedures prohibiting
forced or involuntary labor?
2.13 Do the job descriptions or individual contracts for security employees limit their tasks to normal
security matters such as protection of facility property or facility personnel?
2.14 Does the facility issues wages/compensation directly to employees, in an unambiguous system
that clearly shows that the employee controls the destination of his/her wages, and access to his/her
2.15 Does the facility hold identification papers, travel documents or passports of their employees? If
so, is it at the request of their employee with the employee maintaining complete access?
2.16 What is the facility’s policy on use/non-use of prison labor with regard to local or national law
and industry standard?
Principle 3. Prohibition of Child Labor: Facilities will not hire any employee under the
age of 14 or under the minimum age established by law for employment, whichever is
greater, or any employee whose employment would interfere with compulsory
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
3.1 Does the facility obtain proof of age documentation from all potential workers prior to hiring and
review the documentation for authenticity?
3.2 Does the facility manage the hiring practice, documenting the age of potential employees with
official country specific documents (e.g., birth certificates, identification cards, school records and/or
immigration papers, medical records)?
3.3 Does the facility obtain and retain proof of age for each employee? Does the facility maintain
information in the employee personnel file regarding how long the employee has been working at the
3.4 Does the facility assess the authenticity of age documentation and make comparisons with sample
3.5 Does the facility ascertain the employee’s stated age through the interview process?
3.6 Does the facility document the existence of an employment interview (e.g. a checklist indicating
that the required questions were asked of the applicant)?
3.7 Does the facility require a completed and signed employment application or contract that
includes the date of birth (inclusive of the employee signature, employee identification number and
signature date)?
3.8 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for
communicating, deploying and monitoring child labor practices as they relate to the above
3.9 Does the responsible person ensure that employee’s assigned tasks are appropriate for their age,
where applicable?
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
4.1 Does the facility have a compliant written policy on the prohibition of harassment, abuse and
corporal punishment?
4.2 Does the policy include reasonable punitive repercussions for non-conformance and repeated
non-conformance? The policy must apply to the behavior of all employees with special emphasis
placed upon supervisory personnel.
4.3 Does the facility have signed statements by the facility’s management affirming their
understanding of the facility’s anti-harassment and abuse policies.
4.4 Does the facility effectively prohibit all forms of harassment, abuse and corporal punishment in
written policies and procedures?
4.5 Does the facility communicate the policy on the prohibition of harassment and abuse to workers,
and third party services (e.g., security guards, kitchen services) that will have significant contact with
facility employees?
4.6 Does the facility encourage employees to report instances of harassment or abuse, without fear of
4.7 Is there an effective and mandatory program to train relevant individuals, including all
individuals responsible for the supervision of workers, on the facility’s policies and procedures
prohibiting all forms of harassment, abuse and corporal punishment?
Principle 5. Compensation and Benefits: Facilities will pay at least the minimum total
compensation required by local law, including all mandated wages, allowances &
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
5.1 Does the facility have practices to ensure employees are compensated consistent with their terms
of employment and in accordance with local laws and regulations?
5.2 Does the lowest record of payment by the facility meet the legal minimum compensation?
5.3 Does the facility post legal minimum wage rates, benefit policies, and additional payment
information in the native language(s) of the facility workers?
5.4 Does the facility utilize and maintain an organized system of record keeping?
5.5 Does the facility produce and retain payroll records to support compensation, including
5.6 Does the facility provide all employees with a pay record or stub which lists the components of the
wages paid?
5.7 Are all legally mandated withholdings - e.g., taxes, social security, etc. - remitted to the
5.8 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for
communicating, deploying and monitoring the payroll and benefit system and ensuring that the wage
rates and compensation calculations are adequately communicated to all workers in the facility?
5.9 Does the facility have a written and coherent policy on piece rate compensation that ensures the
piece rate compensation at least satisfies the minimum compensation prescribed by law?
5.10 Are employees provided with adequate communication of their legally mandated minimum
compensation rights and do they sign off on material counts or random independent recounts for
piece rate systems?
5.11 Does communication include a detailed description of the employees’ compensation and benefits
at the time of employment; with both a written and verbal explanation of wage calculations provided
at the time of employment; and changes to compensation rates or methods of wage calculations
communicated timely and effectively?
Principle 6. Hours of Work: Hours worked each day, and days worked each week, shall
not exceed the limitations of the country’s law. Facilities will provide at least one day
off in every seven-day period, except as required to meet urgent business needs.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
6.1 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for
communicating, deploying and monitoring that no employee works more hours per day, per week
than the legal limits?
6.2 Does the facility have a program and relevant materials to train all individuals, including all
individuals responsible for production coordination and scheduling, to ensure that employees work
no more than the legal maximum, including overtime ceilings?
6.3 At the time of hiring, are employees made aware of facility policies and procedures, specifically
the legal limitations on the maximum hours of work per day, week and month, both regular and
overtime, and the maximum number of consecutive days they can legally be required to work?
6.4 Does your facility retains time records that reflect the day and date employees worked, the
number of hours worked each day, and the employees’ acknowledgements?
6.5 Does the facility have a written, rational and well communicated policy defining "urgent business
6.6 Are notifications of maximum regular and overtime hour policies visibly posted in the native
language(s) of the facility's workers and management personnel?
6.7 Does your facility require that all new workers, at the time of hiring, be made aware of the
facility’s policies on required hours of labor?
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
7.1 Does the facility have a written policy that explicitly prohibits discrimination?
7.2 Does the facility have procedures and practices to ensure compliance and remediation with the
facility policy?
7.3 Does the facility have a written policy visibly posted in the language(s) of the employees and
management personnel?
7.4 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for
communicating, deploying, and monitoring the non-discrimination policy?
7.5 Does the facility have an effective program and materials used to train relevant individuals,
including all individuals responsible for the supervisions of workers and for the hiring process, on
the discrimination practices?
7.6 Does the facility effectively communicate in writing the requirements of this Principle to third
parties (industrial parks, export processing zones, free trade zones, sub-contractors etc.) that may
recruit and screen applicants on its behalf?
7.7 Does the facility explicitly prohibit mandatory pregnancy testing as a condition of employment or
continued employment?
7.8 Do employees sign statements (statements may be included in and employment application or
contract), written in the native language(s) of the employees, affirming their receipt and
understanding of the facility’s anti- discrimination practices?
Principle 8. Health and Safety: Facilities will provide a safe and healthy work
environment. Where residential housing is provided for workers, facilities will provide
safe and healthy housing.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
8.1 Does the facility have all local and national government health and safety certificates/permits,
insurance policies and any relevant correspondence or documents from government officials?
8.3 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for
communicating, deploying and monitoring all compliant Health & Safety policies and practices?
8.4 Does the facility have a program and materials to train relevant individuals, including all
individuals responsible for the supervision of workers, on all of the relevant occupational safety and
health issues?
8.5 Does the facility verify by physical inspection that the workplace is operated and maintained in a
safe and healthy manner, including any canteen/cafeteria areas and crèche/child-care areas?
8.6 Does the facility ensure that exits are not locked during times when the facility is occupied to
allow free, unobstructed exit from the facility?
8.7 Does the facility have a written safety program, including a fire safety plan?
8.8 Does the facility maintains first aid supplies as recommended by a local medical provider or
required by law?
8.9 Are first aid supplies are available and accessible to all areas of the facility?
8.11 Are first aid responders/emergency safety personnel identified and properly trained?
8.12 Is there clean drinking water and is it easily accessible at the facility?
8.13 If applicable, is there clean drinking water that is easily accessible in the dormitories?
8.15 Does the facility maintain a safety committee comprised of workers and management, which
holds quarterly meetings and keeps minutes of proceedings?
8.19 Does the facility maintain documentation for chemical labeling, chemical usage warnings, and
proper handling instructions?
8.20 Does the facility have a written emergency procedure to handle natural disasters, fire
emergencies, and industrial accidents?
8.21 Have employees been trained on the proper use of fire extinguishers?
8.22 Does the facility have an emergency evacuation plan in the native language posted in view of the
facility's workers?
8.23 Does the facility conduct semi-annual (at least) emergency evacuation drills?
8.24 Does the facility have adequate numbers and locations of unimpeded emergency exits?
8.25 Does the facility conduct hazard assessments to determine if any personal protective equipment
is required?
8.27 Does the facility conduct regular occupational health check for hazardous job duties?
8.28 Does the facility have a policy to maintain safe and orderly work conditions?
Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire
Issue Date: November 2011
Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production
Certification Program
Facility Questionnaire
8.29 Is trash properly disposed of both inside and outside the facility?
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
9.1 Does the facility have written policies and procedures that recognize and respect the right of
employees to exercise their lawful rights of free association?
9.2 Does the facility have a designated qualified person with responsibility for communicating,
deploying and monitoring the freedom of association practices as prescribed by labor law?
9.3 Does the facility have a union, association or collective representation of employees?
9.4 Are there formal communication procedures between worker representatives and management?
9.5 Does the facility enter into discussions with the workers representatives in an open manner and
within the terms of local law?
9.6 Are minutes of facility / worker representative meetings documented and available to the
9.7 Does the facility communicate its policies and practices pertaining to this Principle to all facility
employees and third parties (e.g., free zone office services, employment agencies) that may perform
recruitment or screening of applicants?
Principle 10. Environment: Facilities will comply with environmental rules, regulations
and standards applicable to their operations, and will observe environmentally
conscious practices in all locations where they operate.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
10.1 Does the facility have an environmental management system relevant to its industry?
10.2 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for
communicating, deploying, and monitoring the environment practices elaborated upon in the
environmental management system?
10.3 Does the facility have a program and materials used to train relevant individuals on each
practice of the environmental management system?
10.4 Does the facility assess its ability to prevent and control harmful releases of industrial waste into
the environment as a part of the environmental management system?
10.5 Does the facility maintain a detailed plan for handling accidental release or discharge of
environmentally dangerous materials?
10.7 Does the facility environmental management system address where and how solid, chemical,
sanitary and wastewater substances are disposed?
10.8 Does the facility adequately communicate to all facility employees the relevant local and national
laws and regulations as well as pertinent facility procedures concerning the environment principle?
Principle 11. Customs Compliance: Facilities will comply with applicable customs laws,
and in particular, will establish and maintain programs to comply with customs laws
regarding illegal transshipment of finished products.
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
11.1 Does the facility keep copies of all applicable customs laws and regulations?
11.2a Verify the facility policies and procedures on customs compliance cover the following
The facility complies with all applicable customs laws and maintains practices to comply with
customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of products. In the event possible illegal transshipment
activity, appropriate host government agency will be notified.
11.2c Traces country of origin using records such as production, shipping, verification reports,
quality control reports, and individual piecework sheets, for all inputs.
11.2f Ensures that the proper category designation is determined for all goods destined for the US
11.2g If the goods are subject to US quotas, ensures that the country of origin for quota purposes is
correct through methods such as – seeks guidance from importer of record, submits category and/or
country of origin ruling requests to the US Customs service, has trained category and country of
origin specialist on staff.
11.3a Records of the country of origin for all goods produced in this facility.
11.3b A production profile of any subcontracting facility. This facility requests documents from the
subcontracting facilities when questions regarding goods produced at those facilities arise.
11.3e Shipping/receiving documents (outgoing and incoming records of components/ inputs sent to or
received from another facility).
11.3f Employee work records – accurate records of employee work hours that can be linked to the
production of specific products.
11.3g Quality control records (which may include facility name and address, purchase order
number, style number, date of the quality check, buyer, name, stamp or signature of inspector,
comments on production).
11.3h Export documents (including, where applicable, copies of the quota and visa, if your facility is
the quota provider, packing list, manifest, bill of lading/airway bill from truck, ship, plane or train
indicating the export date, exporting entity, destination, shipping lines, importing entity, and any
charges incurred).
11.3i Outward processing production (if applicable, copies of the outward processing program
designated by the domestic government, copies of compliance review reports, documentation
demonstrating the flow of goods from one facility to another).
11.3k Records of all incidences of possible illegal transshipment activity when discovered, and a copy
of any reports sent to the appropriate host government agency.
11.3m Documented confirmation of the correct category and country of origin for goods through
verification of correct country of origin such as binding rulings from the US Customs Service,
confirmation with purchasing company, knowledgeable/trained staff, etc.
11.3n Documentation on how the qualified person with responsibility for this Principle
communicates, deploys and monitors the facility’s customs compliance policies.
11.4 Does the facility have a designated person responsible for this principle?
11.5 Does the responsible person ensuring that such origin determining documents are maintained
for at least the period of record retention required by law.
11.6 Does the responsible person ensure that all subcontracting facilities complete a production
profile and keeps such profiles on file?
11.7 Does the facility verify production at subcontracting facilities when necessary through the
review of requested documentation or personal visits, recording such instances of production
verification and keeping on file?
11.8 Does the responsible person stay current with possible illegal transshipment activity in the host
country through communication with appropriate bodies such as the host government, quota council
or issuing agency, trade association, contact with U.S. Customs, corporate importing office etc., and
be responsible for maintaining files on any known transhippers or transshipment activities
determined to be in the host country or with a country from which facility sources?
Principle 12. Security: Facilities will maintain facility security procedures to guard
against the introduction of non-manifested cargo into outbound shipments (i.e. drugs,
explosives biohazards and /or other contraband).
Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.
Question 12.1 Does the facility have Practices to guard against the introduction of contraband (e.g.
drugs, explosives, biohazards, and/or other contraband; any non-manifested cargo will be referred to
as contraband.)?
Container Inspection
12.3 Does the facility have documented procedures in place to verify the physical integrity of the
container structure prior to loading?
12.3.1 Does the procedure include the reliability of the locking mechanisms of the doors?
12.3.2 Does the facility conduct a seven-point inspection process for all containers and keep records
of all inspections?
Front wall Yes/No
Left side Yes/No
Right side Yes/No
Floor Yes/No
Ceiling/Roof Yes/No
Inside/outside doors Yes/No
Outside/Undercarriage Yes/No
If the answer to any of the above points is no please state the alternative method used.
Trailer Inspection
12.4 Does the facility have procedures in place to verify the physical integrity of the trailer structure
prior to loading, including the reliability of the locking mechanisms of the doors?
12.4.1 Is the facility following five-point inspection process is recommended for all trailers?
Fifth wheel area - check natural compartment/skid plate Yes/No
Exterior - front/sides Yes /No
Rear - bumper/doors Yes/No
Front wall Yes/No
Left side Yes/No
12.5 Does the factory affix a high security seal to all loaded trailers and containers bound for the
12.5.1 Do seals meet or exceed the current PAS ISO 17712 standards for high security seals?
12.5.2 Does the facility have documented procedures stipulating how seals are to be controlled and
affixed to loaded containers and trailers?
12.5.3 Does the facility have documented procedures for recognizing and reporting compromised
seals and/or containers/trailers to US Customs and Border Protection or the appropriate local
12.5.4 Does the facility have designated employees for the distribution of seals for integrity purposes?
12.6 How is the security of containers and trailers located within the facility maintained? Are they in
a secure area to prevent unauthorized access and/or manipulation?
12.6.1 Does the facility have documented procedures in place for reporting and neutralizing
unauthorized entry into containers/trailers or container/trailer storage areas.
12.7.1 Does the facilities have an employee identification system in place for positive identification
and access control purposes?
12.7.2 How does the facility ensure that employees are only given access to those areas needed for the
performance of their duties?
12.7.3 How does the facility control the issuance and removal of employee, visitor and vendor
identification badges? Does the facility have documented procedures for the issuance, removal and
changing of access devices (e.g. keys, key cards, etc.).?
12.7.4 Do visitors present photo identification for documentation purposes upon arrival? All visitors
should be escorted and should visibly display temporary identification.
12.7.5 Proper vendor ID and/or photo identification must be presented for documentation purposes
upon arrival by all vendors. Arriving packages and mail should be periodically screened before being
12.7.6 Does the facility have documented procedures in place to identify, challenge and address
unauthorized/unidentified persons?
Personnel Security
12.8 Does the facility have documented procedures in place to screen prospective employees and to
periodically check current employees?
Pre-Employment Verification
12.8.1 How does the facility verify application information, such as employment history and
references prior to employment?
12.8.2 How does the facility conduct background checks and investigations for prospective
12.8.3 Once employed, are periodic checks and reinvestigations performed based on cause, and/or the
sensitivity of the employee’s position?
12.8.4 Does the facility have procedures in place to remove identification, facility, and system access
for terminated employees?
Procedural Security
Security measures must be in place to ensure the integrity and security of processes relevant to the
transportation, handling, and storage of cargo in the supply chain.
Documentation Processing
12.9 Documented procedures must be in place to ensure that all information used in the clearing of
merchandise/cargo, is legible, complete, accurate, and protected against the exchange, loss or
introduction of erroneous information. Documentation control must include safeguarding computer
access and information.
Manifesting Procedures
12.9.1 Documented procedures must be in place to help ensure the integrity of cargo and that
information received from business partners is reported accurately and in a timely manner.
12.9.2 How is cargo that is being shipped reconciled against information on the cargo manifest?
12.9.3 Is all cargo accurately described, and the weights, labels, marks and piece count indicated and
12.9.4 Does the facility verify departing cargo against purchase or delivery orders?
12.9.5 Are drivers delivering or receiving cargo positively identified before cargo is received or
12.9.6 Are documented procedures in place to track the timely movement of incoming and outgoing
Cargo Discrepancies
12.9.7 Are all shortages, overages, and other significant discrepancies or anomalies resolved and/or
investigated appropriately?
12.9.8 Are customs and/or other appropriate law enforcement agencies notified if anomalies, illegal
or suspicious activities are detected - as appropriate?
Physical Security
Cargo handling and storage facilities in international locations must have physical barriers and deterrents
that guard against unauthorized access.
Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire
Issue Date: November 2011
Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production
Certification Program
Facility Questionnaire
12.10.1 Perimeter fencing should enclose the areas around cargo handling and storage facilities.
Note: If the facilities perimeter is the sidewalk what security measures are in place?
Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.
12.10.2 Interior fencing within a cargo handling structure should be used to segregate domestic,
international, high value, and hazardous cargo.
12.10.3 Gates through which vehicles and/or personnel enter or exit must be manned and/or
monitored. The number of gates should be kept to the minimum necessary for proper access and
12.10.4 Private passenger vehicles should be prohibited from parking in or adjacent to cargo
handling and storage areas.
Building Structure
12.10.7 All external and internal windows, gates and fences must be secured with locking devices.
Management or security personnel must control the issuance of all locks and keys.
12.10.8 Adequate lighting must be provided inside and outside the facility including the following
areas: entrances and exits, cargo handling and storage areas, fence lines and parking areas.
12.10.9 Alarm systems and video surveillance cameras should be utilized to monitor premises and
prevent unauthorized access to cargo handling and storage areas.
Note: If alternative methods are used please state what they are and their adequacy.
12.10.10 All fencing must be regularly inspected for integrity and damage.
Password Protection
12.11Does the facility have automated systems for individually assigned accounts that require a
periodic change of password?
12.11.1Does the facility have documented IT security policies and procedures and standards in place
and provided them to employees in the form of training?
12.11.2 Does the facility have a system in place to identify the abuse of IT including improper access,
tampering or the altering of business data? All system violators must be subject to appropriate
disciplinary actions for abuse.
12.12.1 Does the facility make employees aware of the procedures the company has in place to
address a security situation and how to report it?
12.12.2 Does the facility give additional training to employees in the shipping and receiving areas, as
well as those receiving and opening mail?
12.12.3 Does the facility undertake additionally, specific training to assist employees in maintaining
cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies, and protecting access controls?
Report # Facility #
Provided by Monitor Provided by WRAP
In preparation for the site visit, we request facility management to assemble the documents listed
on the chart below. The monitor will review these documents as part of the monitoring process.
Facility management must indicate on the list below if these documents are available. Monitor
must indicate documentation availability and monitor verification.
Please state:
Facility Monitor
Document type Yes No N/A Yes No
Facility Policies, Procedures, and Documentation
Internal operating policies and procedures
Personnel management policies and procedures
Employee handbook / terms and conditions of employment
Wage and hour policies
Time cards or other work hour support
Payroll records in this facility or other for the last one-year
(e.g., piece rate records, pay stubs, etc.)
Support for overtime calculations
Government Licenses, Certificates of Operation, Inspection
Reports re: sanitation, fire safety, worker safety, structural
safety, environmental compliance, etc.
Health and safety committee procedures and meeting
Machinery inspection / service logs
Policies / procedures on use of personal protective
Health and safety committee procedures and meeting
Machinery inspection / service logs
Policies / procedures on use of personal protective
Accident / injury log
Emergency medical procedures
Fire extinguisher inspection records
Evacuation plan
Worker Documentation
Personnel files (including job application, employment
contracts, discipline letters, etc.)
Personnel identification cards, birth certificates, or other
identification records (e.g., school records, official
immigration records)
Government Licenses, Certificates of Operation, Inspection
Reports re: sanitation, fire safety, structural safety, etc.
Dormitory rules and regulations
Position of Individual:
Signature of Individual: