Running Head: Case Study Coca Cola Company 1
Running Head: Case Study Coca Cola Company 1
Running Head: Case Study Coca Cola Company 1
Part a;
Management theories are the perceptions on different ways to run a business based how
the employees and the systems operate. The theories used in our coca cola case study include;
scientific management theory, human relations theories, systems theory, and bureaucratic
management theory. The parent company’s head is quartered in Singapore. The mission of the
coca cola company is to refresh the world, inspire happiness, create value and, make a
Frederick Winslow Taylor an American engineer was the father of scientific management
and a major contributor to the development of the scientific management theory in the 19th
century. The theory emphasizes on efficiency and rather than addressing employees on every
mistake, the theory emphasizes the managers to reward and encourage the workers on their
achievements more instead. Productivity is a valuable result of this practice. The theory operates
under these principles: monitored performance, giving delegate responsibilities and training
workers, work allocation between managers and employees and, breakdown of assignments into
subtasks[ CITATION Sam19 \l 1033 ]. The managers of the coca cola company annually reach their
overall goals with the consultation of the lower employees. The board advices the senior officers
on how to safeguard the company’s asset maintaining good control over the company under the
laid rules and regulations. They also consult with the workers and acknowledge them before
making any major decisions. Management comprises of process planning, policy making and
execution. Therefore, for this to be achieved the administrative management has to include the
operative management.
Max Weber was a modern thinker who developed the bureaucratic management theory,
which structures an organization into a hierarchy. Authority is centralized and decision making
under this theory requires following a strict chain of commands with reference to levels below
and above. The theory has a number of principles that organizations operate under. They include;
task specialization, formal selection, hierarchy of authority, rules and requirements, career
orientation and impersonation[ CITATION Mad18 \l 1033 ] . Impersonal relationship in Coca Cola
Company are not allowed especially nepotism when it comes to hiring employees or acquiring
ranks in the company. All employees in the company are selected based on skills and
competence through evaluation on their level of education and experience. Such principles aim at
Systems theory developed by McGregor mostly entails that worker attitudes defines their
management theory they choose to utilize. The managers who strongly believe that the workers
need to set their goals right lean towards theory x management style while theory y believes the
workers are driven naturally to take responsibility. Coca cola company having such a sheer
number of employees and tight scheduled deadlines employs theory x in its operations majorly.
The managers are more authoritarian to get things done and their control firmly centralized in
order to monitor the large number of workers. The company is global thus; management is really
a difficult task.
The contingency theory explains that there is no best way to lead an organization. The
theory developed by Fred Fiedler explains that there are too many constraints both internal and
external, which change the best way to lead an organization in a certain situation. A leader must
be able to identify which management style will help achieve the organization’s goals in a
certain situation without failure. The theory measures the manager’s leadership skills in an
oriented manner[ CITATION Kha15 \l 1033 ]. Such environmental variables help to make the
managers and, other leaders understand that there is no general leadership style in all situations.
The coca cola company produces syrup and concentrates. A sudden low supply of the raw
materials can lead to poor business and the management should be ready to handle such an event
when it happens.
Part b;
Staff transfer and turnover is a major managerial issue nowadays. High staff and top
talent in an organization are difficult to retain and to replace those leads to massive losses to the
organization. The staff of course leave with their knowledge and expertise and this is a drawback
to the success of a company. The manager’s priority should be to retain and attract more such
talent and it is a challenge. Annual promotions and grants can help retain high staff in such a
competitive world. Change in the business environment is another challenge affecting the
mangers. Such a rapid change in the modern business world may become a problem for a
manager who have remained in that post for more than 20years.
outdated manager may lose in the competition. This will make the organization end up losing
loyal customers and closure of the business. Competition also disadvantages managers in terms
of maximizing the organization’s resources. They therefore end up terminating new goal plans
due to lack of enough resources. Getting the best skilled employees is also an issue. The manager
needs to update the work force but with the constantly changing world, the work force is
constantly needed. The requirement is hard to acquire as it comes with a cost and each time an
employee is hired they get outdated after sometime. The problem can be solved with offering
training regularly to evolve the learner’s requirements and needs in the organization [ CITATION
Iba12 \l 1033 ]. The managers also fail to understand diversity laws that can ensure the workers
are in harmony.
The managers are entitled to the role of ensuring the organization has protocol to deal
with complaints and harmonizing the diversity. Without harmony at a workplace, a business will
end up with low productivity due to low morale of the workers. Businesses are regularly
accompanied with regulatory issues and if the manager is not updated with the new policies, it
can lead to penalties and lawsuits for the organization. This is a challenge for the managerial
staff. Globalization is also key in the modern world. Managers are burdened with the task of
globalizing their organizations. The world is a global village due to the new technologies. The
managers need to acquire talented employees across the world in order to achieve growth as per
the economy. Global reach will increase the potential customers and help business find
Part c;
An organization’s culture comprises a set of the shared values, beliefs and norms and
which have characterized the organization as a whole. Individuals always look for the
organization with great cultures for the sense of belonging and aspiration to accomplish
leadership, and community are essential to sustaining positive organization cultures. Solid
communication involves allowing free and open door communication between the managers and
upper level executives and, the employees. Effective communication will indoctrinate new
members into the employee community effectively. In board meetings in coca cola companies,
the number of individuals are allowed to speaker at equal number of times with no
discrimination. Social interactions get the job done a concept that is illustrated in scientific
management by Winslow’s theory that proper communication between the employer and the
Leadership of a company with integrity and compassion is what people want. Respect
between the management and the lower level employees will improve performance of the
organization[ CITATION Mic19 \l 1033 ]. A more commanding and respected leader will make key
decisions and the workers do as they are told. Such a leader should also take time to coach the
employees and listen to them, which entirely increases the bond between the two. This strategy is
an advantage in organizations like coca cola with shire numbers of employees as explained in
McGregor’s systems theory. Good leaders actually spare their time and engage hand-on activities
with the employees and such simple acts will develop more compassion on their leadership.
Many companies have clearly defined mission statements or goals that each individual in
the organization look. Organization with no goal and strategies definitely remains in the
competitive world of other businesses[ CITATION Tho08 \l 1033 ] . A clear mission will set the
organization in a common course and the despite any internal or external factors, the achieved of
the goal is a success due to commitment. External and internal constraints are part of the mission
as explained in the contingency theory and the management has to be ready to encounter such
situations. Innovations between the management and the employees together with cooperation
Norms reflect values and beliefs in an organization. This is the way of doing things in an
organization. For instance, the chain of commands in an organization is observed for the
organization to perform effectively. In addition, one cannot take another higher-level role in the
organization as it can lead to chaos in the way of doing things. Max Weber’s bureaucratic theory
explains this notion about chain of commands for an organization to function well. The
employees should incorporate new employees into the organization through solid communication
and advise them on the organization’s norms. This way the management will have an easy time.
Part d;
Initially the manager must be aware of the economic issues and status of other countries
before doing business. It can be a private economy where the resources are primarily owned by
the private sector or a planned economy system where all the economic decisions are planned by
a central government. A manager who understands these economic issues including the currency
exchange rates, diverse tax policies and the inflation rates of the other nation(s) will easily carry
out business. Global reach also allows a manger acquire more talented working personnel to
incorporate in his/her local or global organization. The global market is wide and has varying
people with various skills that if a manager employs in an organization definitely will be a
The global economy allows maximizing of resources as the market is larger and even
easier to purchase more resources[ CITATION Ste15 \l 1033 ]. Managers working in the global
the contrary, the global economy can be a threat to a manger working in a global organization
business and the end profit. Price inflation can be a threat to an organization’s performance due
to increased revenues, affected pricing, sales volumes, and the overall budget.
multinational organization. Such organizations suffer risks such as supply chain interference,
political disturbance, and unfavorable exchange rates due to political instability, regulatory risk,
and political violence. Such threats to the manager make maintenance of such an organization
difficult. Managers in other nations find it hard to do business, as some countries do not entertain
foreign businesses like China. For instance, coca cola companies in the Middle East and other
regions with high political risk assessment tend to perform lower compared to other regions like
in Singapore.
National culture tends to affect the employees in an organization more than the culture of
the organization. Cultural differences that encompass the history, religion, traditions and other
intense values make managing in a new environment or nation very complicated [ CITATION
Bye08 \l 1033 ]. The culture of a different nation is different and difficult to understand, as even to
tell someone else explain and narrate it to you is a problem too. This threat can make a manger in
a global organization hit an iceberg in his/her role. The manager can only develop a global
trustworthy relationship and connecting with the different race, equipping yourself with
international business knowledge, and openness to new ideas and experiences in the other nation.
Managers with such skills easily sustain their businesses on the global scale. Different climates
can also be a drawback to managing a transnational organization. Climates vary widely and the
way a business is managed in America is very different in Africa in terms of climate. Such
Part e;
Management diversity intends to create a positive work environment in which all the
personal differences are valued and everyone work towards the organization’s goals. Managers
in a diverse workforce environment need to collaborate and work effectively to allow normal
businesses operation. Such diverse environment includes sex, religion, race; personal differences
at work, culture differences, and others. Such differences affect team performance and
interaction. Managers must correctively plan their strategies that will be effective and inclusive
in the organization.
Managing diversity is more than simply acknowledging the people differences but also,
inclusiveness[ CITATION Mor05 \l 1033 ]. For instance, when new large number of first generation
employees are incorporated into the workforce, the induction system in the organization need to
be more inclusive. These can be achieved only by collaboration between the managers and the
previously employed workforce. The managers also minimize the negative elements in the
workforce like discrimination and group thinking. On the contrary, the positive elements and
other good deeds should be appreciated and rewarded to create a warm working environment.
to a common strategy and laid rules among all managers will eradicate all levels of inequality,
differences and discrimination in their respective departments. Collaboration also allows sharing
The level of equality between the men and women in an organization is diverse feature to
its operation. The managers’ work is to ensure that no gender is favorably approached and that
they interact in a health manner. For instance, if a female gives a complain to the management,
the manager should listen to both genders without ignoring any and find out the actual problem
with no favoritism. The manager’s collaboration can will also oversee recruitment of more
diverse employees who can understand global markets and cultures [ CITATION Emm14 \l 1033 ].
Globalization is at a high rate to increase diversity and development. Diversity must be pushed
from the higher levels. For instance, the board should have equality in terms of gender to allow
Actually, boards with higher number of women tend to function better as women are
given a chance at the lower levels to show progress. Other senior leaders improve diversity by
empowering women to work to their full potential. Managers also need to identify any
collaborative spaces in their board and the workforce that allow threatening conversations and
correct them. The managers should also collaborate and work together to understand cultural
stereotypes and avoiding personal biases. Culture awareness programs are one way the mangers
can lead by example and allow the employees believe in their ethical behaviors. All these
diversities when laid aside can allow a common objective of the whole organization become a
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