Cartwheel The Reduction of Rabaul

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m e .

to Those Who Served

The campaign described in the present volume was important to the
Army as an experience in amphibious warfare and combined operations
against a formidable and still resourceful enemy. It was also of critical
importance in the evolution of American strategy in the Pacific. CARTWHEEL
began as an uphill fight with means that seemed inadequate to the ends
proposed, even though these were limited. But it swiftly brought our forces
to a crest from which we were able to launch the two powerful drives,
through the Southwest and Central Pacific, that crushed Japan before we
redeployed the forces directed against Germany. The campaign put to the
test the principle of unity of command, and also the capacity for co-opera-
tion between two theaters, one under Army, the other under Navy com-
mand, and both under forceful and dominant commanders. By ingenious
and aggressive use of the ground, sea, and air forces at their disposal they
made these suffice to achieve more than had been foreseen as possible, and
opened up a new vista of strategy. They took a heavy toll of the enemy's
resources, established the technique of bypassing his strongholds, includ-
ing finally Rabaul itself, and threw him on the defensive. This book will
be of interest not only to professional officers, but also to a wide variety of
other readers and students.

Washington, D. C. R. W. STEPHENS
30 May 1958 Maj. Gen., U. S. A.
Chief of Military History

The Author
Born in Scotland and a U.S. citizen since 1928, John Miller, jr., was
awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History by the State Uni-
versity of Iowa in 1942. In World War II he saw service overseas with the
U.S. Marine Corps in New Zealand and in the Solomon Islands, where he
participated in the Bougainville operations described in this volume. A
member of the historical staff of the Department of the Army since 1945,
Dr. Miller is the author of Guadalcanal: The First Offensive in the present
series, coauthor of Korea: 1951-1953, and contributor of several chapters
to the 1956 edition of ROTC Manual 145-20, American Military History,
1607-1953. He has written articles and reviews for historical and military
journals, and has taught history at the University of Omaha, the State
University of Iowa, the Graduate School of the U.S. Department of Agri-
culture, and The American University in Washington, D.C.

The reduction of Rabaul was accomplished by a gigantic double en-
velopment which required closely co-ordinated land, sea, and air opera-
tions by the armed forces of the United States and her Pacific allies. This
volume, like the others in the series, attempts to explain in detail the part
played by the U.S. Army ground forces and to make clear, by summary,
the contributions of all forces and nations.
The CARTWHEEL battles differed from those of the two earlier cam-
paigns, Guadalcanal and Papua, that were directed toward the reduction
of Rabaul. In Guadalcanal and Papua the antagonists, more evenly matched
than in later campaigns, strained themselves to bring relatively small
ground forces to bear on narrow fronts, so that great issues hinged on the
outcome of regimental and battalion actions. A study of those campaigns,
therefore, quite properly focuses on tactics. During the period covered by
this book the Allied commanders could employ superior forces over a vast
area while the Japanese had no recourse but to entrench themselves in an
effort to hold out and inflict as many casualties as possible. This volume
attempts to analyze the techniques by which the Allies employed their
strength to bypass fortified positions and seize weakly defended but stra-
tegically important areas, or, in the apt baseball parlance used by General
MacArthur, to "hit 'em where they ain't." It is, therefore, a study in strategy
and high command as well as in tactics.

The willing, able counsel and assistance I have received in preparing

this book have greatly eased my task. Dr. Louis Morton, Chief of the Pacific
Section of the Office of Military History during the period of research and
writing, and my other friends and colleagues in this Office have aided
unstintingly. Dr. Kent Roberts Greenfield, Chief Historian of the Army,
has been a constant source of wise and kindly help. The successive Chiefs
of Military History—Maj. Gens. Orlando Ward, Albert C. Smith, John H.
Stokes, and Richard W. Stephens—and Cols. Thomas J. Sands, George G.
O'Connor, Ridgway P. Smith, Jr., and Seneca W. Foote have appreciated
the nature and worth of history and provided encouragement and powerful
For locating and furnishing to me, without restriction, all the neces-
sary records I wish to make public my gratitude to the efficient records

staff of this Office and of the Military Records Branch, Federal Records
Center, of the U.S. General Services Administration; the Historical Branch,
G-3, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps; and the Naval History Division
of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. I also owe thanks to Messrs.
Stanley L. Falk and Thomas G. Wilds for performing research and trans-
lation in Japanese records, to Mrs. Marguerite Bartz for typing the manu-
script, and to the participants named on pp. 386-87 who generously read all
or parts of the manuscript and sent in helpful comments and additional
Final editing was the responsibility of Mrs. Gay Morenus Hammerman,
who also prepared the index. Mrs. Nancy Easterling Payne was copy editor.
Maps were prepared under the supervision of Maj. James F. Holly and
Mr. Elliot Dunay. Miss Margaret E. Tackley selected the photographs and
wrote the captions. To these capable and friendly colleagues who con-
tributed so much—many thanks.
Responsibility for any deficiencies in this book is mine alone.

Washington, D. C. JOHN MILLER, JR.

30 May 1958


Chapter Page
I . T H E STRATEGIC BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . .1
Early Pacific Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
The Casablanca Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

I I . SELECTING OBJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Preliminary Theater Planning . . . . . . . . . . . 9
The Pacific Military Conference . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Preparation of the Directive of 28 March 1943 . . . . . . 15


The Southwest Pacific Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Plan of Maneuver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

I V . T H E JAPANESE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Japanese Command and Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Japanese Offensives, January-June 1943 . . . . . . . . 36
Japanese Strength and Dispositions, 30 June 1943 . . . . . 45


CHRONICLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Nassau B a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59


South Pacific Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Preparations a n d Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Secondary Landings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Rendova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
The Move to Zanana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Rice Anchorage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

VII. THE OFFENSIVE STALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Japanese Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Operations of the Northern Landing Group . . . . . . . 99
Operations of the Southern Landing Group . . . . . . . 106
Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Command and Reinforcements . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Chapter Page
VIII. GRISWOLD TAKES OVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
T h e Attack o n Bairoko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Pressure on the Japanese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Preparations for the Corps Offensive . . . . . . . . . 137

I X . X I V CORPS OFFENSIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Ilangana and Shimizu Hill: The 43d Division . . . . . . 146
The Attack Against the Ridges: The 37th Division . . . . 149
Capture of the Airfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

X . AFTER MUNDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

T h e Airfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Reinforcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
T h e Cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Vella Lavella: The Bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Final Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184


Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Allied Air and Naval Preparations . . . . . . . . . . 195
Lae: T h e Seaborne Invasion . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Nadzab: T h e Airborne Invasion . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Strategic Reconsiderations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Advance Through the Ramu Valley . . . . . . . . . . 216
T h e Coastal Advance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217


The Decision To Bypass Rabaul . . . . . . . . . . . 222
T h e General Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
A i r Operations i n October . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Forces and Tactical Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Preliminary Landings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Seizure of Empress Augusta Bay . . . . . . . . . . . 241

XIII. EXPLOITING T H E BEACHHEAD . . . . . . . . . . 251

Air and Surface Action, 1-11 November . . . . . . . . 251
Operations Ashore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
December Attacks Against Rabaul . . . . . . . . . . 269

XIV. CROSSING T H E STRAITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

Plans a n d Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Arawe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Cape Gloucester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Saidor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Chapter Page
General Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Reducing Rabaul and Kavieng . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Seizure of the Green Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

XVI. ACTION IN THE ADMIRALTIES . . . . . . . . . 316

T h e Decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
The Reconnaissance in Force . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
To the Shores of Seeadler Harbour . . . . . . . . . . 332
Lorengau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339


Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Hill 7 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Hill 2 6 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Action by the Creeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

XVIII. FINALE: EMIRAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383

GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390

BASIC MILITARY M A P SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395

INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399

No. Page
1. Comparison of Allied Intelligence Estimates With Japanese Strength
and Dispositions, Southeast Area, 30 June 1943 . . . . . . . 47
2. American Casualties on New Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . 187

1. Organization of Forces for CARTWHEEL . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2. Estimated Timing and Sequence of CARTWHEEL Operations . . . . 28
3. Organization of Japanese Forces, Southeast Area, June 1943 ... 33
4. Southwest Pacific Organization for Woodlark-Kiriwina . . . . . 52
5. Organization of Principal South Pacific Forces, June 1943 . . . . 68
No. Page
6. Organization of South Pacific Forces for TOENAILS . . . . . . . 74
7. Organization of Attack Force, D Day . . . . . . . . . . . 77
8. Western Force on D Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
9. Eastern Force on D Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
10. South Pacific Organization for Vella Lavella Invasion . . . . . . 176
11. Organization of Northern Force [TF 31], Vella Lavella . . . . . 177

1. Pacific Ocean (National Geographic Society Map) . . Inside Back Cover
2. The Pacific Areas, as of 1 August 1942 . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. T h e CARTWHEEL Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4. T h e W a u Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5. Operation CHRONICLE Area, 30 June 1943 . . . . . . . . . . 50
6. Southern Approaches to Salamaua . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
7. Landings in New Georgia, 21 June-5 July 1943 . . . . . . . . 69
8. Approach to Bairoko, 5-20 July 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
9. Drive Towards Munda Point, 2-14 July 1943 . . . . . . . . . 107
10. Capture of Munda Point, 22 July-4 August 1943 . . . . . . . . 145
11. The Cleanup, 5-27 August 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
12. The Huon Peninsula and the Straits . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
13. Opening the Markham Valley, 4-16 September 1943 . . . . . . 204
14. Capture of Finschhafen, 22 September-20 October 1943 . . . . . 217
15. Bougainville Landings, 27 October-1 November 1943 . . . . . . 225
16. Situation on Bougainville, 15 December 1943 . . . . . . . . . 258
17. Arawe Landings, 15 December 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
18. Cape Gloucester Landings, 26-29 December 1943 . . . . . . . 292
19. Seeadler Harbour Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
20. Los Negros Assault, 29 February-9 March 1944 . . . . . . . . 324
21. Lugos Mission to Lorengau, 15-18 March 1944 . . . . . . . . 341
22. Japanese Counterattack on Bougainville, 9-17 March 1944 . . . . 353

General Douglas MacArthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Some Pacific Planners in Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Vice Adm. Jinichi Kusaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
General Hitoshi Imamura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
L t . Gen. Hatazo Adachi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
L t . Gen. Haruyoshi Hyakutake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Japanese Troop Transport Under Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Brig. Gen. Nathan F. Twining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Troops Disembarking From L C I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Natives Carrying Luggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Jeep and Trailer Leaving an LST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Clearing Airfield Site With Hand Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Airfield a t Segi Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Men of 152d Field Artillery Battalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Ships Moving Toward Rendova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Aboard t h e Transport McCawley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Men of 43d Signal Company Wading Ashore . . . . . . . . . . 89
Truck Towing a 155-mm. Howitzer Over Muddy Trail . . . . . . . 93
Maj. Gen. Noboru Sasaki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Troops of the 172d Infantry Wading Across a Creek . . . . . . . . 111
Evacuating Casualties, 12 July 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Jeep Trail From Zanana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Infantry Loading on LCP (R)'s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
LCM's Approaching Laiana, New Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Rear Adm. Theodore S. Wilkinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Japanese Prisoners Captured Near Laiana Beach . . . . . . . . . 128
Pillbox Made of Coconut Logs and Coral . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Soldiers of the 161st Infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Bombing of Munda Airfield, Early Morning . . . . . . . . . . 141
Munda Airfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Reducing an Enemy Pillbox With a Flame Thrower . . . . . . . . 162
Light Tanks M3 of the 9th Marine Defense Battalion . . . . . . . 164
Munda Airfield i n Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
4-Ton Truck Stuck in the Mud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
37th Division Troops Carrying Weapons and Ammunition . . . . . 171
Warship Firing at Japanese Destroyers . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
14th New Zealand Brigade Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
B-24 Over Salamaua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed on the Ground . . . . . . . . . . . 198
B-25 Medium Bombers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Salamaua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Crossing Rain-Swollen Francisco River . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Australian Troops Debarking From LST's . . . . . . . . . . . 206
C-47 Transport Planes Loaded With Parachute Troops . . . . . . 208
Airdrop at Nadzab, Morning of 5 September 1943 . . . . . . . . 209
Bombing Rabaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
B-25's Leaving Bougainville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
L t . Gen. Alexander A . Vandegrift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Maj. Gen. Allen H. Turnage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Mount Bagana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
3d Marines Landing on Cape Torokina . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
LCVP's on the Beach at Empress Augusta Bay . . . . . . . . . . 249
Aircrewman Wounded in Strike on Rabaul . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Amphibian Tractors LVT (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Tractor a n d Trailer i n M u d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Soldiers of the 148th Regimental Combat Team . . . . . . . . . 259
Admiral William F . Halsey, J r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
37th Division Troops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Results of Japanese Bombing of Puruata Island . . . . . . . . . 264
105-mm. Howitzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
4.2-Inch Chemical Mortar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Lt. Gen. Millard F. Harmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
C-47 Air-Dropping Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
B-25's Over Wewak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Alligator Returning to Beach on Arawe . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Early Morning Bombardment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
7th Marines Landing on Narrow Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Rear Adm. Daniel E. Barbey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
M10 Motor Carriage Mounting 3-Inch Gun . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Japanese Ships Burning at Rabaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Aboard t h e Cruiser Phoenix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
First Wave of Landing Craft Unloading . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
2d Lt. Marvin J. Henshaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Digging a Foxhole Through Coral Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
LST's Loaded With Troops and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . 339
Men of the 8th Cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Crossing the Lorengau River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Troop G, 8th Cavalry, Near Number 1 Road . . . . . . . . . . 349
60-mm. Mortar Emplacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
155-mm. Guns of the 3d Marine Defense Battalion . . . . . . . . 357
37th Division Men Carrying 5-Gallon Cans of Water . . . . . . . . 360
Two Light Tanks M3 of the 754th Tank Battalion . . . . . . . . 363
"OP Tree" on Hill 260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
South Knob, Hill 260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
North Knob, Hill 260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Maj. Gen. Robert S. Beightler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Tank-Infantry Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Japanese Pillbox on Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378

All illustrations are from Department of Defense files.


The Strategic Background

The great Japanese bastion at Rabaul nese nation, but to protect Australia and
on New Britain in the Bismarck Archi- New Zealand by halting the Japanese
pelago posed a double threat to the Allies southward advance from Rabaul toward
from 1942 through the early months of the air and sea lines of communication
1944. Bristling with warships and air- that joined the United States and
planes, it menaced the line of commu- Hawaii to Australia and New Zealand.
nications from the United States to Aus- These orders stemmed from earlier,
tralia, and it blocked any Allied advance more fundamental decisions by Presi-
along the north coast of New Guinea to dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Min-
the Philippines. Reduction of Rabaul ister Winston S. Churchill, and the U.S.-
was therefore the primary mission, dur- British Combined Chiefs of Staff, who
ing this period, of the Allied forces of from the very outset had agreed to de-
the South and Southwest Pacific Areas. feat Germany first and then to concen-
In executing this mission these forces trate against Japan. Pending Germany's
fought a long series of ground, air, and defeat, the Allies decided on a defensive
naval battles spaced across a vast region. attitude in the Pacific. But within this
framework they firmly resolved that Aus-
tralia, New Zealand, the Hawaiian Is-
Early Pacific Strategy lands, and Midway were not to be al-
Before the Allies could move effec- lowed to fall into Japanese hands.1
tively against Rabaul itself, they had to Throughout the early months of 1942
clear the way by seizing Guadalcanal the Japanese threat to the Allied line
and driving the Japanese out of the Pa- of communications had mounted stead-
puan Peninsula. With the successful con-
clusion of these two campaigns in early For complete discussions on the development
of this strategy see Maurice Matloff and Edwin
1943, the South and Southwest Pacific M. Snell, Strategic Planning for Coalition War-
forces completed the first phase of a series fare: 1941-1942 (Washington, 1953), Chs. I-VIII;
of offensive operations against Rabaul Louis Morton, The Fall of the Philippines (Wash-
ington, 1953), Chs. II-IV, IX; and Mark Skinner
that had been ordered by the U.S. Joint Watson, Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Prepara-
Chiefs of Staff in July 1942. The strategic tions (Washington, 1950), pp. 367-521. All are in
purpose of this series was defensive, the the series, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD
WAR II. See also Louis Morton's volumes on
scale limited. The immediate aim of the strategy, command, and logistics in the Pacific, now
Joint Chiefs was, not to defeat the Japa- in preparation for the same series.

ily. The enemy's capture of Rabaul in late Australia by seizing the Fijis, Samoa,
January placed him in an excellent posi- New Caledonia, and Port Moresby in
tion to move south. Well situated in New Guinea. But even before they were
relation to Truk and the Palau Islands, turned back from Port Moresby by the
Rabaul possessed a magnificent harbor Allies during May, in the naval battle of
as well as sites for several airfields. Only the Coral Sea, the Japanese had post-
440 nautical miles southwest of Rabaul poned the attacks against the Fijis, New
lies the New Guinea coast, while Guadal- Caledonia, and Samoa and had planned
canal is but 565 nautical miles to the instead the June attempt against Mid-
southeast. Thus the Japanese could ad- way. Although they managed to seize a
vance southward covered all the way by foothold in the Aleutians, they failed
land-based bombers. And since none of disastrously at Midway. With four air-
the islands in the Bismarck Archipelago- craft carriers sunk and hundreds of
New Guinea-Solomons area lay beyond planes and pilots lost, the Japanese could
fighter-plane range of its neighbors, the no longer continue their offensives. The
Japanese could also cover their advance Allies were thus able to take the initia-
with fighters by building airstrips as they tive in the Pacific.
moved along. By May 1942 they had To conduct operations, the Joint
completed the occupation of the Bis- Chiefs organized the Pacific theater along
marck Archipelago. They pushed south lines which prevailed for the rest of the
to establish bases at Lae and Salamaua period of active hostilities. By agreement
on the northeast coast of New Guinea, in March 1942 among the Allied nations
and built airfields in the northern Solo- concerned, they set up two huge com-
mons. mands, the Southwest Pacific Area and
With the Japanese seemingly able to the Pacific Ocean Area.2 (Map 2) The
advance at will, the Joint Chiefs had Southwest Pacific included Australia and
been making all possible efforts to pro- adjacent waters, all the Netherlands
tect Hawaii, Midway, New Zealand, and Indies except Sumatra, and the Philip-
Australia by holding the lines of com- pine Islands.
munication. Troops to reinforce existing The vast Pacific Ocean Areas em-
Allied bases and to establish new bases braced nearly all the remainder of the
were rushed overseas in early 1942. The Pacific Ocean. Unlike the Southwest
32d and 41st Divisions went to Australia. Pacific, which was one unit, the Pacific
The 37th Division was dispatched to the Ocean Areas were divided into three
Fijis, the Americal Division to New parts—the South, Central, and North Pa-
Caledonia, and the 147th Infantry to cific Areas. The North Pacific included
Tongatabu. Troops of the Americal Di- the ocean reaches north of latitude 42°
vision, plus Navy and Marine units, oc-
cupied posts in the New Hebrides begin- 2
The plural is customarily employed for the
ning in March. A Navy and Marine force Pacific Ocean Areas, although the JCS directive
held Samoa. establishing the command used "Area." See CCS
57/1, Memo, JCS for President, 30 Mar 42, title:
At this time the Japanese planned to Dirs to CINCPOA and to the Supreme Comdr
cut the line of communications arid iso- SWPA, with Incls.


north; the Central Pacific lay between Condominium of the New Hebrides,
42° north and the Equator. and the Santa Cruz, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga,
The South Pacific Area, which lay Cook, Society, and Marquesas Islands.
south of the Equator, east of longitude The boundary separating the South and
159° east, and west of longitude 110° Southwest Pacific Areas (longitude 159°
west, was an enormous stretch of water east) split the Solomon Islands.
and islands that included but one mod- General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme
ern sovereign nation, the Dominion of Commander or, as he came to be called,
New Zealand. Among the islands, many Commander in Chief of the Southwest
of them well known to readers of ro- Pacific Area, with headquarters at Bris-
mantic fiction, were the French colony bane, Australia, in early 1943, com-
of New Caledonia, the British-French manded all land, air, and sea forces

GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR, Commander in Chief of the Southwest Pacific

Area, with Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Commander in Chief of the Pacific
Ocean Areas. Photograph taken in Brisbane, Australia, March 1944.

assigned by the several Allied govern- structions appointed a subordinate as

ments.3 This famous and controversial commander of the South Pacific Area
general was enjoined from directly com- with headquarters first at Auckland,
manding any national force. In contrast New Zealand, and later at Noumea, New
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, who was Caledonia. Like MacArthur, this officer
concurrently Commander in Chief of was ineligible to command any national
the Pacific Ocean Areas, with authority force directly. Admiral William F. Hal-
over all Allied forces assigned, was also sey, Jr., the incumbent at the close of
Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. the Guadalcanal Campaign, replaced the
He exercised direct control over the original commander, Vice Adm. Robert
North and Central Pacific Areas but in L. Ghormley, on 18 October while the
accordance with the Joint Chiefs' in- campaign was reaching its climax.
At the time of the Coral Sea engage-
"Supreme Commander" was the title used by ment in May, a small Japanese force had
CCS 57/1, 30 Mar 42. MacArthur seems to have
preferred "Commander in Chief" and "Supreme
garrisoned Tulagi in the Solomons, and
Commander" fell into disuse. shortly afterward the Japanese began

building an airfield at nearby Lunga of air forces and the isolation of Rabaul
Point on Guadalcanal. Just before theybefore the final assault. After the initial
learned of the Japanese airfield underlunge into Guadalcanal, there would fol-
construction on Guadalcanal, the Jointlow a series of advances to seize air and
Chiefs capitalized on the Midway vic- naval bases in New Guinea, New Britain,
tory by ordering the South and South- and the northern Solomons. With these
west Pacific Areas to begin the advance bases Allied fighter planes and bombers
against Rabaul. The operations, as set would be in position to cover the en-
forth in the Joint Chiefs' orders of 2 tire Bismarck Archipelago-eastern New
July 1942, were divided into three Guinea-Solomons area and isolate Ra-
phases. The first, or "Task One," was baul from the east, west, north, and south
the seizure of Tulagi and Guadalcanal before troops were put ashore to capture
in the Solomons, and of the Santa Cruz the great base.5
Islands. Since possession of the Santa The Joint Chiefs of Staff assigned the
Cruz Islands did not prove necessary, reinforced 1st Marine Division as the
they were never taken. Task Two in- landing force for Task One. That unit,
cluded the capture of the remainder of landing on Guadalcanal and Tulagi on
the Japanese-held Solomons and of Lae, 7 August 1942, quickly captured its
Salamaua, and other points on the north- major objectives. The Japanese reaction
east coast of New Guinea in the South- to the invasion was so violent and reso-
west Pacific Area. Task Three was the lute, and Allied control over the air and
seizure and occupation of Rabaul itself, sea routes so tenuous, that the campaign
and of adjacent positions.4 did not end then but dragged on for six
Command during Task One, which months. It was not until February 1943
would be executed in the South Pacific —after two Army divisions and one more
Area, was entrusted to the South Pacific Marine division had been committed to
commander. Tasks Two and Three, to the battle and six major naval engage-
be carried out by South and Southwest ments fought—that Guadalcanal was
Pacific Area forces entirely within the completely wrested from the enemy.
Southwest Pacific Area, were to be con- 5
Dispatch, CINCSWPA and COMSOPAC to CofS
ducted under MacArthur's command. USA, COMINCH, and CINCPAC, 8 Jul 42, CCR
When they received the Joint Chiefs' 82s, ABC 370.26 (7-8-42), Sec 1.
directive, the commanders of the South For the history of the Guadalcanal Campaign
see John Miller, jr., Guadalcanal: The First Offen-
and Southwest Pacific Areas met in Mel- sive, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR
bourne, Australia, to discuss the three II (Washington, 1949); Samuel Eliot Morison, His-
tasks. They agreed that the advance tory of United States Naval Operations in World
War II, Vol. IV, Coral Sea, Midway, and Submarine
should be governed by two basic con- Actions (Boston: Little, Brown and Company,
cepts: the progressive forward movement 1949), and Vol. V, The Struggle for Guadalcanal
(Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1949); Maj.
John L. Zimmerman, USMCR, The Guadalcanal
Jt Dir for Offen Opns in SWPA Agreed on by Campaign (Washington, 1949); and Wesley Frank
U.S. CsofS, 2 Jul 42, OPD 381, Sec 2, Case 83. Craven and James Lea Cate, eds., The Army Air
Unlike other JCS directives, this paper bore no Forces in World War II, Vol. IV, The Pacific:
JCS number. It is also reproduced in JCS 112, Guadalcanal to Saipan—August 1942 to July 1944
21 Sep 42, title: Mil Sit in the Pac. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1950).

With the Guadalcanal victory, the Allies The Casablanca Conference

seized the initiative from the Japanese
Although the Joint Chiefs of Staff had
and halted their southward advance. The
not yet received detailed plans for Ra-
Japanese never attempted the assaults
baul, they were well aware of the impor-
against the Fijis, Samoa, and New Cale-
tance of the operations in the South
and Southwest Pacific Areas. These op-
Just as the Guadalcanal Campaign was
erations naturally had to be considered
opening, a Japanese force landed at
in the light of global strategy and re-
Buna, on the northeast coast of New viewed by the U.S.-British Combined
Guinea's Papuan peninsula, and at- Chiefs of Staff.

tempted to capture the vital Allied base

By the end of 1942, the Joint Chiefs
at Port Moresby by crossing the tower-
were concluding their study of Allied
ing Owen Stanley Range. But the offen-
objectives for the year 1943. President
sive stalled, and MacArthur was able to
Roosevelt and the service chiefs were
move the 32d U.S. Division, the 7th
then preparing to meet at Casablanca
Australian Division, and several addi-
in French Morocco with Prime Minister
tional American regimental combat
Churchill and the British Chiefs in order
teams and Australian infantry brigades
to explore the problem fully and deter-
against the Japanese beachheads at Buna,
mine Allied objectives for the year. No
Gona, and Sanananda on the Papuan
final plan for the defeat of Japan had
peninsula, as well as to establish bases at
been prepared but the subject was being
Milne Bay at Papua's tip and on Good-
studied in Washington.9 Also under dis-
enough Island in the D'Entrecasteaux
cussion were the question of advancing
against Japan through the North Pacific
At the beginning of 1943, with both
the Guadalcanal and Papuan campaigns
drawing to a successful close, the Allies See Miller, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive,
pp. 172-73; Min, JCS mtg, 22 Dec 42; Min, JPS
could look forward to using Guadalcanal mtg, 16 Sep 42; JCS 112/1, 14 Oct 42; title: Mil Sit
and Papua as bases for continuing the in the Pac. For a more detailed discussion see Ray
advance against Rabaul. In the Central S. Cline, Washington Command Post: The Opera-
Pacific, Admiral Nimitz could not under- WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1951), pp. 215-19,
take any offensive westward from Pearl and Robert E. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins:
Harbor and Midway until the line of An Intimate History (New York: Harper & Brothers,
1948), Ch. XXVII. See also John Miller, jr., "The
communications to Australia was abso- Casablanca Conference and Pacific strategy," Mili-
lutely secure. At this time both Halsey tary Affairs, XIII (Winter 1949), 4.
and MacArthur were preparing plans for Unless otherwise indicated, this section is based
on the proceedings and papers of the Casablanca
their campaigns against Rabaul, but had Conference which are filed in regular sequence
not yet submitted them to the Joint with the CCS and JCS minutes and papers. They
Chiefs of Staff. were also printed and bound, along with the pro-
ceedings of the meetings attended by the President
and Prime Minister, in a useful separate volume—
For a detailed discussion of the war in the Casablanca Conference: Papers and Minutes of
Southwest Pacific, 1942-43, see Samuel Milner, Vic- Meetings.
tory in Papua, UNITED STATES ARMY IN JPS 67/2, 4 Jan 43, title: Proposed Dir for a
WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1957). Campaign Plan for the Defeat of Japan.

and the possibility of conducting opera- that 30 percent of Allied military power
tions in Burma to reopen the road to could be deployed against the Japanese
China.10 instead of the 15 percent which he esti-
Pacific operations, and the emphasis mated was then being used.
and support that the advance on Rabaul The British understandably shied
would receive, were significantly affected away from enlarging the scope of Allied
by decisions made at Casablanca. During action in the Pacific. With the Germans
the ten-day conference that began on 14 right across the Channel from England,
January the President, the Prime Min- the British stressed the importance of
ister, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff concentrating against Germany first.
carefully weighed their strategic ends, While admitting the necessity for retak-
apportioned the limited means available ing Burma, they strongly emphasized the
to accomplish them, and so determined importance of aiding the Soviet Union.
Allied courses of action for 1943. They promised to deploy their entire
The Americans and British who met strength against Japan after the defeat
at Casablanca agreed on general objec- of Germany, and suggested that the Jap-
tives, but their plans differed in several anese should meanwhile be contained by
important respects. The Americans limited offensives. At the same time the
wished the Allies to conduct a strategic British desired to extend the scope of
offensive directly against Germany and Allied operations in the Mediterranean.
to aid the Soviet Union, but they also General George C. Marshall, Chief of
favored strong action in the Pacific and Staff, and Admiral King opposed what
Far East. It was imperative, in their view, Marshall called "interminable opera-
to guarantee the security of Allied lines tions in the Mediterranean." They ad-
of communication there and to break the vocated maintaining constant, unremit-
enemy hold on positions that threatened ting pressure against the Japanese to pre-
them. Convinced that China had to be vent them from digging in and consoli-
kept in the war, they recommended that dating their gains. Warning that the
the British, with the aid of American American people would not stand for an-
ships and landing craft, recapture Burma other Bataan, Marshall argued that suf-
so that the Burma Road could be re- ficient resources must be kept in the
opened and the Allies could send more Pacific; otherwise "a situation might
supplies to bolster Generalissimo Chiang arise in the Pacific at any time that would
Kai-shek's armies. They wished to keep necessitate the United States regretfully
the initiative in the Southwest and South withdrawing from the commitments in
Pacific, to inflict heavy losses on the Japa- the European Theatre." 11 Admiral King,
nese, and eventually to use Rabaul and pointing out the strategic importance of
nearby positions as bases for further an advance across the Central Pacific to
advances. Admiral Ernest J. King, Chief the Philippines, raised the question of
of Naval Operations, expressed the hope where to go after Rabaul was captured.
The British did not wish to make spe-
Min, JPS mtgs, 2 and 9 Dec 42; Min, JCS
mtgs, 25 Aug, 15 Sep, and 15 Dec 42, and 5 Jan 43;
Min, CCS mtg, 6 Nov 42. Min, CCS mtg, 17 Jan 43.

cific commitments for operations beyond quate forces would be maintained in the
Rabaul but suggested a meeting after its Pacific and Far East. What was consid-
capture to decide the question. ered "adequate" was not defined.
By 23 January Americans and British The Combined Chiefs agreed in prin-
had reconciled their differences over stra- ciple that Burma was to be recaptured
tegic objectives for 1943. They agreed to by the British and that they would meet
secure the sea communications in the later in the year to make final decisions.
Atlantic, to move supplies to the Soviet In the Pacific the Allies were to main-
Union, to take Sicily, to continue their tain constant pressure on Japan with the
build-up of forces in Britain for the in- purpose of retaining the initiative and
vasion of northern France, and—a de- getting into position for a full-scale of-
cision that was to have a marked effect fensive once Germany had surrendered.
on Pacific operations—to bomb Germany Specifically, the Allies intended to cap-
heavily in the Combined Bomber Offen- ture Rabaul, make secure the Aleutians,
sive that was to be launched by mid- and advance west through the Gilberts
summer 1943. To make sure that none and Marshalls in the Central Pacific
of these undertakings would be jeop- toward Truk and the Marianas. The
ardized by the need for diverting strength Central Pacific advances were supposed
to prevent disaster in the Pacific, ade- to follow the capture of Rabaul.

Selecting Objectives
With Allied strategic objectives for of the previous year. But his forces could
1943 determined at Casablanca, the next not start Task Two until the Allies had
task facing the Army and Navy com- successfully completed the Guadalcanal
manders in Washington and in the Pa- and Papuan campaigns in the first two
cific was the selection of exact tacticalmonths of 1943. There were not enough
objectives. Two considerations would be ground troops to undertake any offensive
paramount in making a choice: the mili- moves immediately, MacArthur re-
tary value of the objectives, and the re-ported, and there were far from enough
sources that would be available. The air forces to conduct the campaigns.2
process of selection was not completed In order to advance against Rabaul in
until a full-dress conference involving one continuous movement, MacArthur
wished to assemble all the necessary
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Joint Staff
Planners, and representatives of all the forces before starting the offensive, and
Pacific commands had met in Washing- substantial reinforcements would be re-
ton.1 Such a conference was made neces- quired. In both South and Southwest
sary by the large disparity between the Pacific Areas there were troops equiva-
size of the forces General MacArthur lent to fifteen and two-thirds American,
asked for to take his objectives and the New Zealand, and Australian divisions,
size of the forces that were actually avail-
but not all were trained and equipped
able. for offensive action. Of the six trained
Southwest Pacific divisions, five would be
Preliminary Theater Planning resting and reorganizing for some time
General MacArthur's Plans to come, after fighting in Guadalcanal,
Papua, and the Middle East. There were
In the Southwest Pacific, General Mac-
seven trained divisions—six American
Arthur had begun planning for the of-
and one New Zealand—as well as some
fensive against Rabaul at an early date.
separate infantry and cavalry regiments
His plans for Tasks Two and Three—
in the South Pacific. Three of the di-
mutually supporting advances along two
visions and one regiment had seen serv-
axes, culminating in a converging attack
ice on Guadalcanal and were enjoying
against Rabaul—were the same in early
January 1943 as those outlined in July 2
Rad to MacArthur, 7 Jan 43, CM-OUT 2273;
Rad to MacArthur, 8 Jan 43, CM-OUT 2833; Rad
See below, pp. 11-15. from MacArthur, 10 Jan 43, CM-IN 4574.

a well-deserved rest. The equivalent decisive blow could be struck, Mac-

therefore of only five divisions plus sev- Arthur reasoned, by cutting the lines of
eral separate regiments could be counted communication between Japan and the
as ready for immediate use. Indies. As the Philippine Islands lay
In naval strength, MacArthur was lim- squarely athwart all sea and air routes
ited to cruisers, destroyers, and subma- between Japan and the Indies, the Allies
rines. He had no carriers, no battleships, could cut them by establishing air and
and few cargo ships, transports, and naval bases in the Philippines. General
landing craft. The greater part of the MacArthur concluded that he should
Pacific Fleet, including aircraft carriers, move to the Philippines by advancing
battleships, cruisers, and destroyers, was westward along New Guinea's north
operating in the South Pacific Area. coast, then swinging northwest through
Both areas boasted a total air strength the intermediate islands into the Philip-
of about 1,850 land-based planes of all pines. The advance along the New
types—bombers, fighters, and cargo Guinea coast might be started about the
planes. These planes came from the U.S. time that the siege of Rabaul began, but
Army Air Forces, the U.S. Navy, the could not safely start until Rabaul was
U.S. Marine Corps, the Royal New Zea- neutralized lest ships and planes based
land Air Force, and the Royal Aus- there harry or obstruct the advance.
tralian Air Force.3 This plan for advancing to the Philip-
At this time General MacArthur was pines, called RENO, had not yet been
looking forward to targets well beyond transmitted to Washington. It looked far
Rabaul; he had set his sights on the into the future. There were not enough
Philippine Islands. In February 1943 forces to inaugurate the Rabaul plan,
he and his staff concluded that the com- ELKTON. Certainly not enough were
pletion of the campaign against Rabaul available to begin RENO.
could secure for the Allies "important,
but not decisive advantages." These ad- Admiral Halsey's Plan
vantages would certainly aid future oper- In the South Pacific, Admiral Halsey
ations but, except for the destruction of looked on Munda Point in New Georgia
precious shipping, would do little dam- as the most likely first objective for his
age to Japan's main economic structure. 5
forces under Task Two. The Japanese
Since the Netherlands Indies contained had started an airfield at the Australian
the great economic wealth, especially oil, Methodist Mission on Munda in Novem-
taken by Japan in 1941 and 1942, a ber 1942 when their attempts to recap-
Information on strength and plans at this time ture Henderson Field on Guadalcanal
is drawn from GHQ SWPA, ELKTON Plan for the had faltered. The new field was intended
Seizure and Occupation of the New Britain—New
Guinea-New Ireland Area, 12 and 28 Feb 43, and to serve as an advanced air base in an-
from U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, The Employ-
ment of Forces Under the Southwest Pacific Com- GHQ SWPA, Estimate of the Situation and
mand (Washington, 1947), p. 18. The latter is an Rough Draft, RENO Plan, 25 Feb 43, OCMH.
almost verbatim copy of a series of monographs pre- The name "Munda" is apparently a phonetic
pared during and immediately after the war by the rendition of a native term rather than a reflection
Historical Section, G-3, GHQ, SWPA. of Caesar's glory.

other attempt to retake Henderson Field situated to support an advance to Bou-

in 1943. gainville, which would be necessary if
The Japanese exhibited skill and cun- South Pacific aircraft were to strike
ning in concealing their activities at Rabaul effectively.7 South Pacific forces
Munda. Even though the Allies had long would have to use aircraft carriers to
known that Munda Point was being used advance directly from Henderson Field
as a staging area, they were not sure that to Bougainville, but possession of Munda
an airfield was under construction until Point would enable them to advance
3 December. The Japanese had rigged progressively under cover of land-based
cables to the tops of the palm trees, then fighter planes and bombers and obviate
cut the trunks away and left the cables the need to use precious carriers close
holding up the treetops. Thus hidden to islands that were studded with enemy
from aerial observation, they built their airfields.
runway and then cut down the camou-
flage. The day they completed the run- The Pacific Military Conference
way, 15 December 1942, the Japanese Neither MacArthur nor Halsey could
decided to build a second airfield at Vila start his offensive yet. They had not yet
on nearby Kolombangara.6 The airfields agreed on a co-ordinated plan, and they
at Munda and Vila, only 180 nautical lacked enough forces to begin. Allot-
miles from Henderson Field, presented ment of forces would depend on deci-
a serious threat to the Allied positions in sions by the Joint and Combined Chiefs
the Solomons and New Hebrides. of Staff, who at Casablanca had decided
In Allied hands, Munda would be on the program for 1943 without know-
invaluable for continuing the advance ing how many troops, planes, and ships
against Rabaul, and Admiral Halsey's would be needed for Rabaul.
forces pressed on. They capped their Shortly before leaving Washington for
success on Guadalcanal with the blood- Casablanca, the Joint Chiefs had in-
less seizure of the Russell Islands on 21 structed MacArthur to submit detailed
February 1943. This shortened the air- plans for carrying out their directive of
line distance to Munda by sixty-five 2 July 1942 and authorized him to ex-
miles and provided torpedo boat and change views with Nimitz and Halsey.
landing craft bases to assist in the capture They suggested personal meetings by the
of all New Georgia, an operation then 7
From Henderson Field to the Shortland Islands
being planned by Halsey and his sub- is 285 nautical miles, to Kahili, 300 miles, to Buka
ordinates. Passage, 363 miles. From Munda, which is within
Munda Point was, physically, one of fighter range of Henderson and the Russells, to the
Shortlands is 100 nautical miles, to Kahili, 125
the best sites for an air base in the Solo- miles, to Buka Passage, 234 miles, and to Rabaul,
mon Islands. Strategically, it was well 394 miles.
Adm William F. Halsey, Jr., Narrative Account
Southeast Area Naval Operations, I, Japanese of the South Pacific Campaign, 3 Sep 44, OCMH;
Monogr No. 48 (OCMH) in the series Japanese Lt Gen Millard F. Harmon, The Army in the South
Studies in World War II, 47, 52; ONI USN, Combat Pacific, 6 Jun 44, p. 7, OCMH; Fleet Admiral Wil-
Narratives: Solomon Islands Campaign, X, Opera- liam F. Halsey and Lt Comdr J. Bryan, III, Ad-
tions in the New Georgia Area, 21 June-5 August miral Halsey's Story (New York: Whittlesey House,
1943 [Washington, 1944], 1-2. 1947), p. 154.

commanders or by their staffs to prepare delegates reached Washington on 10

a broad plan that would enable the Joint March and two days later met with Ad-
Chiefs to give careful consideration to miral King and various officers from the
such matters as timing, reinforcement, Army and Navy planning and logistical
supply, and the transfer of command staffs.12
over Tasks Two and Three to Mac- Thus began the series of meetings,
Arthur. Maintaining that it was incon- generally known as the Pacific Military
venient for high commanders to under- Conference, which were to produce a
take long journeys away from their head- new directive for operations. This con-
quarters, MacArthur radioed his ideas ference constituted an excellent example
for Tasks Two and Three to Nimitz and of the detailed and undramatic, but ab-
Halsey. On 11 February Halsey sent his solutely essential, spadework that had
deputy commander, Rear Adm. Theo- to precede major decisions affecting the
dore S. Wilkinson, to Brisbane to begin
course of the war in the Pacific.
a co-ordinated plan.10
Shortly thereafter MacArthur asked
the Joint Chiefs for permission to send The ELKTON Plan
his chief of staff and several other officers After Admiral King opened the first
to Washington to explain his plans. The session on 12 March with a strategic
Joint Chiefs approved, but stipulated review of the world situation, Maj. Gen.
that representatives from Halsey's and Richard K. Sutherland, MacArthur's
Nimitz' areas should also come for a gen- chief of staff, presented the ELKTON plan
eral discussion of Pacific problems.11 The
To represent him, Halsey had selected General
Rad to MacArthur, 8 Jan 43, CM-OUT 2833; Harmon, Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces
Rad to Maj Gen Rush B. Lincoln, New Caledonia in the South Pacific Area; Maj. Gen. Nathan F.
(to be passed to Halsey), 8 Jan 43, CM-OUT 2834; Twining, commanding the Thirteenth Air Force;
Rad to Lt Gen Delos C. Emmons, Hawaii (to be and two staff officers, Brig. Gen. Dewitt Peck,
passed to Nimitz), 8 Jan 43, CM-OUT 2835; Rad USMC, his war plans officer, and Capt. Miles R.
to MacArthur, 11 Jan 43, CM-OUT 3664. Browning, USN, his chief of staff. MacArthur sent
Rad from MacArthur, 27 Jan 43, CM-IN 12553; Maj. Gen. Richard K. Sutherland, his chief of staff;
Rad from MacArthur, 11 Feb 43, CM-IN 5610; Brig. Gen. Stephen J. Chamberlin, his operations
Commander, South Pacific Area and South Pacific officer; and Lt. Gen. George C. Kenney, Com-
Force, War Diary: 1 January 1943-30 June 1944 mander, Allied Air Forces, SWPA. Representing
(hereafter cited as COMSOPAC War Diary), 11- Nimitz were his deputy and chief of staff, Vice Adm.
12, 14-15 Feb 43 entries. Raymond A. Spruance, General Emmons, and Capt.
Rad from MacArthur, 15 Feb 43, CM-IN 7418;
Forrest P. Sherman. Present at the first meeting,
Rads to MacArthur, 16 Feb 43, CM-OUT 5656 and
besides King and the Pacific delegates, were Lt.
CM-OUT 5660; Rads to Harmon (for Halsey), 16
Gen. Joseph T. McNarney, Deputy Chief of Staff
Feb 43, CM-OUT 5658 and CM-OUT 5661; Rads
to Emmons (for Nimitz), 16 Feb 43, CM-OUT 5657 of the Army; Lt. Gen. Stanley D. Embick, of the
and CM-OUT 5659. The Pacific representatives Joint Strategic Survey Committee; Maj. Gen. George
timed their trip to accompany Brig. Gen. Albert C. E. Stratemeyer, Chief of the Air Staff; Maj. Gen.
Wedemeyer to Washington. Wedemeyer, a member Thomas T. Handy, Assistant Chief of Staff, Opera-
of the Operations Division of the War Department tions Division, War Department General Staff; Maj.
General Staff and of the Joint and Combined Staff Gens. LeRoy Lutes and Lucius D. Clay, of Head-
Planners, visited the Southwest Pacific to explain quarters, Army Service Forces; Vice Adm. Russell
the Casablanca decisions to MacArthur and to be- Willson, of the Joint Strategic Survey Committee;
come better acquainted with the area. Rear Adm. Charles M. Cooke, Jr.; and Wedemeyer.

to the conference.13 This plan, bearing by 10,000 to 12,000 troops and about 250
the date 28 February 1943, was a re- planes as well as major portions of the
vision of the first ELKTON plan, which Combined Fleet from the Netherlands
was dated 12 February, and prescribed Indies, Japanese home waters, and the
the same general scheme of maneuver Philippines Islands. In six months, 615
as MacArthur's earlier plans for the re- more aircraft could be committed, and
duction of Rabaul. MacArthur had pre- 10 or 15 divisions might be dispatched if
pared it on the assumption that he would shipping was available.
control both the Southwest and South Having described the forbidding na-
Pacific forces for Tasks Two and Three, ture of the enemy stronghold, General
for the Joint Chiefs' directive had stated Sutherland proceeded, in his presenta-
explicitly that these would be conducted tion of the ELKTON plan, to outline the
under his command. Halsey, according contemplated Allied moves. The execu-
to MacArthur, had already assented to tion of Tasks Two and Three would re-
ELKTON. quire mutually supporting, co-ordinated
ELKTON'S intelligence estimate pointed advances along two lines: one, by South-
out that the Japanese generally con- west Pacific forces in the west, from New
trolled the north coast of New Guinea Guinea to New Britain; the other, by
northwest of Buna, as well as New Brit- South Pacific forces in the east, through
ain, New Ireland, and the Solomons the Solomons. ELKTON broke Tasks Two
northwest of Guadalcanal. Japanese de- and Three into five operations:
fenses were concentrated, as were Allied
1. Seizure of airdromes on the Huon
holdings in the region, in the vicinity of
Peninsula of New Guinea to provide air
airfields. Except for the perimeters
around the airfields and naval bases, the
support for operations against New
land areas were pretty well unoccupied. Britain;
Between 79,000 and 94,000 Japanese 2. Seizure of Munda Point as well as
troops were thought to be stationed in other airdromes on New Georgia to
the New Guinea-Bismarck Archipel- cover operations against New Ireland
ago-Solomons area. Enemy air strength in the Bismarck Archipelago and the
was estimated at 383 land-based planes, remainder of the Solomons;
while 4 battleships, 2 aircraft carriers, 3. Seizure of airdromes on New Brit-
14 cruisers, 11 seaplane tenders, about ain and Bougainville to support opera-
40 destroyers, numerous auxiliaries, and tions against Rabaul and Kavieng in
about 50 merchant ships of 3,000 tons or New Ireland;
over were on hand for operations. It 4. Capture of Kavieng and the isola-
was expected that the Japanese, if at- tion of Rabaul, although it was consid-
tacked, could be immediately reinforced ered possible that Kavieng might be
taken after Rabaul;
5. Capture of Rabaul.
Notes on Pac Conf Held in Mar 43, 1st mtg, 12
Mar 43. George C. Kenney, General Kenney Re- The timing of these missions was not
ports: A Personal History of the Pacific War (New
York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1949), devotes one rigidly fixed, nor was there an estimate
chapter (VIII) to this conference. of the time required to carry them out.

Large forces, assembled in advance, the conference was convinced of the

were required to execute the five opera- necessity for offensive operations, but it
tions of ELKTON—and there was the rub was recognized that the operations would
from the point of view of the Washing- be limited by the available means. Ad-
ton planners faced with global responsi- miral Halsey's representatives, Lt. Gen.
bilities. They listened as Sutherland read Millard F. Harmon of the Army, Brig.
a detailed accounting of forces on hand Gen. Dewitt Peck of the Marine Corps,
and forces requested. The plan, in brief, and Capt. Miles R. Browning of the
called for five additional divisions, forty- Navy, endorsed the ELKTON plan, but
five additional air groups, or about twice some of the Navy planners in Washing-
the 1,850 land-based planes then on ton were dubious of its value. They
hand, and an unspecified number of war- believed it would tie up too many ships
ships, transports, cargo ships, and land- and too many troops for too long a time,
ing craft sufficient to mount and support and would not achieve decisive results.
all the operations.14 The Washington planners informed the
The official records do not disclose Pacific representatives that only two or
with what emotions the officers from the three more divisions and a few more
various Washington agencies received planes could be sent overseas.16
the information about the necessary re- The solution therefore was to replace
inforcements, but it is not difficult to the ambitious directive of 2 July 1942
imagine that some were surprised. At with something more realistic. Before
Casablanca the Americans had assumed deciding on a new directive, the Joint
the capture of Rabaul in 1943 as a mat- Chiefs instructed the Pacific delegates to
ter of course, and had confidently dis- decide what offensive operations they
cussed the possibility of advancing be- thought could be undertaken in 1943
yond Rabaul. with the allotted forces. It was under-
The Pacific delegates learned imme- stood that the Pacific commanders would
diately that there was virtually no chance not be committed by their subordinates'
for them to get all the reinforcements recommendations.17
that they wanted.15 It was possible to The Pacific delegates answered
effect some increases in the number of promptly. They stated that the South
aircraft, but to give General MacArthur and Southwest Pacific forces would be
everything he asked would have cut too able to advance as far as the southeast
deeply into the bomber offensive against part of Bougainville, seize eastern New
Germany. There were several trained Guinea up to Madang, extend to Wood-
divisions available in the United States, lark and Kiriwina in the Trobriand
but there were not enough transports Islands, and advance to Cape Gloucester
to ship them overseas in time, or to sup-
ply them after their arrival. Everyone at For the detailed record of debate and discus-
sion at the various meetings of the Pacific Military
Conference, see Notes on Pac Conf Held in Mar
GHQ SWPA, ELKTON Plan . . . . 28 Feb 43. 43, with Inclosures and Annexes. See below, Biblio-
Rad, Sutherland to MacArthur, 12 Mar 43, graphical Note.
CM-OUT 1930. Min, JCS mtg, 19 Mar 43.

in western New Britain. These opera- also recommended capture of Woodlark

tions were essentially the second task of and Kiriwina.20
the directive of 2 July 1942.18 With this Seizure of these islands would bring
statement, the Pacific Military Confer- Rabaul and the northern Solomons
ence as such came to a close, although within range of fighters and medium
the Pacific representatives remained in bombers, and would thus compensate
Washington a few days longer at the for the absence of enough heavy
request of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. bombers. The islands, which lie outside
the bad weather belt that frequently
Preparation of the Directive of blankets the southeast tip of New
28 March 1943 Guinea, would also serve as staging bases
for the rapid switching of air units
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, having ap-
between the South and Southwest Pa-
proved the additional Pacific reinforce-
cific. In December of the previous year,
ments and heard the opinions of the
Admiral Halsey had suggested to Mac-
Pacific delegates, immediately accepted
Arthur the establishment of an air base
the proposal that South and Southwest
at Woodlark or Kiriwina, and offered
Pacific operations in 1943 be limited
to furnish some of the necessary troops.
to Task Two, and turned to considera-
This project had the approval of Mar-
tion of new orders for Halsey and Mac-
shall and King.21 The seizure of Wood-
lark and Kiriwina was included as part
Neither the limitation of operations
of Plan ELKTON of 12 February, but had
to Task Two nor the inclusion of Wood-
lark and Kiriwina was an entirely new 20
Memo, Secretariat JUSSC for Secretariat JPS,
idea. The Joint U.S. Strategic Commit- 13 Feb 43, sub: Opns in S and SW Pac Areas During
tee, commissioned by the Joint Staff 1943 and Their Relation to the Concept of Mil
Planners to prepare a plan for the defeat Strategy for 1943 as Set Forth in the Anfa Papers,
with Incls A and B, attached to JPS 67/2, 4 Jan 43,
of Japan, in February had considered title: Proposed Dir for a Campaign Plan for the
the means for, and limiting factors af- Defeat of Japan, ABC 381 Japan (8-27-42), Sec 1.
fecting, the operations planned at Casa- This paper is also filed as JPS 67/3, 15 Feb 43,
title: Opns in S and SW Pac in 1943. The Casa-
blanca, and recommended that only blanca Conference was held at Anfa and is often
Task Two be carried out in 1943. The referred to as the Anfa Conference, although its
committee felt that the capture of Ra- code name was SYMBOL. The Joint U.S. Strategic
Committee was renamed the Joint War Plans Com-
baul, which could not be undertaken mittee in March 1943, and should not be confused
until fairly late in 1943, might interfere with the Joint Strategic Survey Committee, which
with the recapture of Burma, an opera- was composed of senior officers who advised on
broad strategic matters.
tion which was considered to be on a 21
See C O M S O P A C t o C O M S O W E S P A C
priority with the advance through the [ C I N C S W P A ] , 17 Dec 42; C O M I N C H to
COMSOPAC, 18 Dec 42; Memo, King for Marshall,
Central Pacific and the support of 20 Feb 43, sub: Instal of Airstrips on Kiriwina
China. The Strategic Committee had Island or Woodlark Island; Memo, Marshall for
King, 22 Feb 43, same sub. All in CNO File A 16-3
(4) No. 1, Warfare Opns, SWPA, 1943, and made
Memo by Reps of the Pac Areas, in JCS 238/2, available by Lt. Grace P. Hays, USN, of the Hist
21 Mar 43. Sec, JCS. See also Halsey and Bryan, Admiral
Min, JCS mtg, 21 Mar 43. Halsey's Story, p. 154.

been omitted from the version of ELK- amount of assistance he would be ex-
TON which Sutherland brought to Wash- pected to contribute.22
ington. Admiral King was disturbed by the
idea of postponing action in the Solo-
Timing mons, for the Japanese fleet was no
longer pinned down by the Guadal-
Although the Joint Chiefs had ac-
canal Campaign. If the Solomon opera-
cepted the delegates' proposals in prin-
tions were to be postponed, he suggested,
ciple, they were concerned about the
the American fleet units assigned to the
timing of operations. They brought the
South Pacific might be more profitably
Pacific representatives and some of the
employed elsewhere, perhaps in the Cen-
Joint Planners into their meeting on
tral Pacific. The Joint Chiefs directed
Sunday morning, 21 March, to help set-
the Joint Planners to draft a plan, but
tle matters.
did not immediately attempt to decide
The Southwest Pacific delegates ar-
on the timing of operations.23 In the
gued that lack of adequate forces would
message the Joint Chiefs sent to Mac-
keep the South Pacific from beginning
Arthur, Nimitz, and Halsey about the
operations against New Georgia and
additional reinforcements, they stated
southern Bougainville until after the
that "prevailing opinion" in Washing-
Southwest Pacific had seized the Huon
ton favored launching the invasion of
Peninsula in New Guinea, an operation
Munda after the establishment of an air
that would take place about August.
base at Woodlark and possibly after the
This sequence was approximately that
conclusion of the planned advance in
set forth in the ELKTON plan. The South
New Guinea.
Pacific delegates, especially Harmon, felt
MacArthur replied at once to express
that it would be better to move against
his vigorous opposition to what he, Suth-
New Georgia before the capture of the
erland, and Kenney called "divergent
Huon Peninsula. A reasonable margin
action," that is, concurrent operations
of safety would require that enough
strength be mustered for a drive right 22

through to Bougainville after Munda's Mar Notes on Pac Conf Held in Mar 43, 3d mtg, 13
43. It is difficult to comprehend Sutherland's
capture. statement as reported in the official record.
The views of the Southwest Pacific MacArthur's message regarding Wilkinson's visit to
delegates on New Georgia are somewhat Brisbane indicated that an exchange of views had
taken place. According to the COMSOPAC War
curious. At an early meeting of the con- Diary, 4 March 1943 entry, MacArthur was in-
ference, Rear Adm. Charles M. Cooke, formed on 4 March that South Pacific headquarters
hoped to seize New Georgia about 10 April. Halsey
Jr., of Admiral King's staff, had asked discussed the action with Sutherland and Kenney
Sutherland for MacArthur's opinion on at his headquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia,
the operation against Munda for which and made it clear that MacArthur would not be
the South Pacific was then preparing. asked for any assistance except for limited air ac-
tion against the Shortland Islands. Finally, the 28
Sutherland replied that his chief would February ELKTON, which Sutherland read to the
be unable to make recommendations conference, specifically called for an invasion of
until he had been "apprised" of the New that
Georgia and made an estimate of the forces
would be needed.
operations, the forces involved, and the Min, JCS mtg, 21 Mar 43.

SOME PACIFIC PLANNERS IN CONFERENCE. From left, Capt. Cato D. Glover, Jr.,
Maj. Gen. Richard J. Marshall, Lt. Gen. George C. Kenney, Lt. Gen. Richard K.
Sutherland, Rear Adm. Forrest P. Sherman, and Maj. Gen. Stephen J. Cham-
berlin. Photograph taken in Brisbane, Australia, March 1944.

against New Georgia and New Guinea heavily. Then New Georgia could be
by the South and Southwest Pacific taken, and the South and Southwest
Areas. Neither area, he asserted, would Pacific Areas, now mutually supporting,
be strong enough for independent ac- could begin the reduction of Rabaul.24
tion. The South Pacific would need The question of timing was never
strong air support from its neighbor finally determined by the Joint Chiefs.
in the New Georgia action, and there Speaking at their meeting on 28 March
simply were not enough planes. He when the Joint Planners' draft of a new
therefore recommended that the New directive for Halsey and MacArthur was
Georgia invasion be postponed at least considered, King again emphasized the
until the seizure of the Lae-Madang dangers of allowing the South Pacific to
area guaranteed control of the Vitiaz stand idly by while waiting for the
Strait between the Huon Peninsula and northeast New Guinea coast to be
western New Britain, prevented the
Japanese from moving reinforcements 24
Rad from MacArthur, 25 Mar 43, CM-IN
to Rabaul from the west, and enabled 13461; Comments by Gen Kenney on draft MS of
this volume, attached to Ltr, Gen Kenney to Maj
the Southwest Pacific to support and Gen Albert C. Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, 11 Nov
protect its neighbor by bombing Rabaul 53, no sub, OCMH.

cleared. Marshall, whose talents included arguing somewhat heatedly over the
great skill at reconciling divergent question of a unified command for the
points of view, offered the opinion that entire Pacific, but the warmth of their
both MacArthur and Halsey would take debate did not seriously interfere with
every advantage to press forward when- the preparation of the new directive.
ever Japanese resistance was weak. The The possibility of mutual co-operation
Japanese would find themselves in a dif- by Halsey and MacArthur was rejected.
ficult position. If they strengthened the Some naval officers, including King, sug-
Solomons at the expense of New Guinea gested that since Halsey would be oper-
MacArthur could move forward, and ating west of the line of demarcation
Halsey could take advantage of any shifts (longitude 159° east), it should be moved
of troops to New Guinea. Halsey him- westward again, but did not press the
self, although willing to postpone the point. It was agreed that MacArthur
advance against New Georgia until after would command the operations by the
Woodlark and Kiriwina were taken, had Southwest Pacific forces, and that Hal-
stated that he would not remain idle. sey's operations with South Pacific forces
He intended to hit the Japanese with in the Solomons would be under Mac-
land-based aircraft and to be prepared Arthur's "general directives."
to move into New Georgia and southern One particularly important aspect of
Bougainville if the Japanese weakened the command question related to the
their defenses to such an extent that he Pacific Fleet units that would take part
could advance without precipitating a in the operations. Admiral King always
major engagement. King withdrew his opposed any tendency to break up the
objections, subject to the proviso that Pacific Fleet by permanently assigning
MacArthur submit detailed plans show- its units to any particular area, for then
ing timing and sequence of operations the fleet would lose part of its striking
and the composition of task forces.25 power as well as strategic and tactical
mobility. For these reasons King had
Command previously proposed that Nimitz' au-
One final question, command, re- thority be extended to include the waters
mained to be decided before the Joint of the Southwest Pacific Area, but had
Chiefs could issue a new directive. This apparently never insisted on this as a
question was settled fairly quickly.26 The solution. The Joint Chiefs settled the
directive of 2 July 1942 had provided matter on 28 March by agreeing that all
that Tasks Two and Three would be units of the Pacific Ocean Areas other
under MacArthur's direction. This prin- than those assigned by the Joint Chiefs
ciple continued to be accepted by the to task forces engaged in the operations
Joint Chiefs without serious challenge. would remain under Nimitz' general
Both the Army and the Navy had been control. This meant that MacArthur
Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 213, indi-
Min, JCS mtg, 28 Mar 43; COMSOPAC War cates that discussions of this point in and out of
Diary, 28 Mar 43 entry. the conference room were heated. The minutes do
But see Rad, Sutherland to MacArthur, 25 Mar not yield much information about the emotions of
43, CM-OUT 9499. the protagonists.

would exercise strategic direction only MacArthur and Halsey to establish air-
over Halsey's forces that were engaged fields on Woodlark and Kiriwina, to
in the Solomons west of longitude 159° seize the Lae-Salamaua-Finschhafen-
east, and that Halsey's other forces, as Madang area of New Guinea and occupy
well as Pacific Fleet units not assigned western New Britain, and to seize and
by the Joint Chiefs, would remain under occupy the Solomon Islands as far as
Nimitz. With the question of command southern Bougainville. The operations
settled and the problem of timing left were intended to inflict losses on the
largely to the commanders' discretion, Japanese, to deny the target areas to
the Joint Chiefs on 28 March approved the enemy, to contain Japanese forces
a directive providing for offensive oper- in the Pacific by retaining the initiative,
ations by MacArthur and Halsey in and to prepare for the ultimate seizure
1943.29 of the Bismarck Archipelago. As previ-
ously indicated, operations would be
The 28 March Directive conducted under MacArthur's com-
mand. The advances in the Solomons
Brief crisp orders were dispatched to were to be under the direct command
Halsey, Nimitz, and MacArthur on 28 of Halsey, who would operate under
March. The Joint Chiefs canceled their MacArthur's strategic direction. Except
directive of 2 July 1942. They ordered for those units assigned by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff to task forces engaged in
The command question is treated in the fol- these campaigns, all elements of the Pa-
lowing documents: Ltr, COMINCH-CNO [King] cific Ocean Areas would remain under
to CofS USA [Marshall], 6 Jan 43, no sub, in- Nimitz. MacArthur was directed to sub-
cluded in JCS 112/1, 14 Oct 42, title: Mil Sit in
the Pac, ABC 370.26 (7-8-42), Sec 1; Memo, Gen mit detailed plans including the com-
Handy for Capt Connolly, Naval War Plans Div, position of task forces and sequence and
29 Dec 42, no sub, OPD 384 PTO (12-29-42), Sec timing of operations.

2, Case 43; Memo, Marshall for COMINCH, 8 Jan

43, sub: Strategic Dir of Opns in the SW Pac, same With this directive, the Joint Chiefs
file; Memo, COMINCH for CofS USA, 18 Feb 43, set the program for 1943 in the South
sub: Opns in SOPAC-SWPA, OPD Exec Off File and Southwest Pacific. There can be no
No. 10, Item 67c; Memo, CofS USA for CNO, 19
Feb 43, same sub, same file; JCS 238/3, 21 Mar 43, doubt that they were disappointed by
title: Plan of Opns for Seizure of Solomon Islands- their inability to approach the goals set
New Guinea-New Britain-New Ireland Area; JCS so freely at Casablanca, but the 28 March
238/4, 27 Mar 43, title: Plan of Opns for Seizure
of Solomon Islands-New Guinea-New Britain-New directive possessed the virtue of being
Ireland Area-Offen Opns in the S and SW Pac based on assumptions that were realistic,
During 1943; JCS 238/5/D, 28 Mar 43, title: Dir— even pessimistic. The defined objectives
Plan of Opns for Seizure of Solomon Islands-New
Guinea-New Britain-New Ireland Area; and Min were believed to be surely attainable.
JCS mtg, 28 Mar 43.
29 30
Min, JCS mtg, 28 Mar 43. JCS 238/5/D, 28 Mar 43.


The Southwest Pacific Area surface GHQ was a U.S. Army head-
quarters, but its responsibilities and au-
Command Structure
thority were joint and Allied in nature.
Most of the commands of the South- It was an operational headquarters.
west and South Pacific Areas which Under GHQ in Australia were three
would execute the Joint Chiefs' orders other tactical headquarters—Allied Land
were already in existence.1 General Mac- Forces, Allied Naval Forces, and Allied
Arthur, as Allied Commander in Chief, Air Forces, whose names indicate their
had organized his General Headquar- functions. (Chart 1) Allied Land Forces
ters (GHQ), Southwest Pacific Area, on was commanded by an Australian, Gen-
U.S. Army lines. Directly under Suther- eral Sir Thomas Blarney, and was theo-
land, the Chief of Staff,2 were the four retically responsible for the tactical di-
standard general staff and three special rection of all Allied ground troops, less
staff sections. Each section was headed certain antiaircraft units which were
by an American Army officer. Officers controlled by Allied Air Forces. Under
from the American Navy and from the Allied Land Forces was the U.S. Sixth
Australian, Netherlands, and Nether- Army, established in the area in Febru-
lands Indies armed forces served in the ary 1943 under command of Lt. Gen.
most important staff sections, but in Walter Krueger. Included in Sixth
comparatively junior positions.3 On the Army were Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichel-
berger's I Corps, the 2d Engineer Spe-
For details see Louis Morton's forthcoming
volumes on strategy, command, and logistics in the cial Brigade, and the 503d Parachute
Pacific, and Milner, Victory in Papua. For South Infantry Regiment. The 1st Marine Di-
Pacific organization, see below, pp. 67-70. vision was under Krueger's operational
Sutherland, a lean, spare, dedicated man, and
an exacting taskmaster, was somewhat less than control.4 The First and Second Aus-
popular with some of the officers who commanded tralian Armies, many of whose units
forces directly under GHQ, apparently because they were still in training, were part of Allied
felt that he, personally, tried to take over part of
their authority. But his worst enemies have never
Land Forces. The main tactical head-
questioned his professional competence. quarters which operated under Blarney
G-3, for example, contained a substantial num-
ber of U.S. Navy and Allied officers, and such sub- GHQ SWPA GO 17, 16 Feb 43, in GHQ SWPA
ordinate sections of G-2 as the Allied Intelligence G-3 Jnl, 16 Feb 43. The antiaircraft units, two
Bureau, the Allied Translator and Interpreter Serv- antiaircraft coast artillery brigades that were con-
ice, and the Allied Geographical Section had large trolled by Allied Air Forces, were assigned to Sixth
numbers of Allied officers. Army.

during early 1943 was New Guinea sponsibility for logistical support of
Force, a largely Australian headquarters American ground forces.6 Australian
responsible for the conduct of opera- Line of Communications units in Allied
tions in New Guinea. GHQ usually Land Forces supplied the Australian
established a temporary advanced eche- troops. Soldiers fighting in New Guinea
lon at Port Moresby, New Guinea, under New Guinea Force were supplied
shortly before the beginning of each by a U.S.-Australian organization known
operation. as the Combined Operational Service
Allied Naval Forces was commanded Command which had been created dur-
by Vice Adm. Arthur S. Carpender (in- ing the Papuan campaign.
evitably called "Chips") of the U.S. Most echelons subordinate to GHQ
Navy, and included the U.S. Seventh had functioned during the Papuan cam-
Fleet (concurrently commanded by Car- paign and by mid-1943 were operating
pender) and large parts of the Australian with an efficiency born of this experi-
and Netherlands Navies. The most im- ence.
portant component of Carpender's com-
mand was the VII Amphibious Force, Geography
organized under Rear Adm. Daniel E.
The forthcoming campaigns would be
Barbey in early 1943.
fought in New Guinea, the Solomon
Lt. Gen. George C. Kenney, an Amer-
Islands, and the Bismarck Archipelago.
ican airman, led the Allied Air Forces
Many places in these islands bear the
which consisted of the U.S. Fifth Air
names of outstanding figures in the his-
Force and the Royal Australian Air
tory of exploration: Torres Strait, Dam-
Force Command, Allied Air Forces,
pier Strait, Bougainville, and D'Entre-
under Air Vice Marshal William D.
casteaux Islands. Other names like New
Bostock. Kenney also commanded the
Britain and New Ireland are of more
Fifth Air Force but for tactical purposes
pedestrian origin, and the Bismarck and
it was run by the Deputy Commander,
Solomon Seas were named during World
Brig. Gen. Ennis C. Whitehead who led
War II.7 Despite the familiarity of many
the Advanced Echelon at Port Moresby,
place names, the area was one of the
New Guinea.5
least known and least developed in all
All national forces serving under these
the world. Further, although there is
tactical headquarters were administered
perhaps no ideal place to fight a war,
and usually supplied by their own serv-
the New Guinea-Bismarcks-Solomons
ice elements. U.S. Army Forces, Far
East, commanded by MacArthur, was 6
responsible for administration of the GHQ SWPA Stf Memo 3, 19 Feb 43; USAFFE
GO 1, 26 Feb 43, adv copy. Both in GHQ SWPA
Sixth Army, the Fifth Air Force, and G-3 Jnl, 19 Feb 43.
U.S. Army Services of Supply, South- Nothing is named for Meneses, who first visited
west Pacific Area. This last, under Maj. New Guinea in 1526, nor for Mendaña who dis-
covered the Solomons in 1568. But the whole group,
Gen. Richard J. Marshall, had the re- the islands of Guadalcanal, San Cristobal, Santa
Isabel, and Florida, and Point Cruz on Guadalcanal
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to and Estrella Bay at Santa Isabel retain the names
Saipan, p. 99. given by Mendaña.

area was one of the worst possible places. ant and relatively healthful. There are
(Map 3) no really large rivers in New Guinea,
All the islands have much in common, but the Markham, which flows into
and much that is common is unpleas- Huon Gulf, and the Sepik and Ramu
ant. All have hot, wet, tropical climates. are several hundred miles long. The 600-
Ali are mountainous. All are heavily mile Sepik, flowing between the Victor
jungled. All are pest-ridden and full of Emmanuel Range and the Torricelli
tropical diseases, especially malaria. Mountains, is navigable by steam launch
None has motor roads longer than a few for 300 miles above its mouth. Between
miles. There are almost no ports with the mountains and the sea are swampy
piers and quays to accommodate large lowlands and vast stretches of tropical
ships. rain forest so thick that the sun never
The native inhabitants are Melane- penetrates the treetops to dry the ground
sians, most of them barely beyond the and no underbrush ever grows.
Stone Age. Cannibalism and headhunt- At the outset of the war there were
ing were suppressed only recently in no motor roads of any significant length.
areas where British, German, Dutch, There were short roads in and around
and Australian governments exerted the main ports and gold fields and in-
their authority. During World War II numerable native footpaths, or "tracks."
there were rumors that some of the New As both Allied and Japanese forces had
Guinea natives, freed by the Japanese demonstrated during the Papuan cam-
conquests from the white man's restrain- paign, overland travel was fantastically
ing influence, had reverted to their an- difficult. The best ways to travel were
cient practices. by water and by air. However, both the
New Guinea, the largest island in the Australians and Japanese were, in the
area and after Greenland the largest first part of 1943, engaged in ambitious
island in the world, is about 1,600 stat- transmontane road-building projects.
ute miles long, 500 miles from north Before the war the Australians had
to south at its widest point, and has exploited air travel to the utmost in
an area estimated at about 312,000 developing the gold fields of the Bulolo
square miles. Its most distinctive geo- Valley in the mountains southwest of
graphic feature, aside from the jungle, Salamaua. They had avoided the diffi-
is the great cordillera that runs the culties of overland travel by cutting air-
length of the island. This cordillera strips in the flatlands of the valley, then
consists of a number of parallel east- flying in gold-mining machinery, build-
west mountain ranges which narrow into ing materials, and, to add to the ameni-
the Owen Stanley Range in the Papuan ties of life in the attractive uplands,
peninsula. The highest peaks reach over even race horses.
sixteen thousand feet into the sky. The Across Vitiaz and Dampier Straits
mountain valleys that are cut by such from New Guinea's Huon Peninsula
rivers as the Sepik, Ramu, Markham, lies Cape Gloucester, the western tip
and Bulolo are several thousand feet of New Britain, which curves northeast-
above sea level, and the climate is pleas- erly to culminate in Gazelle Peninsula

and Rabaul. New Ireland, long and nar- A crude comparison may give a gen-
row, parallels the long axis of the Pa- eral idea of the size of the area. If a
puan peninsula so that it, the Admiralty map of the New Guinea-Bismarck
Islands, part of New Guinea, and New Archipelago-Solomon Islands area is
Britain enclose the Bismarck Sea. New superimposed on a map of the United
Britain, New Ireland, the Admiralties, States, with the western tip of New
and other islands form the Bismarck Guinea's Vogelkop Peninsula at Seattle,
Archipelago. Washington, Milne Bay at southeastern
Southeast of Rabaul, and northeast New Guinea lies in Colorado, and the
of the Papuan peninsula and the Lou- Solomon Islands lie in the Missouri and
isiade Archipelago, lie the Solomon Mississippi Valleys.
Islands. This 600-mile-long double-
chained archipelago was found by Men- Coastwatching
daña in 1568, but his calculations of In early 1943 the key points of this
longitude were so far wrong that two huge area, except for Port Moresby,
hundred years went by before white men Milne Bay, Goodenough Island in the
found it again. Carteret, Bougainville, D'Entrecasteaux; group, and the Guadal-
Surville, Shortland, and D'Entrecast- canal-Russells-Florida area of the Solo-
eaux sighted or visited the archipelago mons were in Japanese hands, but Al-
between 1767 and 1793, and French lied intelligence agencies were able to
geographers eventually concluded that keep a fairly close check on enemy troop,
these were the islands Mendaña had ship, and plane movements by means of
found. radioed reports from observers operat-
The area was divided politically. That ing behind the enemy lines. These ob-
part of New Guinea west of longitude servers were the coastwatchers, members
141° east belonged to the Netherlands. of an organization, the Coastwatching
Papua was an Australian possession with Service, established before the war as
the status of Territory. Northeast New part of the Directorate of Intelligence,
Guinea, the Admiralties, New Britain, Royal Australian Navy. Their territory
New Ireland, Bougainville, and Buka originally embraced New Guinea, the
made up the Australian Mandated Ter- Bismarck Archipelago, and the Solo-
ritory of New Guinea; Australia took mons, but later islands of the Nether-
them from Germany in World War I lands Indies were added to the network.
and was awarded a League of Nations Initially the coastwatchers were all Brit-
mandate over them.8 The Solomons ish, Australian, or New Zealand civil
southeast of Bougainville are, politically, servants or planters, commissioned in
the British Solomon Islands Protector- the Australian armed forces, but as the
ate, established by Great Britain in 1893 war progressed qualified men from the
to suppress blackbirding. American forces were also assigned. The
coastwatchers were part of the Allied
In 1947 the Mandated Territory and Papua Intelligence Bureau of the G-2 Section
were consolidated as a United Nations trusteeship. of GHQ. Those in the Solomons re-

ported their observations directly to whole ELKTON plan; the operations in-
South Pacific agencies. structions dealt specifically with the
These intrepid men were greatly opening phases. The 26 April plan,
aided in their work by the devotion designated ELKTON III, was issued after
and help of the natives. The Melane- a personal conference in Brisbane be-
sians in general remained loyal to the tween Admiral Halsey and General
Allied cause, and throughout the war MacArthur.
rescued shot-down airmen and stranded This was the first meeting of the well-
sailors, worked as guides, bearers, and known admiral and the even more fa-
laborers, and a select few stayed with the mous general. Halsey was deeply im-
various coastwatchers. pressed by MacArthur; speaking of their
As the interior of the New Guinea- wartime conferences, he wrote:
Bismarcks-Solomons area was little
known and practically unmapped, the I have seldom seen a man who makes a
quicker, stronger, more favorable impres-
coastwatchers proved an invaluable sion. . . . On the few occasions when I
source of information on terrain. In disagreed with him, I told him so, and we
addition, their hideouts served as bases discussed the issue until one of us changed
for the patrols that thrust behind the his mind. My mental picture poses him
Japanese lines in advance of nearly every against the background of these discussions;
he is pacing his office, almost wearing a
Allied operation. groove between his large, bare desk and
the portrait of George Washington that
The Plan of Maneuver faced it; his corncob pipe is in his hand (I
rarely saw him smoke it); and he is mak-
On receiving the instructions from ing his points in a diction I have never
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mac- heard surpassed.
Arthur and his subordinates turned to
the job of preparing plans and issuing At this meeting, timing and co-ordi-
orders to carry out the directive of 28 nation of the advance in New Guinea
March. The task was not difficult. All with the invasion of New Georgia were
that was needed was a revamping of the discussed. Halsey carried some of his
two previous ELKTON plans. points with MacArthur; they agreed that
MacArthur's headquarters issued its the initial invasion of New Georgia
plan for South and Southwest Pacific would take place at the same time as
the seizure of Woodlark and Kiriwina
Area operations for 1943 on 26 April,
instead of after the establishment of
and followed it the next month with
Southwest Pacific forces on the Huon
warning orders and operations instruc- Peninsula, as the Southwest Pacific lead-
tions. The warning: orders covered the ers had been advocating. ELKTON III
specified that the New Georgia and
See Comdr. Eric A. Feldt, RAN, The Coast- Woodlark-Kiriwina operations would
watchers (Melbourne and New York: Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1946); MIS GHQ FEC, The Intelli-
gence Series, IV, Operations of the Allied Intel- Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p.
ligence Bureau, GHQ, SWPA. The Royal New 155.
Zealand Navy also operated a coastwatching system COMSOPAC War Diary, 25 Apr 43 entry; Hal-
east of the Solomons. sey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, pp. 154-55.

be simultaneous, but that major forces KAVIENG-WEWAK, with the object of

were not to be committed.
12 denying supply and 13reinforcement of ob-
jectives under attack.
The CARTWHEEL Operations
The operations planned for ELKTON
The plan of maneuver decided on III were lumped under the code name
by MacArthur was the same as that set CARTWHEEL, and were arranged accord-
forth in previous plans—mutually sup- ing to a complicated but flexible sched-
porting advances along two axes, con- ule that provided for about thirteen in-
verging finally on Rabaul. The general vasions or captures in eight months, and
concept underlying these operations also provided for maximum mutual sup-
characterized most Allied operations in port by South and Southwest Pacific
both South and Southwest Pacific Areas. Areas.
Despite its stiff brand of English, the CARTWHEEL would start with amphib-
warning instruction that expressed this ious movements by the Southwest Pa-
concept is worth noting: cific into Woodlark and Kiriwina. Si-
multaneously the South Pacific, using
The general scheme of maneuver is to
advance our bomber line towards Rabaul; "diversionary" and "aggressive" infiltra-
first by improvement of presently occupied tion, would move into New Georgia
forward bases; secondly, by the occupation "and/or" Santa Isabel without commit-
and implementation of air bases which can ting major forces to action.14
be secured without committing large forces; Woodlark and Kiriwina were not held
and then, by the seizure and implementa-
tion of successive hostile airdromes. by either belligerent. Kiriwina is 270
By destructive air attack soften up and nautical miles from Rabaul, and south-
gain air superiority over each attack objec- ern Bougainville is 300 miles away.
tive along the two axes of advance. Neu-
tralize with appropriate aviation support- Thus Allied fighters and medium bomb-
ing hostile air bases and destroy hostile ers would be brought within range of
naval forces and shipping within range. these enemy areas, and Allied control
Prevent reinforcement or supply of objec- over the Solomon and Bismarck Seas
tives under attack. Move land forces for-
ward, covered by air and naval forces, to would be intensified. During the seiz-
seize and consolidate each successive objec- ure of Woodlark and Kiriwina (desig-
tive. Displace aviation forward onto cap- nated Operation I in ELKTON III), heavy
tured airdromes. Repeat this process to suc- bombers would strike southern Bougain-
cessive objectives, neutralizing by air ac-
tion, or by air, land, and sea action, ville, Buka, and Rabaul. The South
intermediate hostile installations which are Pacific would support the move by its
not objectives of immediate attack. The ground operations in the Solomons (Op-
entire movement will be covered by air eration A) in addition to providing stra-
attack on Japanese air and sea bases along
the general perimeter BUKA-RABAUL- tegic naval support and pinning down
Japanese aircraft in the Solomons. In
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p.
155; GHQ SWPA, ELKTON III, Plan for the Seizure GHQ SWPA Warning Instns 2, 6 May 43, in
of the Lae-Salamaua-New Britain-Solomons Areas, GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 6 May 43.
26 Apr 43. GHQ SWPA, ELKTON III . . . , 26 Apr. 43.

accordance with Halsey's original sug- from Woodlark, Kiriwina, and the Huon
gestion, the South Pacific would furnish Peninsula would support and cover
the occupation force and an air squad- these movements. It was expected that
ron for Woodlark. The timetable in- Operation B would require six weeks.
cluded in ELKTON III allotted two The next two sets of operations by the
months for Operations I and A. (Chart 2) Southwest and South Pacific Areas would
When Operation A ended, South Pa- be practically concurrent. At the begin-
cific forces would not undertake any ning of the seventh month, the South
large-scale movements, but would con- Pacific was to seize Kieta, a Japanese base
tinue air and sea operations to support on the east coast of Bougainville, and
the Southwest Pacific. This area would begin neutralizing the airfields on and
execute Operation II, the seizure of near Buka (Operation C). In the middle
Lae (IIa), Salamaua and Finschhafen of the sixth month, the Southwest Pa-
(IIb), and Madang (IIc). Lae was to be cific would cross Vitiaz Strait to take
seized two months after the initiation of Cape Gloucester and Arawe (Operation
the CARTWHEEL operations, Salamaua IIIa), then occupy Gasmata and neutral-
and Finschhafen six weeks after Lae, and ize Talasea (Operation IIIb). With the
Madang two weeks after Salamaua. The New Guinea and New Britain bases in
Madang operation, including the consol- Allied hands, Wewak could be neutral-
idation phase, would probably require ized, and the operations against western
two months. During Operation II air- New Britain could be supported. Finally,
craft from both areas would keep strik- with the execution of Operations III and
ing the Japanese in the Solomons, New C, light bombers and fighters could eas-
Ireland, New Britain, and New Guinea. ily attack Rabaul and Kavieng, and the
Airfields at Lae and in the Markham South and Southwest Pacific Areas could
Valley behind Lae would support the begin to neutralize them in advance of
advance against Madang as well as the an amphibious assault on Rabaul. This
South Pacific's thrust against southern entire set of operations, it was estimated,
Bougainville. would last for eight months. For plan-
Five and one-half months after the ning purposes, ELKTON III assumed that
start of CARTWHEEL, and one month after the CARTWHEEL operations would begin
the move against Lae, the South Pacific about the first of June.
would complete the seizure of New Geor- The arrangements for mutual sup-
gia, and move forward to capture the port of the two areas during these opera-
Japanese bases at Faisi in the Shortland tions were more detailed and exact than
Islands and Buin in southern Bougain- those for the Guadalcanal and Papua
ville (Operation B).15 Allied aircraft Campaigns. ELKTON III and subsequent
orders, besides specifying the time and
This feature of ELKTON III was not closely fol- place of the CARTWHEEL operations, also

lowed by Halsey. References to the New Georgia provided for direct communication be-
operations in ELKTON III are rather vague. They
probably were included after the Halsey-MacArthur
tween South and Southwest Pacific Areas.
conference. Starting on 15 May, daily operational

and intelligence summaries would be ex- GHQ had the effect of removing most
changed. Instructions stressed particu- American troops engaged in tactical op-
larly the necessity for a common radio erations from General Blarney's control.
frequency for fighter planes and a radio The plans called for New Guinea Force,
circuit connecting all major Allied air with General Blarney in command, also
headquarters and bases. Beginning with to operate directly under GHQ. Rough-
Operations I and A, Southwest Pacific ly speaking, New Guinea Force would
planes would conduct regular defensive conduct the operations in New Guinea
reconnaissance over the Solomon and while ALAMO Force ran those in Wood-
Bismarck Seas and the land areas west lark, Kiriwina, and New Britain.18 All
of longitude 155° east and southwest of operations would be supported and pro-
the line Buka Passage-New Ireland. tected by Allied Air Forces and Allied
South Pacific aircraft would be respon- Naval Forces.
sible for defensive reconnaissance to the Logistical responsibilities would be di-
east and northeast of 155° east and the vided between American and Australian
Buka Passage-New Ireland line, with a supply services. General Marshall's U.S.
one-degree overlap granted to both areas. Army Services of Supply was assigned re-
Offensive reconnaissance would be con- sponsibility for the immediate movement
ducted without regard to any boundaries. of supplies for American ground forces
MacArthur was to be notified well in ad- by water (excluding naval movements)
vance of any movements by air or sea, from rear bases in Australia to the inter-
and all further arrangements for co-ordi- mediate bases at Port Moresby and Milne
nation and mutual support would be Bay, the advanced base at Oro Bay near
made by him. Buna, and other bases when established.
Marshall's command was to enlarge,
Forces and Missions stock, and operate ports and bases for the
ALAMO Force, and would be responsible
MacArthur mainly used the existing for completing airdromes then under
headquarters in his area, but set up one construction on New Guinea and Good-
new task force, primarily American, di- enough Island. Australian Line of Com-
rectly under GHQ. This organization, munications units were to move supplies
known at first as New Britain Force but from rear bases to Cape York Peninsula,
from July on as ALAMO Force, was com- Port Moresby, and Milne Bay.
manded by General Krueger, who re- In amphibious assaults Allied Naval
tained his command of Sixth Army.17 Forces would carry supplies forward
ALAMO Force headquarters was virtually from intermediate and advanced bases
the same as Sixth Army headquarters, to the combat areas. When those areas
and placing ALAMO Force directly under were secured the regular American and
Australian supply agencies would take
GHQ SWPA, ELKTON III . . . , 26 Apr 43; over. In addition, Admiral Carpender's
GHQ SWPA Warning Instns 2, 6 May 43, in GHQ
SWPA G-3 Jnl, 6 May 43.
17 18
ALAMO was the code name in clear; the secret GHQ SWPA Warning Instns 2, 6 May 43, in
code name was ESCALATOR Force. GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 6 May 43.

command would assist in the movement area. About 300,000 gross tons of ship-
of supplies forward from Australia. ping, half consisting of ships over 3,000
After some postponements caused by tons, was immediately available, and to
delays in assembling the troops for Kiri- that 100,000 to 125,000 gross tons might
wina, D Day for Woodlark, Kiriwina, be added.
Nassau Bay in New Guinea, and New No mention was made of possible Jap-
Georgia in the Solomons was set for 30 anese offensives against positions held by
June. the Allies. Enemy capabilities were con-
sidered to be entirely defensive. The Jap-
The Intelligence Estimate anese were believed able to attempt the
following: defense of Lae and Salamaua
ELKTON Ill's estimate of Japanese
while reinforcing western New Britain
strength in the Bismarck Archipelago,
and north New Guinea; air attacks
Solomons, and New Guinea reflected the
against the Allied communication lines
recent changes in Japanese strength and
as well as in tactical support of ground
like the 28 February estimate was fairly
defenses; naval interception of Allied
accurate. With the Japanese in control of
amphibious movements; and diversions
all sea and air routes leading from their
against northwest Australia and south-
rearward island fortresses to Rabaul,
eastern Papua.
MacArthur and his staff clearly recog-
Specifically, it was anticipated that the
nized that the enemy might quickly
Japanese would attempt to hold Lae-
strengthen his forces. They expected that
Salamau while rushing about 25,000 re-
strong naval units from Truk, including
inforcements to Madang and Finschha-
6 battleships, 2 carriers, 3 auxiliary car-
fen by sea. Once the Allied offensives got
riers, 8 seaplane tenders, 15 cruisers,
under way, reasoned MacArthur's plan-
about 40 destroyers, and 27 submarines
ners, the Japanese would probably be
as well as about 50 merchant vessels of unable to reinforce Lae or Salamaua.
over 3,000 tons displacement might be Enemy soldiers might be sent overland
made available at once. Within thirty from Wewak through the Markham Val-
days, about four divisions could arrive, ley to Lae, but would hardly be fit to
as well as 277 airplanes and fleet units fight on arrival. At the same time the
from the Netherlands Indies and the Japanese could be expected to increase
Philippines. By the end of six months, their garrisons at Cape Gloucester, Gas-
the Japanese in the Bismarck Archipel- mata, and Arawe in western New Britain.
ago-Solomons-New Guinea area might The enemy was expected to mount a
be able to muster ten to fifteen divisions maximum air effort in an attempt to
and 755 aircraft, but not much more in defeat or delay the advancing Allies.
the way of fleet strength. Both daylight sorties and harassing night
Just as on the Allied side, the crux of attacks would probably be used. If the
the matter would be shipping. The avail- Japanese could keep half their planes in
ability of troopships would govern the serviceable condition, they could send
size of the ground combat forces that out at least a hundred fighters and eighty-
could be sent to and maintained in the five bombers in the initial attacks. By

draining the Solomons, they could attack and strong forces could steam from Truk
on the second day with at least twenty- to Lae in a few days' time.19
four fighters and ten bombers in addition
to whatever aircraft were left from the 19
G-2 Estimate of Enemy Strength and Reinforce-
first day, and by then more planes would ment Rate in the New Guinea-Bismarcks Area,
be arriving from outside the area. The Annex A to ELKTON III. A map showing enemy dis-
positions is appended to Annex A, and differs in
naval surface units at Rabaul could get certain minor respects from the order of battle
to Lae in not more than eighteen hours, data in the text of the annex.

The Japanese
Just as the Allies were determined to that stretched from Burma through the
advance against Rabaul, the Japanese Indies and the Bismarck Archipelago to
were determined to hold it, and, indeed, the Marshall Islands, thence north and
to continue the advance that had been northwest to the Kuriles.
checked at Guadalcanal and Buna. The
importance imparted to Rabaul by its Japanese Command and Strategy
airfield sites and harbor, as well as by its By late 1942 Rabaul had been devel-
strategic location, had long been recog- oped into the major air and naval base
nized by the Japanese. Imperial General in the Japanese Southeast Area, and was
Headquarters' instructions of November the site of the highest headquarters in
1941 directed the capture of Rabaul at that area. Although smaller than most
the earliest opportunity after the fall of Allied areas in the Pacific, the Southeast
Guam.1 Rabaul supported the offensives Area was huge. Its western boundary, as
against the Allied lines of communica- set on 2 April 1943, was longitude 140°
tion, and defensively was a bastion which 3
east. The northern boundary ran from
would help defend the Caroline Islands, 140° east just north of the Equator to a
the Netherlands Indies, and the Philip- line drawn between Kapingamarangi in
pines against attack from the south. It the Greenwich Islands to Nauru, thence
was one of the most important bases in southeast between the Fijis and Samoa.
the semicircular string of island fortresses It thus embraced parts of both the South
Unless otherwise indicated all data on the and Southwest Pacific Areas.
Japanese in this chapter are derived from the fol- Unlike the Allied areas, the Southeast
lowing monographs in the series Japanese Studies Area did not possess a unified command.
in World War II: 17th Army Operations, Vol. II,
Monogr No. 40 (OCMH); 18th Army Operations, The highest Army and Navy headquar-
Vols. I, II, Monogrs No. 41, 42 (OCMH); Southeast
Area Naval Operations, Vols. I-III, Monogrs No. For early Japanese planning see Morton, The
48-50 (OCMH); History of the Army Section, Im- Fall of the Philippines, pp. 51-61; Milner, Victory
perial General Headquarters, 1941-45, Monogr No. in Papua; Miller, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive,
72 (OCMH); Outline of Southeast Area Naval Air pp. 4-7.
Operations, November 1942-June 1943, Pt. III, From 7 January to 2 April 1943, the western
Monogr No. 107 (OCMH); and 8th Area Army boundary was the border of Dutch and Australian
Operations, Monogr No. no (OCMH). Monograph New Guinea—longitude 141° east. In addition to
No. no is a greatly improved revision of History Japanese sources cited see U.S. Strategic Bombing
of the 8th Area Army, 1942-44, Monograph No. 37 Survey, The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul
(OCMH). (Washington, 1946), pp. 10, 83.

ters co-operated closely with one another, Both the 8th Area Army and the
but were responsible to different higher Southeastern Fleet had been set up in
authorities. (Chart 3) In charge of Army late 1942 when the Japanese, making
operations in eastern New Guinea, the their major offensive effort in the Solo-
Bismarck Archipelago, and the Solomons mons and still planning to drive the
was General Hitoshi Imamura, com- Americans from Guadalcanal, realized
manding the 8th Area Army with head- that they had to commit large forces to
quarters at Rabaul. Imamura was respon- attain success. But Imperial General
sible to the Army Section of Imperial Headquarters then revised its strategy
General Headquarters. The naval com- and decided to abandon Guadalcanal,
mand was the Southeast Area Fleet or the evacuate the survivors, and withdraw to
Southeastern Fleet led by Vice Adm. strong positions in front of Rabaul.
Jinichi Kusaka. His immediate superior Under the revised strategy, Imperial
was the Commander in Chief of the Headquarters decided to shift its empha-
Combined Fleet but on several occasions sis from the Solomons to New Guinea.
he seems to have dealt directly with A policy of "active defense" would be
Tokyo. pursued in the Solomons in order to
By the time the Guadalcanal and Pa- reinforce New Guinea and pursue an
puan campaigns ended, the 8th Area "aggressive offensive" there.5 Lae, Sala-
Army included two field armies and one
maua, Wewak, and Madang on New
air division. The 17th Army operated in
Guinea's north coast were specifically
the Solomons; the 18th Army was to be
responsible for the campaigns in eastern mentioned as bases to be held. Imamura
New Guinea. The 6th Air Division, with therefore ordered Lt. Gen. Hatazo Ada-
headquarters at Rabaul, generally op- chi, commander of the 18th Army, to
erated in New Guinea under the tactical strengthen Lae, Salamaua, Wewak, and
direction of the 18th Army. Madang. These points were valuable as
Under the Southeastern Fleet were the harbors, airfield sites, or both. Lae and
land-based 11th Air Fleet, which oper- Salamaua were of great importance as
ated principally in the Solomons, and the their possessor could dominate Dampier
8th Fleet with bases at Rabaul and in and Vitiaz Straits and thus block any
the Shortlands-Buin area. The 8th Fleet, attempt to advance along the New
whose strength and composition varied Guinea coast to the Philippines or any
considerably, usually included cruisers, other place in the Greater East Asia Co-
destroyers, submarines, transports, and Prosperity Sphere. The Japanese were
naval base forces. An administrative determined not to yield "an operational
rather than a battle fleet, its primary route for the proclaimed enemy Philip-
duties were patrol and escort. Large- 6
pines invasion." These bases would also
scale combat operations were the mission be necessary to the Japanese if they were
of either the 3d or the Combined Fleet,
both then at Truk.4 5
Southeast Area Naval Operations, I, Japanese
Monogr No. 48 (OCMH), 55.
4 6
USSBS, The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul, 18th Army Operations, I, Japanese Monogr No.
pp. 11, 43-44. 41 (OCMH), 55-56.


to realize their hopes of capturing Port Netherlands Indies-based Southern Army

Moresby. were occupying areas along New
Thus the Japanese survivors of Buna Guinea's north coast from the Vogelkop
were ordered to Salamaua, and on Ima- Peninsula to Hollandia.
mura's orders Adachi directed more ele- Imperial Headquarters' orders for the
ments of his army to move from Rabaul Solomons required the 8th Area Army, in
to the New Guinea bases. The 20th Divi- co-operation with the Southeastern Fleet,
sion began moving to Wewak; the 41st to hold the central and northern Solo-
sent elements to Madang, and part of the mons. Army and Navy authorities at
51st Division was sent to Lae and Sala- Rabaul disagreed over exactly where the
maua. The fixing of the west boundary forward defense lines should be located.
of the Southeast Area on 7 January at The Army favored the Bougainville
the Dutch border apparently gladdened area, holding that it would be too dif-
Adachi's heart. After being limited to ficult to supply the islands farther south.
the Buna region, "having suddenly ob- The Navy insisted on New Georgia and
tained freedom of the operational area, Santa Isabel as outposts for Bougainville.
it gave them [the 18th Army] bright and Each service went its own way. The
desirous hopes. . . ." 7
Army assumed responsibility for the de-
At the same time, detachments of Field
fense of the northern Solomons. The
Marshal Count Hisaichi Terauchi's
Navy took over land defense of the cen-
Ibid., p. 110. tral Solomons. Imamura gave to Lt. Gen.

Isabel.9 After a good deal of negotiation,

and perhaps on orders from Imperial
Headquarters, Imamura acceded to Ku-
saka's requests and sent more Army
troops to New Georgia under their own
headquarters, the Southeastern Detach-
ment, and some additional units to Santa
Isabel. Both the 8th Combined Special
Naval Landing Force and the Southeast-
ern Detachment, as well as the Santa Isa-
bel force, were under the tactical control
of the 8th Fleet.
Thus in early 1943 the Japanese were
holding a network of mutually support-
ing air and naval bases arranged in
depth, running in two converging arcs
through New Guinea and the Solomons
to Rabaul. From the defensive point of
view, these positions would serve to pro-
LT. GEN. HATAZO ADACHI tect Rabaul, the Netherlands Indies, and
the Philippines. Offensively, these bases
Haruyoshi Hyakutake's 17th Army, then could support advances southward, and
consisting chiefly of the 6th Division, although the Japanese had decided on
responsibility for Bougainville and ad- delaying action in the Solomons, they
jacent islands.
8 were determined to take the offensive in
Having insisted on the necessity for New Guinea.
holding New Georgia and Santa Isabel, Japanese Offensives, January-June 1943
naval authorities then complained that
this responsibility placed an excessive The Attack Against Wau
demand on naval strength, and asked The first offensive effort under the re-
Imamura for some Army ground troops vised strategy was directed against Wau
for New Georgia in addition to the few in the Bulolo Valley goldfields southeast
who were already there. The general, of New Guinea's Huon Peninsula. Wau,
still invoking the difficulty of supply, was the site of a prewar airfield, lies 145 air
at first reluctant. In March the South- miles north by west of Port Moresby,
eastern Fleet sent the 8th Combined and 25 air miles southwest of Salamaua.
Special Naval Landing Force to New (Map 4) Since May 1942 Wau had been
Georgia, and another, the 7th, to Santa held by a small body of Australians,
known as the KANGA Force, who operated
Of the 17th Army units which served on Guadal-
canal, the 35th Brigade (Kawaguchi Force or De- Composed of the Kure 6th and the Yokosuka
tachment) went to Burma; the 2d Division, to the 7th Special Naval Landing Forces, the 8th Combined
Philippines; the 38th Division, to New Britain had been activated in Japan for service on Guadal-
under direct control of the 8th Area Army. canal but did not get there before the evacuation.
under control of the New Guinea Force.
As the Bulolo Valley could be reached
overland from other Allied bases only
over mountainous, jungled, and swampy
routes, the KANGA Force was supplied
largely by air. It had been ordered to
keep watch over Lae and Salamaua and
to hold the Bulolo Valley as a base for
harrying the enemy until he could be
driven out of the area. If the Japanese
had been able to establish themselves
at Wau, they could have reaped great
gains. They could have staged aircraft
from Madang and Wewak through Wau,
thus bringing Port Moresby within ef-
fective range of their fighters.11 The
18th Army entertained ambitious plans
for capturing Wau and crossing the Owen
Stanley Range to seize Port Moresby. It
is not clear, however, whether Adachi
intended to proceed from Wau over the
rough trail that led from Wau to Bull-
dog on the Lakekamu River, or to move
against Port Moresby via Kokoda. Either
route would have outflanked the Allied MAP 4
Bay positions that had been won in the warned by the fact that the Japanese had
arduous Papuan campaign. given up their efforts to send troops to
When 18th Army troops moved to Buna, had anticipated that the Japanese
New Guinea in early 1943, some went to might try to strengthen Lae and Sala-
Lae and Salamaua to strengthen naval maua and were therefore attempting to
forces already there. The reinforced isolate that area by air action. Allied
102d Infantry Regiment was sent in a planes found the convoy, bombed it, and
convoy from Rabaul to Lae during the sank two transports. About three fourths
first week in January. But the Allies, of the 102d went ashore at Lae, but half
10 its supplies were lost.
Milner, Victory in Papua, Chs. I, III; ALF, Rpt
on New Guinea Opns: 23 Sep 42-22 Jan 44. Once at Lae, the 102d was ordered by
AAF Int Summary 74, 3 Feb 43, in GHQ SWPA Adachi to seize Wau. This Allied enclave
G-3 Jnl, 2 Feb 43. was connected to the north coast by sev-
Interrogation of Lt Gen Hatazo Adachi, Lt Gen
Rimpei Kato (former CofS, 8th Area Army), Lt Col eral trails that could be traversed on
Shoji Ota (former stf off, 8th Area Army), and Capt foot. The Japanese commander at Lae,
Sadamu Sanagi (former Senior Stf Off, Southeastern
Fleet), by members of the Mil Hist Sec, Australian
Maj. Gen. Toru Okabe, decided to begin
Army Hq, at Rabaul, no date, OCMH. his drive against Wau from Salamaua.

Brigade were flown from Milne Bay to

After assembling at Salamaua, Okabe
and the 102d Infantry made their way
laboriously upward to the Bulolo Valley.
They struck at Wau in a dusk attack on
28 January and pushed through to the
edge of the airfield. But there they were
stopped. For the next three days Austral-
ian soldiers of the 17th Brigade, plus
ammunition, supplies, and two 25-
pounder guns, were flown in by air. In
three days troop carriers of the Allied
Air Forces flew in 194 planeloads, or one
million pounds. So critical was the situa-
tion on the 29th that the first load of
troops practically leaped from the planes
firing their small arms. The Japanese
pressed hard, but by 30 January acknowl-
edged failure and began to withdraw.14
Having broken the enemy's attack, the
Australians kept pressing him back
toward Salamaua. In April the 3d Aus-
tralian Division took over direction of
operations and the KANGA Force was dis-
solved. The Australians then halted
short of Salamaua to wait until other
Allied troops could be made ready for a
large-scale attack against the entire
Finschhafen-Lae-Salamaua complex.15
The Australians' gallant defense of
Wau thus frustrated the last Japanese
LT. GEN. HARUYOSHI HYAKUTAKE attempt to attack Port Moresby overland,
and kept for the Allies an advantageous
By 16 January he had gathered his at-
tacking force there. 13
ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns: 23 Sep 42-22
The Allies, determined to prevent the Jan 44; NGF OI 60, 13 Jan 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3
Japanese from capturing Wau and Jnl, 14 Jan 43.
threatening Port Moresby, had mean- Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
Saipan, pp. 136-37; Kenney, General Kenney Re-
while acted promptly. Headquarters, ports, pp. 186-87; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns:
New Guinea Force, decided to reinforce 23 Sep 42-22 Jan 44.
USSBS, Employment of Forces, p. 17; GHQ
Wau, and in mid-January advance ele- SWPA G-3 Opns Rpt 380, 21-22 Apr 43, in GHQ
ments of the 17th Australian Infantry SWPA G-3 Jnl, 22 Apr 43.

position which would help support later not greatly feared. But there was no over-
offensives against the Huon Peninsula. land or coastal route capable of getting
large bodies of troops from Madang to
The Battle of the Bismarck Sea Lae. It was therefore necessary to sail
The Australian defense of Wau had a directly to Lae and thus come within
third consequence that was more far- range of fighters and medium bombers.
reaching than even the most ebullient The Japanese, employing almost two
Bulolo Valley veteran (if anyone was hundred planes based at Rabaul, Ma-
ebullient after fighting in the mud, dang. Wewak, Cape Gloucester, Gas-
mountains, and heat) realized at the mata, and Kavieng, hoped to beat Allied
time. It helped lead to the destruction planes down out of the air and to provide
of an entire Japanese convoy and the direct cover to the ships.
subsequent weakening of Lae.16 But the Allies had deduced Japanese
Okabe's attacks against Wau had so intentions. Ship movements around New
depleted his meager force that the Jap- Britain in late February, though not part
anese at Rabaul, who were determined to of the effort to reinforce Lae, were noted
hold Lae and Salamaua at all costs, be- by Allied reconnaissance planes. As a
came worried. The 20th and 41st Divi- result air search was intensified and air
sions could not be spared from Wewak striking forces were alerted. On 25 Feb-
and Madang. Thus Imamura, Adachi, ruary General Kenney and his subordi-
and the naval commanders decided to nates came to the conclusion that the
send the rest of the 51st Division in con- Japanese would probably try to put 17
voy to Lae. They planned very carefully. troops ashore at Lae or Madang.
They were well aware of the havoc Not only were the Allies warned; they
that airplanes could wreak on troop were also ready. By the end of February
transports. Guadalcanal had demon- airfields in Papua, with those at Dobo-
strated that point, and if final proof was dura near Buna carrying the biggest load,
needed, Adachi had had it in the destruc- based 207 bombers and 129 fighters. The
tion of part of Okabe's shipment in Jan- Southwest Pacific had no aircraft carriers
uary. Had it been possible for the con- and few if any carrier-type planes that
voy to sail from Rabaul to Madang and were specifically designed for attacks
land the troops there to march to Lae, against ships. But Kenney and his sub-
the ships could have stayed out of ef- ordinates had redesigned the nose of the
fective range of Allied fighters and me- B-25 medium bomber and installed for-
dium bombers; heavy bombers, thus far ward-firing .50-caliber machine guns so
relatively ineffective against ships, were that the bomber could strafe the deck of
a ship and thus neutralize all her exposed
Unless otherwise indicated, this brief account is antiaircraft guns. Further, they had prac-
based on the Japanese monographs and on defini- ticed the skip-bombing technique that
tive accounts in Craven and Cate, The Pacific: proved particularly effective in sinking
Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 141-51, and Samuel
Eliot Morison, History of United States Naval
Operations in World War II, Vol. VI, Breaking the See Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 197.
Bismarcks Barrier: 22 July 1942-1 May 1944 (Bos- See also GHQ SWPA G-2 Est of Enemy Sit 343, 28
ton: Little, Brown and Company, 1950), Ch. V. Feb-1 Mar 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 1 Mar 43.

JAPANESE TROOP TRANSPORT UNDER ATTACK by B-25's, Battle of the Bismarck Sea.

ships.18 Once warned, the Allied airmen March and again the next morning off
prepared detailed plans for striking the Cape Gloucester. As it was still beyond
convoy and executed a full-scale rehears- the reach of medium bombers, heavy
al off Port Moresby. bombers from Port Moresby attacked it
At Rabaul, 6,912 Japanese soldiers in the Bismarck Sea. They sank one
boarded eight ships. The ships weighed transport and damaged two others, a
anchor about midnight of 28 February good score for heavy bombers. Survivors
1943 and, with eight destroyers as escort, of the sunken ship, about 950 in num-
sailed out of Rabaul and westward ber, were picked up by two of the de-
through the Bismarck Sea at seven knots. stroyers which made a quick run to Lae
At first bad weather—winds, mist, and to land the men after dark. The destroy-
rain—hid them from the air, but soon the ers returned to the convoy on the morn-
weather began to break and Allied patrol ing of 3 March. During the night the
planes sighted the convoy first on 1 convoy had sailed through Vitiaz Strait
and into the Solomon Sea, tracked all the
For details see Craven and Cate, The Pacific:
while by an Australian Catalina.
Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 140-41; Kenney, Gen- But now the ships entered the Huon
eral Kenney Reports, pp. 21-22, 105, 144, 154-55, Gulf in clear daylight, and were within
162, 164. Maj. Gen. Henry H. Arnold had observed
the RAF practicing skip-bombing in 1941 and intro-
range of medium bombers. The Allied
duced it to the AAF. planes that had organized and rehearsed

for the attack assembled over Cape Ward and small craft would run to Finschhafen
Hunt at 0930 and set forth for the kill. and Tuluvu on the north coast of New
The Japanese had failed to destroy Al- Britain. Small coastal craft would take
lied air power in advance, and the con- men and supplies to Lae from Finsch-
voy's air cover was ineffective. Starting hafen and Cape Gloucester, and some
about 1000 and continuing until night- men and supplies would be sent over-
fall. American and Australian airmen in land from Finschhafen to Lae. In emer-
P-38's, P-39's, P-40's, Beaufighters, gencies supplies that were absolutely re-
A-20's, A-29's, Beaufort bombers, B-17's, quired at Lae would be sent in by high-
B-24's and B-25's pounded the luckless speed ships or submarines. The main
Japanese from medium, low, and wave- body of ground forces eventually intend-
top altitudes with resounding success. ed for Lae would be sent overland after
All remaining transports, along with completion of a road, already under con-
four destroyers, sank on 3 and 4 March. struction, from Wewak through Madang
After night fell motor torpedo boats to Lae.
from Buna and Tufi swept in to finish
off crippled ships and shoot up survivors Road Building
in the water.
Construction of the road had been
Of the 6,912 troops on board, 3,664
started in January. This most ambitious
were lost. Including those taken by de-
project involved building a truck high-
stroyer to Lae, 3,248 were rescued by the
way from Madang to Bogadjim, thence
Japanese. The sinking of eight transports
over the Finisterre Range and through
and four destroyers in "the most devas-
the Ramu and Markham River Valleys
tating air attack on ships" since Pearl
to Lae. The 20th Division was given this
Harbor was a tremendous victory, and
it was won at a cost of thirteen killed,
In early February the Allies, having
twelve wounded, and four Allied planes
received reports from natives, were
shot down.19
aware of enemy activity in the Ramu
The Japanese quickly changed their
Valley. Allied intelligence deduced that
plans for future shipments. They de-
the Japanese were interested in an inland
cided to send no more convoys to Lae.
route to Lae. Intelligence also mini-
Large slow ships would be sent only to
mized the danger of a serious threat, for
Hansa Bay and Wewak; high-speed ships
it seemed unlikely that the road could
Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p. 59.
Allied casualty figures are from Kenney, General Kenney a second enemy convoy joined the first,
Kenney Reports, p. 206. Official communiques at which explains the disparity. However, Craven and
the time, based on pilots' reports, claimed twenty- Cate, in The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp.
two ships and fifteen thousand men, and Kenney, 147-50, and Morison, in Breaking the Bismarcks
in his book and in his comments on the draft manu- Barrier, after surveying all available enemy records,
script of this volume, claimed six destroyers or light maintained that the convoy consisted of eight trans-
cruisers sunk, two destroyers or light cruisers dam- ports and an equal number of destroyers, that
aged, and from eleven to fourteen merchant vessels there was no second convoy, and that eight trans-
in the convoy sunk; he also included, in his total ports and four destroyers were sunk. 8th Area Army
for the Bismarck Sea, two small merchant ships Operations, Japanese Monogr No. no (OCMH)
that were sunk at Lae and Wide Bay. According to supports them.

be completed in time to be of much that Allied air activity in the South Pa-
use.20 cific presented to their shipments of
Allied intelligence was correct. The troops and supplies to New Georgia and
road-building projects were next to im- Santa Isabel, and concerned over their
possible for the Japanese to accomplish. declining air strength, the Japanese de-
Their maps were poor. The routes they cided to gather more planes, smash Al-
selected, especially the inland route for lied air power, and attack Allied ship-
the Madang-Lae road, led them through ping in the Southeast Area.
disease-ridden jungles and swamps, over Japanese air strength was somewhat
towering mountains, and up and across less than substantial at this time. In
canyons and gorges. They never had March 1943 there were only about three
enough machinery and what they had hundred planes—one hundred Army and
was ineffective. Their trucks, for exam- two hundred Navy—in the Southeast
ple, were not sufficiently powerful to Area. Rabaul frequently complained that
climb steep slopes. Their horses fared Tokyo never sent enough replacements
poorly on jungle grasses. Bridges kept to replace losses. Toward the end of
washing away on the Madang-Hansa March General Imamura asked Imperial
Bay road. Combat troops were unhappy Headquarters for more. Headquarters
as laborers. Dense forests hid the road did send more, but not enough to satisfy
builders from air observation, but in the Imamura, and some planes that were dis-
open stretches of the Finisterre Range patched never arrived. For example, the
they were constantly subject to air attack. 68th Air Regiment navigated so badly
By the end of June the Madang-Lae while flying from Truk to Rabaul that
road had been pushed only through the many of its planes failed to find Rabaul
Finisterre Range. and were lost at sea.
Lae therefore never did receive sub- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Com-
stantial reinforcements or supplies, de- mander in Chief of the Combined Fleet,
spite the Japanese determination to hold decided to take a hand in the attempt to
it and dominate Dampier and Vitiaz beat the Allies out of the air. For this
Straits. effort, given the code name I Operation,
he sent the planes from the 3d Fleet car-
The I Operation riers at Truk to join with 11th Air Fleet
While Japanese Army troops were planes at Rabaul, Kavieng, Buin, Buka,
busy building roads in New Guinea, and Ballale. He took headquarters of
the Japanese Navy had also taken a hand both the Combined and 3d Fleets from
in an effort to beat the Allies. Galled by Truk to Rabaul to direct the I Opera-
the admittedly crushing defeat in the tion, which involved more than three
Bismarck Sea, fully aware of the threat hundred aircraft.
Japanese aircraft had concentrated
See GHQ G-2 Daily Summary of Enemy Int against the Allied New Guinea bases in

and G-2 Est of Enemy Sit 317, 2-3 Feb 43, in GHQ March, and the month had been a quiet
SWPA G-3 Jnl, 3 Feb 43. See also Australian Mil one on Guadalcanal. But that the Jap-
Forces Weekly Int Review 28, 5-12 Feb 43, in GHQ
SWPA G-3 Jnl, 5 Feb 43. anese had renewed their interest in the

Solomons was demonstrated to the Allies (Airacobras). As the Japanese planes

on 1 April when bombers and fighters broke up into separate flights, a general
struck at the Russells. Air combats raged melee ensued. The skies above the Rus-
for three hours as Allied fighters beat off sells, Tulagi, and the waters between
the attackers, losing six of their number Guadalcanal and Florida saw violent
in the process.21 combat. According to the Japanese, "re-
Six days later, 7 April, came the main sistance offered by the ten or so enemy
phase of I Operation in the Solomons. Grummans [F6F's] and P-38's was beaten
It was a splendid opportunity for the down and the attack on shipping was
Japanese, for there were many targets carried out." They reported seriously
around Guadalcanal. A naval task force, damaging most of the Allied ships, a
having fueled at Tulagi, was steaming claim that is as inaccurate as their state-
northwest en route to shell Vila and ment that only ten Allied fighters tried
Munda that night. Including cargo ships, to intercept.22 They sank the New Zea-
transports, and the task force, there were land corvette Moa, the U.S. oiler Ka-
present about forty ships of corvette size nawha, and the U.S. destroyer Aaron
or larger, and a larger number of smaller Ward, and damaged one other oiler.
vessels. In addition much ammunition, They apparently never sighted the task
fuel, and equipment were being stored force. Seven Allied fighters and one pilot
on Guadalcanal in preparation for the were lost, but the Japanese lost many
invasion of New Georgia. more.23
To attack these lucrative targets, Ya- Yamamoto, apparently satisfied with
mamoto dispatched 117 fighters and the performance over Guadalcanal, then
71 bombers. Coastwatchers on New turned against the Allies in New Guinea.
Georgia, counting more than 160 planes On 11 April 22 bombers and 72 fighters
overhead, flashed warnings southward. struck at Oro Bay. They sank one mer-
Halsey canceled the scheduled bombard- chant ship, damaged another so badly
ment; the task force rounded Florida that it had to be beached, and hit an
and sped down Indispensable Strait. Australian minesweeper. Next day 131
Other ships and craft started getting fighters and 43 bombers flew over the
under way and most had reached open Owen Stanleys to hit Port Moresby.
water when the Japanese arrived about There were few Allied fighters on hand
1500. to oppose them. As he himself points out,
While Allied bombers flew to the General Kenney had expected the at-
southeast to avoid the Japanese, all avail- tack to hit Milne Bay and had sent most
able Allied fighters, seventy-six in num-
ber, took the air to intercept. P-38's 22
Southeast Area Naval Operations, II, Japanese
(Lightnings) flew on top, and beneath Monogr No. 49 (OCMH), 13.
them, at various altitudes, were F4U's Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
Saipan, pp. 212-13; Morison, Breaking the Bis-
(Corsairs), F6F's (Hellcats), and P-39's marcks Barrier, pp. 120-24. Allied airmen claimed
thirty-nine Japanese planes downed in air combat,
while surface ships claimed twenty-five. There were
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to undoubtedly many duplications. The Japanese ad-
Saipan, p. 212. mit losing twenty-one.

of his fighter strength there.24 Fortu- told to shoot him down. The eighteen
nately the damage was very light. Two P-38's, manned by picked pilots and led
days later the Japanese fulfilled Kenney's by Maj. John W. Mitchell, were sent on
expectations by attacking Milne Bay, but the mission. Taking off from Henderson
they did little damage. One Dutch mer- Field on Guadalcanal, they flew low over
chant ship was a total loss, and a British the waves for 435 miles by a circuitous
motorship and another Dutch ship were route to the interception point north-
damaged. Yamamoto then concluded the west of Kahili. Yamamoto's flight hove
IOperation, which he regarded as highly in sight just as its fighter escort was leav-
successful, and returned the carrier ing. Mitchell's attack section, led by
planes to their parent units at Truk. The Capt. Thomas G. Lanphier, Jr., bored in
Japanese, apparently misled by optimis- and Lanphier made the kill. Yamamoto's
tic pilots' reports, boast of destroying 1 plane crashed in the Bougainville jungle.
cruiser, 2 destroyers, 25 transports, and He died. The other plane fell in the sea,
134 planes, while losing 42 planes them- but the chief of staff, whom it was carry-
selves. But actual Allied losses in the ing, survived. One American pilot was
Solomons and New Guinea were 1 de- lost. This Lucifer-like descent of the ag-
stroyer, 1 tanker, 1 corvette, 2 Dutch gressive, skillful Yamamoto, perhaps the
merchant ships, and about 25 planes. brightest star in the Japanese military
Ambush Over Kahili firmament, was a severe blow to the mo-
Yamamoto then decided to pay a rale of the Japanese armed forces.25
morale-building visit to the Buin area. The Big Raid
He, his chief of staff, and other officers
left Rabaul on 18 April in two twin-en- By early June, the Allies in the Solo-
gine bombers escorted by fighters. When mons realized that the Japanese were
the party reached a point thirty-five miles again determined to accomplish what
northwest of Kahili, the airdrome near the I Operation had failed to do—cut
Buin, they were jumped by eighteen the lines of communication to Guadal-
P-38's from the South Pacific's Thir- canal by air action. Yamamoto fell from
teenth Air Force, which had been sent the skies believing that I had succeeded,
there for that very purpose. but by June the enemy leaders at Rabaul
When Admiral Halsey returned to knew that the Allies were freely building
Noumea after conferring with Mac- up supplies on Guadalcanal. On 7 June
Arthur in Brisbane, he learned that the Japanese inaugurated another se-
American intelligence officers had dis- ries of fighter-escorted bombing attacks
covered the exact time on 18 April Ya- against Guadalcanal. Planes from the
mamoto was due to reach the Buin area 25
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
from Rabaul. Admiral Nimitz and his Saipan, pp. 213-14; Halsey and Bryan, Admiral
Halsey's Story, pp. 155-57; Morison, Breaking the
staff agreed that disposing of Yamamoto Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 128-29. There are some dif-
would advance the Allied cause, so the ferences in these accounts, chiefly regarding Yama-
Commander, Aircraft, Solomons, was moto's destination and time of arrival. Halsey and
Bryan, and Craven and Cate say he was to arrive at
Kenney, General Kenney Reports, pp. 225, 228- Ballale at 0945. Morison says he was due at Kahili
29. at 1145.

Russells made the first interception that Neither the I Operation nor "the big
day. According to Allied accounts, the raid" achieved substantial results. The
Japanese lost twenty-three fighters, four Japanese failed, partly because their ef-
of them to P-40's of the No. 15 Royal forts were brief and sporadic rather than
New Zealand Air Force Fighter Squad- long and sustained, and partly because
ron in its Solomons debut. Nine Allied Allied resistance had been vigorous and
planes were shot down but all pilots were generally skillful.
recovered. In a second attack five days
later, the Japanese are reported to have Japanese Strength and Dispositions,
lost thirty-one planes, the Allies, six. 30 June 1943
By mid-June Allied reconnaissance In June Japanese strategy was still
planes were reporting 245 planes at Ra- substantially what it had been in Janu-
baul, with the forward fields in the north- ary. Late in March Lt. Gen. Rimpei
ern Solomons filled to capacity. What Kato, the 8th Area Army's chief of staff,
some Allied veterans of this period call and other officers had gone to Imperial
"the big raid" on Guadalcanal came on Headquarters, apparently to explain
16 June when a large force of enemy things after the Bismarck Sea debacle.
bombers and fighters, numbering over The result of the visit was an Army-
100 planes, flew down to attack Guadal- Navy "Central Agreement" which was
canal.26 The coastwatchers again had sent really a reaffirmation of the policies laid
their timely warnings, and 104 Allied down earlier. The Japanese still planned
fighters were ready. As in April, they in- to defend the Solomons while strength-
tercepted promptly, the Japanese forma- ening the bases in New Guinea and the
tions broke up into smaller flights, and Bismarck Archipelago in preparation for
air combats raged. Whenever possible future offensives, especially against Port
ship- and shore-based antiaircraft took Moresby. Ambitious plans for air su-
the enemy under fire. The Japanese hit premacy were prepared, including one
three Allied ships, two of which had to for maintaining 641 planes (284 Army
be beached, and did some damage to and 357 Navy) in the Southeast Area,
shore installations before they were but, as has been shown above, these were
driven off. Six Allied fighters were shot destined to fail.
down. The number of enemy planes In April Imamura summoned his
destroyed was large, although the exact army commanders to Rabaul and gave
total cannot be determined. The Allies them orders based on the Central Agree-
claimed 98. One Japanese account ad- ment. Instructions to Adachi emphasized
mits the loss of about 30 planes.27 holding Lae and Salamaua, building the
USSBS, The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul,
Madang-Lae highway, and establishing
p. 46, says 150-60 planes attacked on 6 June, but coastal barge lines from western New
16 June is apparently intended. Britain to Lae and Salamaua. In fulfill-
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
Saipan, pp. 218-19; U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, ment of the policy of using naval air in
The Thirteenth Air Force in the War Against
Japan (Washington, 1946); Southeast Area Naval The basic research for this section was per-
Operations, III, Japanese Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), formed by Messrs. Stanley L. Falk and Burke C.
53. Peterson.

the Solomons and Army air in New available enemy data: for the Solomons,
Guinea, the entire 6th Air Division was 25,000; for the New Guinea coast east
told to move to New Guinea. of the Dutch border, 55,000; for the
In June Imamura issued more orders, Bismarck Archipelago, perhaps 43,000
which restated the importance of Lae ground troops, for a total of 123,000.29
and Salamaua. The 18th Army was told In aircraft, the Japanese possessed a
to strengthen them as well as Wewak, total of something over 500 planes in
Madang, and Finschhafen. Adachi was June, though some of them were usually
to regroup his forces at Lae and Sala-
maua and prepare to capture the Allied 29
Strength tables and reports do not seem to
outposts and patrol bases at Wau, Bena have survived the war, and available wartime and
Bena, and Mount Hagen, and to infil- postwar documents and accounts are inexact, con-
tradictory, or both. The most detailed figures on
trate up the Ramu and Sepik River Val- Japanese Army strength in the Southeast Area for
leys. June 1943 are contained in Southeast Area Naval
Operations, Vol. II, Japanese Monograph No. 49
In anticipation of the operations (OCMH), pp. 22-23, but this account gives no hint
against Bena Bena and Hagen, Imperial of the source of the figures that are not supported
Headquarters transferred the 7th Air by the few strength figures in Army records. For
example, the naval account states that there were
Division from the Netherlands Indies to 55,000 men holding Lae, Salamaua, Finschhafen,
the 8th Area Army about July, and Madang, and Wewak—the 18th Army's area of re-
shortly afterward placed Headquarters, sponsibility—in June 1943, but an 18th Army sta-
tistical table indicates that the 18th Army then
4th Air Army under Imamura to co- contained 80,000 men. The office of Official War
ordinate operations of the two air divi- History, Department of the Interior, of the Com-
sions. monwealth of Australia, believes that the figure of
80,000 for the 18th Army is correct. Ltr, Mr. Gavin
Imamura also developed an ambitious Long to Dr. Kent Roberts Greenfield (Chief His-
airfield construction program which in- torian, OCMH), 7 Dec 55, OCMH. Japanese docu-
volved building new fields or enlarging ments give no data on ground-troop strength in
the Bismarck Archipelago for June 1943. The near-
old ones. By June, too, all divisions of est date for which there are anything like valid
the 18th Army—the 20th, 41st, and 51st— figures is November 1943, and those figures are
given in the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey's The
were concentrated in New Guinea. The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul. Its text asserts
17th Army, still consisting chiefly of the that in November 1943 there were 97,870 (76,300
6th Division, was in Bougainville. The Army and the remainder Navy) in the Bismarck
Archipelago, but this statement does not seem to
Southeastern Detachment and the 8th be solidly supported by the interrogations upon
Combined Special Naval Landing Force which the text is based. General Imamura is
were dug in deeply in New Georgia, and quoted on pages 10, 11, and 82, as stating that of
90,000 troops in the Rabaul area in November, 55,-
the 7th Combined Special Naval Land- 000belonged to his army. From whatever November
ing Force and Army elements still held figure is selected, the strength of the 17th Division,
Rekata Bay at Santa Isabel. which arrived in New Britain in September and
October of 1943, must be subtracted. Unfortunately,
It is not possible, on the basis of there are no figures on that division's strength. The
existing information, to state positively figure 43,000, given in the text above, for the Bis-
marcks was obtained by the arbitrary method of
just how many troops Imamura had un- subtracting 12,000, a reasonable estimate of the
der his command at this time. These strength of the 17th Division, from Imamura's
figures, and those in the table of strength November figure of 55,000. There are fewer prob-
lems for the Solomons, which seem to have con-
and dispositions, are guesses based on tained about 25,000 Japanese ground troops.



Source: Allied estimates are from GHQ SWPA G-2 Int Bulletin, Summary Enemy Dispositions, 30 Jun 43, in
GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 30 Jun 43; and CTF 31 Opn Plan A8-43, 4 Jun 43, Int Annex, Off of Naval Rcds and Library.
Approximate strengths of Japanese units are from Japanese Monographs Nos. 37, 40-42, 48-50, 72, HO, and 107
(OCMH). The Australian Official War historians regard the postwar estimates as too low. See Ltr, Long to Green-
field, 7 Dec 55. They are, however, admittedly conservative, and based on the best Japanese data available in

out of action. For example, of the 300 popo, and Keravat (which never
planes assigned to the 11th Air Fleet on amounted to much)—with one more un-
30 June, only 225 were ready for combat der construction at nearby Tobera. In
operations. Of 240 belonging to the 6th addition, the 8th Area Army was improv-
Air Division, 50 needed minor attention ing fields, or building new ones, at We-
and 25 required major repairs. wak, Hansa Bay, Alexishafen, Madang,
Planes were given a high degree of Lae-Salamaua, Tuluvu, and Talasea.
tactical mobility by the large number The same situation prevailed in the Solo-
of conveniently spaced air bases in the mons. Besides the New Georgia fields
area. Kavieng had one field. Rabaul and the seaplane bases at Rekata Bay and
boasted four—Lakunai, Vunakanau, Ra- Shortland-Faisi, there were fields at Ka-
hili and Ballale in the Buin-Shortlands course of being assigned or available for
area, and another, Kara, soon to be built. assignment" in the Southeast Area to the
There was one at Buka, with another, Aleutians and to Saipan.31
Bonis, under construction just across Table 1 compares Allied estimates of
Buka Passage. On the east coast of Bou- enemy strength, and dispositions of that
gainville the Tenekau and Kieta strips strength, with an approximation of en-
were being built, apparently under or-
emy strength and dispositions based on
ders of the 8th Area Army. available enemy records. It will be noted
The 8th Fleet, in June, had one that Allied estimates for Japanese
cruiser, eight destroyers, and eight sub- strength and dispositions throughout the
marines. The potential of this fleet had Southeast Area were quite accurate.
been cut somewhat by Admiral Mineichi In June 1943 the Japanese still cher-
Koga, who had succeeded to command ished ambitions toward future offensives.
of the Combined Fleet. Because the re- It is clear in retrospect that their re-
capture of Attu in May was regarded as sources made them capable of defensive
a direct threat to the Japanese homeland, action only. But, as at Guadalcanal and
he diverted 20 percent of the forces (ap- Buna, the Japanese were so skillful in
parently including aircraft) "in the defensive operations that Allied troops
were faced with a long series of hard
In addition to the Japanese monographs cited battles.
above, see USSBS, The Allied Campaign Against
Rabaul, pp. 11-12, 46; USAFISPA Photo Int Unit
Periodic Rpt, Airdromes and Seaplane Anchorages, Southeast Area Naval Operations, II, Japanese
Jul 43. Monogr No. 49 (OCMH), 18.

The Southwest Pacific
On 30 June 1943—D Day for CART- and staff and liaison officers participated.
WHEEL—Allied air, sea, and ground forces Krueger's authority to co-ordinate plan-
facing the Japanese from New Guinea to ning gave him a pre-eminent position;
the Solomons were ready to attack. The he was first among equals.
Japanese were expecting the offensive Planning had not proceeded far be-
but did not know just when or where it fore a hitch developed. When Admiral
would come. And the Allies had deter- Halsey suggested the seizure of Wood-
mined to compound their uncertainty lark and Kiriwina he offered to provide
by launching not one, but three inva- part of the invasion force, an offer that
sions—in New Georgia, at Woodlark and had been cheerfully accepted. Thus in
Kiriwina, and at Nassau Bay in New midmonth Generals Harmon and Twi-
Guinea in preparation for the Markham ning and Vice Adm. Aubrey W. Fitch,
Valley-Lae-Salamaua operations. who commanded all South Pacific air-
craft, flew to Brisbane to discuss details
CHRONICLE of the transfer of forces to the South-
Plans and Preparations west Pacific. On the way over from
Noumea Harmon and Twining made
Planning for the seizure of Woodlark an air reconnaissance of Woodlark, and
and Kiriwina (designated Operation on arriving at Brisbane offered their
CHRONICLE) had started at General Krue-
opinion that Woodlark would be of little
ger's Sixth Army headquarters near Bris-
use in providing air support for the
bane in early May. General MacArthur
South Pacific's invasion of southern Bou-
had directed Allied Air and Naval Forces
to support ALAMO Force and had made
gainville. But Kenney, Carpender, Brig.
Krueger responsible for the co-ordina- Gen. Stephen J. Chamberlin, G-3 of
tion of ground, air, and naval planning.1 GHQ, and Brig. Gen. Hugh J. Casey,
Krueger, Kenney, Carpender, Barbey, the chief engineer of GHQ, explained
how difficult it would be for Kenney's
GHQ SWPA OI 33, 7 May 43, in GHQ SWPA aircraft to support that invasion without
G-3 Jnl, 8 May 43; CG Sixth Army, Hist of
CHRONICLE Opn, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 30 Aug
the additional airfield that Woodlark
43. would provide. The South Pacific repre-


sentatives then agreed to go on with the plies, and equipment in amphibious

operation, and the details whereby shipping became standing operating pro-
ground force units, a fighter squadron, cedure for future invasions.
naval construction units, and six motor Kiriwina, a narrow, north-south is-
torpedo boats would be transferred, and land twenty-five miles long, lies within
destroyer-transports (APD's) and tank fighter and medium bomber range of
landing ships (LST's) would be lent to Rabaul, Buin in southern Bougainville,
the Southwest Pacific, were arranged.2 and Lae, and 60 miles from the nearest
The invasion of the two islands was Allied base at Goodenough Island in the
the first real amphibious movement un- D'Entrecasteaux group. From Rabaul to
dertaken in MacArthur's area. Planning 44-mile-long Woodlark is 300 nautical
was so thorough and comprehensive that miles, from Buin 225, from Lae 380, and
the plans for movement of troops, sup- from Goodenough 160. Neither island
was occupied by the Japanese. (Map 5)
Rad [apparently from Twining] to Comdr Ad- MacArthur had ordered Allied Naval
Von 5AF, 16 May 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 16 Forces to support the ALAMO Force by
May 43; Notes of Conf Between Reps of SOPAC
and SWPA, Brisbane, 17 May 43, in GHQ SWPA
carrying troops and supplies, destroying
G-3 Jnl, 17 May 43. Japanese forces, and protecting the lines

BRIG. GEN. NATHAN F. TWINING, left, Lt. Gen. Millard F. Harmon, and Col.
Glen C. Jamison examining a map of the South Pacific area. Photograph taken
October 1942.

of communication. To carry out these LCT's with 10 destroyers, 8 subchasers,

orders Admiral Carpender organized sev- 4 minesweepers and 1 tug as escort—
eral task forces of which the most impor- would transport and land the attacking
tant were Task Forces 74 and 76. (Chart troops. As ships at Kiriwina would be
4) The first, commanded by Rear Adm. vulnerable to submarine attack, Barbey
V. A. C. Crutchley, RN, and consisting assigned 4 destroyers to cover Kiriwina
of Australian and American cruisers and until all defenses were in, and ordered
destroyers, was to destroy enemy ships PT boats to patrol at each island.3
in the Coral and Arafura Seas and be Kenney's orders directed Air Vice
prepared to co-operate with South Pa- Marshal Bostock's Royal Australian Air
cific forces in the event of a major Jap-
anese naval offensive. Task Force 76 was ANF Opn Plan 4-43, 19 May 43, in GHQ SWPA
G-3 Jnl, 21 May 43; CTF 76 Opn Plan 1-43, 14
the Amphibious Force which had been Jun 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 16 June 43; CTF
organized in January 1943 under Ad- 74 Opn Order 2-43, 18 Jun 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3
Jnl, 24 Jun 43; Ltr, CTF 76 to COMINCH, 1 Oct
miral Barbey. Barbey's ships—4 APD's, 43, sub: Rpt on Opn CHRONICLE, in GHQ SWPA
4 APC's, 12 LST's, 18 LCI's, and 18 G-3 Jnl, 5 Aug 43.
Force Command to protect the lines of hostile aircraft attacked the shipping.4
communication along the east coast of The 112th Cavalry Regiment, Col.
Australia and to support the defense Julian W. Cunningham commanding,
of forward bases, but assigned the sup- and the 158th Infantry, a separate regi-
port of the Woodlark-Kiriwina opera- ment led by Col. J. Prugh Herndon, plus
tion to the Fifth Air Force as a primary substantial supporting arms and services,
mission. The V Bomber Command, un- had been allotted to the ALAMO Force.
der Col. Roger M. Ramey, was to attempt Krueger organized the troops that had
the destruction of Japanese air power at come from the South Pacific—the 112th
Rabaul, using one heavy bomb group Cavalry (a dismounted two-squadron
nightly from 25 through 30 June, unit serving as infantry), the 134th Field
weather permitting, and to attack Jap- Artillery Battalion (105-mm. howitzers),
anese ships, continue its reconnaissance the 12th Marine Defense Battalion, plus
missions, provide antisubmarine patrols quartermaster, port, ordnance, medical,
during daylight within two hundred and engineer units, a naval base unit and
miles of the Allied bases in New Guinea, a construction battalion—into the Wood-
and render close support to the ground lark Task Force and ordered it to seize
troops as needed. Since there were no and defend Woodlark and build an air-
Japanese on the islands support bom- field.5 The Kiriwina Task Force, under
bardment was not necessary. To Brig. Herndon's command, consisted of the
Gen. Paul B. Wurtsmith's V Fighter 158th Infantry (less the 2d Battalion),
Command went the main burden of pro-
viding fighter escort and cover for con- 4
AAF SWPA OI 36, 14 May 43, and Fifth AF OI
voys and landing operations from the 3, 15 May 43. Both in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 15
airfields at Dobodura, Port Moresby, and May 43. AdVon 5AF FO 83, 27 Jun 43; Ltr, CofS V
Fighter Comd to CG ESCALATOR, 22 Jun 43,
Goodenough Island. Wurtsmith was also sub: Protection of Shipg; Rad, CTF 76 to Comdr
directed to be prepared to station fight- Seventh Flt, 23 Jun 43; Rad, CG AdVon 5 to CG
ers on Woodlark and Kiriwina once the ESCALATOR, 24 Jun 43; Rad, CG ESCALATOR to CTF
76, 26 Jun 43. Last five in Sixth Army G-3 Jnl and
airstrips were ready. File No. 4, 23 Jun-1 Jul 43. CG Sixth Army, Hist
The 1st Air Task Force and No. 9 of CHRONICLE Opn, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 30 Aug
Operational Group of the RAAF, re- 43; Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
Saipan, pp. 164-65.
spectively commanded by Col. Frederic The 1st Air Task Force consisted of a head-
H. Smith and Air Commodore J. E. quarters based at Dobodura which had operational
Hewitt, were ordered to destroy Jap- control of units temporarily assigned by General
Whitehead. The additional headquarters was con-
anese ships and aircraft threatening the sidered necessary because the towering Owen Stan-
operation, and to provide antisubmarine leys rendered radio communication between Port
escort and reconnaissance. No fighter Moresby and Dobodura somewhat temperamental.
The Fifth Air Force thus had three headquarters
umbrella was provided for the convoys, as well as those of the bomber and fighter com-
a lack which the naval commanders pro- mands. See Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadal-
canal to Saipan, pp. 164-65.
tested vigorously but unsuccessfully. 5
A Marine Corps defense battalion consisted of
Fighter squadrons were maintained on antiaircraft batteries (90-mm., 40-mm., and 20-mm.
ground alert at Dobodura, Milne Bay, antiaircraft guns, and searchlights) and coast artil-
lery (155-mm. guns). A few defense battalions also
and Goodenough Island, ready to fly if included tank platoons.

the 148th Field Artillery Battalion (105- complicated by the fact that the Kiri-
mm. howitzers), plus additional 155-mm. wina Force was scattered from Port
gun units and engineer, ordnance, med- Moresby to Australia. (The Woodlark
ical, antiaircraft, and quartermaster Force had come virtually intact from
troops. It was to capture and hold Kiri- the South Pacific, and was, except for
wina and construct an airdrome. The naval and air elements, concentrated at
first echelon of the Woodlark Force Townsville). Movement schedules were
would be carried on 6 APD's, 6 LCI's, carefully worked out, and the first ele-
and 6 LST's, that of the Kiriwina Force ments of the Kiriwina Force reached
on 2 APD's and 12 LCI's.6 their staging area at Milne Bay in early
Doctrine regarding unity of command June. It was soon apparent that assembly
and the passage of command from ground of the forces could not be completed
to naval officers on embarkation, and before the third week in June. For this
back to ground officers on landing, was reason D Day for CHRONICLE, which
not clearly set forth in the plans. For the would also be D Day for Nassau Bay
relationship between naval and ground and New Georgia, had been set for 30
commanders, the principle of unity of June. 7
command rather than co-operation seems On 20 June Krueger's ALAMO head-
to have been followed, but it would have quarters opened at Milne Bay, and Mac-
been sounder to have prescribed the Arthur and Barbey arrived shortly after-
exact command relationships in the ward. Within a few days all elements of
orders. Herndon's Kiriwina Force reached the
In contrast with the practice of the bay. Final training of this regimental
South Pacific Area, where naval doctrine combat team in loading and unloading
prevailed, no air units were placed under landing craft and in beach organization
naval or ground commanders. The ulti- was inhibited by the necessity for un-
mate authority common to air, naval, loading ships and developing the base.
and ground units was GHQ itself. Air On the other hand the 112th Cavalry-
liaison and support parties, however, men at Townsville were able to make
were set up at ALAMO Force headquar- good use of the opportunity to train
ters and at Dobodura. uninterruptedly. Barbey's amphibious
Krueger from the first had planned force, Task Force 76, was also able to
to establish ALAMO headquarters at train effectively, an activity that had
Milne Bay. When reconnaissance showed begun in early May.8
that development of the bay into a satis- At Townsville and Milne Bay, soldiers
factory base would constitute a sizable and sailors marked "loading slots" or
operation, he and his staff pitched in to
do the job. 7
Rpt of Com Appointed by Gen Krueger, 25 May
Assembly of the invasion force was 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 27 May 43; GHQ SWPA
OI 33/10, 17 Jun 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 8
May 43.
6 8
ESCALATOR FO's 1 and 2, 2 Jun 43, in GHQ CG Sixth Army, Hist of CHRONICLE Opn, in GHQ
SWPA G-3 Jnl, 12 and 10 Jun 43. Like Task Force SWPA G-3 Jnl, 30 Aug 43; BYPRODUCT [Kiriwina]
76's plans these orders included so much detail as TF Jnl and Hist of Kiriwina TF; CTF 76 Rpt on
to constitute standing operating procedure. CHRONICLE.

deck-plan layouts of LST's and LCT's were no Japanese troops present, indi-
on the beaches with tape, then assembled cated that it would be advisable and pos-
loads in the slots to test the cargo space sible to send in parties to prepare beaches
allotted against the cargo assigned. All and roads in advance of the main land-
units agreed the technique worked very ings. Thus CHRONICLE was unusual
well. among amphibious operations, for the
During the last days of June bad shore party landed ahead of the assault
weather prevented the planned air at- troops.
tacks against Rabaul, but B-25's and A- At 0400, 21 June, the APD's Brooks
20's made about seventy sorties against and Humphreys left Townsville carry-
Lae and Salamaua. On 30 June the ing almost two hundred men of the 112th
weather cleared and eight B-17's and Cavalry. They stopped at Milne Bay to
three B-24's attacked Vunakanau air- pick up more men the next day, and at
strip at Rabaul. Bombing on this small 1600 left Milne Bay at high speed to
scale, which was all the resources in the make the night run to Woodlark. The
area would permit, continued for the trip was timed to keep the ships within
next few days while the ground troops range of fighter cover until dusk on the
consolidated themselves at Woodlark outgoing trip, and after dawn on the
and Kiriwina. 9 return voyage. The APD's reached
Woodlark without incident, and at 0032
The Advance Parties of 23 June the advance party, under
In early May two small engineer recon- Maj. D. M. McMains, started landing at
naissance parties headed by the Sixth Guasopa Harbor in six LCP(R)'s. Rough
Army's deputy engineer had slipped seas and high winds slowed the landings,
ashore on Woodlark and Kiriwina to which were not completed until 0400,
gather data on airfield sites, beach con- when the APD's shoved off for Milne
ditions, and defense positions.10 Their Bay.
reports, coupled with the fact that there The Australian coastwatcher had not
been informed before the landing. When
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to told that troops were coming ashore
Saipan, p. 166. he formed his native guerrillas in skir-
This and the next two subsections are based on
Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, Ch. IX; mish line and got ready to fight. Fortu-
Office of the Chief Engineer, General Headquarters nately before anything tragic happened
Army Forces Pacific [GHQ AFPAC] Engineers of he heard the invaders speaking the Amer-
the Southwest Pacific: 1941-1945, I, Engineers in
Theater Operations (Washington, 1947), 100-102; ican variety of English and joined them.
CG Sixth Army, Hist of CHRONICLE Opn, in GHQ The Brooks and Humphreys reached
SWPA G-3 Jnl, 30 Aug 43; Ltr, CTG 76.1 to CTF
76, 24 Jun 43, sub: Adv Landing LEATHERBACK. Milne Bay during daylight of 23 June
[Woodlark], in Sixth Army G-3 Jnl and File No. and took aboard the 158th Regimental
4, 23 Jun-1 Jul 43; Ltr, Col Cunningham to CG Combat Team's shore party, a part of
ESCALATOR, 3 Jul 42, sub: Current Opns LEATHER-
BACK TF, in Sixth Army G-3 Jnl and File No. 4, 2 the 59th Combat Engineer Company and
Jul-10 Jul 43; CTF 76 Rpt on CHRONICLE; Sixth the 158th Infantry's communication pla-
Army G-3 Jnl and File for the period covered;
Woodlark TF [112th Cav RCT] Opns Diary; BY- toon, under command of Lt. Col. Floyd
PRODUCT TF Jnl and Hist of Kiriwina TF. G. Powell. Departing Milne Bay at 1810,

four hours behind schedule, they reached the north coast to permit a landing there.
Kiriwina at midnight.11 The island is Natives aided in this work by lugging
almost entirely surrounded by a coral basketloads of coral.
reef, with a five-mile-long channel wind- The Japanese were unaware of, or
ing through the reef to a 200-yard-wide indifferent to, the advance parties; they
beach at Losuia on the south coast of launched neither surface nor air attacks
the main part of the island. Unloading against them.
of the APD's went very slowly as the LCP
(R)'s threaded their way through the The Landings
channel. The tide was low, and the land- About half the Woodlark Force—units
ing craft ran aground several times in of the 112th Cavalry, the 134th Field
the darkness. Admiral Barbey also Artillery Battalion, and the 12th Marine
blamed the 158th's inadequate training Defense Battalion—left Townsville on
for part of the delay. Daylight came be- 25 June aboard six LST's, with one sub-
fore the ships were emptied; they de- chaser and two destroyers as escort. The
parted with part of their loads still on voyage to the target was uneventful.
board. Three nights later they returned Landing of the 2,600 troops began at
to unload heavy communication and en- 2100 of 30 June. Unloading of the LST's
gineer equipment that had been left in at their beaching points was rapid. Cun-
their holds. This led Barbey to recom- ningham's force had borrowed extra
mend that APD's carry no item of equip- trucks at Townsville to permit every
ment that could not readily be carried by item of equipment to be put aboard a
one man. truck which was driven aboard an LST
At Woodlark the advance party recon- at Townsville, then driven off at Wood-
noitered, established outposts and beach lark. Emptied of their loads, the slow-
defenses, dug wells, blasted coral ob- moving LST's cleared Woodlark before
structions out of the channels, cleared daylight.
trails and dispersal and bivouac areas, Two APD's, carrying part of the
prepared six beaching points for LST's, Woodlark Force from Milne Bay, ar-
and installed signs, markers, and lights rived shortly before 0100, 1 July, but
to mark channels and beaches for the encountered trouble in navigating the
main body, which would be landing in channel with the result that landing
darkness to avoid Japanese air attacks. craft were not put into the water until
Similar efforts by the Kiriwina party 0230. The landing craft coxswains had
were not as successful, partly because of trouble finding the right beach, but by
the delay in landing engineer equip- 0600 the APD's were emptied and ready
ment. A good deal of effort was expended to leave. Some confusion had existed on
in building a coral causeway, 7 feet high the beach, but not enough to prevent its
and 300 yards long, across the reef on being cleared by the same time.
Additional echelons arrived in LCI's
Col Herndon's comments on draft MS of this and LST's on 1 July, and all these were
volume, attached to his 1st Ind, 16 Nov 53, to Ltr,
Gen Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, to Col Herndon, 6
unloaded quickly and easily. The LST's
Oct 53, no sub, OCMH. took 310 instead of the 317 trucks, Cun-
ningham explained, because one LST
raised its bow ramp and closed its doors
before all its trucks could be driven
On shore, defense positions were set
up. Antiaircraft and coast artillery pieces
of the 12th Defense Battalion were in-
stalled, and machine gun and 37-mm.
beach positions were established. Cargo
was moved inland, and work on the air-
field began on 2 July.
Meanwhile Colonel Herndon's Kiri-
wina Force had been landing, but with-
out the smoothness that characterized
operations at Woodlark. Shortly after
dawn on 30 June, twelve LCI's, which
with six escorting destroyers had sailed
from Milne Bay the previous noon, be-
gan landing their 2,250 troops. Trouble
accompanied the landing from the start. TROOPS DISEMBARKING FROM LCI at
The LCI's had great difficulty getting Kiriwina Island wade ashore, 30 June
through the narrow, reef-filled channel 1943.
to Red Beach near Losuia. And the
water shallowed near shore so much that
they grounded 200-300 yards from the made for Red Beach but grounded
shoreline. The landing went slowly.12 offshore with the result that much of the
Sunset of 30 June saw the arrival of gear on board had to be hand-carried
twelve LCT's and seven LCM's which ashore. Some of the vehicles were driven
had left Milne Bay on 29 June and ashore, but several drowned out in the
stopped overnight at Goodenough Is- salt water.
land. Again there were problems. Heavy LCT's in subsequent echelons avoided
rains were falling. The tide was out. some of the difficulties by landing on the
Only one LCT was able to cross a sand- north shore of Kiriwina where the coral
bar which blocked the approach to the causeway had been built. Here trucks
jetty at Losuia. Other LCT's hung up could back right up onto the bow ramps
on the bar and were forced to wait for of the LCT's, but several were damaged
the tide to float them off. The remainder by sliding off the causeway.
In the absence of enemy interference
Colonel Herndon stated on 16 November 1953 Admiral Barbey approved a change in
that part of the trouble arose from a navigational
error that caused the ships to sail past Kiriwina and the original plan to move part of the
made them late. He also stated that, originally, the supplies to Goodenough aboard LST's,
main body was to land on the north coast, but that
for some reason the plan was changed and Red
then transship them to LCT's for the
Beach and Losuia Jetty were used. trip to Kiriwina. After 12 July LST's

NATIVES CARRYING LUGGAGE which had been deposited on the coral causeway,
north shore of Kiriwina Island, 1 July 1943.

sailed directly from Milne Bay to the served on Guadalcanal in the grim days
north shore of Kiriwina. of 1942—arrived for duty.
Unloading on the north shore, while On Kiriwina heavy rains continued
easier than at Losuia, complicated mat- and added to the engineers' troubles in
ters further for the troops ashore. Heavy
building and maintaining roads. All con-
equipment was landed some distance struction equipment was used on the
from the proposed airfield near Losuia. roads until about 10 July; during that
Building the necessary roads was slowed time the airfield site was partly cleared
by heavy rains and lack of enough heavy with hand tools. General Krueger visited
engineer equipment. the island on 11 July and expressed his
dissatisfaction with the progress of road
Base Development and airfield construction. Three days
Meanwhile the construction program later he placed Col. John T. Murray,
at Woodlark went forward. By 14 July formerly of the 41st Division, in com-
the airfield was near enough completion mand of the Kiriwina Task Force and
to accommodate C-47's. One week later returned Colonel Herndon to command
5,200 feet of runway were surfaced with of the 158th Infantry. Herndon had
coral, and on 23 July the air garrison— asked for more engineers and machinery.
the 67th Fighter Squadron which had These arrived after Murray took com-

JEEP AND TRAILER LEAVING AN LST anchored off north shore of Kiriwina Island,
July 1943.

mand and thereafter the work went Thus the Southwest Pacific Area, using
faster. By D plus 20 the first airstrip, small forces, was able to secure two more
1,500 feet long, was cleared, roughly airfields to further the Allies' control
graded, and ready for surfacing. By the over the Solomon Sea.
month's end the strip was 5,000 feet long
and ready for coral. No. 79 Squadron of Nassau Bay
the RAAF flew in and began operations
on 18 August. Plans and Preparations
Except for reconnaissance and two The invasion of Nassau Bay was de-
small bombing attacks against Wood- signed to ease the problem of supplying
lark, the enemy did not react to the in- the troops that were to attack Salamaua
vasions, so that Barbey was able to trans- and Lae. They could not be wholly sup-
port twenty echelons to Kiriwina and plied by ship, by landing craft, by air-
seven to Woodlark without losing a ship plane, or by land. The threat of Japanese
or a man. By mid-August transport of air attacks in the restricted waters of
supplies and men to the two islands was Huon Gulf and Vitiaz Strait, coupled
no longer a tactical mission. U.S. Army with the prevailing shortage of troop
Services of Supply was ready to relieve and cargo ships, rendered the use of large
Barbey of logistical responsibility. ships impractical if not impossible. The


shortage of landing craft and the dis- completion of the mountain highway.13
tance limited the extent of any shore-to- The seizure of Nassau Bay offered a
shore operations. The Australian troops possibility of at least partially solving
operating out of Wau against Salamaua these problems, a possibility which fitted
were still being supplied by air, and this neatly into the pattern of plans already
placed a heavy burden on Southwest being prepared. Nassau Bay lies less than
Pacific air transport and limited the num- sixty miles from Lae, or within range
ber of ground troops that could be em- of the landing craft of the 2d Engineer
ployed. In order to supplement air trans- Special Brigade which GHQ expected
port the Australians had begun their to employ, and it is just a short distance
road from Edie Creek at the south end down the Papuan coast from Salamaua.
of the Bulolo Valley to the headwaters Troops of the 3d Australian Division
of the Lakekamu River on the south- were operating inland from Nassau Bay
west coast of the Papuan peninsula, but at this time. Seizure of the bay by a
the tremendous difficulties inherent in shore-to-shore movement from Morobe,
pushing roads through New Guinea then held by the U.S.162dInfantry
mountains slowed the Australians as
they had the Japanese. It was clear that 13
USSBS, Employment of Forces, pp. 21-22; ALF,
the opening of the Markham Valley- Rpt on New Guinea Opns: Wau-Salamaua, 22 Jan-
Huon Peninsula campaign would be de- 13 Sep 43; Memo, Comdr ALF for GHQ SWPA, 5
May 43, sub: Warning Instns, in GHQ SWPA G-3
layed beyond August if it had to await Jnl, 6 May 43.

of the 41st Division, would provide a When the Australians had defeated
means by which the Australians getting the Japanese attempt to capture Wau,
ready to attack Salamaua could be sup- they pursued the retreating enemy out
plied by water to supplement the air of the Bulolo Valley and down through
drops, and would also provide a staging the mountains to a point inland from
point for the shore-to-shore movement Nassau Bay. In preparation for Nassau
of an entire Australian division to a Bay and the attack on Salamaua, Savige
point east of Lae. Therefore GHQ and ordered his division to push against Sala-
New Guinea Force headquarters decided maua from the west and south. He di-
to seize Nassau Bay on the same day that rected the MacKechnie Force, essentially
Woodlark, Kiriwina, and New Georgia a battalion combat team of the 162d In-
were invaded. The troops seizing Nassau fantry, to make the initial landing at
Bay would then join forces with 3d Nassau Bay and operate on the right
Australian Division and press against (east) flank of his 17th Brigade. At the
Salamaua in order to keep the Japanese same time the 24th Australian Infantry
from deducing that the Allies were plan- Battalion would create a diversion by
ning a major assault against Lae.14 operating against the Japanese detach-
General Blarney was supposed to as- ments in the Markham Valley and estab-
sume personal command of the New lishing an ambush on the Huon Gulf at
Guinea Force for the Markham Valley- the mouth of the Buang River, halfway
Huon Peninsula operations but the pres- between Lae and Salamaua. (Map 6}
sure of his duties kept him in Australia From 20 through 23 June the Japanese
until August. Pending his arrival in New counterattacked the 17th Brigade's posi-
Guinea Lt. Gen. E. F. Herring of the tions in the vicinity of Mubo and Laba-
Australian Army retained command of bia Ridge, a 3,000-foot eminence that is
the New Guinea Force and operated surrounded by the Bitoi and Buyawim
under Blamey's headquarters instead of Rivers and has a commanding view of
GHQ as originally planned. Maj. Gen. Nassau Bay to the southeast, Bitoi Ridge
Stanley G. Savige, General Officer Com- to the north, and the Komiatum Track
manding the 3d Australian Division, had which served as the line of communica-
tactical command of the operations tions from Salamaua to the Japanese
against Salamaua. Troops of the U.S. facing the Australians. The Japanese
162d Regimental Combat Team, which fought hard but failed to budge the 17th
was assigned to Nassau Bay and sub- Brigade. Starting on 23 June they retired
sequent operations against Salamaua, a short distance to the north. On 30 June
would come under General Savige's con- Savige's 15th Brigade was attacking Bob-
trol once they were ashore. dubi and the 17th Brigade, facing north,
was holding Mubo and Lababia Ridge.15
GHQ SWPA OI 33, 7 May 43, in GHQ SWPA
G-3 Jnl, 8 May 43; Ltr, Land Hq [ALF] to Gen ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns: Wau-Sala-
Off Commanding NGF, 17 May 43, sub: POSTERN- maua, 22 Jan-13 Sep 43; Incl 1, Tactical Sit to 1630,
Seizure Lae-Salamaua-Finschhafen-Madang Area, 30 Jun 43, to GHQ SWPA G-2 Daily Summary of
in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 7 Jun 43; GHQ SWPA OI Enemy Int and G-2 Est of Enemy Sit 465, 30 Jun-
34, 13 Jun 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 14 Jun 43. 1 Jul 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 1 Jul 43.

mented by American and Australian

By late June the 3d Battalion, 162d,
had relieved the MacKechnie Force of
the mission of defending Morobe. Thirty
days' supply and ten units of fire had
been assembled. The troops trained for
the landing by boarding PT boats, then
transferring at sea to LCVP's, and de-
barking on beaches from the landing
craft. On the night of 28 June the Intel-
ligence and Reconnaissance Platoon,
162d, outposted the islands lying off-
shore between Nassau Bay and Mageri
Point about ten miles north-northwest
of Morobe, where the invasion was to
be mounted, in order to install lights
to guide the invasion flotilla. Colonel
MacKechnie flew to the Bulolo Valley
for a conference with General Savige,
and at his request Savige dispatched one
of his companies from Lababia Ridge
to the mouth of the Bitoi River to divert
Japanese attention from Nassau Bay. As
162d Inf Rpt of Opns, 29 Jun-12 Sep 43, in
MAP 6 Morobe-Nassau-Bitoi Ridge-Mt. Tambu-Tambu
Bay-Salamaua Area of New Guinea; William F. Mc-
Cartney, The Jungleers: A History of the 41st In-
fantry Division (Washington: Infantry Journal
The MacKechnie Force, designated to Press, 1948), p. 51; Ltr, Col MacKechnie to Gen
land at Nassau Bay on 30 June, consisted Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, 20 Oct 53, no sub, OCMH.
The augmented MacKechnie Force consisted of
of the reinforced 1st Battalion, 162d Lt. Col. Harold R. Taylor's 1st Battalion, 162d;
Infantry. In command was Col. Archi- one platoon of the regimental Antitank Company;
part of the regimental Service Company; one com-
bald R. MacKechnie, commander of the pany of the 116th Engineer Battalion; elements of
162d. This regiment had arrived in New the 116th Medical Battalion and a portable surgical
hospital; the 218th Field Artillery Battalion (75-
Guinea from Australia in February 1943. mm. pack howitzers), less A Battery; detachments
Organized in March, the MacKechnie from the 41st Division signal, quartermaster, and
Force moved by land marches and sea- ordnance companies; detachments of the Combined
Operational Service Command and the Australian
borne movements in landing craft and New Guinea Administrative Unit, a military or-
trawlers from the Buna-Sanananda area of ganization in charge of native affairs; a detachment
C Battery, 209th Coast Artillery Battalion (Anti-
to Morobe, where it set up defensive aircraft); A Company, Papuan Infantry Battalion
positions to protect an advanced PT boat (native enlisted men and Australian officers); and
A and D Companies of the 532d Engineer Boat and
base. For Nassau Bay the force was aug- Shore Regiment, 2d Engineer Special Brigade.

the landing was to be made in darkness, trate the Ramu and Sepik River Valleys.
one platoon of this company was sent to (See below, Map 12.) The Madang-Lae
the landing beach to set up lights to Highway was still under construction
guide the landing craft. Company A, but had been pushed only to the Fin-
Papuan Infantry Battalion, of the Mac- isterre Range which parallels the north
Kechnie Force, reconnoitered to Cape coast of the Huon Peninsula. The Jap-
Dinga just south of Nassau Bay, and one anese correctly estimated that the Allies
of its scouts even sneaked into the enemy planned to use the air base sites in the
camp at Cape Dinga and spent the night mountain valleys to support their ad-
with the Japanese. On the basis of the vances along the coast. Therefore they
Papuan Infantry Battalion's reports it planned the moves against Wau and
was estimated 300-400 Japanese were against Bena Bena and Mount Hagen,
in the vicinity of Nassau Bay, and about two outposts that had been used since
75 more near the south arm of the Bitoi 1942. The 6th Air Division, based in the
River.17 Wewak area, was ordered to attack these
points daily.
The Enemy In command at Lae was Maj. Gen.
This estimate was somewhat exagger- Ryoichi Shoge, infantry group com-
ated. Present at Cape Dinga were about mander of the 41st Division. His com-
a hundred men of the 102d Infantry, 51st mand at this time was largely transient,
Division, and about fifty sailors of a naval as the 18th Army was sending troops
guard unit.18 The Japanese were expect- through Lae to strengthen Salamaua.
ing an Allied landing to come in Huon Since the March disaster in the Bismarck
Gulf rather than at Nassau Bay, and Sea, some troops had been landed at Lae
had made their dispositions accordingly. from submarines, forty men per boat;
General Adachi, commanding the 18th others came in barges and destroyers to
Army from his headquarters at Madang, Cape Gloucester from Rabaul, thence to
had been carrying out the 8th Area Army Finschhafen by barge and overland or
commander's orders to strengthen We- by barge to Lae. In April and May the
wak, Madang, Finschhafen, and espe- 66th Infantry (less the 3d Battalion),
cially Lae and Salamaua to protect Vitiaz 51st Division, had been transferred to
Strait while preparing to attack Wau, Salamaua from Lae, and elements of the
Bena Bena, and Mount Hagen and infil- 115th Infantry, the 14th Artillery Regi-
ment, and the 51st Engineer Regiment,
162d Inf Rpt of Opns; McCartney, The Jun- all of the 51st Division, staged through
gleers, p. 52.
Lae for Salamaua. At Salamaua Lt. Gen.
This subsection is based on 8th Area Army
Operations, Japanese Monogr No. no (OCMH),
Hidemitsu Nakano, commander of the
pp. 43-45; 18th Army Operations, II, Japanese 51st Division, was directing operations.
Monogr No. 42 (OCMH), 1-22; 18th Army Opera- The third infantry regiment of Na-
tions, Annex B (Maps), Japanese Monogr No. 47
(OCMH); Hist Div MIS GHQ FEC, Statements of kano's division, the 102d, had made the
Japanese Officials on World War II (English Trans- January attack against Wau and had
lations), IV, 119-20, OCMH; Interrogation of
Adachi et al., by Mil Hist Sec, Australian Army been almost continuously in action since
Hq, OCMH. that time.

By the end of June Nakano had six of troubles. The rain obscured the guide
thousand men under his command. The lights on the offshore islands. The escort-
Japanese defensive positions included the ing PT lost the convoy. The lead PT
high ground inland from the shore— overshot Nassau Bay. Some of the land-
Mount Tambu, Komiatum, and Bob- ing craft of the first wave followed it,
dubi. then lost time turning around and find-
ing the convoy again.
Landing of the MacKechnie Force The landing began, in rainy darkness,
shortly after midnight. The Australian
As dusk fell at Morobe on 29 June
platoon on shore had lost its way and
three PT boats of the Seventh Fleet took
arrived at Nassau Bay, in time to install
aboard 210 men of the MacKechnie
only two instead of three lights. Thus
Force. A fourth PT, without passengers,
19 the first two waves of landing craft in-
escorted. At the same time twenty-nine
termingled and landed together on the
LCVP's, two Japanese barges, and one
same stretch of beach. And a ten- to
LCM of the 532d Engineer Boat and
twelve-foot surf, a rare occurrence at Nas-
Shore Regiment took the other 770 men
sau Bay, was pounding. It rammed the
of the MacKechnie Force on board at
landing craft so far up on the beach that
Mageri Point. The landing craft were
seventeen of them could not back off but
organized in three waves which departed
promptly broached and filled with water,
Mageri at twenty-minute intervals. The
almost complete wrecks. The LCM, after
night was dark, the sea heavy; rain was
unloading a bulldozer, was able to re-
tract; it proceeded out to sea and got
The first two waves rendezvoused with
the troops off the lead PT boat, and then
the two PT boats from Morobe which
returned to the beach where it swamped.
were to guide them to the target but the
There was no enemy opposition, nor
third missed and proceeded on the forty-
any casualties. Japanese in an outpost at
mile run to Nassau Bay without a guide.
the beach had fled into the jungle, be-
Thus far things had gone fairly well
lieving, prisoners reported later, that
but the remainder of the night was full
the bulldozer was a tank. Except for the
landing craft, there were no serious losses
This subsection is based on McCartney, The
Jungleers, pp. 52-55; Morison, Breaking the Bis- of equipment, but most of the radios
marcks Barrier, pp. 136-37; Office of the Chief En- were damaged by salt water.
gineer, GHQ AFPAC, Engineers of the Southwest Seven hundred and seventy men were
Pacific: 1941-1945, VIII, Critique (Washington,
1951), 84-85; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns: landed that night.20 The leader of the
Wau-Salamaua, 22 Jan-13 Sep 43; Ltr, Brig Gen third wave, which arrived hours after
William F. Heavey, CO 2d ESB, to Chief Engr the first two, realized that his craft were
SWPA, 13 Jul 43, sub: Rpt on Nassau Bay Opns,
in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 19 Jul 43; GHQ SWPA the only ones immediately available for
G-3 Jnl for period covered; 41st Div G-3 Jnl and resupply and decided not to land until
File for period covered; 162d Inf Rpt of Opns, and the surf abated. He took the barge and
Jnl and Files for period covered; Ltr, Gen Heavey
to CofEngrs USA, 30 Jun 44, sub: Rpt of Combat the rest of the LCVP's, with B Company
Opns, DRB AGO; MacKechnie, Notes on Nassau
Bay-Mubo-Tambu Bay-Salamaua Opns, 29 Jun-12 The first report gave 740 but was soon cor-
Sep 43, no date, DRB AGO. rected. See msgs in 41st Div G-3 Jnl, 30 Jun 43.

on board, to shelter in a cove down the out and reported the enemy as present
coast. When the storm subsided they re- in some strength. Then A Company, re-
turned to Nassau Bay but failed to make inforced by a platoon of D Company,
contact with the troops, who were beat- 2/6th Australian Infantry Battalion of
ing off a Japanese attack. The wave re- the 17th Brigade, which had flashed the
turned to Mageri Point, then went back landing lights, attempted to strike the
to Nassau Bay and landed on the after- Japanese right (west) flank but was
noon of 2 July. stopped. When the Australian platoon
Once on shore A and C Companies, ran out of ammunition it was relieved by
162d Infantry, established defense lines a detachment of engineers from the crews
three hundred yards north and south, of the wrecked landing craft. Two of the
respectively, of the landing beach. The C Company platoons came up from the
Australian platoon defended the west (in- south to join A Company. At 1500 the
land) flank. There was no contact with force started forward and by 1650 had
the enemy that night. By daybreak of brushed away scattered Japanese oppo-
30 June the beach was cleared of all sition to reach the south arm of the Bitoi
ammunition, equipment, and supplies. River.
Beach defenses, employing machine guns When General Adachi received word
salvaged from the wrecked landing craft, of the invasion his first thought was to
were set up. Communication with higher destroy the MacKechnie Force before it
headquarters was a problem. Most of the had a chance to consolidate. But General
water-soaked radios would not work, and Nakano persuaded him that it would be
during the first few days Colonel Mac- better to "delay the enemy advance in
Kechnie was out of contact with New NASSAU from a distance" and to con-
Guinea Force, 41st Division headquar- centrate on the Australian threat at Bob-
ters, and Morobe at one time or another. dubi.21 So no more enemy troops were
Nothing was heard from the Papuan In- sent against MacKechnie. Meanwhile the
fantry Battalion elements on the other Papuan Infantry Battalion troops began
side of Cape Dinga for several days. All pressing against the rear of the Japanese
the SCR's 511 and 536, the small hand detachment at Cape Dinga. This detach-
radios used for tactical communication ment began moving toward the Amer-
within infantry battalions, had been ican beachhead.
soaked and were never usable during About 1630 the C Company platoon
the subsequent operations against Sala- defending the left (south) flank reported
maua. that Japanese troops were crossing the
After daylight of 30 June C Company Tabali River just south of its position,
marched south to the Tabali River just whereupon it was ordered to withdraw
west of Cape Dinga. Company A started to the south flank of the landing beach
north from its night positions to clear proper to hold a line between the beach
the area as far as the south arm of the and a swamp which began a short dis-
Bitoi River but soon ran into enemy
mortar and machine gun fire (its first 21
18th Army Operations, II, Japanese Monogr
such experience) and halted. Patrols went No. 42 (OCMH), 14.

tance inland. Before the platoon could ties were caused by American troops fir-
move, Japanese troops attacked its rear ing at each other in the excitement of
and flank. The platoon fought its way the night action.
north, losing its commander and four By 2 July, with the landing of B Com-
enlisted men killed on the way. pany and other elements of the third
While the platoon was withdrawing, wave, the Nassau Bay beachhead was
Capt. Paul A. Cawlfield, MacKechnie considered secure. On that date the
Force S-3, organized a defense line at the Americans made contact with the 17th
beach using engineers, part of D Com- Brigade, and the MacKechnie Force
pany, and men from force headquarters. made ready to execute its missions in
At dusk the harassed platoon reached the northward drive against Salamaua.
this line, and then the enemy struck in a Thus with the landings at Woodlark,
series of attacks that lasted all night. Kiriwina, and Nassau Bay, General Mac-
Machine gun, mortar, and rifle fire and Arthur's Southwest Pacific Area inaug-
grenades hit the American positions, and urated CARTWHEEL. Compared with the
small parties attempted to infiltrate. But massive strokes of 1944 and 1945, the
the American units, in action for the operations were small, but they gave in-
first time, beat off the attackers who, valuable amphibious experience to sol-
except for scattered riflemen that were diers and sailors and they began a for-
hunted down and killed, pulled out just ward movement that was not halted until
before sunrise. The MacKechnie Force final victory.
estimated that it had killed fifty Jap- Meanwhile, on the other side of the
anese. Its own casualties were eighteen Solomon Sea, Admiral Halsey's South
killed, twenty-seven wounded. Colonel Pacific forces had executed their first
MacKechnie later asserted that in his CARTWHEEL missions by invading New
opinion several of the American casual- Georgia.

TOENAILS: The Landings in New Georgia

The South Pacific's tactical and logis- ized as simply as the Southwest Pacific.
tical planning for the invasion of New Halsey, by the device of not appointing
Georgia (TOENAILS, or Operation A) in- a single tactical commander of all naval
volved all the major echelons of the forces, retained personal control of them.
complex command that was Admiral There was a single commander of land-
Halsey's. Halsey's position was somewhat based aircraft, but there was never a
unusual. As he phrased it, the Joint single ground force commander with
Chiefs' orders of 28 March "had the curi- complete tactical authority. (Chart 5)
ous effect of giving me two 'hats' in the Naval forces, designated the Third
same echelon." His immediate superior Fleet in March 1943, came generally from
in the chain of command was Admiral the U.S. Navy and the Royal New Zea-
Nimitz, who was responsible, subject to land Navy. Except for New Zealand
decisions by the Joint Chiefs, for supply- ships, no warships were ever perma-
ing him with the means of war. For the nently assigned; as need arose Nimitz
strategic direction of the war in the Solo- dispatched warships to the South Pacific.
mons MacArthur was Halsey's superior. The South Pacific Amphibious Force
(Task Force 32), on the other hand, was
South Pacific Organization a permanent organization to which land-
ing forces were attached for amphibious
Whereas MacArthur's headquarters
operations. In command was Rear Adm.
followed U.S. Army organization, Hal-
Richmond K. Turner who had led the
sey's followed that of the Navy.2 There
Amphibious Force in the invasion of
were many more subordinates, such as
Guadalcanal the year before.
island commanders, reporting directly Land-based air units from all Allied
to Halsey than reporting to MacArthur,
services in the South Pacific were under
and the South Pacific was never organ-
the operational control of the Com-
mander, Aircraft, South Pacific, Admiral
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p. Fitch. Fitch's command, Task Force 33,
2 was made up of Royal New Zealand and
Unless otherwise indicated this section is based
on The History of the United States Army Forces U.S. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps air
in the South Pacific Area [USAFISPA] During units. Principal administrative organiza-
World War II: 30 March 1942-1 August 1944, MS,
Pt. II, Chs. I-II, IV, and Pt. III, Vol. I, Ch. I,
tions within Task Force 33 were General
OCMH. Twining's Thirteenth Air Force and the

1st and 2d Marine Air Wings. The most but never enough to satisfy the local
important tactical organization in Fitch's commanders, of service units. By mid-
force was the interservice, international 1943 Harmon's command embraced
outfit known as Air Command, Solo- about 275,000 men.
mons, that had grown out of the exigen- The Marine Corps counterpart to
cies of the Guadalcanal Campaign. Fitch Harmon's command, as far as ground
issued general directives which were forces were concerned, was the I Marine
executed under the tactical direction of Amphibious Corps. This organization,
the Commander, Aircraft, Solomons, under Maj. Gen. Clayton B. Vogel,
who until 25 July 1943 was Rear Adm. USMC, had administrative responsibility
Marc A. Mitscher. over all Marine Corps units, except ships'
There were two principal ground force detachments and certain air units, in the
commanders in early 1943. The first, South Pacific—two Marine divisions, one
General Harmon, an experienced air- raider regiment, six defense battalions,
man who had served as Chief of Air one parachute regiment, and service
Staff in Washington, was the command- troops. The 1st Marine Division in the
ing general of U.S. Army Forces in the Southwest Pacific was nominally admin-
South Pacific Area; his command em- istered by the I Marine Amphibious
braced air as well as ground troops. His Corps but drew its supplies from South-
authority was largely administrative and west Pacific agencies.
logistical, but he also advised the area The highest logistic agency, the Serv-
commander on tactical matters and Hal- ice Squadron, South Pacific Force, oper-
sey throughout the period of active oper- ated directly under Halsey. It controlled
ations relied heavily on him. Under Har- all ships, distributed all supplies locally
mon, in early 1943, were four infantry procured, assigned shipping space, desig-
divisions, the Americal, 25th, 37th, and nated ports, and handled all naval pro-
43d, as well as the Thirteenth Air Force. curement. An equally important logistic
The Americal and 25th Divisions had agency was the Army's Services of Supply,
fought in the Guadalcanal Campaign. South Pacific Area. In early 1943 under
The 43d Division had seen no fighting Maj. Gen. Robert G. Breene it was an
but had received valuable experience expanding organization which was play-
when elements of the division took part ing an important part in South Pacific
in the invasion of the Russells. The 37th, affairs.
which had gone out the year before to The organization of the South Pacific,
garrison the Fijis, was as yet untried. In as set forth on paper, seems complicated
addition to these divisions, which usually and unwieldy. Perhaps it could have
fought under the tactical command of functioned awkwardly, but the personali-
the XIV Corps, there were, in Harmon's ties and abilities of the senior command-
command, the Army garrison troops in ers were such that they made it work.
the island bases and a growing number, There is ample testimony in various re-
ports to attest to the high regard in which
During the Guadalcanal Campaign the senior
naval aviator on the island commanded all aircraft
the aggressive, forceful Halsey and his
there, with the informal title of COMAIR CACTUS. subordinates held one another, and

events showed that the South Pacific was gable only by small craft, there are sev-
able to plan and conduct offensive opera- eral large bodies of water in the group.
tions involving units from all Allied The Slot, the channel sailed so frequently
armed services with skill and success. by the Japanese during the Guadalcanal
Campaign, lies between New Georgia
Preparations and Plans on one side and Choiseul and Santa Isa-
Admiral Halsey and his officers had bel on the other. Marovo Lagoon on New
begun planning and preparing for New Georgia's northeast side is one of the
Georgia in January 1943, before the end largest in the world. Vella Gulf separates
of the Guadalcanal Campaign. This proc- Vella Lavella from Kolombangara, which
ess, which involved air and naval bom- is set off from New Georgia by Kula Gulf.
bardments, the assembly of supplies, and Blanche Channel divides New Georgia
reconnaissance of the target area, as well from Rendova and Tetipari.
as the preparation and issuance of opera- The island of New Georgia proper,
tion plans and field orders, continued the sixth largest in the Solomons, is about
right up to D Day, 30 June. forty-five statute miles long on its north-
west-southeast axis, and about thirty
The Target miles from southwest to northeast. It is
In climate, topography, and develop- mountainous in the interior, low but
ment, the Solomons are much like New very rough in the vicinity of Munda
Guinea and the Bismarcks. Their in- Point.
teriors were virtually unexplored. They New Georgia proper was difficult to
are hot, jungled, wet, swampy, moun- get to by sea except in a few places. Reefs
tainous, and unhealthful. 4 and a chain of barrier islands blocked
New Georgia is the name for a large much of the coast line, which in any event
group in the central Solomons which was frequently covered by mangrove
includes Vella Lavella, Gizo, Kolom- swamps with tough aerial prop roots.
bangara, New Georgia (the main island The best deepwater approach was the
of the group), Rendova, and Vangunu, Kula Gulf which boasted a few inlets,
Simbo, Ganonnga, Wana Wana, Arun- but Japanese warships and seacoast guns
del, Bangga, Mbulo, Gatukai, Tetipari defended much of the shore line of the
(or Montgomery), and a host of islets and gulf. There were protected anchorages
reefs. (Map 7) From Vella Lavella to in the southeast part of the island at
Gatukai, the cluster is 125 nautical miles Wickham Anchorage, Viru Harbor, and
in length. Several of the islands have sym- Segi Point. Munda Point, the airfield
metrical volcanic cones rising over 3,000 site, was inaccessible to large vessels.
feet above sea level. East and west of the point visible islets
In addition to the multitude of small and reefs, and also invisible ones, barred
channels, narrows, and passages, navi- Roviana and Wana Wana lagoons to
large ships. Rounding the lagoons like a
Data for this subsection are taken from U.S. crude fence on the seaward side is a
Navy hydrographic charts; military maps; MIS
WDGS, Survey of the Solomon Islands; a terrain
tangled string of islands, rocks, and coral
study in 37th Div records. reefs—Roviana, Sasavele, Baraulu, and

others, some with names, some without. ing Kolombangara, Rendova, Vangunu,
These all have cliffs facing the sea (south) Santa Isabel, and Roviana. A Euronesian
and slope down to sea level on the lagoon medical practitioner was posted on Santa
side. The channels between the barrier Isabel. On Roviana Sgt. Harry Wickham
islands were too shallow for ships. Nor of the British Solomon Islands Defense
could ships reach Munda Point from Force organized the natives to keep watch
Kula Gulf and Hathorn Sound. Diamond over Munda Point.
Narrows, running from Kula Gulf to Kennedy raised a guerrilla band to
the lagoons, was deep but too narrow protect his hideout at Segi Point, for
for large vessels. the Japanese occasionally sent out puni-
Across Blanche Channel from Munda tive expeditions to hunt him down. The
and her guardian islands lies mountain- primary mission of the coastwatchers
ous Rendova, which could be reached was watching, not fighting, but Kennedy
from the Solomon Sea. Rendova Harbor, and his band were strong enough to
though by no means a port, offered an wipe out several patrols that came too
anchorage to ocean-going ships. close. On one occasion Kennedy and his
During the first months of 1943 coast- men, aboard the ten-ton schooner Dada-
watchers covered the Solomons thor- vata, saw a Japanese whaleboat systemat-
oughly. Buka Passage, between Bougain- ically reconnoitering the islets in Marovo
ville and Buka, and Buin on southern Lagoon. They attacked with rifles,
Bougainville had been the sites of coast- rammed the whaleboat, sank it, and
watching stations for several months, and killed or drowned its company.7
in October 1942 flying boats and sub- In addition to gaining information
marines took watchers to Vella Lavella, from terrain studies, interrogation of
Choiseul, and Santa Isabel.5 former residents, and coastwatchers' re-
At Segi Point on New Georgia was ports, South Pacific headquarters was
Donald G. Kennedy, a New Zealander able to augment its knowledge of New
who was District Officer in the Protec- Georgia by a series of ground patrols.
torate Government. Like Resident Com- The first such expedition was directed
missioner William S. Marchant, the An- by General Vogel. Four officers and eight
glican Bishop of Melanesia, and various enlisted men from each of the four bat-
other officials and members of religious talions of the 1st Marine Raider Regi-
orders, Kennedy remained in the Solo- ment assembled on Guadalcanal on 17
mons when the Japanese came.6 At Segi March, then sailed to Florida to board
Point Kennedy organized a network of amphibian patrol planes (PBY's) which
white and Melanesian watchers cover- took them to Segi Point. After Kennedy
furnished them with native scouts and
By July, unfortunately, the Japanese were hunt- bearers, patrols went out to reconnoiter
ing the Bougainville coastwatchers so resolutely Kolombangara, Viru Harbor, Munda
that the stations there had to be abandoned. See
Feldt, The Coastwatchers, Ch. XI.
Point, and other areas. Traveling over-
[British] Central Office of Information, Among land and by canoe, they carefully exam-
Those Present: The Official Story of the Pacific
Islands at War (London: His Majesty's Stationery
Office, 1946), pp. 11, 43. Ibid., p. 52.

ined caves, anchorages, and passages. uary 1943. Admiral Turner, remember-
Their mission completed, all parties re- ing his experiences in the Guadalcanal
assembled at Segi Point on 9 April. Campaign, suggested that supplies for
The raiders' reports indicated that the invasion be stockpiled on Guadal-
troops in small craft could be taken canal, and in February movement of
through Onaiavisi Entrance to a 200- supplies to Guadalcanal (under the ap-
yard-long beach at Zanana, east of the propriate code name DRYGOODS) began.
Barike River. From there they could In spite of the fact that the port of Nou-
strike westward toward Munda.8 Before mea, New Caledonia, was jammed with
D Day, additional patrols from the invad- ships waiting to be unloaded, in spite of
ing forces went to New Georgia and the fact that port facilities at Guadal-
stayed. canal were so poor, and in spite of a
From November 1942 until D Day, bad storm at Guadalcanal in May that
Munda and Vila airfields were continu- destroyed all the floating quays, washed
ously subjected to air and naval bom- out bridges, and created general havoc,
bardments. Vila, located in a swampy enough supplies for the invasion were
region, was practically never used by ready on Guadalcanal by June. This
the enemy. From January until D Day, was accomplished by Herculean labor at
Allied cruisers and destroyers shelled Noumea, by routing some ships directly
Munda four times at night, Vila three to Guadalcanal, and by selective dis-
times. The net result of the continuous charge of cargo from other ships. The
air bombardment and the sporadic naval effects of the storm at Guadalcanal were
shelling was that the Japanese could not alleviated by using the ungainly-look-
base planes permanently at Munda. It ing 2½-ton, six-wheel amphibian truck
was used, and only occasionally, as a for- (DUKW) to haul supplies from ships to
ward staging field.9 inland dumps over open beaches. By
June 54,274 tons of supplies, exclusive
Logistic Preparations of organization equipment, maintenance
supplies, and petroleum products dis-
On Halsey's orders South Pacific agen-
charged from tankers, had been put
cies had begun assembling supplies and
ashore. In addition many loaded vehicles,
developing bases and anchorages for the
13,085 tons of assorted gear, and 23,775
invasion of New Georgia as early as Jan-
drums of fuel and lubricants were moved
8 from Guadalcanal to the Russells in
I Mar Amphib Corps, Report on New Georgia
Ground Reconnaissance: 21 March-9 April 43, 18 June. Bulk gasoline storage tanks with
Apr 43.
a capacity of nearly 80,000 barrels were
Morison, The Struggle for Guadalcanal, pp. available on Guadalcanal.10 Although
322-47; Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier,
pp. 106-10; U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, Inter-
rogations of Japanese Officials (Washington, 1946), COMSOPAC War Diary, 1 Jan 43 entry; Ex-
I, 142, 192; USSBS, The Allied Campaign Against tract of recommendations submitted by COMAM-
Rabaul, p. 43; USSBS, The Thirteenth Air Force in PHIBFORSOPAC, Incl F to memo, Gen Peck for
the War Against Japan, p. 6; Southeast Area Naval Gen Breene et al., 16 Jan 43, sub: Notes on Mtg
Operations, II, Japanese Monogr No. 49 (OCMH), Held in War Plans See COMSOPAC, 14 Jan 43, in
19; Southeast Area Air Operations, 1942-44, Jap- USAFISPA File No. 381, Preliminary Plng COM-
anese Monogr No. 38 (OCMH), pp. 7-11. SOPAC and COMGENSOPAC, Jan-June 43, KCRC;

Noumea and Espiritu Santo in the New and General Peck, Halsey's war plans
Hebrides were still the main South Pa- officer. By May agreement was reached
cific bases, Guadalcanal was ready to play on the general plan. It called for the
an important role. The South Pacific simultaneous seizure of Rendova, Viru
commanders had insured that haphazard Harbor, Wickham Anchorage, and Segi
supply methods would not characterize Point. A fighter field would be built at
TOENAILS. Segi Point. After the initial landings
small craft from Guadalcanal and the
Tactical Plans Russells would stage through Wickham
Anchorage and Viru Harbor to build
Final plans and orders for TOENAILS
up Rendova's garrison. Munda's field
were ready in June.11 Halsey had hoped
would be harassed and neutralized by
to invade New Georgia in April, but
155-mm. guns and 105-mm. howitzers
could not move before the Southwest
emplaced on Rendova and the nearer
Pacific was ready to move into the Tro-
barrier islands. These moves were prep-
briands and Nassau Bay. The general
aratory to the full-scale assaults against
concept of the operation was worked out
Munda and Vila, and later against south-
by Admiral Halsey, a planning commit-
ern Bougainville.
tee, and members of Halsey's staff. The
Assigned to the operation were South
committee consisted of General Harmon,
Pacific aircraft, warships, the South Pa-
the Army commander; Admiral Fitch,
cific Amphibious Force, and the heavily
the land-based air commander; Admiral
reinforced 43d Division with its com-
Turner, the amphibious commander;
mander, Maj. Gen. John H. Hester, in
and General Vogel of the I Marine Am-
command of the landing forces. The 37th
phibious Corps. The principal staff offi-
Division, less elements, was in area re-
cers concerned were Admiral Wilkinson;
serve to be committed only on Halsey's
Captain Browning, Halsey's chief of staff;
Final plans and tactical organization
Feb 43, sub: Assembly of Sups for Future Opns, in were complicated, as TOENAILS called for
USAFISPA G-2 Hist Sec File, Plng for New four separate simultaneous invasions
Georgia Opn, OCMH; The History of USAFISPA, (Rendova, Wickham Anchorage, Segi
Pt. I, Vol. I, p. 178, and Pt. III, pp. 649-51, 661, 669,
673-74, OCMH; ONI USN, Operations in the New Point, and Viru Harbor) with the Ren-
Georgia Area, p. 3.
dova landing to be followed by two more
Two files previously cited, USAFISPA G-2 Hist on the same island.
Sec File, Plng for New Georgia Opn, and USAFI-
SPA File No. 381, Preliminary Plng COMSOPAC Admiral Halsey's basic plan, issued on
and COMGENSOPAC, contain valuable material for 3 June, organized the task forces, pre-
the student interested in the genesis and develop- scribed their general missions, and di-
ment of tactical plans. This subsection is based on
these two files and on Hq NGOF FO 1, 16 Jun 43, rected Admiral Turner to co-ordinate the
and Addendum 1, 24 Jun 43; 43d Div FO 1, 17 planning of the participating forces. Four
Jun 43; COMSOPAC Opn Plan 14-43, 3 Jun 43,
with annexes; CTF 31 Opn Plan A8-43, 4 Jun 43, task forces were assigned to the opera-
with annexes; CTG 31.3 Opn Order AL 10-43,21 tion: Task Force 33, the Aircraft, South
Jun 43; CTG 31.1 Loading Order 1-43, 13 Jun 43;
CTG 31.3 Loading Order 1-43, 16 Jun 43. Last five
Pacific, under Admiral Fitch; Task Force
in Off of Naval Rcds and Library. 72, a group of Seventh Fleet submarines


commanded by Capt. James F. Fife and Pacific forces, especially Japanese planes
now under Halsey's operational control; operating from New Georgia and south-
Task Force 36, the naval covering force ern Bougainville. Fitch's planes were also
commanded, in effect, by Halsey himself; to provide fighter cover, direct air sup-
and Task Force 31, the attack force. port, and liaison and spotting planes for
(Chart 6) the attack force. Starting D minus 5, Task
Task Force 33, to which Halsey tem- Force 33 would attempt to isolate the
porarily assigned planes from Carrier battlefield by attacking the Japanese air
Division 22 (three escort carriers), was bases at Munda, Ballale, Kahili, Kieta,
to provide defensive reconnaissance for and Vila, and by striking at surface ves-
New Georgia operations and the South- sels in the Bougainville and Munda
west Pacific's seizure of Woodlark and areas. During daylight, fighters would
Kiriwina, and to cover the area north- cover ships and ground troops, and anti-
east of the Solomons (Southwest Pacific submarine patrols would be maintained
planes were responsible for the Bis- for convoys. Black Cats (PBY's) would
marcks). It was to destroy enemy units cover all night movements. Striking
which threatened South and Southwest forces at all times were to be prepared

to hit enemy surface ships. Beginning and 72 heavy bombers were ready to
on D Day, eighteen dive bombers would fly.14
remain on stand-by alert in the Russells. Task Force 36 included part of the
Medium bombers were to be prepared 37th Division on Guadalcanal in area
to support the ground troops. Finally, reserve, besides all Halsey's naval
arrangements were made for air drop- strength except that assigned to the at-
ping supplies and equipment to the tack force. Naval units, including air-
ground troops in New Georgia. craft carriers (two CV's and three
One innovation in the command of CVE's), battleships, cruisers, and de-
supporting planes had apparently arisen stroyers, would operate out of Noumea,
from Maj. Gen. Alexander A. Vande- New Caledonia, and the New Hebrides
grift's recommendations based on his into the Coral and Solomon Seas to inter-
experiences in invading Guadalcanal.12 cept and destroy any Japanese forces
Halsey directed that on take-off from which ventured out. The reserve 37th
Guadalcanal and Russells fields planes Division forces were to be committed,
assigned to missions in the immediate on five days' notice, on orders from
area of operations would come under Halsey.
control of the local air commander (the Captain Fife's submarines would at
Commander, New Georgia Air Force). first conduct offensive reconnaissance
Direction of fighters over Task Force 31 from about latitude one degree north
was to be conducted by a group aboard southward to the prevailing equatorial
a destroyer until direction could be con- weather front. Once the Japanese were
ducted ashore on Rendova. Similarly, aware of the invasions, Fife's boats were
bomber direction for direct air support either to concentrate on locating enemy
would be handled aboard Turner's flag- vessels or to withdraw south to cover
ship McCawley until bomber director Bougainville Strait and the waters be-
groups could establish themselves ashore. tween New Ireland and Buka. This re-
In early June, Fitch issued orders con- connaissance would be in addition to
centrating most of his strength in the patrols by Central Pacific submarines,
Guadalcanal area under Admiral Mit- which would keep watch over any Jap-
scher.13 Totals for aircraft involved were anese surface forces approaching the
fairly impressive. On 30 June Fitch had South from the Central Pacific.
on hand for the operation 533 planes, of Admiral Turner's attack force (Task
which 213 fighters, 170 light bombers, Force 31) consisted of ships and landing
craft from the South Pacific or III Am-
phibious Force (Task Force 32), plus
See Jeter A. Isely and Philip A. Crowl, The U.S.
Marines and Amphibious War: Its Theory, and Its the ground troops. These troops, desig-
Practice in the Pacific (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton nated the New Georgia Occupation
University Press, 1951), p. 172, and Miller, Guadal-Force, initially included the following
canal: The First Offensive, p. 71.
Ltr, COMAIRSOPAC to COMSOPAC, 4 Jun units:
43, sub: Availability of Aircraft at MAINYARD
[Guadalcanal] for TOENAILS Opn, in USAFISPA
G-2 Hist Sec File, Plng for New Georgia Opn, ONI USN, Operations in the New Georgia Area,
OCMH. p. 62.

43d Division dubious about the effectiveness of this

9th Marine Defense Battalion arrangement. He was "somewhat con-
1st Marine Raider Regiment (less two cerned that Hester did not have enough
battalions) command and staff to properly conduct
136th Field Artillery Battalion (155- his operation in its augmented con-
mm. howitzers), 37th Division cept." 16 On 10 June, with Halsey's con-
Elements of the 70th Coast Artillery currence, he therefore told Maj. Gen.
Battalion (Antiaircraft) Oscar W. Griswold, commanding the
One and one-half naval construction XIV Corps and the Guadalcanal Island
battalions Base, to keep himself informed regard-
Elements of the 1st Commando, Fiji ing Hester's plans in order to be pre-
Guerrillas15 pared to take over if need be.17
Radar units The general plan of maneuver called
Naval base detachments for assault troops from Guadalcanal and
A boat pool the Russells to move to Rendova, Segi
Point, Wickham Anchorage, and Viru
Creating the New Georgia Occupa- Harbor on APD's, transports, cargo ships,
tion Force, and attaching all ground minesweepers, and minelayers. Segi,
troops to it (instead of attaching the sup- Wickham, and Viru would be taken by
porting units to the 43d Division), made small forces to secure the line of commu-
another headquarters necessary, and nications to Rendova while the main
threw a heavy burden on 43d Division body of ground forces captured Rendova.
headquarters. General Hester com-Artillery on Rendova and the barrier
manded both force and division, and the islands was to bombard Munda, an ac-
43d Division staff was, in effect, split into tivity in which ships' gunfire would also
two staffs. The 43d Division's staff sec- be employed. On several days following
tion chiefs (the Assistant Chiefs of Staff, D Day, slow vessels such as LST's and
G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4), as well as offi- LCT's would bring in more troops and
cers from Harmon's headquarters, served supplies. They would travel at night and
on the Occupation Force staff sections, in daylight hours hide away, protected
and their assistants directed the division's from Japanese planes by shore-based anti-
staff sections. Brig. Gen. Harold R. Bar- aircraft, in Wickham Anchorage and
ker, 43d Division artillery commander, Viru Harbor. About D plus 4, when
commanded all Occupation Force artil- enough men and supplies would be on
lery—field, seacoast, and antiaircraft.
hand, landing craft were to ferry assault
From the start General Harmon was
troops from Rendova across Roviana La-
goon to New Georgia to begin the march
This unit included besides the Fijians some
Tongans and a few Solomon Islanders. See [British]
Central Office of Information, Among Those Pres- Ltr, Harmon to Handy, 15 Jul 43, quoted in
ent, pp. 53-56. American documents list this unit part in Hq SOPACBACOM File, Suppl New Georgia
variously as "1st South Seas Scout Company," "South Material, OCMH.
Pacific Scouts," "native troops," and erroneously, as Rad, COMGENSOPAC to COMGEN MAINYARD,
"1st Company, 1st Fiji Infantry," which was a dif- 10 Jun 43, Hq SOPACBACOM File, Suppl New
ferent unit serving at Port Purvis on Florida. Georgia Material, OCMH.


This chart shows D-Day organization only. Second and third echelons were organized along similar lines.
To assume control of all assigned land, sea, and air forces in New Georgia on orders from Admiral Halsey.

against Munda. Coupled with this ad- manded in person, would seize Rendova
vance would be the amphibious seizure and make subsequent assaults against
of Enogai Inlet in the Kula Gulf to cut Munda, Enogai, and Kolombangara. The
the Japanese reinforcement, supply, and Eastern Force, under Rear Adm. George
evacuation trail between Munda and H. Fort, was to take Segi, Viru, and
Enogai, and thus prevent the Japanese Wickham. Task Group 31.2, consisting
on Kolombangara from strengthening of eight destroyers, would cover the trans-
their compatriots on New Georgia. Once ports. No ships' gunfire support was
Munda and Enogai were secured, it was planned in advance, but all ships, in-
planned, Vila on Kolombangara would cluding transports, were ordered to be
be seized and further advances up the ready to deliver supporting and counter-
Solomons chain would follow. battery fire if necessary.
Turner organized his force into five The New Georgia Occupation Force,
groups. (Chart 7) The Western Force under General Hester, included the
(Task Group 31.1), which Turner com- Western Landing Force (under Hester),

which during the amphibious phase landing of the occupation unit was sched-
would function as part of Turner's West- uled for 0330, 30 June. The Rendova
ern Force; the Eastern Landing Force Advance Unit, C and G Companies (each
(under Col. Daniel H. Hundley), which less one rifle platoon), was to land from
during the amphibious phase would be two APD's on Rendova at 0540 to cover
part of Fort's Eastern Force; naval base the landing of the main body of the
forces for all points to be captured; the Western Landing Force. The latter,
reserve under Col. Harry B. Liversedge, about 6,300 strong, was to start landing
USMC; and two more whose designa- on Rendova at 0640, 30 June.
tions are not self-explanatory—the New Command over all air, sea, and ground
Georgia Air Force and the Assault Flo- forces in New Georgia would pass from
tillas. (Charts 8 and 9) Turner to Hester on orders from Halsey.
The New Georgia Air Force, led by The presence of the DRYGOODS stock-
Brig. Gen. Francis P. Mulcahy, USMC, piles on Guadalcanal greatly simplified
consisted initially of Headquarters, 2d logistical problems. Three Army units of
Marine Air Wing. In contrast with the fire and thirty days' supplies were to be
system in the Southwest Pacific, this air put ashore at Rendova, and five units of
headquarters was under the landing force fire and thirty days' supplies at Viru,
commander. Mulcahy was to take over Segi, and Wickham. Supply levels were
control of New Georgia air operations to be built to a sixty-day level out of the
during the amphibious phase once that DRYGOODS stocks. General Griswold was
control was relinquished by Turner; he told to make the necessary quantities
would take command of the planes from available to Turner. Turner was respon-
Guadalcanal and the Russells that would sible for the actual movement of supplies
be supporting the attack, once they were to New Georgia.
airborne. He was eventually to command Directions for unloading during the
the air squadrons to be based at Munda assault phase were simple and clear.
and Segi Point. The Assault Flotillas Turner instructed all vessels to be ready
consisted of landing craft to be used to for quick unloading. All ships were to
ferry the assault troops from Rendova square away before reaching the trans-
to New Georgia proper when the attack port areas offshore, and if possible to
against Munda was ready to begin. work all hatches from both sides. Un-
Two ground force units which Turner loading parties included 150 men for
retained temporarily under his direct each cargo ship and transport, 150 men
control were small forces designated to per LST, 50 men per LCT, and 25 men
make covering landings. The Onaiavisi per LCI. The shore party totaled 300
Occupation Unit, composed of A and men. Once ashore, cargo was to be moved
B Companies, 169th Infantry, was to off the beaches and into inland dumps as
land from two APD's and one mine- fast as possible.
sweeper on Sasavele and Baraulu Islands
on either side of Onaiavisi Entrance to Secondary Landings
hold it until the day of the assault against With tactical plans for TOENAILS
the mainland through the entrance. The largely ready by mid-June, the invasion

forces spent the rest of the month mak- Hara had moved from Viru Harbor
ing final preparations—checking weap- southeast toward Segi Point.
ons and supplies, conducting rehearsals As loss of Segi Point prior to D Day
in the New Hebrides, and studying or- would deprive the Allies of a potential
ders, maps, and photographs. South Pa- air base, Turner, a man of fiery energy
cific aircraft pounded Vila, Munda, and and quick decision, abruptly changed
the Shortlands-Bougainville bases while his plans. He had originally intended to
Southwest Pacific planes continued their land the heavily reinforced 1st Battalion,
long-range strikes against Rabaul. 103d Infantry, at Segi on 30 June to
build the fighter field and establish a
Segi Point small naval base. But on receipt of Ken-
nedy's call for aid, he hurriedly dis-
In the midst of these preparations, Ad-
patched the handiest force available, the
miral Turner received disquieting news
4th Marine Raider Battalion (less N and
about Segi Point, which was scheduled
to furnish the Allies with an airfield. Q Companies), from Guadalcanal in the
Coastwatcher Donald Kennedy reported fast destroyer-transports Dent and Waters
on 20 June that the Japanese were mov- to seize Segi and hold it. Ships and ma-
ing against his hideout and that he was rines wasted no time. By 2030 of the
heading for the hills. He requested same day—20 June—the ships were loaded
help.18 and under way. Before dawn next morn-
Kennedy's report was correct. In early ing they had safely worked their way
June a small Japanese force had gone to through Panga Bay, though both ves-
the southeast part of Vangunu to deal sels scraped bottom in the reef- and rock-
summarily with disaffected natives, and filled waters. Kennedy, still safe, had lit
on 17 June half the 1st Battalion, 229th bonfires on the beach and when the ma-
Infantry, under a Major Nagahara or rines started ashore at 0550 he was there
to meet them. There were no Japanese.
The major and his men were still in the
The remainder of this chapter is based on
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, pp. 158- vicinity of Lambeti Village.
61; Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Next morning the APD's Schley and
Saipan, pp. 221-29; Morison, Breaking the Bis-
marcks Barrier, pp. 138-60; ONI USN, Operations
Crosby brought A and D Companies of
in the New Georgia Area, pp. 9-23; History of the the 103d Infantry and an airfield survey
New Georgia Campaign, MS, 13 Aug 45, prepared section to Segi Point. Though alerted
by Hist Sec, G-2 SOPACBACOM, Vol. I, Chs. II-III,
V, OCMH; after action rpts, jnls, int rpts, and several times against enemy attack, the
hists of USAFISPA, NGOF, COMAIR New Georgia Segi garrison was undisturbed until 30
(2d Mar Air Wing), XIV Corps, I Mar Amphib
Corps, 43d and 37th Divs, and subordinate units,
June, when a series of Japanese air at-
and 1st Mar Raider Regt; COMSOPAC, TF 31, and tacks made things lively. Construction
TF 33 War Diaries; 17th Army Operations, Vol. II, of the airfield began on 30 June. Using
Japanese Monogr No. 40 (OCMH); 17th Army
Operations, Map Supplement, Japanese Monogr No. bulldozers and power shovels, and work-
40A (OCMH); Southeast Area Naval Operations, ing under floodlights at night, the Sea-
Vol. II, Japanese Monogr No. 49 (OCMH); Out-
line of Southeast Area Naval Air Operations, Pt. bees of the 20th Naval Construction
IV, Japanese Monogr No. 108 (OCMH). Battalion had the strip ready for limited


operations as a fighter staging field by rines, and seven LCI's which bore sol-
11 July.19 diers. The ships cast off shortly after 1800
and set course for Oleana Bay, about two
Wickham Anchorage and one-half miles west by south from
Vura village.
The force selected for the seizure of
Allied scouting parties had reported
Wickham Anchorage by Vangunu Is-
that the main Japanese concentration at
land was ready to sail from the Russells
Wickham Anchorage—one platoon of
on 29 June. Commanded by Lt. Col.
the 229th Infantry and a company of the
Lester E. Brown, the force included Col-
Kure 6th Special Naval Landing Force—
onel Brown's 2d Battalion, 103d Infan-
was near Vura, and had also reported
try, reinforced, and N and P Companies,
that on the east shore of Oleana Bay a
plus a headquarters detachment, of the
500-yard-long strip of solid sand offered
4th Marine Raider Battalion. Under
a good landing beach. It had therefore
Admiral Fort aboard the Trever, the
been decided to land the troops at Oleana
convoy consisted of the destroyer-trans-
Bay and then march overland and out-
ports Schley and McKean, carrying ma-
flank the enemy positions from the west.
"The lighting of the airstrip at night was a
There were two trails from Oleana Bay
carefully figured risk. We calculated we could get to Wickham Anchorage. One, which fol-
sufficient warning from our radar to turn off the lowed the shore line, was believed used
lights before the attackers arrived." Ltr, Col Hund-
ley to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, 19 Oct 53, no by the Japanese, but a shorter one had
sub, OCMH. been cut farther inland in April by Ken-

nedy's men in order to get scouts into The LCI's, landing in daylight, found
the Vura area. This trail was thought to the proper beach, and by 0720 the Army
be unknown to the Japanese, and troops troops were ashore. More marines had
following native guides could be ex- begun landing at 0630 at the correct
pected to cover it in five or six hours. beach. With all landing operations con-
Visibility was practically nonexistent cluded by 1000, the ships departed.
for the Wickham-bound convoy on the Three officers of the reconnaissance
night of 29-30 June. Rain, lashed by a party had met the landing force and in-
stiff wind, fell throughout the night, formed Colonel Brown that the Japanese
and continued as the vessels threaded main strength was at Kaeruka rather than
their cautious way through the shoals Vura. Once the scattered troops had been
and reefs into Oleana Bay. At 0335, 30 collected, the overland advance began
June, the ships hove to. Shortly after- with a small column moving toward Vura
ward the first wave of marines began to along the coastal trail while the main
debark from the destroyer-transports column marched against Kaeruka over
into LCVP's, a task complicated by dark- Kennedy's trail. The marines and sol-
ness, rain, high wind, and heavy seas. diers first met the enemy in early after-
Two LCVP's were almost loaded when noon. Then ensued four days of fighting
the APD commanders discovered they in the sodden jungles, with the Ameri-
were lying off the west rather than the cans receiving support from dive bomb-
east shore of the bay. The marines re- ers and warships, from their own heavy
boarded the destroyer-transports which weapons, and from the 105-mm. howitz-
then moved a thousand yards eastward. ers of the 152d Field Artillery Battalion
Again the marines loaded into LCVP's on the beach at Oleana Bay. By the end
and started for the beach, which was of 3 July the Americans, having blasted
obscured by rain and mist. Beach flares the Japanese out of their entrenchments,
which had been set by members of the were in complete possession of Wickham
scouting party were invisible. Only the Anchorage. Many of the Japanese gar-
noise of the breakers indicated the direc- rison had been killed; some escaped by
tion of the shore. But things got worse. barge, canoe, or on foot. In the seizure
As the first wave of LCVP's blindly made of this future staging point for landing
their way shoreward, the LCI's broke craft, the marines lost twelve killed,
into the formation and scattered it. Un- twenty-one wounded. Army casualties
able to re-form, or even to see anything, are not listed.
the LCVP coxswains proceeded on their
own. The result was exactly what might Viru Harbor
be expected from a night landing in bad When the Viru Occupation Force, the
weather. The assault wave of marines reinforced B Company, 103d Infantry,
landed in impressive disorganization. on board three destroyer-transports,
Six LCVP's smashed up in the heavy surf sailed into Viru Harbor before daylight
that boiled over coral reefs. Fortunately, on 30 June, lookouts vainly scanned the
the Japanese were not present to oppose shore line for a white parachute flare.
the landing. There were no casualties. This was to have signaled that the ma-

MEN OF 152D FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION firing a 105-mm. howitzer in support

of Colonel Brown's 2d Battalion, 103d Infantry.

rine raider companies that landed at Segi tack force commander agreed that in
Point had moved against Viru from in- view of the delay B Company should
land and seized positions flanking the follow the marine raiders in their over-
harbor, for it had been agreed that at- land march.
tempting to land the infantry in frontal Currin's men had begun the first leg
assault against the high cliffs surrounding of their twelve-mile advance from Segi
the harbor would be too risky. But Lt. Point to Viru Harbor in rubber boats
Col. Michael S. Currin, commanding the on 27 June. They landed near Lambeti
4th Marine Raider Battalion, had warned Plantation that night, and the next morn-
that his overland march was going slowly ing set out on their overland march.
and that he might not arrive and take Skirmishes with the Japanese, coupled
the harbor by 30 June. Thus the de- with the difficulty of walking through the
stroyer-transports waited just outside the jungle, slowed them down. They forded
harbor, beyond range of a Japanese shore streams, knee-deep in mud and shoulder-
battery (Major Hara had left part of high in water. The leading elements of
his battalion at Viru) and at noon went the column churned the trail into slip-
to Segi Point where with Turner's ap- pery ooze, so that the rear elements
proval the troops went ashore. The at- floundered and stumbled along. Thus

it was evening of 30 June before the 36 under Rear Adm. Aaron Stanton Mer-
marines reached Viru Harbor, which rill. Merrill's ships, on the night of 29-30
they took handily the next day by a June, had bombarded Munda and Vila,
double envelopment supported by dive then ventured northwest to the Short-
bombers that knocked out the Japanese lands to shell enemy bases and lay mines.
shore battery. On 4 July B Company, This action inflicted damage to the Jap-
103d, which had come up from Segi anese while placing a surface force in
Point, took over the defenses of Viru position to cover Turner's landings. The
Harbor from the marines. bad weather canceled the air strikes
Thus were the operations of the East- against the Bougainville-Shortland bases,
ern Force conducted, separately from but Allied planes—dive and torpedo
each other and separately from those of bombers—were able to hit Munda and
the Western Force, but under Admiral Vila on 30 June.
Turner's general supervision in his ca- The night of 29-30 June was short
pacity of attack force commander. They for the six-thousand-odd troops aboard
had provided one airfield and two stag- Turner's ships. Reveille sounded at
ing bases. While important, they were 0200, more than four hours before the
undertaken only to support the seizure ships hove to off Renard Entrance, the
of Rendova by a substantial force, which channel leading to Rendova Harbor.
was then to assault Munda and Vila. First landings were made by the Onaia-
visi Occupation Unit—A and B Compa-
Rendova nies, 169th Infantry. These had come
Admiral Turner's ships that were as- from the Russells in the destroyer-trans-
signed to Rendova arrived off Guadal- port Ralph Talbot and the minesweeper
canal in the morning of 29 June.21 They Zane to land on Sasavele and Baraulu
had come up from Efate bearing the Islands before daylight in order to hold
assault troops of the Western Landing Onaiavisi Entrance against the day that
Force's first echelon. They weighed an- the New Georgia Occupation Force made
chor late that afternoon and made an its water-borne movement against the
uneventful journey through the mist and mainland. Later in the morning B Com-
rain to Blanche Channel between Ren- pany's 2d Platoon outposted Roviana
dova and New Georgia. Island and the next day wiped out a
No enemy warships were there to op- Japanese lookout station. These landings
pose them. Their absence had been en- were not opposed. The Japanese had
sured by a group of cruisers, destroyers, maintained observation posts on the bar-
and minelayers from Halsey's Task Force rier islands but had not fortified them.
The only mishap in this phase of TOE-
According to Colonel Hundley, some naval ves- NAILS occurred early in the morning of
sels, apparently unaware of the postponement, 30 June, when the Zane ran on a reef
sailed into Viru Harbor just as the bombing began.
The Japanese manned the shore defenses, which while maneuvering in the badly charted
were promptly knocked out, and were completely waters in the rain. She was pulled free
surprised by the marine attack. Ibid.
There were six transports, two destroyer-trans-
by the tug Rail in the afternoon.
ports, and eight destroyers. The landing of the 172d Infantry on

SHIPS MOVING TOWARD RENDOVA, late afternoon, 29 June 1943.

Rendova was somewhat disorderly. C Renard Entrance markers and the white
and G Companies, guided by Maj. Mar- signal light on Bau Island that the recon-
tin Clemens and Lt. F. A. Rhoades, naissance party, present on Rendova
RAN, of the coastwatchers, and by native since 16 June, had set up. As a result the
pilots, were to have landed from the de- APD's first landed C and G Companies
stroyer-transports Dent and Waters on several miles away, then had to re-em-
East and West Beaches of Rendova Har- bark them and go to the proper place.
bor at 0540 to cover the main body of Meanwhile, the six transports took
the 172d Infantry when it came ashore.22 their stations north of Renard Entrance
But again the weather played the Allies as the destroyers took screening posi-
foul. The mist and rain obscured the tions to the east and west. By now the
clouds had begun to clear away, and vis-
C and G Companies, 172d Infantry, and A Com- ibility improved. The troops gathered
pany, 169th Infantry, had received special physical on the transport decks, and the first wave
conditioning and training in jungle fighting and
small boat handling. They were given the some- climbed into the landing craft at the
what romantic title of "Barracudas." Clemens, a rails, carrying their barracks bags with
former district officer in the government of the
British Solomon Islands Protectorate, was a major them. The order "All boats away, all
in the British Solomon Islands Defense Force, and troops away" was given aboard Turner's
had been a great help during the Guadalcanal
Campaign. Rhoades had been a plantation manager
flagship, the transport McCawley, as the
before the war. sun rose at 0642. Four minutes later

ABOARD THE TRANSPORT MCCAWLEY, Admiral Turner's flagship, 29 June

From left, Brig. Gen. Leonard F. Wing, Rear Adm. Theodore S. Wilkinson, Rear
Adm. Richmond Kelly Turner, and Maj. Gen. John H. Hester.

Turner warned the first boats as they ran across the beaches into the cover of
headed for shore, some three thousand the jungle. C and G Companies reached
yards to the south: "You are the first Rendova Harbor about ten minutes after
to land, you are the first to land—expect the troops from the transports, and they
opposition." 23 joined with the main body and moved
As the landing craft moved shoreward inland toward the Japanese.
the waves became disorganized. When
the craft reached Renard Entrance be- 24
43d Division documents give no data on the
tween Bau and Kokorana Islands, there planned composition and timing of assault waves.
They are at variance regarding the time of land-
was confusion and milling about until ing. The 43d Division and New Georgia Occupa-
they began going through the entrance tion Force reports (which are virtually identical)
two abreast toward the narrow East state that C and G Companies landed at 0630 and
that the main body began landing at 0745. These
and West Beaches that fronted Lever assertions are undoubtedly incorrect. The 172d re-
Brothers' 584-acre plantation. port states that C and G Companies went astray
As the first landing craft touched down but landed along with the main body about 0700.
And the 43d Division's time of 0745 is contradicted
about 0700, the troops sprang out and by that division's G-3 Journal which states that
the division command post opened on Rendova at
0730. CTF 31 War Diary states that the first troops
CTF 31 War Diary, 30 Jun 43 entry. hit the beach at 0656.

The Japanese Rendova detachment— was unloading supplies, getting them

about 120 troops from the 229th Infantry ashore, and moving them inland. Less
and the Kure 6th Special Naval Landing than half an hour after they had been
Force—had been alerted early during the lowered into the water, the first landing
morning of 30 June. The alert proved craft returned to the ships for cargo. No
to be a false alarm and they went back landing waves were formed; each craft
to sleep. The next alert—their first reali- moved cargo ashore as soon as it was
zation that they were being attacked— loaded by its mother ship.
came when the American assault craft The first real delay in unloading was
hit the beach. As it was too late for the caused by shallow water. Many tank
Japanese to man their beach defense lighters (LCM's) grounded on reefs in
positions, they posted themselves in the the harbor and lost time refloating and
coconut plantation about one hundred finding passages through deeper water.
yards behind East Beach. Radiomen tried Many lighters, grounding about fifty feet
to warn Munda but could not get the offshore, had to lower their ramps in
message through. A lookout at Banieta water while the troops waded ashore with
Point fired four blue flares and signaled cargo in their hands or on their shoul-
headquarters by blinker. ders. In consequence, disorderly stacks
The Japanese could not hope to do of gear began piling up near the shore
more than harass the Americans. The line. The beachmaster attempted, with
special naval landing force commander, only partial success, to prevent this.
hit in the face by a burst from a BAR, During most of the morning the Jap-
was an early casualty. When about a anese did little. The Rendova garrison
dozen men were dead, the disorganized had not amounted to much; after the
Japanese fell back into the jungle. They war the Japanese explained that the
are reported to have lost some fifty or Munda and Rabaul commanders had not
sixty men, while killing four Americans expected the Americans to land on the
and wounding five, including Col. David offshore islands. "Therefore," a post-
M. N. Ross, the 172d's commander. By war report states, "the landing on REN-
the end of the day the Americans had DOVA Island completely baffled our
pushed inland one thousand yards. The forces." 25 When it became clear that the
105-mm. howitzers of the 103d Field Americans were indeed landing on Ren-
Artillery Battalion were in position to dova, 120-mm. and 140-mm. naval coast
cover Renard Entrance, the north coast defense batteries at Munda and Baanga
of Rendova, and the barrier islands. Island opened up on the ships, and they
All troops except working parties on immediately replied with 5-inch fire.
board ship were ashore within thirty The destroyer Gwin was soon hit. She
minutes after the landing of the first was the only casualty in the exchange of
wave. This number included General fire between ships and shore batteries
Harmon who went along to observe that continued all day. But Turner and
operations. In the absence of strong en- General Hester were operating very close
emy resistance on Rendova, the chief 25
Southeast Area Naval Operations, II, Japanese
problem that confronted the invaders Monogr No. 49 (OCMH), 36.

equipment, 30 June 1943.

to the Japanese air bases in southern to slow down (Turner's task force was
Bougainville and the Shortlands, and then rehearsing in the New Hebrides),
these presented the greatest danger. For- the Japanese command concluded that
tunately for the Americans, the Japanese the Allies had been simply reinforcing
were not prepared to counterattack at Guadalcanal on a grand scale. Kusaka
once. pulled his air units back to Rabaul. Thus
The commanders at New Georgia were it was that although a submarine had
not the only Japanese surprised by the sighted Turner's ships south of New
invasion. Those at Rabaul were taken Georgia about midnight, Kusaka, with
equally unaware. They had, of course, sixty-six bombers, eighty-three fighters,
known that some form of Allied activity and twenty reconnaissance seaplanes at
was impending in late June. The move his disposal, could do nothing about the
to help Kennedy, the increasing tempo invasion for several hours.
of Allied air and naval action, and inter- Turner, whose plans called for unload-
cepted Allied radio traffic told them as ing to be completed by 1130, was first
much. So Admiral Kusaka gathered air interrupted by a false air raid alarm at
attack forces together and sent them to 0856. The ships stopped unloading and
the airfields around Buin. But after 26 steamed around in Blanche Channel
June, when Allied movements seemed while the thirty-two fighter planes cover-

ing the landing got ready to intercept. ground it into a muddy mess. Seabee
The reported enemy planes failed to ap- drivers of the 24th Naval Construction
pear, and unloading was resumed. Battalion had to hook their truck cables
The first real enemy air attack, a sweep to trees and winch their 2½-ton, 6x6
by twenty-seven fighters, came just after trucks along in order to haul supplies
1100. The Allied fighter cover shot most from the heaped beaches to the cover
of them down before they could do any and safety of high ground farther inland.
damage, but Turner's schedule was fur- They cut hundreds of coconut logs into
ther delayed by the necessity for going twelve-foot lengths and tried to corduroy
to general quarters and getting under the roadbed, but the mud seemed to be
way. bottomless. One bulldozer sank almost
By about 1500 all but about fifty tons out of sight. To add to the supply diffi-
of gear had been unloaded. Turner or- culties, many containers were inade-
dered the transports and screening de- quately marked and medical supplies be-
stroyers back to Guadalcanal and they came mixed among rations, fuel, and
speedily took their departure. Shortly ammunition. The Rendova naval base
afterward twenty-five Japanese bombers, force could not find all its radios, and
escorted by twenty-four fighters, came little was known regarding the progress
down from Rabaul. The majority of the of operations at Wickham and Viru. The
bombers were shot down, but one man- clutter and confusion caused by bogged
aged to put a torpedo into the flagship trucks on the muddy roads and trails
McCawley. At 1715 eight more bombers finally became so bad that the next day
struck at the retiring task force but General Hester requested Turner to stop
failed to score. That evening overeager further shipments of trucks until the
American PT boats, mistaking the crip- beachhead could be better organized.
pled McCawley for an enemy, put two Despite the confusion ashore and the
more torpedoes into her sides and she loss of the McCawley, operations on 30
sank in Blanche Channel, fortunately June were largely successful. Six thou-
without loss of life. sand men of the 43d Division, the 24th
Meanwhile the landing and handling Naval Construction Battalion and other
of supplies on Rendova had been less naval units, and the 9th Marine Defense
than satisfactory. The invading forces Battalion had come ashore with weapons,
had hoped to use Rendova Plantation rations, fuel, ammunition, construction
to store supplies, although the preinva- equipment, and personal baggage. The
sion patrols had not been able to inves- Japanese had lost Rendova and several
tigate it thoroughly because the Japa- planes, and although they enthusiasti-
nese were there. As the rain continued, cally reported inflicting heavy damage
the streams flooded, and the red clay of to Turner's ships, they admitted that,
the plantation turned into mud. The "due to tenacious interference by enemy
mile-long prewar road that linked East fighter planes, a decisive blow could not
and West Beaches served well early in be struck against the enemy landing
the day, but soon heavy truck traffic convoy." "The speedy disembarkation of

the enemy," they felt, "was absolutely were temporarily assigned. The same day
miraculous." 26 foul weather began closing in the rear-
With the capture of the beachhead, ward Allied bases. About noon the Com-
General Hester dissolved the 172d. Regi- mander, Aircraft, Solomons, from his
mental Combat Team and returned the post on Guadalcanal, ordered all Allied
field artillery, engineers, and medical planes back. This left New Georgia with-
and communications men to divisional out air cover. To make matters worse,
control. The build-up of troops and sup- the 9th Marine Defense Battalion's SCR
plies for the attack against Munda and 602 (a search radar designed for imme-
Vila was ready to begin. diate use on beachheads) broke down
The second echelon of the Western that morning, and the SCR 270 (a long-
Force came in on LST's the next day. range radar designed for relatively per-
This echelon included the 155-mm. how- manent emplacement) was not yet set
itzers of the 192d Field Artillery Bat- up.
talion and the 155-mm. guns of A Bat- Kusaka sent all his planes to New
tery, 9th Marine Defense Battalion. Suc- Georgia. They reached the Rendova area
ceeding reinforcements continued to ar- in the afternoon, circled behind the
rive at Rendova, Segi Point, Viru, and clouded 3,448-foot twin peaks of Ren-
Wickham through 5 July until virtually dova Peak, then pounced to the attack.
the entire New Georgia Occupation Many soldiers saw the planes but thought
Force as then constituted was present in they were American until fragmentation
New Georgia, with the main body at clusters dropped by the bombers began
Rendova. exploding among them. The Rendova
The Japanese were unable to do any- beachhead, with its dense concentra-
thing to prevent these movements, and tions of men and matériel, was an ex-
did little damage to the beachhead. Only cellent target. At least thirty men were
Japanese aircraft made anything like a killed and over two hundred were
sustained effort. Storms and poor visi- wounded. Many bombs struck the fuel
bility continued to prevent Allied planes dumps, the resulting fires caused fuel
from striking at the Shortlands-Bougain- drums to explode, and these started more
ville fields, although they were able to fires. Three 155-mm. guns of the 9th
hit the Munda and Vila airfields as well Marine Defense Battalion were damaged.
as Bairoko. The Japanese reinforced Much of the equipment of the125-bed
their air strength at Rabaul and sent clearing station set up by the 118th Med-
planes forward to southern Bougainville ical Battalion was destroyed; for a time
and the Shortlands. On 2 July Admiral only emergency medical treatment could
Kusaka had under his command 11 fight- be rendered. The wounded had to wait
ers and 13 dive bombers from the carrier at least twenty-four hours before they
Ryuho, 11 land-based twin-engine bomb- could receive full treatment at Guadal-
ers, 20 fighters, 2 reconnaissance planes, canal.
and a number of Army bombers that That night nine Japanese destroyers
and one light cruiser shelled Rendova
Ibid., pp. 29, 37. but hit nothing except jungle. The Jap-

anese, it was clear, did not intend to land Landing Group was to land at Zanana
troops on Rendova, but they did not in- Beach about five air-line miles east of
tend to allow the Americans to remain Munda and attack westward to capture
there unmolested. The air attacks, while Munda while the Northern Group land-
serious, did not disrupt preparations for ed at Rice Anchorage in the Kula Gulf
the next phase of TOENAILS. and advanced southward to capture or
destroy the enemy in the Bairoko-Enogai
The Move to Zanana area, block all trails from there to Mun-
da, and cut off the Japanese route of
After the occupation of Rendova, the
reinforcement, supply, and escape.27
next tasks facing the invaders were the
The troops on Rendova had been mak-
movement to the New Georgia mainland
ing ready since 30 June, but some of their
and the assault against Munda airfield.
efforts were marked by less than com-
On 2 July Admiral Halsey, doubtless en-
plete success. Hester had ordered ag-
couraged by the lack of effective Japa-
gressive reconnaissance of the entire area
nese opposition, directed Turner to pro-
east and north of Munda. Starting on the
ceed with plans for the move against
night of 30 June-1 July, patrols from
Munda. To carry out these plans, Tur-
the 172d Infantry were to pass through
ner on 28 June had reorganized the
Onaiavisi Entrance and Roviana Lagoon,
Western Force into five units: the trans-
land at Zanana, and begin reconnoiter-
port unit consisting of destroyer-trans-
ing, while Marine patrols pushed south
ports and high-speed minesweepers; a
from Rice Anchorage. The 43d Division
destroyer screen; a fire support group,
patrols were to operate from a base camp
eventually consisting of three light cruis-
west of Zanana established on the after-
ers and four destroyers; two tugs; and
noon of 30 June by Capt. E. C. D. Sher-
the Munda-Bairoko Occupation Force
rer, assistant intelligence officer of the
under General Hester.
New Georgia Occupation Force.
The Munda-Bairoko Occupation Force
At 2330, 30 June, despite a false rumor
was further divided into five compo-
that Onaiavisi Entrance was impassable
nents. The Northern Landing Group, for small boats, patrols left Rendova on
under Colonel Liversedge, was to oper- the eight-mile run to the mainland. The
ate against Bairoko. The Southern Land- next morning regimental headquarters
ing Group (the 43d Division less the discovered that the patrols, unable to
1st Battalion of the 103d Infantry, the find the entrance in the dark, had landed
136th Field Artillery Battalion, the 9th on one of the barrier islands. The next
Marine Defense Battalion less elements, evening the 1st Battalion, accompanied
and the South Pacific Scouts) under by Colonel Ross, shoved off for the main-
Brig. Gen. Leonard F. Wing, assistant land but could not find its way. Thus
commander of the 43d Division, was to it was concluded that the move should
attack Munda. The New Georgia Air
Force, the Assault Flotillas (twelve LCI's, 27
Rice Anchorage lies about fifteen statute miles
four LCT's, and native canoes), and a north by east of Munda Point. The other beach
near Munda, Laiana Beach, lay within range of
naval base group comprised the remain- the Japanese artillery at Munda and would have
ing three components. The Southern been a risky place to land.


be made in daylight. Accordingly A mud partially thwarted the efforts of the

Company, 169th Infantry, and the 1st 118th Engineer and the 24th Naval Con-
Battalion, 172d Infantry, moved out for struction Battalions to drain the flat
Zanana on the afternoon of 2 July. Na- areas. East Beach was finally abandoned.
tive guides in canoes marked the chan- The Occupation Force supply officers,
nel. Everything went well except that after examining the solid coral subsur-
about 150 men returned to Rendova at faces under the sandy loam of the barrier
2330. Questioned about their startling islands, began using the islands as stag-
reversal of course, they are reported to ing points for supplies eventually intend-
have stated that the coxswain of the lead- ed for the mainland.
ing craft had received a note dropped On the other hand, the artillery pic-
by a B-24 which ordered them to turn ture was bright. General Barker, the
back.28 By the next morning, however, artillery commander, had never planned
the entire 1st Battalion was on the main- to make extensive use of Rendova for
land. artillery positions, as the range from
The build-up of supplies on Rendova Rendova to Munda was too great for
continued to be difficult; the rain and all weapons except 155-mm. guns. Such
barrier islands as Bau, Kokorana, Sasa-
There seem to be no further available data re- vele, and Baraulu could well support ar-
garding this interesting but absurd excuse. tillery, and these islands, open on their

north shores, possessed natural fields of from the Russells knocked down the re-
fire. The field artillery could cover the maining four.
entire area from Zanana to Munda, and Meanwhile, at Zanana, the 1st Bat-
initially would be firing at right angles talion, 172d Infantry, established a per-
to the axis of infantry advance and par- imeter of 400 yards' radius, wired in and
allel to the infantry front. This would protected by machine guns, 37-mm. anti-
enable the artillery to deliver extremely tank guns, and antiaircraft guns. Here
accurate supporting fire, since the dis- General Wing set up the 43d Division
persion in artillery fire is greater in command post, and to this perimeter
range than in deflection. On the other came the remaining troops of the 172d
hand, it would increase the difficulty of and 169th Infantry Regiments in eche-
co-ordination between artillery and in- lons until 6 July when both regiments
fantry, for each artillery unit would re- had been completely assembled. Ground
quire exact information regarding not reconnaissance by 43d Division soldiers,
only the front line of the unit it was marines, and coastwatchers, aided after
3 July by the 1st Company, South Pacific
supporting, but also the front line of the
Scouts, under Capt. Charles W. H. Tripp
unit's neighbors. Three battalions of ar-
of the New Zealand Army, was still
tillery were in place in time to cover the being carried on. The advance westward
move of the 1st Battalion, 172d Infan- was ready to begin.
try, to Zanana, and by 6 July two bat-
talions of 105-mm. howitzers (the 103d Rice Anchorage
and 169th), two battalions of 155-mm.
howitzers (the 136th and 192d), and two While 43d Division troops were es-
batteries of 155-mm. guns (9th Marine tablishing themselves at Zanana, Colonel
Defense Battalion) were in place, regis- Liversedge's Northern Landing Group
tered, and ready to fire in support of the was boarding ships at Guadalcanal and
infantry. making ready to cut the Japanese com-
munications north of Munda. The
Antiaircraft managed to make a tre-
Northern Landing Group was originally
mendous improvement over its perform-
to have landed on 4 July, but the delays
ance of 2 July, and celebrated Independ- in getting a foothold at Zanana forced
ence Day in signal fashion when a close Turner to postpone the landing, and all
formation of sixteen unescorted enemy other operations, for twenty-four hours.
bombers flew over Rendova. This time Because the Bairoko-Enogai area, the
radars were working, the warning had New Georgia terminus of the Japanese
been given, and fire control men and seaborne line of communications, was
gunners of the 9th Marine Defense Bat- strongly held, and because preinvasion
talion's 90-mm. and 40-mm. batteries patrols had reported the Wharton River
were ready. The Japanese flew into a to be unfordable from the coast to a point
concentration of fire from these weapons, about six thousand yards inland, Turner
and twelve immediately plunged earth- and Liversedge had decided to land at
ward in return for the expenditure of Rice Anchorage on the south bank of
eighty-eight rounds. The fighter cover the river about six hundred yards in-

land.29 Supervised by Capt. Clay A. Boyd, Bairoko Harbour with 6-inch and 5-inch
USMC, and Flight Officer J. A. Corri- shells, while the transport group headed
gan of the RAAF and the coastwatchers, for Rice Anchorage.
native New Georgians cleared the land- As the cruisers and destroyers were
ing beach and bivouac areas inland, and concluding their bombardment, the de-
began hacking two trails from Rice An- stroyer Ralph Talbot's radar picked up
chorage to Enogai to supplement the one two surface targets as they were leaving
track already in existence. the gulf. These were two of three Jap-
The organization of Liversedge's anese destroyers which had brought the
Northern Landing Group was somewhat first echelon of four thousand Japanese
odd; the group consisted of three bat- Army reinforcements down from the
talions from three different regiments. Shortland Islands.31 The Japanese ships
The 3d Battalions of the 145th and 148th had entered Kula at the same time as
Infantry Regiments of the 37th Division Ainsworth; warned by his bombardment,
and the 1st Raider Battalion, 1st Marine they were clearing out, but fired tor-
Raider Regiment, made up the force.30 pedoes at long range. One scored a fatal
And the force was lightly equipped. In hit on the destroyer Strong. As two other
order to permit rapid movement through destroyers were taking off her crew, four
the thick jungles and swamps of the area 140-mm. Japanese seacoast guns at Eno-
north of Munda, the troops took no ar- gai opened fire, joined soon by the Bai-
tillery of any kind. Machine guns and roko batteries, but did no damage.32
mortars were their heaviest organic sup- Liversedge's landing started about
porting weapons. 0130, just after Ainsworth's bombard-
The battalions boarded the APD's, ment ceased. The APD's unloaded first,
destroyers, and minesweepers at Guadal- then destroyers, finally minesweepers.
canal on the afternoon of 4 July. The Each LCP (R) towed one ten-man rub-
troops carried one unit of fire and ra- ber boat to shore. The way was marked
tions for three days; five days' rations
by native canoes and shore beacons. The
and one unit of fire were stowed as cargo.
Japanese batteries harassed the troops but
Escorted by Rear Adm. Walden L. Ains-
did not hit anything. There were no
worth's three light cruisers and nine de-
Japanese on the landing beach.
stroyers, the speedy convoy started up
the Slot at dusk. Shortly before midnight Nonetheless the landing was attended
of a dark, rainy night, the ships rounded by troubles. A shallow bar obstructed
Visuvisu Point and entered Kula Gulf. the mouth of the Wharton River so ef-
Ainsworth bombarded Vila and then fectively that many boats were grounded
and later craft got over the bar only by
coming in with lighter loads. The land-
The patrols had left Segi on 14 June by boat.
Turner had also considered landing the force at
ing beach was too small to accommo-
Roviana Lagoon and having it march overland to
Bairoko but decided against it because the terrain
was too rugged. See below, p. 98.
30 32
Turner had originally planned to use the 4th Ainsworth had first wanted to bombard Enogai
Raider Battalion but when it was delayed at Viru but did not because air reconnaissance showed no
Harbor the 3d Battalion, 145th, was substituted. evidence of shore batteries there.

date more than four boats at once, and Thus by 5 July TOENAILS was over.
the river mouth was thus continually Throughout the complicated series of
jammed with loaded boats waiting their operations certain characteristics stood
turns at the beach. Also, about two hun- out. The weather had been consistently
dred men of the 3d Battalion, 148th In- foul. The Japanese had not been able
fantry, were landed at Kobukobu Inlet, to resist effectively. The American per-
several hundred yards north of Rice formance, in spite of several instances of
Anchorage, a mishap which may have confusion, was very good, in that six
occurred because of the darkness of the landings in all had been carried out ac-
night. Some days elapsed before the two cording to a complicated schedule that
hundred men made their way through called for the most careful co-ordination
the jungle to catch up with their bat- of all forces. Clearly, Admiral Turner's
talion. reputation as an amphibious commander
As dawn of 5 July was breaking, the was well founded.
volume of fire from the Enogai batteries The Americans had now established
against the ships was increasing, and it themselves in New Georgia. Viru Har-
seemed unwise to risk this fire in day- bor and Wickham Anchorage were se-
light as well as to invite air attack. All cure points on the line of communica-
but seventy-two troops and 2 percent of tions. The airfield at Segi Point was
the cargo had been put ashore. There- nearing completion. And at Rice An-
fore, the convoy commander withdrew. chorage and Zanana General Hester's
Liversedge, with nearly all his three bat- Munda-Bairoko Occupation Force was
talions ashore and under his control, making ready to strike against Munda
made ready to move south. airfield.

The Offensive Stalls

Although enemy resistance had been ment, took over direction of all Army
ineffective, and casualties in TOENAILS and Navy forces in New Georgia. This
were relatively few, the Japanese were action brought Rear Adm. Minoru Ota's
not finished. They planned to hold New 8th Combined Special Naval Landing
Georgia. The New Georgia Occupation Force under Sasaki, who was under the
Force had had difficulties, but greater tactical control of the 8th Fleet. Except
troubles were in store for it. for small detachments on Vella Lavella,
Gizo, and other islands, the 10,500 men
Japanese Plans in Sasaki's joint force were about evenly
divided between Kolombangara and
On 2 July, with the Americans in pos-
Munda. At Kolombangara, under Col.
session of Rendova, Segi Point, and Viru
Satoshi Tomonari, were two battalions
Harbor, the Japanese altered their com-
of the 13th Infantry, most of the 3d Bat-
mand on New Georgia.1 By mutual
talion, 229th Infantry, the Yokosuka 7th
agreement Maj. Gen. Noboru Sasaki,
Special Naval Landing Force (less ele-
commander of the Southeastern Detach-
ments), and artillery and engineer units.
1 Guarding Munda, where Sasaki and Ota
Unless otherwise indicated this chapter is based
on SOPACBACOM, History of the New Georgia maintained their headquarters, were Col.
Campaign, Vol. I, Ch. III, OCMH; the jnls, diaries, Genjiro Hirata's 229th Infantry (less
and after action rpts of COMSOPAC, CTF 31, two battalions) and artillery, engineer,
NGOF, XIV Corps, 43d Div, 43d Div Arty, 1st Mar
Raider Regt, 145th Inf, 148th Inf, 169th Inf, and communication, and medical units. The
172d Inf; 8th Area Army Operations, Japanese main body of the Kure 6th Special Naval
Monogr No. no (OCMH); 17th Army Operations, Landing Force was concentrated at Bai-
Vol. II, Japanese Monogr No. 40 (OCMH); South-
east Area Naval Operations, Vol. II, Japanese roko.
Monogr No. 49 (OCMH); Outline of Southeast Sasaki was well aware that the Amer-
Area Naval Air Operations, Pt. IV, Japanese
Monogr No. 108 (OCMH); Operations of the 1st
icans would attack Munda. He could
Battalion, 169th Infantry (43d Infantry Division) see the troops moving from Rendova to
in the New Georgia Campaign: 30 June-18 July the mainland. Munda field was receiving
1943 (Northern Solomons Campaign), a monograph
relating the personal experience of a battalion in-
shellfire from the American 155's. If fur-
telligence officer, prepared by Maj. Jack Swaim; Ltr, ther proof was needed, Japanese patrols
Lt Col Marvin D. Girardeau to Chief of Military had brushed with the Allies near Zanana
History, sub: Comments Re Hist Monogr, Marines
in Central Solomons, 6 Feb 57, with inclosures,
on 3 July, and the next day the 229th
OCMH. Infantry reported a clash with about five

craft, avoid recognition by mingling with

American craft, and assault Rendova
amid the resulting confusion. This in-
teresting plan might have succeeded and
caused a disaster to the Allies. More
probably, by removing the Munda troops
from their strong defense positions, it
would have saved the Americans a lot
of fighting. 8th Fleet Headquarters ap-
parently vetoed the proposal.
Also on Independence Day General
Imamura and Admiral Kusaka, who
wished to hold New Georgia at all costs
as a key outpost for Bougainville, con-
sidered the problem of holding the
island in relation to the general defense
of the Southeast Area. They decided to
strengthen New Georgia and to hold
New Guinea with the troops already
there. Imamura agreed to give four thou-
MAJ. GEN. NOBORU SASAKI sand more 17th Army troops to Sasaki.
These, including additional units from
the 13th and 229th Infantry Regiments
hundred Americans in the same place. plus artillerymen, engineers, and med-
Immediately after the invasion of Ren- ical men, were to be shipped in echelons
dova Sasaki had instructed Tomonari to from Erventa in the Shortlands to Ko-
alert his units for possible transfer to lombangara. Warships would transport
Munda and directed that two 140-mm. them. It was the first echelon of these
naval guns and two mountain guns be troops that Admiral Ainsworth's task
moved from the Bairoko area to Munda. force kept from landing on the night of
After receiving the 229th's report he 4-5 July.
brought the 3d Battalion, 229th Infan- On 5 July the Japanese naval offi-
try, from Kolombangara through Bai- cers' worries regarding New Georgia
roko to Munda to rejoin the regiment were increased by Hester's build-up at
on 4 July. Zanana and Liversedge's landing at Rice
On the same day, Sasaki proposed a Anchorage. The Japanese assigned ten
counterlanding against Rendova. As their destroyers to transport the second eche-
artillery pieces lacked the range to hit lon, which was to be put ashore at Vila
Rendova, the Japanese on Munda could in the early morning hours of 6 July.
not retaliate when shells from American Informed that Japanese warships were
155's crashed on Munda field. Sasaki getting ready to sail from the Shortlands,
therefore suggested that the main body Halsey ordered Ainsworth's task group
of the Munda garrison board landing to intercept, reinforced by two destroy-

ers to replace the Strong and the dam- Northern Landing Group ashore and in
aged destroyer Chevalier. Ainsworth, re- hand, Colonel Liversedge ordered his
tiring from the Kula Gulf, was in In- troops to move out. The 1st Marine
dispensable Strait when Halsey's orders Raider Battalion, the 3d Battalion, 148th
reached him. He reversed course and Infantry, and K and L Companies of the
entered Kula Gulf about midnight, a 145th Infantry were to advance south-
few minutes behind the Japanese de- ward toward Dragons Peninsula, the
stroyers. In the ensuing Battle of Kula piece of land lying between Enogai Inlet
Gulf, the veteran cruiser Helena was and Bairoko Harbour. (Map 8) Once
sunk. The Japanese lost the destroyers they had reached the head of Enogai
Niizuki and Nagatsuki, but put 850 Inlet, the Raiders and K and I Com-
soldiers ashore at Vila.2 This addition of panies, 145th, were to swing right to
850 men enabled Sasaki to send part of take the west shore of Enogai Inlet prior
another battalion from Kolombangara to to assaulting Bairoko, while the 3d Bat-
Munda that same day. talion, 148th, advanced southwest to
Admiral Kusaka, who moved his head- block the Munda-Bairoko trail. M, L,
quarters from Rabaul to Buin "to alter and Headquarters Companies of the 3d
the grave situation and raise the morale Battalion, 145th Infantry, were ordered
of all the forces," wanted still more to stay and defend Rice Anchorage un-
troops for New Georgia.3 On 7 July he der Lt. Col. George C. Freer, the bat-
asked Imamura for 11,000 more soldiers. talion commander.
The general, who had just approved The preinvasion reconnaissance par-
sending 4,000 men to New Georgia, now ties, after examining the ground between
stated that he doubted that even Bou- Rice Anchorage and Dragons Peninsula
gainville could be made secure. Al- to determine whether an overland at-
though willing to consider sending an- tack would be practicable, had reported
other division to Bougainville, he re- the country generally level with sparse
fused to provide 11,000 more troops for undergrowth. There were no swamps.
New Georgia. Enogai Inlet, with a good anchorage, had
It was well for the Americans that a mangrove-covered shore line except at
Imamura refused the 11,000 men. Blast- its head where firm ground rose steeply
ing the existing garrisons out of Munda to an elevation of about five hundred
and Bairoko was to prove sufficiently feet. Dragons Peninsula itself was hilly,
difficult and bloody. swampy, and jungled, but on the inland
Operations of the Northern Landing shore of Leland Lagoon a ridge ran from
Group Enogai to Bairoko village. Bairoko Har-
bour was deep, and was backed by
The March to Dragons Peninsula swamplands.
At 0600 of 5 July, with nearly all his The advance to Dragons Peninsula be-
gan immediately after Liversedge issued
For a full account see Morison, Breaking the his orders. Guided by natives, the troops
Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 160-75.
Southeast Area Naval Operations, II, Japanese
moved along the three parallel trails—
Monogr No. 49 (OCMH), 32. the original track and the two cut by

Corrigan's natives. The 1st Marine Raid- to ferry over their heavy equipment.
er Battalion, Lt. Col. Samuel B. Grif- After several rafts had capsized, they gave
fith, III, commanding, led the way, fol- up and carried everything over on the
lowed in order by K and L Companies, log. Several men slipped off the log and
145th, under Maj. Marvin D. Girardeau, fell into the swollen river; a few had to
and Lt. Col. Delbert E. Schultz's 3d be rescued from drowning. The crossing
Battalion, 148th Infantry. The patrols' had started before noon, but not until
reports had implied that the going would dusk did the last man cross the river.
be easy, but the march proved difficult. Schultz's battalion, also delayed by high
The rough trails, winding over hills and water, caught up with the Raiders and
ridges, were obstructed by branches, bivouacked near them for the night.
roots, and coral outcroppings. Rain wet On the morning of 7 July the Raiders
the troops all day. The Raiders, whose and Girardeau's companies set out for
heaviest weapon was the 60-mm. mor- Enogai, while Schultz's battalion pushed
tar, made fairly steady progress, but the south toward the Munda-Bairoko trail.
soldiers of M Company, 148th Infantry, The country was rough, the going hard
fell behind as they floundered through for both forces. The Raiders took five
the mud with their heavy machine guns, hours to cover the 2,500 yards between
81-mm. mortars, and ammunition. their bivouac and the east end of Enogai
At 1300 part of D Company of the Inlet.
Raiders, the advance guard, was sent on The 3d Battalion, 148th, reached the
ahead to secure a bridgehead on the far trail at 1700. In the afternoon the two
bank of the Giza Giza river.4 Three hundred men who had been landed
hours later the Raiders' main body and astray on 5 July caught up with the main
the companies of the 145th Infantry ar- body. There had been no opposition
rived at the river and bivouacked there from the Japanese; a patrol was ob-
overnight. They had covered five and served but kept its distance.
one-half miles in the day's march with-
out meeting a single Japanese. Colonel Capture of Enogai Inlet
Schultz's battalion camped for the night
about one and one-half miles to the When the Marine Raiders and Gi-
north. rardeau's two companies reached Enogai
Next morning, 6 July, the Raiders led Inlet, one platoon, again from D Com-
out again, and D Company pushed ahead pany, pushed forward to secure the de-
to secure a crossing over the Tamakau serted village called Maranusa. From
River. The rains had flooded the river; there a patrol marched toward Triri,
it was now nine feet deep. Without tools another village which was hardly more
or time to build a proper bridge, the than a clearing. Up to now the marines
Raiders threw a log over the stream, and had not seen any Japanese, but as the
improvised rafts from poles and ponchos patrol approached Triri its point de-
tected five Japanese ahead. The marines
ambushed the party and killed two of its
At this time the lettered companies of the 1st
Raider Battalion were all rifle companies; there was members. They belonged to the Kure
no heavy weapons company. 6th Special Naval Landing Force. The

other three fled. When Liversedge heard semble all companies of the 1st Raider
about this action, which made it obvious Battalion for the attack against Enogai,
that his force had been discovered, he Griffith sent K and L Companies of the
ordered Griffith to secure Triri at once 145th south to take over from C Com-
in order to prepare to repel a counter- pany. C Company then disengaged,
attack. Griffith dispatched the demoli- moved back to Triri, and in the early
tion platoon from battalion Headquar- afternoon the 1st Raider Battalion
ters Company with orders to pass through marched northwest toward Enogai. But
D Company and seize Triri. On the way the trail led the marines into an im-
up, the platoon ran into a strong enemy passable mangrove swamp. The bat-
patrol which opened fire. The marines talion therefore retired to Triri, while
retired to a defensive position on the scouts hunted for a better route to use
bank of a stream and kept the enemy the next day.
in place with fire. At this point D Com- In the south sector, the fight between
pany appeared on the scene, swung to the Japanese and K and L Companies
the left, struck the Japanese on their had continued. The Japanese in repeat-
inland (right) flank, and drove them off. ed assaults struck hard at K Company
Three marines and ten Japanese were which was on the right (west). Capt.
killed in this skirmish. One of the dead Donald W. Fouse, commanding K Com-
Japanese had on his person a defense pany, was wounded early in the action
plan which showed the exact location of but stayed with his company until the
the heavy guns at Enogai. By 1600 all fight was over. When the Raider bat-
elements of the Enogai attacking force talion retired to Triri, the Demolition
were installed at Triri. Platoon was committed to the line, and
At dawn the following morning—8 when K Company was hard hit a platoon
July, the day on which Schultz's bat- from B Company of the Raiders swung
talion completed its block on the wide around the Japanese left flank and
Munda-Bairoko trail—two Raider com- struck them in the rear. This maneuver
bat patrols went out of Triri. B Com- succeeded. The enemy scattered.5
pany sent one out to ambush a trail The 1st Raider Battalion resumed its
which led northwesterly to Enogai, and advance against Enogai the next morn-
a D Company patrol advanced south ing, using a good trail, apparently un-
along a cross-country track leading to known to the Japanese, that led over
Bairoko to lay another ambush. This pa- high ground west of the swamp. K and
trol had advanced a short distance by L Companies remained to hold Triri,
0700, when it ran into an enemy force the site of Liversedge's command post.
of about company strength. A fire fight Griffith's battalion, meeting no opposi-
broke out, and at 1000 Griffith sent C tion, made good time. By 1100 the ma-
Company to drive the enemy back a rines were in sight of Leland Lagoon.
They swung slightly to the right toward
short distance.
In the meantime, the patrol which had 5
K Company reported killing a hundred Japa-
advanced toward Enogai reported no nese; the marine platoon is reported to have killed
contact with the enemy. In order to as- twenty.

Enogai Point and at 1500 ran into two by one platoon of soldiers and 81 men
Japanese light machine guns which of the Kure 6th Special Naval Landing
opened fire and halted the advance. Grif- Force. The marines lost 47 killed, 4 miss-
fith deployed, with A Company on the ing, and 74 wounded. They captured 3
left, C in the center, B on the right, and .50-caliber antiaircraft machine guns, 4
D in reserve. The companies then as- heavy and 14 light machine guns, a
saulted, but the Japanese defended so searchlight, rifles, mortars, ammunition,
resolutely that no further progress was 2 tractors, some stores and documents,
made that day. and the 4 140-mm. coastal guns that had
Patrols reconnoitered vigorously so harassed the landing at Rice Anchorage.
that by 0700, 10 July, Griffith had been The guns were intact except that their
informed that the Japanese were strong- breechblocks had been removed. Luck-
est in front of his center and left, and ily, a marine digging a foxhole uncov-
that there were no Japanese directly in ered one, and a hasty search of the area
front of B Company. The battalion re- turned up the other three. The marines
sumed the attack at 0700. C and A used these guns to help guard the sea-
Companies advanced slowly against rifle ward approaches to the newly won posi-
and machine gun fire. Supported by 60- tion.6
mm. mortars, B Company drove forward
rapidly, cleared the village of Baekineru, Roadblock North of Munda
and captured two machine guns. Then While the Raiders were thus engaged,
A Company, strengthened by one pla- the soldiers of the 3d Battalion, 148th
toon from battalion reserve, pushed over Infantry, were deep in the jungle holding
Enogai Point to the sea. By 1500 all their block. The block, completed on 8
organized resistance had ended except July, was set up on a well-used trail
for a pocket in front of A Company. some two miles southeast of Enogai Inlet
When D Company started establishing and eight miles north of Munda. I Com-
beach defenses, it was troubled by three pany, with one M Company platoon at-
machine guns from another enemy tached, faced toward Bairoko; K Com-
pocket. Mopping up these two groups pany faced Munda. L Company covered
of Japanese took until 11 July. the flanks of I and K, and extended its
The Raiders had run out of food and lines back to protect the battalion com-
water by midafternoon of 10 July, but mand post. M Company, with the Anti-
were succored by L Company, 145th, tank Platoon attached, was in a sup-
which brought rations and water up porting position to the rear. Each rifle
from Triri. These had been dropped, at company held one platoon in reserve
Liversedge's urgent request, by C-47's under battalion control. All positions
from Guadalcanal. were camouflaged. Colonel Schultz or-
By 12 July Enogai was organized for dered his men to fire at enemy groups
defense against land or seaborne attacks. larger than four men; smaller parties
Estimates of Japanese casualties ranged were to be killed with bayonets.
from 150 to 350. Postwar Japanese ac- 6
Sasaki apparently had ordered two of these guns
counts assert that Enogai was defended to Munda.

The battalion held the block from 8 ammunition, to the battalion the next
through 17 July. Patrols went out regu- afternoon. Much of the food fell far be-
larly. General Hester had ordered patrols yond the 3d Battalion's lines, and some
to push far enough to the south to make of the ammunition was defective. Schultz
contact with the 43d Division's right was forced to cut the food allowance for
flank as it advanced westward against the next twenty-four hours to one twelfth
Munda, but this was never done. of a K ration. Fortunately Enogai had
Schultz was strengthened on 11 July now fallen, and on 13 July Flight Officer
by the addition of I Company, 145th In- Corrigan's natives carried in three hun-
fantry, after a group of Japanese had dred pounds of rice which the men
overrun part of L Company's positions cooked in their helmets, using salt tab-
in a series of attacks starting 10 July. lets for seasoning. The next day, though,
Except for this, the Japanese made no was another hungry one; one D and one
effort to dislodge Schultz's men, whose K ration was the allowance for each
greatest enemy proved to be hunger. The eighteen men. Thereafter, until the block
troops had left Rice Anchorage carrying was abandoned, carrying parties and air
rations for three days on the assumption drops kept food stocks high enough.
that Enogai Inlet would be taken in two During the nine days it held the block,
days and that American vessels could the 3d Battalion lost 11 men killed and
then land stores there. These could be 29 wounded; it estimated it had killed
delivered to the troops after a relatively 250 Japanese.
short overland haul. But Enogai was not At the time it was believed that the
secured until 11 July. The 120 native blockers had cut off Munda from rein-
carriers thus had to carry food all the forcement via Bairoko, and that they
way from Rice Anchorage. Although, ac- held the Japanese Bairoko force in place,
cording to Colonel Liversedge, the na- prevented Enogai from being reinforced
tives "accomplished an almost superhu- from either Munda or Bairoko, and pro-
man task," they could not carry supplies tected Griffith's right flank and rear.8
fast enough to keep the troops fed.7 Knowledge gained after the event indi-
By 9 July the food shortage was seri- cates that none of these beliefs was
ous. Only 2,200 D rations had been warranted.
delivered. Late that evening, with food That Munda was not isolated is dem-
for the next day reduced to one ninth onstrated by the fact that the Japanese
of a D and one ninth of a K ration per reinforcement of Munda was in full
man, Schultz radioed to Liversedge an swing, and all the reinforcements seem
urgent request that food be brought in to have reached Munda without much
by carrier. He also hoped the natives trouble. The enemy obviously stopped
could carry out two badly wounded men using the blocked trail after 8 July and
who were being cared for in the battalion shifted to another one farther west.
aid station. But as there were not enough Meanwhile, reinforcement by water
natives, C-47's dropped food, as well as
NGOF, Report of Operations on New Georgia;
1st Mar Raider Regt [NLG], Combat Rpt and 1st Mar Raider Regt, Special Action Rpt, New
War Diary, 4 Jul-29 Aug 43 entries. Georgia, 6 Oct 43.

continued. On 9 July, when 1,200 Japa- In view of the American strength at

nese from the Shortlands landed on Ko- Rendova and Zanana, the thesis that the
lombangara, 1,300 of the 13th Infantry Japanese might have sent troops from
transferred by barge to Bairoko. Three Munda to Enogai is equally untenable,
days later, on 12 July, a Japanese ten- even if it were not known that the Jap-
ship force left Rabaul to carry 1,200 anese were reinforcing Munda, not Eno-
more soldiers to Kolombangara, and Hal- gai. Finally, Schultz's battalion was too
sey sent Ainsworth's task force to inter- far from Griffith's to render much flank
cept again. The two forces collided early protection in that dense, dark jungle.11
on 13 July northeast of Kolombangara It is clear that the trail block failed to
in a battle named for that island. The achieve results proportionate to the ef-
Allies lost the destroyer Gwin; the New fort expended. So far, the principal ef-
Zealand light cruiser Leander and the fect of the entire Rice Anchorage-Eno-
American light cruisers St. Louis and gai-Bairoko operation had been to em-
Honolulu suffered damage. The Japa- ploy troops that could have been better
nese flagship, the light cruiser Jintsu, was used at Munda.
sunk, but 1,200 enemy soldiers were By 11 July, with Enogai secured, Liv-
landed on the west coast of Kolomban- ersedge was five days behind schedule.
gara.9 Casualties, illness, and physical exhaus-
At Bairoko, during this period, the tion had reduced the 1st Raider Bat-
13th Infantry made ready to go to Mun- talion to one-half its effective strength.
da. It was part of this regiment which Considering that two fresh battalions
attacked the trail block on 10 July.10 On could reduce Bairoko in three days, he
13 July, when the Bairoko garrison was asked Admiral Turner, with Hester's ap-
strengthened by the 2d Battalion, 45th proval, for additional troops. There were
Infantry, and a battery of artillery, the not two more battalions to be had, Tur-
13th Infantry marched south to the ner replied, but he promised to land the
Munda front. 4th Raider Battalion at Enogai by 18
As far as pinning down the Bairoko July, and authorized a delay in the as-
troops was concerned, the block lay more sault against Bairoko until then. Thus
than two miles from Bairoko, and thus short one battalion, Liversedge directed
could not have affected the Bairoko gar- Schultz to abandon his block and march
rison very much. And surely, had the to Triri on 17 July. The 3d Battalion,
Japanese desired to reinforce Enogai 148th, was to join the Raiders and part
from Bairoko, they would have used the of the 3d Battalion, 145th, in the Bai-
direct trail along the shore of Leland roko attack.
Lagoon rather than going over the more The Northern Landing Group had ac-
roundabout route which was blocked. complished the first phase of its mission
by capturing Enogai, but was behind
schedule. On the Munda front, General
For a full account of the battle see Morison,
Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 180-91.
10 11
An enemy account claims that the Americans On 10 July General Hester explicitly directed
were "annihilated." See 17th Army Operations, Vol. Colonel Liversedge to keep his battalions within
II, Japanese Monogr No. 40 (OCMH). supporting distance of one another.

Wing's Southern Landing Group was also tation. Engineers were making ready to
behind schedule. build a road from Zanana to Munda
Trail, and to improve the latter so that
Operations of the Southern Landing it could carry motor traffic.
Group Having made their way from Zanana
From Zanana to the Barike River to the line of departure on the Barike,
the two regiments would, according to
Once the 169th and 172d Regiments Hester's orders, deliver a co-ordinated
had landed at Zanana, General Hester attack against Munda airfield, which lay
had originally planned, the two regi- about two and one-half miles westward.
ments were to march overland about two The 172d Infantry on the left (south)
and one-half to three miles to a line of would be responsible for a front extend-
departure lying generally along the Ba- ing inland from the coast. The 169th
rike River, then deploy and attack west Infantry's zone of action lay north of the
to capture Munda airfield. (Map 9) The 172d's; its right flank would be in the
regiments were directed to reach the line air except for protection given it by
of departure and attack by 7 July, but South Pacific Scout patrols operating to
by the time the two regiments had the north. The attack would be support-
reached Zanana all operations were post- ed by General Barker's artillery and by
poned one day. air and naval bombardments.
The overland approach to Munda in- Two days after the beginning of the
volved a march through the rough, jun- two-regiment attack, a heavy naval bom-
gled, swampy ground typical of New bardment would prepare the way for an
Georgia. The terrain between Zanana assault landing by the 3d Battalion, 103d
and Munda was rugged, tangled, and pat- Infantry, and the 9th Marine Defense
ternless. Rocky hills thrust upward from Battalion's Tank Platoon at 0420, 9
two to three hundred feet above sea level, July, at the west tip of Munda Point.
with valleys, draws, and stream beds in Hester and Wing did not expect to
between. The hills and ridges sprawled
meet any serious opposition between
and bent in all directions. The map
Zanana and the Barike River, and their
used for the operation was a photomap
based on air photography. It showed the
expectations must have been confirmed
by the experience of the 1st Battalion,
coast line and Munda airfield clearly,
but did not give any accurate indication 172d. On 3 July Colonel Ross had or-
of ground contour. About all the troops dered this battalion to remain at Zanana,
could tell by looking at it was that the making every effort at concealment. The
ground was covered by jungle. message was apparently not received, for
The difficulty of travel in this rough on 4 July the battalion, accompanied by
country was greatly increased by heat, A Company, 169th Infantry, easily
mud, undergrowth, and hills. Visibility marched to the Barike River, meeting
was limited to a few yards. There were only small Japanese patrols on the way.
no roads, but a short distance north of It was this premature move that helped
Zanana lay Munda Trail, a narrow foot to alert Sasaki.
track that hit the coast at Lambeti Plan- Next morning Captain Sherrer of the

G-2 Section led a patrol of six New Zea- Wing ordered Stebbins' battalion to de-
landers, twelve Americans, and eighteen stroy the point of Japanese resistance
Fijians from his base camp toward the that Sherrer had run into.
upper reaches of the Barike River. They It was estimated, correctly, that about
intended to set up a patrol base on high one platoon was trying to block the trail.
ground suitable for good radio trans- General Sasaki, aware of the Allied ac-
mission and reception. Normally they tivity east of him, had ordered part of
would have avoided detection by mov- the 11th Company, 229th Infantry, to
reconnoiter the Barike area, clear fire
ing off the trails and striking out through
the wilderness, but, laden with radio lanes, and establish this trail block with
gear, they followed Munda Trail. As felled trees and barbed wire.
they approached a small rise that lay The 3d Battalion, 169th, apparently
about two miles from Zanana, and about did not run into the block on 6 July. It
eleven hundred yards east of the line of dug in for the night somewhere east of
departure, they met enemy machine gun the block, but does not seem to have es-
fire. They replied with small arms, and tablished the sort of perimeter defense
the fire fight lasted until dusk when that was necessary in fighting the Japa-
Sherrer's group disengaged and went nese in the jungle. Foxholes were more
south to the bivouac of the 1st Battalion,than six feet apart. The battalion laid no
172d, near the mouth of the Barike. B barbed wire or trip wire with hanging
Company, 172d, went out to investigate tin cans that rattled when struck by a
the situation the next morning and man's foot or leg and warned of the ap-
found the Japanese still occupying the proach of the enemy. Thus, when dark-
high ground, astride the trail. Attacks ness fell and the Japanese began their
by B Company and by A Company, night harassing tactics—moving around,
169th, failed to dislodge the Japanese. shouting, and occasionally firing—the
By afternoon of 6 July, however, the imaginations of the tired and inexperi-
three battalions of the 172d Infantry enced American soldiers began to work.
were safely in place on the Barike, the They thought the Japanese were all
1st and 3d on the left and right, the 2d around them, infiltrating their perimeter
in regimental reserve. with ease. One soldier reported that Jap-
But the 169th Infantry, commanded anese troops approached I Company,
by Col. John D. Eason, was not so for- calling, in English, the code names of
tunate. That regiment's 3d Battalion, the companies of the 3d Battalion, such
under Lt. Col. William A. Stebbins, set stereotypes as "come out and fight," and12
out along the trail from Zanana to the references to the Louisiana maneuvers.
line of departure on the morning of 6 The men of the battalion, which had
landed in the Russells the previous
July. Natives guided the battalion as it
March, must have been familiar with the
moved in column of companies, each
sights and sounds of a jungle night, but
company in column of platoons, along affected by weariness and the presence
the narrow trail. The men hacked vines of the enemy, they apparently forgot. In
and undergrowth to make their way
more easily. Shortly after noon, General 12
169th Inf Hist, 20 Jun-30 Sep 43, p. 5.

their minds, the phosphorescence of covered the automatic weapons. Fire

rotten logs became Japanese signals. The lanes had been cut. The enemy weapons
smell of the jungle became poison gas; had little if any muzzle blast, and the
some men reported that the Japanese Americans had trouble seeing targets.
were using a gas which when inhaled Some tried to grenade the enemy but
caused men to jump up in their foxholes. were driven back before they could get
The slithering of the many land crabs close enough to throw accurately. At
was interpreted as the sound of ap- length the 81-mm. mortars got into
proaching Japanese. Men of the 169th are action; observers operating thirty yards
reported to have told each other that from the Japanese position brought
Japanese nocturnal raiders wore long down fire on it. Some Japanese are re-
black robes, and that some came with ported to have evacuated "Bloody Hill,"
hooks and ropes to drag Americans from as the Americans called it, that after-
their foxholes. In consequence the men noon. At 1550 the 3d Battalion with-
of the battalion spent their nights ner- drew to dig in for the night.13 After
vously and sleeplessly, and apparently dark the Japanese harassed the 3d Bat-
violated orders by shooting indiscrimi- talion again. According to the 169th In-
nately at imaginary targets. fantry, "a sleepless night was spent by all
Next day, the shaken 3d Battalion ad- under continued harassing from enemy
vanced with I Company leading followed patrols speaking English, making horror
by L, M, Battalion Headquarters, and K noises, firing weapons, throwing hand
Companies. It ran into machine gun fire grenades, swinging machetes and jump-
from the Japanese trail block at 1055. I ing into foxholes with knives." 14
Company deployed astride Munda Trail, On 8 July, the 1st Battalion, 169th In-
L Company maneuvered to the left, K fantry, which had been behind the 3d
was initially in reserve. M Company within supporting distance, was ordered
brought up its 81-mm. mortars and heavy to bypass the 3d and move to the Barike
machine guns but could not use them while the 3d Battalion reduced the
profitably at first as banyan trees and block. On 7 July General Wing had
undergrowth blocked shells and bullets. ordered Colonel Ross to use part of the
The mortar platoon then began clear- 172d against the block, but apparently
ing fields of fire by cutting down trees. by the afternoon of 8 July no elements
B Company of the 172d also attacked the of the 172d except B Company had gone
block from the south. into action against it. On 8 July the 3d
I Company launched a series of frontal Battalion, 169th, and B Company, 172d,
assaults but was beaten back by machine struck the block after a mortar prepara-
gun fire. Three platoon leaders were tion and overran it. The 3d Battalion
wounded in these attacks. K Company
came out of reserve to deliver a frontal The 169th Infantry History (p. 4) claims that
the block was destroyed on 7 July, and that a day
assault; its commander was soon killed. was lost when the 1st Battalion, 169th, moved ahead
Neither it nor any of the other com- of the 3d on 8 July. But messages in the 43d Di-
panies made progress. The Japanese were vision G-3 Journal indicate that the block was still
active on 8 July.
well dug in and camouflaged. Riflemen 14
169th Inf Hist, p. 4.

lost six men killed and thirty wounded, talion zone would be three hundred
and suffered one case diagnosed as war yards wide. Battalions would advance in
neurosis, in reducing the block. The column of companies; each rifle company
trail from Zanana to the Barike was open would put two platoons in line. The
again, but the attack against Munda had 169th Infantry, maintaining contact on
been delayed by another full day. its left with the 3d Battalion, 172d,
By late afternoon of 8 July, the 1st would advance echeloned to the right
Battalion, 169th, had reached the Barike rear to protect the divisional right flank.
River and made contact on its left with The 1st Battalion was to advance abreast
the 3d Battalion, 172d; A Company, of the 172d; the 3d Battalion would
169th, had been returned to its parent move to the right and rear of the 1st.
regiment; the 3d Battalion, 169th, was The regimental commanders planned
behind and to the right of the 1st Bat- to advance by 200-yard bounds. After
talion. With the two regiments on the each bound, they intended to halt for
line of departure, Hester and Wing were five minutes, establish contact, and move
ready to start the attack toward Munda out again. They hoped to gain from one
early on 9 July. Hester told Wing: "I to two thousand yards before 1600.
wish you success." 15 The division reserve consisted of the
2d Battalion, 169th, which was to ad-
The Approach to the Main Defenses vance behind the assault units. Antitank
companies from the two regiments, plus
By 7 July General Hester, after con-
Marine antiaircraft artillerymen, were
ferences with General Wing and Colo-
defending the Zanana beachhead. In Oc-
nels Ross and Eason, had abandoned
cupation Force reserve, under Hester,
the idea of the amphibious assault
was the 3d Battalion, 103d Infantry, on
against Munda by the 3d Battalion, 103d
Rendova. H Hour for the attack was set
Infantry, and the 9th Marine Defense
for 0630.
Battalion's tank platoon. He was prob-
General Barker's artillery on the off-
ably influenced in his decision by the
shore islands inaugurated the first major
strength of the Munda shore defenses.
attack against Munda at 0500 of 9 July
The plan for the attack on 9 July called
for the 169th and 172d Regiments to ad- with a preparation directed against rear
vance from the Barike, seize the high areas, lines of communication, and sus-
ground southwest of the river, and cap- pected bivouac areas and command
ture the airfield. On the high ground— posts. After thirty minutes, fire was
a complex of ridges that ran from Ilan- shifted to suspected centers of resistance
gana on the beach inland in a north- near the line of departure. In one hour
westerly direction for about three thou- the 105-mm. howitzers of the 103d and
sand yards—were the main Japanese de- 169th Field Artillery Battalions, the
fenses. The 172d Infantry was to move 155-mm. howitzers of the 1 36
ht Field
out astride the Munda Trail with the Artillery Battalion, and the 155-mm.
1st and 3d Battalions abreast. Each bat- guns of the 9th Marine Defense Bat-
talion fired over 5,800 rounds of high
43d Div G-3 Jnl, 8 Jul 43. explosive. Starting at 0512, four destroy-


ers from Admiral Merrill's task force, Then Allied planes from Guadalcanal
standing offshore in the Solomon Sea, and the Russells took over. Fifty-two
opened fire at the area in the immediate torpedo bombers and thirty-six dive
vicinity of the airfield in accordance with bombers dropped seventy tons of high
plans prepared in consultation with Gen- explosive bombs and fragmentation clus-
eral Barker. Naval authorities had orig- ters on Munda. Now it was the infan-
inally wanted to fire at targets close to try's turn.
the line of departure as well, but the H Hour, 0630, came and went, but
43d Division, fearing that the direction not a great deal happened. The 1st Bat-
of fire (northeast to east) might bring talion, 169th Infantry, reported that it
shells down on its own troops, rejected was ready to move but could not under-
the proposal.16 Between 0512 and 0608, stand why the 172d Infantry had not ad-
the destroyers fired 2,344 5-inch rounds. vanced. At 0930, General Wing was in-
At 0608, four minutes before the bom- formed that no unit had yet crossed the
bardment was scheduled to end, some line of departure. Several factors seem
Japanese planes dropped bombs and to have caused the delay. Movement as
strafed one ship; the destroyers retired. usual was an ordeal. The Barike was
flooded. Soldiers, weighted with weap-
Merrill thought the 43d Division was generally
too cautious. See Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks
ons, ammunition, and packs, had to wade
Barrier, p. 179. through waist-to-shoulder-deep water.

The river, which had several tributaries, 169th was still east of the river. The
wound and twisted to the sea. It crossed only opposition had come from the out-
the Munda Trail three times; the spaces post riflemen that the Americans usually
between were swampy. The men, sweat- called "snipers." At the time these were
ing in the humid heat, struggled to keep believed, probably erroneously, to be
their footing, and pulled their way along operating in the treetops.17
by grabbing at roots and undergrowth. Japanese fighter aircraft appeared over
Leading platoons had to cut the wrist- New Georgia during the day; the Allied
thick rattan vines. air power prevented any from getting
Although patrols of New Georgians, close enough to strafe the attacking
Fijians, Tongans, New Zealanders, and troops.
Americans had reconnoitered the area, By 1630, when it dug in for the night,
their information could not always be the 172d had gained some eleven hun-
put to good use. There was no accurate dred yards. The 169th had made no
map on which to record data, nor were progress to speak of. The 1st Battalion
there any known landmarks. got one hundred yards west of the
In the jungle, orthodox skirmish lines Barike; the other two apparently re-
proved impractical. As men dispersed mained east of the river.
they could not be seen and their leaders The 169th was facing about the same
lost control. At any rate, movement off obstacles as the 172d, but it is possible
the trails was so difficult that most units that the 169th was a badly shaken regi-
moved in columns of files, the whole ment before the attack began. The
unit bound to one trail. Thus one or night before the attack, 8-9 July, the 3d
two Japanese, by firing on the leading Battalion was bivouacked near Bloody
elements, could halt an entire battalion. Hill, and the other two lay to the west.
The Occupation Force intelligence When the Japanese made their presence
officer had estimated that the main Japa- known to the three battalions, or when
nese defenses lay 1,600 yards from the the Americans thought there were Japa-
Barike, anchored on Roviana Lagoon nese within their bivouacs, there was a
and extending inland to the northwest. great deal of confusion, shooting, and
This was correct, except that the defense 17
line on the ridges was actually about Whereas the Japanese, like the Allies, used trees
whenever possible for observation posts, it is doubt-
2,500 yards from the Barike's mouth. ful that "snipers" used many trees in the jungle.
Beyond the main defenses, the Japanese See Miller, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive, p.
318. Anyone who has ever climbed a tree in the
outposts, using rifles, machine guns, and jungle can testify to the difficulties a man with a
sometimes mortars and grenade dis- rifle would encounter—lack of visibility, tree limbs
chargers, were well able to delay the in the way, and the innumerable little red ants
whose bite is like the prick of needles.
advance. 18
From 1100, 8 July, to 1300, 9 July, this regi-
At 1030 General Barker returned to ment was commanded by Lt. Col. Charles W. Cap-
ron. Colonel Ross, wounded on 30 June, had ap-
the 43d Division command post from a parently been ordered to Rendova for medical
tour of the front and reported that at treatment.
1000 the 172d Infantry was a hundred The 172d was either not subjected to night
harassing or was not sufficiently bothered by it to
yards beyond the Barike, but that the report it.

EVACUATING CASUALTIES, 12 JULY 1943. Jeep, converted into an ambulance, could

carry three litters and one sitting patient.

stabbing. Some men knifed each other. diagnosed as neuroses. The regiment was
Men threw grenades blindly in the dark. to suffer seven hundred by 31 July.
Some of the grenades hit trees, bounced The 43d Division resumed the attack
back, and exploded among the Ameri- on 10 July. The 172d Infantry, report-
cans. Some soldiers fired round after ing only light opposition, advanced a
round to little avail. In the morning no considerable distance. The 169th In-
trace remained of Japanese dead or fantry, with the 1st Battalion in the lead
wounded. But there were American and the 2d Battalion to its right rear, ad-
casualties; some had been stabbed to vanced successfully until it reached the
death, some wounded by knives. Many point where the Munda Trail was inter-
suffered grenade fragment wounds, and sected by a trail which ran southeast to
50 percent of these were caused by frag- the beach, then circled to the southwest
ments from American grenades. These to the native villages of Laiana and Ilan-
were the men who had been harassed by gana. Reaching this junction about 1330
Japanese nocturnal tactics on the two after crossing a small creek on two felled
preceding nights, and there now ap- tree trunks, the leading battalion was
peared the first large number of cases halted by machine gun fire. This fire

came from rising ground dominating slowed by the enemy, and also by the
the trail junction, where Capt. Bunzo supply problems arising from the fact
Kojima, commanding the 9th Company, that the troops had landed five miles
229th Infantry, had established a camou- east of their objective and thus com-
flaged trail block. He employed one rifle mitted themselves to a long march
platoon, reinforced by a machine gun through heavy jungle. Now the regi-
section, some 90-mm. mortars, and ele- ments, in spite of their slow advance, had
ments of a 75-mm. mountain artillery outdistanced their overextended supply
battalion. When the 1st Battalion was line.
stopped, Colonel Eason decided to blast The 118th Engineer Battalion had
the strong point. While the infantry made good progress in building a jeep
pulled back a hundred yards, the 169th's trail from Zanana to the Barike River.
mortars and the Occupation Force artil- Using data obtained from native scouts,
lery opened fire. Barker's guns fired over the engineers had built their trail over
four thousand rounds of 105-mm. and high, dry ground, averaging one half to
155-mm. high explosive, shattering trees, three quarters of a mile per day. There
stripping the vegetation, and digging was little need for corduroying with logs,
craters.20 Coincident with this bombard- a time-consuming process. When they
ment, eighty-six Allied bombers (SBD's ran into trees too big to knock down
and TBF's) unloaded sixty-seven tons of with their light D-3 bulldozers, the en-
bombs on Lambeti Plantation and gineers blasted them with dynamite.
Munda. During the artillery bombard- Lacking heavy road-graders, the 118th
ment Kojima's men lay quiet but when could not make a two-lane, amply
the fire ceased they immediately stood ditched road, but it managed to clear a
to their guns and halted the American one-lane track widened at regular inter-
infantrymen when they attacked. At the vals to permit two-way traffic. Near a
day's end, the Japanese were still on the five-foot-deep, fast-running stream east of
high ground; the 169th Infantry, after the Barike the engineers hit soft mud.
advancing about fifteen hundred yards, To get to ground firm enough to permit
was forced to bivouac in a low swampy construction of footbridges and two
area. The American commanders con- thirty-foot trestle bridges, they were
cluded that they were nearing a main forced to swing the road northward par-
defensive line. They were right. The allel to the river for two and one-half
high ground to their front contained the miles to get to a firm crossing. The ad-
main Japanese defenses that were to re- vancing regiments crossed the Barike on
sist them for weeks. 9July, but several days were to elapse
before the bridges were completed.
Laiana Beachhead
Thus there was a gap between the end
By 11 July the advancing regiments of the road and the front. To bridge the
were still in trouble. Progress had been gap, nearly half the combat troops were
required to carry forward ammunition,
One fortunate concomitant of artillery fire was
better visibility as the heavy shellings tore the
food, water, and other supplies, and to
jungle apart. evacuate casualties. Allied cargo planes

were used to parachute supplies to the

infantry, but there were never enough
planes to keep the troops properly sup-
With fighting strength reduced by the
necessity for hand carry, with his right
flank virtually exposed, and his extended
supply line open to harassment by the
enemy, Hester decided, on 10 July, to
change his plan of attack in order to
shorten the supply line. If a new beach-
head could be established at Laiana (a
native village about two miles east by
south from Munda airfield), some five
thousand yards would be cut off the sup-
ply line. Patrols, operating overland and
in canoes, examined Laiana beach at
night and reported that it was narrow
but suitable, with a coral base under the
sand. Unfavorable aspects included a
mangrove swamp back of the beach and
the fact that the Japanese main defenses
appeared to start at Ilangana, only five
hundred yards southwest of Laiana, and JEEP TRAIL FROM ZANANA, built
arch northwest toward the Munda Trail. through heavy jungle by 118th Engi-
But the advantages outweighed the neer Battalion, 13 July 1943.
disadvantages. Hester ordered the 172d
Infantry to swing southward to Laiana,
mortar fire soon began hitting it. The
wounded were carried along with the
seize and hold a beachhead from the
regiment. The advance was halted about
land side, then advance on Munda. The
midafternoon after a gain of some 450
169th Infantry was to continue its at- yards. Both 1st and 3d Battalions (the
tempt to drive along the Munda Trail. 2d had remained behind to block the
Hester ordered the reinforced 3d Bat- trail and thus cover the rear until the
talion, 103d Infantry, at Rendova, to be 169th could come up) reported running
prepared to land at Laiana after the into pillboxes. Aside from the mortar
172d had arrived. shelling and some infiltration by patrols
At 1000, 11 July, the 172d Infantry between the 172d and the 169th, the
disengaged from the attack, turned Japanese appeared to have stayed fairly
south, and started moving toward shore still.
through knee-deep mud. The regiment The march was resumed on 12 July
tried to keep its move a secret, but Japa- with the hope of reaching Laiana be-
nese patrols quickly observed it, and fore dark, for the regiment had not re-

INFANTRYMEN LOADING ON LCP (R)'s for the trip to Laiana, New Georgia, 14 July
1943. Men are from the 3d Battalion of the 103d Infantry, 43d Division.

ceived any supplies for two days. Colonel That night (12-13 July) Japanese
Ross reported that the carrying parties mortars registered on the 172d's bivouac,
equaled the strength of three and one- and the troops could hear the Japanese
half rifle companies. Despite this fact, felling trees, presumably to clear fields
and although food and water were ex- of fire.
hausted, the regiment kept moving until His hungry, thirsty regiment was with-
late afternoon when leading elements out a line of communications, and Col-
were within five hundred yards of onel Ross, concerned over the Japanese
Laiana. There machine gun and mortar patrols in his rear, had to get to Laiana
fire halted the advance. At this time on 13 July. With the artillery putting
scouts confirmed the existence of pill- fire ahead, the 172d started out through
boxes, connected by trenches, extending mangrove swamp on the last five hun-
northwest from Ilangana. The pillboxes, dred yards to Laiana. The enemy fire
which the Americans feared might be continued. The advance was slow, but
made of concrete, housed heavy machine late afternoon found the 172d in posses-
guns, and were supported by light ma- sion of Laiana. It organized the area for
chine guns and mortars. defense while patrols sought out the

LCM's APPROACHING LAIANA, NEW GEORGIA, under Japanese artillery fire, 14

July 1943. The Tank Platoon of the 9th Marine Defense Battalion is aboard
these landing craft.

Japanese line to the west. That night men, flame thrower operators, and mine
twelve landing craft left Rendova to detector men) were also attached.
carry food and water to Laiana and The reinforced battalion, loaded in
evacuate the wounded. For some reason LCP(R)'s and LCM's, rendezvoused at
the 172d failed to display any signals. daybreak of 14 July in Blanche Channel.
The landing craft, unable to find the When the daily fighter cover arrived
right beach, returned to Rendova. from the Russells, the landing craft
When the 172d was nearing Laiana started for Laiana. With the 172d already
on 13 July, General Hester ordered the holding the beachhead, the first wave
3d Battalion, 103d Infantry, 43d Divi- landed peacefully at 0900. Reefs forced
sion, to be prepared to land at 0900 the some craft to ground in waist-deep water,
following morning. The Tank Platoon but the hungry soldiers of the 172d
of the 9th Marine Defense Battalion was helped unload them. As the LCM's
attached; to help the tanks and to aid in neared shore Japanese artillery shells be-
the reduction of fixed positions, en- gan falling on the water route and on
gineers (bridge builders, demolitions the landing beach. To blind the Japa-

nese observers, the field artillery fired against the high ground to the north. On
more than five hundred white phos- 10 July, the day before the 172d turned
phorous rounds as well as high explosive southward, the 169th had been halted.
at suspected Japanese gun positions and It faced Japanese positions on the high
observation posts on Munda Point and ground which dominated the Munda-
on the high ground (Bibilo Hill) north- Lambeti trail junction. The Munda
east of Munda field. The Japanese artil- Trail at this point led up to a draw,
lery did no damage. with hills to the north (right) and south
General Sasaki reported that he had (left). The Japanese held the draw and
repulsed the landing, and that the Amer- the hills.
icans had lost, of seventy landing craft, The regiment renewed the attack on
thirteen sunk and twenty damaged. 11 July just before General Hester re-
Nevertheless, 8th Area Army headquart- placed Colonel Eason with Col. Temple
ers appears to have learned that the G. Holland, but made no gains. When
landing had succeeded. Holland took over the regiment, he
Once ashore, 43d Division engineers ordered the advance postponed until the
began building a jeep trail from Laiana next morning. The exact nature of the
north to the 169th Infantry. Supplies Japanese defenses was not yet completely
came in for the 172d, and its wounded clear, but it was evident that the Japa-
men were evacuated. Telephone crews
nese had built mutually supporting pill-
laid an underwater cable between
boxes on the hills.
Zanana, Laiana, and General Barker's
Holland's plan for 12 July called for
artillery fire direction center.
the 1st Battalion to deliver the attack
The 3d Battalion, 103d, was still in
division reserve, but Colonel Ross was from its present position while the 2d
authorized to use it in case of dire need. Battalion enveloped the Japanese left
He committed L Company to fill a gap (north) flank.21 The 3d Battalion, tem-
between the 2d and 3d Battalions of the porarily in division reserve, would be re-
172d on the morning of 15 July when leased to the regiment when the trail
the 172d was making an unsuccessful junction was secure. The 169th attacked
attack toward Ilangana. Soldiers of the as ordered but bogged down at once,
Antitank Platoon of the 3d Battalion, partly because it became intermingled
103d, disassembled a 37-mm. gun, car- with elements of the 172d, which was
ried it forward, reassembled it on the starting for Laiana. When the units were
front line, and destroyed three pillboxes disentangled the two battalions attacked
with direct fire. This was the only suc- again. The 1st Battalion ran head on into
cess; the day's end found the 172d still Japanese opposition but reported a gain
facing the main enemy defense line. of three hundred yards. The 2d Battalion
received enfilading fire from the north-
The Seizure of Reincke Ridge ernmost ridge but kept its position. A
While the 172d had been driving to
Laiana and getting ready to attack west- 21
Ltr, Col Holland to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil
ward, the 169th Infantry was pushing Hist, 12 Oct 53, no sub, OCMH.

second attack, supported by a rolling and bomb craters. The Japanese who
barrage, was attempted in the afternoon. had survived the bombardments opened
The infantry, unable to keep pace with fire from their pillboxes and halted
the barrage which moved forward at the the assaulting companies. The battalion,
rate of ten yards a minute, fell behind now operating without artillery or mor-
and halted. At the day's end, Holland, tar support, tried to assault with rifle
who reported to Hester that his regi- and bayonet. Some men started to climb
ment was badly disorganized, asked Gen- to the ridge crest but were killed or
eral Mulcahy for air support the follow- wounded by machine gun fire. B Com-
ing day. pany lost three of its four officers in the
Next morning, 13 July, after thirty attempt. Japanese artillery and mortar
minutes of artillery fire and a twelve- fire cut communication to the rear. The
plane dive-bombing attack against the battalion returned to its original posi-
south ridge, the 169th attacked again. tion.
All three battalions were committed. The 1st and 2d Battalions took posi-
The 2d Battalion, in the center, was to tions on the flanks and rear of the 3d
assault frontally up the draw while the Battalion, which held Reincke Ridge.
1st Battalion, on the right, and the 3d The Japanese held the north ridge and
Battalion on the left, moved against the the draw. To the west they held the
north and south ridges with orders to higher ground called Horseshoe Hill. To
envelop the Japanese. the south was the gap left by the 172d
The 3d Battalion, with I and L Com- when it turned south. In spite of the 3d
panies in line and M in support, strug- Battalion's exposed situation Holland
gled forward for four hours.22 It pushed and Reincke decided to hold the hard-
four hundred to five hundred yards into won position which was the only high
the Japanese lines and managed to secure ground the 169th possessed. Its posses-
its objective, the south ridge, which it sion was obviously vital to the success
named Reincke Ridge for Lt. Col. of an attack against the main enemy de-
Frederick D. Reincke, who had replaced fenses.
Stebbins in command on 8 July. All that night and all the next day (14
The other two battalions were not as July) the Japanese tried to push the 3d
successful. The 2d Battalion, with E and Battalion from Reincke Ridge. I Com-
F Companies in line and G in support, pany was hit hard but held its ground
met machine gun fire in the draw, with the loss of two men killed and nine-
halted, was hit by what it believed to be teen wounded. Artillery and mortar
American artillery fire, and pulled back. shells kept exploding on the ridge top,
The 1st Battalion, attacking the north while Japanese machine guns covered
ridge, found it obstructed by fallen the supply route to the rear. During its
limbs from blasted trees and by shell first twenty-four hours on the ridge,
Reincke's battalion suffered 101 casual-
K Company had been detached to guard the
ties; L Company consisted of just fifty-
regimental command post. one enlisted men by the end of 14 July.

During part of the time no medical 172d Infantry was also in contact with
officer was present, but the battalion the main Japanese defenses, and the new
medical section under S/Sgt. Louis Gul- beachhead at Laiana would soon shorten
litti carried on its duties of first aid and the supply line.
On the same day Holland reorganized Casualties
the other two battalions. The regimental
While Hester's men had been attain-
Antitank Company had landed at Zanana
ing limited tactical successes, unusual
on 13 July and been assigned the task
medical problems had appeared within
of carrying supplies forward from the his division.
trail's end. This task had eased, because Enemy resistance was not great at
the engineers finished bridging the
first. Some 90 men of the 43d Division
Barike on 12 July and by 14 July had
were killed up to 17 July; 636 were
extended the trail to within five hun-
wounded. Other men had been injured
dred yards of the 169th's front lines.
by vehicle collisions, falling trees, acci-
Rations, water, and ammunition were dental explosions, and the like. Disease
parachuted to the regiment on 14 July. had put over 1,000 men out of action.

Colonel Holland relieved part of the

Diarrhea and dysentery, ailments
Antitank Company of its supply duties
helped along by improper field sanita-
and assigned sixty of its men to the 2d
tion, were prevalent in early July. They
Battalion, twenty to the 1st. He also sent
put men on the sick list for several days.
patrols south to cover the gap to his left.
Skin fungus infected about one quarter
Late in the afternoon he reported to
of the men. And there was always ma-
Hester that morale in his regiment had laria. Although malaria control measures
seem to have been carried out so con-
Next day the 1st Battalion, 145th In- scientiously that few new cases broke out
fantry, landed at Zanana and was im-
in the Occupation Force, all the troops
mediately attached to the 43d Division had been in the Solomons for some time
with orders to advance west and relieve and there were always recurrent cases.
part of the 169th on the line. The bat- An especially large number of casual-
talion reached the regiment at 1700. ties was caused not by wounds or infec-
Colonel Holland put it in regimental tious disease but by mental disturbance.
reserve pending the completion of the Between fifty and a hundred men were
operations against the hills in front of leaving the line every day with troubles
him. which were diagnosed as "war neuroses."
Operations against Munda airfield Col. Franklin T. Hallam, surgeon of the
had gone very slowly but by 15 July had XIV Corps, arrived in New Georgia on
achieved some success. Liversedge had 14 July when mental troubles were at
captured Enogai and while waiting for their height. In Hallam's opinion, "war
another battalion was getting ready to neurosis" was a "misnomer in most in-
attack Bairoko. The 169th Infantry had stances," because men suffering simply
some high ground and was in contact
with the main enemy defense line. The 23
XIV Corps G-3 Jnl, 17 Jul 43.

from physical exhaustion "were erro- were of insidious onset, starting with in-
neously directed or gravitated through somnia, vague digestive symptoms, bad
medical channels along with the true dreams, frequency of urination, irritability,
diminished ability to concentrate, and a
psychoneurotics and those suffering with generally reduced efficiency in the per-
a temporary mental disturbance cur- formance of assigned duties.26
rently termed 'WAR NEUROSIS.' " 24
These unfortunate men "who had not Of about 2,500 men in the New
changed clothes or had two continuous Georgia Occupation Force whose trou-
hours of sleep all had the same expres- bles were diagnosed as "war neuroses"
sion. Their hair was matted and muddy, between 30 June and 30 September,
and beards were ½ inch in length, eyes the 43d Division contributed 62 per-
were sunk in, dark, and had a strained cent during the period 30 June-31 July.
expression. Gait was plodding and About 1,500 cases came from the three
methodical, no spring or bounce. When infantry regiments of the 43d Division:
they stopped walking they fell in their 700 from the 169th Infantry, 450 from
tracks, until it was time to proceed the 172d Infantry, and 350 from the
again." Colonel Hallam's description 103d Infantry.27
is even more graphic: Attempting to explain this mental
trouble, Hallam divided the causes into
At least 50% of these individuals requir- two groups he termed "basic causative
ing medical attention or entering medical
installations were the picture of utter ex- factors" and "precipitating causative fac-
haustion, face expressionless, knees sagging, tors." Basic causes involved leadership,
body bent forward, arms slightly flexed and orientation, discipline, and physical fit-
hanging loosely, hands with palms slightly ness. Units with poor leaders were more
cupped, marked coarse tremor of fingers apt to have trouble than those in which
. . ., feet dragging, and an over-all appear-
ance of apathy and physical exhaustion. the standard of leadership was high. In
About 20% of the total group were/highly some units there was a direct correlation
excited, crying, wringing their hands, mum- between the incidence of mental trou-
bling incoherently, an expression of utter bles among the leaders and among the
fright or fear, trembling all over, startled at led. When soldiers were not adequately
the least sound or unusual commotion,
having the appearance of trying to escape oriented—not told what was going on,
impending disaster. Another 15% showed what their objectives were, and what they
manifestations of the various types of true were expected to do—they were more
psychoneurotic complexes. The remaining apt to become excited by loose talk and
15% included the anxiety states, and those
with various bizarre somatic disturbances.
These were the individuals whose symptoms 26
Ltr, Hallam to The Surgeon, USAFISPA, 31
Oct 43, sub: Med Service, New Georgia Campaign,
Ltr, Col Hallam to The Surgeon, USAFISPA, Ibid., p. 32. Of the 2,500 cases occurring from
31 Oct 43, sub: Med Service, New Georgia Cam- 30 June to 30 September, the 43d Division had
paign, p. 31. about 1,950 or 79 percent; the 37th Division, 200
This description comes from a personal ac- or 8 percent; the 25th Division, 150 or 6 percent;
count, "Medic on Munda," by Capt. Joseph Risman Navy and Marine Corps units, 200 or 8 percent. In
(Medical Corps), 169th Infantry, and is quoted in July, the New Georgia Occupation Force had 1,750
SOPACBACOM, History of the New Georgia Cam- cases or 70 percent, in August, 650 or 26 percent,
paign, Vol. I, Ch III, p. 26, OCMH. and in September, 100 or 4 percent.

wild rumors. The significance of lack of Most of the mental cases, and espe-
proper discipline and physical fitness in cially those caused by fatigue, Hallam
any military organization, but especially believed, could have been cured by a
in one engaged in battle, is perfectly ob- few days in a rest camp in the combat
vious. Interestingly enough, however, area. Sedatives, sleep, clean clothes,
Hallam noted that men "with borderline baths, shaves, good food, relief from
physical defects, consisting principally of duties, and recreation would soon have
eye, teeth, joint, weight, and feet de- enabled the men to return to their units.
fects, did not break, but did some of the But up to mid-July there were no rest
best fighting." 28 Remarkably few men camps, nor even any real hospital fa-
wounded in action became neurosis cilities, in New Georgia. The 43d Di-
cases, perhaps because their knowledge vision, about 30-35 percent under-
that they would be evacuated eased their strength in medical officers and enlisted
mental strain. men, had only a 125-bred clearing station
The basic causes, of course, were pres- to care for casualties. Men requiring
ent in some units when they came to more than twenty-four hours of medical
New Georgia. It was Hallam's opinion treatment were being evacuated, usually
that men affected by any of the basic by water, to Guadalcanal, with the re-
causes were triggered into mental dis- sult that casualties frequently did not
turbance by the precipitating factors, reach hospitals until three days after
which were combat fatigue, enemy ac- they had been taken out of the line.
tion, noise, and mass hysteria. Combat These medical problems, coupled with
fatigue, the almost unutterable physical the slow progress of ground operations
and mental weariness that comes from up to mid-July, caused serious concern
long stress and strain in battle, probably to all the responsible higher command-
accounted for half the diagnoses of war ers.
neuroses. The most effective enemy ac-
tion was the kind which so seriously dis- Command and Reinforcements
turbed the 169th Infantry—the real, and As early as 10 July, Generals Hester
occasionally the wholly imaginary, noc- and Wing were far from pleased with the
turnal harassing tactics of the Japanese. performance of all units and command-
Although aerial bombardment was also ers. On 10 July Wing, who had visited
effective, the noises to which Hallam re- the command post of the 3d Battalion,
ferred were not the sounds of guns fir- 169th Infantry, on 8 July, directly
ing and shells bursting, but the natural ordered the regimental commander to
sounds of a jungle night, the breezes, relieve the 3d Battalion's commander
branches, birds, and land crabs. These and put Colonel Reincke in his place.
caused great anxiety among men to Three days prior to this relief, the
whom they were unfamiliar. On oc- 145th Infantry Regiment (less the 3d
casion mass hysteria took over; mental Battalion, serving under Liversedge) of
breaks spread like infection among the 37th Division, which had been stand-
The 17th Field Hospital came up from Guadal-
Ibid., p. 35. canal and opened on New Georgia on 28 July.

ing by on Guadalcanal in area reserve, Admiral Turner was not a man given to
had been dispatched to Rendova. The avoiding responsibility or yielding au-
first echelon sailed on 7 July, the second thority. Harmon wrote later, in explain-
two days later. The regimental com- ing his reasons for urging a change in
mander, Colonel Holland, had hardly command, that Turner was "inclined
arrived on Rendova when Hester re- more and more to take active control of
lieved the commander of the 169th In- land operations." 31 In his message to
fantry and ordered Colonel Holland to Halsey, he did not make this point. The
take over the regiment temporarily. Also South Pacific commander replied to Har-
relieved were the executive, intelligence, mon the next day, telling him to aug-
and operations officers of the 169th. ment Hester's 43d Division staff as he
Leaving Lt. Col. Theodore L. Parker in saw fit. Halsey wished to discuss with
command of his old regiment, Holland Harmon the recommendations on super-
took his own executive, intelligence, and
seding Hester before reaching a decision.
operations officers and eighteen enlisted
On the same day Halsey directed Turner
men from the 145th to headquarters of
the 169th. to prepare plans for Kolombangara in
Meanwhile problems of higher com- consultation with Hester.32
mand for New Georgia had not ceased The next day the irascible Turner
to concern Admirals Halsey and Turner presented his views to Halsey in very
and especially General Harmon. On 5 mild terms. Expressing regret over the
July Harmon was on Guadalcanal, as necessity for disagreeing with Harmon,
were Turner and General Griswold. he strongly urged that Hester retain
After informing Turner and Griswold command of the New Georgia Occupa-
of his views, he radioed to Halsey a rec- tion Force. Griswold and his staff were
ommendation that the forward echelon excellent, Turner agreed, but Hester
of the XIV Corps staff be sent to New was conducting operations "in a manner
Georgia about 8 July to prepare, under much to be admired." Superseding him
Hester, to take over supply, administra- would hamper the operation "by induc-
tion, and planning. Once Munda airfield ing a severe blow to morale." 33
fell, Harmon urged, Griswold should At this point Harmon, a peppery, wiry
become commander of the New Georgia man, grew impatient. He boarded his
Occupation Force. This would free B-17 and flew to Halsey in Noumea.
Hester to reorganize his main striking ". . . before nightfall," he later related,
force and directly command the attack
against Vila in Kolombangara. Such a
change was necessary, Harmon ex- 31
Ltr, Harmon to Handy, 15 Jul 43, quoted in
plained, because Hester's small staff was part in Hq SOPACBACOM File, Suppl New
not capable of bearing the responsibil- Georgia Material, OCMH.
ities that would soon be thrust on it.30
Rad, COMSOPAC to Harmon, 6 Jul 43, Hq
SOPACBACOM File, Suppl New Georgia Material,
OCMH; COMSOPAC War Diary, 6 Jul 43.
30 33
Rad, Harmon to COMSOPAC, 5 Jul 43, Hq Rad, CTF 31 to COMSOPAC, 7 Jul 43, Hq
SOPACBACOM File. Suppl New Georgia Material, SOPACBACOM File, Suppl New Georgia Material,

"Admiral Halsey approved the course of gram from General Griswold, who said,
procedure I had recommended." 34 "From an observer point of view things
Griswold received instructions on 10 are going badly." Griswold urged that
July to take six officers from his staff and the 25th Division and the remainder of
fly to New Georgia on 11 July in an the 37th Division be sent into the battle
amphibian plane. The remainder of the at once. Although he reported, "Enemy
XIV Corps staff would follow by water resistance to date not great," he did not
on 12 July. On orders from Halsey, think the 43d Division would ever take
which the admiral expected to issue after Munda. It was, he declared, "about to
the capture of Munda airfield, Griswold fold up."
would assume command of the New This message had an immediate effect.
Georgia Occupation Force. Turner's au- Halsey met with Harmon and informally
thority over the Occupation Force would appointed him as his deputy. He ordered
cease, but he was to continue to support Harmon to "assume full charge of and
the operation. Halsey repeated to Turner responsibility for ground operations in
his instructions regarding plans for New Georgia," and "to take whatever
taking Kolombangara, and told him steps were deemed necessary to facilitate
that, if Griswold approved the idea, the capture of the airfield."
Hester would command the ground Before leaving for Koli Point on
forces in the attack. Guadalcanal to be nearer the scene of
Griswold arrived at Rendova on 11 action, Harmon ordered Griswold to
July just as Hester and Wing were hasten his preparations for assuming
changing their plan of attack against command on New Georgia. All ground
Munda and sending the 172d Infantry forces assigned for the operation, he told
to seize the Laiana beachhead. The XIV Griswold, would be available by the
Corps commander was not long in reach- time he assumed command. Harmon
ing a judgment regarding operations to promised to alert one regimental com-
date. bat team of the veteran 25th Division
General Harmon, at his headquarters for movement, but it would be dis-
in Noumea, wrote an optimistic letter patched to New Georgia only if he
to Washington on the morning of 13 specifically approved.
July. He reported that operations in Of the assigned 37th Division forces,
New Georgia seemed to be progressing the 145th Infantry, like the 136th Field
favorably. He did not send the letter, for Artillery Battalion, was already on hand
in New Georgia, the 1st and 2d Battal-
later in the morning he received a radio-
ions at Rendova and the 3d Battalion un-
der Liversedge along with 3d Battalion,
Ltr, Harmon to Handy, 15 Jul 43, quoted in
part in Hq SOPACBACOM File, Suppl New 148th Infantry. Admiral Turner at once
Georgia Material, OCMH; COMSOPAC War Diary,
9 Jul 43. Rad, Griswold to Harmon, 13 Jul 43, quoted
Rad, COMSOPAC to CTF 31, 9 Jul 43; and in SOPACBACOM, History of the New Georgia
Rad, COMGENSOPAC to CG XIV Corps, 10 Jul Campaign, Vol. I, Ch. III, p. 39, OCMH.
43, in Hq SOPACBACOM File, Suppl New Georgia Harmon, The Army in the South Pacific, p. 8;
Material, OCMH; XIV Corps G-3 Jnl, 10-11 Jul Halsey, Narrative Account of the South Pacific
43. Campaign, p. 7. Both in OCMH.

REAR ADM. THEODORE S. WILKINSON (left) and Lt. Gen. Millard F. Harmon in
the chart room of the transport McCawley.

ordered Col. Stuart A. Baxter, com-to New Georgia for conferences and per-
manding the 148th Infantry in the Rus- sonal reconnaissance. Harmon agreed,
sell Islands, to alert Headquarters, the and Beightler left for New Georgia in a
1st and 2d Battalions, and the Antitank PBY on 19 July.
Company of his regiment for immediate On arriving at Guadalcanal, Harmon
movement to New Georgia. These move- ordered Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins,
ments would put two full infantry regi- commanding the 25th Division, to get
ments of the 37th Division in New one regimental combat team ready for
Georgia. transfer to New Georgia. Collins, who
On the 16th, Griswold proposed that on Griswold's departure had become
the 37th Division units operate under island commander and as such respon-
control of their division commander, sible for Guadalcanal's defense, decided
Maj. Gen. Robert S. Beightler, and that that the 161st Regimental Combat Team
Beightler and his senior staff officers fly could most easily be spared from its de-

fense missions. On 14 July he directed command as ordered. Hester reverted to

Col. James L. Dalton, II, regimental and command of the 43d Division.
combat team commander, to be ready to Thus by mid-July Turner and Hester,
move on twelve hours' notice.38 the two officers most responsible for the
The next day Admiral Turner was re- execution of the New Georgia tactical
lieved of his posts of Commander, South plans, had been replaced. With the offen-
Pacific Amphibious Force (III Amphibi- sive stalling, General Griswold was fac-
ous Force and Task Force 32), and Com- ing his first experience in commanding
mander, New Georgia Attack Force a corps in combat. His problems were
(Task Force 31). This relief apparently formidable, although some progress had
had nothing to do with recent events on been made. Liversedge's three battalions
New Georgia. Admiral Nimitz, then pre- were behind schedule but had taken
paring for the great Central Pacific drive Enogai and were preparing to attack
that was to start with the invasion of the Bairoko. On the Munda front the 169th
Gilberts in November 1943, had directed and 172d Infantry Regiments, also be-
Halsey to send Turner to Hawaii. hind their schedule, had laboriously
Turner departed on the 15th, and dur- made their way from Zanana across the
ing the next two years commanded the Barike to Laiana and the vicinity of
V Amphibious Force in the invasions of Reincke Ridge and were in contact with
the Gilberts, the Marshalls, the Marianas, the main Japanese defenses. These forces
Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. His posts in were obviously not adequate to break
the South Pacific were taken over by Ad- through and capture the airfield, but ad-
miral Wilkinson, until then Halsey's
ditional regiments were on their way.
deputy commander.
Aside from the difficulties presented by
On the day Turner left, Harmon
the enemy and the terrain, Griswold was
ordered Griswold to assume command
confronted by an abnormally high rate
of the New Georgia Occupation Force
at midnight of 15-16 July, and to seize of mental illness, and by the need to im-
Munda and join forces with Liversedge prove the Occupation Force supply sys-
as soon as possible. Griswold took over tem so that the regiments would be
taken care of in the normal manner in-
The regimental combat team consisted of the stead of by emergency air drop. Ob-
161st Infantry; the 89th Field Artillery Battalion; viously, it was a case calling for general-
A Company, 65th Engineer Battalion; and A Com-
pany, 25th Medical Battalion. ship of a high order.

Griswold Takes Over

General Griswold at once concluded tions against Bairoko were not closely
that he could not mount a large-scale co-ordinated with action on the Munda
offensive against Munda until he had front. Upon assuming command Gris-
received reinforcements and reorganized wold directed Liversedge to submit daily
the Occupation Force. Estimating that reports, but radio communication be-
four battalions of "Munda moles well tween Liversedge and Occupation Force
dug in" faced him, he planned to keep headquarters on Rendova had been poor.
"pressure on slant-eye," and to gain more Curiously enough Liversedge's signals
advantageous ground for an offensive, from his Navy TBX radio could barely
by using the 43d Division in a series of be picked up at Rendova, although the
local attacks. At the same time he would radio at Segi Point was able to receive
be getting ready for a full corps offensive them without much difficulty. As a result
to "crack Munda nut and allow speedy Liversedge had to send many messages
junction with Liversedge." 1 In the rear through Segi Point to headquarters of
areas, Griswold and his staff set to work Task Force 31 at Guadalcanal, from
to improve the system of supply and there to be relayed to Rendova, a slow
medical treatment. process at best.
The Attack on Bairoko In the days following the fall of Eno-
gai, Liversedge sent patrols out to cover
Meanwhile Colonel Liversedge, after
Dragons Peninsula. They made contact
taking Enogai and abandoning the trail
with the Japanese only once between 12
block, was making ready to assault Bai-
and 17 July. Little information was ob-
roko. (See Map 8.) Liversedge's opera-
tained. "Ground reconnaissance," wrote
Rad, Griswold to Harmon, 16 Jul 43, in XIV Liversedge, ". . . was by no means all
Corps G-3 Jnl, 16 Jul 43. Unless otherwise indicated it should have been." Most patrols, he
this chapter is based on SOPACBACOM, History
of the New Georgia Campaign, Vol. I, OCMH; the felt, were not aggressive enough, had
orders, action rpts, jnls and jnl files of NGOF, XIV not been adequately instructed by unit
Corps, 43d Div, 37th Div, 25th Div, NLG, and their commanders, and were not properly con-
component units; USAFISPA's Daily Int Summaries
and Periodic Int Rpts; 17th Army Operations, Vol. ducted. ". . . some patrols were sent
II, Japanese Monogr No. 40 (OCMH); Southeast out in which the individual riflemen had
Area Naval Operations, Vol. II, Japanese Monogr
No. 49 (OCMH); the published naval and air his- no idea of where they were going and
tories previously cited. what they were setting out to find."


headquarters for interrogation.

There was always the problem of "gold- might have furnished Liversedge with
bricking on the part of patrols who are data on strongpoints, gun emplacements,
inclined to keep their activity fairly close stores, and bivouac areas, but he com-
to their camp area. . . ." Patrols made plained that he had received practically
"grave errors in distance and direction" no photos. One group of obliques re-
and frequently were unobservant. Many ceived just before the landing at Rice
returned from their missions unable to Anchorage turned out to be pictures of
tell in what direction the streams flowed, marines landing at Segi Point. Thus, ex-
whether there were fresh enemy tracks cept for the map captured on 7 July,
around a given stream, and the approxi- Liversedge had no sound information
mate dimensions of swamps they had on the installations at Bairoko. He was
passed through.2 aware only that the Japanese were dig-
Prisoners might have supplied a good
ging in and preparing to resist. The
deal of information, but only two had
Americans could only guess at Japanese
been captured. Air photography, too,
strength at Bairoko, whither the sur-
NLG War Diary and Combat Rpt, pp. 9-10. vivors of the Japanese garrison at Enogai

had gone. Harmon's headquarters esti- Lagoon. The 3d Battalion, 148th, was
mated that one Army infantry battalion to make a separate enveloping move-
plus two companies, some artillerymen, ment. Advancing southwest from Triri
and part of the Kure 6th Special Naval to the trail junction southeast of Bai-
Landing Force were defending Bairoko. roko, it was to swing north against the
The actual strength of the garrison is Japanese right flank. A and C Compa-
not clear. It consisted, however, of the nies, 1st Marine Raider Battalion, and
2d Battalion, 45th Infantry, the 8th Bat- elements of the 3d Battalion, 145th,
tery, 6th Field Artillery (both of the 6th formed the reserve at Enogai.
Division), and elements of the Kure 6th Late in the day the B Company pla-
Special Naval Landing Force. toon took landing craft from Enogai to
Liversedge had few more than three the tip of the sandspit, went ashore, and
thousand men to use in the attack. The moved into position for the next morn-
move of Colonel Schultz's 3d Battalion, ing's attack. The remainder of the at-
148th Infantry, to Triri and the 18 July tacking force stayed in bivouac. From
landing of the 4th Marine Raider Bat- 2000, 19 July, to 0500, 20 July, Japanese
talion at Enogai gave him a force almost aircraft bombed and strafed Enogai,
four battalions strong, although casual- which as yet had no antiaircraft guns.
ties and disease had reduced the three No one was killed, but the troops had
battalions that made the initial landing. little rest.
M Company and the Antitank Platoon The two Raider battalions started out
of the 3d Battalion, 145th Infantry, were of Enogai at 0800, 20 July, and within
holding Rice Anchorage. The 1st and 4th thirty minutes all units had cleared the
Raider Battalions and L Company, village and were marching down the
145th, were at Enogai. Schultz's battalion trail toward Bairoko. The 1st Raider
and the remainder of the 3d Battalion, Battalion (less two companies) led, fol-
145th, were at Triri. lowed by the 4th Battalion and regi-
Liversedge called his battalion com- mental Headquarters. At 0730 Schultz's
manders together at 1500, 19 July, and battalion had left Triri on its enveloping
issued oral orders for the Bairoko attack, march.
which was to take place early next morn- The Northern Landing Group was at-
ing. The Raider battalions, advancing tacking a fortified position. A force de-
some three thousand yards southwest livering such an attack normally makes
from Enogai along the Enogai-Bairoko full use of all supporting services, arms,
trail, would make the main effort. One and weapons, but Liversedge's men had
platoon of B Company, 1st Raider Bat- little to support them. No one seems to
talion, was to create a diversion by ad-
have asked for naval gunfire. Liversedge,
vancing down the fifty-yard-wide sand-
who had been receiving fairly heavy air
spit forming the west shore of Leland
support in the form of bombardments
of Bairoko, is reported to have requested
Japanese sources give no strength figures for a heavy air strike to support his assault.
these units. SOPACBACOM, History of the New
Georgia Campaign, Vol. I, Ch. V, gives approxi-
His message reached the Guadalcanal
mately two thousand, a figure which may be high. headquarters of Admiral Mitscher, the

Commander, Aircraft, Solomons, too more units forward to cover D Com-

late on the 19th for action next day. pany's flank. These advances were made
The marines definitely expected air with rifle, grenade, and bayonet against
support. The 4th Raider Battalion noted Japanese pillboxes constructed of logs
at 0900: "Heavy air strike failed to and coral, housing machine guns. The
materialize." Artillery support was pre- jungle overhead was so heavy that the
cluded by the fact that there was no Raiders' 60-mm. mortars were not used.
artillery. Hindsight indicates that the six The platoon on the sandspit, meanwhile,
81-mm. mortars of the 3d Battalion, was held up by a number of machine
145th Infantry, might have been used guns and was unable to reach the main-
in general support of the attack, but land to make contact with the main
these weapons remained with their par- body.
ent battalion. So far the marines, by attacking reso-
The Raiders advanced without meet- lutely, had made good progress in spite
ing an enemy until 0955 when the 1st of the absence of proper support, but
Battalion's point sighted four Japanese. now 90-mm. mortar fire from Japanese
When the first shot was fired at 1015, positions on the opposite (west) shore
B and D Companies, 1st Raider Bat- of Bairoko Harbour began bursting
talion, deployed and moved forward. around the battalion command posts
Heavy firing broke out at 1045. By noon and on D Company's ridge. With casual-
the battalion had penetrated the enemy ties mounting, D Company was forced
outpost line of resistance and was in the off the ridge. By 1500 practically the
outskirts of Bairoko. When D Company, entire force that Liversedge had led out
on the left, was halted by machine gun of Enogai was committed and engaged
fire, Liversedge began committing the in the fire fight, but was unable to move
4th Raider Battalion to the left of the farther under the 90-mm. mortar fire.
1st. Then D Company started moving Colonel Griffith, commanding the 1st
again. Driving slowly but steadily against Raider Battalion, regretted the absence
machine gun fire, it advanced with its of heavy mortars in the Marine battal-
flanks in the air beyond B Company ions. Liversedge, at 1315, sent another
until by 1430 it had seized a ridge about urgent request for an air strike against
three hundred yards short of the shore the positions on the west shore of Bai-
of Bairoko Harbour. Liversedge ordered roko Harbour, but, as Griswold told
him, there could be no air strikes by
Guadalcanal-based planes on such short
Maj. John N. Rentz, USMCR, Marines in the notice. With all marine units in action,
Central Solomons (Washington, 1952), p. 111. The the attack stalled, and casualties increas-
XIV Corps G-3 Journal for 19 July contains a mes-
sage from Liversedge, sent at 2235, 18 July, request-
ing, Liversedge telephoned Schultz to
ing a twelve-plane strike on 19 July, and a "large ask if his battalion could make contact
strike to stand by for July 20 A M and SBD's to with the marines before dark.6 Other-
stand by for immediate call remainder of day."
XIV Corps headquarters replied that a "large strike 6
stand by" for 20 July was "impracticable." All men of Headquarters Company, 4th Raider
4th Mar Raider Bn Special Action Rpt, Bairoko Battalion, were engaged in carrying litter cases to
Harbor, New Georgia Opn, p. 3. the rear.

wise, he warned, the attack on Bairoko gun and mortar fire still hit them, but
would fail. the withdrawal was orderly. All unin-
Schultz's battalion had marched out jured men helped carry the wounded.
of Triri that morning in column of com- The battalion retired about five hun-
panies. Except for two small swamps, dred yards and set up a perimeter de-
the trail was easy. By 1330 the battalion fense on the shore of Leland Lagoon.
had traveled about 3,000 yards, passing When L Company of the 145th came up
some Japanese corpses and abandoned from Enogai carrying water, ammuni-
positions on the way, and reached the tion, and blood plasma, it was com-
point where the Triri trail joined one mitted to the perimeter. Construction of
of the Munda-Bairoko tracks. Here, the defenses was impeded by darkness,
about 2,500 yards south of Bairoko, the but the task was completed and the hasty
battalion swung north and had moved a defenses were adequate to withstand
short distance when the advance guard some harassing Japanese that night.
ran into an enemy position on high Some of the walking wounded had
ground. Patrols went out to try to deter- been sent to Enogai in the late after-
mine the location and strength of the noon of the 20th, and at 0615 of the 21st
Japanese; by 1530 Schultz was ready to more were dispatched. Evacuation of
attack. M Company's 81-mm. mortars litter cases began at 0830, and an hour
opened fire, but the rifle companies, at- later a group of Corrigan's natives came
tempting to move against machine guns, from Enogai to help. Carrying the
were not able to advance. One officer stricken men in litters over the primitive
and one enlisted man of K Company trail in the heat was hard on the men
were killed; two men were wounded. and on the litter bearers. Liversedge
This was the situation at 1600 when therefore ordered that landing craft
Schultz received Liversedge's call. from Enogai come up Leland Lagoon
Schultz immediately told Liversedge and take the wounded back from a point
that he could not reach the main body about midway between Bairoko and Eno-
before dark. A few minutes later, the gai. This evacuation was carried out,
1st Marine Raider Regiment's executive and by late afternoon, the withdrawal,
officer, having been dispatched to Schultz which was covered by Allied air attacks
to tell him to push harder, arrived at the against Bairoko, had been completed.
battalion command post. According to All the marines were at Enogai, where
the 3d Battalion's report, the executive they were joined by Schultz's battalion,
agreed that contact could not be made which had retired to Triri and come to
before dark and he so informed Liver- Enogai by boat. The Raider battalions
sedge. lost 46 men killed, 161 wounded. They
The group commander concluded that reported counting 33 enemy corpses, but
he had but one choice: to withdraw. He estimated that the total number of en-
issued the order, and the marine bat- emy dead was much higher.
talions began retiring at 1700. Starting Once again at Enogai, the Northern
from the left of the line, they pulled Landing Group resumed daily patrols
back company by company. Machine over Dragons Peninsula.

Pressure on the Japanese fire then struck the tanks that they were
On the Munda front, meanwhile, the forced to close their turret hatches, but
169th and 172d Regiments were engaged they found the source of much of the
in their limited offensive to hold the fire—a machine gun position at the base
Japanese in position and secure more of a banyan tree. The marines shot at
high ground from which to launch the this position for some time, but as they
corps offensive that was to start on 25 killed one gunner, his replacement
July. (See below, Map 10.) would bound forward from the rear,
The 172d Infantry man the gun, and keep shooting until
he was killed. At length the tanks de-
From 16 through 24 July the 172d
stroyed the gun, drove the surviving
Infantry expanded the Laiana beach-
crew members into a nearby pillbox,
head. It moved west about six hundred
pulled up close, and demolished three
yards and established a front line that
pillboxes with short-range fire. Troops
ran for about fifteen hundred yards in-
of the 2d Battalion then moved forward
land from the beach near Ilangana. Dur-
to grenade the wreckage.
ing this period it had the support of
The three tanks operating with the
tanks for the first time. Reconnaissance
3d Battalion, to the right of the 2d, had
had revealed some trails in front of the
less success, as the ridges in that zone
172d that the tanks could use. Therefore
were so steep that the tanks could not
three M3 light tanks of the 9th Marine
elevate or depress their guns enough to
Defense Battalion were assigned to each
hit the enemy positions.
of the 172d's battalions, and six riflemen
The destruction of the pillboxes near
were ordered to advance with and cover
the shore gave the troops an opportunity
each tank.
to inspect the type of defenses they would
In the zone of the 2d Battalion, 172d,
have to overcome before they could
on the beach, the tanks made good prog-
take Munda. The pillboxes were not
ress along a jeep trail on 16 July. But
concrete, as had been feared, but were
when they reached the trail's end, their
made of coconut logs and coral. From
rate of advance slowed to about one mile
ten to twelve feet square, they had three
an hour as logs, stumps, and trees caused
or four layers of logs banked with six
constant backing, towing, and rerout-
to eight feet of weathered coral. About
ing. About seventy-five yards beyond the
ten feet from floor to ceiling, they were
2d Battalion's front lines, in an area
dug into the earth so that only two or
where artillery fire had partly cleared
the vegetation, the tanks sighted Jap- three feet of pillbox projected above
anese pillboxes. They deployed into a the ground. Each had several firing slits
wedge formation, then fired 37-mm. high for riflemen as well as a firing platform
explosive shells. As this fire cut down for a heavy machine gun. Outside were
the underbrush other pillboxes became foxholes among banyan and mahogany
visible. Japanese machine gunners man- trees. Trenches connected all positions,
ning positions in grass shacks opened which were well camouflaged. Besides
fire, but were immediately blasted by employing terrain contours for conceal-
canister from the tanks. Such heavy ment, the Japanese used earth, grass,


vines, palm fronds, and leaves to such very little in the jungle. The tankers ut-
good effect that the American soldiers tered the classic complaint that the rifle-
might receive fire from a pillbox and men did not give them proper support
still not be able to see it. Soldiers of the and protection, while the infantrymen
43d Division remarked that the Japanese claimed that the tanks did not always
positions were easier to smell than see. press forward to support them. Doubt-
As usual, the Americans reported the less both accusations were based on
presence of many snipers in trees, but truth.
these reports had little basis in fact. No Japanese antitank tactics, practically
one ever seems to have actually seen one. nonexistent at first, improved each day,
The tanks attacked again on the 17th, for staff officers had hurried down
but lack of tank-infantry co-ordination from Rabaul to instruct Sasaki's men in
hampered their efforts. The Marine tanks methods of dealing with tanks. The
and the Army infantry had not trained Japanese used mines, flame throwers,
together. Foot soldiers had no sure means Molotov cocktails, and fuzed charges
of communicating with the tanks when of TNT against the tanks, but appar-
they were closed up for action. Tank ently had no antitank guns. After two
crews, with hatches closed, could see tanks were permanently disabled on 17-

18 July, General Griswold withdrew look west and see the waters south of
the other tanks from the front to permit Munda Point, although the airfield was
repairs. He ordered the 9th Marine De- hidden from view. Because natives had
fense Battalion tank commander to re- formerly dug yam gardens on the ridge,
connoiter for terrain suitable for tank there was an open area about 75 by 150
action, and at the same time requested yards. Zimmer's men, using Japanese
that the Tank Platoon of the 10th Ma- positions when possible, started building
rine Defense Battalion, then in the Rus- an all-round defense in the clearing.
sells, be sent to New Georgia. Automatic rifles, machine guns, and
M1903 and M1 rifles were posted on the
Kelley Hill line, with mortars in supporting posi-
In the 169th Infantry's zone farther tions in rear.
north, the 3d Battalion's seizure of There was a brush with a Japanese
Reincke Ridge was being exploited. The patrol at 1650, and before dark, when
2d Battalion was able to capture the hill the emplacements were still incomplete,
immediately north of Reincke Ridge, Japanese artillery and mortar fire struck
and on 15 July Maj. Joseph E. Zimmer, the battalion. Fourteen men died, in-
commanding the 1st Battalion, recon- cluding 1st Lt. John R. Kelley, in whose
noitered the high ground (Kelley Hill) memory the hill was named. Just fifteen
four hundred yards southwest of Rein- minutes after midnight part of the 3d
cke Ridge in preparation for an attack. Battalion, 229th Infantry, now com-
At 0830 the next day, 16 July, the manded by Captain Kojima, assaulted
155-mm. howitzers of the 136th Field the hill from positions on Horseshoe
Artillery Battalion and the 3d Battalion's Hill. Beaten off, Kojima tried twice
mortars put fire on the objective. At more against the right (north) and rear
the same time the 1st Battalion, fortified (east) but failed to dislodge Zimmer's
by hot coffee and doughnuts, passed battalion.
through the 3d Battalion's lines and ad- The 1st Battalion held to the ridge,
vanced to the attack. One platoon from but as day broke on 17 July the troops
C Company, carrying .30-caliber light realized that their situation was not en-
machine guns, struck out down the west viable. That the Japanese were still
slope of Reincke Ridge and up the east active was indicated by their resistance
slope of Kelley Hill, seized the crest, and to an attempt by the 2d Battalion to
set up machine guns to cover the ad- drive into the draw between Reincke
vance of the battalion's main body, Ridge and Kelley Hill. This attempt
which was to envelop Kelley Hill from was beaten back. The 1st Battalion's
the south. The whole effort was blood- rations and ammunition were running
less. The battalion's advance elements low; the battalion surgeon had no medi-
climbed the hill without meeting any cal supplies. And when Japanese ma-
opposition. They found only empty chine guns fired on a party carrying
pillboxes and abandoned foxholes. By twenty wounded men to the rear and
1530 the entire battalion was on the forced it to return west to Kelley Hill,
ridge top. The men found they could the men of the battalion knew that they

were virtually isolated. Fortunately the of Munda, to assemble on the upper

telephone line to the regimental com- reaches of the Barike, fall upon the Al-
mand post was still operating, and Major lied flank and rear, and destroy the
Zimmer was able to keep Colonel Hol- whole force. The 13th Infantry, having
land informed on his situation. As the completed its march from Bairoko, as-
hot day wore on, the supply of water sembled on the upper Barike on 15 July.
dwindled. Some men left their positions It claims to have attacked the 43d Divi-
to drink from puddles in shell holes. sion's right flank on that date, a claim
Eight of those who thus exposed them- that is not supported by the 43d Division
selves were wounded by Japanese rifle- records. Two days later the 13th made
men. In midafternoon succor came. A ready to attack from the upper Barike.
party of South Pacific Scouts, accom- In the afternoon of the 17th American
panied by Capt. Dudley H. Burr, the patrols operating on the practically open
regimental chaplain, escorted a supply right flank reported that an enemy col-
party through to Kelley Hill. The party umn, 250-300 men strong, was moving
brought ammunition, rations, water, eastward. A platoon from the 43d Cav-
blood plasma, litters, and orders from alry Reconnaissance Troop went out to
Holland to hold the hill. The wounded ambush the column but failed to inter-
were carried out. The unwounded on cept it. It was obvious that the Japanese
Kelley Hill, securely dug in, made ready had some sort of offensive action in
to meet the Japanese night attack which mind.
they had reason to expect. It was equally obvious that the Allied
The Enemy Counterattacks forces in front of Munda were in a vul-
nerable position. Their right flank was
Up to now, Japanese ground troops
in the air; the front line positions were
had harried the Americans at night with
exposed to envelopment from the north.
local attacks, but had not attempted
The Japanese reinforcement route from
any large co-ordinated offensives. They
Bairoko was still open, and 43d Division
had manned their defensive positions,
rear installations, strung out from Za-
fired at the American infantry, and had
nana to the front, were unguarded ex-
received bombs, shells, and infantry as-
cept for local security detachments.
saults without retaliating very actively.
Movement was slow along the Munda
This quiescence, so different from en-
Trail; the track north from Laiana was
emy reactions during the Guadalcanal
not yet completed. It would thus be
Campaign, puzzled the American com-
difficult to send speedy reinforcement to
manders. General Sasaki was well aware
any beleaguered unit. A resolute, skill-
that only offensive action would destroy
ful attack by the 13th Infantry, such as
the Allied forces on New Georgia, and
Sasaki had planned, could destroy the
he had brought the 13th Infantry to
43d Division's rear installations, cut
Munda from Kolombangara for that
the line of communications from Zanana
to the front, and if co-ordinated with the
Sasaki ordered the 13th, acting in con-
cert with as much of the 229th Infantry 7
This order probably accounts for the with-
as he could spare from the defenses east drawal of part of the 229th from Kelley Hill.

efforts of the 229th Infantry might sur- July the Japanese caused alarms and up-
round the American regiments on the roar. They launched simultaneous raids
front lines. against the engineer and medical biv-
Captain Kojima was ready to do his ouacs and the 43d Division command
part. He had prepared another attack post at Zanana. Near one of the Barike
against Kelley Hill. At 0015, 18 July, bridges they ambushed a party taking
Japanese machine guns north of Kelley wounded of the 169th to the rear, then
opened fire. They covered the advance attacked the hasty perimeter set up by
of riflemen who were attempting an the party and killed several of the
assault against the west slope of Kelley wounded.
Hill. The 1st Battalion fired at the Jap- The attacks against the engineer and
anese infantry with all weapons that medical bivouacs were easily beaten off,
would bear, including two captured Jap- but at the command post the raiders'
anese machine guns. Tracers from Ko- first onslaught carried them through the
jima's machine guns revealed their loca- security detachment's perimeter and into
tion, and 3d and 1st Battalion mortar the communication center where they
crews put their fire on the Japanese ripped up telephone wires and damaged
positions to the north. Kojima's first at- the switchboard before being chased off.
tack failed. His men pulled back, re- The division artillery liaison officer,
grouped, and tried again, this time from Capt. James Ruhlen, called for support-
the north. They succeeded in seriously ing fire from the 136th Field Artillery
threatening the line. The broken ground Battalion. Adjusting by sound, he put
on the north slope of Kelley Hill pro- fire on a nearby hill where the Japanese
vided some cover from the fire of one were thought to be emplacing mortars
of the machine guns that was supposed and laid a tight box barrage around the
to sweep the area. The Japanese, taking command post. This fire was continued
advantage of the dead space, crawled throughout the night. During the action
within grenade-throwing range of the Lt. Col. Elmer S. Watson, 43d Division
northern line of the 1st Battalion. But G-3, was wounded. Maj. Sidney P. Mar-
mortar fire killed some of them and land, Jr., his assistant, took his place.
forced the others to withdraw. The 1st Shortly after receiving word of the at-
Battalion reported counting 102 Jap- tack, General Griswold ordered a bat-
anese bodies on the slopes of Kelley Hill tery of artillerymen from Kokorana to
after daybreak. Zanana to protect the command post,
A predawn attack by the 2d Battalion, and on his orders Colonel Baxter se-
229th Infantry, against the beach posi- lected the 1st Battalion of his 148th In-
tions of the 3d Battalion, 103d Infantry, fantry to move from Rendova to Za-
in the 172d's sector, was readily re- nana at daybreak.
pulsed.8 The 13th Infantry then withdrew to
Elsewhere on the night of 17-18 the north. It had caused a few casualties
but accomplished very little, certainly
The 3d Battalion, 103d, was attached to the
not enough to justify its trip from Kol-
172d Infantry. ombangara. As might be expected, Gen-
eral Sasaki was disappointed. Reincke Liversedge; the 135th and 136th Field
Ridge, Kelley Hill, and Laiana beach- Artillery Battalions; the 37th Cavalry
head remained in American hands. Reconnaissance Troop; and the signal,
quartermaster, ordnance, engineer, and
Preparations for the Corps Offensive medical units (except B Company,
Commitment of the 37th Division 117th Engineer Battalion, and B Com-
pany, 112th Medical Battalion).
General Griswold, preparing for his General Griswold, on 22 July, directed
corps offensive, needed fresh troops at General Beightler to resume command
the front. On 18 July he ordered Colo- at noon of all his units then on New
nel Baxter to advance west with the 2d Georgia except the 136th Field Artillery
Battalion of his 148th Infantry and re- Battalion. To the 37th Griswold at-
lieve the 169th Infantry as soon as pos- tached the 161st Regimental Combat
sible. Baxter, whose 1st and 2d Battal- Team less its artillery, and the 169th
ions had arrived at Zanana that morning, and 192d Field Artillery Battalions of
effected the relief by 21 July after being the 43d Division. The 136th Field Artil-
delayed by Japanese detachments at the lery Battalion was serving as part of
Barike. corps artillery. The other three organic
After the 169th's relief, regimental and attached artillery battalions were
command changed again. Colonel Hol- under the 37th Division for direct fire
land took over his old regiment, the support missions only; for all others they
145th, while Lt. Col. Bernard J. Lind- would be controlled by corps artillery,
auer succeeded to command of the 169th. now commanded by General Barker.
Lindauer's regiment returned to Ren- Griswold, reshuffling units for the
dova for rest and reorganization. Its 3d offensive, set the boundary between divi-
Battalion, after receiving 212 replace- sions along an east-by-south-west-by-
ments, was sent into reserve at Laiana north line approximately thirteen hun-
on 24 July. dred yards north of Ilangana. The 43d
By 23 July the major part of the 37th Division was on the left (south), with
Division had arrived at New Georgia the 103d and 172d Regiments in line
and was either in action or ready to be from south to north.10 The 172d moved
committed. Present were Division and right to establish contact with the 37th
Division Artillery Headquarters; the Division's left.
145th and 148th Infantry Regiments less The 37th Division, assigned an indefi-
their 3d Battalions, which were under nite frontage north of the 43d Division,
gave the 145th Infantry a narrow front
Japanese records do not indicate just what the of 300 yards on the left, because only the
main body of the 13th actually did during the
period 17-19 July. The various raids could not
2d Battalion, 145th, which had been
have been the work of the entire unit. The main covering the gap north of the 172d In-
body apparently never got into action at all. The fantry, was immediately available. The
170 hungry survivors of Major Hara's Viru garrison
may have caused some of the trouble to the Ameri-
cans, for on 18 or 19 July they reached Munda after The 2d Battalion, 103d, having been relieved
marching overland from Viru and infiltrating the by the 1st Battalion, had come up from Wickham
American lines from the rear. Anchorage.
SOLDIERS OF THE 161ST INFANTRY debarking from an LCI, New Georgia, 22 July 1943.

1st Battalion was still holding the high to use one rifle company to clear the
ground taken over from the 169th In- ridge on 24 July. I Company, supported
fantry. The 161st Infantry was given a by M Company's 81-mm. mortars, at-
500-yard front in the center. One of its tacked and reported knocking out two
battalions constituted the corps reserve. more pillboxes, apparently by killing
The 148th Infantry was put on the right, the occupants. But I Company also re-
with no definite frontage, and assigned ported the presence of a dozen more pill-
the responsibility for protecting the boxes. Before nightfall, patrols reported
corps' right flank and rear. that the Japanese had reoccupied the
All units had moved into position by two positions I Company had attacked.
24 July. The 161st Infantry, whose trans- Thus just before D Day the 161st Infan-
fer had been approved by General Har- try was aware that a strong enemy posi-
mon, had arrived at Baraulu Island on tion lay camouflaged between it and the
21 July, moved to New Georgia the next line of departure.
day, and suffered its first casualties of
the campaign when two captains of the Reorganization
regimental staff were killed on recon- In the days following his assumption
naissance. On 23 July the regiment of command, General Griswold and his
moved to assembly areas in preparation staff were deeply occupied with admin-
for the offensive. Most of the 161st's zone
istrative as well as tactical matters. Re-
of action lay north of the high ground inforcements from the 25th and 37th
taken by the 169th Infantry. Divisions had to be received and as-
The corps line of departure ran north- signed. The supply system was over-
west from a point near Ilangana. In the hauled; medical services were improved.
161st's zone, it lay about three hundred General Griswold immediately desig-
yards west of the assembly areas, and nated Barabuni Island as supply dump
ran over Horseshoe Hill. Colonel Dal- for the 43d Division, Kokorana for the
ton, who had taken over command of the 37th. Ships from Guadalcanal would
regiment in the closing days of the land equipment and supplies in these
Guadalcanal Campaign, sent out patrols islands, whence landing craft would
to reconnoiter for the line of departure. transport them through the barrier is-
These patrols were stopped short of the lands to Laiana or to other positions on
line by Japanese on a ridge that formed the barrier islands.
part of the northeast slope of Horseshoe Hester's move to Laiana was pay-
Hill, and returned to report to Dalton ing dividends. Although low, swampy
that there were two pillboxes on the ground had at first slowed construction
ridge. A reinforced platoon went out to of the trail from Laiana north to the
deal with the enemy. This platoon came Munda Trail, six hundred yards had
back and claimed the destruction of two been built by 17 July, and on 20 July the
positions but reported the presence of whole trail was opened to motor traffic.
several more. Because Beightler did not As a result, Hester reported, his regi-
want to commit the regiment to general ments would no longer need to be sup-
action before 25 July, he ordered Dalton plied from the air. The 43d Division

command post moved from Zanana to Finally, all units benefited by the 43d
Laiana on 21 July. At the same time Division's experience in dealing with
most of the 43d Division's service instal- war neurosis. Rest camps, providing hot
lations moved to Laiana. Two-lane roads food, baths, clean clothes, and cots, were
were built within the dump areas, and established on the barrier islands, and
additional trails out of Laiana, plus more Colonel Hallam tried to see to it that
trails to the various regiments, were also more accurate diagnoses were made so
built. Bulldozer operators working in- that men suffering from combat fatigue
land received fire from enemy rifle- were separated from true neurotics and
men on occasion. After one driver was sent to the camps.
wounded, the engineers fashioned shields
for the bulldozers with steel salvaged Air Support
from wrecked enemy landing craft. A Air support of the New Georgia oper-
D-4 and a much heavier D-7 bulldozer ation had been generally good, and the
that came in with A Company, 65th En- scale of bombing was increasing. Com-
gineer Battalion, on 23 July, speeded pletion of the Segi Point field on 10
construction of a trail to the 161st In- July and full employment of the Rus-
fantry and of lateral trails in the 37th sells fields made it possible for fighters
Division's area. With the roads built it to escort all bombing missions. These
was possible to assemble supplies close missions could therefore be executed in
behind the infantry regiments and to daylight with resulting increases in ac-
plan their systematic delivery in the curacy. South Pacific air units were able
future. to put more planes in the air at one time
The XIV Corps and its assigned units than ever before. Regular strikes against
also undertook the improvement of med- the Shortlands and southern Bougain-
ical care. Several hours after he assumed ville were intensified.
command Griswold asked Harmon to Allied fighters providing the 0700 to
send the 250-bed 17th Field Hospital 1630 cover for the New Georgia Occupa-
from Guadalcanal to Rendova at once. tion Force also escorted the almost
Harmon approved. Because of physical daily bombing attacks against Munda,
frailty some medical officers had become Bairoko, and Vila. Fighter operations
casualties themselves, and the resulting were proving especially effective in pro-
shortage prevented careful supervision tecting the beachheads and shipping.
and handling of casualties. Griswold On 15 July some seventy-five Japanese
asked Harmon for fifteen medical officers bombers and fighters were intercepted
physically able to stand the rigors of field by thirty-one Allied fighters, who re-
service. To make sure that casualties ported knocking down forty-five enemy
being evacuated from New Georgia re- craft at a cost of three American planes.
ceived proper medical attention during Thereafter Japanese aircraft virtually
the trip to Guadalcanal, the corps sur- abandoned daylight attacks against Ren-
geon arranged with naval authorities dova and New Georgia and confined
for a naval medical officer to travel on their efforts to nocturnal harassment.
each LST carrying patients. Bombing and strafing missions in sup-

BOMBING OF MUNDA AIRFIELD, EARLY MORNING, 12 July 1943. Photograph taken

from Kokorana Island.

port of the ground troops were numerous corps offensive began, 37 TBF's and 36
and heavy, considering the number of SBD's with a screen of 48 fighters
aircraft in the South Pacific. On 16 July dropped thirty-seven 2,000-pound and
37 torpedo bombers and an equal num- thirty-six 1,000-pound bombs on Bai-
ber of dive bombers struck at Lambeti roko in the morning. In late afternoon
with thirty-six 1,000-pound, eighteen 18 SBD's and 16 TBF's hit Munda and
2,000-pound, and eighty-eight 500-pound Bibilo Hill.
bombs at 0905. The strike was followed Most of the aircraft flying these mis-
by another against Munda by 36 SBD's sions were piloted by marines. It will be
and TBF's. These dropped twelve 1,000- noted that this air support was, accord-
pound and twelve 2,000-pound bombs ing to then current Army doctrine, di-
at 1555. On 19 July 20 TBF's and 18 rect air support. Most of these missions
SBD's hit at positions north of Munda, were flown as part of "a combined effort
and the next day 36 SBD's dropped of the air and ground forces, in the bat-
1,000-pound bombs at suspected gun tle area, to gain objectives on the imme-
positions north of Lambeti. Two days diate front of the ground forces." 11 But
later 36 SBD's and 18 TBF's again
bombed the Munda gun positions, which See FM 100-20, Command and Employment of
Air Power (1943), p. 16. See also TM 20-205,
were struck once more by 16 SBD's on Dictionary of United States Army Terms (1944), p.
23 July. On 24 July, the day before the 90.

as most of the targets were several thou- cause maps were inexact, and the troops
sand yards from the front lines, this had difficulty in locating themselves pre-
was not close air support, which was cisely, bombing missions executed close
defined after the war as "attack by air- to the front lines resulted in casualties
craft on hostile ground or naval targets to American troops. Three soldiers of
which are so close to friendly forces as the 172d Infantry were killed in that
to require detailed integration of each way on 16 July. For these reasons close
air mission with the fire and movement air support was seldom used in any of
of these forces." South Pacific com- the CARTWHEEL operations. The direct
manders, including General Harmon, air support on New Georgia was, how-
had hoped to make extensive use of close ever, of great value, and General Gris-
air support on New Georgia, and a few wold had every intention of following
close air support missions such as that Harmon's order that the New Georgia
requested by Colonel Holland had been operation employ air support to the
executed, but they were difficult for the maximum degree.
air forces to execute and dangerous to Griswold, in the nine days following
the ground troops. There was, at that his assumption of command, had im-
time, no systematized target marking proved supply and evacuation on New
system nor any good means of radio com- Georgia. In spite of the failure at Bai-
munication between the front lines and roko, the tactical position, too, had im-
the aircraft. The Thirteenth Air Force proved. The tired 169th had been re-
had no tactical air communications lieved, and fresh 25th and 37th Division
squadron. The dense jungle and rolling regiments were ready to enter the fight.
terrain where the troops were operating The troops had repulsed a counterat-
had so few landmarks that pilots could tack, improved their position by seizing
not easily orient themselves. Nor could high ground, and now held a southeast-
the ground troops orient themselves any northwest line about three thousand
more easily. Panels marking the front yards from the east end of Munda field.
lines could scarcely be seen from the air. The XIV Corps could look forward
Enemy positions could rarely be identi- to receiving the same resolute, effective
fied by spotters in observation planes or air and naval support that had aided the
by air liaison parties on the ground. Be- 43d Division. With the logistic and tac-
tical situations of his troops thus im-
proved, and sure of ample air and naval
SR 320-5-1, Dictionary of United States Army support, Griswold was ready to attack
Terms, (Aug 50), p. 48. Munda.

XIV Corps Offensive

The plan for the XIV Corps' drive goon and select visual check points. Air
against Munda was completed shortly support for the offensive would include,
after Griswold took over.1 Col. Eugene besides the normal fighter cover, pattern
W. Ridings, Griswold's assistant chief of bombing by multiengine planes in front
staff, G-3, flew to Koli Point to confer of the 43d Division about halfway be-
with General Harmon and Admiral Wil- tween Ilangana and Lambeti Plantation.
kinson on naval gunfire and air support. Single-engine planes would strike at po-
Ridings also asked for, and obtained, a sitions north and northeast of Munda
better radio (SCR 193) for Liversedge, field. Artillery spotting planes and liai-
to improve communications between son planes would be on station con-
him and Griswold. Harmon stressed the tinuously.
importance of submitting a precise plan Artillery support would be provided
for air support to Admiral Mitscher. by Barker's artillery from its island posi-
Dive bombers would naturally be the tions. Plans called for fairly standard
best for close work, while mediums and employment of the field artillery, pro-
heavies should be used for area bombing, viding for direct and general support of
he asserted. Harmon agreed to send in the attack, massing of fires in each in-
more tanks at Griswold's request.2 fantry's zone of advance, counterbattery
fire, and the defense of Rendova against
Plans seaborne and air attack. One 105-mm.
The American Plan howitzer battalion was assigned to direct
support of each regiment, one 155-mm.
Naval support plans called for a seven-
howitzer battalion to general support of
destroyer bombardment of Lambeti
each division. Except for specific direct
Plantation shortly before the infantry's
and general support missions, all artil-
advance. Comdr. Arleigh A. Burke, the
lery would operate as the corps artillery
destroyer division commander, came to
under Barker. The XIV Corps had
Rendova on 23 July to view Roviana La-
neither organic artillery nor an artillery
Unless otherwise indicated this chapter is based Griswold's field order, issued on 22
on the same sources as Chapter VIII.
It was at this conference that he approved the
transfer of the 161st Regimental Combat Team to See Miller, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive,
New Georgia. pp. 218-19.

July, directed his corps to attack vigor- artillery. Roads would be pushed for-
ously to seize Munda airfield and Bibilo ward with all possible speed.
Hill from its present positions which D Day was set for 25 July. The thirty-
ran from Ilangana northwest for about minute naval bombardment was to start
three thousand yards. (Map 10) The 37th at 0610, the air bombing at 0635. The
Division was to make the corps' main line of departure, running northwest
effort. Beightler's division was to attack from Ilangana, was practically identical
to its front, envelop the enemy's left with the American front lines except in
(north) flank, seize Bibilo Hill, and the zone of the 161st Infantry where the
drive the enemy into the sea. At the existence of the Japanese strongpoint
same time it would protect the corps' east of the line had been determined
right flank and rear. The 43d Division on 24 July.
was ordered to make its main effort on The XIV Corps was thus attempting
the right. Its objectives were Lambeti a frontal assault on a two-division front,
Plantation and the airfield. Liversedge's with the hope of effecting an evelop-
force, depleted by the abortive attack ment on the north. In the initial attack
on Bairoko, was to continue patrolling it would employ two three-battalion regi-
and give timely information regarding ments (the 161st and the 172d) and three
any Japanese move to send overland re- two-battalion regiments (the 103d, the
inforcements to Munda. The 9th De- 145th, and the 148th).
fense Battalion's Tank Platoon would
assemble at Laiana under corps control. Enemy Positions and Plans
The 1st and 2d Battalions, 169th In- On 22 July the Japanese front line
fantry, at Rendova, constituted the corps ran inland in a northwesterly direction
reserve.4 for some 3,200 yards. This line was
All units were ordered to exert un- manned by the entire 229th Infantry,
ceasing pressure on the enemy. Isolated and at the month's end the 2d Battalion,
points of resistance were not to be al- 230th Infantry, was also assigned to it.
lowed to halt the advance, but were to In support were various mountain artil-
be bypassed, contained, and reduced lery, antitank, antiaircraft, and auto-
later. Griswold ordered maximum use of matic weapons units.5 The positions
infantry heavy weapons to supplement were the same complex of camouflaged
and mutually supporting pillboxes,
trenches, and foxholes that had halted
Griswold issued his attack order as NGOF FO 1, Hester in midmonth. The pillboxes
22 July 43, although Hester had issued NGOF FO
1 in June. started near the beach at Ilangana and
The 37th Division was less the 129th Regimental ran over the hills in front of the
Combat Team and the 3d Battalions, 145th and 103d, 172d, 145th, and 161st Regiments.
148th Infantry Regiments, and was reinforced by
the 161st Regimental Combat Team (less its artil-
lery) and a detachment of South Pacific Scouts. 5
The 43d Division was less nearly all its head- These included the Antitank Battalion, 38th
quarters, whose officers were filling most of the posts Division; 2d Independent Antitank Battalion; a de-
in Occupation Force headquarters, and less two bat- tachment of the 2d Battalion, 90th Independent
talions of the 169th Infantry and the 1st Battalion, Mountain Artillery Regiment; thirteen 7.7-mm.
103d Infantry. machine guns, and two 75-mm. antiaircraft units.

A particularly strong series lay on a of 25 July. For once the weather was
tangled set of jungled hills: Shimizu favorable. D Day dawned fair and clear,
Hill in front of the 172d Infantry, and with visibility as good as could be ex-
Horseshoe Hill (so named from its con- pected in the jungle.
figuration) in front of the 145th and Naval gunfire, air, and artillery prepa-
161st Regiments. Horseshoe Hill lay rations went off as scheduled. Com-
northwest of Kelley Hill and west of mander Burke's seven destroyers had
Reincke Ridge. East of Horseshoe Hill sailed up from Tulagi. At 0609 the two
lay the Japanese pocket discovered by the screening destroyers fired the first of
161st. The pocket lay on a north-south four thousand 5-inch shells at Lambeti
ridge that was joined to Horseshoe Hill Plantation; these were followed by the
by a rough saddle. The pillbox line ter- main group at 0614. Visibility to sea-
minated at about the northern boundary ward was good, but the morning haze
of the 161st Infantry. When the 2d Bat- still hung over Lambeti Plantation. Fif-
talion, 230th Infantry, was committed it teen minutes later visibility had im-
did not occupy carefully prepared posi- proved but now the target area was
tions. From the end of the pillboxes the partly obscured by smoke and dust raised
line ran west to the beach, and this north by the bombardment.6 Firing ceased at
flank does not seem to have been strongly 0644.
held. From 0630 to 0700, 254 aircraft un-
XIV Corps headquarters still esti- loaded 500,800 pounds of fragmentation
mated that four enemy battalions faced and high explosive bombs on their tar-
it; three at Munda and one at Bairoko. get area, a 1,500-by-250-yard strip begin-
This was a fairly accurate estimate of ning about 500 yards west of the 103d
strength on the enemy line, but Sasaki Infantry's front lines. No corps artillery
had an ace up his sleeve—the 13th In- concentrations were fired on 25 July,
fantry. This regiment, which was not in but the 43d Division's supporting artil-
full strength, was stationed on the Amer- lery began before 0700 the first of more
ican right flank about 4,900 yards west than 100 preparations that were fired
by north from Ilangana. Sasaki's plans
to use his ace were similar to his earlier When the infantrymen later reached Lambeti
plans. On the same day that Griswold Plantation they found that although the bombard-
ment had done extensive damage many positions,
issued his field order, Sasaki directed which could have been destroyed only by direct
Colonel Tomonari to attack the Ameri- hits, remained intact. The theoretical density of
this shelling was 70 rounds per 100 square yards.
can right flank in the vicinity of Horse- Admiral Wilkinson, who thought the target area
shoe Hill on 23 July, then drive east was too far west of the front lines, later observed
along the Munda Trail. But the Ameri- that 200 rounds per 100 square yards would be re-
quired to achieve complete destruction. Because of
cans struck before Tomonari made his the difficulty in distinguishing targets in morning
move. haze, Commander Burke recommended that shore
bombardments should not start earlier than twenty
Ilangana and Shimizu Hill: minutes before sunrise. See CTF 31 (Com III
The 43d Division AMPHFOR) Action Rpt for Morning 25 Jul 43,
The Bombardment of Munda, 3 Sep 43, in Off of
In the 43d Division's zone, the offen- Naval Rcds and Library; and ONI USN, Operations
sive began as scheduled on the morning in the New Georgia Area, pp. 53-54.
that day. The 103d and 152d Field Artil- panies on either flank had not been able
lery Battalions fired more than 2,150 to keep up, and the Japanese moved in
105-mm. howitzer shells; the 155-mm. behind E Company to cut the telephone
howitzers of the 136th Field Artillery line to battalion headquarters.
Battalion threw 1,182 rounds at the To exploit E Company's break-
enemy. through, General Hester took the 3d Bat-
With the din subsiding as the artillery talion, 169th Infantry, out of division
shifted its fire to positions farther west, reserve and ordered it to push through
the infantrymen of the 43d Division the same hole E Company had found.
moved to the attack at 0700. In the 172d But the Japanese had obviously become
Infantry's zone the 2d and 3d Battalions aware of the gap, and as the 3d Battalion
on the left and right attacked westward marched to the line of departure it was
against Shimizu Hill. But by 1000 they enfiladed by fire from the south part of
had run into the enemy pillbox line Shimizu Hill and from the pillboxes to
and halted. Colonel Ross then requested the south. It halted. Five Marine tanks
tanks, got some from the corps reserve, were then ordered to push over Shimizu
and attacked again. By 1430 three tanks Hill but could not get up the steep
were disabled, and the attack stalled. A slopes. When three of them developed
little ground had been gained on the vapor lock all were pulled back to Lai-
regimental left. ana. In late afternoon the E Company
The 103d Infantry, now commanded commander decided to abandon his ex-
by Colonel Brown, attacked alongside posed, solitary position, and E Company
the 172d with little more success. The came safely back through the Japanese
3d Battalion, on the left, pushed for- line to the 2d Battalion.
ward against machine gun and mortar North of the 43d Division the 37th
fire, but immediately hit the Japanese Division had made scant progress.8 Thus
line and stopped. The battalion at- the first day of General Griswold's of-
tempted to move around the pillboxes fensive found the XIV Corps held for
but found that this maneuver took its little gain except in the center of the 43d
men into other machine gun fire lanes. Division's line.
The 2d Battalion, 103d, in the center The 43d Division was weakened by al-
of the 43d's zone, did better. It moved most a month's combat, and its reduced
forward two or three hundred yards strength was spread over a long, irregu-
against light opposition. By 1040 E Com- lar, slanting front. It was obvious that
pany's leading elements had advanced combat efficiency would be increased
five hundred yards. The company kept by narrowing the front, and this could
moving until noon, when it had reached be done by advancing the left and
the beach near Terere. Here it set up a straightening the line. Consequently
hasty defense position. But the com- Hester's plan for 26 July called for the
172d to stay in place while the 103d In-
Colonel Brown, formerly commander of the 2d
fantry attempted to advance the eight
Battalion, took over regimental command when
Colonel Hundley replaced the 43d Division chief of 8
staff on 22 July. See below, pp. 149-52.

hundred yards from Ilangana to Terere. two and three, they sprayed flame over
Strong combat patrols went out in the three barely visible pillboxes in front of
morning of 26 July to fix the location the center of the 103d's line. Vegetation
of the Japanese pillboxes as accurately was instantly burned off. In sixty seconds
as possible. After their return, the artil- the three pillboxes were knocked out
lery began firing at 1115, one hour be- and their four occupants were dead.10
fore the infantry was to attack. At 1145 Operations of the infantry, tanks,
the 103d's front was covered with smoke flame throwers, and supporting heavy
and under its cover the front-line com- weapons and artillery met with almost
panies withdrew a hundred yards. At complete success. The 103d Infantry en-
noon the artillery put its fire on the Jap- countered seventy-four pillboxes on a
anese positions directly in front. As the 600-yard front, but by midafternoon,
tanks were not quite ready at H Hour, spurred on by pressure from General
1215, the artillery kept firing for ten Wing, it had reduced enemy resistance
more minutes. It lifted fire one hundred at Ilangana. From there it continued its
yards at 1225, and the 103d started for- advance through underbrush and vines
ward. The tanks led the advance in the and gained almost 800 yards. By 1700
center; behind them was the infantry. the left flank rested on the coastal village
Attached to the 103d for the attack of Kia. The 43d Division's line, formerly
were 2d Lt. James F. Olds, Jr., the act- 1,700 yards long, was now much
ing corps chemical officer, and six volun- straighter by 300 yards.
teers from the 118th Engineer Battalion. From 28 through 31 July, the 43d
Each carried a flame thrower, a weapon Division inched slowly forward, a few
which the 43d Division had brought to yards on the right flank and about five
New Georgia but had not used up to hundred yards along the coast. This was
now.9 Griswold, whose headquarters had accomplished by "aggressive action and
conducted flame thrower schools on small unit maneuver, combined with
Guadalcanal, was aware of the weapon's constant artillery and mortar action
possibilities. That morning the six en- [which] gradually forced the enemy back
gineers had received one hour of train- from his high ground defenses." 11 The
ing in the use of the M1A1 flame 172d ground its way over Shimizu Hill,
thrower. the last real ridge between it and Munda
The flame throwers went forward with airfield, and in doing so it helped un-
the infantry, which halted about twenty hinge the main Japanese defense sys-
yards in front of the pillbox line and tem in its zone, just as the 103d's drive
covered it with small arms fire. Under 10
Capt. James F. Olds, Jr., "Flamethrowers Front
cover of this fire the flame thrower op- and Center," Chemical Warfare Bulletin, Vol. 30,
erators, their faces camouflaged with dirt, No. 3 (June-July 1944), pp. 5-9. This account,
crawled forward. Operating in teams of while valuable, seems to have telescoped two situ-
ations and actions into one, for Olds asserts that
the 103d was at Lambeti Plantation on 26 July.
From the fact that three pillboxes had only four
On 19 July Griswold radioed Guadalcanal to occupants, it would seem that this part of the
state his urgent need for more M1A1 flame throw- Japanese line was lightly manned.
ers. 43d Div Rpt of Opns, Munda Campaign, p. 13.

through Ilangana had broken the enemy against Munda under its new com-
line on the left.12 mander, while the 37th Division on its
Major Zimmer's 1st Battalion, 169th right fought its way through the enemy
Infantry, was brought over from Ren- positions in its hilly, jungled zone.
dova on 29 July; the 3d Battalion, now
commanded by Maj. Ignatius M. Ram- The Attack Against the Ridges:
sey, was taken out of division reserve The 37th Division
and the 169th (less the 2d Battalion) was
assigned a zone between the 172d and The dawn of D Day, 25 July, found
the 103d.13 As the month ended the the 43d Division committed to a general
169th (less its 2d Battalion in corps re- attack, but the 37th Division was forced
serve) was in the process of extending to postpone its advance. General Beight-
to the northwest to pinch out the 172d. ler had issued a field order on 23 July
Command of the 43d Division changed calling for a general attack by his three
hands on 29 July when Maj. Gen. John regiments, to start at 0700, 25 July. The
R. Hodge, the tough, blunt commander 145th, 161st, and 148th Infantry Regi-
of the Americal Division, came up from ments were to attack due west, toward
the Fijis to take over from Hester. This Bibilo Hill, on the division's left, center,
change was ordered by General Harmon and right, with the 145th maintaining
who felt that Hester had exhausted him- contact with the 172d Infantry on its
self. General Hodge had served as assist- left and the 148th Infantry covering the
ant commander of the 25th Division dur- corps' right flank and rear. But the dis-
ing the Guadalcanal Campaign, and covery of the strong Japanese position
thus had had more experience in jungle east of the 161st Infantry's line of de-
warfare than any other general then in parture altered the plans.
New Georgia. Hodge, Harmon wrote, On 24 July Beightler ordered Colonel
was the "best Div Comdr I have in area Holland not to advance his 145th In-
for this particular job." 14 fantry, but to stay in place. He told
The 43d Division, having cracked Colonel Baxter to move the 148th In-
through the Shimizu Hill-Ilangana posi- fantry only up to the line of departure.
tions, was in a favorable position to drive The two regiments would hold while
part of the 161st contained the Japanese
position and the rest of the regiment
Unfortunately the records are too scanty to pro- bypassed it and came up on a line with
vide details showing just how the 172d took this
position. During the attack 1st Lt. Robert S. Scott the 145th and 148th.
almost singlehandedly halted a Japanese counter- After Baxter received the commanding
attack and for his gallantry was awarded the Medal
of Honor. WD GO 81, 14 Oct 44. general's orders, he suggested that his
Colonel Reincke was now regimental executive regiment could perhaps help the 161st
officer. reduce the pocket by making a limited
See Ltr, Harmon to Griswold, quoted in
SOPACBACOM, History of the New Georgia Cam- advance. Baxter hoped to establish an
paign, I, 25, OCMH. See also Halsey and Bryan, observation post on high ground from
Admiral Halsey's Story, p. 161; Rad 2027, COM-
GENSOPAC to CofS USA, 10 Aug 43, in Marshall's
which both Munda airfield and the
IN Log. pocket in front of the 161st could be

seen. Beightler assented to this request weapons fire. He also asked corps head-
at 0910, 25 July. Patrols went out, and quarters for tanks to help the 161st, but
on their return the direct support artil- the 43d Division had been given the
lery battalion laid a ten-minute prepara- tanks for the D-Day attack.
tion 400 yards in front of the line of From positions near the Laiana Trail
departure while mortars covered the eight 81-mm. mortars opened fire at
400-yard gap. The 2d Battalion, 148th, 0745, 25 July, in support of Dalton's at-
commanded by Lt. Col. Herbert Rad- tack. Heavy weapons of the adjoining
cliffe, started forward, met no Japanese, regiments attempted to deliver their sup-
and gained 500-600 yards.15 The 1st porting fires, but the denseness of the
Battalion, Lt. Col. Vernor E. Hydaker jungle prevented forward observers' con-
commanding, moved up to the 2d Bat- trolling the fire. The unobserved fire
talion's old positions. began obstructing rather than helping
Bartley Ridge and Horseshoe Hill the 161st, and that part of the plan was
When I Company, 161st Infantry, had The 3d Battalion, commanded by Lt.
been unable to reduce the Japanese Col. David H. Buchanan, was unable to
strongpoint on Bartley Ridge on 24 July, gain. Shortly after 0800, when the attack
Colonel Dalton issued orders for its began, I Company reported that its at-
seizure on D Day.16 I Company was to tack against the ridge strongpoint had
contain the Japanese pocket by attack- stalled. A knob projecting east from Bart-
ing to its front while the 1st Battalion ley Ridge and the heavy undergrowth
and the rest of the 3d Battalion exe- provided enough cover and concealment
cuted a double envelopment.17 The 1st
to let the infantrymen reach the base of
Battalion was to move around the Jap-
the ridge, but uphill from the knob,
anese left (north) flank while the 3d Bat-
talion went around the right, after which where the growth was thinner, all move-
the two battalions would drive south- ment was halted by fire from the crest.
ward and northward for two hundred The 161st Infantry had made plans to
yards. Fifteen minutes of mortar fire use flame throwers, and an operator
would precede these moves. Beightler carrying his sixty-five pounds of equip-
arranged for the 145th and 148th Regi- ment made two laborious climbs and
ments to support the 161st with heavy silenced an enemy machine gun, but
many other Japanese positions remained
in action. The main body of the 3d
Battalion, attempting to get around the
Because of the inaccurate maps and densely
jungled, rough ground, all units had difficulty in south end of Bartley Ridge, was also
determining distances and exact locations. Nearly halted.
all reports warn that distances and locations are The 1st Battalion was more successful.
only estimates, and all give widely varying figures.
Bartley Ridge was named in memory of 2d Lt. At 1035 its commander, Lt. Col. Slaft-
Martin E. Bartley, an I Company platoon leader cho Katsarsky, radioed Dalton that he
killed on 25 July.
The 2d Battalion was in division reserve along
had found the north flank of the Jap-
with the 37th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop. anese position on Bartley Ridge, and

that he was moving his battalion around closed, got off the approach trail that
it. Shortly afterward Beightler, Dalton, had been bulldozed by members of the
and staff officers conferred and decided 65th Engineer Battalion, Colonel Bu-
that the 3d Battalion should contain chanan directed the infantrymen to lead
the strongpoint while the 1st Battalion them forward. It was 0925 before the at-
pushed westward with orders to develop tack got started. In two lines of three
enemy positions but not to engage in vehicles each, the tanks lumbered over
full-scale combat. The 37th Division the littered undergrowth, steep slopes,
could not advance westward in force and felled logs toward the southeast
until Bartley Ridge had been cleared. slope of Bartley Ridge. The Japanese
The 3d Battalion established itself in quickly responded with fire from anti-
containing positions north, east, and tank and 70-mm. battalion guns, ma-
south of Bartley Ridge. E Company was chine guns, and mortars.
released from reserve and sent into line The attack went well at first. About
on high ground just north of Bartley to
a dozen pillboxes were reported knocked
secure the right flank in the 161st's zone.
out by 1110, and Buchanan ordered his
The 1st Battalion advanced to a point
men to occupy them to keep the Jap-
about four hundred yards west of Bart-
anese from moving in again at night.
ley and halted on a small rise northeast
of Horseshoe Hill. Tanks of the newly Unfortunately, the tanks had encoun-
arrived 10th Marine Defense Battalion tered exactly the sort of difficulties that
were to be committed to support the might be expected in tangled terrain
37th Division the next day, and in the with communications uncertain. In their
afternoon the tank commander made a lurches and frequent changes of direc-
personal reconnaissance of Colonel Bu- tion they injured some of the accom-
chanan's zone in preparation for the panying foot troops. Poor visibility
attack. caused them to get into untenable posi-
Six light Marine tanks were to lead tions from which they had to be extri-
out in the attack at 0900, 26 July, after cated with consequent delays to the at-
preparatory fire by machine guns and tack. During the morning a Japanese
81-mm. mortars. L and K Companies, in soldier stole out of the tangled brush
column, would move behind the tanks, and planted a magnetic mine that dis-
which were supported by infantrymen abled one tank. A second tank was halted
armed with .30-caliber M1 rifles, .30- by a ruptured fuel line. The remaining
caliber Browning Automatic Rifles four withdrew at 1110 to reorganize.
(BAR's), and two flame throwers. Tank- The flame thrower operators, carry-
infantry communication was indirect. ing their bulky, heavy fuel tanks on their
The tank radios formed a net within backs, were not properly protected by
the Tank Platoon, and a 161st radio the riflemen and were soon killed.
car maintained radio contact between In the course of the day's fighting some
the Tank Platoon commander and Col- fourteen pillboxes and a number of ma-
onel Buchanan. chine gun positions were knocked out,
When the tanks, with their hatches and the 3d Battalion advanced about

two hundred yards up Bartley Ridge.18 talion, 161st, during its 26 July attack
But it met such heavy fire from Bartley against Bartley Ridge. Doubtless because
and Horseshoe Hill that its position troops of the 161st had not been able
clearly could not be held. Attempts to to get past the south end of Bartley,
pull out the disabled tanks were unsuc- Colonel Parker's battalion was to march
cessful. The battalion withdrew to its northward right around the 3d Battal-
previous positions. The attack had dis- ion, 161st, push west around the north
closed the existence of so many more of the enemy positions on Bartley Ridge,
positions that Dalton received Beight- then attack to the southwest. This ma-
ler's permission to make a thorough re- neuver would entail a march of about
connaissance before attacking again. one and one-half miles to the assembly
While the 161st was attacking Bartley area.
Ridge on 25 and 26 July, Colonel Hol- Parker's battalion moved out in the
land's 145th Infantry stayed in its for- early morning of 27 July. It reached its
ward positions on Reincke Ridge and assembly area on the north flank of
Kelley Hill. During this period it sent Bartley Ridge without incident. After
out patrols to the north and west to try a preparation of one hundred rounds by
to find the source of the 90-mm. mortar the division artillery, which cleared some
fire that had been hitting the regiment of the foliage, the battalion advanced to
since 22 July. It received no artillery the attack in column of companies.
support at this time because its front "Having to fight every foot of the way,"
line was considered too close to enemy it gained about three hundred yards
targets for the artillery to fire without before 1300, when E Company in the
hitting American infantry. By the end lead moved south off slopes of a ridge
of 26 July the 1st Battalion, 161st, had and started up a small knob projecting
fought its way forward to come up on from Horseshoe Hill.19 As the company
line north of the 145th, but near the ascended the hill it was struck by fire
regimental boundary the line sagged from pillboxes. Among the first men
eastward in the shape of a great U. Col- killed was Capt. Gardner B. Wing, E
onel Parker's 2d Battalion, 145th, was Company's commander, in whose honor
occupying positions in rear of the 1st the 145th christened the knob.
Battalion, 145th, commanded by Lt. Col. On the same day, while American
Richard D. Crooks. mortars fired intermittently at Bartley
General Beightler ordered Holland to Ridge, patrols from the 3d Battalion,
commit his 2d Battalion, in order to 161st Infantry, examined the Japanese
reduce the Japanese positions on Horse- lines to procure data for a preparation
shoe Hill that had fired on the 3d Bat- by the corps artillery. In the course of
the reconnaissance Colonels Dalton and
In the course of the day's action Capt. Paul K. Buchanan observed enemy pillboxes on
Mellichamp, battalion executive officer, picked up the right flank of the 1st Battalion, 145th
a radio from a wounded operator and directed
mortar fire. He was wounded, but continued to
direct the fire until he collapsed. He died shortly
afterward, and was awarded the Distinguished Serv-
ice Cross. 37th Div G-3 Jnl, 27 Jul 43.

Infantry, and recommended that the at- flank, thence southwest against Horse-
tack be delayed until 29 July. 20 General shoe Hill. On 30 July it was attached
Beightler gave his assent. Dalton and to the 161st for the completion of the
Buchanan also decided to attack from reduction of Bartley Ridge and Horse-
the northwest instead of the southeast. shoe Hill.
Reconnaissance and pressure were to Carberry's and Parker's battalions
continue on the 28th. pushed their attacks on 30 July. In con-
On the morning of the 28th a ten- trast with Carberry's battalion, which
man patrol from I Company, led by Lt. met little resistance, Parker's men en-
Walter Tymniak, set out in a southerly gaged in sharp fighting in the west. The
direction toward the top of Bartley Japanese who had evacuated the position
Ridge. To their surprise and satisfac- facing Carberry had apparently moved
tion, the Americans met no fire, got into positions facing Parker. With gre-
safely to the top, and found several nade, rifle, machine gun, mortar, and
abandoned pillboxes. They occupied flame thrower the two battalions fought
them, and I Company followed to the all day and part of the next, until by
crest and began infiltrating the pillboxes. midafternoon of 31 July the Japanese
Not all were vacant, but the task of the rear guards on Bartley Ridge were either
attackers was eased as each pillbox was dead or in flight, and the 2d Battalion,
taken, for its fire could then no longer 161st, had advanced west and was on a
be used with that of its neighbors to line with the 1st. Bartley Ridge had con-
make crossfire or interlocking bands of tained forty-six log and coral pillboxes
fire. Because the Japanese appeared to and thirty-two other lighter positions.
be evacuating and the American front First attacked by a company, it fell only
was intermingled with the enemy front, after seven days' fighting by two battal-
the artillery preparation was called off. ions.
The 3d Battalion continued its infiltra- On Horseshoe Hill the Japanese re-
tion on 29 July. At the end of the day sisted from their pillboxes and foxholes
it was relieved by Maj. Francis P. Car- with equal skill and enthusiasm. The
berry's 2d Battalion and went into divi- Americans used small arms, grenades,
sion reserve. automatic weapons, mortars, flame
The 145th Infantry's zone was shifted throwers, and field artillery as they sys-
farther north on 30 July as part of a tematically reduced the enemy positions,
general shift in boundaries that General almost pillbox by pillbox. On 1 August
Griswold was making in order to widen Parker's battalion received orders to at-
the 43d Division's front. This move tack in late afternoon, obeyed, and took
placed the southern half of Bartley Ridge Horseshoe Hill without firing a shot or
within the 145th's zone. Colonel Park- losing a man. The Japanese had gone.
er's 2d Battalion, 145th, had just com-
pleted its move around the 161st's north 21
During these operations Pfc. Frank J. Petrarca,
a medical aid man, so distinguished himself by
It is not clear whether these pillboxes were on gallant, selfless devotion to duty that he was post-
Horseshoe Hill or were on the saddle connecting humously awarded the Medal of Honor. WD GO
Bartley Ridge with Horseshoe Hill. 86, 23 Dec 43.

Advance and Withdrawal out regularly and at no time reported

of the 148th Infantry the presence of a sizable body of the
On 1 August, the day on which the enemy. On 27 July Baxter reported that
Americans completely occupied the he had established "contact with Whisk-
ridge positions, the 148th Infantry re- ers." Colonel Dalton, the "guest artist"
turned eastward to the 37th Division's regimental commander of the attached
lines after an advance which had taken 161st Infantry, sported a beard and was
it almost to Bibilo Hill. The 148th In- dubbed "Whiskers" and "Goatbeard"
fantry was the only regiment not con- in the 37th Division's telephone code.
fronted by prepared enemy positions, But the 148th's front was almost a thou-
and it had made comparatively rapid sand yards west of Whiskers' 1st Battal-
progress from the first. When Colonel ion, and the contact must have been
Baxter moved his regiment forward on tenuous. Next day G Company was
25 July, it went around the north flank ordered to move to the left to close a gap
of the Japanese defense line and met no between the two regiments, but the gap
resistance. However, none of the Ameri- stayed open.
cans then knew that the major part of During the move troops of the 117th
the enemy 13th Infantry lay to the north Engineer Battalion labored to push a
of Baxter's right flank. Patrols, accom- supply trail behind the advancing battal-
panied by Fiji scouts, went out and ions. The rate of march was in part
reported the presence of a few Japanese geared to the construction of the supply
to the west, none to the south. Generals trail. As Baxter told Radcliffe over the
Griswold and Beightler had emphasized telephone on 27 July, "I am advancing
the importance of maintaining lateral behind you as fast as bulldozer goes."
contact and Beightler had expressly di- Next day, however, there occurred a
rected that the 148th was to maintain disturbing event. A platoon from A
contact with the 161st, and that all units Company, 117th Engineer Battalion,
were to inform their neighbors and the was using a bulldozer to build the trail
next higher unit of their locations. The somewhere north of Horseshoe Hill
148th, however, was not able to make when it was ambushed by the enemy.
contact on its left with the 161st Infan- Three engineers were killed and two
try. were wounded before elements of the
Baxter's two-battalion regiment ad- Antitank Company and of the 1st Bat-
vanced regularly for the next three days. talion rescued the platoon and extricated
Colonel Radcliffe's 2d Battalion led on the bulldozer.
26 and 27 July; on 28 July Colonel Hy- Japanese movements during this pe-
daker's 1st Battalion bypassed the 2d riod are obscure, but this and subse-
and led the advance to a point some- quent attacks were made by the 13th In-
where east of Bibilo Hill.22 Patrols went fantry coming south at last in accordance
with Sasaki's orders.
The total of daily yardage reported in the
journals, if correct, would have placed the 148th
The situation became more serious on
west of Bibilo Hill on 28 July, but the 148th 28 July, the day on which Baxter's ag-
soldiers, like almost everyone else in the jungle,
overestimated the distances they had traveled. 148th Inf Jnl, 27 Jul 43.

gressive movement took him almost to ments, and around the 148th's right,
Bibilo Hill. At this time the regiment Baxter was to close up his battalions and
was spread thinly about fifteen hundred consolidate his positions. At 0710 Beight-
yards beyond the 161st; its front lay some ler told Baxter to withdraw his battal-
twelve hundred yards west of the regi- ions to the east, to establish contact with
mental ration dump and eighteen hun- the 161st, and to protect his supply route.
dred yards from the point on the supply Baxter, who had sent patrols out in all
line "which could be said to be ade- directions early in the morning, at 0800
quately secured by other division ordered one company of the 2d Battal-
units." 24 There was still no contact with ion to clear out the supply trail to the
the 161st, and in the afternoon a group east. At 0941, with Japanese machine
of the 13th Infantry fell upon the ration guns still dominating the supply trail,
dump. From high ground commanding Beightler sent Baxter more orders simi-
it the enemy fired with machine guns, lar to those of 0710, and also ordered
rifles, and grenade discharges at men of forward a detachment of the 37th Cav-
the regimental Service Company. The alry Reconnaissance Troop to help clear
Service Company soldiers took cover the east end of the supply trail. The
among ration and ammunition boxes telephone, so busy with conversations
and returned the fire. The dump, under between Beightler and Baxter on 29
command of Maj. Frank Hipp, 148th July, was then quiet for an hour.
S-4, held out until relieved by two Meanwhile Beightler had been con-
squads of the Antitank Company and ferring with Dalton, Holland, and mem-
one platoon from F Company. East of bers of the divisional general staff. As a
the dump, troops of the 13th Infantry result he had decided that the 161st
also forced the 148th's supply trucks should continue reducing Bartley Ridge,
to turn back. Baxter, stating "I now find that the 145th should stay in place, and
my CP in the front line," asked Beight- that the 148th would have to withdraw.
ler to use divisional units to guard the So at 1055 Baxter ordered his regiment
trail up to the dump.25 to turn around and pull back to the east.
All the 148th's troubles with the The 2d Battalion, 148th, was to use at
Japanese were in the rear areas. The least one company to establish contact
westward push, which took the leading with the 161st while the rest of the bat-
battalion as far as one of the Munda- talion withdrew toward the ration dump.
Bairoko trails, had been practically un- The 1st Battalion would move back to
opposed. But early on the morning of the 2d Battalion's positions. At 1150
29 July General Beightler, unaware of Baxter reported the 2d Battalion in con-
the 13th's position, telephoned Baxter to tact with the 161st, and shortly after-
say that as the Japanese seemed to be ward Beightler ordered Baxter to move
moving from the southwest through the the 1st Battalion farther east, putting
gap between the 148th and 161st Regi- it in position to deliver an attack the
next morning against the rear of the
37th Div Opn Rpt, p. 6.
Japanese holding up Dalton's regiment.
37th Div G-3 Jnl, 28 Jul 43. The division commander again empha-

sized the necessity for maintaining firm ple small light machine gun and mortar
contact with the 161st.26 At 1305, with detachments and . . . [moving] from
the 148th moving east, Colonel Katsar- position to position utilizing the jungle
sky reported that his 1st Battalion, 161st, to its maximum advantage. You can well
had as yet no contact with the 148th. imagine what we could do with our
Beightler at once told Baxter that, as M-1's, BAR's and Machine Guns if all
Japanese machine gunners were operat- we had to do was dig in and wait for
ing between the two regiments, the the Jap to come at us." 27
gap must be closed before dark. An hour General Beightler, a National Guards-
later Baxter called Beightler to say that man most of his life, was an affable man,
he was too far west to close with the but he was far from satisfied with the
161st before dark. When Beightler or- outcome of the day's action.28 At 1832
dered him to close up anyway, Baxter he radioed Baxter that General Gris-
demurred. Asking his general to recon- wold had ordered the 148th to establish
sider the order, he stated that he could contact with the 161st early the next
almost, but not quite, close the gap. morning and to protect the supply route.
Beightler thereupon told Baxter to com- "Use an entire battalion to accomplish
ply with his orders as far as was physi- latter if necessary. At no time have you
cally possible. been in contact on your left although
The 2d Battalion had meanwhile been you have repeatedly assured me that
pushing east, except for F Company's this was accomplished . . . Confirma-
main body, which was advancing west tion of thorough understanding of this
toward the ration dump. Both bodies order desired." Baxter thereupon tele-
were encountering enemy resistance, phoned division headquarters and put
and the day ended before the Japanese his case before a staff officer. General
were cleared out. The Reconnaissance Beightler's criticism, he felt, was not
Troop cleared some Japanese from the justified. "Please attempt to explain to
eastern part of the supply trail, but at the General that I have had patrols
1758 Baxter reported that the trail had in contact with the 161 and have docu-
been closed by raiding Japanese. mentary evidence to substantiate this.
The 148th Infantry, in examining the I have not, however, been able to
personal effects of some of the dead maintain contact and close the gap
Japanese, found that the men belonged by actual physical contact due to the
to the 13th Infantry. Some of them had fact that the 161st had been echeloned
been carrying booty taken in the raids 600 to 800 yards to my left rear. I have
east of the Barike several days earlier. been trying and will continue tomorrow
Colonel Baxter later estimated that the
enemy harrying his regiment numbered 27
Opns of the 148th Inf in New Georgia, 18 Jul-
no more than 250, operating "in multi- 5Aug 43,p.21.
General Beightler's record as a division com-
mander was somewhat unusual in that he was in
As the Americans still did not know the 13th command of the 37th at the outbreak of war, led
Infantry's location, they thought the attack had it overseas in 1942, and retained command of it
originated from the southwest rather than from through the Solomons and Philippines campaigns
the north. until the end of the war.
morning to establish this contact. It is Baxter destroy heavy equipment and
a difficult problem as I have had Japs be- break his regiment into small groups to
tween my left flank and the 161st." 29 slip northward through the jungle
Rain and mud added to Baxter's trou- around the enemy. The 148th blew up
bles on 30 July. Still harried by enemy all the supplies it could not carry but
machine guns and mortars, the 2d Bat- it had to fight its way along the trail. It
talion pushed east and south toward the had over a hundred wounded men and
161st as the 1st Battalion covered the left could not infiltrate through the jungle
(north) flank. Elements of the 37th Cav- without abandoning them.
alry Reconnaissance Troop, C Company, Toward the end of the day B Com-
117th Engineer Battalion, and the 3d pany, which had been trying to clear
Battalion, 161st Infantry, pushed north the Japanese north of the supply trail,
to give additional protection to the di- was ordered to disengage and withdraw
vision's right (north) flank and to pro- slightly for the night. One of B Com-
tect the east end of Baxter's supply route. pany's platoons, however, had come un-
Baxter attempted to cut a new trail di- der fire from a Japanese machine gun
rectly into the 161st's lines, but Japanese about seventy-five yards to its front and
rifle fire forced the bulldozer back. Some found that it could not safely move.
of the 148th's advance elements side- Pvt. Rodger Young, who had been
slipped to the south and got through wounded in the shoulder at the first
to the 161st that day, but the main attempt to withdraw, told his platoon
body was still cut off. 30 Some of the Jap- leader that he could see the enemy gun
anese who were following the 148th at- and started forward. Although a burst
tacked the 1st Battalion, 161st, but from the gun wounded him again and
were halted. This action then settled damaged his rifle, he kept crawling for-
down into a nocturnal fire fight. ward until he was within a few yards
The plight of the rest of the regiment of the enemy weapon. As a grenade
was still serious. Water was running left his hand he was killed by a burst
low. Part of the Reconnaissance Troop that struck him in the head. But he had
tried to take water forward to the 148th gotten his grenade away, and it killed
on 30 July. It was stopped by Japanese the Japanese gun crew. His platoon was
fire. But rain fell throughout the night able to withdraw in safety. For his gal-
of 30-31 July and the thirsty men were lantry and self-sacrifice Young was post-
able to catch it in helmets and fill their humously awarded the Medal of Honor.
canteens. Colonel Baxter's radio fairly crackled
On 31 July Beightler suggested that the next morning, 1 August, with orders
from General Beightler: "Time is pre-
cious, you must move." "Get going."
The version of the radiogram quoted is taken
from the 37th Div G-3 Jnl File, 29 Jul 43; the tele-
phone message is from the 37th Div G-3 Jnl, 29 Stanley A. Frankel, The 37th Infantry Division
Jul 43. in World War II (Washington: Infantry Journal
F and H Companies, part of E Company, and Press, 1948), p. 101; WD GO 3, 6 Jan 44. Mr. Frank
the 2d Battalion Headquarters Company were the Loesser commemorated this exploit in a popular
elements that got through to the 161st. song, "Rodger Young," copyright 1945.

"Haste essential." 32 Thus urged on, his division up on line with the 145th
Baxter ordered an assault by every man Infantry.
who could carry a rifle. He formed all The 103d Infantry began its attack
his command—A, E, B, and G Compa- at 1100. E, G, and F Companies ad-
nies—in a skirmish line with bayonets vanced in line behind patrols. Meeting
fixed, and assaulted by fire and move- practically no opposition, they gained
ment at 0850. The attack succeeded. By ground rapidly and by 1500 were nearing
0930 the leading elements, ragged, Lambeti Plantation. The 2d Battalion,
weary, and muddy, reached Katsarsky's 169th Infantry, then in process of pinch-
area. The 148th was given fresh water ing out the 172d, attacked northwest
and hot food, then passed into division across the front of the 172d and estab-
reserve. As the men struggled in after lished contact with the 145th Infantry.
their ordeal, all available ambulances, The 172d completed a limited advance
trucks, and jeeps were rushed up to before going into division reserve. The
transport the 128 wounded men to the 3d Battalion, 169th, on the left of the 2d,
37th Division's clearing station at attacked in its zone and at 1500 was still
Laiana. advancing. For the first time since it had
landed on New Georgia, the 43d Division
Capture of the Airfield could announce that the going was easy.
The first day of August had broken The day before, Generals Hodge and
bright and clear after a night of intermit- Wing, accompanied by Colonel Ross,
tent showers. It is likely that the spirits had visited the command and observa-
of the top commanders were also bright, tion posts of the 1st Battalion, 145th In-
for things were looking better. With fantry, from where they could see part
Ilangana and Shimizu Hill reduced, the of Munda airfield. They detected evi-
43d Division was in possession of the dence of a Japanese withdrawal, which
last piece of high ground between it and seemed to be covered by fire from the
Munda airfield. Bartley Ridge had enemy still on Horseshoe Hill.
fallen; Horseshoe Hill was about to fall, Thus at 1500, 1 August, with the 43d
and the 148th was completing its retire- Division still moving forward, General
ment. Griswold ordered all units to send out
General Griswold had issued no spec- patrols immediately to discover whether
ial orders for the day; the field order the Japanese were withdrawing. "Smack
that had started the corps offensive was Japs wherever found, even if late." 33 If
still in effect. In the 37th Division's zone the patrols found little resistance, a gen-
the most significant development was eral advance would be undertaken in
the return of Baxter's men. The 145th late afternoon. Colonel Ridings tele-
Infantry was patrolling; the 161st was phoned the orders to 37th Division
mopping up. In the 43d Division's area headquarters, and within minutes pa-
of responsibility, General Hodge had trols went out. They found no enemy.
ordered an advance designed to bring At 1624 Ridings called Beightler's head-

32 33
37th Div G-3 Jnl, 1 Aug 43. XIV Corps G-3 Jnl, 1 Aug 43.

quarters again with orders to advance shambles. The front lines were crum-
aggressively until solid resistance was bling. Rifle companies, 160-170 men
met, in which case its location, strength, strong at the outset, were starkly re-
and composition were to be developed. duced. Some had only 20 men left at
The 148th Infantry was to have been the end of July. The 229th Infantry num-
placed in corps reserve with orders to bered only 1,245 effectives. Major Hara,
protect the right flank, patrol vigorously Captain Kojima, and many staff officers
to the north, northeast, and northwest, of the 229th had been killed by artillery
and cut the Munda-Bairoko trail if pos- fire. Hospitals were not adequate to care
sible. Since the 27th Infantry of the 25thfor the wounded and sick. The constant
Division was arriving and moving into shelling and bombing prevented men
position on the 37th Division's right from sleeping and caused many nervous
flank, Beightler persuaded corps head- disorders.
quarters to let him use the 148th Infan- To compensate for the diminution of
try.34 Ridings required, however, that his regiment's strength, Colonel Hirata
the 148th be given the mission of pro- ordered the soldiers of his 229th Infan-
tecting the right flank because the 27th try to kill ten Americans for each Jap-
Infantry would not have enough strength anese killed, and to fight until death.
for a day or two. Higher headquarters, however, took
All went well for the rest of the day. a less romantic view of the situation. On
The 103d Infantry reached the outer 29 July a staff officer from the 8th Fleet
taxiways of Munda airfield; the 169th visited Sasaki's headquarters and or-
pulled up just short of Bibilo Hill. The dered him to withdraw to a line extend-
37th Division's regiments plunged for- ing from Munda Point northeast about
ward past Horseshoe Hill, which was 3,800 yards inland. The positions facing
free of Japanese, and gained almost the XIV Corps, and Munda airfield it-
seven hundred yards. self, were to be abandoned. Sasaki and
his subordinates thought that it would
The Japanese Withdrawal be better to withdraw even farther, but
The Japanese positions facing the XIV the views of the 8th Fleet prevailed over
Corps had been formidable, and the those of the responsible men on the spot.
Americans had been held in place for The withdrawal, which was deduced by
long periods. But the Americans had XIV Corps headquarters on 1 August,
wrought more destruction than they was accomplished promptly, and except
knew. The cumulative effect of continu- for detachments at Munda and in the
ous air and artillery bombardment and hills the main body of Sasaki's troops
constant infantry action had done tre- was in its new position by the first day
mendous damage to Japanese installa- of August.
tions and caused large numbers of cas-
ualties. By late July most of the Japanese Jungle Techniques and Problems
emplacements near Munda were in
The Americans did not yet know it,
but the worst was over. All regiments
See below, pp. 167-69. began making steady progress each day


against light, though determined and its own as an offensive weapon. All regi-
skillful, opposition.35 ments employed it against enemy posi-
By now all regiments, though depleted tions, both in assault and in mopping
by battle casualties and disease, had be- up. The flame thrower did have several
come veterans. Pockets that once would important disadvantages. The equip-
have halted an entire battalion or even ment was large and heavy, and required
a regiment were now usually reduced the operator to get very close to enemy
with speed and skill. The flame thrower, positions, then expose his head and body
receiving its most extensive use in the in order to use his weapon. He needed
Pacific up to this time, was coming into to be protected by several riflemen. But
even with its disadvantages, it was useful
Unless otherwise indicated all lessons-learned in destroying enemy positions.
data are from CG XIV Corps, Informal Report on
Combat Operations in the New Georgia Campaign. Tanks, too, were of great value. Gen-
This document is not a narrative report. It contains eral Griswold felt that, despite the diffi-
data on tactics, weapons, logistics, and special jungle
problems as compiled by the corps, division, and
culties inherent in operations over hilly
special headquarters participating in the operation. jungle, the actions of the Tank Platoons

of the 9th and 10th Marine Defense Bat- naissance in force by a reinforced pla-
talions had been successful. On 29 July, toon. This often uncovered a portion
looking forward to fighting over easier of the enemy position but not all of it.
terrain around Munda airfield, he asked Usually the complete extent of a center
General Harmon for more tanks. Corps of resistance was determined only by
headquarters, he also announced, was the attack.
preparing to mount flame throwers on The attack itself consisted of three
tanks.36 The operation ended before parts: artillery preparation, 81-mm. mor-
flame throwing tanks could be used, but tar fire, and assault.
the idea was successfully carried out in The artillery preparation had a three-
later campaigns. fold effect. It improved visibility by
The technique of reducing a pillbox, clearing away brush and foliage. It de-
whether isolated or part of a defensive stroyed or damaged enemy positions.
system, was now mastered. The official And it killed, wounded, and demoralized
records unfortunately do not give much enemy soldiers.
exact information on the reduction of The 81-mm. mortars, using heavy shell
specific pillboxes, but after the battle that had a delay fuze, fired on observed
the 37th Division gave a valuable general positions and usually covered the area
description of the methods employed. between the American infantry and the
The first essential was a complete recon- artillery's targets. They frequently drove
naissance to develop the position, in- the Japanese soldiers out of their pill-
tention, and strength of the enemy. This boxes into the open where they became
was quite difficult in the jungle. "To targets for rifle and machine gun fire.
one unskilled in jungle fighting, it is in- The 60-mm. mortars, though more mo-
conceivable that well trained reconnais- bile than the 81-mm.'s, threw too light
sance patrols in sufficient numbers can- a shell to be very effective in these at-
not develop the situation in front of the tacks. Their shells usually burst in the
advancing forces." 37 Because they could trees, but the 81-mm. heavy shells pene-
not see far enough, because they could trated the treetops and often the tops of
not always get close enough, and because the pillboxes themselves before explod-
Japanese fire discipline was sometimes ing.
so good that a given position would not The assault consisted of a holding at-
fire until actually attacked, reconnais- tack by a company or platoon delivering
sance patrols could not always develop assault fire to cover a close-in single or
positions. The next step was a recon- double envelopment. BAR's, M1's, and
grenades were used extensively, and
Rad, Griswold to Harmon, 29 Jul 43, in XIV
Corps G-3 Jnl, 30 Jul 43. Part of the 754th Army
flame throwers were employed whenever
Tank Battalion was alerted at Noumea for transfer possible. Units of the 25th Division,
to Guadalcanal to be equipped with flame throwers which later drove northward from
for employment in New Georgia but Munda airfield
had fallen before it was moved. Munda to Zieta, encountered pillbox
The Tank Platoon of the 11th Marine Defense positions that were too shallow, and in
Battalion arrived in early August. country too dense, for artillery and mor-
37th Div Rpt, G-3 Narrative, Jungle Tactics
and Opns, p. 3. tars to be used without endangering the


beach near Munda Airfield.

attacking infantry. Men of this division mortar fires were falling in their areas
therefore advocated flame throwers, in- and endangering their troops. They had
fantry cannon, and tanks for pillbox a tendency to forget that the enemy also
reduction. used artillery and mortars and, when
These techniques, which simply repre- receiving American artillery fire, fre-
sented the application of established tac- quently lobbed 90-mm. mortar shells
tical principles, were being applied well into the American front lines to convince
in early August, but several problems the American infantrymen that they
remained. Because the infantry units did were being fired on by their own artil-
not advance at the same rate, the front lery. In most cases the complaints were
line became irregular and the supporting probably caused by Japanese rather than
artillery was thus unable to capitalize American fire.
on the advantages of firing at right angles Because maps were inaccurate and re-
to the axis of advance. All unit com- connaissance was inhibited by poor vis-
manders were eager to employ artillery ibility, it was extremely difficult to de-
and mortar support to the utmost, but termine the exact location of friendly
they frequently complained that neigh- units. In the 37th Division's zone several
boring units' supporting artillery and artillery preparations were called off be-

cause of uncertainty about the position ing an attack. Thus battalions did not
of the 148th Infantry. Flares and smoke have time for full reconnaissance:
pots, and sometimes flame throwers, were "Many times, units were committed
used to mark flanks, but usually could in an area which had not been recon-
not be seen by anyone not in the imme- noitered. This fact resulted in command-
diate vicinity. Griswold had ordered the ers having to make decisions concerning
front line battalions to mark their flanks a zone of advance in which he knew little
daily with white panels twenty-five feet or nothing about the enemy positions.
long by six feet wide. These were to be Enemy strong points encountered in this
photographed from the air. Reconnais- fashion often times resulted in hasty
sance planes made daily photographic withdrawals which were costly both in
flights, but there were no clearings in men and weapons." 38
the New Georgia jungle large enough
to permit the panels to be spread out, "Munda is yours"
and this effort failed. By plotting close-in The XIV Corps maintained the mo-
defensive artillery fires, forward observ- mentum of its advance against the en-
ers were able to provide some reliable emy delaying forces. On 2, 3, 4, and 5
information on the location of front August the advance continued all across
lines. When the 37th Division rolled the corps' front. The 103d and 169th
forward after 1 August, it estimated po- Infantry Regiments, which had gained
sitions and distances on the basis of the outer taxiways of the airfield on 1
speedometer readings from locations that August, kept going. The 3d Battalion,
had been plotted by air photography 172d, was committed on the 169th's
and interpolated on maps. right on 4 August. In the more open
The difficulties of scouting and patrol- terrain around the airstrip the troops
ling naturally affected nearly every as- were able to use 60-mm. mortars effec-
pect of the operation. Because enemy tively, and their advance was conse-
positions could not be fixed in advance, quently speeded. Kokengolo Hill, the
the troops often attacked terrain rather rise in the center of the airfield where
than the enemy. This procedure resulted a Methodist mission had once stood,
in slow advances and in a high expendi- held up the advance temporarily. Bibilo
ture of mortar ammunition on areas Hill, whose fortifications included six
actually free of the enemy. And mortar 75-mm. antiaircraft guns that the Jap-
ammunition supply was laborious; shells anese had been using as dual-purpose
had to be hand-carried from trail-end to weapons, was reduced in three days of
the mortar positions. Poor scouting action by elements of the 169th, 172d,
caused battalions to advance on narrow 145th, and 161st Regiments, supported
fronts and thus be halted by small en- by Marine tanks. The 148th Infantry,
on the north flank, established blocks
emy positions. One regimental opera-
and ambushes on a north-south track
tions officer asserted that inadequate re-
connaissance was due in part to the fact 38
Rpt, Maj Carl H. Coleman, S-3 145th Inf, to
that "higher commanders" did not issue G-3 37th Div, 1 Sep 43, sub: Informal Rpt on New
orders until the late afternoon preced- Georgia Campaign.


action near the base of Bibilo Hill.

that was presumed to be the Munda- men secured it in early afternoon. Gen-
Bairoko trail. eral Wing telephoned General Hodge
On 5 August, with Bibilo Hill cleared, from Bibilo Hill: "Munda is yours at
the units of the 37th Division crossed 1410 today." 39 Griswold radioed the
the narrow strip of land between the good news to Admiral Halsey: ". . . Our
hill and the water. This tactical success ground forces today wrested Munda
had one effect of great personal impor- from the Japs and present it to you . . .
tance to the soldiers: many had their as the sole owner. . . ." Halsey responded
first bath in weeks. with "a custody receipt for Munda . . . .
In the 43d Division's zone on 5 Aug- Keep 'em dying." 40
ust, the infantry, with tank and mortar The major objective was in Allied"
support, killed or drove the last Jap- hands. The hardest part of the long New
anese from the tunnels, bunkers, and Georgia battle was over.
pillboxes of Kokengolo Hill. Here were
found caves stocked with rice, bales of
clothing and blankets, and occupation 39
43d Div G-3 Jnl, 5 Aug 43.
currency. Crossing the western part of Rad, CG NGOF to COMSOPAC, 5 Aug 43, in
XIV Corps G-3 Jnl, 5 Aug 43; Rad, COMSOPAC
the runway, with its craters, grass, and to CG NGOF, 6 Aug 43, in XIV Corps G-3 Jnl, 7
wrecked Japanese planes, the infantry- Aug 43.

After Munda
The hardest slugging was over, at least of Bibilo and Kokengolo." 2 Seabees of
on New Georgia. But several tasks faced the 73d and 24th Naval Construction
the troops. The airfield had to be put Battalions began the work of widening,
into shape at once and the remaining resurfacing, and regrading the field. On
Japanese had to be cleaned out of New 9 August additional naval construction
Georgia and several of the offshore is- battalions added their tools and men
lands. (Map 11) to the task. Power shovels dug coral out
of Kokengolo Hill, and bulldozers, earth-
The Airfield movers, graders, and rollers spread and
Repair and enlargement of the bat- flattened it. Good coral was plentiful,
tered airstrip began immediately after as were men and tools, and the work
its capture.1 ". . . Munda airfield looked moved rapidly forward. By 7 August
like a slash of white coral in a Doré the field, although rough, was suitable
drawing of hell. It lay like a dead thing, for emergency wheels-up landings.
between the torn, coffee-colored hills Advance parties from General Mul-
cahy's air headquarters moved from Ren-
Unless otherwise indicated this chapter is based
dova to Munda during the second week
on Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to of August. On the 14th, the day after
Saipan, pp. 237-44; Morison, Breaking the Bis- the first Allied plane landed, General
marcks Barrier, pp. 225-39; ONI USN, Combat Mulcahy flew from Rendova to Munda
Narratives: Solomon Islands Campaign, XI, Kolom-
bangara and Vella Lavella, 6 August-7 October in his amphibian plane and opened
1943 [Washington, 1944]; SOPACBACOM, History Headquarters, Air Command, New
of the New Georgia Campaign, Vol. I, Chs. VII-
VIII; the rpts, jnls, and jnl files of NGOF, COMAIR
Georgia, in a Japanese-dug tunnel in
New Georgia, XIV Corps, 25th Div, 43d Div, Kokengolo Hill.
northern landing force, and component units; His- Two Marine fighter squadrons (VMF
tory of the 8th Area Army, 1942-44, Japanese
Monogr No. 37 (OCMH); 17th Army Operations, 123 and VMF 124), with twelve Cor-
Vol. II, Japanese Monogr No. 40 (OCMH); South- sairs (F4U's) each, arrived on the 14th
east Area Naval Operations, Vol. II, Japanese and began operations at once. Together
Monogr No. 49 (OCMH); outline of Southeast Area
Naval Air Operations, August 1942-October 1942, with the fighters based at Segi Point,
Pt. II, Japanese Monogr No. 106 (OCMH). This
section is also based on Building the Navy's Bases
in World War II: History of the Bureau of Yards John A. DeChant, Devilbirds: The Story of
and Docks and the Civil Engineer Corps, 1940- United States Marine Corps Aviation in World War
1946, II (Washington, 1947), 265-66. II (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947), p. 109.

which were also under Mulcahy, they headquarters on 20 October from Guad-
and other Allied squadrons covered the alcanal to Munda and made the most
Allied landing at Vella Lavella on 15 intensive possible use of the new base.
August. There were some difficulties at
first. Maintenance crews were inexperi- Reinforcements
enced, there were not enough spare Airfield development, though of pri-
parts, the field was not complete, and mary importance, could be of only minor
taxiways and dispersal areas were small interest to the ground troops who had
and in poor condition. Japanese naval the dreary task of slogging northward
guns, promptly nicknamed "Pistol Pete," from Bibilo Hill in an attempt to trap
shelled the airfield from the nearby is- the retreating Japanese. The job had
let of Baanga intermittently from 16 been assigned to the 27th and 161st In-
through 19 August. But conditions fantry Regiments, both operating under
quickly improved, and Pistol Pete, which their parent command, the 25th Divi-
had not done much damage, was cap- sion.
tured by elements of the 43d Division Addition of the 27th Infantry to the
on 19 August. New Georgia Occupation Force had
As the field was enlarged, more planes come about because of General Gris-
and units continued to arrive. Opera- wold's urgent requests for more men.
tions intensified, and as the Japanese During July the Western Force of Task
were cleared from the central Solomons Force 31 had carried fully 26,748 men
Mulcahy's planes began to strike targets 4
to Rendova, but by the month's end
in the northern Solomons. For this rea- not that many men were available for
son his command was removed from the combat. Many of the arrivals were serv-
New Georgia Occupation Force on 23 ice troops. Further, casualties and dis-
September and assigned as part of the ease had weakened the infantry regi-
Air Command, Solomons. Mulcahy's ments. The three infantry regiments in
fighters escorted bombers to the Bou- the 37th Division (less the two battalions
gainville bases, and Munda-based bomb- with Liversedge) had an authorized total
ers soon began dropping loads there too. strength of about 7,000 men. But the
Munda airfield, which by mid-October 161st Infantry, which entered the cam-
had a 6,000-foot coral-covered runway paign below strength, was short 1,350
and thus was suitable for bombers, be- men. The two-battalion regiments were
came the best and most-used airfield in short too, so that the 37th Division's
the Solomons. The rotation of Navy, rifle regiments had only 5,200 men. And
Marine Corps, and Army Air Forces the 43d Division was in worse shape.
commanders that was standard in the With an authorized strength of 8,000
South Pacific had brought about the men, its three rifle regiments had but
relief of Admiral Mitscher as Com-
mander, Aircraft, Solomons, by General 4
Twining, the Thirteenth Air Force com- CTF 31 War Diary, 31 Jul 43 entry. Also trans-
ported were: 4,800 tons of rations; 17,431 drums of
mander. General Twining moved his fuel, or 3,486 tons; 2,281 vehicles weighing 6,895
tons; 9,961 tons of ammunition; and 5,323 tons of
See below, pp. 179-80. other freight.

MUNDA AIRFIELD IN OPERATION. C-47 transport taking off is evacuating wounded men.

4,536 men. Griswold had asked Liver- committing major forces to New Georgia
sedge if he could release two infantry was still in effect; at least it was theoreti-
battalions for the Munda drive but cally in effect, for in small island war-
Liversedge replied that that would be fare, especially in 1943, 26,000 men con-
possible only if Enogai and Rice Anchor- stituted a major force. The only imme-
age were abandoned. His raider battal- diately available division was the 25th,
ions were then only 60 percent effec- and one of its regiments, the 161st, had
tive.5 been sent in fairly early. Further, Halsey
On 28 July Griswold asked Harmon and Harmon had planned to use the
for replacements or for a regimental 25th for the invasion of the Buin-Faisi
combat team less artillery. This request area of Bougainville.
posed a grave problem for Harmon and Yet as long as the high command re-
Admiral Halsey. The injunction against tained confidence in Griswold, there
could be but one answer. As Harmon
See XIV Corps G-3 Jnl File, 28-29, 31 Jul 43. wrote to his chief of staff, Brig. Gen.

By 14 August sickness and casualties had rendered Allison J. Barnett, ". . . we have to
the 4th Marine Raider Battalion practically unfit
for fighting. The battalion surgeon, Lt. J. C. Lock-
make this Munda-Bairoko business go—
hart, USNR, reported that out of 453 men present and as quickly as possible. It is the job
only 137 were fit for duty. Memo, 4th Mar Raider 'in hand' and whatever we use we have
Bn Surgeon for CO 4th Mar Raider Bn, 14 Aug 43,
sub: Health of Personnel of 4th Raider Bn, in to get it done before we go on to the
XIV Corps G-3 Jnl File, 23 Aug 43. next step." One of the major difficulties,

according to Harmon, was the fact that The Cleanup

the Americans had underestimated the
job in hand. "Munda is a tough nut— North to Bairoko
much tougher in terrain, organization The Japanese withdrawal from Munda
of the ground and determination of released a sizable body of American
the Jap than we had thought. . . . In troops to attempt the cleanup of the
both Guadalcanal and New Georgia we Japanese between Munda and Dragons
greatly underestimated the force re- Peninsula. After the rapid advances be-
quire to do the job." 6 Thus Harmon gan on 1 August the 27th Infantry, tem-
alerted the 27th Infantry of the 25th porarily commanded by Lt. Col. George
Division for transfer to New Georgia E. Bush, sent out patrols to the north
and recommended to Halsey that the before advancing to clear out the Jap-
25th Division be taken off the list for anese and make contact with Liversedge.8
Bougainville.7 As soon as he received Meanwhile General Griswold decided
Halsey's approval Harmon ordered up that mopping-up operations would have
the 27th Infantry. On 29 July Col. to include a drive from Bibilo Hill
Thomas D. Roberts of Harmon's staff northwest to Zieta, a village on the west
arrived at Griswold's headquarters to coast about four crow's-flight miles
announce the imminent arrival of the northwest of Bibilo, to cut off the re-
27th Infantry and some replacements. treating Japanese. On 2 August the 37th
At this time the Japanese were still Division had reported that Fijian pa-
holding the Ilangana-Shimizu Hill- trols had cut the Munda-Bairoko trail
Horseshoe Hill-Bartley Ridge defense but found no evidence of any Japanese
line, and no one was anticipating the traffic. Lt. Col. Demas L. Sears, Assistant
rapid advances that characterized the first Chief of Staff, G-2, 37th Division, of-
days of August. Thus on 30 July with fered the opinion that if the Japanese
Colonel Roberts' concurrence Griswold were evacuating New Georgia they were
asked for more 25th Division troops and moving along the coast to Zieta rather
Harmon promptly promised the 35th In- than to Bairoko. This opinion was but-
fantry. tressed by reports from Colonel Griffith
Advance elements of the 27th Infan- of the Raiders who radioed on 2 August
try, and Headquarters, 25th Division, that there had been no traffic in or out
landed on the barrier island of Sasavele of Bairoko.
on 1 August, and in the next few days Next day, on orders from Griswold,
the regiment was moved to the right the 3d Battalion, 148th Infantry, left
(north) flank of the Munda front to pro- Enogai on a cross-country trek toward
tect the XIV Corps' right flank and rear. Zieta, a trek that was halted short of
there on 5 August by additional orders
Col. Douglas Sugg had commanded the regi-
Ltr, Harmon to Barnett, 28 Jul 43, quoted in ment until a few days before the move to New
SOPACBACOM, History of the New Georgia Cam- Georgia. He fell ill and was hospitalized, and his
paign, Vol. I, Ch. IV, p. 35, OCMH. place was taken by Colonel Bush, the executive.
He suggested substituting the 2d Marine Di- Sugg resumed command of his regiment on 12
vision or the 3d New Zealand Division. August.

4-TON TRUCK STUCK IN THE MUD on a jeep trail, New Georgia.

from Griswold. He had decided to use west of Bibilo Hill, was found to be
the two 25th Division regiments under 4,500 yards south by west of its reported
General Collins, the commander who position. Mount Bao, thought to be
had led the division on Guadalcanal, to 6,000 yards east-northeast of Bibilo Hill,
drive to Zieta and Bairoko. was actually 2,500 yards farther on.
From then until 25 August, the 25th As the regiments advanced, bulldozers
Division units slogged painfully along of the 65th Engineer Battalion at-
the swampy jungle trails in pursuit of tempted to build jeep trails behind
the elusive enemy. The Japanese occa- them. But the rain fell regularly and
sionally established roadblocks, am- the trails became morasses so deep that
bushes, and defenses in depth to delay even the bulldozers foundered. General
the Americans, but the worst enemy was Collins ordered the trail building
the jungle. The terrain was, if anything, stopped in mid-August. Now supplies
worse than that encountered on the were carried by hand and on men's
Munda front. The maps were incorrect, backs to the front, and when these meth-
inexact, or both. For example, Mount ods failed to provide enough food and
Tirokiamba, a 1,500-foot eminence re- ammunition the regiments were sup-
ported to lie about 9,000 yards north- plied from the air.


The 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry, and out of Bairoko Harbour, the Amer-
trekked north on the Munda-Bairoko icans bloodlessly occupied its shores.
trail and made contact on 9 August with
Liversedge. The 2d and 3d Battalions, The Japanese Evacuation
27th Infantry, after some sharp fighting But the main body of Japanese sur-
took Zieta on 15 August, then pushed vivors had slipped out of Zieta and Bai-
northwest to Piru Plantation. The plan- roko. Traveling light, they had evaded
tation lay about seven and one-half air- the slower-moving, more heavily encum-
line miles northwest of Bibilo Hill, but bered Americans. On 5 August General
the regiment's advance on the ground Sasaki had decided that he could de-
required a 22-mile march. The 161st fend New Georgia no longer. He there-
Infantry, following the 1st Battalion, fore sent the 13th Infantry and most of
27th, moved up the trail and after mid- the Bairoko-based special naval landing
August began patrolling to the west force units to Kolombangara, the 229th
short of Bairoko Harbour. On 25 Aug- Infantry, the 3d Battalion, 230th In-
ust, after Griffith had reported two fantry, and the 3d Battalion, 23d In-
nights of busy enemy barge activity in fantry, to Baanga, a long narrow island

which lay across Lulu Channel from New Georgia, and dispatched his naval
Zieta. These units, plus two 120-mm. liaison officer to 8th Fleet headquarters
naval guns, were ordered to defend to arrange for air and fleet support. But
Baanga, and the naval guns were to shell he was to get none. Moreover, no more
Munda airfield. ground reinforcements were to be sent
Sasaki's headquarters, having moved to New Georgia. The last attempted
out of Munda, was established on Ba- shipment consisted of two mixed battal-
anga until 7 August, and the next day ions from the 6th and 38th Divisions, to
he moved to Kolombangara. be carried to Kolombangara on destroy-
ers.11 But Comdr. Frederick Moosbrug-
Baanga ger with six destroyers surprised the Jap-
The islet of Baanga, 6,500 yards long anese force in Vella Gulf on the night
and some 4,000 yards west of Kindu of 6-7 August and quickly sank three
Point on New Georgia, was captured to Japanese destroyers. The fourth enemy
extend Allied control over Diamond ship, which carried no troops, escaped.
Narrows and to stop the shelling of Moosbrugger's force got off virtually
Munda by the two 120-mm. guns nick- scot free, while the Japanese lost over
named "Pistol Pete" by the American fifteen hundred soldiers and sailors as
troops. well as the ships. About three hundred
Seizure of Baanga was entrusted to survivors reached Vella Lavella. When
the 43d Division, briefly commanded by Sasaki's request reached the 8th Fleet,
General Barker after 10 August, when Vice Adm. Gunichi Mikawa, basing his
General Hodge returned to the Ameri- decision on instructions from Imperial
cal Division.9 Patrolling started on 11 General Headquarters, ordered Sasaki to
August, but the Japanese on Baanga cancel his plan for attacking New Geor-
fought back hard, and the 169th Infan- gia and to concentrate the Baanga troops
try, which Barker initially assigned to on Arundel to forestall further Allied
Baanga, gave a "shaky performance." 10 advances. So the Japanese left on barges
The 172d Infantry (less one battalion) for Arundel, completing the movement
joined in, and the southern part of the by 22 August.
island was secured by 21 August. The Vella Lavella: The Bypass
43d Division lost 52 men killed, no
wounded, and 486 nonbattle casualties Meanwhile an Allied force had made
in this operation. a landing at Barakoma on Vella Lavella,
The Japanese, meanwhile, had de- which lay about thirty-five nautical miles
cided to get off Baanga. General Sasaki northwest of Munda. This landing rep-
had evolved a plan to use the 13th In- resented a major and completely success-
fantry, then on Kolombangara, to attack ful departure from the original TOE-
NAILS plan. The plan had called for the
Barker was replaced several days later, on orders attack against Munda to be followed by
from the War Department, by General Wing, who
was senior to him. Each battalion consisted of four rifle companies,
See Ltr, Griswold to Harmon, 24 Aug 43, a machine gun platoon, and a small artillery unit.
quoted in SOPACBACOM, History of the New For a complete account see Morison, Breaking
Georgia Campaign, Vol. I, Ch. VII, p. 7, OCMH. the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 212-22.

the seizure of Vila airfield on Kolom- amphibious bypass in the Pacific oc-
bangara, but the Japanese were now curred in May 1943 when the Allied cap-
correctly believed to be established on ture of Attu caused the Japanese to evac-
Kolombangara in considerable strength. uate Kiska.
Some estimates placed the enemy garri- When members of Halsey's staff pro-
son at ten thousand, a little under the posed that South Pacific forces bypass
actual total. And Admiral Halsey did not Kolombangara and jump to Vella La-
want a repetition of the Munda cam- vella of the more euphonious name, the
paign. As he later put it, "The undue admiral was enthusiastic. On 11 July
length of the Munda operation and our he radioed the proposal to Admirals
heavy casualties made me wary of an- Turner and Fitch. "Our natural route of
other slugging match, but I didn't know approach from Munda to Bougainville,"
how to avoid it." 13 he asserted, "lies south of Gizo and Vella
There was a way to avoid a slugging Lavella Islands." He asked them to con-
match, and that way was to bypass Kol- sider whether it would be practicable
ombangara completely and land instead to emplace artillery in the Munda-
on Vella Lavella. The advantages were Enogai and Arundel areas to interdict
obvious: the airfield at Vila was poorly Vila; cut the supply lines to Vila by
drained and thus no good while Vella artillery and surface craft, particularly
Lavella looked more promising. Also, PT boats; "by-pass Vila area and allow
Vella Lavella was correctly reported to
it to die on the vine"; and seize Vella
contain few Japanese. Vella Lavella,
Lavella and build a fighter field there.
northwesternmost island in the New
The decision on this plan would de-
Georgia group, lay less than a hundred
miles from the Japanese bases in the pend on the possibility of building a
Shortlands and southern Bougainville, fighter field on Vella Lavella to give close
but a landing there could be protected fighter support for the invasion of Bou-
by American fighter planes based at gainville.16 Both Turner and Fitch liked
Munda and Segi Point. the idea.
The technique of bypassing, which
General MacArthur has characterized as Reconnaissance
"as old as warfare itself," was well under- Reconnaissance was necessary first.
stood in the U.S. Army and Navy long
before Vella Lavella, but successful by- 15
Ltrs, Adm Halsey to Maj Gen Orlando Ward,
passing requires a preponderance of Chief of Mil Hist, 27 May and 27 Aug 52, no subs,
OCMH. The second letter contains as inclosures
strength that Allied forces had not hith- letters from Admiral Robert B. Carney, formerly
erto possessed.14 The first instance of an Chief of Staff, South Pacific Area, and Lt. Gen.
William E. Riley, USMC (Ret.), formerly Halsey's
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p. war plans officer, to Admiral Halsey. Other former
170. staff officers credit Wilkinson and Comdr. William
Ltr, MacArthur to Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, 5 F. Riggs, Jr., with the idea. See Ltr, Vice Adm D. B.
Mar 53, no sub, OCMH. Duncan to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, 10 Nov
In ground operations field orders usually specify 53, no sub, OCMH.
that isolated pockets of resistance are to be by- Rad, COMSOPAC to CTF 31 and COMAIR-
passed, contained, and reduced later, so that the SOPAC, 11 Jul 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 12 Jul
advance will not be held up. 43.

Allied knowledge of Vella Lavella was koma River, and suggested that an ad-
limited. Coastwatchers, plantation man- vance detachment be sent to Barakoma
agers, and such members of the clergy to mark beaches. These recommenda-
as the Rev. A. W. E. Silvester, the New tions were accepted.
Zealand Methodist missionary bishop Admiral Wilkinson, Turner's succes-
whose see included New Georgia and sor, chose an advance party of fourteen
Vella Lavella, provided some informa- officers and enlisted men from the var-
tion but not enough to form the basis ious units in the Vella Lavella invasion
for the selection of an airfield site or an force and placed it under Capt. G. C.
invasion beach. Col. Frank L. Beadle, Kriner, USN, who was to command the
Harmon's engineer, therefore took com- Vella Lavella naval base. This group
mand of a reconnaissance party consist- proceeded from Guadalcanal to Ren-
ing of six Army, Navy, and Marine offi- dova, then prepared to change to PT
cers. Beadle was ordered to concentrate boats for the run through the night of
his reconnaissance in the coastal plain 12-13 August toward Barakoma. The
region of Barakoma and Biloa Mission work of the advance party was of a
on the southeast tip of Vella Lavella be- highly secret nature. If the Japanese be-
cause it was closest to Munda, the na- came aware of its presence, they could
tives were friendly, coastwatcher Lt. kill or capture the men and certainly
Henry Josselyn of the Australian Navy would deduce that an Allied invasion
and Bishop Silvester were there, and the was imminent.
terrain seemed favorable. The Japanese On 11 August coastwatcher Josselyn
had already surveyed the Barakoma area radioed Guadalcanal to report the pres-
for a fighter strip. ence of forty Japanese. (Japanese sur-
Beadle's party boarded a torpedo boat vivors of the Battle of Vella Gulf, 6-7
at Rendova on the night of 21-22 July August, had landed on Vella Lavella.)
and slipped through the darkness to His message indicated that pro-Allied
land at Barakoma. Silvester, Josselyn, natives had taken them prisoner. From
and two natives were on hand to meet Koli Point General Harmon radioed
the American officers. For six days General Griswold to ask for more men
Beadle's party, the bishop, the coast- to accompany the advance party and take
watcher, and several natives explored the the prisoners into custody. Accordingly
southeast part of the island, and ventured one officer and twenty-five enlisted men
up the west coast to Nyanga Plantation, from E and G Companies, 103d In-
about twelve crow's-flight miles north- fantry, were detailed to go along.
west of Barakoma. Returning to Ren- The whole party left Rendova at 1730
dova on 28 July, Beadle reported that on 12 August. En route Japanese planes
the vicinity of Barakoma met all require- bombed and strafed the four torpedo
ments, and that there were no Japanese boats for two hours. One was hit and
on the southeast coast of the island. four men were wounded but the other
Beadle recommended that the landing three made it safely. During the hours
be made on beaches extending some 750 of darkness they hove to off Barakoma.
yards south from the mouth of the Bara- Rubber boats had been provided to get

the party from the torpedo boats to Plans

shore, but no one was able to inflate the Once Colonel Beadle had made his
rubber boats from the carbon dioxide recommendations the various South
containers that were provided. So natives Pacific headquarters began laying their
paddled out in canoes and took the plans. This task was fairly simple, for
Americans ashore. Admiral Halsey and his subordinates
Meanwhile Josselyn had radioed Wil- were now old hands at planning in-
kinson again to the effect that there were vasions. Actual launching of the in-
140 Japanese in the area; 40 at Biloa and vasion would have to await the capture
100 about five miles north of Barakoma. and development of Munda airfield.
They were, he declared, under surveil- It was on 11 August that Halsey issued
lance but were not prisoners. Once his orders. He organized his forces much
ashore Captain Kriner discovered there as he had for the invasion of New Geor-
were many starving, ragged, poorly gia. (Chart 10) The Northern Force
armed stragglers but no prisoners. He re- (Task Force 31) under Admiral Wilkin-
quested reinforcements, and in the early son was to capture Vella Lavella, build
morning hours of 14 August seventy-two an airfield, and establish a small naval
officers and enlisted men of F Company, base. Griswold's New Georgia Occupa-
103d Infantry, sailed for Barakoma in tion Force would meanwhile move into
four torpedo boats. This time the rubber position on Arundel and shell Vila air-
boats inflated properly and the men field on bypassed Kolombangara. New
paddled ashore from three hundred Georgia-based planes would cover and
yards off the beach. support the invasion. South Pacific Air-
The advance party with the secret craft (Task Force 33) was to provide air
mission of marking beaches and the com- support by striking at the Shortlands-
bat party with the prisoner-catching mis- Bougainville fields. As strikes against
sion set about their respective jobs. these areas were being carried out
Beach marking proceeded in a satis- regularly, the intensified air operations
factory manner although the infantry- would not necessarily alert the enemy.
men in that party were not completely Three naval task forces of aircraft car-
happy about the presence of the 103d riers, battleships, cruisers, and destroy-
troops. They felt that the two missions ers, and the submarines of Task Force
were mutually exclusive and that the 72, would be in position to protect and
prisoner-catching mission destroyed all support Wilkinson. On Wilkinson's rec-
hope of secrecy. Only seven Japanese ommendation, Halsey set 15 August as D
were captured.17 F Company, 103d, held Day.18
the beachhead at Barakoma against the Admiral Wilkinson also issued his
arrival of the main invasion force. orders on 11 August. The Northern
Force was organized into three invasion
echelons (the main body and the second
SOPACBACOM's History of the New Georgia
Campaign, Vol. I, Ch. VIII, pp. 20-21, OCMH, con-
tains some fanciful data concerning the sinking of COMSOPAC Opn Plan 14A-43, 11 Aug 43, in
one PT boat and the killing of about fifty Japanese. Off of Naval Rcds and Library.


and third echelons) and the motor tor- necessary, but Wilkinson told off two
pedo boat flotillas. (Chart 11) Under destroyers to be prepared to support the
Wilkinson's direct command, the main landing if need be. Two fighter-director
body consisted of three transport groups, groups were put aboard two destroyers.
the destroyer screen, and the northern Once unloaded, each transport group
landing force. Each transport group, would steam for Guadalcanal. The sec-
screened by destroyers, was to move in- ond echelon, composed of three LST's
dependently from Guadalcanal to Vella and three of the destroyers that would
Lavella; departure from Guadalcanal escort the main body, was to arrive at
would be so timed that each group would Barakoma on D plus 2, beach overnight,
arrive off Barakoma just before it was and return to Guadalcanal. The third
scheduled to begin unloading. Three echelon consisted of three destroyers and
slow LST's, each towing an LCM, would three LST's from the main body. Wil-
leave at 0300, 14 August, six LCI's at kinson ordered it to arrive on D plus 5,
0800, and seven fast APD's at 1600. The beach throughout the night, and depart
motor torpedo boat flotilla would cover for Guadalcanal the next morning.19
the movement of the main body on D The northern landing force, 5,888
minus 1 by patrolling the waters east men in all, consisted of the 35th Regi-
and west of Rendova, but would retire mental Combat Team of the 25th Di-
to Rendova early on D Day to be out of
the way. Preliminary naval bombard- 19
CTF 31 Opn Plan A12-43, 11 Aug 43, in Off of
ment would in all probability not be Naval Rcds and Library.

vision; the 4th Marine Defense Bat- thirty pushed inland. Once emptied,
talion; the 25th Cavalry Reconnaissance LCVP's were to return to their mother
Troop; the 58th Naval Construction ships for the rest of the men and sup-
Battalion; and a naval base group.20 plies. Sixty minutes were allotted for un-
Command of the landing force was en- loading the APD's and clearing the
trusted to Brig. Gen. Robert B. Mc- beach. The LCI's would then come in
Clure, assistant commander of the 25th to the beach and drop their ramps. Pas-
Division, who as a colonel had com- senger troops would debark via both
manded the 35th Infantry during the ramps, ground their equipment, then re-
Guadalcanal Campaign. General Mc- board by the starboard ramps, pick up
Clure would be under Wilkinson's con- gear, and go ashore down the port ramps.
trol until he was well established ashore. One hour was allotted for the LCI's.
He would then come under General Then the LST's, bearing artillery,
Griswold. trucks, and bulldozers, would ground.
The Japanese on Vella Lavella (no Trucks were to be loaded in advance to
garrison at all but only a group of help insure the prompt unloading of the
stragglers) were estimated to total about LST's.
250, with 100 more on nearby Ganongga The 35th Infantry, commanded by
and 250 at Gizo. Wilkinson warned that Col. Everett E. Brown, had been mak-
enemy air strength in southern Bougain- ing ready for several days. It had
ville, less than a hundred miles away, been alerted for movement to Munda
and at Rabaul was considerable, and that on 1 August, and on 9 August had re-
naval surface forces were based at both ceived orders from Harmon's headquart-
places. ers to prepare for an invasion. The 1st
To carry off such a stroke almost and 2d Battalions on Guadalcanal and
literally under the enemy's aircraft the 3d Battalion and the 64th Field Artil-
would require, besides fighter cover, lery Battalion in the Russells then began
considerable speed in unloading. Wil- rehearsing landings. In the week preced-
kinson planned to unload the main body ing the invasion South Pacific Aircraft
in twelve hours. Troops debarking from struck regularly at Kolombangara, Buin,
APD's were to go ashore in LCVP's, Kahili, and Rekata Bay.
forty to a boat. At the beach ten of each By 14 August the landing force and
forty would unload the boat while the its supplies were stowed aboard ship,
and all transport groups of the main
The 35th Regimental Combat Team consisted body shoved off for Barakoma on sched-
of the 35th Infantry; the 64th Field Artillery Bat- ule. Once on board, the men were in-
talion (105-mm. howitzer); C Company, 65th En-
gineer Battalion; Collecting Company B, 25th Med-
formed of their destination. Japanese
ical Battalion, and detachments from other di- planes were reported over Guadalcanal,
visional services. Harmon, who had promised the the Russells, and New Georgia, but Wil-
35th Infantry for New Georgia on 1 August, later
considered using the 145th Infantry, but concluded kinson's ships had an uneventful voy-
that it could not be pulled out of New Georgia and age up the Slot and through Blanche
brought back to Guadalcanal in time. Rads, Harmon
to Griswold, 1 Aug and 6 Aug 43, in XIV Corps
Channel and Gizo Strait. The sea was
G-3 Jnl. calm, and a bright moon shone in the

clear night sky. Northwest of Rendova This time the Japanese were not
the LCI's overhauled the LST's while caught so completely asleep as they had
the APD's passed both slower groups. been on 30 June. In early August Japa-
nese radio intelligence reported a good
Seizure of Barakoma deal of Allied radio traffic, and the
As first light gave way to daylight in commanders at Rabaul were aware that
the morning of 15 August, the APD's ships were again concentrating around
carrying the 1st and 2d Battalions of the Guadalcanal. They concluded that a new
35th Infantry arrived off Barakoma and invasion was impending but failed to
hove to. General Mulcahy's combat air guess the target. At 0300 of the 15th a
patrol from Munda and Segi Point land-based bomber spotted part of Wil-
turned up on schedule at 0605. With kinson's force off Gatukai. Six dive
part of the 103d Infantry and the secret bombers and forty-eight fighters were
advance party already on shore and in sent out on armed reconnaissance, and
possession of the landing beach, there these found the Americans shortly be-
was no need for support bombardment. fore 0800. Mulcahy's planes and ships'
The APD's swung landing craft into the antiaircraft guns promptly engaged
water, troops of the 2d Battalion climbed them. The Japanese planes that broke
through went for the destroyers, which
down the cargo nets and into the boats,
steamed on evasive courses and escaped
and the first wave, with rifle companies
abreast, departed. The 2d Battalion hit harm. The Japanese caused some casual-
ties ashore by strafing, but did not attack
the beach at 0624 and at once pushed
south toward the coconut plantation the LST's and LCI's. They ebulliently
around Biloa Mission, about four thou-
reported repulsing fifty Allied planes.
sand yards from the beach. The 1st Bat- This attack, together with the limita-
talion, having left the APD's at 0615, tions of the beach, delayed the unloading
landed with companies abreast at 0630 of the LCI's, which did not pull out un-
and pushed northward across the waist- til 0915.21 The three LST's then beached
deep Barakoma River. Thus quickly un- and began discharging men and heavy
loaded, the APD's cleared the area and cargo. Unloading continued all day.
with four escorting destroyers proceeded The Japanese struck again at 1227;
toward Guadalcanal. eleven bombers and forty-eight fighters
The twelve LCI's arrived on schedule came down from the north. Some at-
and sailed in to the beach, but quickly tacked the LST's but these "Large, Slow
found there was room for but eight at Targets" had mounted extra antiaircraft
guns and brought down several Japa-
one time. Coral reefs a few yards from
shore rendered the northern portion of nese planes.
the beach unusable. The remaining four At 1724, some thirty-six minutes be-
LCI's had to stand by offshore awaiting fore the LST's departed, the enemy came
their turn. The 3d Battalion started un- again. Forty-five fighters and eight bomb-
loading but had barely gotten started 21
The 35th Infantry later reported the existence
when enemy aircraft pounced at the in- of a longer beach eight hundred yards north of
vasion force. Barakoma.

ers attacked without success. The Japa- The bypass to Vella Lavella was easier
nese pilots who flew against the Northern and cheaper than an assault on Kolom-
Force on that August day showed a bangara. Twelve men were killed and
talent for making unwarranted claims. forty wounded by air bombing and straf-
A postwar account soberly admits the ing, but D Day saw no fighting on the
loss of seventeen planes, but claims the ground.
sinking of four large transports, one There was never any real ground com-
cruiser, and one destroyer. It states that bat on Vella Lavella, because Japanese
twenty-nine Allied planes were shot stragglers were mainly interested in es-
down and that four large transports were cape rather than fighting. When it be-
damaged.22 The ships retiring from Vella came known that Wilkinson was landing
Lavella were harried from the air almost on Vella Lavella officers of the 8th Fleet
all the way, fortunately without suffering and the 17th Army went into conference.
damage. They estimated, with an accuracy un-
D Day, a resounding success, had pro- usual for Japanese Intelligence, that the
ceeded with the efficiency that charac- landing force was about a brigade in
terized all Admiral Wilkinson's opera- strength. With blithe sanguinity some-
tions. Landed were 4,600 troops (700 of one proposed sending a battalion to
whom were naval personnel) and 2,300 effect a counterlanding. General Ima-
tons of gear including eight 90-mm. anti- mura's headquarters took a calmer view
aircraft guns, fifteen days' supplies, and and pointed out that sending one bat-
three units of fire for all weapons except talion against a brigade would be "pour-
antiaircraft guns, for which one unit was ing water on a hot stone." 23 The 8th
landed. The 35th Regimental Combat Area Army stated that two brigades
Team established a perimeter defense. would be needed to achieve success, but
Field artillery was in position by 1700, that not enough transports were avail-
and by 1530 the 4th Marine Defense Bat- able. In view of the general Japanese
talion had sixteen .50-caliber, eight 20- strategy of slow retreat in the central
mm., and eight 40-mm. antiaircraft guns Solomons in order to build up the de-
and two searchlights in place. The guns fenses of Bougainville and hold Rabaul,
engaged the last flight of enemy planes. it was decided to send two rifle com-
There were some problems, of course. panies and one naval platoon to Horaniu
The LST's had been unloaded slowly, at Kokolope Bay on the northeast corner
but supplies came ashore faster than the of Vella Lavella to establish a barge stag-
shore party could clear them off the ing base between the Shortlands and
beach. Boxes of equipment, ammuni- Kolombangara.
tion, and rations were scattered about. The real struggle for Vella Lavella
The troops had brought their barracks took place in the air and on the sea.
bags and these lay rain-soaked in the Japanese naval aircraft made a resolute
mud. Unused field stoves stood in the effort to destroy the American ships
way for several days. bearing supplies and equipment to Vella.
Southeast Area Naval Operations, II, Japanese
Monogr No. 49 (OCMH), 47-48. Ibid., p. 48.

Fighters and bombers delivered daylight One LST caught fire, probably as a re-
attacks and seaplanes delivered a series sult of a gasoline vapor explosion, and
of nocturnal harassing attacks that were was abandoned without loss of life. The
all too familiar to Allied troops who other two reached Barakoma, suffered
served in the Solomons in 1942, 1943, another air attack, unloaded, and re-
and early 1944. turned safely to Guadalcanal.
The combat air patrol from Mulcahy's Capt. Grayson B. Carter led the third
command made valiant efforts to keep echelon to Vella Lavella. It was attacked
the Japanese away during daylight, but by enemy planes in Gizo Strait at 0540
as radar-equipped night-fighters did not on 21 August; one destroyer was slightly
reach the New Georgia area until late damaged and two men were killed.
September shore- and ship-based antiair- Planes struck off and on all day at the
craft provided the defense at night. For beached LST's, but men of the 58th
daylight cover Mulcahy had planned to Naval Construction Battalion showed
maintain a 32-plane umbrella over Bara- such zeal in unloading that the LST's
koma, but the limited operational fa- were emptied by 1600. The next con-
cilities at Munda made this impossible voys, on 26 and 31 August, had less ex-
at first. On 17 August only eight fighters citing trips. The weather had cleared
could be sent up at once to guard Bara- and the air cover was more effective.
koma. To add to the difficulties, the During the first month they were there,
weather over New Georgia was bad for the Americans on Vella Lavella re-
a week, the fighter-director teams on ceived 108 enemy air attacks, but none
Vella Lavella were new to their task, and caused much damage. In the period be-
one of the 4th Defense Battalion's radars tween 15 August and 3 September, the
was hit by a bomb on 17 August. day on which Wilkinson relinquished
The Northern Force's second echelon, control of the forces ashore, Task Force
under Capt. William R. Cooke, having 31 carried 6,505 men and 8,626 tons of
departed Guadalcanal on 16 August, supplies and vehicles to Vella Lavella.
beached at Barakoma at 1626 the next During that period General McClure's
day. The fighter cover soon left for troops had strengthened the defenses
Munda and at 1850, and again at 1910, of Barakoma, established outposts and
Japanese planes came over to bomb and radar stations, and patrolled northward
strafe. General McClure ordered Cooke on both coasts. On 28 August a thirty-
not to stay beached overnight but to put man patrol from the 25th Cavalry Re-
to sea. Escorted by three destroyers, the connaissance Troop that had accom-
LST's went down Gizo Strait where they panied radar specialists of the 4th Marine
received an air attack of two hours and Defense Battalion in search of a new
seventeen minutes' duration. The con- radar site reported considerable enemy
voy sailed toward Rendova until 0143, activity at Kokolope Bay.
then reversed and headed for Barakoma.
Capture of Horaniu
Robert Sherrod, History of Marine Corps Avi-
ation in World War II (Washington: Combat Having decided to establish the barge
Forces Press, 1952), p. 163. base at Horaniu, the Japanese sent the

WARSHIP FIRING AT JAPANESE DESTROYERS near the coast of Vella Lavella, early
morning, 18 August.

two Army companies and the naval pla- chasers, 2 motor torpedo boats, and 1
toon, 390 men in all, out of Erventa on barge. The Japanese destroyers, two of
17 August. Four torpedo boats, 13 troop- which received light damage, broke off
carrying daihatsu barges,25 2 armored the action and headed for Rabaul.26
barges, 2 submarine chasers, 1 armored Harried by Allied planes, the daihatsus
boat, 4 destroyers, and 1 naval air group hunted for and found Horaniu, and the
from the Shortlands were involved. The troops were ashore by nightfall on 19
destroyers were intercepted north of August. About the same time, General
Vella Lavella in the early morning hours Sasaki took alarm at the seizure of Bara-
of 18 August. The daihatsus dispersed. koma and sent the 2d Battalion, 45th
The Americans sank the 2 submarine Infantry, and one battery of the 6th
Field Artillery Regiment from Kolom-
Daihatsu is an abbreviation for Ogata Hatsu- bangara to defend Gizo.
dokitei which means a large landing barge. The When General McClure received the
daihatsu was 41-44 feet long; it could carry 100-
120 men for short distances, 40-50 on long trips.
The sides were usually armored, and it carried For a complete account see Morison, Breaking
machine guns. the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 234-37.

report from the reconnaissance troop From that day until 14 September
patrol on 28 August, he ordered Maj. Munson's battalion, supported by the 3d
Delbert Munson's 1st Battalion to ad- Battalion, 35th, and C Battery, 64th Field
vance up the east coast and take the Artillery Battalion, moved forward in a
shore of Kokolope Bay for a radar site. series of patrol actions and skirmishes.
To take the 1st Battalion's place in the Horaniu fell on 14 September. The
perimeter defense, McClure asked Gris- Japanese did not seriously contest the
wold for a battalion from New Georgia. advance. Instead they withdrew steadily,
The 1st Battalion, 145th Infantry, was then moved overland to the northwest
selected. corner of the island.
On the morning of 30 August Major Up to now troops of the United States
Munson dispatched A Company up the had borne the brunt of ground combat
east coast ahead of his battalion, and in the Solomons, but Admiral Halsey had
next day, after the arrival of the 1st Bat- decided to give the 3d New Zealand Di-
talion, 145th Infantry, the main body of vision a chance to show its mettle. He
the 1st Battalion, 35th, started north. had earlier moved the division from New
Josselyn and Bishop Silvester had pro- Caledonia to Guadalcanal. On 18 Sep-
vided native guides and the bishop gave tember Maj. Gen. H. E. Barrowclough,
Munson a letter instructing the natives general officer commanding the division,
to help the American soldiers haul sup- took over command of Vella Lavella
plies. C Company, 65th Engineer Bat- from General McClure. On the same day
talion, was to build a supply road behind the 14th New Zealand Brigade Group
Munson. under Brigadier Leslie Potter landed
By afternoon of 1 September A Com- and began the task of pursuing the re-
pany had reached the vicinity of Orete treating enemy.27 Battalion combat teams
Cove, about fourteen miles northeast of advanced up the east and west coasts,
Barakoma. The main body of the bat- moving by land and by water in an at-
talion was at Narowai, a village about tempt to pocket the enemy. But the Japa-
seven thousand yards southwest of Orete nese eluded them and got safely off the
Cove. The coastal track, which had been island.
fairly good at first, narrowed to a trail The Seabees had gone to work on the
that required the battalion to march in airfield at once. As at Munda, good coral
single file. Inland were the jungled was abundant. By the end of August they
mountains of the interior. Supply by had surveyed and cleared a strip four
hand-carry was impossible, and Mc- thousand feet long by two hundred feet
Clure and Colonel Brown, who had been wide. They then began work on a control
informed that higher headquarters ex- tower, operations shack, and fuel tanks.
pected the Japanese to evacuate, decided
to use landing craft to take supplies to 27
A brigade group was similar in strength and
Munson. On 2 September supplies ar- composition to a U.S. regimental combat team. For
rived at Orete Cove along with seven- details of Potter's operations see Oliver A. Gillespie,
teen Fiji scouts under Tripp, who had The Pacific, "The Official History of New Zealand
in the Second World War, 1939-1945" (Wellington,
recently been promoted to major. New Zealand, 1952), pp. 125-42.

The first plane to use the field landed his forces on Arundel, and five days later,
on 24 September, and within two months when Allied air and naval forces had
after the invasion the field could accom- practically cut the supply lines between
modate almost a hundred aircraft. Bougainville and Kolombangara and his
The decision to bypass Kolombangara troops faced starvation, he decided to at-
yielded this airfield in return for a low tack Munda or Bairoko via Arundel and
casualty rate. Of the Americans in the seize the Americans' food. He therefore
northern landing force, 19 men were dispatched Colonel Tomonari (who was
killed by bombs, 7 died from enemy gun- slain in the ensuing fight) and the rest of
fire, and 108 were wounded. Thirty-two the 13th Infantry to Arundel on 14 Sep-
New Zealanders died, and 32 were tember.
wounded. Thus the battle for Arundel lasted un-
til 21 September, and ended then, with
Final Operations
the Americans in control, only because
Arundel Sasaki ordered all his Arundel troops to
About the time that Vella Lavella was withdraw to Kolombangara.
being secured, General Griswold's forces
The Japanese Evacuation
on New Georgia were carrying out their
part of Admiral Halsey's plan by seizing Sasaki had ordered the evacuation of
Arundel and by shelling Kolombangara Arundel because Imperial General Head-
to seal it off. The attack on Arundel, quarters had decided to abandon the
which is separated from the west coast of New Georgia Islands completely. While
New Georgia by Hathorn Sound and the Americans were seizing Munda air-
Diamond Narrows, proved again that it field, the Japanese naval authorities in
was all too easy to underestimate the the Southeast Area realized that their
Japanese capacity for resolute defense. hold on the central Solomons was tenu-
The 172d Infantry invaded it on 27 ous. But they resolved to maintain the
August, but the Japanese fought so line of communications to Kolomban-
fiercely that the 27th Infantry, two bat- gara, so that Sasaki's troops could hold
talions of the 169th Infantry, one com- out as long as possible. If Sasaki could
pany of the 103d Infantry, B Company not hold out, the next best thing would
of the 82d Chemical Battalion (4.2-inch be a slow, fighting withdrawal to buy
mortars, in their South Pacific debut), time to build up defenses for a final stand
the 43d Reconnaissance Troop, and six on Bougainville.
Marine tanks had to be committed to Such events in early August as the fall
keep the offensive going. of Munda and the Japanese defeat in
Resistance proved more intense than Vella Gulf on 6-7 August precipitated
expected in part because the indefati- another argument between Japanese
gable Sasaki had not yet abandoned his Army and Navy officers over the relative
hope of launching an offensive that strategic merits of New Guinea and the
would recapture Munda. On 8 Septem- Solomons. This argument was resolved
ber he sent the 3d Battalion, 13th In- in Tokyo by the Imperial General Head-
fantry, from Kolombangara to strengthen quarters which decided to give equal

14TH NEW ZEALAND BRIGADE GROUP landing on Vella Lavella, 18 September 1943.

priority to both areas. Tokyo sent orders Sasaki's headquarters prepared the plans
to Rabaul on 13 August directing that for the evacuation. A total of 12,435 men
the central Solomons hold out while Bou- were to be moved. Eighteen torpedo
gainville was strengthened, and that the boats, thirty-eight large landing craft,
central Solomons were to be abandoned and seventy or eighty Army barges
in late September and early October. The (daihatsus) were to be used.28 Destroyers
decision to abandon New Georgia was were to screen the movement, aircraft
not made known at once to General would cover it, and cruisers at Rabaul
Sasaki. would stand by in support.
Sasaki, with about twelve thousand The decision to use the daihatsus was
men concentrated on Kolombangara, logical, considering the destroyer losses
prepared elaborate defenses along the in Vella Gulf and the success the noc-
southern beaches and, as shown above, turnal daihatsus had enjoyed. American
prepared plans for counterattacks.
Finally on 15 September, after Sasaki 28
17th Army Operations, II, Japanese Monogr No.
had sent the 13th Infantry to Arundel, 40 (OCMH), 54, says 138 "large motor boats" were
an 8th Fleet staff officer passed the word to be used; Southeast Area Naval Operations, II,
to get his troops out. Japanese Monogr No. 49 (OCMH), 52, lists 18 tor-
pedo boats, 38 large landing barges, and about 70
Southeastern Fleet, 8th Fleet, and Army craft.

PT boat squadrons, four in all, had been ated from Guadalcanal in February,
operating nightly against the enemy safely off the island. Most of them were
barges in New Georgian waters since late sent to southern Bougainville. Twenty-
July, and had sunk several, but only a nine landing craft and torpedo boats
small percentage of the total. Destroyers were sunk, one destroyer was damaged,
and planes had also operated against and sixty-six men were killed.29
them without complete success. The The final action in the New Georgia
Japanese put heavier armor and weapons area was the Battle of Vella Lavella on
on their barges for defense against tor- the night of 6-7 October, when ten Japa-
pedo boats, which in turn replaced their nese destroyers and twelve destroyer-
torpedoes—useless against the shallow- transports and smaller craft came down
draft barges—with 37-mm. antitank and to Vella Lavella to rescue the six hun-
40-mm. antiaircraft guns. The barges dred stranded men there. Facing odds of
were too evasive to be suitable targets three to one, American destroyers en-
for the destroyers' 5-inch guns. Planes of gaged the Japanese warships northwest
all types, even heavy bombers, hunted of Vella Lavella. One Japanese destroyer
them at sea, but the barges hid out in the was sunk; one American destroyer was
daytime in carefully selected staging badly damaged and sank, and two more
points. Those traveling by day covered suffered damage. During the engagement
themselves with palm trees and foliage the transports slipped in to Marquana
so that from the air they resembled islets. Bay on northwest Vella Lavella and got
Sasaki ordered his troops off Gizo and the troops out safely.30 The last organized
Arundel; those on Arundel completed bodies of Japanese had left the New
movement to Kolombangara by 21 Sep- Georgia area.
tember. The seaplane base at Rekata Bay When the 1st Battalion, 27th In-
on Santa Isabel and the outpost on Ga- fantry, landed at Ringi Cove on southern
nongga Island were also abandoned at Kolombangara on the morning of 6
this time. The evacuation of Kolomban- October, it found only forty-nine aban-
gara was carried out on the nights of doned artillery pieces and some scattered
28-29 September, 1-2 October, and 2-3 Japanese who had been left behind.
October. Admiral Wilkinson had antici- The long campaign—more than four
pated that the enemy might try to escape months had elapsed since the Marines
during this period, the dark of the moon. landed at Segi Point—was over.
Starting 22 September American cruisers
and destroyers made nightly reconnais-
sance of the Slot north of Vella Lavella, Southeast Area Naval Operations, II, Japanese
Monogr No. 49 (OCMH), 54-55. At the time the
but when Japanese submarines became Americans greatly overestimated their success against
active the cruisers were withdrawn. The barges. See for example Halsey and Bryan, Admiral
destroyers attempted to break up the Halsey's Story, p. 172.
See Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier,
evacuation but failed because enemy pp. 243-52, for a more complete account.
planes and destroyers interfered. The 31
ACofS G-2 XIV Corps to CG XIV Corps, 29 Oct
Japanese managed to get some 9,400 men, 43, sub: Photo Int Rpt, Kolombangara, with incls,
Exhibit 6, List of Guns Abandoned by Enemy in
or some 3,600 less than they had evacu- the Vila Area.


Source: NGOF, Narrative Account of the Campaigns in the New Georgia Group, p. 29.

Conclusion cess. The bypassing of Kolombangara,

New Georgia had been lengthy and though overshadowed by later bypasses
costly. Planned as a one-division affair, and clouded by the fact that the bypassed
it had used up elements of four di- troops escaped, was a satisfactory demon-
visions. It would be months before the stration of the technique; the seizure of
25th and 43d Divisions were ready to Vella Lavella provided Halsey's forces
fight again. American casualties totaled with a good airfield for a much lower
1,094 dead, 3,873 wounded. (Table 2) price in blood than an assault on Kolom-
These figures do not tell the complete bangara. The Allies swiftly built another
story, for they count only men killed or airfield at Ondonga Peninsula on New
wounded by enemy fire. They do not in- Georgia. This gave them four—Munda,
clude casualties resulting from disease or Barakoma, Ondonga, and Segi. The first
from combat fatigue or war neuroses. For three, the most used, brought all Bou-
example the 172d Infantry reported gainville within range of Allied fighters.
1,550 men wounded or sick; the 169th When South Pacific forces invaded the
Infantry, up to 5 August, suffered 958 island, they could pick an undefended
nonbattle casualties. The 103d Infantry place and frustrate the Japanese efforts
had 364 "shelled-shocked" and 83 non- to build up Bougainville's defenses and
battle casualties.32 delay the Allies in New Georgia.
Japanese casualties are not known, but The New Georgia operation is also
XIV Corps headquarters reported a significant as a truly joint operation, and
count of enemy dead, exclusive of Vella it clearly illustrates the interdependence
Lavella, of 2,483. of air, sea, and ground forces in oceanic
The Allied soldiers, airmen, marines, warfare. Victory was made possible only
and sailors who suffered death, wounds, by the close co-ordination of air, sea, and
or illness, and those who fought in the ground operations. Air and sea forces
campaign without injury, had served fought hard and finally successfully to cut
their cause well. New Georgia was a suc- the enemy lines of communication while
the ground troops clawed their way for-
ward to seize objectives intended for use
172d Inf Rpt of Opns, New Georgia; 169th Inf by the air and sea forces in the next ad-
Jnl, 5 Aug 43; 103d Inf Rpt of Opns, New Georgia. vance. Unity of command, established

MAJ. GEN. J. LAWTON COLLINS talking to Maj, Charles W. Davis, Commanding

Officer, 3d Battalion, 27th Infantry (left), New Georgia, August 1943.

from the very start, was continued stood off nearly four Allied divisions in
throughout with obvious wholehearted- the course of the action, and then suc-
ness by all responsible commanders. cessfully evacuated 9,400 men to fight
No account of the operation should again. The obstinate General Sasaki, who
be brought to a close without praising disappears from these pages at this point,
the skill, tenacity, and valor of the deserved his country's gratitude for his
heavily outnumbered Japanese who gallant and able conduct of the defense.

The Markham Valley and the

Huon Peninsula
While South Pacific troops had been mand of the New Guinea Force on 20
so heavily engaged in New Georgia, Gen- August 1943, and General Herring went
eral MacArthur's Southwest Pacific forces to Dobodura, where as general officer
were executing Operation II of the commanding the I Australian Corps he
ELKTON plan—the seizure of the Mark- exercised control over tactical operations.
ham Valley and the Huon Peninsula of General Blarney was responsible for co-
New Guinea—aimed at increasing the ordination of ground, air, and naval
Southwest Pacific Area's degree of con- planning. In the actual conduct of
trol over Vitiaz and Dampier Straits. ground, air, and naval operations, the
(Map 12) This operation had actually principle of co-operation rather than
started in January 1943 with the Aus- unity of command appears to have been
tralian defense of Wau in the Bulolo followed.
Valley, and was furthered by the Aus-
tralian advance from the Bulolo Valley Bismarcks Barrier, Ch. XIV; Memo, ACofS G-3
toward Salamaua and the go June land- GHQ SWPA for CofS GHQ SWPA, 14 Jul 43, no
ing of the MacKechnie Force at Nassau sub, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 14 Jul 43; Ltr, Adv
Hq ALF to GHQ SWPA, 16 Jul 43, sub: Opns
Bay. CARTWHEEL, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 16 Jul 43;
Ltr, Brig Gen Donald Wilson, CofS AAF SWPA,
Plans to CINCSWPA, 20 Jul 43, sub: Supporting Plan,
The Allies GHQ OI 34, same file; LHQ [ALF] OI 54, 30 Jul
43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 31 Jul 43; NGF OI 95,
The ground forces in Operation II (or 25 Aug 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 25 Aug 43;
POSTERN) were under command of the Memo, Gen Chamberlin, ACofS G-3 GHQ SWPA,
New Guinea Force.1 General Blarney ar- for CofS GHQ SWPA, 25 May 43, sub: Control of
Opns of 2d ESB, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 25 May
rived at Port Moresby and assumed com- 43; ANF Opn Plan 5-43, 19 Jul 43, in GHQ SWPA
G-3 Jnl, 20 Jul 43; AAF SWPA OI 37, 18 Jun 43,
The subsection is based on ALF, Rpt on New in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 19 Jun 43; Ltr, Comdr
Guinea Opns: 4 Sep 43-26 Apr 44; GHQ SWPA ANF to CINCSWPA, 16 Aug 43, sub: Air Support
Warning Instns 2, 6 May 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 for Troop and Sup Overwater Movements During
Jnl, 6 May 43; GHQ SWPA OI 34, 13 Jun 43, and POSTERN Opn, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 16 Aug 43;
subsequent amendments, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, Memo, Gen Kenney for Gen Chamberlin, 25 Aug
14 Jun 43; Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadal- 43, sub: Opn Plan, Adv Ech 5th AF, POSTERN Opn,
canal to Saipan, pp. 183-86; Kenney, General Ken- same file; G-2 Est POSTERN, 20 Aug 43, in GHQ
ney Reports, pp. 273-87; Morison, Breaking the SWPA G-3 Jnl, 20 Aug 43.

The operations involved in the seizure the Markham River at Lae and running
of the Huon Peninsula and the Mark- northwesterly for 380 miles to the mouth
ham Valley were complex. The South- of the Ramu, the trough varies from 5
west Pacific lacked enough ships for a to 25 miles in width. The rivers flow in
completely amphibious assault, and had opposite directions from a plain in the
too few aircraft for a completely air- level uplands of the trough some 80 miles
borne attack; there were enough ground northwest of Lae. Both valleys contain
troops, but New Guinea terrain pre- extensive flats of grass-covered sand and
cluded large-scale overland movements. gravel, and thus there were many excel-
To bring sufficient power to bear General lent sites for air bases. Already in exist-
MacArthur and his subordinates and ence were several emergency strips that
staff therefore employed all available had been used by Australian civil avi-
means—amphibious assault, an assault ation before the war.
by parachute troops, an airlift of an Lae, a prewar sea terminal for air serv-
entire division, and the shore-to-shore ice to the Bulolo Valley, had a developed
operation already executed at Nassau harbor and airfield, and was the key to
Bay. successful employment of airfields in the
MacArthur, in operations instructions valleys. Once it was captured, ships could
issued before the invasions of Woodlark, carry supplies to Lae, and roads could
Kiriwina, and Nassau Bay, and followed be pushed up the Markham Valley to
by a series of amendments, ordered the carry supplies to the airfields. The New
New Guinea Force to seize the Lae- Guinea Force was ordered to construct
Markham Valley area by co-ordinated airfields in the Lae-Markham Valley area
airborne and overland operations as specified by General Kenney. They
through the Markham Valley and am- were eventually to include facilities for
phibious operations (including Nassau two fighter groups, some night fighters,
Bay) along the north coast of New two medium and two light bombardment
Guinea. The Markham Valley operations groups, one observation squadron, one
were to be based on Port Moresby; the photo-reconnaissance squadron, and four
north coast operations on Buna and transport squadrons. MacArthur wanted
Milne Bay. MacArthur directed the Madang taken in order to protect the
seizure of the coastal areas of the Huon Southwest Pacific's left flank during the
Gulf, including Salamaua and Finsch- subsequent landings on New Britain.
hafen, and initially ordered the New Salamaua was not an important objec-
Guinea Force to be prepared for air- tive, but MacArthur and Blarney ordered
borne-overland and shore-to-shore opera- the 3d Australian Division with the Mac-
tions along the north coast of New Kechnie Force attached to press against
Guinea as far as Madang on Astrolabe it for purposes of deception. They
Bay. The immediate objectives were Lae wanted the Japanese to believe that Sala-
and the Markham and Ramu Valleys. maua and not Lae was the real objective,
The two river valleys form a tremen- and so to strengthen Salamaua at Lae's
dous trough between the Finisterre and expense.
Kratke Ranges. Starting at the mouth of The commander in chief ordered Ken-

ney and Carpender to support the New to carry it out at that time.3 Generals
Guinea Force with their Allied Air and MacArthur and Blarney had planned to
Allied Naval Forces. Allied Land Forces operate overland from the Lakekamu
could make the necessary troops avail- River to the Bulolo Valley and thence to
able. the Markham Valley in conjunction with
U.S. Army Services of Supply and Line a parachute assault by one battalion. De-
of Communications units of Allied Land lays in building the mountain road from
Forces would provide logistical support. the Lakekamu to the Bulolo Valley made
From thirty to ninety days of various necessary a decision to land an entire
classes of supply was to be stocked at in- parachute regiment at Nadzab, a superb
termediate and advance bases. General airfield site in the Markham Valley where
Marshall's U.S. Army Services of Supply a prewar Australian airstrip already
would be responsible for supply of Amer- existed, and to fly an entire division
ican forces in the Huon Peninsula and from Port Moresby to Nadzab immedi-
Markham Valley, and would provide all ately afterward.
items to the Army and Navy. MacArthur The third unusual feature of the POS-
ordered Marshall's command to aid TERN air operations was made possible by
Allied Naval Forces in transporting the General Kenney's enthusiastic willing-
2d Engineer Special Brigade to the com- ness to try any experiment that offered
bat zone, and to prepare to relieve Allied a hope of success and by the fact that
Naval Forces of the responsibility for both Allied and Japanese forces were
transporting supplies to Lae and to concentrated in small enclaves on the
Woodlark and Kiriwina. New Guinea coast, with the highlands
Some of the plan's outstanding fea- and hinterland available to whichever
tures were the ways it proposed to use force could maintain patrols there. On
air power. The impending assault by General Kenney's recommendation, Mac-
parachute would be the first tactical em- Arthur ordered the development of two
ployment of parachute troops as such by grass strips, one in the Watut Valley west
Allied forces in the Pacific.2 The com- of Salamaua and the other in the grassy
bination of airlifted troops and para- plateau south of Madang where the
chute troops in co-ordination with am- Markham and Ramu Rivers rise. These
phibious assault had also not been used strips could serve as staging bases that
hitherto by the Allies in the Pacific. The would enable Kenney to send fighters
year before, General Whitehead had from Port Moresby and Dobodura as far
"sold the Aussies on the scheme of an as the expanding enemy base at Wewak
airborne show at Nadzab to take Lae out or over the western part of New Britain,
from the back," and General MacArthur and to give fighter cover to Allied
had liked the idea too, but there were bombers in the vicinity of Lae. Thus the
not enough transport planes in the area Allied Air Forces would be using inland
airfields to support and protect a sea-
The 1st Marine Parachute Battalion fought well borne invasion of a coastal area.
at Guadalcanal and Tulagi in 1942, but it fought
on foot as an infantry battalion. It made no tactical
jumps. 3
Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 128.

D Day was set for planning purposes Final plans, issued in August, called
as 1 August, but was postponed to 27 for the employment of two veteran Aus-
August and finally to 4 September to tralian divisions, the 7th and the 9th,
permit the assembly of enough C-47's, the U.S. 503d Parachute Infantry Regi-
more training for the 7th Australian Di- ment, and elements of the U.S. 2d En-
vision, and the relief of the VII Am- gineer Special Brigade, as well as the
phibious Force of its responsibilities for American and Australian troops already
Woodlark and Kiriwina. The precise pressing against Salamaua in their de-
date was picked by General Kenney on ception maneuver. The 9th Australian
the basis of weather forecasts. He wanted Division was to be carried by the VII
fog over western New Britain and Vitiaz Amphibious Force, with elements of the
and Dampier Straits that would keep 2d Engineer Special Brigade, attached,
Japanese aircraft away while bright clear from Milne Bay to beaches far enough
weather over New Guinea—a fairly com- east of Lae to be beyond range of enemy
mon condition—permitted the flight to artillery.
and jump into the Markham Valley. The Early plans had called for the 2d En-
fourth of September promised to be such gineer Special Brigade to carry the 9th
a date and was selected.4 Australian Division to Lae and support
The final tactical plans were prepared it thereafter. But closer study showed
by New Guinea Force and by the various that an engineer special brigade could
higher headquarters in the Allied Air carry and support but one brigade in re-
and Allied Naval Forces under the super- duced strength—about 3,000 men, or not
vision of General MacArthur, General nearly enough to attack Lae. Therefore
Sutherland, MacArthur's chief of staff, the VII Amphibious Force was ordered
and such subordinates as General Cham- to carry the 9th Division, and the 2d En-
berlin, the G-3 of GHQ. gineer Special Brigade was attached to
Barbey's command for the initial phases.
In his book Kenney tells how the American and Two brigade groups, totaling 7,800 men,
Australian weather teams kept altering their fore-
casts and disagreeing with one another. Finally the plus elements of the amphibian en-
American team picked 5 September; the Australians gineers, were to land starting at 0630, 4
decided on 3 September. General Kenney "decided September.6 That evening 2,400 more
that neither one of them knew anything about
weather, split the difference between the two fore- Australians would land, and on the night
casts, and told General MacArthur we would be of 5-6 September the VII Amphibious
ready to go on the morning of the 4th for the
amphibious movement. . . ." General Kenney Re-
Force, having retired to Buna after un-
ports, p. 288. loading on 4 September, was to bring in
GHQ supervised the preparation of the plans the 3,800 men of the reserve brigade
for Operation II more closely than, for example,
those for Woodlark-Kiriwina. The staff at GHQ
group. The time for H Hour, 0630, was
felt that New Guinea Force and subordinate head- selected because it came thirty minutes
quarters were slow in preparing plans, tended to past sunrise, by which time the light
prepare plans for initiating operations rather than
for carrying them through completely, failed to pro- would be suitable for the preliminary
vide for co-ordination of forces, and did not naval bombardment.
thoroughly appreciate logistics. See Memo, Cham-
berlin for CofS GHQ SWPA, 28 Aug 43, no sub, in A brigade group was similar in strength and
GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 16 Jul 43. composition to a U.S. regimental combat team.

Admiral Carpender organized his Al- adequate. The airmen, who were plan-
lied Naval Forces into almost the same ning to use over three hundred planes
task forces that he had set up for Wood- in the Markham Valley parachute jump,
lark and Kiriwina and assigned them were willing to provide air cover for
similar missions. Admiral Barbey organ- Barbey's ships over Lae itself on D Day,
ized his VII Amphibious Force into a but argued that the movement of the
transport group of 2 destroyers, 4 APD's, convoys would be amply protected by
13 LST's, 20 LCI's, 14 LCT's and 1 AP; maintaining fighter squadrons on ground
a cover group of 4 destroyers; an escort alert at Dobodura and the staging air-
group of 2 destroyers; an APC group of field in the Watut Valley. The argument,
13 APC's, 9 LST's, and 2 subchasers; and a heated one, went up the chain of com-
a service group of 1 tender, 3 LST's, 10 mand to General MacArthur himself,
subchasers, 5 minesweepers, 1 oiler, and and was finally settled by Kenney's agree-
1tug. The attached engineer special bri- ment to use a total of thirty-two planes
gade elements possessed 10 LCM's and 40 to give as much cover as possible over
LCVP's. the VII Amphibious Force during day-
Allied Air Forces' plans for support of light and to maintain fighter squadrons
the invasion called for General White- on ground alert.
head to provide close support to ground There remained the problem of fighter
troops, to provide escort and cover for control. One fighter control unit was
the amphibious movements, to establish stationed at Dobodura, and another at
an air blockade over Huon Peninsula, the staging field in the Watut Valley, but
to specify to General Blarney the air fa- radar coverage over the area was far from
cilities to be constructed in the target complete. Japanese aircraft from Wewak
areas, and to prepare to move forward or Madang could fly south of the moun-
to the new bases. tains to Lae, or from New Britain across
But again there was an argument over Dampier and Vitiaz Straits, and radar
the method by which the air forces would would not pick them up until they were
cover the VII Amphibious Force. Ad- almost over Lae. And as Brig. Gen.
mirals Carpender and Barbey had no air- Charles A. Willoughby, MacArthur's
craft carriers and thus were completely G-2, pointed out, Allied experience at
dependent upon the Allied Air Forces New Georgia showed that the Japanese
for air support. They pointed out that air reaction might be violent. An Aus-
the amphibious movement to Lae would tralian airman suggested that the dif-
involve over forty ships, 7,800 soldiers ficulty be alleviated by posting a radar-
and 3,260 sailors. This represented all equipped destroyer between Lae and
suitable vessels available, with none re- Finschhafen. This was accepted, and the
tained in reserve. Losses to Japanese air U.S. destroyer Reid, which was part of
attacks would seriously jeopardize the Barbey's antisubmarine screen, was se-
success of future operations, and there- lected as picket with orders to steam in
fore they argued that only a fighter um- Vitiaz Strait some forty-five miles south-
brella providing continuous cover for east of Finschhafen.
the VII Amphibious Force would be Markham Valley plans called for the

503d Parachute Infantry Regiment, fly- The Enemy

ing from Port Moresby in C-47's, to Japanese strategic intentions were not
jump onto Nadzab airstrip on the north changed by the invasion of the Trobri-
bank of the Markham River on 5 Sep- ands or of Nassau Bay. In August 1943
tember, the day after the amphibious as- Generals Imamura and Adachi were still
sault. Nadzab was not believed to be resolved to hold Lae and Salamaua as
occupied by the Japanese, but this seizure parts of the outer defenses of Wewak
would block the valley and prevent the and Madang, and were still planning to
enemy's sending troops overland from move into Bena Bena south of the Ramu
Wewak. Once captured, Nadzab airstrip Valley.7 There were about ten thousand
was to be quickly readied for airplanes men in the Lae-Salamaua area, with
by the 503d and by a force of Australian somewhat more than half of these de-
engineers and pioneers. The Australians fending Salamaua. Many of the ten thou-
were to paddle in boats from the staging sand, reported the Japanese after the
airfield in the Watut Valley down the war, were sick. Some estimates run as
Watut River to Nadzab—a distance of high as 50 percent. At Lae, General
about thirty-two air miles, but actually Shoge, temporarily detached from his
twice that far for anything but crows and post as infantry group commander of the
airplanes. Then one brigade of the 7th 41st Division, led a force consisting of a
Australian Division, plus engineers and naval guard unit, elements of the 21st,
antiaircraft units, having been flown to 102d, and 115th Infantry Regiments,
the Watut Valley previously, would fly and artillerymen and engineers. In ad-
in. The next brigade would come in di- dition to defending Lae, Shoge was re-
rectly by air from Port Moresby. Once sponsible for patrolling up the Markham
adequate strength had been assembled, River and for protecting the southern
the 7th Australian Division would march approaches to Finschhafen on the east
eastward down the Markham River coast of the Huon Peninsula.
against Lae, and at the same time the 9th In the months following the Bismarck
Sea disaster the supply systems for Lae
Australian Division would drive west-
and Salamaua had almost broken down.
ward from the landing beaches.
The Allied aerial blockade of the Huon
Seizure of Nadzab would have a three-
Peninsula prevented the use of large
fold effect: it would provide Allied forces ships to carry supplies forward to Lae.
with one more air base with which to Until June, six submarines helped carry
increase their control over the Huon supplies, but then the number was cut
Peninsula, the straits, and western New to three and the bulk of supplies had to
Britain; it would provide a base for the be carried on barges. Supply of the ten
7th Division's eastward march against
Lae; and an Allied force at Nadzab
could forestall any attempt by the Japa- 7
This subsection is based upon 8th Area Army
nese to reinforce Lae from Wewak by Operations, Japanese Monogr No. no (OCMH),
marching through the Ramu and Mark- pp. 22-34, 36-85; 18th Army Operations, II, Japa-
nese Monogr No. 42 (OCMH), 27-54; USSBS, Allied
ham Valleys. Campaign Against Rabaul, p. 84.

thousand men for the five months pre- through practically on schedule.8 P-47's
ceding September would have required of the 348th Fighter Group began arriv-
150 bargeloads per month, while 200 ing in Australia in June, and before the
more barges were needed for transport end of July the whole group had been
of reinforcements and ammunition. But deployed to New Guinea. The 475th
there were far too few barges. Only 40, Fighter Group, flying P-38's, was ready
for example, were making the run to for combat by the middle of the next
Lae from the staging base at Tuluvu on month.
the north shore of Cape Gloucester. The Bomber strength, too, was increasing.
sea and the tides in Dampier Strait dam- Newly arrived B-24's of the 380th Heavy
aged many, and several fell victim to Bombardment Group went into action
Allied aircraft and to nocturnal PT's from Darwin, Australia, in mid-July.
which, like their sister boats in the One of the 380th's first large-scale opera-
Solomons, prowled the barge lanes. tions was a spectacular raid on the oil
Imperial General Headquarters, mean- center at Balikpapan, Borneo, on 13
while, had paid heed to Imamura's re- August, a feat that required a 1,200-mile
quest for more planes. On 27 July Im- round trip. Port Moresby saw the arrival
perial Headquarters ordered the 4th Air of new B-25's of the 345th Medium
Army, commanded by Lt. Gen. Kumai- Bombardment Group in July. And the
chi Teramoto, from the Netherlands C-47's were also increasing in number.
Indies to the Southeast Area. Teramoto's By September the 54th Troop Carrier
army would include the 7th Air Division, Wing could boast fourteen full squad-
the 14th Air Brigade, some miscellane- rons of transport planes.
ous squadrons, and the 6th Air Division, By the end of August the Southwest
which was already based at Wewak. Pacific Area had on hand nearly all its
The 4th Air Army headquarters ar- authorized plane strength—197 heavy
rived at Rabaul on 6 August, whereupon bombers and 598 fighters. Keeping this
Imamura ordered Teramoto and his number in flying condition, however,
planes to proceed to Wewak with the was next to impossible. Many of the
mission of escorting convoys, destroying planes were old, and with the air forces
Allied planes and ships, and co-operat- constantly in action there were always
ing with the 18th Army. The move was battle casualties. Kenney was always
made at once; the Allies were well aware short of manpower; he could never ob-
that the Japanese were building up tain enough replacement pilots to keep
strength on the four Wewak airfields. all his new and veteran squadrons up
to strength, a condition that was prob-
Allied Air and Naval Preparations ably duplicated in every active theater.

Increases in Air Strength Operations

The first important action of Kenney's
The increases in Allied strength that
had been promised to the Southwest This section is based on Craven and Cate, The
Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 168-86; Mori-
Pacific Area at the Pacific Military Con- son, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 257-61;
ference in March had been coming Kenney, General Kenney Reports, pp. 251-79.

Allied Air Forces in preparation for the enemy's attention from Tsili Tsili.
Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula opera- In June and July, C-47's flew Aus-
tion was the development of the staging tralian troops and the U.S. 871st Air-
fields in the Watut Valley and in the borne Engineer Battalion to Marilinan.
Ramu-Markham trough. Ever since the The troops moved down the river to
Buna campaign Kenney had been anx- Tsili Tsili, cleared the strips, and C-47's
ious for a good fighter field near Lae to flew in specially designed bulldozers and
use in covering the invasion. He hoped other earth-moving equipment. Some
to fly troops into an existing emergency gear, including trucks sawed in half so
strip and seize it, as he had done during they could be loaded into C-47's, was
the Buna campaign. Kokoda and Wau also flown to Tsili Tsili, where the trucks
had been surveyed but found unsuitable. were welded together. Two strips at
Then in May an aviation engineer of- Tsili Tsili were soon ready, and by mid-
ficer, with orders to find a field farther August three thousand troops, including
forward than Wau, trekked from the a fighter squadron, were based there.
Bulolo Valley almost to Salamaua, found Japanese aircraft failed to molest the
nothing suitable, and thereupon back- Allies until the fields were all built; they
tracked and went down the Watut River raided Tsili Tsili on 15 and 16 August
where he found and recommended an without doing much damage and there-
emergency landing strip at Marilinan. after left it alone.
But Marilinan was not perfect; it was While General Kenney had liked the
feared the September rains would render prospects of Tsili Tsili from a technical
its clay too muddy to be usable. At this point of view, he had felt that Tsili
point General Wurtsmith of the V Tsili had an unfortunate sound. He
Fighter Command took a hand. Look- therefore officially directed that the base
ing over the ground himself, he picked be given the more attractive name of
a site at Tsili Tsili four miles down the Marilinan.9
Watut River from Marilinan. Kenney During this period the Fifth Air Force
and Whitehead agreed with his choice. had been supporting the Allied diver-
Meanwhile Kenney and Herring ar- sionary attacks against Salamaua. Nearly
ranged to build the second staging field, every day of July saw some form of air
using a few Australian troops and native attack against the Lae-Salamaua area.
labor, at Bena Bena south of the Ramu Sorties during the month totaled 400 by
Valley. This emergency strip had long B-25's, 100 by B-24's, 45 by RAAF Bos-
served as a New Guinea Force patrol tons, 35 by A-20's, 30 by B-17's, and 7
base, and the Japanese at this time were by B-26's. The Japanese supply point at
hoping to capture it eventually. The Madang was also raided during the
Allies decided to build a grass strip suit- period 20-23 July by B-25's and heavy
able for fighters at Bena Bena (C-47's bombers.
carrying supplies to the Australian pa- But these raids were secondary to
trols had been using Bena Bena for Kenney's main air effort, which was di-
some time), and to burn off the grass in 9
Craven and Cate in The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
fashion so obvious as to distract the Saipan, however, use the name Tsili Tsili.
B-24 OVER SALAMAUA, 13 August 1943. Note smoke from bomb bursts.


rected against Wewak. Aware of the in- the Japanese to believe that Wewak lay
crease in Japanese air strength at Wewak, beyond bomber range and to send planes
and lacking enough strength to hit both there with a false sense of security.
Wewak and Rabaul, Kenney had decided On 13 August photographs taken by
to concentrate against Wewak rather Allied reconnaissance planes showed a
than Rabaul up to the day of the land- total of 199 Japanese airplanes on the
ing at Lae, and to rely in part on the four fields at Wewak. The 4th Air Army
weather for protection against Rabaul- was now due for a surprise. Marilinan
based planes. There were too many Japa- was ready by midmonth and so was the
nese fighter planes at Wewak, however, Fifth Air Force. General Whitehead had
for Kenney to risk sending unescorted four bombardment groups with enough
bombers there. Raids against Wewak had range to hit Wewak from Port Moresby
to await completion of the Marilinan —two heavy groups with 64 planes in
staging field, which would extend the commission and two medium groups
range of Allied fighters as far as Wewak. totaling 58 B-25's. With Marilinan in
Meanwhile Kenney ordered his bombers commission the bombers would have
not to go as far as Wewak, thus leading fighter protection all the way.

B-25 MEDIUM BOMBERS leaving installations aflame in the Wewak area.

Heavy and medium bombers and losses as about half what the Allies
fighters struck the four Wewak fields on initially claimed.10 But despite the efforts
17 August and achieved excellent results. of Imamura and Teramoto, strength of
Taking the Japanese by surprise, they the 4th Air Army thereafter averaged
caught most of the enemy planes on the but 100 planes, and "the prospect of the
ground. Next day they were back in New Guinea operation [was] much
strength, and the Wewak offensive con- gloomier."11
tinued throughout the rest of August. The Allied Naval Forces, which had
The planes struck at Hansa Bay and not played a decisive part in the Buna
Alexishafen during the same period. campaign because it lacked enough ships
Damage inflicted by these raids was
heavy, though less than estimated at the
time. Kenney's headquarters claimed 8th Area Army Operations, Japanese Monogr
No. no (OCMH), p. 83, states that one hundred
over 200 Japanese aircraft destroyed on planes were lost; 18th Army Operations, II, Japa-
the ground, a claim that Army Air nese Monogr No. 42 (OCMH), 29, asserts that sixty
Forces headquarters scaled down to 175. to seventy were destroyed.
8th Area Army Operations, Japanese Monogr
Postwar Japanese reports, however, give No. 110 (OCMH), p. 84.

and because hydrographic information Pacific Area were preparing plans and
on the waters of New Guinea's north assembling troops and supplies for the
coast was almost nonexistent, was also Lae-Markham Valley invasions, and
taking a hand. PT boats based at Morobe while the air and naval forces were at-
were stalking the enemy barge routes at tacking Japanese aircraft, bases, and lines
night and making the transport of men of communication, the troops in front of
and munitions to Lae increasingly dif- Salamaua were carrying out their part
ficult. The Fifth Air Force's successful of the plan by the diversionary attack
strike against Wewak encouraged Ad- against that port. Starting from the
miral Carpender to send warships as far arc-shaped positions they held in early
up the coast as Finschhafen. Thus on 22 July, the 3d Australian Division and the
August four destroyers under Capt. Jesse MacKechnie Force, soon joined by the
H. Carter left Milne Bay, stopped at remainder of the 162d Infantry, fought
Buna to discuss air cover and obtain their way forward until by the end of
target information, and sailed for Finsch- August they were closing in on the town
hafen. Starting at 0121, 23 August, and airfield of Salamaua. (See Map 6.)
Carter's ships bombarded Finschhafen At first the reinforced 1st Battalion,
with 540 rounds of 5-inch shells and re- 162d Infantry, fighting on the right of
turned safely to Milne Bay. This opera- the 3d Australian Division, was the only
tion was small in itself, but it was sig- American unit present, but this force
nificant because this was the first time was enlarged in July, after the capture of
Allied warships had ventured so far up Bitoi Ridge, when other elements of the
the New Guinea coast. 41st Division were attached to the 3d
During the first three days of Septem- Australian Division. This attachment
ber Allied planes executed preparatory came about because more U.S. infantry-
bombardments in support of the Lae in- men and artillerymen were needed to
vasion. They launched heavy attacks secure the Tambu Bay-Dot Inlet area
against airfields, supply points, and ship- northwest of Nassau Bay, and because a
ping lanes on 1 September, the same day supply base for Australians and Ameri-
on which medium and heavy bombers cans in the combat area was required.
raided Alexishafen and Madang. Next Consequently the Coane Force, com-
day B-25's and P-38's delivered a low- manded by Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Coane
level attack against Wewak. Gasmata and who was also 41st Division artillery com-
Borgen Bay on New Britain, and Lae it- mander, was organized during the second
self, were struck on 3 September, and
eleven nocturnal RAAF Catalinas raided 12
Rabaul. Unless otherwise indicated this section is based
on McCartney, The Jungleers, Ch. VII; ALF, Rpt
on New Guinea Opns: 1 Mar-13 Sep 43; 162d Inf
The Salamaua Attack, Rpt of Opns, and Jnl; 41st Div Arty, Hist of
1July-12 September 1943 Salamaua Campaign, 23 Apr-4 Oct 43; Combined
Operational Int Center GHQ SWPA, Resume of
During July and August, while the Allied Mil Opns and Int Leading to the Capture
of Lae and Salamaua From the Enemy: Jun-Sep 43,
various headquarters of the Southwest 20 Sep 43, in GHQ SWPA Jnl, 20 Sep 43.

week in July.13 The MacKechnie Force, posite Australian and American staff,
then fighting forward from Bitoi Ridge, served as artillery commander until the
was not a part of the Coane Force. Some end of hostilities in that area.
units assigned to the Coane Force were On 17 July the Coane Force moved
already in the Nassau Bay area; others forward from Nassau Bay, and by the
soon came up from Morobe. end of the next day had secured the
Both Coane and MacKechnie Forces southern headland of Tambu Bay, where
fought under command of General a supply base was set up. Starting on 20
Savige, commanding the 3d Australian July, the Americans launched a series of
Division, and after Savige's headquarters attacks with strong artillery support
was relieved on 24 August by Head- which resulted on 13 August in the cap-
quarters, 5th Australian Division, under ture of the high ground—Roosevelt
command of Maj. Gen. E. J. Milford, the Ridge, Scout Ridge, and Mount Tambu
Americans served under Milford. At the —overlooking Tambu Bay and Dot Inlet.
same time Col. William D. Jackson, 41st On 12 August the Coane Force was dis-
Division artillery executive officer, was solved and the entire 162d Infantry re-
appointed as Commander, Royal Artil- verted to Colonel MacKechnie's control.
lery, of the 3d and then the 5th Aus- At the same time the Australians
tralian Divisions. Jackson, using a com- pressed forward so that by the first week
in September they had reached the Fran-
It consisted at first of the 2d and 3d Battalions,
162d Infantry; the 162d Infantry Cannon Company;
cisco River, which flows in an west-east
3d Platoon, Antitank Company, 162d Infantry; C direction just south of the Salamaua air-
Battery, 209th Coast Artillery Battalion; A Battery, field. All advances were made up and
218th Field Artillery Battalion; A Company, 116th
Medical Battalion; A and D Companies, 532d En-
down precipitous ridges varying from
gineer Boat and Shore Regiment, 2d Engineer eight hundred to three thousand feet in
Special Brigade; A Company, Papuan Infantry Bat- height. With characteristic skill the Jap-
talion; a Combined Operational Service Command
detachment; Troop D, 2/6th Royal Australian anese had established strong defensive
Artillery Regiment; and signal and quartermaster positions on the ridges; there were many
troops. automatic weapons emplacements, with
Problems involving command over the mixed
Australian-American units appear to have been ad- earth-and-log pillboxes predominating,
ditional factors in the decision to create the Coane that gave each other mutual support with
Force rather than to turn all American troops over
to Colonel MacKechnie. The MacKechnie Force was
interlocking bands of fire. Trenches and
attached to the 3d Australian Division, but Maj. tunnels connected the emplacements.
Gen. Horace H. Fuller, commanding the 41st U.S. Early September saw Japanese resist-
Division, retained control over the American troops
at the actual beachhead. Thus, as he put it later, ance slackening. On 11 September the
Colonel MacKechnie was "placed in the unenviable Australians and the 162d Infantry Re-
position of trying to obey two masters" who kept
giving him conflicting orders. The impossibility of
connaissance Platoon crossed the rain-
obeying them both finally led MacKechnie to re- swollen Francisco River and by the end
quest relief as commanding officer of the 162d. He of 12 September the airfield, the town,
was reassigned as Coane Force S-3, and later as
liaison officer with the 3d Australian Division, but and the entire isthmus, which had been
returned to command the 162d on the dissolution held by the Japanese for eighteen
of the Coane Force. See Ltr, Col MacKechnie to
Gen Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, 2 Nov 53, no sub,
months, was back in Allied hands.
OCMH. The cost was not cheap. On 29 June

SALAMAUA, objective of the attack.

there were 2,554 men in the 162d In- in the Lae-Salamaua area, the majority
fantry. By 12 September battle casualties had been moved to Salamaua. The Allied
and disease had reduced the regiment to ruse had succeeded.
1,763 men. One hundred and two had
been killed, 447 wounded. The 162d Lae: The Seaborne Invasion
estimated it had killed 1,272 Japanese
and reported the capture of 6 prisoners. The Landing
The Japanese had lost Salamaua after The unit slated to invade Lae, Maj.
a stiff fight and the very strength of their Gen. G. F. Wootten's 9th Australian Di-
defense had played into Allied hands, vision, embarked on the ships of Ad-
for of the ten thousand enemy soldiers miral Barbey's Task Force 76 at Milne


Bay on 1 September.15 Next day Barbey's Brigade that had assembled there in the
ships sailed to Buna and to Morobe, latter part of August. On the night of
where they were joined by fifty-seven 3-4 September the armada set out for
landing craft of the 2d Engineer Special Lae, eighty miles distant; it arrived at
the landing beaches east of Lae at sun-
This section is based on Morison, Breaking the rise of 4 September. (Map 13)
Bismarcks Barrier, Ch. XIV; Off of Chief Engr,
GHQ AFPAC, Engineers in Theater Operations, p.
At 0618, eighteen minutes after the
106, and Critique, p. 97; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea sun rose, five destroyers fired a ten-
Opns: 4 Sep 43-26 Apr 44; Combined Operational minute bombardment on the beaches.
Int Center GHQ SWPA, Resume . . . Lae and
Salamaua, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 20 Sep 43; 2d Then sixteen landing craft from the
ESB Rpt. APD's started for the beaches carrying

MAP 13
the assault waves. At 0631 the 20th Aus- Fifteen minutes after the assault waves
tralian Infantry Brigade began going beached, LCI's pushed their bows onto
ashore at Red Beach, near Bulu Planta- the beaches and put more riflemen
tion and some eighteen miles east of Lae. ashore. They were followed by LCT's
This landing was unopposed. Two and LST's. All assault troops had landed
minutes later troops of the 26th Aus- by 0830, and by 1030 fifteen hundred
tralian Infantry Brigade landed at tons of supplies had been landed. By
Yellow Beach, eighteen miles east of the end of the day the beachheads were
Lae, east of the Bulu River. A small secure, 2,400 more Australians had
group of Japanese on Yellow Beach ran landed, and the 26th Brigade and the
away at the approach of the Australians. 2/17th Australian Infantry Battalion had
Scouts of the 2d Engineer Special Bri- crossed the Buso and begun the advance
gade landed with the Australian in- westward against Lae.
fantry. There was no resistance on the

ground, but Japanese aircraft attempted twenty P-47's which intercepted the
to break up the invasion. About 0700, flight and broke it up. Some planes got
before fighter cover had arrived, a few through, however, and attacked a group
two-engine bombers with fighter escort of six LST's off Cape Ward Hunt. They
attacked Task Force 76 and damaged two damaged two and killed over a hundred
LCI's. Imamura dispatched eighty planes Australian soldiers and American sailors.
from Rabaul to attack Barbey but these The Japanese did not attack the jammed
were delayed by the fog over New landing beaches at this time, but re-
Britain that Kenney's weathermen had turned in the evening to blow up an am-
predicted. The picket destroyer Reid's munition dump, damage two beached
radar located them over Gasmata in the LCI's, and kill two men.16
afternoon just as Task Force 76 was 16
They claimed to have sunk 14 transports,2
making ready to sail for Milne Bay. The barges, 1 PT boat, 3 destroyers, and to have shot
Reid vectored out forty P-38's and down 38 planes.


The Advance Westward talion, once landed, pushed east from

Bulu Plantation and secured the east
Once the assault troops had landed
flank by seizing Hopoi. The reserve 24th
control of the 2d Engineer Special Bri-
Infantry Brigade landed on schedule on
gade elements—thirteen hundred men of
a reinforced boat company, a boat con- the night of 5-6 September, and at day-
trol section, a shore battalion, a medical light started west behind the 26th Bri-
detachment, scouts, and a headquarters gade. On 6 September, after a ten-mile
detachment—passed from Admiral Bar- march, the 26th Brigade met its first op-
bey to General Wootten. A salvage boat, position at the Bunga River.
ten LCVP's, and two additional LCVP's The 24th Brigade advanced along the
mounting machine guns for support of coast while the 26th Brigade moved some
landings remained at Red Beach. Even- distance inland in an effort to get be-
tually, twenty-one LCM's and twenty- hind Lae and cut off the enemy garrison.
one LCVP's were sent to Red Beach. The 24th's advance was rendered dif-
Because of breakdowns, these replace- ficult, not so much by the enemy as by
ments were necessary if ten craft of each the terrain. The heavy September rains
type were to be kept in operation. All flooded the creeks and turned the trails
these craft were used to support the 9th into deep mud that was virtually im-
Division's march against Lae. passable for vehicles. Fortunately the
The 2/13th Australian Infantry Bat- boats of the 2d Engineer Special Brigade

were available to ferry supplies by water were then on the west bank of the Busu
to coastal dumps and enable the advance and were ready to resume the advance
to continue. The leading Australian bat- against Lae and effect a junction with
talions reached the Busu (not to be con- the troops of the 7th Australian Division
fused with the Buso farther east) on the that were advancing east out of Nadzab.
morning of 8 September. This swollen
river, five feet deep and sixty feet wide Nadzab: The Airborne Invasion
at the mouth, and flowing at twelve The Jump
knots, was a severe obstacle in itself, and
the west bank was held by the Japanese. Capture of Nadzab had been spectac-
Patrols attempted to force a crossing ularly effected on 5 September. This mis-
on the morning of 9 September but the sion, assigned to Col. Kenneth H. Kins-
combination of Japanese bullets and the ler's 503d Parachute Infantry Regiment,
swift current forced them back. In the was coupled with the additional mission
late afternoon elements of four rifle com- of preparing the airstrip for C-47's carry-
panies got across in rubber boats and by ing Maj. Gen. George A. Vasey's 7th
wading and swimming. Several men Australian Division from Marilinan and
were drowned and many weapons lost in Port Moresby.
this act of gallantry, but the four com- Reveille for the men of the 503d
panies seized a bridgehead on the west sounded early at Port Moresby on the
bank and held it against enemy counter- morning of 5 September. The weather
attacks. promised to be fair, although bad flying
Meanwhile the troops on the east weather over the Owen Stanleys delayed
bank loaded men, weapons, and am- take off until 0825. New Guinea Force
munition onto the 2d Engineer Special had prepared its plans flexibly so that
Brigade's landing craft and sent them to the seaborne invasion on 4 September
the west bank. For the next sixty hours, would not be slowed or altered if any
the landing craft plied back and forth threat of bad weather on 5 September de-
until the entire 24th Brigade had been layed the parachute jump, but Kenney's
transferred to the west bank. Rain, mist, weathermen had forecast accurately.
and darkness helped hide the boats from The paratroopers and a detachment of
the Japanese, who tried to hit them with 17
Unless otherwise indicated this section is based
artillery, machine guns, and rifles. Dur- on Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
ing the same period a box girder bridge Saipan; pp. 184-86; Morison, Breaking the Bis-
marcks Barrier, pp, 266-69; Kenney, General Ken-
was moved in pieces by landing craft ney Reports, pp. 292-96; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea
from Bulu Plantation to the mouth of Opns: 4 Sep 43-26 Apr 44; Combined Operational
the Burep River, then laboriously hauled Int Center GHQ SWPA, Resume . . . Lae and
Salamaua, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 20 Sep 43; 503d
inland to the 26th Brigade's zone over a Parachute Inf Rpt of Opns, Markham Valley, 5-19
jeep track built by the 2d Engineer Spe- Sep 43; Japanese Operations in the Southwest
Pacific Area, MS (Vol. II of the MacArthur hist),
cial Brigade. The bridge was installed Ch. VII, OCMH; 8th Area Army Operations, Japa-
over the Busu under enemy fire on the nese Monogr No. no (OCMH), pp. 81-85; 18th
morning of the 14th. The 26th Brigade Army Operations, II, Japanese Monogr No. 42
(OCMH), 18-80; Interrogation of Adachi et al., by
crossed over that night. Both brigades Mil Hist Sec, Australian Army Hq, OCMH.

Nadzab. Two men at left are General Kenney and General MacArthur.

2/4th Australian Field Regiment which then flew down the Watut Valley, swung
was to jump with its 25-pounder guns to the right over the Markham River,
reached the airfield two hours before and headed for Nadzab. The C-47's
take off.18 There they put on parachutes dropped from 3,000 feet to 400-500 feet.
and equipment. The 54th Troop Carrier The parachutists had stood in their
Wing had ninety-six C-47's ready, and planes and checked their equipment over
the troops boarded these fifteen minutes Marilinan, and twelve minutes later they
before take-off time. formed by the plane doors ready to
The first C-47 roared down the run- jump.
way at 0825; by 0840 all transports were In the lead six squadrons of B-25
aloft. They crossed the Owen Stanleys, strafers with eight .50-caliber machine
then organized into three battalion guns in their noses and six parachute
flights abreast, with each flight in six- fragmentation bombs in their bays
plane elements in step-up right echelon. worked over the Nadzab field. Six A-20's
An hour later bombers, fighters, and laid smoke after the last bomb had ex-
weather planes joined the formation over ploded. Then came the C-47's, closely
Marilinan, on time to the minute. All covered by fighters.
together 302 aircraft from eight different The paratroopers began jumping from
fields were involved. The air armada the three columns of C-47's onto separate
jump areas about 1020. Eighty-one
The 503d had trained this detachment. C-47's carrying the 503d were emptied

AIRDROP AT NADZAB, MORNING OF 5 SEPTEMBER 1943. The paratroopers began

jumping from C-47's onto separate jump areas about 1020.

in four and one-half minutes. All men ney from what Kenney called a "brass-
of the 503d but one, who fainted while hat" flight of three B-17's high above.
getting ready, left the planes. Two men MacArthur was in one, Kenney in an-
were killed instantly when their chutes other, and the third B-17 was there to
failed to open, and a third landed in a provide added fire power in case the
tree, fell sixty feet to the ground, and Japanese turned up.
died. Thirty-three men were injured. The 503d's 1st Battalion seized the
There was no opposition from the Nadzab airstrip and began to prepare it
enemy, either on the ground or in the to receive C-47's. The 2d and 3d Bat-
air. Once they reached the ground, the talions blocked the approaches from the
503d battalions laboriously moved north and east. As soon as the para-
through high kunai grass from landing chutists had begun landing, the Aus-
grounds to assembly areas. tralian units that had come down the
Five B-17's carrying supply parachutes Watut River—the 2/2d Pioneer Bat-
stayed over Nadzab all day. They talion, the 2/6th Field Company, and
dropped a total of fifteen tons of sup- one company of the Papuan Infantry
plies on ground panel signals laid by the Battalion—began landing on the north
503d. The Australian artillerymen and bank of the Markham. They made con-
their guns parachuted down in the after- tact with the 503d in late afternoon and
noon. The whole splendid sight was wit- worked through the night in preparing
nessed by Generals MacArthur and Ken- the airstrip.

The next morning the first C-47 ar- Group moved eastward out of Nadzab
rived. It brought in advance elements of toward Lae on 10 September while Gen-
the U.S. 871st Airborne Engineer Bat- eral Wootten's 9th Division troops were
talion. forcing a crossing over the Busu River
Twenty-four hours later C-47's east of Lae. The Markham Valley nar-
brought in General Vasey's 7th Division rows near Lae, with the Atzera Range
headquarters and part of the 25th Aus- on the northeast and the wide river on
tralian Infantry Brigade Group from the southwest. A prewar road in the
Marilinan, where they had staged from Atzera foothills connected Nadzab with
Port Moresby. Thereafter the transports Lae, and a rough trail on the other side
flew the Australian infantry and the of the Atzeras paralleled this road from
American engineers directly from Port Lae to Yalu, where it intersected the
Moresby. By 10 September the well- road. Thus while some troops blocked
timed, smoothly run operation had pro- the trail at Yalu, and the 2/33d Aus-
ceeded fast enough that 7th Division tralian Infantry Battalion guarded the
troops at Nadzab were able to relieve line of communications, the 2/25th Aus-
the 503d of its defensive missions. tralian Infantry Battalion advanced
Enough American engineers had arrived
down the road and part of the 2/2d
to take over construction of new air-
Australian Pioneer Battalion moved
The 503d's only contact with the down the north bank of the river.
enemy came in mid-September when When a small group of Japanese of-
the 3d Battalion ran into a Japanese fered resistance to the advance at Jen-
column at Yalu, east of Nadzab. The sen's Plantation, toward the lower end
parachute regiment was withdrawn on of the valley, the 2/25th Battalion drove
17 September. It had lost 3 men killed it back and on 14 September captured
jumping, 8 men killed by enemy action, Heath's Plantation farther on. The
33 injured jumping, 12 wounded by the 2/33d Australian Infantry Battalion
enemy, and 26 sick.19 then took over and pushed on toward
This was, comparatively, small cost Lae. By now the Australians had come
for the seizure of a major airbase with a within range of Japanese 75-mm. guns
parachute jump. Nadzab paid rich divi- and found the going harder. But an as-
dends. Within two weeks the engineers sault the next day cleared Edward's
had completed two parallel airstrips six Plantation and enemy resistance ended.
thousand feet long and had started six The advance elements of the 25th Bri-
others. gade entered Lae from the west the next
morning, 16 September. In the after-
The Advance Against Lae noon the 24th Brigade, which had ad-
The 25th Australian Infantry Brigade vanced from the east and captured Mala-
hang Airdrome on 15 September, pushed
into Lae and made contact with the
These figures are taken from a table of casualties 25th Brigade. Lae had fallen easily and
attached to the 503d's report and differ slightly
from casualty figures in the body of the report. speedily. The Japanese had vanished.

The Japanese Evacuation Finschhafen. Therefore he ordered

Throughout July and August the Sala- Nakano and Shoge to withdraw overland
maua Japanese were reinforced at Lae's from Lae to the north coast of the Huon
expense, but were continually forced Peninsula, and directed the 20th Di-
back. On 24 August General Nakano, vision to move from Madang to Finsch-
reflecting the importance which his su- hafen and to dispatch a regiment to the
perior had attached to Salamaua, ad- Ramu Valley to assist the 51st.
dressed his troops thus: "Holding Sala- Thus the Allied troops pushing to-
maua is the Division's responsibility. ward both Lae and Salamaua in early
This position is our last defense line, September met only delaying forces. The
and we will withdraw no further. If we Salamaua garrison had assembled at Lae
are unable to hold, we will die fighting. by the 14th, two days after the first
I will burn our Divisional flag and even echelon of the Lae garrison had started
the patients will rise to fight in close north. Another echelon left that day, and
combat. No one will be taken a pris- the last slipped out on the 15th. The day
oner." 20 before, General Vasey had learned from
Imperial Headquarters, however, did a captured document and from inter-
not order a suicidal last stand. Nakano rogation of a prisoner that the Japanese
was ordered to hold out as long as pos- were leaving Lae. He dispatched troops
sible, but to withdraw if he could not northward to reinforce the 2/4th Aus-
hold Salamaua. The Australian landing tralian Independent Company, which
between Lae and Finschhafen and the was operating in the wilds north of Lae,
503d's seizure of Nadzab, coupled with but the Japanese eluded their pursuers.
Allied air and PT boat activity in the It was a band of retreating enemy that
Huon Gulf and the straits, caused Gen- the 3d Battalion, 503d, encountered at
eral Adachi on 8 September to order Yalu, and when Australian forces rushed
Nakano to abandon Salamaua and pull there the Japanese hastily altered their
back to Lae. Nakano's hospital patients route to avoid interception.
and artillery had already been sent to Once out of Lae, the 51st Division and
Lae, and on 11 September withdrawal the Lae naval garrison executed one of
of the main body began. the difficult overland marches that were
Meanwhile, after considerable discus- to characterize so many future Japanese
sion Imperial Headquarters, Imamura, operations in New Guinea. There was
and Adachi abandoned their plans to little fighting, but Australian patrols
take Bena Bena and Mount Hagen. harried the retreat. The Japanese moved
Adachi saw that the Allied operations at north out of Lae and avoided Nadzab
Salamaua, Nadzab, and Lae threatened and the obvious Markham-Ramu trough
to cut off the 51st Division. He now de- that Adachi had originally planned to
cided that he would have to withdraw use for the withdrawal. They moved in
from Lae, but determined to hold the a generally north-northeasterly direc-
Finisterre Range, the Ramu Valley, and tion, crossed the Busu River by means
18th Army Operations, II, Japanese Monogr No. of a rough-hewn bridge on 20-22 Sep-
42 (OCMH), 37. tember, and skirted the west ends of

the Rawlinson Range and Cromwell Solomons, had a profound effect upon
Mountains in the vicinity of Mount Sala- Japanese strategic plans, an effect that
waket about 25 September. went far beyond the immediate impor-
They had started with food for ten tance of Lae and Salamaua. Although
days, but this was exhausted by the time the twin losses of Guadalcanal and Buna
they reached Salawaket. Thereafter they were severe, Imperial General Head-
lived by looting native gardens and by quarters had not regarded these as irre-
eating roots and grasses. Dysentery and trievable. It had continued to prepare
malaria made their appearance, but as plans for offensives in the Southeast
there were plenty of suppressive drugs Area.21 Now the war leaders in Tokyo
the malaria rate was low. reassessed the situation and determined
The 51st Division had already aban- on a drastic retrenchment.
doned most of its heavy equipment be- The fall of the central Solomons and
fore the retreat. Along the way mountain of Lae-Salamaua closely followed the
artillerymen, unable to drag their guns loss of Attu and the evacuation of Kiska
over the precipitous slopes, were forced in the Aleutians, and came at a time
to abandon them. Many soldiers threw when Imperial Headquarters enter-
away their rifles. This was in strong con- tained well-justified fears about the
trast to the behavior of the 1st Battalion, opening of an Allied offensive through
20th Division, which had reinforced the the Central Pacific.22 The Japanese in
51st Division at Salamaua. The com- September decided that they were over-
mander, a Major Shintani, had threat- extended. They determined to withdraw
ened death to any soldier who abandoned their perimeter in order to set up a de-
his arms. Shintani died on the road, but fense line that would hold back the
his battalion rigorously adhered to his Allies while they themselves marshaled
orders. Each soldier who completed the their strength for decisive battle. This
march carried his rifle and his helmet. perimeter would be strongly manned
By mid-October the troops reached the and fortified. It was hoped that the de-
north coast of the Huon Peninsula. The fensive preparations behind it would be
Army troops went to Kiari, naval per- completed by the early part of 1944.
sonnel to nearby Sio. Slightly over 9,000 So Imperial Headquarters drew its
men had left Lae; 600 were march main perimeter line from western New
casualties. Nearly 5,000 soldiers arrived Guinea through the Carolines to the
at Kiari, and some 1,500 sailors went to Marianas. This was "the absolute na-
Lio. Many others were taken to the hos- tional defense line to be held by all
pital at Madang. The defense of Lae-
Salamaua and the subsequent retreat 21
cost almost 2,600 lives. This subsection is based upon: 8th Area Army
Operations, Japanese Monogr No. 110 (OCMH),
pp. 80-87; and 18th Army Operations, II, Japanese
Strategic Reconsiderations Monogr No. 42 (OCMH), 19-22, 48-53, 58-64, 84-
86, 151-54.
The Japanese Pull Back 22
The offensive began in November 1943. See
Philip A. Crowl and Edmund G. Love, The Seizure
The fall of Lae and Salamaua, coming of the Gilberts and Marshalls, UNITED STATES
hard on the heels of defeat in the central ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1955).

means." 23 The Southeast Area, includ- suda to Tuluvu to take command of the
ing Rabaul, once the focus of such great 65th Brigade, some elements of the 51st
but elusive hopes for victory, was now Division, and the 4th Shipping Group.
on the outpost line. To Matsuda's responsibility for han-
But the war was far from over for dling shipping he added that of defend-
MacArthur's and Halsey's troops. Gen- ing the coasts of western New Britain.
eral Imamura and Admiral Kusaka were On the New Guinea side of the straits,
no longer counted on to win decisively, the Japanese regarded Finschhafen as the
but they were ordered to hold out as key defensive position. Possessed of two
long as possible, and so delay the Allied good harbors—Finschhafen itself and
advance. To strengthen the Southeast Langemak Bay—and a small airfield, it
Area, Imperial Headquarters in Septem- had long been used as a barge staging
ber ordered the 17th Division from point. In early August Adachi had been
Shanghai to Rabaul "to reinforce the concerned about a possible attack against
troops manning the forward wall." Finschhafen, but he did not have enough
Imamura and Kusaka determined to troops to strengthen its small garrison
hold Bougainville, whose defenses they
substantially while the 41st Division was
had been trying to build up during the
defending Wewak, the 51st Division was
long fight on New Georgia, to develop
defending the Lae-Salamaua area, and
and strengthen Madang and Wewak, to
develop the transport system connecting the 20th Division was working on the
the main bases of the Southeast Area, and Madang-Lae road. He did, however,
to hold Dampier and Vitiaz Straits. Con- send the 80th Infantry and one battalion
trol of these straits had been essential to of the 21st Field Artillery Regiment of
nearly all Japanese movements to New the 20th Division from Madang to
Guinea and, as before, the Japanese were Finschhafen. By the end of August Maj.
resolved to hold them in order to block Gen. Eizo Yamada, commanding the 1st
any Allied westward advance. (See Map Shipping Group and the combat troops
12.) at Finschhafen, had about one thousand
To this end Imamura, who kept the men.
38th Division under his control to de- When the 9th Australian Division
fend Rabaul, had previously dispatched landed east of Lae on 5 September,
the reinforced 65th Brigade to Tuluvu Adachi foresaw the danger, to Finsch-
on the north coast of Cape Gloucester hafen. He suspended construction of the
with orders to develop a shipping point Madang-Lae road, which was now a
there and to maintain the airfield. On 5 twenty-foot-wide all-weather road run-
September he sent Maj. Gen. Iwao Mat- ning along the coast from Madang to
Bogadjim, thence over the Finisterre
Range at a defile named Kankirei and
8th Area Army Operations, Japanese Monogr into the Ramu Valley to a point ten
No. 110 (OCMH), p. 87.
miles north of Dumpu. This decision
Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific freed the 20th Division for combat duty.
Area (Vol. II of MacArthur hist), Ch. VII, p. 26,
OCMH. Adachi ordered a small force of the 20th

Division, under Maj. Gen. Masutaro the seizure of Cape Gloucester. Seizure
Nakai, the divisional infantry com- of Finschhafen, Madang, and Cape
mander, to advance to Kaiapit, which is Gloucester would of course give physical
on the uplands near the sources of the control of both sides of the straits to the
Markham and Ramu Rivers. The move Allies.25
was intended to keep the Allies from ad- Capture of Madang was bound to be
vancing through the Ramu Valley, over a large operation. Allied intelligence
Kankirei to the coast, and on against estimated that in late August a total of
Madang and Wewak, and was also to 55,000 Japanese held the regions be-
help cover the retreat of the 51st Di- tween Lae and Wewak. At this time
vision from Lae up the trough to Ma- General Blarney, in a letter to Mac-
dang. When Adachi decided not to use Arthur, held that the Japanese would
the Markham and Ramu Valleys for the exert every effort to defend the Mark-
retreat he ordered Nakai north to hold ham and Ramu Valleys, Bogadjim (near
the Kankirei defile. the defile into the Ramu), Lae, Sala-
Adachi ordered the main body of the maua, and Finschhafen. Capture of
20th Division, commanded by Lt. Gen. Madang, which had been assigned to his
Shigeru Kitagiri, to march to Finsch- New Guinea Force, would require as
hafen. The division departed Bogadjim preliminary conditions complete air and
on 10 September on its march of nearly naval superiority, support by the VII
two hundred miles, but was still far from Amphibious Force, physical possession of
its destination when the Allies struck the Lae, the Markham Valley, Salamaua, and
next blow. Finschhafen, and the neutralization of
the Japanese in western New Britain.
Allied Decisions
Blarney set forth three steps to be
General MacArthur's ELKTON III followed after the capture of Lae. The
called for the capture of Finschhafen as first was the capture of Finschhafen by
a step toward gaining control of Vitiaz a seaborne assault. Blarney recommended
and Dampier Straits. The plan had set as the second step seizure of an inter-
the tentative date for the move against mediate objective between Finschhafen
Finschhafen at six weeks after the in-
and Bogadjim, because 256 miles of
vasion of Lae. At least two factors, how-
water separated Lae from Bogadjim,
ever, impelled a speed-up in the time-
table. The first was the quick fall of Lae
and Salamaua after the landing on 4
September. The second was the 20th Di- 25
See above pp. 27, 190 and Chart 2. This subsec-
vision's move toward Finschhafen. But tion is based on ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns: 4
Sep 43-26 Apr 44; Ltr, Blamey to MacArthur, 31 Aug
before orders could be sent out for the 43, no sub, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 31 Aug 43;
capture of Finschhafen, it was necessary Memo, Chamberlin for CofS GHQ SWPA, 3 Sep
to consider this operation in relation to 43, sub: Comment on Ltr From Cmdr ALF, 31 Aug
43, Opns for Capture of Madang, same file; Cham-
the larger problems involved in captur- berlin's Memo for File, 3 Sep 43, same file; and
ing Madang, an operation considered GHQ SWPA OI 34/12, 15 Sep 43, in GHQ SWPA
G-3 Jnl, 14 Jul 43; GHQ SWPA OI 34/14, 17 Sep
necessary to protect the left flank during 43, same file.

178 separated Finschhafen and Bogad- coast of the Huon Peninsula, he felt that
jim, and these were long distances to little would be gained by seizing it as
travel with a flank exposed. The third well as Madang. On the other hand it
and final step would be the capture of appeared that Saidor might prove a
Madang by a combination of airborne satisfactory substitute for Madang.
invasion and amphibious assault coupled Timing of operations would be
with pressure from troops advancing tricky, largely because the VII Am-
northwestward out of the Ramu Valley. phibious Force lacked enough ships to
To avoid exposing the right flank, he conduct two operations at once. It would
strongly urged capturing Cape Glouces- be committed to operations on the Huon
ter (which had been assigned to the Peninsula until mid-November. There-
ALAMO Force) before taking Madang. fore the Cape Gloucester invasion could
This would be feasible, he argued, be- not take place until about 1 December,
cause Madang was so much farther from but the attack against the north coast of
Finschhafen than was Cape Gloucester. the Huon Peninsula would also have to
These proposals received close study be launched about the same time if the
at the advanced echelon of GHQ, which New Britain offensive was to be pro-
had moved to Port Moresby during the tected effectively. For these reasons
planning for Lae and the Markham
Chamberlin recommended deferring the
Valley. General Chamberlin looked on
decision on whether to move to New
them as generally sound. Regarding
Britain before or after invading the
Blamey's concern over control of Cape
Gloucester as well as the coasts of the north coast of the Huon Peninsula. For
Huon Peninsula, however, he pointed this latter operation, he proposed two
out to General Sutherland that "G-3 be- alternatives: seizure of a prewar airfield
lieves that a physical occupation of areas at Dumpu in the Ramu Valley without
has little bearing on the control of Vitiaz operating on the coast at all, or seizure
Strait but considers that airfields stra- of the Saidor airfield without operating
tegically placed which cover the water in the Ramu Valley.
areas north of Vitiaz Strait are the con- The questions were threshed out at a
trolling considerations." 26 conference at Port Moresby on 3 Sep-
As to the intermediate objective be- tember. MacArthur, Sutherland, Cham-
tween Finschhafen and Bogadjim, which berlin, Kenney, Whitehead, Blamey,
Chamberlin placed at Saidor (with a Carpender, and others attended. Blarney
harbor and prewar airfield) on the north spoke strongly in favor of his recom-
mendations. Kenney urged a deep pene-
tration of the Ramu Valley all the way
to Hansa Bay, which lies between Ma-
Memo, Chamberlin for CofS GHQ SWPA, 3 dang and Wewak. After Hansa Bay, he
Sep 43, sub: Comment on Ltr From Comdr ALF,
31 Aug 43, Opns for Capture of Madang, in GHQ recommended, the advance could turn
SWPA G-3 Jnl, 31 Aug 43. Japanese sources often southward in co-ordination with the
use "Dampier Strait" to mean both Vitiaz and Cape Gloucester attack. Admiral Car-
Dampier Straits; Allied sources often use "Vitiaz
Strait" for both. pender wanted an operation somewhere
between Madang and Saidor to precede Markham, to be free of the enemy.
Cape Gloucester. He received some sup- Logistics would present the greatest dif-
port in his view from MacArthur, who ficulty. No overland line of communica-
asserted the necessity for seizing an area tions existed, and until roads were built
between Finschhafen and Madang be- all supplies for the advancing troops
fore capturing Cape Gloucester, so as to would have to be flown in. This fact
assure the safe movement of supplies to limited the attacking force to one di-
support the latter operation. After a vision (the 7th) of but two brigade
good deal of discussion, opinion crystal- groups.
lized in favor of covering the move to The 2/6th Australian Independent
Gloucester by seizing the line Dumpu- Company began the drive in September
Saidor. Dumpu would be seized at once when Kenney's transport planes landed
by airborne and overland advances, and it on a prewar airstrip in the Markham
would then be used to cover simultane- Valley some thirty miles northwest of
ous moves against Saidor and Gloucester. Nadzab near the Leron River. The 2/6th
These moves, Chamberlin estimated on then made its way eight miles up the
3 September, would take place about1 river to Kaiapit, after a sharp encounter
November at the earliest, but 1 Decem- on 19 September, captured the village
ber was more probable. from a small group of Japanese, and
Thus it was that on 15 September held it against their repeated counter-
MacArthur ordered Blamey's New attacks. Two days later the Kaiapit strip
Guinea Force, supported by Kenney's saw the arrival, after a flight up from
forces, to seize Kaiapit at the head of Nadzab, of the 21st and 25th Brigade
the Markham Valley and Dumpu about Groups of General Vasey's 7th Aus-
tralian Division.
thirty miles south of Bogadjim. Two
At the month's end the 21st Brigade,
days later he ordered the New Guinea
followed by the 25th, left Kaiapit and
Force, with naval support, to capture
entered the Ramu Valley. By 6 October
Finschhafen. It would serve as an ad-
the 21st was in possession of Dumpu,
vanced air base, and Allied Naval Forces, where 7th Division headquarters was
basing light naval craft there, would use established. The great Markham-Ramu
it to cut off the Japanese from Cape trough had fallen with an ease that the
Gloucester and Saidor. The attack on Allies had not expected, an ease brought
Madang was postponed. about by the hasty Japanese decision not
to retreat through the trough.
Advance Through the Ramu Valley Behind the lines engineers set to work
With his forces converging on Lae building a truck highway from Lae to
from east and west General Blarney com- Nadzab along the prewar road, but rain
pleted plans for Kaiapit and Dumpu. fell during forty-six of the final sixty
Tactically the initial phases of the task
appeared fairly simple; patrols had re- This section is based on ALF, Rpt on New
Guinea Opns: 4 Sep 43-26 Apr 44; Craven and
ported the area between Nadzab and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 190-
the Leron River, a tributary of the 93.

days of the project and it was December

before the task was finally finished and
large amounts of supplies could be sent
to Nadzab. Nadzab and the other sites in
the Markham and Ramu Valleys re-
ceived all their supplies and equipment
by airlift during the period the road was
under construction.
By the end of December Allied Air
Forces possessed three first-class air bases
in full-scale operation in the Markham
and Ramu Valleys: one at Nadzab, one
at Lae, and one at the juncture of the
Gusap and Ramu Rivers. The last site
was selected in preference to Kaiapit,
which proved too swampy and malarious
for extensive development. Dumpu
served as a staging field for fighter planes.
After establishing strong positions at
Dumpu, the 7th Australian Division
continued its part in seizing the Huon
Peninsula. Marching north-northwest
from Dumpu, it attacked Nakai's posi-
tions in the defiles of the Finisterres. The
defiles were secured in February after
almost three months of the most arduous
kind of fighting. Nakai retreated toward
Madang while Vasey's division broke out
to the coast east of Madang.
The Coastal Advance
Vasey's operations through the Ramu
Valley were co-ordinated with those of
Wootten's 9th Australian Division,
which was operating on the coasts of the
Huon Peninsula in a series of operations
that began with Finschhafen. Before
leaving Milne Bay for Lae, Wootten had
been alerted to the possibility that he
MAP 14 might have to send a brigade to Finsch-
hafen. (Map 14) Thus GHQ's decision
on 17 September to invade Finschhafen

at once was no surprise to the veteran sailors, one boat company, half the shore
Australian commander.28 Admiral Bar- battalion of the 532d Engineer Boat and
bey had just time enough, and no more, Shore Regiment, and medical and signal
to assemble 8 LST's, 16 LCI's, 10 de- troops, or 575 men, 10 LCM's, and 15
stroyers, and 4 APD's for the invasion on LCVP's. The 22d Battalion marched out
22 September, but "Uncle Dan" was now of Lae en route to Langemak Bay on the
an old amphibious hand and he met the 21st, and the same day the amphibious
deadline. The LST's loaded at Buna, and force sailed for Finschhafen, eighty-two
the whole task group assembled in the miles distant.
harbor at Lae on 21 September. General The beach selected for the landing,
Wootten meanwhile had selected the designated Scarlet, lay six miles north
20th Infantry Brigade Group of his di- of Finschhafen at the mouth of the Song
vision to make the landing, and had River. It was nine hundred yards long
ordered the 22d Infantry Battalion to (north to south), thirty feet wide, and
advance east along the coast to threaten was marked by coral headlands to the
Langemak Bay, just south of Finsch- north and south.
hafen. Elements of the 2d Engineer Spe- Destroyers bombarded Scarlet Beach
cial Brigade had been attached to Woot- on the morning of 22 September, and
ten, and these units also made ready. No during darkness, at 0445, the first Aus-
close air support was planned for the in- tralian assault wave touched down.
vasion, but in the days preceding 22 Coxswains had difficulty finding the right
September B-24's and B-25's bombed beach in the dark with the result that
the Gasmata airfield on the south coast most landing craft carrying the first two
of New Britain. Daytime A-20's and waves lost direction and landed in a
B-25's struck at Japanese lines of com- small cove south of Scarlet Beach. First
munication to Finschhafen, and PT's light aided the LCI's carrying the third
took over the work at night. wave; they landed at the right place. The
Troops of the 20th Brigade boarded waves that landed at the cove met some
their convoy on the afternoon of 21 Sep- scattered but ineffective fire from enemy
tember. The force included, besides the posts in the fringe of the jungle. The
Australians and Barbey's American third wave met better organized opposi-
tion from log-and-earth pillboxes, but
This section is based on Craven and Cate, The by 0930 all resistance had been over-
Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 187-89; Mori- come, all troops and supplies were
son, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 269-74;
Off of Chief Engr, GHQ AFPAC, Engineers in ashore, and the landing craft retracted.
Theater Operations, p. 112, and Critique, pp. 106- The Japanese survivors retired to rising
09; ALF, Rpt on New Guinea Opns: 4 Sep 43-26
Apr 44; 2d ESB Rpt; GHQ SWPA Check Sheet,
ground about a half mile inland and
Chief Engr SWPA to CINC, CofS, and G-3 SWPA, some sharp fighting ensued before the
23 Oct 43 [a rpt of 2d ESB action], in GHQ SWPA 2/17th Battalion was in complete pos-
G-3 Jnl, 23 Oct 43; Japanese Operations in the
Southwest Pacific Area (Vol. II of MacArthur hist), session of the beachhead. The 2/13 Bat-
Ch. VII, OCMH; 8th Area Army Operations, Japa- talion meanwhile swung left (south) to-
nese Monogr No. no (OCMH), pp. 82-83; 18th
Army Operations, III, Japanese Monogr No. 43
ward the village of Heldsbach, which was
(OCMH), 84-117. just north of the Finschhafen airstrip.

General Yamada had posted only a loaded naval craft. The larger engineer
small part of his force at Scarlet Beach. craft carried additional supplies from
He was keeping the rest of his 4,000-man Lae to Scarlet Beach, while the LCVP's
command at Hanisch Harbor on the hauled supplies at night from Scarlet
south coast of the peninsula and on Beach to the Australians who were push-
Satelberg, a 3,240-foot peak which was ing south toward Finschhafen.
about six miles west of Scarlet Beach, The 20th Brigade continued its move
dominated the entire coastal region, and toward Finschhafen on the 23d. It cap-
overlooked both Finschhafen and Lange- tured Heldsbach, the airfield, and part
mak Bay. When General Adachi re- of the shore of the harbor before meeting
ceived news of the Allied landing he stiff resistance at the Bumi River, where
ordered Yamada to concentrate his force three hundred enemy sailors and one
at Satelberg and attack at once. This at- company of the 2d Battalion, 238th In-
tack was designed to hold or destroy the fantry, defended the south bank. Two
Australians pending the arrival of Gen- companies of the 2/15th Battalion moved
eral Kitagiri's 20th Division. By 21 Sep- inland (right) to outflank the enemy,
tember the 20th Division, advancing and the next morning the Australians
overland and hauling its heavy matériel forced their way over the river in the
on barges, had reached Gali, one hun- face of stalwart resistance. The brigade
dred miles from Finschhafen; it expected commander, who was becoming increas-
to arrive at Finschhafen on 10 October. ingly aware of the Japanese concentra-
Adachi ordered Kitagiri to hurry. tion at Satelberg, asked Wootten for one
Admiral Barbey's retiring ships offered more battalion with which to hold Scar-
a tempting target to Japanese airmen, let Beach while he concentrated his bri-
but the 7th Air Division, under orders gade against Finschhafen. Wootten as-
to cover a Wewak-bound convoy, hesi- sented. The 2/43d Battalion landed at
tated to leave it unprotected. The 4th Scarlet Beach on the night of 29-30 Sep-
Air Army headquarters ended this inde- tember to relieve the 2/17th, and the
cision by ordering the 7th out against latter moved out at once for Finsch-
Barbey, but bad weather over central hafen. Following air and artillery bom-
New Guinea kept the Army planes on bardment, the three Australian battal-
the ground. Those of the naval 11th Air ions—the 2/13th, 2/15th, and 2/17th—
Fleet at Rabaul went up and fiercely at- attacked on 1 October, fought all day,
tacked the amphibious force on 22 and and overwhelmed the defenders. The
24 September. But the vigilant destroyer next morning they occupied the village
Reid had given warning and Allied fight- and harbor of Finschhafen and made
ers, the ships' own antiaircraft, and "good contact south of Langemak Bay with
luck in addition to good ship maneuver- patrols of the 22d Battalion, which had
ing" kept the ships from harm.29 advanced overland from Lae.
At the beachhead the American en-
gineers built roads and dumps and un- The Counterattack
Ltr, Adm Barbey to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil
To gain complete control of the New
Hist, 20 Nov 53, no sub, OCMH. Guinea side of Vitiaz Strait, Generals

MacArthur and Blarney had ordered Beach Kitagiri decided to drive east-
that the capture of Finschhafen be fol- ward from Satelberg with most of his
lowed by an advance along the coast to forces while a small detachment aboard
Sio, fifty land miles distant. But the ad- four landing craft attempted an am-
vance could not be undertaken until phibious assault. But his division was
the Japanese were driven from their no better at safeguarding important
dominating positions at Satelberg and documents than was any other Japanese
on Wareo spur, a lower spur which lay unit. On 15 October General Wootten
north of the Song River from Satelberg. received a captured Japanese order which
On 26 September Yamada had warned him to expect a two-regiment at-
launched an unsuccessful attack with the tack from Satelberg, coupled with a sea-
80th Infantry against the Australian borne assault. The Australians made
beachhead. After Finschhafen fell on 2 ready.
October, the 20th Brigade moved back Next day the 9th Division, though suf-
to Scarlet Beach in preparation for an fering some local reverses, repulsed the
assault against Satelberg. Two battalions 20th's attack from Satelberg. At 0300, 17
attacked but met stout resistance. October, Japanese planes bombed the
When General Wootten's headquar- Allies, whereupon 155 men of the 10th
ters and the 24th Brigade arrived, Woot- Company, 79th Infantry, attempted to
ten decided that all signs indicated the land from their four craft. Two barges
Japanese would counterattack immedi- were sunk, one departed in haste, and
ately, before he could complete his the other reached shore in the vicinity
preparations for advancing to Sio. He of a .50-caliber machine gun position
decided to go on the defensive for the manned by Pvt. Nathan Van Noy, Jr., of
time being. the 532d Engineer Boat and Shore Regi-
Meanwhile the 20th Division was on ment, and one other American engineer.
its way; advance elements totaling 2,354 As the enemy soldiers disembarked they
men had reached Sio by 30 September. hurled grenades, one of which wounded
General Kitagiri decided to advance by Van Noy before he opened fire. But Van
an inland route rather than use the Noy held his fire until the Japanese were
coastal track to Satelberg. Like so many visible, then opened up and killed about
other Japanese generals in similar cir- thirty of them. He died of his wounds,
cumstances during World War II, he and for his gallant devotion was awarded
decided not to concentrate all his forces the Medal of Honor.30 Though the Jap-
before attacking but ordered his units anese claim that the few men who
to attack the Australians upon arriving. reached the shore wrought great dam-
Japanese tactical doctrine warns of the age, in actuality they were all quickly
dangers of such piecemeal commitment killed.
but Japanese generals frequently aided Later in the morning came another
the Allied cause by putting aside their major attack from Satelberg. Wootten,
doctrine in favor of pell-mell, piecemeal 30
attack. See The Medal of Honor of the United States
Army (Washington, 1948), pp. 283-84. Van Noy's
For his main attack against Scarlet loader, who was wounded, received the Silver Star.

who had no reserve brigade, asked for action starting on 17 November. By 8

the 26th and Barbey's ships transported December it had captured Satelberg and
it to Scarlet Beach on 20 October. The Wareo spur and was ready to push up
Japanese attacks continued through 25 the coast to Sio, whence the 20th Di-
October, but all failed. As his food sup- vision was retreating on orders from
plies were exhausted, Kitagiri suspended General Imamura himself.
the attacks and regrouped for another Wootten's men advanced slowly but
try. The Australians, losing 49 dead in steadily against the retreating enemy,
these actions, reported killing 679 of supported all the while by the 2d En-
the enemy. gineer Special Brigade craft. The Aus-
General Adachi, who had often been tralians found many sick, wounded, and
in and out of Salamaua during the fight- dead Japanese who had fallen by the
ing there, traveled from Madang via way as the weakened 20th Division,
Kiari and Sio to Satelberg. He arrived which numbered 12,526 men on 10 Sep-
on 31 October, and stayed for four days. tember and only 6,949 men by Decem-
During this period Kitagiri made some ber, laboriously marched along. On 15
hopeful estimates on the success of January 1944 the 9th Division entered
future, more gradual offensives. Sio, on the north coast of the Huon
Satelberg to Sio Fighting on the peninsula was not yet
But Wootten was now ready to as- over, but the main strategic objectives—
sume the offensive. By 17 November one the airfield sites and the coast of Vitiaz
more brigade, the 4th, had arrived to Strait—were now in Allied hands. When
hold the beachhead while the three in- the Lae-Nadzab road and the airfields
fantry brigades of the 9th Division at- were completed, the Allies could control
tacked. Meanwhile work on the airstrip the air over the straits and bring a
and advanced naval base at Finschhafen heavier weight of metal to bear on Japa-
had gone forward so quickly that PT nese bases to the north and to the west.
boats from Finschhafen were now harry-
ing enemy sea communications at night
in consort with PBY's ("Black Cats"). 31
In the Nassau Bay-Lae-Finschhafen operation
With the support of tanks and artillery, the 2d Engineer Special Brigade lost twenty-one
and rocket-equipped LCVP's lying off- dead, ninety-four wounded, and sixty evacuated
sick. On the pursuit to Sio four LCVP's were lost
shore, the 9th Division fought a major to enemy action, four more to surf and reefs.

The Invasion of Bougainville

While MacArthur's and Halsey's bined Chiefs approved the plan as a basis
troops were gaining the Trobriands, the for further study.1
Markham Valley, the Huon Peninsula, The plan, which governed in a general
and the New Georgia group for the way the operations of Nimitz' and Mac-
Allied cause, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Arthur's forces until the end of the war,
and their subordinate committees in aimed at securing the unconditional sur-
Washington had been making a series render of Japan by air and naval block-
of decisions affecting the course of the ade of the Japanese homeland, by air
war in the Pacific. These decisions re- bombardment, and, if necessary, by in-
lated not so much to CARTWHEEL itself vasion. The American leaders agreed
as to General MacArthur's desire to that naval control of the western Pacific
make the main effort in the Pacific along might bring about surrender without
the north coast of New Guinea into the invasion, and even without air bombard-
Philippines. But, since they called for ment. But if air bombardment, invasion,
troops to support the offensives in Ad- or both proved necessary, air and naval
miral Nimitz' Central Pacific Area, they bases in the western Pacific would be re-
had an immediate impact upon CART- quired. Therefore, the United States
WHEEL, especially on the Bougainville forces were to fight their way westward
invasion (Operation B of ELKTON III) across the Pacific along two axes of ad-
and on MacArthur's plans to seize vance: a main effort through the Cen-
Rabaul and Kavieng after CARTWHEEL. tral Pacific and a subsidiary effort
through the South and Southwest Pacific
The Decision To Bypass Rabaul Areas.2
The Washington commanders and
Once the Combined Chiefs at Casa-
blanca had approved an advance through 1
Cline, Washington Command Post, pp. 219-22.
the Central Pacific, the Joint Chiefs put 2
In point of fact the terms "main effort" and
their subordinates to work preparing a "subsidiary effort," though used constantly, bore so
little relation to the number of troops, aircraft, and
general strategic plan for the defeat of ships engaged as to be almost without meaning. In
Japan. An outline plan was submitted at general, the Central Pacific had the preponderance
the meeting of the Combined Chiefs in of fleet (included carrier-based air) strength; Mac-
Arthur had the greater number of divisions and
Washington, 12-15 May 1943. The Com- land-based aircraft.

planners preferred the Central Pacific give the U.S. forces great strategic ad-
route for the main effort because it was vantages, for the Japanese would never
shorter and more healthful than the know where the next blow would fall.
South-Southwest Pacific route; it would At Washington in May the Combined
require fewer ships, troops, and supplies; Chiefs, as they had at Casablanca, ap-
success would cut off Japan from her proved plans for seizure of the Gilbert
overseas empire; destruction of the Japa- and Marshall Islands as the opening
nese fleet, which would probably come phase of the Central Pacific advance.
out fighting to oppose the advance, would They also approved the existing plans
enable naval forces to strike directly at for CARTWHEEL, which the Joint Chiefs
Japan; and it would outflank and cut off estimated would be ended by April 1944.
the Japanese in the Southeast Area. The Next month, the Joint Chiefs, con-
main effort should not be made through cerned with the problem of co-ordinating
the South and Southwest Pacific Areas, Nimitz' and MacArthur's operations,
it was argued, because a drive from New asked MacArthur for specific informa-
Guinea to the Philippines would be a tion on organization of forces and dates
frontal assault against large islands with for future operations and informed him
positions closely arranged in depth for that they were planning to start the Cen-
mutual support. The Central Pacific tral Pacific drive in mid-November. They
route, in contrast, permitted the con- planned to use the 1st and 2d Marine
tinuously expanding U.S. Pacific Fleet Divisions, then in the Southwest and
to strike at small, vulnerable positions South Pacific Areas, respectively, all the
too widely separated for mutual support. South Pacific's assault transports and
The Joint Chiefs decided on the two cargo ships (APA's and AKA's), and the
axes, rather than the Central Pacific major portion of naval forces from
alone, because the Japanese conquests Halsey's area.5
in the first phase of the war had com- Faced with the possibility of a rival
pelled the establishment of compara- offensive, using divisions and ships that
tively large Allied forces in the South and he had planned to employ, General Mac-
Southwest Pacific Areas; to shift all these Arthur hurled back a vigorous reply.
to the Central Pacific would take too Arguing against the Central Pacific (he
much time and too many ships, and
would probably intensify the already 4
See JSSC 40/2, 3 Apr 43; JPS 67/4, 28 Apr 43;
strong and almost open disagreement be- JCS 287, 7 May 43; JCS 287/1, 8 May 43; CCS 220,
14 May 43. All these papers are entitled "Strategic
tween MacArthur and King over Pacific Plan for Defeat of Japan" or something very
strategy. Further, the Joint Chiefs hoped similar. See also Crowl and Love, The Seizure of
to use the oilfields on the Vogelkop the Gilberts and Marshalls, Ch. I; Smith, The Ap-
proach to the Philippines, Ch. I; Cline, Wash-
Peninsula.3 Twin drives, co-ordinated ington Command Post, Ch. XVII; relevant chapters
and timed for mutual support, would in Morton's forthcoming volumes on strategy, com-
mand, and logistics in the Pacific, and in Maurice
Matloff, Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare:
This hope came to nothing. Robert Ross Smith, 1943-1944, also in preparation for the series
The Approach to the Philippines, UNITED UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II.
STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Wash- Min, JCS mtg, 15 Jun 43; Rad, JCS to Mac-
ington, 1953), pp. 425-28. Arthur, 15 Jun 43, CM-OUT 6093.

called the prospective invasion of the was always a strong supporter of Mac-
Marshalls a "diversionary attack"), he set Arthur's views. He argued strongly
forth the virtues of advancing through against any curtailment of CARTWHEEL.
New Guinea to the Philippines. With- Admiral King, however, was far from
drawal of the two Marine divisions, he pleased (in June 1943) with the rate
maintained, would prevent the ultimate of "inch by inch" progress in the South
assault against Rabaul. He concluded his and Southwest Pacific. He wanted to see
message with the information on target Rabaul "cleaned up" so the Allies could
dates and forces that the Joint Chiefs "shoot for Luzon," and seemed to imply
had requested.6 Two days later, 22 June, that if CARTWHEEL did not move faster
Admiral Halsey protested the proposed he would favor a curtailment.
removal of the 2d Marine Division and The immediate question on the trans-
most of his ships. fer of the Marine divisions was com-
Although General MacArthur may not promised. The 1st Marine Division
have known it at the time, his argument would remain in the Southwest Pacific.
that transfer of the two divisions would The 2d Marine Division, heretofore
jeopardize the Rabaul invasion was being slated for the invasion of Rabaul, was
vitiated. In 1942 there had been general transferred from New Zealand to the
agreement that Rabaul should be cap- Central Pacific, where it made its bloody,
tured, but in June 1943 members of valorous assault on Tarawa in Novem-
Washington planning committees held ber 1943. Assured by King that the Cen-
that a considerable economy of force tral Pacific offensive would assist rather
would result if Rabaul was neutralized than curtail CARTWHEEL, Leahy with-
rather than captured.8 The Joint Stra- drew his objections.12
tegic Survey Committee, in expressing By 21 July the arguments against cap-
itself in favor of giving the Central turing Rabaul had so impressed General
Pacific offensive priority over CART- Marshall that he radioed MacArthur to
WHEEL, also argued that the Allied drive suggest that CARTWHEEL be followed by
northward against Rabaul was merely a the seizure of Kavieng on New Ireland
reversal of the Japanese strategy of the and Manus in the Admiralties, with the
year before and held "small promise of 10
See Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, I Was
reasonable success in the near future." 9 There (New York: Whittlesey House, 1950), passim.
On the other hand Admiral William 11
Min, JCS mtg, 29 Jun 43. At this time King
D. Leahy, chief of staff to the President wanted to go to Luzon by way of the Marianas,
which he always regarded as the key to the Pacific
and senior member of the Joint Chiefs, because he believed that an attack there would
smoke out the Japanese fleet.
Min, JCS mtg, 20 Jul 43; JCS 386/1, 19 Jul 43,
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, 20 Jun 43, CM-IN Strategy in the Pac; JPS 205/3, 10 Jul 43, title:
13149. Opns Against Marshall Islands; Draft Memo, JPS
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, 22 Jun 43, CM-IN for JCS, 12 Jul 43, sub: Strategy in the Pac, OPD
13605. Halsey sent his views to MacArthur who 381 Security 195; OPD Draft Memo, 14 Jul 43, no
relayed them. sub, same file; JPS draft paper, 19 Jul 43, title:
Incl B, Jt War Plans Com 58/D, 24 Jun 43, Strategy in the Pac, and attached papers, with JPS
title: Memo for RAINBOW Team, in OPD 384 Mar- 219/D in ABC 384 Pac (28 Jun 43); OPD Brief,
shall Islands (10 Jun 43) Sec 1. Notes on JWPC 58/2, in OPD 384 Marshall Islands
JSSC 386, 28 Jun 43, title: Strategy of the Pac. (10 Jun 43) Sec 1.

purpose of isolating Rabaul, and by the Papers containing the Combined

capture of Wewak. But MacArthur saw Chiefs decisions were delivered to Gen-
it otherwise. Marshall's plan, he stated, eral MacArthur by Col. William L.
involved too many hazards. Wewak, too Ritchie of the Operations Division, War
strong for direct assault, should be Department General Staff, who reached
isolated by seizing a base farther west. GHQ on 17 September.
Rabaul would have to be captured From then on MacArthur did not raise
rather than just neutralized, he insisted, the question of Rabaul with the Joint
because its strategic location and excel- Chiefs; his radiograms dealt instead with
lent harbor made it an ideal naval base broader questions relating to the Philip-
with which to support an advance west- pines and the relative importance of the
ward along New Guinea's north coast.13 Central and Southwest Pacific offen-
Marshall and King were not con- sives. Although the evidence is not
vinced. Thus the Combined Chiefs, conclusive, the general course of events
meeting with President Roosevelt and and certain opinions MacArthur gave
Prime Minister Churchill in Quebec during the planning for Bougainville
during August, received and approved seem to indicate that he knew of the
the Joint Chiefs' recommendation that decision to neutralize rather than cap-
Rabaul be neutralized, not captured. ture Rabaul, or else had reached the
They further agreed that after CART- same decision independently, some time
WHEEL MacArthur and Halsey should before Colonel Ritchie reached the
neutralize New Guinea as far west as Southwest Pacific.
Wewak, and should capture Manus and
Kavieng to use as naval bases for sup- The General Plan
porting additional advances westward. If ever a series of offensives was con-
Once these operations were concluded, ducted according to plan, it was the ex-
MacArthur was to move west along the tremely systematic Allied moves in the
north coast of New Guinea to the Vogel- Pacific that started in 1943. At the time
kop Peninsula. Subsequently MacArthur that Allied forces were fighting in New
was informed that his cherished ambi- Guinea and New Georgia, the Joint
tion to return to the Philippines would Chiefs were considering the wisdom of
be realized; Marshall radioed him that neutralizing Rabaul, and General Mac-
once the Vogelkop was reached, the Arthur and Admiral Halsey were pre-
Southwest Pacific's next logical objec- paring for the invasion of Bougainville.
tive would be Mindanao. ELKTON III had initially provided that
the southern Bougainville area (Buin
Rad 8604, Marshall to MacArthur, 21 Jul 43, and Faisi) was to be invaded during the
in Marshall's OUT Log; Rad 16419, MacArthur to
Marshall, 23 Jul 43, in Marshall's IN Log.
See Cline, Washington Command Post, p. 225;
CCS 319/5, 24 Aug 43, title: Final Rpt to the Rad, Ritchie to Handy, 18 Sep 43, CM-IN
President and Prime Minister; CCS 301/3, 27 Aug 13521.
43, title: Specific Opns in Pac and Far East, 1943- MacArthur's subsequent plans called for the
44; Rad 8679, Marshal to MacArthur, 2 Oct 43, in neutralization of Rabaul, followed by its possible
Marshall's OUT Log. See also Smith, The Approach capture. See GHQ SWPA, RENO III, 20 Oct 43, in
to the Philippines, Ch. I. ABC 384 Pac, Sec 3-A.

fifth month after the beginning of CART- His mission was the seizure of Buin,
WHEEL, simultaneously with the con- Kahili, and Tonolei Harbor on south-
quest of New Georgia, and one month ern Bougainville and of the nearby is-
before the invasion of Cape Gloucester. lands in Bougainville Strait—the Short-
(See Chart 2.) Admiral Halsey had al- lands, Faisi, and Ballale, where there
tered the plan by managing to start his were then an estimated twenty thousand
invasion of New Georgia on 30 June. In Japanese soldiers and sailors.
June General MacArthur, in ordering Near the end of July Admiral Halsey
the Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula suggested a change in plan to General
attack, directed Admiral Halsey to be MacArthur. It was based on two assump-
ready to take southern Bougainville on tions: first, that the objectives of the
orders from GHQ.17 At this time Ad- operation were denying the use of air-
miral Halsey, planning in accordance fields and anchorage to the Japanese
with ELKTON III, intended to use the 3d and securing airfields and anchorages
Marine Division and the 25th Division for the Allies, as a step toward the cap-
against southern Bougainville, the 2d ture of Rabaul; and second, that because
Marine and 3d New Zealand Divisions terrain, strategic position, and Japanese
against Rabaul.18 Before long, however, dispositions indicated that southern Bou-
the 25th Division, sent into New Geor- gainville was extremely important to
gia, was too worn for further combat the Japanese, the operation would be
and the 2d Marine Division was ordered a major one. With the difficulties of the
to invade the Gilberts instead of Ra- then bogged-down New Georgia inva-
baul.19 sion and the success of the artillery on
Tactical planning for Bougainville be- the offshore islands against Munda both
gan in the South Pacific in July when obviously in mind, he suggested that
Halsey assigned the Commanding Gen- he could save men, matériel, and time
eral, I Marine Amphibious Corps, to by avoiding the Bougainville mainland
command the ground forces. (Map 15) completely. He proposed to seize the
Shortlands and Ballale, to emplace artil-
lery on the former with the mission of
GHQ SWPA OI 34, 13 Jun 43, in GHQ SWPA interdicting Kahili, to build one or more
G-3 Jnl, 14 Jun 43. This section is based in part on
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
airfields in the Shortlands, and to use
Saipan, pp. 245-51; Halsey and Bryan, Admiral the anchorages there that the Japanese
Halsey's Story, pp. 173-74; Morison, Breaking the 8th Fleet then employed regularly. Mac-
Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 279-84; Maj. John N. Rentz,
USMCR, Bougainville and the Northern Solomons
Arthur heartily approved the scheme.20
(Washington, 1948), Ch. I; The Bougainville Cam- By early September, however, Admiral
paign, MS, prepared by Hist Sec G-2, SOPACBA- Halsey had decided on a further change
COM, Vol. I, Ch. I, OCMH. None of these, how-
ever, is entirely satisfactory for they do not employ
Southwest Pacific Area sources.
18 20
Rad, Comdr Third Flt to CINCSWPA, 21 Jun Ltr, COMSOPAC to CINCSWPA, 26 Jul 43,
43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 23 Jun 43. sub: Bougainville Opn, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl,
The 25th Division stayed on Guadalcanal after 31 Jul 43; Rad, CINCSWPA to Comdr Third Flt,
the conclusion of the campaign there. It had little 4 Aug 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 4 Aug 43;
opportunity for rest and reorganization before COMSOPAC War Diary, 26 Jul and 4 Aug 43
moving to New Georgia. entries.

in plan. Several factors influenced his and strangle" southern Bougainville and
decision. The impressive and inexpen- the Shortlands. He proposed that after
sive success on Vella Lavella had demon- the mainland of Bougainville had been
strated once more the validity of the old reconnoitered he and MacArthur could
principle of striking soft spots, when decide whether to advance from Choi-
possible, in preference to headlong as- seul to Kieta on the east coast or from
sault against fixed positions. Further, the Treasuries to Empress Augusta Bay
reconnaissance had indicated that air- on the west if post-CARTWHEEL plans
drome sites on the Shortlands were not required the establishment of positions
very good. Landing in the Shortlands, on the mainland of Bougainville.22
which the Japanese were believed to This plan was consistent with ELKTON
be reinforcing, would entail heavy losses; III, and varied only slightly from the
poor beaches would impede the landing July schemes approved by MacArthur.
of heavy construction equipment and But by now, MacArthur, perhaps aware
artillery for the neutralization of Kahili. of the decision to neutralize rather than
It was also estimated that assaulting the capture Rabaul, and obviously anxious
Shortlands-Ballale-Faisi area would re- to hurry up CARTWHEEL and get started
quire two divisions, while two more on the drive toward the Philippines,
would be needed to operate on southern had changed his mind about the scope
Bougainville proper. As the South Pa- and nature of the operation. Thus when
cific had but four divisions—the 37th Halsey's chief of staff, Rear Adm. Rob-
and Americal Divisions of the U.S. ert B. Carney, and his new war plans
Army, the 3d Marine Division, and the officer, Col. William E. Riley, USMC,
3d New Zealand Division—that were presented the Treasuries-Choiseul plan
considered fit to fight, no more advances to MacArthur at GHQ on 10 September,
would be possible for months.21 MacArthur was against it. With the suc-
Looking for a method of neutralizing cessful airborne move to Nabzab in
the southern Bougainville-Shortlands mind, he expressed his agreement with
area without capturing it, a method that the principle of the bypass, but main-
would retain enough troops for a major tained that Halsey's plan would make it
forward move later, Halsey acted on the impossible for South Pacific aircraft to
advice of his principal subordinate com- hit at Rabaul effectively before 1 March
manders. He decided in favor of in-
creased air effort from the New Georgia
fields against southern Bougainville and 22
Ltr, Halsey to CINCSWPA, 9 Sep 43, sub:
Buka. Starting about 1 November, he ELKTON III–S Bougainville Objectives, in GHQ
proposed to capture the Treasury Islands SWPA G-3 Jnl, 10 Sep 43; Memo, Adm Fitch, Gen
Harmon, Maj Gen Charles D. Barrett [CG I Mar
and Choiseul Bay as airfield, radar, and Amphib Corps], and Adm Wilkinson for COM-
PT base sites from which to "contain SOPAC, 7 Sep 43, no sub, ABC 384 (1-17-43) Sec
2; Halsey, Narrative Account of the South Pacific
Campaign, p. 8, OCMH; Harmon, The Army in the
South Pacific, p. 9, OCMH. Some advocated by-
The 2d Marine Division was due to leave; the passing Bougainville completely in favor of a jump
25th and 43d Divisions were due for rest and re- to Emirau in the Saint Matthias group northwest
habilitation. of Kavieng.

1944. He wanted Halsey's aircraft estab- cific would continue air attacks on Ra-
lished within fighter range of Rabaul in baul and would assist in the neutraliza-
time to assist with the neutralization of tion of Buka;
Rabaul that would cover the Southwest 5. 25 December 1943-1 January 1944,
Pacific's invasion of Cape Gloucester. Southwest Pacific forces would seize
This would be necessary, MacArthur Cape Gloucester and Saidor in order to
held, because Southwest Pacific air forces gain control of Vitiaz and Dampier
could not attack all the objectives (in- Straits and to secure airdromes for the
cluding Madang and Wewak) that would neutralization of Kavieng. During this
have to be neutralized in order to pro- period South Pacific forces would neu-
tect the invasions of Cape Gloucester tralize Rabaul.23
and of Saidor, on the north coast of the
Huon Peninsula. Southwest Pacific General MacArthur stressed the im-
headquarters hoped to start Operation portance of a landing on the mainland
III (chiefly Cape Gloucester) shortly at another meeting on 17 September
after 1 December; Cape Gloucester it- attended by General Harmon and Col-
self would probably be invaded between onel Riley. Asked if he preferred a land-
25 December 1943 and 1 January 1944. ing on the east or the west coast of Bou-
Therefore it would be necessary for gainville, he put the decision entirely
South Pacific forces to establish them- in Admiral Halsey's hands.
selves on the mainland of Bougainville And so on 22 September, Halsey is-
about 1 November. So important was sued warning orders which canceled all
the operation that MacArthur tacitly his earlier plans and assigned the units
approved commitment of the major part to constitute the invasion force. Ad-
of South Pacific ground forces. miral Wilkinson would lead it. The
Specifically, he proposed the following landing forces, under Wilkinson, were
outline plan: still to be under the commanding gen-
eral of the I Marine Amphibious Corps.
1. 15 October-1 November, South- Halsey instructed Wilkinson and his
west Pacific air forces would make heavy units to be ready to carry out one of
attacks against Japanese aircraft, air in- two plans: either they were to seize and
stallations, and shipping at Rabaul; hold the Treasury Islands and the air-
2. 20-25 October, South Pacific forces field sites in the Empress Augusta Bay
would occupy the Treasuries and posi- region on the west coast of Bougainville;
tions on northern Choiseul in order to or they were to seize the Treasuries and
establish radar positions and PT boat Choiseul Bay, build airfields, PT boat
bases; bases, and landing craft staging points,
and in late December seize the Japanese
3. 1 November, South Pacific forces
would occupy Empress Augusta Bay on
the west coast of Bougainville in order
to establish airfields within fighter range 23
Ltr, MacArthur to Halsey, 11 Sep 43, no sub,
of Rabaul; and Notes for Memo on Conf Between Reps of
SWPA and SOPAC, GHQ SWPA, 10 Sep 43. Both
4. 1-6 November, the Southwest Pa- in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 11 Sep 43.

airfield at Tenekau on the east coast of Japanese would require three or four
Bougainville.24 months to bring enough heavy equip-
Submarines took patrols to the east ment over the mountains to launch an
coast and to Empress Augusta Bay to effective counterattack. But there were
gather data, and South Pacific intelli- disadvantages. The heavy surf in Em-
gence officers interviewed missionaries, press Augusta Bay, which had no pro-
traders, planters, coastwatchers, and tected anchorages, would make landing
fliers who had been shot down over operations difficult. No more than 65
Bougainville. The east coast patrol, car- miles separated the cape from all the
ried by the submarine Gato, delivered Japanese air bases on Bougainville, and
an unfavorable report. The west coast Rabaul was only 215 miles to the north-
patrol, composed of marines, debarked west.
from the submarine Guardfish about ten Admiral Halsey calculated the chances
miles northwest of Cape Torokina in and decided on Torokina. In his words:
Empress Augusta Bay. The marines were "The conception was bold and the prob-
unable to examine Cape Torokina be- ability of provoking a violent air-land-
cause it was occupied by the Japanese, surface action was accepted and wel-
but they took samples of soil similar to comed on the premise that the by-prod-
that at Torokina. When tested, it showed ucts of enemy destruction would, in
that Cape Torokina was suitable for themselves, greatly further the over-all
airfields. Pacific plan. Enthusiasm for the plan
Between the sea and the mountains was far from unanimous, even in the
at Cape Torokina, which lay within South Pacific, but, the decision having
fighter range of Munda, was a coastal been made, all hands were told to 'Get
plain of about seven square miles. It going.'" 2 5
was lightly defended; Halsey estimated Halsey informed MacArthur of his
that there were about one thousand Jap- decision on 1 October. Expressing his
anese in the area. So forbidding were complete agreement, MacArthur prom-
the surrounding mountains that the area ised maximum air support from the
was almost isolated from the strong Jap- Southwest Pacific. The invasion would
anese garrisons in southern Bougainville. be launched on 1 November.26
Halsey and his planners estimated that
if Allied forces seized Torokina the Air Operations in October
The Fifth Air Force
Ltr, COMSOPAC to CG 1 Mar Amphib Corps, By October the Fifth Air Force in
CTF 31, and CTF 33, 22 Sep 43, sub: Warning
Order, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 24 Sep 43. During the Southwest Pacific Area was well situ-
this period Admiral Halsey received communica-
tions from Admiral King's office which seemed to
require him to seize southern Bougainville and then
Kieta and Buka. This confused the issue until Ad- Halsey, Narrative Account of the South Pacific
miral Nimitz assured Halsey that the messages from Campaign, p. 8, OCMH.
King were estimates and not directives, and that Rad, Halsey to MacArthur, 1 Oct 43, and Rad,
Halsey was to operate under the provisions of the MacArthur to Halsey, 1 Oct 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3
28 March 1943 directive. Jnl, 1 Oct 43.

ated to carry the fight against Rabaul.27 was in commission, and could fly that
Nearly all its warplanes had been dis- far." 29 B-25's and Beaufighters made
placed to forward bases. Port Moresby, sweeps over Vunakanau, Rapopo, and
an outpost in 1942, was now a rear base. Tobera while the heavy bombers struck
Dobodura was the main staging base at shipping. The Allies lost four planes
for heavy bombers, and Nadzab was and estimated a great deal of damage to
being readied as the main base for fu- Japanese aircraft and ships. Their esti-
ture operations. P-38's from New mates were somewhat exaggerated, espe-
Guinea could stage through Kiriwina cially those on shipping damage, but
and escort the bombers all the way to some Japanese planes were destroyed.
Rabaul. The Japanese, taken by surprise and
Rabaul was ripe for air attack. Trans- unable to send up fighters to intercept,
ports, cargo ships, and smaller craft, to- later reported that this and later raids
gether with some warships, crowded in October were "a great obstacle to the
Simpson Harbor. Supply depots were execution of operations."30
fully stocked. Four all-weather airfields Bad weather over New Guinea halted
—Lakunai, Vunakanau, Rapopo, and Kenney's operations against Rabaul for
Tobera—were in operation in and near the next few days. The Japanese used
Rabaul.28 the respite to send out attacks against
Southwest Pacific aircraft had been Oro Bay on 15 and 17 October, and
harrying Rabaul with small raids since Finschhafen on 17 and 19 October. The
January 1942, but now the Allies were Allied planes did not sit idle while Ra-
ready to attack this bastion on a large baul was inaccessible, but struck at We-
scale. General Kenney was ready for wak on the 16th and again the next day.
the first big attack on 12 October. All Kenney planned and sent out another
together, 349 planes took part: 87 heavy big raid against Rabaul on 18 October,
bombers, 114 B-25's, 12 Beaufighters, but when the air armada was over the
and 125 P-38's, plus some weather and Solomon Sea the weather closed in.
photo reconnaissance planes—or, as he Fifty-four B-25's went on to Rabaul
put it, "Everything that I owned that anyway. Kenney followed this attack
with three successive daylight raids on
This section is based on Craven and Cate, The 23, 24, and 25 October before the
Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 251-55, 317-26; weather again imposed a delay, this time
Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 313-20; Morison, until the 29th, when B-24's and P-38's
Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 275-88, 271-92;
Thomas C. Wilds, "The Admiral Who Lost His bombed Vunakanau.
Fleet," United States Naval Institute Proceedings, The weather intervened again, so that
Vol. 77, No. 11 (November 1951); CTF 33 War it was not until 2 November, the day
Diary, Oct 43 entries; Southeast Area Naval Opera-
tions, Vol. III, Japanese Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), after South Pacific forces landed at Em-
pp. 5-11; Outline of Southeast Area Naval Air
Operations, Pt. IV, Japanese Monogr No. 108
(OCMH), pp. 42-44.
28 29
Lakunai had a sand and volcanic ash surface; Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 313.
the other three were concrete. Keravat field on the Outline of Southeast Area Naval Air Opera-
west coast of Gazelle Peninsula had never been tions, Pt. IV, Japanese Monogr No. 108 (OCMH),
used. p. 44.
BOMBING RABAUL. Top left and right: Japanese corvette off the coast of New
Britain near Rabaul suffers a direct hit from a B-25. Bottom: Vunakanau airfield
is attacked by low-flying bombers dropping parachute bombs.

press Augusta Bay, that Southwest Pacific during the same period and for the
aircraft again struck at Rabaul. On that same purpose—to knock out the Bou-
day seventy-five B-25's escorted by P-38's gainville bases so that Wilkinson's con-
attacked and ran into the fiercest oppo- voys could sail past in safety. Twining's
sition the Fifth Air Force encountered available air strength had been displaced
during World War II. A large number forward to bases within range of south
of carrier planes and pilots from the Bougainville targets. At the start of op-
Combined Fleet at Truk had just been erations in October, Twining had 614
transferred to Rabaul, and they put up Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Royal
a stiff fight. New Zealand Air Force planes. Of these,
Although it is clear that these raids 264 fighters and 223 medium, dive, tor-
failed to wreak as much havoc at Rabaul pedo, and patrol bombers were at New
as Kenney's fliers claimed, it is also clear Georgia and the Russells, and 127 heavy
that they caused a good deal of damage bombers and patrol planes were at Guad-
to aircraft and prevented the Japanese alcanal.
planes at Rabaul from undertaking any Ever since 1942 South Pacific planes
purely offensive missions. In short, the had been battering at the Japanese bases
Southwest Pacific's air support for the at Kahili, the Shortlands, Ballale, Kieta,
Bougainville invasion, though not as and Buka, and now the process was in-
devastating as was thought at the time, tensified in an effort to put them out of
was effective. commission.31 Starting on 18 October,
Certainly American pilots, like the Twining—whose high professional quali-
Japanese, and like soldiers and sailors on fications were matched by a physical ap-
the ground and in ships, tended to exag- pearance so striking that he looked like
gerate the damage they inflicted. But Hollywood's idea of a diplomat—drove
there were two important differences his interservice, international force hard
between American and Japanese claims. in a continuous series of high-level, low-
First, Japanese claims were wildly exag- level, dive, glide, and torpedo bombing
gerated whereas American claims were attacks and fighter sweeps, all made with
merely exaggerated. Second, Japanese escorting fighters from the four air serv-
commanders apparently took the claims ices in the command. The primary mis-
seriously, so that nonexistent victories sion was accomplished. The hard-hit
often served as the bases for decision. On enemy showed skill and determination
the other hand American commanders, in keeping his airfields in repair, but
taking human frailty into account, eval- these qualities were not enough. By 1
uated and usually scaled down claims so November all his Bougainville airfields
that decisions were normally based on had been knocked out of commission,
more realistic estimates of damage. and the continuous attacks kept them
that way.
Air Command, Solomons
General Twining's composite force, 31
Kenney offered to include Buka in his attacks,
Air Command, Solomons, had been strik- but Halsey asked him to concentrate on Rabaul and
ing hard at the northern Solomons bases leave Buka to Twining.

B-25's LEAVING BOUGAINVILLE after an attack on airfields and supply areas.

The Japanese the situation in the Southeast Area. As

Of Admiral Kusaka's 11th Air Fleet, a a result of the September decision to
substantial portion was based at Rabaul withdraw the main defensive perimeter,
in early October, the remainder in south- Koga developed a plan to cut the Allied
ern Bougainville. When Air Command, lines of communication in the Southeast
Solomons, intensified its operations, Ku- Area and so delay the Allies and buy
saka withdrew his planes to Rabaul, and time for the Japanese to build up the
to avoid being completely destroyed by defenses along the main perimeter. This
Kenney's heavy raids he frequently plan, called Operation RO, was to be
pulled his planes back to Kavieng in New executed by the operational carrier air
Ireland. Despite these attacks Kusaka was groups of the Combined Fleet, trans-
usually able to maintain about two hun- ferred from Truk to Rabaul, and by the
dred planes in operating condition at 11th Air Fleet. Vice Adm. Tokusaburo
Rabaul throughout October. Ozawa, commander of the 3d Fleet, and
Now Admiral Koga, like the late Ya- Kusaka would conduct the operation
mamato, decided to use his carrier planes jointly from Rabaul. Koga decided on
jointly with the land-based planes of this course of action fully aware that his
Kusaka's air fleet in an effort to improve surface strength would be immobilized

while his carrier planes were at Rabaul. prises two ranges, the Emperor and the
He had planned to transfer the planes Crown Prince. Two active volcanoes,
in mid-October, but delayed the move 10,000-foot Mount Balbi and 8,000-foot
because he received a false report that Mount Bagana, send continual clouds
the U.S. Pacific Fleet was out against of steam and smoke into the skies. Mount
the Marshalls. On 20 October, now aware Bagana, a stark and symmetrical cone,
that Nimitz' forces were not moving overlooks Empress Augusta Bay and is
against the Marshalls, Koga ordered the the most outstanding feature of the re-
carrier planes dispatched. By the begin- gion's dramatic beauty.
ning of November, 173 carrier planes— The mountain range ends toward the
82 fighters, 45 dive bombers, 40 torpedo southern part of the island, and there,
bombers, and 6 patrol planes—had on the coastal plain near Buin, the Jap-
reached Rabaul to team with Kusaka's anese had built the airfields of Kahili
200. It was Ozawa's carrier pilots who and Kara. On the western coast the
gave Kenney's men such a hard fight on mountains slope down through rugged
2 November. Koga had first planned to foothills and flatten out into a narrow
deliver his main stroke against New and swampy coastal plain that is cut
Guinea but the increased tempo of Al- by many small rivers. These silt-laden
lied activity in the Solomons made him streams constantly build bars across their
decide to strike in the Solomons. own mouths and thus frequently change
Koga's decision to execute Operation their courses.
RO was to have far-reaching results, re- Good harbors in varying stages of
sults that were the precise opposite of development were to be found at Buka,
what he expected. The transfer of the Numa Numa, Tenekau, Tonolei, and
carrier planes coincided with the South in the islands off the south coast. Em-
Pacific's invasion of Bougainville. press Augusta Bay, exposed as it was to
Forces and Tactical Plans the open sea, was a poor anchorage. The
Japanese had airfields at Buka and Bonis
The Allies on either side of Buka Passage, at Tene-
Bougainville, the largest of the Solo- kau, Kieta, Kara, and Kahili on the
mon Islands, is 125 miles long on its mainland, and at Ballale near the Short-
northwest-to-southeast axis, and 30 to 48 lands, and had seaplane anchorages and
miles wide.32 Its mountainous spine com- naval bases in the Shortlands. As on all
32 the other islands, there were no real
This section is based on Morison, Breaking the
Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 279-89; Halsey and Bryan, motor roads, only native trails near the
Admiral Halsey's Story, pp. 173-76; SOPACBACOM, coasts plus a few that led through the
The Bougainville Campaign, Vol. I, Ch. I, OCMH;
Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area mountains.
(Vol. II of MacArthur hist), Ch. IX, p. 216, OCMH; The native population consisted of
Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese over forty thousand nominally Christian
Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), 7-8; 8th Area Army
Operations, Japanese Monogr No. 110 (OCMH) Melanesians, who were slightly darker
pp. 85-103; 17th Army Operations, II, Japanese in color than their fellows in the south-
Monogr No. 40 (OCMH), 95-99; COMSOPAC Opn
Plan 16-43, 12 Oct 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 17
ern Solomons. Before the war about a
Oct 43. hundred white missionaries, planters,

traders, and government officials had craft carrier Saratoga, the light carrier
lived on the island. Some of the natives, Princeton, two antiaircraft cruisers, and
it was known, were pro-Japanese and ten destroyers. Nimitz, in response to
had aided the enemy in rooting out the Halsey's requests for additional cruiser-
coastwatchers earlier in the year. destroyer and carrier task forces, as-
Allied intelligence agencies estimated sured Halsey that Central Pacific forces
enemy strength at about 37,500 soldiers would be within reach to assist if neces-
and 20,000 sailors, and correctly reported sary, and agreed to send Halsey another
that the Army troops belonged to the carrier task force on or about 7 Novem-
17th Army, commanded by General ber.34
Hyakutake, who had been responsible Halsey issued the basic orders for the
for the direction of the Guadalcanal operation on 12 October. He organized
Campaign.33 Over 25,000 of Hyakutake's five task forces similar to those that had
men were thought to be in the Buin- made up the New Georgia attack forces.
Shortlands area, with an additional They were: Task Force 31 (the attack
5,000 on the east coast of Bougainville, force), under Admiral Wilkinson; Task
5,000 more at Buka and Bonis, and light Force 33 (South Pacific land-based air-
forces at Empress Augusta Bay. Air re- craft), under Admiral Fitch; Sherman's
connaissance enabled the Allies to keep Task Force 38; the cruisers and destroy-
a fairly accurate count of Japanese war- ers of Admiral Merrill's Task Force 39;
ships and planes in the New Guinea- and Captain Fife's submarines in Task
Bismarcks-Solomons area. Force 72.
Admiral Halsey, in preparing his at- The submarines were to carry out of-
tack, was not embarrassed by too many fensive reconnaissance in the waters of
ships. Admiral Nimitz was getting ready the Bismarck Archipelago, and would be
to launch his great Central Pacific ad- supplemented in their work by Central
vance in November and had removed Pacific submarines operating out of Pearl
many of Halsey's ships, leaving him but Harbor. Merrill's ships would support
eight transports and four cargo ships, or the invasion by operating against enemy
enough shipping to carry one reinforced surface ships and by bombarding Buka
division in the assault. Because South and the Shortlands. Halsey also planned
Pacific commanders expected the Jap- to employ Sherman's Task Force 38 in
anese to oppose the invasion with vigor- a raid against Buka and Bonis, which
ous air attacks, they decided not to use lay beyond effective fighter range of the
the slow LST's for the assault. The New Georgia airfields. Task Force 33
South Pacific had one carrier force, Task was ordered to carry out its usual mis-
Force 38 under Rear Adm. Frederick C. sions of reconnaissance, destruction of
Sherman, consisting of the 910-foot air- enemy ships and aircraft, and air cover
and support of the invasion force. Air

"Harukichi," listed in Miller, Guadalcanal: The
First Offensive as Hyakutake's given name, is a mis- Ltr, Adm Duncan to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil
translation. Hist, 16 Nov 53, no sub, OCMH.

Command, Solomons, which was part Ground forces assigned to the attack
of Task Force 33, was making its inten- included the following: I Marine Am-
sive effort during October against the phibious Corps headquarters and corps
Japanese airfields in southern Bougain- troops; 3d Marine Division; 37th Divi-
ville and the outlying islands, so that sion; 8th Brigade Group, 3d New Zea-
these areas could safely be bypassed. Ar- land Division; 3d Marine Defense Bat-
rangements for local air support were talion; 198th Coast Artillery Regiment
the same as for New Georgia. The local (Antiaircraft); 2d Provisional Marine
air commander with the invasion force Raider Battalion; 1st Marine Parachute
was designated, as a subordinate of Battalion; naval construction and com-
Twining's, Commander, Aircraft, North- munications units, and a boat pool.
ern Solomons, and would take command In area reserve, to be committed on
of all support aircraft as they took off orders from Admiral Halsey, were the
from their bases. Americal Division in the Fijis; the 2d
Admiral Wilkinson's invasion force, Battalion, 54th Coast Artillery (Harbor
Task Force 31, consisted of eight trans- Defense) Regiment at Espiritu Santo;
ports, four cargo ships, two destroyer and the 251st Coast Artillery (Antiair-
squadrons, mine craft, almost all the craft) Regiment in the Fijis.
South Pacific's PT squadrons, and a Naming D Day as 1 November, the
large force of ground troops under the date for the invasion of Empress Augusta
Commanding General, I Marine Am-
Bay, Halsey ordered Task Force 31 to
phibious Corps (IMAC).
seize and hold the Treasury Islands on
The ground commander was General
D minus 5 (27 October) and establish
Vandegrift, USMC, an apple-cheeked,
deceptively soft-spoken Virginia gentle- radar positions and a small naval base.
man, who had won distinction by his Wilkinson's main attack would be the
conduct of operations on Guadalcanal seizure of Empress Augusta Bay on 1
from 7 August 1942 until December of November, which would be followed by
that year. Vandegrift was at this time the speedy construction of two airfields
slated to become commandant of the on sites to be determined by ground re-
Marine Corps in Washington, but was connaissance after the troops had landed.
given the Bougainville command tem- Task Force 31 was initially ordered to
porarily because Maj. Gen. Charles D. be ready to establish a PT base on north-
Barrett, who had replaced Vogel in com- ern Choiseul. This part of the plan was
mand of the I Marine Amphibious changed on the recommendation of
Corps, had met accidental death in Nou- Vandegrift, who argued that the Treas-
mea. Halsey's choice for the corps com- ury landings might reveal to the Jap-
mand fell upon Maj. Gen. Roy S. Geiger, anese the intention to invade Empress
USMC, another hero of Guadalcanal, Augusta Bay. Halsey, Wilkinson, and
who was then in Washington as Director Vandegrift decided instead to use the
of Marine Corps Aviation. Vandegrift 2d Marine Parachute Battalion in a
was to exercise the command until twelve-day raid on Choiseul which they
Geiger could arrive. hoped would mislead the enemy into
believing that the real objective lay on
Bougainville's east coast.
Halsey made Wilkinson, whose head-
quarters was then at Guadalcanal, re-
sponsible for co-ordination of all am-
phibious plans. Wilkinson was to com-
mand all elements of Task Force 31
until, at a time agreed upon by him and
the ground commander, direction of all
air, ground, and naval forces at Empress
Augusta Bay would be transferred to the
Wilkinson divided Task Force 31 into
a northern force, which he commanded
himself, for the main attack and a south-
ern force, led by Admiral Fort, for the
Choiseul raid and the seizure of the
Treasuries. The assault echelon of the
northern force, scheduled to land at Em-
press Augusta Bay on D Day, included
destroyers, the transports and cargo ships,
and Maj. Gen. Allen H. Turnage's 3d
Marine Division, less one regimental
combat team and plus supporting units.
The Treasuries echelon of the southern
force was made up of 8 APD's, 2 LST's,
8 LCI's, 4 LCT's, 2 APC's, the 8th Bri-
gade Group of the 3d New Zealand Di-
vision, the 198th Coast Artillery, A Com-
pany of the 87th Naval Construction Bat-
talion, and communications and naval
base detachments. The parachute bat-
talion would be transported by four
APD's escorted by destroyers. The 37th
Division, in corps reserve, would be
picked up at Guadalcanal by the north- riving at Bougainville soon after D Day
to help hold the beachhead.
ern force transports and would start ar-
Guadalcanal and the Russells were to
serve as the main staging and supply
General Geiger described the plan of maneuver bases. However, the shortage of shipping
as "a series of short right jabs designed to throw led the I Marine Amphibious Corps to
the enemy off balance and conceal the real power
of the left hook to his midriff at Empress Augusta shorten the lines by establishing a supply
Bay." He must have boxed left-handed. base at Vella Lavella. Plans called for

the Vella depot to be stocked with a air and surface strength to smash any
thirty-day supply of rations and petro- Allied attempt at invasion before the
leum products, but so strained was South assault troops could get off their trans-
Pacific shipping that only a ten-day sup-ports. But if troops did succeed in get-
ply had been stocked at Vella Lavella ting ashore, the Japanese hoped to at-
by 1 November. tack and destroy their beachheads.
During the last half of October the Hyakutake's army consisted mainly of
ground units completed their training the 6th Division, Lt. Gen. Masatane
and conducted final rehearsals. The 3d Kanda commanding. (This division had
Marine Division, part of which had acquired an unsavory reputation for in-
served in Samoa in 1942 before joining discipline by its sack of Nanking, China,
the main body in New Zealand, had re- in 1937). Also assigned were the 4th
cently transferred from New Zealand to South Seas Garrison Unit (three infan-
Guadalcanal. It completed its amphibi- try battalions and one field artillery bat-
ous and jungle training there and re- tery), and field artillery, antiaircraft ar-
hearsed for Empress Augusta Bay in the tillery, and service units. Imamura was
New Hebrides from 16 to 20 October. sending four rifle battalions and one
The 37th Division, returned from New artillery battalion of the 17th Division
Georgia to Guadalcanal in September, from New Britain to northern Bougain-
likewise conducted amphibious and jun- ville; these were due in November.36
gle training at Guadalcanal. The 3d Ma- Hyakutake, whose headquarters was
rine Defense Battalion, which after serv-on tiny Erventa Island near Tonolei
ing in the Guadalcanal Campaign had Harbor, had disposed most of his strength
been sent to New Zealand and from to cover the Shortlands, Buin, and To-
there back to Guadalcanal, rehearsed nolei Harbor, the rest to protect Kieta
there. The 8th Brigade practiced land- and Buka. Some 26,800 men—20,000 of
ings at Efate en route to Guadalcanal the 17th Army and 6,800 of 8th Fleet
from New Caledonia, and from 14 to 17 headquarters and naval base forces—and
October rehearsed at Florida. an impressive number of guns ranging
from machine guns to 140-mm. naval
The Japanese rifles were stationed in southern Bou-
gainville and the islands. Over 4,000
The Japanese fully expected Halsey to
men were at Kieta, and the arrival of
attack Bougainville and were busy pre-
the 17th Division units would bring the
paring to meet the invasion. Imperial
Buka Passage garrison to 6,000.37
Headquarters' orders in September had
stressed the importance of Bougainville
as an outpost for Rabaul, and General
Imamura had instructed General Hya- The units attached to the Southeastern Detach-
ment had been returned to their parent organiza-
kutake to make ready. This the 17th tions. The Detachment was inactivated in December.
Army commander did, acting in con- 37 These figures are taken from Southeast Area
junction with the commander of the Naval Operations, III, Japanese Monogr No. 50
(OCMH), 7-8. Army accounts do not give strength
8th Fleet. The Japanese planned to use figures.
The unpromising nature of the ter- and a rescue boat. These ships loaded
rain on the west coast of Bougainville troops and supplies at Guadalcanal, Ren-
had convinced Hyakutake that the Al- dova, and Vella Lavella and departed
lies would not attempt to land there. for the Treasuries on 26 October. Their
Consequently only a small detachment departures were timed for the five groups
was stationed at Empress Augusta Bay. to arrive in Blanche Harbor, which is
Hyakutake was aware that he would be between Mono and Stirling Islands, be-
outnumbered and outgunned in any tween 0520 and 0830, 27 October.41 All
battle, but like most of his fellow Jap- possible measures were taken to avoid
anese generals he placed great faith in detection, because the small forces had
the superior morale he believed his to get established in the Treasuries be-
troops possessed. fore the Japanese were able to send in
"The battle plan is to resist the en- reinforcements from their ample re-
emy's material strength with persever- serves in the nearby Shortlands. But
ance, while at the same time displaying detection was almost inevitable in an
our spiritual strength and conducting operation so close to enemy bases, and
raids and furious attacks against the at 0420, 27 October, a reconnaissance
enemy flanks and rear. On this basis we seaplane sighted the ships near the
will secure the key to victory within Treasuries and reported their presence.
the dead spaces produced in enemy Admiral Merrill's task force, covering
strength, and, losing no opportunities, the operation some distance westward,
we will exploit successes and annihilate was also discovered.
the enemy." Pride goeth before de- Heavy rain fell as the leading APD's
struction, and an haughty spirit before arrived off the western entrance to
a fall. Blanche Harbor. Low-hanging clouds
obscured the jungled hills of Mono Is-
Preliminary Landings
land. As Blanche Harbor was too nar-
The Treasuries
The assault echelon of Admiral Fort's 40
This section is based on Gillespie, The Pacific,
southern force consisted of five transport pp. 142-59; Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Bar-
rier, pp. 293-96; Rentz, Bougainville and the
groups: the advance transport group Northern Solomons, pp. 92-114; ONI USN, Combat
with 8 APD's and 3 escorting destroyers; Narratives: Solomon Islands Campaign, XII, The
the second with 8 LCI(L)'s, 2 LCI(G)'s,39 Bougainville Landing and the Battle of Empress
Augusta Bay, 27 October-2 November 1943 [Wash-
and 6 destroyers; the third with 2 LST's, ington, 1945], 11-23; SOPACBACOM, The Bou-
2 destroyers, and 2 minesweepers; the gainville Campaign, Ch. II, OCMH; 8th Area Army
fourth with 1 APC, 3 LCT's, and 2 PT Operations, Japanese Monogr No. 110 (OCMH), p.
102; 17th Army Operations, II, Japanese Monogr
boats; the fifth with 1 APC, 6 LCM's, No. 40 (OCMH), 100-103; Outline of Southeast
Area Naval Air Operations, Pt. IV, Japanese Monogr
No. 108 (OCMH), p. 44.
38 41
17th Army Operations, II, Japanese Monogr No. In Samuel Eliot Morison's words, "The his-
40 (OCMH), 95. torian wishes that the exploring captains of H.M.S.
The LCI (G) was a gunboat designed to give Blanche, Renard, and Gazelle had not been so
close fire support in landings. Two 20-mm., three fond of their ships as to name several harbors,
40-mm., and five .50-caliber machine guns were in- channels, and sounds after each one." Breaking the
stalled on an LCI (L). Bismarcks Barrier, p. 293, n. 1.

row to permit ships to maneuver safely, landed on the north coast of Mono num-
the fire support destroyers and seven bered 200.
APD's remained west of the harbor. Meanwhile the American destroyers
While the troops boarded the landing were busy. In addition to providing fire
craft, destroyers opened fire on the land- support for the landings they escorted
ing beaches on Mono's south shore, and the unloaded transport groups back to
the minesweepers checked Blanche Har- Guadalcanal. Two picket destroyers with
bor. At the same time the APD McKean fighter director teams aboard were sta-
put a radar party ashore on Mono's tioned east and west of the Treasuries
north coast. to warn against enemy air attacks.
Covered by the destroyers' gunfire General Hyakutake had decided that
and accompanied by the LCI gunboats, the Treasury landings were a prelim-
the first wave of LCP(R)'s, carrying ele- inary to a systematic operation, and that
ments of two battalions of the 8th Bri- the Allies would build an airfield on the
gade, moved through the channel in Treasuries, take Choiseul, and after
the wet, misty half-light. There were intensified air and surface operations,
only a handful of Japanese on Mono, would land three divisions on southern
some 225 men of the special naval land- Bougainville in late November. He felt
ing forces. The naval bombardment that they might possibly invade Buka.
drove most of the defenders out of their Warning that the recent decline in Jap-
beach positions, and as the New Zealand anese naval strength might cause the
infantry went ashore they drove out or Allies to move faster, he stressed the
killed the Japanese in the vicinity of the importance of building up the south
beach. However, enemy mortars and ma- Bougainville defenses. In short, he be-
chine guns from hidden positions in the lieved just what the Allies hoped he
jungle fired on the landing beaches and would.
on the LST's of the fourth transport When Admiral Kusaka at Rabaul was
group, which beached at 0735. This fire notified of the Allied landing, he
caused some casualties, damaged some brought some planes forward from Kavi-
weapons and equipment, and delayed eng and sent fighters and dive bombers
the unloading. But before noon the 8th against the Allies. Most of these were
Brigade troops captured two 75-mm. headed off by the New Georgia-based
guns and one 90-mm. mortar and resist- P-38's and P-40's that formed the south-
ance to the landing ceased. ern force's air cover, but some got
Stirling Island, which was not occu- through to damage the picket destroyer
pied by the enemy, was secured by a Cony and harass the retiring LST's. The
battalion during the morning. A total of Japanese pilots reported that they had
2,500 men—252 Americans of the 198th sunk two transports and two cruisers.
Coast Artillery and several detachments On shore, Brigadier R. A. Row of the
from other units, the rest New Zealand- New Zealand Army, the landing force
ers—had been landed on the south shore commander, set up beach defenses. By
of Mono. The radar detachment and ac- 12 November his troops had killed or
companying combat troops that had captured the enemy garrison which had

fled into the hills of Mono. Two hundred with more on the way. By now the Em-
and five Japanese corpses were counted; press Augusta Bay landing had been
40 New Zealanders and 12 Americans safely executed, and Vandegrift ordered
had been killed, 145 New Zealanders Krulak to withdraw. The battalion em-
and 29 Americans wounded. barked on three LCI's in the early morn-
Succeeding transport echelons, thir- ing hours of 4 November. The raid cost
teen in all, brought in more troops and 11 Marines dead, 14 wounded; 143 Jap-
equipment from 1 November 1943 anese were estimated to have been slain.
through 15 January 1944. During this Japanese sources do not indicate
period the boat pool, an advanced naval what estimates Imamura and Hyakutake
base, and radars were established; these placed on the operation. However, since
supported the main operation at Em- Hyakutake expected that Choiseul
press Augusta Bay. Seabees of the U.S. would be invaded after the Treasuries
Navy built a 5,600-foot-long airstrip on and before southern Bougainville, it is
Stirling that was ready to receive fighter not unlikely that Krulak's diversion con-
planes on Christmas Day. firmed his belief that southern Bougain-
ville was the main Allied objective.
The Choiseul Raid
Seizure of Empress Augusta Bay
Four of the APD's that had carried
Brigadier Row's troops to the Treasur- Supporting Operations
ies sailed to Vella Lavella on 27 Octo-
ber and there took aboard 725 men of In invading Empress Augusta Bay,
Lt. Col. Victor H. Krulak's 2d Marine Halsey's forces were bypassing formi-
Parachute Battalion, plus fourteen days' dable enemy positions in southern Bou-
rations and two units of fire. Escorted by gainville and the Shortlands, and plac-
the destroyer Conway, the APD's steamed ing themselves within close range of all
for the village of Voza on Choiseul, and the other Bougainville bases, as well as
that night landed the parachutists and within fighter range of Rabaul—thus the
their gear. strong air attacks by the Fifth Air Force
General Vandegrift had ordered Kru- and the Air Command, Solomons. In
lak so to conduct operations that the addition, Halsey had planned to make
Japanese would believe a large force sure that the Japanese bases on Bou-
was present. Krulak therefore raided gainville were in no condition to launch
a barge staging point at Sagigai, some air attacks during the main landings on
eight miles from Voza, and then sent 1 November.42 Forces assigned to this
strong combat patrols to the western
part of Choiseul. But by 2 November
the Japanese appeared to be concentrat- This subsection is based on Halsey and Bryan,
Admiral Halsey's Story, pp. 177-79; Morison, Break-
ing at Sagigai with the obvious intention ing the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 292-93; Admiral
of destroying the 2d Parachute Battal- Frederick C. Sherman, Combat Command: The
ion. From eight hundred to one thou- American Aircraft Carriers in the Pacific War (New
York: E. P. Button & Co., Inc., 1950), pp. 199-200;
sand enemy were reported to have moved ONI USN, The Bougainville Landing and the
into Sagigai from positions farther east, Battle of Empress Augusta Bay, pp. 25-37.

mission were the 2 carriers, 2 antiair- against the Japanese fleet in case it came
craft light cruisers, and 10 destroyers of down from Truk. . . ." 43
Admiral Sherman's Task Force 38 and The weather was bad for carrier op-
the 4 light cruisers and 8 destroyers of erations as the planes detailed for the
Admiral Merrill's Task Force 39. first strike, a force made up of eighteen
Task Force 38 sortied from Espiritu fighters, fifteen dive bombers, and eleven
Santo on 29 October, Task Force 39 torpedo bombers, prepared to take off in
from Purvis Bay on Florida Island on 31 the darkness. The sea was glassy and
October. Both were bound initially for calm; occasional rain squalls fell. There
Buka. was no breeze blowing over the flight
Merrill, sailing well south of the Rus- decks, and the planes had to be cata-
sells and west of the Treasuries on his pulted into the air, a slow process that,
537-mile voyage in pursuance of Hal- coupled with the planes' difficulties in
sey's tight schedule, got there first. He forming up in the dark, delayed their ar-
arrived off Buka Passage at 0021, 1 No- rival over Buka until daylight. Two tor-
vember, and fired 300 6-inch and 2,400 pedo bombers and one dive bomber hit
5-inch shells at Buka and Bonis fields. the water upon take-off, doubtless be-
Shore batteries replied but without ef- cause of the calm air. The rest of the
planes dropped three 1,000-pound bombs
fect. Merrill then retired at thirty knots
on Buka's runway and seventy-two 100-
toward the Shortland Islands. Enemy
pound bombs on supply dumps and dis-
planes harassed the task force but the
persal areas.
only damage they did was to the ad- The next strike—fourteen fighters,
miral's typewriter. One fire started by twenty-one dive bombers, and eleven tor-
the bombardment was visible from sixty pedo bombers—was launched at 0930
miles away. without casualties. These planes struck
About four hours after the beginning Buka again and bombed several small
of Merrill's bombardment Task Force ships offshore. At dawn the next morn-
38 reached a launching position some ing, 2 November, forty-four planes at-
sixty-five miles southeast of Buka. This tacked Bonis, and at 1036 forty-one more
was the first time since the outbreak repeated the attack. Then Sherman,
of the war in the Pacific that an Allied under orders from Halsey, headed for
aircraft carrier had ventured within the vicinity of Rennell, due south of
fighter range of Rabaul, and the first Guadalcanal, to refuel. In two days of
tactical employment of an Allied carrier action Task Force 38, operating within
in the South Pacific since the desperate sixty-five miles of Buka, estimated that
battles of the Guadalcanal Campaign. it had destroyed about thirty Japanese
In Admiral Sherman's words: planes and hit several small ships. More
"We on the carriers had begun to important, it had guaranteed that the
think we would never get any action. All Buka and Bonis runways could not be
the previous assignments had gone to used for air attacks against Admiral Wil-
the shore-based air. Admiral Halsey had
told me that he had to hold us for use 43
Sherman, Combat Command, p. 200.

MAJ. GEN. ALLEN H. TURNAGE (right) and Commodore Laurence F. Reifsnider

aboard a transport before the landings on Bougainville.

kinson's ships. The Americans lost seven damage were minor. His mission com-
men and eleven planes in combat and pleted, Merrill headed south.
operational crashes.
Meanwhile Merrill's ships had sped Approach to the Target
from Buka to the Shortlands in the early The last days of October found Wil-
morning hours of 1 November to bom- kinson's ships busy loading and rehears-
bard Poporang, Ballale, Faisi, and ing at Guadalcanal and the New Hebri-
smaller islands. Merrill had bombarded des.44 Wilkinson had organized his eight
these before, on the night of 29-30 June,
but in stormy darkness. Now the bom- The rest of this chapter is based on Morison,
Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 296-305; Rentz,
bardment was in broad daylight; it Bougainville and the Northern Solomons, pp. 21-
started at 0631, seventeen minutes after 39; ONI USN, The Bougainville Landing and the
sunrise. Japanese shore batteries replied Battle of Empress Augusta Bay, pp. 37-49; SOPAC-
BACOM, The Bougainville Campaign, Ch. III,
with inaccurate fire. Only the destroyer OCMH; 8th Area Army Operations, Japanese
Dyson was hit, and its casualties and Monogr No. 110 (OCMH), pp. 103-05; Southeast

transport and four cargo ships of Task Liberators), PV-1's (Vega Ventura night
Force 31's northern force into three fighters), and PBY's (Black Cats) covered
transport divisions of four ships each. A the ships. Enemy planes were out that
reinforced regiment of marines was to be night and made contact with the cover-
carried in each of two of the divisions, ing planes but apparently did not spot
the reinforced 3d Marine Defense Bat- the ships, for none was attacked and Jap-
talion in the third. The four transports anese higher headquarters received no
of Division A, carrying 6,421 men of the warnings.
3d Marines, reinforced, departed Es- Empress Augusta Bay was imperfectly
piritu Santo on 29 October and steamed charted and the presence of several un-
for Koli Point on Guadalcanal. There charted shoals was rightly suspected.
Admiral Wilkinson and General Vande- Consequently Wilkinson delayed arrival
grift boarded the George Clymer. Gen- at the transport area until daylight so
eral Turnage, 3d Marine Division com- that masthead navigation could be used
mander, and Commodore Laurence F. to avoid the shoals.
Reifsnider, the transport group com-
mander, had come up from the New The Landings
Hebrides rehearsal in the Hunter Lig-
At 0432 of 1 November, Wilkinson's
gett. Transport Division B, after the re- ships changed course from northwest to
hearsal, took the 6,103 men of the rein- northeast and approached Cape Toro-
forced 9th Marines from the New Hebri- kina in Empress Augusta Bay. Speed was
des and in the late afternoon of 30 Oc- reduced from fifteen to twelve knots.
tober joined with the four cargo ships The minesweepers went out ahead to
of Transport Division C south of San check the area. General quarters sounded
Cristobal. Division C carried the rein-
on all ships at 0500, and forty-five
forced 3d Marine Defense Battalion,
minutes later the ships reached the trans-
1,400 men, and a good deal of heavy port area. The transport Crescent City
struck a reef but suffered no damage.
All transport divisions, plus 11 destroy- Sunrise did not come until 0614, but
ers, 4 destroyer-minesweepers, 4 small the morning was bright and clear enough
minesweepers, 7 minelayers, and 2 tugs, for the warships to begin a slow, deliber-
rendezvoused in the Solomon Sea west
ate bombardment of Cape Torokina at
of Guadalcanal at 0740, 31 October.
0547. As each transport passed the cape
They sailed northwestward until 1800,
it too fired with its 3-inch and antiair-
then feinted toward the Shortlands, and
craft guns. Wilkinson set H Hour for
after dark changed course again toward
the landing at 0730. At 0645 the eight
the northwest. During the night run to transports anchored in a line pointing
Empress Augusta Bay PB4Y4's (Navy north-northwest about three thousand
Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese Monogr No.
yards from shore; the cargo ships formed
50 (OCMH), 11-13; Outline of Southeast Area a similar line about five hundred yards
Naval Air Operations, Pt. IV, Japanese Monogr No. to seaward of the transports.
108 (OCMH), p. 46; observations of the author,
who participated as a member of D Battery, 3d
Wilkinson, sure that the Japanese
Marine Defense Battalion. would launch heavy air attacks, had come


so lightly loaded that four to five hours trim gray destroyers firing at the beaches,
of unloading time would find his ships the two lines of transports and cargo
emptied. Vandegrift and Turnage, an- ships swinging on their anchors, and
ticipating little opposition at the beach, the landing craft full of marines churn-
had planned to speed unloading by send- ing toward the enemy. This scene was
ing more than seven thousand men laid against a natural backdrop of awe-
ashore in the assault wave. They would some beauty. The early morning tropical
land along beaches (eleven on the main- sun shone in a bright blue sky. A
land and one on Puruata Island off Cape moderately heavy sea was running, so
Torokina) with a total length of eight that at the shore a white line showed
thousand yards. where the surf pounded on the black and
The assault wave boarded landing gray beaches, which were fringed for
craft at the ships' rails. The winchmen most of their length by the forbidding
quickly lowered the craft into the water; green of the jungle. Behind were the
and the first wave formed rapidly and rugged hills, and Mount Bagana, tower-
started for shore. ing skyward, emitting perpetual clouds
The scene was one to be remembered, of smoke and steam, dominated the en-
with torpedo bombers roaring overhead, tire scene.

The destroyers continued firing until gun and the machine guns opened fire.
0731, when thirty-one torpedo bombers The men were forced to disembark
from New Georgia bombed and strafed under fire and to start fighting the mo-
the shore line for five minutes. The first ment they put foot to the ground. Casual-
troops reached the beach at 0726, and in ties were lighter than might have been
the next few minutes all the assault wave expected—78 men were killed and 104
came ashore. There was no opposition wounded in the day's action—but only
except at Puruata Island and at Cape after fierce fighting and much valor were
Torokina and its immediate vicinity. the men of the 3d Marines able to estab-
There the Japanese, though few in num- lish themselves ashore. The pillboxes
bers, fought with skill and ferocity. were reduced by three-man fire teams:
Cape Torokina was held by 270 Jap- one BAR man and two riflemen with
anese soldiers of the 2d Company, 1st M1's, all three using grenades whenever
Battalion, and of the Regimental Gun possible. The gun position was taken by
Company, 23d Infantry. One platoon Sgt. Robert A. Owens of A Company,
held Puruata. On Cape Torokina the 3d Marines, who rushed the position
enemy had built about eighteen log-and- under cover of fire from four riflemen.
sandbag pillboxes, each with two ma- He killed part of the Japanese crew and
chine guns, mutually supporting, camou- drove off the rest before he died of
flaged, and arranged in depth. He had wounds received in his assault.46
also emplaced a 75-mm. gun in an open- By 1100 Cape Torokina was cleared.
ended log-and-sand bunker to fire on Most of its defenders were dead; the
landing craft nearing the beach. survivors retreated inland. Puruata Is-
Neither air bombardment nor naval land was secured at about the same time,
gunfire had had any appreciable effect although some Japanese remained alive
on these positions. Because air recon- until the next day. Elsewhere the land-
naissance had shown that the enemy had ing waves, though not opposed by the
built defense positions on Cape Toro- enemy, pushed inland slowly through
kina (a low, flat, sandy area covered with dense jungle and a knee-deep swamp
palm trees), it had been a target for that ran two miles inland and backed
naval bombardment. Two destroyers had most of the beach north and east of
fired at the cape from the south, but Cape Torokina. The swamp's existence
had done no damage. Exploding shells had not previously been suspected.
and bombs sent up smoke and dust that
made observation difficult; some shells Air Attacks and Unloading
had burst prematurely in the palm trees.
The Allied air forces of the South and
Poor gunnery was also a factor, for many
shells were seen to hit the water.45 Southwest Pacific Areas had performed
Thus when landing craft bearing the mightily in their effort to neutralize
3d Marines neared the cape the 75-mm. the Japanese air bases at Rabaul, Bou-
gainville, and the Shortlands, but they
See Rentz, Bougainville and the Northern
Solomons, p. 34; Isely and Crowl, The U.S. Marines Sergeant Owens received the Medal of Honor
and Amphibious War, p. 180. posthumously.


had not been able to neutralize Rabaul At 0718, as the last boats of the assault
completely. In planning the invasion of wave were leaving their transports, the
Empress Augusta Bay, the South Pacific destroyers' radars picked up a flight of
commanders were aware that the Jap- approaching enemy planes then fifty
anese would probably counterattack miles distant. The covering fighters kept
from the air. General Twining had ar- most of the planes away, but a few, per-
ranged for thirty-two New Georgia-based haps twelve, dive bombers broke through
fighter planes of all types then in use to attack the ships.
in the South Pacific—Army Air Forces These bombers had come from Ra-
P-38's, New Zealand P-40's, and Marine baul, where the enemy commanders were
F4U's—to be overhead in the vicinity making haste to organize counterattacks.
all day. These planes were vectored by On 30 October Vice Adm. Sentaro
a fighter director team aboard the de- Omori, commanding a heavy cruiser di-
stroyer Conway. Turning in an out- vision, had brought a convoy into Simp-
standing performance, they destroyed or son Harbor at Rabaul. Next morning a
drove off most of the planes that the search plane reported an Allied convoy
Japanese sent against Wilkinson. But of three cruisers, ten destroyers, and
they could not keep them all away. thirty transports near Gatukai in the

New Georgia group. This was probably apparently did not take part on 1 No-
Merrill's task force; it could not have vember.
been Wilkinson's. On receiving this re- According to enemy accounts, Japa-
port Admiral Kusaka ordered the planes nese planes delivered three separate at-
of his 11th Air Fleet to start attacks, and tacks against Wilkinson on 1 November.
he and Koga, over the protests of the The Japanese used a total of 16 dive
8th Fleet commander, who warned of the bombers and 104 fighters, of which 19
dangers of sending surface ships south were lost and 10 were damaged.48
of New Britain, directed Omori to take When Wilkinson's ships received
his force and all the 8th Fleet ships out warning at 0718, the transports and cargo
to attack. This Omori did, but he missed ships weighed anchor and steamed for
Merrill and returned to Rabaul on the the open sea. They escaped harm, and
morning of 1 November. the dive bombers were able to inflict
Then came the news of the landing at only light damage to the destroyers. Two
Empress Augusta Bay. General Hyaku- sailors were killed. The transports re-
take was still sure that the main Allied turned and resumed unloading at 0930,
attack would be delivered against south- having lost two hours.
ern Bougainville, but General Imamura Another enemy attack at 1248 suc-
ordered him to destroy the forces that ceeded in breaking through the fighter
had landed. Imamura also arranged with cover. Warned again by radar, the trans-
Kusaka for a counterattacking force from ports, with the exception of the Amer-
the 17th Division, made up of the 2d ican Legion, which stuck on an unchart-
Battalion, 54th Infantry, and the 6th ed shoal, fled. The Japanese attacked the
Company, 2d Battalion, 53d Infantry, to moving ships instead of the Legion. No
be transported to Empress Augusta damage was done, but the ships lost two
Bay.47 It would be carried on 6 destroyer- more hours of unloading time.49
transports and escorted by 2 heavy cruis- The halts in unloading caused by air
ers, 2 light cruisers, and 6 destroyers, all attacks, coupled with beach and terrain
under Omori. conditions that Admiral Halsey de-
Admirals Koga and Kusaka, just com- scribed as "worse than any we had pre-
pleting their preparations for Operation viously encountered," slowed the move-
RO, also ordered out their planes. The ment of supplies and equipment.50 Fully
weather had come to their assistance by one third of the landing force—5,700
halting the heavy raid General Kenney men in all—had been assigned to the
had planned for 1 November. Koga alert- shore party, but nature and the Japanese
ed the 12th Air Fleet for transfer from
Japan to Rabaul. Kusaka sent out planes
of his 11th Air Fleet. The carrier planes 48
Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese
Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), p. 46; p. 13 states that
twenty-two planes were lost.
As usual the Japanese claims, like those of
This force had been standing by awaiting orders American pilots, were exaggerated. They said they
to move to western New Britain. It was separate sank two transports and a cruiser.
from the 17th Division units scheduled for Bou- Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p.
gainville mentioned above, p. 238. 179.

LCVP's ON THE BEACH AT EMPRESS AUGUSTA BAY damaged by the rough, driving surf.

aircraft thwarted efforts to unload all By 1730 the eight transports were
the ships on D Day. empty and Wilkinson took them back to
Even on quiet days the surf at Em- Guadalcanal. But the four cargo ships,
press Augusta Bay was rough, and on 1 which carried heavy guns and equip-
November a stiff breeze whipped it high- ment, were still practically full. Vande-
er. The northernmost beaches were steep grift, who had had ample experience at
and narrow. The surf, and possibly the Guadalcanal in being left stranded on a
inexperience of some of the crews, took hostile shore while much of his equip-
a heavy toll of landing craft. No less ment remained in the holds of depart-
than sixty-four LCVP's and twenty-two ing ships, persuaded Wilkinson to allow
LCM's broached on shore and were the cargo ships to put out to sea for the
swamped by the driving surf. As surf night and return the next morning to
conditions got worse, several beaches be- unload.51 Most of the troops aboard went
came completely unusable. Five ships ashore in LCVP's before Commodore
were shifted to beaches farther south, Reifsnider led the cargo ships out to sea.
with more delay and congestion at the D Battery of the 3d Defense Battalion,
southern beaches. It was during this for example, its 90-mm. antiaircraft
move that the American Legion ran 51
Miller, Guadalcanal: The First Offensive, pp.
aground. 79-81.

guns, fire control equipment, and radars ing Turnage in command at Cape Toro-
deep in the holds of the Alchiba, which kina. By the day's end the division held
had lost all its LCM's in the raging surf, a shallow beachhead from Torokina
went ashore as infantry and occupied a northward for about four thousand
support position in the sector of the 9th yards. Aside from unloading the cargo
Marines. ships (a task that was expeditiously ac-
Except for the full holds of the cargo complished the next day), the main mis-
ships, D Day had been thoroughly suc- sions facing the amphibious and ground
cessful. All the landing force, including commanders and the troops were three-
General Turnage, Brig. Gen. Alfred H. fold: to bring in reinforcements; to or-
Noble, corps deputy commander, Col. ganize a perimeter defense capable of
Gerald C. Thomas, the corps chief of beating off the inevitable Japanese coun-
staff, and several other officers, were terattack; and to build the airfields that
ashore. General Vandegrift returned to would put South Pacific fighter planes
Guadalcanal on the George Clymer, leav- over Rabaul.

Exploiting the Beachhead

The ground troops at Cape Torokina American transports and cargo ships
could be expected to carry out their mis-which he thought would still be there.
sions efficiently only if they were unham- Meanwhile, Admiral Merrill's Task
pered by Japanese aircraft and warships. Force 39 had sailed to the vicinity of
Therefore the real battle for the beach- Vella Lavella after the two bombard-
head was fought in the air and on the ments on 1 November. Four of his
sea. The primary mission of South Pa- eight destroyers were refueling in the
cific aircraft and warships during the late afternoon of 1 November when
first days of November was protection General Twining's reconnaissance planes
of the newly won beachhead. In this spotted Omori and flashed a warning.
mission they fought hard and with excel- Halsey ordered Merrill out to intercept
lent results. Omori. Receiving continuous, accurate
plots of Omori's course and speed, Mer-
Air and Surface Action, 1-11 November rill set his course and speed so that his
four light cruisers and eight destroyers
When Admiral Omori led his task
would intercept west of Empress Au-
force out of Rabaul in late afternoon of
gusta Bay.
1 November, he had orders to escort
At 0229, 2 November, a few miles
Imamura's troops and to attack Wilkin-
from Cape Torokina, Task Force 39
son's transports in Empress Augusta
made contact with Omori and attacked
Bay. But after joining with the troop-
at once. In this engagement, the Battle
carrying destroyers in Saint George's
of Empress Augusta Bay, Merrill sank
Channel between New Britain and New
one light cruiser and one destroyer; ex-
Ireland, Omori was sighted by a U.S.
cept for the destroyer Foote, which lost
submarine. Further, an unidentified
her stern to a Japanese torpedo, the
plane dropped a bomb near the light
cruiser Sendai. The Japanese, sure that 1
This section is based on Craven and Cate, The
their intentions had been deduced, post- Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 257-61, 325-28;
poned the troop movement, but Omori Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, pp. 180-
85; Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp.
was allowed to take his task force of 305-37; Sherman, Combat Command, 201-08; CTF
two heavy and two light cruisers and 33 War Diary; Southeast Area Naval Operations,
six destroyers to Empress Augusta Bay III, Japanese Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), 14-29; Out-
line of Southeast Area Naval Air Operations, Pt.
with the intention of destroying the IV, Japanese Monogr No. 108 (OCMH), pp. 48-68.

American ships received light damage. Bay, and the morning air attack, now
The flashes from gunfire and explosions escorted Reifsnider's retiring cargo ships
were visible to Commodore Reifsnider's as far as Rendova, then steamed for
four cargo ships, which had put out to Florida and concluded their eventful,
sea, and to the marines ashore. The en- successful cruise. On the other hand, the
gagement lasted until dawn, when Japanese had lost two ships and numer-
Omori, tacitly acknowledging failure, ous aircraft, and had not inflicted any-
took his surviving ships back to Rabaul. thing like equivalent damage to the
Near as he was to Rabaul, Merrill ex- Americans. But Admiral Koga had not
pected to suffer air attack at dawn, and given up. When he was informed of the
he was not wrong. When a Japanese landings at Empress Augusta Bay, he
patrol plane sighted him 18 dive bomb- ordered Vice Adm. Takeo Kurita to take
ers and 80 fighters promptly took off seven heavy cruisers, one light cruiser,
from Rabaul to the attack. Bad weather four destroyers, and a fleet train from
on the morning of 2 November had kept Truk to Rabaul. Kurita arrived safely
most of the Allied fighters on the New on 4 November, although later ships
Georgia fields, but 8 F6F's, 1 F4U, 3 were hit by Twining's B-24's.
P-38's, and 4 New Zealand P-40's, vec- This force of heavy cruisers at Rabaul
tored by a destroyer still in Empress posed a serious threat to the new beach-
Augusta Bay, hurled themselves at part head at Empress Augusta Bay, and cre-
of the Japanese formation and shot down ated, wrote Admiral Halsey, "the most
several planes. desperate emergency that confronted me
The remaining enemy planes came in my entire term as COMSOPAC." 2
upon Task Force 39 shortly before 0800 He knew that he had to stop them, but
and promptly attacked. The task force he had only two naval task forces—
maneuvered rapidly, sailing clockwise in Merrill's, which was exhausted after its
a great circle and shooting 5-inch, 40- performance of 1-2 November, and
mm., 20-mm., and even 6-inch guns at Sherman's carriers. Up to now carriers
the diving Japanese with considerable had been employed against land bases
success. The light cruiser Montpelier only in the most gingerly fashion. The
suffered two bomb hits which wounded South Pacific staff calculated that Sher-
several men, but the other ships went man, from his refueling position near
unscathed. The Japanese broke off the Rennell, could strike Kurita before
action, but on the way home lost more Kurita would strike Empress Augusta
planes to Allied fighters. More planes Bay. So Halsey ordered Sherman to hit
from Rabaul would doubtless have come Rabaul. When he gave these orders the
out after Merrill that day but for the South Pacific commander expected the
Fifth Air Force's raid on the airfields, carrier air groups to be "cut to pieces"
which the Japanese carrier pilots con- and the carriers "stricken."
tested so hotly. "I fully expected that they [Sherman's
Merrill's ships, after two busy days 2
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, pp.
that included two shore bombardments, 180-81.
the night action of Empress Augusta 3
Ibid., p. 181.

carriers] would be lost." 4 ". . . but we planes lost. Halsey's gloomy expectations
could not let the men at Torokina be were not fulfilled.
wiped out while we stood by and wrung Twenty-seven B-24's and fifty-eight
our hands." 5 Halsey was never a man P-38's from the Fifth Air Force reached
to stand idly by and wring his hands, or Rabaul in the afternoon. As practically
to allow anyone else that emotional all the Japanese planes were out after
luxury. Task Force 38, Kenney's men bombed
Halsey directed South Pacific land- the wharves. The Japanese failed to find
based air (Task Force 33) to provide Sherman, but they attacked an LCI, an
cover for Sherman during his daylight LCT, and a PT boat near the southern
approach and retirement. This job was arm of Empress Augusta Bay, and
done by Navy fighters from New Geor- claimed a tremendous but nonexistent
gia, which of course were capable of victory.6
landing on carrier decks. Thus Sherman Sherman's victory, on the other hand,
was able to send all his aircraft against was real. Next day Koga decided to pull
Rabaul instead of keeping some of them his heavy cruisers back to Truk, and the
overhead for protection. threat to Cape Torokina was ended.
Task Force 38 reached its launching Thereafter no more heavy Japanese ships
went to Rabaul.
point in the Solomon Sea 57 miles south-
Meanwhile Kusaka's 11th Air Fleet
west of Torokina and 230 miles south-
and the carrier planes, besides attacking
east of Rabaul at 0900, 5 November. The
Merrill and Sherman, had been striking
weather was fine for carrier operations;
day and night against Cape Torokina,
a steady breeze was blowing, and there
hammering at reinforcement convoys,
were frequent rain squalls where the and fighting almost constantly with Al-
ships could hide in case of air attack. lied fighter planes. They damaged three
The two carriers sent out 97 planes: 23 ships and sank one, but kept losing
torpedo bombers, 22 dive bombers, and planes to ship- and shore-based antiair-
52 fighters. They arrived over Rabaul craft guns and to Twining's fighters.
and dived through a hole in the clouds Air Command, Solomons, made a max-
to take the Japanese by surprise. Though imum effort to keep the enemy's Bou-
faced by intense antiaircraft fire they gainville bases out of action and to keep
bored in with resounding success. They the Rabaul-based planes away from Cape
did not sink any ships, but damaged Torokina and the reinforcement con-
three heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, voys. For example, on 10 November
and two destroyers so severely that there were 712 take-offs and landings
months passed before any of them were at Munda airfield alone.
fit to fight again. This was done at a Rabaul was still a primary target for
cost of fifteen men killed or missing, ten General Kenney. The weather prevented
an attack on 6 November, but 10 No-
Halsey's preface to Sherman's Combat Com- vember saw a heavy attack, and next day
mand, p. 8.
5 6
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p. For details see Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks
181. Barrier, p. 329.

AIRCREWMAN WOUNDED IN STRIKE ON RABAUL is helped out of his plane on flight

deck of aircraft carrier USS Saratoga, 5 November 1943.

RAAF Beauforts and Fifth Air Force weather about 0830, struck at ships, and
planes struck in the morning before returned to the carriers, which retired
heavy clouds piled up over Rabaul. southward without being detected.
The additional carrier task group of Montgomery launched his strike from
the Fifth Fleet that Admiral Nimitz a point in the Solomon Sea about 160
had promised to Halsey reached the miles southeast of Rabaul. His planes
South Pacific on 7 November. Com- hit at ships too, then returned to their
manded by Rear Adm. Alfred L. Mont- mother carriers. The Japanese found
gomery, it consisted of the carriers Essex, Montgomery and delivered a series of
Bunker Hill, and Independence. Halsey furious though unsuccessful air attacks
planned to use Montgomery's ships as which inflicted only slight damage. They
well as Task Force 38 in a double carrier lost thirty-five planes to ships' antiair-
strike against Rabaul on 11 November. craft guns and to Allied fighters from
Sherman sailed to a point in the Pa- New Georgia.
cific Ocean near Green Island, north- In eleven days of the RO operations
northwest of Bougainville, and launched against the Allied lines of communica-
planes. They reached Rabaul in bad tion and the Torokina beachhead, the
Japanese pilots had reported enormous Fleet. This series of events, wherein the
damage to Allied ships and planes, Japanese shifted forces back and forth
whereas in reality they had accomplished to meet Allied threats from different
very little and had suffered the real dam- parts of the Pacific, and lost as a result,
age themselves.7 Koga had sent 173 was an advantage the Joint Chiefs of
planes and 192 men down from Truk, Staff had in mind when they ordered
and by the end of 11 November 121 two advances rather than one. The series
planes had been destroyed and 86 of the illustrates also the strategic importance
men were dead. The 11th Air Fleet had of Rabaul, and the advantages that their
lost about 70 planes. These losses interior lines gave to the Japanese.
" . . . had put the carrier air force in a
position where further combat would Operations Ashore
rob it of even a skeleton force around Now landed and completely protected
which to rebuild. . . ."8 Koga may have from Japanese surface attack, although
believed his pilots' claims, but he also subject to frequent air raids by day and
recognized the significance of his own by night, the 3d Marine Division was
losses. On 12 November he withdrew hampered as much by terrain as by the
the carrier planes to Truk. The with- enemy. The swamps and dense forest
drawal, first of the cruisers and then of slowed the movement of supplies and the
the planes, ended Rabaul's offensive building of roads and airfields. During
threat. Thereafter it was a formidable their first five days on shore the marines
defense position only, and after Armis- patrolled, established antiaircraft and
tice Day Southwest Pacific planes were beach defenses, and extended the perim-
able to cease their attacks against it and eter two thousand yards inland. (Map
concentrate against enemy bases to the 16) Seventy-eight marines were killed or
west. missing, 104 wounded.10
The damage that Sherman's pilots in-
flicted on the heavy cruisers and Koga's More Troops
losses in carrier planes had repercussions The first reinforcements, one battalion
that were felt far beyond Empress Au- of the 21st Marine Regiment, arrived on
gusta Bay. Koga had planned to use the 9
Combined Fleet to seek out and destroy See Wilds, "The Admiral Who Lost His Fleet,"
United States Naval Institute Proceedings, Vol. 77,
the U.S. Pacific Fleet if the Americans No. 11 (November 1951); Crowl and Love, The
invaded the Gilberts or Marshalls, but Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls, Ch. IV.
This section is based on Morison, Breaking the
when Admiral Nimitz' forces moved into Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 337-69; Rentz, Bougainville
the Gilberts on 21 November 1943, Koga and the Northern Solomons, pp. 39-80; [British]
did not stir out of Truk; the cruiser Central Office of Information, Among Those Pres-
ent, pp. 64-73; SOPACBACOM, The Bougainville
damage and aircraft losses had com- Campaign, Chs. III-IV, V, OCMH; Halsey, Narra-
pletely immobilized the Combined tive Account of the South Pacific Campaign,
OCMH; Harmon, The Army in the South Pacific,
The Japanese reported sinking 5 battleships, 10 OCMH; I Mar Amphib Corps, Bougainville Beach-
aircraft carriers, 19 cruisers, 7 destroyers, and 9 head; 8th Area Army Operations, Japanese Monogr
transports between 27 October and 10 December. No. no (OCMH), pp. 103-06; 17th Army Opera-
Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese tions, II, Japanese Monogr No. 40 (OCMH), 104;
Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), 25-26. the author's observations.

AMPHIBIAN TRACTORS LVT(1), carrying supplies and ammunition, move inland

over a muddy trail.

eight LST's and eight APD's on 6 No- Seabees improvised coconut log runways,
vember. Escorted by six destroyers and which failed to stand up under the
covered by Task Force 39, these ships strain. The eventual answer to the prob-
had sailed from Purvis Bay two days lem lay in steel pontons.
before. Japanese aircraft harried them On 8 November substantial reinforce-
during the night of 5-6 November but ments came in, some aboard six of the
did no damage. ships that had made the initial invasion
For speedy unloading, the LST car- and then returned to Guadalcanal to
goes had been packed on trailers at Pur- pick up the 148th Regimental Combat
vis Bay. But Cape Torokina did not Team of the 37th Division. Japanese
boast very many beaches suitable for the aircraft made the day exciting as the sol-
LST's (which in the South Pacific almost diers unloaded and went ashore. Over
never carried tanks). One beach at Pu- a hundred planes attacked at noon.
ruata Island had room for three LST's, Twenty-eight Allied fighters from New
but using this meant unloading gear at Georgia kept many of them off, but some
Puruata and then transshipping it to the got through and damaged the President
mainland. At the beaches east of Cape Jackson. Once ashore, the 148th relieved
Torokina the LST's grounded offshore. the 3d Marines on the left flank, and

TRACTOR AND TRAILER IN MUD. Marines are perched on load of artillery


the marine regiment was assigned a po- Except for miscellaneous units and de-
sition in the middle of the inland side tachments, this completed the movement
of the perimeter defense. of General Beightler's veteran division
General Geiger, having flown out from to the beachhead. The remaining units
Washington and relieved General Van- of the 21st Marines arrived on 11 and 17
degrift as corps commander, arrived at November. During the latter shipment
Bougainville on the 9th. On 13 Novem- the APD McKean was fatally torpedoed
ber Admiral Wilkinson relinquished his by a Japanese plane. Thus by the end
control and Geiger became directly re- of the third week in November there
sponsible to Halsey. The amphibious were two full divisions at Empress
commander retained responsibility for Augusta Bay, plus substantial bodies of
the transport of troops and supplies to corps troops, naval construction battal-
the beachhead. ions, and naval base forces. The I Marine
Other reinforcements from the 37th Amphibious Corps held a perimeter
and 3d Marine Divisions came in about sixteen thousand yards in circum-
promptly. The 129th Regimental Com- ference, including seven thousand yards
bat Team landed on 13 November, and along the beach. The 37th Division held
was followed six days later by the 145th. the left, the 3d Marine Division the

right. This perimeter was not attained

without fighting, but the 37th Division
was fortunate in that, except for patrol
clashes, all the fighting occurred in the
3d Marine Division's zone.

Expansion of the Perimeter

Even after 1 November Japanese
Army commanders continued to cherish
the delusion that the main effort was yet
to come, and that southern Bougainville
or Buka was the real target. However,
on orders from Imamura to destroy the
wide, shallow Allied beachhead at Cape
Torokina, Hyakutake dispatched the two
battalions of the 23d Infantry from the
Buin area to the cape. Under command
of Maj. Gen. Shun Iwasa, infantry group
commander of the 6th Division, the 23d
was to operate in conjunction with the
17th Division troops whose transfer from
Rabaul, first planned for 1 November,
had been postponed. Aboard four de-
stroyers, 475 men of this group finally
got under way for Torokina on 6 No-
vember; 700 others sailed for Buka. The
17th Division troops were to cover the
movement of the 23d Infantry by land-
ing north of the cape near the Ameri-
cans' left and creating a diversion. They
would then move inland and join with
the 23d. Iwasa was to advance down a
trail with the combined force and attack
the beachhead.
The troop-carrying destroyers hove to
off the beach between the Laruma and
Koromokina Rivers in the predawn
darkness on the morning of 7 November.
Between 0400 and 0600, the 475 soldiers
slipped ashore in twenty-one landing SOLDIERS OF THE 148TH REGIMENTAL
craft under the very noses of the Ameri- COMBAT TEAM boarding the transport
can defenders. Patrolling PT boats President Jackson for the run to
missed the destroyers, and an antitank Bougainville, 5 November 1943.

platoon on shore saw the landing craft moved into position inland and had al-
but thought they were American. The ready begun attacking the trail blocks
enemy soldiers landed so close to the the marines had set up. Control of the
American lines that they actually cut off trail system inland was of great im-
several marines in an outpost, who were portance to the security of the beach-
later rescued by two LCM's. head. It was clear that unless the Japa-
The Japanese attacked at once in the nese had enough strength to deliver a
vicinity of a lagoon about fourteen hun- major attack from the sea (and Admiral
dred yards west of the Koromokina Sherman had settled that question on 5
River. The sector was defended by troops November) any Counteroffensives would
of the 3d Marines who had just ex- be delivered along the axes of the trails.
changed positions with the 9th Marines. There were two important tracks at
General Turnage had ordered the trans- Cape Torokina, East-West Trail and the
fer because the 3d had seen all the fight- Numa Numa Trail. The latter ran from
ing on D Day, the 9th (which landed on the shore near the mouth of the Piva
the left) none, and there seemed to be River northward through the mountains
no immediate prospect of fighting on the to Numa Numa on the east coast. East-
left. The enemy made some small local West Trail intersected the Numa Numa
gains by infiltrating. The fighting, with Trail about five thousand yards inland
rifles, machine guns, mortars, and gre- (north) of the Piva's mouth. It led east-
nades, was close work, but the marine ward, then north through the mountains
lines held. to Roravana Bay and intersected the
Next morning five field artillery bat- several trails leading to Buin. A local
teries, plus mortars, antitank guns, and track, Mission Trail, ran from a point
machine guns, fired a twenty-minute about two thousand yards north of the
preparation into the Japanese position. Piva mouth southwestward to the Roman
Then the newly arrived 1st Battalion, Catholic mission station at Buretoni just
21st Marines, supported by light tanks, northwest of Torokina.
assaulted. It met only light opposition; On 5 November the 23d Infantry at-
the artillery preparation had come close tacked a block on Mission Trail that was
to achieving perfection. Instead of en- held by the 3d Raider Battalion. After
gaging in a fierce fight, the 1st Battalion the raider battalion beat off the 23d; it
walked, cautiously but steadily, through and later the 3d Battalion, 9th Marines,
the jungle. It found, in the small area counterattacked up Mission Trail and by
where the Japanese had packed them- Armistice Day had advanced to the junc-
selves, about three hundred men killed tion of Mission and Numa Numa Trails.
almost instantaneously, their dead bodies Losing 19 killed and 32 wounded, the
lying beside their smashed weapons. In marines estimated that they had ac-
this action at Koromokina Lagoon the counted for 550 of the enemy.
marines suffered sixteen men killed, Two days later the 21st Marines con-
thirty wounded. tinued the fight, this time not only to
Meanwhile the 23d Infantry had keep control of the trails but also to se-

cure an airfield site. Since landing the I West Trail crossed several tributary
Marine Amphibious Corps had also been forks of the Piva River. Here, between
hard at work pushing supply routes 20 and 24 November, the Japanese re-
through the swamps, an extremely dif- sisted vigorously but vainly. By 26 No-
ficult and time-consuming task. At the vember the 3d Marine Division, main-
same time patrols had found a good air- taining contact on the left with the 37th
field site in a coconut grove by the right Division, had extended its lines as far
(west) bank of the Piva River near the north as the south shore of Lake Kath-
junction of the Numa Numa and East- leen, about 7,500 yards north of the
West Trails. This was some distance Piva's mouth. In the fighting in the Piva
from the 3d Division's front, and the dif- forks the 3d Marines took the first high
ficulties of pushing supplies so far pre- ground in the beachhead. Along the
vented an immediate forward displace- shore line the I Corps held the beach
ment of the 3d Division to include the from a point 6,000 yards northwest of
site. Generals Geiger and Turnage there- Cape Torokina to a point 3,500 east of
fore decided to establish a self-sustaining the cape. The inland lines of the perim-
outpost at the trail junction in order to eter were about 19,500 yards long.
hold the airfield site. On 13 and 14 No- During November the Japanese Army
vember troops of the 21st Marines, fight- commanders still refused to believe that
ing hard against Japanese in prepared Halsey had made his main effort at Em-
positions, made their way through the press Augusta Bay and therefore under-
coconut grove and by 1600 of 14 Novem- took no counterattacks on a scale large
ber had seized the trail junction. enough to be effective. But Rabaul-based
Because the building of roads and aircraft continued to raid the beachhead.
trails inside the beachhead eased the Both division command posts were hit,
logistical situation, Geiger decided to as were several fuel and ammunition
move his whole front forward in the dumps, which blew skyward in impres-
latter part of November. The 3d Di- sive and expensive displays. On a few
vision would advance on the east (right), occasions the enemy planes swooped
the 37th Division on the west. Five down suddenly over the mountains dur-
artillery battalions, operating under the ing daylight and caught the beachhead
37th Division artillery commander, Brig. by surprise (the mountains blocked the
Gen. Leo N. Kreber, would provide sup- radar beams), but most of the bombings
port, as would the Aircraft, Northern were nocturnal, and the Japanese simpli-
Solomons, under Brig. Gen. Field Harris, fied the radar operators' problems by
USMC. The 37th Division met no fight- attacking from seaward where they were
ing in its advance but the 3d Marine easy to locate in time for warning to be
Division continued to meet opposition given and the antiaircraft guns to go
from the 23d Infantry along the trails, into action. Puruata Island, with phos-
especially on the Numa Numa Trail phorescent water outlining it clearly,
north of the airfield site and in the region was a favorite and profitable target, since
northeast of that site where the East- it was nearly always packed with supplies
ADMIRAL WILLIAM F. HALSEY, JR., center, with Maj. Gen. Roy S. Geiger, left,
and Brig. Gen. Leo N. Kreber, Bougainville, 13 November 1943.
37 T H DIVISION TROOPS moving inland from the beach over a slimy mud trail,
8 November 1943. These men are from the 148th Regimental Combat Team.
view from Bougainville. Note wrecked landing craft, foreground. Top right,
damaged 90-mm. gun of F Battery, 3d Defense Battalion. Bottom, fuel dump
on fire.

awaiting transshipment to the main- anese had begun to emplace artillery of

land. calibers as high as 150-mm. on the high
These attacks did not jeopardize the ground around the beachhead, especially
security of the beachhead but they were in a group of hills that lay east of the
a costly nuisance. Of ninety air alerts in Numa Numa-East-West Trails' junction
November, twenty-two resulted in bomb- and paralleled the west bank of the
ings and strafings that killed twenty-four Torokina River. With these guns they
men and wounded ninety-six. In addi- shelled the beachhead, especially the air-
tion to the antiaircraft guns a few PV-1 strips and the supply dumps. The 3d
night fighters from New Georgia de- Marine Division reacted by extending
fended against Kusaka's fliers. Though its lines to include the hills in a series
their losses were lighter than in daylight of operations that lasted from 9 Decem-
attacks, the Japanese lost several planes ber through 27 December. One emi-
to the night fighters and the antiaircraft nence, Hellzapoppin Ridge, was a nat-
batteries. ural fortress three hundred feet long,
So sure were the Japanese that Buka with sharp slopes and a narrow crest. It
was an ultimate target that they con- overlooked much of the beachhead and
tinued to send reinforcements there. was an excellent site for artillery. Here
Late in November 920 soldiers on board the Japanese had constructed extensive
three destroyers with two more escort- positions on the reverse slopes using nat-
ing attempted to get to Buka. They were ural and artificial camouflage. The 21st
intercepted in the Solomon Sea during Marines attacked Hellzapoppin Ridge
the night of 25 November by Captain but were driven off on 18 December.
Burke's destroyer squadron, which Several air strikes missed the narrow
chased them from near Buka almost to ridge completely. Finally, co-ordinated
Cape Saint George, the southern tip of air (TBF's dropped 100-pound bombs
New Ireland. Burke's ships sank three with delay fuzes), artillery, and infantry
destroyers without receiving as much as attacks resulted in the capture of Hellza-
one hit themselves. This action, the poppin on Christmas Day. In the air
Battle of Cape Saint George, was the last strikes success was finally attained by
of the night surface engagements which marking the American front lines with
had characterized the Solomons cam- colored smoke and designating the enemy
paigns since the one off Savo Island on targets with white phosphorus.
8 August 1942.12 By 15 December the Americans held
In November and December at Em- their final defensive line, a perimeter
press Augusta Bay the indefatigable Jap- defense that extended on its inland side
for about 22,500 yards. Over 44,000 men
In the early hours of 20 November a Japanese were present. Construction of the de-
plane scored a direct hit on one of the 90-mm. guns fense perimeter had begun in some sec-
of F Battery, 3d Defense Battalion, on Puruata
that killed five and wounded eight of the crew as tors on 25 November, and by 15 Decem-
well as knocking the gun out of commission and ber the work was complete. The line
blowing up a fuel dump.
For details see Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks
consisted of two-man foxholes, trenches,
Barrier, pp. 352-59. emplacements for automatic weapons,

full of trip wires and of cans hung up

to rattle when an enemy approached the
wire. Several antiaircraft searchlights
were set up to illuminate the front at
night, either directly or by throwing up
widely spread beams that would be re-
flected down from the clouds. The de-
fenses were formidable, and it would be
some time before the Japanese got
around to testing them thoroughly.
Meanwhile life inside the perimeter
promised to be relatively agreeable.

The XIV Corps Takes Over

The 3d Marine Division had borne
the brunt of operations thus far, but it
was not to be allowed to settle down in
comfort behind its defenses. Admiral
Halsey had other plans. The Americal
and 40th Divisions had at first been
105-MM. HOWITZER of the 135th Field scheduled for the projected assault
Artillery Battalion in action. against Kavieng, but Halsey now wanted
the I Marine Amphibious Corps, con-
mortars, antitank guns, and artillery, sisting of the 3d Marine Division and
with alternate positions for all weapons. the 40th Infantry Division, to conduct
Fields of fire were cleared for 100 yards the operation. He proposed sending
in front of the lines but all possible General Griswold's XIV Corps head-
foliage was left in place overhead. The quarters to Bougainville to relieve Gen-
field artillery, grouped under command eral Geiger's headquarters, and trans-
of General Kreber, was sited to fire in ferring the Americal Division from the
support of any threatened sector, and all Fijis to relieve the 3d Marine Division.
weapons were registered and adjusted for When Halsey first announced his plan
every possible avenue of approach. All on 2 November General Harmon op-
trails were blocked, and the approaches posed it, but Halsey overrode his ob-
to the swamps were mined. Whenever jections.
possible machine guns were posted in Thus on 15 December General Gris-
commanding positions on high ground. wold relieved General Geiger of com-
The 4.2-inch chemical mortars were so mand of all Allied air, surface, and
sited and adjusted that they could place ground forces based at Empress Augusta
their fire directly in front of the infantry. Bay and in the Treasuries. Admiral Hal-
The whole front was wired in behind sey also made Harmon his informal
two rows of either double-apron or con- 13
The 40th was then in Hawaii due for shipment
certina barbed wire, and the wire was to the South Pacific.

deputy for supervising operations of the

XIV Corps. On Christmas Day came
the first troops of the Americal Division,
the 164th Regimental Combat Team.
Bidden farewell by one of the area's fre-
quent earthquakes, the battle-weary 3d
Marines departed on the ships that had
carried the 164th. On 28 December Gen-
eral Hodge arrived and took over com-
mand of the eastern sector from Turn-
age, and the 182d Regimental Combat
Team prepared to take over from the
21st Marines. The 132d Regimental
Combat Team took over its part of the
line on 9 February, and five days later
the Americal's field artillery battalions,
the 221st, 245th, 246th, and 247th, began
relieving the 3d Division's artillery regi-
ment, the 12th Marines. The 3d De-
fense Battalion and several Marine air
squadrons remained at Empress Augusta
4.2-lNCH CHEMICAL MORTAR firing in
Bay. support of infantry troops.
With the Japanese quiescent in De-
cember except for intermittent air at-
only improve the supply situation but
tacks at night, the immediate problems
facing Griswold were logistical rather would give Griswold all the benefits of
than tactical. The road net had to be interior lines if and when the Japanese
finished; a good road net would not attacked in strength. The inland air-
fields had to be completed, beach con-
Total casualties for the I Marine Amphibious
gestion ended, more dumps and depots
Corps to 15 December were: established. General Griswold stated the
1. Empress Augusta Bay, 293 killed, 1,071 wound- problem thus:
ed, 95 missing, and 1,161 sick and evacuated. (The
relatively large figure for missing was due to the Puruata Island was so heavily loaded
McKean's sinking and the loss of many of her down it was about to sink. All beaches were
passengers.) congested. No long range supply road sys-
2. Treasuries, 53 killed, 174 wounded, and 1
missing. tem had been planned. Long hand carry
3. Choiseul, 7 killed, 14 wounded, 4 missing. In was the rule, particularly in the Marine Di-
addition I Marine Amphibious Corps lost several vision sector (later the Americal) for the
men at the base depot in Vella Lavella to aerial front line troops. Forward ration dumps,
bombardment. Of the total casualties, the 3d Marine ammunition and bomb dumps, gasoline
Division lost the most—186 killed, 624 wounded. dumps, hospital areas and bomb shelters for
The 37th Division suffered 10 wounded during the
period. All these figures are taken from a casualty
the same, beach developments, interior sup-
report in I Marine Amphibious Corps' report, Phase ply roads, the Service Command area itself,
III. The 3d Marine Division reported that it had a central cemetery, refrigeration, sawmills,
counted 2,100 dead Japanese. drainage ditches, and a myriad of other

LT. GEN. MILLARD F. HARMON, center, and Maj. Gen. Oscar W. Griswold, second
from left, are briefed by a Marine officer.

things were non-existent, and not even 1944. By 31 January its strength was
visualized. Space for all these things15 had to slightly more than two thousand men.
be carved out of the virgin jungle. Logistical development under Gris-
Griswold, characterized by Halsey as wold was extensive and orderly. By now
"a farsighted and capable planner," set the swamp had been drained. Malaria
to work with his staff.16 Harmon's head- was kept rigidly under control. The
quarters contributed greatly to the solu- volcanic ash of the region made adequate
tion of the logistical problems by activat- roads, but the heavy rainstorms that fell
ing, in New Caledonia on 15 December, almost daily tended to wash them away.
a Provisional Service Command for Bou- Road maintenance was therefore one of
gainville. This organization, specifically the most difficult logistic problems. By
tailored for the particular mission of 1March forty-three miles of two-way
supporting the XIV Corps, began its and thirty-six miles of one-way roads had
operations on Bougainville on 6 January been built. The troops also cleared
several acres for gardens. The hot sun
and frequent rains gave them fair re-
Ltr, Griswold to Barnett, CofS USAFISPA, 15 turns, and fresh vegetables, normally a
Feb 44, quoted in SOPACBACOM, The Bougain- rarity in that part of the world, improved
ville Campaign, Ch. 5, p. 239, OCMH.
Halsey, Narrative Account of the South Pacific the otherwise almost unvarying diet of
Campaign, p. 11, OCMH. C and K rations and dehydrated foods.

Green vegetables grew fairly well, but lage of Ibu, east of the mountains, where
tomatoes and corn did not. There were they set up an outpost on 30 December.
frequent distributions of books, movies, From Ibu these natural jungle fighters
performances by motion picture and kept watch over enemy movements on
radio personalities, sports, and occasion- the east coast so that no Japanese could
ally beer and soft drinks. Empress advance unsuspected along the Numa
Augusta Bay was about as pleasant a Numa Trail. They reported to corps
beachhead as one could hope for. headquarters by radio and were supplied
During the first two and a half months by air drops from C-47's. They also
following Griswold's assumption of com- hacked an airstrip suitable for L-4 planes
mand there was no heavy fighting. There (Piper Cubs) on the 1,700-foot-high shelf
were not enough troops to hold all the that Ibu rests on.
high ground inland, but combat and But during December 1943 all ground
reconnaissance patrols went out to the operations were of minor importance
east, the north, and the west to keep tab when compared with the air operations
on all the possible routes of Japanese against Rabaul that were conducted by
approach. Airplanes also reconnoitered South Pacific aircraft.
trails, and PT boats, water routes.
One of the outstanding patrols was December Attacks Against Rabaul
conducted by the 1st Battalion of the
Eight Seabee battalions and one New
Fiji Infantry Regiment, which arrived in
Zealand engineer brigade had begun
late December. This battalion, composed
work on a fighter strip at Cape Torokina
of 34 officers (some white, some Fijian)
promptly after D Day. Because the area
and 777 enlisted Fijians, was at first com- was one of the few relatively dry patches
manded by Lt. Col. J. B. K. Taylor of of ground at Empress Augusta Bay, there
New Zealand. But Taylor was wounded was some competition among other units
his first night ashore and was replaced to occupy it, but the squatters were
by Maj. Geoffrey T. Upton, also of New evicted and the builders were able to
Zealand.18 A detachment of the Fiji bat- 19
work unimpeded. The strip was ready
talion left the beachhead on 28 Decem- for operations on 9 December, and the
ber and walked through the mountains next day seventeen F4U's of Marine
over the Numa Numa Trail to the vil- Fighting Squadron 216 (I Marine Air-
craft Wing) flew in and set up at their
Ltr, Hon. Hugh M. Milton, II (former CofS, new base.
XIV Corps), to author, 13 Jul 56, OCMH. Excep- Starting in mid-November B-24's of
tions to the unvarying diet were: turkey for the Thirteenth Air Force had begun
Thanksgiving and Christmas, steak early in 1944,
and fresh (cold storage) eggs on Easter Sunday. bombing Rabaul every few days, but
The Fijians added more color to the beach-
head than did any other unit. Immaculate in ap-
pearance, they were nearly all men of extraordinary This section is based on Craven and Cate, The
physical stature. They obviously liked soldiering Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 350-52; Mori-
and their marching was impressive in its precision. son, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 392-98;
They sang well and often, their repertoire ranging USSBS, The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul,
from their native songs through "Onward Christian passim. See also Sherrod, History of Marine Corps
Soldiers" to "Pistol Packin' Mama" in Fijian. Aviation in World War II, pp. 193-97.

C-47 AIR-DROPPING SUPPLIES on a partially completed airstrip.

now, with its new forward fighter fields ers, or about twice what the Japanese
at Torokina and in the Treasuries, Air had in the entire Southeast Area.21
Command, Solomons, was ready to start The first time the Torokina field was
an intensive series of operations with used against Rabaul was 17 December,
the purpose of completely neutralizing when fighters from New Georgia staged
Rabaul. through it on a 76-plane sweep. From
The Solomons air command now had then on it was almost continuously in
a new commander. Maj. Gen. Ralph J. use. For the rest of December, except
Mitchell of the Marine Corps relieved when the weather was too bad for flying,
General Twining on 20 November. Mitchell continued the attacks, varying
Twining returned to the United States, fighter sweeps with fighter-escorted raids
then went to Italy where he commanded
by B-24's.22
the Fifteenth Air Force.20 The strength
But Mitchell's heavy bomber pilots,
of General Mitchell's command was
formidable, even after the intensive
operations of October and November. 21
Total strength of Mitchell's command, includ-
He had, in operating condition on 17 ing nonoperational planes, was 268 fighters, 252
December, 199 fighters, 200 light and lightOnandChristmas
medium bombers, and 111 heavy bombers.
Day Halsey sent a carrier raid
medium bombers, and 99 heavy bomb- against Kavieng. He ordered a surface bombard-
ment of Buka in order to lure out enemy aircraft,
whereupon Admiral Sherman's two carriers (Bunker
In the closing days of the war, Twining led the Hill and Monterey) struck Kavieng soon after sun-
Twentieth Air Force. rise. But Sherman's pilots found few targets.

like Kenney's, were unable to knock out It was clear that the reduction of
Rabaul, and toward the end of the year Rabaul would not occur until 1944.
the Japanese sent in more planes. Me- Kenney's and Mitchell's attacks in 1943,
dium, dive, and torpedo bombers however, were quite effective, if not com-
would have to be used, and their em- pletely successful. They caused enough
ployment would have to await comple- damage to make the Japanese garrison
tion of the strips near the Piva River. start wholesale excavation in November
The first of these, termed Piva U or Piva in an effort to put everything possible
Uncle, was started on 29 November and under ground and so escape complete
completed on 30 December. The second, destruction.
Piva Yoke, was ready on 9 January Meanwhile, under partial cover of the
invasion of Bougainville and Mitchell's
attacks on Rabaul, General MacArthur's
These dates are taken from Building the Navy's forces had crossed Vitiaz and Dampier
Bases in World War II, pp. 270-72. Straits to invade New Britain.

Crossing the Straits

Plans and Preparations Allied control over Rabaul and over
Kavieng and Manus in the Admiralties,
By November 1943 CARTWHEEL was
and to provide bases on the north side of
rolling along rapidly and smoothly. In
the straits to insure the safe passage of
just over five months Nassau Bay, Wood-
lark, Kiriwina, New Georgia, Vella La-
vella, Salamaua, Nadzab, Lae, the Mark- Selecting Targets
ham Valley, Finschhafen, the Treasuries,
and Empress Augusta Bay had fallen to GHQ's orders for the operation, given
the Allies. At the newly won bases air- the code name DEXTERITY, were pub-
fields were either in operation or under lished on 22 September.1 They directed
construction. Allied planes dominated General Krueger's ALAMO Force, for-
the skies all the way to Rabaul, and merly the New Britain Force, supported
Allied ships sailed the Solomon Sea and by Allied Air and Allied Naval Forces,
the Huon Gulf in comparative safety. and by U.S. Army Services of Supply,
The capture of Finschhafen in Opera- Southwest Pacific, to seize Cape Glou-
tion II was a step toward control of the cester by airborne and amphibious in-
straits between New Guinea and New vasions and to neutralize the forward
Britain, a control that would help make Japanese base at Gasmata on southern
possible the drive toward the Vogelkop New Britain, to gain control over
Peninsula and the Philippines in 1944 western New Britain as far east as the
and would be essential to any amphibi- line Gasmata-Talasea, and to capture
ous advance against Rabaul. The South- Vitu and Long Islands beyond the straits.
west Pacific's next move (Operation III General Blamey's New Guinea Force
of ELKTON III) was first planned by would meanwhile continue its opera-
GHQ on the assumption that Rabaul tions in the Huon Peninsula and the
would be captured. Looking eastward valleys. Gasmata was to be neutralized
rather than westward from the Huon by troops who would land at nearby
Lindenhafen Plantation, establish an
Peninsula, it aimed at the establishment
emergency airfield, and advance on Gas-
of air forces at Cape Gloucester on
mata in a shore-to-shore movement. The
western New Britain and of PT boat
bases on the south coast of New Britain. 1
GHQ SWPA OI 38, 22 Sep 43, and amendments,
(See Map 12.) These were to increase in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 22 Sep 43.

plan directed Krueger to prepare to par- CARTWHEEL operations and then the
ticipate with South Pacific forces in the move toward the Philippines, according
capture of Rabaul but this order was to the following schedule: Hansa Bay, 1
canceled on 10 November. Saidor was February 1944; Kavieng (by the South
not specifically mentioned, although Pacific), 1 March 1944; Admiralties, 1
both MacArthur and Chamberlin had March 1944; neutralization of Rabaul
suggested it as a target earlier in the and perhaps, later, its occupation; Hum-
month. boldt Bay and Arafura Sea, 1 June 1944;
D Day for the invasion of Cape Geelvink Bay-Vogelkop Peninsula, 15
Gloucester was initially set for 20 No- August-1 October, 1944; Halmahera,
vember but was postponed twice. The Amboina, the Palaus, 1 December 1944;
final date was 26 December. Mindanao, 1 February 1945.
This plan provoked a good deal of General Chamberlin, MacArthur's
disagreement. The first to protest was G-3, observed that the air general's plan
General Kenney. With the decision to differed from MacArthur's present
bypass Rabaul obviously in mind, he plans.4 There would be time, he asserted,
presented his objections to General Mac- to complete airdromes at Gloucester be-
Arthur on 10 October. The original con- fore undertaking the next operations.
cept, he argued, called for an encircling While he did not state that the Kavieng
ring of air bases, including Cape Glou- invasion could not be supported without
cester, to be established around Rabaul Gloucester, he pointed out several ad-
in order to lay siege to it. But now that vantages to be derived from the move to
"faster action is contemplated" it would New Britain:
take too long to develop Gloucester into 1. The Allies could better control
a useful air base. It would not be neces- Vitiaz Strait. (Here he reversed himself
sary to take either Gloucester or Linden- on the position he had taken on the
hafen, he told MacArthur: bases at Do- point the month before.) Control from
bodura, Nadzab, and Kiriwina, plus the one side would be possible but it would
one at Finschhafen and perhaps a new be dangerous to leave the other side in
one at Saidor, could provide support Japanese hands.
for invasions as far away as Kavieng. 3 In 2. Cape Gloucester would provide
speaking of faster action, Kenney appar- better support for the Kavieng and Ad-
ently was referring to the long-range miralties attacks provided for in RENO
plan RENO III, which was then being III.
prepared. It called for completion of the 3. Cape Gloucester would provide
better cover for convoys moving through
GHQ SWPA OI 38/12, 10 Nov 43. Apparently Vitiaz Strait against the Admiralties.
there was a strategic lag at GHQ so that the impact
of the Joint Chiefs' order to bypass Rabaul was not Even assuming the bypassing of Rabaul,
fully reflected at once in orders prepared by the Chamberlin concluded, a point on the
GHQ staff. south coast of New Britain would be
Ltr, Kenney to CINCSWPA, 10 Oct 43, sub:
GHQ OI 38, 22 Sep 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 11 needed to control Vitiaz Strait, neutralize
Oct 43; Kenney, General Kenney Reports, pp. 326-
27; General Kenney's comments on draft MS of Chamberlin must also have been referring to
this volume, OCMH. RENO III.

Gasmata, and provide an emergency air- base elsewhere on New Britain's south
field for planes attacking Rabaul. coast. Therefore Arawe, the name of a
Admirals Carpender and Barbey also peninsula, a harbor, and an island west
seem to have favored holding both sides of Gasmata which had been listed as an
of the straits, as did General Krueger. objective in ELKTON III, was substituted
The admirals did not favor the seizure for Gasmata with the intention of using
of Gasmata, because they felt it would it as a PT base and in the hope of divert-
mean a reckless exposure of ships to ing the enemy's attention from Cape
Rabaul-based aircraft.6 Gloucester. Arawe had a fair anchorage
Kenney was informed that Mac- and there were only a few Japanese in
Arthur's plans, which encompassed the the area. General Kenney assured his
bypassing of Rabaul, required Cape fellow commanders that he could give
Gloucester and Lindenhafen.7 But Ken- better air cover to Arawe than to Gas-
ney's argument, coupled with the ad- mata. Cape Gloucester remained the
mirals' and added to the facts that Gas- main objective.9 As the same ships had
mata was swampy and that the Japanese to be used for both invasions, the dates
were known to be sending more troops were staggered.
there, did have some effect. One month
later MacArthur canceled Gasmata Setting Dates
operations and directed the ALAMO
The first dates selected, 14 November
Force to seize Cape Gloucester and to
for Lindenhafen and 20 November for
establish control over adjacent islands
Cape Gloucester, proved impossible to
and "minimum portions" of western
meet and had to be postponed. The
New Britain with the purpose of pro-
process of postponement and selection of
tecting Cape Gloucester.8
new dates clearly illustrates some of the
The matter did not end there. It was
controlling factors in Southwest Pacific
finally settled by a conference at GHQ
amphibious operations.
in Brisbane on 21 November attended by
By 26 October Kenney, Sutherland,
Kenney, Carpender, and Barbey. The
and Chamberlin realized that enough
naval commanders opposed Gasmata and
air cover would not be available to meet
are reported to have wanted a PT boat
the first target dates. The Finschhafen
airstrip would not be completed until
Memo, ACofS G-3 GHQ SWPA for CofS GHQ about 5 December. Construction of the
SWPA, 11 Oct 43, sub: Comments on Ltr From
Comdr AAF, 10 Oct 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, Lae-Nadzab road had fallen behind
11 Oct 43; Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadal-
canal to Saipan, pp. 330-31.
6 9
Ltr, Adm Barbey to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil Memo, SJC [Chamberlin] for MacArthur, 21
Hist, 20 Nov 53, no sub, OCMH. Nov 43, sub: Practicality of Establishing PT Base
Ltr, GHQ SWPA to Comdr AAF, 16 Oct 43, S Coast Western New Britain, in GHQ SWPA G-3
sub: GHQ OI 38, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 16 Oct Jnl, 21 Nov 43; GHQ OI 38/15, 22 Nov 43; Ltr,
43.8 Gen Krueger to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, 31
GHQ SWPA OI 38/12, 10 Nov 43. General Oct 53, no sub, OCMH. For conflicting accounts
Whitehead also disliked both Gasmata and Cape see Kenney, General Kenney Reports, pp. 326-27,
Gloucester. See his letter to Kenney, 11 November and Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, p.
1943, quoted in Craven and Cate, The Pacific: 372. After the war Barbey expressed the view that
Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 329-30. the PT base was never an important factor.
schedule and it could not take heavy Finschhafen for the time being. Mac-
vehicles and machinery before 1 Decem- Arthur, accepting these recommenda-
ber; consequently the three airstrips in tions, announced that he would delay
the lower Markham Valley would not be the attack about fifteen days, and that
in shape to maintain air operations be- the VII Amphibious Force would sup-
fore 15 December. The VII Amphibious ply Lae and Finschhafen until about 20
Force, which would carry the assault November.11
troops in DEXTERITY, could not be re- This decision provoked the quiet, un-
leased from its responsibilities for sup- dramatic General Krueger to protest that
plying Lae and Finschhafen for some the resulting schedule would be too
time. It was estimated that from 135,000 tight. MacArthur's order meant that
to 150,000 more tons of supplies would Gloucester would have to be invaded on
have to be sent to Lae, 60,000 to 70,000 4 December. The subsidiary operation
more to Finschhafen, in order to sup- would have to be accomplished on 28
port air operations. Shipments to Nad- November. Since there was no reserve
zab were slowed by the lack of enough shipping, any losses on 28 November
men and docks at Lae, and movement would hamper the main landing.
of supplies to Finschhafen was slowed Further, the VII Amphibious Force,
by the fact that until the airfield was once relieved at Lae and Finschhafen,
finished the naval commanders would could not be expected to get to Milne
not risk sending heavy ships there. Bay until 26 or 27 November. Thus
Southwest Pacific invasions usually there would hardly be time for re-
took place during the dark of the moon hearsals. Krueger, asking for more ships
to help hide ships from nocturnal raid- or for more time, suggested that the first
ing planes. The last-quarter moon would operation take place on 2 December,
come on 19 November, the first-quarter Gloucester on the 26th.12 MacArthur
moon on 4 December. If the attack could agreed to another postponement and
not be mounted before 4 December it eventually set Z Day for Arawe at 15
would have to be put off until after 19 December, D Day for Gloucester at 26
December, the date of the next last- December.13
quarter moon. But this was the period
of the northwest monsoon, and the ALAMO Force Plans
longer the Southwest Pacific waited for Originally assigned to ALAMO Force
ideal moon conditions the rougher for DEXTERITY were the 1st Marine Di-
would be the surf at Cape Gloucester. vision; the 32d Division; the 632d Tank
Chamberlin therefore recommended
that DEXTERITY be put off until the 10
Memo, Chamberlin for CofS GHQ SWPA, 26
earliest possible date in December, that Oct 43, sub: Data of Attack on New Britain, in
the VII Amphibious Force keep on sup- GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 26 Oct 43.
Rad, MacArthur to Comdrs NGF, ALAMO, et
plying Lae and Finschhafen a while al., 28 Oct 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 28 Oct 43.
longer, and that two engineer aviation 12
Ltr, Krueger to MacArthur, 12 Nov 43, no sub,
battalions that were scheduled for Cape in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 14 Nov 43.
GHQ SWPA OI 38/17, 3 Dec 43; GHQ SWPA
Gloucester be set to work at Lae and OI 38/18, 16 Dec 43.

Destroyer Battalion; the 503d Parachute On 21 October Krueger moved it to

Infantry Regiment, for Cape Gloucester Goodenough Island.16
only; and a number of quartermaster, During the planning period for DEX-
medical, signal, engineer, and antiair- TERITY the Japanese were strengthening
craft units. The 1st Cavalry and 24th their garrisons in western New Britain
Infantry Divisions, then in Australia but in accordance with the orders issued by
soon to move to New Guinea, and the Imamura in September. Thus Allied
503d Parachute Infantry (which would estimates of Japanese strength in the
be committed at Cape Gloucester) con- area rose from 500 before September to
stituted GHQ's reserve. The 1st Marine 2,500 on the 26th. In December Krueger
and 32d Divisions moved from Australia placed enemy strength at between 5,668
to the forward area shortly before the and 9,344, with the strongest concentra-
invasions.14 tion at Cape Gloucester. The 1st Marine
As usual, MacArthur gave Krueger Division, apparently deriving its infor-
responsibility for co-ordinating the plans mation from the same sources as ALAMO
of supporting air and naval forces with Force, arrived at a higher figure—be-
those of the ALAMO Force. In contrast tween 8,400 and 12,076.17
with the system of unity of command Little was known about the terrain of
over all elements of an invasion force western New Britain, and Krueger
that prevailed in the South Pacific, the ordered ground reconnaissance in addi-
commander in chief specifically directed tion to the extensive air photography
that Allied Air and Naval Forces would that was undertaken by Allied Air
operate under GHQ through their re- Forces. Because PT boats were not al-
spective commanders and exempted lowed to operate off New Britain's north
them from control by ALAMO or New coast no patrols were able to examine
Guinea Forces. However, if the Japanese Borgen Bay, where the main Cape
attacked in any area the senior local com- Gloucester landings were to take place.
mander was to control all Southwest Marine patrols landed from PT boats
Pacific forces in the threatened area. and reconnoitered the area south of Cape
General Krueger and the ALAMO Gloucester from 24 September through
Force staff had been planning for DEX-
TERITY since August. In the beginning 16
Sixth Army headquarters remained at Camp
ALAMO headquarters was at Milne Bay, Columbia near Brisbane until 2 February 1944
where it had been established at the when it moved to Cape Cretin on the southeast
opening of the CARTWHEEL offensives. corner of the Huon Peninsula. ALAMO headquarters
had moved from Goodenough to the cape on 24
December to be near the scene of operations. The
advance echelon of GHQ remained at Port Moresby.
The 32d Division went to Milne Bay and Good- ALAMO Force Rpt, DEXTERITY Opn, 15 Dec 43-
enough, the 1st Division to Milne Bay, Oro Bay, 10 Feb 44, and Incls, 17 May 44; ALAMO G-2
and Goodenough. Periodic Rpt 18, 9 Dec 43, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl
ELKTON III had provided for the invasion of DEXTERITY No. 6; 1st Mar Div Order of Battle and
Cape Gloucester, Arawe, and Gasmata, and in Strength Est, New Britain, 13 Dec 43, in ALAMO
August and September GHQ had prepared general Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 7. The order of battle
plans and specific orders that were superseded by lists were nearly correct except that the Allies did
RENO III and OI 38. See GHQ's MARFA Plans in not know that the 17th Division was moving from
ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 1. Rabaul to western New Britain.

21 December in a series of patrols. A assault, coupled with a parachute jump

group of ALAMO Scouts, an informal re- by the 503d.20 But this whole plan was
connaissance organization operating di- drastically revised.
rectly under General Krueger, recon- When on 22 November General Mac-
noitered Gasmata from 6 through 27 Arthur substituted Arawe for Gasmata,
October. On the night of 9-10 December Krueger decided to use a smaller force
one American officer and five natives than the 126th. He correctly believed
disembarked from a PT boat east of Arawe to be weakly defended. For Arawe
Arawe, scouted the area, and concluded he formed the DIRECTOR Task Force
there were only a few Japanese present.18 under Brig. Gen. Julian W. Cunning-
More information was obtained from ham, who as a colonel had led the in-
aerial photography. Missions were flown vasion of Woodlark. Its assault units in-
almost daily so that ALAMO and sub- cluded Col. Alexander M. Miller's two-
ordinate headquarters could be kept in- squadron 112th Cavalry; the 148th Field
formed of gun positions, beach defenses, Artillery Battalion; the 59th Engineer
bridges, and trails. The VII Amphibious Company; Headquarters and Headquar-
Force used air photos as the basis for its ters Battery, 236th Antiaircraft Artillery
hydrographic charts, and the 1st Marine (Searchlight) Battalion; and C and D
Division used them to pick the landing Batteries, 470th Antiaircraft Artillery
beaches.19 (Automatic Weapons) Battalion. In re-
Krueger's first tactical plans, prepared serve was the 2d Battalion, 158th In-
in accordance with GHQ's orders, had fantry. Supporting garrison units, to be
called for the heavily reinforced 126th moved to Arawe after 15 December (Z
Regimental Combat Team, under Brig. Day), consisted of several engineer, medi-
Gen. Clarence A. Martin, of the 32d Di- cal, ordnance, and other service detach-
vision, to take Gasmata. Cape Gloucester ments. All these units had been attached
was to have been captured by the BACK- to the ALAMO Force for the invasion of
HANDER Task Force under Maj. Gen. the Trobriands in June, and were still
William H. Rupertus, commander of the occupying the islands.
1st Marine Division. The assault force The concept of the Cape Gloucester
was to have consisted of one regimental invasion was changed also; the parachute
combat and one battalion landing team jump was canceled and the 503d re-
of Rupertus' division, the 503d Para- moved from the troop list. Several fac-
chute Infantry Regiment, and the 12th tors contributed to this change. General
Marine Defense Battalion. The marines Krueger's headquarters had never liked
were to have delivered an amphibious the idea. General Rupertus, too, had op-
18 20
The patrols on western New Britain included In reserve was Maj. Gen. William H. Gill's 32d
Maj. John V. Mather, Australian Army; Sub-Lt. Division less the 126th Regimental Combat Team.
Andrew Kirkwell-Smith, a coastwatcher in the Aus- General Chamberlin doubted the wisdom of using
tralian Navy; and Sub-Lt. William G. Wiedeman, the 503d as no suitable drop zone was to be found.
also of the Australian Navy but before the war a ALAMO Force Rpt, DEXTERITY Opn; ALAMO Plan of
Church of England missionary at Sag Sag on Opn, DEXTERITY, 28 Sep 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3
western New Britain. Jnl, 28 Sep 43; Memo, ACofS G-3 GHQ SWPA for
ALAMO Force Rpt, DEXTERITY Opn; Craven and CofS GHQ SWPA, 10 Oct 43, sub: Plan of Opns
Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, p. 332. DEXTERITY Submitted by ALAMO Force, same file.

posed the parachute jump from the start. Marine Division headquarters at Good-
He pointed out that bad weather, which enough on 14 December, Col. Edwin A.
had prevented several air attacks against Pollock, divisional operations officer,
Rabaul, might interfere with the para- frankly expressed the marines' objections
chute jump and thus deprive him of a to the parachute jump and the scheme of
substantial part of his assault force. maneuver.
General Kenney's headquarters, in De- Krueger had included the parachute
cember, added its opposition. First, al- jump because MacArthur's headquarters
though ALAMO Force orders did not had assigned the 503d Parachute In-
specify exactly how the jump was to be fantry to the operation, and he con-
accomplished, it was understood at sidered himself under orders to make
Allied Air Forces headquarters that a his plans fit the forces assigned.23 Mac-
piecemeal and therefore dangerous drop Arthur, Krueger, and Kenney now dis-
was planned. Second, it seemed that the cussed the matter further. It developed
jump would be under way about the that Dobodura would not support the
time that Japanese planes might be ex- mounting of the 503d as well as all the
pected to turn up. Asking if the jump planned bomber operations. To use the
was necessary, Kenney's operations officer 503d would require moving one heavy
stated emphatically that the air com- bomber group from Dobodura to Port
mander wanted "no part" of it.22 Moresby, and bad weather over the Owen
General Rupertus' headquarters had Stanleys might keep the bomber group
disliked the whole scheme of maneuver out of action. The jump was canceled.
as prescribed by ALAMO headquarters, ALAMO Force further revised its tac-
as well as the parachute jump. ALAMO'S tical plans for taking Cape Gloucester
first plans called for simultaneous, sepa- to meet the 1st Marine Division's ob-
rated landings by two small forces, which jections. Final plans called for one regi-
were to converge on the airfield at Cape mental combat team to land on two
Gloucester in conjunction with the beaches on the north coast of New
503d's jump. But the 1st Marine Di- Britain between Silimati Point in Bor-
vision, which had had ample experience gen Bay and the airfield at Cape Glouces-
with jungle warfare on Guadalcanal, ter, while a second (less a battalion
felt that this plan was unsound because landing team) landed immediately be-
the rough and scarcely known terrain hind, passed through the first, and at-
could easily delay either or both of the tacked toward Cape Gloucester to the
marching forces. Also, the Japanese airfields. One battalion landing team was
could be expected to outnumber any one to land near Tauali on the west coast of
of the three landing forces. When Gen- New Britain to block the coastal trail
erals MacArthur and Krueger visited 1st
Lt. Col. Frank O. Hough, USMCR, and Maj.
Memo, CG BACKHANDER TF for CG ALAMO, 3 John A. Crown, USMCR, The Campaign on New
Nov 43, no sub, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY Britain (Washington, 1952), p. 19; Gen Krueger's
No. 3. comments on the draft MS of this volume, attached
Check Sheet, Dir Opns AAF for G-3 GHQ to his ltr to Maj Gen A. C. Smith, Chief Mil Hist,
SWPA, 8 Dec 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 8 Dec 43. 31 Oct 53, no sub, OCMH.

and prevent reinforcement of the air- to the ALAMO Force by Z plus 5 and D
drome area from the south or retreat of plus 5, and was to furnish naval forces
the airdrome garrison to the south. with supplies common to the Army and
The assault units of Rupertus' BACK- Navy pending establishment of the naval
HANDER Task Force were two regimental supply system, or in emergencies. The
combat teams of the 1st Marine Di- VII Amphibious Force would of course
vision; the 12th Marine Defense Battal- transport supplies to the beachheads un-
ion less its 155-mm. gun group; detach- til they were secured and Frink was
ments, including LCM's and LCVP's, ready to take over. Allied Air Forces
of the 2d Engineer Special Brigade; and was to transport supplies to the ground
the 913th Engineer Aviation Battalion. troops in emergencies.
The reserve, supporting, and garrison All units in the task forces were to be
units included the remainder of the 1st stripped of equipment not needed for
Marine Division, the 155-mm. gun group their combat missions. They would carry
of the 12th Defense Battalion, and a large to Arawe and Cape Gloucester in the
number of engineer, medical, quarter- assault echelons thirty days' supply and
master, and malaria control units, chiefly three units of fire, which would be built
of the Army. up by succeeding shipments to sixty
The Arawe (DIRECTOR) forces were days' supply and six units of fire (ten
to mount the invasion at Goodenough, for antiaircraft). Oro Bay was the main
the Gloucester (BACKHANDER) forces supply base, Milne Bay the secondary.26
through Oro Bay, Goodenough, and Cape Cretin, near Finschhafen on the
Milne Bay. In ALAMO reserve was the southeast corner of the Huon Peninsula,
32d Division. which the ALAMO Force was preparing
Logistical plans called for the U.S. as a supply point and staging base, was
Army Services of Supply, Southwest to serve for resupply.
Pacific Area, now commanded by Maj. Krueger, on receiving data on Allied
Gen. James L. Frink, to establish and Air Forces' requirements, directed the
maintain at New Guinea bases sixty BACKHANDER Task Force to build a small
days' supply of all types except chemical strip at Cape Gloucester for air supply
and Air Force.25 Thirty days' of the last at once, a 100-by-5,000-foot runway by
two classes were to be maintained. D plus 10; a second 100-by-5,000-foot
Frink's command was to make building runway, capable of expansion to 6,000
materials for ports and air bases available feet, by D plus 30; and also overruns,
parallel taxiways, roads, and airdrome fa-
FO 5, and annexes, 30 Nov 43, in ALAMO Force G-3
Jnl DEXTERITY No. 5; Amendment 1 to ALAMO
FO 5, 15 Dec 43, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEX-
TERITY No. 7; Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadal- GHQ SWPA OI 38, 22 Sep 43, in GHQ SWPA
canal to Saipan, p. 331; Hough and Crown, The G-3 Jnl, 22 Sep 43; ALAMO Administrative Order 4,
Campaign on New Britain, p. 19. See also ACofS 30 Nov 43, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY
G-3 ALAMO, Revised G-3 Study, Gloucester, 2 Dec No. 5.
43, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 5. Appendix 4, Annex 4, Engr, to ALAMO FO 5,
General Marshall was Deputy Chief of Staff, 17 Dec 43, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY
GHQ. No. 8.

The Enemy companies at Gasmata.29 Final plans or-

ganized the entire force into three com-
When the Allies landed on Cape
mands. The first and largest, under Mat-
Gloucester General Imamura could not
suda, consisted of the 65th Brigade
have been surprised. He had anticipated
(principally the 141st Infantry), the 4th
such a move some time before. In Oc-
Shipping Group, and a large number of
tober the 8th Area Army staff had con-
field artillery, antiaircraft, automatic
cluded that two lines of action were
weapons, engineer, and communications
open to the Allies: capture of the New
units. Matsuda was charged with defense
Britain side of the straits, invasion of
of the area from the emergency airstrip
Bougainville, and a direct assault upon
and barge staging point near Tuluvu
Rabaul in February or March 1944; or
around the coast to Cape Busching on
the slower process of isolating Rabaul
the south. Under Matsuda Maj. Masa-
by seizing the Admiralties and Kavieng.28
mitsu Komori, with most of the 1st Bat-
Considering the first course the more
talion, 81st Infantry, one company of
likely, he decided to send more troops
the 54th Infantry, and engineers plus
to western New Britain in addition to
detachments, was assigned responsibility
those he had sent under General Mat-
for defense of Arawe. Col. Shuhei Hira-
suda in September. He would have
shima, commanding the 54th Infantry,
liked to reinforce the Admiralties and
less the 2d Battalion, the 2d Battalion,
Kavieng but felt he could not spare any
228th Infantry, the 2d Battalion, 23d
more troops from the defenses of Rabaul.
Field Artillery Regiment, and the naval
Imamura therefore ordered the 17th
guard companies, was to hold the air-
Division., less the battalions dispatched
field at Gasmata.30 The 17th Division
to Bougainville, to western New Britain.
established its command post at Gavuvu,
Reaching Rabaul from China between 4
east of the Willaumez Peninsula and a
October and 12 November, the 17th
long distance from the scene of opera-
went by echelons to its new posts by
naval vessel and small boat. The move-
The air strength available to the Jap-
ment began in October but was still
anese for the forthcoming fight had
under way in mid-December.
The 17th Division commander was been reduced, not only by the Allied air
attacks against Rabaul, but also by orders
given operational control of the units
from Tokyo. The 2d Area Army was
already there, chiefly General Matsuda's
established in the Netherlands Indies on
65th Brigade and 4th Shipping Group
1 December 1943, and the boundary be-
at Cape Gloucester and 2d Battalion,
tween it and Imamura's 8th Area Army
228th Infantry, and two naval guard
was set at longitude 140° east. But the
This subsection is based on 8th Area Army
Operations, Japanese Monogr No. no (OCMH), The 65th Brigade had played an important
pp. 85-119; Southeast Area Air Operations, 1942- part in the fighting on Luzon in the first Philip-
44, Japanese Monogr No. 38 (OCMH), pp. 25-29; pines campaign. See Morton, The Fall of the
Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese Philippines.
Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), pp. 36-39; 17th Division A false report from natives in October that the
Operations in Western New Britain, Japanese Allies had landed east of Gasmata had caused the
Monogr No. 111 (OCMH), pp. 1-7. dispatch of the naval companies to Gasmata.
B-25's OVER WEWAK. Three damaged enemy planes are visible on the ground.

7th Air Division was transferred out of Gloucester, dropped 3,926 tons of bombs,
the 4th Air Army and assigned to the and fired 2,095,488 rounds of machine
2d Area Army. This transfer seriously gun ammunition. The chief targets were
reduced Imamura's forces, but so far the Tuluvu airfield, antiaircraft guns, sup-
7th Air Division had not operated effec- ply dumps, and the barge staging points.
tively. Its most outstanding exploit had The airfield was knocked out of action
been the loss of planes on the ground early in the operation and stayed that
at Wewak. way.

Air Operations Arawe

With the new fields in the Markham Preliminaries
Valley and at Finschhafen in operation, The 112th Cavalry, shipped aboard
Allied Air Forces' aerial preparations for LST's, reached Goodenough Island from
DEXTERITY were the most extensive yet Woodlark on 1 and 2 December. There
seen in the Southwest Pacific. They in- General Cunningham gave Colonel
cluded, besides daily P-38 photographic Miller detailed orders for the landing
missions, long-range search missions by of his regiment at Arawe on 15 Decem-
PBY's of the Seventh Fleet's Patrol ber.
Wing 10, RAAF Catalinas, and Fifth Arawe, which before the war had been
Air Force B-24's, and bombing and a regular port of call for vessels of the
Air attacks, which had been under 34
This section is based on Ltr, Comdr VII Amphib
way against New Britain since October, Force to COMINCH, 10 Jan 44, sub: Arawe Opn,
began on a large scale in late November. and incls, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 10 Jan 44;
Cape Gloucester and Gasmata were the ALAMO Force Rpt, DEXTERITY Opn, and Incl 1,
Lessons Learned; DIRECTOR TF, Hist Rpt, Arawe
main targets. Arawe was avoided until [in form of ltr, Gen Cunningham to CG Sixth
14 December in order to keep from Army, 6 June 44]; 112th Cav, Hist Rpt [Arawe],
24 Nov 43-10 Feb 44; 8th Area Army Operations,
warning the Japanese. During December Japanese Monogr No. 110 (OCMH), pp. 119-22;
Kenney's planes attacked Gasmata or 17th Division Operations in Western New Britain,
Gloucester, or both, nearly every day Japanese Monogr No. 110 (OCMH), pp. 8-14;
Southeast Area Air Operations, Japanese Monogr
and sometimes twice a day. As General No. 38 (OCMH), pp. 29-30; Memo, Capt Joseph
Whitehead said, Cape Gloucester was H. Baker for CO 592d Engr Boat and Shore Regt,
"tailor made" for air operations. The 18 Dec 43, no sub, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEX-
TERITY No. 9; ALAMO Fragmentary FO's 1 and 2,
target area lay along the beach and was 27 Dec 43, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No.
long and narrow.33 During December 11; Capt T. H. Baker, USMC, Rpt Amphib Tractor
Kenney's planes flew 1,845 sorties over Opn Arawe, 27 Dec 43, in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl
DEXTERITY No. 12; Ltr, Gen Cunningham to CG
ALAMO, 6 Jan 44, sub: Opns DIRECTOR TF, in
Smith, The Approach to the Philippines, Ch. ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 15; Ltr, CG
IV. 2d ESB to CTF 76, 16 Dec 43, sub: Rpt Arawe
This subsection is based on Craven and Cate, Landing, and Log of Events as Seen From SC 742,
The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 332-38. both in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 8;
Memo, Lt Col Paul Weyrauch, Asst Arty Off CTF 76 Opn Plan A3-43, 10 Dec 43, and Memo,
ALAMO, and Lt Col Carl A. Fields, Air Off ALAMO, JWC [Cunningham] for Gen Krueger, 18 Dec 43,
for CofS ALAMO, 10 Nov 43, no sub, in ALAMO Force no sub, and 2d ESB FO 1, 11 Dec 43, all in ALAMO
G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 3. Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 7; G-2 ALAMO Ter-

MAP 17

Burns-Philp South Seas Company, had seventeen hundred yards east of the
a harbor suitable for large vessels. There peninsula's base. The rest of the coast
were several beaches that landing craft line consisted of stone cliffs about two
could use, of which the two best were hundred feet high, interspersed with low
House Fireman on the west coast of the ground that was covered by mangrove
boot-shaped Arawe peninsula and the swamp. Reefs fringed all the beaches,
village of Umtingalu on the mainland, and it was clear that LCVP's could not
get to the shore until detailed reconnais-
rain Rpt, Arawe, 26 Nov 43, and Ltr, Hq ALAMO sance for passages was made. (Map 17)
to CG BACKHANDER TF, 30 Nov 43, no sub, and Therefore General Krueger arranged
DIRECTOR TF FO 1, 4 Dec 43, and Memo, DAA
[Maj D. A. Alberti, ALAMO G-3 Sec] for G-3
with Rupertus for one company of the
ALAMO, 8 Dec 43, sub: Observation DIRECTOR Exer- 1st Marine Amphibian Tractor Battal-
cise, all in ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 5; ion to be attached to the DIRECTOR Task
Off of Chief Engr, GHQ AFPAC, Critique, pp.
109-17; Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadal- Force to take the assault waves ashore.
canal to Saipan, p. 335; Hough and Crown, The Krueger also attached part of the 592d
Campaign on New Britain, pp. 140-52; Isely and Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, 2d
Crowl, The U.S. Marines and Amphibious War, pp.
186-88; Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier,
Engineer Special Brigade, with 17
pp. 373-77. LCVP's, 9 LCM's, 2 rocket-firing

DUKW's, and 1 repair and salvage boat, parted for Buna, where General Cun-
to Task Force 76 for the landings. ningham left the Carter Hall and joined
The 112th Cavalry stayed on Good- Admiral Barbey aboard the destroyer
enough for ten days. During this period Conyngham, the flagship. The voyage to
the troops received additional practice the target, which included a feint to-
and training with all their weapons, in- ward Finschhafen, was uneventful ex-
cluding two new ones—the flame thrower cept for seas rough enough to cause
and the 2.36-inch rocket launcher (ba- the passenger troops some discomfort.
zooka). Before shoving off all men were Admiral Crutchley's cruisers and de-
informed of the general plan of attack stroyers covered the move to the east
and given aerial photographs and maps while PT boats patrolled the straits to
to study. The training period was topped the westward.
by two landings. The first was intended
to familiarize the troops with loading The Landings
and unloading landing craft. The second Barbey's convoy sighted the south
was conducted under assumed combat coast of New Britain shortly after 0300,
conditions and involved the co-ordinated 15 December, and the troop ships soon
landing of all elements at proper inter- hove to in the transport area about five
vals and their tactical deployment 37
miles east of Arawe. By 0450 the Carter
ashore. General Cunningham forcefully
Hall had launched thirty-nine loaded
pointed out several major deficiencies. amphibian tractors bearing the assault
Units were not always under control of waves and the two rocket DUKW's out
their commanders, intervals between
of her well deck.
landing waves were too long, and not all
Dawn was still one hour away when
junior officers and noncommissioned of-
150 men of A Troop, 112th, who had
ficers knew their duties.
been aboard the APD Sands, started for
With Generals MacArthur and Krue-
the beach at Umtingalu in fifteen rub-
ger looking on, the DIRECTOR Task
ber boats. They had been ordered to
Force boarded the LSD Carter Hall, make a surprise landing in darkness at
HMAS Westralia, and the APD's Sands
H minus 1 hour and block the coastal
and Humphreys on the afternoon of 13
trail that was the Japanese escape and
December.36 At midnight the ships de-
reinforcement route to the east. About
0525, when the boats were nearing shore
The rocket DUKW, with 4-5-inch rockets, was and in the moonlight were probably vis-
an experimental craft that the engineer special ible from the shore, they came under
brigades of the Southwest Pacific Area had de- fire from machine guns, rifles, and a 25-
veloped in an effort to provide fire support for
landings after naval gunfire had ceased or lifted. mm. dual purpose gun, which prompt-
These DUKW's attempted, without much success, ly sank all but three of the rubber boats.
to carry out the function performed by the LCI
gunboat in the South Pacific.
The Westralia is listed variously as an APA several LCT flotillas, and a service group of LST's
and an LSI. TF 76, for Arawe, including support- plus landing craft attached from the 1st Marine
ing echelons, consisted of the ships listed above, Division and the 2d Engineer Special Brigade.
ten escort and bombardment destroyers, an escort All times are approximate. All sources employed
and mine group of patrol craft and subchasers, give differing times for the same events.

The fire continued while the troops mop up. Bazooka fire closed one cave
floundered in the water divesting them- but the other was faced with logs which
selves of their light combat packs and proved impervious to rockets and ma-
outer clothing. The destroyer Shaw then chine guns. Finally a flame thrower
opened fire and quickly silenced the team, covered by machine gun fire,
enemy. Small boats picked up the sur- edged to within fifteen yards of the cave
vivors of A Troop, who later landed and let loose a blast of flame. B Troop
without arms and almost naked at then moved in, tossed grenades, and
House Fireman Beach. Twelve men the action was over. One American sol-
were killed, four missing, and seventeen dier had been killed. Seven dead enemy
wounded in this repulse. were found. The action ended about
B Troop fared better. Ordered to land 1130.
at H minus 1 hour on the islet of Meanwhile the main landing at
Pilelo, across Pilelo passage from the House Fireman Beach had been accom-
peninsula, its men were to take the plished successfully if not flawlessly. The
Japanese by surprise and silence a radio assault waves came from Lt. Col. Clyde
station that was reported at the village E. Grant's 2d Squadron, 112th Cavalry,
of Paligmete. They left the APD Hum- organized into five landing waves: ten
phreys on fifteen rubber boats at the LVT (A) (2)'s (Buffaloes), carrying E
same time that A Troop left the Sands. and F Troops, in the first; eight LVT
B Troop had planned to surprise the (1)'s (Alligators) each in the second,
enemy by landing at Paligmete village, third, and fourth waves; and five Alli-
but when the Japanese started firing gators in the fifth. The waves were
on A Troop it was obvious that surprise scheduled to land at five-minute inter-
was lost. B Troop landed at Wabmete, vals. H Hour was set for 0630, after
on the west of Pilelo, instead. Once the conclusion of the air and naval bom-
ashore the cavalrymen started on foot bardments. One and a half hours were
for Winguru. allowed for the amphibian tractors to
The leading platoon reached Win- proceed from the ships to the beach, a
guru at 0615 and met fire from Japanese move which would take place in poor
in two caves on the rising ground south light. Since dawn came at 0624 and sun-
of the village. Leaving one squad to con- rise at 0646, the landing itself would
tain these Japanese, B Troop pushed take place in daylight.
on to Paligmete, found neither Japanese But someone along the line had be-
nor radio, and returned to Winguru to come confused. Once boated, the first
wave started directly for the shore in the
General Cunningham was wroth at the Shaw's dark. Brig. Gen. William F. Heavey,
delay in opening fire, but Admiral Barbey and
Brig. Gen. William F. Heavey [Commanding Gen- commanding the 2d Engineer Special
eral, 2d Engineer Special Brigade], who observed Brigade, who had come along as an ob-
the operation from the deck of SC 742, reported
that the Shaw held her fire because she could not server aboard the landing wave control
immediately locate any targets. The boats and the craft, SC 742, saw the boats dimly about
shore, viewed from the sea, blended into a dark 0500. When radio communication with
blur. General Cunningham had tried the predawn
landing against Admiral Barbey's advice. the flagship unaccountably failed, the

subchaser's captain and Heavey headed The 2d Squadron, once landed, re-
off the errant amphibian tractors. There organized, sent patrols to the toe of
was much confusion and milling about the peninsula, and pushed northwest-
in the darkness, and it was 0600 or later ward toward the base against slight op-
before the tractors regained their forma- position from scattered riflemen and
tion. rear guards. E Troop located twenty or
Destroyers bombarded House Fire- more Japanese in caves in the cliff on
man Beach with 1,800 5-inch rounds the east side of the peninsula, killed
from 0610 to 0625, whereupon B-25's several, and passed on. When others
took over. Three squadrons had been came out of their caves to snipe and
assigned to air alert over Arawe under harass, the 112th Cavalry Headquarters
control of an air liaison party aboard Troop sent out a patrol which disposed
the Conyngham, and the first of these of them.
bombed and strafed the peninsula and Only two companies of Japanese sol-
the beach. Under ideal conditions the diers had been in the area, and when
interval between the cessation or lifting the 2d Squadron came ashore they re-
of support bombardment and the land- treated eastward. Major Komori and his
ing of troops is only long enough to force had not yet reached Arawe.
prevent the troops from being hit by Meanwhile passages through the reefs
their own support fire, but the lead wave had been found. The reserve 1st Squad-
of tractors had been slowed by the con- ron, under Maj. Harry E. Werner, had
fusion and by a stiff current in Pilelo debarked from the Westralia while the
passage. It did not land until after 0700.
Carter Hall was launching the tractors.
On the way in, the wave met machine
Werner's squadron came ashore about
gun fire that was quickly silenced by
4.5-inch rockets from the control craft 0800 in the 2d Engineer Special Bri-
and the two rocket DUKW's on the gade's 2 LCM's and 17 LCVP's. An hour
flanks. Otherwise there was no opposi- later Barbey's second echelon, 5 LCT's
tion. carrying 150 tons of gear and 50 men
This was fortunate, because the suc- per LCT, and 7 LCM's carrying 25 tons
ceeding waves in the Alligators, which of gear per LCM, arrived from Cape
were slower craft than the Buffaloes, had Cretin and began unloading.
not been able to keep up. Twenty-five Operations at the beach were not
minutes elapsed before the second wave smooth. The detachments forming the
landed, ample time for a resolute de- shore party had never worked together
fending force to have inflicted heavy before, and although the beach was a
casualties on the first wave. When an- good one it soon became congested.
other fifteen minutes had passed the last There was room for but two LCT's at
three waves came ashore practically to- one time; so unloading of beaching craft
gether.39 continued all day.
For DEXTERITY the admirals had won
After the event all units and observers report-
ing on the subject declared it a mistake to use
the air cover argument, and planes were
vehicles with differing speeds in the assault waves. assigned as combat air patrol over the

ships instead of standing by on ground ground contact with the Japanese at

alert. The first fighter cover, in the form Arawe, but in the air the enemy reacted
of 8 P-38's, took station overhead at with violence. Between 15 and 27 De-
0715. This cover was subsequently in- cember naval planes delivered seven at-
creased and was maintained all day but tacks against Arawe and against the 1st
it was not able to prevent an air attack Marine Division at Cape Gloucester,
at 0900. The 11th Air Fleet at Rabaul and in about the same period the 6th
had just received more planes and now Air Division attacked four times. LCT's
totaled 50 bombers and 100 fighters. at Arawe on 16 December suffered al-
Both Kusaka's fleet and the 6th Air Divi- most continuous air attack. Resupply
sion sent out planes against Arawe. One convoys lost one coastal transport sunk
flight of these, reported as consisting and another damaged, plus one mine-
of 20 or 30 planes, eluded the P-38's sweeper and six LST's damaged. Al-
and delivered the attack at 0900. The though General Cunningham's force had
Westralia and Carter Hall, unloaded be- no 90-mm. antiaircraft guns to keep
fore dawn, had departed at 0500 to bombing planes away, damage ashore
avoid air attack. The rest of Task Force was fortunately light. Cunningham ex-
76, with the exception of craft actually pressed his urgent need for the 90-mm.'s,
at the beach and the flagship Conyng- but none was available for Arawe. By
ham, which remained to direct opera- late December, however, the 11th Air
tions, sought the cover of clouds and Fleet and the 6th Air Division had lost
rain squalls. The Japanese bombed and so many planes to Allied fighters over
strafed the beached LCT's, the Conyng- New Britain, to Southwest Pacific at-
ham, and the troops for about five min- tacks against Wewak, and to the South
utes, scored no hits, and left with P-38's Pacific's raids on Rabaul that they were
in pursuit. forced to stop daylight bombardment
By midafternoon the DIRECTOR Task and confine their activities to the defense
Force controlled the entire peninsula. of Rabaul and Wewak. When Imamura
The 2d Squadron had reached the base, asked Tokyo for more planes Imperial
and now began establishing a main line Headquarters responded by sending the
of resistance there. Over sixteen hun- 8th Air Brigade to Hollandia under the
dred men, five hundred from the at- 2d Area Army.
tached units and the rest from the two The Japanese had not yet given up
squadrons of the 112th Cavalry, were at Arawe. When the 17th Division com-
ashore. mander received word of Cunningham's
landing he ordered Major Komori, who
Operations,, 16 December 1943- was then proceeding by boat and over-
10 February 1944 land march to Arawe from Rabaul, to
During the next few days LCT's from make haste. He also ordered the 1st
Cape Cretin and APD's from Good- Battalion, 141st Infantry, to move from
enough brought in heavy weapons, sup- Cape Busching to Arawe and come un-
plies, and more troops. There was no der Komori's command. Komori was

then to destroy the DIRECTOR Task lished the fact that the Japanese were
Force. digging in about six hundred yards be-
The Americans soon became aware of yond their own perimeter. Komori had
the approaching Japanese. On 18 De- resolved to defend the prewar airstrip
cember two Japanese armed barges at- on the mainland east of the peninsula,
tacked a 112th Cavalry patrol on board which in any case the Allies did not
two of the 2d Engineer Special Brigade's want.40
LCVP's (which had remained under On 6 January Cunningham reported
Cunningham at Arawe). The Japanese to Krueger the existence of the Japanese
scored hits; the patrol abandoned the positions. Cunningham's forces now to-
LCVP's and made its way east to Arawe taled almost 4,750 men and his short
on foot. Komori's force reached the front line—seven hundred yards—was a
Pulie River east of Arawe on 20 Decem- strong position with fields of fire cut,
ber, advanced west, and on Christmas barbed wire emplaced, and artillery and
Day forced the 112th to abandon its 41
mortar data computed. The enemy po-
observation posts and outposts east of sitions he faced consisted largely of shal-
Arawe. low trenches and foxholes and were
Cunningham, correctly concluding practically invisible in the dense under-
that the Japanese were converging brush. There were only about 100 Japa-
against him from two directions but er- nese and half-a-dozen machine guns
roneously concluding that Komori's there, but lack of visibility and the fact
command was but the advance guard of that the Japanese moved their guns fre-
a stronger force from Gasmata, asked quently made them almost impossible
Krueger for reinforcements. The ALAMO for artillery and mortars to hit. An as-
commander hastily dispatched G Com- sault would be further complicated by
pany, 158th Infantry, by PT boat. the fact that in the area there were no
Komori, with the 1st Battalion, 81st clearly defined terrain features which
Infantry, reached the area northwest of could serve to guide an attack and help it
the main line of resistance on 26 De- maintain its direction. Cunningham
cember. Like the Americans, he had dif- asked for tanks and more troops, and
ficulty in getting any exact informa- repeated his request for 90-mm. antiair-
tion on positions in the featureless, jun- craft guns.
gled terrain at the peninsula's base. Sev- Krueger agreed that attacks by rifle-
eral of his night probing attacks were men alone against Komori would result
repulsed by mortar fire, as were daytime in a waste of lives and agreed to send
attacks on 28 and 29 December. The sec-
ond of these took the lives of most of
his men, but the 1st Battalion, 141st For an amusing incident about this airstrip and
the embarrassment caused by overenthusiasm on
Infantry, arrived in the late afternoon the part of public information officers, see Hough
of 29 December. Several small attacks in and Crown, The Campaign on New Britain, pp.
early January 1944 by the 112th were 41
By 10 January Task Force 76 had carried 4,750
beaten off, but the cavalrymen estab- men and 8,165 tons of supplies to Arawe.

tanks as well as more troops. F Com-

pany, 158th Infantry, and B Company,
1st Tank Battalion, 1st Marine Division,
reached Arawe from Cape Cretin on 10
and 12 January.
On the morning of 16 January attack
and medium bombers struck at the Jap-
anese positions, artillery and mortars
shelled them, and the Marine light
tanks, two companies of the 158th Infan-
try, and C Troop of the 112th Cavalry
attacked. The tanks led, with infantry-
men and cavalrymen following each
tank. Direct communication between
tanks and foot troops was successfully
attained by a device which the tank
company improvised; it installed an
EE8 field telephone at the rear of each
machine. The attack went well and car-
ried forward for fifteen hundred yards.
Next day B Troop and one tank pla-
toon mopped up remaining pockets of
Thereafter Arawe was quiet. Casual-
ties for all units in the DIRECTOR Task
Force totaled 118 dead, 352 wounded,
and 4 missing. Komori had actually
withdrawn to defend the airstrip, and
remained there until ordered to retreat
to the east in February.
ARAWE for more supplies, 18 Decem-
Ironically enough, no PT base was ber 1943.
ever built at Arawe. Actually the final
plans had never included any provision
that engineers hastily cleared on 13 Jan-
for one. Lt. Comdr. Morton C. Mumma,
commanding Southwest Pacific PT's,
successfully insisted that he did not want Cape Gloucester
and did not need a PT base there to Meanwhile the main event at Cape
patrol the straits or to attack Japanese Gloucester had gotten under way. Ele-
barges, which seldom used the south ments of the 1st Marine Division sched-
coast anyway. Arawe never became an uled for the main assault landings east
air base either. The only airstrip ever of Cape Gloucester conducted final re-
used was one for artillery liaison planes hearsals at Cape Sudest on 21 Decem-

ber.42 The heavily reinforced 7th Ma- minutes. Two new LCI's equipped with
rines boarded ship at Oro Bay three days 4.5-inch rockets took station on the flanks
later and departed at 0600 on Christmas as guide and fire support craft. After
morning. En route ships carrying the re- threading their way through a difficult
inforced 1st Marines (less one battalion channel, APD's, in the lead, lowered
landing team) from Cape Cretin joined landing craft full of troops while behind
up. The convoy then made its way peace- them LCI's and LST's awaited their
fully through Vitiaz Strait, sailed be- turns at the beaches. (Map 18)
tween Rooke and Sakar Islands, and ap- The 1st Air Task Force of the Fifth
proached Cape Gloucester. The 2d Bat- Air Force had prepared extensive plans
talion Landing Team, 1st Marines, em- for all-day air cover and support that
barked at Cape Cretin and steamed involved a total of five fighter squadrons
through Dampier Strait for Tauali.43 Ad- and fourteen attack, medium, and heavy
miral Crutchley's Task Force 74—the bomber squadrons. The first support
American cruisers Phoenix and Nash- bombers arrived from Dobodura about
ville, HMAS Australia and HMAS 0700 and B-24's, B-25's, and A-20's
Shropshire, and eight destroyers—es- bombed and strafed the beaches and the
corted Task Force 76 while PT boats airdrome. B-25's dropped smoke bombs
patrolled the northern and western en- on Target Hill, the 450-foot ridge just
trances to the straits. west of Silimati Point that gave clear ob-
servation of the beaches and airfields.
The Landings A-20's strafed the landing beaches until
In the dim light of 0600 on 26 De- the leading wave of landing craft was
cember Crutchley's ships opened their five hundred yards from shore. At that
supporting bombardment on the landing time the naval gunfire was moved inland
beaches east of Cape Gloucester, a bom- and to the flanks.
bardment that continued for ninety An errant breeze blew so much smoke
from Target Hill that some of the lead-
This section is based on Craven and Cate, The
ing waves of landing craft carrying the
Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 337-45; Hough 7th Marines could not easily identify the
and Crown, The Campaign on New Britain; Mori- beaches. There was no opposition at the
son, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 378-89;
Office of the Chief Engineer, GHQ AFPAC, En- proper beaches, where most of two bat-
gineers of the Southwest Pacific: 1941-1945, VI, talions of the 7th landed, but a detach-
Airfield and Base Development (Washington, 1951), ment which wandered three hundred
192-95; ALAMO Force Rpt, DEXTERITY Opn; 8th
Area Army Operations, Japanese Monogr No. 110 yards too far west had a brisk fire fight
(OCMH), pp. 119-22; 17th Division Operations in on shore.
Western New Britain, Japanese Monogr No. 111
(OCMH), pp. 14-21.
The 7th Marines found that the land-
For Cape Gloucester Task Force 76 consisted of ing beaches were good but very shallow.
the flagship Conyngham, 10 APD's, 16 LCI's, 12 And as the assault waves crossed the
destroyers, 3 minesweepers, and 24 LST's; 14 LCM's,
12 LCT's, and 2 rocket DUKW's went to Tauali. beaches they were brought up sharply
In reserve were the Westralia and Carter Hall. De- by jungle so dense they had to start hack-
tachments of the 2d Engineer Special Brigade—181
men, 33 landing craft, and 2 rocket DUKW's—were
ing to get inland. Immediately behind
attached to the 1st Marine Division. the beach was a narrow shelf of relatively

EARLY MORNING BOMBARDMENT of landing beaches east of Cape Gloucester,

26 December 1943.

dry ground. Behind the shelf was a directed against Arawe in the belief that
swamp which made anything like rapid the convoy had been intended as rein-
movement or maneuver completely im- forcement for Cunningham. They sank
possible. Men floundered through the one destroyer, seriously damaged two
mud, slipping into sinkholes up to their more, and scored hits on two others, as
waists and even their armpits. And in the well as on two LST's.
swamp giant trees, rotted by water and By the day's end the 7th Marines held
weakened by bombs and shells, toppled the beachhead area. The artillery battal-
over easily. The first marine fatality on ions of the 11th Marines had landed and
Cape Gloucester was caused by a falling emplaced their howitzers. The 1st Ma-
tree. rines had come ashore, passed through
The narrow beach and the swampy the 7th, and begun the advance west
jungle behind it caused a good deal of toward the airdrome. The regiment first
congestion, especially when the LST's attempted to advance with battalions
began discharging their cargo. As ex- echeloned to the left rear, but the swamp
pected, Japanese planes from Rabaul at- forced movement in a long column with
tacked the ships and the beach during a narrow front along the coastal trail.
the day, although their first attacks were Also on 26 December the reinforced

MAP 18
2d Battalion, 1st Marines, landed suc- Capture of the Airfield
cessfully at Tauali and D Company, 592d The 1st Marines started westward
Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, 2d along the coastal trail toward the cape
Engineer Special Brigade, landed on and the airfield at 0730, 27 December.
Long Island to prepare a radar station The swamp still forced the regiment to
there. advance in column of battalions, with
The first night ashore at Gloucester the rear battalion echeloned as much as
was miserable, and it was the first of possible to the left rear. Each battalion
many more that were just as bad. marched in column of companies and
Drenching rains characteristic of the sent small patrols into the swamp to pro-
northwest monsoon poured down in tor- tect its flanks. General Sherman tanks of
rents; more trees fell. The Japanese in A Company, 1st Tank Battalion, sup-
the airdrome area, estimating that only ported. By 1615, when it dug in for the
2,500 men had come ashore, counter- night, the regiment had gained three
attacked the 7th Marines, but they miles, and had become aware of the
failed, as did a heterogeneous group that existence of a large Japanese block about
later struck at the Tauali positions. a thousand yards east of the airfield.

7TH MARINES LANDING ON NARROW BEACH, Cape Gloucester, 26 December 1943.

Next day the 1st made deliberate noon the 1st Marines had reduced the
preparations before attacking the block. block.
The absence of Japanese resistance the General Rupertus had been asking for
day before had led to the conclusion that his reserve, the reinforced 5th Marines,
the enemy was concentrating his forces which had remained under Krueger's
inside the block. The 1st Marines waited control, and on the 28th Krueger re-
during the morning for more tanks to leased the regiment. Rupertus then de-
make their way up the trail, which by cided to hold up the advance on the air-
now was a veritable morass, and for artil- field until the 5th arrived. It came on 29
lery and aircraft to shell and bomb the December, but confusion over orders
block. The infantry and the tanks moved caused part of the 5th to land just behind
to the attack about noon and shortly ran the 1st, the rest at the D-Day beaches.
into the block. This position was a strong When the 5th had been reassembled the
point which originally had faced the sea drive began again. The 1st Marines con-
for defense of the beach but which served tinued the coastal advance and, because
alternately as a trail block. It consisted the swampland on the left had given way
of camouflaged bunkers with many anti- to jungle, the 5th was able to make a
tank and 75-mm. weapons. There was wide southwesterly sweep. There was al-
scarcely room for tanks and infantry to most no resistance. By the day's end most
maneuver, but by the end of the after- of the airdrome was in Allied hands and

the major objective of the campaign had treat to the Willaumez Peninsula. Ima-
been achieved. mura at first refused, then assented in
January. On 23 February he ordered
The Japanese Withdrawal Sakai's entire command—17th Division,
This phase of the operation had gone 65th Brigade, 4th Shipping Group, and
rapidly and at the cost of comparatively all attached units—to retreat all the way
few casualties. But the absence of Japa- back to Rabaul and help defend it.
nese opposition made it clear that a large Base Development
body of the enemy must be elsewhere in
the vicinity. Thus in the first two weeks Repair of the wrecked airdrome began
of 1944 the 7th Marines and the 3d Bat- in early January with the arrival of the
talion, 5th Marines, under Brig. Gen. 913th Engineer Aviation Battalion. The
Lemuel C. Shepherd, the assistant di- work was complicated and slowed by
vision commander, attacked southward jungle, rain, and swampy ground, and by
to clear Borgen Bay. Here waged the bit- nocturnal air raids that prevented night
terest fighting of the campaign as the work for nearly two weeks. GHQ and the
141st Infantry struggled to keep posses- Fifth Air Force revised their require-
sion of the high ground. ments and directed construction of a
Thereafter there was little combat. 5,000-foot strip and a second, parallel
The marines patroled extensively in strip 6,000 feet long. The 864th and
search of the enemy, who proved to be 141st Engineer Aviation Battalions ar-
elusive. B Company, 1st Marines, landed rived later in January and turned to on
on Rooke Island on 12 February but the strips and on roads and airdrome in-
found it had been evacuated. Eventually stallations. By the end of the month 4,200
elements of Rupertus' division advanced feet of the first airstrip had been covered
by shore-to-shore movements as far east with pierced steel matting, but it was 18
as Talasea without encountering any March before the strip was completed.
large numbers of Japanese.44 By then Rabaul, Kavieng, and the Ad-
The enemy garrison at Cape Glouces- miralties had been neutralized or cap-
ter, especially Matsuda's command, had tured and GHQ was planning the first
been in poor physical condition be- giant step of its advance to the Philip-
fore the invasion. The incessant air at- pines, a step which took it far beyond
tacks against barge supply routes had range of fighter planes based at Cape
forced it onto short rations, and malaria, Gloucester.45 The parallel 6,000-foot
dysentery, and fungus infections were strip proved impossible to build and was
rife. never completed.
The 17th Division commander, Lt. Cape Gloucester never became an im-
Gen. Yasushi Sakai, seems to have had portant air base. It is clear that the
little heart for a resolute defense, for he Arawe and Cape Gloucester invasions
urged General Imamura to approve a re- were of less strategic importance than the
other CARTWHEEL operations, and in the
In April the 40th Division relieved the 1st
Marine Division and the 112th Cavalry on New See Smith, The Approach to the Philippines,
Britain. Ch. II.

light of hindsight were probably not es- Saidor lay slightly northeast of Mounts
sential to the reduction of Rabaul or the Gladstone and Disraeli, which glower at
approach to the Philippines. Yet they each other from their 11,000-foot emi-
were neither completely fruitless nor ex- nences. It had a prewar airstrip, and had
cessively high in casualties. The 1st been used as a barge staging point by the
Marine Division scored a striking tactical Japanese. Lying no nautical miles from
success at the cost of 310 killed, 1,083 Finschhafen, 52 from Madang, and 414
wounded. And the Allied forces of the from Rabaul, it was well situated to sup-
Southwest Pacific Area had, by means of port the advance westward toward the
these operations, broken out through the Vogelkop and the move northward
narrow straits. against the Admiralties. In addition
Allied seizure would cut the 18th Army
Saidor in two, for that army's main concentra-
The first two DEXTERITY operations tions were at Madang-Wewak to the
faced toward Rabaul, and as events later west, and at Sio-Gali to the east.
showed had much less effect on the
course of the war than the other CART- Preparations and Plans
WHEEL operations. But in December The invasion of Saidor was not ac-
1943 General MacArthur reversed his tually decided on until 17 December,
field and decided to exploit the tactical two days after the invasion of Arawe and
successes at Arawe and Cape Gloucester nine days before the invasion of Cape
by moving west to seize Saidor, on the Gloucester. On that date General Mac-
north coast of the Huon Peninsula. (See Arthur ordered Krueger to prepare plans
Map 12.) General Chamberlin had sug- at once for an operation from Good-
gested Saidor in September, but it was enough Island to seize Saidor and con-
11 December before an outline plan was struct an advanced air and naval base
prepared.46 there. Allied Air and Allied Naval Forces
would support, and again MacArthur
46 made Krueger responsible for co-ordina-
This section is based on Craven and Cate, The
Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 345-49; Mori- tion of planning by the ground forces
son, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 389-91; and the commanders of close support air
Off of Chief Engr, GHQ AFPAC, Engineers in
Theater Operations, pp. 118-19, and Critique, pp.
and naval forces. The New Guinea
112-32; Smith, The Approach to the Philippines, Force, whose troops were now advancing
pp. 90-93; ALAMO Force Rpt, DEXTERITY Opn; against Sio and patrolling in the Ramu
TERITY; MICHAELMAS TF [126th RCT, reinforced], Valley beyond Dumpu, would support by
Rpt of MICHAELMAS Opn, 16 Dec 43-10 Feb 44; continuing the move against Sio and by
MICHAELMAS TF Opn Diary; CTF 76 Opn Plan
4-43, 29 Dec 43; CTF Rpt of Saidor Opn, 3 Feb 44;
vigorous demonstrations in the Ramu
GHQ SWPA Outline Plan Saidor, 10 Dec 43, in
ALAMO Force G-3 Jnl DEXTERITY No. 8; Memo,
CAW [Gen Willoughby] for CofS GHQ SWPA, 21 both in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 22 Dec 43; ALF, Rpt
Dec 43, no sub, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 21 Dec 43; on New Guinea Opns: 4 Sep 43-26 Apr 44; 8th
GHQ Ltr of Instns to Comdrs ALAMO Force, ANF, Area Army Operations, Japanese Monogr No. 110
AAF, NGF, and USASOS, 17 Dec 43, sub: MICHAEL- (OCMH), pp. 86-91; 18th Army Operations, II,
MAS Opn, and GHQ SWPA OI 38/19, 31 Dec 43, Japanese Monogr No. 42 (OCMH), 125-80.

Valley. U.S. Army Services of Supply and a parachute assault at the same time.
was to haul supplies for the operation The attack would have to be made by
forward to Cape Cretin, where Krueger ground troops.
was to establish a temporary staging area For the attack Krueger organized the
and supply point pending the time that MICHAELMAS [Saidor] Task Force under
the U.S. Army Services of Supply base at command of General Martin, assistant
Finschhafen began operating. Ground commander of the 32d Division, who had
combat forces would come from the just reached Goodenough Island. Most
ALAMO reserve for Cape Gloucester, the combat troops of the task force came out
U.S. 32d Division which had fought in of the force Krueger had originally or-
the Papuan campaign. In addition Mac- ganized for Gasmata. The rest were those
Arthur assigned two engineer aviation assigned by General MacArthur. Mar-
battalions, an amphibian truck company, tin's force was built around the 126th
and an engineer boat and shore regi- Regimental Combat Team of the 32d
ment. Division, which included the 120th Field
Assignment of the mission to ALAMO Artillery Battalion (105-mm howitzers).47
Force instead of New Guinea Force At the time of assignment the 32d Di-
represented a departure from the prin- vision units of the task force had just
ciple that New Guinea Force would com- moved to Goodenough Island from
mand all operations in New Guinea. The Milne Bay. The rest of the force was
change was probably made because scattered at such diverse points as Milne
nearly all trained Australian divisions Bay, Kiriwina, and Lae.
were either committed to action or with- Although time for planning and pre-
drawn for rest, and because it seemed paring was short, and the pressure of
clear that all the ALAMO reserve would Admiral Barbey's duties prevented him
not have to be committed to Arawe or from conferring frequently with Krueger
Gloucester. in person, the reports of the participating
MacArthur gave Krueger and his air units bear witness to the fact that the
and naval colleagues little time to get experience and state of training of the
ready. Actual initiation of the Saidor of- commanders and troops were so high
fensive, he announced, would depend on that things went smoothly.
the progress of operations on Cape General Martin hastily organized a
Gloucester, because landing craft for the headquarters for his task force, taking as
former would have to come from the the nucleus Headquarters and Head-
latter. It was expected, however, that D quarters Company, 126th Infantry. To
Day would be 2 January 1944, or shortly 47
Other units were the 121st Field Artillery Bat-
thereafter. Two days' notice would be talion (75-mm. pack howitzers); Headquarters and
given. Headquarters Battery, 191st Field Artillery Group;
GHQ's first outline plan had envisaged B and D Batteries, 209th Coast Artillery Battalion
(AA, AW); A and D Batteries, 743d Coast Artillery
a parachute assault to take Saidor, but Gun Battalion (AA); the Shore Battalion of the
that was decided against because there 542d Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, 2d En-
gineer Special Brigade; the 808th and 863d En-
still were not enough forward airfields gineer Aviation Battalions; and a variety of service
to support current bombing operations units.

REAR ADM. DANIEL E. BARBEY, left, and Brig. Gen. Clarence A. Martin, center,
observing landing operations at Saidor, 2 January 1944.

this were added some officers from 32d Force; General Whitehead; General
Division headquarters. Col. Charles D. Martin; and Colonel Blanchard. White-
Blanchard, task force G-3, came from head, Patrick, and Eddleman presented
ALAMO Force as did a complete en- their ideas, as did Barbey, who was just
gineer section. Col. J. Sladen Bradley, about to leave for Cape Gloucester. Both
commander of the 126th, also served as Barbey and Martin felt that, as Saidor
deputy commander and chief of staff of was known to be lightly held by the
the MICHAELMAS Task Force. enemy, preliminary air bombardment on
Plans began to take shape on 20 De- the beaches on D Day would be of less
cember at a conference in ALAMO head- value than a surprise landing at an early
quarters at Goodenough Island. Present hour in the day. This conference was
were Admiral Barbey; Maj. Gen. followed by two other brief ones during
William H. Gill of the 32d Division; the next ten days.
General Heavey of the 2d Engineer Spe- As there was neither time nor oppor-
cial Brigade; Brig. Gen. Edwin D. Pat- tunity for ground reconnaissance of
rick, ALAMO Force chief of staff; Col. Saidor, the landing beaches were chosen
Clyde D. Eddleman, G-3 of ALAMO from aerial photographs. Three beaches,

designated Red, White, and Blue from from the APD's in thirty-six LCP(R)'s as
left (south) to right on the west shore of follows: The 3d Battalion, 126th In-
Dekays Bay just east of Saidor were se- fantry, was to land on Red Beach at H
lected. They were rough and stony but Hour with two companies abreast, while
were chosen because they were close to the 2d Battalion, 126th, put one com-
the objective, because the beach gradient pany on White Beach and one company
was steep enough to enable the troops to on Blue; the 1st Battalion, 126th, would
make a dry landing, because there was land from LCI's on White Beach at H
solid ground behind them, and because plus 30 minutes. All units would push
Dekays Bay could be expected to offer inland and reconnoiter. Field and anti-
protection from the northwest monsoons aircraft artillery were to land soon after
prevailing at that time of year. the assault infantry. Forming the shore
Formal orders were published in late party would be A Company, 114th En-
December.48 Admiral Barbey organized gineer Battalion; the Antitank Company
his force generally as follows: and part of the Cannon Company, 126th
Infantry; and the Shore Battalion, 542d
Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment. In
all, seven thousand men and three thou-
sand tons of gear were to be put ashore
on D Day.
Plans for naval gunfire called for two
destroyers to put 575 5-inch rounds of
deep supporting fire at inland targets be-
tween H minus 20 minutes and H Hour.
Four destroyers would fire 1,150 rounds
at the beach from H minus 20 to H
minus 3 minutes when the lead wave of
landing craft would be nine hundred
yards from shore. Fire from rocket-
equipped LCI's would cover the landing
These ships would carry the assault craft during the last nine hundred yards.
troops from Goodenough and land them In accordance with Martin's and Bar-
at Saidor on D Day. Six more LST's bey's desire for surprise, the air plans did
would land additional troops and equip- not provide for a preliminary bombard-
ment on D plus 1, and LST shipments ment on D Day. Provisions were made,
would continue to bring in troops and however, for bombers to strike at inland
supplies from Goodenough and Cape targets after H Hour, and for strafers and
Cretin for some time thereafter. fighters to execute supporting missions
The assault waves of troops would land on call.
H Hour was set for 0650, fifteen min-
See ALAMO [ESCALATOR] FO 7, 22 Dec 43, and utes before sunrise—the earliest possible
MICHAELMAS TF FO 1, 29 Dec 43, both in ALAMO
Force G-3 Jnl File, MICHAELMAS; CTF 76 Opn Plan minute that would allow adequate light
4-43, 29 Dec 43. for the earlier naval bombardment.

Weather could be expected to be either in order to reach Saidor on D Day, Mar-

squally with rough surf or pleasant with tin concluded that loading would have
smooth surf, and subject to sudden to start on 30 December, for the task
change from one extreme to the other. force assembly area on Goodenough lay
Troops of General Martin's task force, eighteen miles from the embarkation
aside from the 32d Division units, were point. He ordered his force to move to
arriving at Goodenough while the plans the embarkation point at once. Move-
were being prepared. Some units arrived ment and loading continued night and
short of clothing and equipment, and day, usually in rain which turned the
these were supplied as well as possible. roads into mud. On 30 December Martin
Meanwhile General Krueger, con- received word officially that D Day
cerned over the difficulties of supplying would definitely be 2 January.
Arawe, Cape Gloucester, and Saidor APD's and LCI's took aboard only
simultaneously, argued in favor of post- troops, individual equipment, and in-
poning Saidor. But General MacArthur, dividual or squad weapons. Heavy equip-
Vice Adm. Thomas C. Kinkaid, and ment, vehicles, motor-drawn weapons,
others, promising to make sure that bulk supplies, and some troops went
enough supplies arrived at Saidor, and aboard the LST's. Martin was forced to
unwilling to lose momentum, agreed make a last-minute change in embarka-
that the operation would be valueless if tion plans on 30 December when he
postponed. Preparations went forward.49 found there would be nine APD's in-
Admiral Kinkaid, a cool, soft-spoken, stead of the ten he had expected. The
bushy-eyebrowed product of many years surplus infantrymen were ordered aboard
in the U.S. Navy, had relieved Admiral an LCI, but since the units involved
Carpender as commander of Allied were then moving to the embarkation
Naval Forces and of the Seventh Fleet in point some did not receive word of the
November. A classmate of Admiral change until they had reached the beach.
Turner at the Naval Academy, he had The difficulties were all overborne,
already had ample experience in the and by 0830, 31 December, the six LST's
Pacific, having commanded carrier task had departed Goodenough. Their slots
forces during the Guadalcanal Campaign at the beach were promptly taken by the
and led the invasion of the Aleutians. six that were to bring heavy equipment
On 28 December General Patrick to Saidor on D plus 1. The LCI's left
notified Martin that the Cape Gloucester Goodenough in midafternoon, and the
operation was proceeding successfully, fast APD's completed loading at 1700.
and that his task force would probably There had not been opportunity for a
invade Saidor on 2 January, the esti- dress rehearsal, but the LCP(R)'s of the
mated date. As the LST's would have to APD's practiced landing formations at
sail from Goodenough on 31 December Goodenough Bay.50

49 50
Ltr, Krueger to CINCSWPA, 28 Dec 43, sub: The 126th Regimental Combat Team had re-
Deferment of MICHAELMAS, and Rad, Gen R. J. ceived six weeks of amphibious training in Aus-
Marshall to Gen Chamberlin, 28 Dec 43, both in tralia and three weeks training in LST's, LCI's, and
GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 29 Dec 43. APD's at Milne Bay.

For the soldiers and sailors aboard the

boated and assembled, and were churn-
APD's New Year's Eve passed quietly. ing toward Red, White, and Blue
Martin, the APD captains, Colonel Brad- Beaches. First craft touched down at
ley, and the battalion commanders con- 0725, and during the next seventeen
ferred aboard the destroyer Stringham minutes the four waves of thirty-six
and made minor last-minutes changes in LCP(R)'s landed 1,440 troops. There was
landing plans. Some of the ships showed no opposition from the enemy. The six-
moving pictures. At 0600 on New Year's teen LCI's, organized in three waves,
Day, 1944, the APD's sailed. They put in grounded and put ashore more than
at Oro Bay en route, where they were 3,000 troops.
joined by Admiral Barbey in his flag- Each LST had towed an LCM of the
ship, the destroyer Conyngham, to which 2d Engineer Special Brigade. The LST's
General Martin transferred his command cast loose their tows on arrival offshore,
post afloat. During the ships' approach to
and three LCM's sailed to the beaches
Saidor on 1 January, sixty B-24's and with the last wave of small craft. Thirty
forty-eight B-25's hit the Japanese instal-
minutes before the LST's were sched-
lations with 218 tons of demolition uled to beach, an angledozer clanked out
bombs. of each LCM and at once set to work
Barbey's final run through the straitsgrading landing points and beach exits
to Saidor was unexciting. The early part to use in unloading the LST's. When the
of the night of 1-2 January was clear, six LST's beached at about 0800, landing
with a quarter moon shining on the points and beach exits made of gravel
ships. After midnight the sky became and wire mesh were ready. This per-
overcast and rain fell. formance, plus the efficiency of the shore
party, which Admiral Barbey praised
Seizing Saidor highly, enabled cargo to come ashore in
When the ships and landing craft hove record time. Each LST rapidly unloaded
to in Dekays Bay before sunrise of 2 three hundred tons of bulk supplies and
January, heavy overcast and rain ob- two hundred tons of vehicles and equip-
scured the shore. Admiral Barbey post- ment. By 1140 all LST's had unloaded
poned H Hour from 0650 to 0705 to and retracted. The bad weather delayed
provide more light for naval gunfire, the scheduled air bombing, but later in
loading and assembly of boats, and the morning B-24's, B-25's, and A-20's
identification of beaches. There fol- bombed the Saidor, airstrip and the high
lowed another delay of twenty minutes ground inland.
while LCP(R)'s formed up. The destroy- 51
There was one hitch in the air plans. Martin
ers and rocket LCI's fired the scheduled did not receive the 1st Air Task Force's support
1,725 5-inch shells and 624 4.5-inch plan until after he had left Goodenough and was
rockets at the beaches and inland areas. aboard ship. There he discovered that one alternate
target lay on the American side of the bomb safety
Troops aboard ship, one thousand yards line. As the ships were under radio silence he could
offshore, felt the concussion of the ex- not notify air headquarters. The air liaison party,
after landing, radioed the necessary information di-
plosives. rectly to the bombers before any American casual-
The assault waves meanwhile had ties were incurred.

M10 MOTOR CARRIAGE MOUNTING 3-lNCH GUN on a rough and stony beach near
Saidor, 2 January 1944.
When they reached shore the rifle bat- troops, 129 from Army Air Forces units,
talions began to push inland while the and 48 sailors.
artillery established itself and the shore Admiral Crutchley's task force had
party moved supplies off the beach. Jap- performed its usual mission of covering
anese resistance was limited to a few rifle the invasion against Japanese warships
shots. General Martin reported that only from Rabaul, but none appeared.
15 enemy soldiers had been near the Thirty-nine fighters and twenty-four
beaches at the time of the landing, and bombers of the 4th Air Army were based
11 of these were killed by the bombard- at Wewak but were unable to launch an
ments and by soldiers of the 126th. attack until 1600. By then Barbey's ships
Saidor had a normal garrison of about were well out to sea, Martin's soldiers
50, and on 2 January some 120-150 had dispersed their supplies, and little
transients were present. All these damage was done.
promptly took to the hills. American So ended the first day at Saidor. The
casualties on D Day numbered 1 soldier speedy efficiency of Saidor operations,
killed and 5 wounded and 2 sailors when compared, for example, with the
drowned at Blue Beach. Forces ashore Kiriwina invasion of the previous year,
numbered 6,779:52 6,602 Army ground bears witness to the Southwest Pacific's
This figure comes from the MICHAELMAS Task
improvement in amphibious technique.
Force report. CTF 76's report gives 7,200. Yet the fact that there are flaws in even

the best-executed operations was demon- ships and built roads, but continuous
strated the next morning. The MICHAEL- rainfall hindered their work and General
MAS Task Force expected six LST's (each Martin occasionally diverted the aviation
towing an engineer LCM) carrying the engineers to assist the amphibians in
121st Field Artillery Battalion and A and their work. The Americans were assisted
D Batteries, 743d Coast Artillery Gun in all phases of construction work by
Battalion (Antiaircraft), to arrive at native labor. A detachment of the Aus-
0700, 3 January, which would be after tralian New Guinea Administrative Unit
daylight. When three vessels came dimly consisting of one officer, several enlisted
in view about a hundred yards from the men, and eleven native policemen had
north shore at 0510 and failed to identify landed on 2 January to supervise the em-
themselves, the shore defenses opened ployment of New Guinea natives. Seven
fire. The vessels withdrew. After daylight days later 100 native workers came up
they returned and were correctly identi- from Lae, and by 10 February there were
fied as three of the six expected LST's. 13 policemen, 200 Lae natives, and 406
Thereafter shipments of troops and local workers at Saidor. C-47's landed on
supplies on the LST's were uneventful. the airfield on D plus 9, and by 10 Feb-
The 808th Engineer Aviation Battalion ruary it was almost ready to receive war-
arrived on 6 January; the larger part of planes.
the 128th Regimental Combat Team
came in on 16 and 19 January in response Junction With the Australians
to General Martin's request for more In the days immediately following D
troops; the 863d Engineer Aviation Bat- Day General Martin disposed one battal-
talion was landed on 29 January. By 10 ion in defensive positions on each flank,
February, when General Krueger de- with the third patrolling in the moun-
clared DEXTERITY over, and GHQ an- tains between the flanks. There were
nounced that U.S. Army Services of Sup- some fourteen miles of coast line be-
ply, Southwest Pacific, would take over tween the flanks which were held by the
supplying Saidor, Arawe, and Gloucester coast artillery, supported by other units.
on 1 March, the Saidor garrison num- The MICHAELMAS Task Force was
bered 14,979 in addition to a small naval hardly ashore when General Krueger
detachment. Forty men had been killed, warned that, as the Japanese troops in
111 wounded; 16 were missing. the vicinity of Sio were preparing to
move west to Madang, an attack against
Base Development Saidor was to be expected. These warn-
Construction missions assigned to the ings were repeated on 7 and 9 January.
engineers included building or installing General Martin asked for more troops
an airfield, roads, fuel storage tanks, on 10 January and General Krueger sent
docks, jetties, a PT boat base, and a hos- him the 1st and 3d Battalion Combat
pital. Work on the airfield started Teams of the 128th Regimental Combat
promptly and in itself was not difficult, Team.
since the prewar field was in fair condi- Meanwhile patrols went to the east,
tion. The amphibian engineers unloaded west, and south. There were occasional

brushes with scattered Japanese patrols, to Madang to join with the remainder of
but no pitched battles. January ended the 18th Army to defend Wewak. Aban-
without an attack. The Japanese were doning the attempt to hold the shores of
known to be advancing west, but they the straits, Imamura decided in favor of
had not yet touched Saidor. bypassing Saidor. He sent orders to that
Almost from the very outset General effect to Adachi at Sio.
Martin had urged an advance to the east Adachi placed General Nakano of the
to hem in the Japanese between his 51st Division in charge of the retreat and
forces and the advancing Australians, directed the 41st Division to move from
but, partly because it apparently did not Wewak to defend Madang. Adachi left
wish to commit additional troops, and Sio by submarine "in a troubled state of
partly because of garbles in the transmis- mind because he would again have to
sion of messages, ALAMO headquarters force the two divisions to go through dif-
did not at once accede to Martin's de- ficulties." 54 He later ordered General
sires.53 Nakai to send eight companies out of
Doubts regarding Japanese intentions the Ramu Valley to Bogadjim. They
were dispelled on 6 February when from were to advance down to the coast to
a newly established observation post in harass Saidor while Nakano's force re-
the Finisterres American soldiers saw treated.
large numbers of Japanese troops march- Nakano, who first directed the 20th
ing along an inland trail that ran south Division to retreat along the coast while
of Saidor through the mountains and the 51st Division and naval units moved
foothills. It was concluded that the Japa- inland, eventually decided to avoid
nese were bypassing Saidor. enemy opposition by sending the whole
The conclusion was correct. In late force through the Finisterres.
December General Adachi, concerned The retreat began promptly. Sio was
over the state of things to the east, had abandoned to the 9th Australian Di-
flown from Madang to 51st Division vision and the Japanese moved up the
headquarters at Kiari. He received word coast, then headed inland east of Saidor.
of the American landing at Saidor just The retreat to Madang, almost two hun-
before he went overland to the 20th Di- dred miles away by the coastal route, was
vision at Sio. Opinion at General Ima- another of the terrible Japanese marches
mura's Rabaul headquarters was divided in New Guinea. The troops struggled
over the best course of action. Some staff through jungles, across rivers, and over
officers argued that the 20th and 51st Di- the awesome cliffs and mountains of the
visions should attack Saidor. Others Finisterres. Fatigue, straggling, disease,
counseled that they slip peacefully past and starvation characterized the retreat.
Saidor over an inland route and proceed "The men were no longer able to care
for themselves and walked step after step
Gen Martin, 1st Ind, 2 Nov 53, to Ltr, Gen looking ahead only a meter to see where
Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, to Gen Martin, 6 Oct 53,
no sub, OCMH. General Martin kindly attached to
his indorsement several letters and papers and took
the trouble to prepare an excellent narrative which 18th Army Operations, II, Japanese Monogr No.
clarified many obscure points. 42 (OCMH), 132.

they were going."55 The two divisions Field Artillery Battalion, disembarked
had totaled twenty thousand in Decem- from engineer landing craft at Yalau
ber 1943; only ten thousand wearily Plantation, twenty miles farther on. By
entered Madang in mid-February. now the 7th Australian Division had
Yet that the ten thousand made such broken out of the Ramu Valley and Gen-
a trip and that the Japanese could make eral Nakai was retreating toward Ma-
such marches in retreat and in the ad- dang. Patrols of the 32d U.S. and the 7th
vance are tribute and testimony to the Australian Divisions made contact at Kul
patient fortitude and iron resolution of between the Sa and Kambara Rivers,
the Japanese soldier. They clearly illus- about eight miles beyond Yalau Planta-
trate that despite his baggy uniforms and tion, on 21 March. The Australians went
bombastic phrases he was a formidable on to take Bogadjim on 13 April.
opponent. Meanwhile Imperial General Head-
After the fall of Sio the 5th Aus- quarters had transferred the 18th Army
tralian Division relieved the 9th and ad- and the 4th Air Army out of the 8th Area
vanced up the coast. Its advance patrols Army and assigned them to control of the
made contact with those of the MICHAEL- 2d Area Army to pull Adachi's troops out
MAS Task Force on the Yaut River about of Madang and west to Wewak, Aitape,
fourteen miles southeast of Saidor on 10 and Hollandia. Adachi's troops started
February 1944. west again, evacuating Madang just be-
Because permission to move east was fore the Australians entered from the
received too late, Martin could not block east on 24 April.56 So the large-scale at-
the Japanese in that direction. And the tack on Madang envisaged in ELKTON
escape route to the south ran up and III never came off. Saidor proved to be
down such steep ravines and slopes that an effective and economical substitute.
no heavy weapons could be carried there, Securing of the major objectives of
and the Americans could not block that Operation II of CARTWHEEL was com-
route either. General Martin decided to pleted by the seizure of Saidor, and sub-
attack to the west. The move, executed sequent operations on the Huon Penin-
by elements of the 1st and 3d Battalions, sula were anticlimactic strategically,
126th Infantry, began at once. however bitter and tragic they were for
General Gill and his staff reached those who fought and died in them. The
Saidor on 18 February to assume com- Saidor landing completed the seizure of
mand, and continued the westward the Markham-Ramu trough and the
move. By 24 February patrols of the 3d Huon Peninsula for the Allies and ob-
Battalion, 126th, had reached Biliau at tained one more airfield to support oper-
Cape Iris, about twelve land miles from ations against the Admiralties and enemy
Saidor. On 5 March the 126th Infantry bases to the west.
(less the 2d Battalion), the 121st Field
Artillery Battalion, and B Battery, 120th 56
For the 18th Army's operations subsequent to
the period embraced by this volume, see Smith,
The Approach to the Philippines, Chs. V-VIII. The
18th Army Operations, II, Japanese Monogr No. new boundary between the 8th Area and the 2d
42 (OCMH), 180. Area Armies was set at longitude 147° east.

Strictly speaking, Saidor was the last approach to the Philippines could begin
invasion of the CARTWHEEL operations. there remained a set of subsidiary,
With it General MacArthur fulfilled thetransitional operations to be accom-
plished. These, which the Joint Chiefs
provisions of the Joint Chiefs' orders of
28 March 1943. But he and Admiral and MacArthur had discussed earlier in
Halsey were not yet finished with the 1943, would complete the encirclement
Japanese in the Southeast Area. By the of Rabaul and would provide a naval
end of 1943 Rabaul had not yet been base to substitute for Rabaul in the drive
completely neutralized, and before the to the Philippines.

Expanding Into the Bismarck

General Plans Manus was to be Admiral Halsey's, and
he began planning these bases in No-
Further operations in the Bismarck
vember 1943. Kavieng was supposed to
Archipelago had been contemplated for
become a minor fleet base, a PT base,
nearly two years. The Joint Chiefs' di-
and a major air base with six airfields.
rective which launched the campaigns
Manus would serve as an air base (two
against Rabaul in 1942 had authorized
airfields and a seaplane base) while
operations to follow Arawe and Cape
Seeadler Harbour would be developed
Gloucester, and MacArthur's early plans
into a major fleet base whose complete
called for the capture of Kavieng on
repair facilities would include drydocks,
northern New Ireland and of Manus in
and a main naval supply base. It would
the Admiralty Islands as well as of
1 serve Admiral Nimitz' naval forces as
Rabaul. Further, when the Joint Chiefs
well as the Seventh Fleet.3
were deciding to bypass Rabaul, Gen-
Halsey, who conferred with Mac-
eral Marshall suggested that CARTWHEEL
Arthur in Brisbane in late 1943 before
be extended to include seizure of Ka-
departing on a trip to Hawaii and the
vieng, Manus, and Wewak. MacArthur
continental United States, opposed the
was less than enthusiastic about Wewak,
seizure of Kavieng. He wished to apply
which was a major enemy base. His plan
the bypass technique and seize Emirau in
for the drive to the Philippines, RENO
the Saint Matthias Islands, about ninety
III, called for the invasion of Hansa Bay
miles northwest of Kavieng, for this
on 1 February 1944, of Kavieng by the
group had never been taken by the Jap-
South Pacific on 1 March 1944, and of
anese. Kavieng, on the other hand, was a
the Admiralties on 1 March 1944.2
major air and naval base and was re-
Responsibility for base construction at
ported to be strongly defended. In De-
Kavieng and at Seeadler Harbour at
cember MacArthur told members of
Halsey's staff that an attack against Emi-
See above, pp. 5, 13.
See also GHQ SWPA Warning Instns 3, 23 Nov 3
43. in ALAMO ANCHORAGE Jnl 1, 23 Nov 43-12 Feb File on Manus-Kavieng base development in
44. GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 5 Nov 43.

rau or Kavieng would serve equally well and reported that the ships for Kavieng
in the isolation of Rabaul.4 would not be available until 1 May.7
Halsey spent four days with Nimitz at This would also put off the Admiralties
Pearl Harbor and then, in early January, operation.8 But Admiral Nimitz then
flew to San Francisco where he and suggested that by delaying his second
Nimitz conferred with Admiral King. Marshalls invasion (Eniwetok) until 1
Here, and later in Washington, the South May he could provide support for Manus
Pacific commander made known his and Kavieng about 1 April. MacArthur
views on Kavieng and Emirau.5 was ready and willing to invade Manus
Halsey was not able to carry his point and Kavieng in March before moving to
at this time. He did however discuss tim- Hansa Bay, but the Joint Chiefs ordered
ing and the question of naval support Nimitz to deliver a strong carrier strike
for Manus and Kavieng. These were im- against Truk during March. No direct
portant because by now the Central naval supporting forces could be avail-
Pacific offensives were well under way. able for Manus and Kavieng until April.
Nimitz' forces, having invaded the Gil- Nimitz proposed that representatives of
berts in November 1943, were planning all the Pacific areas meet in Pearl Har-
their initial move into the Marshalls bor to settle details of co-ordination and
(Kwajalein and Roi-Namur) in late timing.10
January. Kavieng, almost four hundred The command question came up again
miles from Cape Torokina, lay beyond in January when Marshall asked Mac-
fighter-plane range of Halsey's most ad- Arthur's opinion on a draft directive for
vanced air base. Thus aircraft carriers the next operations. The draft, Marshall
would have to provide cover for the in- told him, had received the approval of
vasion forces, and Admiral Nimitz General Kenney, who was also in Wash-
agreed to furnish them. General Mac- ington. Except for Kavieng it did not
Arthur wanted carriers to cover the in- specify any particular localities to be at-
vasion of Manus as well, in case bad tacked but authorized advances into the
weather kept the Fifth Air Force planes Bismarck Archipelago preparatory to the
grounded in New Guinea and at Cape drive to the Philippines. South Pacific
Gloucester. Nimitz pointed out, how- forces attacking Kavieng were to be
ever, that such weather could also affect placed under MacArthur's "general di-
carrier operations.6
Admiral Carney, Halsey's chief of staff, Memo, Carney for Halsey, 12 Dec 43, sub:
CINCPOA-SOPAC Stf Conf, 9-12 Dec 43, in GHQ
had visited Pearl Harbor in December SWPA G-3 Jnl, 21 Dec 43.
Memo, B F [Brig Gen Bonner Fellers, G-3 Sec
GHQ SWPA], no addressee, 22 Dec 43, sub: Conf
Memo, SJC [Chamberlin] for Jnl, 21 Dec 43, G-3 Plng Sec, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 22 Dec 43.
sub: Conf at GHQ, 20 Dec 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Rad, CINCPAC to COMINCH, 22 Dec 43, in
Jnl, 21 Dec 43. GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 24 Dec 43; Rad, Halsey to
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, pp. MacArthur, 5 Jan 44, and Rad, MacArthur to Mar-
186-87; Ernest J. King and Walter Muir Whitehill, shall and Halsey, 6 Jan 44, and Rad, COMSOPAC
Fleet Admiral King: A Naval Record (New York: to COMSOPAC Administration, 9 Jan 44, all in
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1952), pp. 533-34. Marshall's IN Log.
6 10
COMSOPAC, 7 Jan 44, CM-IN 8330. COMSOPAC, 7 Jan 44, CM-IN 8330.

rection," and Nimitz was ordered to pro- Control over South Pacific forces re-
vide fleet support and more assault ship- mained the same as for CARTWHEEL.
ping for Manus and Kavieng after the Halsey was in direct command under
approaching conference at Pearl Har- MacArthur's direction.13
bor.11 The conference at Pearl Harbor con-
MacArthur objected strenuously. After vened on 27 January. Halsey, flying out
reviewing the course of CARTWHEEL from Washington, had been grounded by
operations, which took place along two bad weather in Fort Worth, Texas, and
axes and for which, therefore, "loose co- again in San Francisco, and so was not
ordination" sufficed, he argued that in present. Carney, whom he had au-
the Bismarck Archipelago the South and thorized to make preliminary arrange-
Southwest Pacific forces would be con- ments with MacArthur, represented him,
verging in a fairly restricted area. South as did General Harmon. Representing
Pacific forces alone could not capture MacArthur were Sutherland, Kenney,
Kavieng, and elements of the forces and Kinkaid. Nimitz, Rear Adm. Forrest
might have to be mingled. Constant, P. Sherman, and others spoke for the
complete co-ordination of air and surface Central Pacific.
units would be required. Unity of com- Sutherland made it quite clear that
mand, vested in himself, should be ap- MacArthur now definitely wanted the
plied, urged-MacArthur, with the South South Pacific to capture Kavieng for use
Pacific forces under Halsey's direct com- as an air base, not Emirau. Halsey's pro-
mand. And, finally, the Joint Chiefs posal was shelved for the time being.
rather than Nimitz should determine the Besides discussing operations in the
extent of fleet support and additional Bismarck Archipelago, the conference
assault shipping.12 covered a wide range of topics—the value
In their orders for the extension into of the Marianas, B-29's, the possibility of
the Bismarck Archipelago, dated 23 and bypassing Truk, and the comparative
24 January, the Joint Chiefs acceded to merits of the Central and Southwest
MacArthur's suggestions on fleet support Pacific routes to the Philippines. All
in a left-handed way. They directed agreed that whether Truk was bypassed
Nimitz to provide fleet support and cover or not, Seeadler Harbour was essential
for the Manus-Kavieng invasions under as a fleet base for the approach to the
his direct command, and to attach more Philippines.
warships and assault shipping to Mac- Nimitz proposed to give long-range
Arthur's and Halsey's forces. The exact support to the Manus-Kavieng invasions
amounts were to be determined at the with a two-day strike against Truk by
forthcoming Pearl Harbor conference, the main body of the Pacific Fleet start-
which would then forward recommenda- ing about 26 March. In addition he
tions to Washington for approval. agreed to send two divisions of fast car-

11 13
Rad 3097, Marshall to MacArthur, 17 Jan 44, JCS 679, 24 Jan 44, title: Dirs for Seizure of
in Marshall's OUT Log. Control of Bismarck Archipelago; Rads, JCS to
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, 19 Jan 44, in CINCPAC and CINCSWPA, 23 Jan 44, with JCS
Marshall's IN Log. 679.

riers to operate under Halsey's command Empress Augusta Bay, Bougainville, was
during the Manus-Kavieng invasions, a major step forward, for now New
while other carrier divisions and fast Georgia- and Guadalcanal-based bomb-
battleships operated in covering posi- ers could have fighter escort in their
tions. attacks. But by the end of 1943 it was
These were large forces indeed. As clear that high-level bombing would not
originally planned the Bismarck opera- suffice to neutralize Rabaul. Obviously,
tions would have been extensive. In ad- success depended on completion of the
dition to the naval forces, Halsey bomber strips by the Piva River (Piva
planned to use all his land-based air- Uncle and Piva Yoke).15
craft and two divisions in assault, with Piva Uncle, eight thousand feet by
one in reserve. However, not one of the three hundred feet, was ready as a stag-
operations approved by the Joint Chiefs ing field on 30 December 1943. On 5
and MacArthur was carried out accord- January 1944 SBD's and TBF's from
ing to the original plan. Munda staged through to attack Rabaul,
but by noon, when the bombers arrived
Reducing Rabaul and Kavieng
over the target, Rabaul was as usual
All during the invasions of Arawe, blanketed by heavy clouds. A similar at-
Cape Gloucester, and Saidor, and during tack two days later met the same diffi-
the discussions over the Bismarck Archi- culties, but on 9 January Piva Yoke was
pelago operations, the Solomons air com- ready and from then on bombers could
mand had been putting forth a maxi- be permanently based at the Bougain-
mum effort to reduce Rabaul. Comple- ville fields and could reach Rabaul in the
tion of the Torokina fighter strip at morning, before it was covered by clouds.
Thereafter during January TBF's,
These forces were to include 3 aircraft carriers,
SBD's, B-25's, and B-24's struck regu-
3 light carriers, 7 cruisers, and 18 destroyers. In larly at Rabaul. The Japanese lost many
addition 4 old battleships, 7 cruisers, 4 escort car- planes but occasionally received rein-
riers, 48 destroyers, 30 destroyer-escorts, 1 command
ship (AGC), 19 transports, 3 LSD's, 5 minesweepers, forcements from Truk, and continued to
36 LST's, and 36 LCI's would be assigned to resist with fighter interception and anti-
Halsey's Third Fleet for Kavieng, while for Manus
the Seventh Fleet was to receive 3 light cruisers, 4
aircraft fire. ". . . the skies overhead
escort carriers, 35 destroyers, 8 patrol frigates, 1
AGC, 1 transport, 1 cargo ship, 2 minesweepers, 1
LSD, 13 APD's, 30 LST's, 30 LCI's, 70 LCT's, and Unless otherwise indicated this section is based
30 submarines. Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's on Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
Story, p. 188; Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Saipan, pp. 350-56; Morison, Breaking the Bis-
Guadalcanal to Saipan, pp. 551-52; Kenney, Gen- marcks Barrier, pp. 337-66, 392-410; Samuel Eliot
eral Kenney Reports, p. 346; Smith, The Approach Morison, History of United States Naval Operations
to the Philippines, pp. 7-8; Halsey, Narrative Ac- in World War II, VII, Aleutians, Gilberts and Mar-
count of the South Pacific Campaign, OCMH; Rad, shalls: June 1942-April 1944 (Boston: Little, Brown
CINCPAC to COMINCH-CNO, 29 Jan 44, in GHQ and Company, 1951), 330; Building the Navy's
SWPA G-3 Jnl, 30 Jan 44; Ltr, CINCPOA to Bases in World War II, II, 268-74; USSBS, The
COMINCH, 30 Jan 44, sub: Assignment Naval Allied Campaign Against Rabaul; 8th Area Army
Forces and Assault Shipg to Third and Seventh Operations, Japanese Monogr No. 110 (OCMH), p.
Fits for Opns Against Bismarck Archipelago, ABC 123; Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japa-
384 Pac (17 Jan 43) Sec 3-A. nese Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), 6, 58-63.


were the scene of continuous annihila- were especially vulnerable to low-level

tion battles. . . ." bombing and dive-bombing. By Febru-
By the end of January heavy bombers ary 1944 the Allies had won a signal vic-
had flown 263 sorties over Rabaul; tory; Japanese surface ships stopped
B-25's, 180 sorties; SBD's, 368; TBF's, using the harbor.
227; fighters, 1,850. Losses totaled 8 During the same period Kavieng re-
B-24's, 14 B-25's, 8 SBD's, 5 TBF's, 19 ceived increased attention from both
P-38's, 37 F4U's, 5 F6F's, and 6 New Allies and Japanese. Halsey, expecting
Zealand P-40's. to assault the base eventually, wanted to
Damage to Japanese equipment and reduce Kavieng to help cut the Japanese
weapons on the ground was relatively lines of communication from rear bases
light, for in late November the enemy to Rabaul. The Japanese, well aware of
had begun the prodigious task of digging the threat to Rabaul, decided to
every possible item underground in Ra- strengthen Kavieng and the Admiralties
baul's volcanic rock, a task that was well to help protect Rabaul.
along by January. But all buildings were In October Imamura had sent the
knocked flat. Ships and grounded planes 230th Infantry of the 38th Division from
Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese
Rabaul to New Ireland. Next month he
Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), 58. sent an emissary to Tokyo to ask for one

more division. Imperial Headquarters baul, and supporting the South Pacific's
responded by sending the 1st Independ- 11th forty-eight
invasion of the B-24's
Green with P-38On
Islands. escorts
ent Mixed Regiment to New Ireland. It
reached its destination in late 1943 and caught Kavieng's planes on the ground,
early 1944. Imamura placed it, together and the next two days saw similar attacks.
with the 230th Infantry, under Maj. During the first two weeks of Febru-
Gen. Takeo Ito, infantry group com- ary Rabaul's defenses grew obviously
mander of the 38th Division. Ito's weaker as the Air Command, Solomons,
soldiers and the 14th Naval Base Force maintained the intensity of its attack.
were responsible for defense of New There were few attempts to intercept un-
Ireland. til 19 February. On that date twenty-
In December Halsey set a trap and eight SBD's, twenty-three TBF's, and
ordered Buka bombarded to lure Japa- sixty-eight fighters, finding no ships in
nese planes and ships away from Ka- the harbor, put bombs and rockets on
vieng. Admiral Sherman, lying east of Lakunai airfield. Twenty B-24's with
Kavieng with the carriers Bunker Hill thirty-five escorting fighters bombed
and Monterey plus escorts, was then to from high altitudes. About fifty Japa-
strike at Kavieng in the hope of catch- nese fighters attempted to break up the
ing troopships and warships in the har- attack without success. This was the last
bor. Before dawn on Christmas morning attempted interception. Thereafter at-
Sherman launched eighty-six planes, tacking Rabaul became a milk run.
which bombed Kavieng at 0745 and were Allied pilots encountered antiaircraft
back aboard their carriers by 1015. But fire but no planes. Rabaul no longer
the results were disappointing as there could threaten any Allied advance except
were almost no ships in the harbor. one directed against itself.
On New Year's day Sherman delivered Rabaul's impotence was of course
another strike from 220 miles east of largely brought about by the South and
Kavieng. Outside the harbor his planes Southwest Pacific air and naval cam-
caught some of the ships that had just paigns that had been under way for so
unloaded part of the 1st Independent long, but it was partly brought about by
Mixed Regiment but the Japanese air Admiral Nimitz' naval forces. The Cen-
cover of forty-two planes prevented the tral Pacific had invaded Kwajalein and
ships from suffering damage. Sherman Roi-Namur on 31 January and seized
struck Kavieng again three days later, them so rapidly that the reserve and gar-
again without doing much damage; no rison forces did not have to be com-
ships were present and the Japanese mitted. When the Joint Chiefs told
planes were out against Cape Gloucester. Nimitz that they were willing to delay
In February the Fifth Air Force, using the Manus-Kavieng invasions in order to
Finschhafen as a fighter base and Cape proceed directly to Eniwetok, using the
Gloucester as an emergency field, began uncommitted troops, Nimitz decided to
to attack Kavieng with the aim of soften- 17
ing it before the projected invasion, cut- From 1 through 19 February fighters flew 1,579
sorties; B-24's, 256; B-25's, 263; TBF's, 244, and
ting the line of communications to Ra- SBD's 573.

go there as quickly as possible. Accord- the Allies attacked. The garrison of New
ingly he invaded Eniwetok on 17 Feb- Britain numbered almost 98,000 men
ruary. In support of this move the main (76,300 in the 8th Area Army and 21,570
body of the Pacific Fleet, commanded by in the naval forces). The rugged country
Vice Adm. Raymond A. Spruance, at- of Gazelle Peninsula was well suited for
tacked Truk on 16 and 17 February, defense. By the war's end some 350 miles
over one month ahead of schedule. Spru- of tunnels and caves had been excavated.
ance's strike was an outstanding success. At peak strength Rabaul had 367 anti-
The Combined Fleet had already es- aircraft guns (of which 73 were destroyed
caped toward home waters, but Spru- by air bombing), ranging in type and
ance's pilots destroyed or damaged 250- caliber from 13.2-mm. to 120.7-mm. dual
275 planes as well as thousands of tons purpose. There were 43 coast defense
of shipping. Admiral Koga, thus almost guns (1 destroyed) of calibers up to and
bereft of planes, ordered all naval planes including 150-mm. Of the 475 artillery
out of the Southeast Area at once. ". . . guns and howitzers (37-mm. to 150-mm.),
Rabaul, compelled to face the enemy none was destroyed by bombing, nor
with ground resources alone and com- were any of the 1,762 machine guns. Ima-
pletely isolated, was abandoned." 18 mura's men also had tanks, mines,
The Allies dropped 20,584 tons of ditches, caves, bunkers, and concrete pill-
bombs on Rabaul throughout the war, boxes, as well as rifles, grenades, bayo-
and fired 383 tons of naval shells after nets, and ample ammunition.
Rabaul was reduced to the indignity of
Rabaul would not have been as valu-
suffering destroyer and nocturnal PBY
able to the Allies as it was to the Japa-
bombardment in March. Thirty naval
vessels were sunk, 23 damaged. In addi- nese in their southward advance. It
tion 154 large cargo vessels and 517 would have been useful to the Allies
barges were sunk; 70 small cargo vessels only in a northward move against Truk
suffered damage.19 ". . . The [Japanese] and the Marianas. Because the Joint
Navy lost the pick of its flight personnel Chiefs had decided to advance westward,
at Rabaul, a fact which told heavily upon and because Seeadler Harbour in the Ad-
subsequent efforts to rebuild our air miralties was better than Rabaul's, the
forces." 20 Japanese fortress was not worth the price
Rabaul was abandoned only in the the Japanese surely would have exacted.
strategic sense, and it was impotent only
for offensive action. It could have de- Seizure of the Green Islands
fended itself with bloody efficiency had
Plans and Preparations
Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese In December 1943 Admiral Halsey's
Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), 6. planes were bombing Rabaul, his ships
These and subsequent statistics come from
USSBS, The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul, pp. were patrolling the Solomon Sea, and his
ground troops in Bougainville were
Outline of Southeast Area Naval Air Operations,
November 1942-June 1943, Pt. III, Japanese
either fighting the enemy or consolidat-
Monogr No. 107 (OCMH), p. 59. ing positions in anticipation of a fight.

But this was not enough to satisfy him. to attack the Green Islands about 1 Feb-
When he learned that Nimitz' plans, as ruary. 22
they stood in December, would not per- The island group consists of four flat,
mit the invasion of Manus and Kavieng thickly wooded coral atolls which en-
for several months, he decided to seize an circle a lagoon. The group is about nine
air base site within fighter range of Ka- miles long from north to south, five miles
vieng in the meantime. 21 At a conference from east to west. Horseshoe-shaped
in Port Moresby on 20 December at- Nissan, the main island, provided good
tended by MacArthur, Kinkaid, Car- landing beaches on its west shore inside
ney, Chamberlin, and others, the South the lagoon, but it was not known
Pacific representatives proposed that the whether the passage between Barahun
Southwest Pacific attack Manus directly and Nissan would accommodate landing
while South Pacific forces captured the craft. Therefore Halsey sent four PT
boats from Cape Torokina to examine
Green Islands, some 37 miles northwest
the passage on the night of 10-11 Jan-
of Buka, and established there an airfield
uary. They found seventeen feet of water
and PT boat base. Situated 117 miles there, or enough to float an LST.

east of Rabaul and 220 miles southeast Admiral Halsey, who returned to
of Kavieng, this circular coral atoll was Noumea on 3 February, placed control
not strongly held. The Japanese used it of the operation and responsibility for
only as a barge staging base between the co-ordination of amphibious plan-
Rabaul and Buka. Allied seizure of the ning in Admiral Wilkinson's hands on 5
atoll would put South Pacific fighter February.24 This action confirmed warn-
planes within range of Kavieng, extend ing orders which had been issued in early
the range of PT boat patrols as far as January.
New Ireland, and cut the Japanese sea- Only destroyer-transports and landing
borne supply route to Buka. craft were assigned to the attack force.
MacArthur, deciding for the time Command of the landing force was given
being against a move to Manus in ad- to General Barrowclough of the 3d New
vance of the projected invasion of Hansa Zealand Division. Barrowclough's di-
Bay, approved simultaneous attacks vision (less the 8th Brigade Group), the
against Manus and Kavieng and told the 976th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battal-
South Pacific to go ahead with the plan ion of the U.S. Army, a PT base unit,
communications units, a boat pool, and
a large naval base unit including an en-
Unless otherwise indicated this section is based
on Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
Saipan, p. 355; Gillespie, The Pacific, pp. 168-95; Memo, SJC [Chamberlin] for Jnl, 21 Dec 43,
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p. 188; sub: Conf at GHQ, 20 Dec 43, in GHQ SWPA G-3
Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp. 412- Jnl, 21 Dec 43.
19; Rentz, Bougainville and the Northern Solomons, A fully loaded LST draws 14 feet 114 inches of
pp. 114-17; Building the Navy's Bases in World water astern, 9 feet 914 inches when loaded for
War II, II, 274-76; Halsey, Narrative Account of landing operations.
the South Pacific Campaign; Southeast Area Naval Rad, Comdr Third Flt to CINCSWPA, CINC-
Operations, III, Japanese Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), PAC, and all TF's SOPAC, 5 Feb 44, in GHQ
60-62. SWPA G-3 Jnl, 7 Feb 44.

tire construction regiment, constituted beach. Once ashore the reconnaissance

the landing force. Halsey ordered the party waited for daylight while the
Solomons air command and Ainsworth's APD's hauled clear. Guarded by the New
and Merrill's cruiser task forces to sup- Zealand soldiers, the specialists set to
port and cover the invasion, and ar- work and gathered their data. They
ranged with MacArthur for Kenney's air found a good airfield site, and estimated
forces to deliver the attacks on Kavieng that the enemy garrison numbered about
during the first fifteen days of February.25 a hundred. The twelve hundred native
As South Pacific headquarters esti- inhabitants proved so friendly and co-
mated that Rabaul and Kavieng would operative that preliminary naval bom-
be virtually neutralized by mid-Febru- bardment to support the main landing
ary, D Day was set for the 15th. General was omitted. The specialists were not
Barrowclough, who had been island com- molested, but the enemy fired on one
mander at Vella Lavella, moved his head- landing craft that went to the south part
quarters to Guadalcanal in January to be of the island where there was an aban-
near Wilkinson during the planning. doned Roman Catholic mission and
They decided to send a large reconnais- killed three New Zealanders and one
sance party to Green in order to deter- American. When Rabaul heard of the
mine the strength of the enemy garrison landing Kusaka sent six bomb-carrying
and to examine possible airfield sites, fighters to Green. They attacked the
beaches, and naval base sites, and the landing boats but did no damage.
lagoon tides. The party was to spend The APD's reclaimed the New Zea-
twenty-four hours ashore. landers and Americans on 31 January
Three hundred and twenty-two and returned safely to Guadalcanal. On
soldiers of the 30th New Zealand Bat- the way back two of the escorting de-
talion and twenty-seven American and stroyers sank a Japanese submarine near
eleven New Zealand hydrographic, air, Buka Passage.
small boat, communications, and intel- The Japanese Green Islands garrison
ligence specialists boarded three APD's reported it had suffered heavy losses,
on 29 January. The destroyer-transports asked for reinforcements, and fled north-
hove to west of Barahun about midnight west in three landing craft to the Feni
and launched landing craft. Two of the Islands. Kusaka put 123 men aboard a
torpedo boats that had checked the pas- submarine on 1 February and sent them
sage led the landing craft through to the to Nissan. The submarine hove to off the
northeast coast about midnight in a sea
Rad, Comdr Third Flt to CINCSWPA, 22 Jan
so rough that after 77 men had gone
44, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 23 Jan 44; Rad, Mac- ashore, the submarine commander called
Arthur to Comdrs AAF, ANF, ALAMO, et al., 27 off the operation and returned to Rabaul
Jan 44, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 27 Jan 44. Rear
Adm. John F. Shafroth, Halsey's deputy com- with 46 men still on board. The return
mander, issued the warning orders on 3 January. of the original garrison to Nissan on 5
SOPAC, et al., 3 Jan 44, sub: Warning Orders, in
February brought total enemy strength
GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 6 Jan 44. to 102.

The Landings teen bombers and about fifteen of these

attacked the landing craft. They scored
In the meantime the South Pacific's
no hits. At the same time Kenney's air-
APD's returned from service in the Cape
men, with four A-20 and seven B-25
Gloucester operation. Shortly before 12
squadrons, delivered a strong blow
February the APD's, LST's, LCI's
against Kavieng which kept that base
LCT's, LCM's, and patrol boats and
from attacking the invaders at Green.
coastal transports of the amphibious
Within two hours all men of the New
force took aboard the 5,806-man New
Zealand combat units went ashore on
Zealand-American landing force at Tu-
Nissan. During the day all ships and
lagi, Guadalcanal, the Russells, New
26 boats were completely unloaded and
Georgia, and Vella Lavella. The ships,
with the exception of the LCT's, all left
timing their departures so as to meet off
for the south once they were emptied.
Bougainville on 14 February, sailed from
The LCT's remained as part of the naval
their various ports on the 12th and 13th.
advanced base.
A Japanese reconnaissance plane Between 15 and 20 February the New
spotted them west of Bougainville on 14 Zealand infantrymen hunted down and
February, reported their presence to Ra- killed the Japanese garrison. Ten New
baul, and kept contact. Admiral Kusaka Zealanders and 3 Americans were killed;
sent thirty-two planes against the ships 21 New Zealanders and 3 Americans were
throughout the moonlit night of 14-15 wounded.
February. They did no damage to Wil- By 17 March 16,448 men and 43,088
kinson's ships but managed to hit the tons of supplies had been sent to the
cruiser Saint Louis in Admiral Ains- Green Islands. The 22d Naval Construc-
worth's task force, which was operating tion Regiment had begun work at once.
south of Saint George's Channel. Twelve Within two days of the landings a PT
Japanese planes were lost. boat base opened. This extended the
The APD's arrived in the transport range of torpedo boat patrols to New
area west of Barahun shortly after 0600 Ireland and along the entire northeast
on 15 February and promptly dispatched coast of Bougainville. By 4 March a
LCVP's toward the passage. Thirty-two 5,000-foot fighter field was ready; in late
fighters of the Solomons air command March a 6,000-foot bomber field was
were on station overhead. But Kusaka opened. Kavieng now lay within range
did not yield easily. He sent out seven- of fighters and light bombers as well as
heavy bombers from Bougainville. But,
stripped of its naval planes when Ad-
Eleven destroyers escorted; two aircraft rescue miral Koga ordered their withdrawal in
boats and two tugs were also in the amphibious
force. There were 4,242 New Zealanders and 1,564
February, it had already ceased to
Americans in the landing force. menace the Allies.

Action in the Admiralties

The Decision Arthur also warned Krueger to make
First Plans ready for the drive west along the New
Guinea coast.
By the time Halsey's forces invaded As in past and future operations,
the Green Islands, the Southwest Pacific's Krueger was responsible for the co-
plans for moves to the Admiralties and ordination of plans. But in these orders
Hansa Bay, which had been started in General MacArthur departed from the
November 1943, were well developed. previous practice in his area and adopted
On 13 February General MacArthur principles similar to those prevailing in
issued operations instructions to the the South and Central Pacific areas. He
South and Southwest Pacific Areas which specified that the amphibious (naval)
called for these commands to gain con- commander would be in command of all
trol of the Bismarck Archipelago and to assault forces, ships and troops but not
isolate Rabaul by seizing Manus and aircraft, until the landing force was es-
Kavieng about 1 April. To General tablished ashore. Then the amphibious
Krueger's ALAMO Force, supported by commander would pass the command to
Allied Air and Allied Naval Forces, he the landing force commander, who
assigned responsibility for the seizure of would become again responsible to
Seeadler Harbour and Manus, as well as his normal military superior—General
Hansa Bay. Using naval construction bat- Krueger in the case of units assigned to
talions and Army service units furnished the ALAMO Force.

by Admiral Halsey, Krueger was to start The operations, as planned, differed

building a major naval base at Seeadler from previous ones in another important
Harbour and to develop the Japanese respect. In one general area three sepa-
airfields at Lorengau on Manus and rate naval forces would be operating:
Momote Plantation on Los Negros. Mac- Halsey's, Kinkaid's, and the additional
forces from Nimitz. Chamberlin there-
GHQ SWPA Warning Instns 3, 23 Nov 43, in fore suggested that in the event of a
ALAMO ANCHORAGE Jnl 1, 23 Nov 43-12 Feb 44.
GHQ SWPA OI 44, 13 Feb 44, in GHQ SWPA major naval action command of these
G-3 Jnl, 13 Feb 44. Unless otherwise indicated this
chapter is based on [Maj. William C. Frierson] This change was suggested by Chamberlin who
The Admiralties: Operations of the 1st Cavalry Di- felt that previous orders had, in this respect, been
vision (29 February—18 May 1944), AMERICAN unsound. Note, SJC to CINC, 12 Feb 44, in GHQ
FORCES IN ACTION (Washington, 1946). SWPA G-3 Jnl, 13 Feb 44.

forces be vested in Halsey, who would They contained two airfields as well as a
be the senior admiral present.4 This sug- superb harbor. The Japanese had built
gestion was accepted, although for some and used the airfields but, possessing
reason it was not followed in similar Rabaul, had never made extensive use of
situations at Hollandia and Leyte. Seeadler. This harbor, formed by the
Forces assigned to General Krueger horseshoe-shaped curvature of the two
for the Admiralties totaled 45,110 men. major islands, had a surveyed area 6 miles
They included: wide, 20 miles long, and 120 feet deep,
ample for the fleets of World War II.
Guarding the harbor entrance is a line
of islets—Koruniat, Ndrilo, Hauwei,
Pityilu, and others—which parallel
Manus' north coast.6 (Map 19)
Manus, the largest in the group, is
separated from Los Negros by a narrow
strait, Loniu Passage. Forty-nine miles
from east to west and sixteen miles
across, Manus is a heavily wooded island
of volcanic origin. Mangrove swamps
cover much of the shore line. A range
These were to be concentrated at Oro of mountains, two thousand to three
Bay and Cape Cretin. The 6th Division thousand feet in height, extends the east-
was designated as GHQ reserve. west length. Many of the streams were
Hansa Bay was supposed to be in- navigable for small boats, and nearly all
vaded on 26 April by the 24th and 32d could be forded except when in spate.
Divisions. There an air and light naval Principal overland routes consisted of
base would assist in the isolation of Ra- four native tracks: three ran from the
baul and the Madang-Alexishafen area north coast over the high country; the
and would support operations west- fourth extended from Lorengau to the
ward.5 west part of Manus.
Los Negros, much smaller than
The Target: Enemy Dispositions Manus, is irregularly shaped and cut by
several inlets. Papitalai Harbour, an ex-
The Admiralties, lying 200 miles tension of Seeadler Harbour, is sepa-
northeast of New Guinea, 260 miles west rated from Hyane Harbour by a low spit
of Kavieng, and 200 miles northeast of only fifty yards across. Natives had built
Wewak, were admirably situated to as- a skidway over the spit to drag their
sist in isolating Rabaul and in support- canoes from one harbor to the other.
ing the approach to the Philippines.
Data in this subsection are derived from [Frier-
Ibid. son] The Admiralties; Morison, Breaking the Bis-
Memo, Chamberlin for CINC, 9 Feb 44, sub: marcks Barrier, pp. 436-37; 8th Area Army Opera-
Outline Plan—Hansa Bay, and Memo, Chamberlin tions, Japanese Monogr No. no (OCMH), p. 133;
for Comdrs, 9 Feb 44, sub: Hansa Bay—SW Pac Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese
Forces, both in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 9 Feb 44. Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), 35-36.

The center part of Los Negros, in the reinforcing units en route from Japan
vicinity of Momote, is flat and fertile. were lost to a U.S. submarine. Then Ima-
The swampy region north of the skid- mura organized an infantry and an artil-
way had some coconut plantations. West lery battalion in the Palaus out of other
of Momote are three jungled hill masses replacements. These set out for the Ad-
about two hundred feet high. miralties in January, but their ships were
The thirteen thousand natives (Mela- so harried by submarines that they
nesian with some Micronesian admix- turned back. Imamura therefore ar-
ture) lived largely in Los Negros and ranged with Kusaka for destroyers to
eastern Manus. Coconut was the stand- carry the 2d Battalion of the 1st Inde-
ard commercial crop. The natives, who pendent Mixed Regiment from Kavieng
sailed their large canoes with skill, also to the Admiralties. This movement was
dived for trochus shell and pearls. The accomplished on 23-25 January, and at
climate—hot and wet—is about the same the month's end the 1st Battalion, 229th
as that of the rest of the region. Infantry, was dispatched. Though it suf-
Japanese troops had landed at Loren- fered air attack on the way, it arrived
gau in April 1942 and developed an air- safely.
field there. The next year they built a By 2 February the Japanese garrison
5,000-foot strip at Momote and improved consisted of the two infantry battalions,
the Lorengau field. Toward the end of the 51st Transport Regiment, and
the year, as the Allies advanced to the several naval detachments. In command
Markham Valley, the Huon Peninsula, was Col. Yoshio Ezaki, who also led the
and Cape Gloucester, the Japanese be- 51st Transport Regiment. He disposed
gan using the Admiralties' fields as stag- his main strength on Los Negros to de-
ing points for aircraft flying between Ra- fend Seeadler Harbour and Momote air-
baul and Wewak and Hollandia. field against attack from the north. An
Up to now the garrison had consisted Allied attack through Hyane Harbour
of the 51st Transport Regiment, but was not expected because it was small,
when the Japanese decided to strengthen with so narrow an entrance that landing
Kavieng they also decided to reinforce craft would come under fire as they
the Admiralties. Elements of the 14th passed through.
Naval Base Force, the main body of
which was stationed in New Ireland, "Prepare for Immediate
were sent to Los Negros and Manus. On Reconnaissance in Force"
9 December General Imamura directed General Kenney's Allied Air Forces
Adachi to send one infantry regiment had prepared elaborate plans for sup-
and an artillery battalion from New
porting the Admiralties invasion from
Guinea to be rehabilitated in the Palaus, Dobodura and Nadzab. During January
from where they were to proceed to the and the first two weeks of February his
Admiralties.7 The 66th Infantry reached planes bombed the Admiralties and Ka-
the Palaus safely, but replacements and vieng, and also continued their attacks
The Admiralties remained under Imamura's
against the Wewak airfields so as to keep
control after the reorganization in March 1944. them out of action and destroy the 4th

Air Army's planes. By 6 February Mo- sank a Japanese transport about one hun-
mote and Lorengau airfields were un- dred miles east of Lorengau during a
serviceable, and no planes were present. sweep on 22-23 February. Survivors
Antiaircraft fire had stopped completely, testified that they were part of a 400-man
not because the guns were destroyed but detachment of air force ground crews
because Colonel Ezaki, to conceal his that was being transferred to bases
positions from the Allies, had ordered farther north. Three of the destroyers
his troops neither to fire nor to move then sank a Japanese destroyer and a
about in daylight. cargo ship south of New Hanover,
At this time Kenney and Whitehead skirted the southwest coast of New Ire-
were eagerly seeking methods by which land, and steamed safely past Rabaul
the whole advance could be made to through Saint George's Channel, which
move more rapidly. Whitehead wanted lies between New Britain and New Ire-
to get the Admiralties out of the way land, on the way back to base. The other
soon, so that he would have time to con- two bombarded Kavieng. No Japanese
centrate against Wewak and Hollandia aircraft opposed either group although
in the westward advance. Kenney, who these waters had formerly been domi-
had experience in New Guinea with nated by Japanese air and surface forces.
quick seizures of airfields by light forces, On 23 February—shortly after the
had a scheme in mind for another such great Truk raid and the withdrawal of
operation. Some time before 23 Febru- Japanese naval aircraft from the South-
ary he told Whitehead to hit Los Negros east Area—Whitehead forwarded to Ken-
hard but not to crater the runway. Hop- ney a reconnaissance report from three
ing to force the Japanese to evacuate Los B-25's that had just flown over Los
Negros and retire to Manus, he ordered Negros and Lorengau for ninety min-
frequent low-altitude photo-reconnais- utes. Although they flew as low as twenty
sance missions.8 feet, they were not fired on, saw no Jap-
The Allies were not yet fully aware anese, no trucks, and no laundry hung
that Japanese air resistance in the South- out to dry. The airfields were pitted and
east Area was almost a thing of the past, overgrown with grass. The whole area
and that they had won. They knew, how- looked "completely washed out." White-
ever, that the enemy was weakening. The head recommended that a ground recon-
runways at Rabaul were usually cratered. naissance party go in at once to check.
On 21 February Allied intelligence rea- When Kenney received this message
soned that Japanese aircraft were "ab- he was at his headquarters in Brisbane.
sconding" from Rabaul, probably to Concluding, with Whitehead, that "Los
Truk and other bases in the Carolines.9 Negros was ripe for the plucking," he
Further, five Seventh Fleet destroyers hurried to MacArthur's office and pro-
posed to MacArthur, Kinkaid, and part
Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 358; Craven of MacArthur's staff that a few hundred
and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Saipan, p.
troops carried on APD's seize Los Negros
GHQ SWPA G-2 Daily Summary of Enemy Int,
and GHQ SWPA G-2 Est of Enemy Sit 700, 20-21 Rad, Comdr AdVon Fifth AF to Comdr AAF,
Feb 44, both in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 21 Feb 44. 23 Feb 44, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 23 Feb 44.

and repair Momote airfield at once, ance with GHQ's earlier orders, plan-
rather than capture Seeadler Harbour, ning had begun in January when
so that they could be reinforced and sup- Krueger directed the 1st Cavalry Di-
plied by air if need be. This should be vision to prepare terrain, logistical, and
a reconnaissance in force. If resistance intelligence studies. Krueger, White-
proved too strong the invaders could head, and Barbey had begun a series of
withdraw. A quick seizure of the Ad- planning conferences on 19 February.
miralties, Kenney argued, might make Kinkaid's and Barbey's plans, issued
possible the bypassing of Kavieng and on 26 February, provided for transport-
Hansa Bay.11 ing and landing the reconnaissance force,
General Willoughby, in contrast with then reinforcing it or withdrawing it if
the airmen, was convinced that the Japa- necessary. With the cruisers Nashville
nese garrison was fairly strong. His esti- and Phoenix and four destroyers Rear
mate for 25 February placed enemy Adm. Russell S. Berkey was to provide
strength at 4,050. cover during the approach to the Ad-
MacArthur quickly decided in favor miralties and to deliver supporting gun-
of the reconnaissance in force. Next day fire against Los Negros, Lorengau, and
he radioed orders to Krueger, White- Seeadler Harbour during the landings.
head, and Barbey to "prepare for im- The attack group, which Barbey placed
mediate reconnaissance in force." He di- under command of Rear Adm. William
rected Krueger and Barbey to send eight M. Fechteler, his deputy, consisted of
hundred men of the 1st Cavalry Division eight destroyers and three APD's.14
and other units aboard two APD's and The cruisers were added to the force
one destroyer division from Oro Bay to because General MacArthur elected to
Momote not later than 29 February. If accompany the expedition, and to invite
successful the cavalrymen were to pre- Admiral Kinkaid to go with him, to
pare the airfield for transport aircraft judge from firsthand observation whether
and hold their positions pending arrival to evacuate or hold after the reconnais-
of reinforcements.13 sance. The first plans had called for just
one destroyer division and three APD's,
The Reconnaissance in Force but when Kinkaid learned of Mac-
Preparations Arthur's decision he added two cruisers
and four destroyers. This was necessary
With but five days between Mac- because a destroyer had neither accom-
Arthur's radiogram and D Day there was modations nor communications equip-
little time to make ready. But in accord- ment suitable for a man of MacArthur's
age and rank. A cruiser would serve
Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 359. better, but a single cruiser could not go
Note, G-2 to G-3, 25 Feb 44, in GHQ SWPA to the Admiralties. Kinkaid's policy for-
G-3 Jnl, 25 Feb 44. GHQ SWPA G-3 Monthly
Summary of Enemy Dispositions, 29 Feb 44, in GHQ
SWPA G-3 Jnl, 29 Feb 44, gives the same figures. Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier, pp.
Rad, MacArthur to Comdr ALAMO, CG AdVon 435-36; Rad, Comdr Seventh Flt to CTF's 76 and
Fifth AF, and Comdr VII Amphib Force, 24 Feb 44, 74, and CTG 74.2, 26 Feb 44, in GHQ SWPA G-3
in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 24 Feb 44. Jnl, 28 Feb 44.

bade sending only one ship of any type in its field order that "Recent air recon-
on a tactical mission. Therefore he sent naissance . . . results in no enemy ac-
two cruisers, and the two cruisers re- tion and no signs of enemy occupa-
quired four additional destroyers as es- tion."18
corts.15 Because Krueger did not wish to risk
The air plans prescribed the usual mis- betraying Allied plans by sending a
sions but necessarily compressed them patrol to Hyane Harbour and Momote;
into a few days. Bad weather limited the he decided to send one to examine the
air effort on 26 February, but next day region about one mile south of the har-
four B-25 squadrons attacked Momote bor. Accordingly, at 0645, 27 February,
and Lorengau while seven squadrons of a PBY delivered a six-man party of
B-24's attacked the Wewak fields and ALAMO Scouts to a point five hundred
B-25's struck at Hansa Bay. Heavy at- yards off Los Negros' southeast shore
tacks against the Admiralties and Hansa under cover of air bombardment. The
Bay followed on 28 February, and that scouts took a rubber boat ashore, found
night seven B-24's attacked Hollandia, a large bivouac area on southeastern Los
far to the west.16 Negros, and reported by radio that the
Krueger had originally planned to area between the coast and Momote was
send a preinvasion reconnaissance party "lousy with Japs." But when this report
to the western tip of Manus, from where reached GHQ Kenney discounted it. He
it was to patrol eastward for several pointed out, with reason, that twenty-five
weeks and radio reports to his head- enemy "in the woods at night" might
quarters. But the new orders caused him give that impression and that the patrol
to cancel this plan in favor of a recon- had examined not the airdrome but only
naissance on Los Negros. More data on a part of the south end of Los Negros.19
Hyane Harbour and Japanese disposi- This patrol did provide more data on
tions there and at Momote would have which to base plans for naval gunfire
been useful, for there was still no agree- support. Kinkaid and Barbey decided
ment on enemy strength in that region. that one cruiser and two destroyers
Willoughby's estimate of 4,050 conflicted
should fire on the bivouac area while the
sharply with that offered by Whitehead,
other cruiser and two more destroyers
who stated on 26 February that there
fired at Lorengau and Seeadler Harbour
were not more than 300 Japanese, mostly
line of communications troops, on Los and other destroyers supported the land-
Negros and Manus.17 And the 1st Cavalry ing itself.
Division's estimate placed Japanese
The 1st Cavalry Division, which was
strength at 4,900, despite an assertion
Cf par. la (2) of BREWER TF FO 2, 25 Feb 44,
with Annex 1, Int, in ALAMO ANCHORAGE Jnl 3, 24-
Oral statement of Adm Kinkaid to the author 26 Feb 44. The reconnaissance forces estimated
et al., 16 Nov 53. 1,500 on Los Negros, altogether 4,350 in the Ad-
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to miralties. ALAMO FO 9 and BREWER TF FO 1 are
Saipan, p. 563. orders prepared for the one-division invasion of
Rad, Comdr AdVon Fifth AF to Comdr AAF, the Admiralties scheduled for 1 April.
26 Feb 44, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 26 Feb 44. Kenney, General Kenney Reports, p. 361.

to provide the landing force, was unique naissance force under Brig. Gen. William
in the U.S. Army in World War II. Dis- C. Chase, commander of the 1st Cavalry
mounted and serving as infantry, it was Brigade. It consisted of detachments
a square division of two brigades plus from 1st Cavalry Brigade Headquarters
division artillery. Each brigade consisted and Headquarters Troop; the 2d Squad-
of two cavalry regiments of about two ron, 5th Cavalry; two 75-mm. howitzers
thousand men each. Each regiment was of B Battery, 99th Field Artillery Bat-
composed of headquarters, service, and talion; the 673d Antiaircraft Artillery
weapons troops, and two squadrons. The Battery (.50-caliber machine guns); the
squadrons contained a headquarters 1st Platoon, B Troop, 1st Medical Squad-
troop, three rifle troops, and a weapons ron; the 30th Portable Surgical Hos-
troop. The weapons troop, using the or- pital; air and naval liaison officers and
ganization of the infantry heavy weapons a shore fire control party; and a detach-
company, had been added in 1943.20 Di- ment of the Australian New Guinea Ad-
vision artillery had a headquarters bat- ministrative Unit—or about a thousand
tery, two 75-mm. pack howitzer battal- men.
ions, and two 105-mm. howitzer battal- If the landing succeeded and the re-
ions. connaissance force stayed, the BREWER
MacArthur's orders of 24 February support force, under Col. Hugh T. Hoff-
specified that the landing force should man, was to land on D plus 2. Hoffman's
number eight hundred men, including command embraced the remainder of
five hundred men of one squadron with the 5th Cavalry and the 99th Field Artil-
additional artillery and service troops, lery Battalion, in addition to C Battery
but the next day he recommended that a (90-mm.), 168th Antiaircraft Artillery
slightly stronger force be used.21 Battalion; A Battery (multiple .50-
On 26 February Krueger established caliber mount), 211th Antiaircraft Artil-
the occupation force for the Admiralties lery Battalion; medical, engineer, and
as the BREWER Task Force. He placed it signal units from the 1st Cavalry Di-
under Maj. Gen. Innis P. Swift, com- vision; and E Company, Shore Battalion,
manding the 1st Cavalry Division, and 592d Engineer Boat and Shore Regi-
assigned to it the ground force units pre- ment. The 40th Naval Construction Bat-
viously allotted by GHQ. talion and detachments from other ele-
For the D-Day landing Krueger and ments of the 4th Construction Brigade,
Swift organized the BREWER recon- all from the South Pacific, were to ac-
company the Support Force.
The 1st Cavalry Division, a Regular Army unit The remainder of the BREWER Task
with a high percentage of Regular officers and en-
listed men, was not organized until 1921, but its Force, including the rest of the 1st
regiments had long and distinguished histories. The Cavalry Brigade and the 2d Cavalry Bri-
5th Cavalry (originally the 2d Cavalry), organized gade, was to follow if needed as soon as
in 1855, was commanded by Robert E. Lee, and
the 7th Cavalry was George A. Custer's old shipping became available. To shorten
sailing time, Cape Cretin was to be used
Rad, MacArthur to Comdr ALAMO, CG AdVon
Fifth AF, and Comdr VII Amphib Force, 25 Feb
as a staging area for reinforcements.
44, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 25 Feb 44. Hyane Harbour, scene of the initial

ABOARD THE CRUISER PHOENIX, 28 February 1944. Left, gunfire directed at

Japanese heavy guns; right, Admiral Kinkaid and General MacArthur viewing
the bombardment.

landing, was indeed an unlikely place. to carry the reconnaissance force ashore.
Two small points of land about 750 The first three waves of four craft each
yards apart flanked the entrance; from would go in at five-minute intervals, un-
them the enemy could put cross fire load, return forty minutes later, and de-
against landing craft sailing through the part again in three waves five minutes
narrow gap in the barrier reef. Much of apart until the troops were ashore.
the shore line inside the harbor was To join the expedition, MacArthur
covered by mangroves, but on the south, and Kinkaid flew to Milne Bay and
150 yards behind Momote airfield, a boarded the cruiser Phoenix in the after-
1,200-yard sandy beach with three jetties noon of 27 February. The same afternoon
offered passage to troops and vehicles. at Oro Bay, where the 1st Cavalry Di-
(Map 20) vision had been unloading ships and re-
With H Hour set for 0815 to give ceiving amphibious training, the BREWER
bombers time to deliver heavy strikes in reconnaissance force boarded Admiral
support of the landing, the APD's were Fechteler's ships, 170 men per APD and
to anchor five thousand yards off Hyane about 57 men per destroyer. The ships
Harbour. The destroyers carrying troops departed Oro Bay in late afternoon and
would enter the transport area to unload early evening of 28 February, rendez-
their passengers, then return to their fire voused with Berkey's cruisers and de-
support stations. Twelve LCP(R)'s were stroyers early next morning just south of

Cape Cretin, and followed eleven miles eral MacArthur into a naval gunfire en-
behind Berkey through Vitiaz Strait and thusiast that he became more royalist
the Bismarck Sea. No enemy ship or than the king, and thereafter Kinkaid
plane made an appearance. The sea was frequently had to point out the limita-
calm, the sky heavily overcast, as the tions of naval gunfire to the general.23
ships neared Hyane Harbour. Support plans called for naval gunfire
to stop at 0755 (H minus 20 minutes)
The Landings so that B-25's could bomb and strafe at
low altitudes, but at 0755 no B-25's
Fechteler ordered his ships to deploy
could be seen nor could any be reached
at 0723, 29 February. Cruisers and de-
by radio. The ships fired, therefore, until
stroyers took their support stations and
0810, and then fired star shells as a signal
commenced firing at 0740. APD's in the
that strafers could attack in safety. Soon
transport area lowered landing craft
afterward three B-25's bombed the gun
which proceeded toward their line of de-
positions at the entrance to the harbor.24
parture 3,700 yards from the beach.
Thus supported by air and naval bom-
The heavy overcast and generally bad
bardment, the leading wave of landing
flying weather prevented all but a hand-
craft, carrying G Troop, 2d Squadron,
ful of Allied B-24's from reaching the
5th Cavalry, met little fire as it passed
Admiralties before H Hour. P-38's,
through the entrance and turned left
B-25's, and smoke-laying reconnaissance
(south) toward the beach. It touched
planes arrived later, but before they
down at 0817, whereupon an enemy ma-
could attack the overcast closed in so
chine gun crew on the beach scrambled
tightly that they could do nothing. "The
back for cover. The first man ashore, 2d
Fifth Air Force had made its chief con-
Lt. Marvin J. Henshaw, led his platoon
tribution in pointing out the opportun-
across the narrow beach to take a semi-
ity." 22
circular position on the edge of a coco-
The first sign of the Japanese came at
nut plantation. There were no American
H minus 20 minutes when the first wave casualties, but several Japanese were
of landing craft reached the line of de- killed as they hastily made off in the
parture. As it passed through the en- direction of the airstrip.
trance, enemy 20-mm. machine guns on The Japanese resumed their positions
either side opened fire while heavier at the harbor entrance when the naval
guns directed their fire against the shelling ceased and fired at the LCP(R)'s
Phoenix and the destroyers. The cruiser as they returned to the APD's. The
and the destroyer Mahan promptly si- Mahan steamed to within a mile of shore
lenced a gun on Southeast Point, and and fired 20-mm. and 40-mm. guns at the
other vessels silenced the machine guns. southern point. She could not put fire on
According to Admiral Kinkaid this per- the point opposite because the LCP(R)'s
formance so thoroughly converted Gen-
Oral statement of Adm Kinkaid to the author
et al., 16 Nov 53.
22 24
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to
Saipan, p. 564. Saipan, p. 564.

FIRST WAVE OF LANDING CRAFT UNLOADING men of G Troop, 2d Squadron, 5th

Cavalry, 29 February 1944.

were in the way. As the second wave revetment area. So far, except for firing
started through the entrance so much at the boats, the Japanese had not fought.
enemy fire came from the skidway and At 0900 General Chase radioed Krueger
from the northern point that it turned that a line had been established three
back. The destroyers Flusser and Dray- hundred yards inland, and "enemy situ-
ton then put their fire on the north point ation undetermined." By 0950 the
while the Mahan pounded the southern. squadron, commanded by Lt. Col.
When the enemy fire ceased, the landing William E. Lobit, had overrun Momote
craft re-formed, went through the pas- airfield. The troopers found it covered
sage, fired their machine guns at the with weeds, littered with rusty fuselages,
skidway, and landed 150 men of the and pitted with water-filled bomb
second wave at H plus 8 minutes. craters.
The second wave then passed through While the beachhead was relatively
the first about a hundred yards inland. peaceful, the landing craft continued to
The third wave, which with the fourth receive fire on the way in and out. The
received enemy fire on the way in, landed destroyers continued intermittent bom-
at H plus 30 minutes, pushed southwest, 25
Serial 7, 0900, 1st Cav Brigade Unit Jnl, 29 Feb
and established a line just short of the 44, Vol. III of 1st Cav Brigade Hist Rpt Admiralty
airstrip that included most of the eastern Islands Campaign.

Allied planes over the target from bomb-

ing, soon reduced visibility so much that
the Japanese fire became ineffective.
The entire reconnaissance force was
unloaded by 1250 (H plus 4 hours, 35
minutes). Caliber .50 antiaircraft guns
and the two 75-mm. pack howitzers had
been manhandled ashore. Two cavalry-
men had been killed, three wounded.
Five Japanese were reported slain. Two
sailors of the landing craft crews were
dead, three wounded.

"Remain Here"
By afternoon Lobit's squadron had ad-
vanced over the entire airfield including
the western dispersal area, an advance of
thirteen hundred yards on the longest
axis, without encountering any more
Japanese. Patrols moved across the island
to Porlaka and north to the skidway
without seeing an enemy. But it was
2D LT. MARVIN J. HENSHAW receiv- clear that the Japanese had not evacu-
ing the congratulations of General ated. Other patrols advancing to the
MacArthur, who awarded him the south had found signs of recent oc-
Distinguished Service Cross, 29 Feb- cupancy, such as three kitchens and a
ruary 1944.
warehouse full of rations, and a captured
document indicated that some two hun-
bardment of the harbor entrance for dred antiaircraft artillerymen were
about six hours. By the time the camped nearby.
LCP(R)'s of the third wave had returned General MacArthur and Admiral Kin-
to the APD's, four of the total twelve had kaid came ashore about 1600. Mac-
been damaged by the enemy gunfire. Be- Arthur awarded the Distinguished Serv-
cause the landing force probably could ice Cross to Lieutenant Henshaw, in-
not be evacuated without the LCP(R)'s spected the lines, received reports, and
(although emergency plans called for an made his decision. He directed General
APD to penetrate the harbor and evacu- Chase "to remain here 26
and hold the air-
ate the 2d Squadron), the landing craft strip at any cost." Having "ignored
abandoned their schedule and entered sniper fire . . . wet, cold, and dirty
the harbor only when the destroyers had 26
forced the enemy to cease fire. A heavy IslandsQuoted in 1st Cav Brigade Hist Rpt Admiralty
Campaign, I, 3. There are other versions of
rainstorm, which prevented the few MacArthur's statement in existence.

with mud up to the ears," he and Kin-

kaid returned to the Phoenix, whence
MacArthur radioed orders to send more
troops, equipment, and supplies to the
Admiralties at the earliest possible mo-
ment.27 The cruisers and most of the de-
stroyers departed for New Guinea at
1729, leaving behind the destroyers Bush
and Stockton to support the cavalrymen.
Chase and Lobit had obviously con-
cluded that the larger estimate of enemy
strength, rather than the airmen's, was
the right one. If all the Japanese they
estimated to be on Los Negros should
counterattack, the one thousand men of
the reconnaissance force would find it
very difficult to hold both the airfield
and the dispersal area. An inland defense
line, about three thousand yards long ex-
clusive of the shore, would have been re-
quired to defend them. Because such a DIGGING A FOXHOLE THROUGH CORAL
line could not safely be held by one ROCK near the airstrip, 29 February
thousand men, Chase decided to pull 1944.
back east of the airstrip. He set up a line
about fifteen hundred yards long which field artillerymen were turned into rifle-
ran from the beach southward for about men. The .50-caliber antiaircraft guns
nine hundred yards, then swung sharply were set up on the front line. Outposts
east to the sea. The troops did not occupy were established in the dispersal area on
Jamandilai Point in their rear, but the other side of the airstrip. The
blocked its base that night and cleared soldiers found digging foxholes even
it the next morning. The position se- more arduous than usual, for the soil
lected on the edge of the strip provided was full of coral rock. The Americans'
a ready-made field of fire to the west. defenses suffered from two weaknesses:
In late afternoon the troopers or- the impossibility of field artillery support
ganized their defenses. The beachhead immediately in front of the line, and the
was too small to permit the 75-mm. pack lack of barbed wire.
howitzers to cover the area immediately To remedy the latter, Chase urgently
in front of the lines. Consequently the requested Krueger to arrange for an air-
drop of barbed wire and stakes, as well
as mortar and small arms ammunition,
Comment by Lt Col Julio Chiaramonte, at- on the north end of Momote drome as
tached to Ltr, Gen Chase to Gen Smith, Chief of
Mil Hist, 6 Nov 53, no sub, OCMH; Rad, CINC- soon as possible.28
SWPA to CTF 76, and CG's ALAMO and Fifth AF,
29 Feb 44, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 1 Mar 44. Item 25, 1st Cav Brigade Unit Jnl, 29 Feb 44.

Careful preparations for defense were began moving up against the 2d Squad-
more than justified, because except for ron's line in a series of un-co-ordinated
the air force ground crews the Japanese attacks. Relying chiefly on grenades, the
had not been evacuating either Los enemy groups attacked in darkness. Some
Negros or the island group. The larger managed to infiltrate through the line
intelligence estimates had been correct. and cut nearly all the telephone wires.
And the Japanese, warned by American Baba's battalion delivered its heaviest
submarines that sent "frequently lengthy attack against the southern part of the
operational messages" from south of the perimeter. Some Japanese, using life
Admiralties in late February, had been preservers, swam in behind the Ameri-
on the alert for an attack. Most of the can lines and landed. Another group
Admiralty garrison was stationed on Los broke through along the shore at the
Negros, with the 1st Battalion, 229th point of contact of the left (east) flank
Infantry responsible for the defense of of E Troop and the right (south) flank of
the airfield and Hyane Harbour. One the field artillery unit, which was hold-
battalion defended Lorengau. The Japa- ing the beach. The Americans defended
nese, expecting attack through Seeadler by staying in their foxholes and firing
Harbour, had let the Americans slip in at every visible target and at everything
through the back door, but now they that moved.
planned to take action. When General Two Japanese soldiers moved through
Imamura found out about the invasion, the darkness and penetrated to the vi-
he ordered Colonel Ezaki to attack with cinity of General Chase's command post.
his entire strength.30 Ezaki did not im- Before they could do any damage Maj.
mediately use the 2d Battalion, 1st In- Julio Chiaramonte, force S-2, killed one
dependent Mixed Regiment, but left it and wounded the other with a subma-
at Salami Plantation north of the skid- chine gun.
way. He directed the 1st Battalion, By daylight of 1 March most of the
229th, commanded by a Captain Baba, enemy attackers had withdrawn. During
to attack that night and "annihilate the the morning the infiltrators who had
enemy who have landed. This is not a hidden themselves were hunted down
delaying action. Be resolute to sacrifice and killed. Seven Americans were dead,
your life for the Emperor and commit fifteen wounded, as compared with sixty-
suicide in case capture is imminent." six enemy corpses within the perimeter.
As dusk fell Japanese riflemen and the So far the reconnaissance force had
American outposts began a fire fight, held its own. But because the support
whereupon the outposts were recalled. force would not arrive until the next day
Shortly afterward small groups of enemy patrols pushed westward and northward
to determine just what Japanese opposi-
Southeast Area Naval Operations, III, Japanese tion was to be expected. After moving
Monogr No. 50 (OCMH), 66.
8th Area Army Operations, Japanese Monogr an average distance of four hundred
No. 110 (OCMH), p. 135.
yards they encountered the enemy in
This order, a copy of which was captured, is
quoted in part in [Frierson] The Admiralties, p.
some strength. Clearly, another attack
33. was probable.

Chase's situation was improved during Otherwise enemy ground forces re-
1 March by the arrival of more ammuni- mained quiescent during most of the
tion. As the weather had cleared, three afternoon except for a seventeen-man
B-25's dropped supplies at 0830. Later patrol of officers and sergeants, led by
in the day a B-17 of the 39th Troop Captain Baba, which had apparently in-
Carrier Squadron made two supply runs, filtrated the lines on the previous night.
and four B-17's of the 375th Troop Car- Baba's patrol came through heavy under-
rier Group each dropped three tons of brush to within thirty-five yards of Gen-
blood plasma, ammunition, mines, and eral Chase's command post. When the
grenades. The reconnaissance force re- Americans sighted the patrol, Chase and
ceived no barbed wire.32 his executive officer, Col. Earl F. Thomp-
Captured documents had indicated son, directed the movements of Major
the location of many enemy defensive Chiaramonte and four enlisted men who
positions, and the patrols that went out moved out to the attack. After Chiara-
in the morning brought back more data. monte's party had killed several Japa-
By now the Americans knew that Los nese, the others committed suicide with
Negros' south coast possessed prepared grenades and swords.
positions, and that the western dispersal The Japanese varied their pattern by
area, Porlaka, and the coast of Hyane striking at the perimeter at 1700 in-
Harbour from the 2d Squadron's perim- stead of after dark in an attack that was
eter north to the skidway were fortified. weaker than the one of the night before.
In consequence the two supporting de- Daylight simplified the defenders' task
stroyers and the 75-mm. pack howitzers in repelling the attack, which ceased at
bombarded these areas. Starting at 1600 2000. Thereafter throughout the night
Fifth Air Force planes bombed the dis- small groups harried and infiltrated the
persal area, and at 1715, when antiair- lines. About fifty Japanese used life belts
craft guns near the south end of the air- to cross the harbor entrance and attack
strip fired on the planes, the Bush and the position at the base of Jamandilai.
Stockton pulled to within a thousand In the course of the action the field artil-
yards of the shore and shelled them. lerymen fired three hundred 75-mm.
Several 4th Air Army fighter planes from rounds at the enemy and also killed 47
Wewak appeared but failed in their ef- Japanese within the artillery positions
fort to drive off the American planes. with small arms fire. All together, 147
The air bombardment flushed a body of Japanese were killed within the perim-
Japanese, estimated one hundred strong, eter during the two night battles.
from cover in the dispersal area. When Actually, the Japanese, though possess-
these men rushed east across the strip in ing numerical superiority, had never
an effort to escape the bombs, most were used their full strength and had not
cut down by the cavalrymen's fire. seriously threatened Chase's force, which
still held its lines intact on the morning
Craven and Cate, The Pacific: Guadalcanal to of 2 March. Recklessness, coupled with
Saipan, p. 565, state that barbed wire was dropped,
but several days later Chase was still protesting that the skill and tenacity of the cavalrymen,
he had not received any. had cost the Japanese their best chance.

To the Shores of Seeadler Harbour ing was finished by 1700, and the LST's
departed; the LCM's remained in Hyane
Seizure of Momote Airfield Harbour.
Meanwhile, at Oro Bay and Cape Cre- Before the LST's left for New Guinea
tin Colonel Hoffman's support force, Chase requested that the destroyers put
numbering about 1,500 ground combat fire in the northern point of land at
troops and 428 Seabees, had loaded Hyane Harbour. Four ships each fired
aboard six LST's and an equal number fifty 5-inch rounds from close range, but
of 2d Engineer Special Brigade LCM's when the LST's started out of the harbor
that were towed by the LST's. These ves- they met machine gun fire. They replied
sels, escorted by Australian and Ameri- and made the open sea in safety. One de-
can destroyers and two minesweepers stroyer and the two minesweepers took
under Capt. E. F. V. Dechaineux of the the LST's to New Guinea while four
Australian Navy, made a quiet voyage destroyers stayed in the vicinity of the
and stood into Hyane Harbour shortly Admiralties to intercept any Japanese
after 0900 on 2 March. seaborne attacks.
The two minesweepers and one de- Since Momote airfield was not yet in
stroyer steamed to the north of Los American hands, Chase assigned part of
Negros in an attempt to force the 1,500- the 40th Construction Battalion to a de-
yard-wide entrance to Seeadler Harbour. fensive sector on the right (north) flank
They encountered such heavy fire from of the beachhead. The Seabees, meeting
Japanese coastal guns on the guardian some rifle fire while moving into posi-
islands of Hauwei and Ndrilo that tion, used their ditch-digger to scoop out
they retired. Captain Dechaineux then a 300-yard-long trench.
brought three more destroyers, which As men, weapons, ammunition, sup-
fired at the Japanese while the first three plies, and equipment came ashore during
ships again unsuccessfully attempted to the day the beachhead became crowded.
force the passage. Minesweeping would Chase decided to attack and enlarge his
obviously have to await ships with perimeter to include all the airfield, dis-
heavier guns than those of destroyers persal area, and revetments, and the
and minesweepers. roads immediately around the airfield.
The LST's and LCM's made their way When Hoffman came ashore in the
through the entrance to Hyane Harbour morning he was met by Colonel Thomp-
and beached, whereupon Japanese mor- son, who took him to Chase's headquart-
tars and machine guns north of the skid- ers where the three officers completed
way opened up. The landing craft re- plans for an attack by the 5th Cavalry
plied with their machine guns, and at that afternoon.
the same time B-25's attacked the Japa- At 1415, B-25's, P-38's, and P-47's
nese positions. began bombing and strafing the west half
In the midst of the din the combat of the airfield, the dispersal area, the
troops walked ashore. Then bulldozers skidway, and the northern part of Los
left the LST's and began building ramps Negros. This attack lasted until 1530.
to get the other vehicles ashore. Unload- The 1st and 2d Squadrons of the 5th

Cavalry, on the left (south) and right infiltrating the front lines, all units in-
respectively, had attacked at 1500. There side the perimeter prepared all-round
was no opposition from the enemy; local defenses.34
within the hour Hoffman's regiment was
in possession of the entire airfield and Ezaki Attacks Again
had begun to dig in along the line of
Colonel Ezaki now was preparing for
the western and southern dispersal bays.
a larger effort. He planned a co-ordinated
The day's sole casualties, two men killed attack, with the 2d Battalion, 1st Inde-
and four wounded, were caused by three pendent Mixed Regiment, driving south
American bombs that fell on positions
from Salami across the skidway, while
held by E Troop and antiaircraft artil-
one company, having moved from
western Los Negros to Porlaka, struck
It was clear to the Americans that the
eastward. Meanwhile, other detachments
Japanese garrison had not yet made its
from the outlying islands and from in-
maximum effort, for papers found in the land regions of Manus were to concen-
advance over the airfield indicated that
trate at Lorengau. His forces were slow
Baba's battalion was still south and west in concentrating, and Ezaki postponed
of the airfield. And earlier estimates had the attack until the night of 3-4 March.
placed two thousand troops in the west As a result the 5th Cavalry was merely
half of Los Negros and Lorengau. Major harassed in its new positions on the night
Chiaramonte therefore warned the in-
of 2-3 March.
vasion force to expect attacks from the
The Americans used the daylight
south, from Porlaka in the west, and 35
hours to strengthen their defenses.
southward from the skidway.33
Bulldozers cleared fields of fire in front
The invading Americans carefully pre-
of the cavalry squadrons' lines. To keep
pared their defense positions. The front infiltration to a minimum, each cavalry
lines, still without barbed wire, included troop posted three rifle platoons in line
nearly all the dispersal area. Two anti-
with troop heavy weapons attached to
aircraft batteries and E Company, 592d each platoon. Japanese revetments were
Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment, used as much as possible. Riflemen dug
were assigned to beach defense. Seabees foxholes on the reverse slopes of the
established an inner defense line west mounds, mines were laid in front, and
and northwest of Chase's command post. the approaches to all positions were
The three 75-mm. batteries of the 99th rigged with empty C-ration cans that
Field Artillery Battalion set up in revet-
ments some five hundred yards behind 34
General Chase again requested barbed wire by
the front in a semicircle with overlapping air but reported that he never received it.
sectors of fire. Because it was next to im- 35
[Frierson] The Admiralties, pp. 43-44, asserts
possible to prevent the Japanese from that when a group of Japanese officers attempted
to land on the beachhead from a boat on the morn-
ing of 3 March they were all killed, and that a
document carried by one of them warned the
BREWER Rcn TF S-2 Periodic Rpts 1-3, 1, 2, Americans to expect attack that night. No contem-
and 3 Mar 44, in Vol. II, 1st Cav Brigade Hist Rpt, porary evidence to support this statement has been
27 Feb-18 May 44. found.

contained lumps of coral and were hung Mixed Regiment, delivered the main as-
close to the ground so they would rattle sault from the skidway, which was
when struck by a shoe. The 60-mm. mor- coupled with a drive east from Porlaka
tars were situated to deliver close sup- by other detachments. F Troop, which
port fire directly in front of the cavalry held the north-south portion of the line
squadrons, while the 81's were massed in the western dispersal area, and G
near the center of the perimeter in front Troop, defending the line from F
of the field artillery to deliver deeper Troop's right flank to the beach, received
supporting fire. Most of the antiaircraft the brunt of the attacks. E Troop suf-
.50-caliber machine guns were returned fered only harassing attacks and infiltra-
to their normal missions, but since the tion. By now the 2d Squadron, having
main attacks were expected from the landed on 29 February, had had more
north and west the guns posted on the than enough experience in repelling
north end of Momote field facing the night attacks, but this one differed from
skidway remained at the front. earlier ones in which the enemy had
While the riflemen made ready, the moved quietly and concealed himself as
artillery and the offshore destroyers fired much as possible. On this night the Japa-
at every evidence of the Japanese. They nese advanced in the open in frontal as-
put concentrations on enemy groups sault with a good deal of talking, shout-
north of the skidway. At 1600 field and ing, and even singing. Artillery and mor-
antiaircraft artillery shot up several tars opened fire at once.
enemy barges that were observed behind As they approached F and G Troops,
overhanging vegetation on the north the leading enemy waves hurled gre-
shore of Hyane Harbour. nades, but they fell short of the cavalry
After dusk Japanese patrols began lines. The Japanese pushed through the
probing the lines, and at 2100 a lone mine fields, taking casualties but not
plane dropped eight bombs which cut the stopping, and drove into the interlock-
telephone wires between the 1st Squad- ing bands of fire from the machine guns,
ron and the 5th Cavalry command post. which promptly cut them down. More
When the plane departed, flares and kept coming; the cavalry lines held, but
tracers heralded an attack by the rem- some Japanese managed to infiltrate and
nants of the late Baba's battalion against cut telephone lines. G Troop's three pla-
the southwest portion of the perimeter, toons stayed down in their positions and
held by the 1st Squadron under Lt. Col. fired or hurled grenades at all possible
Charles E. Brady. Mortar and machine targets. Just before dawn some Japanese
gun fire supported the attack, but it was soldiers penetrated G Troop's positions
weak. American mortars and machine and Capt. Frank G. Mayfield organized
guns beat off the attackers, although a quick counterattack and drove them
some infiltrated the lines, concealed out. A few minutes later the Japanese
themselves, and had to be flushed out assaulted again. This time, as two of
and killed after daylight. Mayfield's platoons had exhausted their
The 2d Battalion, 1st Independent machine gun ammunition, the Japanese

nearly succeeded in breaking through. abandoned. This fire was delivered in

But the Japanese were killed or driven spite of harassing attacks from Japanese
off by a platoon of H Troop heavy ma- who had slipped through the front lines.
chine guns under S/Sgt. Edwin C. Terry. Three field artillerymen were killed by
During these attacks Sgt. Troy A. Mc- infiltrators, and one antiaircraft crew
Gill, of G Troop, was holding a revet- abandoned its gun under pressure from
ment with his squad of eight men. When the Japanese. Five Japanese, one with a
all but McGill and one other man had grenade discharger, actually posted
been killed or wounded, McGill ordered themselves on the roof of the dugout
the other survivor to retire, fired his rifle containing Colonel Lobit's command
until it jammed, then fought in front of post, but Capt. Bruce Merritt killed
his position with clubbed rifle until he them from his nearby foxhole. The Sea-
was slain. McGill's gallantry won him the bees, in their secondary line behind G
Medal of Honor.36 Troop, passed ammunition to the hard-
The attacks had been delivered with pressed cavalrymen and toward dawn
frequency and resolution throughout the some moved up to help G Troop hold
night, but there was little evidence of its line. Other Seabees met a group of
skill or co-ordination. For example, Japanese attacking two antiaircraft gun
about an hour before daylight a column positions and killed them.
of soldiers advanced down the road from By daylight of 4 March the Japanese
Porlaka, singing, the cavalrymen later had pulled back and the close fighting
reported, "Deep in the Heart of was over, but enemy mortars and field
Texas." Mines, machine guns, rifles, pieces hit the American positions until
and grenades killed nearly all of them. about 0730. The intensity of the night's
Reports of the night's action also re- action is indicated by the fact that two
late instances of Japanese shouting false of the machine guns in G Troop's sector
commands in English and tapping tele- had fired a total of 8,770 rounds, and 168
phone lines. One H Troop mortar sec- enemy corpses lay directly to the troop's
tion thought it heard an order to retreat front. There were no prisoners. Sixty-
and abandoned its position with the re- one Americans were killed, 244
sult that the 2d Squadron lost its 81-mm. wounded, of whom 9 dead and 38
mortar support. wounded were Seabees. Ezaki had made
During the night the 99th Field Artil- his greatest offensive effort and failed.
lery Battalion fired almost continuously, With more Americans due soon, the
as did all mortars except those that were shattered Japanese units would be ca-
pable of defensive action only.
WD GO 35, 9 May 45.
The Japanese may have been singing, but it The Advance
seems improbable that they sang this song, which
was a favorite of the 1st Cavalry Division. The 2d On 1 March, meanwhile, at ALAMO
Squadron had been on Los Negros for four days, headquarters on Cape Cretin General
and this was its third night in close combat. One
may guess that nerves were strained, imaginations Krueger had completed plans for rein-
overactive. forcement of Chase's men and for seiz-
ure of the entire Admiralties group. Harbour and the initial beachhead were
Krueger ordered Swift to strengthen the becoming too congested to receive the
reconnaissance force, seize Seeadler Har- 2d Brigade, but Salami Plantation on
bour, extend control over the entire Ad- the west shore of the northwest penin-
miralties, and start building airdromes sula of Los Negros offered a good land-
and a naval base. On the 2d, the day ing place. Clearing the harbor would
Hoffman's support force landed, Krueger also make possible a shore-to-shore move-
received an urgent request from Chase, ment from Los Negros against Manus.
who asked for his other regiment, the Therefore air and naval bombardments
12th Cavalry. Krueger, Swift, and Bar- of enemy positions on the northwest tip
bey then arranged to speed up the move- of Los Negros, and on the guardian
ment to the Admiralties and land the islands of Koruniat, Ndrilo, and Hau-
12th Cavalry and other units on 6 wei were arranged.42 Krueger, on 3
March, the 2d Cavalry Brigade on 9 March, ordered Swift to proceed to Los
March instead of on 9 and 16 March, as Negros at once, to survey the situation,
they had originally planned.40 They also and to take command ashore.
arranged to rush the 2d Squadron and On the morning of 4 March, shortly
the Weapons Troop, 7th Cavalry, and after Ezaki's attack subsided and after
the 82d Field Artillery Battalion on supporting Allied destroyers had shelled
three APD's, to arrive on the morning of the skidway and the region to the north,
4 March.41 the 2d Squadron, 7th Cavalry, and the
General Krueger desired that Seeadler 82d Field Artillery Battalion (75-mm.
Harbour be opened up. Two factors, pack howitzers) landed at Hyane Har-
besides the obvious one that Allied forces bour. Chase decided to wait for more
were eventually to use the harbor as a troops before attacking, and put the 2d
major naval base, motivated him. Hyane Squadron, 7th, under Lt. Col. Robert
P. Kirk, in the line to replace the weary
38 men of the 2d Squadron, 5th Cavalry.
The total forces involved included the rest of
the 1st Cavalry Division; Headquarters and Head- Except for minor harassing attacks, in-
filtrations, and a one-plane bombing at-
quarters Battery, 15th Antiaircraft Artillery Group;
C Battery, 237th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion tack, the night of 4-5 March was quiet.
(Searchlight); the 211th Coast Artillery Battalion
(Antiaircraft); the 2d Battalion, 50th Coast Artil- General Swift, accompanied by the
lery Regiment; the Shore Battalion and A Com- 1st Cavalry Division's chief of staff, Col.
pany, Boat Battalion, 592d Engineer Boat and
Shore Regiment; and a large array of signal, medi-
Charles A. Sheldon, and the intelligence
cal, quartermaster, and engineer units. and operations officers, reached Hyane
ALAMO FO 11, 1 Mar 44, in ALAMO ANCHORAGE Harbour aboard the destroyer Bush on
Jnl 7, 1-3 Mar 44.
Rad, CG ALAMO to GHQ SWPA, 1 Mar 44, in
the morning of 5 March. He assumed
GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 1 Mar 44. command of the troops ashore at 1100,
[Frierson] The Admiralties, p. 43; Rad, Chase but since the Bush was busy executing
7; Rad, ALAMO to GHQ SWPA, 2 Mar 44, and Rad, fire support missions he stayed aboard
CTF 76 to Comdr Seventh Flt, 2 Mar 44, both in
GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 2 Mar 44. Barbey proposed ALAMO Force Rpt, BREWER Opns, p. 11; Rad,
using LST's for the 4 March reinforcements, but CG ALAMO to GHQ SWPA, 4 Mar 44, in GHQ
Krueger persuaded him to send them on APD's. SWPA G-3 Jnl, 4 Mar 44.

LT. GEN. WALTER KRUEGER (front seat) with Brig. Gen. William C. Chase and
Maj. Gen. Innis P. Swift on an inspection tour, Los Negros Island.

until 1600 so as not to interrupt the 7th Cavalry, was ordered to attack north
firing. across the skidway on the afternoon of
Swift directed Chase's reconnaissance the 5th. Accordingly the 2d Squadron,
force to clear the major part of Los 5th, began relieving Colonel Kirk's
Negros from Momote to the north and squadron in the perimeter late in the
west, and to be prepared to extend over morning. At 1120, while the relief was
the entire island. He instructed the 2d being effected, the Japanese began a
Cavalry Brigade, due to arrive on 9 series of harassing attacks, followed after
March, to land at Salami Plantation, to noon by a resolute attack from Porlaka
be prepared to move to a point on and the skidway. The enemy soldiers
Manus west of Lorengau, and to attack who broke into the front lines were all
eastward against that airfield and secure killed while field artillery and mortars
the eastern half of Manus.43 broke up the attacks. Twenty-five dead
To carry out the instructions for seiz- Japanese bodies were counted, but
ing all of Los Negros, the 2d Squadron, twelve cavalrymen were wounded and
it was 1630 before the 2d Squadron, 7th,
BREWER TF FO 3, 5 Mar 44, in ALAMO ANCHOR- was reorganized and ready to attack.
AGE Jnl 8, 4-6 Mar 44. Once it had moved beyond the perim-

eter, Kirk's squadron found that the Jap- Brigade held the beachhead where the
anese had mined the approaches to the 2d Brigade was to land.
skidway. The mines caused some casual- Meanwhile air and naval surface
ties at first but thereafter were success- forces had been at work on the Japanese
fully detected and removed. The squad- positions guarding the entrance to
ron advanced slowly past enemy corpses Seeadler Harbour. Two days after the
that littered the road, but by darkness minesweepers were driven off, cruisers
had reached the skidway, where it halted and destroyers of Admiral Crutchley's
for the night. Task Force 74 bombarded suspected
Kirk resumed his advance early on 6 enemy gun positions on orders from
March. Later in the morning the 12th Admiral Kinkaid, and on 5 March they
Cavalry Regimental Combat Team, fired eighty 8-inch, three hundred 6-
commanded by Col. John H. Stadler, inch, and one hundred 5-inch rounds
Jr., came ashore. Transported to Hyane without meeting any return fire.45 Next
Harbour aboard four LST's, the combat morning, the lone destroyer Nicholson
team, 2,837 men strong, consisted of the approached the harbor entrance to draw
12th Cavalry; the 271st Field Artillery enemy fire. The Japanese opened up at
Battalion (105-mm. howitzers); three 850 yards range, whereupon Task Force
light tanks of the 603d Tank Company; 74 and Allied bombers struck at the
five LVT's of A Company, 592d Engi- enemy positions thus disclosed. They
neer Boat and Shore Regiment; and were bombed again on 7 March by
engineer, medical, and signal troops.44 seven B-24's, and on 8 March by sev-
When it reached shore, the 12th Cav- enteen B-24's and eleven B-25's. There-
alry, accompanied by the tanks, began after LCM's, destroyers, and other craft
moving north across the skidway to join entered the harbor freely without en-
Kirk in the advance, while the 271st countering enemy fire.
Field Artillery Battalion moved into po- From 6 through 8 March the 5th Cav-
sition near the airstrip. The Japanese, alry extended its holdings around the
obviously in retreat, offered only minor airstrip. The 2d Squadron took Porlaka
resistance. The advance was slowed on 6 March, then crossed Lemondrol
chiefly by mud and trees they had felled Creek in canvas and rubber boats and
across the roads and trails to Salami. amphibian tractors to seize Papitalai vil-
Near the beach at Salami some Japanese lage on 7 March.
in bunkers and buildings offered fight American control over Seeadler Har-
but were blasted out by tanks and 75- bour was furthered on 7 and 8 March
mm. howitzers. By 1630 all three cav- by the seizure of two promontories
alry squadrons were established at Sa- northwest of Papitalai. The 2d Squad-
lami. The surviving Japanese had es- ron, 12th Cavalry, using amphibian
caped by boat and canoe to the west. tractors, shuttled from Salami to Papi-
Thus by the day's end the 1st Cavalry talai Mission and captured it against
Rad, Comdr Seventh Flt to CTF 74, 4 Mar 44,
12th Cav, Hist of 12th Cav During the Ad- and Rad, CTF 76 to CG ALAMO, 5 Mar 44, both in
miralty Islands Campaign, 27 May 44, p. 3. ALAMO ANCHORAGE Jnl 8, 4-6 Mar 44.

LST's LOADED WITH TROOPS AND EQUIPMENT landing at Salami Plantation.

sharp opposition. The 2d Squadron, 7th, Los Negros was now firmly in Allied
using LCM's, took Lombrum Planta- hands. The next task facing the combat
tion. troops was the seizure of Lorengau.
The 12th Cavalry and the tanks pa-
trolled to the northwest tip of Los Ne- Lorengau
gros to cover the 2d Brigade's landing, Plans and Preparations
releasing, in the process, sixty-nine Sikh General Swift had assigned responsi-
soldiers that the Japanese had been us- bility for capturing Manus to the 2d
ing as laborers. Cavalry Brigade. General Mudge accord-
On the morning of 9 March destroyers ingly had his plans ready the day after
shelled Lorengau and minesweepers his brigade landed at Salami Planta-
checked Seeadler Harbour. Then six tion.47 Not much was known about Jap-
LST's and one cargo ship entered the
harbor to land Brig. Gen. Verne D.
(Gun); B Battery, 211th Coast Artillery Battalion;
Mudge's 2d Cavalry Brigade and at- F Company, 592d Engineer Boat and Shore Regi-
tached units at Salami Plantation.46 ment; an Australian New Guinea Administrative
Unit detachment; and a detachment of No. 62
This force consisted of: the 2d Cavalry Brigade Works Wing, RAAF.
(less the 2d Squadron and Weapons Troop, 7th 2d Cav Brigade FO 2, 10 Mar 44, in Hist of Hq
Cavalry); the 61st Field Artillery Battalion (105-mm. Troop, 2d Cav Brigade, Admiralty Islands Cam-
howitzers); various divisional and nondivisional en- paign, 9 Mar-18 May 44 (actually the 2d Brigade's
gineer, medical, quartermaster, and ordnance units; report); 8th Cav FO 2, 13 Mar 44, in 8th Cav Hist
B Battery, 168th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion Rpt, Admiralty Campaign, 6 Mar-20 May 44, Sec 11.

anese strength on Manus, but recon- The cavalry generals arranged with
naissance had shown that Lorengau air- naval officers and with Capt. George F.
drome and Lorengau village east of it Frederick of the 12th Air Liaison Party
were fortified. As Lugos Mission was for ample air and fleet support of the
practically undefended, Mudge decided landing, in addition to support by field
to land there—about 3,000 yards west of artillery. The islets north of Los Negros
the airdrome. (Map 21) The beaches would provide positions from which field
selected, Yellow 1 and Yellow 2, lay artillery could support the 2d Brigade's
west and east of the Liei River. Yellow advance east by firing across its front at
1, of coral sand, was 700 yards long, 14 right angles to the axis of advance, as
to 26 yards wide, with swamps imme- had been done in New Georgia during
diately behind it. Yellow 2, 100 yards the advance on Munda airfield. There-
long, gave access to Number 3 Road fore plans were prepared for sending
which led along the coast to Lorengau. patrols to Hauwei, the Butjo Luo group,
Mudge assigned the assault to the 8th and Bear Point on Manus, just west of
Cavalry, commanded by Col. William Loniu Passage, to determine enemy
J. Bradley. It was to land in column strength and look for artillery positions.
of squadrons, the 1st Squadron in the D Day for Manus was first set for 13
lead. Troop A was to land in LVT's on March.
Yellow 2 east of the Liei, C Troop from The island patrols, consisting of de-
LCV's on Yellow 1 to the west. The tachments from the 302d Cavalry Re-
7th Cavalry, less the 2d Squadron, would connaissance Troop plus artillery offi-
follow the 8th ashore. The 2d Squad- cers, left Salami on 11 March. Bear
ron, 7th, would constitute the brigade Point, though not occupied by the en-
reserve. C Troop, 8th Engineer Squad- emy, had so poor a beach that artillery
ron, was to land on Yellow 1, improve could not be landed. Butjo Mokau, the
the beaches, and bridge the Liei to most northern of the Butjo Luo group,
connect the beaches. Once ashore the offered good artillery positions and bore
8th Cavalry was to send the 1st Squad-
no signs of enemy occupation. In late
ron east along Number 3 Road against
afternoon F Troop, 7th Cavalry, occu-
Lorengau airfield while the other moved
pied both islands of the group.
inland to Number 1 Road, and then
moved east against Lorengau village to The Hauwei patrol, a platoon strong,
keep the Japanese from escaping inland left Salami aboard an LCV and a PT
to the jungled mountains where they boat and landed on the western part of
would have a great defensive advan- Hauwei.49 After the patrol had moved
tage.48 a short distance inland, machine gun,
mortar, and rifle fire struck it from the
The landing force consisted of: the 2d Cavalry
Brigade; C Troop, 8th Engineer Squadron; a de- Motor Torpedo Boat Squadrons 18 and 21 had
tachment of the Shore Battalion, 592d Engineer arrived in Seeadler Harbour with their tender
Boat and Shore Regiment; detachments of the 1st Oyster Bay. They served as a "sneak and peak" and
Medical Squadron and the 1st Signal Troop; two general utility organization. Morison, Breaking the
medium and three light tanks. Bismarcks Barrier, p. 446.

MAP 21

front and both sides. The patrol made dred yards from shore and sank, leaving
a fighting withdrawal to the beach, sup- the survivors floating in the water. When
ported by fire from the PT boat and about six Japanese started to set up a
the LCV. But by the time the cavalry- machine gun on the beach, the cav-
men made the beach, the PT, whose alrymen still on shore shot them with
skipper had been wounded, had re- submachine guns, then took to the water
turned to its tender. Five men boarded and joined the survivors from the LCV.
the LCV, but the remainder were still After three hours in the water, the eight-
embroiled with the enemy. Mortar shells een men, suffering from exposure to the
and machine gun bullets wounded most sun and water, were picked up by a PT
of the men aboard the LCV, which boat while a destroyer shelled Hauwei.
struck a submerged coral reef two hun- An LCM later picked up one more man.

Six men of the reconnaissance troop and the whole squadron was ashore, and H
two artillerymen had been killed, three Troop's 81-mm. mortars were ready to
were missing, and every survivor was fire. E Troop continued its advance but
wounded as well as burned.50 G stayed in place. As contact broke
A larger force was obviously needed between the two troops, Colonel Kirk
for Hauwei, and the landing on Manus pulled E Troop back and dug in for
would have to be delayed if the artillery the night.
was to get into position in time to sup- General Mudge arrived at 1600 and
port the landing. Further, naval officers after receiving Kirk's report ordered C
had already counseled delay in order to Troop from Salami to Hauwei, and alert-
provide more time to clear the sea lanes ed one medium tank to move to Hauwei
to Lugos Mission. next day. C Troop arrived by LCM at
Accordingly the 2d Squadron (less F 1800 and took up a support position.
Troop), 7th Cavalry, was selected to During the night Japanese on Pityilu
seize Hauwei. Supporting its attack fired 20-mm. guns at the 2d Squadron
would be destroyers, rockets, 105-mm. but hit no one. The 61st Field Artillery
fire from the 61st Field Artillery Bat- Battalion put one thousand rounds of
talion at Mokerang Plantation north of harassing fire on the enemy's section of
Salami, and P-40's of No. 77 Fighter Hauwei.
Squadron, RAAF, which had reached
Next morning, at 0900, the tank ar-
Momote on 9 March. The squadron
rived and Kirk assigned his reconnais-
boarded LCM's at noon, 12 March, set
out for Hauwei, and landed under cover sance platoon as close support. The at-
of the supporting bombardment at 1400. tack began at 1000 with C, E, and G
The squadron later reported that "the Troops abreast from left (north) to right.
covering fire was not accurate and most On the right a bunker, manned by eight
missiles fell short in the sea."
51 Japanese with two 7.7-mm. machine
E Troop landed on the west shore guns, grenade discharges, and rifles,
under small arms fire while G Troop, withstood four direct mortar bursts and
debarking on the south, met machine four 75-mm. shells before it crumbled.
gun fire. The Japanese had rigged trip In the center E Troop enveloped a short
wires to activate mines, but the soldiers trench equipped with machine guns,
detected and avoided them. Kirk's squad- grenade dischargers, and rifles. With
ron then drove inland against rifle fire these positions reduced the troops moved
and by 1500 held a north-south line rapidly. By noon the 2d Squadron had
across Hauwei about three hundred covered the whole island. Eight Amer-
yards from the western tip and one thou- icans had been killed, forty-six were
sand yards from the eastern end. By now wounded. Forty-three dead Japanese, all
sailors, were counted. Captured booty
Maj. B. C. Wright, The 1st Cavalry Division in included two 5-inch naval guns and a
World War II (Tokyo: Toppan Printing Company, range-finder. One gun had been hit by
1947), p. 27.
7th Cav, Hist Rpt 7th Cav, 2 Mar-18 May 44,
the earlier bombardments; the other was
Pt. B, p. 5. in firing condition.

That afternoon the 61st Field Artil- gun east of the beaches opened fire.
lery Battalion unloaded its 105-mm. LVT's, and engineer support craft, and
howitzers from LCM's and next day set two PT boats replied and the gun fell
them up on the southwest side while silent. LVT's and LCV's landed their
the 271st Field Artillery Battalion em- troops without casualties, and almost ex-
placed its 105-mm. howitzers on the west. actly on schedule.
The 99th Field Artillery Battalion, The soldiers of A Troop left the
meanwhile, had emplaced twelve 75- LVT's and drove through Lugos Mis-
mm. pack howitzers and six 37-mm. anti- sion toward Number 3 Road. The few
tank guns on Butjo Mokau on 13 March. Japanese in the area, mostly sailors, did
not offer determined resistance and were
The Landing at Lugos killed by A Troop and by later mop-up
squads. C Troop, to the west, met no
With the artillery now in position, opposition as it advanced to a ridge some
embarkation of the 2d Cavalry Brigade eight hundred yards inland where it es-
aboard twelve LCM's, seven LCV's, and tablished defenses to cover the landing
one LST began shortly after 0400 on
of the 2d Brigade.
15 March. The LST and the smaller
Colonel Bradley had ordered the bulk
craft proceeded separately to the ren-
dezvous area off Lugos Mission and as- of the 8th Cavalry to land at Yellow 2
sembled about 0800. if it proved suitable for LCM's and
The three supporting artillery bat- LST's, and succeeding waves landed so
talions had begun firing intermittently quickly that Yellow 2 quickly became
at Lorengau village at 2100 the previous congested. The LST, which carried
evening, and at 0830 they shifted their troops, weapons, and vehicles but no
fire to Lugos Mission. Four destroyers bulk cargo, was unloaded in forty-five
lying offshore fired at the shore line minutes. It retracted to return to Salami
between the Tingau River, west of Lu- for the 7th Cavalry.53 This regiment,
gos, and Lorengau until 0900. At 0900 commanded by Col. Glenn S. Finley,
eighteen B-25's from Nadzab arrived landed from the LST and LCM's in the
overhead and from 0907 to 0925 put afternoon and took over defense of the
eighty-one 500-pound bombs and fired beachhead.
more than 44,000 machine gun bullets Meanwhile the 8th Cavalry had begun
on the beaches. At 0925, when the bomb- its two-squadron advance against Loren-
ers cleared the area, three engineer gau airdrome and Lorengau village over
rocket boats covered the first wave's Roads 1 and 3.
The LST had previously disgorged 52
General Swift, who observed the landing from
seven LVT's, and six of them (the sev- the deck of a PT boat, is reported to have noted
that timing was off by one and one-half minutes
enth was a rocket boat) bore A Troop because a heavy sea slowed the landing craft.
toward Beach Yellow 2 while LCV's Wright, The 1st Cavalry Division in World War
carried C Troop toward Yellow 1. When II, p. 28.
8th Cav Hist Rpt, Admiralty Campaign, Nar-
the craft were close to shore, a machine rative of Events, p. 6.

The Advance East: its way along the coast on Number 3

The Airfield and the Village Road. After landing on the morning of
15 March, the 1st, under Maj. Moyers
During the day the 2d Squadron, 8th, S. Shore, had started east along the road
under Maj. Haskett L. Connor, made its behind A Troop. The road led through
way southward along a native track heavy rain forest interspersed with man-
toward Number 1 Road. Tractors bor- grove swamp on low ground. "The re-
rowed from the artillery towed supplies cent rains had softened the red clay until
and ammunition. Japanese riflemen har- it assumed a glue-like consistence which
assed the soldiers as they toiled slowly made the footing difficult and slowed
upward over a continuous succession of . . . leading elements."

ridges. It was 1500 before F Troop, in About one mile out of Lugos A Troop
the lead, reached Number 1 Road, where was halted by three pillboxes.55 With the
it ran into fire from three Japanese posi- beach on one side and mangrove swamp
tions which covered the track's junction on the other, there was no space for
with the road. Enemy mortars to the maneuver. Without orders from the
south added their fire, and Connor de- troop commander one squad attempted
cided to dig in for the night. At his re- an unsupported frontal assault which
quest the 61st Field Artillery Battalion failed. Major Shore then alerted B
silenced the enemy temporarily while Troop to pass through A and assault
the squadron established night defenses upon completion of an artillery prepara-
about six hundred yards from the road. tion. From Hauwei 105's of the 271st
The next morning, 16 March, Gen- Field Artillery Battalion swept the en-
eral Mudge and Colonel Bradley visited emy area with shells that burst as close
the squadron and observed its attack as a hundred yards from the cavalry-
which, supported by one light and two men. B Troop attacked but was quickly
medium tanks, overran the positions and halted.
enabled Connor's squadron to move east Shore then asked for a tank, more ar-
along Number 1 Road. The tanks had tillery fire, and a strike by RAAF P-40's
been hauled through the jungle with (armed with 500-pound bombs), which
the aid of a D-7 bulldozer which cut had been on station since before H
down grades, cleared undergrowth, and Hour, and arranged for 81-mm. mortar
towed the tanks when they stuck. One support. "The combination of fire and
tank and the bulldozer remained at- bombs" turned the trick. They "plowed
tached to the 2d Squadron on its ad- the position into a mass of craters," and
vance along the road. By late afternoon B Troop advanced past "the blasted
it had reached a position on the road
about a thousand yards west-northwest 54
of Lorengau village and eight hundred Ibid., p. 6.
1st Cavalry Division reports and journals use
yards south of the airstrip. the word "bunker" for almost every enemy position
The chief obstacle to the 2d Squad- encountered. Japanese positions along the road
and at Lorengau appear to have been, according
ron's advance was terrain. The 1st to World War II terminology, earth-and-log pill-
Squadron (less C Troop) had had to fight boxes.

remains of the pillboxes and scattered ing platoon, commanded by S/Sgt. Ervin
parts of their tenacious occupants. . . ."56 M. Gauthreaux. literally gained the top
The three pillboxes had apparently of the enemy positions, threw grenades
constituted the airstrip's western de- into two pillboxes, and flushed several
fenses, for when they crumbled the 1st Japanese.57
Squadron moved freely down the road. But at this point things went wrong.
By 1700 it had advanced out of the With the enemy threat removed from
jungle and held a ridge among the palms his left (north) flank, and aware that C
overlooking the southwest corner of the Troop was held up, Shore decided to
airstrip. Two of the squadron had been leave C Troop in place to hold the
killed, eleven wounded, in the course of enemy while the remainder of A Troop
the action. Forty Japanese were reported followed its other platoon through the
killed. During the night of 15-16 March palms and squadron Headquarters
Shore's squadron, which C Troop re- Troop, B Troop, and elements of D
joined at 1800 after its relief at the Troop drove down the airdrome on
beachhead by the 7th Cavalry, received C's left. As B Troop advanced in the
rifle fire from Japanese in a palm grove open it was struck by fire from the very
between the airfield and the sea. positions that Gauthreaux' platoon was
Next morning, 16 March, Shore de- straddling, whereupon it halted, with-
cided to hold up his attack while an A drew, and as it carried its casualties back
Troop platoon went north of the strip to safety returned the enemy's fire. But
to clear out the enemy riflemen and C the fire hit Gauthreaux's platoon, and
Troop moved along the south edge of Avery was forced to order him off the
the airdrome to reconnoiter enemy po- Japanese positions.
sitions there. It was noon before the A After four hundred 105-mm. rounds
Troop platoon accomplished its mission had pounded the enemy position, C
and the 1st Squadron could move. Troop attacked frontally while B Troop
Meanwhile C Troop, after advancing completed its retirement. But the Jap-
200 yards over a series of rolling coconut- anese still remained in their positions
studded ridges which lay at right angles on the ridge and broke up C Troop's
to the axis of advance, was halted by attack. By now all elements of the squad-
machine gun fire from a ridge about 150 ron had been committed and the Amer-
yards to its front. The troop commander, icans had advanced to about the center
Capt. Winthrop B. Avery, emplaced the of the airstrip.
heavy machine guns and 81-mm. mor- General Mudge arrived on the scene,
tars which had been attached from the inspected the squadron, reconnoitered
Weapons Troop and attempted a co- the front, and decided to relieve the 1st
ordinated attack. One platoon was to Squadron, 8th, with the 7th Cavalry.
make a frontal assault while a second During the relief, which was effected
platoon worked around the south flank.
The frontal attack failed, but the flank- 57
Gauthreaux received the Silver Star and a com-
mission as 2d lieutenant.
56 58
8th Cav Hist Rpt, Admiralty Campaign, Nar- Tanks had advanced along the north side of
rative of Events, p. 7. the strip but did not fire on the C Troop platoon.

MEN OF THE 8TH CAVALRY moving a 37-mm. antitank gun to a firing position near
Lorengau Village, 18 March 1944.

about 1600, the 7th Cavalry lost five the early morning twenty-four 81-mm.
men killed and fifteen wounded. mortars, two light tanks, and two 37-mm.
With the previous day's experience antitank guns put their fire on the pill-
as a guide, General Mudge and Colonel boxes. An 81-mm. mortar of D Troop,
Finley planned a co-ordinated attack for 8th, attached to the 7th Cavalry, de-
17 March. The 7th Cavalry and the 2d molished one pillbox and its .50-caliber
Squadron, 8th, were to take the re- and .30-caliber machine guns and crew
mainder of the airstrip and push on over of fifteen men with a direct hit. When
the Lorengau River to the village. The the mortars ceased fire automatic weap-
1st Squadron, 7th, with squads from the ons opened up, and the 1st Squadron,
8th Engineer Squadron attached, was to 7th, assaulted. "At 1033 when our troops
seize the eastern end of the airdrome came out of their fox-holes there were
while the 2d Squadron, 7th, moved south numerous cries of 'Garry Owen' as the
of the strip to make contact with the 2d 1st Squadron went into its first action
Squadron, 8th, and advance to the river against the Japanese."59
on Number 1 Road. There was little resistance, since the
During the night of 16-17 March de- 59
7th Cav, Hist Rpt 7th Cav, 2 Mar-18 May 44,
stroyers and field artillery battalions Pt. B, p. 11. "Garry Owen" is the 7th's regimental
shelled the Japanese positions, and in song.

supporting fires had "practically wiped Lorengau lies in a cup-shaped valley

out all enemy resistance except for nec- surrounded by 400-foot-high hills. Most
essary mopping up of a few bunkers still of the Japanese defenses faced seaward,
remaining intact." 60 The 1st Squadron, although positions also covered the roads
under Maj. James A. Godwin, quickly leading east, west, and south. As the
seized the ridge that had held up Shore's Lorengau River was about sixty feet
squadron the day before, then encoun- wide and ten to twenty feet deep in
tered another ridge position slightly to most places, the 2d Brigade's best ap-
the east. After artillery and mortars had proach route led over the alluvial sand-
pounded it, cavalrymen moved in and bar at the mouth. The enemy had plant-
occupied it. Flame throwers destroyed ed mines, controlled by a master switch
the pillboxes that remained in action. in a pillbox on the hillside, on the
Meanwhile noon found the two in- stretch of beach between the sandbar
land squadrons in contact with each and the hills. They had put foxholes and
other. By 1300 all three squadrons were machine gun emplacements about a hun-
in contact and had resumed the east- dred yards inland from the shore, and
ward advance. Only a few scattered Jap- had built about twelve pillboxes in the
anese opposed the move from the air- hills. The attackers would have to cross
strip to the river, but emplaced mines the river and the beach in full view of
caused some casualties and slowed the the enemy positions, but two factors fa-
advance, so that it was 1500 before the vored an assault: repeated bombings and
three squadrons pulled up on a ridge shellings had uncovered several Japanese
on the west bank that overlooked the positions so that they were visible, and
village. It was too late in the day to at- the ridge taken in the 17 March attack
tack Lorengau, which the Americans had provided good observation over Loren-
reason to believe was strongly defended. gau.
The 7th Cavalry's reconnaissance pla- The 2d Squadron, 8th Cavalry, was
toon had immediately crossed the river designated to make the attack with mor-
over the sandbar at its mouth, met fire tar and artillery support. At 1000, 18
from Japanese positions west of Loren- March, the reconnaissance platoon led
gau, and withdrawn. Landing craft out in single file followed by E, F, and
bringing in supplies received fire from G Troops. The move was unexpectedly
the hills above the village. And, on the easy; only scattered machine gun fire
person of a Japanese officer who died was directed at the reconnaissance pla-
defending the airdrome, the Americans toon, which quickly cleared the beach
had discovered maps of the defenses of and the rifle pits. It cut the master cable
Manus which showed that Lorengau and leading to the mines. Later a dead Jap-
the road leading overland through the anese was found in a small pillbox with
villages of Old Rossum and Rossum the detonator switch clutched in his
were fortified. hand.
The rifle troops received fire and some
7th Cav, Hist Rpt 7th Cav, 2 Mar-18 May 44,
casualties while crossing the river, but
Pt. B, p. 11. got over rapidly. On the east shore they

CROSSING THE LORENGAU RIVER over the sandbar at the mouth of the river,
18 March 1944.

deployed and prepared to attack. E the 2d Squadron, 8th Cavalry, captured

Troop was to assault the enemy center it at a cost of seven wounded.
in Lorengau with F Troop echeloned Fighting in the Admiralties was not
to the right rear; G Troop was to take yet over; it was 18 May before General
the hills beside the river. Artillery and Krueger officially terminated the opera-
81-mm. mortars hit the enemy once tion. Los Negros was not cleared of the
more, and when their fire ceased 60- enemy until the end of March, and it
mm.'s and machine guns opened up, took two squadrons, several tanks, P-40
whereupon the cavalry troops assaulted strikes, and a good deal of artillery fire
the bunkers with grenade, submachine before the 2d Brigade cleared Number
gun, rifle, and flame thrower. Again, it 2 Road to Rossum on 25 March. But
was unexpectedly easy, for the Japanese the capture of Lorengau airfield, follow-
apparently retreated inland over Num- ing the seizure of Momote, placed in
ber 2 Road.61 Eighty-seven Japanese Allied hands the main strategic objec-
were killed defending Lorengau, while tives of the operation. During the en-
tire operation (including the seizure of
more outlying islands in April) the 1st
Little is known about Japanese decisions and Cavalry Division lost 326 men killed,
movements, as no Japanese survived to report to
Rabaul. 8th Area Army Operations, Japanese
1,189 wounded, and 4 missing. It re-
Monogr No. no (OCMH), p. 134. ported burying 3,280 and capturing 75

TROOP G, 8TH CAVALRY, NEAR NUMBER 1 ROAD on the west side of the Lorengau
River, 18 March 1944.

of the enemy, and General Krueger es- the Joint Chiefs but not before MacAr-
timated that the Japanese had disposed thur became so irate that he ordered
of 1,100 more bodies. work on the Admiralties "restricted to
facilities for ships under his direct com-
Base Development mand—the Seventh Fleet and British
Meanwhile several battalions of Sea- units." 64 Halsey, whom MacArthur
bees, plus Army engineer units, were vainly requested as his commander of
building airfields and a naval base. Mac- Allied Naval Forces, made a hurried
Arthur, Nimitz, and the Joint Chiefs trip to Brisbane in early March and
of Staff had intended that the naval base found that MacArthur "lumped me,
be used by all Allied fleets serving in Nimitz, King, and the whole Navy in a
the Pacific. In February Nimitz proposed vicious conspiracy to pare away his au-
to Admiral King that Admiral Halsey, thority." 65 Halsey was in a difficult posi-
who furnished most of the service troops, tion. MacArthur was very angry; he was
be given responsibility, under Nimitz, Halsey's superior, and was vastly senior
for developing and controlling the 64
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p.
base.63 Nimitz' proposal was rejected by 189; Rad, Marshall to MacArthur, 9 Mar 44, CM-
OUT 3710.
ALAMO Force Rpt, BREWER Opns, p. 26. Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p.
Rad, CINCPAC to COMINCH, 23 Feb 44, CM- 189; Suppl Min, JCS mtg, 8 Feb 44; Rad, Mac-
IN 16947. Arthur to Marshall, 2 Feb 44, CM-IN 1443.

to him.66 And it is probably gratuitous Momote airfield, first used in March,

to say MacArthur was formidable in ar- was seven thousand feet long by 18 May.
gument. The scene, as Halsey records it, When the Lorengau airstrip proved un-
was lively, with MacArthur expressing suitable, Seabees and the 836th Engineer
himself strongly. "Unlike myself," the Aviation Battalion, working under pres-
Admiral wrote, "strong emotion did not sure, finished one at Mokerang Planta-
make him profane. He did not need to tion by 21 April, then put in a parallel
be; profanity would have merely discol- runway. Seabees installed two runways
ored his eloquence." But the ram-jawed for carrier aircraft on the outlying
Halsey could also be formidable. Sup- islands, and also developed Seeadler Har-
ported by Kinkaid and Carney, he asked bour into one of the largest naval bases
the General to rescind his order: in the Pacific, with repair facilities for
". . . 'if you stick to this order of yours, all types of warships and transports.68 As
you'll be hampering the war effort!' " planned, the naval base serviced the
Halsey went on to say that "the com- Third, Fifth, and Seventh Fleets in later
mand of Manus didn't matter a whit to operations, and the airfields supported
me. What did matter was the quick con- the drives along the New Guinea coast
struction of the base. Kenney or an Aus- and through the Central Pacific. The
tralian or an enlisted cavalryman could gallant action of the 1st Cavalry Division
boss it for all I cared, as long as it was in execution of MacArthur's bold de-
ready to handle the fleet when we moved cision thus paid rich dividends.
up New Guinea and on toward the
Philippines." After long argument, Gen-
eral MacArthur agreed to cancel his or- author et al., 16 Nov 53. General Kenney, in his
der and the work went forward under comments, remarked that Halsey's statement sounds
as though "he didn't like me, the Australians, or
Admiral Kinkaid's direction.67 enlisted cavalrymen." Actually Halsey was probably
only listing people unlikely to be directing con-
During World War I MacArthur had com- struction of a naval base.
manded a brigade and then a division while Halsey Building the Navy's Bases in World War II, II,
commanded a destroyer. 295-302; Off of Chief Engr, GHQ AFPAC, Airfield
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, pp. and Base Development, pp. 208-22, and Critique,
189-90; Oral statement of Adm Kinkaid to the pp. 145-53.

Bougainville Counterattack
By March 1944 the Japanese were Preparations
clearly beaten in the Southeast Area.
The Approach
With air and naval strength gone, the
ground troops were stranded, immobi- When in late 1943 the Japanese com-
lized, incapable of affecting the course of manders had finally concluded that the
the war. Only at Rabaul were the Japa- invasion of Empress Augusta Bay was
nese strong, and that strength could not actually the Allied main effort at Bou-
be employed unless the Allies chose to gainville, they began making plans for
attack. But among the characteristics their counterattack. Unfortunately for
that made the Japanese a formidable op- him, Hyakutake's intelligence estimate
ponent was his refusal to accept defeat was as inaccurate as most other Japanese
even in a hopeless situation. If beaten, estimates during World War II. He
he knew it not. Thus it was that Gen- placed Allied strength at Empress
erals Imamura and Hyakutake designed Augusta Bay at about 30,000 of whom
the destruction, in March, of the XIV 10,000 were supposed to be aircraft
Corps at Empress Augusta Bay, Bougain- ground crews. His figure for General
ville.1 Griswold's total strength was too low by
half. Against the XIV Corps he planned
This chapter is based on SOPACBACOM, The to use the main strength of the 17th
Bougainville Campaign, Chs. IV-IX, supplemented Army, which consisted principally of
by rpts, jnls, and jnl files of XIV Corps, Americal
Div, 37th Div, and the principal component units General Kanda's 6th Division and several
which participated; Maj Gen Oscar W. Griswold, battalions of the 17th Division that Ima-
Bougainville: An Experience in Jungle Warfare
(typescript); ACofS G-2 XIV Corps, History of the
mura had sent down in November. Total
"TA" Operation, Bougainville, March 1944 [21 Japanese strength involved is variously
Apr 44]; 8th Area Army Operations, Japanese reported as 15,000 to 19,000 men.2
Monogr No. no (OCMH), pp. 106-22; 17th Army
Operations, II, Japanese Monogr No. 40 (OCMH),
105-29; Capt. Francis D. Cronin, Under the South- ACofS G-2 XIV Corps, History of the "TA"
ern Cross: The Saga of the Americal Division Operation, a careful, conservative study written after
(Washington: Combat Forces Press, 1951), pp.143- the counteroffensive from prisoner-of-war interroga-
68; Frankel, The 37th Infantry Division in World tions, captured documents, and G-2 periodic re-
War II, pp. 141-70; Answers (27 Jul 49) of Gen ports and summaries, gives 15,400 men as the total.
Kanda [former CG, 6th Div] to questions by Hist In 1949 General Kanda, speaking from memory,
Sec G-2 FEC, in Hist Div MIS GHQ FEC, State- said there were 19,000 men involved plus about
ments of Japanese Officials on World War II (Eng- 2,000 sailors. He may have included all troops in
lish Translations), II, 19-31, OCMH. rear areas in his figure.

During the early part of 1944 Japa- pected troop movements, bridges, and
nese engineers built or improved roads, assembly areas. When the Japanese
trails, and bridges so that the 17th Army launched strong attacks at Ibu in mid-
could move from north and south Bou- February, the corps commander ordered
gainville to assembly areas in the hills the Fijians back to the perimeter. Four
inland from the XIV Corps' perimeter. hundred and fifty Fiji soldiers and two
By mid-February the enemy soldiers hundred Bougainville natives made their
were all on their way, and Hyakutake way to Cape Torokina. Two Fijians
left Erventa to supervise the action him- were slightly wounded during the with-
self. drawal.
The Japanese had hoped to launch an Patrol clashes and fire fights in the
amphibious assault against the Ameri- hills north and northeast of the XIV
cans, coupled with an attack from inland. Corps' perimeter indicated that the Jap-
A shortage of landing craft made the anese were concentrating there. Further,
amphibious assault impossible, but Japanese carelessness in safeguarding im-
barges, operating on moonless nights to portant documents played into General
Griswold's hands. Papers taken from
avoid Allied aircraft and PT boats, trans-
enemy corpses gave him a precise idea
ported heavy equipment, including artil-
of Hyakutake's plan of attack, told him
lery, to a point east of Cape Torokina
exactly which Japanese units were about
from where it was laboriously hauled in- to attack him, and gave him the general
land to the hills. Packhorses and trucks location of the enemy artillery units. In-
carried supplies part of the way on the formation about the attack was posted
overland routes.
on the American units' bulletin boards.
The infantry regiments of the 6th Di-
vision advanced along both coasts, the
XIV Corps' Defenses
13th and 23d Infantry Regiments on the
west, the 45th Infantry up the east coast At the beginning of March the XIV
to Numa Numa, thence southwest by the Corps' perimeter was somewhat larger
Numa Numa Trail. The 17th Division than it had been when Griswold took
battalions also marched along both coasts over. It included, in a horseshoe-shaped
from their positions in the north. line on the inland side, some 23,000
Such a move could hardly go unno- yards of low hills and jungle. The beach
ticed. Coastwatchers, radio intercepts, frontage totaled 11,000 yards. Depth of
long- and short-range ground patrols, in- the position was about 8,000 yards. (Map
terrogation of prisoners and even of a 22) The main ground combat elements
few deserters, Japanese activity near the of the corps were the Americal and 37th
Fiji outpost at Ibu, interpretation of Divisions, which numbered about 27,000
aerial photographs, and air and naval men. All together, 62,000 men, including
searches told General Griswold that the naval units, were attached or assigned to
Japanese were on the move all over the the XIV Corps.
island, and that attack was imminent. All the infantry regiments were placed
Allied planes regularly bombed all sus- on the front lines. A total of twelve rifle

60-MM. MORTAR EMPLACEMENT on Hill 700 held by 145th Infantry, 15 February


battalions held frontages varying from bank. The 182d Infantry, in the di-
2,000 to 2,400 yards. Usually each regi- vision's center, held Hills 309 and 270
ment held one battalion in reserve. The on the main perimeter line. The 132d
37th Division defended the left (north- Infantry on the right held low ground.
west) sector from a point on the beach In addition a detachment of the 182d In-
5,500 yards northwest of Cape Torokina fantry, plus artillery and mortar ob-
to the area of Hill 700, about 2,000 yards servers, maintained an outpost on Hill
east of Lake Kathleen. The 148th In- 260, an eminence which was some dis-
fantry, on the division left, and the 129th tance east of the main line of resistance
Infantry, in the center, held low ground. and overlooked the Torokina River.
The 145th Infantry, on the right, held Griswold had ordered this hill held so
Hill 700, the highest ground possessed that it could be used as an American
by the Americans. The Americal Di- artillery and mortar observation post,
vision's line ran from just east of Hill and so that the enemy could not use it
700, where the 164th Infantry's left flank to observe American positions.
tied in with the 145th's right, over Hills
608, 309, and 270, then along the west The 132d Infantry, Americal Division, had seized
this area in an action in January wherein S/Sgt.
bank of the Torokina River. Near its Jessie R. Drowley fought so valiantly that he was
mouth the line crossed over to the east awarded the Medal of Honor. WD GO 73, 6 Sep 44.

All units had been developing and neither organic artillery nor an artillery
strengthening positions on the main line commander. Serving as corps artillery
of resistance, which now consisted of rifle commander was General Kreber, artil-
pits and earth, log, and sandbag pill- lery commander of the 37th Division.
boxes, wired in behind double-apron or Under General Kreber's command were
concertina barbed wire. In front of the the eight (six 105-mm. and two 155-mm.)
wire were minefields. Various devices howitzer battalions organic to the two
were employed to give illumination at divisions, plus the provisional corps
night: searchlights, either shining di- artillery. This consisted of two 155-mm.
rectly or reflecting a spread beam off gun batteries of the 3d Marine Defense
clouds; flares tied in trees and set off by Battalion; four 90-mm. antiaircraft bat-
pull wires; flashlights; thermite gre- teries of the 251st Antiaircraft Artillery
nades; and cans full of sand and gasoline. Regiment; and four 90-mm. antiaircraft
Grenades, with wires attached, were set batteries of the 3d Marine Defense Bat-
up as booby traps along obvious ap- talion, of which one, D Battery, 70th
proach routes. Oil drums, each with Coast Artillery (Antiaircraft) Battalion,
scrap metal packed around a bangalore was attached from the Army. Gun power
torpedo, were wired for electrical detona- of the XIV Corps units was augmented
tion. Fields of fire fifty yards or more on 3 March when six cannon companies,
deep, deep enough to prevent the enemy with 75-mm. pack howitzers, reached
from throwing hand grenades at the Bougainville and joined the infantry
American positions from cover and con- regiments.
cealment, had been cleared. Almost all The XIV Corps' positions were
the infantry regiments possessed extra strong, and since he possessed interior
machine guns, and had issued two BAR's lines General Griswold could easily
to each rifle squad. All regiments had switch his reserve units back and forth.
constructed reserve positions. The naval But the positions were not ideal. The
construction battalions, the 3d Marine corps lacked enough men, by American
Defense Battalion, Army engineer units, standards, to hold all the high ground
and others maintained provisional in- in the vicinity. Beyond the coastal plain
fantry units as part of the corps reserve, the ground rises abruptly from ridge to
which also included the 82d Chemical ridge, each higher than the preceding
Battalion, the 754th Tank Battalion, and one, up to the summits of the Crown
the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry. 4 Prince Range. Thus the Americans on
Artillery support for the perimeter, Hills 608 and 700 held positions that
though below American standards, was were dominated by the higher ground
stronger than the enemy's supporting in Japanese hands—Blue Ridge, three
artillery. The XIV Corps still had thousand yards north of Hill 700, and
Hills 1000 and 1111, just southeast of
This unit had served on Bougainville since 30 Blue Ridge. These hills gave the enemy
January, chiefly as a labor battalion. See Ulysses G. an excellent view over all the perimeter
Lee, Employment of Negro Troops, a volume in
preparation for the series UNITED STATES except the reverse slopes of the Ameri-
ARMY IN WORLD WAR II. can-held hills. By 1 March, however,

General Griswold was sure that "the placed in 17th Army reserve or were as-
perimeter was as well organized as the signed diversionary missions against the
personnel and the terrain would per- northwest part of the XIV Corps' beach-
mit." head.
The Iwasa Unit assembled behind
The Japanese Plan of Attack Hill 1111, the Magata Unit behind
General Hyakutake organized most of Mount Nampei, a shoulder-shaped ridge
his infantry into three forces, each extending outward from the Crown
named for its commander. The Iwasa Prince Range just northwest of Blue
Unit, under General Iwasa, consisted of Ridge. The Muda Unit assembled at
the 2d Battalion, 13th Infantry; the 23d Peko, a village on the East-West Trail
Infantry; and two batteries of field artil- about 5,400 yards east-northeast of Hill
lery, some mortars, and engineers and 260. The artillery group emplaced in the
other supporting troops. The Magata vicinity of Hill 600.
Unit, led by Col. Isaoshi Magata of the The plan of maneuver involved two
45th Infantry, whom Kanda considered thrusts from the north coupled with an
to be a crack regimental commander, in- attack from the northeast, all on a com-
cluded nearly all the 45th Infantry plus plicated schedule. Briefly, the Iwasa Unit
mortars, field artillery, and engineers. was to attack and secure Hill 700 on Y
The third unit, under Col. Toyoharei Day (set, after some delays in moving
Muda, who had succeeded the late into position, for 8 March), reorganize
Tomonari in command of the 13th In- on 9 and 10 March, and advance to the
fantry, consisted of the remainder of the Piva airfields. During this period the
13th plus engineers. Supporting the at- Muda Unit was to capture Hills 260 and
tacks of the three infantry units was an 309, whereupon it and one battalion of
artillery group commanded by a Colo- the Iwasa Unit were supposed to attack
nel Saito. This consisted of four 150-mm. Hill 608 from the southeast and north-
howitzers, two 105-mm. howitzers, and a west on 12 March. All these attacks were
number of smaller pieces. Artillery am- preliminary to an effort which was to
munition supply totaled three hundred be delivered, starting 11 March, by the
rounds per piece, of which one fifth was Magata Unit against the 129th Infantry
to be used for direct support of the in- in its low ground west of Hill 700.
fantry, the rest for interdicting the air- Magata's men, after cracking the 129th's
fields. line, were to advance against the Piva
Also present were elements of the 1st airstrips in conjunction with Iwasa's ad-
and 3d Battalions, 53d Infantry, and vance. Then all units were to drive
part of the 81st Infantry, all from the southward on a broad front to capture
17th Division. At first these were either the Torokina fighter strip by 17 March.
Haste was essential, since the 17th Army
Griswold, Bougainville, p. 46. had brought with it but two weeks'
General Kanda specified 18 70-mm. battalion rations.
guns; ACofS G-2 XIV Corps, History of the "TA"
Operation lists 168 75-mm. mountain guns. The
Hindsight indicates that the Japanese
Japanese 105 is often called a 10-cm. piece. plan was unsound. Even had Hyaku-

155-MM. GUNS OF THE 3D MARINE DEFENSE BATTALION firing on enemy positions,

6 March 1944.

take's estimate of American strength and run instead of standing their

been correct, he still lacked enough ground, but that was an imponderable
strength in manpower and in artillery that he could not count on. The Amer-
(he had no air support whatever) to at- ical and 37th Divisions were veteran
tack prepared positions, and under the units.
actual circumstances he was hopelessly By 8 March almost everything was
outnumbered and outgunned. If his ob- ready. The rhetorical manifestoes by
ject had been to inflict maximum dam- which Japanese officers exhorted their
age regardless of his own losses, he might troops were issued. General Hyakutake
have achieved a larger degree of success expressed himself along these lines:
by concentrating his forces from the first
in order to overwhelm a narrow portion The time has come to manifest our
knighthood with the pure brilliance of the
of Griswold's front, break through, and sword. It is our duty to erase the mortifica-
spread destruction throughout the rear
areas until Griswold could redeploy his
infantry regiments. Of course, Hyaku- Hyakutake, in 1942, had delivered a similar, un-
successful, counterattack against Vandegrift's posi-
take might have achieved more success tions on Guadalcanal. See Miller, Guadalcanal: The
had the American soldiers elected to turn First Offensive, Ch. VI.

don of our brothers at Guadalcanal. Attack! those to the northeast. Smoke shells were
Assault! Destroy everything! Cut, slash, and fired at suspected enemy observation
mow them down. May the color of the red posts to blind the enemy. In the 37th's
emblem of our arms be deepened with the
blood of the American rascals. Our cry of sector the 6th Field Artillery Battalion,
victory at Torokina Bay will be shouted re- supporting the 129th Infantry, and the
soundingly to our native land. lagth Infantry Cannon Company were
We are invincible! Always attack. Security so situated that they could shoot directly
is the greatest enemy. Always be alert. Ex- at enemy gun flashes. The other battal-
ecute silently.8
ions fired by forward observer.10
Not to be outdone, General Kanda had At 1045 twenty-four SBD's and twelve
this to say: TBF's of the 1st Marine Air Wing
dropped fourteen tons of bombs on Hills
We must fight to the end to avenge the
shame of our country's humiliation on 250 and 600. A strike against Hill 1111
GUADALCANAL. . . . There can be no was planned for the late morning but
rest until our bastard foes are battered, and was postponed when a sudden cloud
bowed in shame—till their . . . blood adds screen obscured the hilltop. Finally, at
lustre ... to the badge of the Sixth Di- 1600, fifty-six SBD's and thirty-six TBF's,
vision. Our battle cry will be heard guided by artillery smoke shells, dropped
afar. . . .9
100- and 1,000-pound bombs on Hill
Again, the most apt comment is in 1111 and environs.
Proverbs XVI: 18. In the course of the day's firing the
Japanese destroyed one B-24 and three
Hill 700 fighters, and damaged nineteen planes
At 0545, shortly after daybreak of 8 on Piva strips. Before nightfall all
March, Hyakutake's artillery heralded bombers except six TBF's which re-
the opening of his counteroffensive by mained for local support left for New
firing on all parts of the beachhead, with Georgia to escape destruction. The
especial attention to the Piva airfields. enemy also damaged one 155-mm. gun
American observers on the ground, in and several tanks. Early next morning,
artillery liaison planes, and on board de- the 9th, the enemy guns turned their
stroyers, aided by information gained attention to the Torokina fighter strip
from documents, quickly determined the and forced its planes to take to the air
general location of the Japanese artillery, for safety. Almost no shells fell on the
and counterbattery fire by the corps artil- front lines except in the 145th In-
lery and the organic division artillery fantry's area, where shellfire and mor-
battalions began at once. The Americal tars caused several casualties.
Division artillery put its fire on hills to The sector of the 145th, now com-
the east and east-northeast, the 37th on manded by Col. Cecil B. Whitcomb, ex-
tended from low ground in the vicinity
8 of the Numa Numa Trail eastward past
Quoted in Frankel, The 37th Infantry Division
in World War II, pp. 142-43. The "red emblem"
referred to was probably the shoulder patch of the Throughout the operation U.S. destroyers also
6th Division. fired counterbattery fire and against suspected
Quoted in Griswold, Bougainville, p. 81. enemy assembly areas and approach routes.

the south shore of Lake Kathleen and up rations, ammunition, and a five-gallon
along the military crest of Hill 700, a can of water were stocked in each pill-
frontage of about 3,500 yards. The 3d box against a breakdown in supply. For
Battalion, on the left (west), held the nocturnal illumination each machine
low ground just south of Lake Kathleen gun section was issued four incendiary
and Cannon Hill, an eminence slightly grenades and a gallon can of flame
lower and to the west of Hill 700. On thrower fuel.
the right the 2d Battalion held Hill 700 On 7 March Japanese wire-cutting
with two rifle companies (E and G) and parties started work in front of the 145th.
machine gun sections of H Company in Next day patrols in front of Hill 700,
line, F Company in reserve, and H Com- Cannon Hill, and along Lake Kathleen's
pany's 81-mm. mortars grouped on the shores kept running into enemy troops.
reverse (south) slope. At the same time 129th Infantry patrols
Hill 700, which commanded the en- reported many enemy contacts, and
tire beachhead, was steep, with slopes of Americal Division patrols also observed
65 to 75 percent in all directions. Amer- enemy troops east of the Torokina River,
ican intelligence estimates, though not along the East-West Trail, and around
ruling out an enemy attack here, had Hills 250 and 600. In front of the 145th
tended to discount its probability. The fire fights and skirmishes went on all day.
steepness that increased the difficulty of When patrols reported that the enemy
attack also complicated the defense, for was massing, the 37th Division artillery,
the forward (north) slope fell away too the 145th's Cannon Company, and the
sharply to permit it to be completely 4.2-inch mortars fired a counterprepara-
covered with grazing fire. Thus the 2d tion twelve hundred yards wide and two
Battalion had an extra allotment of ma- thousand yards deep in front of the 2d
chine guns. Its pillboxes housed 37-mm. Battalion. Japanese orders had called for
antitank guns, light and heavy machine an attack on 8 March, but none de-
guns, BAR's, and rifles. The front was veloped. The 23d Infantry had spent the
wired in, with some mines in front. In day moving into position in front of the
direct support were the 105-mm. how- 145th; the 2d Battalion reconnoitered
itzers of the 135th Field Artillery Bat- Cannon Hill, the 3d, 700, but for some
talion and, starting on 8 March, the 4.2- reason the regiment did not assault.12
inch mortars of D Company, 82d Chem- Rain fell throughout the night of 8-9
ical Battalion.11 March. Shortly after midnight, concealed
That the 145th Infantry was in danger by darkness, rain, and mists, about two
of attack had become obvious on 6 March companies of the 23d Infantry attacked
when patrols reported the presence of up the north slope of Hill 700 against
large numbers of Japanese about four- the 1st Platoon, G Company, 145th,
teen hundred yards north of Hill 700.
Additional ammunition was made avail- 12
able to the troops, and two days' C In 1949 General Kanda said that as the 23d's
attack had not succeeded, and as the 13th had taken
Hill 260 on 8 March, he ordered the attack con-
This company also supported the 129th In- tinued on the 9th. Either his recollection was faulty
fantry. or his subordinate commanders deceived him.
of Hill 700. Foreground, from left: Pfc. Howard K. Stoneburner, Sgt. Brant A.
Johnson, and Pfc. Thomas J. Householder. Background, from left: Pfc. Gerald
C. Menken, Pfc. Taylor Maggard, and S/Sgt. Robert G. Dove.

which held a level saddle between the About noon C Company, 145th,
topmost eminence of the hill and a rise started northward up Hill 700 toward
to the left (west) dubbed Pat's Nose. the saddle in frontal assault while two F
Other elements of the 23d put pressure Company platoons attacked the saddle
on E Company, 145th, on the highest from the east and west. By 1530 the pla-
point of 700. This attack was repulsed. toon attacking from the east had re-
About 0230, 9 March, the 23d In- covered some of the lost ground but C
fantry attacked G Company's 1st Pla- Company had been halted about two
toon again, this time in column of bat- thirds of the way to its objective.
talions. The 2d Battalion, in the lead, Two light tanks of the 754th Tank
blew up the barbed wire, knocked out a Battalion, released out of corps reserve
pillbox, and through the gap its forward by General Griswold, tried to support
elements moved onto the saddle and set an attack later in the afternoon, but the
up machine guns. American mortars and hill proved too steep for them. The F
artillery opened up and appear to have
Company platoons pressed their attack
severely punished the 3d Battalion,
anyway and by 1735 had retaken five pill-
which was following the 2d.
boxes. By nightfall a solid line had been
When day broke the Americans were
established in front of the Japanese. It
not sure of the extent of the enemy
penetration, as mists and enemy fire ran along Hill 700 south of the crest in
hampered reconnaissance. Some local the region of the penetration and joined
counterattacks, largely un-co-ordinated, its flanks with the original main line of
were attempted but all failed. Soldiers resistance. B and C Companies and one
of the 145th tried to attack northward platoon of D Company held the new
up the south slopes of Hill 700, but the line.
Japanese drove them back by rolling During the day the Japanese used
down grenades. their point of vantage on the saddle to
By noon the situation was clarified. put mortar and machine gun fire on Mc-
The Japanese had made but a minor Clelland Road, a lateral supply route
penetration; about one company held a south of the crests of the hills, roughly
salient on the saddle about one hundred parallel to the main line of resistance.
yards from east to west and fifty yards This fire halted the ¾-ton trucks and
deep. It had captured seven pillboxes, half-tracks that were used to bring up
plus observation posts, in the 1st Pla- ammunition and required the use of
toon's line and had set up light and hand-carrying parties, which hauled am-
heavy machine guns. munition forward and took out the
General Beightler released the 1st Bat- wounded under Japanese fire.
talion, 145th, from division reserve to Neither Japanese nor Americans made
Colonel Whitcomb, who attached it to any aggressive moves on the night of
the 2d Battalion, and elements of the 9-10 March, but it was a noisy night.
117th Engineer Battalion took up posi- The Japanese laid mortar and small arms
tions in the 145th's regimental reserve fire on the American lines, while the 37th
lines south of Hill 700. Division artillery and mortars put close-

in and deep supporting fires in front of and 2d Battalions, 145th, after a ten-
the 2d Battalion, 145th. minute mortar preparation, delivered a
At 0645 the next day, 10 March, while co-ordinated attack. The Americans used
the Muda Unit began its attack against bangalore torpedoes, rocket launchers,
the Americal Division troops on Hill and pole charges in the face of artillery,
260, the 23d Infantry troops on the sad- mortar, machine gun, and rifle fire. The
dle renewed their attack and other ele- fighting was close work; several pillboxes
ments of the Iwasa Unit attempted to were recaptured and then lost. As dark-
get through the curtain of American ness fell, however, the Americans had
artillery and mortar fire to reinforce the achieved some success. The Japanese
saddle. The Americans on Hill 700 re- penetration was now reduced by more
sponded with fire and local counter- than half. By 1930, G, F, A, C, B, and E
attacks. There was no change in the loca- Companies held the line; the 37th Re-
tion of the front lines. connaissance Troop, which General
During the morning Griswold re- Beightler attached to the 145th at 1815,
leased the Provisional Infantry Battalion, was in reserve.
251st Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment, During the night, as Colonel Magata
from corps reserve; it proceeded to the prepared to deliver his attack against
145th's regimental reserve line. Elements the 129th Infantry, General Iwasa sent
of the 117th Engineer Battalion there- the rest of his command against the
upon made ready to destroy the Japanese 145th's front from Cannon Hill to the
positions with bangalore torpedoes and crest of 700. The Japanese came in
pole charges of TNT. But this came to closely packed waves, shouting, the 37th
naught when four engineers, trying to Division reported, imprecations in Japa-
snake a torpedo into a pillbox, were nese. The fields of fire at Cannon Hill
killed outright by the torpedo, which and Pat's Nose were better than at 700,
either exploded prematurely or was and the 145th, heavily supported by
detonated by a Japanese shell. A Japa- artillery and mortars, handily repulsed
nese-speaking American soldier brought Iwasa everywhere except on the saddle,
a loud-speaker up close to the enemy and where the Japanese captured one more
urged immediate capitulation; the Jap- pillbox.
anese responded with a mortar shell As dawn broke on 11 March, a day on
which knocked the loud-speaker out of which Muda was active at Hill 260 and
action. the Magata Unit began its attack against
By afternoon of this day of patternless the 129th Infantry, General Beightler
and ineffective action (which also fea- was obviously concerned over the 145th's
tured enemy fire on McClelland Road failure to reduce the enemy salient. The
and a 36-plane strike against Japanese night before he had ordered the 2d Bat-
positions), the American units in contact talion, 148th Infantry, to move from its
with the enemy had become inter- regimental reserve positions to the
mingled. Sorting and reorganizing them 145th's sector. To replace it General
consumed much of the afternoon, so that Griswold placed the 1st Battalion, 24th
it was 1700 before elements of the 1st Infantry, at Beightler's disposal. Beight-

Two LIGHT TANKS M3 OF THE 754TH TANK BATTALION heading up Hill 700
during the afternoon of 9 March.

ler also dispatched his assistant division enemy soldiers fought hard but vainly,
commander, Brig. Gen. Charles F. Craig, and failed either to budge the Americans
to the 145th's sector to observe opera- or to strengthen the saddle.
tions and keep him informed. The regi- The 2d Battalion, 148th, reached its
mental commander was suffering, Craig assembly area behind the 145th at 1115.
reported later, from extreme battle Colonel Radcliffe, its commander, re-
fatigue and was relieved. Colonel Freer, connoitered in preparation for an after-
who had been serving as executive of noon attack.
the 145th, took his place.13 Three 105-mm. howitzer battalions,
In the meantime the Japanese made the 145th Infantry Cannon Company,
valorous efforts to put more troops onto 4.2-inch chemical mortars, the 81-mm.
the saddle. The Americans resisted with mortars of D, H, and M Companies of
vigor and with all the fire power at their the 145th, and the 60-mm. mortars of all
disposal. Charging, literally, over the the rifle companies of the 2d Battalion,
piled heaps of their dead comrades, the
148th, fired a preparation from 1320 to
Ltr, Gen Craig to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil
1330. Then elements of the 148th at-
Hist, 30 Oct 53, no sub, OCMH. tacked. Two platoons from E Company

moved east from Pat's Nose in an effort enty-three enlisted men killed.14 The ar-
to envelop the saddle from north and tillery expended a considerable amount
south while a third platoon delivered a of ammunition in defense of Hill 700:
holding attack westward from the crest 20,802 105-mm. rounds; about 10,000 75-
of Hill 700. The whole target was mm. rounds; 13,000 81-mm. and 811 4.2-
blanketed by artillery smoke shells. The inch mortar shells.15
145th supported the attack with over-
head fire. The platoon making the en- Hill 260
velopment from the north gained the
While General Iwasa was meeting de-
crest, losing eight dead, whereupon the
feat at Hill 700, Colonel Muda was at-
platoon leader and four enlisted men
tacking the American outpost on Hill
seized a communication trench, then a
260 in preparation for operations against
pillbox. But the Japanese killed the five
Hills 309 and 608 in the Americal Divi-
men and the attack halted about 1900.
sion's sector. The Muda Unit—princi-
The troops dug in on the ground they
pally one battalion and two companies
had gained. During the night the Japa-
of the 13th Infantry—completed its as-
nese harried the Americans but failed to
sembly at Peko and moved forward. On
penetrate the line.
the night of 9-10 March small enemy
The attack on 12 March followed the
forces infiltrated between Hill 260 and
previous day's pattern. While intense
the main line of resistance, while an as-
local battles raged in the 199th Infantry
sault force assembled east of 260 and
sector and on Hill 260, E Company con-
made ready to attack.16
tinued its attack and F Company at-
Some 800 yards east of the main perim-
tacked northwestward from the top of
eter line and 7,500 yards north of the
700. Using grenades, rifles, flame throw-
Torokina's mouth, Hill 260 is shaped
ers, and rocket launchers, the 148th
like an hourglass. Its long axis runs from
soldiers methodically reduced the pill-
northwest to southeast. The two ends
boxes one by one. When nearly all the
of the hourglass are rises called North
officers in both companies were wound-
Knob and South Knob. Each knob is
ed, sergeants took over command. By
about half the size of a football field.
1300 the Japanese held but one pillbox;
The handle between them is slightly
by 1317 they had lost it, and by 1530
mopping up was completed, all the Jap-
anese save two wounded prisoners were Memo, G-1 37th Div for G-2 and G-3, 14 Mar
44, no sub, in 37th Div G-3 Jnl File, Vol. 13, Serials
dead, the 145th's line was restored. Three 4601-5400.
hundred and nine enemy corpses were On 14 March General Kreber ordered 90-mm.
antiaircraft guns to supplement certain 40-mm.
counted in the immediate area. During guns already in use on the front lines. Thereafter
the next day the Iwasa Unit, which had these flat-trajectory weapons sniped at enemy guns
suffered heavily in its unsuccessful at- emplaced on the forward slopes of the hills to the
north and northeast.
tack, withdrew behind a screen of com- 16
In addition to sources cited above, this account
bat patrols and fire. of the Hill 260 action is based on comments of Col.
William D. Long on draft MS of this volume, at-
During the period 8-13 March the tached to his Ltr to Gen Smith, Chief of Mil Hist,
37th Division lost five officers and sev- 21 Mar 54, no sub, OCMH.

lower and so narrow that there was room

for only a trail. North and South Knobs
lie so close together—less than 150 yards
apart—that to hit one knob with artillery
or mortar fire inevitably showered the
other with fragments. The slopes to the
east and west are very steep.
The East-West Trail crossed the Tor-
okina just east of 260 and, bending south
of South Knob, entered the main perim-
eter line between Hills 309 and 608. A
small north-south stream, called the
Eagle River by the Americans, flowed
between 260 and the main perimeter
before running into the Torokina River.
In the early part of March only one trail
led from the main line to South Knob.
The last hundred yards to the top con-
sisted of a steep stairway revetted into
the southwest slope. A small vehicular
bridge had been built over the Eagle.
The entire area, including the east and
west slopes of 260, was heavily jungled.
From a platform on a 150-foot-high
tree ("OP Tree") on South Knob, Amer-
ican mortar and artillery forward ob-
servers could view the banks of the Tor- "OP TREE" ON HILL 260
okina below, the East-West Trail, and
Hills 250 and 600 to the northeast. Con- bunkers inside barbed wire and defen-
versely, in Japanese hands Hill 260 sive warning devices arranged in a tri-
would have provided good observation angle around OP Tree. Fire lanes faced
of Hills 608 and 309 and of the corps' northeast, east, and southeast.
rear area between them. On 10 March The Americans had been maintaining
the American garrison on 260 consisted ambushes on the northeast and south-
of about eighty men including forward east approaches to South Knob but on
observers and a reinforced platoon from 9 March withdrew them to put harassing
G Company, 182d Infantry, which regi- and interdictory fires over the whole
ment held the main perimeter west of area from 1830 to 2330, 9 March, and
260. It was "a sore thumb stuck out into again from 0415 to 0500, 10 March. A
the poison ivy."17 Defenses, all on few minutes after 0600 on 10 March,
South Knob, consisted of pillboxes and during the 182d's normal stand to for
the two hours before daylight, fire from
Ibid. Japanese mortars, machine guns, and

rifles began striking the American posi- operations.20 F Company left the perim-
tions on 260. At 0638 an officer of the eter, crossed the Eagle River and pushed
246th Field Artillery Battalion, Ameri- northward through virgin jungle to
cal Division, reported from his post in North Knob, made contact with the G
OP Tree that the Japanese had attacked Company soldiers who had made their
and were all around the base of his tree. way there, and established a perimeter
He was not heard from again. The at- defense. At 0845 E Company was ordered
tack, which the Americans estimated was to advance east over the trail to attack
made by one company, was actually de- the South Knob from the southwest in
livered by all or part of the 3d Battalion, conjunction with a southward move by
13th Infantry. It overran most of the one platoon of F Company.
American positions, captured OP Tree, By 1045, when E Company reached
and drove the survivors of the American the base of Hill 260's southwest slope,
garrison to North Knob. One six-man the troops on North Knob had become
group from the mortar and artillery ob- aware that some Americans on South
servation teams took refuge in two pill- Knob were still alive.21 The attack be-
boxes and put up such stout-hearted re- gan immediately after E Company's ar-
sistance that they held their positions in rival. One E Company platoon started
spite of the fact that the Japanese had up the steep slope as the F Company
surrounded them. platoon attempted to move south, but
When the enemy attack was reported after a gain of about thirty-five yards
to General Griswold, he ordered General both platoons, now coming into the
Hodge, the Americal Division's com- cleared areas, halted under enemy fire.
mander, to hold 260 at all costs. This Shortly after 1300 Long authorized
order came as a surprise to the Americal's Lowry to contain the Japanese at the
officers, who had not expected to be re- base of OP Tree until he could send
quired to hold 260 in the face of a strong flame throwers forward.
enemy attack.19 Col. William D. Long, Lowry therefore held up the attack,
commanding the 182d, promptly re- received the flame throwers, and by 1420
leased two companies—E and F—of his was ready to go again. This time he
2d Battalion from regimental reserve planned a double envelopment from
and placed Lt. Col. Dexter Lowry, com- 260's southwest spur. One platoon of E
mander of the 2d Battalion, in charge of Company was to move left (north) to
make contact with the F Company pla-
toon advancing south while a second
For a stirring, well-told account by one of theE Company platoon moved right to at-
observers, see Griswold, Bougainville, pp. 103-09, ortack from the south and southeast. The
SOPACBACOM, The Bougainville Campaign, Ch.
VIII, pp. 368-75, OCMH. Colonel Long, in his platoons moved out and began their at-
comments on the draft MS of this volume, expressed
his admiration for the skill of the Japanese who
delivered the attack "from the most difficult direc- Long had sewed as ACofS, G-2, Americal Di-
tion with complete surprise." vision, during the Guadalcanal Campaign.
19 21
Comments on draft MS of this volume by Lt They apparently based this conclusion on fire
Col Carl D. McFerren, formerly ACofS, G-2, fights between the Japanese and the trapped ob-
Americal Div, on Bougainville, in OCMH. servers.

tack at 1445. The Japanese quickly Knob and began driving E Company off.
halted the northern attack. The south- But there was almost no way to
ern platoon started up South Knob, met strengthen him. General Hodge was re-
grazing fire, retired, moved to the right, quired to hold one battalion available
and assaulted again. This time, using for service in corps reserve, and there
flame throwers and grenades, the pla- were few other troops that could be com-
toon drove up onto a shelf on the south- mitted without weakening the main line
ern edge of South Knob that protected of resistance, which was now under at-
it from small arms fire. It was within tack on Hill 700 and in the 129th's sec-
earshot of the trapped Americans. Col- tor. With the foothold on South Knob
onel Lowry, now estimating that at least practically lost, and because South Knob
two enemy companies held South Knob, could be neutralized from North Knob,
reported that his and the enemy's forces Hodge and Long decided to pull E and
were too close for him to use 60-mm. G Companies off South Knob and send
mortars safely. The attack was renewed them to North Knob, and to send B
at 1800, but by then battle casualties Company forward to assist them in
and exhaustion had reduced E Com- breaking contact.22 The Japanese, fail-
pany's strength by one half. Lowry and ing to follow up their advantage, did
Colonel Long, who had arrived at South not pursue E and G Companies as they
Knob at 1715, decided to hold their retired toward the Eagle River, where
present positions. The six Americans they were joined by B Company. All
in the pillboxes thought E Company had companies proceeded to North Knob.
secured the hill, and stayed where they B Company, cutting a trail from the old
were. Active operations for the day were trail northward parallel to the north-
concluded by an enemy bayonet assault south axis of 260, led the way. When a
which F Company repulsed by fire. larger perimeter on North Knob was
Early next morning the Japanese, ap- completed, G Company went back to
parently strengthened during the night, the main line of resistance.
struck at E Company in a quick attack. In midafternoon, Brig. Gen. William
The company turned back the attackers, A. McCulloch, the Americal's assistant
but of its 7 officers and 143 enlisted men commander, arrived at the 182d Infan-
who had left the perimeter the day be- try command post and assumed com-
fore, only 1 wounded officer and 24 en- mand of operations at Hill 260. In late
listed men remained at the front. Col- afternoon B and F Companies, rein-
onel Long therefore ordered G Com- forced by a provisional flame thrower
pany (less its original outpost platoon) platoon from the 132d Infantry, at-
out of the main perimeter to relieve E. tacked again. F Company pushed front-
As G Company advanced up the west
slope of South Knob it ran into enemy 22
B Company's sector was taken over first by B
troops attacking from the east, south- Company, 57th Engineer Battalion, and then by
east, and south. Colonel Lowry reported G Company, 164th Infantry.
his troops in distress as the enemy threat- McCulloch, then a colonel, had commanded
the 27th Infantry of the 25th Division during the
ened to encircle his position on South Guadalcanal Campaign.

ally while B Company attempted a flank- The only supply route was the trail B
ing movement around OP Tree. This Company had cut northward from the
time flame throwers burned out two old trail, and it was a footpath too nar-
Japanese positions, and B Company row for vehicles. Carrying parties on the
managed to drive onto South Knob. north leg of the trip encountered so
The six trapped Americans successfully much fire from the Japanese on South
sprang for safety, but at 1915 both com- Knob and on the west slopes that they
panies withdrew to North Knob. B Com- made the trip by running in spurts while
pany established a trail block on East- covered by riflemen. This, to phrase it
West Trail, but unlike Magata and mildly, was tiring. But by noon these
Iwasa in the 37th Division's sector, Muda methods had succeeded in amassing
attempted neither night attacks nor har- enough ammunition to mount an attack,
assing infiltration. and the American commanders decided
The next day, 12 March, was subse- to deliver one and so capitalize on the
quently referred to by the 182d Infan- advantages they presumed the morning
bombardment had given them.
try as "Bloody Sunday." By now all com-
The plan of attack called for F Com-
bat elements of the Muda Unit were
pany, 182d, to provide a base of fire
emplaced on South Knob. Operations
from the perimeter on North Knob
on Bloody Sunday opened about 0700 while B Company, with six flame throw-
when the Japanese put artillery and ers attached, moved south and west to
mortar fire on the Americal's main per- attack South Knob from the west and
imeter and the rear areas. Before 12 northwest.25
March the presence of American troops In column of platoons, B Company
on both knobs had inhibited the em- started off North Knob at 1300. The 2d
ployment of American artillery and mor- Platoon, in the lead, tried to storm the
tars, but now that the Americans were crest of South Knob from the northwest,
off South Knob the supporting weapons but as it moved across a small gully two
could shoot with a little more freedom. new Japanese pillboxes on the west slope
The Americal Division, using OP Tree opened fire and it halted. The enemy
as a registration point, replied therefore had revealed his positions, and 81-mm.
to the Japanese with artillery and mor- mortars and machine guns opened up on
tar fire on targets of opportunity, espe- the pillboxes. Under cover of this fire,
cially on South Knob and the approaches and freely using flame throwers, the
to Hill 260. This fire, like all similar next platoon in column (the 3d) crossed
fire, forced the Americans on North the gully and moved as far as the top
Knob to move back to avoid being hit
by fragments from the shells landing on
South Knob. Later, when more troops became available, a
trail wide enough for jeeps was built from the
Meanwhile supplies on North Knob perimeter directly to North Knob.
were running low, and getting more Colonel Lowry, lightly wounded and weary, had
food, ammunition, and water to the by this time been temporarily replaced in command
of the 2d Battalion by Lt. Col. William Mahoney,
companies there was proving difficult. until then the regimental executive officer.

of South Knob without losing a man. ous that A Company would not reach
It had reached a point southwest of OP B before dark. Thus, because there were
Tree when fire from Japanese positions not enough men to hold the ground B
on the east slope struck and the soldiers Company had gained, the American
hit the ground. Every attempt to ma- commanders reluctantly made the "pain-
neuver brought down enemy fire, but ful decision" to order B Company to re-
when American mortars struck the Jap- turn to North Knob, A Company to
anese positions the 3d Platoon renewed the main perimeter.26
the assault with grenades and flame The fight for Hill 260 had gone on
throwers, with the latter protected by for three days. Continued bombard-
BAR men who blazed away almost con- ments and attacks had failed to dislodge
tinuously at the enemy. The fearsome the Japanese. No reinforcements were
sight of the flame is reported to have available. The supply line to Hill 260
caused some Japanese soldiers to throw was tenuous, and it seemed that a reso-
down their arms and flee. lute attack from the north might cut
At this point, when victory seemed off the two-company garrison. In view
almost won, the 3d Platoon was struck of these factors, and perhaps because
by machine gun fire from the east of OP the cost of holding a small hill a half-
Tree and from a machine gun at the mile in front of the main perimeter
base of the tree itself. The day was nearly seemed disproportionately high, the
gone; it was 1620, and the attackers' Americal Division asked permission to
ammunition was running low. No fresh pull off the hill. Corps headquarters
troops were immediately available on refused. 27
Hill 260. The 1st Battalion (less C and The 13th of March was largely a repe-
D companies), 132d, had been attached tition of the previous day's action, ex-
to the 182d and A Company was alerted cept that different companies were in-
for movement at 1515, but it was 1600 volved. To improve the supply situa-
before A Company reached the 182d's tion and prevent the Japanese from sev-
main line of resistance. Hoping to hold ering the old trail by attacks from South
the ground gained, McCulloch and Long Knob, a more direct trail from the main
decided to send A Company, 132d, along perimeter was cut to North Knob. At
the old trail to attack the South Knob 1000 A Company, 132d, relieved E Com-
from the southwest, make physical con- pany, 182d, on North Knob. Additional
tact with B Company, 182d, and estab- flame throwers, this time a provisional
lish a defensive position on the crest of platoon from the 164th Infantry, were
South Knob. Time was running out. attached to the 182d. During the morn-
Another hour went by before A Com- ing about one thousand 105-mm. and
pany began its move, and as it neared
Hill 260 it received enemy gunfire which 26
Americal Div Rpt of Bougainville Opns, p. 4.
killed the company commander. There 27
It is not clear where the request originated. On
was confusion and further delay until 11 March there was talk of withdrawal, but Colonel
Long forbade it as authority to withdraw could
order was restored. By now it was obvi- come only from headquarters higher than his.

SOUTH KNOB, HILL 260, 19 March 1944.

another thousand 4.2-inch mortar rounds pany, 132d, provided a base of fire; B
hit the enemy on South Knob.28 Company, 182d, was in reserve. The up-
At 1400, B Company, 132d, having hill attack succeeded in getting two
moved out from the main perimeter, at- platoons abreast on the southwest and
tacked up the southwest slope toward west slopes of South Knob but halted
OP Tree after an artillery and mortar in the face of grenades and rifle fire. The
preparation. On North Knob A Com- Japanese then retaliated with a counter-
attack against the left flank of B Com-
As Colonel Long put it in his comments, "Artil- pany. A Company pushed one platoon
lery with its dispersion and range had to be used toward OP Tree to relieve the pressure
on South Knob carefully. Artillerymen were strong on B but it too was quickly stopped. B
for an impact fuse which gave a treetop burst of
help to the observer in adjusting fire. I wanted the Company's reserve platoon drove off
artillery to dig after the Japanese with delayed the attacking Japanese, whereupon the
action fuses. I think we finally compromised on American units withdrew.
50-50." And "you can work up a healthy argu-
ment on the type of fuse to be employed in any Next day the American commanders
Officers' Club throughout the world. The Artillery considered using tanks against the Jap-
like to get it in the air where their FO's can see it,
and the Infantry likes to get it down into the
anese but decided against it because
ground where the enemy can feel it." the vehicles could not ford the Eagle

NORTH KNOB, HILL 260. Note effects of artillery and mortar fire.

River over the new trail and the hill Ironically enough, on 15 March, after
was too steep for them to climb. After the Americans had made their decision,
one more unsuccessful effort to capture the Japanese commanders made a similar
OP Tree, the American commanders one. As Colonel Magata's main attack
changed their plans. Patrols to the north- against the 129th Infantry had gone
east of 260 had failed to find any large badly, Hyakutake and Kanda decided
bodies of the enemy. Since the Japanese to send Muda's main strength to rein-
apparently had no more reserves to force Magata, leaving only a screening
commit in that sector, and were obvi- force on South Knob.
ously incapable of driving beyond Hill From then until 18 March, when Gen-
260 against the main perimeter, the eral McCulloch launched a series of co-
Americans decided to reduce their cas- ordinated attacks, the Americans shelled
ualties by halting general attacks against South Knob heavily and made several
South Knob, but to harry the enemy and ingenious attempts to burn out the Jap-
reduce his strength by raids and combat anese with gasoline. They threw gallon
patrols, by sapping forward from North cans of gas by hand and tried to ignite
Knob, and by extensive artillery and them with white phosphorous grenades.
mortar fire. They jury-rigged a 60-mm. mortar for

throwing cans. Finally they took two flank of the 148th Infantry. Several small
hundred feet of flexible pipe and snaked streams, all tributaries of the Koromo-
it to within nine feet of an enemy em- kina River, flowed through the area in
placement; with oxygen pressure they a generally southerly direction. Taylor
pumped gasoline from a drum through Creek cut through the 129th's lines less
the pipe and over the enemy, and ig- than 1,000 yards west of Numa Numa
nited it with a white phosphorous gre- Trail. Cox Creek entered the line about
nade. All the while mortars and artil- 750 yards southwest of Taylor Creek's
lery hammered away, the artillery firing penetration. The Logging Trail, cut
at the reverse slopes while the mortars and used extensively by XIV Corps en-
covered the hilltop. The 182d Infan- gineers in the relatively peaceful days
try's Cannon Company emplaced its before March, entered the main perim-
75-mm. pack howitzers on Hill 309 for eter just west of Taylor Creek.
direct fire and did its best to knock down The 129th Infantry, commanded by
OP Tree. By 14 March South Knob, Col. John D. Frederick, held its front
jungled no longer, was a bare, blasted with two battalions in line. The 2d Bat-
slope. At 1900, 17 March, OP Tree fell talion, on the right, faced north, its left
to the ground. During the action more (west) flank joined to the right of the 3d
then ten thousand 105-mm. rounds Battalion between Cox Creek and an-
struck South Knob. When all was over, other branch of the Koromokina River.
the Americans reported counting 560 In general, the 129th's positions were
enemy dead. American casualties totaled stronger than the 145th's, since the ter-
98 killed, 24 missing, and 581 wounded.29 rain permitted grazing fire except in
the numerous ravines and gullies that
Action by the Creeks
were scattered throughout the area.
The sector of the 37th Division's 129th Earth-and-log-pillboxes, mutually sup-
Infantry, where Colonel Magata deliv- porting and arranged in depth, formed
ered his attack, was generally flat and the backbone of the main line of resist-
low. In contrast with the Iwasa Unit, ance, which was wired in behind single
which assaulted up very steep slopes, barbed wire and double-apron barbed
Magata's soldiers possessed easy routes wire fences. Antipersonnel mines had
of approach along Numa Numa Trail been laid in front of the wire. The entire
and various streams. The 129th, in the front was covered by interlocking bands
center of the 37th Division's line, held of machine gun fire. Additional rows of
about 3,900 yards of curving front from double-apron barbed wire extended di-
a point slightly east of the Numa Numa agonally from the main line of resistance
Trail west and southwest to the right to channel Japanese attacks into the ma-
These figures come from Griswold, Bougain- chine gun fire lanes. In addition to divi-
ville, p. 120. The 182d Infantry's report gives sion artillery, mortars, and the 75-mm.
figures which differ slightly from these. Colonel
Long later wrote, in his comments, that the pack howitzers of the 129th's Cannon
wounded-in-action figure was somewhat inflated be- Company, the front was supported by
cause fatigue cases had been diagnosed with "un-
reasonable freedom" and counted among the
37-mm. antitank guns (firing canister)
wounded. and 40-mm. antiaircraft guns.

The 2d Battalion, under Lt. Col. Pres- machine guns, and a 40-mm. antiaircraft
ton J. Hundley, had in line three rifle gun, which along with a .50-caliber ma-
companies, F, G, and E from left to right. chine gun put searching fire up the Log-
Cox Creek lay in F Company's sector, the ging Trail. Machine guns in the front-
Logging Trail and Taylor Creek in G's, line pillboxes abstained from firing so
and the Numa Numa Trail in E's. as not to reveal their locations to the
During the early days of the 17th enemy. This fire fight continued until
Army's attack the 129th Infantry re- 1920, then died down to flare up sporad-
ceived mortar and artillery fire, engaged ically throughout the night.
in fire fights and patrol clashes, and General Beightler, at 2100, ordered his
strengthened its positions, but was not regimental commanders to keep their
heavily engaged in battle. But on 11 troops alert, for documents captured that
March Colonel Magata moved forward day (apparently on Hill 700) indicated
from his assembly area behind Mount that the Japanese planned to attack in
Nampei to begin the attack that was de- strength the next day. At the same time,
signed to pierce the 129th Infantry and as Japanese soldiers began working their
capture the Piva airfields not far away. way through the American wire, C Com-
Outposts and patrols reported increasing pany, 82d Chemical Battalion, was at-
numbers of Japanese troops in front of tached to the 129th Infantry, and at 0420
the 129th, and the artillery fired on them the next morning its 2d Platoon moved
off and on all day. When an antiperson- its 4.2-inch mortars into position behind
nel mine in front of E Company was the Antitank Company, 129th, which
exploded about 1600, Colonel Frederick was supporting the rifle companies.
ordered in the outposts. Shortly after- By dawn of 12 March, though the
ward Japanese troops were reported ad- Japanese had made earnest efforts to get
vancing down the Logging Trail toward through the lines, they found they had
the perimeter. Starting at 1800, when all been held for very small gains. As the
outposts and patrols had come in, divi- coming of daylight clarified the situa-
sion artillery and mortars laid a ten-min- tion, the 2d Battalion, 129th, found that
ute concentration to the front of Colonel the Japanese had succeeded in cutting
Hundley's battalion. A patrol from G through G Company's wire and effect-
Company went out to examine the im- ing two minor penetrations. In the 2d
pact area, now cleared of underbrush Platoon sector, where Taylor Creek and
and foliage, but came under Japanese the Logging Trail entered the perim-
fire and returned to the perimeter to re- eter, the Japanese had captured two pill-
port that it had located no less than boxes (one an alternate, unoccupied po-
fourteen enemy machine guns. sition), and to the right (east) they had
In the gathering dusk Magata's troops seized five pillboxes.
—the 1st Battalion, 45th Infantry, on the The Japanese tried to exploit their
left (east) and the 3d Battalion on the penetrations and break out to the south
right—opened up on the 2d Battalion, but were held back by American artil-
129th, with machine guns and rifles. The lery, mortar, machine gun, and rifle fire.
Americans replied with rifles, mortars, Then the 129th prepared to counterat-

tack and restore the line. Colonel Fred- Frederick requested tanks.30 Corps head-
erick ordered C Company out of regi- quarters, at 0815, released the 1st Pla-
mental reserve and forward to support G toon of C Company, 754th Tank Bat-
Company at 0723. By 0810, when C talion, to the 129th. General Griswold
Company moved into position behind released the tanks with the express pro-
the 2d Platoon of G Company, one pla- viso that they could not be used as sta-
toon of the Antitank Company had at- tionary defenses, but must be employed
tacked the western penetration and re- in an attack to recapture the lost pill-
taken one pillbox. During the rest of boxes. At 0812 General Beightler or-
the morning another Antitank Company dered the 129th not to deliver any piece-
platoon moved in behind E Company; meal infantry attacks but to wait for the
81-mm. mortars of D Company, 129th, tanks and organize a co-ordinated tank-
took up positions to support the 2d infantry assault. He issued this order just
Battalion; and B Company moved for- fifteen minutes after C Company, 129th,
ward behind C. made a local counterattack which re-
At 1255, after a mortar concentration, gained one pillbox.
three rifle platoons (two from C and one Four tanks and elements of B, C, and
from G), plus two flame throwers, at- G Companies attacked at 1000 after a
tacked the western penetration and by ten-minute artillery preparation. Al-
though the ground was generally level,
1405 had retaken the second pillbox.
the tanks had difficulty in bringing their
The Japanese retaliated with a counter-
guns to bear because the Japanese were
attack that was promptly repulsed. By
down in ravines with steep slopes. After
the end of the day the Japanese still two pillboxes had fallen, the tanks with-
held the five pillboxes, which the Amer- drew. The attack was renewed at 1315.
icans had not attacked, in the 3d Pla- After another hour the tanks had almost
toon's sector. Two Americans had been exhausted their fuel and ammunition,
killed, twenty-two wounded in the day's and the attack was suspended while the
action as compared with one killed and 2d Platoon, C Company, 754th Tank Bat-
six wounded the day before. talion, came up to replace them.31 The
American artillery and mortars shelled new tanks and the same infantry units
the enemy during the night. Searchlights attacked at 1730. This time the tanks
tried to illuminate him with direct and infantry managed to demolish all
beams, but failed as he took refuge in the Japanese-held pillboxes. By 1930, at
the ravines and draws. The searchlights a cost of eighteen wounded, the original
then achieved more success by raising line was almost restored. Colonel Ma-
their beams so that they were reflected gata withdrew his battalions to rest, re-
from the clouds. 30
The 1st and 3d Battalions of the 45th His request for tanks on 12 March had been
turned down.
Infantry struck again at G Company 31
During the afternoon XIV Corps headquarters
about 0400 of 13 March and gained one assigned one battalion of the 131st Engineer Regi-
ment to buttress the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry,
more pillbox before they were stopped. on the 129th regimental reserve line. A Company of
To eliminate this penetration, Colonel the 131st had been assigned the day before.

organize, reconnoiter, and make ready and four enemy soldiers were captured.
for another attack. The Japanese suspended their assaults on
On the 14th, a day that was quiet 16 March but renewed them on the 17th
except for small arms fire and occasional and effected a small penetration in F
shelling, the 2d Battalion repaired its Company's sector which tanks and in-
positions, strung new wire, planted fantry promptly eliminated.
mines in the ravines that provided cov- This was the last attack for several
ered routes of approach, and fired its days, for the Japanese overhauled their
mortars. Patrols went out and reported plans. They had decided to abandon the
the presence of strong bodies of the en- attacks on Hills 260 and 700 in favor of
emy not far from the perimeter. Thus a massed attack by the depleted regi-
the Americans were sure that the Japa- ments of the 17th Army against the 129th
nese withdrawal was only temporary. Infantry. While the survivors of the
Temporary it was, for at 0400 of 15 Muda and Iwasa Units, except for the
March the 1st and 3d Battalions of the screening forces on Hill 260, moved
45th Infantry and the 2d Battalion, 81st through the jungles to Magata's position,
Infantry, renewed the assault. They the front lines remained static. Artillery
again achieved a small local success in and mortar fire, patrol skirmishes, and
the Cox Creek sector held by the 2d fire fights continued, especially in the sec-
Platoon of F Company. By dawn they tor of the 2d Battalion, 129th Infantry.
had seized one pillbox and penetrated By 23 March the 13th and 23d Regi-
to a depth of about one hundred yards. ments had joined Magata and the attack
F Company, supported by one platoon was ready. But captured documents and
of C Company and aided by a 36-plane reconnaissance enabled the Americans to
air strike in front of the battalion line, divine Japanese intentions, so that in late
counterattacked with flame throwers and afternoon of the 23d Beightler warned
bazookas to recapture the pillbox by his troops to expect a general attack at
1153. But the enemy, still holding a dusk.
salient in the line, was digging positions After dark the Japanese shelled the
in the roots of banyan trees and ap- American positions. As before, sporadic
peared to be pushing in reinforcements fire fights went on all night and, con-
and more weapons. cealed by the darkness, nearly all Hyaku-
General Craig, arriving in the sector to take's remaining units attacked through
observe and inform General Beightler, as the ravines.32
he had on Hill 700, asked for tanks. Gen- The 37th Division artillery and the
eral Griswold sent a platoon. A tank-in- various mortars promptly opened fire
fantry attack, delivered at 1500 with ar- and largely broke up the Japanese as-
tillery and mortar support, made small sault before it got started. But the enemy
gains. A second, at 1635, killed or drove
off all the enemy at a cost of seven killed, 32
In 1949 Kanda asserted that on his recom-
fifty-six wounded, and one tank dam- mendation Hyakutake had called off this attack,
but the validity of his assertion is belied by Ameri-
aged. One hundred and ninety Japanese can experience and by contemporary Japanese docu-
corpses lay within the American lines, ments.

MAJ. GEN. ROBERT S. BEIGHTLER, Commanding General, 37th Division, directing

tank-infantry attack, 16 March 1944.

succeeded in again piercing the 1st Pla- Beightler dispatched two companies of
toon of F Company in the Cox Creek the 148th Infantry to positions behind
area, this time a little to the west of the Colonel Hundley's battalion. The Anti-
earlier penetration. About one hundred tank and K Company platoons, plus the
Japanese soldiers captured four pillboxes 3d Platoon, A Company, 754th Tank
and pushed to a low ridge about twenty- Battalion, attacked northwest from the
five yards from the battalion command command post at 0725 and within twenty
post. When dawn broke a fire fight was minutes had gained possession of the
raging throughout the entire area as the ridge. At 0930 the attackers reorganized
Japanese unsuccessfully attempted to en- and drove in again, supported this time
large their holdings. by 37th Division artillery, three battal-
The American commanders respond- ions of the Americal Division artillery,
ed promptly. Two platoons of the Anti- the 129th Infantry Cannon Company,
tank Company and one platoon of K and twenty-four 4.2-inch mortars, which
Company, 129th, assembled near the 2d fired into the ravines. The Americans
Battalion command post, and General burned, dug, and blasted the Japanese

33 34
Also defending this sector, in supporting posi- The fire was repeated twice during the after-
tions, were platoons of B and C Companies. noon.

TANK-INFANTRY ATTACK, 16 March 1944. Men following the medium M4 tank

are from the 129th Infantry.

out of their ravines, trenches, foxholes, Hyakutake but ordered him to resort to
and pillboxes while the seven artillery guerrilla warfare and raise as much of
battalions, their fire directed by General his own food as possible. Hyakutake,
Kreber and augmented by the heavy though not abandoning his desire to
mortars, shelled the concentrated enemy counterattack, elected to withdraw to the
troops in front of the American lines. posts whence he had come. The 6th
By 1400 General Griswold had dis- Cavalry and the 2d Battalion, 4th South
patched more reserves to the area but Seas Garrison Unit, came north to cover
they were not needed. The Japanese the retreat which began on 27 March.
were dead or dispersed, the line re- South Knob of Hill 260 was evacuated;
stored. Hyakutake's counteroffensive the Americans reoccupied it on 28
was over. March. The withdrawal was an orderly
His troops withdrew from the 129th's affair, although wounded men and heavy
front pursued by the Fijians and two equipment were abandoned along the
American battalions from the corps re- way.
serve, and on the same day he told Ima- In the attack the Japanese had lost
mura that further attacks would be over 5,000 men killed, more than 3,000
fruitless. Imamura left the. next move to wounded. The XIV Corps lost 263 dead


in its successful defense.35 The 17th So ended the last Japanese offensive
Army, in spite of its serious losses, was effort in the Solomons. Had it succeeded,
still an effective fighting force; late it would have seriously affected the
March and early April saw several sharp course of the war in the Solomons by
fights when the XIV Corps fanned out requiring the commitment of more men,
to pursue the enemy and enlarge the ships, and planes to recapture Empress
perimeter.36 Augusta Bay. But it is unlikely that it
would have had any real effect on the
Griswold, Bougainville, p. 139; 8th Area Army final outcome of the war.
Operations, Japanese Monogr No. 110 (OCMH), p.
in. By 29 April twenty-eight 75-mm., one 105-mm.,
and four 150-mm. field pieces had fallen into Allied Department, to give combat experience to the 1st
hands. Battalion, 24th Infantry, and the 25th Regimental
This was done to gain commanding ground, to Combat Team of the 93d Division, which arrived in
establish trail blocks, and, at the behest of the War late March.

Finale: Emirau
March was a busy month in the Ad- gested that his forces seize Kavieng at
miralties and at Empress Augusta Bay, once, bypass Hansa Bay, and advance all
where battles raged almost simultane- the way to Hollandia in Netherlands
ously. It was also a month of important New Guinea, if Admiral Nimitz could
decisions that culminated in the last Al- provide the carriers for a short time.
lied offensive move directed against Ra- Carriers would be required for fighter
baul and Kavieng. cover, for Hollandia lay beyond effective
General MacArthur and his staff for fighter-plane range of the most westerly
some time had been convinced that the Southwest Pacific bases. Such a move, he
invasion of Hansa Bay in New Guinea pointed out, would bypass the main
was not a worthwhile move. On 3 March, strength of Adachi's 18th Army (then at
just after the reconnaissance force landed Madang and Wewak) and speed the
in the Admiralties, General Chamberlin advance to the Vogelkop by several
suggested to other members of the staff months.2
that since Rabaul and Kavieng were The Joint Chiefs of Staff were un-
now so much weaker than when opera- doubtedly influenced by Halsey's argu-
tions were planned it might be possible, ments against Kavieng and in favor of
if carrier-based aviation was provided, to Emirau, and by Nimitz' opposition to
bypass Hansa Bay and advance beyond Kavieng, as well as by MacArthur's pro-
posals. They ordered that the Kavieng
Wewak in a long leap forward.1 Two
plan be canceled, that Emirau be seized
days later, by radio, MacArthur took up
instead, and that Kavieng and Rabaul
the question with the Joint Chiefs of
be isolated with minimum forces. They
Staff. Explaining that complete occupa- authorized the bypassing of Hansa Bay
tion of the Admiralties would soon fol- in favor of the invasion of Hollandia.
low, he argued that the success of the The Hollandia invasion would be the
reconnaissance party presented an ex-
cellent opportunity to move west along 2
the north coast of New Guinea. He sug- Rad, MacArthur to CofS for JCS, 5 Mar 44, in
GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 5 Mar 44. On the same day
MacArthur told Krueger of the proposals he had
made and ordered him to prepare plans for both
See Min of Conf, 1700, 3 Mar 44, at GHQ Hollandia and Hansa Bay so as to be ready for any
SWPA, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 3 Mar 44. See also contingency. Rad, MacArthur to Comdr ALAMO, 5
Smith, The Approach to the Philippines, p. 9. Mar 44, in GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 5 Mar 44.

first direct move in MacArthur's advance ful voyage past the Solomons and New
to the Philippines.3 Ireland to Emirau. On 20 March, while
MacArthur forwarded the relevant four old battleships fired 1,079 14-inch
provisions of the orders to Halsey, direct- and 12,281 5-inch shells at Kavieng, the
ing him to revoke plans for Kavieng and Marines went peacefully ashore. There
to seize, occupy, and defend Emirau with were no Japanese; air bombardments
minimum forces at the earliest possible and naval gunfire were unnecessary. This
moment. At Emirau a light air and naval operation, wrote Admiral Halsey, estab-
base was to be established from which lished "a record of six days between
to blockade the Bismarck Archipelago 'Stand by to shove off!' and 'Well
and neutralize Truk. Meanwhile opera- done!' " 7
tions to neutralize Rabaul and Kavieng Within a month 18,000 men and 44,-
would continue.4 000tons of supplies had been ferried to
Admiral Halsey has written that when Emirau. The first airstrip was opened in
he received these orders at Noumea he May.8 From here Allied planes and tor-
was surprised, but that no special prob- pedo boats patrolled New Ireland, and
lems were raised. "This entailed no more when bomber strips were ready long-
than dusting off our original plan, pick- range bombers from Emirau and Nissan
ing the landing force, and notifying Ping could reach Truk.
Wilkinson and Roy Geiger to load them And so, peacefully and almost anti-
in."5 climactically, the Emirau operation was
Commodore Reifsnider was given concluded, and with it the long, hard-
command of the amphibious force. The fought series of operations against Ra-
landing force Halsey selected was a new baul which had begun with the invasion
regiment, the 4th Marines, which had of Guadalcanal almost two years before.
been created out of the recently dis- Whereas the first of the operations,
banded raider battalions.6 Landing force Guadalcanal and Papua, were agoniz-
command was entrusted to General ingly slow, the CARTWHEEL and Bismarck
Noble of the Marine Corps. Carried Archipelago campaigns had clicked off
aboard nine APD's and one APA and with speed and precision. In less than
escorted by nine destroyers and two one year MacArthur's and Halsey's
tugs, the landing force sailed from Guad- forces fought their way from Guadal-
alcanal on 18 March and made a peace- canal and Buna through Woodlark, Kiri-
wina, Nassau Bay, New Georgia, Lae,
JCS 713/4, 12 Mar 44, title: Future Opns in Salamaua, Nadzab, the Markham and

Pac; Rad, JCS to MacArthur, 12 Mar 44, in Mar- Ramu Valleys, Finschhafen, the Treas-
shall's OUT Log. For Hollandia and subsequent uries, Empress Augusta Bay, Arawe, Cape
operations see Smith, The Approach to the Philip-
pines. Gloucester, Saidor, the Green Islands,
Rad, MacArthur to COMSOPAC, 13 Mar 44, in
GHQ SWPA G-3 Jnl, 13 Mar 44.
5 7
Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p. Halsey and Bryan, Admiral Halsey's Story, p.
190. 191.
6 8
It was numbered the 4th to commemorate the See Morison, Breaking the Bismarcks Barrier,
4th Marine Regiment that was taken prisoner on pp. 423-24; Rentz, Bougainville and the Northern
Corregidor. Solomons, pp. 117-19.

Emirau, and the Admiralties. They lifts; amphibious invasions, both ship-to-
gained control of all the seas and straits,shore and shore-to-shore; air and naval
as well as the air, in the whole vast re- support bombardments; fighter sweeps;
gion of the Japanese Southeast Area. large bombing raids; strikes by land-
Using carrier aircraft and planes based and carrier-based planes against ships;
on airfields captured by ground forces and gun and torpedo actions between
that had been transported and protected surface warships. Throughout the series
by air and naval surface forces, they of battles an improvement in technique,
reduced Rabaul to impotence. They de- especially in amphibious operations, is
stroyed hundreds of Japanese planes, apparent.
seriously diminished the dwindling force All the invasions shared a dominant
of trained pilots, sank or damaged pre- feature; in each case the range of the
cious warships, chewed up three Jap- fighter plane was a vital factor in deter-
anese divisions and several brigades, and mining the objective, setting the time-
safely bypassed some 100,000 Japanese table, and fixing the limits of the ad-
who, for practical purposes, were now vance. Aircraft carriers might have made
out of the war. Together with Admiral longer advances possible, but during
Nimitz' forces, they forced Japanese air much of the time they were not avail-
and naval surface forces to evacuate the able and doctrines then current warned
Southeast Area. In taking these strides, against using carriers to support the
the Allied forces of the South and South- invasion of air and naval bases.
west Pacific Areas accomplished their as- Planning and executing these forward
signed mission of defending the U.S.- moves were military accomplishments of
Australian line of communications. They a high order, and the credit must be
also placed MacArthur's forces in posi- shared by all participants from the area
tion to start the drive along the New commanders to the men in the ranks.
Guinea coast to the Philippines. But stamped upon the whole series of
This great advance from Guadalcanal operations is the imprint of the higher
and Buna employed elements of the commanders. Although many of the staff
armed forces of three nations and called officers and subordinate commanders
for the most careful co-ordination and stood out prominently and later won
timing of a complex variety of opera- greater fame and rose to higher posts—
tions. With the exception of large ar- Krueger, Collins, Harmon, Twining,
mored battles, true close air support, and Carney, Turner, Kenney, Kinkaid, Bar-
struggles between aircraft carrier task bey, Sutherland, Fechteler, Chamberlin,
forces, CARTWHEEL and the Bismarck Swift, Vandegrift, Geiger, Griswold,
operations boasted about every impor- Hodge, Wilkinson, Beightler, and Turn-
tant type of action, singly and in com- age, to name a representative few—it is
bination, that, characterized World War clear that General MacArthur and Ad-
II. There were bitter struggles for a few miral Halsey dominated and controlled
yards of swampy jungles; land marches; the campaigns.
assaults against fortified positions; gal- They were different men, and they
lant defenses; parachute jumps and air- worked differently: MacArthur, austere

and aloof, insisting that his staff and flaw in their conduct of operations was
subordinate commanders reach agree- fundamental, and was imposed on them
ment on details; Halsey, with a salty by Imperial General Headquarters; they
façade of bluff humor and informality, had to try too much with too little. At-
working more closely with his generals tempting to hold almost the entire
and admirals. But both possessed and Southeast Area with inferior numbers of
exhibited exceptional leadership and men, ships, planes, and guns, they lost
judgment. And they worked well to- it all except the parts the Allies neither
gether. With an easy, cordial relation- needed nor wanted. They had possessed,
ship, they co-operated and assisted each strategically speaking, interior lines
other to further the Allied cause. They which enabled them to switch reserves
shuttled ships back and forth from area back and forth and to reinforce their
to area to bolster each other's forces, and forward units as long as they controlled
they timed operations in such a way the air and the sea. But they were so
that, as General Marshall predicted, for- badly outnumbered that the advantages
ward moves in each area supported the of interior lines were vitiated from the
other, thwarted the enemy strategy, and start, and when they lost control of the
gained a significant victory. This victory air and the sea the interior lines became
was won at the cost of fewer casualties valueless. Having lost the initiative, they
than the Japanese sustained in defeat. never knew exactly where and when the
Both MacArthur and Halsey were obvi- next blow would fall and were never
ously deeply conscious of their respon- able to dispose their forces properly to
sibility for conserving the lives of the meet it.
men entrusted to their leadership, and The Allied forces operated, strategi-
considered each objective, not only in cally, on exterior lines—which as has
terms of its strategic value, but also in often been pointed out present to the
terms of human life. attacker greater difficulties but also
In opposing the Allies, the Japanese greater promise of decisive results. Be-
had fought with characteristic resolution cause of their superior strength the Al-
and often with great skill, but to little lies could select targets so as to avoid
avail. Except for their delaying tactics strong points and seize lightly held, stra-
in New Georgia, which slowed the cam- tegically valuable areas. In short, the
paign and required the commitment of Allies were able to use the bypass tech-
far more Allied troops than had been nique with its concomitant savings in
planned, they were uniformly unsucess- lives and time.
ful. General Imamura and Admiral Ku- So it was that March 1944 saw the Al-
saka were, as far as the evidence indi- lies as far forward as Emirau, the Ad-
cates, experienced and skillful. Close miralties, and Saidor, with the South-
analysis fails to show many overt errors west Pacific forces making ready to drive
in their strategy or in its execution. The toward the Philippines.
Bibliographical Note
This volume is based upon three gen- They are voluminous in quantity, incon-
eral types of sources of information: offi- sistent in quality. Unless otherwise indi-
cial records, chiefly of the U.S. Army; cated, when consulted they were in the
manuscript histories or first narratives custody of the Army Records Section,
prepared during the war by Army his- Departmental Records Branch, Office of
torians in the field and now in the cus- The Adjutant General (DRB AGO),
tody of the Office of the Chief of Mili- now designated as the Military Records
tary History (OCMH); and published Branch, Federal Records Center, Re-
works, especially the air and naval his- gion 3.
tories cited so frequently. General George C. Marshall's Log for
the period covered contains radiograms
Official Records exchanged by Marshall and the theater
Papers of the Combined and subordinate Army commanders in
and Joint Chiefs of Staff Marshall's capacities as Chief of Staff
and as an Executive Officer for the JCS.
These papers, which are basic to an It is filed in the Staff Communications
understanding of strategy, were, when Office, Secretary of the General Staff,
consulted, under the control of the U.S. Army.
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 The most useful body of records from
Operations, General Staff, U.S. Army. General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific
Principal files consulted were: Com- Area (GHQ SWPA), and successor com-
bined Chiefs of Staff (CCS), Joint Chiefs mands, is the G-3 Journal and Journal
of Staff (JCS), and Joint Staff Planners File. It is an absolutely essential source
(JPS) minutes of meetings, including for the period and region covered by this
the bound volumes containing the min- volume. It contains all the important
utes and papers of the various inter- planning papers, memoranda, letters,
national conferences, from mid-1942 radiograms, orders, estimates, periodic
through March 1944; all CCS, JCS, and operations and intelligence reports from
JPS papers dealing with Pacific strategy immediately subordinate headquarters,
and command for the same period; and and many action reports. Other useful
the Notes on Pacific Conference Held papers from GHQ are: The ELKTON
in March 1943. Plans of 12 February 1943 and 26 April,
photostats of which are in OCMH files;
Army Records Military Intelligence Section, General
The bulk of the research for this vol- Headquarters, Far East Command, The
ume was performed in Army records. Intelligence Series, Vol. III, Operations

of the Military Intelligence Section, last three are in the custody of the
GHQ SWPA/FEC/SCAP (in six parts), OCMH.
Tokyo, 1950, and Vol. IV, Opera- Records of the various tactical head-
tions of the Allied Intelligence Bureau, quarters which conducted the invasions
GHQ SWPA, Tokyo, 1948 (both edited or battles described in this volume are,
by Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, on the average, good.
copies of OCMH files). Copies of the For Woodlark and Kiriwina, the Sixth
three volumes of the history prepared Army [ALAMO Force] prepared an excel-
for General Douglas MacArthur by his lent report. The operations reports and
historical section in Tokyo were re- journals of the 112th Cavalry and the
ceived by the OCMH shortly before 158th Infantry are good.
completion of the research and writing Documents on New Georgia are un-
of this book. These volumes are works of even. The report of the New Georgia
some merit, but the first two, which deal Occupation Force provides only a sketchy
with the war, do not add to the informa- outline, but the G-2 and G-3 Journals
tion that was already available in other and Files of the XIV Corps are satisfy-
sources. Volume I, tentatively entitled ingly complete. The XIV Corps and its
Allied Operations in the Southwest Pa- principal subordinate headquarters also
cific Area, contains little on Allied plans prepared the Informal Report on Com-
and operations that is not already avail- bat Operations in the New Georgia Cam-
able in published works; Volume II, paign. A report on lessons learned rather
tentatively entitled Japanese Operations than an operations narrative, it is very
in the Southwest Pacific Area, is largely valuable. The 43d Division's report is
based on the Japanese monographs dis- about the same as the Occupation Force
cussed below but is not as detailed. report, and its journals and files are not
Since Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces always complete. Those of its regiments
in the South Pacific Area (USAFISPA), vary. The 37th Division, whose journals
was not a tactical headquarters, its most and files are complete, prepared a fine,
valuable records are those dealing with crisp, day-by-day action report. The re-
planning. USAFISPA File No. 381, Pre- port of the 25th Division, which in-
liminary Planning COMSOPAC and cludes regimental and battalion reports,
COMGENSOPAC (in the Kansas City is a model of brevity, honesty, and
Records Center, Office of the Adjutant clarity.
General, Kansas City, Missouri), is a good Pending publication of the Australian
source as are three files from the Histori- Army's official histories, Australian rec-
cal Section, G-2, South Pacific Base Com- ords must be studied for the complete
mand (which succeeded USAFISPA): story of the Nassau Bay-Lae-Salamaua-
SOPAC Notes, a documented narrative Nadzab-Finschhafen-Markham Valley-
on the preliminaries to Munda; Plan- Ramu Valley operations. The following
ning for New Georgia Operation, which American records relate to U.S. Army
contains 105 pages of copies of radios, participation: 41st Division Artillery,
letters, memoranda, and plans; and Sup- History of the Salamaua Campaign, 23
plementary New Georgia Material. The April-4 October 1943; 2d Engineer Spe-

cial Brigade, Report of Combat Opera- ever the following, all filed in the Classi-
tions, 30 June 1943-30 June 1944; the fied Operations Records Branch, Divi-
162d Infantry reports and journals, sion of Naval History, Office of the Dep-
which are very full; the 503d Parachute uty Chief of Naval Operations for Ad-
Infantry Report of Operations, Mark- ministration (formerly the Office of
ham Valley, 5-19 September 1943; and Naval Records and Library), were con-
several of the published works listed sulted: Commander, South Pacific Area
below. and South Pacific Force, War Diary: 1
U.S. Army operations on Bougainville January 1943-30 June 1944; Com-
are excellently covered by the reports, mander, Amphibious Force, South Pa-
journals, and files of the XIV Corps, 37th cific Force (Task Force 31), War Diary:
Division, Americal Division, and com- 1-31 July 1943; Commander, Aircraft,
ponent units, all of which are good and South Pacific Force (Task Force 33),
complete. In addition Maj. Gen. Oscar War Diary: 1 April 1943-31 March 1944.
W. Griswold's typewritten Bougainville: In addition several orders and reports
An Experience in Jungle Warfare, and from the Seventh Fleet and the VII Am-
the History of the "TA" Operation by phibious Force are also to be found in
the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, XIV the Operations Reports Collection
Corps, are useful. (GHQ, SWPA) of The Adjutant Gen-
The Army side of the Arawe-Cape eral's Office, Department of the Army.
Gloucester-Saidor invasions is well cov- At the time of this writing, this collec-
ered by: the ALAMO Force reports, jour- tion was in the custody of the Military
nals, and files which, like all papers from Records Branch, Region 3, GSA.
Lt. Gen. Walter Krueger's headquarters,
are first-rate; the DIRECTOR Task Force Marine Corps Records
and 112th Cavalry reports and journals;
and the MICHAELMAS Task Force's re- The existence of very good published
ports and war diary. In addition a num- works obviated the necessity for exten-
ber of reports from observers at Arawe sive research. Marine Corps documents,
are in the GHQ SWPA and ALAMO filed in the Historical Branch, G-3,
Force G-3 Journals. Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, that
Similarly, the ALAMO Force records were consulted include: I Marine Am-
for the Admiralties are excellent, as are phibious Corps, Bougainville Beach-
those of the 1st Cavalry Division which head; Headquarters, New Georgia Air
include reports and journals of the divi- Force [Forward Echelon, 2d Marine Air
sion, the two brigades, and all principal Wing], Special Action Reports, 1st
subordinate units. Phase, New Georgia, 29 June-13 August
1943, and 2d Phase, New Georgia, 14
Navy Records August-20 October 1943, with annexes;
The publication of Samuel Eliot Mori- and 1st Marine Raider Regiment, Spe-
son's excellent Breaking the Bismarcks cial Action Report, New Georgia, and
Barrier in 1950 made extensive research its War Diary, 15 March-30 September
in Navy records quite unnecessary. How- 1943.

Japanese Records draft copies of the manuscript were sent

The best sources of enemy informa- to over fifty surviving senior commanders
tion, besides the innumerable documents and staff officers in an effort to elicit
captured in the field during World War helpful criticisms, corrections, sugges-
II and employed extensively in the prep- tions, and, particularly, additional in-
aration of the first narratives, are con- formation. The following officers re-
tained in the series of monographs en- sponded most generously with letters,
titled Japanese Studies in World War notes, and marked manuscript pages,
II. These were prepared in Tokyo, after which are filed in the OCMH: Vice
the conclusion of hostilities, by former Adm. Daniel E. Barbey (Ret.); Maj.
Japanese Army and Navy officers and Gen. Allison J. Barnett (Ret.); Maj.
under the supervision of the Historical Gen. Robert S. Beightler (Ret.); Brig.
Section, G-2, GHQ Far East Command, Gen. William J. Bradley (Ret.); Rear
and translated by the Allied Translator Adm. Miles R. Browning (Ret.); Ad-
and Interpreter Section, Supreme Com- miral Arthur S. Carpender (Ret.); Maj.
mander for the Allied Powers. Copies of Gen. William C. Chase (Ret.); Lt. Col.
the original Japanese and the translated Julio Chiaramonte; Maj. Gen. Kenneth
versions are filed in OCMH, where du- Cooper; Brig. Gen. Charles F. Craig
bious passages in the English versions (Ret.); Admiral D. B. Duncan (Ret.)
were retranslated by Messers. Stanley L. (who answered for Admiral Robert B.
Falk, Brewster Hurwitz, Burke C. Peter- Carney (Ret.), Vice Adm. Harry R.
son, Thomas G. Wilds, and Robert J. C. Thurber (Ret.), and Vice Adm. Ralph
Butow. E. Wilson [Ret.]); Lt. Gen. Clyde D.
Eddleman; Col. Glenn S. Finlay (Ret.);
Miscellaneous Maj. Gen. William H. Gill (Ret.); Lt.
Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr.'s brief Gen. Oscar W. Griswold (Ret.); Col. J.
but explicit report, Narrative Account Prugh Herndon (Ret.); Maj. Gen. John
of the South Pacific Campaign, 29 April H. Hester (Ret.); General John R.
1942-15 June 1944, is useful, as is Lt. Hodge (Ret.); Col. Temple G. Holland
Gen. Millard F. Harmon's similar The (Ret.); the late Lt. Col. Frank O.
Army in the South Pacific. Australian Hough; Col. Daniel H. Hundley (Ret.);
activities are covered by Allied Land General George C. Kenney (Ret.); the
Forces' Report on New Guinea Opera- late Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King; Gen-
tions, 23 September 1942-22 January eral Walter Krueger (Ret.); Fleet Ad-
1944, a copy of which the Australian miral William D. Leahy; Col. William
Army generously furnished to the D. Long (Ret.); Col. Archibald R. Mac-
OCMH. For geography and terrain the Kechnie (Ret.); Maj. Gen. Robert B.
War Department's secret Survey of the McClure (Ret.); Brig. Gen. William A.
Solomon Islands, and the Terrain Stud- McCulloch (Ret.); Maj. Gen. Clarence
ies and Terrain Handbooks prepared by A. Martin (Ret.); Col. Alexander M.
the Allied Geographical Section, GHQ Miller, III (Ret.); Hon. Hugh M. Mil-
SWPA, are best. ton, II; the late Maj. Gen. Verne D.
Prior to publication of this volume Mudge; Maj. Gen. Dewitt Peck, USMC

(Ret.); Lt. Col. David M. N. Ross (Ret.); and Bismarcks Campaign, 22 January
Col. Douglas Sugg (Ret.); General Ger- 1943-20 October 1944, summarizes the
ald C. Thomas (Ret.); General Allen H. planning and operations described in
Turnage, USMC (Ret.); General Nathan this volume. It was used extensively in
F. Twining. preparing Allied Operations in the
Southwest Pacific Area.
Manuscript Histories
Published Works
For all operations in the South Pacific
Area, The History of the United States The number of books relating to the
Army Forces in the South Pacific Area subject matter of this volume grows
During World War II, 30 March 1942- with the years. Some of the volumes
1 August 1944, contains essential back- listed below bear directly on the CART-
ground information. It was prepared by, WHEEL operations. Others, not neces-
and under the supervision of, Maj. sarily cited in this book, provide essen-
Frederick P. Todd, USAFISPA Histori- tial background information.
cal Section, and Capt. Louis Morton, [Frierson, Maj. William C.] The Ad-
G-2 Historical Section, South Pacific miralties: Operations of the 1st Cav-
Base Command. alry Division (29 February-18 May
The G-2 Historical Section of the 1944), AMERICAN FORCES IN AC-
South Pacific Base Command also pre- TION. This pamphlet is the definitive
pared the History of the New Georgia account.
Campaign and The Bougainville Cam- Arnold, Henry H. Global Mission, New
paign. The first consists of text, colored York: Harper & Brothers, 1949.
maps showing movements and disposi- DeChant, John A. Devilbirds: The Story
tions, and photographs. Of nine chapters of United States Marine Corps Avia-
of text, which cover the New Georgia tion in World War II. New York: Har-
operation in great detail, the first was per & Brothers, 1947.
written by Todd, the other eight by Cline, Ray S. Washington Command
WOJG Joseph J. Rubin. The Bougain- Post: The Operations Division,
ville Campaign, which was written by UNITED STATES ARMY IN
Lt. Col. Edwin Cates, Cpl. Stanley L. WORLD WAR II. Washington: U.S.
Jones, and T/4 Francis A. Saunders, Jr., Government Printing Office, 1951.
is a methodical, detailed discussion of Craven, Wesley Frank, and James Lea
the operation. It contains no maps ex- Cate (eds.). The Army Air Forces in
cept a dimly photostated version of a World War II, Vol. IV, The Pacific:
Marine Corps Hasty Terrain Map. No Guadalcanal to Saipan—August 1942
positions or movements are shown. to July 1944. Chicago: The Univer-
General MacArthur's headquarters sity of Chicago Press, 1950. This fine
wrote no similar campaign histories, but book obviated the need for research
the Historical Section, G-3, GHQ in Army Air Forces records.
SWPA, prepared a series called Studies Feldt, Comdr. Eric A., RAN. The Coast-
in the History of the Southwest Pacific watchers. Melbourne, Australia, and
Area, of which Volume II, New Guinea New York: Oxford University Press,

1946. The American edition is shorter Krueger, General Walter. From Down
than the Australian. Under to Nippon: The Story of the
Frankel, Stanley A. The 37th Infantry Sixth Army in World War II. Wash-
Division in World War II. Washing- ington: Combat Forces Press, 1953.
ton: Infantry Journal Press, 1948. Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D. I Was
Gillespie, Oliver A. The Pacific. "The There: The Personal Story of the
Official History of New Zealand in the Chief of Staff to Presidents Roosevelt
Second World War, 1939-1945." War and Truman Based on His Notes and
History Branch, Department of Inter- Diaries Made at the Time. New York:
nal Affairs. Wellington, New Zealand, Whittlesey House, 1950.
1952. McCartney, William F. The Jungleers:
Halsey, Fleet Admiral William F., and A History of the 41st Infantry Divi-
Lt. Comdr. J. Bryan, III. Admiral Hal- sion. Washington: Infantry Journal
sey's Story. New York: Whittlesey Press, 1948.
House, 1947. Marshall, General of the Army George
Heavey, Brig. Gen. William F. Down C. Biennial Report of the Chief of
Ramp! The Story of the Army Am- Staff of the United States Army, July
phibian Engineers. Washington: In- 1, 1943, to June 30, 1945, to the Sec-
fantry Journal Press, 1947. retary of War. Washington: U.S. Gov-
Hough, Lt. Col. Frank O., USMCR, and ernment Printing Office, 1945.
Maj. John A. Crown, USMCR. The Matloff, Maurice, and Edwin M. Snell,
Campaign on New Britain. Historical Strategic Planning for Coalition War-
Branch, Headquarters, U.S. Marine fare: 1941-1942, UNITED STATES
Corps. Washington: U.S. Government ARMY IN WORLD WAR II. Wash-
Printing Office, 1952. ington: U.S. Government Printing
Karolevitz, Capt. Robert F. (ed.). The
Office, 1953.
25th Division and World War II.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. History of
Baton Rouge, La.: Army and Navy
Publishing Company, 1946. United States Naval Operations in
Kenney, George C. General Kenney Re-
World War II, Vol. VI, Breaking the
ports: A Personal History of the Pa- Bismarcks Barrier: 22 July 1942-1
cific War. New York: Duell, Sloan and May 1944. Boston: Little, Brown and
Pearce, 1949. Company, 1950.
King, Admiral Ernest J. Our Navy at Office of the Chief Engineer, General
War: A Report to the Secretary of the Headquarters, Army Forces Pacific.
Navy Covering Our Peacetime Navy Engineers of the Southwest Pacific:
and Our Wartime Navy and Including 1941-1945. Vol. I, Engineers in
Combat Operations up to March 1, Theater Operations. Vol. VI, Airfield
1944. Washington: U.S. News, 1944. and Base Development. Vol. VIII,
King, Ernest J., and Walter Muir White- Critique. Washington: U.S. Govern-
hill. Fleet Admiral King: A Naval ment Printing Office 1947, 1951, 1951-
Record. New York: W. W. Norton & Rentz, Maj. John N., USMCR. Bougain-
Company, Inc., 1952. ville and the Northern Solomons. His-

torical Section, Division of Public Against Japan. Washington: U.S. Gov-

Information, Headquarters, U.S. Ma- ernment Printing Office, 1946.
rine Corps. Washington: U.S. Govern- ———. The Employment of Forces Un-
ment Printing Office, 1948. der the Southwest Pacific Command.
———. Marines in the Central Solomons. Washington: U.S. Government Print-
Historical Branch, Headquarters, U.S. ing Office, 1947. This is a slightly re-
Marine Corps. Washington: U.S. Gov- arranged version of the Studies in the
ernment Printing Office, 1952. History of the Southwest Pacific Area.
Robson, R. W. (ed.). The Pacific Islands ———. Interrogations of Japanese Offi-
Handbook, 1944 (North American cials. 2 Vols. Washington: U.S. Gov-
ed.). New York: The Macmillan Com- ernment Printing Office, 1946.
pany, 1946. ———. The Allied Campaign Against
Sherrod, Robert. History of Marine Rabaul. Washington: U. S. Govern-
Corps Aviation in World War II. ment Printing Office, 1946.
Washington: Combat Forces Press, Wright, Maj. B. C. The 1st Cavalry Di-
1952. vision in World War II. Tokyo, Japan:
Sherwood, Robert E. Roosevelt and Hop- Toppan Printing Company, 1947.
kins: An Intimate History. New York: Zimmer, Col. Joseph E. The History of
Harper & Brothers, 1948. the 43d Infantry Division, 1941-1945.
United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Baton Rouge, La.: Army and Navy
The Thirteenth Air Force in the War Publishing Company, n.d.
AA Antiaircraft
AAF Army Air Forces
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
AdVon Advance Echelon
AF Air Force
AFPAC Army Forces, Pacific
AGC Combined operations communications headquarters ship.
In Pacific most frequently used as flagships of amphibious
force or group commanders.
AGO Office of The Adjutant General
AKA Cargo ship, attack
ALF Allied Land Forces
ANF Allied Naval Forces
AP Transport
APA Transport, attack
APC Coastal transport
APD High-speed destroyer-transport
ATIS SCAP Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, Supreme Com-
mander for the Allied Powers
AW Automatic weapons
BAR Browning automatic rifle
Bazooka Rocket launcher, hand-carried
BB Battleship
BYPRODUCT Code name for Trobriand Islands (Kiriwina)
CA Coast Artillery
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CG Commanding General
CHRONICLE Code name for plan for seizure of Woodlark and Kiriwina
CINCPAC Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
CINCPOA Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Area
CINCSWPA [Commander in Chief] Supreme Commander, Southwest
Pacific Area
CM-IN Classified Message, In
CM-OUT Classified Message, Out
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
CO Commanding Officer
C (s)ofS Chief (s) of Staff
Com Committee

COMAIRSOPAC Commander [land-based], Aircraft, South Pacific Force

COMAMPHIBFORSOPAC Commander, Amphibious Force, South Pacific Force
Comd Command
Comdr Commander
COMGEN Commanding General
COMGENSOPAC Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces in the South
Pacific Area
COMINCH Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet
COMSOPAC Commander, South Pacific Area and South Pacific Force
COMSOWESPAC Commander, Southwest Pacific (also CINCSWPA)
Cons Construction
CRU Cruiser
CTF Commander, Task Force
CTG Commander, Task Group
CV Aircraft carrier
CVE Aircraft carrier, escort
DD Destroyer
DEXTERITY Code name for western New Britain—Saidor operation
DMS Destroyer-minesweeper
DRYGOODS Code name for assembly of supplies at Guadalcanal-Tulagi
area for offensive in New Georgia, February 1943
DUKW 2½-ton, 6x6 amphibious truck
ELKTON Code name for MacArthur's plan for recapture of Rabaul
ESB Engineer special brigade
FA Field Artillery
FEC Far East Command
FM Field Manual
FO Field Orders
G-1 Personnel officer or section of a general staff, down through
divisional level
G-2 Intelligence officer or section of general staff, down through
divisional level
G-3 Operations officer or section of a general staff, down through
divisional level
G-4 Supply officer or section of a general staff, down through
divisional level
GHQ General headquarters
GO General Orders
Incl (s) Inclosure (s)
Ind Indorsement
Instal Installation
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jnl (s) Journal (s)
JPS Joint Staff Planners

Joint U.S. Strategic Committee
KCRC Kansas City Records Center, Office of the Adjutant Gen-
eral, Kansas City, Missouri
LCI Landing craft, infantry
LCM Landing craft, mechanized
LCP (R) Landing craft, personnel (ramp)
LCT Landing craft, tank
LCV Landing craft, vehicle
LCVP Landing craft, vehicle, personnel
LEATHERBACK Code name for Woodlark Island
LHQ Land Headquarters (also ALF)
LST Landing ship, tank
MAC Marine Amphibious Corps
MAINYARD Code name for Guadalcanal Island
Min Minutes
MIS Military Intelligence Section
MTB Motor torpedo boat
NCB Naval construction battalion
NGF New Guinea Force
NGOF New Georgia Occupation Force
NLG Northern landing group
OCMH Office of the Chief of Military History
OI Operations Instructions
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
OPD Operations Division, War Department General Staff
PB4Y4 Naval designation of B-24
PBY Twin-engine U.S. Navy patrol bomber (Black Cat)
Plng Planning
POA Pacific Ocean Area
POSTERN Code name for Lae-Finschhafen-Madang operations
PT Motor torpedo boat
PTO Pacific Theater of Operations
PV-1 Twin-engined Navy patrol plane, also used as a night fighter
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAAFCAAF Royal Australian Air Force Comand, Allied Air Forces
RAF Royal Air Force
RAN Royal Australian Navy
Rcn Reconnaissance
RCT Regimental combat team
RENO Code name for MacArthur's plan for advancing along north
coast of New Guinea and thence to Mindano
RN Royal Navy

S-3 Operations officer or section of a regimental or battalion

SBD Scout bomber (Douglas)—a Navy dive-bomber
SC Submarine chaser
SCR Signal Corps radio
SL Searchlight
SNLF Special naval landing force (Japanese)
SOPAC South Pacific Area, South Pacific Force
SOPACBACOM South Pacific Base Command
SR Special Regulations
SWPA Southwest Pacific Area
SYMBOL Code name for Casablanca Conference 14-23 January 1943
TBF Single-engine U.S. Navy torpedo bomber
TF Task Force
TM Technical Manual
TOENAILS Code name for New Georgia operation
TU Task Unit
USA U.S. Army
USAFFE U.S. Army Forces in the Far East
USAFISPA U.S. Army Forces in the South Pacific Area
USASOS SWPA U.S. Army Services of Supply, Southwest Pacific Area
USMC (R) U.S. Marine Corps (Reserve)
USN U.S. Navy
USSBS U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey
WD War Department
WDGS War Department General Staff
YMS Motor minesweeper
Basic Military Map Symbols*
Symbols within a rectangle indicate a military unit, within
a triangle an observation post, and within a circle a supply

Military Units—Identification
Antiaircraft Artillery

Armored Command
Army Air Forces

Artillery, except Antiaircraft and Coast Artillery

Cavalry, Horse

Cavalry, Mechanized

Chemical Warfare Service

Coast Artillery



Medical Corps

Ordnance Department

Quartermaster Corps

Signal Corps

Tank Destroyer

Transportation Corps

Veterinary Corps

Airborne units are designated by combining a gull wing

symbol with the arm or service symbol:

Airborne Artillery

Airborne Infantry

*For complete listing of symbols in use during the World War II period, see
FM 21-30, dated October 1943, from which these are taken.

Size Symbols
The following symbols placed either in boundary lines or
above the rectangle, triangle, or circle inclosing the identifying
arm or service symbol indicate the size of military organization:




Company, troop, battery, Air Force flight

Battalion, cavalry squadron, or Air Force squadron

Regiment or group; combat team (with abbreviation CT fol-

lowing identifying numeral)

Brigade, Combat Command of Armored Division, or Air Force


Division or Command of an Air Force

Corps or Air Force


Group of Armies

The letter or number to the left of the symbol indicates the
unit designation; that to the right, the designation of the parent
unit to which it belongs. Letters or numbers above or below
boundary lines designate the units separated by the lines:

Company A, 137th Infantry

8th Field Artillery Battalion

Combat Command A, 1st Armored Division.

Observation Post, 23d Infantry

Command Post, 5th Infantry Division

Boundary between 137th and 138th Infantry

Machine gun


Gun battery

Howitzer or Mortar


Self-propelled gun
The multivolume series, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II,
consists of a number of subseries which are tentatively planned as follows: The
War Department, The Army Air Forces, The Army Ground Forces, The Army
Service Forces, Defense of the Western Hemisphere, The War in the Pacific,
European Theater of Operations, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, The
Middle East Theater, The China-Burma-India Theater, The Technical Services,
Special Studies, and Pictorial Record.
The following volumes have been published or are in press: *
The War Department
Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Preparation
Washington Command Post: The Operations Division
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1941-1942
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1943-1944
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1940-1943
The Army and Economic Mobilization
The Army and Industrial Manpower
The Army Ground Forces
The Organization of Ground Combat Troops
The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops
The Army Service Forces
The Organization and Role of the Army Service Forces
Defense of the Western Hemisphere
The Framework of Hemisphere Defense
The War in the Pacific
Okinawa: The Last Battle
Guadalcanal: The First Offensive
The Approach to the Philippines
The Fall of the Philippines
Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls
Victory in Papua
CARTWHEEL: The Reduction of Rabaul
European Theater of Operations
The Lorraine Campaign
Cross-Channel Attack
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume I
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume II
The Supreme Command
Mediterranean Theater of Operations
Northwest Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West

* The volumes on the Army Air Forces, published by the University of Chicago Press, are not
included in this list.

The Middle East Theater

The Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia
The China-Burma-India Theater
Stilwell's Mission to China
Stilwell's Command Problems
Time Runs Out in CBI
The Technical Services
The Transportation Corps: Responsibilities, Organization, and Operations
The Transportation Corps: Movements, Training, and Supply
The Transportation Corps: Operations Overseas
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume I
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume II
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Japan
The Ordnance Department: Planning Munitions for War
The Signal Corps: The Emergency
The Signal Corps: The Test
The Medical Department: Hospitalization and Evacuation, Zone of Interior
The Corps of Engineers: Troops and Equipment
The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing for War
Special Studies
Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt
The Women's Army Corps
Rearming the French
Chronology: 1941-1945
Military Relations Between the United States and Canada: 1939-1945
Pictorial Record
The War Against Germany and Italy: Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Japan
A-20's. See Aircraft, Allied. Air operations, Japanese—Continued
A-29's. See Aircraft, Allied. operations, Allied, enemy response to land-
Aaron Ward: 43 ings.
Adachi, Lt. Gen. Hatazo: 34-35, 37, 39, 45, 63, 65, attacks on naval vessels: 42-44, 174, 219, 248
211, 213-14, 219, 221, 303, 319 "big raid" on Guadalcanal: 44-45
Admiralty Islands carrier-based air strikes: 42-44, 233, 253-55
geography: 317-18 cover for convoys: 39-40
plans for taking: 273, 307, 316-21 fighter interception: 232, 311
"reconnaissance in force": 321-31 1Operation: 42-44
seizure of objectives: 332-50, 379 RO Operation: 233-34, 248, 253-55
Ainsworth, Rear Adm. Walden L.: 95, 98-99, 105, Air reconnaissance. See Reconnaissance, Allied;
Reconnaissance, Japanese.
Air Command, New Georgia: 165 Air strengths, Allied
Air Command, Solomons: 69, 167, 232, 235-36, 253, Air Command, Solomons: 270, 27on
270, 309-12 for Bougainville: 232
Air Liaison Party, 12th: 340 for New Georgia: 75
South Pacific Area: 10, 75, 232
Air operations, Allied: 55, 140, 167, 178, 196, 227,
Southwest Pacific Area: 10, 195
228, 229-32, 338. See also Airborne operations;
Air strengths, Japanese: 13, 30, 46-47, 91, 280-82
Fighter operations, Allied.
Admiralties: 319-20, 324-26, 328, 332, 338, 342, Air supply: 37-38, 60, 75, 103, 104, 114-15, 120, 170,
209, 216, 217, 269, 331
343, 344 Air Task Force, 1st: 53, 53n 290, 300n
air-ground co-ordination: 142. See also Fighter
operations, Allied, fighter control, Air units
attacks on enemy shipping: 37, 39-41, 74 Commands
bombardment of airfields: 72, 74, 86, 198-99, 232 V Bomber: 53
Bougainville: 232, 245, 246, 253, 256, 265, 358, 363 V Fighter: 53, 196
carrier-based air strikes: 242, 252-53, 254, 27on, Groups
345th Medium Bombardment: 195
311 348th Fighter: 195
close air support lacking: 142
DEXTERITY (western New Britain-Saidor): 274-75, 38oth Heavy Bombardment: 195
286, 289, 290, 293, 297, 298, 300, 3oon 475th Fighter: 195
"direct air support": 141-42 Squadrons
Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula: 193, 195, 199, 39th Troop Carrier: 331
218 67th Fighter: 58
New Georgia: 75, 83, 85, 111, 114, 119, 129-30, 375th Troop Carrier: 331
130n, 131, 140-42, 143, 146, 159 Wing, 54th Troop Carrier: 195, 208
in preparation for amphibious invasions: 51-53, Airborne operations: 190, 191, 193-94, 207-09, 277-
193, 199, 218, 232, 245, 246, 282, 319-20 78, 277n
Rabaul attacked: 53, 269-71, 309 Aircraft, Allied
skip bombing: 39, 4on A-20's: 41, 55, 196, 218, 290, 300
strategic bombing: 195 A-29's: 41
support of amphibious landings: 181, 253, 256, B-17's: 41, 55, 196, 209, 331
274-75, 286, 290, 297, 298, 300, 300n, 315, 325- B-24's: 41, 55, 195, 196, 218, 230, 252, 253, 269,
26, 328, 332, 342, 343 270, 282, 290, 300, 309, 310, 311, 322, 326, 338
support of infantry advances: 83, 85, 111, 114, B-25's: 41, 55, 195, 196, 208, 218, 230, 232, 286,
119, 129-30, 130n, 131, 140-42, 143, 146, 159, 290, 300, 309, 310, 322, 326, 331, 332, 338, 343
B-26's: 196
293, 331, 332, 344, 375
support of infantry defense: 358, 362 B-29's: 308
in theater strategy: 26 Beaufighters: 41, 230
Air operations, Japanese: 230 Beaufort bombers: 41, 254
against Allied beachheads: 89-90, 91, 129, 261-65 Boston bombers: 196
against amphibious forces and landings: 205, 246- C-47's: 194, 195, 196, 207, 208-10, 269, 302
49, 252-56, 287, 291, 315. See also Amphibious Catalinas: 200, 282. See also Aircraft, Allied, PBY's.
Aircraft, Allied—Continued Amphibious operations, Allied—Continued
F4U's (Corsairs): 43, 165, 252, 269, 310 aration for amphibious invasions; Air opera-
F6F's (Hellcats): 43, 252, 310 tions, Allied, support of amphibious landings.
L-4's (Piper Cubs): 269 beachmaster: 88
P-38's (Lightnings): 41, 43, 44, 195, 205, 230, 232, clearing the beaches: 65, 90, 180, 267-68, 286, 332
252, 253, 282, 287, 310, 311, 326, 332 communications problems: 65, 90, 285-86
P-39's (Airacobras): 41, 43 enemy response to landings: 88-91, 179-81, 204-
P-40's: 41, 45, 252, 310, 342, 344 05, 218-19, 240, 246-49, 284-85, 287-88, 291,
P-47's: 195, 205, 332 301, 315, 343
PB4Y4's (Navy Liberators): 244 landings: 55, 56, 57-58, 57n, 64-65, 83, 86-91,
PBY's (Black Cats): 71, 74, 221, 244, 282, 322 95-96, 116, 179-80, 202-05, 218, 239-40, 244-46,
PV-1's (Vega Ventura night fighters): 244, 265 284-87, 290-92, 300-302, 315, 325-28, 340
SBD's: 141, 143, 271, 309, 310, 311, 358 marking beaches: 55, 56, 62, 64, 95, 174-75
TBF's: 141, 246, 271, 309, 310, 311, 358 naval support. See Naval operations, Allied, sup-
Aircraft, Northern Solomons: 261 port of amphibious landings.
Aircraft, South Pacific: 73 organization of forces. See Command structure,
Aircraft carriers. See Warships, Allied. organization of forces for amphibious opera-
Aircraft losses, Japanese tions
in RO Operation: 255 planning: 50-54, 106, 175-79,192-93,207, 217-
at Truk: 312 18, 235-38, 275-79, 295-99, 313-14, 321-24
at Wewak: 198 preinvasion parties: 55-56, 82-83, 86, 174, 229,
Airfield and airstrip construction, Allied 314, 322
Admiralties: 349-50 preparations: 54-55, 62-63, 70, 78-81, 92, 283-84
Bougainville: 269, 271 setting invasion dates: 192, 273, 274-75
Green Islands: 315 shore parties: 298, 300
New Britain: 279, 294 shore-to-shore movement: 60-61, 64, 336, 342
New Georgia: 81-82, 82n, 165-67, 183-84 training: 54, 56, 62, 86n, 238, 284, 299, 299n
New Guinea: 191, 196, 209-10, 302 unloading: 56, 57, 72, 88, 89-90, 178, 179, 181,
Woodlark: 58-59 244-45, 248-50, 256, 300, 332
Airfield construction, Japanese: 46 Amphibious operations, Japanese: 220, 259-60
Antiaircraft artillery units. See also Coast Artillery
Allied reconnaissance for sites: 196, 261
in Allied theater strategy: 26, 187, 190, 191, 221,
250, 309, 313 168th: 323
211th: 323
Japanese: 47-48
236th (Searchlight): 277
strategic importance in Pacific: 13, 23, 59
470th (Automatic Weapons): 277
AKA's: 223
976th Gun: 313
ALAMO Force: 29, 49, 50, 53, 54, 215, 272, 274, 275- Battery, 673d: 323
79, 296-302, 316, 335. See also Krueger, Lt. Regiment, 251st: 355, 362
Gen. Walter.
Antiaircraft guns and fire, Allied: 180, 181
ALAMO Scouts: 277, 322 40-mm.: 94, 372
Alchiba: 250 .50-caliber: 328, 329
Allied Air Forces, SWPA: 20-22, 29, 38, 49, 191, 193, 90-mm.: 94, 287, 288, 364n
217, 272, 276, 278, 279, 295, 316, 319-20. See as field gun: 329, 364n, 373
also Kenney, Lt. Gen. George C. naval vessels: 252, 254
Allied Land Forces, SWPA: 20-22, 191. See also Antiaircraft guns and fire, Japanese: 163, 253
Blarney, General Sir Thomas. Antitank guns, Allied: 117, 343, 359
Allied Naval Forces, SWPA: 20-22, 29, 49, 50, 191, Antitank weapons, Japanese: 133, 151
198, 272, 276, 295, 299, 316, 349. See also Car- AP's: 193
pender, Vice Adm. Arthur S., and Kinkaid, APA's: 223, 380
Vice Adm. Thomas C. APC's: 193, 237, 239
American Legion: 248, 249 APD's (destroyer-transports): 55, 56, 76, 78, 81, 82,
Amphibious Force, VII: 22, 192-93, 214, 215, 275, 83, 86, 92, 95, 176, 178, 179, 193, 203, 218,
277, 279. See also Barbey, Rear Adm. Daniel 237, 239, 240, 241, 256, 284, 287, 290, 298, 299,
E. 300, 313, 314, 315, 320, 321, 325, 328, 380
Amphibious operations, Allied Arawe: 274, 280
air support. See Air operations, Allied, in prep- description: 282-83

Arawe—Continued Australian units—Continued

plans for taking: 27, 274, 277 Armies
seizure: 282-89 First: 20
strategic importance: 294-95 Second: 20
Artillery, Allied. See also Antiaircraft guns and Battalion, 2/2d Pioneer: 209, 210
fire, Allied; Coast artillery units, Field artillery Brigade groups, infantry
battalions. 20th: 218-21
conditions prevent using: 152, 161-62 21st: 216
co-ordination with infantry units: 94, 117-19 25th: 210, 216
counterbattery fire: 358 Brigades, infantry
counterpreparation fire: 359 4th: 221
defensive fire: 373, 375 15th: 61
direct fire: 358, 372 17th: 38, 61, 65, 66
emplacement: 93-94, 180, 334 24th: 206-07, 220
fields of fire: 94, 109, 266, 329, 333, 355, 362 26th: 204, 206, 207, 221
firing parallel to infantry front: 94, 340, 344 Companies
grazing fire: 372 2/4th Independent: 211
harassing fire: 365 2/6th Independent: 216
interdicting fire: 365 2/6th Field: 209
Corps, I: 189
observation: 354, 358, 365-66, 37on
Divisions, infantry
in perimeter defense: 265, 355
3d: 38, 60, 61, 200-201, 201n
phosphorous shells: 118 5th: 201, 304
planning for use: 143 7th: 6, 192, 194, 207, 210, 216-17, 304
preparation fire: 94, 110, 114, 116, 134, 146-47, 9th: 192, 194, 202-07, 210, 213, 217-21, 303,
148, 150, 159, 161-62, 260, 265, 289, 293, 344, 304
346-48, 363-64, 369-70, 37on, 372, 376-77 Regiments
registration points: 368 2/6th Artillery: 210n
rolling barrage: 117 2/4 Field: 208
support of amphibious landings: 342, 343 Avery, Capt. Winthrop B.: 345
supporting fire: 136, 361-62
types of fuses: 37on B-17's. See Aircraft, Allied.
75-mm. pack howitzers: 328, 329, 331, 333, 343, B-24's. See Aircraft, Allied.
370 B-25's. See Aircraft, Allied.
105-mm. howitzers: 73, 83, 94, 110, 143, 147, 343, B-26's. See Aircraft, Allied.
359, 363 B-29's. See Aircraft, Allied.
155-mm. guns: 73, 91, 93, 94, 98, 110 Baanga: 172
155-mm. howitzers: 91, 94, 98, 110, 134, 143, 147 Baba, Captain: 330, 331
Artillery, Japanese BACKHANDER Task Force: 277, 279
fields of fire: 116 Bairoko: 92, 94, 99, 105, 127-31, 169, 171
mountain guns: 98, 114 Ballale: 226-27, 232, 234, 243
naval guns: 167, 170, 171, 238 BAR's: 161, 246, 369
preparation fire: 368 Barakoma: 174, 179-81
shells beachhead: 265 Barbed wire: 108, 266, 329, 331, 331n, 333, 333n,
shells landing operations: 117 355, 372
Barbey, Rear Adm. Daniel E.: 22, 381
supports infantry counteroffensive: 356-57, 358
and Admiralties operations: 321, 322, 336
75-mm. guns: 114, 210, 245, 246
and CHRONICLE (Woodlark-Kiriwina) operations:
120-mm. naval guns: 170, 171
140-mm. naval guns: 98, 238 49. 51, 54. 56, 57, 59
and Finschhafen invasion: 218, 219
Arundel Island: 172, 175, 184-86 and Lae invasion: 192, 193, 202-03, 206
Assault Flotillas: 78, 92 and Saidor invasion: 296-98
Australia, HMAS: 290 and theater strategy: 274, 274n
Australian Navy: 22 and western New Britain operations: 274, 274n,
Australian officers in GHQ, SWPA: 20 284, 285n
Australian units. See also KANGA Force; Line of Barge lanes, Japanese: 45, 195, 200
Communications units; New Guinea Adminis- Barges, Japanese: 182, 194-95, 220
trative Unit; Royal Australian Air Force. daihatsu: 182, 182n, 185-86

Barker, Brig. Gen. Harold R.: 76, 93, 106, 111, 112, Bougainville: 71, 73, 187, 222
118, 137, 143, 172, 172n casualties. See Casualties, Allied, Bougainville;
Barnett, Brig. Gen. Allison J.: 168 Casualties, Japanese, Bougainville.
"Barracudas": 86n developing and protecting the beachhead: 251-71
Barrett, Maj. Gen. Charles D.: 236 geography: 234
Barrowclough, Maj. Gen. H. E.: 183, 313, 314 invasion: 241-50
Bartley, 2d Lt. Martin E.: 150n Japanese counteroffensive: 251-78
Bartley Ridge: 150-53 in Japanese strategy: 213
Battleships. See Warships, Allied. picked as Allied objective: 14, 19
Baxter, Col. Stuart A.: 125, 137, 149-50, 154-58 planning for invasion: 225-29, 234-39
Bayonets, U.S.: 103, 158 preliminary landings: 239-41
Bayonets, Japanese: 367 Boyd, Capt. Clay A.: 95
Bazookas: 285, 375 Bradley, Col. J. Sladen: 297, 300
Beach defenses, Allied: 103 Bradley, Col. William J.: 340, 343, 344
Beadle, Col. Frank L.: 174 Brady, Lt. Col. Charles E.: 334
Beaufighters. See Aircraft, Allied. Breene, Maj. Gen. Robert G.: 69
Beaufort bombers. See Aircraft, Allied. BREWER reconnaissance force: 323
Beightler, Maj. Gen. Robert S.: 125, 381. See also BREWER Task Force: 323. See also Cavalry Division,
Infantry divisions, 37th. 1st; Swift, Maj. Gen. Innis P.
and Bougainville counteroffensive: 361, 362, 363, Bridges. See River crossings.
373, 374, 375, 376 Brooks: 55
and Munda offensive: 137, 139, 144, 149-50, 152, Brown, Col. Everett E.: 178
153, 154-58, 156n, 159 Brown, Lt. Col. Lester E.: 82, 147-49, 147n
Bena Bena: 196 Browning, Capt. Miles R.: 12n, 14, 73
Berkey, Rear Adm. Russell S.: 321 Buchanan, Col. David H.: 150, 151, 152-53
Bibilo Hill: 118, 144, 149, 154-55, 163-64 Buin: 27, 226, 235, 238
"Big raid": 44-45 Buka: 27, 232, 234, 235, 238, 242, 259, 265, 270n, 311
Bishop of Melanesia (Anglican): 71 Bulldozers: 90, 140, 154, 170, 196, 300, 332, 333, 344
Bismarck Archipelago: 306-15, 316, 380-81. See Bulolo Valley. See Wau.
also Admiralty Islands; Arawe; Cape Glouces- Bunker Hill: 254, 311
Burke, Capt. Arleigh A.: 143, 146, 265
Bismarck Sea, Battle of the: 39-41
Burr, Capt. Dudley H.: 135
Blarney, General Sir Thomas
command: 20-22, 29, 61 Bush, Lt. Col. George E.: 169, 169n
and Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula opera- Bush: 329, 331, 336
tions: 189, 214-16, 272 Bypasses
and theater strategy: 214-16 in Allied strategy: 381, 382
Blanchard, Col. Charles D.: 297 considered for Bougainville: 226-28
"Bloody Hill": 109 considered for Kavieng: 321
"Bloody Sunday": 368 Hansa Bay: 321, 379
Blue Ridge: 355 Kolombangara: 171-73, 187
Bogadjim: 214-15 Rabaul: 222-25, 273-74
Bombers, dive, Allied: 141, 143, 271. See also Air-
craft, Allied, SBD's. C-47's. See Aircraft, Allied.
Bombers, dive, Japanese: 247 Camouflage, Japanese: 11, 132-33, 186, 265
Bombers, heavy: 143, 230, 270-71, 310. See also Cannon, infantry: 162
Aircraft, Allied, B-17's; Aircraft, Allied, B- Cannon Hill: 359, 362
24's. Cape Cretin: 279, 323
Bombers, land-based, in Japanese operations: 2 Cape Gloucester: 287, 311
Bombers, medium: 143, 271. See also Aircraft, Al- picked as Allied objective: 14-15
lied, B-25's; Aircraft, Allied, B-26's. plans and preparations for taking: 27, 228, 272-
Bombers, torpedo: 141, 245, 271. See also Aircraft, 79, 282
Allied, TBF's. seizure: 289-95
Bonis: 234, 235, 242 strategic importance: 214-16, 294-95
Bostock, Air Vice Marshal William D.: 22, 51. See Cape Saint George, Battle of: 265
also Royal Australian Air Force Command, Cape Torokino: 229, 244-59, 260, 261, 269-70
Allied Air Forces. Capron, Lt. Col. Charles W.: 112n
Boston bombers: 196 Carberry, Maj. Francis P.: 153

Cargo ships: 76, 78, 236, 237, 244, 248, 249-50. Cavalry regiments—Continued
See also AKA's. 112th
Carney, Rear Adm. Robert B.: 227, 307, 308, 313, Arawe: 277, 282, 284-89
350, 381 Woodlark: 53, 54, 55, 56
Carpender, Vice Adm. Arthur S.: 22, 29-30, 49, 51, Caves, Japanese use of: 285, 286
191, 193, 200, 215-16, 274, 299. See also Allied Cawlfield, Capt. Paul A.: 66
Naval Forces. SWPA. "Central Agreement" on Japanese strategy: 45
Carrier Division 22: 74 Central Pacific Area: 2-4, 222-24, 307
Carriers, aircraft. See Warships, Allied. Chamberlin, Brig. Gen. Stephen J.: 12n, 49, 192,
Carter, Capt. Grayson B.: 181 215-16, 273, 273n, 274, 277n, 295, 313, 316-17,
Carter, Capt. Jesse H.: 200 379, 381
Carter Hall: 284, 286, 287 Chase, Brig. Gen. William C.: 323, 327, 328, 329,
CARTWHEEL: 272, 305. See also Bougainville; 331, 331n, 332, 335-36
CHRONICLE; DEXTERITY; Intertheater co-ordina- Chemical Battalion, 82d: 184, 355, 359, 359n, 373
tion; Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula opera- Chevalier: 99
tions; Munda; Nassau Bay; New Georgia; TOE- Chiaramonte, Maj. Julio: 330, 331, 333
NAILS. Choiseul: 227, 228, 236, 241
forces and missions: 29-30 CHRONICLE: 49-59
logistics: 29-30 Churchill, Winston S.: 1, 6-7, 225
plans to extend: 306 Claims, exaggerated, Japanese: 205n, 232, 253, 255,
plans revised: 222-29 255n
summary of operations: 380-82 Claims, exaggerated, U.S.: 232
timing of operations: 26-29, 30, 49, 381 Clay, Maj. Gen. Lucius D.: 12n
Casablanca Conference: 6-8 Clemens, Maj. Martin: 86, 86n
Casey, Brig. Gen. Hugh J.: 49 Coane, Brig. Gen. Ralph W.: 200
Casualties, Allied Coane Force: 200-201, 201n
Admiralties: 348 Coast Artillery units
Bougainville counteroffensive: 377-78 Battalions
Bougainville invasion: 241, 246, 255, 267n 70th (Antiaircraft): 76, 355
DEXTERITY (western New Britain-Saidor) opera- 209th (Antiaircraft): 62n, 201n
tions: 289, 295, 302 743d Gun (Antiaircraft): 302
Green Islands: 315 Regiments
Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula operations: 54th (Harbor Defense): 236
202, 210, 221, 221n 198th (Antiaircraft): 236, 237, 240
New Georgia: 120-22, 172, 187 251st (Antiaircraft): 236
Casualties, Japanese Coast artillery, Japanese: 95, 96
Admiralties: 348-49 Coast defenses, Allied. See Beach defenses, Allied.
Bougainville, Allied invasion: 241, 267n Coast defenses, Japanese: 88, 110
Bougainville counteroffensive: 377 Coastwatchers: 24-25, 25n, 43, 45, 55, 71, 81, 86,
New Georgia: 187 174, 229
Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula operations: Collins, Maj. Gen. J. Lawton: 125, 170, 381. See
202, 212, 221 also Infantry divisions, 25th.
Catalinas. See Aircraft, Allied. Combat fatigue. See Medical problems, Allied.
Cavalry brigades Combined Chiefs of Staff: 1, 6-8, 222, 223, 225
1st: 323. See also Chase, Brig. Gen. William C. Combined Fleet: 34, 42, 48, 232, 233, 255, 312
2d: 323,336,337,338,339-48 Combined Operational Service Command: 22, 62n,
Cavalry Division, 1st: 276, 317, 321, 322-50, 323n 201n
Cavalry reconnaissance troops Command structure, Allied
25th: 178, 181 for Admiralties base development: 349-50
37th: 137, 150n, 155-57, 363 for advance on Rabaul (CARTWHEEL): 18-19
43d: 135, 184 air: 75, 78
302d: 340 for Bismarck Archipelago: 307-08
Cavalry regiments for Bougainville invasion: 235-36, 237
5th: 323n, 323-39 for CHRONICLE (Woodlark-Kiriwina): 49, 54
7th: 323n, 336-40, 342-43, 345-47 for Emirau: 380
8th: 340-48 for New Britain operations: 276
12th: 336, 338-39. See also Regimental combat for New Georgia operations: 75-78, 122-26, 137,
teams, 12th Cavalry. 175-78

Command structure, Allied—Continued Destroyer-transports, Japanese: 186

organization of forces for amphibious operations: DEXTERITY: 272-305. See also Arawe; Cape Glouces-
95, 175, 235-37, 279, 313-14, 317, 321, 323 ter; Saidor.
for Saidor: 295-96 Directive of 2 July 1942, JCS: 5, 11, 14. See also
South Pacific Area: 67-70 Task One, Rabaul operations; Task Three,
South and Southwest Pacific Areas contrasted: 54, Rabaul operations; Task Two, Rabaul opera-
67, 78, 276, 316-17 tions.
Southwest Pacific Area: 20-22 Directive of 28 March 1943, JCS: 15-19
Command structure, Japanese: 32-34, 97, 280 DIRECTOR Task Force: 277, 279, 283
Communications, telephone: 116-17, 135, 330, 334 Discipline, importance of: 121-22
Communications problems: 127, 143. See also Am- Distinguished Service Cross: 152n, 328
phibious operations, communications problems. Dive bombers. See Aircraft, Allied, SBD's; Bomb-
Congressional Medal of Honor: 149n, 153n, 157, 220, ers, dive, Japanese.
246n, 335, 354n Diversions. See Tactics, Allied; Tactics, Japanese.
Connor, Maj. Haskett L.: 344 Dobodura: 230, 273, 278
Conway: 241, 247 Dragons Peninsula: 99-103. See also Bairoko; Eno-
Cony: 240 gai.
Conyngham: 284, 286, 287, 300 Drayton: 327
Cooke, Rear Adm. Charles M., Jr.: 12n, 16 Drowley, S/Sgt. Jessie R.: 354n
Cooke, Capt. William R.: 181 DRYGOODS: 72, 78
Corps DUKW's (amphibian trucks): 72, 284, 284n, 286
I: 20 Dumpu: 215-17
XIV. See also Griswold, Maj. Gen. Oscar W. Dyson: 243
Bougainville: 266-69, 351-56, 369
New Georgia: 69, 123-24, 137-42, 143-64 Eason, Col. John D.: 108, 110, 114, 118
Corrigan, Flight Officer J. A.: 95, 101, 104, 131 Eastern Landing Force (TOENAILS): 78
Counterattacks, Allied: 260, 373-74, 376-77 Eddleman, Col. Clyde D.: 297
Counterattacks, Japanese Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Robert L.: 20
Admiralties: 330, 331, 333-35, 337 ELKTON: 10, 12-15, 16. See also ELKTON III; Ra-
Arawe: 287-89 baul, plans for advance on.
Bougainville: 259-60. See also Counteroffensive ELKTON III: 25-31, 214, 225-26, 227, 276n. See also
on Bougainville, Japanese. Rabaul, plans for advance on.
Cape Gloucester: 292 Embick, Lt. Gen. Stanley D.: 12n
Finschhafen: 219-21 Emirau: 227n, 306-07, 308, 379-80
New Georgia: 15-37 Emmons, Lt. Gen. Delos C.: 12n
Counteroffensive on Bougainville, Japanese: 351-78 Empress Augusta Bay: 234, 309, 351
Cox Creek: 372, 375 base development: 266-69
Craig, Brig. Gen. Charles F.: 363, 375 Japanese attacks on beachhead: 251-55, 261-65.
Crescent City: 244 See also Counteroffensive on Bougainville, Jap-
Crooks, Lt. Col. Richard D.: 152
Crosby: 81
Japanese forces (preinvasion): 235, 239
Cruisers. See Warships, Allied; Warships, Japa- landings: 241-50
plans for landings: 227, 228, 236
Crutchley, Rear Adm. V.A.C.: 51, 284, 290, 301, 338 preinvasion reconnaissance: 229
Cunningham, Brig. Gen. Julian W. protecting and reinforcing the beachhead: 251-59
Arawe: 277, 282, 284, 287, 288 Empress Augusta Bay, Battle of: 251-52
Woodlark: 53, 56-57 Engineer units
Currin, Lt. Col. Michael S.: 84 Battalions
65th: 178n, 183
Dalton, Col. James L., II: 126, 139, 150-53, 154, 114th: 298
155 116th: 62n
Dampier Strait: 189, 213, 214. See also DEXTERITY. 117th: 137, 154, 157, 361, 362
Dechaineux, Capt. E. F. V.: 332 118th: 93, 114, 148
Dent: 81, 86 141st Aviation: 294
Destroyers. See Warships, Allied; Warships, Japa- 808th Aviation: 302
nese. 836th Aviation: 350
Destroyer-transports, Allied. See APD's (destroyer- 863d Aviation: 302
transports). 864th Aviation: 294

Engineer units—Continued Field fortifications, Japanese

Battalions—Continued Admiralties: 342, 345-47
871st Airborne: 196 Bougainville: 246, 265
913th Aviation: 279, 294 effects of Allied bombardment: 159
Engineer Special Brigade, 2d: 20 New Britain: 285, 293
Admiralties: 332 New Georgia: 110, 111, 114, 115-16, 117, 132-33,
casualties: 221 144-46, 153
DEXTERITY (western New Britain-Saidor) op- New Guinea: 201
erations: 279, 283, 285, 286, 288, 292, technique of reducing: 161-62
300 Fife, Capt. James F.: 74, 75, 235
Nassau Bay-Lae-Finschhafen: 60, 62n, 191, Fifth Air Force: 22
192, 201n, 203, 204, 206-07, 218, 221 Admiralties: 326, 331
Engineer Company, 59th Combat: 55, 277 attacks on Kavieng: 311
Regiments attacks on Rabaul: 229-32, 252, 253, 254
532d Boat and Shore: 62n, 64, 201n, 218, 221 CHRONICLE (Woodlark-Kiriwina): 53, 53n
542d Boat and Shore: 298 DEXTERITY (western New Britain-Saidor): 282,
592d Boat and Shore: 283, 292, 317, 323, 333, 290
338 Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula: 196-97
Engineer Squadron, 8th: 340, 346 Fifth Fleet: 254, 350
Engineers, Allied: 116, 120, 194, 269, 349, 355. Fighter operations, Allied
See also individual engineer units. fighter control: 176, 181, 193, 247
Enogai: 77, 92, 94, 96, 99-103 fighter cover for amphibious landings: 181, 193,
ESCALATOR Force: 29n. See also ALAMO Force. 247, 286-87, 290
Essex: 254 fighter cover for carriers: 253
Evacuation of wounded: 120, 131, 134-35, 157-58, fighter cover for convoys: 53, 55, 193, 244
fighter escort for bombers: 11, 140, 167, 191, 230,
Exterior lines, advantages and difficulties: 382 309
fighter interception: 43, 45, 90, 94, 140
Ezaki, Col. Yoshio: 319, 320, 330, 333, 335 fighter staging strips: 81-82, 191, 195-96
strategic importance of fighter planes: 381
F4U's (Corsairs). See Aircraft, Allied. Fighter planes. See the following subentries under
F6F's (Hellcats). See Aircraft, Allied. Aircraft, Allied: F4U's (Corsairs); F6F's (Hell-
Faisi: 27, 226, 243 cats); P-38's (Lightnings); P-39's (Airacobras);
Fechteler, Rear Adm. William M.: 321, 326, 381 P-40's; P-47's; PV-1's (Vega Ventura night
Field Artillery battalions fighters).
6th: 358 Fiji Guerrillas, 1st Commando: 76
61st: 342-43, 343, 344 Fiji Infantry Regiment: 269, 269n, 352, 377
64th: 178, 178n Fijians. See Fiji Guerrillas, 1st Commando; Fiji
82d: 336 Infantry Regiment; Natives.
99th: 323, 333, 335, 343 Finley, Col. Glenn S.: 343, 346
103d: 88, 94,110, 147 Finschhafen
120th: 296, 304 Allied fighter base: 311
121st: 302, 304 in Allied strategy: 214-16, 272
134th: 53,56 Japanese air attack: 230
135th: 137, 359 in Japanese strategy: 211, 213
136th: 76, 92, 94, 124, 134, 136, 137, 147 picked as Allied objective: 19
148th: 54, 277 plans for taking: 27, 217-18
152d: 83, 147 seizure: 217-21
169th: 94,110, 137 Fitch, Vice Adm. Aubrey W.: 49, 67, 73, 74, 75, 173,
192d: 91, 94, 137 235
218th: 62n, 201n Flame throwers: 148, 148n, 150, 151, 160, 161, 161n,
221st: 267 162, 284, 285, 347, 366, 367-68, 369, 374, 375
245th: 267 Flusser: 327
246th: 267, 366 Food shortages, Allied. See Logistics, Allied, sup-
247th: 267 ply problems, isolated units under fire.
271st: 338, 343, 344 Food shortages, Japanese: 212, 221, 356
Field fortifications, Allied: 359, 365, 372. See also Foote: 251
Perimeter defenses, Allied. Fort, Rear Adm. George H.: 77, 78, 82, 237, 239

Fouse, Capt. Donald W.: 102 Halsey, Admiral William E., Jr.—Continued
Frederick, Capt. George F.: 340 on Griswold: 268
Frederick, Col. John D.: 373, 374 influence on CARTWHEEL operations summarized:
Freer, Lt. Col. George C.: 99, 363 381-82
Frink, Maj. Gen. James L.: 279 and Kavieng: 27on, 306-09, 310-11
Fuller, Maj. Gen. Horace H.: 201n and MacArthur: 25, 349-50, 381-82
and New Georgia operations: 73-74, 75, 76, 92,
G-2 Section, GHQ, SWPA: 20n 98-99, 123-24, 168-69, 173, 175, 183
G-3 Section, GHQ, SWPA: 20n and theater strategy: 10-12, 13, 16-18, 16n, 25-
Gasmata: 27, 272, 274, 277, 280, 282 26, 27, 225, 226-29, 306-09, 310
Gasoline, as weapon: 371 Hand-carry of supplies: 104, 115, 116, 170, 183, 267,
Gato: 229 361, 368
Gauthreaux, S/Sgt. Ervin M.: 345, 345n Handy, Maj. Gen. Thomas T.: 12n
Geiger, Maj. Gen. Roy S.: 236, 237n, 257, 261, 266, Hansa Bay: 215, 273, 306, 316, 317, 322, 379
380, 381 Hara (or Nagahara), Major: 81, 84, 159
Geography. See also individual islands. Harassing tactics, Japanese. See Tactics, Japanese,
CARTWHEEL area: 22-24, 22n night harassment.
George Clymer: 244, 250 Harmon, Lt. Gen. Millard F.: 228, 308, 381
Ghormley, Vice Adm. Robert L.: 4 appoints Griswold to command New Georgia Oc-
Gill, Maj. Gen. William H.: 277n, 297, 304 cupation Force: 123-24, 126
Girardeau, Maj. Marvin D.: 101 and Bougainville: 266, 268
Godwin, Maj. James A.: 347 and CHRONICLE (Woodlark-Kiriwina) operations:
Goodenough Island: 276, 279, 297 49
Grant, Lt. Col. Clyde E.: 285 command and force: 69
Green Islands: 311, 312-15 on Munda operations: 168-69
Grenades, Allied: 161, 246, 285, 355, 369 and New Georgia operations: 73, 76, 123-26, 139,
Grenades, Japanese: 220, 330, 334 140, 142, 143, 168-69, 178n
Griffith, Lt. Col. Samuel B., III: 101-03, 130, 169, at Pacific Military Conference: 12n, 14, 16
171 Harris, Brig. Gen. Field: 261
Griswold, Maj. Gen. Oscar W.: 381 Hauwei: 340-43
Bougainville base development: 266-69 Heavey, Brig. Gen. William F.: 285-86, 285n, 297
Bougainville counteroffensive: 351-56, 357, 361, Heavy bombers. See Aircraft, Allied, B-17's; Air-
362, 366, 372n, 374, 377 craft, Allied, B-24's; Bombers, heavy.
New Georgia, Munda offensive: 137-40, 142, 143- Heavy weapons. See Machine guns, Allied; Mor-
44, 148, 148n, 153, 154, 156, 158, 160-61, 163, tars, Allied.
164, 167 Helena: 99
New Georgia, operations after Munda: 169-70, Hellzapoppin Ridge: 265
175, 183 Henshaw, 2d Lt. Marvin J.: 326, 328
New Georgia, takes command: 76, 78, 123-27, Herndon, Col. J. Prugh: 53, 57n, 58
130, 134, 136 Herring, Lt. Gen. E. F.: 61, 189, 196
Grumman fighters. See Aircraft, Allied, F6F's Hester, Maj. Gen. John H. See also Infantry divi-
(Hellcats). sions, 43d.
Guadalcanal command and force: 73, 76, 77
"big raid" on: 44-45 and XIV Corps Munda offensive: 147, 149
as supply base: 72-73 landings at Rendova and Zanana: 88, 90, 91, 92
Guardfish: 229 operations on New Georgia Island: 98, 104, 105,
Guerrilla action. See Coastwatchers; Fiji Guer- 110, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120
rillas, 1st Commando. relief as commander of New Georgia Occupation
Gullitti, S/Sgt. Louis: 120 Force: 76, 122-24, 126
Gwin: 88, 105 Hewitt, Air Commodore J. E.: 53
Hill 250: 359, 365
Hallam, Col. Franklin T.: 120, 140 Hill 260: 354, 356, 364-71
Halsey, Admiral William F., Jr.: 43, 49, 224, 35on, Hill 270: 354
380 Hill 309: 354, 356, 364, 365, 372
and Bougainville operations: 235-37, 241-42, 248, Hill 600: 356, 359, 365
251, 252-53, 257, 266, 349-50 Hill 608: 354, 355, 356, 364, 365
command: 4, 18-19, 67, 308, 316-17 Hill 700: 354, 355, 356, 358-64
and Green Islands: 312-14 Hill 1000: 355
Hill 1111: 355, 357, 358 Infantry divisions—Continued
Hipp, Maj. Frank: 155 37th: 2. See also Beightler, Maj. Gen. Robert S.
Hirashima, Col. Shuhei: 280 and Bougainville counteroffensive: 352-54,
Hirata, Col. Genjiro: 97, 159 357, 358-64, 372-77
Hodge, Maj. Gen. John R.: 149, 158, 164, 172, 267, in Bougainville invasion: 227, 236, 237, 238,
366, 367, 381. See also Infantry divisions, 43d. 256-59, 261, 267
Hoffman, Col. Hugh T.: 323, 332-33 casualties: 121n, 187, 364
Holland, Col. Temple G.: 118, 119, 120, 123, 135, New Georgia operations: 69, 75, 76, 95, 124-
137, 142, 149, 152, 155 25, 137-38, 144, 144n. 149-58, 158-59,
Hollandia: 304, 379-80 161, 164, 167, 169
Honolulu: 105 40th: 266, 266n
Horaniu: 180, 181-83 41st: 2, 58, 61, 62n, 200-201
Horseshoe Hill: 119, 134, 139, 146, 150, 152, 153, 43d: 227n. See also Hester, Maj. Gen. John H.;
158, 159 Hodge, Maj. Gen. John R.; Infantry regiments,
Hospitals 103d; Infantry regiments, 169th; Infantry regi-
17th Field: 122n, 140 ments, 172d.
30th Portable Surgical: 323 casualties: 121, 121n, 167-68, 187
House Fireman Beach (Arawe): 283, 285-86 command: 69, 76, 124, 126, 149
Humphreys: 55, 284, 285 early New Georgia operations: 111, 111n, 112,
Hundley, Col. Daniel H.: 78, 147n 118, 135, 136
Hundley, Lt. Col. Preston J.: 373 in XIV Corps offensive: 137, 140, 144, 144n,
Hunter Liggett: 244 146-49, 158, 164, 167
Huon Peninsula: 13, 215. See also Finschhafen; "war neurosis" among troops: 121, 121n
Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula operations; 93d: 378n
Saidor. Infantry regiments. See also Regimental combat
Hyakutake, Lt. Gen. Haruyoshi: 35-36, 235-235n, teams.
238, 240, 248, 259, 351-52, 356-58, 357n, 371, 24th: 355, 355n, 363, 378n
375, 375n. See also Japanese Army units, 27th: 159, 167, 169-70, 184, 186
Armies, 17th. 35th: 169, 178, 178n, 183
Hyane Harbour: 319, 331, 323-24, 330, 332 103d: 81, 82, 106, 110, 115, 116-18, 121, 136, 136n,
Hydaker, Lt. Col. Vernor E.: 150, 154 137, 137n, 144, 144n, 147-49, 158, 159, 163, 174-
75, 184
IOperation: 42-44 126th: 296, 298, 301, 304
Ilangana: 146-49 129th: 354, 356, 358, 359, 372-77
Illumination, night: 355, 359, 374 132d: 354, 354n,367,369-70
Imamura, General Hitoshi: 34-36, 39, 42, 45-46, 145th: 95, 99-103, 122-23, 124, 129, 131, 137-38.
98-99, 180, 194-95, 199, 205, 211, 213, 221, 238, 144-46, 144n, 149, 150, 152-53, 155, 158, 163,
248, 276, 280-82, 287, 294, 303, 310-11, 319, 330, 178n, 183, 354, 358-64
351, 377. See also Japanese Army units, Area 147th: 2
armies, 8th. 148th: 95, 96, 99-102, 103, 124-25, 129, 130-31,
Imperial General Headquarters: 32, 34-35, 36, 42, 136, 137-38, 144. 144n. 149. 150, 154-58, 159.
45, 46, 172, 184, 195, 211, 212-13, 238, 287, 304, 163-64, 169, 354, 363, 376
311, 382 158th: 53, 55, 56, 58, 277, 288, 289
Independence: 254 161st: 144-46, 144n, 149-52, 154-57, 158, 163,
Infantry divisions 167-68
Americal: 2, 69, 149, 227, 236, 266-67 162d: 60, 61, 62, 65, 200-202, 201n
and Bougainville counteroffensive: 352-54,
164th: 354, 369
357- 358, 359, 364-71 169th: 78, 85, 93, 94, 106-15, 118-20, 121, 122-23,
casualties (Hill 260): 371
24th: 276, 317 132, 134-35, 136, 137, 144, 144n, 147, 149, 158,
25th: 69, 124, 149, 159, 226, 227n 159, 163, 172, 184
casualties: 121n, 187 172d: 85, 86n, 87, 93, 94, 106, 109-18, 120, 121,
New Georgia operations after Munda: 161- 132-34. 137, 144-46, 147, 149n, 158, 162, 172,
62, 167-70, 176-78 184
32d: 2, 6, 317 182d: 354, 365-72
Arawe: 275-76, 276n, 277, 277n, 279 503d Parachute: 20, 192, 194, 207-10, 211, 276,
Saidor: 296-302 277-78

Intelligence, Allied. See also Coastwatchers; Re- Japanese Army units—Continued

connaissance, Allied, Divisions—Continued
on Bougainville counteroffensive: 352 41st: 35, 39, 46, 63, 194, 213, 303
estimates for Admiralties: 320-21, 322, 330, 333 51st: 35, 39, 46, 63, 211-12, 213, 214, 303-04
estimates for Bougainville: 235 Garrison Unit, 4th South Seas: 238, 377
estimates for CARTWHEEL: 13, 30-31, 47, 48 Iwasa Unit: 356, 357, 359-64, 375
estimates for New Georgia: 112, 129, 146, 178 Kawaguchi Force. See Japanese Army units, Bri-
estimates for northeast New Guinea: 214 gades, 35th.
estimates for western New Britain: 276 Magata Unit: 356, 357, 372-77
on Madang-Lae road: 41-42 Muda Unit: 356, 364-71, 375
for Nassau Bay: 63 Regiments
for Yamamoto attack: 44 1st Independent Mixed: 311, 319, 330, 333,
Intelligence, Japanese: 259, 261, 330, 351 334-35
Inter-Allied co-ordination: 20, 201n 6th Cavalry: 377
Interior lines: 255, 382 6th Field Artillery: 129, 182
Interservice co-ordination: 20, 187-88, 189, 276. See 13th Infantry: 97, 98, 105, 135-37, 146, 154-
also Unity of command. 58, 171, 172, 184, 185, 352, 356, 359n, 364-
Interservice co-ordination, Japanese: 32-34, 35 71, 375
Intertheater co-ordination, and mutual support: 14th Artillery: 63
18-19, 26, 27-29, 49-50 21st Field Artillery: 213
Ito, Maj. Gen. Takeo: 311 21st Infantry: 194
Iwasa, Maj. Gen. Shun: 259, 356, 362 23d Field Artillery: 280
Iwasa Unit. See Japanese Army units. 23d Infantry: 171-72, 246, 259, 261, 352, 356,
359-62, 359n- 375
45th Infantry: 105, 129, 182, 352, 356, 373-77
Jackson, Col. William D.: 201 51st Engineer: 63
Japanese Army air units 51st Transport: 319
Army, 4th Air: 46, 195, 198, 219, 282, 301, 304, 53d Infantry: 248, 356
319, 331 54th Infantry: 248, 280
Brigades 66th Infantry: 63, 319
8th Air: 287 79th Infantry: 220
14th Air: 195 80th Infantry: 213, 220
Divisions 81st Infantry: 280, 288, 356, 375
6th Air: 34, 46, 63, 195, 287 90th Independent Mountain Artillery: 1440
7th Air: 46, 195, 219, 282 102d Infantry: 38, 63, 194
Regiment, 68th Air: 42 115th Infantry: 63, 194
Japanese Army units. See also Southeastern De- 141st Infantry: 280, 287, 288, 294
tachment. 228th Infantry: 280
Area armies 229th Infantry: 81, 82, 88, 97, 98, 108, 114,
2d: 280-82, 287, 304 134, 135-36, 135n, 144, 159, 171-72, 319,
8th: 34, 35, 36n, 46, 47, 63, 118, 180, 280, 304, 330
312 230th Infantry: 144-46, 171-72, 310, 311
Armies 238th Infantry: 219
17th: 34, 36, 36n, 46, 98, 180, 235, 238, 351-52, Shipping groups
357, 358-78 1st: 213
18th: 34, 35, 37, 46, 63, 295, 304, 379
4th: 213, 280, 294
Battalion, 2d Independent Antitank: 144n
Japanese naval air units
35th: 36n
65th: 213, 280, 280n, 294 11th Air: 34, 42, 219, 233, 248, 253, 255, 287
12th Air: 248
2d: 36n Japanese naval units. See also Southeastern Fleet.
6th: 36, 46, 129, 172, 238, 259, 351, 358 Fleets
17th: 213, 238, 248, 248n, 259, 280, 287, 294, 3d: 34, 233
351, 356 8th: 34, 97, 98, 159, 172, 180, 185, 226, 238, 248
20th: 35, 39, 46, 211, 212, 213-14, 219, 220-21, Landing forces
303-04 7th Combined Special Naval: 36, 46
38th: 36n, 144n, 172, 213, 310 8th Combined Special Naval: 36, 36n, 46, 97

Japanese naval units—Continued Kenney, Lt. Gen. George C.—Continued

landing forces—Continued New Guinea air operations: 43-44, 190-91, 192,
Kure 6th Special Naval: 36n, 82, 88, 97, 101, 195, 208, 215, 216
103, 129 at Pacific Military Conference: 12n, 18n
Yokosuka 7th Special Naval: 36n, 97 and theater strategy: 16n, 273-74, 307, 308
Naval Base Force, 14th: 311, 319 western New Britain air operations: 278, 282
Jintsu: 105 Kieta: 27, 227, 232, 234, 238
Joint Chiefs of Staff: 1-8, 11-12, 222-25, 305, 307, King, Admiral Ernest J.: 7, 12, 16, 18, 224-25, 224n,
308, 309, 349, 379. See also Directive of 2 July 307, 349
1942, JCS; Directive of 28 March 1943, JCS. Kinkaid, Vice Adm. Thomas C.: 299, 308, 313, 316,
Joint Staff Planners: 15, 16 320, 321-22, 325-26, 328-29, 338, 350, 381
Joint Strategic Survey Committee: 15, 15n, 224 Kinsler, Col. Kenneth H.: 207
Joint War Plans Committee: 15n Kiriwina Force. See Kiriwina Task Force.
Josselyn, Lt. Henry: 174-75, 183 Kiriwini Island. See also Operation I, ELKTON
Jungle. See Jungle fighting; Terrain; Weather. III.
in Allied strategy: 273
Jungle fighting: 159-63. See also Tactics, Allied;
geography: 50
Tactics, Japanese; Terrain,
picked as Allied objective: 14-16, 19
advance in columns necessary: 112, 291, 292
plans for taking: 26
close air support problems: 142
seizure: 49-59
co-ordinated attack problems: 278
strategic importance: 15
importance of good perimeter defenses: 108, 329-
Kiriwina Task Force: 53, 54, 57
30. See also Field fortifications, Allied; Perim-
eter defenses. Kirk, Lt. Col. Robert P.: 336, 342
Kirkwell-Smith, Sub-Lt. Andrew: 277n
lateral contact problems: 112, 154-57, 161-63
Kitagiri, Lt. Gen. Shigeru: 214, 219, 220-21
psychological problems: 108-09, 112-13. See also
Koga, Admiral Mineichi: 48, 233-34, 248, 252-53,
"Snipers," Japanese; Tactics, Japanese, night
harassment. 255, 312
reconnaissance problems: 161, 163 Kojima, Capt. Bunzo: 114, 134, 136, 159
supply problems: 163. See also Air supply; Kokengolo Hill: 163-64
Hand-carry of supplies; Logistics, Allied, sup- Kolombangara: 97-99, 105, 173, 184, 187. See also
ply problems. Vila.
Kolombangara, Battle of: 105
Komori, Maj. Masamitsu: 280, 286, 287-88
Kaeruka: 83 Kreber, Brig. Gen. Leo N.: 261, 266, 355, 364n, 377
Kahili: 226-27, 232, 234 Kriner, Capt. G. C.: 174
Kaiapit: 216-17 Krueger, Lt. Gen. Walter: 20, 29, 379n, 381
Kanawha: 43 and Admiralties operations: 316, 317, 321-23, 327,
Kanda, Lt. Gen. Masatane: 238, 351, 351n, 356, 356n, 335-36, 348, 349
358, 359n, 371, 375n and CHRONICLE (Woodlark-Kiriwina) operations:
KANGA Force: 36-38 49, 53, 54, 58
Kato, Lt. Gen. Rimpei: 45 and DEXTERITY (western New Britain-Saidor) op-
Katsarsky, Lt. Col. Slaftcho: 150, 156 erations: 272, 274, 275, 276-79, 283-84, 288-89,
Kavieng 293, 295-96, 299, 302
air attacks on: 27on, 310-11 Krulak, Lt. Col. Victor H.: 241
in Allied strategy: 13, 27, 224-25, 228, 272, 306 Kula Gulf, Battle of: 98-99
bypassed: 306, 379 Kurita, Vice Adm. Takeo: 252
in Japanese strategy: 310-11 Kusaka, Vice Adm. Jinichi: 34, 89, 91, 98-99, 213,
plans for taking: 13, 27, 224-25, 273, 306-09, 316 233, 240, 248, 253, 314, 315
Kelley, 1st Lt. John R.: 134
Kelley Hill: 136 L-4's. See Aircraft, Allied.
Kennedy, Donald G.: 71, 81, 82-83, 89 Lae. See also Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula
Kenney, Lt. Gen. George C.: 209, 350, 350n, 381 operations; Operation II, ELKTON III.
Admiralties air operations: 319-21, 322 in Allied strategy: 190, 214
air attacks on Kavieng: 314 in Japanese strategy: 2, 34-35, 41-42, 46
air attacks on Rabaul: 230-32, 232n, 253-54, 271 picked as Allied objectives: 19
and Bismarck Sea, Battle of the: 39-41 plans for taking: 27, 190-94
and CHRONICLE (Woodlark-Kiriwina): 49 seizure: 202-07, 210-12
command: 22 Laiana: 114-17, 132

Lakunai: 230, 230n, 311 Logistics, Allied—Continued

Lambeti Plantation: 146, 158 supply problems: 59-60, 90, 93, 114-16, 194-95,
Landing craft, Allied: 286n, 313. See also Rubber 216, 275, 299
boats. supply problems, isolated units under fire: 104,
Barges, Japanese: 64 134-35, 157, 359, 368
LCI's: 56, 57, 78, 82, 83, 92, 176, 178, 179, 193, 204, supply systems: 139-40, 209
205, 218, 237, 241, 298, 299, 300, 315 Logistics, Japanese: 352. See also Food shortages,
LCI's, with rockets: 290, 298, 300 Japanese.
LCI (G)'s: 239, 239n, 240 Long, Col. William D.: 364n, 366-67, 366n, 369,
LCI (L)'s: 239, 239n 369n, 370n, 372n
LCM's: 57, 64, 88, 117, 176, 193, 206, 218, 239, 249, Lorengau: 316, 319, 321, 322, 330, 339-48
250, 260, 279, 283, 286, 300, 315, 332, 338, 339, Los Negros: 317-18, 320, 321, 348
342, 343 Lowry, Lt. Col. Dexter: 366-67, 368n
LCP (R)'s: 55, 56, 95, 117, 240, 299, 300, 325, Lugos Mission: 339, 343
326-28 Lutes, Maj. Gen. LeRoy, 12n
LCT's: 57, 76, 78, 92, 193, 204, 237, 239, 286, 287,
315 M1 rifle: 161, 246
LCV's: 339, 340-41,343 MacArthur, General Douglas: 6, 49, 54, 67, 305,
LCVP's: 64, 83, 178, 193, 206, 218, 219, 221, 221n, 350n, 379-80
249, 279, 283, 286, 288, 315 and Admiralties operations: 316, 320-21, 323, 325-
LSD's: 284 26, 328-29, 349-50, 350n
LST's: 56, 76, 78, 91, 176, 178, 179-80, 181, 193, command: 3-4, 5, 18-19, 20-22, 29
204, 205, 218, 235, 237, 239, 240, 256, 282, 284n, and DEXTERITY (western New Britain-Saidor) op-
290, 291, 298, 299, 300, 302, 313, 315, 332, 338, erations: 273-75, 276, 277, 278, 284, 295-96, 299,
343,339 305
LVT (1)'s (Alligators): 285, 286 and Halsey: 25-26, 349-50, 381-82
LVT (A) (2)'s (Buffaloes): 285, 286 influence on CARTWHEEL operations summarized:
Landing craft, Japanese: 185 381-82
Lanphier, Capt. Thomas G.: 44 and Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula opera-
Leahy, Admiral William D.: 224 tions: 190-91, 192, 193, 209, 214-16
Leander, HMNZS: 105 and theater strategy: 9-10, 11-13, 16-18, 16n, 25-
Lindauer, Lt. Col. Bernard J.: 137 26, 214-16, 223-29, 273-75, 306-09, 313. See
Line of Communications units: 22, 29, 191 also RENO.
Lines of communications Machine guns, Allied: 134, 151, 220, 266, 332, 334,
Japanese: 10, 94 335, 359, 373
United States to Australia: 1-2, 6, 381 Machine guns, Japanese: 103, 113-14, 116, 130, 131,
Liversedge, Col. Harry B.: 78, 92, 94-96, 98, 99, 102, 132, 147, 157, 238, 240, 245, 324, 332
104, 105, 126, 127-31, 143, 144, 168, 171 MacKechnie, Col. Archibald R.: 62, 65, 201, 201n
Loads, effect of weight on troops: 101, 111, 171. MacKechnie Force: 61, 62, 64-66, 200-201, 201n
See also Flame throwers. Madang
Lobit, Lt. Col. William E.: 327, 328, 329, 335 in Allied strategy: 190, 214, 216, 317
Lockhart, Lt. J. C.: 168n in Japanese strategy: 34-35, 213
Logistics, Allied. See also Air supply; Amphibious Japanese withdrawal: 303, 304
operations, Allied, clearing the beaches; Am- picked as Allied objective: 14, 19
phibious operations, Allied, unloading; Hand- plans for taking: 27
carry of supplies, Magata, Col. Isaoshi: 356, 373, 374-75
base development: 267-69, 302, 349-50. See also Magata Unit. See Japanese Army units.
Airfield and airstrip construction, Allied, Mahan: 326-27
plans for Bougainville: 237-38 Mahoney, Lt. Col. William: 368
plans for CARTWHEEL: 29-30 Manus Island: 224, 225, 272, 306, 307, 308-09, 313,
plans for Markham Valley operations: 191 316
plans for western New Britain: 279 description: 317
preparations for New Georgia invasion: 72-73 seizure: 336, 339-48
staging points for supplying beachhead: 93 Maps: 106, 150n, 162, 170
stockpiling of supplies: 72, 78, 359 Marchant, William S.: 71
supply lines, tactical: 154-57, 261, 368, 369 Marches, Japanese: 211-12, 303-04

Marilinan: 196, 208 Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula operations—Con-

Marine air units: 141 tinued
Air wings plans and preparations: 189-99, 214-16
1st: 69, 269, 358 Ramu Valley advance: 216-17
2d: 69, 78 Salamaua attack: 199-202
fighter squadrons Marland, Maj. Sidney P., Jr.: 13
VMF 123: 165 Marshall, General George C.: 7, 18, 224-25, 306,
VMF 124: 165 307, 382
VMF 216: 269 Marshall, Maj. Gen. Richard J.: 22, 29, 191. See
Marine units. See also Marine air units. also U.S. Army Services of Supply, SWPA.
Battalions: 53n Martin, Brig. Gen. Clarence A.: 277, 298, 296-303,
1st Amphibian Tractor: 283, 317 300n, 303n, 304
1st Parachute: 236 Mather, Maj. John V.: 277n
1st Raider: 99-103, 129-31, 168 Matsuda, Maj. Gen. Iwao: 213, 280, 294
1st Tank: 289 Mayfield, Capt. Frank G.: 334
2d Parachute: 236, 241 McCawley: 75, 86, 90
2d Provisional Raider: 236 McClure, Brig. Gen. Robert B.: 178, 181, 182-83
3d Defense: 238, 243, 249-50, 267, 355 McCulloch, Brig. Gen. William A.: 367, 367n, 369,
3d Raider: 260 371
4th Defense: 178, 180, 181 McGill, Sgt. Troy A.: 335
4th Raider: 81, 82-83, 84, 95n, 105, 129-31, McKean: 82, 240, 257, 267n
130n, 168 McMains, Maj. D. M.: 55
9th Defense: 76, 90, 91, 92, 94, 106,110, 117, McNarney, Lt. Gen. Joseph T.: 12n
132, 134, 144, 161 Medical battalions
10th Defense: 151, 161 25th: 178n
112th: 137
12th Defense: 53, 56, 57, 277, 279
116th: 62n, 201n
Corps, I Amphibious: 69, 226, 228, 236, 257, 261,
Medical problems, Allied: 120-22
266, 267n. See also Geiger, Maj. Gen. Roy S.;
malaria: 120, 268
Vandegrift, Maj. Gen. Alexander A.; Vogel,
mental disturbances: 113, 120-22, 140. See also
Maj. Gen. Clayton B.
Jungle fighting, psychological problems.
Divisions Medical problems, Japanese: 159, 212, 294
1st: 5, 20, 69, 223-24, 275-76, 278, 279, 287, Medical treatment: 120, 122, 122n, 140. See also
289-95, 290 Evacuation of wounded.
2d: 169n, 223-24, 226, 227n Medium bombers. See Aircraft, Allied, B-25's; Air-
3d: 226, 227, 236, 237, 238, 255, 257-59, 261, craft, Allied, B-26's; Bombers, medium.
265, 266-67, 267n Melanesians: 23, 25, 234-35, 319. See also Natives.
Regiments Mellichamp, Capt. Paul K.: 152n
1st: 291-94 Merrill, Rear Adm. Aaron Stanton: 85, 111, 235,
1st Raider: 71, 76, 95 242, 248, 251-52, 314
3d: 244, 246, 256-57, 260 Merritt, Capt. Bruce: 335
4th: 380, 38on MICHAELMAS Task Force: 296-302, 304
5th: 293-94 Mikawa, Vice Adm. Gunichi: 172
7th: 290-92, 294 Milford, Maj. Gen. E. J.: 201
9th: 244, 260 Miller, Col. Alexander M.: 277, 282
11th: 291 Milne Bay: 54, 279, 325
12th: 267 Mines, land, Japanese: 338, 342, 247
21st: 255-56, 257, 260, 265 Mitchell, Maj. John W.: 44
Markham Valley: 190. See also Markham Valley- Mitchell, Maj. Gen. Ralph J.: 270-71
Huon Peninsula operations. Mitscher, Rear Adm. Marc A.: 69, 75, 129-30, 143
Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula operations: 49, Moa, HMAS: 43
60, 61, 189-221. See also Operation II, ELK- Momote Plantation airfield: 316, 319, 321, 322, 327,
TON III. 332-33,348, 350
Finschhafen: 217-21 Mono Island: 239-41
Japanese counterattack: 219-21 Monterey: 311
Japanese withdrawal: 212-14 Montgomery, Rear Adm. Alfred L.: 254
Lae operations: 202-07, 209-12 Montpelier: 252
Nadzab parachute jump: 207-09 Moosbrugger, Comdr. Frederick: 172

Morale, Allied: 112-13, 120. See also Jungle fight- Naval construction units. See also Seabees.
ing, psychological problems. Battalions: 76
Morale and soldierly qualities, Japanese: 212, 239, 20th: 81
304, 351, 382 24th: 90, 93, 165
Mortars, Allied 40th: 323, 332
conditions prevent use: 161-62 58th: 178, 181
defensive fire: 136, 368 73d: 165
fire into ravines: 376 87th: 237
jury-rigged for throwing gasoline cans: 371 Brigade, 4th: 323
preparation fire: 103, 130, 134, 150, 342, 344, 369, Regiment, 22d: 315
374 Naval operations, Allied
4.2-inch chemical: 184, 266, 359, 363 Battle of the Bismarck Sea: 39-41
60-mm.: 101, 103, 161, 334, 363, 367, 370 Battle of Cape Saint George: 265
81-mm.: 109, 131, 151, 161, 334, 344, 363 Battle of Empress Augusta Bay: 251-52
Mortars, Japanese: 114, 115-16, 130, 152, 240, 361- Battle of Kolombangara: 105
62 Battle of Kula Gulf: 98-99
Muda, Col. Toyoharei: 356, 364 Battle of Vella Gulf: 171, 174, 185
Muda Unit. See Japanese Army units. Battle of Vella Lavella: 186
Mudge, Brig. Gen. Verne D.: 339, 340, 342, 344, bombardment of airfields: 72
345-46 carrier-based air strikes. See Air operations,
Mulcahy, Brig. Gen. Francis P.: 78, 119, 165-67, 181 Allied, carrier-based air strikes.
Mumma, Lt. Comdr. Morton C.: 289 counterbattery fire: 77, 88, 358n
Munda preparation fire for infantry advance: 110-11, 143,
capture of airfield: 158-59, 163-64 146, 146n
description: 10-11, 70, 71, 72 shore bombardment: 198-200, 312
offensive against: 97-158, 169 support of amphibious landings
plans for taking: 13, 16, 73, 76-77, 92 Admiralties: 321-22, 325-27, 332, 338, 342,
repair and enlargement of airfield: 165-67 343
strategic importance: 11 Bougainville: 235-36, 241-43, 244, 245, 246,
Munda-Bairoko Occupation Force: 92 251-53
Munson, Maj. Delbert: 183 CHRONICLE (Woodlark-Kiriwina): 51
Murray, Col. John T.: 58 DEXTERITY (western New Britain-Saidor):
286, 290, 298, 300
Nadzab New Georgia: 77, 86
Allied bomber staging base: 230, 343 New Guinea: 203, 218
in Allied strategy: 273 support of infantry defense: 358n
description: 191 Naval operations, Japanese: 91, 251
development: 203-09, 216-17 Battle of the Bismarck Sea: 39-41
seizure: 207-11 Battle of Cape Saint George: 265
strategic importance: 194, 211 Battle of Empress Augusta Bay: 251-52
Nagahara, Major. See Hara (or Nagahara), Major. Battle of Kolombangara: 105
Nagatsuki: 99 Battle of Kula Gulf: 98-99
Nakai, Maj. Gen. Masutaro: 214, 217, 303, 304 Battle of Vella Gulf: 172, 174, 185
Nakano, Lt. Gen. Hidemitsu: 63, 65, 211, 303 Battle of Vella Lavella: 186
Nashville: 290, 321 Naval strength, Allied (SWPA): 10
Nassau Bay: 49, 59-66 Naval strength, Japanese: 13, 30, 47, 48
Natives: 23, 25, 41, 71, 81, 95, 234-35, 314, 319. See Naval task organizations
also Fiji Guerrillas, 1st Commando; Fiji In- Eastern Force (TOENAILS): 77, 78, 85
fantry Regiment; Papuan Infantry Battalion. Northern Force (Task Force 31) (Vella Lavella):
as carriers: 104, 131 179-84
in construction work: 302 Task Force 31
as guides: 93, 99-101, 108, 183 Bougainville: 235, 236, 237, 244
as pilots: 86 TOENAILS: 74, 75, 126, 167
reconnaissance by: 112, 169, 174 Vella Lavella: 179-84
Naval bases, Allied: 306, 316, 349-50. See also PT Task Force 32 (South Pacific Amphibious Force)
boat bases. (TOENAILS): 67, 73, 75, 126

Naval task organizations—Continued New Zealand units—Continued

Task Force 33 (South Pacific Aircraft) Division, 3d: 169n, 183, 226, 227, 236, 237, 313-15
Bougainville: 235-36, 253 Fighter Squadron, No. 15 RNZAF: 45
TOENAILS: 67, 73-75 Nicholson: 338
Vella Lavella: 175, 178 Night attacks, Japanese. See Tactics, Japanese,
Task Force 36 (TOENAILS): 74, 75, 85 night attacks.
Task Force 38 (Bougainville): 235, 242, 252-53, Niizuki: 99
254 Nimitz, Admiral Chester W.: 381
Task Force 39 (Bougainville): 235, 242, 251-52, and Central Pacific offensive: 126, 235, 311-12
256 command: 4, 18-19, 67
Task Force 72 and Kavieng: 307-09, 316, 379
Bougainville: 235 and plans for Admiralties operations: 307-09, 316
TOENAILS: 73 reinforcements for Halsey: 235, 254
Vella Lavella: 175 and Seeadler Harbour: 306, 349
Task Force 74 and theater strategy: 11-12, 307-09
Admiralties: 338 and Yamamoto attack: 44
Cape Gloucester: 290 Nissan Island: 313, 314
TOENAILS: 51 Noble, Brig. Gen. Alfred H.: 250, 380
Task Force 76 Nonbattle casualties: 187. See also Medical prob-
Arawe: 284, 287, 288n lems, Allied, mental disturbances.
Cape Gloucester: 290, 290n North Knob, Hill 260: 364-71
Lae: 202-03, 205 North Pacific Area: 2-4
TOENAILS: 51, 54 Northern Landing Group: 94-96, 99-106, 127-31.
Western Force (Task Group 31.1) (TOENAILS): See also Liversedge, Col. Harry B.
77, 78, 91, 92, 167 Nouméa: 72-73
Task Group 31.2 (TOENAILS): 77
Netherlands forces: 20 Okabe, Maj. Gen. Toru: 37, 38, 39
Netherlands Navy: 22 Olds, 2d Lt. James F., Jr.: 148, 148n
New Britain: 273-74, 280. See also Arawe; DEX- Omori, Vice Adm. Sentaro: 247, 248, 251-52
TERITY; Cape Gloucester; Rabaul. Onaiavisi Occupation Unit: 78, 85
New Britain Force. See ALAMO Force. OP Tree, Hill 260: 365-71
New Georgia. See also Operation A, ELKTON III. Operation I, ELKTON III: 26-27
bypassing of Kolombangara: 171-84 Operation II, ELKTON III: 27, 189, 272, 304. See
controversy over timing of operations: 16-18 also POSTERN.
geography: 70-71 Operation III, ELKTON III: 27, 228, 272
drive for Munda: 97-164 Operation A, ELKTON III: 26-27. See also TOE-
first phase of operations. See TOENAILS. NAILS.
in Japanese strategy: 98 Operation B, ELKTON III: 27, 222
summary of operations: 187 Operation C, ELKTON III: 27
New Georgia Air Force: 78, 92 Opposition, Japanese. See also Amphibious opera-
New Georgia Attack Force. See Naval task organi- tions, enemy response to landings; Counter-
zations, Task Force 31, TOENAILS. attacks, Japanese; Counteroffensive on Bougain-
New Georgia Occupation Force: 75-76, 77, 85, 87n, ville, Japanese,
91, 121, 121n, 123, 126, 175. See also Hester, air: 232, 320. See also Amphibious operations,
Maj. Gen. John H.; Hodge, Maj. Gen. John R. enemy response to landings.
New Guinea. See also Markham Valley-Huon Bougainville: 261
Peninsula operations; Nassau Bay; Saidor, Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula operations:
geography: 23 218-19
New Guinea Administrative Unit: 62n, 302, 323 New Georgia: 96, 101, 111-12, 120, 188
New Guinea Force: 22, 29, 38, 296 Orientation of troops, importance of: 121-22
Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula operations: 61, Oro Bay: 230, 279, 325
189-91,192n, 207, 214, 216, 272, 295-96 Ota, Rear Adm. Minoru: 97-98
New Ireland. See Kavieng. Owens, Sgt. Robert A.: 246
New Zealand units: 67, 183n Ozawa, Vice Adm. Tokusaburo: 233-34
Brigade, 8th: 238, 240-41
Brigade groups P-38's. See Aircraft, Allied.
8th: 236, 237 P-39's. See Aircraft, Allied.
14th: 183 P-40's. See Aircraft, Allied.

P-47's. See Aircraft, Allied. PT boats—Continued

Pacific Fleet: 18-19, 255 patrol: 259, 276, 284, 290
Pacific Military Conference: 11-15, 195 transport troops: 64, 174, 288, 340-41
Pacific Ocean Areas: 2-4 Puruata Island: 256, 261, 267
Papuan Infantry Battalion: 62n, 63, 65, 201n, 208 PV-1's (Vega Ventura night fighters). See Air-
Paratroops. See Airborne operations; Infantry regi- craft, Allied.
ments, 503d Parachute.
Parker, Lt. Col. Theodore L.: 123, 152, 153 Rabaul: 305
Patrick, Brig. Gen. Edwin D.: 297, 299 air attacks on: 230-32, 252-53, 254, 269, 309-12
Patrol activity, Allied. See also Reconnaissance, decision to bypass and neutralize: 222-25
Allied. forces available for advance on: 9-10, 11
Admiralties: 340-41 forces needed for advance on: 14, 17
Bougainville: 269 Japanese estimate of Allied intentions: 280
New Georgia: 92-93, 101-02, 104, 108, 135, 153, operations against. See Bismarck Archipelago;
New Guinea: 302-03 plans for advance on: 5, 10. See also Directive
Patrol activity, Japanese: 115, 331 of 2 July 1942, JCS; ELKTON; ELKTON III.
Patrol Wing 10: 282 plans for neutralization: 227-28, 272, 273, 317
Pat's Nose: 361, 362, 364 strategic importance: 1, 2, 32, 255, 312
PB4Y4's (Navy Liberators). See Aircraft, Allied. strength of Japanese defenses: 312, 351
PBY's (Black Cats): See Aircraft, Allied. Radar: 91, 94, 95, 181, 193, 205, 240, 241, 248, 261,
Pearl Harbor conference, January 1944: 307, 308-09 292.
Peck, Brig. Gen. Dewitt: 12n, 14, 73 Radcliffe, Lt. Col. Herbert: 150, 154, 363
Perimeter defenses: 94, 108, 131, 134, 180, 250, 260, Radios: 65, 143, 151. See also Amphibious opera-
265-66, 288, 329, 333-34, 352-56. See also Field tions, communications problems; Communica-
fortifications, Allied. tions problems.
Petrarca, Pfc. Frank J.: 153n Rail: 85
Philippines, in Allied strategy: 272, 273, 305, 307, Ralph Talbot: 85, 95
308, 380, 381 Ramey, Col. Roger M.: 53
Phoenix: 290, 321, 325, 326, 329 Ramsey, Maj. Ignatius M.: 149
Physical fitness of troops, importance: 121-22 Ramu Valley: 190, 214-17, 295-96
Pillboxes, Allied: 355, 359 Rapopo: 230, 230n
Pillboxes, Japanese. See Field fortifications, Japa- Rations: 268-69, 269n. See also Logistics, Allied,
nese. supply problems, isolated units under fire.
"Pistol Pete": 167, 172 Reconnaissance, Allied. See also Airfields, Allied
Piva airstrips: 271, 309, 356, 358, 373 reconnaissance for sites; Amphibious operations,
Plans, Allied. See Amphibious operations, plan- preinvasion parties; Patrol activity, Allied.
ning; Strategy, Allied; Tactical plans, Allied; Admiralties, in force: 319-32
air: 39, 49, 235, 251, 282, 320, 322
Theater strategy, Allied.
air photo reconnaissance: 128, 163, 198, 276-77,
Plans, Japanese. See Strategy, Japanese; Tactical
282, 297, 320
plans, Japanese.
Bougainville: 375
Pollock, Col. Edwin A.: 278 in force, for Admiralties: 319-32
POSTERN: 189. See also Markham Valley-Huon Green Islands: 313, 314
Peninsula operations; Operation II, ELKTON Nassau Bay: 63
III. New Georgia: 71-72, 94, 95n, 99, 101, 103, 112,
Potter, Brigadier Leslie: 183 115, 127-28, 132, 138, 148, 152-53, 158-59, 161,
Powell, Lt. Col. Floyd G.: 55 163
President Jackson: 256 New Georgia (Vella Lavella): 173-75, 181
Princeton: 235 submarine: 75, 235
Prisoners of war as laborers for Japanese: 339 western New Britain: 276-77
Provisional Service Command (Bougainville): 268 Woodlark-Kiriwina: 49, 55
PT boat bases: 272, 274, 274n, 289, 302, 306, 313, Reconnaissance, Japanese: 108, 239
315 Regimental combat teams
PT boats: 90, 176, 211 12th Cavalry: 338
in Bougainville invasion: 236, 239 25th: 378n
against enemy lines of communications: 186, 195, 35th: 176, 178n, 180
198, 210, 218, 221 126th: 277, 296, 299n

Regimental combat teams—Continued Ross, Col. David M. N.: 88, 92, 106, 109,110, 112n,
128th: 302 116-18, 147, 158
129th: 144, 257 Row, Brigadier R. A.: 240
132d: 267 Royal Australian Air Force
145th: 257 Group, No. 9 Operational: 53
148th: 256 Squadrons
158th: 55 No. 77 Fighter: 342
161st: 125-26, 137-38 No. 79: 59
162d: 61 Wing, No. 73: 317
164th: 267 Royal Australian Air Force Command, Allied Air
172d: 91 Forces: 22, 51-53
182d: 267 Rubber boats: 174-75, 284, 285
Reid: 193, 205, 219 Ruhlen, Capt. James: 136
Reifsnider, Commodore Laurence F.: 244, 249, 380 Rupertus, Maj. Gen. William H.: 277-79, 283, 293
Reincke: Lt. Col. Frederick D.: 119, 122 Ryuho: 91
Reincke Ridge: 118-20, 134
Reinforcements, Allied Saidor: 215-16, 273, 295-305
Admiralties: 329, 335-36
Saint Matthias Islands. See Emirau.
air, for SWPA: 195
Bougainville: 250, 255-59
Saito, Colonel: 356
New Georgia: 105, 124-26, 137-38, 167-69 Sakai, Lt. Gen. Yasushi: 294
Reinforcements, Japanese Salamaua: 2. See also Markham Valley-Huon
Admiralties: 319 Peninsula operations; Operation II, ELKTON
air, for New Guinea: 195 III.
Bougainville: 265 in Allied strategy: 190, 214
New Georgia: 99, 104-05 in Japanese strategy: 34-35, 46, 211
Rendova: 71, 73, 76-77, 78, 85-92, 98 picked as Allied objective: 19
Rendova Advance Unit: 78 plans for taking: 27
RENO: 10. See also MacArthur, General Douglas, seizure: 200-202
and theater strategy; RENO III. Salami Plantation: 336, 337, 338, 339
RENO III: 273, 273n, 306. See also MacArthur, Sands: 284
General Douglas, and theater strategy; RENO. Saratoga: 235
Rhoades, Lt. F. A.: 86, 86n Sasaki, Maj. Gen. Noboru: 97-99, 106, 108, 118, 135,
Rice Anchorage: 92, 92n, 94-96, 99 137, 146, 159, 171-72, 182, 184-86, 188
Ridings, Col. Eugene W.: 143, 158-59 Satelberg: 219-21
Rifles, M1: 161, 246 Savige, Maj. Gen. Stanley G.: 61, 62, 201
Riley, Col. William E.: 227, 228 SBD's. See Aircraft, Allied.
Ritchie, Col. William L.: 225 SC 742: 285, 285n
River crossings: 101, 207 Schley: 81, 82
RO Operation: 233-34, 248, 253-55 Schultz, Lt. Col. Delbert E.: 101, 103-04, 105, 129,
Road building, Allied 130-31
Bougainville: 261, 267-68 Scott, 1st Lt. Robert S.: 149n
Kiriwina: 58 Scouting. See Reconnaissance, Allied.
New Georgia: 106, 114, 116, 139, 170 SCR's
New Guinea: 23, 60, 216-17, 274-75 193: 143
Road building, Japanese 270: 91
Bougainville: 352 511: 65
New Guinea (Madang-Lae): 41-42, 45, 63 536: 65
Roadblocks and trail blocks, Allied: 103-05, 260 602: 91
Roadblocks and trail blocks, Japanese: 108, 114 Seabees: 183, 241, 256, 269, 332-33, 335, 349, 350.
Roads. See also Road building, Allied; Road See also Naval construction units.
building, Japanese. Sears, Lt. Col. Demas L.: 10
Bougainville: 234 Seeadler Harbour
CARTWHEEL area: 23 in Admiralties operations: 321, 330, 332. See
New Georgia: 90 also Seeadler Harbour, seizure.
New Guinea: 23, 221 base development: 306, 349-50
Roberts, Col. Thomas D.: 169 description: 317
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: 1, 6-7, 225 plans for taking: 316

Seeadler Harbour—Continued Spruance, Vice Adm. Raymond A.: 12n, 312

seizure: 336-39 St. Louis: 105, 315
strategic importance: 308, 312 Stadler, Col. John H., Jr.: 338
Segi Point: 71, 73, 76, 78, 81-82, 84-85, 91, 140 Stebbins, Lt. Col. William A.: 108, 119
Sendai: 251 Stockton: 329, 331
Service Squadron, South Pacific Force: 69 Strategy, Allied: 1-8. See also Pacific Military
Services of Supply. See Combined Operational Conference; Theater strategy, Allied.
Service Command; U.S. Army Services of Sup- Strategy, Japanese: 2, 32-36, 45-46, 48, 185, 212-14,
ply, South Pacific Area; U.S. Army Services of 382
Supply, SWPA. Stratemeyer, Maj. Gen. George E.: 12n
Seventh Fleet, U.S.: 22, 64, 73, 282, 299, 306, 349, Stringham: 300
350 Strong: 95, 99
Shaw: 285, 285n Submarines, Allied: 73-74, 75, 175, 186, 229, 235
Sheldon, Col. Charles A.: 336 Sugg, Col. Douglas: 169n
Shepherd, Brig. Gen. Lemuel C.: 294 Supply. See Logistics, Allied; Logistics, Japanese.
Sherman, Rear Adm. Forrest P.: 12n, 306, 311 Supply lines, Japanese: 184. See also Barge lanes,
Sherman, Rear Adm. Frederick C.: 235, 242, 252-53, Japanese; Lines of communications, Japanese.
254, 260 Sutherland, Maj. Gen. Richard K.: 20, 20n, 381
Sherrer, Capt. E. C. D.: 92, 106-08 at Pacific Military Conference: 12-14, 12n, 16,
Shimizu Hill: 146-49 16n
Shintani, Major: 212 at Pearl Harbor conference, January 1944: 308
Shipping shortages, Allied: 59-60 and planning of operations: 192, 215, 274
Shipping shortages and losses, Japanese: 30, 39-41 Swift, Maj. Gen. Innis P.: 323, 336-37, 381
Shoge, Maj. Gen. Ryoichi: 63, 194, 211
Shore, Maj. Moyers S.: 344-45 TA Operation: 351n. See also Counteroffensive on
Shortland Islands: 226-27, 232, 234, 235, 238 Bougainville, Japanese.
Shropshire, HMAS: 290 Tactical plans, Allied
Silvester, the Rev. A. W. E.: 174, 183 Admiralties: 339-40
Sio: 220-21, 303 Bougainville: 228-29, 235-38
Sixth Army: 20, 22, 29, 276n. See also Krueger, Lt. Cape Gloucester: 272-79
Gen. Walter. Green Islands: 312-14
Skirmish line: 158 Markham Valley-Huon Peninsula: 189-94
Smith, Col. Frederick H.: 53 New Georgia: 73-78, 81, 92, 99, 106,110, 118, 129,
"Snipers," Japanese: 112, 112n, 133.
143-44, 150
Solomon Islands. See also Bougainville; Buka; Woodlark-Kiriwina: 49-54
Choiseul; Green Islands; Guadalcanal; New Tactical plans, Japanese
Georgia; Rendova; Russell Islands, Bougainville counteroffensive: 356-58, 375
geography: 24 Lae-Salamaua: 194-95
South Knob, Hill 260: 364-71 New Britain: 280
South Pacific Aircraft. See Naval task organiza- New Georgia: 97-98
tions, Task Force 33. Tactics, Allied
South Pacific Amphibious Force. See Naval task ambushes: 61, 101, 102, 365
organizations, Task Force 32. attacks on fortified positions: 118-19, 129-31, 148,
South Pacific Area: 2-4, 5, 222-24, 228 153, 161-62, 246, 285, 293, 342, 344-45, 362, 363,
command structure: 67 364, 368-69, 376-77
South Pacific Scouts: 92, 94, 106, 135, 144n bypass: 144, 172-73. See also Bypasses.
Southeast Area (Japanese): 32-34, 32n, 35, 213, 381 co-ordinated attacks: 345, 346
Southeast Area Fleet. See Southeastern Fleet. diversions: 61, 62, 129, 190, 200-202, 241
Southeastern Detachment: 36, 46, 97, 238n double envelopments: 85, 150, 366-67
Southeastern Fleet: 34, 36, 185 envelopments: 102, 117-18, 129, 144, 161, 363-64
Southern Landing Group (Munda-Bairoko): 92, flank attacks: 102. See also Tactics, Allied, co-
106-20 ordinated attacks.
Southwest Pacific Area: 2, 5, 9-10, 222-24, 228 frontal assaults: 109, 118-19, 144, 158, 344
command structure: 20-22 Tactics, Japanese. See also Marches, Japanese.
GHQ and Markham Valley operations: 192,192n, ambushes: 136, 154
215 antitank: 133
GHQ and New Georgia operations: 16-18 diversions: 259
GHQ plans DEXTERITY operations: 272-75 frontal assaults: 334

Tactics, Japanese—Continued Tractors: 344

infiltration: 330, 331, 334, 335, 364 Trail blocks. See Roadblocks and trail blocks,
lack of co-ordination in attacks: 335 Allied; Roadblocks and trail blocks, Japanese.
night attacks: 66, 136, 330, 334 Trails
night harassment: 108, 109, 112, 112n, 122, 131, Bougainville: 234, 260
331, 335 Manus Island: 317
piecemeal commitment of forces: 220 New Georgia: 95, 99-101, 102, 103-04, 106, 114,
Talasea: 27, 272 132
Tank Battalion, 754th: 355, 361, 374, 376 New Georgia (Vella Lavella): 183
Tank Destroyer Battalion, 632d: 275-76 New Georgia (Viru Harbor): 84-85
Tank-infantry co-ordination: 133, 151, 289 New Georgia (Wickham Anchorage): 82-83
Tanks, Allied: 143, 147, 184, 260, 288-89, 342, 344,Transports, Allied: 76, 78, 86, 236, 237, 243, 248
375 Treasury Islands: 227, 228, 236, 239-41
against field fortifications: 132-34, 148, 162, 163, Trever: 82
374 Tripp, Capt. Charles W. H.: 94
General Sherman: 292 Trobriand Islands. See Kiriwina Island.
hampered by terrain: 132-34, 151, 361, 370 Troop disposition, Japanese
in jungle fighting, evaluation: 160-61 Admiralties: 319
M3 light: 132 Bougainville: 238-39
Task One, Rabaul operations: 5 CARTWHEEL area: 47
Task Three, Rabaul operations: 5, 9, 12, 13, 18 New Georgia: 97-98
Task Two, Rabaul operations: 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18 Troop strength, Allied
Taylor, Lt. Col. Harold R.: 62 Admiralties: 317
Taylor, Lt. Col. J. B. K.: 269 Bougainville: 265, 352
Taylor Creek (Bougainville): 372, 373 Green Islands: 315n
TBF's. See Aircraft, Allied. Markham Valley: 192
Teramoto, Lt. Gen. Kumaichi: 195, 199 New Georgia: 129, 167-68
Terauchi, Field Marshal Count Hisaichi: 35 South and Southwest Pacific Areas: 9-10
Terrain. See also Geography, CARTWHEEL area. Troop strength, Japanese. See also estimates under
Admiralties: 317-18, 344 Intelligence, Allied.
Bougainville: 234, 246, 248-49, 255 Admiralties: 319
New Britain: 278, 290-91, 292 Bougainville: 238, 351, 351n
New Georgia: 70-71, 84, 101, 102, 105, 106, 109, CARTWHEEL area: 46, 46n, 47
111, 150n, 151, 170 Green Islands: 314
New Guinea: 23, 201, 206-07, 303 Lae-Salamaua: 194
Terry, S/Sgt. Edwin C.: 335 Nassau Bay: 63
Theater strategy, Allied: 9-10, 214-16, 225-29, 273, New Britain: 312
306-09, 379-80, 382. See also ELKTON; ELKTON New Georgia: 97-98, 129, 129n, 173
III; Halsey, Admiral William F., Jr., and thea- Troop transport, Japanese: 39-41. See also Barges,
ter strategy; MacArthur, General Douglas, and Japanese.
theater strategy; Pacific Military Conference; Truk: 307, 308, 309, 312
RENO. Tsili Tsili. See Marilinan.
decision to bypass Rabaul: 222-25 Turnage, Maj. Gen. Allen H.: 237, 244, 245, 250,
two-pronged advance on Japan: 222-24, 255 260, 261, 267, 381
two-pronged advance on Rabaul: 16-18, 25-26 Turner, Rear Adm. Richmond K.: 96, 299, 381
Third Fleet: 67, 350 and Kolombangara bypass: 173
Thirteenth Air Force: 44, 67, 69, 142, 269. See also and operations against Munda: 92, 94, 95n, 105
Twining, Maj. Gen. Nathan F. and planning for TOENAILS: 67, 73, 75, 77, 78
Thomas, Col. Gerald C.: 250 and relief of Hester: 123-24
Thompson, Col. Earl F.: 331, 332 and Rendova landings: 85-87, 88, 89-90
TOENAILS: 67-96, 172 and Segi Point: 81, 84
Tomonari, Col. Satoshi: 97, 146, 184 and supply planning for New Georgia: 72
Tonolei Harbor: 226, 234, 238 transfer to Central Pacific: 126
Torokino. See Cape Torokino. Twining, Maj. Gen. Nathan F.: 12n, 49, 167, 232,
Torpedo boats, Allied. See PT boats. 232n, 247, 251, 270, 27on, 381. See also Thir-
Torpedo boats, Japanese: 182, 185 teenth Air Force.
Torpedo bombers. See Aircraft, Allied, TBF's. Tymniak, Lt. Walter: 153

Unity of command: 54, 187-88, 308 Weather—Continued

U.S. Army Forces, Far East: 22 hampers Japanese: 328
U.S. Army Forces in the South Pacific Area: 69. hampers road building: 216-17
See also Harmon, Lt. Gen. Millard F. and Markham Valley operations: 192, 192n, 205,
U.S. Army Services of Supply, South Pacific Area: 207
69 New Britain monsoon: 292
U.S. Army Services of Supply, Southwest Pacific and New Georgia operations: 96
Area: 22, 29, 59, 191, 272, 279, 296, 302 for Saidor landing: 299, 300
Upton, Maj. Geoffrey T.: 269 Wedemeyer, Brig. Gen. Albert C.: 12n
Werner, Maj. Harry E.: 286
Vandegrift, Maj. Gen. Alexander A.: 75, 236, 241, Western Landing Force: 77-78, 85
244, 245, 249, 250, 257, 381 Westralia, HMAS: 284, 286, 287
Van Noy, Pvt. Nathan, Jr.: 220 Wewak: 27, 225, 303, 304, 306, 322, 379
Vasey, Maj. Gen. George A.: 207, 210, 211, 216 Allied air attacks: 198, 230
Vella Gulf, Battle of: 171-72, 174, 184 in Japanese strategy: 34-35, 213
Vella Lavella: 172-84, 187 Whitcomb, Col. Cecil B.: 358, 361
Vella Lavella, Battle of: 186 Whitehead, Brig. Gen. Ennis C.: 22, 53n, 191, 193,
Vila: 11, 73, 77, 98-99, 123, 173, 175. See also 196, 215, 274n, 282, 297, 320-21
Kolombangara. Wickham, Sgt. Harry: 71
Viru Harbor: 70, 73, 76, 83-85, 91 Wickham Anchorage: 70, 73, 76, 82-83, 91
Vitiaz Strait: 189, 221 Wiedeman, Sub-Lt. William G.: 277n
in Allied strategy: 214, 273 Wilkinson, Rear Adm. Theodore S.: 381
in Japanese strategy: 63, 213 and Bougainville invasion: 228, 235, 236-37, 243-
Vogel, Maj. Gen. Clayton B.: 69, 71, 73, 236 44, 248, 249, 257
Vogelkop Peninsula: 223, 225, 272, 379 and Emirau: 380
and Green Islands: 313, 314
"War neurosis." See Medical problems, mental dis- as Halsey's deputy: 12, 73
and Munda offensive: 143, 146n
replaces Turner as amphibious commander: 126
Warships, Allied.
and Vella Lavella: 174, 175-78, 180, 186
battleships: 75, 175, 309
Willoughby, Brig. Gen. Charles A.: 193, 321
carriers, aircraft: 75, 175, 235, 242, 252-53, 254,
307, 308-09 Willson, Vice Adm. Russell: 12n
Wing, Capt. Gardner B.: 152
in theater strategy: 379, 381
Wing, Brig. Gen. Leonard F.: 92, 94, 109, 110, 111,
cruisers: 75, 85, 92, 95, 175, 186, 242, 284, 290, 314,
122, 148, 158, 164
Withdrawals, Allied: 65-66, 131, 147, 155-58, 352,
369, 369n
Admiralties: 321, 324, 327-28, 329, 332, 338
Withdrawals, Japanese: 38, 88, 159, 170, 184-86,
Bougainville: 235, 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 243,
244, 245, 246, 248, 256, 265 211-12, 294, 303-04, 377
DEXTERITY: 284, 284n, 286, 290, 298, 300 Woodlark Force. See Woodlark Task Force.
Emirau: 380
Woodlark Island. See also CHRONICLE; Operation
Markham Valley: 193, 200, 203, 218 I, ELKTON III.
New Georgia: 75, 77, 85, 92, 95, 98-99, 110, geography: 50
146, 172, 175-76, 186 picked as Allied objective: 14-16, 19
plans for taking: 26-27
Warships, Japanese
seizure: 56-57. See also CHRONICLE.
cruisers: 248, 251, 252
strategic importance: 15, 49
destroyers: 95, 98, 172, 182, 185, 248, 251, 252, 259,
Woodlark Task Force: 53. See also Cunningham,
Brig. Gen. Julian W.
Waters: 81, 86
Wootten, Maj. Gen. G. F.: 202, 206, 210, 217-21
Watson, Lt. Col. Elmer S.: 136
Wurtsmith, Brig. Gen. Paul B.: 53, 196
Wau: 36-39, 61
affects air operations: 86, 91, 230, 300, 328 Yamada, Maj. Gen. Eizo: 213, 219, 220
affects landing operations: 64, 83, 86 Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku: 42, 44
and airborne operations: 278 Young, Pvt. Rodger: 157
favorable: 146, 253
hampers handling of supplies: 90 Zane: 85
hampers infantry operations: 101, 157 Zimmer, Maj. Joseph E.: 134-35, 149
U.S. G O V E R N M E N T P R I N T I N G OFFICE : 1959 O—470507

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