Policies For Feedback On Curriculum and Assessment From Students
Policies For Feedback On Curriculum and Assessment From Students
Policies For Feedback On Curriculum and Assessment From Students
The undergraduate medical curriculum needs revision periodically, for which students
feedback regarding module is mandatory and the changes suggested by students should
be considered.
The role of the Medical Education Department is to ensure that high standards and good
practice within the teaching, learning and assessment processes for undergraduate
medical programme are recognized and problems are rapidly identified and addressed.
Medical Education Department is responsible for the overview of academic standards and
enhancement processes within the Medical institution and for the development of policy
and recommended by KMU), which students will asked to complete at the end of
2. Feedback from students will be communicated to Dean, associate dean and all
subject will be duly discussed with respective head and module committee member
of respective department.
4. The minutes along with the suggested actions will be forwarded to Dean KGMC.
5. Failure to comply with the agreed upon actions with respective head of department
relevant department.
Term of Reference
Khyber Girls Medical College,