Surgery Syllabus

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Postgraduate medical education aims to produce specialists in various branches of medical
science who will work in referral hospitals of the country to treat patients with complex medical
problems. They will also teach in medical colleges and will shape the training of the are generation
of doctors. Furthermore, they will train the next generation of specialists will lead medical research
in the country. Their role, therefore, is important and faceted. Bangladesh College of Physicians
and Surgeons was established in 1972 mostl\sy to fulfill these needs.

Specialist training has been undergoing radical changes in the last three decades in the
developed countries and these have been incorporated in the training system of most developing
countries. These changes have been driven by several factors. Research in medical education
has led to scientific methods of teaching and assessment. Technological innovations have
necessitated that doctors learn newer technological skills in the diagnosis and treatment of
diseases. Disease patterns are changing radically with time. Demographic changes in population
have changed the organization of health care. Improved level of education of the population and
better knowledge about diseases demands better communication skills from health care givers.
The level of trust between profession and the population has got eroded and this has changed
the pattern of interaction between the heath care workers and the population All of these have
changed the role of a specialist all over the world.

The changed pattern of specialist or postgraduate medical education and training has been
reflected in the development of competency- based system of postgraduate training and
education in developed countries. Competency has been defined as an observable ability of a
health professional, integrating multiple components such as knowledge, skills, values and
attitudes. Competency develops through stages. Tools have been developed to measure the
acquisition of competence. Competency-based system consists of the following components: 1.
identifying the outcomes, 2. defining performance level for each competency, 3. developing a
framework for assessing competencies, 4. continuous evaluation of the education and training
programme to ensure that it is producing the desired outcome. Bodies controlling postgraduate
medical education in developed countries have decided upon the competencies that a specialist
needs to acquire. These competencies include medical knowledge, clinical skills, professionalism,
communication skills, system-based practice, and practice-based learning among others.
Changes in the structure of postgraduate medical education and training of the BCPS was
initiated in 2012 by holding a workshop to discuss the way forward with participation of experts
from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Pakistan, experts from the USA together with leading members of the Faculties of
BCPS. This resulted in the decision that individual Faculties need to develop a curriculum.
Training should be centered on implementation of the curriculum through a structured, monitored
and assessed system. Curricular aims were identified and a general outline of the training
structure was agreed upon. These decisions were approved by the Executive Committee and the
Council of the College.

Workshops involving leading Faculty members on the development of the curriculum were held
in the following months. A guideline for preparing the curriculum was drawn up. Each Faculty was
instructed to initiate the process of curriculum development. A committee defined the
competencies to be included in the curricular goals. Individual Facultie meetings to prepare their
own curriculum following the guidelines. These were then submitted to a committee for evaluation

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whose task was to bring uniformity between the curriculum of different specialties. Further
meetings and deliberations were then held to correct deficiencies and to minimize discrepancies.
Provision for curriculum review has also been included in the programme based on inputs of
trainers and trainees regarding problems in the implementation of the curriculum, keeping the
changing environment of specialty training in the international arena in perspective.

1.1 Overview of specialty

Surgery as a specialty has developed distinctly from the very beginning of medical knowledge.
Now it covers a vast and continuously expanding area of medical science and service. Most
significant driving force is patient care. Complexity of surgical care is rising and surgeons are
trying relentlessly to cope up with revolutionary achievements applying innovative techniques,
experience and evolving scientific applications. Applications of exploding scientific and medical
knowledge as well as the technological advancements in the field have given surgery a real
dynamism. A number of sub-specialties are well established. A competent fellow should remain
conversant about these changes and challenges.

Curriculum for FCPS in Surgery (FCPS Surgery) of Bangladesh College of Physicians and
Surgeons has been designed to prepare surgeons of future safe with global standard. This
provides candidates a comprehensive account of the breadth and depth of Competencies,
Professional attributes that have been a surgical consultant to deliver admirable service to
surgical patients ensuring the safety of his patient and surgical team.

The curriculum consists of structured educational program intended to guide a candidate as basic
and applied knowledge, skills as well as pursue the role of the leaders of profession. This includes
basic and higher surgical training in various aspects of surgical apprenticeship and to deal in
practical set up. The curriculum also sets out the areas in which the candidates for FCPS Surgery
will be examined.

The document is elaborated but not exhaustive. Some of the topics remain explicit while others
remain implicit. It should be noted that, medical research and scientific development in different
arena are constantly changing medical environment in terms of theories and clinical practice. The
contents and training pathways are subject to change to keep pace with inclusions of new
knowledge and technology directed by ever expanding growth of medical science. Fellows of the
future are expected to keep abreast of all such developments.

1.2 Purpose of the curriculum

Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons has been the pioneer in developing
postgraduate medical education in this country. The College' aims at preparing aspirant doctors
in different specialties to attain competencies required to enable them to work independently as
consultants of global standard. The curriculum offers guidelines for selecting versatile candidates
to become future specialist, training particular and learning outcomes and set criteria expected
from them at the exit. In general, this curriculum is the guideline for the trainees and training
facilities including the assessment system to fulfill the conditions to facilitate creation of specialist
in different disciplines.

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Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons intends to guide and prepare aspirant graduates
of medical science to pursue fellowship in different specialties and sub-specialties. College
thereby assures that every fellow accomplishes competencies required to be able to work
independently as a consultant of global standard. With fascinating technological development and
incremental expectation of people at large, the responsibilities of a fellow as a consultant and
professional leader are widening. Developing competencies in different newer facets of health
care services is therefore indispensable. The following list is a comprehensive though not
complete list of different areas of professional development and patient care and health care at
large where all fellows are expected to recognize and develop competencies to work as a
professional expert.
Domains of Expected Competencies for a Fellow:
1. Clinical expertise
2. Development and Demonstration of Personal Qualities and Proficiencies
3. Manage services
5. Academic commitment for teaching and training
6. Collaboration
7. Scholarship and research
8. Professionalism
9. Promotion of health
10. System based practice

4.2 Emergency Surgery 4.2.1 Emergency Surgery

• To assess, resuscitate and manage a patient and initiate treatment in a patient with
acute abdomen.
• Resuscitate, assess and decide on the need for operative intervention in a case of upper
G I Hemorrhage. Appreciate situations that might necessiate referral of the patient to a
higher centre.
• Assess and initiate emergency management of blunt and penetrating injury of the Chest
and abdomen.
• Appreciate and manage cases of genito-urinary emergencies including rupture of

4.2.2 Trauma Surgery

• To assess, resuscitate and manage a patient and initiate treatment in a patient with
multiple trauma.
• Initiate primary treatment for head injury patients and suspected spinal injury patients
• Arrange effective emergency room management of patients in mass casualty situation
• Appropriately select and transfer patients for definitive treatment after triage.

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• Arrange and co-ordinate multi-disciplinary trauma management team. A
• ppreciate and arrange long term follow-up and rehabilitation programs.

4.2.3 Burn injuries

• To assess, resuscitate and manage a patient and initiate treatment in a patients of
different types of burn injuries
• Assess and initiate emergency management of respiratory burn and facial burns •
Arrange long term rehabilitation program

4.3 Elective surgery

Disorders of upper GI Tract

4.3.1 Surgical conditions of the Face, oral cavity, tongue and salivary glands
• Recognize congenital anomalies of face and assess aesthetic and functional effect
• Assess and manage patients presenting with inflammatory and neoplastic conditions of
oral cavity,
tongue and
salivary glands

4.3.2 Disorders of the oesophagus:

• Assess and manage patients presenting with GORD
• Assess and investigate patients with Difficulty in swallowing
• Diagnose patients of
Hiatus hernia,
Achalasia cardia
Benign stricture
• Diagnose patients with oesophageal hernia and initiate management
• Diagnose and manage achalacia and other motility disorders,
• Diagnose rupture of the oesophagus,
• Diagnose oesophageal carcinoma, and investigate for confirmation and staging
• Diagnose and treat oesophageal varies.

4.3.3 Disorders of the stomach and duodenum

• Assess and manage patients with Gastritis
gastric and duodenal ulceration and their complications
Gastric and duodenal polyps,

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Upper GI haemorrhage,
Gastric cancer, GIST, gastric lymphoma
• Assess and manage patients presenting with acute gastric dilatation, acute gastric
• Basic management of the patient who is morbidly obese and an understanding of the
surgical treatment of morbid obesity including early and late complications.

43.4 Disorders of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas

• Diagnosis and management of acute gallstone disease including acute biliary colic,
cholangitis, acute cholecystitis, empyema.
• Diagnosis and management of Chronic Cholecystitis and complications.
• Diagnosis and management of obstructive jaundice. • Diagnose and manage of acute
and chronic pancreatitis.
• Diagnose and manage pancreatic and peri-ampullary neoplasm.
• Diagnose primary liver cancer, hilartumour, gallbladder neoplasm and seconderies in the
• Recognize Congenital diseases.
Biliary atrsia
Choledochal cysts

• Diagnose and manage Liver abscess and liver cysts.

• Diagnose and initiate management of liver trauma including laparotomy, liver resection
and perihepatic packing.

4.3.5 Surgical problems of Small Bowel

• Appreciate the load and epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease. Recognition of
clinical manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease and its severity.
• Diagnose of inflammatory bowel disease and treat these conditions. • Appreciate the
problem of pregnancy in IBD and manage inflammatory bowel disease during
• Understand indications for stomas and different types of stoma.

4.3.6 Disorders of lower GI Tract Benign anorectal conditions Benign colorectal

disorders Colorectal neoplasia
• Recognize Ano-rectal defects.
• Diagnose, investigate and offer appropriate medical and surgical treatment for benign
ano-rectal conditions.
• Diagnose and treat Pilonidal Sinus.
• Diagnose and treat solitary rectal ulcer.

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• Recognize STD and treat surgical problems.
• Appreciate anal injury and diagnose FB in rectum.
• Diagnose and manage.
• Diverticular disease.
• Volvulus of sigmoid colon.
• Assess and manage patients causes of Per-rectal bleeding
• Recognize problem of endometriosis in women
• Diagnose and Manage patients with colorectal cancer.
• Detection and treatment of Recurrent and Metachronous colon cancer.
• Appreciate screening and other steps for prevention of colonic cancer.
• Diagnose and manage anal canal neoplasia.
Functional bowel disorders
• Understand the pathophysiology of functional disorders.
• Investigate appropriately and diagnose patients.
• Plans management (Medical and Surgical) of functional disorders of anal canal.
4.3.7 Disorders of breast
• Understand principal features of breast anatomy and physiology.
• Assess and manage benign breast lumps, breast pain, nodularity and conditions
affecting the nipple.
• Diagnose, assess and manage breast cancer.
• Assess and manage congenital, developmental and aesthetic problems of the breast.
• Perform oncolpastic and plastic surgical breast procedures and profile postoperative
care and follow

4.3.8 Disorders of the endocrine glands

• Investigation, Diagnosis and assessment of thyroid swellings
• Operative management of thyroid swellings
• Postoperative care

Parathyroid diseases
• Diagnosis and assessment of disorders of parathyroid function.
• Understanding of the principles of surgery for disorders of parathyroid function including
re-exploration of the neck
• Post-operative management after parathyroid surgery

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Adrenal Mass and Adrenal Diseases
Diagnosis and assessment of
• Adrenal mass.
• Adrenogenital syndrome
• Addision's disease
• Conn's syndrome
• Cushing's disease
Pheochromocytoma Principles of operative management of adrenal mass. Basic
postoperative management of patients who have had adrenalectomy.

Pancreatic endocrine
• Diagnosis, assessment and management of pancreatic endocrine tumours.
• Management of both immediate and long-term care after surgery for pancreatic
endocrine tumour.

MEN Syndromes
• Management of patients and families with proven or suspected MEN including MENI,
MEN2 and familial medullary thyroid cancer: Aknowledge of the genetics and various
presentations of patients with MEN.
• Ability to diagnose and assess patients with MEN syndromes.
• Operative management of MEN disorders.
• Postoperative care
• Follow Up
4.3.9 Vascular disorders (in General Surgical Practice)
• Assess and manage patients with varicose veins and DVT
• Recognize acute limb ischemia and institute emergency management
• Recognize chronically ischemic lower limb thoracic outlet syndrome arteriovenous
malformations and refer to specialist vascular surgeons. cerebrovascular disease acute
and chronic mesenteric ischemia
• vascular injuries
• Hyperhydrosis and lymphoedama
4.3.10 Paediatic Surgery (In General Surgical Practice)
• Diagnosis of common congenital anomalies
• Diagnose abdominal wall conditions, exomphalos, gastrischiasis Diagnose intestinal
obstruction in a neonate
• Diagnose and manage a child with a common inguinoscrotal conditions
• Diagnose and manage a child with undescended testis including orchidopexy
• Diagnose and manage a child with an acute scrotal condition
• Diagnose and manage a child with penile inflammatory conditions
• Diagnose hypospedius, epispedious and ectopiavasciecae
• Assess and manage a child with acute abdomen.
• Assess and manage a child with abdominal wall hernia

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• Assess a child with haematuria
• Assess and manage a child with a head and neck swelling
• Assess and manage a child with trauma. Including birth trauma
• Diagnose and manage a child with superficial abscess or with paronychea
• Refer a child to appropriate specialist

4.3.11 Urology
• To diagnose and treat common Urological disease
• To diagnose and initiate treatment for complex urological problems and refer to
appropriate specialist
• To monitor and follow urological patients in conjunction with urologists

4.3.12 Thoracic and Cardio Vascular Surgery

Diagnose Pneumothorax
Hemopneumothorax and initiate treatment
Diagnose Diaphragmatic Hernia
Medicastinal tumours
Bronchogenic carcinoma
Congenital Heart disease
Rheumatic Heart disease
Aneurysm and
Vascular malformation
Understand indications for coronary revascularization
• Refer patients to specialist center
4.3.13 Gynaecological problems
• Recognize Common gynaecological problems and Differentiate form surgical problems
• Refer patients to specialists
• Perform ligation upon request

4.3.14 Plastic and Reconstructive surgery

• Manage burn patients
• Appropriately manage patients with bed sore
• Refer patients to specialist center

4.3.15 Neurosurgery
• Recognize neurosurgical congenital abnormalities, Tumor of brain and spinal cord
• Diagnose Intracranial haemorrhage
• Diagnose preiphral nerve lesion
• Refer patients to specialty facilities.

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4.3.16 Orthopedics
• Recognize common congenital deformities
• Diagnose chronic osteomyelitis
• Diagnose bone tumors
• Recognize Kyphosis and scoliosis
• Recognize Rheumatic and degenerative conditions
• Perform amputations
4.3.17 Lesions of skin and subcutaneous tissue
• Recognize, diagnose and appropriately manage inflammatory, benign and malignant
skin and sub-cutaneous lesions,
• Perform biopsy and other minor surgical procedures Manage pre-Gangrene and
gangrenous lesions

4.3.18 Neck swellings

• Diagnose and manage neck swellings Diagnose Inflammatory conditions in the neck,
Ludwig's Angina Collar-stud abscess Pre and Post auricular dermoid and sinus
4.3.19 Abdominal Wall
Manage abnormalities of the abdominal wall, [excluding hernia.] • Diagnose and manage
abdominal wall masses. • Manage inflammatory conditions of abdominal wall
4.3.19 Reticuloendothelial system
• Recognize and I support management of conditions affecting the reticulo-endothelial and
haemopoetic systems
• Diagnose conditions affecting the spleen
• Diagnose lymphoedema, lymphangeoma
• Refer patients to specialists for treatment

4.3.20. Venous thrombosis and embolism

• Diagnose and manage deepvein thrombosis
• Prevent Venous thrombosis and Embolism

4.3.21 Genetic aspects of surgical disease

• Understand basis and significance of genetically determined diseases and role of
surgeons Appreciate the influence of genetics onendocrine disease, colorectal cancer
breast cancer upper GI diseases
• Understand principles of management of Genetic conditions
• Counsel patient and family members
4.3.22 Principles of Surgical oncology
• Understand the principles of Surgical Oncology
• Recognize risk factors and presentation of common malignant disorders
• Know the essentials of management for common cancers
• Understand principles of management

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• Appreciate surgical complications of radiation and chemotherapy and take appropriate
• Appreciate screening for malignancy
• Participate in Cancer prevention

5. Programme Outline
5.1 Fellowship Programme
The fellowship programme (FCPS) of the college has following components

FCSP part-I FCSP part-II FCSP part-II

Exam Mid-Term Exam Final Exam

Specialty Training
Core Training Program
(2 Years)
( 3 Years) Core Training Programme

Schedule for 2-year core training:
1. Surgery 6 months (General Surgery) 3. Surgery 6 months (General Surgery)
2. Surgery 6 months 4. Surgery 6 months (any Six)
Paediatric Surgery -2 months Neuro-Surgery -1
Urology -2 months month
Orthopaedics -2 months Burn & Plastic Surgery -1
Thoracic Surgery -1
Cardiovascular Surgery -1
Casualty/A & E -1
ICU -1
Hepato-biliary and - 1 month
Pancreatic Surgery
Colorectal Surgery -1 month
Surgical Oncology -1 month

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• Rotation in different allied specialties is preferable. Institutional Training Monitoring
Committee (ITMC) and/or respective department should ensure that all trainees rotate
through all the specialties present in the institution
• If the allied specialties are not available in the institution, trainees should be placed in
surgery department
• ITMC and /or respective department may contact and make arrangements with other
institutions where the allied specialties are available for the placement of the trainee.

Special Note:
Out of two (02) years of core training, one (01) year training will be accepted prior to
passing the FCPS part-I examination as per following conditions.
a) From 01 January 2015 to 31 December 2019: Trainees who has taken training for more
than one year according to the previous rules. 01(one) year of their training will be accepted.
They will enroll with BCPS for further one year of core training after passing FCPS part-I
examination and fill the log book to be eligible for appearing Part - II Mid-term examination.
b) From 01 January 2020 to 31 December 2023: Trainees, who will start training and intends to
appear in part -I Examination, must enroll with BCPS immediately, fill the logbook appropriately
and follow the other rules laid down by the Research & Training Monitoring Department of be eligible for appearing Part - II Mid-term examination. However, maximum one year
of such training will be accepted before Mid-term examination.
From 31 December 2023: no training will be accepted prior to passing FCPS Part-I

7.1. FCPS Part I- Contents

Paper I - Anatomy, Embryology and Histology
To acquire and demonstrate application of basic knowledge appropriate for the practice of
surgery, including clinical and radiological diagnosis and surgical procedures This comprises of
• Gross and microscopic anatomy of different organs and related structures
• Development and embryology of surgical interest
• Regional and Surface anatomy
• Imaging [ Radiological and others ) anatomy
Broad areas will include anatomy of abdomen, thorax, , pelvis, perineum, limbs, spine, head and
neck as appropriate for surgical procedures that the trainee will be involved.
1. Abdomen including Gastro-intestinal tract and Hepato-biliary system
2. Thorax and Respiratory system
3. Cardiovascular system
4. Genito-urinary System
5. Brain and Nervous System
6. Endocrine system
7. Head and Neck 8. Osteology and anthology

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9. Myology
10. Skin and its appendages
11. Histology
12. Embryology
13. Radiological Anatomy

1 Abdomen including Gastro-intestinal tract and Hepato-biliary system

1.1 General configuration of abdominal cavity, peritoneal reflections and ligaments, intra-
abdominal spaces, common embryological defects.
1.2 Abdominal wall and common weak points for hernias.
1.3 Relationship amongst abdominal viscera.
1.4 Morphology of Liver, Biliary tree, pancreas and spleen
1.5 Morphology of Stomach, Duodenum, Small and Large gut.
1.6 Anatomy of pelvic floor, anal canal, anorectal anomalies
1.7 Male and Female External genitalia
1.8 Testis and Scrotum

2. Thorax and Respiratory system

2.1 Chest wall, Diaphragm and common congenital deformities
2.2 Lungs, Bronchial tree and trachea, Mediastinum including thymus
2.3 Oesophagus
2.4 Thoracic spine

3. Cardiovascular system
3.1 Heart and its blood supply
3.2 Anatomical basis of common congenital and acquired abnormalities
3.3 Great vessels and common variations of surgical importance
3.4 Collateral circulation
3.5 Portal circulation and its implications

4 Genito-urinary System
4.1 Anatomy of Kidneys, ureters, bladder and lower urinary tract
4.2 Male and female internal genitalia
4.3 Common congenital anomalies of urinary and genital tract

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5.Brain and Nervous System
5.1 Gross anatomy of Brain and spinal cord and meninges, common congenital anomalies
5.2 Surgically important areas and centers of brain
5.3 CSF pathway
5.4 Cranial nerves and their nuclei
5.5 Autonomic and somatic nerves and there distribution
5.6 General arrangements of nerve tracts in spinal cord

6 Endocrine system and Breast

6.1 Morphological features, vascular and lymphatic supply of endocrine Organs (Thyroid,
Parathyroids, Adrenals, ovaries and testes)
6.2 Morphological features, blood supply and lymphatic drainage of breast.
6.3 Congenital anomalies of endocrine glands

7 Head and Neck

7.1 Face, Congenital anomalies
7.2 Oral cavity, Tongue and salivary glands
7.3 Structures of neck, General arrangements and relationships
7.4 Cervical spine, neck movement
7.5 Scalp, Skull and cranial cavity and arrangement of blood vessels

8 Osteology and arthology

8.1 General arrangement of bony skeleton and joints
8.2 Anatomical sites and features related to common fractures and dislocations
8.3 Structures and development of bones, epiphyseal plates
8.4 Common congenital anomalies and their embryological basis
9 Myology
9.1 Origin and insertion of muscle groups and movement produced 9.2 Nerves supplying
muscle and their surgical implications
9.3 Mechanisms of common movements
10 Skin and its appendages
10.1 Structure of skin and its appendages
10.2 Special areas of skin and their surgical importance

11 Histology
11.1 Microscopic features of different organs like liver, thyroid, breast, heart, lungs, bones,
cartilage, testis, overy, exocrine glands and different systems like GIT, GU tract biliary
tract etc.

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12 Embryology
12.1 Development of different organs and systems of the body 12.2 Common anomalies and
their developmental basis
13 Radiological Anatomy
13.1 Identification of bones and their parts and joints
13.2 Understanding dislocations of joints and displacement of fractured bone 13.3
Identification of structures in plain and contrast x-rays and CT scan or other imaging
14 Surface anatomy
14.1 Surface marking of Abdominal and thoracic organs, Major blood vessels,
Peripheral nerves and anatomical land marks of clinical and surgical importance

Questions coverage of Part-I, Paper-I syllabus:

Section No of questions for
each section
Abdomen including Gastro-intestinal tract and Hepatobiliary system 8-20
Thorax and Respiratory system 4-10
Cardiovascular system 4-10
Genito-urinary System 4-10
Brain and Nervous System 3-8
Endocrine system and Breast 3-8
Head and Neck 2-5
Osteology and arthrology 2-7
Myology 2-5
Skin and its appendages 2-4
Histology 2-5
Embryology 2-5
Radiological Anatomy 2-5
Surface anatomy 2-5

Paper II - Physiology and Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Bio-statistics

Physiology and Biochemistry
1. The Cell and Its Functions, Organization and functional systems of a cell, Genetic Control of
Protein Synthesis and Cell Function, Differentiation, Reproduction, Apoptosis, Neoplasm
Membrane Physiology, Transport of Substances through Cell Membranes, Membrane Potentials
and Action Potentials

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2. Blood and coagulation
Elements of blood, plasma proteins and haemopoesis, blood groups, transfusion of blood and
blood products, Haemostasis, coagulation and fibrinolysis, Reticuloendothelial system, spleen,
Defense mechanism of body, Tissue typing and organ transplantation
3. Circulation
Basic Principles of Circulatory Function, Circulatory mechanism, Relationship and control of
pressure, resistance and blood flow. Venous Return, and their regulation, The Microcirculation,
Capillary Fluid Exchange, Interstitial Fluid and Lymph Flow.

4 Heart as a functional unit,

Cardiac function, Cardiac Output, Regulatory Mechanism. Mechanism of shock and physiologic
basis of correction of shock. Cardiac failure, Arrhythmia and Cardiac arrest. Basics of ECG and

5. Respiratory System
Pulmonary ventilation, Pulmonary circulation, Control of respiration, Lung function tests and
their interpretation, Oxygen therapy, Ventilatory support

6. Gastrointestinal system
Gastro-intestinal motility and their regulation, Secretory and absorptive function of GIT,
“Splanchnic circulation” Endocrine function of GIT.

7. Hepatobiliary system
Functions of liver and pancreas, Assessment of hepatic and pancreatic function, Entero-hepatic
circulation, Biliary duct system and jaundice, Hepatic failure and effects on other systems.

8. The Body Fluids and renal physiology

Body Fluid Compartments and their constitution, Fluids in the "Potential Spaces" of the Body
Fluid Volume and electrolyte regulation. Buffer system, Acid-base balance. Renal functions,
Mechanism and regulation of urine production, Regulation of electrolytes and control of blood
volume and ECF volume. Regulation of bladder function.

9. Metabolism and endocrine system

Carbohydrate, Protein and Lipid metabolism and their regulation by endocrine organs,
Nutritional requirements in health and disease, Metabolic response to trauma Actions of
different endocrine organs and regulation of their function, Control of body temperature

10. Nervous and musculoskeletal system

Cerebral function, functional areas and centers, higher psychic function, Sensory system, Pain
and special senses, Control of motor functions and autonomic system Muscular contraction and
reflexes, Reflex mechanisms.

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1. General Pharmacology
Drug receptors, Mechanisms of actions of drugs, Drug interaction, Rational prescription
of drugs.
2. Clinical pharmacology
Action, complications, Indications and contraindications of Analgesics, Antibiotics and other
drugs used in surgical conditions, Antihypertensive, Anti-diabetics, Antithrombotic and other
drugs used for co-morbid medical problems. Steroids and other Hormone Replacement Therapy
(HRT) in post-surgical patients, Common anti-cancer drugs, Monoclonal Antibodies

3. Toxicology
Poisonous substances, Drugs, Chemicals etc.
C. Biostatistics
1. Concepts of medical biostatistics, Applications in medical science and limitations
2. Population, Sample, Sample Size and Sampling techniques
3. Variables
4. Types of Data, data collection and presentation,
5. Measures of dispersion
6. Probability
7. Tests of significance
8. Analysis of Data, uni-variate, Bi-variate and Multi-variate Analysis
9. Correlation and regression
10. Types of research and steps of a scientific research
11. Epidemiological studies, Demography and population statistics
12. Ethics in medical research

Questions coverage of Part-I, Paper-II syllabus:

Section No of questions for each

A. Physiology and Biochemistry 25-40
1. The Cell and Its Functions 2-4
2. Blood and coagulation 4-6
3. Circulation 4-6
4. Heart as a functional unit 1-3
5. Respiratory System 2-6
6. Gastrointestinal system 2-8
7. Hepatobiliary system 2-8

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8. The Body Fluids and renal physiology 4-6
9. Metabolism and endocrine system 2-6
10. Nervous and musculo skeletal system 2-6
B. Pharmacology 6-10
1. General Pharmacology 2-4
2. Clinical pharmacology 5-8
3. Toxicology 1-3
C. Biostatistics 3-6

Paper-III, Pathology and Microbiology

1. General Pathology
1.1. Cellular injury and adaptation
1.2. Disorders of growth, differentiation and morphogenesis
1.3. Inflammation, necrosis, gangrene
1.4. Wounds, ulcer, repair and healing process
1.5. Tissue death and apoptosis
1.6. Hyperplasia, Atrophy, Metaplasia, Dysplasia
1.7. Immune response, immunodeficiency, Vaccination, immunosuppression, Organ
transplantation and mechanisms of rejection.
1.8. Thrombosis, Embolism, Acute and Chronic ischemia
1.9. Hematological disorders encountered in surgical practice, hemophilia,
Thrombocytopenia, DIC
1.10. Neoplasia and Metastasis.
Pathology of neoplasia, Classification of tumours, Tumour development and growth
including metastasis, Principles of staging and grading of cancers, Principles of cancer
therapy including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormone
therapy, Principles of cancer registration, Principles of cancer screening

General pathological principles including:

The pathology of specific organ systems relevant to surgical care including
cardiovascular pathology, respiratory pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, genitourinary
disease, breast, exocrine and endocrine pathology, central and peripheral, neurological
systems, skin, lymphoreticular and musculoskeletal systems

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1. Bacteriology
1.1 Structure of a bacteria, Bacterial growth
1.2 Normal flora
1.3 Pathogenesis of bacterial lesions
1.4 Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial lesions
1.5 Microbial resistance
1.6 Bacteria causing common surgical lesions
1.7 Disinfection and sterilization
1.8 Hospital infection
2. Virology
2.1 Structure, replication and transmission of virus
2.2 Pathogenesis of viral lesions
2.3 Laboratory diagnosis of viral infection
2.4 Surgically important virus
3. Parasitology
Ascariasis, Hydatid cyst, Amoebiasis, Bilherziasis, Filariasis
4. Mycology
Actinomycosis, Opportunostic fungal infection, Deep mycosis
5. Immunology
5.1 Immunity and immunological response, Cellular and Humoral immunity
5.2 Vaccination,
5.4 Laboratory diagnosis of immunological disorders and immunological tests of
different organs and system
5.5 Autoimmunity
5.6 Immunodeficiency disorders
5.7 Major Histocompetability Complex, Tissue typing, Organ transplantation

6. Applied Microbiology
6.1 Surgically important microorganisms including blood borne viruses
6.2 Soft tissue infections including cellulitis, abscesses, necrotizing fasciitis,
6.3 Sources of infection, Asepsis and antisepsis , Hospital acquired infections
6.4 Sepsis and septic shock 6.5 Principles of disinfection and sterilization
6.6 Antibiotics including prophylaxis and resistance 6.7 Principles of management of
high risk patients

18 Synapse Medical Academy

Questions coverage of Part-I, Paper-III syllabus:

Section No of questions
for each section
A Pathology 25-35
1. General Pathology 12-20
2. General pathological principles 12-20
B Microbiology 15-25
1. Bacteriology 7-12
2. Virology 2-5
3. Parasitology 2-5
4. Mycology 2-5
5. Immunology 3-8
6. Applied Microbiology 2-4

19.2 Examinations
Examination for the award of fellowship consists of two parts. The examination is
conducted solely by the College.

9.2.1. FCPS PART-I Examination

Eligibility Full registration with BMDC
Format It will comprise of written examination
Fifty Multiple choice questions - Multiple true false (MTF) and single best answer (SBA)
There are three papers Components Format
Components Format Marks
Paper-I MTF, SBA 100
Paper-II MTF, SBA 100
Paper-III MTF, SBA 100

Passing criteria Candidates has to pass all the papers individually.

19 Synapse Medical Academy

9.2.2. FCPS Part-II Mid-Term Examination
1. Passing of Part I Examination
2. Completion of two years Core Training.
Components Format Marks
Format Written
Paper I Single best answer (SBA) 100
Paper II Short Answer Question (SAQ) 100
Practical & Clinical OSCE 100
Five clinical stations (5x10=50)
Ten practical stations (10x5=50)

Two papers of written examination will be calculated together. Candidates those who will pass
the written examinations will be eligible for appearing in OSCE.
Passing criteria Candidates has to pass all the components individually.

9.2.3. FCPS PART-II Final

1. Passing of Part I examination
2. Completion of two years Core Training.
3. Passing of Mid-term examination.
4. Completion of two years Speciality Training and One year Part II course or Completion
of three years Speciality Training.
5. Completion of Log Book.
6. Submission of a thesis based on students research work duly approved by the authority
and successful passing of defense examination.
7. Completion of mandatory courses or Basic Surgical Skill (BSS), Information and
Communication technology (ICT) and Research Methodology (during core training)
Examination has written, Practical & Oral and Clinical components
Components Format Marks
Written Structured Essay Questions (SEQ) 200
Paper I & II Short Answer Questions (SAQ)
Practical & Oral OSPE/OSCE 150
Ten practical stations
Five Structured Oral Examination (SOE)/
Interactive Oral Examination (IOE)
Clinical Long cases and Short cases 100

20 Synapse Medical Academy

A candidate has to score grade point 14 and above in written component for eligibility to be
selected for appearing in Practical & Oral and Clinical components.

If a candidate scores grade point 15 or above in written component of the examination he/she will
be exempted from written component of subsequent two examinations but will have to appear in
Practical, Clinical and Oral components of the examination.

A candidate has to score grade point 15 in Written, Oral-Practical and Clinical components to be
admitted as a fellow of the college.

21 Synapse Medical Academy

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