Beekeeping Guide 2
Beekeeping Guide 2
Beekeeping Guide 2
Training organisations
Adra Agricultural college Agricultural training college Franciscan brothers Agricultural
offering short courses in college Ofaka, Arua district,
beekeeping. P.O. Box 135, Nebbi, Uganda
Tel: +256- 784 444 910
Email :
Africa Institute for Strategic Training programme at college of Makerere University veterinary
Animal Resource Services and veterinary medicine Makerere complex
Development (Afrisa) University offering trainings in Tel : +256- 312 514 068
beekeeping Email :
Bulindi Zonal Agricultural Offers training in beekeeping Bulindi
Research and Development P.O.Box 101, Hoima, Uganda
institute Tel: +256-772439886
John Kadu Bee equipment supplier John Kadu kawempe ,
P.O. Box 2061
Tel: +256- 71567395
Nyabyeya Forestry College The only forestry college in Located in Masindi at the fringes of
Uganda offering formal Budongo forest.
beekeeping training programmes Tel : +256- 392 301 114
at both Diploma and Certificate Email :
Projected profit and loss account for a farm beekeeping business using local style hives (page 22)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Costs unit no total cost unit cost no total cost unit No. total unit cost No. total cost
cost cost
local 20,000 5 100,000 20,000 5 100,000 20,000 5 100,000 20,000 5 100,00
smoker 40,000 1 40,000
bee suit 150,000 150,000
buckets 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000
other 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
total 200,000 310,000 160,000 160,000
income price kg price per kg price kg price per kg
per kg kg per kg kg
sale of 5,000 32 160,000 5,000 64 320,000 5000 96 480,000 5000 128 640,000
PROFIT -40,000 10,000 320,000 480,000
Example profit and loss account for one year of a commercial collection centre
COSTS Cost in UShs No. Total in UShs
buckets of honey 150,000 330 49500,000
casual laborer 900,000 2 1,800,000
fixed costs 7,000,0000
total costs 58,300,000
INCOME price per kg, in UShs kg total in UShs
bulk honey 10,000 8,250 82,500,0000
wax 15000 660 9,900,000
total income 92,400,000
TOTAL PROFIT 34,100,000
GUIDE Two page 30 and 31 second edition (information for honey packers)
Annex 3 example of profit and loss account
bucket of honey purchased in a year 500
kg per bucket 30 kg
kg purchased per year 15,000 kg
honey yield per bucket after processing 25 kg
wax yield per bucket after processing 2 kg
wastage per bucket 3 kg
jars of honey which can be obtained from one 3 kg
kg per jar 0.5 kg
cost of one bucket of comb honey UShs 150,000
sale price of 0.5 kg jar of honey (wholesale) UShs 5,000
sale price of 1kg (wholesale) UShs 15,000
kg of processed honey sold per year 12,500 kg
Data about export and honey brands first edition guide two page 5
Uganda exports an average of three metric tons of honey per year to the EU market and non EU countries
such as Middle East (formal statistics from government UEPB/UBOS 2015). However, there is a lot of
informal cross border trade that the government has failed to tap, estimated to 1000MT.
According to the honey market report 2013 the study indicated that 75% of honey brands on the shelves
were Ugandan .