Ezra A. Amsterdam, MD, FACC Nanette K. Wenger, MD, MACC, FAHA Ralph G.
Brindis, MD, MPH, MACC, FSCAI Donald E. Casey Jr., MD, MPH, MBA, FACP,
FAHA Theodore G. Ganiats, MD David R. Holmes Jr., MD, MACC Allan S. Jaffe, MD,
FACC, FAHA Hani Jneid, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI Rosemary F. Kelly, MD Michael
C. Kontos, MD, FACC, FAHA Glenn N. Levine, MD, FACC, FAHA Philip R. Liebson,
MD, FACC, FAHA Debabrata Mukherjee, MD, FACC Eric D. Peterson, MD, MPH,
FACC, FAHA Marc S. Sabatine, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA Richard W. Smalling, MD,
PhD, FACC, FSCAI Susan J. Zieman, MD, PhD, FACC
PII: S0735-1097(14)06279-2
DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.09.017
Reference: JAC 20608
Please cite this article as: Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey Jr DE, Ganiats TG, Holmes
Jr DR, Jaffe AS, Jneid H, Kelly RF, Kontos MC, Levine GN, Liebson PR, Mukherjee D, Peterson ED,
Sabatine MS, Smalling RW, Zieman SJ, 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients With
Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes, Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2014),
doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.09.017.
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to
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Force on Practice Guidelines
Endorsed by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Nanette K. Wenger, MD, MACC, FAHA, Vice Chair*†
Ralph G. Brindis, MD, MPH, MACC, FSCAI‡ Michael C. Kontos, MD, FACC, FAHA*†
Donald E. Casey, Jr, MD, MPH, MBA, FACP, FAHA§ Glenn N. Levine, MD, FACC, FAHA†
Theodore G. Ganiats, MD║
David R. Holmes, Jr, MD, MACC†
Philip R. Liebson, MD, FACC, FAHA†
Debabrata Mukherjee, MD, FACC†
Allan S. Jaffe, MD, FACC, FAHA*† Eric D. Peterson, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA*#
Hani Jneid, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI† Marc S. Sabatine, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA*†
Rosemary F. Kelly, MD¶ Richard W. Smalling, MD, PhD, FACC, FSCAI* **
Susan J. Zieman, MD, PhD, FACC†
*Writing committee members are required to recuse themselves from voting on sections to which their specific relationships with
industry and other entities may apply; see Appendix 1 for recusal information. †ACC/AHA Representative. ‡ACC/AHA Task Force on
Practice Guidelines Liaison. §American College of Physicians Representative. ║American Academy of Family Physicians
Representative. ¶Society of Thoracic Surgeons Representative. #ACC/AHA Task Force on Performance Measures Liaison. **Society for
Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Representative. †† Former Task Force member; current member during the writing effort.
This document was approved by the American College of Cardiology Board of Trustees and the American Heart Association Science
Advisory and Coordinating Committee in August 2014.
Page 1 of 150 Argatroban.................................................................................................................................................... 44
4.3.3. Fibrinolytic Therapy in Patients With Definite NSTE-ACS: Recommendation ................................................. 45
4.4. Ischemia-Guided Strategy Versus Early Invasive Strategies ...................................................................................... 46
4.4.1. General Principles................................................................................................................................................ 48
4.4.2. Rationale and Timing for Early Invasive Strategy............................................................................................... 48 Routine Invasive Strategy Timing ................................................................................................................ 48
4.4.3. Rationale for Ischemia-Guided Strategy .............................................................................................................. 48
4.4.4. Early Invasive and Ischemia-Guided Strategies: Recommendations ................................................................... 49
PT Comparison of Early Versus Delayed Angiography .................................................................................... 51
4.4.5. Subgroups: Early Invasive Strategy Versus Ischemia-Guided Strategy .............................................................. 51
4.4.6. Care Objectives.................................................................................................................................................... 51
4.5. Risk Stratification Before Discharge for Patients With an Ischemia-Guided Strategy of NSTE-ACS:
Recommendations .............................................................................................................................................................. 52
4.5.1. Noninvasive Test Selection ................................................................................................................................. 53
4.5.2. Selection for Coronary Angiography ................................................................................................................... 53
5. Myocardial Revascularization ............................................................................................................................................ 54
5.1. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ........................................................................................................................... 54
5.1.1. PCI—General Considerations: Recommendation ............................................................................................... 54
5.1.2. PCI—Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Therapy .................................................................................................... 55 Oral and Intravenous Antiplatelet Agents: Recommendations ..................................................................... 55
U GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitors: Recommendations .................................................................................................... 57 Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients Undergoing PCI: Recommendations..................................................... 57
5.2. Timing of Urgent CABG in Patients With NSTE-ACS in Relation to Use of Antiplatelet Agents: Recommendations
........................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
6. Late Hospital Care, Hospital Discharge, and Posthospital Discharge Care........................................................................ 60
6.1. General Principles (Cardioprotective Therapy and Symptom Management) .............................................................. 60
6.2. Medical Regimen and Use of Medications at Discharge: Recommendations ............................................................. 61
6.2.1. Late Hospital and Posthospital Oral Antiplatelet Therapy: Recommendations ................................................... 61
6.2.2. Combined Oral Anticoagulant Therapy and Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With NSTE-ACS........................ 62
6.2.3. Platelet Function and Genetic Phenotype Testing ............................................................................................... 64
6.3. Risk Reduction Strategies for Secondary Prevention .................................................................................................. 64
Page 4 of 150
Table of Contents
Preamble ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
1.1. Methodology and Evidence Review ........................................................................................................................... 10
1.2. Organization of the GWC ........................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3. Document Review and Approval ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.4. Scope of the CPG ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
2. Overview of ACS ............................................................................................................................................................. 133
2.1. Definition of Terms ................................................................................................................................................... 133
2.2. Epidemiology and Pathogenesis ................................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.1. Epidemiology....................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.2. Pathogenesis ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
3. Initial Evaluation and Management .................................................................................................................................... 16
3.1. Clinical Assessment and Initial Evaluation: Recommendation ................................................................................... 16
3.1.1. ED or Outpatient Facility Presentation: Recommendations ................................................................................ 17
3.2. Diagnosis of NSTE-ACS ............................................................................................................................................ 17
3.2.1. History ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.2. Physical Examination .......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.3. Electrocardiogram................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.2.4. Biomarkers of Myocardial Necrosis .................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.5. Imaging ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
3.3. Prognosis—Early Risk Stratification: Recommendations ........................................................................................... 19
3.3.1. Rationale for Risk Stratification and Spectrum of Risk: High, Intermediate, and Low ....................................... 20
3.3.2. Estimation of Level of Risk ................................................................................................................................. 20 History: Angina Symptoms and Angina Equivalents ................................................................................... 20 Demographics and History in Diagnosis and Risk Stratification ................................................................. 21 Early Estimation of Risk .............................................................................................................................. 22
M Electrocardiogram ........................................................................................................................................ 24 Physical Examination ................................................................................................................................... 25
3.4. Cardiac Biomarkers and the Universal Definition of MI: Recommendations............................................................. 26
3.4.1. Biomarkers: Diagnosis......................................................................................................................................... 26
Page 3 of 150 Argatroban.................................................................................................................................................... 44
4.3.3. Fibrinolytic Therapy in Patients With Definite NSTE-ACS: Recommendation ................................................. 45
4.4. Ischemia-Guided Strategy Versus Early Invasive Strategies ...................................................................................... 46
4.4.1. General Principles................................................................................................................................................ 48
4.4.2. Rationale and Timing for Early Invasive Strategy............................................................................................... 48 Routine Invasive Strategy Timing ................................................................................................................ 48
4.4.3. Rationale for Ischemia-Guided Strategy .............................................................................................................. 48
4.4.4. Early Invasive and Ischemia-Guided Strategies: Recommendations ................................................................... 49
PT Comparison of Early Versus Delayed Angiography .................................................................................... 51
4.4.5. Subgroups: Early Invasive Strategy Versus Ischemia-Guided Strategy .............................................................. 51
4.4.6. Care Objectives.................................................................................................................................................... 51
4.5. Risk Stratification Before Discharge for Patients With an Ischemia-Guided Strategy of NSTE-ACS:
Recommendations .............................................................................................................................................................. 52
4.5.1. Noninvasive Test Selection ................................................................................................................................. 53
4.5.2. Selection for Coronary Angiography ................................................................................................................... 53
5. Myocardial Revascularization ............................................................................................................................................ 54
5.1. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ........................................................................................................................... 54
5.1.1. PCI—General Considerations: Recommendation ............................................................................................... 54
5.1.2. PCI—Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Therapy .................................................................................................... 55 Oral and Intravenous Antiplatelet Agents: Recommendations ..................................................................... 55
U GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitors: Recommendations .................................................................................................... 57 Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients Undergoing PCI: Recommendations..................................................... 57
5.2. Timing of Urgent CABG in Patients With NSTE-ACS in Relation to Use of Antiplatelet Agents: Recommendations
........................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
6. Late Hospital Care, Hospital Discharge, and Posthospital Discharge Care........................................................................ 60
6.1. General Principles (Cardioprotective Therapy and Symptom Management) .............................................................. 60
6.2. Medical Regimen and Use of Medications at Discharge: Recommendations ............................................................. 61
6.2.1. Late Hospital and Posthospital Oral Antiplatelet Therapy: Recommendations ................................................... 61
6.2.2. Combined Oral Anticoagulant Therapy and Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With NSTE-ACS........................ 62
6.2.3. Platelet Function and Genetic Phenotype Testing ............................................................................................... 64
6.3. Risk Reduction Strategies for Secondary Prevention .................................................................................................. 64
Page 4 of 150
References ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10714
Page 5 of 150
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) are committed to the
prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases through professional education and research for
clinicians, providers, and patients. Since 1980, the ACC and AHA have shared a responsibility to translate
scientific evidence into clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) with recommendations to standardize and improve
cardiovascular health. These CPGs, based on systematic methods to evaluate and classify evidence, provide a
cornerstone of quality cardiovascular care.
In response to published reports from the Institute of Medicine (1, 2) and the ACC/AHA’s mandate to
evaluate new knowledge and maintain relevance at the point of care, the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice
Guidelines (Task Force) began modifying its methodology. This modernization effort is published in the 2012
Methodology Summit Report (3) and 2014 perspective article (4). The latter recounts the history of the
collaboration, changes over time, current policies, and planned initiatives to meet the needs of an evolving
healthcare environment. Recommendations on value in proportion to resource utilization will be incorporated as
high-quality comparative-effectiveness data become available (5). The relationships between CPGs and data
standards, appropriate use criteria, and performance measures are addressed elsewhere (4).
cardiovascular disease. The focus is on medical practice in the United States, but CPGs developed in
collaboration with other organizations may have a broader target. Although CPGs may be used to inform
regulatory or payer decisions, the intent is to improve the quality of care and be aligned with the patient's best
Evidence Review—Guideline writing committee (GWC) members are charged with reviewing the literature;
weighing the strength and quality of evidence for or against particular tests, treatments, or procedures; and
estimating expected health outcomes when data exist. In analyzing the data and developing CPGs, the GWC
uses evidence-based methodologies developed by the Task Force (6). A key component of the ACC/AHA CPG
methodology is the development of recommendations on the basis of all available evidence. Literature searches
focus on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) but also include registries, nonrandomized comparative and
descriptive studies, case series, cohort studies, systematic reviews, and expert opinion. Only selected references
are cited in the CPG. To ensure that CPGs remain current, new data are reviewed biannually by the GWCs and
the Task Force to determine if recommendations should be updated or modified. In general, a target cycle of 5
years is planned for full revisions (1).
Page 6 of 150
5. Risk scores should be used to assess prognosis in patients with NSTE-ACS (42-44, 75-80). (Level of
Evidence: A)
Class IIa
1. Risk-stratification models can be useful in management (42-44, 75-81). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. It is reasonable to obtain supplemental electrocardiographic leads V7 to V9 in patients whose
initial ECG is nondiagnostic and who are at intermediate/high risk of ACS (82-84). (Level of
Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. Continuous monitoring with 12-lead ECG may be a reasonable alternative in patients whose
initial ECG is nondiagnostic and who are at intermediate/high risk of ACS (85, 86). (Level of
Evidence: B)
2. Measurement of B-type natriuretic peptide or N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide may be
considered to assess risk in patients with suspected ACS (87-91). (Level of Evidence: B)
3.3.1. Rationale for Risk Stratification and Spectrum of Risk: High, Intermediate, and Low
Assessment of prognosis guides initial clinical evaluation and treatment and is useful for selecting the site of
care (coronary care unit, monitored step-down unit, or outpatient monitored unit), antithrombotic therapies (e.g.,
P2Y12 inhibitors, platelet glycoprotein [GP] IIb/IIIa inhibitors [Sections and]), and invasive
management (Sections, 4.3.1, 4.4, 4.4.4, 4.4.5). There is a strong relationship between indicators of
ischemia due to CAD and prognosis (Table 3 and Figure 2). Patients with a high likelihood of ischemia due to
CAD are at greater risk of a major adverse cardiac event (MACE) than patients with a lower likelihood of
ischemia due to CAD. Risk is highest at the time of presentation but remains elevated past the acute phase. By 6
months, NSTE-ACS mortality rates may equal or exceed those of STEMI (58). By 12 months, rates of death,
MI, and recurrent instability in contemporary registries are >10%. Early events are related to the ruptured
coronary plaque and thrombosis, and later events are more closely associated with the pathophysiology of
chronic atherosclerosis and LV systolic function (92-98).
At initial presentation, the clinical history, anginal symptoms and equivalents, physical examination, ECG, renal
function, and cardiac troponin measurements can be integrated into an estimation of the risk of death and
In patients with or without known CAD, clinicians must determine whether the presentation is consistent with
acute ischemia, stable ischemic heart disease, or an alternative etiology. Factors in the initial clinical history
related to the likelihood of acute ischemia include age, sex, symptoms, prior history of CAD, and the number of
traditional risk factors (99-105).
The characteristics of angina include deep, poorly localized chest or arm pain that is reproducibly
associated with exertion or emotional stress (106). Angina is relieved promptly (i.e., in <5 minutes) with rest
Page 20 of 150
ACS without ST elevation, except for those with electrocardiographic evidence of true posterior MI (i.e., ST
elevation in posterior chest leads [V7 to V9]). This can be evaluated when acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is
suspected but electrocardiographic changes are modest or not present (82-84); a transthoracic echocardiogram to
evaluate for posterior wall motion abnormalities may also be helpful in this setting.
Alternative causes of ST-T changes include LV aneurysm, pericarditis, myocarditis, bundle-branch
block, LV hypertrophy, hyperkalemia, Prinzmetal angina, early repolarization, apical LV ballooning syndrome
(Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, Section 7.13), and Wolff-Parkinson-White conduction. Central nervous system
events and therapy with tricyclic antidepressants or phenothiazines can cause deep T-wave inversion.
The physical examination is helpful in assessing the hemodynamic impact of an ischemic event. Patients with
suspected ACS should have vital signs measured (BP in both arms if dissection is suspected) and should
undergo a thorough cardiovascular examination. Patients with evidence of LV dysfunction on examination (e.g.,
rales, S3 gallop) or acute mitral regurgitation have a higher likelihood of severe underlying CAD and are at high
risk of a poor outcome. In the SHOCK (Should we Emergently Revascularize Occluded Coronaries for
Cardiogenic Shock) study, NSTEMI accounted for approximately 20% of cardiogenic shock complicating MI
(150). Other trials have reported lower percentages (92, 151). The physical examination may also help identify
comorbid conditions (e.g., occult GI bleeding) that could impact therapeutic risk and decision making.
Perform serial ECGs at 15- to 30-min intervals during the first hour in
symptomatic patients with initial nondiagnostic ECG
Measure cardiac troponin (cTnI or cTnT) in all patients with symptoms (21, 64, 67-
consistent with ACS* 71)
Measure serial cardiac troponin I or T at presentation and 3–6 h after
I A (21, 72-74)
symptom onset* in all patients with symptoms consistent with ACS
Use risk scores to assess prognosis in patients with NSTE-ACS (42-44, 75-
Risk-stratification models can be useful in management (42-44, 75-
Obtain supplemental electrocardiographic leads V7 to V9 in patients with
IIa B (82-84)
initial nondiagnostic ECG at intermediate/high risk for ACS
Continuous monitoring with 12-lead ECG may be a reasonable alternative
with initial nondiagnostic ECG in patients at intermediate/high risk for IIb B (85, 86)
BNP or NT–pro-BNP may be considered to assess risk in patients with
IIb B (87-91)
suspected ACS
*See Section 3.4, Class I, #3 recommendation if time of symptom onset is unclear.
Page 25 of 150
ACS indicates acute coronary syndromes; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; COR, Class of Recommendation; cTnI, cardiac
troponin I; cTnT, cardiac troponin T; ECG, electrocardiogram; LOE, Level of Evidence; N/A, not available; NSTE-ACS,
non−ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; and NT–pro-BNP, N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide.
See Table 5 for a summary of recommendations from this section and Online Data Supplement 3 for additional
information on cardiac injury markers and the universal definition of AMI
3.4.1. Biomarkers: Diagnosis
Class I
1. Cardiac-specific troponin (troponin I or T when a contemporary assay is used) levels should be
measured at presentation and 3 to 6 hours after symptom onset in all patients who present with
symptoms consistent with ACS to identify a rising and/or falling pattern (21, 64, 67-71, 152-156).
(Level of Evidence: A)
2. Additional troponin levels should be obtained beyond 6 hours after symptom onset in patients
with normal troponins on serial examination when electrocardiographic changes and/or clinical
presentation confer an intermediate or high index of suspicion for ACS (21, 72-74, 157). (Level of
Evidence: A)
3. If the time of symptom onset is ambiguous, the time of presentation should be considered the time
of onset for assessing troponin values (67, 68, 72). (Level of Evidence: A)
Class III: No Benefit
1. With contemporary troponin assays, creatine kinase myocardial isoenzyme (CK-MB) and
myoglobin are not useful for diagnosis of ACS (158-164). (Level of Evidence: A)
Class I
1. The presence and magnitude of troponin elevations are useful for short- and long-term prognosis
(71, 73, 165, 166). (Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. It may be reasonable to remeasure troponin once on day 3 or day 4 in patients with MI as an
index of infarct size and dynamics of necrosis (164, 165). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. Use of selected newer biomarkers, especially B-type natriuretic peptide, may be reasonable to
provide additional prognostic information (87, 88, 167-171). (Level of Evidence: B)
Cardiac troponins are the mainstay for diagnosis of ACS and for risk stratification in patients with ACS. The
primary diagnostic biomarkers of myocardial necrosis are cardiac troponin I and cardiac troponin T. Features
that favor troponins for detection of ACS include high concentrations of troponins in the myocardium; virtual
absence of troponins in nonmyocardial tissue; high-release ratio into the systemic circulation (amount found in
blood relative to amount depleted from myocardium); rapid release into the blood in proportion to the extent of
myocardial injury; and the ability to quantify values with reproducible, inexpensive, rapid, and easily applied
assays. The 2012 Third Universal Definition of MI provides criteria that classify 5 clinical presentations of MI
based on pathological, clinical, and prognostic factors (21). In the appropriate clinical context, MI is indicated
Page 26 of 150
1. Introduction
The recommendations listed in this CPG are, whenever possible, evidence based. An extensive evidence review
was conducted through October 2012, and other selected references published through April 2014 were
reviewed by the GWC. Literature included was derived from research involving human subjects, published in
English, and indexed in MEDLINE (through PubMed), EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality Reports, and other selected databases relevant to this CPG. The relevant data are included
in evidence tables in the Data Supplement available online at
(http://jaccjacc.cardiosource.com/acc_documents/2014_NSTE-ACS_Data_Supplement_Tables.pdf). Key search
words included but were not limited to the following: acute coronary syndrome, anticoagulant therapy,
antihypertensives, anti-ischemic therapy, antiplatelet therapy, antithrombotic therapy, beta blockers,
biomarkers, calcium channel blockers, cardiac rehabilitation, conservative management, diabetes mellitus,
glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, heart failure, invasive strategy, lifestyle modification, myocardial infarction,
nitrates, non-ST elevation, P2Y12 receptor inhibitor, percutaneous coronary intervention, renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone inhibitors, secondary prevention, smoking cessation, statins, stent, thienopyridines, troponins,
unstable angina, and weight management. Additionally, the GWC reviewed documents related to non–ST-
elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) previously published by the ACC and AHA. References
selected and published in this document are representative and not all-inclusive.
The GWC was composed of clinicians, cardiologists, internists, interventionists, surgeons, emergency medicine
specialists, family practitioners, and geriatricians. The GWC included representatives from the ACC and AHA,
American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of
Physicians, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), and Society of Thoracic
Surgeons (STS).
This document was reviewed by 2 official reviewers each nominated by the ACC and AHA; 1 reviewer each
from the American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Emergency Physicians, SCAI, and
STS; and 37 individual content reviewers (including members of the American Association of Clinical
Chemistry, ACC Heart Failure and Transplant Section Leadership Council, ACC Cardiovascular Imaging
Section Leadership Council, ACC Interventional Section Leadership Council, ACC Prevention of
Cardiovascular Disease Committee, ACC Surgeons’ Council, Association of International Governors, and
Page 10 of 150
Department of Health and Human Services). Reviewers’ RWI information was distributed to the GWC and is
published in this document (Appendix 2).
This document was approved for publication by the governing bodies of the ACC and the AHA and
endorsed by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
1.4. Scope of the CPG
The 2014 NSTE-ACS CPG is a full revision of the 2007 ACCF/AHA CPG for the management of patients with
unstable angina (UA) and non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and the 2012 focused update (8).
The new title, “Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes,” emphasizes the continuum between UA and
NSTEMI. At presentation, patients with UA and NSTEMI can be indistinguishable and are therefore considered
together in this CPG.
In the United States, NSTE-ACS affects >625,000 patients annually,* or almost three fourths of all
patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) (9). In selecting the initial approach to care, the term “ischemia-
guided strategy” has replaced the previous descriptor, “initial conservative management,” to more clearly
convey the physiological rationale of this approach. AN
The task of the 2014 GWC was to establish a contemporary CPG for the optimal management of
patients with NSTE-ACS. It incorporates both established and new evidence from published clinical trials, as
well as information from basic science and comprehensive review articles. These recommendations were
developed to guide the clinician in improving outcomes for patients with NSTE-ACS. Table 2 lists documents
deemed pertinent to this effort and is intended for use as a resource, thus obviating the need to repeat extant
CPG recommendations.
The GWC abbreviated the discussion sections to include an explanation of salient information related to
the recommendations. In contrast to textbook declaratory presentations, explanations were supplemented with
evidence tables. The GWC also provided a brief summary of the relevant recommendations and references
related to secondary prevention rather than detailed reiteration. Throughout, the goal was to provide the clinician
with concise, evidence-based contemporary recommendations and the supporting documentation to encourage
their application.
Estimate includes secondary discharge diagnoses.
Page 11 of 150
Acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST- ESC 2011 (22)
segment elevation
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery ACC/AHA 2011 (23)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ACC/AHA 2011 (24)
Effectiveness-based guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular AHA/ACC 2011 (25)
disease in women
Percutaneous coronary intervention ACC/AHA/SCAI 2011 (26)
Secondary prevention and risk reduction therapy for patients with AHA/ACC 2011 (27)
coronary and other atherosclerotic vascular disease
Assessment of cardiovascular risk in asymptomatic adults ACC/AHA 2010 (28)
Myocardial revascularization ESC 2010 (29)
Unstable angina and non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction NICE 2010† (30)
Guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency
cardiovascular care—Part 9: postcardiac arrest care AN
Seventh report of the joint national committee on prevention, detection,
2010 (31)
2003 (32)
evaluation, and treatment
of high blood pressure
Key data elements and definitions for measuring the clinical ACC/AHA 2013 (33)
management and outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndromes
Testing of low-risk patients presenting to the emergency department AHA 2010 (35)
with chest pain
Primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in people with diabetes AHA/ADA 2007 (36)
AATS indicates American Association for Thoracic Surgery; ACC, American College of Cardiology; ADA, American
Diabetes Association; AHA, American Heart Association; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CPG, clinical
practice guideline; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; HRS, Heart Rhythm Society; NHLBI, National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute; NICE, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence; PCNA, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses
Association; SCAI, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions; SIHD, stable ischemic heart disease; STS,
Society of Thoracic Surgeons; TOS, The Obesity Society; and WHF, World Heart Federation.
Page 12 of 150
2. Overview of ACS
ACS has evolved as a useful operational term that refers to a spectrum of conditions compatible with acute
myocardial ischemia and/or infarction due to an abrupt reduction in coronary blood flow (Figure 1). A key
branch point is ST-segment elevation (ST elevation) or new left bundle-branch block on the electrocardiogram
(ECG), which is an indication for immediate coronary angiography to determine if there is an indication for
reperfusion therapy to open a likely completely occluded coronary artery. Separate CPGs have been developed
for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) (17).
Page 13 of 150
The top half of the figure illustrates the progression of plaque formation and onset and complications of NSTE-ACS, with
management at each stage. The numbered section of an artery depicts the process of atherogenesis from 1) normal artery to
2) extracellular lipid in the subintima to 3) fibrofatty stage to 4) procoagulant expression and weakening of the fibrous cap.
ACS develops with 5) disruption of the fibrous cap, which is the stimulus for thrombogenesis. 6) Thrombus resorption may
be followed by collagen accumulation and smooth muscle cell growth. Thrombus formation and possible coronary
vasospasm reduce blood flow in the affected coronary artery and cause ischemic chest pain.
The bottom half of the figure illustrates the clinical, pathological, electrocardiographic, and biomarker correlates in
ACS and the general approach to management. Flow reduction may be related to a completely occlusive thrombus (bottom
half, right side) or subtotally occlusive thrombus (bottom half, left side). Most patients with ST elevation (thick white arrow
in bottom panel) develop QwMI, and a few (thin white arrow) develop NQMI. Those without ST elevation have either UA
or NSTEMI (thick red arrows), a distinction based on cardiac biomarkers. Most patients presenting with NSTEMI develop
NQMI; a few may develop QwMI. The spectrum of clinical presentations including UA, NSTEMI, and STEMI is referred
Page 14 of 150
to as ACS. This NSTE-ACS CPG includes sections on initial management before NSTE-ACS, at the onset of NSTE-ACS,
and during the hospital phase. Secondary prevention and plans for long-term management begin early during the hospital
phase. Patients with noncardiac etiologies make up the largest group presenting to the ED with chest pain (dashed arrow).
infarction; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction; and UA, unstable angina.
Modified with permission from Libby et al (38).
The absence of persistent ST elevation is suggestive of NSTE-ACS (except in patients with true posterior
myocardial infarction [MI], Sections, 4.3.2, and 7.2.2). NSTE-ACS can be further subdivided on the
basis of cardiac biomarkers of necrosis (e.g., cardiac troponin, Sections 3.2.4 and 3.4). If cardiac biomarkers are
elevated and the clinical context is appropriate, the patient is considered to have NSTEMI (34); otherwise, the
patient is deemed to have UA. ST depression, transient ST elevation, and/or prominent T-wave inversions may
be present but are not required for a diagnosis of NSTEMI. Abnormalities on the ECG and elevated troponins in
isolation are insufficient to make the diagnosis of ACS but must be interpreted in the appropriate clinical
context. Thus, UA and NSTEMI are closely related conditions whose pathogenesis and clinical presentations are
similar but vary in severity. The conditions differ primarily by whether the ischemia is severe enough to cause
myocardial damage leading to detectable quantities of myocardial injury biomarkers. The term “possible ACS”
is often assigned during initial evaluation if the ECG is unrevealing and troponin data are not yet available. UA
can present without any objective data of myocardial ischemic injury (normal ECG and normal troponin), in
which case the initial diagnosis depends solely on the patient’s clinical history and the clinician’s interpretation
and judgment. However, with the increasing sensitivity of troponin assays, biomarker-negative ACS (i.e., UA) is
becoming rarer (39). The pathogenesis of ACS is considered in the "Third Universal Definition of Myocardial
Infarction" (21). This statement defines MI caused by a primary coronary artery process such as spontaneous
plaque rupture as MI type 1 and one related to reduced myocardial oxygen supply and/or increased myocardial
oxygen demand (in the absence of a direct coronary artery process) as a MI type 2 (Appendix 4, Table A and
Section 3.4 for an additional discussion on the diagnosis of MI).
2.2.1. Epidemiology
In the United States, the median age at ACS presentation is 68 years (interquartile range 56 to 79), and the male-
to-female ratio is approximately 3:2 (40). Some patients have a history of stable angina, whereas in others, ACS
is the initial presentation of coronary artery disease (CAD). It is estimated that in the United States, each year,
>780,000 persons will experience an ACS. Approximately 70% of these will have NSTE-ACS (9). Patients with
NSTE-ACS typically have more comorbidities, both cardiac and noncardiac, than patients with STEMI.
Page 15 of 150
2.2.2. Pathogenesis
The hallmark of ACS is the sudden imbalance between myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) and demand,
which is usually the result of coronary artery obstruction. The imbalance may also be caused by other
conditions, including excessive myocardial oxygen demand in the setting of a stable flow-limiting lesion; acute
coronary insufficiency due to other causes (e.g., vasospastic [Prinzmetal] angina [Section 7.11], coronary
embolism, coronary arteritis); noncoronary causes of myocardial oxygen supply-demand mismatch (e.g.,
hypotension, severe anemia, hypertension, tachycardia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, severe aortic stenosis);
nonischemic myocardial injury (e.g., myocarditis, cardiac contusion, cardiotoxic drugs); and multifactorial
causes that are not mutually exclusive (e.g., stress [Takotsubo] cardiomyopathy [Section 7.13], pulmonary
embolism, severe heart failure [HF], sepsis) (41).
3.1. Clinical Assessment and Initial Evaluation: Recommendation
Class I
1. Patients with suspected ACS should be risk stratified based on the likelihood of ACS and adverse
outcome(s) to decide on the need for hospitalization and assist in the selection of treatment options
(42-44). (Level of Evidence: B)
Patients with suspected ACS must be evaluated rapidly to identify those with a life-threatening emergency
versus those with a more benign condition. The goal of the initial evaluation focuses on answering 2 questions:
1. What is the likelihood that the symptoms and signs represent ACS?
2. What is the likelihood of adverse clinical outcome(s)?
Risk assessment scores and clinical prediction algorithms using clinical history, physical examination, ECG, and
cardiac troponins have been developed to help identify patients with ACS at increased risk of adverse
outcome(s). Common risk assessment tools include the TIMI (Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction) risk score
(42), the PURSUIT (Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in Unstable Angina: Receptor Suppression Using Integrilin
Therapy) risk score (43), the GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) risk score (44), and the
Page 16 of 150
initial evaluation is imperative to guide patient management, including the need for additional diagnostic testing
and treatment. See Section 3.2.2 for a discussion of risk stratification variables.
See Online Data Supplement 1 for additional information on clinical assessment and initial evaluation
3.1.1. ED or Outpatient Facility Presentation: Recommendations
Class I
1. Patients with suspected ACS and high-risk features such as continuing chest pain, severe dyspnea,
syncope/presyncope, or palpitations should be referred immediately to the ED and transported by
emergency medical services when available. (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIb
1. Patients with less severe symptoms may be considered for referral to the ED, a chest pain unit, or
a facility capable of performing adequate evaluation depending on clinical circumstances. (Level
of Evidence: C)
Patients with suspected ACS and high-risk features should be transported to the ED by emergency medical
services when available. Hospitals and outpatient facilities should provide clearly visible signage directing
patients transported by private vehicle to the appropriate triage area. Outpatient facilities should have the
capacity for ECG and cardiac troponin measurements with immediate ED referral for those considered to have
In addition, the clinician should differentiate NSTE-ACS from acute coronary insufficiency due to a
nonatherosclerotic cause and noncoronary causes of myocardial oxygen supply-demand mismatch (41) (Section
3.2.1. History
Page 17 of 150
NSTE-ACS most commonly presents as a pressure-type chest pain that typically occurs at rest or with minimal
exertion lasting ≥10 minutes (41). The pain most frequently starts in the retrosternal area and can radiate to
either or both arms, the neck, or the jaw. Pain may also occur in these areas independent of chest pain. Patients
with NSTE-ACS may also present with diaphoresis, dyspnea, nausea, abdominal pain, or syncope. Unexplained
new-onset or increased exertional dyspnea is the most common angina equivalent. Less common presentations
include nausea and vomiting, diaphoresis, unexplained fatigue, and syncope. Factors that increase the
probability of NSTE-ACS are older age, male sex, positive family history of CAD, and the presence of
peripheral arterial disease, diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency, prior MI, and prior coronary revascularization.
Although older patients (≥75 years of age) and women usually present with typical symptoms of ACS, the
frequency of atypical presentations is increased in these groups as well as in patients with diabetes mellitus,
impaired renal function, and dementia (54, 55). Atypical symptoms, including epigastric pain, indigestion,
stabbing or pleuritic pain, and increasing dyspnea in the absence of chest pain should raise concern for NSTE-
ACS (56). Psychiatric disorders (e.g., somatoform disorders, panic attack, anxiety disorders) are noncardiac
causes of chest pain that can mimic ACS (57).
without NSTE-ACS and thus are nonspecific. The coupling of pain on palpation suggesting musculoskeletal
disease or inflammation with a pulsatile abdominal mass suggesting abdominal aortic aneurysm raises concern
for nonischemic causes of NSTE-ACS. The physical examination can indicate alternative diagnoses in patients
with chest pain, several of which are life threatening. Aortic dissection is suggested by back pain, unequal
palpated pulse volume, a difference of ≥15 mm Hg between both arms in systolic blood pressure (BP), or a
murmur of aortic regurgitation. Acute pericarditis is suggested by a pericardial friction rub. Cardiac tamponade
can be reflected by pulsus paradoxus. Pneumothorax is suspected when acute dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, and
differential breath sounds are present. A pleural friction rub may indicate pneumonitis or pleuritis.
3.2.3. Electrocardiogram
A12-lead ECG should be performed and interpreted within 10 minutes of the patient’s arrival at an emergency
facility to assess for cardiac ischemia or injury (21). Changes on ECG in patients with NSTE-ACS include ST
depression, transient ST elevation, or new T-wave inversion (21, 58). Persistent ST elevation or anterior ST
depression indicative of true posterior MI should be treated according to the STEMI CPG (17). The ECG can be
relatively normal or initially nondiagnostic; if this is the case, the ECG should be repeated (e.g., at 15- to 30-
minute intervals during the first hour), especially if symptoms recur (21). A normal ECG does not exclude ACS
and occurs in 1% to 6% of such patients (59-61). A normal ECG may also be associated with left circumflex or
Page 18 of 150
right coronary artery occlusions, which can be electrically silent (in which case posterior electrocardiographic
leads [V7 to V9] may be helpful). Right-sided leads (V3R to V4R) are typically performed in the case of inferior
STEMI to detect evidence of right ventricular infarction. Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, bundle-branch
blocks with repolarization abnormalities, and ventricular pacing may mask signs of ischemia/injury (62).
3.2.4. Biomarkers of Myocardial Necrosis
Cardiac troponins are the most sensitive and specific biomarkers for NSTE-ACS. They rise within a few hours
of symptom onset and typically remain elevated for several days (but may remain elevated for up to 2 weeks
with a large infarction). A negative cardiac troponin obtained with more sensitive cardiac troponin assays on
admission confers a >95% negative predictive value for MI compared with high-sensitivity assays that confer a
negative predictive value ≥99% (63-65). See Section 3.4 for a detailed review of biomarkers for the diagnosis of
3.2.5. Imaging
A chest roentgenogram is useful to identify potential pulmonary causes of chest pain and may show a widened
mediastinum in patients with aortic dissection. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest with intravenous
contrast can help exclude pulmonary embolism and aortic dissection. Transthoracic echocardiography can
identify a pericardial effusion and tamponade physiology and may also be useful to detect regional wall motion
abnormalities. Transesophageal echocardiography can identify a proximal aortic dissection. In low-risk patients
with chest pain, coronary CT angiography can result in a more rapid, more cost-effective diagnosis than stress
Class I
1. In patients with chest pain or other symptoms suggestive of ACS, a 12-lead ECG should be
performed and evaluated for ischemic changes within 10 minutes of the patient’s arrival at an
Page 19 of 150
5. Risk scores should be used to assess prognosis in patients with NSTE-ACS (42-44, 75-80). (Level of
Evidence: A)
Class IIa
1. Risk-stratification models can be useful in management (42-44, 75-81). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. It is reasonable to obtain supplemental electrocardiographic leads V7 to V9 in patients whose
initial ECG is nondiagnostic and who are at intermediate/high risk of ACS (82-84). (Level of
Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. Continuous monitoring with 12-lead ECG may be a reasonable alternative in patients whose
initial ECG is nondiagnostic and who are at intermediate/high risk of ACS (85, 86). (Level of
Evidence: B)
2. Measurement of B-type natriuretic peptide or N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide may be
considered to assess risk in patients with suspected ACS (87-91). (Level of Evidence: B)
3.3.1. Rationale for Risk Stratification and Spectrum of Risk: High, Intermediate, and Low
Assessment of prognosis guides initial clinical evaluation and treatment and is useful for selecting the site of
care (coronary care unit, monitored step-down unit, or outpatient monitored unit), antithrombotic therapies (e.g.,
P2Y12 inhibitors, platelet glycoprotein [GP] IIb/IIIa inhibitors [Sections and]), and invasive
management (Sections, 4.3.1, 4.4, 4.4.4, 4.4.5). There is a strong relationship between indicators of
ischemia due to CAD and prognosis (Table 3 and Figure 2). Patients with a high likelihood of ischemia due to
CAD are at greater risk of a major adverse cardiac event (MACE) than patients with a lower likelihood of
ischemia due to CAD. Risk is highest at the time of presentation but remains elevated past the acute phase. By 6
months, NSTE-ACS mortality rates may equal or exceed those of STEMI (58). By 12 months, rates of death,
MI, and recurrent instability in contemporary registries are >10%. Early events are related to the ruptured
coronary plaque and thrombosis, and later events are more closely associated with the pathophysiology of
chronic atherosclerosis and LV systolic function (92-98).
At initial presentation, the clinical history, anginal symptoms and equivalents, physical examination, ECG, renal
function, and cardiac troponin measurements can be integrated into an estimation of the risk of death and
In patients with or without known CAD, clinicians must determine whether the presentation is consistent with
acute ischemia, stable ischemic heart disease, or an alternative etiology. Factors in the initial clinical history
related to the likelihood of acute ischemia include age, sex, symptoms, prior history of CAD, and the number of
traditional risk factors (99-105).
The characteristics of angina include deep, poorly localized chest or arm pain that is reproducibly
associated with exertion or emotional stress (106). Angina is relieved promptly (i.e., in <5 minutes) with rest
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and/or short-acting nitroglycerin. Patients with NSTE-ACS may have typical or atypical anginal symptoms, but
episodes are more severe and prolonged, may occur at rest, or may be precipitated by less exertion than the
patient previously experienced. Some patients have no chest pain but present solely with dyspnea or with arm,
shoulder, back, jaw, neck, epigastric, or ear discomfort (107-109).
Features not characteristic of myocardial ischemia include:
• Pleuritic pain (sharp or knifelike pain provoked by respiration or cough);
• Primary or sole location of discomfort in the middle or lower abdomen;
Pain localized by the tip of 1 finger, particularly at the LV apex or costochondral junction;
• Pain reproduced with movement or palpation of the chest wall or arms;
Brief episodes of pain lasting a few seconds or less;
• Pain that is of maximal intensity at onset; and
• Pain that radiates into the lower extremities.
Evaluation should include the clinician’s impression of whether the pain represents a high, intermediate, or low
likelihood of acute ischemia.
Although typical characteristics increase the probability of CAD, atypical features do not exclude ACS.
In the Multicenter Chest Pain Study, acute ischemia was diagnosed in 22% of patients who presented to the ED
with sharp or stabbing pain and in 13% of those with pleuritic pain (110). Seven percent of patients whose pain
was reproduced with palpation had ACS. The ACI-TIPI (Acute Cardiac Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predictive
Instrument) project found that older age, male sex, chest or left arm pain, and chest pain or pressure were the
most important findings, and each increased the likelihood of ACS (111, 112).
The relief of chest pain with nitroglycerin is not predictive of ACS. One study reported that sublingual
nitroglycerin relieved symptoms in 35% of patients with documented ACS compared with 41% of patients
without ACS (113). The relief of chest pain by “gastrointestinal cocktails” (e.g., mixtures of liquid antacids,
and/or viscous lidocaine, and/or anticholinergic agents) does not predict the absence of ACS (114).
A prior history of MI is associated with a high risk of obstructive and multivessel CAD (115). Women with
suspected ACS are less likely to have obstructive CAD than men. When obstructive CAD is present in women,
it tends to be less severe than it is in men (116). It has been suggested that coronary microvascular disease and
endothelial dysfunction play a role in the pathophysiology of NSTE-ACS in patients with nonobstructive CAD
(116). Older adults have increased risks of underlying CAD (117, 118), multivessel CAD, and a worse prognosis
(Section 7.1).
A family history of premature CAD is associated with increased coronary artery calcium scores (119)
and increased risk of 30-day cardiac events in patients with ACS (120, 121). Diabetes mellitus, extracardiac
Page 21 of 150
(carotid, aortic, or peripheral) arterial disease, and hypertension are major risk factors for poor outcomes in
patients with ACS (Section 6.2) with both STEMI (122) and NSTE-ACS (92).
The current or prior use of aspirin at presentation is associated with increased cardiovascular risk (42),
likely reflecting the greater probability that patients who have been prescribed aspirin have an increased
cardiovascular risk profile and/or prior vascular disease. Smoking is associated with a lower risk of death in
ACS (42, 123, 124), primarily because of the younger age of smokers with ACS and less severe CAD.
Overweight and/or obesity at ACS presentation are associated with lower short-term risk of death. The “obesity
paradox” may be a function of younger age at presentation, referral for angiography at an earlier stage of
disease, and more aggressive management of ACS (123). These individuals, especially those with severe obesity
(body mass index >35), have a higher long-term total mortality risk (124-129).
Cocaine use can cause ACS by inducing coronary vasospasm, dissection, thrombosis, positive
chronotropic and hypertensive actions, and direct myocardial toxicity (Section 7.10) (130). Methamphetamines
are also associated with ACS (131). Urine toxicology screening should be considered when substance abuse is
suspected as a cause of or contributor to ACS, especially in younger patients (<50 years of age) (132).
Subcutaneous Enoxaparin in Non–Q-Wave Coronary Event) trial (133). The TIMI risk score calculator is
available at www.timi.org. The TIMI risk index is useful in predicting 30-day and 1-year mortality in patients
with NSTE-ACS (134). For patients with a TIMI risk score of 0 and normal high-sensitivity cardiac troponin 2
hours after presentation, accelerated diagnostic protocols have been developed that predict a very low rate of 30-
(Global Utilization of Streptokinase and Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Occluded Coronary Arteries) IIb
cohorts. The sum of scores is applied to a reference nomogram to determine all-cause mortality from hospital
discharge to 6 months. The GRACE clinical application tool is a web-based downloadable application and is
available at http://www.outcomes-umassmed.org/grace/ (Figure 2) (44, 135).
Among patients with a higher TIMI risk score (e.g., ≥3), there is a greater benefit from therapies such as
low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) (133, 136), platelet GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors (137), and an invasive
strategy (138). Similarly, the GRACE risk model can identify patients who would benefit from an early invasive
strategy (139). Patients with elevated cardiac troponin benefit from more aggressive therapy, whereas those
without elevated cardiac troponins may not (140). This is especially true for women in whom some data suggest
Page 22 of 150
adverse effects from invasive therapies in the absence of an elevated cardiac troponin value (141). Although B-
type natriuretic peptide and N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide are not useful for the diagnosis of ACS
per se (but rather HF, which has many etiologies), they add prognostic value (87-91).
TIMI Risk All-Cause Mortality, New or Recurrent MI, or Severe Recurrent Ischemia
Score Requiring Urgent Revascularization Through 14 d After Randomization, %
0–1 4.7
2 8.3
3 13.2
4 19.9
5 26.2
6–7 40.9
*The TIMI risk score is determined by the sum of the presence of 7 variables at admission; 1 point is given for each of the
following variables: ≥65 y of age; ≥3 risk factors for CAD; prior coronary stenosis ≥50%; ST deviation on ECG; ≥2 anginal
events in prior 24 h; use of aspirin in prior 7 d; and elevated cardiac biomarkers.
CAD indicates coronary artery disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; MI, myocardial infarction; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation
acute coronary syndromes; and TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction.
Modified with permission from Antman et al. (42).
Figure 2. Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events Risk Calculator for In-Hospital Mortality for Acute
Coronary Syndrome
A. GRACE Risk Model Nomogram
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M Electrocardiogram
The 12-lead ECG is pivotal in the decision pathway for the evaluation and management of patients presenting
with symptoms suggestive of ACS (58, 59, 85). Transient ST changes (≥0.5 mm [0.05 mV]) during symptoms at
rest strongly suggest ischemia and underlying severe CAD. Patients without acute ischemic changes on ECG
have a reduced risk of MI and a very low risk of in-hospital life-threatening complications, even in the presence
T-wave inversion (≥2 mm [0.2 mV]) suggests acute ischemia, particularly due to a critical stenosis of the left
anterior descending coronary artery (148, 149); it may also be seen with acute pulmonary embolism and right-
sided ST-T changes.
Nonspecific ST-T changes (usually defined as ST deviation of <0.5 mm [0.05 mV] or T-wave inversion
of <2 mm [0.2 mV]) are less helpful diagnostically. Significant Q waves are less helpful, although by suggesting
prior MI, they indicate a high likelihood of significant CAD. Isolated Q waves in lead 3 are a normal finding. A
completely normal ECG in a patient with chest pain does not exclude ACS, because 1% to 6% of such patients
will have a MI, and at least 4% will have UA (59-61). Fibrinolytic therapy is contraindicated for patients with
Page 24 of 150
ACS without ST elevation, except for those with electrocardiographic evidence of true posterior MI (i.e., ST
elevation in posterior chest leads [V7 to V9]). This can be evaluated when acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is
suspected but electrocardiographic changes are modest or not present (82-84); a transthoracic echocardiogram to
evaluate for posterior wall motion abnormalities may also be helpful in this setting.
Alternative causes of ST-T changes include LV aneurysm, pericarditis, myocarditis, bundle-branch
block, LV hypertrophy, hyperkalemia, Prinzmetal angina, early repolarization, apical LV ballooning syndrome
(Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, Section 7.13), and Wolff-Parkinson-White conduction. Central nervous system
events and therapy with tricyclic antidepressants or phenothiazines can cause deep T-wave inversion.
The physical examination is helpful in assessing the hemodynamic impact of an ischemic event. Patients with
suspected ACS should have vital signs measured (BP in both arms if dissection is suspected) and should
undergo a thorough cardiovascular examination. Patients with evidence of LV dysfunction on examination (e.g.,
rales, S3 gallop) or acute mitral regurgitation have a higher likelihood of severe underlying CAD and are at high
risk of a poor outcome. In the SHOCK (Should we Emergently Revascularize Occluded Coronaries for
Cardiogenic Shock) study, NSTEMI accounted for approximately 20% of cardiogenic shock complicating MI
(150). Other trials have reported lower percentages (92, 151). The physical examination may also help identify
comorbid conditions (e.g., occult GI bleeding) that could impact therapeutic risk and decision making.
Perform serial ECGs at 15- to 30-min intervals during the first hour in
symptomatic patients with initial nondiagnostic ECG
Measure cardiac troponin (cTnI or cTnT) in all patients with symptoms (21, 64, 67-
consistent with ACS* 71)
Measure serial cardiac troponin I or T at presentation and 3–6 h after
I A (21, 72-74)
symptom onset* in all patients with symptoms consistent with ACS
Use risk scores to assess prognosis in patients with NSTE-ACS (42-44, 75-
Risk-stratification models can be useful in management (42-44, 75-
Obtain supplemental electrocardiographic leads V7 to V9 in patients with
IIa B (82-84)
initial nondiagnostic ECG at intermediate/high risk for ACS
Continuous monitoring with 12-lead ECG may be a reasonable alternative
with initial nondiagnostic ECG in patients at intermediate/high risk for IIb B (85, 86)
BNP or NT–pro-BNP may be considered to assess risk in patients with
IIb B (87-91)
suspected ACS
*See Section 3.4, Class I, #3 recommendation if time of symptom onset is unclear.
Page 25 of 150
ACS indicates acute coronary syndromes; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; COR, Class of Recommendation; cTnI, cardiac
troponin I; cTnT, cardiac troponin T; ECG, electrocardiogram; LOE, Level of Evidence; N/A, not available; NSTE-ACS,
non−ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; and NT–pro-BNP, N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide.
See Table 5 for a summary of recommendations from this section and Online Data Supplement 3 for additional
information on cardiac injury markers and the universal definition of AMI
3.4.1. Biomarkers: Diagnosis
Class I
1. Cardiac-specific troponin (troponin I or T when a contemporary assay is used) levels should be
measured at presentation and 3 to 6 hours after symptom onset in all patients who present with
symptoms consistent with ACS to identify a rising and/or falling pattern (21, 64, 67-71, 152-156).
(Level of Evidence: A)
2. Additional troponin levels should be obtained beyond 6 hours after symptom onset in patients
with normal troponins on serial examination when electrocardiographic changes and/or clinical
presentation confer an intermediate or high index of suspicion for ACS (21, 72-74, 157). (Level of
Evidence: A)
3. If the time of symptom onset is ambiguous, the time of presentation should be considered the time
of onset for assessing troponin values (67, 68, 72). (Level of Evidence: A)
Class III: No Benefit
1. With contemporary troponin assays, creatine kinase myocardial isoenzyme (CK-MB) and
myoglobin are not useful for diagnosis of ACS (158-164). (Level of Evidence: A)
Class I
1. The presence and magnitude of troponin elevations are useful for short- and long-term prognosis
(71, 73, 165, 166). (Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. It may be reasonable to remeasure troponin once on day 3 or day 4 in patients with MI as an
index of infarct size and dynamics of necrosis (164, 165). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. Use of selected newer biomarkers, especially B-type natriuretic peptide, may be reasonable to
provide additional prognostic information (87, 88, 167-171). (Level of Evidence: B)
Cardiac troponins are the mainstay for diagnosis of ACS and for risk stratification in patients with ACS. The
primary diagnostic biomarkers of myocardial necrosis are cardiac troponin I and cardiac troponin T. Features
that favor troponins for detection of ACS include high concentrations of troponins in the myocardium; virtual
absence of troponins in nonmyocardial tissue; high-release ratio into the systemic circulation (amount found in
blood relative to amount depleted from myocardium); rapid release into the blood in proportion to the extent of
myocardial injury; and the ability to quantify values with reproducible, inexpensive, rapid, and easily applied
assays. The 2012 Third Universal Definition of MI provides criteria that classify 5 clinical presentations of MI
based on pathological, clinical, and prognostic factors (21). In the appropriate clinical context, MI is indicated
Page 26 of 150
by a rising and/or falling pattern of troponin with ≥1 value above the 99th percentile of the upper reference level
and evidence for serial increases or decreases in the levels of troponins (67, 68, 156). The potential
consequences of emerging high-sensitivity troponin assays include increases in the diagnosis of NSTEMI (152,
172, 173) influenced by the definition of an abnormal troponin (67, 153, 174, 175). The recommendations in this
section are formulated from studies predicated on both the new European Society of
Cardiology/ACC/AHA/World Health Organization criteria (21) and previous criteria/redefinitions of MI based
on earlier-generation troponin assays (Appendix 4, Table A).
Table 5. Summary of Recommendations for Cardiac Biomarkers and the Universal Definition of MI
Recommendations COR LOE References
Measure cardiac-specific troponin (troponin I or T) at presentation and 3─6 h (21, 64, 67-
after symptom onset in all patients with suspected ACS to identify pattern of I A 71, 152-
values 156)
Obtain additional troponin levels beyond 6 h in patients with initial normal
(21, 72-74,
serial troponins with electrocardiographic changes and/or intermediate/high risk I A
clinical features
Consider time of presentation the time of onset with ambiguous symptom onset
for assessing troponin values AN
With contemporary troponin assays, CK-MB and myoglobin are not useful for
(67, 68, 72)
diagnosis of ACS Benefit
Troponin elevations are useful for short- and long-term prognosis (71, 73,
165, 166)
Remeasurement of troponin value once on d 3 or 4 in patients with MI may be
IIb B (164, 165)
reasonable as an index of infarct size and dynamics of necrosis
ACS indicates acute coronary syndromes; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CK-MB, creatine kinase myocardial isoenzyme;
COR, Class of Recommendation; LOE, Level of Evidence; and MI, myocardial infarction.
Of the 3 troponin subunits, 2 subunits (troponin I and troponin T) are derived from genes specifically expressed
in the myocardium. Cardiac troponin measurements provide highly sensitive results specific for detecting
cardiomyocyte necrosis (34, 173). Highly sensitive assays can identify cardiac troponin not only in the blood of
patients with acute cardiac injury but also in the blood of most healthy people (64, 68, 70, 166, 176, 177). As
assay sensitivity increases, a greater proportion of patients will have detectable long-term elevations in troponin,
thus requiring consideration of serial changes for the diagnosis of MI. Clinicians should be aware of the
sensitivity of the tests used for troponin evaluation in their hospitals and cutpoint concentrations for clinical
decisions. Markedly elevated values are usually related to MI, myocarditis, rare analytical factors, or chronic
elevations in patients with renal failure and in some patients with HF.
Page 27 of 150
CPGs endorse the 99th percentile of the upper reference level as the appropriate cutpoint for considering
myocardial necrosis (21, 22). For the diagnosis of acute myocardial necrosis, it is important to determine not
only the peak troponin value but also serial changes:
1. A troponin value above the 99th percentile of the upper reference level is required. Additionally,
evidence for a serial increase or decrease ≥20% is required if the initial value is elevated (21, 178).
2. For any troponin values below or close to the 99th percentile, evidence for acute myocardial necrosis is
indicated by a change of ≥3 standard deviations of the variation around the initial value as determined
by the individual laboratory (21, 179).
3. Clinical laboratory reports should indicate whether significant changes in cardiac troponin values for the
particular assay have occurred.
Absolute changes in nanograms per liter of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T levels appear to have a
significantly higher diagnostic accuracy for AMI than relative changes and may distinguish AMI from other
causes of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T elevations (71). This has also been suggested for some
contemporary assays (71). Troponins are elevated in MI as early as 2 to 4 hours after symptom onset (64, 70),
and many medical centers obtain troponins at 3 hours. Depending on the assay, values may not become
abnormal for up to 12 hours. In the vast majority of patients with symptoms suggestive of ACS, MI can be
excluded or confirmed within 6 hours, because very few patients present immediately after symptom onset. In
high-risk patients, measurements after 6 hours may be required to identify ACS.
Solitary elevations of troponin cannot be assumed to be due to MI, because troponin elevations can be
due to tachyarrhythmia, hypotension or hypertension, cardiac trauma, acute HF, myocarditis and pericarditis,
acute pulmonary thromboembolic disease, and severe noncardiac conditions such as sepsis, burns, respiratory
failure, acute neurological diseases, and drug toxicity (including cancer chemotherapy). Chronic elevations can
result from structural cardiac abnormalities such as LV hypertrophy or ventricular dilatation and are also
common in patients with renal insufficiency (34). Patients with end-stage renal disease and no clinical evidence
of ACS frequently have elevations of cardiac troponin (180-182). With conventional assays, this is more
common with cardiac troponin T than with cardiac troponin I (180). In the diagnosis of NSTEMI, cardiac
troponin values must manifest an acute pattern consistent with the clinical events, including ischemic symptoms
and electrocardiographic changes. Troponin elevations may persist for up to 14 days or occasionally longer.
There is a paucity of guidelines for establishment of reinfarction during the acute infarct period on the basis of
troponin measurements. References suggest that an increase of >20% of previous troponin levels or an absolute
increase of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T values (e.g., >7 ng/L over 2 hours) may indicate reinfarction
During pregnancy, troponin values are within the normal range in the absence of cardiovascular
morbidities. There is controversy as to whether troponin levels are elevated in pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, or
gestational hypertension (186-189). When present, cardiac troponin elevations reflect myocardial necrosis.
Page 28 of 150
Point-of-care troponin values may provide initial diagnostic information, although their sensitivity is
substantially below that of central laboratory methods (154, 155, 190-192). In addition, the rigorous quantitative
assay standardization needed for routine diagnosis favors central laboratory testing. Prognosis
Troponin elevations convey prognostic assessment beyond that of clinical information, the initial ECG, and the
predischarge stress test (71). In addition, troponin elevations may provide information to direct therapy. Patients
with cardiac troponin elevations are at high risk and benefit from intensive management and early
revascularization (193-195). High risk is optimally defined by the changing pattern as described in Section
3.4.3. Cardiac troponin elevations correlate with estimation of infarct size and risk of death; persistent elevation
72 to 96 hours after symptom onset may afford relevant information in this regard (164). Elevations of cardiac
troponin can occur for multiple reasons other than MI. In these cases, there is often substantial risk of adverse
outcomes, as troponin elevation indicates cardiomyocyte necrosis (181).
availability of cardiac troponin, CK-MB, myoglobin, and other diagnostic biomarkers are no longer necessary
(158, 160-163, 196-198). CK-MB may be used to estimate MI size. Detection of MI after percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) remains an area of controversy. Because of the increased sensitivity of cardiac troponin, the
prognostic value associated with varying degrees of elevation remains unclear.
See Online Data Supplements 5, 6, and 7 for additional information on cardiac injury markers
Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to observe patients with symptoms consistent with ACS without objective evidence
of myocardial ischemia (nonischemic initial ECG and normal cardiac troponin) in a chest pain
unit or telemetry unit with serial ECGs and cardiac troponin at 3- to 6-hour intervals (196, 197,
199-201). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. It is reasonable for patients with possible ACS who have normal serial ECGs and cardiac
troponins to have a treadmill ECG (200-202) (Level of Evidence: A), stress myocardial perfusion
imaging (200), or stress echocardiography (203, 204) before discharge or within 72 hours after
discharge. (Level of Evidence: B)
Page 29 of 150
3. In patients with possible ACS and a normal ECG, normal cardiac troponins, and no history of
CAD, it is reasonable to initially perform (without serial ECGs and troponins) coronary CT
angiography to assess coronary artery anatomy (205-207) (Level of Evidence: A) or rest
myocardial perfusion imaging with a technetium-99m radiopharmaceutical to exclude myocardial
ischemia (208, 209). (Level of Evidence: B)
4. It is reasonable to give low-risk patients who are referred for outpatient testing daily aspirin,
short-acting nitroglycerin, and other medication if appropriate (e.g., beta blockers), with
instructions about activity level and clinician follow-up. (Level of Evidence: C)
The majority of patients presenting to the ED with chest pain do not have ACS (Figure 1), and most are at low
risk for major morbidity and mortality (35). Low-risk patients are usually identified by an absence of history of
cardiovascular disease, normal or near-normal initial ECG, normal initial troponin, and clinical stability (35,
202). The utility of an accelerated diagnostic protocol for detecting patients with benign conditions versus those
who require admission for serious disease has been established (35). At minimum, these protocols involve serial
ECGs and troponin measurements, both of which can be performed in the ED, a separate chest pain unit, or a
telemetry unit. A 30-day negative predictive value >99% for ACS has been reported for patients presenting to
the ED with chest pain who undergo a 2-hour accelerated diagnostic protocol composed of a TIMI risk score of
0, normal ECG, and normal high-sensitivity troponin at 0 hours and 2 hours (assuming appropriate follow-up
care) (65, 210). Some protocols also call for a functional or anatomic test (e.g., treadmill test, rest scintigraphy,
coronary CT angiography, stress imaging). Coronary CT angiography is associated with rapid assessment, high
negative predictive value, decreased length of stay, and reduced costs (205-207); however, in the latter studies, it
increased the rate of invasive coronary angiography and revascularization with uncertain long-term benefits in
low-risk patients without ECG or troponin alterations (211). Accelerated diagnostic protocols are also
See Online Data Supplement 8 for additional information on discharge from the ED or chest pain unit
The standard of care for patients who present with NSTE-ACS, including those with recurrent symptoms,
ischemic electrocardiographic changes, or positive cardiac troponins, is admission for inpatient management.
The goals of treatment are the immediate relief of ischemia and the prevention of MI and death. Initially,
stabilized patients with NSTE-ACS are admitted to an intermediate (or step-down) care unit. Patients undergo
continuous electrocardiographic rhythm monitoring and observation for recurrent ischemia. Bed or chair rest is
recommended for patients admitted with NSTE-ACS. Patients with NSTE-ACS should be treated with
antianginal (Section, antiplatelet, and anticoagulant therapy (Section 4.3). Patients are managed with
either an early invasive strategy or an ischemia-guided strategy (Section 4.4).
Page 30 of 150
hemodynamic instability can be considered for admission or transfer to an intermediate care or telemetry unit.
An assessment of LV function is recommended because depressed LV function will likely influence
pharmacological therapies (e.g., angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors for depressed left ventricular
ejection fraction [LVEF]) may suggest the presence of more extensive CAD and may influence the choice of
revascularization (PCI versus coronary artery bypass graft surgery [CABG]). Because significant valvular
disease may also influence the type of revascularization, echocardiography rather than ventriculography is often
preferred for assessment of LV function.
4.1. Standard Medical Therapies
See Table 6 for a summary of recommendations from this section.
Patients with cyanosis, arterial oxygen saturation <90%, respiratory distress, or other high-risk features of
hypoxemia are treated with supplemental oxygen. The 2007 UA/NSTEMI CPG recommended the routine
administration of supplemental oxygen to all patients with NSTE-ACS during the first 6 hours after presentation
on the premise that it is safe and may alleviate hypoxemia (212). The benefit of routine supplemental oxygen
administration in normoxic patients with NSTE-ACS has never been demonstrated. At the time of GWC
deliberations, data emerged that routine use of supplemental oxygen in cardiac patients may have untoward
effects, including increased coronary vascular resistance, reduced coronary blood flow, and increased risk of
mortality (213-215).
Class I
1. Patients with NSTE-ACS with continuing ischemic pain should receive sublingual nitroglycerin
(0.3 mg to 0.4 mg) every 5 minutes for up to 3 doses, after which an assessment should be made
about the need for intravenous nitroglycerin if not contraindicated (216-218). (Level of Evidence:
2. Intravenous nitroglycerin is indicated for patients with NSTE-ACS for the treatment of persistent
ischemia, HF, or hypertension (219-224). (Level of Evidence: B)
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Nitrates are endothelium-independent vasodilators with peripheral and coronary vascular effects. By dilating the
capacitance vessels, nitrates decrease cardiac preload and reduce ventricular wall tension. More modest effects
on the arterial circulation result in afterload reduction and further decrease in MVO2. This may be partially
offset by reflex increases in heart rate and contractility, which counteract the reduction in MVO2 unless a beta
blocker is concurrently administered. Nitrates also dilate normal and atherosclerotic coronary arteries and
increase coronary collateral flow. Nitrates may also inhibit platelet aggregation (228).
RCTs have not shown a reduction in MACE with nitrates. The rationale for nitrate use in NSTE-ACS is
extrapolated from pathophysiological principles and extensive (although uncontrolled) clinical observations,
experimental studies, and clinical experience. The decision to administer nitrates should not preclude therapy
with other proven mortality-reducing interventions such as beta blockers.
Intravenous nitroglycerin is beneficial in patients with HF, hypertension, or symptoms that are not
relieved with sublingual nitroglycerin and administration of a beta blocker (219, 221-224). Patients who require
intravenous nitroglycerin for >24 hours may require periodic increases in the infusion rate and use of
nontolerance-producing regimens (e.g., intermittent dosing) to maintain efficacy. In current practice, most
patients who require continued intravenous nitroglycerin for the relief of angina undergo prompt coronary
angiography and revascularization. Topical or oral nitrates are acceptable alternatives to intravenous
nitroglycerin for patients who do not have refractory or recurrent ischemia (229, 230). Side effects of nitrates
include headache and hypotension. Nitrates should not be administered to patients with hypotension or to those
who received a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and administered with caution to patients with right ventricular
infarction (231).
Class IIb
1. In the absence of contraindications, it may be reasonable to administer morphine sulfate
intravenously to patients with NSTE-ACS if there is continued ischemic chest pain despite
treatment with maximally tolerated anti-ischemic medications (232, 233). (Level of Evidence: B)
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The role of morphine sulfate was re-evaluated for this CPG revision, including studies that suggest the potential
for adverse events with its use (232). Morphine sulfate has potent analgesic and anxiolytic effects, as well as
hemodynamic actions, that are potentially beneficial in NSTE-ACS. It causes venodilation and produces modest
reductions in heart rate (through increased vagal tone) and systolic BP. In patients with symptoms despite
antianginal treatment, morphine (1 mg to 5 mg IV) may be administered during intravenous nitroglycerin
therapy with BP monitoring. The morphine dose may be repeated every 5 to 30 minutes to relieve symptoms
and maintain the patient’s comfort. Its use should not preclude the use of other anti-ischemic therapies with
proven benefits in patients with NSTE-ACS. To our knowledge, no RCTs have assessed the use of morphine in
patients with NSTE-ACS or defined its optimal administration schedule. Observational studies have
demonstrated increased adverse events associated with the use of morphine sulfate in patients with ACS and
acute decompensated HF (232, 233, 236). Although these reports were observational, uncontrolled studies
limited by selection bias, they raised important safety concerns.
Although constipation, nausea, and/or vomiting occur in >20% of patients, hypotension and respiratory
depression are the most serious complications of excessive use of morphine. Naloxone (0.4 mg to 2.0 mg IV)
may be administered for morphine overdose with respiratory or circulatory depression.
Traditional NSAIDs and selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors markedly block endothelial
prostacyclin production, which leads to unopposed platelet aggregation by platelet-derived thromboxane A2.
Both types of NSAIDs prevent the beneficial actions of aspirin and interfere with the inhibition of COX-1,
thromboxane A2 production, and platelet aggregation. Because of their inhibitory activity on the ubiquitous
COXs, NSAIDs have an extensive adverse side effect profile, particularly renal and gastrointestinal. The
increased cardiovascular hazards associated with NSAIDs have been observed in several studies of patients
without ACS (234, 235, 237, 238). The PRECISION (Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Celecoxib
Integrated Safety Versus Ibuprofen Or Naproxen) trial, in progress at the time of publication, is the first study of
patients with high cardiovascular risk who are receiving long-term treatment with a selective COX-2 inhibitor or
traditional NSAIDs. PRECISION will examine the relative cardiovascular safety profiles of celecoxib,
Class I
1. Oral beta-blocker therapy should be initiated within the first 24 hours in patients who do not have
any of the following: 1) signs of HF, 2) evidence of low-output state, 3) increased risk for
cardiogenic shock, or 4) other contraindications to beta blockade (e.g., PR interval >0.24 second,
second- or third-degree heart block without a cardiac pacemaker, active asthma, or reactive
airway disease) (240-242). (Level of Evidence: A)
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2. In patients with concomitant NSTE-ACS, stabilized HF, and reduced systolic function, it is
recommended to continue beta-blocker therapy with 1 of the 3 drugs proven to reduce mortality
in patients with HF: sustained-release metoprolol succinate, carvedilol, or bisoprolol. (Level of
Evidence: C)
3. Patients with documented contraindications to beta blockers in the first 24 hours of NSTE-ACS
should be re-evaluated to determine their subsequent eligibility. (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to continue beta-blocker therapy in patients with normal LV function with NSTE-
ACS (241, 243). (Level of Evidence: C)
Class III: Harm
1. Administration of intravenous beta blockers is potentially harmful in patients with NSTE-ACS
who have risk factors for shock (244). (Level of Evidence: B)
Beta blockers decrease heart rate, contractility, and BP, resulting in decreased MVO2. Beta blockers without
increased sympathomimetic activity should be administered orally in the absence of contraindications. Although
early administration does not reduce short-term mortality (241, 244), beta blockers decrease myocardial
ischemia, reinfarction, and the frequency of complex ventricular dysrhythmias (240, 245), and they increase
long-term survival. Early beta blockade, particularly if given intravenously, can increase the likelihood of shock
in patients with risk factors. Risk factors for shock include patients >70 years of age, heart rate >110 beats per
minute, systolic BP <120 mm Hg, and late presentation (244). In patients with LV dysfunction (LVEF <0.40)
with or without pulmonary congestion, beta blockers are strongly recommended before discharge. Beta blockers
should be used prudently with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) in patients with HF.
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blocking agents should be cautiously added in patients with
decompensated HF (246). Beta blockers without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity should be used, especially
beta-1 blockers such as sustained-release metoprolol succinate, bisoprolol, or carvedilol, a beta-1 and alpha-1
blocker. This is because of their mortality benefit in patients with HF and systolic dysfunction (246, 247). In
patients with chronic obstructive lung disease or a history of asthma, beta blockers are not contraindicated in the
absence of active bronchospasm. Beta-1 selective beta blockers are preferred and should be initiated at a low
See Online Data Supplement 11 for additional information on beta blockers, including risk factors for shock
Class I
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS, continuing or frequently recurring ischemia, and a contraindication
to beta blockers, a nondihydropyridine calcium channel blocker (CCB) (e.g., verapamil or
diltiazem) should be given as initial therapy in the absence of clinically significant LV dysfunction,
increased risk for cardiogenic shock, PR interval greater than 0.24 second, or second- or third-
degree atrioventricular block without a cardiac pacemaker (248-250). (Level of Evidence: B)
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2. Oral nondihydropyridine calcium antagonists are recommended in patients with NSTE-ACS who
have recurrent ischemia in the absence of contraindications, after appropriate use of beta
blockers and nitrates. (Level of Evidence: C)
3. CCBs† are recommended for ischemic symptoms when beta blockers are not successful, are
contraindicated, or cause unacceptable side effects. (Level of Evidence: C)
4. Long-acting CCBs and nitrates are recommended in patients with coronary artery spasm. (Level
of Evidence: C)
Class III: Harm
1. Immediate-release nifedipine should not be administered to patients with NSTE-ACS in the
absence of beta-blocker therapy (251, 252). (Level of Evidence: B)
CCBs include dihydropyridines and nondihydropyridines. The dihydropyridines (nifedipine and amlodipine)
produce the most marked peripheral vasodilation and have little direct effect on contractility, atrioventricular
conduction, and heart rate. The nondihydropyridines (diltiazem and verapamil) have significant negative
inotropic actions and negative chronotropic and dromotropic effects. All CCBs cause similar coronary
vasodilation and are preferred in vasospastic angina (253). They also alleviate ischemia due to obstructive CAD
by decreasing heart rate and BP. Verapamil and diltiazem decreased reinfarction in patients without LV
dysfunction in some (248, 249, 254) but not all studies (255, 256). Verapamil may be beneficial in reducing
long-term events after AMI in hypertensive patients without LV dysfunction (250) and in patients with MI and
HF receiving an ACE inhibitor (257). Immediate-release nifedipine causes a dose-related increase in mortality
in patients with CAD and harm in ACS and is not recommended for routine use in patients with ACS (251, 258).
Long-acting preparations may be useful in older patients with systolic hypertension (259). There are no
Ranolazine is an antianginal medication with minimal effects on heart rate and BP (260, 261). It inhibits the late
inward sodium current and reduces the deleterious effects of intracellular sodium and calcium overload that
accompany myocardial ischemia (262). Ranolazine is currently indicated for treatment of chronic angina. The
MERLIN-TIMI (Metabolic Efficiency With Ranolazine for Less Ischemia in Non–ST-Elevation Acute
Coronary Syndromes-Thrombosis In Myocardial Infarction) 36 trial examined the efficacy and safety of
ranolazine in 6,560 patients with NSTE-ACS who presented within 48 hours of ischemic symptoms (263). In a
post hoc analysis in women, ranolazine was associated with a reduced incidence of the primary endpoint
(cardiovascular death, MI, or recurrent ischemia), principally due to a 29% reduction in recurrent ischemia
(116). In the subgroup with prior chronic angina (n=3,565), ranolazine was associated with a lower primary
Short-acting dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists should be avoided.
Page 35 of 150
composite endpoint, a significant reduction of worsening angina, and increased exercise duration (264). Because
the primary endpoint of the original MERLIN-TIMI 36 trial was not met, all additional analyses should be
interpreted with caution. The recommended initial dose is 500 mg orally twice daily, which can be uptitrated to
a maximum of 1,000 mg orally twice daily. Ranolazine is usually well tolerated; its major adverse effects are
constipation, nausea, dizziness, and headache. Ranolazine prolongs the QTc interval in a dose-related manner,
but QTc prolongation requiring dose reduction was comparable with ranolazine and placebo in the MERLIN-
TIMI 36 trial (263).
See Online Data Supplement 13 for additional information on ranolazine
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) Counterpulsation
IABP counterpulsation may be used in patients with NSTE-ACS to treat severe persistent or recurrent ischemia,
especially in patients awaiting invasive angiography and revascularization, despite intensive medical therapy. In
experimental studies, IABP counterpulsation increases diastolic BP and coronary blood flow and potentially
augments cardiac output while diminishing LV end-diastolic pressure. The use of IABP for refractory ischemia
dates back several decades, and its current application is predominantly driven by clinical experience and
nonrandomized observational studies (265). When studied in rigorous RCTs, IABP counterpulsation failed to
reduce MACE in high-risk elective PCI (266), decrease infarct size after primary PCI for acute STEMI (267), or
diminish early mortality in patients with cardiogenic shock complicating AMI (268).
Class I
1. High-intensity statin therapy should be initiated or continued in all patients with NSTE-ACS and
no contraindications to its use (269-273). (Level of Evidence: A)
Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to obtain a fasting lipid profile in patients with NSTE-ACS, preferably within 24
hours of presentation. (Level of Evidence: C)
Therapy with statins in patients with NSTE-ACS reduces the rate of recurrent MI, coronary heart disease
mortality, need for myocardial revascularization, and stroke. High-risk patients, such as those with NSTE-ACS,
derive more benefit in reducing these events from high-intensity statins, such as atorvastatin which lower low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol levels by ≥50% as in the PROVE IT-TIMI 22 (Pravastatin or Atorvastatin
Evaluation and Infection Therapy-Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction) and MIRACL (Myocardial Ischemia
Reduction With Acute Cholesterol Lowering) trials (273, 274), than from moderate- or low-intensity statins (18,
272). These findings provide the basis for high-intensity statin therapy after stabilization of patients with NSTE-
ACS. In addition, early introduction of this approach can promote improved compliance with this regimen.
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Nitrates are contraindicated with recent use of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor III: Harm B (225-227)
Analgesic therapy
IV morphine sulfate may be reasonable for continued ischemic chest pain
IIb B (232, 233)
despite maximally tolerated anti-ischemic medications
NSAIDs (except aspirin) should not be initiated and should be discontinued
during hospitalization for NSTE-ACS because of the increased risk of MACE III: Harm B (234, 235)
associated with their use
Beta-adrenergic blockers
Initiate oral beta blockers within the first 24 h in the absence of HF, low-
output state, risk for cardiogenic shock, or other contraindications to beta I A (240-242)
Use of sustained-release metoprolol succinate, carvedilol, or bisoprolol is
recommended for beta-blocker therapy with concomitant NSTE-ACS, I C N/A
stabilized HF, and reduced systolic function
CCBs are recommended for ischemic symptoms when beta blockers are not
successful, are contraindicated, or cause unacceptable side effects*
Long-acting CCBs and nitrates are recommended for patients with coronary
artery spasm
CCB indicates calcium channel blocker; COR, Class of Recommendation; HF, heart failure; IV, intravenous; LOE, Level
of Evidence; LV, left ventricular; MACE, major adverse cardiac event; N/A, not available; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; and NTG, nitroglycerin.
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Class I
1. ACE inhibitors should be started and continued indefinitely in all patients with LVEF less than
0.40 and in those with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or stable CKD (Section 7.6), unless
contraindicated (275, 276). (Level of Evidence: A)
2. ARBs are recommended in patients with HF or MI with LVEF less than 0.40 who are ACE
inhibitor intolerant (277, 278). (Level of Evidence: A)
3. Aldosterone blockade is recommended in patients post–MI without significant renal dysfunction
(creatinine >2.5 mg/dL in men or >2.0 mg/dL in women) or hyperkalemia (K >5.0 mEq/L) who
are receiving therapeutic doses of ACE inhibitor and beta blocker and have a LVEF 0.40 or less,
diabetes mellitus, or HF (279). (Level of Evidence: A)
Class IIa
1. ARBs are reasonable in other patients with cardiac or other vascular disease who are ACE
inhibitor intolerant (280). (Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. ACE inhibitors may be reasonable in all other patients with cardiac or other vascular disease
(281, 282). (Level of Evidence: B)
ACE inhibitors reduce mortality in patients with recent MI, primarily those with LV dysfunction (LVEF <0.40)
with or without pulmonary congestion (283-285). In patients with normal LV function (including patients with
diabetes mellitus), total mortality and MACE (including HF) are reduced. It has been found that approximately
15% of patients with NSTEMI develop HF during hospitalization, with the rate increasing to 24% of patients 1
year later (286). A meta-analysis demonstrated a small but significant (0.48%) absolute benefit of early
initiation of an ACE inhibitor on survival at 30 days, with benefit seen as early as 24 hours after admission for
AMI (283). An ACE inhibitor should be used cautiously in the first 24 hours of AMI, because it may result in
hypotension or renal dysfunction (283). It may be prudent to initially use a short-acting ACE inhibitor, such as
captopril or enalapril, in patients at increased risk of these adverse events. In patients with significant renal
dysfunction, it is sensible to stabilize renal function before initiating an ACE inhibitor or an ARB, with re-
evaluation of creatinine levels after drug initiation. An ARB may be substituted for an ACE inhibitor with
similar benefits on survival (277, 278). Combining an ACE inhibitor and an ARB may result in an increase in
adverse events (277, 278). In a study in which patients with AMI with LV dysfunction (LVEF <0.40) with or
without HF were randomized 3 to 14 days after AMI to receive eplerenone (a selective aldosterone blocker),
eplerenone was efficacious as an adjunct to ACE inhibitors and beta blockers in decreasing long-term mortality
(279, 287). In a study of patients with HF, >50% of whom had an ischemic etiology, spironolactone (a
nonselective aldosterone inhibitor) was beneficial (279); however, RCT data on MI are not available.
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4.3.1. Initial Oral and Intravenous Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With Definite or Likely NSTE-
ACS Treated With an Initial Invasive or Ischemia-Guided Strategy: Recommendations
See Table 7 for a summary of recommendations from this section and Online Data Supplement 15 for additional
information on initial oral and intravenous antiplatelet therapy in patients with definite or likely NSTE-ACS
treated with an early invasive or an ischemia-guided strategy
Class I‡
1. Non–enteric-coated, chewable aspirin (162 mg to 325 mg) should be given to all patients with
NSTE-ACS without contraindications as soon as possible after presentation, and a maintenance
dose of aspirin (81 mg/d to 162 mg/d) should be continued indefinitely (288-290). (Level of
Evidence: A)
2. In patients with NSTE-ACS who are unable to take aspirin because of hypersensitivity or major
gastrointestinal intolerance, a loading dose of clopidogrel followed by a daily maintenance dose
should be administered (291). (Level of Evidence: B)
3. A P2Y12 inhibitor (either clopidogrel or ticagrelor) in addition to aspirin should be administered
for up to 12 months to all patients with NSTE-ACS without contraindications who are treated
with either an early invasive§ or ischemia-guided strategy. Options include:
• Clopidogrel: 300-mg or 600-mg loading dose, then 75 mg daily (289, 292) (Level of
Evidence: B) AN
• Ticagrelor║: 180-mg loading dose, then 90 mg twice daily (293, 294) (Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to use ticagrelor in preference to clopidogrel for P2Y12 treatment in patients with
NSTE-ACS who undergo an early invasive or ischemia-guided strategy (293, 294). (Level of
Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS treated with an early invasive strategy and dual antiplatelet therapy
(DAPT) with intermediate/high-risk features (e.g., positive troponin), a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor may
be considered as part of initial antiplatelet therapy. Preferred options are eptifibatide or tirofiban
(43, 94, 295). (Level of Evidence: B)
Despite the large number of new antiplatelet and antithrombotic agents, aspirin, which targets COX and
subsequent thromboxane A2 inhibition, is the mainstay of antiplatelet therapy. Multiple other pathways of
platelet activation can be targeted by agents that inhibit the platelet P2Y12 receptor, including thienopyridine
prodrug agents, such as clopidogrel and prasugrel, which require conversion into molecules that bind
irreversibly to the P2Y12 receptor. Additional pyrimidine derivatives, including ticagrelor, do not require
biotransformation and bind reversibly to the P2Y12 receptor, antagonizing adenosine diphosphate platelet
activation. In addition to these oral agents, intravenous GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors, including abciximab,
eptifibatide, and tirofiban, target the final common pathway of platelet aggregation. In the EARLY ACS (Early
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibition in Patients With Non–ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome) trial,
See Section for recommendations at the time of PCI.
See Section for prasugrel indications in either an early invasive or ischemia-guided strategy.
The recommended maintenance dose of aspirin to be used with ticagrelor is 81 mg daily (290).
Page 39 of 150
patients were randomly assigned to either early, pre–PCI double-bolus eptifibatide or delayed, provisional
eptifibatide. Seventy-five percent of the patients received upstream, preprocedure clopidogrel. The risk of TIMI
major bleeding in the early eptifibatide group was 2.6% compared with 1.8% (p=0.02) in the delayed
provisional group (295). In the GUSTO IV-ACS (Global Use of Strategies To Open Occluded Coronary
Arteries IV-Acute Coronary Syndromes) trial, there was no clinical benefit of abciximab in this population; in
troponin-negative patients, mortality was 8.5% compared with 5.8 % in controls (p=0.002) (288, 289, 296, 297). Aspirin
Aspirin is the established first-line therapy in patients with NSTE-ACS and reduces the incidence of recurrent
MI and death (288, 289). A loading dose of non–enteric-coated aspirin 162 mg to 325 mg is the initial
antiplatelet therapy. The subsequent maintenance dose is 81 mg per day to 162 mg per day; patients treated with
ticagrelor should receive only 81 mg per day (290). High-dose (≥160 mg) versus low-dose (<160 mg) aspirin is
associated with increased bleeding risk in the absence of improved outcomes (298). Most NSAIDs reversibly
bind to COX-1, preventing inhibition by aspirin and by COX-2 and may cause prothrombotic effects. Enteric-
coated aspirin should be avoided initially because of its delayed and reduced absorption (299).
Administration of clopidogrel with aspirin was superior to administration of aspirin alone in reducing the
incidence of cardiovascular death and nonfatal MI or stroke both acutely and over the following 11 months (289,
296). There was a slight increase in major bleeding events with clopidogrel, including a nonsignificant increase
in life-threatening bleeding and fatal bleeding (289). An initial loading dose of 300 mg to 600 mg is
recommended (289, 296, 300). A 600-mg loading dose results in a greater, more rapid, and more reliable platelet
inhibition compared with a 300-mg loading dose (301). Use of clopidogrel for patients with NSTE-ACS who are
aspirin intolerant is based on a study in patients with stable ischemic heart disease (291). When possible,
treated with prasugrel compared with patients treated with clopidogrel. There was net harm in patients with a
history of cerebrovascular events and no clinical benefit in patients >75 years of age or those with low body
weight (<60 kg) (302). In patients with NSTE-ACS treated with an ischemia-guided strategy, 1 RCT comparing
aspirin and either clopidogrel or prasugrel evaluated the primary endpoint of death from cardiovascular causes,
MI, or stroke for up to 30 months; there were similar bleeding rates and no benefit of treatment with prasugrel
when compared with treatment with clopidogrel (303). The ACCOAST (A Comparison of Prasugrel at the Time
of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention or as Pretreatment at the Time of Diagnosis in Patients With Non–ST-
Elevation Myocardial Infarction) RCT of high-risk patients with NSTE-ACS scheduled to undergo early
coronary angiography found that a strategy of administration of prasugrel at the time of randomization before
angiography did not lead to a reduction in the composite primary endpoint when compared with a strategy of
administration of prasugrel only at the time of PCI; however, it did lead to an increase in bleeding complications
(304). On the basis of TRITON (Trial to Assess Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet
Inhibition with Prasugrel) study design and the results of TRILOGY ACS (Targeted Platelet Inhibition to
Clarify the Optimal Strategy to Medically Manage Acute Coronary Syndromes) and ACCOAST, prasugrel is
not recommended for “upfront” therapy in patients with NSTE-ACS. The use of prasugrel in patients
undergoing PCI is addressed in Section 5.
Ticagrelor is an oral, reversibly binding P2Y12 inhibitor with a relatively short plasma half-life (12 hours).
Compared with clopidogrel, ticagrelor has a more rapid and consistent onset of action and, because it is
reversible, it has a faster recovery of platelet function. The loading dose of ticagrelor for patients treated either
invasively or with an ischemia-guided strategy is 180 mg followed by a maintenance dose of 90 mg twice daily
(293, 294). In patients with NSTE-ACS treated with ticagrelor compared with clopidogrel, there was a reduction
in the composite outcome of death from vascular causes, MI, or stroke (reduction: 11.7% to 9.8%; HR: 0.84;
p<0.001) (293). The mortality rate was also lower in those patients treated with ticagrelor. Although overall
major bleeding was not increased with ticagrelor, a modest increase in major bleeding and non–procedure-
related bleeding occurred in the subgroup of patients who did not undergo CABG (major bleeding: 4.5% versus
3.8%; p=0.02; nonprocedure major bleeding: 3.1% versus 2.3%; p=0.05); however, there was no difference in
blood transfusion or fatal bleeding (305). Side effects unique to ticagrelor include dyspnea (which occurs in up
to 15% of patients within the first week of treatment but is rarely severe enough to cause discontinuation of
treatment) (293) and bradycardia. The benefit of ticagrelor over clopidogrel was limited to patients taking 75 mg
to 100 mg of aspirin (290). The short half-life requires twice-daily administration, which could potentially result
in adverse events in noncompliant patients, particularly after stent implantation. When possible, ticagrelor
should be discontinued at least 5 days before surgery (306). Although ticagrelor has not been studied in the
absence of aspirin, its use in aspirin-intolerant patients is a reasonable alternative.
Intravenous GP IIb/IIIa Receptor Inhibitors
Page 41 of 150
The small molecule GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists, tirofiban and eptifibatide, bind reversibly to the GP IIb/IIIa
receptor. Because the drug-to-receptor ratio is high, platelet infusion is not effective in cases of severe bleeding
after use of eptifibatide or tirofiban, and they must be cleared from the circulation to reduce bleeding. In
contrast, with abciximab, the drug-to-receptor ratio is low, and platelet infusion may be effective.
Several large RCTs evaluated the impact of GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors in patients with NSTE-ACS
who were committed to an invasive strategy (295, 296, 306). The ACUITY (Acute Catheterization and Urgent
Intervention Triage Strategy) trial evaluated unfractionated heparin (UFH) versus bivalirudin with or without
GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors (295, 307). The rates of composite ischemia (death, MI, unplanned revascularization) in
patients who received bivalirudin alone compared with those who received UFH plus GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors were
similar (9% versus 8%; p=0.45) (307). Fewer patients experienced major bleeding with bivalirudin alone than
those who received heparin plus GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors (4% versus 7%; relative risk [RR]: 0.52; 95% confidence
interval [CI]: 0.40 to 0.66; p<0.0001) (307). The ACUITY Timing trial evaluated the benefit of upstream GP
IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist compared with its deferred use, testing the hypothesis that earlier administration of
GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients destined for PCI would be superior (308). Composite ischemia at 30 days
occurred in 7.9% of patients assigned to deferred use compared with 7.1% assigned to upstream administration
(RR: 1.12; 95% CI: 0.97 to 1.29; p=0.044 for noninferiority; p=0.13 for superiority). Deferred GP IIb/IIIa
inhibitors reduced the 30-day rates of major bleeding compared with upstream use (4.9% versus 6.1%; p<0.001)
(308). Similar results were reported by the EARLY ACS investigators, who evaluated eptifibatide given
upstream versus delayed, provisional administration in >9,000 patients with NSTE-ACS (295). The composite
endpoint of death, MI, recurrent ischemia requiring urgent revascularization, or thrombotic complications
occurred in 9.3% of patients in the early-eptifibatide group compared with 10% in the delayed-eptifibatide group
(odds ratio [OR]: 0.92; 95% CI: 0.80 to 1.06; p=0.23) (308). As in the ACUITY Timing trial, the early-
eptifibatide group had significantly higher rates of bleeding and red cell transfusions (295, 308).
See Table 7 for a summary of recommendations regarding antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy in patients with
definite or likely NSTE-ACS and Online Data Supplement 16 for additional information on combined oral
anticoagulant therapy and antiplatelet therapy in patients with definite NSTE-ACS
Class I‡
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS, anticoagulation, in addition to antiplatelet therapy, is recommended
for all patients irrespective of initial treatment strategy. Treatment options include:
• Enoxaparin: 1 mg/kg subcutaneous (SC) every 12 hours (reduce dose to 1 mg/kg SC once daily
in patients with creatinine clearance [CrCl] <30 mL/min), continued for the duration of
hospitalization or until PCI is performed. An initial intravenous loading dose is 30 mg (133,
136, 309). (Level of Evidence: A)
See Section for recommendations at the time of PCI.
Page 42 of 150
• Bivalirudin: 0.10 mg/kg loading dose followed by 0.25 mg/kg per hour (only in patients
managed with an early invasive strategy), continued until diagnostic angiography or PCI, with
only provisional use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor, provided the patient is also treated with DAPT
(292, 293, 310, 311). (Level of Evidence: B)
• Fondaparinux: 2.5 mg SC daily, continued for the duration of hospitalization or until PCI is
performed (312-314). (Level of Evidence: B)
• If PCI is performed while the patient is on fondaparinux, an additional anticoagulant with
anti-IIa activity (either UFH or bivalirudin) should be administered because of the risk of
catheter thrombosis (313-315). (Level of Evidence: B)
• UFH IV: initial loading dose of 60 IU/kg (maximum 4,000 IU) with initial infusion of 12 IU/kg
per hour (maximum 1,000 IU/h) adjusted per activated partial thromboplastin time to
maintain therapeutic anticoagulation according to the specific hospital protocol, continued for
48 hours or until PCI is performed (316-322). (Level of Evidence: B)
SC Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin
LMWHs have a molecular weight approximately one third that of UFH and have balanced anti-Xa and anti-IIa
activity. LMWHs are readily absorbed after subcutaneous administration and have less platelet activation (323).
The anticoagulant activity of LMWH does not require routine monitoring. The dose of enoxaparin is 1 mg/kg
SC every 12 hours for NSTE-ACS; an initial intravenous loading dose is 30 mg. In the presence of impaired
renal function (CrCl <30 mL per minute), which is a common finding in older patients, the dose should be
reduced to 1 mg/kg SC once daily, and strong consideration should be given to UFH as an alternative.
Calculation of CrCl is prudent in patients considered for enoxaparin therapy.
In the ESSENCE trial, in patients with UA or non–Q-wave MI, the rates of recurrent ischemic events
and invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were significantly reduced by enoxaparin therapy in the
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors) trial of high-risk patients with NSTE-ACS treated with an early invasive
strategy, there was no significant difference in death or MI at 30 days between those randomized to enoxaparin
versus UFH. There was more TIMI major bleeding in those treated with enoxaparin without statistically
significant increase in GUSTO severe bleeding or transfusion. Some of the increased bleeding may have been
related to patients randomized to enoxaparin who received additional UFH at the time of PCI (325, 326). Bivalirudin
The direct thrombin inhibitor bivalirudin is administered intravenously. Bivalirudin was evaluated in the
ACUITY trial, a randomized open-label trial, in 13,819 moderate- to high-risk patients with NSTE-ACS with a
planned invasive strategy. Three treatment arms were tested, including UFH or LMWH with a GP IIb/IIIa
receptor inhibitor, bivalirudin with a GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitor, or bivalirudin alone. The majority of patients
received clopidogrel (300 mg) before intervention, in addition to aspirin, anticoagulants, and GP IIb/IIIa
inhibitors. Bivalirudin alone was noninferior to the standard UFH/LMWH combined with GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor
Page 43 of 150
(composite ischemia endpoint 7.8% versus 7.3%; HR: 1.08; p=0.32), but there was a significantly lower rate of
major bleeding with bivalirudin (3.0% versus 5.7%; HR: 0.53; p<0.001) (310). The anticoagulant effect of
bivalirudin can be monitored in the catheterization laboratory by the activated clotting time. Fondaparinux
Fondaparinux is a synthetic polysaccharide molecule and the only selective inhibitor of activated factor X
available for clinical use. Fondaparinux is well absorbed when given subcutaneously and has a half-life of 17
hours, enabling once-daily administration. Because it is excreted by the kidneys, it is contraindicated if CrCl is
<30 mL per minute. Monitoring of anti-Xa activity is not required, and fondaparinux does not affect usual
anticoagulant parameters such as activated partial thromboplastin time or activated clotting time. In NSTE-ACS,
the dose of fondaparinux is 2.5 mg SC administered daily and continued for the duration of hospitalization or
until PCI is performed (312-314). In the OASIS (Organization to Assess Strategies in Ischemic Syndromes)-5
study, patients with NSTE-ACS were randomized to receive 2.5 mg SC fondaparinux daily or enoxaparin 1
mg/kg SC twice daily for 8 days. The incidence of the primary composite ischemic endpoint at 9 days was
similar between fondaparinux and enoxaparin, but major bleeding was significantly less frequent with
fondaparinux. To avert catheter thrombosis when fondaparinux is used alone in patients undergoing PCI, an
anticoagulant with anti-IIa activity is also administered (313-315). One regimen is 85 IU/kg of UFH loading
dose at the time of PCI (reduced to 60 IU/kg if a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor is used concomitantly) (314).
Studies supporting the addition of a parenteral anticoagulant to aspirin in patients with NSTE-ACS were
performed primarily on patients with a diagnosis of “unstable angina” in the era before DAPT and early
catheterization and revascularization. In general, those studies found a strong trend for reduction in composite
adverse events with the addition of parenteral UFH to aspirin therapy (316-322).
Clinical trials indicate that a weight-adjusted dosing regimen of UFH can provide more predictable
anticoagulation (327) than a fixed initial dose (e.g., 5,000 IU loading dose, 1,000 IU/h initial infusion). The
recommended weight-adjusted regimen is an initial loading dose of 60 IU/kg (maximum 4,000 IU) and an initial
AC Argatroban
Argatroban, a direct thrombin inhibitor, is indicated for prophylaxis or treatment of thrombosis in patients with
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, including those undergoing PCI (328). Steady state plasma concentrations
are achieved in 1 to 3 hours after intravenous administration. Because of its hepatic metabolism, argatroban can
be used in patients with renal insufficiency. The usual dose is 2 mcg/kg per minute by continuous intravenous
Page 44 of 150
infusion, adjusted to maintain the activated partial thromboplastin time at 1.5 to 3 times baseline (but not >100
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS (i.e., without ST elevation, true posterior MI, or left bundle-branch
block not known to be old), intravenous fibrinolytic therapy should not be used (93, 329). (Level of
Evidence: A)
There is no role for fibrinolytic therapy in patients with NSTE-ACS. Fibrinolysis with or without subsequent
PCI in patients with NSTE-ACS was evaluated by the Fibrinolytic Trialists and TIMI investigators (93, 329).
There was no benefit for mortality or MI. Intracranial hemorrhage and fatal and nonfatal MI occurred more
frequently in patients treated with fibrinolytic therapy.
See Online Data Supplement 17 for additional information on parenteral anticoagulant and fibrinolytic therapy
in patients with definite NSTE-ACS (http://jaccjacc.cardiosource.com/acc_documents/2014_NSTE-
Table 7. Summary of Recommendations for Initial Antiplatelet/Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients With
Definite or Likely NSTE-ACS and PCI
See Section for recommendations on antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy at the time of PCI and Sections 6.2.1 and 6.3
for recommendations on posthospital therapy.
Recommendations Dosing and Special COR LOE References
• Non–enteric-coated aspirin to all patients 162 mg–325 mg
I A (288-290)
Page 45 of 150
• Initial IV loading dose 30 mg
• Bivalirudin until diagnostic angiography • Loading dose 0.10 mg/kg
or PCI is performed in patients with early loading dose followed by 0.25
invasive strategy only mg/kg/h (292, 293,
• Only provisional use of GP 310, 311)
IIb/IIIa inhibitor in patients also
treated with DAPT
• SC fondaparinux for the duration of • 2.5 mg SC daily
I B (312-314)
hospitalization or until PCI is performed
• Administer additional anticoagulant with
anti-IIa activity if PCI is performed while N/A I B (313-315)
patient is on fondaparinux
• IV UFH for 48 h or until PCI is • Initial loading dose 60 IU/kg
performed (max 4,000 IU) with initial
IU/ h)
infusion 12 IU/kg/h (max 1,000
I B (316-322)
• Adjusted to therapeutic aPTT
• IV fibrinolytic treatment not
recommended in patients with NSTE- N/A A (93, 329)
*The recommended maintenance dose of aspirin to be used with ticagrelor is 81 mg daily (290).
aPTT indicates activated partial thromboplastin time; BID, twice daily; COR, Class of Recommendation; CrCl, creatinine
clearance; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy; GP, glycoprotein; IV, intravenous; LOE, Level of Evidence; max, maximum;
N/A, not available; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention;
SC, subcutaneous; and UFH, unfractionated heparin.
Page 46 of 150
Page 47 of 150
ASA indicates aspirin; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; cath, catheter; COR, Class of Recommendation; DAPT, dual-
antiplatelet therapy; GPI, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor; LOE, Level of Evidence; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute
coronary syndrome; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; pts, patients; and UFH, unfractionated heparin.
Two treatment pathways have emerged for all patients with NSTE-ACS. The invasive strategy triages patients to
an invasive diagnostic evaluation (i.e., coronary angiography). In contrast, the initial ischemia-guided strategy
calls for an invasive evaluation for those patients who 1) fail medical therapy (refractory angina or angina at rest
or with minimal activity despite vigorous medical therapy), 2) have objective evidence of ischemia (dynamic
electrocardiographic changes, myocardial perfusion defect) as identified on a noninvasive stress test, or 3) have
clinical indicators of very high prognostic risk (e.g., high TIMI or GRACE scores). In both strategies, patients
should receive optimal anti-ischemic and antithrombotic medical therapy as outlined in Section 4.1. A subgroup
of patients with refractory ischemic symptoms or hemodynamic or rhythm instability are candidates for urgent
coronary angiography and revascularization.
that could ensue during medical therapy, and 3) facilitation of earlier discharge from a facility.
The optimal timing of angiography has not been conclusively defined. In general, 2 options have emerged: early
invasive (i.e., within 24 hours) or delayed invasive (i.e., within 25 to 72 hours). In most studies using the
invasive strategy, angiography was deferred for 12 to 72 hours while antithrombotic and anti-ischemic therapies
were intensified (138, 332-337). The concept of deferred angiography espouses that revascularization may be
safer once plaque is stabilized with optimal antithrombotic and/or anti-ischemic therapies. Conversely, early
angiography facilitates earlier risk stratification and consequently speeds revascularization and discharge but can
The ischemia-guided strategy seeks to avoid the routine early use of invasive procedures unless patients
experience refractory or recurrent ischemic symptoms or develop hemodynamic instability. When the ischemia-
guided strategy is chosen, a plan for noninvasive evaluation is required to detect severe ischemia that occurs at a
low threshold of stress and to promptly refer these patients for coronary angiography and revascularization as
indicated. The major advantage offered by the ischemia-guided strategy is that some patients’ conditions
Page 48 of 150
stabilize during medical therapy and will not require coronary angiography and revascularization. Consequently,
the ischemia-guided strategy may potentially avoid costly and possibly unnecessary invasive procedures.
Class I
1. An urgent/immediate invasive strategy (diagnostic angiography with intent to perform
revascularization if appropriate based on coronary anatomy) is indicated in patients (men and
women¶) with NSTE-ACS who have refractory angina or hemodynamic or electrical instability
(without serious comorbidities or contraindications to such procedures) (42, 44, 138, 338). (Level
of Evidence: A)
2. An early invasive strategy (diagnostic angiography with intent to perform revascularization if
appropriate based on coronary anatomy) is indicated in initially stabilized patients with NSTE-
ACS (without serious comorbidities or contraindications to such procedures) who have an
elevated risk for clinical events (Table 8) (42, 44, 138, 333, 334, 338, 339). (Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to choose an early invasive strategy (within 24 hours of admission) over a delayed
invasive strategy (within 25 to 72 hours) for initially stabilized high-risk patients with NSTE-ACS.
For those not at high/intermediate risk, a delayed invasive approach is reasonable (139). (Level of
Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. In initially stabilized patients, an ischemia-guided strategy may be considered for patients with
NSTE-ACS (without serious comorbidities or contraindications to this approach) who have an
elevated risk for clinical events (333, 334, 338). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. The decision to implement an ischemia-guided strategy in initially stabilized patients (without
a. Extensive comorbidities (e.g., hepatic, renal, pulmonary failure, cancer), in whom the risks
of revascularization and comorbid conditions are likely to outweigh the benefits of
revascularization. (Level of Evidence: C)
b. Acute chest pain and a low likelihood of ACS (Level of Evidence: C) who are troponin-
Several studies (93, 138, 334-337) and meta-analyses (141, 340) have concluded that a strategy of routine
invasive therapy is generally superior to an ischemia-guided strategy or selectively invasive approach. One
study reported that the routine invasive strategy resulted in an 18% relative reduction in death or MI, including a
significant reduction in MI alone (341). The routine invasive arm was associated with higher in-hospital
mortality (1.8% versus 1.1%), but this disadvantage was more than compensated for by a significant reduction
in mortality between discharge and the end of follow-up (3.8% versus 4.9%). The invasive strategy was also
associated with less angina and fewer rehospitalizations. Patients undergoing routine invasive treatment also had
improved quality of life. In an analysis of individual patient data (340) that reported 5-year outcomes from the
See Section 7.7 for additional information on women.
Page 49 of 150
FRISC (Framingham and Fast Revascularization During Instability in Coronary Artery Disease)-II trial (339),
ICTUS (Invasive Versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable Coronary Syndromes) trial (338), and RITA
(Randomized Trial of a Conservative Treatment Strategy Versus an Interventional Treatment Strategy in
Patients with Unstable Angina)-3 trial (334), 14.7% of patients (389 of 2,721) randomized to a routine invasive
strategy experienced cardiovascular death or nonfatal MI versus 17.9% of patients (475 of 2,746) in the selective
invasive strategy (HR: 0.81; 95% CI: 0.71 to 0.93; p=0.002). The most marked treatment effect was on MI
(10.0% routine invasive strategy versus 12.9% selective invasive strategy), and there were consistent trends for
fewer cardiovascular deaths (HR: 0.83; 95% CI: 0.68 to 1.01; p=0.068) and all-cause mortality (HR: 0.90; 95%
CI: 0.77 to 1.05). There were absolute reductions of 2.0% to 3.8% in cardiovascular death or MI in the low- and
intermediate-risk groups and an 11.1% absolute risk reduction in the highest-risk patients. The invasive strategy
demonstrated its greatest advantage in the highest-risk stratum of patients with no significant benefit on
mortality over the noninvasive approach in moderate- and low-risk patients (342). An ischemia-guided strategy
has been used with favorable results in initially stabilized patients with NSTE-ACS at elevated risk for clinical
events, including those with positive troponin levels (338). One limitation of these studies is the absence of
adherence to optimal medical therapy in noninvasively treated patients during long-term management. In
addition, in FRISC-II, invasive management was delayed and patients with markedly positive stress tests (up to
2.9-mm exercise-induced ST depression) were randomized to noninvasive or invasive therapy (338).
Table 8. Factors Associated With Appropriate Selection of Early Invasive Strategy or Ischemia-Guided
Hemodynamic instability
Recurrent angina or ischemia at rest or with low-level activities despite intensive medical
Sustained VT or VF
Page 50 of 150
See Online Data Supplement 18 for additional information on comparison of early invasive strategy and
ischemia-guided strategy (http://jaccjacc.cardiosource.com/acc_documents/2014_NSTE-
In some studies, early angiography and coronary intervention have been more effective in reducing ischemic
complications than delayed interventions, particularly in patients at high risk (defined by a GRACE score >140)
(139, 336). A more delayed strategy is also reasonable in low- to intermediate-risk patients. The advantage of
early intervention was achieved in the context of intensive background antithrombotic and anti-ischemic
therapy. However, this question was also assessed by a meta-analysis of 11 trials (7 RCTs and 4 observational
studies) (343). Meta-analysis of the RCTs was inconclusive for a survival benefit of the early invasive strategy
(OR: 0.83 [95% CI: 0.64 to 1.09]; p=0.180), and there were no significant differences in MI or major bleeding; a
similar result was found with the observational studies. These data are limited by the small sample size of the
individual trials, low event rates, inconsistency in timing of intervention, and heterogeneous patient profiles.
See Online Data Supplement 19 for additional information on comparison of early versus delayed angiography
4.4.5. Subgroups: Early Invasive Strategy Versus Ischemia-Guided Strategy
The TACTICS-TIMI (Treat Angina With Tirofiban and Determine Cost of Therapy With an Invasive or
differences between men and women with ACS. The FRISC-II trial showed a benefit of revascularization in
men for death or MI that was not observed for women (344). In contrast, death, MI, or rehospitalization rates
were reduced for both men and women in TACTICS-TIMI 18 (138). RITA-3 showed that the routine strategy of
invasive evaluation resulted in a beneficial effect in high-risk men that was not seen in women (342). A meta-
analysis suggests that in NSTE-ACS, an invasive strategy has a comparable benefit in men and high-risk women
for reducing the composite endpoint of death, MI, or rehospitalization (141, 345, 346). In contrast, an ischemia-
guided strategy is preferred in low-risk women (141). Another collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials
reported that an early invasive strategy yielded similar RR reductions in overall cardiovascular events in patients
with and without diabetes mellitus (347). However, an invasive strategy appeared to reduce recurrent nonfatal
MI to a greater extent in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Coronary angiography is designed to provide detailed information about the size and distribution of coronary
vessels, the location and extent of atherosclerotic obstruction, and the suitability for revascularization. The LV
angiogram, usually performed with coronary angiography, provides an assessment of the extent of focal and
Page 51 of 150
global LV dysfunction and of the presence and severity of coexisting disorders (e.g., valvular or other associated
lesions). Patients with NSTE-ACS can be divided into risk groups on the basis of their initial clinical
presentation. The TIMI, PURSUIT, and GRACE scores are useful tools for assigning risk to patients with
Risk stratification identifies patients who are most likely to benefit from subsequent revascularization.
Patients with left main disease or multivessel CAD with reduced LV function are at high risk for adverse
outcomes and are likely to benefit from CABG. Clinical evaluation and noninvasive testing aid in the
identification of most patients at high risk because they often have ≥1 of the following high-risk features:
advanced age (>70 years of age), prior MI, revascularization, ST deviation, HF, depressed resting LV function
(i.e., LVEF ≤0.40) on noninvasive study, or noninvasive stress test findings, including magnetic resonance
imaging (348). Any of these risk factors or diabetes mellitus may aid in the identification of high-risk patients
who could benefit from an invasive strategy.
Some patients with NSTE-ACS are not in the very high-risk group and do not have findings that portend
a high risk for adverse outcomes. They are not likely to receive the same degree of benefit from routine
revascularization afforded to high-risk patients, and an invasive study is optional for those at lower risk and can
be safely deferred pending further clinical evidence. Decisions about coronary angiography in patients who are
not at high risk according to findings on clinical examination and noninvasive testing can be individualized on
the basis of patient preferences and/or symptoms.
4.5. Risk Stratification Before Discharge for Patients With an Ischemia-Guided Strategy of
NSTE-ACS: Recommendations
Class I
1. Noninvasive stress testing is recommended in low- and intermediate-risk patients who have been
free of ischemia at rest or with low-level activity for a minimum of 12 to 24 hours (349-353). (Level
of Evidence: B)
2. Treadmill exercise testing is useful in patients able to exercise in whom the ECG is free of resting
ST changes that may interfere with interpretation (349-352). (Level of Evidence: C)
3. Stress testing with an imaging modality should be used in patients who are able to exercise but
have ST changes on resting ECG that may interfere with interpretation. In patients undergoing a
low-level exercise test, an imaging modality can add prognostic information (349-352). (Level of
Evidence: B)
4. Pharmacological stress testing with imaging is recommended when physical limitations preclude
adequate exercise stress. (Level of Evidence: C)
5. A noninvasive imaging test is recommended to evaluate LV function in patients with definite ACS
(349-352). (Level of Evidence: C)
The management of patients with NSTE-ACS requires continuous risk stratification. Important prognostic
information is derived from initial assessment, the patient’s course during the early days of management, and the
response to anti-ischemic and antithrombotic therapy. The choice of stress test is based on the patient’s resting
ECG and ability to exercise, local expertise, and available technologies. The exercise intensity of the treadmill
Page 52 of 150
test (low level or symptom-limited) is used at the discretion of the attending clinician based on individual patient
assessment. For invasively managed patients with residual nonculprit lesions, additional evaluation may be
indicated to ascertain the significance of such lesions. Refer to the PCI CPG for additional details (26).
The goals of noninvasive testing in patients with a low or intermediate likelihood of CAD and high-risk patients
who did not have an early invasive strategy are to detect ischemia and estimate prognosis. This information
guides further diagnostic steps and therapeutic measures.
Because of its simplicity, lower cost, and widespread familiarity with its performance and interpretation,
the standard low-level exercise electrocardiographic stress test remains the most reasonable test in patients who
are able to exercise and who have a resting ECG that is interpretable for ST shifts. There is evidence that
imaging studies are superior to exercise electrocardiographic evaluation in women for diagnosis of CAD (350).
However, for prognostic assessment in women, treadmill exercise testing has provided comparable results to
stress imaging (354). Patients with an electrocardiographic pattern that would interfere with interpretation of the
ST segment (baseline ST abnormalities, bundle-branch block, LV hypertrophy with ST-T changes,
intraventricular conduction defect, paced rhythm, pre-excitation, and digoxin) should have an exercise test with
imaging. Patients who are unable to exercise should have a pharmacological stress test with imaging. Low- and
intermediate-risk patients with NSTE-ACS may undergo symptom-limited stress testing, provided they have
been asymptomatic and clinically stable at 12 to 24 hours for those with UA and 2 to 5 days for patients at
similar risk with NSTEMI (349). The optimal testing strategy in women is less well defined than in men.
In contrast to noninvasive tests, coronary angiography provides detailed structural information for assessment of
prognosis and appropriate management. When combined with LV angiography, it also provides an assessment
of global and regional LV function. Coronary angiography is usually indicated in patients with NSTE-ACS who
have recurrent symptoms or ischemia despite adequate medical therapy or who are at high risk as categorized by
clinical findings (HF, serious ventricular arrhythmias), noninvasive test findings (significant LV dysfunction
with EF <0.40, large anterior or multiple perfusion defects or wall motion abnormalities on echocardiography,
high-risk Duke treadmill score ≤−11), high-risk TIMI or GRACE scores, or markedly elevated troponin levels.
Patients with NSTE-ACS who have had previous PCI or CABG also should be considered for early coronary
angiography, unless prior coronary angiography data indicate that no further revascularization is feasible.
The general indications for coronary angiography and revascularization should be tempered by
individual patient characteristics and preferences (a patient-centered approach). Patient and clinician judgments
about risks and benefits are important for patients who might not be candidates for coronary revascularization,
such as very frail older adults and those with serious comorbid conditions (e.g., severe hepatic, pulmonary, or
renal failure; active or inoperable cancer).
Page 53 of 150
5. Myocardial Revascularization
Recommendations about coronary artery revascularization indications, benefits, and choice of revascularization
procedure (PCI or CABG) for all anatomic subsets have been published in the 2011 PCI CPG (26), the 2011
CABG CPG (23), and the 2012 stable ischemic heart disease CPG and its 2014 focused update (10, 11). The
main difference between management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease and NSTE-ACS is a
stronger impetus for revascularization in those with NSTE-ACS. Myocardial ischemia in ACS may progress to
MI and is potentially life threatening. In addition, in patients with ACS, angina (including recurrent angina) is
more likely to be reduced by revascularization than by medical therapy (26).
A “heart team” approach to revascularization decisions, involving an interventional cardiologist and
cardiothoracic surgeon, is used in patients with unprotected left main or complex CAD. Calculation of the
SYNTAX (Synergy Between Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With TAXUS and Cardiac Surgery) and STS
scores is reasonable in these patients to guide the choice of revascularization (23, 26, 355).
Factors that influence the choice of revascularization procedure include the extent and complexity of
CAD; short-term risk and long-term durability of PCI; operative mortality (which can be estimated by the STS
score); diabetes mellitus; CKD; completeness of revascularization; LV systolic dysfunction; previous CABG;
and the ability of the patient to tolerate and comply with DAPT. In general, the greater the extent and
complexity of the multivessel disease, the more compelling the choice of CABG over multivessel PCI (23, 26,
356-358). In patients with NSTE-ACS, PCI of a culprit unprotected left main coronary artery lesion is an option
if the patient is not a candidate for CABG (23, 26).
See Online Data Supplements 21 and 22 for additional information on myocardial revascularization
Class IIb
−only PCI, may be reasonable in
1. A strategy of multivessel PCI, in contrast to culprit lesion−
patients undergoing coronary revascularization as part of treatment for NSTE-ACS (330, 359-
364). (Level of Evidence: B)
Approximately half of all PCI procedures are performed in patients with UA or NSTEMI, and approximately
32% to 40% of patients with NSTE-ACS will undergo PCI (365). As discussed previously, in patients with
NSTE-ACS, a strategy of early angiography and revascularization (primarily with PCI) results in lower rates of
recurrent UA, recurrent rehospitalization, MI, and death (366, 367). Although PCI of a nonculprit lesion is not
Page 54 of 150
advocated in patients with STEMI (26), there is less agreement on whether nonculprit lesions should undergo
intervention at the time of culprit-lesion PCI for NSTE-ACS. Most reports (359-364), but not all (330),
comparing culprit lesion−only PCI with multivessel PCI (e.g., PCI of multiple vessels performed at the same
time) in patients with NSTE-ACS did not find an increased risk of MACE with multivessel PCI and found a
reduction in the need for repeat revascularization. However, the data consist predominantly of post hoc analysis
of nonrandomized data with variable duration of follow-up. This question has not been resolved and is an area
of current investigation.
5.1.2. PCI—Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Therapy
SC Oral and Intravenous Antiplatelet Agents: Recommendations
Class I
1. Patients already taking daily aspirin before PCI should take 81 mg to 325 mg non–enteric-coated
aspirin before PCI (26, 368-370). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. Patients not on aspirin therapy should be given non–enteric-coated aspirin 325 mg as soon as
possible before PCI (26, 368-370). (Level of Evidence: B)
3. After PCI, aspirin should be continued indefinitely at a dose of 81 mg to 325 mg daily (27, 288,
371). (Level of Evidence: B)
4. A loading dose of a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor should be given before the procedure in patients
undergoing PCI with stenting (26, 293, 302, 331, 372-375). (Level of Evidence: A) Options include:
a. Clopidogrel: 600 mg (331, 372-374, 376-378) (Level of Evidence: B) or
b. Prasugrel#: 60 mg (302) (Level of Evidence: B) or
c. Ticagrelor║: 180 mg (293) (Level of Evidence: B)
5. In patients with NSTE-ACS and high-risk features (e.g., elevated troponin) not adequately
pretreated with clopidogrel or ticagrelor, it is useful to administer a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor
(abciximab, double-bolus eptifibatide, or high-dose bolus tirofiban) at the time of PCI (379-382).
(Level of Evidence: A)
6. In patients receiving a stent (bare-metal stent or drug-eluting stent [DES]) during PCI for NSTE-
ACS, P2Y12 inhibitor therapy should be given for at least 12 months (330). Options include:
Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to choose ticagrelor over clopidogrel for P2Y12 inhibition treatment in patients
with NSTE-ACS treated with an early invasive strategy and/or coronary stenting (293, 294).
(Level of Evidence: B)
2. It is reasonable to choose prasugrel over clopidogrel for P2Y12 treatment in patients with NSTE-
ACS who undergo PCI who are not at high risk of bleeding complications (302, 303). (Level of
Evidence: B)
3. In patients with NSTE-ACS and high-risk features (e.g., elevated troponin) treated with UFH and
adequately pretreated with clopidogrel, it is reasonable to administer a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor
Patients should receive a loading dose of prasugrel, provided that they were not pretreated with another P2Y12 receptor
The recommended maintenance dose of aspirin to be used with ticagrelor is 81 mg daily (290).
Page 55 of 150
(abciximab, double-bolus eptifibatide, or high-bolus dose tirofiban) at the time of PCI (195, 383,
384). (Level of Evidence: B)
4. After PCI, it is reasonable to use 81 mg per day of aspirin in preference to higher maintenance
doses (331, 368, 385-388). (Level of Evidence: B)
5. If the risk of morbidity from bleeding outweighs the anticipated benefit of a recommended
duration of P2Y12 inhibitor therapy after stent implantation, earlier discontinuation (e.g., <12
months) of P2Y12 inhibitor therapy is reasonable (330). (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIb
1. Continuation of DAPT beyond 12 months may be considered in patients undergoing stent
implantation. (Level of Evidence: C)
Class III: Harm
1. Prasugrel should not be administered to patients with a prior history of stroke or transient
ischemic attack (302). (Level of Evidence: B)
Comprehensive recommendations on the use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy in patients with NSTE-
ACS undergoing PCI are given in the 2011 PCI CPG (26). Aspirin reduces the frequency of ischemic
complications after PCI and is ideally administered at least 2 hours, and preferably 24 hours, before PCI (26,
368, 369). DAPT, consisting of aspirin and a P2Y12 inhibitor, in patients treated with coronary stents reduces the
risk of stent thrombosis and composite ischemic events (296, 331, 372-375, 389, 390). Compared with a loading
dose of 300 mg of clopidogrel, a loading dose of 600 mg of clopidogrel in patients undergoing PCI achieves
greater platelet inhibition with fewer low responders and decreases the incidence of MACE (376-378). In
patients with ACS who have undergone coronary stenting, treatment with prasugrel or ticagrelor, compared with
treatment with clopidogrel, results in a greater reduction in composite ischemic events and the incidence of stent
thrombosis, although at a risk of increased non–CABG bleeding (293, 302). The optimal duration of DAPT
therapy in patients treated with DES is not well established (26). However, aspirin is continued indefinitely in
all patients managed with a bare-metal stent or DES, and DAPT is an option for >12 months in patients who
have received a DES. This determination should balance the risks of stent thrombosis and ischemic
complications versus bleeding and should be jointly made by the clinician and the patient.
Loading and short-term maintenance doses of clopidogrel were studied in CURRENT–OASIS
(Clopidogrel Optimal Loading Dose Usage to Reduce Recurrent Events–Organization to Assess Strategies in
Ischemic Syndromes) 7, which demonstrated a potential benefit of higher-dose clopidogrel (600-mg loading
dose, 150 mg daily for 6 days, 75 mg daily thereafter) in patients with NSTE-ACS undergoing an invasive
management strategy (292, 391). Although the overall trial (292) failed to demonstrate a significant difference
in the primary endpoint between the clopidogrel and aspirin groups (4.2% versus 4.4%), the PCI subset
(n=17,263) showed significant differences in the clopidogrel arm (391). Notably, the higher-dose clopidogrel
therapy increased major bleeding in the entire group (2.5% versus 2.0%; p=0.012) and the PCI subgroup (1.1%
versus 0.7%; p=0.008). In addition, during the period of several hours required for conversion of clopidogrel to
its active metabolite, there is reduced effectiveness. However, efficacy is restored following conversion.
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Patients undergoing PCI who have previously received a loading dose of 300 mg of clopidogrel and are
on a 75-mg daily maintenance dose should receive another 300-mg loading dose (315). There are no data
appropriate for prasugrel because this drug is administered before PCI. For ticagrelor, there are no data on
additional loading.
PT GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitors: Recommendations
Class I
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS and high-risk features (e.g., elevated troponin) and not adequately
pretreated with clopidogrel or ticagrelor, it is useful to administer a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor
(abciximab, double-bolus eptifibatide, or high-dose bolus tirofiban) at the time of PCI (379-382).
(Level of Evidence: A)
Class IIa
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS and high-risk features (e.g., elevated troponin) treated with UFH and
adequately pretreated with clopidogrel, it is reasonable to administer a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor
(abciximab, double-bolus eptifibatide, or high-dose bolus tirofiban) at the time of PCI (195, 383).
(Level of Evidence: B)
GP IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist therapy in patients with NSTE-ACS undergoing PCI reduced the incidence of
composite ischemic events, primarily through a decrease in documented MI, although in some trials this is
counterbalanced by an increased rate of bleeding (193, 195, 310, 379-382, 392). Most, but not all, randomized
trials of the use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor were conducted in the era before clopidogrel therapy (193, 195, 310,
379-383, 392). Abciximab, double-bolus eptifibatide, and high-bolus dose tirofiban result in a high degree of
platelet inhibition, reduce ischemic complications in patients undergoing PCI, and appear to afford comparable
angiographic and clinical outcomes (26). As trials of the GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors generally excluded patients at
high risk of bleeding, recommendations for the use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors are best understood as applying to
patients not at high risk of bleeding complications. Although GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors were used in 27% and 55%
of patients, respectively, in the PLATO (Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes) and TRITON studies of
ticagrelor and prasugrel, there are insufficient data (293, 302, 393) (and no RCT data) from which to make
specific recommendations about GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor use in patients treated with either of these P2Y12 inhibitors.
Class I
1. An anticoagulant should be administered to patients with NSTE-ACS undergoing PCI to reduce
the risk of intracoronary and catheter thrombus formation. (Level of Evidence: C)
2. Intravenous UFH is useful in patients with NSTE-ACS undergoing PCI. (Level of Evidence: C)
3. Bivalirudin is useful as an anticoagulant with or without prior treatment with UFH in patients
with NSTE-ACS undergoing PCI (310, 394-398). (Level of Evidence: B)
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4. An additional dose of 0.3 mg/kg IV enoxaparin should be administered at the time of PCI to
patients with NSTE-ACS who have received fewer than 2 therapeutic subcutaneous doses (e.g., 1
mg/kg SC) or received the last subcutaneous enoxaparin dose 8 to 12 hours before PCI (309, 399-
403). (Level of Evidence: B)
5. If PCI is performed while the patient is on fondaparinux, an additional 85 IU/kg of UFH should
be given intravenously immediately before PCI because of the risk of catheter thrombosis (60
IU/kg IV if a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor used with UFH dosing based on the target-activated clotting
time) (26, 313-315, 404). (Level of Evidence: B)
6. In patients with NSTE-ACS, anticoagulant therapy should be discontinued after PCI unless there
is a compelling reason to continue such therapy. (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIa
1. In patients with NSTE-ACS undergoing PCI who are at high risk of bleeding, it is reasonable to
use bivalirudin monotherapy in preference to the combination of UFH and a GP IIb/IIIa receptor
antagonist (310, 396). (Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. Performance of PCI with enoxaparin may be reasonable in patients treated with upstream
subcutaneous enoxaparin for NSTE-ACS (26, 309, 399-402, 405, 406). (Level of Evidence: B)
anticoagulant at the time of PCI (26). Intravenous UFH and bivalirudin both have Class I recommendations in
patients undergoing PCI in the 2011 PCI CPG (26). Patients who have received multiple doses of
subcutaneously-administered enoxaparin who undergo PCI within 8 hours of the last subcutaneous dose
generally have received adequate anticoagulation to undergo PCI, but the degree of anticoagulation may
diminish 8 to 12 hours after the last subcutaneous dose. In such patients, as well as in patients who have
received fewer than 2 subcutaneous doses of enoxaparin, the addition of enoxaparin (0.3 mg/kg IV) at the time
of PCI provides additional anticoagulation and has become standard practice (26, 309, 399-403). Patients who
undergo PCI >12 hours after the last subcutaneous dose of enoxaparin are usually treated with full-dose de novo
anticoagulation with an established regimen (e.g., full-dose UFH or bivalirudin). Fondaparinux as the sole
anticoagulant during PCI has been associated with catheter thrombosis, and use of an anticoagulant with anti-IIa
activity is recommended when patients treated with fondaparinux undergo PCI (313-315). One suggested
regimen is UFH 85 IU/kg IV if no GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor is used and 60 IU/kg IV if a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor is used
with UFH dosing based on the target-activated clotting time (314, 404) (Table 9) (26, 313-315).
Page 58 of 150
• For patients already receiving bivalirudin infusion, give
additional loading dose 0.5 mg/kg and increase infusion
to 1.75 mg/kg/h during PCI
Fondaparinux • For prior treatment with fondaparinux, administer N/A
additional IV treatment with anticoagulant possessing
anti-IIa activity, considering whether GPI receptor
antagonists have been administered
UFH • IV GPI planned: additional UFH as needed (e.g., • IV GPI planned: 50–70 U/kg loading dose
2,000–5,000 U) to achieve ACT of 200–250 s to achieve ACT of 200–250 s
• No IV GPI planned: additional UFH as needed (e.g., • No IV GPI planned: 70–100 U/kg loading
2,000–5,000 U) to achieve ACT of 250–300 s for dose to achieve target ACT of 250–300 s
HemoTec, 300–350 s for Hemochron for HemoTec, 300–350 s for Hemochron
*Drugs presented in order by the COR and then the LOE as noted in the Preamble. When more than 1 drug exists within the
same LOE, and there are no comparative data, then the drugs are listed alphabetically.
ACT indicates activated clotting time; GPI, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor; IV, intravenous; N/A, not applicable; PCI,
percutaneous coronary intervention; SC, subcutaneous; and UFH, unfractionated heparin.
Modified from Levine et al. (26).
5.2. Timing of Urgent CABG in Patients With NSTE-ACS in Relation to Use of Antiplatelet
Agents: Recommendations
Class I
1. Non–enteric-coated aspirin (81 mg to 325 mg daily) should be administered preoperatively to
patients undergoing CABG (408-410). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. In patients referred for elective CABG, clopidogrel and ticagrelor should be discontinued for at
least 5 days before surgery (23, 411-413) (Level of Evidence: B) and prasugrel for at least 7 days
before surgery (8, 414). (Level of Evidence: C)
3. In patients referred for urgent CABG, clopidogrel and ticagrelor should be discontinued for at
least 24 hours to reduce major bleeding (8, 412, 415-417). (Level of Evidence: B)
for at least 12 hours before to limit blood loss and transfusion (389). (Level of Evidence: B)
Class IIb
1. In patients referred for urgent CABG, it may be reasonable to perform surgery less than 5 days
after clopidogrel or ticagrelor has been discontinued and less than 7 days after prasugrel has been
discontinued. (Level of Evidence: C)
Page 59 of 150
Recommendations for management of patients treated with oral and intravenous antiplatelet agents who
undergo CABG are given in the 2011 CABG CPG (23). Preoperative aspirin reduces operative morbidity and
mortality, and CABG can be performed safely in patients on aspirin therapy with only a modest increase in
bleeding risk (23, 408-410). The use of P2Y12 inhibitors in patients with NSTE-ACS is associated with an
increase in post–CABG bleeding and the need for transfusion (293, 302, 411, 413, 423-425). Although it is
recommended that clopidogrel and ticagrelor be discontinued at least 5 days before surgery and prasugrel at
least 7 days before surgery in patients referred for elective CABG (23, 411-413), the timing of CABG in patients
with NSTE-ACS treated with a P2Y12 inhibitor (330) should reflect a balance of the potential increase in
bleeding against the potential benefits of not delaying surgery 5 to 7 days. The risk of major bleeding
complications is increased when CABG is performed <24 hours after discontinuation of clopidogrel (23, 416,
417). In patients who undergo CABG 1 to 4 days after discontinuation of clopidogrel, it appears that the
incidence of life-threatening bleeding is not significantly increased, but an increase in blood transfusions is
likely (23, 415, 416, 425, 426). In the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial (302), the incidence of CABG-related major
bleeding was higher in patients treated with prasugrel than in patients treated with clopidogrel (23, 386). In the
PLATO trial, the rates of major bleeding and transfusion requirements were similar between patients treated
with ticagrelor and patients treated with clopidogrel (294). The more rapid recovery of platelet function in
pharmacokinetic studies of ticagrelor did not translate to a lower risk of bleeding or lessen the need for
transfusion compared with clopidogrel when CABG was performed early (i.e., <5 days) after drug
discontinuation (23, 293, 412).
See Online Data Supplements 21 and 22 for more information on myocardial revascularization
The goals of therapy after NSTE-ACS are to restore the patient to normal activities to the extent possible and to
use the acute event to re-evaluate the plan of care, particularly lifestyle and risk factor modification. Aggressive
risk factor modifications that can prolong survival should be the main goal of long-term management of patients
with stable CAD. Patients presenting with NSTE-ACS represent a high-risk cohort in whom secondary
cardiovascular disease prevention is likely to be particularly effective (Table 10). Clinicians have an opportunity
to provide evidence-based care to this high-risk cohort and to aggressively treat the underlying atherosclerotic
process through lifestyle modification and effective pharmacological therapies (427). In most cases, the
inpatient anti-ischemic medical regimen should be continued after discharge, and the antiplatelet/anticoagulant
medications should be changed to an outpatient regimen. The goals for continued medical therapy after
Page 60 of 150
discharge relate to potential prognostic benefits (primarily shown for antiplatelet agents, beta blockers, statins,
and inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system, especially for LVEF <0.40). Added benefits are
control of ischemic symptoms (nitrates, beta blockers, CCBs, and ranolazine) and treatment of major risk factors
such as smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, physical inactivity, obesity, and diabetes mellitus (427). Selection
of a medical regimen should be individualized to each patient based on in-hospital findings, risk factors for
CAD, drug tolerability, and recent procedural interventions. The mnemonic “ABCDE” (Aspirin, Antianginals,
and ACE Inhibitors; Beta Blockers and BP; Cholesterol and Cigarettes; Diet and Diabetes Mellitus; Education
and Exercise) is useful in guiding treatment (428).
Class I
1. Medications required in the hospital to control ischemia should be continued after hospital
discharge in patients with NSTE-ACS who do not undergo coronary revascularization, patients
with incomplete or unsuccessful revascularization, and patients with recurrent symptoms after
revascularization. Titration of the doses may be required (427, 428). (Level of Evidence: C)
2. All patients who are post–NSTE-ACS should be given sublingual or spray nitroglycerin with
verbal and written instructions for its use (429). (Level of Evidence: C)
3. Before hospital discharge, patients with NSTE-ACS should be informed about symptoms of
worsening myocardial ischemia and MI and should be given verbal and written instructions about
how and when to seek emergency care for such symptoms (429). (Level of Evidence: C)
4. Before hospital discharge, patients who are post–NSTE-ACS and/or designated responsible
caregivers should be provided with easily understood and culturally sensitive verbal and written
instructions about medication type, purpose, dose, frequency, side effects, and duration of use
nitroglycerin (1 dose sublingual or spray) is recommended if angina does not subside within 3 to 5
minutes; call 9-1-1 immediately to access emergency medical services (429). (Level of Evidence: C)
6. If the pattern or severity of angina changes, suggesting worsening myocardial ischemia (e.g., pain
is more frequent or severe or is precipitated by less effort or occurs at rest), patients should
contact their clinician without delay to assess the need for additional treatment or testing (429).
(Level of Evidence: C)
7. Before discharge, patients should be educated about modification of cardiovascular risk factors
(428). (Level of Evidence: C)
Class I
1. Aspirin should be continued indefinitely. The maintenance dose should be 81 mg daily in patients
treated with ticagrelor and 81 mg to 325 mg daily in all other patients (288-290). (Level of
Evidence: A)
2. In addition to aspirin, a P2Y12 inhibitor (either clopidogrel or ticagrelor) should be continued for
up to 12 months in all patients with NSTE-ACS without contraindications who are treated with an
ischemia-guided strategy. Options include:
• Clopidogrel: 75 mg daily (289, 296) (Level of Evidence: B) or
• Ticagrelor║: 90 mg twice daily (293, 294) (Level of Evidence: B)
3. In patients receiving a stent (bare-metal stent or DES) during PCI for NSTE-ACS, P2Y12 inhibitor
therapy should be given for at least 12 months (330). Options include:
• Clopidogrel: 75 mg daily (296, 331) (Level of Evidence: B) or
Page 61 of 150
Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to use an aspirin maintenance dose of 81 mg per day in preference to higher
maintenance doses in patients with NSTE-ACS treated either invasively or with coronary stent
implantation (26, 331, 368, 385-388). (Level of Evidence: B)
2. It is reasonable to choose ticagrelor over clopidogrel for maintenance P2Y12 treatment in patients
with NSTE-ACS treated with an early invasive strategy and/or PCI (293, 294). (Level of Evidence:
3. It is reasonable to choose prasugrel over clopidogrel for maintenance P2Y12 treatment in patients
with NSTE-ACS who undergo PCI who are not at high risk for bleeding complications (302, 303).
(Level of Evidence: B)
4. If the risk of morbidity from bleeding outweighs the anticipated benefit of a recommended
duration of P2Y12 inhibitor therapy after stent implantation, earlier discontinuation (e.g., <12
months) of P2Y12 inhibitor therapy is reasonable (330). (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIb
1. Continuation of DAPT beyond 12 months may be considered in patients undergoing stent
implantation. (Level of Evidence: C) AN
6.2.2. Combined Oral Anticoagulant Therapy and Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients With NSTE-
Class I
1. The duration of triple antithrombotic therapy with a vitamin K antagonist, aspirin, and a P2Y12
receptor inhibitor in patients with NSTE-ACS should be minimized to the extent possible to limit
gastrointestinal bleeding who require triple antithrombotic therapy with a vitamin K antagonist,
aspirin, and a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor (26, 430, 431). (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIa
1. Proton pump inhibitor use is reasonable in patients with NSTE-ACS without a known history of
gastrointestinal bleeding who require triple antithrombotic therapy with a vitamin K
antagonist, aspirin, and a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor (26, 430, 431). (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIb
1. Targeting oral anticoagulant therapy to a lower international normalized ratio (INR) (e.g., 2.0
to 2.5) may be reasonable in patients with NSTE-ACS managed with aspirin and a P2Y12
inhibitor. (Level of Evidence: C)
The combination of oral antiplatelet therapy and oral anticoagulant therapy significantly increases the risk of
bleeding. This risk varies widely, but on average, the addition of a single antiplatelet agent increased the risk of
The recommended maintenance dose of aspirin to be used with ticagrelor is 81 mg daily (290).
Patients should receive a loading dose of prasugrel, provided they were not pretreated with another PY12 receptor inhibitor.
The recommended maintenance dose of aspirin to be used with ticagrelor is 81 mg daily (290).
Page 62 of 150
bleeding from an approximate range of 2% to 3% to 4% to 6%, whereas the addition of DAPT to oral
anticoagulant therapy (“triple therapy”) increased the risk of bleeding from an approximate range of 4% to 6%
to 10% to 14% (432-435). This risk was also related to the duration of triple therapy.
In patients with NSTE-ACS in whom there are indications for triple therapy, the benefit of such therapy
in terms of prevention of stent thrombosis, thromboembolic events, and recurrent MI must be weighed against
the risk of bleeding complications. Similarly, DAPT, in addition to anticoagulant therapy, requires consideration
of the increased risk of bleeding. It is essential that therapeutic decision making in this critical area include
discussion with the patient about the options, advantages, and limitations of available approaches.
Recommendations about the management of patients treated with triple therapy have been published in
ACC/AHA CPGs and by other organizations (17, 26, 430, 433, 436). Although some organizations have
recommended a target INR of 2.0 to 2.5 in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) who require triple therapy (437),
others continue to recommend a target INR of 2.0 to 3.0 (436, 438). The HAS-BLED (Hypertension, Abnormal
Renal/Liver Function, Stroke, Bleeding History or Predisposition, Labile INR, Elderly, Drugs/Alcohol
Concomitantly) score has relevance in these deliberations (439). No prospective study to date has demonstrated
that a target INR of 2.0 to 2.5 reduces bleeding complications.
Whenever possible, shorter durations of triple therapy are favored in preference to longer durations of
triple therapy. In patients with NSTE-ACS who require oral anticoagulation for AF, mechanical heart valve,
deep venous thrombosis, or other conditions, a bare-metal stent may offer the advantages of lower bleeding risk
over a DES because of the potentially shorter duration of triple antithrombotic therapy. The WOEST (What is
the Optimal Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients With Oral Anticoagulation and Coronary
Stenting) trial is the first published study to address the question of optimal antiplatelet therapy in patients
taking oral anticoagulant medication (440). WOEST was a randomized, open-label trial of 563 patients
(approximately 25% of whom had NSTE-ACS) receiving oral anticoagulant therapy and undergoing coronary
stenting. Patients randomized to single antiplatelet treatment with clopidogrel had significantly fewer bleeding
complications and no increase in thrombotic events compared with those randomized to DAPT with aspirin and
clopidogrel. Larger clinical trials are needed to compare double versus triple therapy in the setting of coronary
stenting and NSTE-ACS. One such study that has been initiated is PIONEER AF-PCI (an Open-Label,
Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Study Exploring two Treatment Strategies of Rivaroxaban and a Dose-
Adjusted Oral Vitamin K Antagonist Treatment Strategy in Subjects With Atrial Fibrillation who Undergo
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention).
Although there are some data on therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and warfarin, there is sparse
information on the use of newer P2Y12 inhibitors (prasugrel, ticagrelor), direct thrombin inhibitor (dabigatran),
or factor-Xa inhibitors (rivaroxaban, apixaban) in patients receiving triple therapy. Prasugrel (302) and
ticagrelor (412) produce a greater degree of platelet inhibition than clopidogrel and are associated with greater
rates of bleeding (300, 302, 412, 441). These are important potential disadvantages in patients requiring triple
Page 63 of 150
therapy, a group in which the inherent risks of bleeding are significantly increased. (Overall bleeding risk was
not increased with ticagrelor, although there was increased bleeding in certain subgroups on this drug (412)).
Because there are no well-established therapies to reverse the anticoagulant effects of the newer oral antiplatelet
agents, caution is required when considering the use of these agents in patients who require triple therapy and
are at significantly increased risk of bleeding. This admonition is especially important in elderly patients, a
group in which bleeding risk is inherently increased (Section 7.1).
Proton pump inhibitors decrease the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients treated with DAPT
(431) and are used in patients treated with DAPT who have a history of gastrointestinal bleeding and those at
increased risk of bleeding, which is associated with oral anticoagulation therapy even if there is no history of
gastrointestinal bleeding (430). On the basis of these results, proton pump inhibitors are also used in patients
receiving triple antithrombotic therapy who have a history of gastrointestinal bleeding. Although the clinical
evidence that omeprazole and esomeprazole diminish the antiplatelet efficacy of clopidogrel is weak (430), the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning to avoid concomitant use of these 2 proton pump
inhibitors with clopidogrel (442).
genetic phenotype testing has also not been beneficial and thus is not recommended (26, 446-448). A more
detailed discussion of these issues and current recommendations about platelet function testing and genetic
testing are in the 2011 PCI CPG (26).
Secondary prevention is a critical aspect of the management of care for the survivor of NSTE-ACS. It has been
clearly established that in this high-risk cohort, subsequent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality can be
reduced by a comprehensive approach to favorably modifying patients’ risk profiles (27).
Secondary prevention comprises lifestyle changes, risk factor education, medical therapy, and, where
appropriate, revascularization. These elements are discussed in Section 6.4. Despite the proven utility of
secondary prevention, its implementation remains suboptimal, and enhanced application is a major goal in this
patient population.
See Online Data Supplement 23 for additional information on risk reduction strategies
Page 64 of 150
Class I
1. All eligible patients with NSTE-ACS should be referred to a comprehensive cardiovascular
rehabilitation program either before hospital discharge or during the first outpatient visit (449-
452). (Level of Evidence: B)
The U.S. Public Health Service emphasizes comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation programs (449), and the 2011
secondary prevention CPG underscores referral to cardiac rehabilitation for survivors of ACS (27). Since 2007,
referral to these programs has been designated a quality performance measure (453-455). Barriers to referral can
be obviated by discussion with the patient and referral by the patient’s primary care clinician and/or
cardiovascular caregiver. These comprehensive programs provide patient education, enhance regular exercise,
monitor risk factors, and address lifestyle modification (456). Aerobic exercise training can generally begin 1 to
2 weeks after discharge in patients treated with PCI or CABG (457). Mild-to-moderate resistance training can be
considered and started 2 to 4 weeks after aerobic training (458). Unsupervised exercise may target a heart rate
range of 60% to 75% of maximum age-predicted heart rate based on the patient’s exercise stress test. Supervised
training may target a higher heart rate (70% to 85% of age-predicted maximum) (457). Additional restrictions
apply when residual ischemia is present. Daily walking can be encouraged soon after discharge for most
patients. Resource publications on exercise prescription in cardiovascular patients are available (456, 457).
Regular physical activity reduces symptoms in patients with cardiovascular disease, enhances functional
capacity, improves other risk factors such as insulin resistance and glucose control, and is important in weight
control (456). Questionnaires and nomograms for cardiac patients have been developed to guide exercise
prescription if an exercise test is unavailable (459-462). See Section 6.4 and Table 10 for more information.
Class I
1. Patients should be educated about appropriate cholesterol management, BP, smoking cessation,
Results of testing should be discussed with the patient, the patient’s family, and/or the patient’s advocate in an
understandable manner. Test results should be used to help determine the advisability of coronary angiography,
the need for adjustments in the medical regimen, and the specifics for secondary prevention measures. See
Section 6.4 and Table 10 for more information on plan of care.
Class I
Page 65 of 150
1. The pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for patients 65 years of age and older and in high-risk
patients with cardiovascular disease (464-466). (Level of Evidence: B)
Vaccination with the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine is recommended for all adults ≥65 years
of age. Adults of any age who are at increased risk, including smokers and those with asthma, should also be
given the vaccine. Immunocompromised adults should receive the 13-valent conjugate vaccine in addition to the
23-valent vaccine (464-466). The influenza vaccine is discussed in Section 6.4.
Class I
1. Before hospital discharge, the patient’s need for treatment of chronic musculoskeletal discomfort
should be assessed, and a stepped-care approach should be used for selection of treatments. Pain
treatment before consideration of NSAIDs should begin with acetaminophen, nonacetylated
salicylates, tramadol, or small doses of narcotics if these medications are not adequate (17, 237).
(Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to use nonselective NSAIDs, such as naproxen, if initial therapy with
acetaminophen, nonacetylated salicylates, tramadol, or small doses of narcotics is insufficient
(237). (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIb
1. NSAIDs with increasing degrees of relative COX-2 selectivity may be considered for pain relief
only for situations in which intolerable discomfort persists despite attempts at stepped-care
patients with NSTE-ACS and chronic musculoskeletal discomfort when therapy with
acetaminophen, nonacetylated salicylates, tramadol, small doses of narcotics, or nonselective
NSAIDs provide acceptable pain relief (234, 235, 237, 467). (Level of Evidence: B)
Selective COX-2 inhibitors and other nonselective NSAIDs have been associated with increased cardiovascular
risk, and the risk appears to be amplified in patients with established cardiovascular disease (234, 235, 467-469).
In a large Danish observational study of patients with first MI (n=58,432), the HR and 95% CI for death were
2.80 (2.41 to 3.25) for rofecoxib, 2.57 (2.15 to 3.08) for celecoxib, 1.50 (1.36 to 1.67) for ibuprofen, 2.40 (2.09
to 2.80) for diclofenac, and 1.29 (1.16 to 1.43) for other NSAIDs (234). There were dose-related increases in
risk of death and non–dose-dependent trends for rehospitalization for MI for all drugs (234, 467). An AHA
scientific statement on the use of NSAIDs concluded that the risk of cardiovascular events is proportional to
COX-2 selectivity and the underlying risk in the patient (237). Nonpharmacological approaches were
recommended as the first line of treatment, followed by the stepped-care approach to pharmacological therapy,
as shown in Figure 4.
Page 66 of 150
Figure 4. Stepped-Care Approach to Pharmacological Therapy for Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Patients With
Known Cardiovascular Disease or Risk Factors for Ischemic Heart Disease
Acetaminophen, ASA, tramadol, narcotic analgesics
Nonacetylated salicylates
NSAIDs with some COX-2
Select patients at low risk of selectivity Regular monitoring for sustained
thrombotic events COX-2 hypertension (or worsening of prior blood
Prescribe lowest dose selective pressure control), edema, worsening renal
required to control symptoms NSAIDs function, or GI bleeding
ASA 81 mg in all patients If these occur, consider reduction of dose
with PPI added in patients on or discontinuation of the offending drug, a
ASA and NSAIDs to decrease different drug, or alternative therapeutic
risk of upper GI bleeding modalities, as dictated by clinical
ASA indicates aspirin; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; GI, gastrointestinal; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; and
PPI, proton-pump inhibitor.
Modified from Jneid et al. (8).
and should not be continued in previous users unless the benefits outweigh the estimated risks (17,
470-472). (Level of Evidence: A)
Although prior observational data suggested a protective effect of hormone therapy for coronary events, a
randomized trial of hormone therapy for secondary prevention of death and MI (the HERS [Heart and
Estrogen/Progestin Replacement] study) failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect (473). There was an excess risk
for death and MI early after initiation of hormone therapy. The Women’s Health Initiative included randomized
primary prevention trials of estrogen plus progestin and estrogen alone (472). Both trials were stopped early
owing to an increased risk related to hormone therapy that was believed to outweigh the potential benefits of
further study (470-472). It is recommended that postmenopausal women receiving hormone therapy at the time
of a cardiovascular event discontinue its use and that hormone therapy should not be initiated for the primary or
secondary prevention of coronary events. However, there may be other permissible indications for hormone
therapy in postmenopausal women (e.g., treatment of perimenopausal symptoms such as flushing or prevention
of osteoporosis) if the benefits are believed to outweigh the increased cardiovascular risk. Postmenopausal
women who are >1 to 2 years past the initiation of hormone therapy who wish to continue such therapy for
another compelling indication should weigh the risks and benefits, recognizing the greater risk of cardiovascular
events and breast cancer (combination therapy) or stroke (estrogen) (473).
Page 67 of 150
Although there is an association of elevated homocysteine blood levels and CAD, a reduction in homocysteine
levels with routine folate supplementation did not reduce the risk of CAD events in 2 trials (the NORVIT
[Norwegian Vitamin Trial] and the HOPE [Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation] study) that included post–
MI or high-risk stable patients (476-478) and produced poorer outcomes in another study (479). Additionally, in
the NORVIT trial, there was a trend toward increased cardiovascular events (95% CI: 1.00 to 1.50; p=0.05) in
the cohort receiving the combination of folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12; the authors cautioned against
using the treatment for secondary prevention (476). Similarly, experience in large clinical trials with antioxidant
vitamins has failed to demonstrate benefit for primary or secondary prevention (474, 475, 480).
See Online Data Supplement 23 for additional information on antioxidant vitamins and folic acid
6.4. Plan of Care for Patients With NSTE-ACS: Recommendations
Class I
1. Posthospital systems of care designed to prevent hospital readmissions should be used to facilitate
the transition to effective, coordinated outpatient care for all patients with NSTE-ACS (481-485).
(Level of Evidence: B)
2. An evidence-based plan of care (e.g., GDMT) that promotes medication adherence, timely follow-
up with the healthcare team, appropriate dietary and physical activities, and compliance with
interventions for secondary prevention should be provided to patients with NSTE-ACS. (Level of
Evidence: C)
3. In addition to detailed instructions for daily exercise, patients should be given specific instruction
on activities (e.g., lifting, climbing stairs, yard work, and household activities) that are permissible
and those to avoid. Specific mention should be made of resumption of driving, return to work, and
sexual activity (452, 486, 487). (Level of Evidence: B)
4. An annual influenza vaccination is recommended for patients with cardiovascular disease (27,
488). (Level of Evidence: C)
Education of patients with NSTEMI and their families is critical and often challenging, especially during
transitions of care. Failure to understand and comply with a plan of care may account for the high rate of AMI
rehospitalization rates in the United States (489, 490). An important intervention to promote coordination is to
provide patients and caregivers with a comprehensive plan of care and educational materials during the hospital
stay that support compliance with evidence-based therapies (491-493). The posthospitalization plan of care for
patients with NSTE-ACS (Table 10) should address in detail several complex issues, including medication
adherence and titration, timely follow-up, dietary interventions, physical and sexual activities, cardiac
rehabilitation, compliance with interventions for secondary prevention, and reassessment of arrhythmic and HF
Page 68 of 150
risks. In addition, clinicians should pay close attention to psychosocial and socioeconomic issues, including
access to care, risk of depression, social isolation, and healthcare disparities (494-496).
There has been improved understanding of the system changes necessary to achieve safer care (497). This
includes adoption by all U.S. hospitals of a standardized set of “Safe Practices” endorsed by the National
Quality Forum (498), which overlap with the National Patient Safety Goals espoused by The Joint Commission
(499). Examples of patient safety standards for all patients after AMI include improved communication among
clinicians, nurses, and pharmacists; medication reconciliation; careful transitions between care settings; and
consistent documentation. The National Quality Forum has also endorsed a set of patient-centered “Preferred
Practices for Care Coordination” (500), which detail comprehensive specifications that are necessary to achieve
successful care coordination for patients and their families. Systems of care designed to support patients with
NSTE-ACS, STEMI, and other cardiac diseases can result in significant improvement in patient outcomes.
Table 10 provides reference documents for multiple risk-reduction strategies for secondary prevention in the
posthospital phase of NSTE-ACS. These include the 2013 ACC/AHA CPGs on management of blood
cholesterol (18), obesity (16), and lifestyle (15) and the 2014 recommendations for management of hypertension
(501), which were published during the development of this CPG. To provide the interventions and services
listed in Table 10, appropriate resources must be used so that patients with MI have full access to evidence-
based therapies and follow-up care. There is a growing emphasis on penalizing hospitals for avoidable hospital
readmissions. It is imperative for health systems to work with clinicians, nurses, pharmacists, communities,
payers, and public agencies to support the interventions that achieve comprehensive care. Several patient
characteristics have been predictors of readmission after AMI (502, 503).
CCBs • Section
Statins • 2013 Blood cholesterol CPG (18)
Discontinuation of antithrombotic • 2014 SIHD focused update (10)
therapies for elective surgical and medical 2012 SIHD CPG (11)
procedures with increased risk of bleeding • 2012 Management of AMI in patients with persistent STEMI
CPG (19)
• 2011 Secondary prevention CPG (27)
• 2007 Science Advisory on the prevention of premature
discontinuation of DAPT in patients with coronary artery stents
Inappropriate use of analgesics (NSAIDs) • 2010 Expert consensus document on PPIs and thienopyridines
Page 69 of 150
• 2010 Performance measures on cardiac rehabilitation (454)
• 2012 Scientific statement on sexual activity and cardiovascular
disease (231)
Management of comorbidities
Overweight/obesity • 2013 Obesity CPG (16)
• 2011 Secondary prevention CPG (27)
Statins • 2013 Lifestyle CPG (15)
• 2013 Blood cholesterol CPG (18)
Hypertension • 2014 Report on high BP (501)
• 2013 Science advisory on high BP control (506)
Diabetes mellitus • 2013 Position statement on standards of medical care in diabetes
HF • 2013 HF CPG (14)
Arrhythmia/arrhythmia risk • 2012 Focused update incorporated into the 2008 DBT CPG (20)
Psychosocial factors
• 2014 AF CPG (12)
Depression, stress, and anxiety • 2008 Science advisory on depression and coronary heart disease
Alcohol use • 2011 Secondary prevention CPG (27)
Clinician follow-up
Cardiologist • 2011 Secondary prevention CPG (27)
• 2013 Hospital to Home Quality Initiative (511)
Primary care clinician
Page 70 of 150
Social services
Community services
ACE indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme; AF, atrial fibrillation; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; ARB, angiotensin
receptor blocker; BP, blood pressure; CCB, calcium channel blocker; CPG, clinical practice guideline; CPR,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy; DBT, device-based therapy; ECC, emergency
cardiovascular care; EMS, emergency medical services; HF, heart failure; MET, metabolic equivalent; MI, myocardial
infarction; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; PCI,
percutaneous coronary intervention; PPI, protein pump inhibitor; SIHD, stable ischemic heart disease; and STEMI, ST-
elevation myocardial infarction.
7.1. NSTE-ACS in Older Patients: Recommendations
Class I
1. Older patients∗∗ with NSTE-ACS should be treated with GDMT, an early invasive strategy, and
revascularization as appropriate (515-519). (Level of Evidence: A)
2. Pharmacotherapy in older patients with NSTE-ACS should be individualized and dose adjusted
by weight and/or CrCl to reduce adverse events caused by age-related changes in
pharmacokinetics/dynamics, volume of distribution, comorbidities, drug interactions, and
Class IIa
1. Bivalirudin, rather than a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor plus UFH, is reasonable in older patients with
NSTE-ACS, both initially and at PCI, given similar efficacy but less bleeding risk (396, 526-528).
(Level of Evidence: B)
2. It is reasonable to choose CABG over PCI in older patients∗∗with NSTE-ACS who are appropriate
candidates, particularly those with diabetes mellitus or complex 3-vessel CAD (e.g., SYNTAX
score >22), with or without involvement of the proximal LAD artery, to reduce cardiovascular
disease events and readmission and to improve survival (529-534). (Level of Evidence: B)
In this CPG, “older adults” refers to patients ≥75 years of age (515). Older adults have the highest incidence,
prevalence, and adverse outcomes of NSTE-ACS (9, 515-517, 535, 536). Older age is accompanied by
comorbidities, polypharmacy, and age- and disease-related physiological changes that adversely impact NSTE-
ACS presentation, management, and outcome. As older patients are under-represented in clinical trials, the
recommendations in this CPG are largely supported by registry data and meta-analyses (516, 537).
Those ≥75 years of age (see text).
Page 71 of 150
Older patients with NSTE-ACS primarily present with chest pain but frequently have atypical
symptoms. ECGs may be less diagnostic than in younger patients (517, 538). Older patients with NSTE-ACS
derive the same or greater benefit from pharmacological therapies, interventional therapies, and cardiac
rehabilitation as younger patients, but older patients receive significantly less GDMT than younger patients,
even when adjusted for comorbidities (515-517, 535, 538, 539). In the ACSIS (Acute Coronary Syndrome
Israeli Survey) registry, patients >80 years of age referred for early coronary angiography, compared with no
angiography, had lower 30-day and 1-year mortality rates (540).
Age-related pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic changes can alter drug dosing, efficacy, and safety
of many NSTE-ACS therapies, as can drug–drug interactions (Appendix 4, Table B) (515, 520, 521, 541, 542).
CrCl or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) should be estimated initially and throughout care for all older patients
with NSTE-ACS, and pharmaceutical agents should be renally and weight dose-adjusted to limit drug toxicity
(especially bleeding risk), given the unreliability of serum creatinine to assess age-related renal dysfunction
(515, 522, 526, 543-545) (Appendix 4, Table C). Bleeding in older patients with NSTE-ACS is multifactorial,
resulting in narrower therapeutic windows (541, 542, 544, 546, 547).
In the CRUSADE (Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse
Outcomes With Early Implementation of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
Guidelines) study, excessive doses of UFH, LMWH, and GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors accounted for 15% of major
bleeding, longer lengths of stay, and increased mortality (522, 548). Aspirin should be maintained at 81 mg per
day (after initial stent implantation). Due to excess bleeding without clinical benefit, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration lists a Black Box warning that does not recommend administration of prasugrel to patients with
NSTE-ACS who are ≥75 years of age or weigh <60 kg except in those at very high risk. A meta-analysis of 6
RCTs about the use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients with NSTE-ACS reported no significant age-treatment
interaction, although older women had significantly more adverse events (549). Bivalirudin appears safer for
older patients with NSTE-ACS ± PCI compared with GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors plus UFH with less bleeding and
similar efficacy (526, 550). AF is more common in older patients with NSTE-ACS, and triple therapy (DAPT
and warfarin) entails a marked bleeding risk (551). In the WOEST (What is the Optimal Antiplatelet and
Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients With Oral Anticoagulation and Coronary Stenting) study, it was found that in
patients taking oral coagulants who required PCI, use of clopidogrel without aspirin was associated with a
significant reduction in bleeding complications and no increase in thrombotic events (440). Nonetheless,
practice should not be changed on the basis of this limited study alone.
Older patients with NSTE-ACS benefit as much or more than younger patients from an early invasive
strategy compared with an ischemia-guided strategy (340, 341, 515, 518, 519). In a 5-year follow-up meta-
analysis of FRISC-II and RITA-3, an early invasive strategy versus an ischemia-guided strategy was associated
with a significant reduction in death/MI and MI in patients ≥75 years of age but not in patients <65 years of age
(518). Although the highest risk reduction in death/MI with an early invasive strategy occurred in those ≥75
Page 72 of 150
years of age, this strategy was associated with a 3-fold bleeding risk (552). However, despite the overall
favorable evidence for an early invasive strategy in older patients, age is the strongest risk factor for this group
not undergoing an early invasive strategy (553).
PCI has increased in older patients, including the very elderly (≥90 years of age), with success rates
similar to younger patients and declining complication rates, including major bleeding (515, 517, 526-528, 554).
Several large registries report a greater RR reduction in mortality of older patients treated with revascularization
versus medical therapy compared with those ≤65 years of age, despite increased comorbidities (517, 540, 554-
Operative mortality rates for CABG in patients ≥80 years of age with NSTE-ACS range from 5% to 8%
(11% for urgent cases) and increase to approximately 13% at ≥90 years of age. Complications occur more
frequently in older patients with CABG (557, 558). Length of stay averages 6 days longer in older patients than
in patients <50 years of age, and discharge (to home [52%]) is less frequent than in younger patients (557). In a
meta-analysis, off-pump CABG appeared to offer a potentially safer and more effective revascularization
technique compared with on-pump CABG in older patients with NSTE-ACS (559). Older patients with NSTE-
ACS with diabetes mellitus had a greater survival advantage with CABG (529). Evaluation tools can help
identify older patients with NSTE-ACS whose risk and comorbidity profile predict mortality within 6 to 12
months and possibly guide a palliative approach (524).
Class I
1. Patients with a history of HF and NSTE-ACS should be treated according to the same risk
stratification guidelines and recommendations for patients without HF (14, 42-44, 75-81). (Level of
Evidence: B)
2. Selection of a specific revascularization strategy should be based on the degree, severity, and
extent of CAD; associated cardiac lesions; the extent of LV dysfunction; and the history of prior
revascularization procedures (14, 138, 141, 333, 334, 337, 341, 560, 561). (Level of Evidence: B)
In patients with HF and NSTE-ACS, the plan of care should be implemented as in patients without HF using
medical therapy and an early invasive approach, because patients with abnormal LV function are at increased
risk of mortality and morbidity (562). HF itself may be associated with elevated serum troponin in the presence
or absence of obstructive CAD. After angiography, risk stratification can be used to select revascularization
strategies. The effect of surgical revascularization on improving survival has been most clearly demonstrated in
patients with both extensive CAD and LV dysfunction (356, 357, 563-567). Such patients should undergo
testing to identify the severity and extent of ischemia and should in general be referred for coronary
angiography. In selected patients with appropriate anatomy, PCI has been used (23, 568). In patients who have
Page 73 of 150
already undergone CABG or in whom the anatomy is not favorable for CABG, PCI has been performed using
CPG-based PCI performance strategies if specific targeted areas that are amenable to PCI can be identified (26).
If there is a large amount of ischemic territory and very poor LV function, percutaneous ventricular assist
devices or, in less severe cases, an IABP can be used for support during the procedure (266, 569-573).
See Online Data Supplement 25 for additional information on HF
7.2.1. Arrhythmias
Ventricular arrhythmias are common early after onset of NSTE-ACS, and not all require intervention. The
mechanisms for these arrhythmias include continuing ischemia, hemodynamic and electrolyte abnormalities,
reentry, and enhanced automaticity. Approximately 5% to 10% of hospitalized patients may develop ventricular
tachycardia (VT)/ventricular fibrillation (VF), usually within 48 hours of presentation (574). The incidence of
VF in otherwise uncomplicated AMI appears to have decreased within the past few years from >4% to <2%, of
which 59% of patients had non–Q-wave MI (574). A study of 277 consecutive patients with NSTE-ACS who
underwent cardiac catheterization within 48 hours found VT/VF occurring in 7.6% of patients, 60% of which
developed within 48 hours after admission (575). Risk factors for VT/VF include HF, hypotension, tachycardia,
shock, and low TIMI flow grade. Treatment consists of immediate defibrillation or cardioversion for VF or
pulseless sustained VT. Early administration of beta blockers has been associated with reduction in incidence of
VF (576). The prophylactic use of lidocaine is not recommended. Although VT/VF is associated with higher 90-
day mortality risk, premature ventricular contractions not associated with hemodynamic compromise and
accelerated ventricular rhythms do not confer higher mortality risks and do not require specific therapy other
than maintaining electrolyte balance. NSTE-ACS nonsustained VT occurring >48 hours after admission
indicates an increased risk of cardiac and sudden death, especially when associated with accompanying
myocardial ischemia (577). Life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias that occur >48 hours after NSTE-ACS are
usually associated with LV dysfunction and signify poor prognosis. RCTs in patients with ACS have shown
sudden cardiac death with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator should be readdressed ≥40 days after
discharge (583). A life vest may be considered in the interim.
AF, atrial flutter, and other supraventricular arrhythmias may be triggered by excessive sympathetic
stimulation, atrial stress due to volume overload, atrial infarction, pericarditis, electrolyte abnormalities,
hypoxia, or pulmonary disease. AF is the most common of these arrhythmias and may develop in >20% of
patients. AF is associated with shock, HF, stroke, and increased 90-day mortality (584). Management of AF
requires rate control and adequate anticoagulation according to the 2014 AF CPG (12). For hemodynamically
Page 74 of 150
unstable patients and those with continuing ischemia, treatment should be implemented according to the 2010
advanced cardiac life support CPGs (585).
Sinus bradycardia is especially common with inferior NSTEMI. Symptomatic or hemodynamically
significant sinus bradycardia should be treated with atropine and, if not responsive, temporary pacing. The
incidence of complete heart block is 1.0% to 3.7% in NSTEMI, based on anterior or posterior/inferior location,
respectively (586). Atrioventricular block and bundle-branch block develop in approximately 5% of patients
(587). High-degree atrioventricular block or bundle-branch block in anterior NSTEMI is more ominous because
of a greater extent of myocardial injury and involvement of the conduction system (587).
First-degree atrioventricular block does not require treatment. High-grade atrioventricular block after
inferior NSTEMI usually is transient, with a narrow QRS complex and a junctional escape rhythm that can be
managed with an ischemia-guided strategy. Prophylactic placement of a temporary pacemaker is recommended
for high-grade atrioventricular block, new bundle-branch block, or bifascicular block with anterior infarction.
Indications for permanent pacing are reviewed in the 2012 device-based therapy CPGs (20).
Class I
1. Early revascularization is recommended in suitable patients with cardiogenic shock due to cardiac
pump failure after NSTE-ACS (560, 588, 589). (Level of Evidence: B)
AMI is the leading cause of cardiogenic shock. Early revascularization is a mainstay in the treatment of
cardiogenic shock (560, 589). Compared with medical therapy, early revascularization is associated with
improved 6-month mortality (560) and 13% absolute mortality reduction at 6 years (588). Urgent
revascularization with CABG may be indicated for failed PCI, coronary anatomy not amenable to PCI, and at
the time of surgical repair of a mechanical defect (e.g., septal, papillary muscle, free-wall rupture). Age alone is
not a contraindication to urgent revascularization for cardiogenic shock (589, 590). Mortality after cardiogenic
shock has steadily improved (591), including in older adults (589, 590), with 30-day mortality ranging from
approximately 40% with milder forms of shock (268) to >45% with refractory shock (592). Approximately 30%
of patients in the IABP-SHOCK (Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump in Cardiogenic Shock) II trial presented with
NSTEMI (268), and 22% of patients in the TRIUMPH (Tilarginine Acetate Injection in a Randomized
International Study in Unstable Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients With Cardiogenic Shock) trial had ST
depression on presentation (592). Of the 23% of patients with ACS who had NSTEMI in the GRACE registry,
4.6% of patients experienced cardiogenic shock (593). Of the 2,992 patients in shock, 57% underwent cardiac
catheterization, and in-hospital revascularization was performed in 47% of this group.
In-hospital mortality of all patients with shock was 59% (594). Patients with NSTEMI developed
cardiogenic shock later than patients with STEMI, and had higher-risk clinical characteristics, more extensive
CAD, and more recurrent ischemia and infarction before developing shock compared with patients with STEMI,
and shock developed later in patients with NSTEMI (151). Patients with NSTEMI constituted >17% of those in
Page 75 of 150
the SHOCK trial registry (595). They were also older and had more comorbidities but had comparable mortality
to patients with STEMI. The left circumflex coronary artery was the culprit vessel in 30% of patients with
NSTEMI, suggesting the presence of true posterior MI (595). Dopamine in patients with cardiogenic shock may
be associated with increased mortality compared with norepinephrine (596). The use of percutaneous ventricular
assist devices has been hampered by the need for interventional expertise, cost, and lack of supportive evidence
(597). IABP has been used for decades (265, 598), and it may facilitate intervention in patients who are
hemodynamically unstable, but it did not reduce mortality or secondary endpoints in 1 RCT of 598 patients with
cardiogenic shock complicating AMI (268). Newer devices with higher levels of support have provided better
hemodynamic support but without improved clinical outcomes compared with IABP (599, 600).
See Online Data Supplement 26 for additional information on cardiogenic shock
Class I
1. Medical treatment in the acute phase of NSTE-ACS and decisions to perform stress testing,
angiography, and revascularization should be similar in patients with and without diabetes
mellitus (138, 339, 601). (Level of Evidence: A)
CAD accounts for 75% of deaths in patients with diabetes mellitus; >30% of patients with NSTE-ACS have
diabetes mellitus; and patients with NSTE-ACS and diabetes mellitus have more adverse outcomes (e.g., death,
MI, readmission with ACS, or HF) during follow up (593, 602, 603). The latter may be related to increased
plaque instability and comorbidities, including hypertension, LV hypertrophy, cardiomyopathy, HF, and
autonomic dysfunction (603-605). Patients with diabetes mellitus and ACS have longer delays from symptom
onset to presentation (593, 606, 607), which may be attributable to their atypical symptoms.
There is a U-shaped relationship between glucose levels and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus
and ACS (543). Both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia have similar adverse effects on in-hospital and 6-month
mortality. The urgency to aggressively control blood glucose has been moderated by the results of the NICE-
SUGAR (Normoglycemia in Intensive Care Evaluation and Survival Using Glucose Algorithm Regimen) trial
(608). In this study of patients admitted to medical and surgical intensive care units, intensive glucose control
(target 81 mg/dL to 108 mg/dL) resulted in increased all-cause mortality and hypoglycemia compared with
moderate glucose control (target <180 mg/dL). Blood glucose should be maintained at <180 mg/dL while
avoiding hypoglycemia. There is no established role for the administration of glucose-insulin-potassium
infusions in NSTE-ACS (609-611).
Although patients with diabetes mellitus and NSTE-ACS are at higher risk for in-hospital and longer-
term events, they undergo less frequent revascularization procedures. In a multinational study of 6,385 patients
with ACS, 25% of whom had diabetes mellitus, those with diabetes mellitus had more adverse risk profiles,
more atypical presentations, longer treatment delays, more HF, and renal insufficiency but underwent less
Page 76 of 150
angiography and revascularization (607). In the GRACE Registry (593) and other studies (606), patients with
diabetes mellitus and NSTE-ACS in the United Kingdom (603) and Finland (612) had higher baseline risk
profiles but received effective medical cardiac therapies and revascularization less frequently.
Although there are no RCTs of patients specifically diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and ACS, there are
ample data on patients with diabetes mellitus treated with PCI or CABG (564, 565, 613-615). The largest RCT,
the FREEDOM (Future Revascularization Evaluation in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: Optimal Management
of Multivessel Disease) trial (616), evaluated 1,900 patients (approximately 30% with “recent” [interval
unspecified] ACS) with 2- or 3-vessel CAD randomized to a DES or CABG. At 5 years, there was a significant
decrease in all-cause mortality (p=0.049; MI: p<0.001) associated with CABG. There was no specific analysis
of outcomes in patients with “recent” (interval unspecified) ACS. CABG was also superior to PCI in reducing
MACE in other trials (564, 613-615) (Appendix 4, Table D).
The importance of the severity and complexity of CAD was underscored in the SYNTAX trial, in which
those with less severe and complex CAD had similar outcomes with PCI and CABG compared with those with
more severe and complex disease, in which CABG improved outcomes, including survival (355, 565).
(6.2% to 4.6%; p=0.007) (392). This benefit was particularly large in the 1,279 patients with diabetes mellitus
who underwent PCI (4.0% to 1.2%; p=0.002). The ACUITY trial in ACS (13,819 patients, 3,852 with diabetes
mellitus) reported that 30-day adverse clinical outcomes (death, MI, or unplanned revascularization) or major
bleeding were increased in patients with diabetes mellitus (12.9% versus 10.6%; p<0.001) (617). Bivalirudin
plus a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor resulted in increased similar rates of the composite ischemia compared with heparin
plus a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor. Bivalirudin alone was associated with a similar increased rate of composite ischemia
but less major bleeding (3.7% versus 7.1%; p<0.001).
Several studies evaluated the benefit of oral antiplatelet therapy during ACS in patients with diabetes
mellitus. In TRITON-TIMI 38, patients with diabetes mellitus had a greater reduction in ischemic events
without an observed increase in TIMI major bleeding with prasugrel compared with clopidogrel (618). In
PLATO, ticagrelor compared with clopidogrel reduced ischemic events irrespective of diabetic status and
glycemic control, without an increase in major bleeding (619).
Page 77 of 150
Class I
1. Patients with prior CABG and NSTE-ACS should receive antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy
according to GDMT and should be strongly considered for early invasive strategy because of their
increased risk (67, 68, 141, 340-342). (Level of Evidence: B)
Although CABG reduces morbidity and mortality in selected patients with complex CAD, they remain at risk
for development of disease progression of ungrafted native vessels or significant atherothrombotic disease in
saphenous vein grafts and subsequent ACS. These patients constitute a higher-risk group because they have
already undergone CABG, typically for more extensive CAD, and they have more comorbidities (620-624).
In the PURSUIT trial, 12% (1,134) of the patients had prior CABG and more adverse follow-up
outcomes, including increased mortality, but had a benefit with eptifibatide similar to those without prior CABG
(622). Patients with prior CABG are less likely to undergo early catheterization after NSTEMI. In the Get With
The Guidelines study of patients with NSTEMI, 18.5% had prior CABG and a lower likelihood of early invasive
evaluation but had higher rates of guideline-recommended clopidogrel and bivalirudin therapy and lower rates
of GP IIb/IIIa and anticoagulant therapy (625). In patients with prior CABG who develop NSTE-ACS that is
related to an ungrafted native coronary vessel, treatment should follow GDMT (26).
Because patients with prior CABG presenting with ACS are a high-risk group with increased comorbid
characteristics and high-risk anatomy, a strategy of early angiography should be implemented (unless clinically
contraindicated), and these patients should receive optimal antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy.
Class I
1. Patients who develop NSTE-ACS following noncardiac surgery should receive GDMT as
recommended for patients in the general population but with the modifications imposed by the
specific noncardiac surgical procedure and the severity of the NSTE-ACS (626, 627). (Level of
Evidence: C)
2. In patients who develop NSTE-ACS after noncardiac surgery, management should be directed at
Patients with NSTE-ACS following noncardiac surgery should be managed according to the guidelines for
patients in the general population, with risk stratification and guideline-based pharmacological and invasive
management directed at the etiology (e.g., hypertension, tachycardia, HF, hypotension, sepsis, and anemia) with
modifications based on the severity of NSTE-ACS and the limitations imposed by the noncardiac surgical
The definition of ACS has a substantial effect on reported incidence (178, 184, 635-644). Some patients
may not be able to give a history of ischemic symptoms because of the noncardiac surgery. The criteria in the
2012 Third Universal Definition of MI should be applied (21). In patients at risk of ACS following noncardiac
surgery, routine monitoring of troponins and ECGs may be performed. As the sensitivity of troponin assays
Page 78 of 150
improves, the frequency of identifying perioperative MI will increase. In the POISE (Perioperative Ischemic
Study Evaluation) trial (645), of 8,351 patients randomized to extended-release metoprolol versus placebo, 5.7%
of patients in the control group had a perioperative MI typically occurring within 48 hours and often not
associated with ischemic symptoms.
ACS in the setting of noncardiac surgery is associated with increased mortality. Several risk scores have
been developed to determine the probability of mortality (646-648). A meta-analysis of the prognostic value of
troponin and CK-MB after noncardiac surgery that included 14 studies enrolling 3,318 patients demonstrated
that elevated troponin after surgery was an independent predictor of mortality both in the hospital and at 1-year
follow-up (639). Markedly elevated troponins are associated with increased mortality compared with minimal
troponin elevation, even though the latter still indicates a postoperative MI (184, 639, 641, 642). In patients with
UA in whom the risks of bleeding with antiplatelet therapy outweigh the benefits, GDMT with beta blockers,
nitrates, and ACE inhibitors should be optimized to achieve symptom control. In patients with a relative or
absolute contraindication to antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy, coronary angiography may be helpful to
identify anatomy requiring revascularization after recovery from the noncardiac surgery.
2. Patients undergoing coronary and LV angiography should receive adequate hydration. (Level of
Evidence: C)
Class IIa
1. An invasive strategy is reasonable in patients with mild (stage 2) and moderate (stage 3) CKD
(649-652). (Level of Evidence: B)
CKD is a major risk factor for poor outcomes in patients with NSTEMI-ACS (652-657). Patients with impaired
renal function have additional adverse baseline characteristics, including older age, a history of prior HF, and
peripheral arterial disease. It is prudent to omit LV angiography in patients with CKD and assess LV function
with echocardiography.
In an analysis from 3 ACS trial databases of 19,304 patients with NSTEMI, 42% (8,152 patients) had
abnormal renal function based on serum creatinine and calculated CrCl; total mortality and mortality/MI were
increased at 30 days and 180 days. CrCl was independently associated with mortality (HR: 0.81) and the risk of
mortality/MI (HR: 0.93) (656). The VALIANT (Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction) trial included 14,527
high-risk patients with AMI with LV dysfunction or HF and a serum creatinine level ≥1.5 mg/dL (658, 659).
The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation was used, and patients were analyzed based on their
estimated GFR. There was an increasing adjusted HR for both death and the composite endpoint of
cardiovascular death, reinfarction, HF, stroke, or resuscitation after cardiac arrest with decreasing estimated
Page 79 of 150
GFR. For death, with a GFR <45.0 mL per minute/1.73 m2, the adjusted HR was 1.70 compared with patients
with a GFR of 60.0 mL per minute/1.73 m2 to 74.9 mL per minute/1.73 m2 in whom the adjusted HR was 1.14.
There are insufficient data on the benefit-to-risk ratio of an invasive strategy in patients with NSTE-ACS and
advanced CKD (stages 4 and 5) (652). There is also less evidence-based medical therapy and revascularization
data in patients with CKD because of the risk for contrast-induced nephropathy, increased need for dialysis, and
increased mortality. Multiple studies have evaluated radiographic agents, including ionic versus nonionic media
and isosmolar or low-osmolar agents.
The strength and consistency of relationships between specific isosmolar or low-osmolar agents and
contrast-induced nephropathy or renal failure are insufficient for selection of low-osmolar and isosmolar media.
Limitation of the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy is based on reduced contrast volume (660) and adequate
hydration (661).
A recent meta-analysis of 5 RCTs evaluated 1,453 patients with NSTE-ACS and CKD, all with GFR
<60 mL per minute/1.73 m2 (651). Patients were analyzed according to baseline renal function: stage 3a, 3b, and
stage 4 to 5. An invasive strategy was associated with a nonsignificant reduction in all-cause mortality and the
composite of death or nonfatal MI. An early invasive strategy in patients with CKD and ACS reduced
rehospitalization and resulted in a trend toward lower mortality and nonfatal reinfarction. The increased risk of
mortality associated with mild, moderate, and severe CKD is evident across studies, and risks are increased as
the gradient of renal dysfunction worsens (649-651, 662).
Patients with CKD with ACS are at increased risk for ischemic complications, including stent thrombosis and
post–PCI ischemic events (663). They are also predisposed to higher bleeding complications, which, in addition
to the lack of clinical trial data, result in their undertreatment with antiplatelet therapy. Patients with advanced
CKD exhibit high residual platelet reactivity despite treatment with clopidogrel independent of the presence of
cardiovascular outcomes, including cardiovascular mortality (665), and higher dosing regimens of clopidogrel
do not appear to further suppress adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation (664, 666).
Although prasugrel may be more efficient than doubling the dose of clopidogrel in achieving adequate
platelet inhibition (667), no clinical studies have demonstrated its efficacy in patients with CKD with ACS.
Ticagrelor, however, was studied in a prespecified analysis from the PLATO trial (668). In patients with an
estimated GFR <60 mL per minute (nearly 21% of patients in PLATO with available central laboratory serum
creatinine levels), ticagrelor significantly reduced the primary cardiovascular endpoint (17.3 % versus 22.0%;
HR: 0.77; 95% CI: 0.65 to 0.90) compared with clopidogrel (667). Notably, this was associated with a 4%
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absolute risk reduction in all-cause mortality favoring ticagrelor and with no differences in major bleeding, fatal
bleeding, and non–CABG-related major bleeding events demonstrating its utility in patients with renal
Class I
1. Women with NSTE-ACS should be managed with the same pharmacological therapy as that for
men for acute care and for secondary prevention, with attention to weight and/or renally
calculated doses of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents to reduce bleeding risk (669-673). (Level
of Evidence: B)
2. Women with NSTE-ACS and high-risk features (e.g., troponin positive) should undergo an early
invasive strategy (141, 345, 346, 561). (Level of Evidence: A)
Class IIa
1. Myocardial revascularization is reasonable in pregnant women with NSTE-ACS if an ischemia-
guided strategy is ineffective for management of life-threatening complications (674). (Level of
Evidence: C)
Women present later after symptom onset of NSTE-ACS and have higher rates of inappropriate
discharges from the ED (671, 677, 678). Women more commonly report atypical symptoms than men (675,
679). Women presenting with chest pain are more likely than men to have either a noncardiac cause or cardiac
causes other than obstructive epicardial coronary disease (108, 677, 680, 681). Women with NSTE-ACS with no
apparent obstructive epicardial disease have a 2% risk of death or MI within 30 days and require secondary
prevention and symptom management (682).
Women derive the same treatment benefit as men from aspirin, clopidogrel, anticoagulants, beta
blockers, ACE inhibitors, and statins (385, 670-672, 675, 676, 683, 684). Despite worse outcomes, women with
NSTE-ACS are underprescribed guideline-directed pharmacological therapy, both during the acute illness and at
discharge (538, 685, 686). The basis for pharmacotherapy for women with NSTE-ACS with abnormal
biomarkers and/or functional tests, but without significant obstructive epicardial disease, remains unclear
(Section 7.13). In addition to risk factor modification, some studies support the benefit of imipramine,
ranolazine, beta blockers, and/or ACE inhibitors to reduce adverse outcomes (687). Women with NSTE-ACS
incur a higher rate of bleeding complications (672, 673) (Section 7.8) and renal failure. A risk score has been
developed to attempt to reduce the bleeding risk in women with NSTE-ACS (688).
Page 81 of 150
The decision for an early invasive versus an ischemia-guided strategy in women with NSTE-ACS is
based on a meta-analysis (366) and post hoc gender analyses of clinical trials, including FRISC II, RITA-3, and
TACTICS-TIMI 18 (344, 346, 689). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality analysis of an early
invasive versus ischemia-guided strategy (345) provides further evidence that an early invasive strategy should
be reserved for women with positive troponins, as shown in TACTICS-TIMI 18 (346). Such women had a
significant reduction of death and MI at 1 year with early invasive versus ischemia-guided strategy. Women
with NSTE-ACS and no elevation in troponin who underwent an early invasive strategy had a nonsignificant
increase in events, as did women with a low-risk TIMI score (OR: 1.59 for early invasive versus ischemia-
guided strategy), prompting the Class III recommendation in this CPG.
The NCDR-ACTION registry reported increased complication rates of myocardial revascularization in
women (https://www.ncdr.com/webncdr/action/). Women also have higher rates of contrast-induced
nephropathy and vascular complications (673, 690, 691). Despite having fewer high-risk angiographic lesions, a
higher percentage of normal LV function, and up to 25% angiographically normal coronary arteries, women
with NSTE-ACS have a paradoxically higher rate of persistent angina, reinfarction, functional decline, and
depression after PCI (141, 675, 677, 680, 682). Clinical trials (692, 693), and a meta-analysis (694) of DES for
NSTE-ACS reported no gender differences in short- and long-term (up to 5 years) outcome, including target
vessel revascularization, MACE, cardiac death, or MI. However, women were older and had more comorbidities
than men at enrollment.
Women with NSTE-ACS referred for CABG are older with more comorbidities, which is reflected by
higher periprocedural mortality, HF, bleeding, MI, and renal failure (686, 695, 696). Women required more
periprocedural IABP, vasopressors, mechanical ventilation, dialysis, and blood products and had longer stays in
the intensive care unit and hospital, higher rates of wound infection, depression, and longer recovery (549, 677).
An Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality meta-analysis of 10 RCTs through December 2011
reported no efficacy or safety difference between PCI and CABG for NSTE-ACS in men or women in 30-day or
1-year MACE (death/MI/stroke). At 2 years, the procedural success remained equal in women but favored
CABG in men (p=0.002) (345, 564). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reported similar
outcomes in women with diabetes mellitus with PCI and CABG for NSTE-ACS at 7 years, but men with
diabetes mellitus had fewer events with CABG. A prespecified gender analysis of the FREEDOM trial favored
CABG over PCI for women with diabetes mellitus, although the difference was not as significant as it was for
men (616).
Consistent with the European Society of Cardiology recommendations, myocardial revascularization
should be reserved for pregnant women with NSTE-ACS and very serious complications unresponsive to
medical therapy (674).
Page 82 of 150
Class I
1. All patients with NSTE-ACS should be evaluated for the risk of bleeding. (Level of Evidence: C)
2. Anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy should be weight-based where appropriate and should be
adjusted when necessary for CKD to decrease the risk of bleeding in patients with NSTE-ACS
(522, 697, 698). (Level of Evidence: B)
1. A strategy of routine blood transfusion in hemodynamically stable patients with NSTE-ACS and
hemoglobin levels greater than 8 g/dL is not recommended (699-703). (Level of Evidence: B)
Anemia in patients with ACS is associated with an increased risk for Holter monitor−detected recurrent
ischemia and for MACE, with greater anemia correlating with greater risk (704-708). In 1 large analysis of
multiple studies, the risk of adverse outcome was higher in patients with NSTE-ACS with hemoglobin levels
<11 g/dL (704). The potentially detrimental effects of severe anemia include decreased myocardial oxygen
delivery and increased MVO2 related to maintenance of a higher cardiac output (704, 709, 710). Patients with
anemia are less likely to be treated with aspirin, and patients with ACS and anemia are likely to have more
bleeding complications with PCI (711). This has been correlated with increased short-term risk of MACE
outcomes, including mortality; long-term risk remains controversial (712-717). The ACUITY study suggests
that the risk of mortality associated with bleeding is at least as great as that associated with procedure-related or
spontaneous MI (718).
Major bleeding is a coprimary endpoint in many trials and is a consideration when assessing the “net
clinical benefit” of a new drug. A “universal definition of bleeding” has been proposed to assist clinicians (547,
719-721). The incidence of major bleeding in patients with ACS varies widely (0.4% to 10%) (715, 722) due to
differing definitions of major bleeding, patient populations, anticoagulation regimens, and PCI or CABG.
Factors in patients with ACS related to an increased bleeding risk include older age, female sex, lower body
weight, history of prior bleeding and/or invasive procedures, anemia, use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors or
thrombolytics, and CKD (522, 711, 713-715, 722, 723). Non–weight-based dosing of anticoagulants and dosing
of antithrombin and antiplatelet medications that are not adjusted for CKD are associated with an increased risk
of bleeding (522, 697, 698). Bleeding is related to adverse outcomes because it may be a marker of underlying
disease, such as occult malignancy; leads to cessation of antithrombin and antiplatelet therapy; may prompt
transfusion, which itself may have adverse effects; can cause hypotension; and, if intracranial, can be fatal (724).
Proton pump inhibitors decrease the risk of upper GI bleeding, including in patients treated with DAPT. Proton
pump inhibitors are used in patients with a history of prior GI bleeding who require DAPT and are an option in
patients at increased risk of GI bleeding (26, 430).
Evaluation of the risk of bleeding includes a focused history of bleeding symptoms, predisposing
comorbidities, evaluation of laboratory data, and calculation of a bleeding risk score (688, 716, 725).
Page 83 of 150
Approximately 15% of all patients with NSTE-ACS and 3% to 12% of those not undergoing CABG receive
blood transfusion (702). Rates vary widely and are closer to the lower figure but increase in association with
factors such as coronary intervention, anticoagulant/antithrombotic therapy, older age, female sex, anemia, renal
insufficiency, and frailty. Tissue oxygenation does not change or may actually decrease with transfusion (722).
Blood transfusion in patients with ACS is associated with an increased risk of adverse outcome, including death
(702-704). A restrictive transfusion strategy leads to an outcome that is at least as good, if not better, than a
liberal transfusion strategy (699, 700). An analysis of a large ACS registry found no benefit from blood
transfusion in patients with a nadir hematocrit >24% (702). In a meta-analysis of 10 studies of patients with
AMI, transfusion versus no transfusion was associated with an increase in all-cause mortality (18.2% versus
10.2%; p<0.001) and subsequent MI rate (RR: 2.0; 95% CI: 1.06 to 3.93; p=0.03) (726). A restrictive approach
to transfusion generally consists of no routine transfusion for a hemoglobin level >7 g/dL to 8 g/dL (699, 700,
727). A restrictive approach to blood transfusion is advocated by the American Association of Blood Banks
(700) and the European Society of Cardiology (727). On the basis of data available at the time of publication, a
strategy of routine liberal blood transfusion in hemodynamically stable patients with NSTE-ACS and mild to
moderate anemia is not recommended. AN
See Online Data Supplement 31 for more information on anemia, bleeding, and transfusion
7.9. Thrombocytopenia
The incidence of thrombocytopenia in patients with ACS varies from 1% to 13%. In 1 large prospective registry,
one third of patients treated with prolonged heparin therapy developed some degree of thrombocytopenia (728).
Independent risk factors for the development of thrombocytopenia include lower baseline platelet count, older
age, ACS, cardiac or vascular surgery, intravenous UFH or both UFH and LMWH, duration of heparin therapy,
and low body mass index (728-730). The risk of thrombocytopenia is increased in patients treated with
abciximab and, to a lesser degree, with eptifibatide or tirofiban (731-734).
ACS (728-731, 735-739). The OR for development of these endpoints with thrombocytopenia (compared to
without thrombocytopenia) is 2 to 8. Data from the CATCH (Complications After Thrombocytopenia Caused by
Heparin) registry identified a platelet count nadir of 125 × 109/L as a threshold, below which there is a linear
augmentation in probability of bleeding (740). Results from CATCH highlighted that thrombocytopenia and
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia are often not diagnosed (728). Thrombocytopenia is generally a
contraindication for GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor therapy; direct thrombin inhibitors are often considered in preference
to UFH or LMWH in patients with thrombocytopenia.
Page 84 of 150
See Online Data Supplements 31 and 32 for additional information on anemia, bleeding, and transfusion
Class I
1. Patients with NSTE-ACS and a recent history of cocaine or methamphetamine use should be
treated in the same manner as patients without cocaine- or methamphetamine-related NSTE-
ACS. The only exception is in patients with signs of acute intoxication (e.g., euphoria, tachycardia,
and/or hypertension) and beta-blocker use, unless patients are receiving coronary vasodilator
therapy. (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIa
1. Benzodiazepines alone or in combination with nitroglycerin are reasonable for management of
hypertension and tachycardia in patients with NSTE-ACS and signs of acute cocaine or
methamphetamine intoxication (741-744). (Level of Evidence: C)
1. Beta blockers should not be administered to patients with ACS with a recent history of cocaine or
methamphetamine use who demonstrate signs of acute intoxication due to the risk of potentiating
coronary spasm. (Level of Evidence: C)
Cocaine exerts multiple effects on the cardiovascular system, which may precipitate ACS (48, 744, 745). Acute
cocaine exposure results in increased BP, heart rate, endothelial dysfunction, and platelet aggregation, all of
which may precipitate ACS. Cocaine’s direct vasoconstrictor effect can produce coronary vasospasm. Long-
term use of cocaine results in progressive myocyte damage and accelerated atherosclerosis (48, 744, 745).
ACS in patients with a history of cocaine use should be treated in the same manner as patients without
cocaine use (744). The exception is in patients with ACS in the presence of acute cocaine intoxication. Because
cocaine stimulates both alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors, administration of intravenous beta blockers may
result in unopposed alpha stimulation with worsening coronary spasm (48, 132, 744-746). Evidence suggests it
is safe to administer intravenous beta blockers in patients with chest pain and recent cocaine ingestion, although
information is lacking about the effects of beta-blocker administration during the acute stages of cocaine
intoxication (747, 748). Intravenous beta blockers should be avoided in patients with NSTE-ACS with signs of
acute cocaine intoxication (euphoria, tachycardia, and/or hypertension). In these patients, benzodiazepines alone
or in combination with nitroglycerin have been useful for management of hypertension and tachycardia due to
their effects on the central and peripheral manifestations of acute cocaine intoxication (741-744).
Methamphetamine abuse is becoming increasingly common in the United States due to the ease of
manufacturing and the lower cost of methamphetamines compared with cocaine (131, 749, 750).
Methamphetamines may be ingested orally, inhaled, or used intravenously. Methamphetamine affects the central
nervous system by simultaneously stimulating the release and blocking the reuptake of dopamine and
norepinephrine (751). Like cocaine, methamphetamine exerts multiple effects on the cardiovascular system, all
of which may precipitate ACS (131, 750-752). The acute effects of methamphetamine are euphoria, tachycardia,
hypertension, and arrhythmias. MI may result from coronary spasm or plaque rupture in the presence of
Page 85 of 150
enhanced platelet aggregation. Long-term use of methamphetamine has been associated with myocarditis,
necrotizing vasculitis, pulmonary hypertension, and cardiomyopathy (750-752). Because methamphetamine and
cocaine have similar pathophysiological effects, treatment of patients with ACS associated with
methamphetamine and cocaine use should theoretically be similar.
See Online Data Supplement 33 for additional information about cocaine and methamphetamine users
Class I
1. CCBs alone (753-757) or in combination with long-acting nitrates (755, 758) are useful to treat
and reduce the frequency of vasospastic angina. (Level of Evidence: B)
2. Treatment with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (759, 760), cessation of tobacco use (761, 762), and
additional atherosclerosis risk factor modification (762, 763) are useful in patients with
vasospastic angina. (Level of Evidence: B)
3. Coronary angiography (invasive or noninvasive) is recommended in patients with episodic chest
pain accompanied by transient ST elevation to rule out severe obstructive CAD. (Level of
Evidence: C)
Class IIb
1. Provocative testing during invasive coronary angiography†† may be considered in patients with
suspected vasospastic angina when clinical criteria and noninvasive testing fail to establish the
diagnosis (764-767). (Level of Evidence: B)
Vasospastic (Prinzmetal) angina chest pain typically occurs without provocation, is associated with ST
elevation, and usually resolves spontaneously or with rapid-acting nitroglycerin. Vasospastic angina may also be
precipitated by emotional stress, hyperventilation, exercise, or the cold. It results from coronary vasomotor
dysfunction leading to focal spasm (768), which may occasionally be multifocal within a single vessel and
rarely involves >1 vessel. Vasospastic angina occurs with normal coronary arteries, nonobstructive CAD, and
obstructive CAD, but prognosis is least favorable with the latter. ST elevation indicates transmural ischemia and
corresponds to the distribution of the involved artery (769). A circadian variation is often present; most attacks
occur in the early morning (770, 771). The most prominent coronary risk factor is smoking. Most episodes
resolve without complications, but arrhythmias, syncope, MI, and sudden death can occur (772).
Nonpharmacological provocative tests, such as cold pressor and hyperventilation, have been used
diagnostically; potent vasoconstrictors (e.g., acetylcholine) may be useful when noninvasive assessment is
uninformative (764-767). Smoking, which exacerbates coronary vasospasm, should be proscribed, and CCBs are
first-line therapies (642); long-acting nitrates are also effective and when combined with CCBs (755, 758).
Provocative testing during invasive coronary angiography (e.g., using ergonovine, acetylcholine, methylergonovine) is
relatively safe, especially when performed in a controlled manner by experienced operators. However, sustained spasm,
serious arrhythmias, and even death can also occur very infrequently. Therefore, provocative testing should be avoided in
patients with significant left main disease, advanced 3-vessel disease, presence of high-grade obstructive lesions, significant
valvular stenosis, significant LV systolic dysfunction, and advanced HF.
Page 86 of 150
Statins improve endothelium-dependent vasodilation and can be useful in vasospastic angina (759, 760).
Magnesium supplementation and alpha-receptor blockers may be effective and can be added (755, 758).
Class IIb
1. If coronary angiography reveals normal coronary arteries and endothelial dysfunction is
suspected, invasive physiological assessment such as coronary flow reserve measurement may be
considered (629, 773-776). (Level of Evidence: B)
ACS associated with angiographically normal or nonobstructive (<50% stenosis) coronary arteries (also referred
to as syndrome X) may be related to coronary endothelial dysfunction (777); plaque rupture that may be evident
only with intracoronary ultrasound (778); coronary vasospasm (779); and coronary artery dissection (780).
Myocarditis may present with electrocardiographic and biomarker findings similar to ACS and can be
distinguished by magnetic resonance imaging (781-783). Intracoronary ultrasound and/or optical coherence
tomography to assess the extent of atherosclerosis and exclude obstructive lesions may be considered in patients
with possible ACS and angiographically normal coronary arteries (778). If ECGs during chest pain are not
available and coronary spasm cannot be ruled out, coronary angiography and provocative testing with
acetylcholine, adenosine, or methacholine and 24-hour ambulatory ECG may be undertaken after a period of
stabilization. Endothelial dysfunction is more common in women than in men (679, 777, 784-786), and chest
pain is typical or atypical (785, 786). In the absence of a culprit coronary lesion, prognosis of coronary
(791). Imipramine or aminophylline have been used in patients with endothelial dysfunction for continued pain
despite optimal medical therapy. In postmenopausal women, estrogen reverses acetylcholine-induced coronary
arterial vasoconstriction, presumably by improving endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion, and reduces
frequency of chest pain (792). However, estrogen is not recommended because of its demonstrated increase in
Class I
1. Stress (Takotsubo) cardiomyopathy should be considered in patients who present with apparent
ACS and nonobstructive CAD at angiography. (Level of Evidence: C)
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Class IIa
1. It is reasonable to use catecholamines for patients with symptomatic hypotension if outflow tract
obstruction is not present. (Level of Evidence: C)
2. The use of IABP is reasonable for patients with refractory shock. (Level of Evidence: C)
3. It is reasonable to use beta blockers and alpha-adrenergic agents in patients with outflow tract
obstruction. (Level of Evidence: C)
Class IIb
1. Prophylactic anticoagulation may be considered to inhibit the development of LV thrombi. (Level
of Evidence: C)
Stress (Takotsubo) cardiomyopathy (also referred to as transient LV apical ballooning or Takotsubo
cardiomyopathy) mimics NSTE or STEMI (799-803). There is no obstructive CAD, and the distribution of
electrocardiographic changes and LV wall motion abnormalities usually includes >1 coronary artery territory
(801). Cardiac troponin elevations are usually modest (798). The majority of cases occur in postmenopausal
women, and presentation is typically precipitated by emotional or physical stress. Imaging by echocardiography,
ventriculography (696), or magnetic resonance imaging (699) demonstrates characteristic hypokinesis or
dyskinesis of the LV apex with basilar increased contractility. Variants include hypokinesis of the mid or base of
the left ventricle (795), and right ventricular involvement is common (804). In the vast majority of patients,
electrocardiographic and LV wall motion abnormalities normalize within 1 to 4 weeks, and recurrences are
uncommon (805). The pathogenesis has been attributed to excess catecholamine release (803), coronary spasm,
is present, IABP can be used. Prophylactic anticoagulation should be considered to prevent or treat LV thrombus
7.14. Obesity
Obesity is associated with conditions such as dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, arrhythmias, and HF
that adversely affect ACS outcomes. In the MADIT (Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation)-II trial,
there was an inverse relation between body mass index and both all-cause mortality and sudden cardiac death in
patients with LV dysfunction after MI (807). In the SYNERGY trial of 9,837 patients with NSTEMI, mortality
was lower in morbidly obese patients, consistent with the “obesity paradox” (808). The “obesity paradox” has
not been clarified and is under continuing investigation. Standard approaches to weight reduction in obese
Page 88 of 150
patients are usually unsuccessful in producing large decreases in weight. A weight reduction study of obese and
morbidly obese patients following AMI resulted in weight loss of only 0.5% in obese patients and 3.5% in
morbidly obese patients after 1 year (809). Two drugs, controlled-release phentermine/topiramate (810) and
lorcaserin (811), are available for weight reduction but have not been studied in patients following NSTE-ACS.
Bariatric surgery has been successful in reducing cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, and dyslipidemia but has not been evaluated in post–ACS patients (812). The 2013 obesity CPG
provides comprehensive strategies for weight reduction (16).
7.15. Patients Taking Antineoplastic/Immunosuppressive Therapy
Antineoplastic or immunosuppressive therapy may contribute to the development of NSTE-ACS. For example,
antineoplastic agents such as gemcitabine, sorafenib sunitinib, and 5-fluorouracil have been associated with
coronary artery spasm or stenosis (813, 814). Trastuzumab and possibly other anticancer drugs may alter
biomarker levels (815). Antineoplastic agents can induce changes in the arterial wall (813), and modulators of
inflammation may promote atherogenesis (816). In patients receiving these agents, it is prudent to communicate
with the prescribing clinician about the necessity of their continuation during NSTE-ACS and future
Table 11. Summary of Recommendations for Special Patient Groups
Recommendations COR LOE References
NSTE-ACS in older patients
Treat older patients (≥75 y of age) with GDMT, early invasive strategy,
I A (515-519)
and revascularization as appropriate
(515, 523-
patient preferences/goals, comorbidities, functional and cognitive status, I B
and life expectancy
Bivalirudin rather than GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor plus UFH is reasonable for (396, 526-
older patients (≥75 y of age), given similar efficacy but less bleeding risk 528)
Page 89 of 150
Direct management at underlying cause of perioperative NSTE-ACS (21, 626-
Estimate CrCl and adjust doses of renally cleared medications according to
I B (649, 650)
pharmacokinetic data
Administer adequate hydration to patients undergoing coronary and LV
Invasive strategy is reasonable in patients with mild (stage 2) and IIa
B (649-652)
moderate (stage 3) CKD
Manage women with the same pharmacological therapy as that for men for
acute care and secondary prevention, with attention to weight and/or
I B (669-673)
renally calculated doses of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents to reduce
bleeding risk
where appropriate and adjusted for CKD to decrease the risk of bleeding 698)
There is no benefit of routine blood transfusion in hemodynamically stable III: No
B (699-703)
patients with hemoglobin levels >8 g/dL Benefit
Cocaine and methamphetamine users
methamphetamine intoxication.
Do not administer beta blockers to patients with recent cocaine or
methamphetamine use who have signs of acute intoxication due to risk of III: Harm C N/A
potentiating coronary spasm
Vasospastic (Prinzmetal) angina
Recommend CCBs alone or in combination with nitrates I B (753-758)
Recommend HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, cessation of tobacco use, and
I B (759-763)
atherosclerosis risk factor modification
Recommend coronary angiography (invasive or noninvasive) for episodic
chest pain with transient ST elevation to detect severe CAD
Provocative testing during invasive coronary angiography* may be
considered for suspected vasospastic angina when clinical criteria and IIb B (764-767)
noninvasive assessment fail to determine diagnosis
Page 90 of 150
I B (795-798)
exclude diagnosis
Treat with conventional agents (ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, aspirin, and
diuretics) if hemodynamically stable
Administer anticoagulant therapy for LV thrombi I C N/A
It is reasonable to administer catecholamines for symptomatic hypotension
in the absence of LV outflow tract obstruction
It is reasonable to use IABP for refractory shock IIa C N/A
It is reasonable to use beta blockers and alpha-adrenergic agents for LV
outflow tract obstruction
Prophylactic anticoagulation may be considered to prevent LV thrombi IIb C N/A
*Provocative testing during invasive coronary angiography (e.g., using ergonovine, acetylcholine, methylergonovine) is
relatively safe, especially when performed in a controlled manner by experienced operators. However, sustained spasm,
serious arrhythmias, and even death can also occur but very infrequently. Therefore, provocative tests should be avoided in
patients with significant left main disease, advanced 3-vessel disease, presence of high-grade obstructive lesions, significant
valvular stenosis, significant LV systolic dysfunction, and advanced HF.
ACE indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD,
coronary artery disease; CCB, calcium channel blocker; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COR, Class of Recommendation;
CrCl, creatinine clearance; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; GDMT, guideline-directed medical
therapy; GP, glycoprotein; HF, heart failure; IABP, intra-aortic balloon pump; LOE, Level of Evidence; LV, left
ventricular; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; N/A, not available; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary
syndrome; NTG, nitroglycerin; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; and UFH, unfractionated heparin.
and Registries
8.1. Use of Performance Measures and Registries: Recommendation
Class IIa
1. Participation in a standardized quality-of-care data registry designed to track and measure
outcomes, complications, and performance measures can be beneficial in improving the quality of
The development of national systems for ACS is crucial and includes the participation of key stakeholders to
evaluate care using standardized performance and quality-improvement measures for ACS (819, 821).
Standardized quality-of-care data registries include the NCDR Registry−Get With the Guidelines, the Get With
the Guidelines quality-improvement program, the Acute Myocardial Infarction Core Measure Set, and
performance measures required by The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(817, 823-825). The AHA has promoted its Mission: Lifeline initiative to encourage cooperation among
prehospital emergency medical services personnel and cardiac care professionals (817). The evaluation of ACS
care delivery across traditional boundaries can identify problems with systems and enable application of modern
Page 91 of 150
quality-improvement methods (818, 820, 822). On a local level, registries as part of the Chronic Care Model
were associated with improved outcomes in chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (826, 827).
Despite landmark advances in the care of patients with NSTE-ACS since the publication of the 2007
UA/NSTEMI CPG (212), many emerging diagnostic and therapeutic strategies have posed new challenges.
There is general acceptance of an early invasive strategy for patients with NSTE-ACS in whom significant
coronary vascular obstruction has been precisely quantified. Low-risk patients with NSTE-ACS are documented
to benefit substantially from GDMT, but this is often suboptimally used. Advances in noninvasive testing have
the potential to identify patients with NSTE-ACS who are at intermediate risk and are candidates for invasive
versus medical therapy.
Newer, more potent antiplatelet agents in addition to anticoagulant therapy are indicated irrespective of
initial treatment strategy. Evidence-based decisions will require comparative-effectiveness studies of available
and novel agents. The paradox of newer and more potent antithrombotic and anticoagulant drugs that reduce
major adverse cardiac outcomes but increase bleeding risk occurs with greater frequency in patients with AF.
Patients with AF who develop NSTE-ACS and receive a coronary stent are the population at risk from triple
anticoagulant/antiplatelet therapy. This regimen has been reported to be safely modified by elimination of
aspirin, a finding that requires confirmation.
Among the most rapidly evolving areas in NSTE-ACS diagnosis is the use of cardiac troponin, the
preferred biomarker of myocardial necrosis. Although a truly high-sensitivity cardiac troponin is not available in
the United States at the time this CPG was prepared, the sensitivity of contemporary assays continues to
increase. This change is accompanied by higher rates of elevated cardiac troponin unrelated to coronary plaque
rupture. The diagnostic quandary posed by these findings necessitates investigation to elucidate the optimal
utility of this advanced biomarker. A promising approach to improve the diagnostic accuracy for detecting
myocardial necrosis is measurement of absolute cardiac troponin change, which may be more accurate than the
Special populations are addressed in this CPG, the most numerous of which are older persons and
women. More than half of the mortality in NSTE-ACS occurs in older patients, and this high-risk cohort will
increase as our population ages. An unmet need is to more clearly distinguish which older patients are
candidates for an ischemia-guided strategy compared with an early invasive management strategy. An
appreciable number of patients with NSTE-ACS have angiographically normal or nonobstructive CAD, a group
in which women predominate. Their prognosis is not benign, and the multiple mechanisms of ACS postulated
for these patients remain largely speculative. Clinical advances are predicated on clarification of the
pathophysiology of this challenging syndrome.
Page 92 of 150
A fundamental aspect of all CPGs is that these carefully developed, evidence-based documents cannot
encompass all clinical circumstances, nor can they replace the judgment of individual physicians in management
of each patient. The science of medicine is rooted in evidence, and the art of medicine is based on the
application of this evidence to the individual patient. This CPG has adhered to these principles for optimal
management of patients with NSTE-ACS.
Presidents and Staff
American College of Cardiology
Patrick O’Gara, MD, FACC, President
Shalom Jacobovitz, Chief Executive Officer
William J. Oetgen, MD, MBA, FACC, Executive Vice President, Science, Education, and Quality
Amelia Scholtz, PhD, Publications Manager, Clinical Policy and Pathways
Emily Cottrell, MA, Quality Assurance Specialist, Science and Clinical Policy
Alexa Papaila, Specialist, Science and Clinical Policy
Jody Hundley, Production Manager, Scientific Publications, Office of Science Operations
Key Words: ACC/AHA Clinical Practice Guidelines ▪ acute coronary syndrome ▪ angina, unstable ▪ antiplatelet
agents ▪ coronary artery bypass graft ▪ electrocardiography ▪ ischemia ▪ myocardial infarction ▪ percutaneous
Page 93 of 150
Appendix 1. Author Relationships With Industry and Other Entities (Relevant)—2014 AHA/ACC
Guideline for the Management of Patients With Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes
Committee Employment Consultant Speakers Ownership/ Personal Research Institutional, Expert Voting
Member Bureau Partnership/ Organizational, or Witness Recusals by
Principal Other Financial Section*
Ezra A. University of California None None None None None None None
Amsterdam (Davis) Medical Center,
(Chair) Division of Cardiology—
Nanette K. Emory University, School • Abbott None None • Abbott† None None All sections
Wenger (Vice of Medicine—Professor of • Amgen • Eli Lilly† except 3.1.1,
• AstraZeneca • Gilead Sciences†
Chair) Medicine (Cardiology) 3.4, 5.2,
• Gilead • Merck 6.3.1, 6.3.2,
Sciences† • Pfizer† 6.3.6, 7.5,
• Janssen 7.6, 7.8, and
Pharmaceuticals 8.
• Medtronic
• Merck
• Pfizer
Ralph G.
University of California,
San Francisco—
None TE
• Volcano Corp. None None None None None
Department of Medicine
and the Phillip R. Lee
Donald E. Atlantic Health—Vice None None None None None None None
Casey, Jr President of Health and
Page 94 of 150
Allan S. Jaffe Mayo Clinic, • Abbott None None None None None All sections
Cardiovascular Division— • Alere except 3.1,
Professor of Medicine • Amgen 3.1.1, 3.3,
• Beckman-, 4.2,
• Critical 4.3.1, 4.3.2,
Diagnostics 4.5, 5.1, 5.2,
• ET Healthcare 6.2.1, 6.3.1,
6.3.3, 6.3.6,
• Ortho Clinical
7.2.2, 7.5,
7.6, and 8.
• Radiometer†
• Roche‡
• Thermo-Fisher‡
• Trinity
Hani Jneid Baylor College of None None None None None None None
Medicine—The Michael E.
DeBakey VA Medical
Professor of Medicine
Rosemary F. University of Minnesota— None None None None None None None
Kelly Professor of Surgery, VA
Medical Center—Chief,
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Michael C. Virginia Commonwealth • Astellas • Astellas
TE None None • Astellas None All sections
Kontos University, Pauley Heart • General Electric • AstraZeneca • Eli Lilly‡
Center—Medical Director, • Ikaria • Merck‡
Coronary Intensive Care • Prevencio • Novartis‡
Glenn N. Baylor College of None None None None None None None
Levine Medicine—Professor
of Medicine; Director,
Cardiac Care Unit
Philip R. Rush University Medical None None None None None None None
Liebson Center—McMullan-Eybel
Chair of Excellence in
Clinical Cardiology and
Professor of Medicine and
Page 95 of 150
Preventive Medicine
Debabrata Texas Tech University None None None None None None None
Mukherjee Health Sciences Center—
Chief, Cardiovascular
Eric D. Duke University Medical • Boehringer None None • Eli Lilly† DCRI has None All sections
Peterson Center—Fred Cobb, MD, Ingelheim • Johnson & numerous grants
Distinguished Professor of • Genentech Johnson† and contracts
Medicine; Duke Clinical • Janssen • Janssen sponsored by
Research Institute— Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals† industry that are
Director • Johnson & relevant to the
Johnson content of this
• Merck CPG. Dr. Peterson
participated in
discussions but
recused himself
from writing or
voting, in
accordance with
ACC/AHA policy.
See comprehensive
RWI table for a
complete list of
TE pertaining to this
Marc S. Brigham and Women's • Amgen None None • Abbott • AstraZeneca† None All sections
• AstraZeneca • Daiichi-Sankyo†
Sabatine Hospital, Chairman—TIMI Laboratories† except 3.1.1,
Study Group, Division of • Bristol-Myers • Amgen† • Gilead† 5.2, 6.3.1,
Cardiovascular Medicine; Squibb • AstraZeneca† • Johnson & 6.3.2, 7.5,
Harvard Medical School— • Merck • Bristol-Myers 7.8, and 8.
Professor of Medicine • Pfizer Squibb† • Merck†
Page 96 of 150
• Sanofi-aventis†
• Takeda†
Richard W. University of Texas, • Gilead None None • Cordis • Cordis† None All sections
Smalling Health Science Center at • Maquet • E-valve Abbott • E-valve† except 3.1,
Houston—Professor and Vascular 3.1.1, 3.3,
Director of Interventional • Edwards 3.4, 3.5.1,
Cardiovascular Medicine;
James D. Woods • Gilead, 4.2,
Distinguished Chair in • Maquet Datascope 4.3.1, 4.3.2,
Cardiovascular Medicine 5.2, 6.2.1,
6.3.1, 6.3.2,
6.3.3, 6.3.6,
7.2.2, 7.5,
7.8, and 8.
Susan J. National Institute on None None None None None None None
Zieman Aging/NIH, Geriatrics
Branch, Division of
Geriatrics and Clinical
This table represents the relationships of committee members with industry and other entities that were determined to be relevant to this document. These relationships were
reviewed and updated in conjunction with all meetings and/or conference calls of the GWC during the document development process. The table does not necessarily reflect
relationships with industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest represents ownership of ≥5% of the voting
stock or share of the business entity, or ownership of ≥$10,000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds received by the person from the business entity
exceed 5% of the person’s gross income for the previous year. Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for the purpose of transparency.
Relationships in this table are modest unless otherwise noted.
According to the ACC/AHA, a person has a relevant relationship IF: a) the relationship or interest relates to the same or similar subject matter, intellectual property or
asset, topic, or issue addressed in the document; or b) the company/entity (with whom the relationship exists) makes a drug, drug class, or device addressed in the document,
or makes a competing drug or device addressed in the document; or c) the person or a member of the person’s household, has a reasonable potential for financial,
professional or other personal gain or loss as a result of the issues/content addressed in the document.
*Writing members are required to recuse themselves from voting on sections to which their specific relationships with industry and other entities may apply.
†Significant relationship.
‡No financial benefit.
ACC indicates American College of Cardiology, AHA, American Heart Association, BMS, Bristol-Myers Squibb; CPG, clinical practice guideline; DCRI, Duke Clinical
Research Institute; NIH, National Institutes of Health; NYU, New York University; RWI, relationships with industry and other entities; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial
Infarction; and VA, Veterans Affairs.
Page 97 of 150
Appendix 2. Reviewer Relationships With Industry and Other Entities (Relevant)—2014 AHA/ACC
Guideline for the Management of Patients With Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Speakers Bureau Ownership/ Personal Research Institutional, Expert
Partnership Organizational, Witness
/ Principal or Other
Deepak L. Official VA Boston Healthcare • BMS/Pfizer None None • AstraZeneca* • Medscape None
Bhatt Reviewer— System—Professor of • DCRI • Bristol-Myers Cardiology
AHA Medicine, Harvard (BMS/Pfizer) Squibb* (Advisory
Medical School; Chief • DCRI (Eli Lilly) • Ethicon* Board) †
of Cardiology • Eli Lilly • The Medicines • WebMD
Company (Steering
• Medtronic* Committee)†
• Sanofi-aventis*
• Takeda†
John E. Official Eastern Virginia None None None None None None
Brush, Jr Reviewer— Medical School—
ACC Board of Professor of Medicine,
Trustees Chief of Cardiology
E. Magnus Official Duke Medicine— • AstraZeneca • Gilead* None • Daiichi-Sankyo* None None
Ohman Reviewer—
Professor of Medicine
• Bristol-Myers • Janssen
• Eli Lilly*
• Gilead*
Task Force on • Gilead*
Practice • Janssen
Guidelines Pharmaceuticals*
• The Medicines
• Merck
• Pozen
• Roche
• Sanofi-aventis
John F. Official Dartmouth-Hitchcock None None None None None • Defendant,
Robb Reviewer— Medical Center— adverse drug
ACC Board of Director, reaction,
Governors Interventional 2012
Cardiology and
Page 98 of 150
Sarah A. Official Philadelphia College • Bristol-Myers None None None None • Plaintiff,
Spinler Reviewer— of Pharmacy, Squibb clopidogrel,
AHA University of the • Daiichi-Sankyo 2013
Sciences in • Janssen
Philadelphia— Pharmaceuticals
Professor of Clinical • Merck
Gorav Organizational University of Virginia • Abbott None None None None None
Ailawadi Reviewer—STS Health System— • Atricure
Thoracic and
Srihari S. Organizational Winthrop University None None None None None None
Naidu Reviewer— Hospital—Director,
SCAI Cardiac
Robert L. Organizational Bladen Medical None None None None None None
Rich, Jr Reviewer— Associates—Family
AAFP Physician
Mouaz H. Content King Abdul-Aziz None None None None None None
Al-Mallah Reviewer— Cardiac Center— TE
ACC Associate Professor of
Prevention of Medicine
John A. Content University of None None None None None None
Ambrose Reviewer California San
Francisco Fresno
Department of
of Medicine; Chief of
Cardiology; Program
Director, Cardiology
Giuseppe Content Hospital of University • Bayer* • Merck Schering- None None None None
Ambrosio Reviewer— of Perugia School of • The Medicines Plough
ACC Medicine—Medical Company • Pfizer
Page 99 of 150
Anderson Reviewer Professor of Medicine,
Cardiology Division
Jeffrey L. Content Intermountain Medical • Sanofi-aventis None None • GlaxoSmithKline None None
Anderson Reviewer— Center—Associate • Harvard
ACC/AHA Chief of Cardiology (DSMB)–TIMI -
Task Force on
48, -51, and -
Practice 54Studies
Fred S. Content University of • Abbott None None • Abbott* • Abbott None
Apple Reviewer Minnesota School of Diagnostics • Alere/Biosite* Diagnostics–
Medicine, Hennepin • Alere • Biomerieux* PI†
County Medical • Beckman Coulter • Ortho-Clinical • Alere–PI†
Center—Professor, • T2 Biosystems Diagnostics* • Ortho-Clinical
Laboratory Medicine • Radiometer* Diagnostics–
and Pathology • Roche PI†
• Siemens*
Emmanouil Content UT Southwestern • Bridgepoint None None None • Abbott None
S. Brilakis Reviewer— Medical School— TE
Medical/Boston Vascular
ACC Director, Cardiac Scientific* • AstraZeneca
Interventional Catheterization • Janssen • Cordis*
Section Laboratory, VA North Pharmaceuticals • Daiichi-
• Medtronic*
Matthew J. Content Los Angeles None • AstraZeneca† None • General Electric* None • Plaintiff,
Robert H. Content University of • BG Medicine None None • The Medicines • AACC None
Christenson Reviewer— Maryland School of • Critical Company (President) †
AACC Medicine—Professor Diagnostics • Roche
of Pathology; • Siemens Medical Diagnostics
Professor of Medical
Diagnostics (University of
and Research Maryland
Technology; Director, School of
Rapid Response Medicine)*
Joaquin E. Content Oregon Health and None None None None • Catheterization None
Cigarroa Reviewer— Science University— and
ACC Associate Professor of Cardiovascular
Interventional Medicine Intervention
Section (Editorial
Leadership Board) †
Marco A. Content University Hospital • Abbott Vascular* None None • Abbott Vascular* • Abbott None
Costa Reviewer— for Cleveland— • Boston Scientific
TE • Boston • Cordis
ACC Cardiologist • Medtronic Scientific* • Medtronic
Cardiovascular • Cordis*
Imaging • IDEV
Section Technology†
Leadership • The Medicines
Council Company
• Medtronic*
• Micell*
• OrbusNeich†
Prakash C. Content University of • Amgen • Pfizer None None None None
Deedwania Reviewer— California San • Pfizer • Takeda
ACC Francisco—Chief of Pharmaceuticals
Prevention of Cardiology
and Cardiology
Burl R. Content University of None None None None None None
Don Reviewer California Davis—
Professor of Medicine;
Director of Clinical
Lee A. Content University of None None None None None None
Fleisher Reviewer Pennsylvania
Department of
Professor of
Mary G. Content Centers for Disease None None None None None None
George Reviewer— Control and
HHS Prevention—Senior
Medical Officer,
Division for Heart
Disease and Stroke
Linda D. Content
Morristown Medical None
TE None None None None None
Gillam Reviewer— Center—Professor of
ACC Cardiology; Vice
Cardiovascular Chair, Cardiovascular
Imaging Medicine
Robert A. Content Emory Clinic— • Medtronic None None None None None
Guyton Reviewer— Professor and Chief,
ACC/AHA Division of
Task Force on Cardiothoracic
Practice Surgery
Joerg Content Mayo Medical None None None None None None
Herrmann Reviewer— School—Internal
Judith S. Content New York University • GlaxoSmithKline None None None None None
Hochman Reviewer— School of Medicine, • Janssen
ACC/AHA Division of Pharmaceuticals
Task Force on Cardiology—Clinical
Practice Chief of Cardiology
Yuling Content Centers for Disease None None None None None None
Hong Reviewer— Control and
HHS Prevention—Associate
Lloyd W. Content Rush Medical None None None None None None
Klein Reviewer— College—Professor of
ACC Medicine
Frederick Content Tulane University None None None None None None
G. Kushner Reviewer School of Medicine—
Clinical Professor of
Medicine; Heart Clinic
of Louisiana—
Medical Director
Ehtisham Content University of • Abiomed • Eli Lilly* None • Abbott Vascular* None None
Mahmud Reviewer— California, San • Cordis† • Medtronic • Accumetrics*
ACC Diego—Professor of • Eli Lilly* • Merck Schering-
Clinical Medicine Squibb*
• Eli Lilly
• GlaxoSmithKline
• Merck*
Patrick T. Content Brigham and None None None None None None
O’Gara Reviewer Women’s Hospital—
Professor of Medicine,
Harvard Medical
School; Director,
Clinical Cardiology
Narith Ou Content Mayo Clinic— None None None None None None
Reviewer Pharmacotherapy
Pharmacy Services
Gurusher S. Content George Washington None None None None None None
Panjrath Reviewer— Medical Faculty
ACC Heart Associates—Assistant
Failure and Professor of Medicine;
Director of Heart
Failure and
Leadership Mechanical Support
Council Program
Rajan Patel Content Ochsner Clinic None None None None None None
Reviewer— Foundation—
ACC Interventional
Cardiovascular Cardiologist
Carl J. Content Shands Hospital at • Lilly/Cleveland None None • AstraZeneca* None None
Pepine Reviewer University of Clinic (DSMB) • Gilead Sciences*
Florida—Professor • Park-Davis*
and Chief, Division of • Pfizer*
Cardiovascular • Sanofi-aventis*
Sunil V. Content Duke University • AstraZeneca None None • Sanofi-aventis • Abbott None
Rao Reviewer— Medical Center— • Daiichi-Sankyo Vascular†
ACC Associate Professor of • Eli Lilly
Interventional Medicine • Terumo Medical
Section • The Medicines
Leadership Company
Pasala S. Content Oregon Health and None None None None None None
Ravichandr Reviewer— Science University—
an ACC Surgeons’ Associate Professor
Michael W. Content Washington None None None None None None
Rich Reviewer University School of
of Medicine
Frank W. Content Brown Medical None None None None None None
Sellke Reviewer— School, Rhode Island
ACC/AHA Hospital—Professor;
Task Force on Chief of
Practice Cardiothoracic
Guidelines Surgery
Alan Wu Content San Francisco General • Abbott TE None None None None None
Reviewer— Hospital and Trauma • Singulex
AACC Center—Chief,
Clinical Chemistry
This table represents the relationships of reviewers with industry and other entities that were disclosed at the time of peer review and determined to be relevant to this
document. It does not necessarily reflect relationships with industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest
represents ownership of ≥5% of the voting stock or share of the business entity, or ownership of ≥$10,000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds
received by the person from the business entity exceed 5% of the person’s gross income for the previous year. A relationship is considered to be modest if it is less than
significant under the preceding definition. Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for the purpose of transparency. Relationships in this table are
modest unless otherwise noted. Names are listed in alphabetical order within each category of review.
According to the ACC/AHA, a person has a relevant relationship IF: a) the relationship or interest relates to the same or similar subject matter, intellectual property or
asset, topic, or issue addressed in the document; or b) the company/entity (with whom the relationship exists) makes a drug, drug class, or device addressed in the document,
or makes a competing drug or device addressed in the document; or c) the person or a member of the person’s household, has a reasonable potential for financial,
professional or other personal gain or loss as a result of the issues/content addressed in the document.
*Significant relationship.
AAAHC indicates Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care; AACC, American Association for Clinical Chemistry; AAFP, American Academy of Family
Physicians; AHA, American Heart Association; AIG, Association of International Governors; BMS, Bristol-Myers Squibb; DCRI, Duke Clinical Research Institute;
DSMB, data safety monitoring board; HHS, Health and Human Services; NHLBI, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; NIH, National Institutes of Health; SCAI,
Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions; STS, Society of Thoracic Surgeons; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction; and VA, Veterans Affairs.
Appendix 3. Abbreviations
AMI = acute myocardial infarction
BP = blood pressure
CABG = coronary artery bypass graft
CAD = coronary artery disease
CKD = chronic kidney disease
CK-MB = creatine kinase myocardial isoenzyme
COX = cyclooxygenase
CPG = clinical practice guideline
CrCl = creatinine clearance
CT = computed tomography
DAPT = dual antiplatelet therapy
DES = drug-eluting stent
ECG = electrocardiogram
ED = emergency department
GP = glycoprotein
GFR = glomerular filtration rate
GWC = guideline writing committee
HF = heart failure
IABP = intra-aortic balloon pump
IV = intravenous
LV = left ventricular
LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction
MACE = major adverse cardiac event
MI = myocardial infarction
MVO2 = myocardial oxygen consumption
NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSTE-ACS = non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes
NSTEMI = non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction
PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention
Page 107 of 150
VF = ventricular fibrillation
VT = ventricular tachycardia
Spontaneous MI related to atherosclerotic plaque rupture, ulceration, fissuring, erosion, or dissection with resulting intraluminal thrombus in ≥1 of the coronary arteries
leading to decreased myocardial blood flow or distal platelet emboli with ensuing myocyte necrosis. The patient may have underlying severe CAD, but on occasion
nonobstructive or no CAD.
Type 2: MI secondary to ischemic imbalance
In instances of myocardial injury with necrosis where a condition other than CAD contributes to an imbalance between MVO2, e.g., coronary endothelial dysfunction,
coronary artery spasm, coronary embolism, tachy-/bradyarrhythmias, anemia, respiratory failure, hypotension, and hypertension with or without LVH.
Type 3: MI resulting in death when biomarker values are unavailable
Cardiac death with symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia and presumed new ischemic electrocardiographic changes or new LBBB, but death occurred before
blood samples could be obtained, before cardiac biomarker could rise, or in rare cases where blood was not collected for cardiac biomarker testing.
Type 4a: MI related to PCI
MI associated with PCI is arbitrarily defined by elevation of cTn values >5 × 99th percentile URL in patients with normal baseline values (<99th percentile URL) or a
rise of cTn values >20% if baseline values are elevated and are stable or falling. In addition, either (i) symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia, (ii) new ischemic
electrocardiographic changes or new LBBB, (iii) angiographic loss of patency of a major coronary artery or a side branch or persistent slow or no flow or embolization,
or (iv) imaging demonstration of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality is required.
Type 4b: MI related to stent thrombosis
MI associated with stent thrombosis is detected by coronary angiography or autopsy in the setting of myocardial ischemia and with a rise and/or fall of cardiac biomarker
values with ≥1 value above the 99th percentile URL.
Type 5: MI related to CABG
MI associated with CABG is arbitrarily defined by elevation of cardiac biomarker values >10 × 99th percentile URL in patients with normal baseline cTn values (<99th
percentile URL). In addition, either (i) new pathological Q waves or new LBBB, or (ii) angiographically documented new graft or new native coronary artery occlusion,
or (iii) imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality.
CABG indicates coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; cTn, cardiac troponin; LBBB, left bundle-branch block; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy;
MI, myocardial infarction; MVO2, myocardial oxygen consumption; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; and URL, upper reference limit.
Modified from Thygesen et al. (21).
body water; age-related ↑plasma dehydration, frailty, diuretics (lowest possible dose) ↑risk peptic ulcer with NSAIDs
concentration for similar dose
Nitrates ↑Sensitivity ↑Hypotensive response with Lowest dose possible, ↑Risk OH, syncope, falls
↓baroreceptor response especially if hypovolemic
ACE inhibitors ↓First-pass metabolism (some) May have ↓effect May need ↑dose ↑Risk AKI and ↑K+ and ↓effect with NSAIDs;
with ↓effect; enalapril ↑effect
avoid K-sparing diuretics
ARBs No significant age-related No age-related clinical changes None ↑Risk AKI and ↑K+ and ↓effect with NSAIDs;
changes avoid K-sparing diuretics
Alpha blockers ↑Sensitivity; ↓BP with ↓BP; OH Avoid when possible ↑Risk OH, falls, syncope, especially with loop
↓baroreceptor response diuretics
↓Myocardial sensitivity Bradycardia/heart block; ↓BP May need ↑dose with age
Beta blockers Caution conduction system blocks
(↓postreceptor signaling), effect vs. younger pts
↑conduction system sensitivity
• DHPs Lipophilic; ↓hepatic and overall ↓BP more than non–DHP and Initiate low dose, titrate Inhibits clopidogrel; ↑risk OH, falls, syncope;
(amlodipine; clearance; ↑fat storage; ↑sinus with ↑age; edema hypotension, cautiously most potent ↓BP first 3 mo, then less
nifedipine) node sensitivity; ↓baroreceptor bradycardia
response to ↓BP TE
• Non-DHP ↓Hepatic and overall clearance; ↓BP more with ↑age; edema; Initiate low dose, titrate ↑Risk OH, falls, syncope; consider rhythm
(verapamil; less PR prolongation than DHP ↑heart block; hypotension; cautiously monitoring
diltiazem) and with ↑age; negative inotropy; ↑bradycardia and
↑SA node sensitivity and ↓HR bradyarrhythmias with ↑age
than DHP and with ↑age; ↓AV
conduction with ↑age;
↓baroreceptor response to ↓BP
Diuretics ↓Diuretic/natriuretic response, ↑Sensitivity; ↑hypotension; risk May need ↑doses if ↓GFR; • Monitor Na+, K+, Mg2+ levels; ↑risk
↓EC space, ↑drug concentration may need ↑dose if
hypokalemia/hypomagnesemia/ OH/falls;
if ↓GFR; ↓baroreceptor response hyponatremia; ↓diuretic effect cotreating with NSAIDs • With NSAIDs: ↓natriuretic and diuretic
to volume shifts with ↓GFR; risk hypovolemia- effect, ↑K+, ↓Mg2+
• UFH Hydrophilic; ↑concentration, ↑Bleeding risk with age; more Weight-based 60 U/kg ↑Bleeding with ASA; ↑bleeding risk with
especially if ↓lean body mass or potent anticoagulation per dose loading dose + 12 U/kg/h other AP, AT, and GP IIb/IIIa; vigilantly
↓plasma proteins; ↑levels with with ↑age; weight-based dosing INF. Suggested max monitor aPTT
↑age but with precautions for shift in loading dose: 400 U and
body composition 900 U/h INF or 5,000 U
loading dose/1,000 U/h if pt
weight >100 kg
• LMWH Cleared renally; more predictable ↑Bleeding risk with age and Enoxaparin: Weight-based • ↑Bleed with ASA
dose response than UFH; not weight and renally dosed 1 mg/kg SC q 12 h; CrCl* • Monitor anti-Xa; ↑bleeding with GP IIb/IIIa
dependent on plasma protein <30 mL/min—avoid or 1 with ↑age
levels; ↑levels with ↓lean body mg/kg SC q 24 h; CrCl 30–
mass; ↑effect with ↑age 60 mL/min: ↓75%;
older pts with low body
weight or renal
Direct Thrombin
• Bivalirudin Cleared renally; more predictable Significantly less bleeding in CrCl <30 mL/min: 1 Less bleeding than GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor +
dose response; not dependent on older pts, even with renal mg/kg/h; CrCl: 30 to 60 heparin
plasma protein levels dysfunction vs. UFH + GP mL/min—less bleeding
IIb/IIIa with similar efficacy than UFH
• Fondaparinux Cleared renally Renal/weight adjust; less bleeding Renal adjustment: CrCl ↓Bleeding vs. enoxaparin; good safety profile
but similar efficacy vs. <30—contraindicated; CrCl vs. UFH/LMWH
enoxaparin in older pts with 30 to 60—preferred over
NSTE-ACS, even with mild to enoxaparin
P2Y12 Inhibitors
moderate renal dysfunction
• Clopidogrel Lipophilic; ↑HPR; ↑metabolism; ↓Antiplatelet effect in some older Maintenance: 75 mg (no ↓Effect with proton pump inhibitors; if
↑fat distribution; ↑to steady state ↑response to higher dose)
pts HPR—may respond to prasugrel or ticagrelor
(↑fat distribution/T½)
• Prasugrel ↑19% Active metabolite >75 y of ↑Bleeding risk Avoid in pts ≥75 y of age or N/A
age if weight ≤60 kg; 10 mg in
• Abciximab N/A • ↑Bleeding with ↑age Not recommended N/A
• ↑Bleeding risk without clinical
• Eptifibatide Weight/renally dosed ↑Bleeding risk Weight-based: 180 mcg/kg Less benefit/more bleeding with ↑age
loading dose + 2
mcg/kg/min INF; CrCl ≤50
mL/min: 6 mcg/kg loading
dose + 0.05 mcg/kg/min
Warfarin ↑Sensitivity; ↓20%–40% ↑Bleeding risk at lower INR; • Loading: 4 mg/d × 4 d Multiple drug interactions, ↑frequency of
clearance; protein binding; higher INR/dose with ↑age; ↑risk • Maintain mean dose ↓0.4 monitoring; ASA potentiates effect
↑inhibition vitamin K-dependent GI bleeding mg/w/y of age
clotting factors at same plasma
levels with ↑age
New Oral AC† N/A N/A Contraindicated if CrCl <15 If pt taking when admitted, stop—consider
mL/min delaying angiogram/PCI until effect wanes,
switch to UFH/dalteparin/bivalirudin/
fondaparinux; AP and DAPT ↑bleeding 2×
post-ACS—consider BMS and radial access.
Avoid GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor if possible;
↑thrombotic risk following discontinuation.
• Rivaroxaban 35% cleared renally; 65% hepatic ↑Bleeding risk; not reversible CrCl 15–49 mL/min: 15 mg Some drug interactions
(CYP3A4); ↑levels in hepatic QD; consider avoiding if
and/or renal dysfunction and CrCl 15–30 mL/min if
↑age TE ↑bleeding risk; CrCl >50
mL/min: 20 mg QD
• Dabigatran 80% cleared renally; ↑plasma ↑Bleeding risk; not reversible CrCl 15–30 mL/min: 75 mg Monitor pt and renal function frequently;
level with ↑age, especially ≥75 y BID with caution; CrCl 30– longest for effect to wane with ↓CrCl; ↑risk
• Apixaban Hepatically cleared (minor ↑Bleeding risk; not reversible CrCl 15–29 mL/min: 2.5 ↑Risk abnormal liver function tests
CYP3A4); dose adjust if weight mg BID or with 2 of the
AC indicates anticoagulants; ACE, angiotensin-converting-enzyme; ACS, acute coronary syndromes; ADR, adverse drug reactions; AKI, acute kidney injury; AP,
antiplatelets; aPTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ASA, aspirin; AT, antithrombins; AV, atrioventricular; BID, twice daily;
BMS, bare-metal stent; BP, blood pressure; CCBs, calcium channel blockers; CrCl, creatinine clearance; DAPT, dual antiplatelet therapy; DHP, dihydropyridine; EC,
extracellular; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GI, gastrointestinal; GP, glycoprotein; HPR, high platelet reactivity; HR, heart rate; INF, infusion; INR, international
normalized ratio; K+, potassium; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin; max, maximum; Mg, magnesium; N/A, not available; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs; NSTE-ACS, non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; OH, orthostatic hypotension; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; pts, patients; QD; once daily; SA,
sinoatrial; SC, subcutaneous; SCr, serum creatinine; T½, half-life; and UFH, unfractionated heparin.
Table C. Age-Related Physiological Changes: Clinical Impact in Older Patients With NSTE-ACS
Age-Related Change Clinical Alteration Clinical Impact in NSTE-ACS
↑Central arterial stiffness ↑SBP/↓DBP; ↑LVH; ↓diastolic function; ↓coronary perfusion ↑Risk end-organ damage (cerebrovascular accident,
pressure; ↓ischemia/infarct threshold for AKI); ↑BP lability; ↑reinfarction/ischemia; orthostatic
tachycardia/hypertension with and without coronary obstructive hypotension; ↑HF; ↑pulmonary edema
disease; ↑PA pressure
LV diastolic function ↑LA size; ↓early passive LV filling; ↑late LV filling and ↑LV ↑Risk AF; (↑pulmonary edema/↓CO), ↑DOE;
EDP; ↑PA pressure ↑pulmonary edema with ↑HR/↑BP
↓Response to beta-adrenergic stimulation ↓HR/↓inotropic responsiveness to stress; resting systolic LV Hypotension, HF, ↓HR response
function unchanged with age
Conduction system changes ↓Sinus node cells; ↓AV conduction; ↑LBBB; and ↑RBBB Difficult to interpret electrocardiographic MI/ischemia;
↑heart block; SSS; ↑SVT, ↑sensitivity to conduction
system drugs
↓Volume regulating hormones ↓Na, K, and water regulation—BP lability Altered electrolytes, ↑sensitivity to fluid
Renal changes ↓GFR (0.8 mL/min/y), ↓Na/K clearance, normal serum creatinine
TE CrCl or eGFR must be calculated for drug dosing,
despite moderate to severe CKD, altered drug clearance; ↓urine ↑sensitivity to contrast nephropathy, ↑risk AKI
concentrating ability
Fat-muscle redistribution ↑Third spacing of fluid, may alter drug storage; ↓VO2max May alter fluid/drug dosing, decreased CO; DOE; early
↓Baroreceptor sensitivity ↑BP lability Orthostatic hypotension, fall risk
Clotting factor/platelet function/hemostasis ↑Bleeding and clotting risk, ↑sensitivity to ↑Risk cerebrovascular accident/reinfarction/recurrent
Table D. FREEDOM Trial: Key Outcomes at 2 Years and 5 Years After Randomization
Outcome 2y 5y p Value*
Number (%)
Primary composite† 121 (13.0) 108 (11.9) 200 (26.6) 146 (18.7) 0.005‡
Death from any cause 62 (6.7) 57 (6.3) 114 (16.3) 83 (10.9) 0.049
MI 62 (6.7) 42 (4.7) 98 (13.9) 48 (6.0) <0.001
Stroke 14 (1.5) 24 (2.7) 20 (2.4) 37 (5.2) 0.03§
Cardiovascular death 9 (0.9) 12 (1.3) 73 (10.9) 52 (6.8) 0.12
*P values were calculated with the log-rank test on the basis of all available follow-up data (i.e., >5 y).
†The primary composite outcome was rate of death from any cause, MI, or stroke.
‡p=0.006 in the as-treated (non–intention-to-treat) analysis.
§p=0.16 by the Wald test of the Cox regression estimate for study-group assignment in 1,712 patients after adjustment for
average glucose level after procedure.
CABG indicates coronary artery bypass graft; FREEDOM, Future Revascularization Evaluation in Patients With Diabetes
Mellitus: Optimal Management of Multivessel Disease; MI, myocardial infarction; and PCI, percutaneous coronary
Modified with permission from Farkouh et al. (616). AN
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