Guia de ICC ACC 2022 PDF
Guia de ICC ACC 2022 PDF
Guia de ICC ACC 2022 PDF
-, 2022
Writing Paul A. Heidenreich, MD, MS, FACC, FAHA, FHFSA, Prateeti Khazanie, MD, MPH, FHFSAy
Committee Chairy Michelle M. Kittleson, MD, PHDy
Members* Biykem Bozkurt, MD, PHD, FACC, FAHA, FHFSA, Christopher S. Lee, PHD, RN, FAHA, FHFSAy
Vice Chairy Mark S. Link, MDy
Carmelo A. Milano, MDy
David Aguilar, MD, MSC, FAHAy Lorraine C. Nnacheta, DRPH, MPHy
Larry A. Allen, MD, MHS, FACC, FAHA, FHFSAy Alexander T. Sandhu, MD, MSy
Joni J. Byuny Lynne Warner Stevenson, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHFSAy
Monica M. Colvin, MD, MS, FAHAy Orly Vardeny, PHARMD, MS, FAHA, FHFSAk
Anita Deswal, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, FHFSAz Amanda R. Vest, MBBS, MPH, FHFSAk
Mark H. Drazner, MD, MSC, FACC, FAHA, FHFSAy Clyde W. Yancy, MD, MSC, MACC, FAHA, FHFSAy
Shannon M. Dunlay, MD, MS, FAHA, FHFSAy
Linda R. Evers, JDy
*Writing committee members are required to recuse themselves from
James C. Fang, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHFSAy
voting on sections to which their specific relationships with industry may
Savitri E. Fedson, MD, MAy apply; see Appendix 1 for detailed information. yACC/AHA Representative.
Gregg C. Fonarow, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHFSAx zACC/AHA Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines Liaison. xACC/
Salim S. Hayek, MD, FACCy AHA Task Force on Performance Measures Representative. kHFSA
Adrian F. Hernandez, MD, MHSz
This document was approved by the American College of Cardiology Clinical Policy Approval Committee, the American Heart Association Science
Advisory and Coordinating Committee, the American College of Cardiology Science and Quality Committee, and the Heart Failure Society of America
Executive Committee in December 2021 and the American Heart Association Executive Committee in January 2022.
The American College of Cardiology requests that this document be cited as follows: Heidenreich PA, Bozkurt B, Aguilar D, Allen LA, Byun JJ, Colvin
MM, Deswal A, Drazner MH, Dunlay SM, Evers LR, Fang JC, Fedson SE, Fonarow GC, Hayek SS, Hernandez AF, Khazanie P, Kittleson MM, Lee CS, Link
MS, Milano CA, Nnacheta LC, Sandhu AT, Stevenson LW, Vardeny O, Vest AR, Yancy CW. 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA guideline for the management of heart
failure: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol.
This article has been copublished in Circulation and the Journal of Cardiac Failure.
Copies: This document is available on the websites of the American College of Cardiology (, the American Heart Association
(, and the Heart Failure Society of America ( For copies of this document, please contact the Elsevier Inc. Reprint
Department via fax (212-633-3820) or e-mail (
Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/or distribution of this document are not permitted without the express
permission of the American College of Cardiology. Requests may be completed online via the Elsevier website at
ACC/AHA Joint Joshua A. Beckman, MD, MS, FAHA, FACC, Mark A. Hlatky, MD, FACC, FAHA{
Committee Chair José A. Joglar, MD, FACC, FAHA
Members Patrick T. O’Gara, MD, MACC, FAHA, W. Schuyler Jones, MD, FACC
Immediate Past Chair{ Joseph E. Marine, MD, FACC{
Daniel B. Mark, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA
Sana M. Al-Khatib, MD, MHS, FACC, FAHA{ Debabrata Mukherjee, MD, FACC, FAHA
Anastasia L. Armbruster, PHARMD, FACC Latha P. Palaniappan, MD, MS, FACC, FAHA
Kim K. Birtcher, PHARMD, MS, AACC{ Mariann R. Piano, RN, PHD, FAHA
Joaquin E. Cigarroa, MD, FACC{ Tanveer Rab, MD, FACC
Lisa de las Fuentes, MD, MS, FAHA Erica S. Spatz, MD, MS, FACC
Anita Deswal, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA Jacqueline E. Tamis-Holland, MD, FAHA, FACC
Dave L. Dixon, PHARMD, FACC{ Duminda N. Wijeysundera, MD, PHD{
Lee A. Fleisher, MD, FACC, FAHA{ Y. Joseph Woo, MD, FACC, FAHA
Federico Gentile, MD, FACC{
Zachary D. Goldberger, MD, FACC, FAHA{
{Former Joint Committee member; current member during the
Bulent Gorenek, MD, FACC
writing effort.
Norrisa Haynes, MD, MPH
Adrian F. Hernandez, MD, MHS
AIM The “2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure” replaces the “2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the
Management of Heart Failure” and the “2017 ACC/AHA/HFSA Focused Update of the 2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management
of Heart Failure.” The 2022 guideline is intended to provide patient-centric recommendations for clinicians to prevent, diagnose, and
manage patients with heart failure.
METHODS A comprehensive literature search was conducted from May 2020 to December 2020, encompassing studies, reviews,
and other evidence conducted on human subjects that were published in English from MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, the Cochrane
Collaboration, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and other relevant databases. Additional relevant clinical trials and
research studies, published through September 2021, were also considered. This guideline was harmonized with other American
Heart Association/American College of Cardiology guidelines published through December 2021.
STRUCTURE Heart failure remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally. The 2022 heart failure guideline provides
recommendations based on contemporary evidence for the treatment of these patients. The recommendations present an evidence-
based approach to managing patients with heart failure, with the intent to improve quality of care and align with patients’ interests.
Many recommendations from the earlier heart failure guidelines have been updated with new evidence, and new recommendations
have been created when supported by published data. Value statements are provided for certain treatments with high-quality
published economic analyses.
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
2. DEFINITION OF HF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
1.1. Methodology and Evidence Review . . . . . . . . . . . -
2.1. Stages of HF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
1.2. Organization of the Writing Committee . . . . . . . . -
2.2. Classification of HF by Left Ventricular Ejection
1.3. Document Review and Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Fraction (LVEF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e3
-, 2022:-–- 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
4.7. Exercise and Functional Capacity Testing . . . . . . - 7.6. Heart Failure With Mildly Reduced EF (HFmrEF)
and Improved EF (HFimpHF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
4.8. Initial and Serial Evaluation: Clinical Assessment:
7.6.1. HF With Mildly Reduced Ejection
HF Risk Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Fraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
utmost clinical importance and merit formal systematic guideline-directed medical therapy; HFrEF; diabetes mel-
review to determine which patients are most likely to litus; cardiomyopathy; cardiac amyloidosis; valvular heart
benefit from a drug, device, or treatment strategy, and to disease; mitral regurgitation; cardiomyopathy in preg-
what degree. Criteria for commissioning an evidence re- nancy; reduced ejection fraction; right heart pressure;
view committee and formal systematic review include palliative care.
absence of a current authoritative systematic review, Additional relevant studies, published through
feasibility of defining the benefit and risk in a time frame September 2021 during the guideline writing process,
consistent with the writing of a guideline, relevance to a were also considered by the writing committee and added
substantial number of patients, and likelihood that the to the evidence tables when appropriate. This guideline
findings can be translated into actionable recommenda- was harmonized with other ACC/AHA guidelines pub-
tions. Evidence review committee members may include lished through December 2021.The final evidence tables
methodologists, epidemiologists, clinicians, and bio- are included in the Online Data Supplement and sum-
statisticians. Recommendations developed by the writing marize the evidence used by the writing committee to
committee on the basis of the systematic review are formulate recommendations. References selected and
marked “ SR.” published in the present document are representative and
not all-inclusive.
Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy
The term guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) 1.2. Organization of the Writing Committee
encompasses clinical evaluation, diagnostic testing, and The writing committee consisted of cardiologists, HF
both pharmacological and procedural treatments. For specialists, internists, interventionalists, an electrophys-
these and all recommended drug treatment regimens, the iologist, surgeons, a pharmacist, an advanced nurse
reader should confirm dosage with product insert mate- practitioner, and 2 lay/patient representatives. The
rial and evaluate for contraindications and interactions. writing committee included representatives from the
Recommendations are limited to drugs, devices, and ACC, AHA, and Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA).
treatments approved for clinical use in the United States. Appendix 1 of the present document lists writing com-
Joshua A. Beckman, MD, MS, FAHA, FACC mittee members’ relevant RWI. For the purposes of full
Chair, ACC/AHA Joint Committee on transparency, the writing committee members’ compre-
Clinical Practice Guidelines hensive disclosure information is available in a
Supplemental Appendix.
1.3. Document Review and Approval
1.1. Methodology and Evidence Review This document was reviewed by 2 official reviewers
The recommendations listed in this guideline are, when- nominated by the AHA; 1 official reviewer nominated by
ever possible, evidence based. An initial extensive evi- the ACC; 2 official reviewers from the HFSA; 1 official Joint
dence review, which included literature derived from Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines reviewer; and
research involving human subjects, published in English, 32 individual content reviewers. Reviewers’ RWI infor-
and indexed in MEDLINE (through PubMed), EMBASE, mation was distributed to the writing committee and is
the Cochrane Collaboration, the Agency for Healthcare published in this document (Appendix 2).
Research and Quality, and other selected databases rele- This document was approved for publication by the
vant to this guideline, was conducted from May 2020 to governing bodies of the ACC, AHA, and HFSA.
December 2020. Key search words included but were not
limited to the following: heart failure; heart failure with 1.4. Scope of the Guideline
reduced ejection fraction; heart failure with preserved The purpose of the “2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the
ejection fraction; heart failure with mildly reduced Management of Heart Failure” (2022 HF guideline) is to provide
ejection fraction; systolic heart failure; heart failure reha- an update and to consolidate the “2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for
bilitation; cardiac failure; chronic heart failure; acute the Management of Heart Failure” (1) for adults and the “2017
decompensated heart failure; cardiogenic shock; beta ACC/AHA/HFSA Focused Update of the 2013 ACCF/AHA
blockers; mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists; ACE- Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure” (2) into a new
inhibitors, angiotensin and neprilysin receptor antagonist; document. Related ACC/AHA guidelines include recommen-
sacubitril valsartan; angiotensin receptor antagonist; So- dations relevant to HF and, in such cases, the HF guideline re-
dium glucose co-transporter 2 or SGLT2 inhibitors; cardiac fers to these documents. For example, the 2019 primary
amyloidosis; atrial fibrillation; congestive heart failure; prevention of cardiovascular disease guideline (3) includes
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e7
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recommendations that will be useful in preventing HF, and the n Implantable devices.
2021 valvular heart disease guideline (4) provides recommen- n Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) use in stage D HF.
dations for mitral valve (MV) clipping in mitral regurgitation
The intended primary target audience consists of clini-
cians who are involved in the care of patients with HF.
Recommendations are stated in reference to the patients
Areas of focus include: and their condition. The focus is to provide the most up-to-
n Prevention of HF. date evidence to inform the clinician during shared
n Management strategies in stage C HF, including: decision-making with the patient. Although the present
n New treatment strategies in HF, including document is not intended to be a procedural-based manual
sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) of recommendations that outlines the best practice for HF,
and angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitors there are certain practices that clinicians might use that are
(ARNi). associated with improved clinical outcomes.
n Management of HF and atrial fibrillation (AF), In developing the 2022 HF guideline, the writing
including ablation of AF. committee reviewed previously published guidelines
n Management of HF and secondary MR, including and related statements. Table 1 contains a list of these
MV transcatheter edge-to-edge repair. guidelines and statements deemed pertinent to this
n Specific management strategies, including: writing effort and is intended for use as a resource, thus
n Cardiac amyloidosis. obviating the need to repeat existing guideline
n Cardio-oncology. recommendations.
Title Organization (Reference)
2011 ACCF/AHA Guideline for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery ACCF/AHA 2011 (6)
n Hillis et al., “2011 ACCF/AHA Guideline for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery” is now replaced and retired
by the “2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Coronary Artery Revascularization” (5)
2011 ACCF/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ACCF/AHA/SCAI 2011 (7)
n Levine et al., “2011 ACCF/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,” is now replaced and
retired by the “2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Coronary Artery Revascularization”(5)
2015 ACCF/AHA/SCAI Focused Update Guideline for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ACCF/AHA/SCAI 2016 (8)
2020 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease ACC/AHA 2021 (4)
2020 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy ACC/AHA 2020 (9)
2019 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease ACC/AHA 2019 (3)
2019 AHA/ACC/HRS Focused Update of the 2014 AHA/ACC/HRS Guideline for the Management of AHA/ACC/HRS 2019 (10)
Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
2017 ACC/AHA/HFSA Focused Update of the 2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the ACC/AHA/HFSA 2017 (2)
Management of Heart Failure
2016 ACC/AHA/HFSA Focused Update on New Pharmacological Therapy for Heart Failure: ACC/AHA/HFSA 2016 (12)
An Update of the 2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure
2014 ACC/AHA/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS Focused Update of the Guideline for the Diagnosis and ACC/AHA/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS 2014 (13)*
Management of Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease
2013 AHA/ACC Guideline on Lifestyle Management to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk AHA/ACC 2014 (14)
2013 AHA/ACC/TOS Guideline for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults AHA/ACC/TOS 2014 (15)
2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic ACC/AHA 2014 (17)
Cardiovascular Risk in Adults
2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk ACC/AHA 2014 (18)
2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure ACCF/AHA 2013 (1)
2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction ACCF/AHA 2013 (19)
TABLE 1 Continued
Title Organization (Reference)
2012 ACCF/AHA/HRS Focused Update of the 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy ACCF/AHA/HRS 2012 (20)
of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities
2012 ACCF/AHA/ACP/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management ACCF/AHA/ACP/AATS/ 2012 (21)
of Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease PCNA/SCAI/STS
Effectiveness-Based Guidelines for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Women—2011 Update AHA 2011 (22)
AHA/ACCF Secondary Prevention and Risk Reduction Therapy for Patients With Coronary AHA/ACCF 2011 (23)
and Other Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease: 2011 Update
2010 ACCF/AHA Guideline for Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk in Asymptomatic Adults ACCF/AHA 2010 (24)
Part 9: Post–Cardiac Arrest Care: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary AHA 2010 (25)
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and NHLBI 2003 (26)
Treatment of High Blood Pressure
Testing of Low-Risk Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Chest Pain AHA 2010 (28)
Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in People With Diabetes Mellitus AHA/ADA 2007 (29)
*The full SIHD guideline is from 2012 (21). A focused update was published in 2014 (13).
AATS indicates American Association for Thoracic Surgery; AACVPR, American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation; AAPA, American Association Academy of Physician
Assistants; ABC, Association of Black Cardiologists; ACC, American College of Cardiology; ACCF, American College of Cardiology Foundation; ACPM, American College of Preventive Medicine; ADA,
American Diabetes Association; AGS, American Geriatrics Society; AHA, American Heart Association; AphA, American Pharmacists Association; ASH, American Society of Hypertension; ASPC,
American Society for Preventive Cardiology; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; HFSA, Heart Failure Society of America; HRS, Heart Rhythm
Society; NHLBI, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; NMA, National Medical Association; NLA, National Lipid Association; PCNA,
Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association; SCAI, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions; SIHD, stable ischemic heart disease; STS, Society of Thoracic Surgeons; TOS, The
Obesity Society; and WHF, World Heart Federation.
1.5. Class of Recommendation and Level of Evidence risk. The Level of Evidence (LOE) rates the quality of
The Class of Recommendation (COR) indicates the scientific evidence supporting the intervention on the
strength of recommendation, encompassing the esti- basis of the type, quantity, and consistency of data from
mated magnitude and certainty of benefit in proportion to clinical trials and other sources (Table 2) (1).
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e9
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Applying American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Class of Recommendation and Level of Evidence
to Clinical Strategies, Interventions, Treatments, or Diagnostic Testing in Patient Care (Updated May 2019)*
1.6. Abbreviations
AL-CM immunoglobulin light chain amyloid cardiomyopathy CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy
ATTR-CM transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy CRT-D cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillation
ATTRv variant transthyretin amyloidosis CRT-P cardiac resynchronization therapy with pacemaker
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FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration TEER transcatheter mitral edge-to-edge repair
HFimpEF heart failure with improved ejection fraction VHD valvular heart disease
HFmrEF heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction VO2 oxygen consumption/oxygen uptake
TABLE 3 Stages of HF
Stage A: At Risk for HF At risk for HF but without symptoms, structural heart disease, or cardiac biomarkers of stretch or injury (e.g., patients with hypertension,
atherosclerotic CVD, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity, exposure to cardiotoxic agents, genetic variant for cardiomyopathy,
or positive family history of cardiomyopathy).
Stage C: Symptomatic HF Structural heart disease with current or previous symptoms of HF.
Stage D: Advanced HF Marked HF symptoms that interfere with daily life and with recurrent hospitalizations despite attempts to optimize GDMT.
*For thresholds of cardiac structural, functional changes, elevated filling pressures, and biomarker elevations, refer to Appendix 3.
BNP indicates B-type natriuretic peptide; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; and HF, heart failure.
New York Heart Association (NYHA) Classification eligibility of patients for treatment strategies. Clinicians
The NYHA classification is used to characterize specify NYHA classification at baseline after the initial
symptoms and functional capacity of patients with diagnosis and after treatment through the continuum of
symptomatic (stage C) HF or advanced HF (stage D). It care of a patient with HF. Although a patient with
is a subjective assessment by a clinician and can change symptomatic HF (stage C) may become asymptomatic
over time. Although reproducibility and validity can be with treatment (NYHA class I), that patient will still be
limited (4,5), the NYHA functional classification is an categorized as stage C HF. Patients with stage C HF can
independent predictor of mortality (6,7), and it is be classified according to the trajectory of their symp-
widely used in clinical practice to determine the toms (Figure 2).
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F I G U R E 1 ACC/AHA Stages of HF
The ACC/AHA stages of HF are shown. ACC indicates American College of Cardiology; AHA, American Heart Association; CVD, cardiovascular disease; GDMT, guideline-
directed medical therapy; and HF, heart failure.
F I G U R E 2 Trajectory of Stage C HF
The trajectory of stage C HF is displayed. Patients whose symptoms and signs of HF are resolved are still stage C and should be treated accordingly. If all HF symptoms,
signs, and structural abnormalities resolve, the patient is considered to have HF in remission. HF indicates heart failure; and LV, left ventricular. *Full resolution of
structural and functional cardiac abnormalities is uncommon.
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2.2. Classification of HF by Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction levels are supportive of the diagnosis, but normal levels
(LVEF) do not exclude a diagnosis of HFmrEF or HFpEF. To
LVEF is considered important in the classification of pa- improve the specificity of diagnosing HFmrEF and
tients with HF because of differing prognosis and HFpEF, the clinical diagnosis of HF in these EF categories
response to treatments and because most clinical trials should be further supported by objective measures.
select patients based on ejection fraction (EF). RCTs with Therefore, the writing committee proposes the addition
evidence of survival benefit in patients with HF have of evidence of spontaneous (at rest) or provokable (e.g.,
mainly enrolled patients with HF with an LVEF #35% during exercise, fluid challenge) increased LV filling
or #40%, often labeled HF with reduced ejection fraction pressures (e.g., elevated natriuretic peptide, noninvasive/
(HFrEF) (1). In this guideline, HFrEF is defined as invasive hemodynamic measurement) to the classifica-
LVEF #40% (Table 4). HF with preserved EF (HFpEF) tions of HFmrEF and HFpEF (Table 4).
represents at least 50% of the population with HF, and its The “2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management
prevalence is increasing (2). HFpEF has been variably of Heart Failure” (1) has used the HFpEF-improved
classified as LVEF >40%, >45%, or $50%. Because some terminology for those whose EF improved from a
of these patients do not have entirely normal LVEF but lower level to EF >40% under the subgrouping of pa-
also do not have major reduction in systolic function, the tients with HFpEF. Others have proposed a working
term preserved EF has been used. In this guideline, the definition of HF-recovered EF that included a baseline
threshold for HFpEF is an LVEF $50% (Table 4). LVEF #40%, a $10% increase from baseline LVEF, and a
Patients with HF and an LVEF between the HFrEF and second measurement of LVEF >40% (3). Although
HFpEF range have been termed as “HF with mid-range associated with better outcomes, improvement in LVEF
EF” (3,4), or “HF with mildly reduced EF” (4). Because does not mean full myocardial recovery or normaliza-
of LVEF being lower than normal, these patients are tion of LV function. In most patients, cardiac structural
classified in this document as HF with mildly reduced EF abnormalities, such as LV chamber dilatation and ven-
(HFmrEF). Patients with HFmrEF are usually in a dynamic tricular systolic and diastolic dysfunction, may persist.
trajectory to improvement from HFrEF or to deterioration Furthermore, changes in LVEF might not be unidirec-
to HFrEF (Figure 3). Therefore, for patients whose EF falls tional; a patient may have improvement followed by a
into this mildly reduced category, 1 EF measurement at 1 decrease in EF or vice versa depending on the under-
time point may not be adequate, and the trajectory of lying cause, duration of disease, adherence to the
LVEF over time and the cause is important to evaluate GDMT, or reexposure to cardiotoxicity (5). Therefore,
(Figure 3). Furthermore, the diagnosis of HFmrEF and the writing committee elected not to use “recovered
HFpEF can be challenging. Although the classic clinical EF” or HFpEF, even if subsequent LVEF was >50% but,
signs and symptoms of HF, together with EF of 41% to rather, “HF with improved EF” (HFimpEF) as a sub-
49% or $50%, respectively, are necessary for the diag- group of HFrEF to characterize these patients (Table 4,
nosis of the HFmrEF and HFpEF, the requirements for Figure 3). Importantly, EF can decrease after withdrawal
additional objective measures of cardiac dysfunction can of pharmacological treatment in many patients who had
improve the diagnostic specificity. The signs and symp- improved EF to normal range with GDMT (5). Trajectory
toms of HF are frequently nonspecific and overlap with of LVEF can be important, and a significant reduction in
other clinical conditions. Elevated natriuretic peptide LVEF over time is a poor prognostic factor.
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HFimpEF (HF with improved EF) n Previous LVEF #40% and a follow-up measurement of LVEF >40%
Please see Appendix 3 for suggested thresholds for structural heart disease and evidence of increased filling pressures.
HF indicates heart failure; LV, left ventricular; and LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction.
See Appendix 3 for suggested thresholds for laboratory findings. The classification for baseline and subsequent LVEF is shown. Patients with HFrEF who
improve their LVEF to >40% are considered to have HFimpEF and should continue HFrEF treatment. HF indicates heart failure; HFimpEF, heart failure with
improved ejection fraction; HFmrEF, heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart
failure with reduced ejection fraction; and LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction. *There is limited evidence to guide treatment for patients who improve
their LVEF from mildly reduced (41%-49%) to $50%. It is unclear whether to treat these patients as HFpEF or HFmrEF.
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2.3. Diagnostic Algorithm for Classification of HF According to antihypertensive medications, echocardiographic E/e0 ra-
LVEF tio >9, and echocardiographic PA systolic pressure >35
Structural and functional alterations of the heart as the mm Hg. A weighted score based on these 6 variables was
underlying cause for the clinical presentation support the used to create the composite score ranging from 0 to 9.
diagnosis of HFmrEF and HFpEF (1) (Figure 4). The criteria The odds of HFpEF doubled for each 1-unit score increase
for diagnosis of HFmrEF and HFpEF require evidence of (odds ratio, 1.98; 95% CI: 1.74-2.30; P<0.0001), with a c-
increased LV filling pressures at rest, exercise, or other statistic of 0.841. Scores <2 and $6 reflect low and high
provocations. The criteria can be fulfilled with findings of likelihood, respectively, for HFpEF. A score between 2
elevated levels of natriuretic peptides, echocardiographic and 5 may require further evaluation of hemodynamics
diastolic parameters such as an E/e0 $15 or other evidence with exercise echocardiogram or cardiac catheterization
of elevated filling pressures, or invasive hemodynamic to confirm or negate a diagnosis of HFpEF. The use of this
measurement at rest or exercise. Evidence of structural H2FPEF score may help to facilitate discrimination of
heart disease (e.g., LV structural or functional alterations) HFpEF from noncardiac causes of dyspnea and can assist
may be used to further support the diagnosis of HFpEF. in determination of the need for further diagnostic testing
Key structural alterations are an increase in left atrial size in the evaluation of patients with unexplained exertional
and volume (left atrial volume index) and/or an increase dyspnea (6,7).
in LV mass (LV mass index). The European Society of Cardiology has developed a
Exercise stress testing with echocardiographic evalua- diagnostic algorithm (8). This involves a pretest that as-
tion of diastolic parameters can be helpful if the diagnosis sesses for HF symptoms and signs, typical clinical de-
remains uncertain (2,3). Alternatively, or in addition, mographics (obesity, hypertension, diabetes, elderly, AF),
invasive hemodynamics at rest or with exercise, with and diagnostic laboratory tests, ECG, and echocardiogra-
assessment of filling pressures (pulmonary capillary wedge phy. In the absence of overt noncardiac causes of
pressure or LV end diastolic pressures, pulmonary artery breathlessness, HFpEF can be suspected if there is a
[PA] pressures, stroke volumes, and cardiac output) can be normal LVEF, no significant heart valve disease or cardiac
performed to help further establish the diagnosis (4). ischemia, and at least 1 typical risk factor. The score used
The diagnosis of HFpEF is often challenging. A clinical functional, morphological, and biomarker domains. The
composite score to diagnose HFpEF, the H 2FPEF score points score assigns 2 points for a major criterion or 1
(5-7), integrates these predictive variables: obesity, atrial point for a minor criterion within each domain, with a
fibrillation (AF), age >60 years, treatment with $2 maximum of 2 points for each domain.
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The algorithm for a diagnosis of HF and EF-based classification is shown. BNP indicates B-type natriuretic peptide; ECG, electrocardiogram; EF, ejection
fraction; HF, heart failure; HFmrEF, heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart
failure with reduced ejection fraction; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LV, left ventricular; and NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B type natriuretic peptide.
3. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CAUSES OF HF adults, the incidence of HF has decreased (5). Among U.S.
Medicare beneficiaries, HF incidence declined from 36
3.1. Epidemiology of HF cases per 1000 beneficiaries in 2011 to 27 cases per 1000
Trends in Mortality and Hospitalization for HF beneficiaries in 2014 and remained stable through 2016
HF is a growing health and economic burden for the (5). Divergent trends in the incidence of HF have been
United States, in large part because of the aging popula- observed for those with HFrEF (decreasing incidence) and
tion (1,2). Beginning in 2012, the age-adjusted death rate HFpEF (increasing incidence) (6,7). Deaths attributable to
per capita for HF increased for the first time in the United cardiomyopathies have been increasing globally because
States (3). A recent U.S. evaluation found total deaths of, in part, increased recognition, diagnosis, and docu-
caused by HF have increased from 275,000 in 2009 to mentation of specific cardiomyopathies and cardiotox-
310,000 in 2014 (3). icity (2).
U.S. hospitalizations for HF decreased up until 2012 (4); Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mortality and
however, from 2013 to 2017, an increase in HF hospitalizations Hospitalization for HF
was observed. In 2017, there were 1.2 million HF hospitaliza- Racial and ethnic disparities in death resulting from HF
tions in the United States among 924,000 patients with HF (4). persist, with non-Hispanic Black patients having the
This represents a 26% increase in HF hospitalizations and highest death rate per capita (4). A report examining the
number of patients hospitalized with HF. U.S. population found age-adjusted mortality rate for HF
Although the absolute number of patients with HF has to be 92 per 100,000 individuals for non-Hispanic Black
partly grown as a result of the increasing number of older patients, 87 per 100,000 for non-Hispanic White patients,
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and 53 per 100,000 for Hispanic patients (4). Among ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction (MI),
Medicare beneficiaries, non-Hispanic Black beneficiaries hypertension, and valvular heart disease (VHD). Other
had a slightly greater decrease in HF incidence (38 cases causes can include familial or genetic cardiomyopathies;
per 1000 to 26 cases per 1000, P¼0.009) than non- amyloidosis; cardiotoxicity with cancer or other treat-
Hispanic White beneficiaries (36 cases per 1000 to 28 ments or substance abuse such as alcohol, cocaine, or
cases per 1000, P¼0.003) from 2011 to 2016 (4). Among methamphetamine; tachycardia, right ventricular (RV)
patients with established HF, non-Hispanic Black pacing or stress-induced cardiomyopathies; peripartum
patients experienced a higher rate of HF hospitalization cardiomyopathy; myocarditis; autoimmune causes,
and a lower rate of death compared with non-Hispanic sarcoidosis; iron overload, including hemochromatosis;
White patients with HF (8-10). Hispanic patients with and thyroid disease and other endocrine metabolic and
HF have been found to have similar (8) or higher (10) HF nutritional causes (Table 5). Furthermore, with cardiac
hospitalization rates and similar (10) or lower (8) mortal- imaging and biomarkers, myocardial injury or cardiac
ity rates compared with non-Hispanic White patients. maladaptive structural changes can be detected at earlier
Asian/Pacific Islander patients with HF have had a similar phases with a higher sensitivity, even in the absence of
rate of hospitalization as non-Hispanic White patients but gross LV dysfunction or symptoms. With the coronavirus
a lower rate of death (8,10). These racial and ethnic dis- disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, investigators are
parities in outcome, for those with HF, warrant studies gaining better insights into infection and inflammation-
and health policy changes to address health inequity. related myocardial injury and myocarditis. With the
increasing ability to detect myocardial injury and with an
3.2. Cause of HF increasing awareness of cardiotoxicity and injury patterns
In the United States, approximately 115 million people including inflammation, pre-HF or stage B HF will likely
have hypertension, 100 million have obesity, 92 million continue to increase. Beyond classifications of EF and
have prediabetes, 26 million have diabetes, and 125 staging in HF, clinicians should seek the cause of HF
million have atherosclerotic CVD (1). These are known risk because appropriate treatment may be determined by the
factors with high relative risk and population attributable cause (Table 5).
risk for development of HF. Therefore, a large proportion 4. INITIAL AND SERIAL EVALUATION
of the U.S. population can be categorized as being at-risk
for HF or stage A HF. The common causes of HF include 4.1. Clinical Assessment: History and Physical Examination
1. In patients with HF, vital signs and evidence of clinical congestion should be assessed at each encounter
1 B-NR to guide overall management, including adjustment of diuretics and other medications (1-6).
2. In patients with symptomatic HF, clinical factors indicating the presence of advanced HF should be
1 B-NR sought via the history and physical examination (7-12).
3. In patients with cardiomyopathy, a 3-generation family history should be obtained or updated when
1 B-NR assessing the cause of the cardiomyopathy to identify possible inherited disease (13,14).
4. In patients presenting with HF, a thorough history and physical examination should direct diagnostic
1 B-NR strategies to uncover specific causes that may warrant disease-specific management (15,16).
5. In patients presenting with HF, a thorough history and physical examination should be obtained and
1 C-EO performed to identify cardiac and noncardiac disorders, lifestyle and behavioral factors, and social de-
terminants of health that might cause or accelerate the development or progression of HF.
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Cause Reference
Hypertension (34)
HF indicates heart failure; PVC, premature ventricular contraction; and RV, right ventricular.
1. For patients presenting with HF, the specific cause of HF should be explored using additional laboratory
1 B-NR testing for appropriate management (1-8).
2. For patients who are diagnosed with HF, laboratory evaluation should include complete blood count,
1 C-EO urinalysis, serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, glucose, lipid profile, liver function
tests, iron studies, and thyroid-stimulating hormone to optimize management.
3. For all patients presenting with HF, a 12-lead ECG should be performed at the initial encounter to
1 C-EO optimize management.
substance abuse would require specific management in treatments (e.g., to monitor renal function or electro-
addition to or beyond GDMT (1,2,9-15). lytes with diuretics).
2. Laboratory evaluation with complete blood count, 3. Electrocardiography is part of the routine evaluation of
urinalysis, serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, a patient with HF and provides important information
serum creatinine, glucose, fasting lipid profile, liver on rhythm, heart rate, QRS morphology and duration,
function tests, iron studies (serum iron, ferritin, cause, and prognosis of HF. It is repeated when there is
transferrin saturation), and thyroid-stimulating hor- a clinical indication, such as a suspicion for arrhythmia,
mone levels provides important information regarding ischemia or myocardial injury, conduction, or other
patients’ comorbidities, suitability for and adverse ef- cardiac abnormalities.
fects of treatments, potential causes or confounders of
HF, severity and prognosis of HF, and is usually per-
4.2. Use of Biomarkers for Prevention, Initial Diagnosis, and
formed on initial evaluation. Pertinent laboratory tests
Risk Stratification
are repeated with changes in clinical condition or
Recommendations for Use of Biomarkers for Prevention, Initial Diagnosis, and Risk Stratification
Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplements.
1. In patients presenting with dyspnea, measurement of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal
1 A prohormone of B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is useful to support a diagnosis or exclusion of HF
2. In patients with chronic HF, measurements of BNP or NT-proBNP levels are recommended for risk
1 A stratification (11,13-29).
3. In patients hospitalized for HF, measurement of BNP or NT-proBNP levels at admission is recommended
1 A to establish prognosis (11,13-19).
4. In patients at risk of developing HF, BNP or NT-proBNP–based screening followed by team-based care,
2a B-R including a cardiovascular specialist, can be useful to prevent the development of LV dysfunction or new-
onset HF (30,31).
5. In patients hospitalized for HF, a predischarge BNP or NT-proBNP level can be useful to inform the
2a B-NR trajectory of the patient and establish a postdischarge prognosis (14,17,20-29).
higher sensitivity than specificity and may be more Selected Potential Causes of Elevated Natriuretic
useful for ruling out HF than ruling in HF. Although Peptide Levels (50-53)
lower levels of BNP and NT-proBNP may help exclude Cardiac
the presence of HF, and higher levels have high posi-
HF, including RV HF syndromes
tive predictive value to diagnose HF, increases in both
BNP and NT-proBNP levels have been reported in pa-
Heart muscle disease, including LVH
tients with various cardiac and noncardiac causes
(Table 6) (50-53).
Pericardial disease
2. and 3. Higher levels of BNP and NT-proBNP are
associated with a greater risk for adverse short- and
long-term outcomes in patients with HF, including Myocarditis
incremental prognostic value of these biomarkers to Toxic-metabolic myocardial insults, including cancer chemotherapy
standard approaches of CVD risk assessment (11,16). Noncardiac
Not all patients may need biomarker measurement Advancing age
for prognostication, especially if they already have Anemia
advanced HF with established poor prognosis or Renal failure
persistently elevated levels of biomarkers in former
Pulmonary: Obstructive sleep apnea, severe pneumonia
Pulmonary embolism, pulmonary arterial hypertension
4. The STOP-HF (St Vincent’s Screening to Prevent Heart
Critical illness
Failure) study is a large single-center trial of patients at
Bacterial sepsis
risk of HF, defined by the presence of hypertension,
Severe burns
diabetes, or known vascular disease but without
established LV systolic dysfunction or symptomatic ACS indicates acute coronary syndromes; AF, atrial fibrillation; HF, heart failure;
LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; RV, right ventricular; and VHD, valvular heart
HF, who were randomly assigned to screening with disease.
BNP testing or usual care (31). Participants in the
intervention group with BNP levels $50 pg/mL un-
derwent echocardiography and referral to a cardio- 5. Predischarge BNP and NT-proBNP levels are strong
vascular specialist (31). All patients received coaching predictors of the risk of death or hospital readmission
by a specialist nurse who provided education on the for HF (14,17,20-29). Although patients in whom
importance of adherence to medication and healthy levels of BNP or NT-proBNP decreased with treat-
lifestyle behaviors (31). BNP-based screening reduced ment had better outcomes than those without any
the composite endpoint of incident asymptomatic LV changes or with a biomarker rise (14,23,28,29), tar-
dysfunction with or without newly diagnosed HF. geting a certain threshold, value, or relative change
Similarly, accelerated uptitration of renin-angiotensin- in these biomarker levels during hospitalization has
aldosterone system (RAAS) antagonists and beta not been shown to be consistently effective in
blockers reduced cardiac events in patients with dia- improving outcomes (37-39). Patients in which GDMT
betes and elevated NT-proBNP levels but without car- leads to a reduction in BNP and NT-proBNP levels
diac disease at baseline (30). Standardized screening represent a population with improved long-term
for HF remains challenging as a result of the hetero- outcomes compared with those with persistently
geneity of risk factors across different patient pop- elevated levels despite appropriate treatment (37-39).
ulations. Studies are needed to assess the cost- BNP and NT-proBNP levels and their change could
effectiveness and risks of such screening, as well as help guide discussions on prognosis as well as
its impact on QOL and mortality. adherence to, and optimization of, GDMT.
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2. In select patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy, referral for genetic counseling and testing is
2a B-NR reasonable to identify conditions that could guide treatment for patients and family members (3,4).
Category Patient or Family Member Phenotypic Finding* Ask Specifically About Family Members* With
Cardiac Marked LV hypertrophy
Any mention of cardiomyopathy, enlarged or weak heart, HF.
LV noncompaction
Document even if attributed to other causes, such as alcohol or peripartum
Right ventricular thinning or fatty replacement on imaging cardiomyopathy
or biopsy
Findings on 12- Abnormal high or low voltage or conduction, and Long QT or Brugada syndrome
lead ECG repolarization, altered RV forces
Dysrhythmias Frequent NSVT or very frequent PVCs ICD
Sustained ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation Recurrent syncope
Sudden death attributed to “massive heart attack” without known CAD
Unexplained fatal event such as drowning or single-vehicle crash
Extracardiac Skeletal myopathy Any known skeletal muscle disease, including mention of Duchenne and Becker’s,
features Emory-Dreifuss limb-girdle dystrophy
Systemic syndromes:
Cutaneous stigmata n Dysmorphic features
n Mental retardation
Other possible manifestations of systemic syndromes
n Congenital deafness
n Neurofibromatosis
n Renal failure with neuropathy
*Note that genetic cause is more likely when the person is younger at the onset of events. However, the cardiac morphology and peripheral manifestations of hereditary amyloidosis
may present in later life, unlike most other inherited cardiomyopathies.
AF indicates atrial fibrillation; CAD, coronary artery disease; LV, left ventricular; NSVT, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; PVC, premature ventricular contraction; and RV, right
1. In patients with suspected or new-onset HF, or those presenting with acute decompensated HF, a chest x-
1 C-LD ray should be performed to assess heart size and pulmonary congestion and to detect alternative cardiac,
pulmonary, and other diseases that may cause or contribute to the patient’s symptoms (1,2).
2. In patients with suspected or newly diagnosed HF, transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) should be
1 C-LD performed during initial evaluation to assess cardiac structure and function (3).
3. In patients with HF who have had a significant clinical change, or who have received GDMT and are being
1 C-LD considered for invasive procedures or device therapy, repeat measurement of EF, degree of structural
remodeling, and valvular function are useful to inform therapeutic interventions (4-7).
4. In patients for whom echocardiography is inadequate, alternative imaging (e.g., cardiac magnetic reso-
1 C-LD nance [CMR], cardiac computed tomography [CT], radionuclide imaging) is recommended for assessment
of LVEF (8-15).
5. In patients with HF or cardiomyopathy, CMR can be useful for diagnosis or management (16-23).
2a B-NR
6. In patients with HF, an evaluation for possible ischemic heart disease can be useful to identify the cause
2a B-NR and guide management (24-27).
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7. In patients with HF and coronary artery disease (CAD) who are candidates for coronary revascularization,
2b B-NR noninvasive stress imaging (stress echocardiography, single-photon emission CT [SPECT], CMR, or
positron emission tomography [PET]) may be considered for detection of myocardial ischemia to help
guide coronary revascularization (28-32).
8. In patients with HF in the absence of: 1) clinical status change, 2) treatment interventions that might
3: No Benefit C-EO have had a significant effect on cardiac function, or 3) candidacy for invasive procedures or device
therapy, routine repeat assessment of LV function is not indicated.
revascularization or device-based therapies (60). CMR findings commonly impact patient care manage-
Reevaluation of EF (>40 days after MI, >90 days after ment and provide diagnostic information in patients
revascularization, >90 days after GDMT) is useful to with suspected myocarditis or cardiomyopathy (17,18),
determine candidacy for implantable cardioverter- a strategy of routine screening with CMR in patients
defibrillator (ICD) or cardiac resynchronization therapy with nonischemic cardiomyopathy was not shown to
(CRT). Finally, repeat surveillance of LV function is yield more specific HF causes than a strategy of selec-
appropriate in patients exposed to treatments that tive CMR strategy based on echocardiographic and
potentially damage the myocardium, such as clinical findings in a recent trial (78).
chemotherapy. 6. HF is often caused by coronary atherosclerosis (79),
4. If TTE is unable to accurately evaluate cardiac struc- and evaluation for ischemic heart disease can help in
ture and function, additional noninvasive imaging determining the presence of significant coronary artery
modalities are available to clarify the initial diagnosis disease (CAD). Noninvasive stress imaging with echo-
and to provide information on cardiac structure and cardiography or nuclear scintigraphy can be helpful in
function. The choice between these modalities de- identifying patients likely to have obstructive CAD
pends on availability, local expertise, patient charac- (24,25). Invasive or computed tomography coronary
teristics, indication, and goal of limiting radiation angiography can detect and characterize extent of CAD
exposure. CMR provides an accurate and highly (26,27).
reproducible assessment of cardiac volumes, mass, and 7. CAD is a leading cause of HF (79) and myocardial
EF of the left and right ventricles (8-10). CMR provides ischemia may contribute to new or worsening HF
high anatomic resolution of all aspects of the heart and symptoms. Noninvasive testing (i.e., stress echocardi-
surrounding structures and is not associated with ography, SPECT, CMR, or PET) may be considered for
ionizing radiation, leading to its recommended use in detection of myocardial ischemia to help guide coro-
known or suspected congenital heart diseases (11,61). nary revascularization decisions. Multiple non-
Electrocardiographic-gated cardiac CT can also accu- randomized, observational studies have reported
rately assess ventricular size, EF, and wall motion ab- improved survival with revascularization in patients
normalities, but it is accompanied with ionizing with viable but dysfunctional myocardium (28,30-32).
radiation (13-15). Radionuclide ventriculography is Despite these observational data, RCTs have not shown
highly reproducible for measurement of LVEF, that viability imaging improves guidance of revascu-
although it also exposes the patient to ionizing radia- larization to a reduction of adverse cardiovascular
tion (12). outcomes (80-82). A prespecified viability substudy of
5. CMR provides noninvasive characterization of the the STICH (Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart
myocardium that may provide insights into HF cause Failure) trial showed that the presence of myocardial
(62). Late-gadolinium enhancement, reflecting fibrosis viability did not determine the long-term benefit from
and damaged myocardium, can identify acute and surgical revascularization in patients with ischemic
chronic MI (63,64) and identify HF caused by CAD cardiomyopathy (81,82). Of note, a relatively small
(65,66). Patterns of late-gadolinium enhancement or number of individuals enrolled in the STICH substudy
specific T-1 and T-2 techniques can suggest specific did not have viability, which may limit the power of
infiltrative and inflammatory cardiomyopathies, such the study. Although these data do not support the
as myocarditis, sarcoidosis, Fabry disease, Chagas concept of routine viability assessment before revas-
disease, noncompaction, iron overload, and amyloid- cularization, myocardial viability is used as one of the
osis (16,20,22,67). T-1 mapping techniques allow for tools to inform decisions regarding revascularization in
measurement of interstitial space characteristics and patients with high surgical risk or with complex med-
extracellular volume fraction and provides diagnostic ical problems.
and prognostic information (19,21-23,68-71). The pres- 8. Repeat noninvasive imaging of cardiac structure and
ence of delayed hyperenhancement has been associ- function for routine surveillance is rarely appropriate
ated with worse outcomes and can provide risk in the absence of a change in clinical status or treat-
stratification (72-77). Although registry data show that ment interventions (11,83).
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1. In patients with HF, endomyocardial biopsy may be useful when a specific diagnosis is suspected that
2a B-NR would influence therapy (1,2).
2. In selected patients with HF with persistent or worsening symptoms, signs, diagnostic parameters, and in
2a C-EO whom hemodynamics are uncertain, invasive hemodynamic monitoring can be useful to guide
3. In patients with HF, routine use of invasive hemodynamic monitoring is not recommended (3,4).
3: No Benefit B-R
4. For patients undergoing routine evaluation of HF, endomyocardial biopsy should not be performed
3: Harm C-LD because of the risk of complications (5,6).
Recommendation for Wearables and Remote Monitoring (Including Telemonitoring and Device Monitoring)
Referenced studies that support the recommendation are summarized in the Online Data Supplements.
1. In selected adult patients with NYHA class III HF and history of a HF hospitalization in the past year or
2b B-R elevated natriuretic peptide levels, on maximally tolerated stable doses of GDMT with optimal device
therapy, the usefulness of wireless monitoring of PA pressure by an implanted hemodynamic monitor to
reduce the risk of subsequent HF hospitalizations is uncertain (1-4).
Value Statement: Uncertain Value 2. In patients with NYHA class III HF with a HF hospitalization within the previous year, wireless monitoring
of the PA pressure by an implanted hemodynamic monitor provides uncertain value (4-7).
1. In patients with HF, assessment and documentation of NYHA functional classification are recommended
1 C-LD to determine eligibility for treatments (1-3).
2. In selected ambulatory patients with HF, cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is recommended to
1 C-LD determine appropriateness of advanced treatments (e.g., LVAD, heart transplant) (4-8).
3. In ambulatory patients with HF, performing a CPET or 6-minute walk test is reasonable to assess func-
2a C-LD tional capacity (4,5,9-16).
4. In ambulatory patients with unexplained dyspnea, CPET is reasonable to evaluate the cause of dyspnea
2a C-LD (17,18).
course, and patients are allowed to slow down or stop assessment of multiple physiological measures that
if needed. A systematic review of 14 studies found that can impact exercise capacity and contribute to dys-
the 6-minute walk test results correlated moderately pnea. It provides analysis of gas exchange and yields
with peak VO 2 levels and were a reliable and valid in- measures of oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide
dicator of functional capacity in patients with HF who output, and ventilation. These measures can be inte-
did not walk >490 m (8). Distance walked in the 6- grated with standard exercise testing variables, such as
minute walk test has been associated with prognosis heart rate, blood pressure, electrocardiographic find-
in HF across multiple studies (9-13,15,16,27). A cutoff ings, and symptoms to provide insights into the phys-
of <300 m roughly correlates to patients with NYHA iologic mechanisms underlying a patient’s dyspnea. In
class III to IV symptoms and is associated with worse 3- particular, CPET can help to distinguish respiratory
year survival free of heart transplant (62% versus 82% versus cardiac etiologies of dyspnea. If exercise ca-
for those walking $300 m) (27). pacity is diminished but cardiopulmonary responses
4. Dyspnea is a complex symptom that can reflect ab- are normal, other causes of dyspnea, such as metabolic
normalities in a number of different systems and can abnormalities and deconditioning, should be
be influenced by psychological and environmental considered.
factors. CPET involves having patients perform a
treadmill (or stationary bicycle) exercise test, while
4.8. Initial and Serial Evaluation: Clinical Assessment:
also performing ventilatory gas exchange measure-
HF Risk Scoring
ments (28). CPET enables the comprehensive
Recommendation for Initial and Serial Evaluation: Clinical Assessment: HF Risk Scoring
Referenced studies that support the recommendation are summarized in the Online Data Supplements.
1. In ambulatory or hospitalized patients with HF, validated multivariable risk scores can be useful to es-
2a B-NR timate subsequent risk of mortality (1-14).
Chronic HF
Acutely Decompensated HF
AHA Get With The Guidelines Score (12) (17) 2010, 2021
ADHERE indicates Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry; AHA, American Heart Association; ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; CHARM, Candesartan in Heart
failure-Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity; CORONA, Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Trial in Heart Failure; EFFECT, Enhanced Feedback for Effective Cardiac
Treatment; ESCAPE, Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Artery Catheterization Effectiveness; GUIDE-ID, Guiding Evidence-Based Therapy Using Biomarker
Intensified Treatment; HF, heart failure; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HF-ACTION, Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training
MAGGIC Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure; I-PRESERVE, Irbesartan in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Study; PCP-HF, Pooled Cohort Equations to
Prevent HF; and TOPCAT, Treatment of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart Failure with an Aldosterone Antagonist trial.
1. In patients with hypertension, blood pressure should be controlled in accordance with GDMT for hy-
1 A pertension to prevent symptomatic HF (1-9).
2. In patients with type 2 diabetes and either established CVD or at high cardiovascular risk, SGLT2i should
1 A be used to prevent hospitalizations for HF (10-12).
3. In the general population, healthy lifestyle habits such as regular physical activity, maintaining normal
1 B-NR weight, healthy dietary patterns, and avoiding smoking are helpful to reduce future risk of HF (13-21).
4. For patients at risk of developing HF, natriuretic peptide biomarker–based screening followed by team-
2a B-R based care, including a cardiovascular specialist optimizing GDMT, can be useful to prevent the devel-
opment of LV dysfunction (systolic or diastolic) or new-onset HF (22,23).
5. In the general population, validated multivariable risk scores can be useful to estimate subsequent risk of
2a B-NR incident HF (24-26).
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F I G U R E 5 Recommendations (Class 1 and 2a) for Patients at Risk of HF (Stage A) and Those With Pre-HF (Stage B)
Colors correspond to COR in Table 2. COR 1 and COR 2a for patients at risk for HF (stage A) and those with pre-HF (stage B) are shown. Management strategies
implemented in patients at risk for HF (stage A) should be continued though stage B. ACEi indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor
blocker; BP, blood pressure; COR, Class of Recommendation; CVD, cardiovascular disease; HF, heart failure; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LVEF, left
ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; and SGLT2i, sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor.
ARIC indicates Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; HF, heart failure; and PCP-HF, Pooled Cohort Equations to Prevent HF.
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-, 2022:-–- 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
increases from electronic health records and digital Patient populations change over time, and models may
sources, advanced methods with machine learning are need to be recalibrated periodically.
expected to proliferate the development of risk pre-
diction models. Machine learning models are often not 6. STAGE B (PATIENTS WITH PRE-HF)
externally validated, and their performance may
vary based on the population and clinical setting (37). 6.1. Management of Stage B: Preventing the Syndrome of
Clinical HF in Patients With Pre-HF
Recommendations for Management of Stage B: Preventing the Syndrome of Clinical HF in Patients With Pre-HF
Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplements.
1. In patients with LVEF £40%, ACEi should be used to prevent symptomatic HF and reduce mortality (1-4).
1 A
2. In patients with a recent or remote history of MI or ACS, statins should be used to prevent symptomatic
1 A HF and adverse cardiovascular events (5-9).
3. In patients with a recent MI and LVEF £40% who are intolerant to ACEi, ARB should be used to prevent
1 B-R symptomatic HF and reduce mortality (10).
4. In patients with a recent or remote history of MI or acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and LVEF £40%,
1 B-R evidence-based beta blockers should be used to reduce mortality (11-13).
5. In patients who are at least 40 days post-MI with LVEF £30% and NYHA class I symptoms while receiving
1 B-R GDMT and have reasonable expectation of meaningful survival for >1 year, an ICD is recommended for
primary prevention of sudden cardiac death (SCD) to reduce total mortality (14).
6. In patients with LVEF £40%, beta blockers should be used to prevent symptomatic HF (12,13).
1 C-LD
7. In patients with LVEF <50%, thiazolidinediones should not be used because they increase the risk of HF,
3: Harm B-R including hospitalizations (15).
8. In patients with LVEF <50%, nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers with negative inotropic ef-
3: Harm C-LD fects may be harmful (16,17).
efficacy and safety of sacubitril/valsartan in patients after patients with asymptomatic reduced LVEF after MI.
acute MI, with LVEF #40 and/or pulmonary congestion, Among patients with a recent MI and reduced LVEF,
plus an additional risk-enhancing factor, compared with carvedilol reduced maladaptive remodeling (41) and
ramipril. reduced mortality compared with placebo (11). Among
patients with asymptomatic LV systolic dysfunction in
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
the SOLVD prevention trial (which included 80% with
1. ACEi have been shown to impede maladaptive previous MI) and the SAVE (Survival and Ventricular
remodeling after acute MI in patients with reduced Enlargement) trial, secondary analyses showed that
LVEF (36,37). In survivors of acute MI with asymp- the administration of beta blockers in addition to ACEi
tomatic LV dysfunction (LVEF <35%–40%), RCTs have reduced mortality and hospitalization (12,13).
shown that ACEi reduced mortality, HF hospitaliza- 5. The Framingham studies have shown a 60% increased
tions, and progression to severe HF compared with risk of death in patients with asymptomatic low LVEF
placebo (2,4). Similarly, in those individuals with compared with those with normal LVEF, and almost
asymptomatic LV dysfunction in the SOLVD (Studies of half of these patients remained free of HF before their
Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction) prevention trial, death (25). MADIT-II (Multicenter Automatic Defibril-
which included approximately 20% without ischemic lator Implantation Trial II) showed a 31% relative risk
heart disease, enalapril was associated with reduced reduction in all-cause mortality in patients with post-
HF hospitalization and mortality compared with pla- MI with LVEF #30% receiving a prophylactic ICD
cebo (1,3). compared with standard of care (14). These findings
2. In multiple RCTs (42), statins have been shown to provided justification for the broad adoption of ICDs
prevent adverse CAD events in patients with an MI, for primary prevention of SCD in the post-MI setting
ACS, and with high cardiovascular risk. These trials with reduced LVEF, even in the absence of HF
have also shown that statin therapy reduces the risk of symptoms.
incident HF (5-9). A meta-analysis of 6 RCTs of 6. Although beta blockers have been shown to improve
>110,000 patients with an ACS showed that intensive outcomes in patients with symptomatic HFrEF and in
statin therapy reduced hospitalizations for HF (5). A patients with reduced LVEF after MI (11), few data exist
subsequent, larger collaborative meta-analysis of up to regarding the use of beta blockers in asymptomatic
17 major primary and secondary prevention RCTs patients with depressed LVEF without a history of MI.
showed that statins reduced HF hospitalization (42). There is evidence to support the role of beta blockers to
These data support the use of statins to prevent prevent adverse LV remodeling in asymptomatic pa-
symptomatic HF and cardiovascular events in patients tients with LV systolic dysfunction, including those
with acute MI or ACS. with nonischemic cause (43). Also, in a post hoc anal-
3. Two major trials have compared ARB with ACEi after ysis of the SOLVD prevention trial, which included
MI. The VALIANT (Valsartan in Acute Myocardial approximately 20% of participants with nonischemic
Infarction) trial, which included approximately 25% of HF cause, beta blockers were associated with a reduc-
patients with asymptomatic LV dysfunction, showed tion in the risk of death and in death or hospitalization
that the benefits of valsartan on mortality and other for symptomatic HF in those patients randomized to
adverse cardiovascular outcomes were comparable to enalapril, a finding that was not seen in the placebo
captopril (10,38). In the OPTIMAAL (Optimal Trial in group (12). Given the long-term benefits of beta
Myocardial Infarction with the Angiotensin II Antago- blockers to reduce HF hospitalizations in patients with
nist Losartan) trial, losartan did not meet the non- symptomatic HFrEF (44), beta-blocker therapy is rec-
inferiority criteria for mortality compared with ommended to prevent symptomatic HF in patients
captopril (39). It has been hypothesized that the lower with reduced LVEF.
dose of losartan (50 mg daily) in the OPTIMAAL trial 7. Thiazolidinediones have been associated with fluid
may have contributed to the greater difference than retention and increased rates of HF in RCTs of patients
those seen with valsartan in VALIANT (40). No clinical with type 2 diabetes who were predominantly free of
trials have specifically evaluated ARB in patients with symptomatic HF at baseline (47-49). In a smaller RCT
asymptomatic reduced LVEF in the absence of previ- of patients with more severely symptomatic HFrEF,
ous MI. Although ARB are alternatives for patients with pioglitazone was associated with increased rates of HF
ACEi-induced angioedema, caution is advised because hospitalization compared with placebo (50). In patients
some patients have also developed angioedema with with more mild symptoms (NYHA class I to II) but with
ARB. depressed LVEF (15), rosiglitazone was associated with
4. Current evidence supports the use of beta blockers to more fluid-related events, including worsening edema
improve adverse cardiac remodeling and outcomes in and need for increased HF medications (15). Given the
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TABLE 10 Other ACC/AHA Clinical Practice Guidelines Addressing Patients With Stage B HF
Consideration Reference
Patients with an acute MI who have not developed HF symptoms treated in 2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
accordance with GDMT (51)
2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients With Non–ST-Elevation
Acute Coronary Syndromes (52)
Coronary revascularization for patients without symptoms of HF in accordance 2015 ACC/AHA/SCAI Focused Update on Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
with GDMT for Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: An Update of the 2011
ACCF/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and the 2013
ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
(53) (This guideline has been replaced by Lawton, 2021[54].)
2014 ACC/AHA/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS Focused Update of the Guideline for the
Diagnosis and Management of Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease (55)
2011 ACCF/AHA Guideline for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (56) (This
guideline has been replaced by Lawton, 2021[54].)
Valve replacement or repair for patients with hemodynamically significant 2020 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Management of Patients With Valvular Heart
valvular stenosis or regurgitation and no symptoms of HF in accordance with Disease (57,58)
Patients with congenital heart disease that may increase the risk for the 2018 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Adults With Congenital Heart
development of HF Disease (59)
AATS indicates American Association for Thoracic Surgery; ACC, American College of Cardiology; ACCF, American College of Cardiology Foundation; AHA, American Heart Association;
GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; HF, heart failure; MI, myocardial infarction; PCNA, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association; SCAI, Society for Cardiovascular Angi-
ography and Interventions; and STS, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
evidence, thiazolidinediones should be avoided in pa- major cardiovascular events after acute MI (46).
tients with reduced LVEF. Although not specifically tested in asymptomatic pa-
8. Nondihydropiridine calcium channel blockers diltia- tients with low LVEF, nondihydropyridine calcium
zem and verapamil are myocardial depressants and channel blockers may be harmful in this population
generally not tolerated in HF. In previous studies of because of their negative inotropic effects.
patients with HF or reduced LVEF after acute MI, dil-
tiazem was associated with increased risk of HF (16,17), 7. STAGE C HF
although in a smaller study of patients with non-
ischemic cardiomyopathy, diltiazem had no impact on 7.1. Nonpharmacological Interventions
mortality (45). Verapamil had no impact on survival or 7.1.1. Self-Care Support in HF
1. Patients with HF should receive care from multidisciplinary teams to facilitate the implementation of
1 A GDMT, address potential barriers to self-care, reduce the risk of subsequent rehospitalization for HF, and
improve survival (1-4).
2. Patients with HF should receive specific education and support to facilitate HF self-care in a multidis-
1 B-R ciplinary manner (2,5-9).
3. In patients with HF, vaccinating against respiratory illnesses is reasonable to reduce mortality (10-16).
2a B-NR
4. In adults with HF, screening for depression (17,18), social isolation (19-22), frailty (23,24), and low health
2a B-NR literacy (25,26) as risk factors for poor self-care is reasonable to improve management.
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Medical Barriers
Substance use disorders (53) Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medication, and other Referral to social work services and community support partners
Substance use (TAPS) Referral for addiction psychiatry consultation
Social Barriers
Financial burden of HF COmprehensive Score for financial Toxicity– PharmD referral to review prescription assistance eligibilities
treatments (55) Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy
Food insecurity (56,57) Hunger Vital Sign, 2 items Determine eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
U.S. Household Food Security Survey Module, 6 items Program (SNAP)
Connect patients with community partners such as food pantries/food
Home meal deliveries
Registered dietitian nutritionist evaluation for potential malnutrition
Homelessness or housing Homelessness Screening Clinical Reminder (HSCR) Referral to local housing services
insecurity (58-60) Connect patients with community housing partners
Intimate partner violence or elder Humiliation, Afraid, Rape, Kick (HARK) questionnaire Referral to social work services and community support partners
abuse (61,62) Partner Violence Screen (PVS)
Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST)
Limited English proficiency or Routinely inquire in which language the patient is most Access to interpreter services covering a wide range of languages,
other language barriers (63) comfortable conversing ideally in person or, alternatively, via video platform
Printed educational materials in a range of appropriate languages
Low health literacy (64) Short Assessment of Health Literacy (SAHL) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Health Literacy
Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine–Short Form Universal Precautions Toolkit
(REALM-SF) Written education tools provided at sixth grade reading level or below
Brief Health Literacy Screen (BHLS), 3 items Graphic educational documents
Social isolation or low social Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information Determine eligibility for home care services
support (65) System (PROMIS) Social Isolation Short Form Support group referral
Transport limitations No validated tools currently available. Referral to social work services
Determine eligibility for insurance or state-based transportation, or
reduced-cost public transportation
Maximize opportunities for telehealth visits and remote monitoring
related rehospitalization (21). Poor social support also (25). Low literacy also is associated with poor HF self-
has been shown in nonrandomized studies to be asso- care, as most interventions depend on both literacy
ciated with lower HF self-care (22). A recent meta- and health literacy/numeracy (26).
analysis of observational studies showed that inade-
quate/marginal health literacy is common among
adults with HF (i.e., 24%) and associated indepen-
dently with the risk of mortality and hospitalization 7.1.2. Dietary Sodium Restriction
1. For patients with stage C HF, avoiding excessive sodium intake is reasonable to reduce congestive
2a C-LD symptoms (1-6).
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Recommendations for Management of Stage C HF: Activity, Exercise Prescription, and Cardiac Rehabilitation
Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplements.
1. For patients with HF who are able to participate, exercise training (or regular physical activity) is rec-
1 A ommended to improve functional status, exercise performance, and QOL (1-9).
2. In patients with HF, a cardiac rehabilitation program can be useful to improve functional capacity, ex-
2a B-NR ercise tolerance, and health-related QOL (1,2,5,6,8).
versus supervised exercise training plus usual care. 2. A formal cardiac rehabilitation program usually in-
There were modest reductions in all-cause mortality cludes a medical evaluation, education regarding the
and hospitalization rates that did not reach significance importance of medical adherence, dietary recommen-
by primary analysis but, after prespecified adjustment, dations, psychosocial support, and an exercise training
were associated with reductions in cardiovascular and physical activity counseling program. Exercise-
mortality or HF hospitalizations (1). Many RCTs of ex- based cardiac rehabilitation has been associated with
ercise training in HF have been conducted, but the an improvement in functional capacity, exercise toler-
statistical power of most was low (2-5,9-13). Meta- ance, the rate of overall and HF-specific hospitaliza-
analyses suggest that exercise training is associated tion, and improved QOL (3,4,6,7,11,16,17). In a diverse
with improvement in functional capacity, exercise population of older patients who were hospitalized for
duration, health-related QOL, and reduction in HF acute decompensated HF, an early, transitional,
hospitalizations in patients with HFrEF as well as tailored, progressive rehabilitation intervention that
HFpEF (2-6,8,11,14,15). Most studies and meta-analyses included multiple physical-function domains
have not shown significant changes in all-cause mor- (strength, balance, mobility, and endurance) initiated
tality (2,12,14-22), except for a few showing mortality during, or early after hospitalization for HF, and
benefit with longer follow-up (6,7). Other benefits of continued after discharge, resulted in greater
exercise training include improved endothelial func- improvement in physical function than usual care (9).
tion, blunted catecholamine spillover, increased pe-
ripheral oxygen extraction, and improvement in peak
oxygen consumption (2-5,8,10-12,21). 7.2. Diuretics and Decongestion Strategies in Patients With HF
1. In patients with HF who have fluid retention, diuretics are recommended to relieve congestion, improve
1 B-NR symptoms, and prevent worsening HF (1-5).
2. For patients with HF and congestive symptoms, addition of a thiazide (e.g., metolazone) to treatment
1 B-NR with a loop diuretic should be reserved for patients who do not respond to moderate- or high-dose loop
diuretics to minimize electrolyte abnormalities (6).
Drug Initial Daily Dose Maximum Total Daily Dose Duration of Action
Loop diuretics
Thiazide diuretics
diuretic use compared with no diuretic use after hos- (13-16). The use of a thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic
pital discharge for HF (9). The most commonly used (e.g., metolazone) in combination with a loop diuretic
loop diuretic for the treatment of HF is furosemide, but inhibits compensatory distal tubular sodium reabsorp-
some patients respond more favorably to other agents tion, leading to enhanced natriuresis. However, in a
in this category (e.g., bumetanide, torsemide), poten- propensity-score matched analysis in patients with
tially because of their increased oral bioavailability (10- hospitalized HF, the addition of metolazone to loop
12). In outpatients with HF, diuretic therapy is diuretics was found to increase the risk for hypokale-
commonly initiated with low doses, and the dose is mia, hyponatremia, worsening renal function, and
increased until urine output increases and weight de- mortality, whereas use of higher doses of loop diuretics
creases, generally by 0.5 to 1.0 kg daily. Patients may was not found to adversely affect survival (17).
become unresponsive to high doses of diuretic drugs if Although randomized data comparing the 2 diuretic
they consume large amounts of dietary sodium, are strategies are limited, the DOSE (Diuretic Optimization
taking agents that can block the effects of diuretics Strategies Evaluation) trial lends support for the use of
(e.g., NSAIDs), or have significant impairment of renal high-dose intravenous loop diuretics (18).
function or perfusion.
2. Diuretic resistance can be overcome in several ways,
including escalation of loop diuretic dose, intravenous 7.3. Pharmacological Treatment* for HFrEF
administration of diuretics (bolus or continuous infu- 7.3.1. Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibition With ACEi or ARB or
sion) (6), or combination of different diuretic classes ARNi
1. In patients with HFrEF and NYHA class II to III symptoms, the use of ARNi is recommended to reduce
1 A morbidity and mortality (1-5).
2. In patients with previous or current symptoms of chronic HFrEF, the use of ACEi is beneficial to reduce
1 A morbidity and mortality when the use of ARNi is not feasible (6-13).
3. In patients with previous or current symptoms of chronic HFrEF who are intolerant to ACEi because of
1 A cough or angioedema and when the use of ARNi is not feasible, the use of ARB is recommended to reduce
morbidity and mortality (14-18).
Value Statement: High Value (A) 4. In patients with previous or current symptoms of chronic HFrEF, in whom ARNi is not feasible, treatment
with an ACEi or ARB provides high economic value (19-25).
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5. In patients with chronic symptomatic HFrEF NYHA class II or III who tolerate an ACEi or ARB, replacement
1 B-R by an ARNi is recommended to further reduce morbidity and mortality (1-5).
Value Statement: High Value (A) 6. In patients with chronic symptomatic HFrEF, treatment with an ARNi instead of an ACEi provides high
economic value (26-29).
7. ARNi should not be administered concomitantly with ACEi or within 36 hours of the last dose of an ACEi
3: Harm B-R (30,31).
8. ARNi should not be administered to patients with any history of angioedema (32-35).
3: Harm C-LD
9. ACEi should not be administered to patients with any history of angioedema (36-39).
3: Harm C-LD
*See Section 7.2, “Diuretics and Decongestion Strategies in Patients with HF,” for diuretic recommendations.
(Prospective ARNi vs ACE Inhibitor Trial to DetermIne angioedema with ARB. For those patients for whom an
Superiority in Reducing Heart Failure Events After MI) ACEi or ARNi is inappropriate, use of an ARB remains
trial (40) will provide information on whether advised.
sacubitril-valsartan will significantly reduce the rate of 4. Several cost-effectiveness analyses consistently found
cardiovascular death, HF hospitalization or outpatient that ACEi therapy provides high value for patients with
HF requiring treatment in patients after acute MI, with chronic HF. A model-based analysis, using generic
LVEF #40% and/or pulmonary congestion, and 1 of 8 ACEi costs, found ACEi therapy was high value (19).
additional risk-enhancing factors like AF, previous MI, Previous analyses also found ACEi therapy was high
diabetes, compared with the ACEi ramipril; and value despite previously higher ACEi costs
whether the safety and tolerability of sacubitril- (19,21,22,24,25). This includes a trial-based analysis of
valsartan was comparable to that of ramipril. Thus, at SOLVD (Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction) that
the present time, the efficacy of ARNi in patients with modeled long-term outcomes (21). Previous analyses
LV dysfunction, and HF in the early post-MI period, included a range of clinical scenarios including
remains uncertain. asymptomatic LV dysfunction (24) and LV dysfunction
2. ACEi reduce morbidity and mortality in HFrEF. RCTs after MI (25), with ACEi therapy providing high value in
clearly establish the benefits of ACE inhibition in each. There are limited data on the cost-effectiveness
patients with mild, moderate, or severe symptoms of of ARBs from 2 clinical trials—a within-trial analysis
HF and in patients with or without CAD (6-11). Data of Val-HeFT (Valsartan Heart Failure Trial) (23) and an
suggest that there are no differences among available analysis of the ELITE (Evaluation of Losartan in the
ACEi in their effects on symptoms or survival (12). Elderly) study (20)—which both suggested ARB therapy
ACEi should be started at low doses and titrated is high value. The high value of ARB therapy is also
upward to doses shown to reduce the risk of car- supported by its similar efficacy as ACEi therapy and
diovascular events in clinical trials. ACEi can produce the low-cost generic availability for both medication
angioedema and should be given with caution to classes.
patients with low systemic blood pressures, renal 5. Patients with chronic stable HFrEF who tolerate ACEi
insufficiency, or elevated serum potassium (>5.0 and ARB should be switched to ARNi. In patients with
mEq/L). If maximal doses are not tolerated, inter- mild-to-moderate HF who were able to tolerate both a
mediate doses should be tried; abrupt withdrawal of target dose of enalapril (10 mg twice daily) and then
ACE inhibition can lead to clinical deterioration and subsequently an ARNi (sacubitril-valsartan; 200 mg
should be avoided. Although the use of an ARNi in twice daily, with the ARB component equivalent to
lieu of an ACEi for HFrEF has been found to be su- valsartan 160 mg), hospitalizations and mortality were
perior, for those patients for whom ARNi is inap- significantly decreased with the valsartan-sacubitril
propriate, continued use of an ACEi for all classes of compound compared with enalapril (1). Another RCT
HFrEF remains strongly advised. and meta-analysis showed improvement in LV
3. ARB have been shown to reduce mortality and HF remodeling parameters with ARNi compared with
hospitalizations in patients with HFrEF in large RCTs enalapril (4,5).
(14-16). Long-term treatment with ARB in patients with 6. Multiple model-based analyses evaluated the eco-
HFrEF produces hemodynamic, neurohormonal, and nomic value of ARNi therapy compared with ACEi
clinical effects consistent with those expected after therapy using the results of PARADIGM-HF (26-29,41).
interference with the renin-angiotensin system (17,18). Three high-quality analyses (26,28,29) consistently
Unlike ACEi, ARB do not inhibit kininase and are found costs per QALY <$60,000, which provides high
associated with a much lower incidence of cough and value according to the benchmarks adopted for the
angioedema, although kininase inhibition by ACEi may current clinical practice guideline. These results were
produce beneficial vasodilatory effects. Patients who robust to the range of sacubitril-valsartan costs
are intolerant to ACEi because of cough or angioedema currently seen in care. These results were sensitive to
should be started on an ARB. ARB should be started at the estimated mortality reduction and duration of
low doses and titrated upward, with an attempt to use treatment effectiveness. ARNi would need to maintain
doses shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular effectiveness beyond the PARADIGM-HF study period
events in clinical trials. ARB should be given with (mean, 27 months) to be considered high value (29). If
caution to patients with low systemic blood pressure, clinical benefit were limited to 27 months, ARNi would
renal insufficiency, or elevated serum potassium (>5.0 be intermediate value. One additional analysis, based
mEq/L). Although ARB are alternatives for patients on the PIONEER-HF trial, found that inpatient initia-
with ACEi-induced angioedema, caution is advised tion of ARNi was also high value compared with
because some patients have also developed delayed initiation postdischarge (27).
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7. Oral neprilysin inhibitors, used in combination with Because of these observations, angioedema was an
ACEi, can lead to angioedema, and concomitant use is exclusion criterion in the first large trial assessing ARNi
contraindicated and should be avoided. A medication therapy in patients with hypertension (35) and then in
that represented a neprilysin inhibitor and an ACEi— the large trial that showed clinical benefit of ARNi
omapatrilat—was studied in hypertension and HF, but therapy in HFrEF (1). The rates of angioedema were
its development was terminated because of an unac- numerically higher in patients treated with ARNi than
ceptable incidence of angioedema (30,31) and associ- in patients treated with ACEi in PARADIGM-HF,
ated significant morbidity. This adverse effect was although this difference did not reach significance (1).
thought to occur because ACEi and neprilysin break ARNi therapy should not be administered in patients
down bradykinin, which can directly or indirectly with a history of angioedema because of the concern
cause angioedema (31,32). An ARNi should not be that it will increase the risk of a recurrence of
administered within 36 hours of switching from or to angioedema.
an ACEi. 9. Angioedema attributable to ACEi is thought to result
8. Omapatrilat, a neprilysin inhibitor (as well as an ACEi from defective degradation of the vasoactive peptides
and aminopeptidase P inhibitor), was associated with a bradykinin, des-Arg9-BK (a metabolite of bradykinin),
higher frequency of angioedema than that seen with and substance P (36,37). ACEi should not be adminis-
enalapril in an RCT of patients with HFrEF (30). In a tered to patients with any history of angioedema, but
very large RCT of hypertensive patients, omapatrilat ARB do not interfere as directly with bradykinin
was associated with a 3-fold increased risk of angioe- metabolism and have been associated with low rates of
dema compared with enalapril (31). Black patients and angioedema (38,39).
patients who smoked were particularly at risk. The
high incidence of angioedema ultimately led to cessa-
tion of the clinical development of omapatrilat (33,34). 7.3.2. Beta Blockers
1. In patients with HFrEF, with current or previous symptoms, use of 1 of the 3 beta blockers proven to
1 A reduce mortality (e.g., bisoprolol, carvedilol, sustained-release metoprolol succinate) is recommended to
reduce mortality and hospitalizations (1-3).
Value Statement: High Value (A) 2. In patients with HFrEF, with current or previous symptoms, beta-blocker therapy provides high economic
value (4-8).
therapy for HF (17). If a contraindication or intolerance analysis, using generic beta-blocker costs, found
are noted, they should be documented, and the patient beta-blocker therapy was high value (4). These re-
restarted on beta-blocker therapy in the future, so long sults were consistent with earlier model-based
as an absolute contraindication is not present. Even if cost-effectiveness analyses (5-7) and a trial-based
symptoms or LVEF improve, long-term treatment with economic analysis of the U.S. Carvedilol Heart Fail-
beta blockers and use of target doses should be main- ure (CHF) Trials Program (8). Each of these studies
tained to reduce the risk of progression in LV also found treatment with a beta blocker was high
dysfunction or major cardiovascular events (18,19). value despite using previously higher beta-blocker
Abrupt withdrawal of beta-blocker therapy can lead to costs.
clinical deterioration and should be avoided unless
indicated (18).
2. Multiple analyses have shown the high value of beta- 7.3.3. Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists (MRAs)
1. In patients with HFrEF and NYHA class II to IV symptoms, an MRA (spironolactone or eplerenone) is
1 A recommended to reduce morbidity and mortality, if eGFR is >30 mL/min/1.73 m 2 and serum potassium
is <5.0 mEq/L. Careful monitoring of potassium, renal function, and diuretic dosing should be performed
at initiation and closely monitored thereafter to minimize risk of hyperkalemia and renal insufficiency
Value Statement: High Value (A) 2. In patients with HFrEF and NYHA class II to IV symptoms, MRA therapy provides high economic value
3. In patients taking MRA whose serum potassium cannot be maintained at <5.5 mEq/L, MRA should be
3: Harm B-NR discontinued to avoid life-threatening hyperkalemia (8,9).
trial-based economic analyses of MRAs from RALES hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia risk was lower with ARNi
and EPHESUS also found MRA therapy was high value in patients with chronic HF in the PARADIGM-HF trial
despite using previously higher MRA costs (5-7). (13) but not different in patients with HF who were
3. Spironolactone and eplerenone are partially excreted decompensated in the PIONEER-HF trial (14) when
through the kidneys, raising concerns about safety compared with ACEi. Diarrhea causing dehydration or
when eGFR is #30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (10,11). Spi- loop diuretic therapy interruption, because of wors-
ronolactone and eplerenone decrease renal potassium ening renal function or hyperkalemia, should be a
excretion, raising the risk of hyperkalemia, particularly consideration for temporarily holding the MRA. The
when MRA is initiated at serum potassium $5.0 mEq/L development of worsening renal function or hyper-
and continued $5.5 mEq/L. The incidence of clinically kalemia is often a reflection of acute clinical change or
significant hyperkalemia events was <1% in EPHESUS progressive disease, prompting careful evaluation of
and EMPHASIS-HF, without a significant difference the entire medical regimen and other causes of hyper-
between eplerenone and placebo (2,3); however, in the kalemia, in addition to holding the MRA. The efficacy
closely monitored setting of a RCT with enrollment of of the use of potassium binders (e.g., patiromer, so-
younger patients with fewer multiple chronic condi- dium zirconium cyclosilicate) to improve outcomes by
tions than seen in the general HFrEF population, safety facilitating continuation of MRA is uncertain (15,16)
may be overstated. Observational data have raised and is addressed in Section 7.3.6, “Other Drug
concerns about less favorable outcomes of MRA use for Treatment”.
HFrEF during usual care (8,9). Coadministration of
MRA with ACEi or ARB mildly increases the risk of 7.3.4. Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors
1. In patients with symptomatic chronic HFrEF, SGLT2i are recommended to reduce hospitalization for HF
1 A and cardiovascular mortality, irrespective of the presence of type 2 diabetes (1,2).
Value Statement: Intermediate 2. In patients with symptomatic chronic HFrEF, SGLT2i therapy provides intermediate economic value (3,4).
Value (A)
type 2 diabetes. The DAPA-HF (Dapagliflozin and Preven- analysis of DAPA-HF and EMPEROR-Reduced trials,
tion of Adverse Outcomes in Heart Failure) trial and SGLT2i therapy was associated with a reduction in all-
EMPEROR-Reduced (EMPagliflozin outcomE tRial in Pa- cause mortality and cardiovascular death (9). The ben-
tients With chrOnic heaRt Failure With Reduced Ejection efits in both trials were seen irrespective of baseline
Fraction) showed the benefit of SGLT2i (dapagliflozin and diabetes status. Furthermore, serious renal outcomes
empagliflozin, respectively) versus placebo on outcomes were less frequent, and the rate of decline in eGFR was
(median follow-up, 16–18 months) (1,2). Patients enrolled slower in patients treated with SGLT2i (1,2,9). In the
had symptomatic chronic HFrEF (LVEF #40%, NYHA class SOLOIST-WHF (Effect of Sotagliflozin on Cardiovascular
II to IV, and elevated natriuretic peptides) and were Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes And Worsening
already on GDMT. Important exclusions were eGFR <20 Heart Failure) trial, patients with diabetes and HF
(EMPEROR-Reduced) or <30 mL/min/1.73 m 2 (DAPA-HF), hospitalization (79%: LVEF, <50%) were enrolled
type 1 diabetes, or lower SBP <95 to 100 mm Hg. before discharge or within 3 days of discharge.
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Sotagliflozin, a dual inhibitor of sodium-glucose co- value according to the benchmarks adopted for the
transporters 1 and 2, reduced the combined endpoint of current guideline. The results were most sensitive to
cardiovascular death, HF hospitalization, or urgent HF the magnitude of cardiovascular mortality reduction,
visits by 33% (10) but has not been approved by the U.S. with a $8% reduction in cardiovascular mortality
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as of 2021. necessary for a cost per QALY below $150,000 in 1 study
Although SGLT2i increased risk for genital infections, (3). There are a wide range of costs currently seen with
they were otherwise well tolerated in the trials. As the dapagliflozin. These 2 analyses estimated a cost per
use of SGLT2i is translated into clinical practice, QALY below $50,000 with annual dapagliflozin costs of
caution is warranted for euglycemic ketoacidosis, $3240 (43% reduction from main analysis) and $2500
genital and soft tissue infections, and adjustment of (40% reduction from main analysis), respectively (3,4).
diuretics, if needed, to prevent volume depletion (11). A smaller reduction in drug cost would lead to a cost
2. Two model-based analyses evaluated the economic per QALY of under $60,000, the threshold for high
value of dapagliflozin therapy compared with usual value in this guideline.
care based on the results of the DAPA-HF trial (3,4).
Both analyses found costs per QALY between $60,000
and $90,000, which is consistent with intermediate 7.3.5. Hydralazine and Isosorbide Dinitrate
1. For patients self-identified as African American with NYHA class III-IV HFrEF who are receiving optimal
1 A medical therapy, the combination of hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate is recommended to improve
symptoms and reduce morbidity and mortality (1,2).
Value Statement: High Value (B-NR) 2. For patients self-identified as African American with NYHA class III to IV HFrEF who are receiving optimal
medical therapy with ACEi or ARB, beta blockers, and MRA, the combination of hydralazine and isosorbide
dinitrate provides high economic value (3).
3. In patients with current or previous symptomatic HFrEF who cannot be given first-line agents, such as
2b C-LD ARNi, ACEi, or ARB, because of drug intolerance or renal insufficiency, a combination of hydralazine and
isosorbide dinitrate might be considered to reduce morbidity and mortality (4,5).
Colors correspond to COR in Table 2. Treatment recommendations for patients with HFrEF are displayed. Step 1 medications may be started simultaneously at initial
(low) doses recommended for HFrEF. Alternatively, these medications may be started sequentially, with sequence guided by clinical or other factors, without need to
achieve target dosing before initiating next medication. Medication doses should be increased to target as tolerated. ACEi indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ARNi, angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor; COR, Class of Recommendation; CRT, cardiac resynchronization therapy;
GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; hydral-nitrates, hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate; HFrEF, heart failure with
reduced ejection fraction; LBBB, left bundle branch block; MCS, mechanical circulatory support; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor
antagonist; NSR, normal sinus rhythm; NYHA, New York Heart Association; and SGLT2i, sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor. *Participation in investigational
studies is appropriate for stage C, NYHA class II and III HF.
ARB, a beta blocker, and MRA offered significant analysis found hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate
benefit (2). Thus, the combination of hydralazine and remained high value over a lifetime with a cost per life-
isosorbide dinitrate is appropriate for African Ameri- year <$60,000 despite conservative assumptions
cans with HFrEF who remain symptomatic despite regarding the durability of therapy effectiveness and
concomitant use of ACEi (or ARB), beta blockers, and previously higher hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate
MRA. There are insufficient data for concomitant use costs.
with ARNi. 3. It is unclear if a benefit of hydralazine-isosorbide
2. The economic value of hydralazine and isosorbide ni- dinitrate (suggested in a trial before the use of ACEi)
trate therapy was assessed by the A-HeFT trial (3). This (4) exists for non–African Americans with HFrEF.
analysis found hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate Despite the lack of data with the vasodilator combina-
increased survival and reduced health care costs over tion in patients who are intolerant of ACEi or ARB,
the 12.8-month trial. Extrapolating beyond the trial, the especially those with renal insufficiency, the combined
e48 Heidenreich et al JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
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use of hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate might be ARNi, ACEi, or ARB, because of drug intolerance, hy-
considered as a therapeutic option in such patients. potension, or renal insufficiency, referral to a HF
Although the potential benefit is unknown and has not specialist can provide guidance for further manage-
been shown in recent observational datasets (5), in V- ment, and the use of hydralazine and isosorbide dini-
HeFT I, the use of hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate trate in these patients might be considered.
reduced mortality in patients with HF treated with
digoxin and diuretics, compared with placebo (4). If
patients are unable to tolerate first-line agents, such as 7.3.6. Other Drug Treatment
1. In patients with HF class II to IV symptoms, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplementation
2b B-R may be reasonable to use as adjunctive therapy to reduce mortality and cardiovascular hospitalizations
2. In patients with HF who experience hyperkalemia (serum potassium level ‡5.5 mEq/L) while taking a
2b B-R renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitor (RAASi), the effectiveness of potassium binders
(patiromer, sodium zirconium cyclosilicate) to improve outcomes by facilitating continuation of RAASi
therapy is uncertain (5,6).
3. In patients with chronic HFrEF without a specific indication (e.g., venous thromboembolism [VTE], AF, a
3: No Benefit B-R previous thromboembolic event, or a cardioembolic source), anticoagulation is not recommended (7-9).
hyperkalemia, and a higher proportion of patients able but not in others (20-22). An RCT that compared the
to increase spironolactone dose to 50 mg daily outcome of patients with HFrEF assigned to aspirin,
compared with placebo (5). The HARMONIZE (Hyper- warfarin, or clopidogrel found that no therapy was
kalemia Randomized Intervention Multidose ZS-9 superior (7). Another trial that compared aspirin with
Maintenance) trial included 94 patients (out of 258 warfarin in patients with reduced LVEF, sinus rhythm,
total) with HF (87 of whom entered the double-blind and no cardioembolic source showed no difference in
phase) (6,13). The SZC groups achieved lower potas- either the primary outcome of death, stroke, or intra-
sium levels overall compared with placebo, and a cerebral hemorrhage, and no difference in the com-
higher proportion maintained normokalemia (potas- bined outcome of death, ischemic stroke, intracerebral
sium levels, <5.1 mEq/L). Whether patiromer or SZC hemorrhage, MI, or HF hospitalization (8). There was a
improve clinical outcomes is under investigation. significant increase in major bleeding with warfarin. A
Adverse effects for the newer potassium binders trial of rivaroxaban in patients with HFrEF, CAD, and
include hypomagnesemia (for patiromer) and edema normal sinus rhythm showed no difference in mortal-
(for SZC). ity, MI, and stroke compared with placebo (9). There-
3. In several retrospective analyses, the risk of thrombo- fore, there is no evidence of benefit for anticoagulation
embolic events was not lower in patients with HF tak- in HF patients without a specific indication (e.g., VTE,
ing warfarin than in patients not treated with AF, a previous thromboembolic event, or a car-
antithrombotic drugs (17-19). The use of warfarin was dioembolic source).
associated with a reduction in major cardiovascular
events and death in patients with HF in some studies 7.3.7. Drugs of Unproven Value or That May Worsen HF
1. In patients with HFrEF, dihydropyridine calcium channel-blocking drugs are not recommended treatment
3: No Benefit A for HF (1,2).
2. In patients with HFrEF, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and hormonal therapy are not recommended
3: No Benefit B-R other than to correct specific deficiencies (3-9).
3. In patients with HFrEF, nondihydropyridine calcium channel-blocking drugs are not recommended (10-
3: Harm A 13).
4. In patients with HFrEF, class IC antiarrhythmic medications and dronedarone may increase the risk of
3: Harm A mortality (14-16).
5. In patients with HFrEF, thiazolidinediones increase the risk of worsening HF symptoms and hospitali-
3: Harm A zations (17-21).
6. In patients with type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular risk, the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) in-
3: Harm B-R hibitors saxagliptin and alogliptin increase the risk of HF hospitalization and should be avoided in pa-
tients with HF (22-24).
7. In patients with HFrEF, NSAIDs worsen HF symptoms and should be avoided or withdrawn whenever
3: Harm B-NR possible (25-28).
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text after acute MI, diltiazem was associated with a higher
risk of recurrent HF (11,12).
1. Second-generation dihydropyridine calcium channel
4. In the CAST (Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression) trial,
blockers, including amlodipine and felodipine, have
patients with asymptomatic ventricular arrhythmias
greater selectivity for calcium channels in vascular
post-MI on the class IC antiarrhythmics encainide or
smooth muscle cells and less myocardial depressant
flecainide had increased mortality (14). The applica-
activity. By reducing peripheral vasoconstriction and
bility of CAST to patients without recent MI or to other
LV afterload, calcium channel blockers were thought to
class I antiarrhythmic drugs is uncertain, but class IC
have a potential role in the management of chronic HF.
antiarrhythmic agents are generally avoided in pa-
The PRAISE-1 (Prospective Randomized Amlodipine
tients with structural heart disease. In ANDROMEDA
Survival Evaluation-1) study showed a reduction in
(Antiarrhythmic Trial with Dronedarone in Moderate to
mortality in the subgroup of patients with nonischemic
Severe CHF Evaluating Morbidity Decrease Study), for
cardiomyopathy who received amlodipine (1). Howev-
the class III antiarrhythmic dronedarone, patients with
er, in the PRAISE-2 (Prospective Randomized Amlodi-
HFrEF who were hospitalized had increased mortality
pine Survival Evaluation 2) trial, which enrolled only
(16). In the SWORD (Survival With ORal D-sotalol) trial
patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy, no sur-
of the class III antiarrhythmic sotalol, patients with HF
vival benefit was observed, indicating the limitations
post-MI had increased mortality (15). However, SWORD
of conclusions derived from subgroup analyses (29).
was published in 1996, and whether sotalol would be
However, dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers
harmful in the current era of GDMT and ICDs is un-
may be used for treatment of hypertension in patients
certain; sotalol may be used for refractory atrial-
who have elevated blood pressure despite optimization
ventricular arrhythmias with close monitoring for
of GDMT.
decompensation. Amiodarone (46,47) and dofetilide
2. Many nutritional supplements and hormonal therapies
(48,49) are the only antiarrhythmic agents with neutral
have been proposed for the treatment of HF (3-9,30,31).
effects on mortality in clinical trials of patients with
Ultimately, most studies are limited by small sample
HFrEF. Class IA antiarrhythmic agents such as quini-
sizes, surrogate endpoints, or nonrandomized design
dine and class IB agents such as mexiletine have not
(32,33). In addition, adverse effects and drug-
been studied and may be indicated for the manage-
nutraceutical interactions remain unresolved. There
ment of refractory ventricular arrhythmias in the
is a lack of evidence of benefit from vitamin D (3-5),
context of the individual patient’s risk benefit calculus
thiamine (34-36), carnitine (37), and taurine (38,39)
and in conjunction with electrophysiology
and potential harm from vitamin E (6,7). The largest
RCT of coenzyme Q10—Q-SYMBIO (Coenzyme Q10 as
5. Thiazolidinediones increase insulin sensitivity by
adjunctive treatment of chronic heart failure with
activating nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated
focus on SYMptoms, BIomarker status [Brain-
receptor gamma (PPAR-g ). Expressed in virtually all
Natriuretic Peptide], and long-term Outcome [hospi-
tissues, PPAR- g also regulates sodium reabsorption in
talisations/mortality])—showed no changes in NYHA
the collecting ducts of the kidney. In observational
functional classification at 16 weeks, although the
cohort studies (17), meta-analysis (18), and clinical
incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events at 2
trials (19-21), thiazolidinediones have been associated
years was significantly reduced (hazard ratio, 0.50;
with increased incidence of fluid retention and HF
95% CI, 0.32-0.80; P¼0.003) (8). Despite these find-
events in those patients with (19,21) or without (18,20)
ings, concerns about slow recruitment in this trial have
a previous history of HF.
tempered enthusiasm for coenzyme Q10 supplemen-
6. DPP-4 is a cell-surface enzyme that deactivates several
tation in clinical practice (9,31). Hormonal therapies
peptides include glucose-dependent insulinotropic
have been proposed for the treatment of HF, but trials
polypeptide and glucagon-like peptide 1. DPP-4 in-
have shown a neutral effect of testosterone (40,41),
hibitors affect glucose regulation through multiple
growth hormone (30,42), and thyroid hormone (43-45)
mechanisms, including enhancement of glucose-
in HF outcomes.
dependent insulin secretion, slowed gastric
3. Nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers—diltia- emptying, and reduction of postprandial glucagon and
zem and verapamil—are myocardial depressants and of food intake. The impact of DPP-4 inhibitors on car-
generally not well tolerated in HF. Verapamil had no diovascular outcomes in patients with diabetes and
impact of survival or major cardiac events post-MI, high cardiovascular risk has been assessed in multiple
including in those patients with HFrEF after acute MI RCTs. Saxagliptin increased the risk of hospitalization
(10). In patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy, for HF (22), as did alogliptin in a post hoc analysis
diltiazem had no impact on mortality (13) but, in HFrEF including only patients with no HF history (23,50), but
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e51
-, 2022:-–- 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
Associated With HF
Causes Exacerbates
Drug or Direct Underlying Magnitude of LOE for HF
Therapeutic Myocardial Myocardial HF Induction or Induction or
Class Toxicity Dysfunction Precipitation Precipitation Possible Mechanism(s) Onset
Saxagliptin X Major A
Unknown Intermediate to delayed
Alogliptin X Major A
Flecainide X Major A
Negative inotrope, proarrhythmic effects Immediate to intermediate
Disopyramide X Major B
Alpha-1 blockers
Diltiazem X Major B
Nifedipine X Moderate C
Adapted from Page RL 2nd et al. (57). Copyright 2016 American Heart Association Inc.
COX indicates cyclo-oxygenase; HF, heart failure; LOE, Level of Evidence; and NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
sitagliptin (51,52) and linagliptin (53-55) did not; these inhibit sodium resorption in the thick ascending loop
findings may have been a result of baseline differences of Henle and collecting tubule. Hence, NSAIDs can
in the use of metformin, thiazolidinediones, and in- cause sodium and water retention and blunt the effects
sulin, which also affect HF risk. The FDA recommends of diuretics. Several observational cohort studies have
discontinuation specifically of saxagliptin and alog- revealed increased morbidity and mortality in patients
liptin in patients who develop HF (56), and whether the with HF using either nonselective or selective NSAIDs
risk of worsening HF is a class effect of DPP-4 in- (25-28).
hibitors is unclear.
7. NSAIDs inhibit the synthesis of renal prostaglandins,
which mediate vasodilation in the kidneys and directly 7.3.8. GDMT Dosing: Sequencing and Uptitration
1. In patients with HFrEF, titration of guideline-directed medication dosing to achieve target doses showed
1 A to be efficacious in RCTs is recommended, to reduce cardiovascular mortality and HF hospitalizations,
unless not well tolerated (1-10).
Captopril 6.25 mg 3 times daily 50 mg 3 times daily 122.7 mg total daily (19)
Enalapril 2.5 mg twice daily 10–20 mg twice daily 16.6 mg total daily (3)
Lisinopril 2.5–5 mg once daily 20–40 mg once daily 32.5–35.0 mg total daily (17)
Losartan 25–50 mg once daily 50–150 mg once daily 129 mg total daily (18)
Valsartan 20–40 mg once daily 160 mg twice daily 254 mg total daily (21)
Sacubitril-valsartan 49 mg sacubitril and 51 mg valsartan twice daily 97 mg sacubitril and 103 mg valsartan 182 mg sacubitril and (22)
(therapy may be initiated at 24 mg sacubitril and 26 twice daily 193 mg valsartan total
mg valsartan twice daily) daily
Beta blockers
Bisoprolol 1.25 mg once daily 10 mg once daily 8.6 mg total daily (1)
Carvedilol 3.125 mg twice daily 25–50 mg twice daily 37 mg total daily (23)
Metoprolol succinate 12.5–25 mg once daily 200 mg once daily 159 mg total daily (11)
extended release
(metoprolol CR/XL)
Spironolactone 12.5–25 mg once daily 25–50 mg once daily 26 mg total daily (6)
Fixed dose combination 20 mg isosorbide dinitrate and 37.5 mg hydralazine 3 40 mg isosorbide dinitrate and 75 mg 90 mg isosorbide dinitrate (10)
times daily hydralazine 3 times daily and w175 mg hydralazine
total daily
Isosorbide dinitrate and 20–30 mg isosorbide dinitrate and 25–50 mg 120 mg isosorbide dinitrate total daily in NA (24)
hydralazine hydralazine 3–4 times daily divided doses and 300 mg hydralazine total
daily in divided doses
If Channel inhibitor
Ivabradine 5 mg twice daily 7.5 mg twice daily 12.8 total daily (25-27)
Vericiguat 2.5 mg once daily 10 mg once daily 9.2 mg total daily (28)
Digoxin 0.125–0.25 mg daily (modified according to Individualized variable dose to achieve serum NA (29,30)
monogram) digoxin concentration 0.5–<0.9 ng/mL
ACE indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CR, controlled release; CR/XL, controlled release/extended release; HF, heart failure; HFrEF, heart
failure with reduced ejection fraction; NA, not applicable; NR, not reported; and SGLT2i, sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor.
Relative Risk
Reduction in NNT to Prevent NNT for NNT for
All-Cause Mortality in All-Cause Mortality All-Cause Mortality All- Cause Mortality
Evidence-Based Therapy Pivotal RCTs, % Over Time* (Standardized to 12 mo) (Standardized to 36 mo)
ARNi† 16 36 over 27 mo 80 27
SGLT2i 17 43 over 18 mo 63 22
CRT 36 12 over 24 mo 24 8
ICD 23 14 over 60 mo 70 23
target doses were the ones that established the efficacy uptitration of a HF medication should be delayed until
and safety of these medications in HFrEF and serve as the any adverse effects observed with lower doses have
basis of the guideline recommendations (Table 15), use resolved. When such a strategy is used for dose titra-
of these target doses is recommended, if tolerated tion, most patients (approximately 70%–85%) enrolled
(1-9,11-14). Use of all 4 drug classes has been estimated to in clinical trials who received these medications were
reduce all-cause mortality by 73% compared with no able to tolerate short-, intermediate-, and long-term
treatment (15). treatment with these agents and achieve and main-
If the target dose cannot be achieved or is not well tain the trial defined target dose (1-9,11-14). Repeated
tolerated, then the highest tolerated dose is recom- attempts at uptitration can result in optimization, even
mended. There are no direct data showing that use of if initial attempts may fail. In patients with HFrEF, beta
lower doses of HFrEF medications among patients, where blockers provide dose-dependent improvements in
higher target doses could be tolerated, would produce the LVEF, reduction in HF hospitalizations, and reduction
same or similar degree of clinical benefit. In trials that in all-cause mortality (17). Trials of lower versus higher
have evaluated dose response for outcomes, composite dose of ACEi and ARB have shown lower risk of car-
event rates were lower with target doses compared with diovascular death or HF hospitalization with higher
lower dose (16-18). doses, with similar safety and tolerability (17,18).
2. Initiation and titration should be individualized and
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
optimized without delay according to patient’s symp-
1. The use of these specific medications for HFrEF should toms, vital signs, functional status, tolerance, renal
involve initiation at low-starting doses, uptitration at function, electrolytes, comorbidities, specific cause of
specified intervals as tolerated, and achieving- HF, and ability of follow-up. In patients with HFrEF,
maintaining the target doses shown to be effective in simultaneous initiation or sequencing, and order of
major clinical trials. Every effort should be made by guideline-directed medications are usually individual-
clinicians to achieve and maintain the clinical trial– ized according to patient’s symptoms, vital signs,
defined target doses (Table 13) of guideline-directed functional status, tolerance, renal function, electro-
medications, as long as they are well tolerated by the lytes, comorbidities, specific cause of HF, and ability of
patient. Patients should be monitored for changes in follow-up, and does not necessarily need to be done
heart rate, blood pressure, electrolytes, renal function, according to the sequence of trial publications and
and symptoms during this uptitration period. Planned should not be delayed.
e54 Heidenreich et al JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
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1. For patients with symptomatic (NYHA class II to III) stable chronic HFrEF (LVEF £35%) who are receiving
2a B-R GDMT, including a beta blocker at maximum tolerated dose, and who are in sinus rhythm with a heart rate
of ‡70 bpm at rest, ivabradine can be beneficial to reduce HF hospitalizations and cardiovascular death
Synopsis included patients with HFrEF and LVEF #35% who were
Heart rate is a strong predictor of cardiovascular out- in sinus rhythm with a resting heart rate of $70 bpm.
comes in the general population and in patients with CVD, Participants were predominantly NYHA class II and III.
including HF. The SHIFT (Ivabradine and Outcomes in Participants had been hospitalized for HF in the preced-
Chronic Heart Failure) trial tested the hypothesis that ing 12 months and were on stable GDMT for 4 weeks
reducing heart rate in patients with HF improves cardio- before initiation of ivabradine therapy (1-4). The target
vascular outcomes (1). SHIFT demonstrated the efficacy of of ivabradine is heart rate, and the benefit of ivabradine
ivabradine, a sinoatrial node modulator that selectively results from a reduction in heart rate. However, only 25%
inhibits the I f current, in reducing the composite endpoint of patients studied in SHIFT were on optimal doses of
of cardiovascular death or HF hospitalization in patients beta-blocker therapy. Given the well-proven mortality
with HF. See Figure 7 for a summary of additional medical benefits of beta-blocker therapy, these agents should be
therapy recommendations. initiated and uptitrated to target doses, as tolerated,
before assessing the resting heart rate for consideration
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
of ivabradine initiation (5,6).
1. Although the primary outcome in SHIFT was a composite
of hospitalization and cardiovascular death, the greatest Pharmacological Treatment for Stage C HFrEF:
benefit was a reduction in HF hospitalization. SHIFT Digoxin
1. In patients with symptomatic HFrEF despite GDMT (or who are unable to tolerate GDMT), digoxin might
2b B-R be considered to decrease hospitalizations for HF (1,2).
concentration in patients with AF and at risk for stroke, continued with caution (11). Therapy with digoxin is
including those with HF, and in patients with HF. The commonly initiated and maintained at a dose of 0.125
risk of death was independently associated with serum to 0.25 mg daily. Low doses (0.125 mg daily or every
digoxin concentration, with a significantly higher risk other day) should be used initially if the patient is >70
observed in those with concentrations $1.2 ng/mL years of age, has impaired renal function, or has a low
and $1.6 ng/mL (8,9). The benefit of digoxin in patients lean body mass. Higher doses (e.g., digoxin 0.375 to
with HF remains controversial. GDMT is expected to be 0.50 mg daily) are rarely used or needed in the man-
optimized before considering the addition of digoxin. agement of patients with HF.
Clinical worsening after withdrawal of digoxin has been Pharmacological Treatment for Stage C HFrEF:
shown (10). Therapy with digoxin may either be
Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Stimulators
continued in the absence of a contraindication or dis-
Recommendation for Pharmacological Treatment for Stage C HFrEF: Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Stimulators
Referenced studies that support the recommendation are summarized in the Online Data Supplements.
1. In selected high-risk patients with HFrEF and recent worsening of HF already on GDMT, an oral soluble
2b B-R guanylate cyclase stimulator (vericiguat) may be considered to reduce HF hospitalization and cardio-
vascular death (1).
Colors correspond to COR in Table 2. Recommendations for additional medical therapies that may be considered for patients with HF are shown. GDMT
indicates guideline-directed medical therapy; HF, heart failure; HFH, heart failure hospitalization; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; IV,
intravenous; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVESD, left ventricular end systolic dimension; MV, mitral valve; MR, mitral regurgitation; NP, natriuretic
peptide; NSR, normal sinus rhythm; and NYHA, New York Heart Association; RAASi, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors.
1. In patients with nonischemic DCM or ischemic heart disease at least 40 days post-MI with LVEF £35% and
1 A NYHA class II or III symptoms on chronic GDMT, who have reasonable expectation of meaningful survival
for >1 year, ICD therapy is recommended for primary prevention of SCD to reduce total mortality (1-9).
Value Statement: High Value (A) 2. A transvenous ICD provides high economic value in the primary prevention of SCD particularly when the
patient’s risk of death caused by ventricular arrythmia is deemed high and the risk of nonarrhythmic death
(either cardiac or noncardiac) is deemed low based on the patient’s burden of comorbidities and func-
tional status (10-15).
3. In patients at least 40 days post-MI with LVEF £30% and NYHA class I symptoms while receiving GDMT,
1 B-R who have reasonable expectation of meaningful survival for >1 year, ICD therapy is recommended for
primary prevention of SCD to reduce total mortality (6).
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e57
-, 2022:-–- 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
4. For patients who have LVEF £35%, sinus rhythm, left bundle branch block (LBBB) with a QRS
1 B-R duration ‡150 ms, and NYHA class II, III, or ambulatory IV symptoms on GDMT, CRT is indicated to reduce
total mortality, reduce hospitalizations, and improve symptoms and QOL (16-21).
Value Statement: High Value (B-NR) 5. For patients who have LVEF £35%, sinus rhythm, LBBB with a QRS duration of ‡150 ms, and NYHA class
II, III, or ambulatory IV symptoms on GDMT, CRT implantation provides high economic value (22-27).
6. For patients who have LVEF £35%, sinus rhythm, a non-LBBB pattern with a QRS duration ‡150 ms, and
2a B-R NYHA class II, III, or ambulatory class IV symptoms on GDMT, CRT can be useful to reduce total mor-
tality, reduce hospitalizations, and improve symptoms and QOL (16-21,28-33).
7. In patients with high-degree or complete heart block and LVEF of 36% to 50%, CRT is reasonable to
2a B-R reduce total mortality, reduce hospitalizations, and improve symptoms and QOL (34,35).
8. For patients who have LVEF £35%, sinus rhythm, LBBB with a QRS duration of 120 to 149 ms, and NYHA
2a B-NR class II, III, or ambulatory IV symptoms on GDMT, CRT can be useful to reduce total mortality, reduce
hospitalizations, and improve symptoms and QOL (16-21,28-33).
9. In patients with AF and LVEF £35% on GDMT, CRT can be useful to reduce total mortality, improve
2a B-NR symptoms and QOL, and increase LVEF, if: a) the patient requires ventricular pacing or otherwise meets
CRT criteria and b) atrioventricular nodal ablation or pharmacological rate control will allow near 100%
ventricular pacing with CRT (16-21,28-33).
10. For patients on GDMT who have LVEF £35% and are undergoing placement of a new or replacement
2a B-NR device implantation with anticipated requirement for significant (>40%) ventricular pacing, CRT can be
useful to reduce total mortality, reduce hospitalizations, and improve symptoms and QOL (16-21,28-33).
11. In patients with genetic arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy with high-risk features of sudden death, with
2a B-NR EF £45%, implantation of ICD is reasonable to decrease sudden death (36,37).
12. For patients who have LVEF £35%, sinus rhythm, a non-LBBB pattern with QRS duration of 120 to 149
2b B-NR ms, and NYHA class III or ambulatory class IV on GDMT, CRT may be considered to reduce total mortality,
reduce hospitalizations, and improve symptoms and QOL (16-21,28-33).
13. For patients who have LVEF £30%, ischemic cause of HF, sinus rhythm, LBBB with a QRS duration ‡150
2b B-NR ms, and NYHA class I symptoms on GDMT, CRT may be considered to reduce hospitalizations and
improve symptoms and QOL (16-21,28-33).
14. In patients with QRS duration <120 ms, CRT is not recommended (36-41).
3: No Benefit B-R
15. For patients with NYHA class I or II symptoms and non-LBBB pattern with QRS duration <150 ms, CRT is
3: No Benefit B-NR not recommended (16-21,28-33).
16. For patients whose comorbidities or frailty limit survival with good functional capacity to <1 year, ICD
3: No Benefit C-LD and cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillation (CRT-D) are not indicated (1-9,16-21).
CASH (Cardiac Arrest Study Hamburg), and CIDS costs were unaccompanied by a gain in life expec-
(Canadian Implantable Defibrillator StudyS), benefit tancy (14).
was observed in those who were randomized to ICDs 3. The MADIT-II trial randomized patients with previous
(1-3). Extension of benefit was then shown in other MI and LVEF <30%, without any limitation of HF
patient populations that were at perceived risk of class, to ICDs or not (6). Thirty-seven percent of the
SCD. In the first MADIT (Multicenter Automated patients were in class I congestive heart failure (CHF).
Defibrillator Implantation Trial) trial, patients with Mortality was reduced with an ICD.
previous MI, LVEF #35% with nonsustained VT had 4. Most of the relevant data for the guidelines of CRT in
a mortality benefit with ICD (4). Similar populations HF come from seminal trials published from 2002 to
in MUSTT (Multicenter UnSustained Tachycardia 2010. The first of these was the MIRACLE (Multicenter
Trial) also showed benefit (5). In MADIT-II (Multi- InSync Randomized Clinical Evaluation) trial, which
center Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II), took patients with LVEF #35%, moderate to severe
patients with no arrhythmia qualifier but with pre- HF, and QRS duration $130 ms (16). There was a
vious MIs and LVEF #30% derived benefit from ICD benefit in the 6-minute walk test, QOL, functional HF
(6). The DEFINITE (Defibrillators in Non-Ischemic classification, and LVEF. The COMPANION (Compari-
Cardiomyopathy Treatment Evaluation) study son of Medical Therapy, Pacing and Defibrillation in
included only nonischemic patients with LVEF #35% Heart Failure) trial, which enrolled NYHA class III to
and frequent premature ventricular contractions IV patients with QRS $120 ms, included 3 arms:
(PVCs) or nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) GDMT, CRT-D, and CRT pacemaker (CRT-P) (17). The
(7). There was a trend to mortality benefit, but it primary endpoint of death or hospitalization was
ultimately did not achieve significance. In SCD- decreased with CRT-P and CRT-D. The CARE-HF
HEFT (Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure (Cardiac Resynchronization Heart Failure) trial
Trial), patients with ischemic and nonischemic car- included a similar group with NYHA class III to IV,
diomyopathy, LVEF #35%, and HF class II to III LVEF #35%, QRS >120 ms, and showed a significant
showed benefit with an ICD compared with either reduction in primary and endpoint of death or hos-
amiodarone or placebo (8). More recently, the pitalization (18). In the REVERSE (Resynchronization
DANISH (Defibrillator Implantation in Patients with Reverses Remodeling in Systolic Left Ventricular
Nonischemic Systolic Heart Failure) trial enrolled Dysfunction) trial, patients with NYHA class I to II and
patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy and LVEF #40% were randomized to CRT-D on for 1 year
LVEF #35% to ICD or standard care (9). There was and CRT-D off for 1 year or vice versa (19). A HF
no reduction in the primary endpoint of total mor- composite endpoint was less common when CRT was
tality, but there was a reduction in SCD risk. In the activated. MADIT-CRT enrolled NYHA class I and II HF
DANISH trial, 58% of patients in each limb received with LVEF #30% and QRS $130 ms and compared
CRT, possibly mitigating the benefit of an ICD. CRT-D with ICD (20). The primary endpoint of death
2. Economic outcomes of ICD implantation for primary or HF was reduced by CRT-D. The RAFT (Resynchro-
prevention of SCD were assessed in 3 RCTs (MADIT-I nization-Defibrillation for Ambulatory Heart Failure)
[13], MADIT-II [15], and SCD-HeFT [12]), 1 observa- trial randomized patients with NYHA class II to III HF,
tional study (10), and 3 simulation models (11,14,42), LVEF #30%, QRS >120 ms, or paced QRS $200 ms and
all of which had generally consistent results. All compared CRT-D with ICD (21). Again, there was a
studies reported increased survival and life expec- reduction in the primary endpoint of death or HF
tancy and higher lifetime costs of medical care with an hospitalization.
ICD than without an ICD. The incremental cost- 5. The economic value of CRT has been evaluated by 3
effectiveness ratios were generally <$60,000 per RCTs (COMPANION [22], MADIT-CRT [26], and
year of life added by an ICD, which provides high REVERSE [23]), 2 model-based analyses (25,27), and 1
value according to the benchmarks adopted for the observational study (24). These analyses consistently
current guideline. The value provided by an ICD was found CRT increased survival and QOL in addition to
consistently high when life expectancy was projected increasing health care costs. However, the economic
to increase by >1.4 years (14). In contrast, when sur- value of CRT likely varies as a result of the shown
vival was not increased by ICD implantation, as in the variation in treatment effect (26). Among populations
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) Patch trial (43), with larger expected mortality reduction and
the ICD did not provide value, because the higher improvement in QOL, such as patients with a LBBB
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e59
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with QRS duration >150 ms, the cost per QALY is 11. Identification of specific arrhythmogenic genetic
<$60,000 (22,26,27). Among other populations ex- variants such as LMNA/C, desmosomal proteins,
pected to have smaller treatment benefit, the eco- phospholamban, and Filamin-C carry implications
nomic value is more uncertain. However, a model- for implantation of ICDs for primary prevention of
based analysis of patients with NYHA class I to II sudden death even in patients who have LVEF
found the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio >35%, or <3 months of GDMT. Most patients
remained <$150,000 per QALY with even small re- with LMNA/C cardiomyopathy will progress to car-
ductions in all-cause mortality (27). Therefore, CRT diac transplantation, sometimes precipitated by
likely provides at least intermediate value for patients refractory arrhythmias more than by pump failure
with other guideline-indicated recommendations in (36-38,49).
which CRT is expected to reduce mortality. 12. Subgroup analysis of the CRT RCTs has shown that
6. Subgroup analysis of the previously mentioned trials patients with LVEFs #35%, non-LBBB, and QRS
has informed us of the predictors of benefit, including duration of 120 to 149 ms and NYHA class III to
longer QRS duration, and LBBB versus non-LBBB (28). ambulatory class IV did not derive as much benefit as
The most benefit was gained with wider QRS dura- those with LBBB $120 ms (17,28-32).
tions and with LBBB. This was true in COMPANION, 13. The MADIT-CRT trial included NYHA class I (and class
CARE-HF, MADIT-CRT, REVERSE, and RAFT (17,29- II) patients with ischemic heart disease, LVEF #30%,
32). A QRS duration >150 ms was also a predictor of and QRS >130 ms (39). Patients with nonischemic
response, and in those with non-LBBB, a prolonged PR cardiomyopathy were enrolled if they had NYHA class
predicted benefit in MADIT-CRT but not in REVERSE II HF.
(33). 14. Extension of benefit to patients with narrow QRS
7. Extension of benefit to those with LVEF between 35% has been attempted but has generally failed. In the
and 50% has been seen. In the BLOCK-HF (Biven- RETHINQ (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in
tricular versus Right Ventricular Pacing in Heart Patients with Heart Failure and Narrow QRS) trial,
Failure) trial, patients with NYHA class I to III HF, patients with QRS duration <130 ms were random-
LVEF #50%, and atrioventricular block randomized to ized to CRT or not (40). There was no benefit from
RV pacing or CRT, there was benefit to CRT in reduc- CRT, but subgroup analysis showed there was a
tion in the primary outcome of death, urgent HF visit, benefit with QRS durations between 120 and 130 ms.
or 15% increase in LV end systolic volume (34). In the ECHO-CRT (Echocardiography Guided Cardiac
8. In the previously mentioned CRT trials, there was Resynchronization Therapy) trial, patients with
some benefit for those with LBBB and QRS durations NYHA class III to IV HF, LVEF #35% and a QRS
between 120 and 149, but not as much benefit as those duration #130 ms, and mechanical dysynchrony on
with LBBB $150 ms (17,28-32). echocardiography underwent randomization to CRT
9. Several trials have included patients with AF. In the (50). There was no benefit to CRT in this trial. And
MUSTIC AF (Multisite Stimulation in Cardiomyopa- in the LESSER-EARTH (Evaluation of Resynchroni-
thies) (44), RAFT (45), and the SPARE (Spanish zation Therapy for Heart Failure) trial, patients with
Atrial Fibrillation and Resynchronization) (46) trials, severe LV dysfunction and QRS <120 ms derived no
there were benefits in patients with AF, while in benefit from CRT (51). The NARROW-CRT (Narrow
COMPANION (47), AF attenuated the benefit of CRT. QRS Ischemic Patients Treated With Cardiac
In the PAVE (Post AV Nodal Ablation Evaluation) Resynchronization Therapy) was the only trial that
study, patients with NYHA class II to III, mean LVEF of showed a benefit in a clinical composite score in
46%, and AF undergoing atrioventricular node abla- patients with an indication for an ICD and QRS <120
tion, CRT improved the 6-minute walk test and LVEF ms (52).
compared with those who were RV paced (35). 15. Subgroup analysis of the CRT trials has shown no
10. In patients in whom there is an expected high burden benefit for those with LVEF #35%, non-LBBB 120 to
of ventricular pacing, especially if >40%, CRT may be 149, and NYHA class I-II HF (17,28-32).
used to reduce mortality, reduce hospitalizations, and 16. The 1-year survival is a standard inclusion for ICD and
improve symptoms and QOL (35,48). CRT trials (1-9,16-21).
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Colors correspond to COR in Table 2. Recommendations for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) are displayed. AF indicates atrial fibrillation; Amb, ambulatory; CM,
cardiomyopathy; GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; HB, heart block; HF, heart failure; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; LBBB, left bundle
branch block; LV, left ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NSR, normal sinus rhythm; NYHA, New York Heart Association; and RV, right ventricular.
7.4.2. Other Implantable Electrical Interventions nerve stimulation were positive, the largest and latest
Autonomic nervous system modulation is intriguing as a trial did not show a reduction in mortality and HF hos-
treatment for HFrEF because of the heightened sympa- pitalizations (4). Multisite LV pacing studies initially were
thetic response and decreased parasympathetic response promising (5,6). However, more recent data have not
in HF (1). Trials of device stimulation of the vagus nerve, confirmed benefit, and the larger phase 2 trial was
spinal cord, and baroreceptors have had mixed responses terminated early for low probability of benefit (7). His
(2). An implantable device that electrically stimulates the bundle and left bundle pacing are attractive because they
baroreceptors of the carotid artery has been approved by use the intrinsic conduction system. In observational
the FDA for the improvement of symptoms in patients data, there does appear to be a benefit over RV pacing (8);
with advanced HF who are unsuited for treatment with however, comparisons to CRT are limited (9,10). Cardiac
other HF devices including CRT. In a prospective, multi- contractility modulation (CCM), a device-based therapy
center, RCT with a total of 408 patients with current or that involves applying relatively high-voltage, long-
recent NYHA class III HF, LVEF #35%, baroreceptor duration electric signals to the RV septal wall during the
stimulation was associated with improvements in QOL, absolute myocardial refractory period, has been associ-
exercise capacity, and NT-proBNP levels (3). To date, ated with augmentation of LV contractile performance.
there are no mortality or hospitalization rates results CCM is FDA-approved for patients with NYHA class III
available with this device. Although early trials of vagus with LVEF of 25% to 45% who are not candidates for CRT.
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Four RCTs have shown benefits in exercise capacity and 7.4.3. Revascularization for CAD
QOL but, as of yet, no benefits in death or hospitalizations
(11-14). Most patients in these trials were class III CHF (3).
1. In selected patients with HF, reduced EF (EF £35%), and suitable coronary anatomy, surgical revascu-
1 B-R larization plus GDMT is beneficial to improve symptoms, cardiovascular hospitalizations, and long-term
all-cause mortality (1-8).
1. In patients with HF, VHD should be managed in a multidisciplinary manner in accordance with clinical
1 B-R practice guidelines for VHD to prevent worsening of HF and adverse clinical outcomes (1-11).
2. In patients with chronic severe secondary MR and HFrEF, optimization of GDMT is recommended before
1 C-LD any intervention for secondary MR related to LV dysfunction (3-5,12-14).
2. GDMT, including RAAS inhibition, beta blockers, and systolic diameter #70 mm, PA systolic pressure #70
biventricular pacing, improves MR and LV di- mm Hg, and persistent symptoms (NYHA class II to
mensions in patients with HFrEF and secondary MR, IV) while on optimal GDMT (28), and these criteria
particularly MR that is proportionate to LV dilatation apply when considering TEER. A cardiologist with
(1-5,12,13,17). In a small RCT, sacubitril-valsartan expertise in the management of HF is integral to
resulted in a significant reduction in effective shared decision-making for valve intervention and
regurgitant area and in regurgitant volume when should guide optimization of GDMT to ensure that
compared with valsartan. The COAPT trial showed a medical options for HF and secondary MR have been
mortality benefit with TEER in patients with severe effectively applied for an appropriate time period
secondary MR, LVEF between 20% and 50%, LV end- and exhausted before considering intervention.
Colors correspond to Table 2. AF indicates atrial fibrillation; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; ERO, effective regurgitant orifice; GDMT, guideline-directed
medical therapy; HF, heart failure; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVESD, left ventricular end-systolic diameter; MR, mitral regurgitation; MV, mitral
valve; PASP, pulmonary artery systolic pressure; RF, regurgitant fraction; RVol, regurgitant volume; and Rx, medication. *Chordal-sparing MV replacement
may be reasonable to choose over downsized annuloplasty repair. Adapted from Otto CM, et al. (15). Copyright 2021 American Heart Association, Inc., and
American College of Cardiology Foundation.
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1. In patients with HFmrEF, SGLT2i can be beneficial in decreasing HF hospitalizations and cardiovascular
2a B-R mortality (1).
2. Among patients with current or previous symptomatic HFmrEF (LVEF, 41%–49%), use of evidence-based
2b B-NR beta blockers for HFrEF, ARNi, ACEi, or ARB, and MRAs may be considered to reduce the risk of HF
hospitalization and cardiovascular mortality, particularly among patients with LVEF on the lower end of
this spectrum (2-9).
2. Post hoc and subsets of analyses of HFrEF trials that Failure With an Aldosterone Antagonist), spi-
included HFmrEF (LVEF 41%–49%) have suggested ronolactone reduced the risk of the primary composite
benefit from use of GDMT for HFrEF (i.e., beta blockers, endpoint of cardiovascular death, HF hospitalization,
ARNi, ACEi or ARB, and spironolactone) (2,3,5-8). The or resuscitated sudden death, which was mostly caused
BBmeta-HF (Beta-blockers in Heart Failure Collabora- by a reduction in cardiovascular mortality with spi-
tive Group) performed a meta-analysis of 11 HF trials; ronolactone and among patients enrolled in North and
in a subgroup of 575 patients with LVEF 40% to 49% in South America (6). Spironolactone is preferred among
sinus rhythm, beta blockers reduced the primary HFmrEF patients with poorly controlled hypertension
outcome of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality (2). given previous evidence supporting its use for blood
A subgroup analysis of the PARAGON-HF (Prospective pressure management (1). Continuation of GDMT for
Comparison of ARNi with ARB Global Outcomes in HF patients with improved HFrEF and HFmrEF is impor-
with Preserved Ejection Fraction) trial for patients with tant to reduce risk of recrudescent HF (4). Meta-
LVEF 45% to 57% (lower range of EFs in the trial) analyses report diverse findings with neurohormonal
suggested benefit of sacubitril-valsartan versus val- antagonism in patients with HFmrEF, specifying
sartan alone (rate ratio, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.64-0.95) (3). In benefit in certain subgroups, underlining the hetero-
a subgroup of 1322 patients with LVEF 41% to 49% in a geneity of this phenotype (2,9). Patients with HFmrEF
post hoc analysis of pooled data from the CHARM should have repeat evaluation of LVEF to determine
(Candesartan in Heart failure-Assessment of Reduction the trajectory of their disease process and should un-
in Mortality and morbidity) trials, candesartan reduced dergo testing as clinically indicated to diagnose con-
risk of cardiovascular death and HF hospitalization, the ditions warranting disease-specific therapy (e.g., CAD,
risk of first HF hospitalization, and the risk of recurrent sarcoidosis, amyloidosis).
HF hospitalization (5). In a subgroup of 520 patients
with LVEF 44% to 49% in a post hoc analysis of TOP-
CAT (Treatment of Preserved Cardiac Function Heart 7.6.2. HF With Improved Ejection Fraction
1. In patients with HFimpEF after treatment, GDMT should be continued to prevent relapse of HF and LV
1 B-R dysfunction, even in patients who may become asymptomatic (1).
concentration and to >400 ng/L; or 4) clinical evidence nonsignificant increases in NT-proBNP and LV volumes
of HF. Treatment was withdrawn successfully in only with withdrawal of HF medications.
50% of patients (1). Secondary analyses showed wors-
ening Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire 7.7. Preserved EF (HFpEF)
scores, a substantial reduction in LVEF, and 7.7.1. HF With Preserved Ejection Fraction
1. Patients with HFpEF and hypertension should have medication titrated to attain blood pressure targets in
1 C-LD accordance with published clinical practice guidelines to prevent morbidity (1-3).
2. In patients with HFpEF, SGLT2i can be beneficial in decreasing HF hospitalizations and cardiovascular
2a B-R mortality (4).
4. In selected patients with HFpEF, MRAs may be considered to decrease hospitalizations, particularly
2b B-R among patients with LVEF on the lower end of this spectrum (5-7).
5. In selected patients with HFpEF, the use of ARB may be considered to decrease hospitalizations,
2b B-R particularly among patients with LVEF on the lower end of this spectrum (8,9).
6. In selected patients with HFpEF, ARNi may be considered to decrease hospitalizations, particularly
2b B-R among patients with LVEF on the lower end of this spectrum (10,11).
7. In patients with HFpEF, routine use of nitrates or phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors to increase activity or
3: No-Benefit B-R QOL is ineffective (12,13).
*See Section 7.2, “Diuretics and Decongestion Strategies in Patients with HF,” and Section 10.2, “Management of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) in HF” for recommendations for use of diuretics and
management of AF in HF.
extrapolated from those for treatment of patients with bisoprolol, to digoxin (32). At 6 months, the primary
hypertension in general (26). However, the optimal endpoint of QOL was similar between the 2 groups.
blood pressure goal and antihypertensive regimens are However, several secondary QOL endpoints, functional
not known for patients with HFpEF. RAAS antagonists capacity, and reduction in NT-proBNP favored digoxin
including ACEi, ARB, MRA, and possibly ARNi, could be at 12 months. There was a similar heart rate reduction
first-line agents given experience with their use in in both groups. Of note, more adverse events such as
HFpEF trials (8,10,16,20,27,28). Beta blockers may be higher rates of dizziness, lethargy, and hypotension
used to treat hypertension in patients with a history of occurred with beta blockers than digoxin. The
MI (27), symptomatic CAD, or AF with rapid ventricular comprehensive care of AF is beyond the scope of these
response. These effects need to be balanced with the guidelines. AF-specific care recommendations can be
potential contribution of chronotropic incompetence found in separate ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines
to exercise intolerance in some patients (29). (33,34).
2. EMPEROR-Preserved (Empagliflozin Outcome Trial in 4. MRAs improve diastolic function in patients with
Patients with Chronic Heart Failure with Preserved HFpEF (35). The TOPCAT trial investigated the effects
Ejection Fraction) showed a significant benefit of the of spironolactone in patients with HFpEF. The small
SGLT2i, empagliflozin, in symptomatic patients with reduction (HR, 0.89) in the composite of death, aborted
HF with LVEF >40% and elevated natriuretic peptides cardiac death, and HF hospitalization was not statisti-
(30). The 21% reduction in the primary composite cally significant, although HF hospitalization was
endpoint of time to HF hospitalization or cardiovas- reduced (HR, 0.83); adverse effects of hyperkalemia
cular death was driven mostly by a significant 29% and increasing creatinine levels were more common in
reduction in time to HF hospitalization (nonsignificant the treatment group (5). A post hoc analysis (6) showed
lower cardiovascular death [HR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.76- efficacy in the Americas (HR 0.83) but not in Russia-
1.0]), with no benefit on all-cause mortality. Empagli- Georgia (HR 1.10). A sample of the Russia-Georgia
flozin also resulted in a significant reduction in total population in the active treatment arm had non-
HF hospitalizations, decrease in the slope of the eGFR detectable levels of a spironolactone metabolite. Post
decline, and a modest improvement in QOL at 52 hoc analyses have limitations, but they suggest a pos-
weeks. Of note, the benefit was similar irrespective of sibility of benefit in appropriately selected patients
the presence or absence of diabetes at baseline. with symptomatic HFpEF (LVEF $45%, elevated BNP
Although the benefit in the primary endpoint did not level or HF admission within 1 year, eGFR >30 mL/min/
have a significant interaction by LVEF subgroups 1.73 m 2, creatinine <2.5 mg/dL, and potassium <5.0
(<50%, 50%–<60%, and >60%) (30), in a subgroup mEq/L). Furthermore, another post hoc analysis sug-
analysis by EF, there was a signal for lower benefit on gested that the potential efficacy of spironolactone was
the primary composite endpoint, first and recurrent HF greatest at the lower end of the LVEF spectrum (7).
hospitalizations at higher LVEFs >62.5% (31). Careful monitoring of potassium, renal function, and
3. Large, randomized clinical trial data are unavailable to diuretic dosing at initiation and follow-up are key to
specifically guide therapy in patients with HFpEF and minimizing the risk of hyperkalemia and worsening
AF. Currently, the comprehensive care of AF can be renal function.
extrapolated from the clinical practice guidelines for 5. Although RAAS inhibition strategies have been suc-
AF, with individualization of strategies for rate or cessful in the treatment of HFrEF, and RAAS activation
rhythm control in patients with HFpEF (see also is suggested in HFpEF (36,37), clinical trials with RAAS
Section 10.2, “Management of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) in inhibition have not showed much benefit in patients
HF,” for HF specific recommendations for AF). HFpEF. In the CHARM-Preserved (Candesartan in pa-
Although beta blockers and nondihydropyridine cal- tients with chronic HF and preserved left-ventricular
cium channel blockers are often considered as first-line ejection fraction) trial, patients with LVEF >40%
agents for heart rate control in patients with HFpEF, a were randomized to an ARB, candesartan, or to placebo
recent smaller open-label trial, RATE-AF in elderly (38). The primary endpoint (cardiovascular death or HF
patients with AF and symptoms of HF (most with hospitalization) was not significantly different be-
preserved LVEF), compared the use of the beta blocker, tween the 2 groups (HR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.77–1.03,
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1. Patients for whom there is a clinical suspicion for cardiac amyloidosis* (1-5) should have screening for
1 B-NR serum and urine monoclonal light chains with serum and urine immunofixation electrophoresis and serum
free light chains (6).
2. In patients with high clinical suspicion for cardiac amyloidosis, without evidence of serum or urine
1 B-NR monoclonal light chains, bone scintigraphy should be performed to confirm the presence of transthyretin
cardiac amyloidosis (7).
3. In patients for whom a diagnosis of transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis is made, genetic testing with TTR
1 B-NR gene sequencing is recommended to differentiate hereditary variant from wild-type transthyretin cardiac
amyloidosis (8).
*LV wall thickness $14 mm in conjunction with fatigue, dyspnea, or edema, especially in the context of discordance between wall thickness on echocardiogram and QRS voltage on ECG, and in the
context of aortic stenosis, HFpEF, carpal tunnel syndrome, spinal stenosis, and autonomic or sensory polyneuropathy.
1. In select patients with wild-type or variant transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis and NYHA class I to III HF
1 B-R symptoms, transthyretin tetramer stabilizer therapy (tafamidis) is indicated to reduce cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality (1).
Value Statement: Low Value (B-NR) 2. At 2020 list prices, tafamidis provides low economic value (>$180,000 per QALY gained) in patients with
HF with wild-type or variant transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (2).
3. In patients with cardiac amyloidosis and AF, anticoagulation is reasonable to reduce the risk of stroke
2a C-LD regardless of the CHA 2DS 2-VASc (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ‡75 years, diabetes mellitus,
stroke or transient ischemic attack [TIA], vascular disease, age 65 to 74 years, sex category) score (3,4).
Colors correspond to COR in Table 2. AF indicates atrial fibrillation; AL-CM, amyloid cardiomyopathy; ATTR-CM, transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy; ATTRv, variant
transthyretin amyloidosis; ATTRwt, wild-type transthyretin amyloidosis; CHA2DS2-VASc, congestive heart failure, hypertension, age $75 years, diabetes mellitus, stroke
or transient ischemic attack (TIA), vascular disease, age 65 to 74 years, sex category; ECG, electrocardiogram; H/CL, heart to contralateral chest; HFrEF, heart failure
with reduced ejection fraction; IFE, immunofixation electrophoresis; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NYHA, New York Heart Association; PYP, pyrophosphate; Tc,
technetium; and TTR, transthyretin.
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decrease by approximately 80% for it to be intermedi- ATTR-CM and AF has not been established. However,
ate value with a cost per QALY <$180,000. although patients with AL amyloidosis may have ac-
3. Intracardiac thrombosis occurs in approximately one- quired hemostatic abnormalities, including coagula-
third of patients with cardiac amyloidosis, in some tion factor deficiencies, hyperfibrinolysis, and platelet
cases in the absence of diagnosed AF (3,4,12) and dysfunction, TTR amyloidosis is not associated with
regardless of CHA 2DS2-VASc score (13). The use of hemostatic defects.
anticoagulation reduced the risk of intracardiac
thrombi in a retrospective study (4). The choice of
direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) versus warfarin has 8. STAGE D (ADVANCED) HF
not been studied in patients with ATTR, nor has the
role of left atrial appendage closure devices. The risk 8.1. Specialty Referral for Advanced HF
of anticoagulation on bleeding risk in patients with
1. In patients with advanced HF, when consistent with the patient’s goals of care, timely referral for HF
1 C-LD specialty care is recommended to review HF management and assess suitability for advanced HF therapies
(e.g., LVAD, cardiac transplantation, palliative care, and palliative inotropes) (1-6).
n Isolated RV failure
n EF $40%, elevated natriuretic peptide levels and evidence of significant diastolic dysfunction
n Malignant arrhythmias
4. Severe impairment of exercise capacity with inability to exercise or low 6-minute walk test distance (<300 m) or peak VO2 (<12–14 mL/kg/min) estimated
to be of cardiac origin
Criteria 1 and 4 can be met in patients with cardiac dysfunction (as described in criterion 2) but who also have substantial limitations as a result of other conditions (e.g.,
severe pulmonary disease, noncardiac cirrhosis, renal disease). The therapeutic options for these patients may be more limited.
1 Critical cardiogenic shock Life-threatening hypotension and rapidly escalating inotropic/pressor support, with critical organ hypoperfusion often
confirmed by worsening acidosis and lactate levels.
2 Progressive decline “Dependent” on inotropic support but nonetheless shows signs of continuing deterioration in nutrition, renal function, fluid
retention, or other major status indicator. Can also apply to a patient with refractory volume overload, perhaps with
evidence of impaired perfusion, in whom inotropic infusions cannot be maintained because of tachyarrhythmias, clinical
ischemia, or other intolerance.
3 Stable but inotrope dependent Clinically stable on mild-moderate doses of intravenous inotropes (or has a temporary circulatory support device) after
repeated documentation of failure to wean without symptomatic hypotension, worsening symptoms, or progressive
organ dysfunction (usually renal).
4 Resting symptoms on oral Patient who is at home on oral therapy but frequently has symptoms of congestion at rest or with activities of daily living
therapy at home (dressing or bathing). He or she may have orthopnea, shortness of breath during dressing or bathing, gastrointestinal
symptoms (abdominal discomfort, nausea, poor appetite), disabling ascites, or severe lower extremity edema.
5 Exertion intolerant Patient who is comfortable at rest but unable to engage in any activity, living predominantly within the house or
6 Exertion limited Patient who is comfortable at rest without evidence of fluid overload but who is able to do some mild activity. Activities of
daily living are comfortable, and minor activities outside the home such as visiting friends or going to a restaurant can be
performed, but fatigue results within a few minutes or with any meaningful physical exertion.
7 Advanced NYHA class III Patient who is clinically stable with a reasonable level of comfortable activity, despite a history of previous decompensation
that is not recent. This patient is usually able to walk more than a block. Any decompensation requiring intravenous
diuretics or hospitalization within the previous month should make this person a Patient Profile 6 or lower.
Adapted from Stevenson et al. (7), with permission from the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation.
*Modifier options: Profiles 3 to 6 can be modified for patients with recurrent decompensations leading to frequent (generally at least 2 in past 3 mo or 3 in past 6 mo) emergency
department visits or hospitalizations for intravenous diuretics, ultrafiltration, or brief inotropic therapy. Profile 3 can be modified in this manner if the patient is usually at home. If a
Profile 7 patient meets the modification of frequent hospitalizations, the patient should be moved to Profile 6 or worse. Other modifier options include arrhythmia, which should be
used in the presence of recurrent ventricular tachyarrhythmias contributing to the overall clinical course (e.g., frequent ICD shocks or requirement of external defibrillation, usually
more than twice weekly); or temporary circulatory support for hospitalized patients Profiles 1 to 3.
ICD indicates implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; INTERMACS, Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; and NYHA, New York Heart Association.
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Severely reduced exercise capacity (peak VO2, <14 mL/kg/min or <50% predicted, 6-min walk test distance <300 m, or inability to walk 1 block on level ground because
of dyspnea or fatigue).
Recent need to escalate diuretics to maintain volume status, often reaching daily furosemide equivalent dose >160 mg/d or use of supplemental metolazone therapy.
Cardiac cachexia.
Increased predicted 1-year mortality (e.g., >20%) according to HF survival models (e.g., MAGGIC [20], SHFM [21]).
HF indicates heart failure; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; MAGGIC, Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure; NYHA, New York Heart Association; RAASi, renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SHFM, Seattle Heart Failure model; and VO2, oxygen consumption/oxygen uptake.
n Inotrope dependence
n Medical nonadherence
n Obesity or malnutrition
n Untreated malignancy
n Severe PVD
CRT indicates cardiac resynchronization therapy; HF, heart failure; NYHA, New York Heart Association; VO2, oxygen consumption; and PVD, peripheral vascular disease.
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1. For patients with advanced HF and hyponatremia, the benefit of fluid restriction to reduce congestive
2b C-LD symptoms is uncertain (1-4).
1. In patients with advanced (stage D) HF refractory to GDMT and device therapy who are eligible for and
2a B-NR awaiting MCS or cardiac transplantation, continuous intravenous inotropic support is reasonable as
“bridge therapy” (1-4).
2. In select patients with stage D HF, despite optimal GDMT and device therapy who are ineligible for either
2b B-NR MCS or cardiac transplantation, continuous intravenous inotropic support may be considered as palliative
therapy for symptom control and improvement in functional status (5-7).
3. In patients with HF, long-term use of either continuous or intermittent intravenous inotropic agents, for
3: Harm B-R reasons other than palliative care or as a bridge to advanced therapies, is potentially harmful (5,6,8-11).
Adrenergic agonists
Dopamine NA 5–10 t1/2: 2–20 min [ [ 4 4 T, HA, N, tissue necrosis Caution: MAO-I
NA 10–15 R, H, P [ [ [ 4
Dobutamine NA 2.5–20 t1/2: 2–3 min H [ [ 4 4 [/YBP, HA, T, N, F, Caution: MAO-I; CI: sulfite allergy
PDE 3 inhibitor
Milrinone NR 0.125–0.75 t1/2: 2.5 h H [ [ Y Y T, YBP Accumulation may occur in setting of renal failure;
monitor kidney function and LFTs
Epinephrine NR 5–15 mcg/min t1/2: 2–3 min [ [ [ (Y) 4 HA, T Caution: MAO-I
15–20 mcg/min t1/2: 2–3 min [ [[ [[ 4 HA, T Caution: MAO-I
Norepinephrine NR 0.5–30 mcg/min t1/2: 2.5 min 4 [ [[ 4 Y HR, tissue necrosis Caution: MAO-I
Up arrow means increase. Side arrow means no change. Down arrow means decrease. Up/down arrow means either increase or decrease.
BP indicates blood pressure; CI, contraindication; CO, cardiac output; F, fever; H, hepatic; HA, headache; HF, heart failure; HR, heart rate; LFT, liver function test; MAO-I, monoamine oxidase
inhibitor; N, nausea; NA, not applicable; NR, not recommended; P, plasma; PDE, phosphodiesterase; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; R, renal; SVR, systemic vascular resistance; T, tachy-
arrhythmias; and t1/2, elimination half-life.
blood pressure and significantly low cardiac index, 2. The use of inotropes for palliation does carry with it
short-term, continuous intravenous inotropic support risks for arrhythmias and catheter-related infections,
may be reasonable to maintain systemic perfusion although the presence of an ICD does decrease the
and preserve end-organ performance (8,11,12). There mortality associated with arrhythmias. This risk should
continues to be lack of robust evidence to suggest be shared with patients if there is planned use of ino-
the clear benefit of 1 inotrope over another (13). To tropes in a patient without an ICD, or in whom the
minimize adverse effects, lower doses of parenteral preference is to deactivate the ICD for palliative pur-
inotropic drugs are preferred, although the development poses. The rate of inappropriate shocks for sinus
of tachyphylaxis should be acknowledged, and the tachycardia is relatively low, and the concomitant use
choice of agent may need to be changed during longer of beta blockers may help in these patients. Patients
periods of support. Similarly, the ongoing need for may elect to have their shocking devices deactivated,
inotropic support and the possibility of discontinuation especially if they receive numerous shocks (14,15).
should be regularly assessed. Table 20 compares 3. With the currently available inotropic agents, the
commonly used inotropes. benefit of hemodynamic support and stabilization may
be compromised by increased myocardial oxygen de-
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text
mand and increased arrhythmic burden. As newer
1. More prolonged use of inotropes as “bridge” therapy agents are developed, more options may not have these
for those awaiting either heart transplantation or MCS known risks. There are investigational inotropic agents
may have benefit in reducing pulmonary hypertension that may provide more options for the management of
and maintaining end-organ perfusion beyond initial patients with HF and represent different classes of
stabilization of patients (1-4). agents (16).
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1. In select patients with advanced HFrEF with NYHA class IV symptoms who are deemed to be dependent
1 A on continuous intravenous inotropes or temporary MCS, durable LVAD implantation is effective to
improve functional status, QOL, and survival (1-18).
2. In select patients with advanced HFrEF who have NYHA class IV symptoms despite GDMT, durable MCS
2a B-R can be beneficial to improve symptoms, improve functional class, and reduce mortality (2,4,7,10,12-
Value Statement: Uncertain Value 3. In patients with advanced HFrEF who have NYHA class IV symptoms despite GDMT, durable MCS devices
provide low to intermediate economic value based on current costs and outcomes (20-24).
4. In patients with advanced HFrEF and hemodynamic compromise and shock, temporary MCS, including
2a B-NR percutaneous and extracorporeal ventricular assist devices, are reasonable as a “bridge to recovery” or
“bridge to decision” (25-29).
incidents of pump thrombosis, hemolysis, and complication-related costs that have generally
ischemic neurologic events have been linked to sub- improved over time with better care and newer devices
therapeutic international normalized ratios (37-41). In (46-48). Additionally, limited recent data suggest
addition, implantation of MCS in patients with improvement in health care costs and intermediate
INTERMACS profile of 1 has been associated with economic value with LVAD among patients with
poorer outcome, while those ambulatory patients with advanced HF who are either eligible or ineligible for
profiles 5 to 7 might be too well to have large significant subsequent heart transplant (22,24). The improvement
benefit, depending on their symptom burden (19). For may result from lower complication rates, increased
patients who are initially considered to be transplant survival, lower implant costs, and higher estimated
ineligible because of pulmonary hypertension, obesity, QOL. However, given the conflicting data and limited
overall frailty, or other reasons, MCS can provide time analyses of contemporary data, the current value of
to reverse or modify these conditions (35,42-44). LVAD therapy is uncertain.
Continuing and uptitrating GDMT in patients with 4. Temporary MCS can help stabilize patients and allow
durable MCS is recommended (45). time for decisions about the appropriateness of tran-
3. Multiple studies evaluated the cost-effectiveness of sitions to definitive management, such as durable MCS
ventricular assist device implantation for advanced HF as a bridge or destination therapy, stabilization until
between 2012 and 2017 (20,21,23). They consistently cardiac transplantation or, in the case of improvement
found device implantation was of low economic value, and recovery, suitability for device removal (45). These
with incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of $200,000 patients often present in cardiogenic shock that cannot
per QALY gained compared with medical therapy alone be managed solely with IV inotropes and in whom
among patients who potentially underwent subse- other organ function is at risk. Temporary MCS is also
quent heart transplant and those who were ineligible appropriate for use to allow patients to engage in
for heart transplant. In these studies, costs after im- decision-making for durable MCS or transplantation
plantation remained high given high rates of compli- and for determination of recovery of neurologic status.
cation and rehospitalization. However, these studies
used earlier estimates of post-implant outcomes and 8.5. Cardiac Transplantation
1. For selected patients with advanced HF despite GDMT, cardiac transplantation is indicated to improve
1 C-LD survival and QOL (1-3).
Value Statement: Intermediate 2. In patients with stage D (advanced) HF despite GDMT, cardiac transplantation provides intermediate
Value (C-LD)
economic value (4).
device, and surgical optimization. The survival of adult Transplantation (29). The United Network of Organ
recipients who received a transplantation between 2011 Sharing Heart Transplant Allocation Policy was revised
and 2013 at 1, 3, and 5 years is 90.3%, 84.7%, and 79.6%, in 2018 with a broader geographic sharing policy and a
respectively (2). Conditional survival now approaches 6-tiered system to better prioritize more unstable pa-
15 years (1). Cardiac transplantation also improves tients and minimize waitlist mortality (5-11).
functional status and health-related QOL (12-15). Good 2. One study evaluated the cost-effectiveness of heart
outcomes can be achieved in patients not only with HF transplantation compared with medical therapy among
that is primarily cardiovascular in origin, including patients with inotrope-dependent advanced HF (30).
reversible pulmonary hypertension (16), congenital This analysis found transplantation was of intermedi-
heart disease (17), and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ate value. The results were similar across a broad range
(18), but also in patients with systemic conditions of patient age, waitlist duration, and monthly mortality
complicated by HF, such as muscular dystrophy (19), risk with medical therapy.
sarcoidosis (20), and amyloidosis (21). CPET can refine
candidate prognosis and selection (22-28). Appropriate
patient selection should include integration of comor-
bidity burden, caretaker status, and goals of care. The
listing criteria, evaluation, and management of pa-
9.1. Assessment of Patients Hospitalized With Decompensated
tients undergoing cardiac transplantation are described
by the International Society for Heart and Lung
1. In patients hospitalized with HF, severity of congestion and adequacy of perfusion should be assessed to
1 C-LD guide triage and initial therapy (1-5).
2. In patients hospitalized with HF, the common precipitating factors and the overall patient trajectory
1 C-LD should be assessed to guide appropriate therapy (5,6).
3. For patients admitted with HF, treatment should address reversible factors, establish optimal volume
1 C-LD status, and advance GDMT toward targets for outpatient therapy (6).
1. In patients with HFrEF requiring hospitalization, preexisting GDMT should be continued and optimized to
1 B-NR improve outcomes, unless contraindicated (1-5).
2. In patients experiencing mild decrease of renal function or asymptomatic reduction of blood pressure
1 B-NR during HF hospitalization, diuresis and other GDMT should not routinely be discontinued (6-11).
3. In patients with HFrEF, GDMT should be initiated during hospitalization after clinical stability is achieved
1 B-NR (2,3,5,12-18).
discharge reduced cardiovascular mortality and hos- (22). Very few eligible patients with HFrEF receive
pitalization (17). target doses of beta blockers (18.7%), ACEi-ARB
4. Nearly half (46%) of patients with HFrEF have no (10.8%), or ARNi (2.0%) (6). Less than 1% of patients
changes made to oral GDMT in the 12 months after with HFrEF are on target doses of ACEi-ARB-ARNi, beta
hospitalization despite many being discharged on blockers, and MRA within 12 months of an index hos-
suboptimal doses (21). From claims-based studies, 42% pitalization (22). For patients with HFrEF, there is a
of patients with HFrEF are not prescribed any GDMT graded improvement in the risk of death or rehospi-
within 30 days post-index hospitalization (20), and talization with monotherapy, dual therapy, and triple
45% are prescribed either no oral GDMT or mono- therapy compared with no GDMT after an index hos-
therapy within 1-year post-index hospitalization (21). pitalization in Medicare claims data (21).
From CHAMP-HF, initiation or dose increases of beta
blockers, ACEi-ARB-ARNi, and MRA occur in #10% of 9.3. Diuretics in Hospitalized Patients: Decongestion Strategy
patients with HFrEF within 1 year of hospitalization
1. Patients with HF admitted with evidence of significant fluid overload should be promptly treated with
1 B-NR intravenous loop diuretics to improve symptoms and reduce morbidity (1).
2. For patients hospitalized with HF, therapy with diuretics and other guideline-directed medications should
1 B-NR be titrated with a goal to resolve clinical evidence of congestion to reduce symptoms and rehospitaliza-
tions (1-6).
3. For patients requiring diuretic treatment during hospitalization for HF, the discharge regimen should
1 B-NR include a plan for adjustment of diuretics to decrease rehospitalizations (7).
4. In patients hospitalized with HF when diuresis is inadequate to relieve symptoms and signs of congestion,
2a B-NR it is reasonable to intensify the diuretic regimen using either: a. higher doses of intravenous loop diuretics
(1,3); or b. addition of a second diuretic (3).
to 50% of patients (4,5,12), who have higher rates of trials (3,9). In the DOSE (Diuretic Optimization Stra-
mortality and readmission and are more likely to have tegies Evaluation) trial, there were no significant
elevated right atrial pressures, TR, and renal dysfunc- differences in patients’ global assessment of symp-
tion. Diuresis should not be discontinued prematurely toms or in the change in renal function when diuretic
because of small changes in serum creatinine (13,14), therapy was administered by bolus, compared with
because elevations in the range of 0.3 mg/dL do not continuous infusion or at a high dose compared with
predict worse outcomes except when patients are dis- a low dose. Patients in the low-dose group were more
charged with persistent congestion. Decongestion likely to require a 50% increase in the dose at 48
often requires not only diuresis but also adjustment of hours than were those in the high-dose group, and
other guideline-directed therapies, because elevated all treatment groups had higher doses of diuretics
volume status and vasoconstriction can contribute to compared with baseline preadmission doses, under-
elevated filling pressures. lining the necessity to intensify and individualize
3. After discharge, ACEi-ARB, MRAs, and beta blockers all diuretic regimen (1). MRAs have mild diuretics
may decrease recurrent congestion leading to hospi- properties and addition of MRAs can help with
talization in HFrEF. Despite these therapies, most pa- diuresis in addition to significant cardiovascular
tients with recent HF hospitalization require continued benefits in patients with HF. Addition of low-dose
use of diuretics after discharge to prevent recurrent dopamine to diuretic therapy in the setting of
fluid retention and hospitalization, as shown in a reduced eGFR did not improve outcomes in a study
recent large observational analysis (7). Increases in that included patients with all EFs, but a subset
diuretic doses are frequently required early after analysis showed increased urine output and weight
discharge even in patients on all other currently rec- loss in patients with LVEF <0.40 (9), with significant
ommended therapies for HFrEF (8). It is unknown how interaction of effect with LVEF. Bedside ultrafiltra-
increased penetration of therapy with ARNi and SGLT2i tion initiated early after admission increased fluid
will, in the future, affect the dosing of diuretics after loss, with decreased rehospitalizations in some
discharge with HFrEF. studies when compared with use of diuretics without
4. Titration of diuretics has been described in multiple systematic escalation (15,16) and was also associated
recent trials of patients hospitalized with HF, often with adverse events related to the intravenous cath-
initiated with at least 2 times the daily home diuretic eters required (3). Many aspects of ultrafiltration
dose (mg to mg) administered intravenously (1). including patient selection, fluid removal rates,
Escalating attempts to achieve net diuresis include venous access, prevention of therapy-related com-
serial doubling of intravenous loop diuretic doses, plications, and cost require further investigation.
which can be done by bolus or infusion, and
sequential nephron blockade with addition of a 9.4a. Parenteral Vasodilation Therapy in Patients Hospitalized
thiazide diuretic, as detailed specifically in the pro- With HF
tocol for the diuretic arms of the CARRESS and ROSE
1. In patients who are admitted with decompensated HF, in the absence of systemic hypotension, intra-
2b B-NR venous nitroglycerin or nitroprusside may be considered as an adjuvant to diuretic therapy for relief of
dyspnea (1,2).
for the use of intravenous nitroglycerin. However, disease. Nitroprusside is potentially of value in
tachyphylaxis may develop within 24 hours, and up to severely congested patients with hypertension or se-
20% of those with HF may develop resistance to even vere MV regurgitation complicating LV dysfunction (5).
high doses (3,4). Because of sodium nitroprusside’s Overall, there are no data that suggest that intravenous
potential for producing marked hypotension, invasive vasodilators improve outcomes in the patient hospi-
hemodynamic blood pressure monitoring (e.g., an talized with HF; as such, use of intravenous vasodila-
arterial line) is typically required, and nitroprusside is tors is limited to the relief of dyspnea in the
usually used in the intensive care setting; longer in- hospitalized HF patient with intact or high blood
fusions of the drug have been associated, albeit rarely, pressure (6,7).
with thiocyanate and cyanide toxicity, particularly in
the setting of renal insufficiency and significant hepatic 9.4b. VTE Prophylaxis in Hospitalized Patients
1. In patients hospitalized with HF, prophylaxis for VTE is recommended to prevent venous thromboembolic
1 B-R disease (1-3).
1. In patients with cardiogenic shock, intravenous inotropic support should be used to maintain systemic
1 B-NR perfusion and preserve end-organ performance (1-8).
2. In patients with cardiogenic shock, temporary MCS is reasonable when end-organ function cannot be
2a B-NR maintained by pharmacologic means to support cardiac function (9-17).
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4. In patients presenting with cardiogenic shock, placement of a PA line may be considered to define he-
2b B-NR modynamic subsets and appropriate management strategies (23-27).
5. For patients who are not rapidly responding to initial shock measures, triage to centers that can provide
2b C-LD temporary MCS may be considered to optimize management (17-22).
TABLE 22 Suggested Shock Clinical Criteria* (29) TABLE 23 Suggested Shock Hemodynamic Criteria* (29)
b. Or requirement of vasopressors to maintain systolic BP $90 mm Hg or 3. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure >15 mm Hg
mean BP $60 mm Hg
4. Other hemodynamic considerations
Hypoperfusion defined by:
a. Cardiac power output ([CO x MAP]/451) <0.6 W
c. Decreased mentation b. Shock index (HR/systolic BP) >1.0
c. RV shock
d. Cold extremities, livedo reticularis
i. Pulmonary artery pulse index [(PASP-PADP)/CVP] <1.0
e. Urine output <30 mL/h ii. CVP >15 mm Hg
iii. CVP-PCW >0.6
f. Lactate >2 mmol/L
*Diagnosis of shock requires $1 criteria to be present along with cardiac index <2.0 L/
*Systolic BP and hypoperfusion criteria need to be met for the shock diagnosis.
min/m2 and SBP <90 mm Hg.
BP indicates blood pressure; and SBP, systolic blood pressure.
BP indicates blood pressure; CO, cardiac output; CVP, central venous pressure; HR,
heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PADP, pulmonary artery diastolic pressure;
PASP, pulmonary artery systolic pressure; PCW, pulmonary capillary wedge; RV, right
ventricular; and SBP, systolic blood pressure.
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TABLE 24 Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) Cardiogenic Shock Criteria (29)
Selected Laboratory
Stage Bedside Findings Markers Hemodynamics
B: Beginning shock (“pre-shock”) n Elevated venous pressure n Preserved renal function n SBP <90 mm Hg, MAP <60
n Hypotension n Rales present n Normal lactate mm Hg, or >30 mm Hg decrease
n Normal perfusion from baseline SBP
n Warm extremities n Elevated BNP
n HR >100 bpm
n Strong pulses
n Hemodynamics: CI $2.2 L/min/m 2
n Normal mentation
C: Classic cardiogenic shock n Elevated venous pressure n Impaired renal function n SBP <90 mm Hg; MAP <60
n Hypotension n Rales present n Increased lactate mm Hg; >30 mm Hg from baseline
n Hypoperfusion SBP despite drugs and temporary
n Cold, ashen, livedo n Elevated BNP
n Weak or nonpalpable pulses n Increased LFTs
n HR >100 bpm
n Altered mentation n Acidosis
n Hemodynamics: CI #2.2 L/min/m 2 ;
n Decreased urine output PCW >15 mm Hg; CPO <0.6 W;
n Respiratory PAPi <2.0; CVP-PCW >1.0
D: Deteriorating n Same as stage C n Persistent or worsening values of n Escalating use of pressors or MCS
n Worsening hypotension stage C to maintain SBP and end-organ
n Worsening hypoperfusion perfusion in setting of stage C
E: Extremis n Cardiac arrest n Worsening values of stage C n SBP only with resuscitation
n Refractory hypotension n laboratories n
n Refractory hypoperfusion n Recurrent VT/VF
Adapted from Baran D (29), with permission from Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
BNP indicates brain natriuretic peptide; CI, cardiac index; CPO, cardiac power output; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CVP, central venous pressure; HR, heart rate; LFT, liver
function test; MAP, mean arterial blood pressure; MCS, mechanical circulatory support; PAPi, pulmonary artery pulsatility index; PCW, pulmonary capillary wedge pressures; PEA,
pulseless electrical activity; SBP, systolic blood pressure; VF, ventricular fibrillation; and VT, ventricular tachycardia.
specific inotropic agent is guided by blood pressure, and assessment of therapeutic risk should precede the
concurrent arrhythmias, and availability of drug. use of invasive temporary MCS.
2. Despite the lack of direct comparative data, the use of 3. Team-based cardiogenic shock management provides
short-term MCS has dramatically increased (9- the opportunity for various clinicians to provide their
16,31,32). The hemodynamic benefits of the specific perspective and input to the patient’s management (17-
devices vary, and few head-to-head randomized com- 22). The escalation of either pharmacological and me-
parisons exist (33-39). Randomized clinical trials are chanical therapies should be considered in the context
underway that will address the risks and benefits of of multidisciplinary teams of HF and critical care spe-
one modality over another. Vascular, bleeding, and cialists, interventional cardiologists, and cardiac sur-
neurologic complications are common to MCS devices, geons. Such teams should also be capable of providing
and the risk of such complications should generally be appropriate palliative care. Most documented experi-
considered in the calculation to proceed with such ences have suggested outcomes improve after shock
support (40). As much as possible, an understanding of teams are instituted (17-22). In 1 such experience, the
a patient’s wishes, overall prognosis and trajectory, use of a shock team was associated with improved 30-
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day all-cause mortality (HR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.41–0.93) worsening end-organ malperfusion (17-22,43). The
and reduced in-hospital mortality (61.0% vs. 47.9%; treatment of shock should be recognized as a tempo-
P¼0.041) (19). rizing strategy to support end-organ perfusion and
4. If time allows, escalation to MCS should be guided by blood pressure until the cause of the cardiac failure has
invasively obtained hemodynamic data (e.g., PA cath- either been treated (e.g., revascularization in ST-
eterization). Several observational experiences have elevation MI) or recovery (e.g., myocarditis) or a
associated PA catheterization use with improved out- definitive solution to the cardiac failure can be
comes, particularly in conjunction with short-term accomplished (e.g., durable LVAD or transplant). In
MCS (23-27,41). PA catheterization may also be useful many cases, pharmacological or MCS can provide suf-
when there is diagnostic uncertainty as to the cause of ficient time to address the appropriateness of more
hypotension or end-organ dysfunction, particularly definitive therapies (e.g., bridge-to-decision) with the
when a patient in shock is not responding to empiric patient, family, and the multidisciplinary shock team.
initial shock measures (42).
5. Transfer to centers capable of providing such support
should be considered early in the assessment of a pa- 9.6. Integration of Care: Transitions and Team-Based
tient with cardiogenic shock and a trajectory of Approaches
1. In patients with high-risk HF, particularly those with recurrent hospitalizations for HFrEF, referral to
1 B-R multidisciplinary HF disease management programs is recommended to reduce the risk of hospitalization
2. In patients hospitalized with worsening HF, patient-centered discharge instructions with a clear plan for
1 B-NR transitional care should be provided before hospital discharge (5,6).
3. In patients hospitalized with worsening HF, participation in systems that allow benchmarking to perfor-
2a B-NR mance measures is reasonable to increase use of evidence-based therapy, and to improve quality of care
4. In patients being discharged after hospitalization for worsening HF, an early follow-up, generally within 7
2a B-NR days of hospital discharge, is reasonable to optimize care and reduce rehospitalization (11,12).
A transitional care plan, communicated with the patient and their outpatient clinicians before hospital discharge, should clearly outline plans for:
n Coordination of safety laboratory checks (e.g., electrolytes after initiation or intensification of GDMT);
n Reinforcing HF education and assessing compliance with medical therapy and lifestyle modifications, including dietary restrictions and physical activity;
n Addressing high-risk characteristics that may be associated with poor postdischarge clinical outcomes, such as:
n Comorbid conditions (e.g., renal dysfunction, pulmonary disease, diabetes, mental health, and substance use disorders);
n Limitations in psychosocial support;
n Impaired health literacy, cognitive impairment;
n Additional surgical or device therapy, referral to cardiac rehabilitation in the future, where appropriate;
decompensation, and social and psychological support improvement programs designed to increase the pre-
(14). Disease management programs coordinated by HF scription of appropriate discharge medications can in-
specialists, including HF nurses, may be best suited for crease GDMT prescription at discharge and decrease
patients with HFrEF; however, there are far fewer data readmissions and mortality (9). Electronic point-of-
on the effectiveness of disease management programs care reminders to prescribe GDMT in patients with
in patients with HFpEF (2). HFrEF can improve use (10,19). Leveraging transparent
2. Although hospitalizations for worsening HF are often health care analytics platforms for benchmarking and
characterized by rapid changes in medical, surgical, performance improvement may be helpful. There are
and device therapy to optimize a patient’s clinical ongoing studies to determine the most effective stra-
status, the patient’s journey with achieving optimal HF tegies to improve evidence-based care (20).
care continues beyond hospital discharge. Written 4. Early outpatient follow-up, a central element of tran-
discharge instructions or educational material given to sitional care, varies significantly across U.S. hospitals
the patient, family members, or caregiver during the (11). Early postdischarge follow-up may help minimize
hospital stay or at discharge to home should address all gaps in understanding of changes to the care plan or
of these: activity level, diet, discharge medications, knowledge of test results and has been associated with
follow-up appointment, weight monitoring, cardiac a lower risk of subsequent rehospitalization (11,12).
rehabilitation, and what to do if symptoms worsen (14). Transition of care interventions have often bundled
Thorough discharge planning that includes special timely clinical follow-up with other interventions,
emphasis on ensuring adherence to an evidence-based making it challenging to isolate any unique interven-
medication regimen is associated with improved pa- tion effects (21). A structured contact with the patient
tient outcomes (15,16). Details of the hospital course within 7 days of hospital discharge is a desired goal.
and the transitional plan of care, with special attention Although historically this has been an in-person visit,
to changes in medications and new medical diagnoses, telemedicine is being increasingly used for chronic
must be transmitted in a timely and clearly under- management. A pragmatic randomized trial found that
standable form to all of the patient’s clinicians who will an initial telephone visit with a nurse or pharmacist to
be delivering follow-up care (Table 25). Any changes in guide follow-up may reduce the need for in-person
prognosis that will require appropriate care coordina- visits if they are constrained (22). Overall, the timing
tion and follow-up postdischarge should be noted. and method of delivery (in-person clinic versus virtual
3. Systems of care designed to support patients with HF visit by video or telephone) should be individualized
as they move through the continuum of care can based on patient risk and available care delivery op-
improve outcomes (7,14,17,18). Real-time feedback on tions. Clinical risk prediction tools may help to identify
performance measure benchmarks can improve use of patients at highest risk of postdischarge adverse out-
evidence-based therapy and quality of care (8). Quality comes (23-25).
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e89
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1. In patients with HFrEF and iron deficiency with or without anemia, intravenous iron replacement is
2a B-R reasonable to improve functional status and QOL (1-4).
2. In patients with HF and anemia, erythropoietin-stimulating agents should not be used to improve
3: Harm B-R morbidity and mortality (5,6).
Management of Hypertension
3. In patients with HFrEF and hypertension, uptitration of GDMT to the maximally tolerated target dose is
1 C-LD recommended (7,8).
4. In patients with HF and suspicion of sleep-disordered breathing, a formal sleep assessment is reasonable
2a C-LD to confirm the diagnosis and differentiate between obstructive and central sleep apnea (9,10).
5. In patients with HF and obstructive sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure may be reasonable
2a B-R to improve sleep quality and decrease daytime sleepiness (9,11-13).
6. In patients with NYHA class II to IV HFrEF and central sleep apnea, adaptive servo-ventilation causes
3: Harm B-R harm (11,12).
Management of Diabetes
7. In patients with HF and type 2 diabetes, the use of SGLT2i is recommended for the management of
1 A hyperglycemia and to reduce HF-related morbidity and mortality (14-17).
Colors correspond to COR in Table 2. Recommendations for treatment of patients with HF and select comorbidities are displayed. ACEi indicates angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitor; AF, atrial fibrillation; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; AV, atrioventricular; CHA2DS2-VASc, congestive heart failure, hypertension, age $75 years,
diabetes mellitus, stroke or transient ischemic attack [TIA], vascular disease, age 65 to 74 years, sex category; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CRT, cardiac
resynchronization therapy; EF, ejection fraction; GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; HF, heart failure; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; IV,
intravenous; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA, New York Heart Association; SGLT2i, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor; and VHD, valvular heart
disease. *Patients with chronic HF with permanent-persistent-paroxysmal AF and a CHA2DS2-VASc score of $2 (for men) and $3 (for women).
mortality (25), and iron deficiency appears to be repletion (1). The improvement was independent of the
uniquely associated with reduced exercise capacity presence of anemia. These findings were confirmed in 2
(26). Iron deficiency is usually defined as ferritin more recent trials (2,3). The IRONOUT HF (Iron Reple-
level <100 m g /L or 100 to 300 m g/L, if the transferrin tion Effects on Oxygen Uptake in Heart Failure) trial,
saturation is <20%. Intravenous repletion of iron has however, showed no such improvement with oral iron
been shown to improve exercise capacity and QOL supplementation (28). This is attributed to the poor
(1-3,27). The FAIR-HF (Ferric Carboxymaltose Assess- absorption of oral iron and inadequacy of oral iron to
ment in Patients With Iron Deficiency and Chronic replete the iron stores in patients with HF. Therefore,
Heart Failure) trial showed significant improvement in oral iron is not adequate to treat iron deficiency anemia
NYHA classification, the 6-minute walk test, and QOL in patients with HF. Although these trials were un-
of 459 outpatients with chronic HF who received derpowered to detect reductions in hard clinical end-
weekly intravenous ferric carboxymaltose until iron points, 2 meta-analyses have suggested intravenous
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e91
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TABLE 26 Most Common Co-Occurring Chronic Conditions Among Medicare Beneficiaries With HF (N¼4,947,918), 2011
Ischemic heart disease 3,145,718 71.9 Ischemic heart disease 365,889 64.0
Data source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services administrative claims data, January 2011 to December 2011, from the Chronic Condition Warehouse (CCW), (50).
*Mean No. of conditions is 6.1; median is 6.
†Mean No. of conditions is 5.5; median is 5.
AF indicates atrial fibrillation; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; and HF, heart failure.
iron is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular treatment, has been associated with poor outcomes in
death and hospitalizations (27,29). Most recently, the patients with HFrEF (7,8). This observation may reflect
AFFIRM-AHF multicenter trial, which included 1132 the association between low cardiac output and low
patients with EF <50% hospitalized for HF, showed a blood pressure, rather than the effects of treatment for
decrease in hospitalization for HF with intravenous hypertension. Nevertheless, hypertension in patients
ferric carboxymaltose compared to placebo (RR, 0.74; with HFrEF represents an opportunity to maximize
95% CI, 0.58–0.94) but no reduction in cardiovascular GDMT to goal blood pressures defined by the ACC/AHA
death (4). hypertension guidelines (36).
2. Anemia in patients with HF is associated with impaired
Sleep Disorders
erythropoietin production, with low levels found to be
associated with worse long-term outcomes (30,31). 4. In patients with HF, daytime sleepiness—typically a
Although small studies examining the use of feature of obstructive sleep apnea—may not reflect the
erythropoietin-stimulating agents for the treatment of degree of underlying sleep-disordered breathing (37).
anemia in patients with HF have suggested a trend Hence, the decision to refer a patient for a sleep study
toward improvement in functional capacity and should be based on clinical judgment. Because the
reduction in hospitalization, a high-quality random- treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep
ized trial of darbepoetin alpha in 2278 patients showed apnea differ, and because obstructive sleep apnea and
no benefit and an increase in thrombotic events, central sleep apnea can co-occur (9,11,12), sleep studies
including stroke (5,6,32). A meta-analysis of 13 trials can inform clinical decision-making in patients with
supports these findings (6). Accordingly, HF.
erythropoietin-stimulating agent therapy is not rec- 5. In patients with HF and central sleep apnea, contin-
ommended for the treatment of anemia in patients uous positive airway pressure is associated with better
with HF. sleep quality and nocturnal oxygenation (9) but has not
been shown to affect survival (38). In adults with
HFrEF and sleep-disordered breathing, meta-analyses
3. Clinical trials assessing the impact of goal blood pres- of RCTs have shown that positive airway pressure
sure reduction on outcomes in patients with HFrEF and therapy results in a moderate reduction in BNP (39) and
concomitant hypertension are lacking. The optimal improvement in blood pressure and LVEF (40).
blood pressure goal and antihypertensive regimen are 6. Adaptive servo-ventilation was associated with
not known. Antihypertensive therapy is associated increased mortality in 2 RCTs involving patients with
with a decrease in the risk of incident HF in the general HFrEF and central sleep apnea (11,12). Meta-analyses
population (33,34), notably with the more stringent have supported these results (41,42). The weight of
SBP target <120 mm Hg (35). However, low blood evidence does not support the use of adaptive servo-
pressure, not as a part of an antihypertensive ventilation for central sleep apnea in HFrEF.
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1. Patients with chronic HF with permanent-persistent-paroxysmal AF and a CHA 2DS 2-VASc score of ‡2 (for
1 A men) and ‡3 (for women) should receive chronic anticoagulant therapy (1-5).
2. For patients with chronic HF with permanent-persistent-paroxysmal AF, DOAC is recommended over
1 A warfarin in eligible patients (2-10).
3. For patients with HF and symptoms caused by AF, AF ablation is reasonable to improve symptoms and QOL
2a B-R (11-14).
4. For patients with AF and LVEF £50%, if a rhythm control strategy fails or is not desired, and ventricular
2a B-R rates remain rapid despite medical therapy, atrioventricular nodal ablation with implantation of a CRT
device is reasonable (15-22).
5. For patients with chronic HF and permanent-persistent-paroxysmal AF, chronic anticoagulant therapy is
2a B-NR reasonable for men and women without additional risk factors (23-26).
Recommendation-Specific Supportive Text for Atrial Fibrillation with Heart Failure) trial ran-
1. The efficacy of long-term warfarin for the prevention of domized 363 patients with paroxysmal or persistent
stroke in patients with AF is well established; ran- AF, LVEF <35%, NYHA class II to IV HF, and ICD to
domized trials have shown reduced embolic rates and ablation versus standard medical care (12). The com-
mortality. The AHA/ACC/Heart Rhythm Society guide- posite endpoint of death or rehospitalization was lower
lines for AF recommend use of the CHA 2DS2-VASc score in ablation (28.5%) compared with standard care
(history of hypertension, age $75 [doubled weight], (44.6%). In addition, there was a lower mortality in the
diabetes mellitus, previous stroke or transient ablation group. In a meta-analysis of 11 RCTs
ischemic attack or thromboembolism [doubled comparing rhythm versus rate control, patients un-
weight], vascular disease, age 65 to 74 years, sex dergoing catheter ablation had improved survival (49%
category) to assess patient risk for adverse outcomes relative risk reduction) and reduced hospitalizations
before initiating anticoagulation therapy (1,27,28). (56% relative risk reduction) (13).
Regardless of whether patients receive rhythm or rate 4. If a rhythm control strategy fails or is undesired, and
control, anticoagulation is recommended for patients ventricular rates remain rapid despite medical therapy
with HF and AF for stroke prevention with a CHA 2DS2- after all other options are exhausted, atrioventricular
VASc score of $2 (for men) and $3 (for women) (2-5). nodal ablation with implantation of a CRT device can
2. Trials of DOAC have compared the efficacy and safety be considered as a treatment option. Ablate and pace is
with warfarin therapy rather than placebo. Several an old strategy for difficult to rate control AF. Early
DOAC are available, including the factor Xa inhibitors studies with RV pacing showed benefit (15,16). How-
apixaban, rivaroxaban, edoxaban, and the direct ever, when RV pacing was compared with cardiac
thrombin inhibitor dabigatran (2-5). These drugs do not resynchronization in more recent trials, especially in
need routine anticoagulation monitoring or dose those with reduced LVEFs, CRT generally produced
adjustment. The fixed dosing together with fewer in- more benefit than RV pacing (17-21). The PAVE (Left
teractions may simplify patient management, particu- Ventricular-Based Cardiac Stimulation post AV Nodal
larly with the polypharmacy commonly seen in HF, but Ablation Evaluation) and the BLOCK-HF (Biventricular
cost for some patients can be prohibitive when not versus Right Ventricular Pacing in Patients with AV
covered by insurance. These drugs have a potential for block) trials included patients with LVEF >35%, with
an improved benefit–risk profile compared with mean EF 46% (22) in PAVE and 40% in BLOCK-HF
warfarin, which may increase their use in practice, (enrolled #50%). In both of these trials, patients un-
especially in those at increased bleeding risk (6-9). In a dergoing CRT had improved outcomes.
meta-analysis of 4 trials examining efficacy and safety 5. HF is a hypercoagulable state and serves as an inde-
of DOAC in patients with and without HF, DOAC more pendent risk factor for stroke, systemic embolism, and
effectively reduced the rate of stroke or systemic em- mortality in the setting of AF (23,24). There are
bolism, major bleeding, and intracranial bleeding compelling data to support the use of anticoagulation
compared with warfarin, with no treatment heteroge- in most patients with HF and concomitant AF, barring
neity by HF status (10). contraindications. In patients with HF and a CHA2DS2 -
3. The 2 largest RCTs of AF ablation in HF showed a VASc score of 1, those with AF had a 3-fold higher risk
benefit in hospitalizations and mortality with ablation compared with individuals without concomitant AF
(11,12) although other smaller trials did not. In the (25). In a post hoc analysis of 2 contemporary HF trials,
AATAC (Ablation Versus Amiodarone for Treatment of paroxysmal and new onset AF were associated with a
Persistent Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Conges- greater risk for hospitalization caused by HF or stroke
tive Heart Failure and an Implanted Device) trial, 203 (26). In a recent registry study, the risk of stroke was
patients with persistent AF, LVEF <40%, and NYHA particularly higher in the initial period after diagnosis
class II to III HF, ablation improved the likelihood of of HF among patients with prevalent AF (29). Because
maintaining normal sinus rhythm at 24 months HF is a risk factor, additional risk factors may not be
compared with amiodarone and, in addition, had a 45% required to support the use of anticoagulation in pa-
decrease in hospitalization and decrease in mortality tients with HF, and the decision to anticoagulate can
(8% vs. 18%) (11). The CASTLE AF (Catheter Ablation be individualized according to risk versus benefit.
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1. In vulnerable patient populations at risk for health disparities, HF risk assessments and multidisciplinary
1 C-LD management strategies should target both known risks for CVD and social determinants of health, as a
means toward elimination of disparate HF outcomes (1-6).
2. Evidence of health disparities should be monitored and addressed at the clinical practice and the health
1 C-LD care system levels (7-13).
*This section crosslinks to Section 7.1.1, “Stage C Nonpharmacological Interventions and Self-Care Support in HF,” where screening and interventions for social determinants of health are now
Population Risk of HF HF Outcomes
Women The lifetime risk of HF is equivalent between sexes, but HFpEF risk is Overall, more favorable survival with HF than men. In the OPTIMIZE-HF
higher in women—in FHS participants with new-onset HF, odds of registry, women with acute HF had a lower 1-y mortality (HR, 0.93;
HFpEF (EF >45%) are 2.8-fold higher in women than in men (66). 95% CI, 0.89–0.97), although women are more likely not to receive
Sex-specific differences in the predictive value of cardiac biomarkers for optimal GDMT (20,69-71).
incident HF (67). Lower patient-reported quality of life for women with HFrEF, compared
Nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors, including anxiety, depression, with men (10,71).
caregiver stress, and low household income may contribute more Greater transplant waitlist mortality for women but equivalent survival
toward incident heart disease in women than men (68). after heart transplantation or LVAD implantation (24,52).
Older adults Per FHS, at 40 y of age, the lifetime risk of incident HF is 20% for both Among 1233 patients with HF aged $80 y, 40% mortality during mean
sexes; at 80 y of age, the risk remains 20% for men and women 27-mo follow-up; survival associated with prescription of GDMT
despite the shorter life expectancy (72). (74).
LVEF is preserved in at least two-thirds of older adults with the
diagnosis of HF (73).
Lower Among 27,078 White and Black adults of low income (70% Age-adjusted 1999–2018 HF mortality (deaths/100,000; mean and
socioeconomic earned <$15,000/y) participating from 2002–2009 in the Southern 95% CI) was higher with increasing quartiles of ADI, which is based
status Community Cohort Study, a 1 interquartile increase in neighborhood on 17 indicators of employment, poverty, and education:
populations deprivation index was associated with a 12% increase in risk of HF Quartile 1, 20.0 (19.4–20.5);
(adjusted HR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.07–1.18) (46).
Quartile 2, 23.3 (22.6–24.0);
Black populations In MESA, patients of Black race had highest risk of incident HF (4.6/ CDC data show race-based differences in HF mortality over time: Black
1000 person-years) and highest proportion of nonischemic incident men had a 1.16-fold versus 1.43-fold higher age-adjusted HF-related
HF (26). CVD death rate compared with White men in 1999 versus 2017;
Higher prevalence of HF risk factors including hypertension, obesity, Black women had a 1.35-fold versus 1.54-fold higher age-adjusted
and diabetes, compared with White populations (75). HF-related CVD death rate compared with White women in 1999
versus 2017 (27).
Gap in outcomes is more pronounced among younger adults (35–64 y of
age) versus older adults (65–84 y of age); age-adjusted HF-related
CVD death rates were 2.60-fold and 2.97-fold higher in young Black
versus White men and women, respectively (27).
Higher rates of hospitalization (3) and mortality among patients with
HFpEF (76).
Lower 5-year survival after heart transplant (77-79).
Hispanic populations MESA study showed higher HF incidence in Hispanic compared with Despite higher rates of hospitalization for HF compared with non-
non-Hispanic White groups (3.5 versus 2.4 per 1000 person-years) Hispanic Whites, Hispanic patients with HF have shown lower short-
but lower than for African Americans (4.6/1000 person-years) term mortality rates (81).
(7,26,80). In GWTG, Hispanic patients with HFpEF had lower mortality (OR, 0.50;
95% CI, 0.31–0.81) than non-Hispanic Whites, but this was not the
case for Hispanic patients with HFrEF (OR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.62–1.43)
Lower risk of developing AF in the setting of HF, compared with White
patients (83).
Asian and Pacific Limited population-specific data for Asian and Pacific Islander High rates of preventable HF hospitalization observed in some Asian and
Islander subgroups in the United States (84,85). Pacific Islander populations (13).
populations Lower mortality rates from HF for Asian subgroups when listed as the
primary cause of death, compared with non-Hispanic White groups
Native American and Limited population-specific data, with cardiovascular risk factor trends Limited data suggest HF mortality rates in American Indians and Alaska
Alaskan Native best characterized by the Strong Heart Study and Strong Heart Natives are similar to those in White populations (88).
populations Family Study, demonstrating high rates of hypertension and
diabetes (11,87).
CDC indicates Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CVD, cardiovascular disease; FHS, Framingham Heart Study; GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; GWTG, Get With The
Guidelines registry; HF, heart failure; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; HR, hazard ratio; LVAD, left ventricular
assist device; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MESA, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; OPTMIZE-HF, Organized Program To Initiate Lifesaving Treatment In Hospitalized
Patients With Heart Failure; and OR, odds ratio.
HF care (12). Native American and Alaskan Native should be delivered at or below the sixth grade reading
populations experience particular challenges in level (60). Workplace interventions that improve cul-
specialty care access because Indian Health Service tural competency and address implicit biases are
facilities are often small and rural (11). Engaging pa- increasingly available. Many aspects of GDMT have
tients in medical care within culturally tailored envi- been inadequately studied by population subgroups,
ronments has proven successful (58,59). HF written largely as a result of clinical trial underrepresentation
educational materials for patients and caregivers (61-65).
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11.2. Cardio-Oncology
2. In asymptomatic patients with cancer therapy–related cardiomyopathy (EF <50%), ARB, ACEi, and beta
2a B-NR blockers are reasonable to prevent progression to HF and improve cardiac function (2-4).
3. In patients with cardiovascular risk factors or known cardiac disease being considered for potentially
2a B-NR cardiotoxic anticancer therapies, pretherapy evaluation of cardiac function is reasonable to establish
baseline cardiac function and guide the choice of cancer therapy (2,5-16).
4. In patients with cardiovascular risk factors or known cardiac disease receiving potentially cardiotoxic
2a B-NR anticancer therapies, monitoring of cardiac function is reasonable for the early identification of drug-
induced cardiomyopathy (2,4,6,8).
5. In patients at risk of cancer therapy–related cardiomyopathy, initiation of beta blockers and ACEi/ARB for
2b B-R the primary prevention of drug-induced cardiomyopathy is of uncertain benefit (17-28).
6. In patients being considered for potentially cardiotoxic therapies, serial measurement of cardiac troponin
2b C-LD might be reasonable for further risk stratification (29-32).
discontinuation of therapy (1,2). Accordingly, trastu- cancer therapy–related cardiomyopathy for other
zumab is often continued in patients deemed low risk GDMT, their use should align with the HFrEF man-
while neurohormonal blockade is initiated. agement guidelines. Initiation and uptitration of
Conversely, patients diagnosed with immune standard HF therapies remains the mainstay of treat-
checkpoint-related myocarditis typically have the ment in patients with cancer therapy–related cardio-
offending agents discontinued indefinitely, given the myopathy or LVEF <50%, with close monitoring of
associated high mortality (39,40). cardiac function to guide discussions with oncology on
2. Studying the effectiveness of neurohormonal therapies the resumption of, or choice of, subsequent cancer
specifically in patients with the CTRC gene is chal- therapies (2).
lenging given the relative infrequency of events, het- 3. Pretherapy quantification of LVEF in patients receiving
erogeneity of offending agents, the poorly understood potentially cardiotoxic cancer therapies serves 4 pur-
pathophysiology, and the overlap with comorbid CVD. poses: 1) pretherapy risk stratification and diagnosis of
Available data in patients with anthracycline and preexisting cardiomyopathy, 2) establish a reference
trastuzumab-induced cardiomyopathy suggest beta baseline to which reevaluations can be compared, 3)
blockers and ACEi are effective in improving LV initiate cardioprotective medications before cancer
dysfunction (2-4). Given the dearth of data specific to therapy, and 4) guide choice of cancer therapy. Echo-
cardiography is recommended as the first-line modal-
Risk Factors for Cancer Therapy–Related ity for LVEF assessment given its availability, safety,
Cardiomyopathy relatively low cost, and its ability to provide structural
Age $60 y and functional information beyond LVEF (2,5-16,41-
Black race 47). The risk of cancer therapy–related cardiomyopa-
thy varies greatly across cancer therapies and is
modified by preexisting cardiovascular risk factors
(Table 29). Pretherapy LVEF is a strong predictor of
major adverse cardiovascular events in patients
Preexisting cardiomyopathy
receiving potentially cardiotoxic therapies (2,5-10,42-
Previous exposure to anthracyclines
47). The clinical use and cost-effectiveness of system-
Previous chest radiation
atic screening in all patients, however, is unclear (11-
Elevated troponin pretherapy
16). Patients with cancer and preexisting cardiovascu-
CAD indicates coronary artery disease. lar risk factors are at significantly higher risk of cancer
e98 Heidenreich et al JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022
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therapy–related cardiomyopathy, representing a pop- Although other studies have shown similar findings,
ulation in which pretherapy evaluation would have a the magnitude of the difference in LVEF between arms
significantly higher yield (2,5-10,42-47). was often small (<5%) and of questionable clinical
4. The purpose of serial monitoring of LVEF in patients significance (19,22). Not all studies have replicated
receiving potentially cardiotoxic anticancer agents is to these findings (18,21,24,26). Most importantly, none of
identify subclinical cardiac injury, initiate car- the studies have assessed whether preemptive use of
dioprotective agents, and consider temporary or per- HF therapies in patients at risk for cancer therapy–
manent interruption of the offending agent related cardiomyopathy improves clinical outcomes,
(2,4,6,8,48). The practice of LVEF monitoring has such as mortality or hospitalization for HF. Additional
mostly been implemented in patients receiving studies are needed to define the appropriate criteria
anthracyclines, trastuzumab, or both (Table 28). In a and patient population in whom to initiate medical
study of 2625 patients receiving anthracyclines for therapies for the primary prevention of cancer
breast cancer or lymphoma who underwent serial LVEF therapy–related cardiomyopathy.
monitoring, cancer therapy–related cardiomyopathy 6. Cardiovascular biomarkers, notably troponin, have
occurred in 9% of patients, of whom 81% had mild been studied for cardiovascular risk stratification in
symptoms (NYHA class I to II) (4). Beta blockers and patients undergoing potentially cardiotoxic therapies
ACEi-ARB were initiated in all patients, with 86% (29-32). A study of 452 patients with breast cancer
having at least partial recovery of LVEF (4). Patients showed that an elevated pretreatment level (>14 ng/L)
with recovered LVEF had a lower incidence of cardiac was associated with a 4-fold increase in the risk of
events than those that did not (4). The clinical signifi- cancer therapy–related cardiomyopathy (32). Other
cance of an asymptomatic decrease in LVEF and the smaller studies have found no advantage in measuring
optimal frequency and duration of monitoring is less troponin or natriuretic peptides pretherapy (50-53).
clear and likely depend on patient risk, the anticancer Overall, these biomarker studies were observational
agent used, and its cumulative dose. Although a one- and small in sample size and number of events (54).
size-fits-all approach to monitoring for cancer Serial biomarkers may be more useful in risk stratifi-
therapy–related cardiomyopathy may be easier to cation. For example, in a study of 703 patients
implement systematically, it may not be the most cost- receiving anthracyclines, an increase in troponin
effective. Until additional data are available, limiting within 72 hours of chemotherapy and 1 month after the
the monitoring to patients at higher risk of cancer completion of treatment course were associated with a
therapy–related cardiomyopathy (Table 29) is a greater risk of cancer therapy–related cardiomyopathy
reasonable strategy. (29). The clinical use of measuring biomarkers was
5. Whether the preemptive use of ACEi-ARB, spi- assessed in 1 trial in which 114 patients with post-
ronolactone, or selected beta blockers such as carve- treatment increase in troponin to >0.07 ng/mL were
dilol and nebivolol is effective in reducing the risk of randomized to enalapril or standard of care (20). None
cancer therapy–related cardiomyopathy has been of the patients in the enalapril group had a decrease in
investigated in a number of small clinic trials, with LVEF, compared with 43% in the standard of care
conflicting findings (17-27,49). The most supportive of group (20). Data for the use of natriuretic peptides are
this practice is a study that randomized 114 patients limited. In practice, biomarkers could provide rapid
receiving high-dose chemotherapy and having a post- risk stratification in patients for which echocardio-
treatment troponin rise >0.07 ng/mL to enalapril or graphic findings are equivocal and help determine
placebo (20). None of the patients in the enalapril arm whether symptoms are cardiovascular in origin.
met the primary endpoint (>10% decrease in LVEF to
below 50%), while 43% of patients in the standard of
care group had a significant decrease in LVEF (20). 11.3. HF and Pregnancy
2. In women with acute HF caused by peripartum cardiomyopathy and LVEF <30%, anticoagulation may be
2b C-LD reasonable at diagnosis, until 6 to 8 weeks postpartum, although the efficacy and safety are uncertain (9-
3. In women with HF or cardiomyopathy who are pregnant or currently planning for pregnancy, ACEi, ARB,
3: Harm C-LD ARNi, MRA, SGLT2i, ivabradine, and vericiguat should not be administered because of significant risks of
fetal harm (13-15).
Nonpharmacological Preconception genetic counseling and testing Close maternal monitoring for HF signs or Multidisciplinary recommendations from
strategies for potentially heritable cardiac conditions. symptoms or other cardiovascular instability obstetrics and neonatology and pediatrics
Use of pregnancy cardiovascular risk tools by cardiology and obstetric and maternal- teams and shared decision-making
(51,56-58), and echocardiography for fetal medicine teams; close fetal monitoring regarding the maternal and neonatal risks
myocardial structure and function by the obstetric and maternal-fetal and benefits of breastfeeding.
assessment, to provide information that medicine teams. For women presenting with decompensated HF
facilitates informed counseling. Consideration of routine echocardiographic or cardiogenic shock, HF management
For women planning a pregnancy, provide screening in the third trimester for should include hemodynamic monitoring
personalized counseling that promotes the reassessment of myocardial structure and and mechanical circulatory support as
autonomy and goals of the patient (and her function before labor; echocardiography for appropriate
partner, as applicable), the patient’s ability any significant changes in HF symptoms or
for self-care and risk awareness, and signs during pregnancy, or if HF medications
ensures adequate psychosocial support for are reduced or discontinued (18).
decision-making (3). BNP or NT-proBNP monitoring during
For women not currently planning a pregnancy pregnancy may have some value for
but who might conceive, discuss HF-specific prediction of cardiovascular events (73,74).
considerations regarding pregnancy and Close maternal monitoring by obstetrics and
refer to gynecology or primary care for maternal-fetal medicine teams for
contraceptive counseling. preeclampsia, which has shared risk factors
and pathogenesis with PPCM (47,75).
For women presenting with decompensated HF
or cardiogenic shock, hemodynamic
monitoring and MCS, as appropriate, within
a multidisciplinary collaborative approach
that supports prompt decision-making
about the timing and mechanism of
Pharmacological Review of all current medications. Close monitoring of maternal blood pressure, For women with acute HF caused by PPCM and
strategies For women planning pregnancy imminently, heart rate, and volume status, with LVEF <30%, consideration of
modification of HF pharmacotherapy adjustment of the modified HF regimen as anticoagulation until 6–8 wk postpartum,
including. discontinuation of any ACEi, ARB, appropriate to avoid hypotension (systemic although the efficacy and safety remain
ARNi, MRA, or SGLT2i or ivabradine vasodilation peaks in the second trimester) uncertain at this time.
medications; within a construct of and placental hypoperfusion. For postpartum women with severe acute HF
multidisciplinary shared decision-making, For women with HF or cardiomyopathy caused by PPCM and LVEF <35%, in GDMT
continuation of a beta blocker (most presenting during pregnancy without pharmacotherapy and prophylactic
commonly metoprolol), hydralazine, and preconception counseling and assessment, anticoagulation, to improve LVEF recovery
nitrates; adjustment of diuretic dosing to urgent discontinuation of any GDMT (6,31,36-41,76); the efficacy and safety of
minimize the risk of placental hypoperfusion pharmacotherapies with fetal toxicities; bromocriptine for acute PPCM treatment
(13-15). within a construct of multidisciplinary remains uncertain at this time, particularly
Ideally, repeat echocardiography approximately shared decision-making, continuation of a in the setting of contemporary HF GDMT
3 mo after preconception HF medication beta blocker (most commonly metoprolol and cardiogenic shock management.*
adjustments to ensure stability of succinate), hydralazine, and nitrates; For women who choose to breastfeed, review
myocardial structure and function before adjustment of diuretic dosing to minimize medications with neonatology and
conception. the risk of placental hypoperfusion. pediatrics teams for neonatal safety during
lactation, ideally with pharmacist
consultation if available.
Within a construct of multidisciplinary shared
decision-making, medications that may be
appropriate during breastfeeding include
ACEi (enalapril or captopril preferred,
monitor neonatal weight), beta blockers
(metoprolol preferred, monitor neonatal
heart rate) (15).
Diuretics can suppress lactation, but with
neonatal follow-up the use of furosemide
may be appropriate (15).
Multidisciplinary care Consultation with genetics, gynecology, and Multidisciplinary management with obstetrics Multidisciplinary management with obstetrics,
beyond the maternal-fetal medicine teams, as and maternal-fetal medicine teams during maternal-fetal medicine, neonatology, and
cardiology team appropriate to the outcome of shared pregnancy. pediatrics teams, especially for
decision-making. For women with decompensated HF or multidisciplinary recommendations
evidence of hemodynamic instability regarding lactation.
antepartum, delivery planning will include Consultation with gynecology team for ongoing
obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine, contraceptive planning.
anesthesia, and neonatology teams.
*An initial open-label pilot RCT in South Africa suggested addition of bromocriptine to GDMT was associated with greater LVEF improvement and a lower rate of the composite
endpoint at 6 mo (37). Among 96 women with acute PPCM in a Burkina Faso RCT, 4 wk of bromocriptine was associated with LVEF recovery and lower mortality (16.6% versus 29.1%;
P<0.001) (39). A multicenter German study randomized 63 patients to 1 versus 8 wk of bromocriptine (no placebo, as deemed unethical) (38), with LVEF recovery $50% in 52% and
68% of the 1- and 8-wk groups, respectively, and no deaths. A substudy also showed high rates of RV recovery (41). Two retrospective cohorts (Germany, Canada) and a multicenter
cohort of subsequent pregnancies also suggested greater LVEF recovery with bromocriptine (31,38,40). Bromocriptine may currently be most justified in women with LVEF <25% or
cardiogenic shock. The downsides of prohibiting breastfeeding should be considered. Bromocriptine should be accompanied by at least prophylactic-dosed anticoagulation, because of
potential hypercoagulability (38). The European Society of Cardiology endorses “BOARD” (Bromocriptine, Oral HF therapy, Anticoagulation, vasoRelaxing agents, Diuretics) for acute
PPCM management (13,14).
ACEi indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ARNi, angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor; BNP, B-natriuretic peptide; GDMT,
guideline-directed medical therapy; HF, heart failure; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MCS, mechanical circulatory support; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; NT-
proBNP, N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide; PPCM, peripartum cardiomyopathy; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RV, right ventricular; and SGLT2i, sodium-glucose
cotransporter-2 inhibitor.
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e101
-, 2022:-–- 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
acute peripartum cardiomyopathy treatment currently considered acceptable during pregnancy (15), within a
remains uncertain, and further randomized placebo- construct of multidisciplinary shared decision-making
controlled trials are required to define the role of this regarding benefits and potential risks, are furosemide,
therapy, particularly in the setting of contemporary HF beta blockers (most commonly metoprolol) (63-65),
GDMT and cardiogenic shock management. hydralazine, and nitrates (13,14,19). Women with peri-
3. In 2015, the FDA adopted the Pregnancy and Lactation partum cardiomyopathy were historically counseled
Labeling Rule, which retired the previous pregnancy against breastfeeding because of metabolic demands
risk categories A through X and, instead, assigned a and prolactin stimulation, but breastfeeding may even
descriptive risk summary to aid medication counseling be associated with LV recovery (66-70). Postpartum
for pregnant and breastfeeding women. ACEi and ARB women who breastfeed can start ACEi (enalapril or
are associated with second- and third-trimester renal captopril preferred), and metoprolol remains the
and tubular dysplasia, oligohydramnios, fetal growth preferred beta blocker (66,71). The National Library of
restriction, ossification disorders of the skull, lung Medicine hosts LactMed (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
hypoplasia, contractures, large joints, anemia, and in- gov/books/NBK501922/) (72).
trauterine fetal death and are, therefore, strictly con-
traindicated (59-61). There are no specific data for ARNi
or ivabradine. For spironolactone, there is sufficient
information regarding dose-dependent feminization of
male rabbit and rat offspring to raise concern (62); data
12.1. Performance Measurement
are limited for eplerenone. HFrEF medications
1. Performance measures based on professionally developed clinical practice guidelines should be used with
1 B-NR the goal of improving quality of care for patients with HF (1-7).
2. Participation in quality improvement programs, including patient registries that provide benchmark
2a B-NR feedback on nationally endorsed, clinical practice guideline–based quality and performance measures can
be beneficial in improving the quality of care for patients with HF (1,2,5,6).
TABLE 31 ACC/AHA 2020 HF Clinical Performance, Quality, and Structural Measures (8)
PM-5 ACEi, ARB, or ARNi therapy for HFrEF Outpatient Individual practitioner Treatment
Inpatient Facility
PM-7 Dose of beta blocker therapy for HFrEF Outpatient Individual practitioner Treatment
PM-8 Dose of ACEi, ARB, or ARNi therapy for HFrEF Outpatient Individual practitioner Treatment
PM-10 Laboratory monitoring in new MRA therapy Outpatient Individual practitioner Monitoring
Inpatient Facility
PM-11 Hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate therapy for Outpatient Individual practitioner Treatment
HFrEF in those patients self-identified as Black or Inpatient Facility
African American
PM-12 Counseling regarding ICD placement for patients Outpatient Individual practitioner Treatment
with HFrEF on GDMT Facility
PM-13 CRT implantation for patients with HFrEF on GDMT Outpatient Individual practitioner Treatment
QM-4 Post-discharge appointment for patients with HF Inpatient Individual practitioner, facility Treatment
Rehabilitation PMs Related to HF (From the 2018 ACC/AHA performance measures for cardiac rehabilitation (10))
Rehab PM-2 Exercise training referral for HF from inpatient Inpatient Facility Process
Rehab PM-4 Exercise training referral for HF from outpatient Outpatient Individual practitioner Process
setting Facility
ACEi indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ACC, American College of Cardiology; AHA, American Heart Association; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ARNi, angiotensin
receptor-neprilysin inhibitor; CRT, cardiac resynchronization therapy; GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; HF, heart failure; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction;
ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; PM, performance measure; QM, quality measure; and
SM, structural measure.
Recommendations for Palliative and Supportive Care, Shared Decision-Making, and End-of-Life
Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplements.
1. For all patients with HF, palliative and supportive care—including high-quality communication, convey-
1 C-LD ance of prognosis, clarifying goals of care, shared decision-making, symptom management, and caregiver
support—should be provided to improve QOL and relieve suffering (1).
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e103
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2. For patients with HF being considered for, or treated with, life-extending therapies, the option for
1 C-LD discontinuation should be anticipated and discussed through the continuum of care, including at the time
of initiation, and reassessed with changing medical conditions and shifting goals of care (2,3).
3. For patients with HF—particularly stage D HF patients being evaluated for advanced therapies, patients
2a B-R requiring inotropic support or temporary mechanical support, patients experiencing uncontrolled
symptoms, major medical decisions, or multimorbidity, frailty, and cognitive impairment—specialist
palliative care consultation can be useful to improve QOL and relieve suffering (4-6).
4. For patients with HF, execution of advance care directives can be useful to improve documentation of
2a C-LD treatment preferences, delivery of patient-centered care, and dying in preferred place (7).
5. In patients with advanced HF with expected survival <6 months, timely referral to hospice can be useful
2a C-LD to improve QOL (8).
TABLE 32 Palliative and Supportive Care Domains to Improve Processes of Care and Patient Outcomes
High-quality communication Central to palliative care approaches are communication and patient-caregiver engagement techniques (16).
Conveyance of prognosis Palliative care specifically addresses patient and caregiver understanding of disease, treatment, and prognosis. Research suggests
that patients tend to overestimate their survival (17) and overestimate the potential benefits of treatment (18). Objective risk
models can calibrate expectations, but discussion of uncertainty should accompany prognostic conversations, often
summarized as “hope for the best, plan for the worst.”
Clarifying goals of care Management of patients with HF as their disease becomes end-stage and death seems near includes decisions about when to
discontinue treatments designed primarily to prolong life (e.g., ICD, hospitalization, tube feeding), decisions on when to
initiate treatments to reduce pain and suffering that may hasten death (e.g., narcotics), and decisions about the location of
death, home services, and hospice care. Exploring patients’ expressed preferences, values, needs, concerns, means and desires
through clinician-led discussion can clarify values-treatment concordance and improve medical decision-making (12).
Shared decision-making Shared decision-making is a process by which patients and clinicians work together to make optimal health care decisions from
medically reasonable options that align with what matters most to patients. Shared decision-making requires: unbiased
medical evidence about the risks, benefits, and burdens of each alternative, including no intervention; clinician expertise in
communication and tailoring that evidence for individual patients; and patient goals and informed preferences (12).
Symptom management Dyspnea, fatigue, pain, nausea, depression, anxiety, and other symptoms of HF refractory to cardiovascular therapies can be
partially remediated through palliative and supportive approaches in addition to GDMT (5).
Caregiver support Care of the patient with heart failure should extend to their loved ones, including beyond their death, to offer support to families
and help them cope with loss.
GDMT indicates guideline-directed medical therapy; HF, heart failure; and ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.
F I G U R E 1 5 A Depiction of the Clinical Course of HF With Associated Types and Intensities of Available Therapies Over Time (12)
CHF indicates congestive heart failure; HF, heart failure; and MCS, mechanical circulatory support. Adapted with permission of the American Thoracic Society.
Copyright ª 2021 American Thoracic Society. All rights reserved. The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine is an official journal of the
American Thoracic Society (13). Readers are encouraged to read the entire article for the correct context at
rccm.200605-587ST. The authors, editors, and The American Thoracic Society are not responsible for errors or omissions in adaptations. Adapted with
permission from the World Health Organization (14). Copyright ª 1990 World Health Organization.
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e105
-, 2022:-–- 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
advanced HF showed greater benefits in QOL, anxiety, who are at the end of life when curative or life-
depression, and spiritual well-being compared with prolonging therapy is no longer the focus of treat-
usual care alone (PAL-HF [Palliative Care in Heart ment (10). Historically, hospice use has been low
Failure]) (4). However, other trials have been mixed among patients dying with HF and, among those
(5,6), and many negative (21-23), such that formal engaging in hospice, the duration of time in hospice
palliative care interventions should be tailored to pa- was short, suggesting late referral. Low hospice referral
tient and caregiver wants and needs. rates and high-intensity care at end of life often reflects
4. Advance care planning is a process that supports health care professional biases and limitations in
understanding and sharing of patients’ personal models of care rather than patient values (26). This
values, life goals, and preferences regarding future appears to be changing in the United States, where CDC
medical care. Key domains include discussing pa- data from 2003 to 2017 on U.S. site of death show that
tients’ values, documenting plans for medical treat- the proportion of cardiovascular deaths related to HF
ments, designating a surrogate decision maker, and occurring in hospice facilities rose from 0.2% to 8.2%
revisiting this process over time (24). Familiarity with and deaths at home rose from 20.6% to 30.7% (27).
local and state laws is needed relating to advance
care planning, decisions regarding life-sustaining
treatments, and evolving treatments with legal ram-
ifications, especially when caring for vulnerable
populations (19). Few patients with HF have formally 14. RECOMMENDATION FOR PATIENT-REPORTED
defined their care goals and designated a surrogate OUTCOMES AND EVIDENCE GAPS AND
5. Hospice is a specific model of subspecialty palliative
14.1. Patient-Reported Outcomes
care that is offered to patients with a terminal disease
1. In patients with HF, standardized assessment of patient-reported health status using a validated ques-
2a C-LD tionnaire can be useful to provide incremental information for patient functional status, symptom burden,
and prognosis (1-19).
Consensus on specific classifications of HFrEF, HFpEF, HFmrEF, and HFimpEF or whether a 2-category definition of HFrEF and HF with normal EF, or an
additional category of HFimpEF is needed separately for HFpEF; and whether these approaches can be uniformly applied to clinical trials and practice.
Definitions, detection, and management of myocarditis and myocardial injury, especially in the context of rapidly evolving concepts, such as COVID-19
infection and cardiotoxicity.
Prediction of higher risk for HF among patients with traditional risk factors (e.g., which patients with diabetes would be at a higher risk HF, warranting
preventive treatment for HF).
Advanced role of precision medicine with incorporation of genetic, personalized, and individualized factors in medical management of HF.
Ability to use integrated systems biology models, including biomarkers, molecular markers, omics, diagnostic modalities, and genetic variables for diagnosis,
prognosis, and targeting therapies.
Nonmedical Strategies
Efficacy and safety of specific dietary interventions, sodium restriction, and fluid restriction to prevent and treat HF.
Efficacy and safety of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with HFpEF and HFmrEF.
Medical Therapies
Research on causes and targeted therapies for cardiomyopathies such as peripartum cardiomyopathy.
Therapies targeting different phenotypes of HF; patients with advanced HF, persistent congestion, patients with profiles excluded from clinical trials such as
those with advanced kidney failure or hypotension.
Studies on targets for optimal decongestion; treatment and prevention of cardiorenal syndrome and diuretic resistance.
Efficacy and safety of hydralazine isosorbide in non–African American patients with HF and also in African American patients on GDMT including SGLT2i and
Efficacy and safety of vericiguat in patients with HFrEF and markedly elevated natriuretic peptide levels.
Efficacy and safety of omecamtiv mecarbil in patients with stage D (advanced HF) HFrEF.
Additional efficacy and safety of SGLT2i therapies in patients with HFpEF or patients with HFmrEF, efficacy and safety of combined SGLT2i and SGLT1i in
HFrEF, HFmrEF, or HFpEF.
Additional efficacy and safety of SGLT2i studies in hospitalized patients with acute decompensated HF with and without diabetes.
Effective management strategies for combined post- and precapillary pulmonary hypertension.
Treatment strategies targeting downstream processes such as fibrosis, cardiac metabolism or contractile performance in dilated cardiomyopathies and
Comparative effectiveness and safety of different initiation and titration of GDMT at the same time or in different sequences, optimal strategies for
sequencing and titration of therapies for HFrEF and HFpEF.
TABLE 33 Continued
Efficacy and safety of optimal BP target in patients with established HF and hypertension.
Optimal BP target while optimizing GDMT in patients with HFrEF and HFpEF.
Role of potassium binders in optimization of GDMT and clinical outcomes in patients with HF.
Efficacy and safety of pirfenidone and other targeted treatment strategies for maladaptive fibrosis in patients with HFpEF.
AF risk in patients treated with PUFA for patients at risk for HF or with HF.
Optimal and timely selection of candidates for percutaneous interventions, MCS, or cardiac transplantation.
Safety and efficacy of cardiac contractility modulation, vagal nerve stimulation, autonomic modulation, and renal denervation in patients with HF.
Safety and efficacy of splanchnic nerve ablation splanchnic nerve ablation to reduce splanchnic vasoconstriction and volume redistribution in HF.
Safety and efficacy of interatrial shunt, pericardiectomy, baroreceptor and neuromodulation, and renal denervation in HFpEF.
Clinical Outcomes
Studies addressing patient goals about care and care intensity as it intersects with disease trajectory.
Real-world evidence data to characterize generalization of therapies in HF populations who may not have been represented in trials.
Implementation studies on how to develop a structured approach to patient participation in informed decision-making and goal setting through the
continuum of HF care.
Implementation science for adoption and optimization of GDMT by clinicians on how to initiate multiple or sequenced GDMT, how to integrate these into
learning health systems and networks, and how to increase patient education and adherence.
Pragmatic studies on multidisciplinary new care models (e.g., cardiac teams for structural and valve management, shock teams, cardiometabolic clinics,
telemedicine, digital health, cardiac rehabilitation at home or postdischarge, and palliative care).
Studies on strategies to eliminate structural racism, disparities, and health inequities in HF care.
Identify characteristics of systems of care (e.g., disciplines and staffing, electronic health records, and models of care) that optimize GDMT before and after
the discharge of hospitalized patients.
Appropriate patient selection in evolving percutaneous approaches in VHD (e.g., timing and appropriate patient selection for TAVI, Mitraclip, tricuspid valve
Effective and safe treatment options in CKD, sleep-disordered breathing, chronic lung disease, diabetes, depression, cognitive disorders, and iron deficiency.
Efficacy and safety of transvenous stimulation of the phrenic nerve or role of nocturnal supplemental oxygen for treatment of central sleep apnea in patients
with HF.
Efficacy and safety of weight loss management and treatment strategies in patients with HF and obesity.
Efficacy and safety of nutritional and food supplementation in patients with HF and frailty and malnutrition.
Efficacy and safety of GDMT in end-stage renal disease or in patients with eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m 2 .
TABLE 33 Continued
Future/Novel Strategies
New device therapies, including percutaneous and durable mechanical support devices.
Invasive (e.g., pulmonary artery pressure monitoring catheter) or noninvasive remote monitoring.
Studies on telehealth, digital health, apps, wearables technology, and artificial intelligence.
Role of enrichment trials, adaptive trials, umbrella trials, basket trials, and machine learning–based trials.
Novel dissemination and implementation techniques to identify patients with HF (e.g., natural language processing of electronic health records and auto-
mated analysis of cardiac imaging data) and to test and monitor proven interventions.
AF indicates atrial fibrillation; ARNi, angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor; ATTR, transthyretin amyloidosis; BP, blood pressure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COVID-19, coronavirus
disease 2019; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GDMT, guideline-directed medical therapy; HF, heart failure; HFimpEF, heart failure with improved ejection fraction; HFmrEF,
heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; LV, left ventricular; MCS,
mechanical circulatory support; MRA, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; QOL, quality of life; RV, right ventricular; SGLT1i, sodium-glucose
cotransporter-1 inhibitors; SGLT2i, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors; TAVI, transcatheter aortic valve implantation; and VHD, valvular heart disease.
practice (23), there are minimal data regarding the PRESIDENTS AND STAFF
impact of such efforts. However, there are potential
advantages to routine assessment. First, better under- American College of Cardiology
standing of symptom burden and prognosis may Dipti N. Itchhaporia, MD, FACC, President
improve the quality of treatment decisions and, sub- Cathleen C. Gates, Chief Executive Officer
sequently, QOL. Health status can be improved via MaryAnne Elma, MPH, Senior Director, Enterprise
guideline-recommended therapies (24-31). Although Content and Digital Strategy
some therapies are recommended for mortality benefit, Grace D. Ronan, Team Leader, Clinical Policy Publications
symptom assessment can identify patients needing Timothy W. Schutt, MA, Clinical Practice Guidelines
additional interventions (e.g., diuretic escalation). Analyst
Second, routine assessment can facilitate population American College of Cardiology/American Heart
health management by identifying high-risk patients Association
needing closer monitoring or referral to specialized Thomas S.D. Getchius, Director, Guideline Strategy and
centers. Third, patient-reported health status assess- Operations
ment increases the patient’s role, which can motivate Abdul R. Abdullah, MD, Director, Guideline Science and
initiation and uptitration of medical therapy. However, Methodology
routine assessment of patient-reported status increases American Heart Association
the burden of data collection for patients and health Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, MD, ScM, FAHA, President
systems and underscores the need for future studies Nancy Brown, Chief Executive Officer
evaluating the impact of assessment. Mariell Jessup, MD, FAHA, Chief Science and Medical
14.2. Evidence Gaps and Future Research Directions Radhika Rajgopal Singh, PhD, Senior Vice President,
Office of Science and Medicine
Significant gaps exist despite evolving evidence and
Paul St. Laurent, DNP, RN, Senior Science and Medicine
treatment strategies in patients with HF. Table 33 pro-
Advisor, Office of Science, Medicine and Health
vides selected, common issues that should be addressed
Jody Hundley, Production and Operations Manager,
in future clinical research.
Scientific Publications, Office of Science Operations
JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e109
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JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e149
-, 2022:-–- 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
Ownership/ Organizational, or
Committee Speakers Partnership/ Personal Other Financial Expert
Member Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Benefit Witness Salary
Paul A. Stanford University School of Medicine— None None None None None None None
Heidenreich Professor and Vice-Chair for Quality,
(Chair) Department of Medicine
Biykem Bozkurt Baylor College of Medicine and DeBakey VA n Abbott* None None None n Abbott* None None
(Vice Chair) Medical Center Cardiology Department—
n Amgen n Amgen
Mary and Gordon Cain Chair; W.A. “Tex” and
n Baxter n Relypsa
Deborah Moncrief, Jr., Chair; Professor of
Medicine Medical Care Line Executive, n Bristol-Myers n Respicardia
DeBakey VA Medical Center; Director, Squibb* n Sanofi-Aventis‡
Winters Center for Heart Failure Research; n E.R. Squibb & n Past President,
Associate Director, Cardiovascular Research Sons, L.L.C.* HFSA (2019-
Institute; Vice-Chair of Medicine, Baylor
n Relypsa 2020)
College of Medicine
n Sanofi-aventis*
n scPharmaceuticals
n Vifor
David Aguilar University of Kentucky—Professor of None None None None None None None
Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division
of Cardiovascular Medicine
Larry A. Allen University of Colorado School of Medicine, n Abbott None None None n Abbott‡ None None
Anschutz Medical Campus—Professor of
n ACI Clinical* n Amgen
Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division
n Amgen* n Boston
of Cardiology
n Boston Scientific* Scientific*‡
n n Janssen
n Novartis
n Medtronic
Vascular Inc.
n Novartis‡
Joni J. Byun Penultimate PR—President None None None None None None None
Monica M. University of Michigan—Professor of None None None n CareDX n Abbott‡ None None
Colvin Medicine, Department of Medicine,
Cardiovascular Division;
Associate Director, Heart Transplant
Program, Advanced Heart Failure,
Transplant, and MCS Natera
Anita Deswal UT MD Anderson Cancer Center—Ting Tsung None None None None None None None
and Wei Fong Chao Distinguished Chair,
Professor of Medicine, and Chair of
Mark H. Drazner UT Southwestern Medical Center—Professor None None None None None None None
and Clinical Chief of Cardiology,
Department of Internal Medicine,
Shannon M. Mayo Clinic—Professor of Health Services None None None None None None None
Dunlay Research and Medicine, Department of
Cardiovascular Medicine
Linda R. Evers Stevens & Lee—Shareholder and Chair of None None None None None None None
Stevens & Lee’s Energy, Communications
and Public Utility Group
Ownership/ Organizational, or
Committee Speakers Partnership/ Personal Other Financial Expert
Member Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Benefit Witness Salary
James C. Fang University of Utah—Professor of Medicine, n Boston Scientific† None None None n ACI Clinical None None
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine (Adjudication
n Amgen (Steer-
ing Committee)
n AstraZeneca
n Boston
n Novartis (Exec-
Savitri E. Michael E. DeBakey Medical Center— None None None None None None None
Fedson Professor, Medical Director, Advanced
Heart Failure and Transplantation, Section
of Cardiology
Gregg C. Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA— n Abbott* None None None n Boston None None
Fonarow Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Chief, Scientific
n Amgen
UCLA Division of Cardiology, Department of
n AstraZeneca n Novartis*
n CHF Solutions n Medtronic
n Cytokinetics
n Edwards
n Janssen
n Medtronic
n Merck*
n Novartis*
n Regeneron
Salim S. Hayek University of Michigan in Ann Arbor— None None None None None None None
Assistant Professor, Department of
Medicine, Division of Cardiology
Adrian F. Duke University School of Medicine—Vice n Amgen None None n American Regent None None None
Hernandez Dean of Clinical Research
n AstraZeneca n Amgen
n Bayer n Boston Scientific
n BioFourmis n AstraZeneca*
n Boehringer n Boehringer
Ingelheim* Ingelheim
n Boston Scientific* n Daiichi Sankyo
n Cytokinetics n Genentech
n Eli Lilly n GlaxoSmithKline*
n Merck* n Janssen
n Myokardia Pharmaceuticals*
n n Merck*
n n Novartis*
n n Verily*
n Sanofi-aventis*
Prateeti University of Colorado—Assistant Professor None None None None None None None
Khazanie of Medicine, Department of Medicine,
Division of Cardiology
Michelle M. Smidt Heart Institute Cedars-Sinai— None None None None None None None
Kittleson Professor of Medicine, Cardiology
Christopher S. Boston College, William F. Connell School None None None None None None None
Lee of Nursing—Professor and Associate Dean
for Research
Ownership/ Organizational, or
Committee Speakers Partnership/ Personal Other Financial Expert
Member Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Benefit Witness Salary
Mark S. Link UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas— None None None None None None None
Professor of Medicine and Director, Cardiac
Electrophysiology; Laurence and Susan
Hirsch/Centex Distinguished Chair in Heart
Disease, Department of Internal Medicine,
Division of Cardiology
Carmelo A. Duke University Medical Center—Professor n Abbott* None None n Abbott* n Abbott* None None
Milano of Surgery, Surgery Department
n Medtronic* n AbioMed†
n NuPulse† n Allergan†
n CryoLife†
n Ethicon†
n LivaNova†
Lorraine C. American Heart Association/American None None None None n AHA/ACC sala- None None
Nnacheta§ College of Cardiology—Guideline Advisor ried employee
Alexander T. Stanford University—Instructor of Medicine, None None None None None None None
Sandhu Division of Cardiology, Department of
Lynne Warner Vanderbilt University Medical Center, n Novartis None None None n Abbott‡ None None
Stevenson Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute—
n Biotronik
Director of Cardiomyopathy and Lisa M.
n Boston
Jacobson Professor of Cardiovascular
Medicine Scientific
n Bristol-Myers
n Endotronic†
n Gore Medical†
n Johnson &
Orly Vardeny Minneapolis VA Health Care System and n Amgen None None n AstraZeneca* n AstraZeneca‡ None None
University of Minnesota—Associate
n Novartis n Bayer*
Professor of Medicine, Department of
n Sanofi-Pasteur
Amanda R. Vest Tufts Medical Center, Cardiovascular None None None None n Boehringer None None
Center—Assistant Professor of Medicine Ingelheim‡*
n CareDx‡
n Corvia‡
n Transmedics‡
Clyde W. Yancy Northwestern University, Feinberg School None None None None n Abbott† None None
of Medicine; Northwestern Memorial
n JAMA Cardiol-
Hospital—Professor of Medicine
ogy, Deputy
(Cardiology); Professor of Medical Social
Sciences; Chief of Cardiology; Vice-Dean,
Diversity & Inclusion; Associate Director
Cardiovascular Institute Internal Medicine/
Cardiology & Medical Social Sciences
This table represents the relationships of committee members with industry and other entities that were determined to be relevant to this document. These relationships were reviewed and
updated in conjunction with all meetings and/or conference calls of the writing committee during the document development process. The table does not necessarily reflect relationships with
industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest represents ownership of $5% of the voting stock or share of the business entity, or
ownership of $$5000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds received by the person from the business entity exceed 5% of the person’s gross income for the previous year.
Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for the purpose of transparency. Relationships in this table are modest unless otherwise noted. According to the ACC/AHA, a
person has a relevant relationship IF: a) the relationship or interest relates to the same or similar subject matter, intellectual property or asset, topic, or issue addressed in the document; or b) the
company/entity (with whom the relationship exists) makes a drug, drug class, or device addressed in the document or makes a competing drug or device addressed in the document; or c) the person
or a member of the person’s household, has a reasonable potential for financial, professional or other personal gain or loss as a result of the issues/content addressed in the document. Writing
committee members are required to recuse themselves from voting on sections to which their specific relationships with industry and other entities may apply.
*Significant relationship.
†No financial benefit.
‡This disclosure was entered under the Clinical Trial Enroller category in the ACC’s disclosure system. To appear in this category, the author acknowledges that there is no direct or institutional
relationship with the trial sponsor as defined in the (ACCF or AHA/ACC) Disclosure Policy for Writing Committees.
§Lorraine Nnacheta is an AHA/ACC joint staff member and acts as the guideline advisor for the “2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure.” No relevant relationships to
report. Non-voting author on recommendations and not included/counted in the RWI balance for this committee.
ACC indicates American College of Cardiology; ACCF, American College of Cardiology Foundation; AHA, American Heart Association; HFSA, Heart Failure Society of America; RWI, relationships
with industry and other entities; UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles; UT, University of Texas; and VA, Veterans Affairs.
2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
Heidenreich et al
Ownership/ Organizational, or
Speakers Partnership/ Personal Other Financial Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Benefit Witness
Anastasia Content Reviewer—Joint Committee University of Health Sciences None n AstraZeneca None None None None
Armbruster on Clinical Practice Guidelines & Pharmacy in St. Louis Pharmaceuticals
Alison Bailey Content Reviewer—ACC Centennial Heart at Parkridge None None None None n American Society of Preventive None
n OptumRx
Joshua A. Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Vanderbilt University n Amgen None n EMX† n Bayer (DSMB) n Vascular Interventional Advances* None
Beckman on Clinical Practice Guidelines
n JanOne n JanaCare† n Novartis n NovoNordisk‡
n Janssen
Claudio Bravo Content Reviewer—AHA University of Washington None None None None None None
Patricia Chang Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC University of North Carolina None None None None None None
Richard Cheng Content Reviewer—AHA University of Washington None None None n Ancora Heart None None
n Aria CV, Inc.†
n Procyrion†
n SoniVie Inc.†
Lisa de las Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Washington University in St. n Acceleron n Simply Speaking* None n Acceleron* n ACC† None
Fuentes on Clinical Practice Guidelines Louis
n Aerovate n Bayer n AHA†
n Altavant n Complexa* n Circulation Journals
n Arena n Johnson&Johnson* n Foundation for the NIH†
n Bayer n Liquidia* n Pulmonary Hypertension
n Complexa* n Medtronic* Association*
n Express Scripts n NIH*
n Gossamer n Trio Analytics
n Johnson&Johnson n United
n Phase Bio Therapeutics*
n n University of Ken-
tucky (DSMB)†
n V-wave
n University of Tor-
n Vaderis
onto (DSMB)†
n WebMD*
-, NO. -, 2022
-, 2022:-–-
-, 2022:-–-
Ownership/ Organizational, or
-, NO. -, 2022
Speakers Partnership/ Personal Other Financial Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Benefit Witness
Akshay Desai Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC Brigham and Women’s n Abbott None None n Alnylam* n Baim Clinical Research Institute* None
Hospital Laboratories* n AstraZeneca n TIMI Study Group*
n Alnylam* Pharmaceuticals*
n Amgen* n Bayer†
n AstraZeneca n Myokardia†
Pharmaceuticals* n Novartis*
n Biofourmis*
n Boehringer
n Boston Scientific*
n Corvidia
n Cytokinetics
n Dalcor Pharma*
n Lupin Pharma
n Merck
n Novartis*
n Regeneron*
n Relypsa*
n Sun Pharma
Howard Eisen Official Reviewer—AHA Penn State Health None None None None None None
Mona Fiuzat Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC Duke University n Fire1 None None n Roche* None None
Bulent Gorenek Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Eskisehir Osmangazi n AstraZeneca None None None None None
on Clinical Practice Guidelines University Pharmaceuticals
n Bayer
n Daiichi Sankyo
n Roche
n Sandoz
Heidenreich et al
W. Schuyler Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Duke University n Bayer* None None n Boehringer None None
Jones on Clinical Practice Guidelines Ingelheim
n Janssen
Pharmaceuticals n Bristol Myers
Daniel Judge Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC The Medical University of n ADRx None None n Capricor (DSMB) n Array Biopharma‡ None
South Carolina
n Cytokinetics n TRiNDS (DSMB) n Eidos Therapeutics‡
n Pfizer n Myokardia‡
n Tenaya
Kimberly Lay Reviewer Morris Cardiovascular & Risk None None None None n Verilogue None
Ketter Reduction Center
Dharam Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC UT Southwestern Medical n ACC* None None None n Circulation, Associate Editor* None
Kumbhani Center
Daniel Mark Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Duke University n Novartis None None None n Elsevier* None
on Clinical Practice Guidelines
n Heartflow*
n Merck*
n NIH*
Paul Mather Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC University of Pennsylvania None None None n Novartis* None None
Shweta Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC Harvard University n Baim Institute for None n Relay n Puma n American Regent‡ None
Motiwala Clinical Research* Therapeutics* Biotechnology* n Boehringer Ingelheim‡
n Eli Lilly n Relypsa† n Edwards Lifesciences‡
n Relay n NuPulse CV‡
Debabrata Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Texas Tech University n ACC* None None None None None
Mukherjee on Clinical Practice Guidelines
Patrick T. Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Brigham and Women’s None None None None n Edwards Lifesciences† None
O’Gara on Clinical Practice Guidelines Hospital
n Medtronic†
n NIH*
Continued on the next page
-, NO. -, 2022
-, 2022:-–-
-, 2022:-–-
-, NO. -, 2022
Ownership/ Organizational, or
Speakers Partnership/ Personal Other Financial Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Benefit Witness
Francis D. Official Reviewer—AHA University of Michigan None None None None None None
Gurusher Content Reviewer—ACC George Washington n CVRx n Pfizer* None None n Abbott None
Panjrath University Laboratories‡
Mariann Piano Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Vanderbilt University None None None None None None
on Clinical Practice Guidelines
Sean Pinney Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC University of Chicago n Abbott None None None None None
n CareDX, Inc.
n Medtronic
n NuPulse
n Procyrion
n Transmedics
Bunny Pozehl Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC University of Nebraska None None None None None None
Tanveer Rab Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Emory University None None None None n ABIM None
on Clinical Practice Guidelines
n ACC†
n American Bifurcation Club†
Nosheen Reza Content Reviewer—ACC University of Pennsylvania None None None None None None
Jo E. Rodgers Content Reviewer—AHA University of North Carolina None None None n Novartis† n Duke Clinical Research Institute‡ None
n GlaxoSmithKline
Chris Salerno Content Reviewer—ACC St. Vincent Hospital n Abbott n Medtronic None None n Abbott‡ None
n Medtronic‡
n Regeneron
n Sanofi
n Shifamed
-, NO. -, 2022
n Tenax
-, 2022:-–-
n United
-, 2022:-–-
Ownership/ Organizational, or
-, NO. -, 2022
Speakers Partnership/ Personal Other Financial Expert
Reviewer Representation Employment Consultant Bureau Principal Research Benefit Witness
Erica S. Spatz Official Reviewer, Joint Committee Yale University None None None None n Centers for Medicare & Medicaid None
on Clinical Practice Guidelines Services*
n U.S. Food and Drug
Nancy Sweitzer Official Reviewer—HFSA University of Arizona n Medscape* None None n NIH* n AHA* None
n Myokardia n Merck n Amgen‡
n Novartis† n Array BioPharma‡
n Cellular Logistics†
n Corvia Medical‡
n CVRx‡
n NIH*‡
n University of Arizona*
Jacqueline E. Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Mount Sinai n Gaffney Events None None None n AHA† None
Tamis- on Clinical Practice Guidelines Educational Trust n Bronx Lebanon Hospital, Cardiol-
ogy Fellowship Program Director†
n NYS†
n The NGS Predict Study‡
Jennifer Content Reviewer—AHA UT Southwestern Medical None None None None n CareDX‡ None
Thibodeau Center
n Cytokinetics‡
n Eidos Therapeutics‡
n NIH‡
Sanjeev Trehan Official Reviewer—ACC (Board of Saint Francis Health System None None None None None None
Mary Norine Content Reviewer—AHA/ACC Ascension Medical Group None None None None n Amgen‡ None
n EBR Systems
Heidenreich et al
Ownership/ Organizational, or
n Uppsala University‡
Barbara Content Reviewer—ACC Medical University of South n Lexicomp None None None n ACC† None
Wiggins Carolina
n American Journal of Cardiovascular
n PERT Consortium Clinical
Y. Joseph Woo Content Reviewer—Joint Committee Stanford University School of None None None None n Associate Editor, Journal of None
on Clinical Practice Guidelines Medicine Thoracic and Cardiovascular
n NIH*
This table represents all relationships of reviewers with industry and other entities that were reported at the time of peer review, including those not deemed to be relevant to this document, at the time this document was under review. The table does not
necessarily reflect relationships with industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest represents ownership of $5% of the voting stock or share of the business entity, or ownership
of $$5000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds received by the person from the business entity exceed 5% of the person’s gross income for the previous year. Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for the
purpose of transparency. Relationships in this table are modest unless otherwise noted. Names are listed in alphabetical order within each category of review. Please refer to
relationships-with-industry-policy for definitions of disclosure categories or additional information about the ACC/AHA Disclosure Policy for Writing Committees.
*Significant relationship.
†No financial benefit.
‡This disclosure was entered under the Clinical Trial Enroller category in the ACC’s disclosure system. To appear in this category, the author acknowledges that there is no direct or institutional relationship with the trial sponsor as defined in the (ACCF or
AHA/ACC) Disclosure Policy for Writing Committees.
ABIM indicates American Board of Internal Medicine; ACC, American College of Cardiology; ACCF, American College of Cardiology Foundation; AHA, American Heart Association; DSMB, Data and Safety Monitoring Board; JAMA, Journal of the American
Medical Association; NGS, Next-generation sequencing; NIH, National Institutes of Health; NYS, New York State; PCORI, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute; PERT, Pulmonary Embolism Response Team; TIMI, Thrombolysis in Myocardial
Infarction; and UT, University of Texas.
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JACC VOL. -, NO. -, 2022 Heidenreich et al e159
-, 2022:-–- 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Heart Failure Guideline
Ventricular diastolic function n Average E/eʹ $15 for increased filling pressures
n Septal eʹ <7 cm/s
n Lateral eʹ <10 cm/s
n TR velocity >2.8 m/s
n Estimated PA systolic pressure >35 mm Hg
*Cutoffs provided for natriuretic peptide levels may have lower specificity, especially in older patients or in patients with AF or CKD. Usually, higher cutoff values are recommended for
the diagnosis of HF in these patients. Natriuretic peptide cutoffs selected for population screening for pre-HF (stage B HF) may be <99% reference limits and need to be defined
according to the population at risk.
AF indicates atrial fibrillation; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CKD, chronic kidney disease; GLS, global longitudinal strain; HF, heart failure; LAVI, left atrial volume index; LV, left
ventricular; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LVMI, left ventricular mass index; NT-proBNP, natriuretic peptide tests; PA, pulmonary artery; RWT, relative wall thickness; and TR,
tricuspid regurgitation.