Linear Predict
Linear Predict
Linear Predict
Linear Predict
7. Linear Prediction
J. Benesty, J. Chen, Y. Huang
Part B 7
all aspects of speech. Its use seems natural and 7.4 Levinson–Durbin Algorithm ................... 124
obvious in this context since for a speech signal the
value of its current sample can be well modeled 7.5 Lattice Predictor ................................... 126
as a linear combination of its past values. In
7.6 Spectral Representation ........................ 127
this chapter, we attempt to present the most
important ideas on linear prediction. We derive 7.7 Linear Interpolation ............................. 128
the principal results, widely recognized by speech
experts, in a very intuitive way without sacrificing 7.8 Line Spectrum Pair Representation......... 129
mathematical rigor. 7.9 Multichannel Linear Prediction .............. 130
7.10 Conclusions .......................................... 133
7.1 Fundamentals ...................................... 121
7.2 Forward Linear Prediction ..................... 122 References .................................................. 133
7.1 Fundamentals
Linear prediction (LP) is a fundamental tool in many source produces unvoiced or fricated sounds such as
diverse areas such as adaptive filtering, system identifi- the fricatives. The parameters, al , determine the spec-
cation, economics, geophysics, spectral estimation, and tral characteristics of the particular sound for each of
speech. Recently, a nice history of LP in the context of the two types of excitation and are widely used directly
speech coding was written by Atal [7.1]. Readers are in many speech coding schemes and automatic speech
invited to consult this reference for more information recognition systems [7.4].
about this topic and how it has evolved. Equation (7.1) can be rewritten in the frequency do-
Linear prediction is widely used in speech applica- main, by using the z-transform. If H(z) is the transfer
tions (recognition, compression, modeling, etc.) [7.2,3]. function of the system, we have:
This is due to the fact that the speech production process G
is well modeled with LP. Indeed, it is well recognized H(z) = L
1 − l=1 al z −l
that a speech signal can be written in the following
form [7.4, 5], G
= , (7.2)
L A(z)
x(k) = al x(k − l) + Gu(k) , (7.1) which is an all-pole transfer function. This filter [H(z)]
l=1 is a good model of the human vocal tract [7.2]. Our main
where k is the time index, L represents the number of concern is to determine the predictor coefficients, al , l =
coefficients in the model (the order of the predictor), 1, 2, · · · , L, and to study the properties of the filter A(z).
al , l = 1, · · · , L, are defined as the linear prediction The applications of LP are numerous. Before ad-
coefficients, G is the gain of the system, and u(k) is dressing the estimation of LP coefficients, we give some
the excitation signal, which can be either a quasiperi- examples to show the importance of LP. In many aspects
odic train of impulses or a random noise source (also of speech processing (noise reduction, speech separa-
a combination of both signals for voiced fricatives such tion, speech dereverberation, speech coding, etc.), it is
as ‘v’, ‘z’, and ‘zh’). The periodic source produces of great interest to compare the closeness of the spec-
voiced sounds such as vowels and nasals, and the noise tral envelope of two speech signals (the desired and
122 Part B Signal Processing for Speech
the processed ones) [7.6, 7]. One way of doing this is Like the Itakura distance, this measure is not symmetric
through comparing their LP coefficients. Consider the either; therefore, it is not a true metric.
two speech signals x(k) (desired) and x̂(k) (processed). The Itakura–Saito distance has many interesting
Without entering too much into the details, one possible properties. It has been shown that this measure is highly
measure to evaluate the closeness of these two signals is correlated with subjective quality judgements [7.6]. For
the Itakura distance: example, a recent report on speech codec evaluation re-
Ex veals that, if the Itakura–Saito measure between two
IDx x̂ = ln ,
Part B 7.2
where the superscript ‘T’ denotes transposition, x̂(k) is where the subscript ‘o’ in ao,L stands for optimal,
the predicted sample, R L = E{x(k − 1)xT (k − 1)}
a L = [a L,1 a L,2 · · · a L,L ]T = E{x(k)xT (k)}
⎛ ⎞
is the forward predictor of length L, and r(0) r(1) · · · r(L − 1)
⎜ ⎟
⎜ r(1) r(0) · · · r(L − 2)⎟
x(k − 1) = [x(k − 1) x(k − 2) · · · x(k − L)]T =⎜⎜ .. .. .. .. ⎟
⎟ (7.9)
⎝ . . . . ⎠
is a vector containing the L most recent samples starting
with and including x(k − 1). r(L − 1) r(L − 2) · · · r(0)
Linear Prediction 7.3 Backward Linear Prediction 123
Part B 7.3
optimal forward predictor:
L = [r(L) r(L − 1) · · · r(1)] . T
equations (7.23) and (7.26) may be combined in a con- E eb,o (k)eTb,o (k) = LR L LT . (7.32)
venient way:
By definition, the previous matrix is symmetric. The
−bo,L 0 L×1 matrix product R L LT is a lower triangular matrix be-
R L+1 = . (7.28)
1 E b,L cause of (7.28) and the main diagonal contains the
We refer to this expression as the augmented Wiener– backward prediction-error powers E b,l (0 ≤ l ≤ L − 1).
Hopf equations of a backward predictor of order L. Since L is also a lower triangular matrix, the product
Part B 7.4
One important property of backward predic- between the two matrices L and R L LT should have
tion is that the error signals of different orders the same structure and, since it has to be symmet-
with the optimal predictors are uncorrelated, i. e., ric, the only possibility is that this resulting matrix is
E{eb,o,i (k)eb,o,l (k)} = 0, i = l, i, l = 0, 1, · · · , L − 1. To diagonal:
prove this, let us rewrite the error signal in vector form:
E eb,o (k)eTb,o (k) = diag[E b,0 , E b,1 , · · · , E b,L−1 ] ,
eb,o (k) = Lx(k) , (7.29) (7.33)
Furthermore, tions:
ao,L−1 bo,L−1
E b,L = r(0) − rb,L
bo,L ao,L = − κL , (7.47)
0 −1
= r(0) − rb,L J L J L bo,L
E L = E L−1 (1 − κ L2 ) , (7.48)
= r(0) − rf,L
ao,L,L = κ L . (7.49)
= E f,L = E L . (7.40)
Part B 7.4
Iterating on the prediction-error power given in (7.48),
Therefore, for a stationary process, the forward and we find that,
backward prediction-error powers are equal and the L
coefficients of the optimal forward predictor are the E L = r(0) 1 − κl2 , (7.50)
same as those of the optimal backward predictor, but l=1
in a reverse order. and since E L ≥ 0, this implies that,
The Levinson–Durbin algorithm is based on recur- |κl | ≤ 1, ∀l ≥ 1 . (7.51)
sions of the orders of the prediction equations. Consider
Also, from (7.48) we see that we have,
the following expression,
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ 0 ≤ El ≤ El−1 , ∀l ≥ 1 , (7.52)
1 E L−1
R L rb,L ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ so, as the order of the predictors increases, the
T ⎝−ao,L−1 ⎠ = ⎝0(L−1)×1 ⎠ , (7.41) prediction-error power decreases.
rb,L r(0)
0 KL Table 7.1 summarizes the Levinson–Durbin algo-
rithm, whose arithmetic complexity is proportional to
L 2 . This algorithm is much more efficient than stand-
K L = r(L) − ao,L−1
rb,L−1 ard methods such as the Gauss elimination technique,
whose complexity is on the order of L 3 . The saving in
= r(L) − ao,L−1
J L−1rf,L−1 . (7.42) number of operations to find the optimal Wiener predic-
tor can be very important, especially when L is large.
We define the reflection coefficient as, The other advantage of the Levinson–Durbin algorithm
KL is that it gives the predictors of all orders and the al-
κL = . (7.43) gorithm can be stopped if the prediction-error power is
E L−1
under a threshold, which can be very useful in practice
From backward linear prediction, we have: when the choice of the predictor order is not easy to get in
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ advance. A slightly more-efficient approach, called the
0 KL
r(0) rf,L ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ split Levinson algorithm, can be found in [7.17]. This
⎝−bo,L−1 ⎠ = ⎝0(L−1)×1 ⎠ . (7.44) algorithm requires roughly half the number of multipli-
rf,L R L
1 E L−1 cations and the same number of additions as the classical
Levison–Durbin algorithm. Even more-efficient algo-
Multiplying both sides of the previous equation by κ L ,
rithms have been proposed (see, for example, [7.18]) but
we get,
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ they are numerically unstable, which is not acceptable
0 κ L2 E L−1 in most speech applications.
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
R L+1 ⎝−κ L bo,L−1 ⎠ = ⎝0(L−1)×1 ⎠ . (7.45)
Table 7.1 Levinson–Durbin algorithm
If we now subtract (7.45) from (7.41), we obtain, Initialization: E 0 = r(0)
⎛ ⎞ For 1 ≤ l ≤ L
⎜ ⎟ E L−1 (1 − κ L2 ) κl = r(l) − aTo,l−1 Jl−1 r f,l−1
R L+1 ⎝κ L bo,L−1 − ao,L−1 ⎠ = . El−1
0 L×1
−κ L ao,l−1 −1
ao,l = − κl Jl
(7.46) 0 ao,l−1
Assuming that R L+1 is nonsingular and identifying El = El−1 1 − κl 2
becomes, Thus,
2 2
Ao,L (z) = wl z −l . (7.63) g̃ R L+1 g = |λ|2 g̃H R L+1 g̃ . (7.69)
Using the Schwartz inequality,
Also, define the vector, 2
w = [w0 w1 · · · w L ]T . g̃ R L+1 g ≤ g̃H R L+1 g̃ gH R L+1 g . (7.70)
Part B 7.6
We know that, However,
EL r(0) r T
R L+1 w = . (7.64)
g̃ R L+1 g̃ = 0 g
H H f,L 0
0 L×1 rf,L R L g
If λ is a root of the polynomial, it follows that,
= g R L g ,
Ao,L (z) = (1 − λz −1 ) gl z −l , with g0 = 1 .
l=0 R L rb,L g
g R L+1 g = g H
(7.65) 0 T
rb,L r(0) 0
(Note that since λ can be complex, the coefficients gl are,
= g R L g .
in general, complex.) Thus the vector w can be written
w = g − λg̃ , (7.66) Therefore, g̃H R L+1 g̃ = gH R L+1 g, and the Schwartz in-
equality becomes,
where 2
H 2
g = [1 g1 g2 · · · g L−1 0]T = [g T 0]T , g̃ R L+1 g ≤ g̃H R L+1 g̃ . (7.73)
whose elements are the prediction coefficients [7.23– |E L ( eiω )|2 of the error signal, e L (k), will tend to be flat.
25]. Hence,
Consider the prediction error signal, 2
lim E L ( eiω ) = G 2 . (7.79)
e L (k) = x(k) − aTL x(k − 1) . (7.77) L→∞
where |E L ( eiω )|2 is the spectrum of e L (k). From This confirms that (7.76) can be a very good approxi-
Sect. 7.2, we know that, for a large order L, linear pre- mation of the spectrum of a speech signal, as long as the
diction tends to whiten the signal, so the power spectrum order of the predictor is large enough.
Part B 7.8
0 0 which implies that,
⎛ ⎞
1 −co,0,1 · · · −co,0,L
cTo,i co,i
⎜ ⎟ = viT R−2
⎜ −co,1,0 1 · · · −co,1,L ⎟ L+1 vi
⎜ .. .. .. .. ⎟ ⎟ i=0
E i2 i=0
⎝ . . . . ⎠
= tr R−2
L+1 . (7.94)
−co,L,0 −co,L,1 ··· 1
Also, we can easily check that,
= D−1
e Co . (7.88)
Therefore, we deduce that, tr R2L+1 = (L + 1)r 2 (0) + 2 (L + 1 − l)r 2 (l) .
co,i,l co,l,i l=1
= , i, l = 0, 1, · · · , L . (7.89) (7.95)
Ei El
Therefore, the square of the condition number of the
The first and last columns of R−1 L+1 contain, respec- correlation matrix associated with the Frobenius norm
tively, the normalized forward and backward predictors is
and all the columns between contain the normalized
interpolators. χF2 (R L+1 ) = (L + 1)r 2 (0) + 2 (L + 1 − l)r 2 (l)
We are now going to show how the condition number l=1
of the correlation matrix depends on the interpolators.
cTo,i co,i
The condition number of the matrix R L+1 is defined × . (7.96)
as [7.29]: i=0
E i2
χ(R L+1 ) = R L+1 R−1
L+1 , (7.90) Some other interesting relations between the forward
predictors and the condition number can be found
where · can be any matrix norm. Note that χ(R) de- in [7.30].
pends on the underlying norm. Let us compute χ(R L+1 ) To conclude this section, we would like to let read-
using the Frobenius norm: ers know that several algorithms exist to compute the
1/2 optimal predictors efficiently, see for example, [7.31]
R L+1 F = tr RTL+1 R L+1
1/2 and [7.32]. All these algorithms are based on Levinson–
= tr R2L+1 (7.91) Durbin recursions.
reflection coefficient, κ L+1 , to be +1 and −1. These to the two optimal Wiener predictors ao+ and ao− . This is
two cases correspond, respectively, to an entirely closed easy to see if we rewrite, e+ (k) for example as
or to an entirely open end at the last section of an acoustic
tube of L + 1 piecewise-uniform sections [7.35], + a+T
e (k) = 1 − xL+1 (n)
P(z) = A(z) + z −L A(z −1 ) , (7.100) +T
Q(z) = A(z) − z −L A(z −1 ) . (7.101) + − 0 xL+1 (n)
Part B 7.9
The polynomial A(z) can be easily reconstructed from = gT ITd xL+1 (n) , (7.105)
P(z) and Q(z) by
1 where
A(z) = [P(z) + Q(z)] . (7.102) ⎛ ⎞
2 1 1 0 0 ···
It was proved in [7.36] and [7.34] that the LSP poly- ⎜0 0⎟···
⎜ 1 1 ⎟
nomials, P(z) and Q(z), have the following important ⎜. .. .. .. ⎟
properties: Id = ⎜
⎜ .. . . .⎟
. (7.106)
⎜ ⎟
• all zeros of LSP polynomials are on the unit circle, ⎝0 0 · · · 1 1⎠
• the zeros of P(z) and Q(z) are interlaced, and 0 0 ··· 0 1
• the minimum-phase property of A(z) can be easily
preserved if the first two properties are intact after and
⎛ ⎞
quantization. 1
Now, define the two prediction error signals: g = ⎝ a+ ⎠ . (7.107)
1 2
e+ (k) = x(n) − [x(n − 1) + x(n)]T a+ , (7.103)
2 By minimizing the MSE, E{e+2 (k)}, with respect to
1 g, with the constraint gT v1 = 1, one can find the most
e− (k) = x(n) − [x(n − 1) − x(n)]T a− . (7.104)
2 important results. For readers who are interested in
It is shown in [7.37] and [7.38] that the LSP polynomials, more details on the properties of LSP polynomials, we
whose trivial zeroes have been removed, are equivalent recommend the paper by Bäckström and Magi [7.39].
To derive the optimal Wiener forward predictors, we We will proceed with the same philosophy to derive
need to minimize the MSE, important equations for the multichannel backward pre-
diction. We define the multichannel backward prediction
Jf (A L ) = E eTf,L (k)ef,L (k) . (7.109) error vector as
We find the multichannel Wiener–Hopf equations: eb,L (k) = χ(k − L) − χ̂(k − L)
R L Ao,L = Rf (1/L) , (7.110)
Part B 7.9
= χ(k − L) − B L,l χ(k − l + 1)
where l=1
= χ(k − L) − BTL x(k) , (7.117)
R L = E{x(k − 1)xT (k − 1)} (7.111)
= E{x(k)xT (k)} where
⎛ ⎞
R(0) R(1) ··· R(L − 1) B L = [B L,1 B L,2 · · · B L,L ]T
⎜ ⎟
⎜ R T (1) R(0) ··· R(L − 2)⎟
=⎜⎜ .. .. .. .. ⎟
⎟ is the backward predictor matrix of size ML × M with
⎝ . . . . ⎠ each one of the square submatrices B L,l being of size
RT (L − 1) RT (L − 2) · · · R(0) M × M.
(7.112) The minimization of the MSE,
is the block-Toeplitz covariance matrix of size ML× ML, Jb (B L ) = E eTb,L (k)eb,L (k) , (7.118)
R(l) = E{χ(k)χ T (k − l)}, l = 0, 1, · · · , L − 1 , leads to the multichannel Wiener–Hopf equations for the
backward prediction:
R(−l) = E{χ(k − l)χ T (k)} = RT (l) ,
R L Bo,L = Rb (1/L) , (7.119)
Rf (1/L) = [R(1) R(2) · · · R(L)]T
= E{x(k − 1)χ T (k)} Rb (1/L) = E{x(k)χ T (k − L)} (7.120)
= [RT (L) RT (L − 1) ··· RT (1)]
is the intercorrelation matrix of size ML × M.
Using the augmented block-Toeplitz covariance ma- By using the augmented block-Toeplitz covariance
trix of size (ML + M) × (ML + M): matrix:
R(0) RTf (1/L) RL Rb (1/L)
R L+1 = , (7.113) R L+1 = , (7.121)
Rf (1/L) RL RTb (1/L) R(0)
we deduce the augmented multichannel Wiener–Hopf we find the augmented multichannel Wiener–Hopf equa-
equations: tions:
I M×M Ef,L −Bo,L 0ML×M
R L+1 = , (7.114) R L+1 = , (7.122)
−Ao,L 0ML×M I M×M Eb,L
is the forward error covariance matrix of size M × M, is the backward error covariance matrix of size M × M,
with with
ef,o,L (k) = χ(k) − ATo,L x(k − 1) . (7.116) eb,o,L (k) = χ(k − L) − BTo,L x(k) . (7.124)
132 Part B Signal Processing for Speech
⎛ ⎞
To solve the multichannel Wiener–Hopf equations I M×M
efficiently, we need to derive some important rela- ⎜ ⎟
R L+1 ⎝−Ao,L−1 ⎠ E−1 f,L−1 Kb,L
tions [7.40]. Consider the following system,
⎛ ⎞ 0 M×M
I M×M ⎛ ⎞
RL Rb (1/L) ⎜ ⎟ Kb,L
⎝−Ao,L−1 ⎠ ⎜ ⎟
RTb (1/L) R(0) = ⎝ 0(ML−M)×M ⎠ . (7.132)
⎛ ⎞ 0 M×M
Kf,L E−1
Part B 7.9
7.10 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have tried to present the most im- and backward prediction coefficients. We have explained
portant results in linear prediction for speech. We have the idea behind the lattice predictor. We have shown how
explained the principle of forward linear prediction and the spectrum of a speech signal can easily be estimated
have shown that the optimal prediction error signal tends thanks to the prediction coefficients. We have given some
to be a white signal. We have extended the principle notions of linear interpolation and have demonstrated
Part B 7
of forward linear prediction to backward linear pre- how the condition number of the correlation matrix is
diction and derived the Cholesky factorization of the related to the optimal interpolators. We have also pre-
inverse correlation matrix. We have developed the classi- sented some notions of line spectrum pair polynomials.
cal Levinson–Durbin algorithm, which is a very efficient Finally, in the last section, we have generalized some of
way to solve the Wiener–Hopf equations for the forward these ideas to the multichannel case.
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