Please Read: This data is to meant to be completed by the group manager. Data must be entered regarding the entire group of farms in the
[proposed] unit of certification. For several input lines, it is possible to use estimates based on information from completed Farm Diaries or other
sources of field-level information. This is mentioned in the "Note" column E. Where the unit is Yes/No, please write exactly Yes or No (not "Y" or
"N"). The group calculator must be completed once per group. This document must be read in conjuction with the Bonsucro Production Standard
for Smallholder Farmers.
Data Privacy: By completing the Bonsucro calculator and submitting to Bonsucro or a certification body, you are giving Bonsucro permission to
access individual mill data and use the data publicly in aggregated form, including transfer to Bonsucro Connect which may be hosted by a third
party. The third party host will be subject to the same rules as Bonsucro. Please contact with any questions.
Relevant Indicator
(Core in Red) Input Request Input Unit Description
Name of association/mill/other applying for
General Name of Group LSM certification
One year from and working
"start datewith the farmer
of assessment"
General Start date of assessment Jan-19 MM/YY group
including to apply
at least onefor fullcertification.
harvest period. If
applying for certification, the harvest period
General End date of assessment (one year later) Feb-00 MM/YY
prior to the audit shall be used for data entry.
General Number of Farmers in Unit of Certification 33 # IfAll
Provide group
data hasbenot
of farmers
must been
filled outcertified
for aprior before,
one to audit.
then enter 1. Do not enter a number higher
General Year of Compliance (year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 1 # Not including
than 5 (this isfarm
Environmental the manager.
laws Possible
and theto
include legilsation
maximum, on
General Number of female workers 0 % estimate
waste, labour&use
requirement per not
will if workers
exceed). are
General Sugarcane Production (total from group) 70827.788 tonnes not managed
nature conservation,by the group
water manager.
quality, energy,
Do the farmers comply with environmental, Inand
the soil protection.
absense of legalSocial laws include
demonstration, the
1.1.1 social, Yes Yes/No
Can theand production
right laws?
to use land and water be legislation
operator on labour
shall confirm conditions
that there andissocial
1.2.1 demonstrated? Yes Yes/No wellbeing. Production
contestation of landlawsandinclude
water agricultural
What is the minimum age of workers carrying Minimum
production age requirement 13 rights
isburning, or
for family
out non-hazardous work? of workers carrying
Nil # if pratcies
C138 (e.g.
use15 isfor cane
rights in force,
hired or ifharvest
labour. there
What isis the
the minimum
minimum age is nomachine use)
2.1.1 age requirement in the 18 # legal minimum
Minimum ageand transportation.
age for family
requirement farms.
is 18.
out hazardous work?
country? If the ILO C138 is ratified or if there is Search for ratifications by country here:
2.1.1 18 #
a legal minimum age, please enter the
2.1.2 Is there any
minimum evidence
age here. of forced labour? No Yes/No p=1000:11300:0::NO:11300:P11300_INSTRUM
2.1.3 Is there any evidence of discrimination? No Yes/No ENT_ID:312283
2.3.2 Maximum number of hours allowed by law per 60 # If the law does not frame the maximum
Maximum number of hours actually worked Identify
number the job type
of hours that works
worked, the most
then enter 60.
2.3.2 48 # If allowed
hours and by law, can
estimate have
their verbal
hours on contracts
a sample
per week
Are workers aware of their rights and have a where basis if hour records are not available. of
the individual understands the terms
2.4.1 Yes Yes/No
contract (written if legally required or verbal)? Total the contract
land underspecified in the Proudction
cane for farmers in the unit of
3.1.2 Land under cane (total for group) 820.31 ha Possible Standard forcertification.
to estimate Smallholder Standard.
if the percentage of farms
3.1.2 Area of farms that are irrigated 820.31 Ha that irrigate is known. Irrigation includes
3.1.2 Tonnes cane harvested from irrigated area 74.92 Tonnes cane per ha This up
Look amount should
the target be
yield fullyour
for in the total
region here:
sugarcane harvest for the group.
3.1.2 Target yield for climatic zone (irrigated) 25.2 tonnes cane per ha content/uploads/2017/01/ClimateZones_Suga
Look up the target yield for your region here:
3.1.2 Target yield for climatic zone (rainfed) Nil tonnes cane per ha
5.8.1 Is there a recognized grievance and dispute yes Yes/No Stakeholders includes community members,
resolution mechanism for all stakeholders? workers, smallholder farmers.
5.9.1 Average income of production in the unit of Local currency per tonne of Possible to estimate, using data aligned with
Average cost of production in the unit of caneper tonne of
Local currency the farm
Possible to estimate, diary.
using data aligned with
certification cane the farm diary.
Number of farms that have completed the The inputs in the farm diary can be recorded in
7.1.2 33 # a cane management system or app-based farm
farm diary, or the information in the farm data collection tool, but the data must be
diary is recorded elsewhere audited by farm.
Please read: The Bonsucro Production Standard for Smallholder Farmers is used to determine results and compli
participated in the use of the Bonsucro Caluclator for Smallholder Farmers. If the answer is incomplete in the cal
core indicator must be met 100%, and the overall compliance score must be over 80% to be eligible for certificati
column A.
Overall Results
Number of Core Indicators Compliant
Number of Indicators Compliant Overall
Please note, calculations are still in development in some cases and will be revised based on feedback from second consultation and feedback.
Please read: Where further calculations are necessary to understand the output of the results and determine compliance, the formula are shared
Year of Certification 1
Current Training Provision 33
Number of Farms in Unit of Certification 33
Training Requirement Year 1 20%
Training Requirement Year 2 40%
Training Requirement Year 3 60%
Training Requirement Year 4 80%
Provide Training to Required
farms within the unit of Training Requirement Year 5 Training 100%
7.2.1 certification Percentage
Year of Certification 1
Current Farm Diaries complete 33
Number of Farms in Unit of Certification 33
Farm diaries completed year 1 20%
Farm diaries completed year 2 40%
Farm diaries completed year 3 60%
Farm diaries completed year 4 80%
Completed Farm Diary
from Farms in the Unit Farm diaries completed year 5 Required 100%
7.1.2 of Certification Percentage
Extension services are in
place Number of Extension Workers 3
7.2.2 Ratio of lowest entry Number of Farmers 33
level wage including
benefits to minimum
wage and benefits
required by law Lowest minimum wage 125.61
2.3.1 Minimum wage required by law 112.24
All water used on irrigated cane 0
Metric kg cane/ha per
requirement formm wateruse
efficient useof #DIV/0!
5.2.2 water (kg cane/ha)/mm 90
Theoretical recoverable
sugar content of cane Fibre content of cane 13.34
Raw juice purity 95.84
Theoretical overall recovery 92.92
Ratio of fertiliser N and
P applied (expressed in Sucrose content
Theoretical of cane sugar content of
recoverable 10.375
5.3.1 eq. phosphase) to cane 9.64
fertiliser N and P
recommended by soil or
leaf analysis (expressed Total element N fertiliser recommended by
in eq. phosphate) soil
leaf analysis,
fertiliser recommended 99.15
by soil or leaf analysis, tonnes 46.53
Total element
element N fertilser
P2O5 applied,
fertiliser tonnes
applied, 93.71
tonnes 51.67
Total P Equivalent Recommended, tonnes 20.28708
4.1.4 Total P Equivalent Applied, tonnes 22.52812
Percentage fields with
samples showing
analyses within
acceptable limits for pH Fields with samples taken 1
Fields with positive samples 0
5.2.5 Percentage compliant 0%
Fermentable total
sugars content of cane
expressed as invert Total sugars content of cane expressed as
5.3.2 (TSAI) TSAI 0
Sucrose content of cane 10.375
Reducing sugar
Total sugars / sucrose
content ratio
of cane in cane as
expressed 0
total sugars content of cane 10.92105263158
expressed as invert (TSAI) 98.83552631579
Does the mill produce ethanol? No
n feedback from second consultation and feedback.
lts and determine compliance, the formula are shared
Training Received
100% 500% COMPLIANT
Training Expected
% Metric threshold >10%
Ratio of fertiliser applied (phosphate
equivalent) / fertiliser recommended by
soil or leaf analysis (phosphate equivalent) 104% COMPLIANT
5% above recommendation? No