Plant Heath Monitoring 2
Plant Heath Monitoring 2
Plant Heath Monitoring 2
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number A3394058119/19©BEIESP 406 & Sciences Publication
Plant Health Monitoring System through Image Processing and Defects Overcoming Through Embedded
clc;clear all;
Fig1. Flow chart close all;
IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM [Path,U_C]=imgetfile;
In this project we are focusing to identifying the plant dieses IMA=imread(Path);
and trying to produce the solution for the infected area of the IMA = imresize(IMA,[500 500]);
plant through some medicine supplements. The Affected figure('name','Test Image','numbertitle','off');
crops are identified through image processing. Depending imshow(IMA);impixelinfo
upon the severity, the medicine amount is given to the crops. Ibright = Igreen + g;
Everything here is automated through a microcontroller, no Ibright = Ibright + (Imorph);
role to be played by human. For identifying the dieses we figure('name','Morphed
collected some plant data bases and by comparing the image','numbertitle','off');imshow(Ibright);impixelinfo;
infected plant with the various data bases we can identify for i=1:size(Ibright,1)
the dieses and we can monitor the process of the growth for j=1:size(Ibright,2)
level of the plants if Igreen(i,j)=0.98
g = graycomatrix(G);
stats = graycoprops(g,'Contrast Correlation Energy
Contrast = stats.Contrast;
Correlation = stats.Correlation;
Homogeneity = stats.Homogeneity;
Mean = mean2(G);
Standard_Deviation = std2(G);
Entropy = entropy(G);
RMS = mean2(rms(G));
%Skewness = skewness(img)
Variance = mean2(var(double(G)));
a = sum(double(G(:)));
Fig.2 Block Diagram Smoothness = 1-(1/(1+a));
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number A3394058119/19©BEIESP 407 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1, May 2019
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number A3394058119/19©BEIESP 408 & Sciences Publication