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38 Benefits of Taking

Schoology District-Wide
A Crowdsourced Anthology of Strategies from Real Education Professionals
A Word From the Editors

As educators, we love the idea of students taking ownership of their learning. But, admittedly, many
of us are unaware of how to embark on this journey while still maintaining order and holding onto
the reins. For many schools and districts, the adoption of a district-wide learning management
system (LMS) has been the ideal solution. Not only do students have access to personalized and
differentiated learning, a repository for their own work and resources, and unlimited access to
curriculum and content from anywhere, but teachers get the added benefits of more flexibility in the
classroom, being connected to colleagues across the district, and much more.

This eBook is a compilation of ideas directly the Schoology community—diverse educators from
across the country who are currently reaping the benefits of using an LMS across the district. What
they’ve discovered along the way is that these benefits are just as plentiful for students as they are
for the teachers who guide them.

As you read through the pages in this book, consider how students and teachers in your district can
grow and learn through the implementation of a district-wide LMS.
Student Benefits

Equity & Ownership

The greatest benefit in using Schoology has been the amount of ownership
students are now able to take over their own learning. They can check their
grades, access assignments from anywhere, and stay on top of their work
Alissa Warren
regardless of where they are. Additionally, the groups function allows for more
Teacher & Team Specialist
seamless communication with families about after-school sports or clubs, and
Denver Public School, CO
much of our district PD is set up as a course for teachers to stay organized/in the
loop. Our district has a sordid past when it comes to equity, and Schoology is Years using Schoology: 2
helping level the playing field.
District Enrollment: 90,000

Hardware Structure: 1:1,

Staff Benefits students can take home

No More Stacks!
Teachers are simultaneously the most and the least organized people. With a
dozen PDs on our plates and multiple preps, it can be really difficult to feel like the
planning time we’re given has been productive or efficient. My favorite “teacher”
aspect of Schoology is the reminders box on my dashboard. My grading policy
allows for students to resubmit work, so I am always able to regrade (quickly)
without having to sort through a stack of papers. It is also a nice thing to show
students when they ask, “Why didn’t you grade this yet?” and I can reply with
“Please look at how many submitted assignments I have to grade before yours.”
Student Benefits

Breaking the Fourth Wall

The ability to differentiate instruction and provide personalized learning for all
students is the best benefit I can name with using Schoology in the classroom.
Since Schoology can be used in a collaborative setting and also used in a way
that replicates many of the assignments with small adjustments here and there,
Sean Coffron
it becomes less than cumbersome to differentiate an assignment or provide Instructional Technology
Training Specialist
different learning activities for students with different needs. Well this may seem
Manassas City Public
traditional for a learning management system, Schoology’s versatility provides School, VA
an opportunity for students to learn in an engaging environment while benefiting
from best practices in online and Blended personalized instruction. Years using Schoology: 4

District Enrollment: 9,000

Staff Benefits
Hardware Structure: 1:1,
Making Magic Through Collaboration students can take home

Schoology is not a difficult platform to learn. While there may be some learning
curves for staff who are not as familiar with technology I have found that overall my
colleagues find Schoology to be unencumbered and streamlined. As a professional
development platform I have found that it builds camaraderie among Educators and provides for a meaningful set of learning
activities and assessments that can be embedded in the workplace to provide on demand as well as structured learning in and
out of the classroom. However what I find most beneficial in using Schoology as a professional development platform is the
ability to personalize learning for teachers with different needs, interests, and levels of experience.
Student Benefits

One Stop Shop for Ed.

The ability for students to have all of their work and resources in a single place.
Even if teachers use third-party apps they can be integrated into Schoology.
Because school work, materials, and resources are in one place, it is easy to find,
organize, and complete schoolwork and assignments. Communication with
Philip Pulley
teachers is much easier than through email and groups can be used for everything Teacher
Fieldcrest CUSD 6, IL
from pushing out announcement for the entire school to sharing information
for clubs or sports. While individual teachers may have different styles and use
Years using Schoology: 3
Schoology differently, the main tools such as assignments, messages, updates,
and calendar are consistent throughout the Schoology platform. This consistency District Enrollment: 1,100
saves time and frustration when it comes to schoolwork or communicating with Hardware Structure: 1:1
teachers. On top of all of that, materials are now made available to students 24/7. students can take home 7-12,
1:1 5-6

Staff Benefits

A Suite of Learning Options

For teachers, many of the advantages are the same as those for students. All of the learning materials, assignments, assessments,
and apps that you want to use are easily housed in Schoology for students to access. Course materials can be stored in resources
to add to courses or to share with teachers who teach the same subjects or grade levels. Communication with students is easy
using messages to individuals or through updates for courses or groups. Assignments, Test/Quiz, Assessments, and Discussions
are a suite of tools that allow teachers to assess student learning and measure growth as well. Standards can be tagged to
assignments, questions, or used as criteria in rubrics. Teachers use the course Mastery tool to see when standards were assessed
and if students have mastered them or need more training and practice. All of these tools (and more) in one place? That’s an
amazing resource.
Student Benefits

Ownership of Learning
I have found that the biggest benefit for students has been the enhancement of
learning that can happen both in and outside of the classroom. While it’s been
incredibly beneficial to have access to Schoology and its tools in the classroom
-- discussions! assessments! assignments! -- the best part about Schoology is the
Denise Shovlin
way in which my students can interact with class materials outside of school and English Teacher,
Tech Innovator
learning hours. Asynchronous discussions, assignment submissions, and even
Downingtown West HS, PA
assessment retakes can be undertaken on the students’ time, even if it doesn’t
align with the 48 minutes per day that I normally see them. This access allows my
Years using Schoology: 3
students to have some ownership of their learning in a world that does not offer
District Enrollment: 1,100
them ownership of many things.
Hardware Structure: 1:1
students can take home 7-12,
Staff Benefits 1:1 5-6

Experimentation and Archiving

Access to Schoology has allowed the staff in my district to engage with learning
materials in a way I hadn’t seen prior to implementation of Schoology as our LMS.
Teachers are becoming more innovative with the ways in which they present information to students, and they feel comfortable
experimenting with the tools and integrations available to them through Schoology. Even more important, perhaps, is the way in
which Schoology allows teachers to save things to resources and/or archive courses. Successful lessons, activities, assignments,
and assessments are all available and ready to go for the next class period, school year, or colleague.
Student Benefits

There Can Be Only One

Switching to Schoology provided our students with ONE location to do everything.
Before Schoology we had students turning in homework 6 different ways. It was
pretty much confusion and Chaos! Students kept getting confused and turned in
homework in one LMS, when it was supposed to be placed in a different LMS. It
Jeremy Mahoney
was also challenging for me as well. I was helping support 6 different “free” LMS’s Director of Instructional
to over 100 teachers. It is imperative when going 1:1 that everyone is on the same
Springfield Platteview
page and that you decide on only ONE LMS. When given only one LMS, students Community Schools, NE
can catch on quickly and will be relieved in knowing exactly where to find ALL
course materials. Thanks to Schoology our students can concentrate on their Years using Schoology: 4
courses and worry less about mistakenly turning in assignments to the incorrect
District Enrollment: 1,000
Hardware Structure: 1:1
students can take home
Staff Benefits

Consistency and Direction are Key

The biggest benefit for our teachers when we purchased Schoology was that they
were finally given a direction. During the first couple of years of our 1:1 initiative, our teachers were trained in several LMS’s.
No one was on the same page. Teachers were constantly struggling on which LMS was best for them. I believe they were given
too many choices. They were also struggling with students not being able to keep up with ALL the different ways to turn in
assignments. Many of our teachers became frustrated with this confusion and went back to paper and pen. Once we introduced
a district-wide adoption of Schoology, everything changed. Having Schoology gave them the confidence that THIS is what they
expected to use as well as knowing that ALL teachers would be using the same platform. It has brought consistency to our PD,
expectations, and more.
Student Benefits

One Stop Shopping

Students have a “one-stop shop” for all their materials. They can view their
grades in real-time and then ask follow up questions about them. They can see
what their upcoming assignments are. They can take tests online and get instant
feedback. They can download materials such as handouts, class outlines, and
Rod Kirby
syllabi. They can participate in online discussions, both in class and after school Academic Dean
Cherokee Christian
hours. They can view announcements from the administration and their teachers.
School, GA
They can see assignments in a calendar view to help them with planning. And in
some cases they are taking courses online through Schoology, with the student
Years using Schoology: 5
completion rules. This helps develop a habit of self-directed study. But the key is
District Enrollment: 380
that all of these things are available to them in Schoology, without having to visit
a multitude of websites. Hardware Structure: BYOD

Staff Benefits

Everything in One Place

The teachers also have a one-stop shop. Teachers in all grade levels – kindergarten through high school – use the gradebook as
their official record of grades. They also post announcements for their classes, and in the elementary and middle school grades
post a daily summary of the day’s activities for parents to see. In middle school and high school, where students have access to
their own computers (BYOD), teachers also administer online tests and quizzes and distribute class handouts. The online tests
have been a real time-saver for the teachers, since it drastically cuts down on the time needed for grading. And they are able to
access our in-house professional development courses. But the key is that teachers can do all this in Schoology, and not have to
set up a multitude of websites.
Student Benefits

Learning is Personalized and Flexible

Learning is personalized and flexible. We have very diverse student needs and
Schoology allows teachers to meet students where they are at. We use quizzes
and assessments to measure student needs and then we can individually assign
lessons to best meet those needs. Schoology gives teachers access to immense
Colleen Coleman
amounts of data so our teaching decisions are based on student feedback. Also Social Studies Teacher
Burnsville High School,
Schoology allows curriculum to be flexible; I teach American Government and
I want students to have access to the most current information which changes
on a daily basis. I am able to partner with students and engage in ongoing civic
Years using Schoology: 4
District Enrollment: 9,000

Hardware Structure: 1:1,

Staff Benefits students can take them home
Schoology Facilitates Data-Driven
Schoology allows teachers in our district to partner in ways we have not before. We are
always looking for ways to boost student achievement (and engagement) and Schoology gives us a new tool to do this. We have
a district goal to use common assignments and assessments. We meet each week to plan those assessments and go over data.
Schoology gives us access to specific data so we can compare teaching strategies and student achievement. We can compare and
monitor student growth and share strategies and best practices. Also Schoology Resources gives us a tool to share the work that
we do across teachers and schools.
Student Benefits

To Assessments and Beyond

Students have benefited from the use of Schoology by being provided interactive
lesson mastery components via assessments. Students are able to chart their own
growth based upon standard objectives and can chart their areas of continued
growth. Assessments have provided students the option of interactive quizzes that
Eric Levels
combine real-time feedback and the potential for connection of resources tied to Coordinator of Online
the student areas of confusion. Students have the ability to go back and review
Aldine Independent School
missed items and also have access to links for their continued study at home even District, TX
on their cell phones or available devices at home. Assessments can assess much
more than a simple multiple choice option. Students can appreciate an interactive Years using Schoology: 5
formative approach that meets their needs and extends learning and deepens
District Enrollment: 65,000
Hardware Structure:
Shared carts of devices
Staff Benefits

Cohesive and Collaborative Campuses

The biggest benefit for staff has been the leveraging of Schoology as a hub for
communication and collaboration. Often times, there has been a siloing practice of
teachers and departments working on initiatives without the left-hand knowing what the right-hand is doing. Schoology has
provided a means for campuses to work cohesively to create one concise message and mode of operation where all parties
function on the same agenda. The collaborative workflow allows for master documents/assessments/lessons/activities to be
created and shared to provide a means of measurement that is uniformed. Personnel and staff can function seamlessly and
interactively in one space and place to enact a vision that all stakeholders can see tangibly.
Student Benefits

Common Digital Workflow for All!

With being in a 1:1 classroom, Schoology has thoroughly improved our digital
workflow for our students. I feel like this is one of the biggest benefits for our
students to receive their materials for class and it helps them stay organized in
their classes. Students no longer need to learn more than one platform for turning
Nicole Burns
in or receiving work from their teachers. We have a common language that is Teacher
Bellevue East High
being used throughout our classrooms, which makes it a lot easier for students to
School, NE
know how to use Schoology in every class they are in. There are no longer excuses
of not getting assignments because they are absent. They also can’t use the
Years using Schoology: 2.5
excuse of their assignments getting lost or misplaced because our students have
District Enrollment: 10,000
access to everything 24/7. Love Schoology for taking away the excuses!
Hardware Structure:
Most classrooms are 1:1,
Staff Benefits students cannot take home.
Within two years our district
Schoology=Flexibility will be 1:1, students can
take home.

Schoology allows teachers to have more flexibility in their classroom. Teachers are
able to have different materials ready to go if they need it. Schoology allows us to
easily change due dates or publish and unpublish our materials as we need them.
Using Schoology as our digital workflow can also allow for last minute changes. If you
have a PDF, you can make it happen! No more running to the copy machine at the last second to try to get those last minute
copies of something! A few clicks of a button and you are good to go! Schoology also allows for the flexibility of allowing
students to have personalized learning in their class. Teachers can easily assign materials to different individuals or grading
groups. Love that Schoology is available for me to make things easier for all!
Student Benefits

Engaging ALL Students With

Having Schoology as our LMS is the primary tool that allows our 1:1 initiative
to be successful. It benefits the entire district K-12. With Schoology our devices Hope Elliot
are used to engage our students. It helps teachers differentiate and create more
Instructional Technology
personalized learning in every grade. This platform has made it easier for our Coach
teachers to integrate technology in meaningful ways. I am afraid without it, our Lowndes County School
devices might have been use for center time and games. With Schoology our District, MS
teachers can reach and engage all learners. With the use of it, our academic
achievements have increased as well. Years using Schoology: 4

District Enrollment: 5,000

Staff Benefits Hardware Structure:

1:1 K-5 stay at school and
Schoology, the Game-Changer for 6-12 take home

Staff PD
Schoology has helped our staff in so many ways. Our teachers have learned that
when they put in the time on the front end, it saves them in so many ways on the
back end. It also makes personalized and differentiated learning so much easier. Teachers tell me time and time again, how
much more time they can actually spend with their students now using Schoology. From a PD perspective, we are able to offer
so much more. We still have face to face trainings, but everything from mandatory to optional PD is loaded into Schoology. I use
badges and color code them to track what teachers have completed. We even rolled out a gamified pd course that has been a big
Student Benefits

Feedback For All

Schoology provides so many benefits to my students. I love how Schoology allows
me to provide a multitude of applications to enhance learning for the different
types of learners that are in my classroom. As one of the best planned and
integrated system, Schoology makes it easy to accommodate the lower level and
Leslie Nash
the higher level learners at the same time, and sometimes in the same classroom Teacher/Social Studies
Department Chair
in the same time period.
Alief Learning Center, TX
The biggest benefit of using Schoology with my students has been the ability to
provide feedback on assignments to my students so that they can evaluate how
Years using Schoology: 4-5
well they did and improve not only their comprehension of the content but also
District Enrollment: 45,800
improve grades. Feedback allows my students to look at history from a different
point of view or consider an event or issue differently. Hardware Structure:
Shared carts of devices

Staff Benefits

Collaboration and Creation

There are two major benefits for staff in my perspective. The first is the ability to collaborate. Not only with the teachers on my
own team but with teachers in other schools and other content areas. I can share my resources with another teacher easily and
quickly and we can work together to provide the same student consistent, accurate, and appropriate learning when that student
comes to my campus.
The other benefit is a personal one for me. Schoology allows me to organize my resources and save everything I need to do
in Schoology in a consistent and easy to manage and locate way. This has saved me time and energy in locating things that I
need for my classes. Creating rubrics, questions banks, files of images, political cartoons, etc. keeps me organized, it makes the
inclusion of these items into assignments, assessments, etc. so much easier and faster than ever before.
Student Benefits

One-Stop-Shop For All Things

Students have the ability to access assignments/ announcements/etc. from ONE
platform. Before Schoology, we had teachers using all different types of platforms, Elizabeth Lambert
and it got confusing for not only students, but parents as well. WIth students
Instructional Coach
having multiple teachers in middle school, it was very hard to keep track of where Bellevue Public Schools,
each teacher put their resources for kids. Part of the reason for having an LMS for NE
the entire district was to give everyone ONE platform to work within. All of our PD
resources and district resources are housed within Schoology as well, so teachers Years using Schoology: 2
are becoming very familiar with the LMS. District Enrollment: 10,000

Hardware Structure:
Staff Benefits Shared carts of devices

Sharing is a Cinch with Schoology

One of the biggest benefits of having an entire staff using Schoology is the easy of sharing and accessing materials. I no longer
have to ask someone to share a resource with me through a Google Doc. I can access all of my district’s curriculum through a few
clicks within Schoology. There is a lot more collaboration happening between teachers and even between departments now as
well. Since it is so easy to create a collection, we have teachers sharing entire courses with other teachers. The collaboration from
building to building is absolutely seamless. We have started to create assessments in Schoology and have started to share those
with everyone in the department as well, so our resource list keeps growing from year to year. It is very fast and easy to access a
wealth of information.
Student Benefits

Real Work Flow & Feedback

I would say there are two things that I have noticed that have benefited our
students. First, the students have switched from paper/pencil planners to a digital
platform for keeping track of their assignments. While our transition has not been
without its rough spots, I believe that this will help the students transition nicely
Brian Bruggeman
into the world of work. The second benefit I have noticed is the ability to help Band Director
Monroe Middle School, WI
students on their path to mastery correctly and quickly. My building has spent a
lot of time developing quick methods for formative feedback. Using Schoology’s
Years using Schoology: 6
test/quiz feature, both the students and staff are able to quickly analyze the
results, provide feedback, and differentiate additional measures based on the District Enrollment: 1,200
needs of the students. Hardware Structure:
1:1, students CAN take them
Staff Benefits

New World Work Flow,

Collaboration, & Resources
As the staff has increased their knowledge of Schoology, I have noticed three distinct benefits. First, staff has quick access to
student results on assessments. This provides teachers with ability to quickly re-teach concepts which students were not able to
demonstrate proficiency. Second, staff are more easily able to collaborate on student work and have the conversations necessary
to improve student achievement. Schoology provides opportunities for staff members to save and share their work with
colleagues. Finally, staff members are able to curate resources from Schoology’s vast network of users. By joining and working
in Schoology groups, staff members are able to share what works or does not work in their classroom, as well as, discover other
strategies to bring back to their classroom.
Student Benefits

Learning: On Demand!
Schoology has allowed learning to become transparent for students and families.
Because the material is now online, not only can students see the course content
posted on their computer, tablet, or phone, but they can also access the material
they need in an organized fashion. Material organized by standard, content, unit,
Lane Halterman
date, or type of assignment gives students some choice in how they want to Ed Tech Coach
Westerville City Schools,
search for and complete their work. Gone are the days of lost homework papers
or not knowing what a student missed when they went to an appointment. This
transparency has helped kids take ownership of their learning.
Years using Schoology: 6

District Enrollment: 15,000

Staff Benefits
Hardware Structure:
Un-Tethered Teaching Shared carts of devices

The collaborative nature of Schoology has allowed teachers to more easily share
resources, as well as communicate with students, parents, and co-workers. Storing
material in personal or group resources gives teachers the ability to organize and
collaborate using materials that best fit the needs of their students year after year.
The 24/7 access nature of Schoology gives teachers the ability to assign, assess, and provide feedback without being tethered to
a stack of papers, a desk, or a clock. Basically, teachers can work on their course material when it is most convenient for them.
Also, communication has increased with the use of private messaging, course updates, and parent access codes. Removing
barriers has allowed teachers to reach families and make resources available more than ever.
Student Benefits

If It’s Not In Schoology, Is It Important?

The biggest benefit for students has been the calendar. One of our first “requirements”
for teachers was to post classroom events, assignments and assessments at least a week
in advance. Our school groups, from Student Council to Drama, use Schoology Groups to
communicate event schedules. Even our middle school and high school athletic teams all Jen Smielewski
have Groups with schedules posted. As an added bonus, some use Media Albums to share HS History Teacher,
event photos which give students additional reasons to visit the groups and stay informed. Director of Curriculum and
Students learn a valuable life skill early on - using a calendar appropriately - because there is Instruction
Oakland Christian School,
one available that is useful. The ability to add their own items to the calendar encourage growth
in this area, too. The calendar syncs across the platform, so they can see whatever they need on
any one of their mobile devices, particularly if they log in using the web browser.
Years using Schoology: 4

District Enrollment: 600

Staff Benefits
Hardware Structure:
Show, Don’t Tell: Teachers Learn In 1:1 Student-owned iPads

Schoology, Too
For staff who went “all in” with our initial rollout, the most significant impact of Schoology has
been the ability to reuse resources. It is so easy to pull from question banks, or start with last
year’s final exam and improve it with a few tweaks. Those teachers are genuinely feeling
empowered to improve without constantly reinventing the proverbial wheel. All staff have benefitted from our most recent Schoology venture
- using a Schoology Course to manage professional development. We started this with Schoology-based PD sessions. For 2018-19, we were
intentional about getting presenter materials in advance, had pre- and post-assessments, and followed best-practice teaching methodology.
Rather than telling staff in a separate PD on how to implement Schoology, we showed them using discussion boards, test/quiz, assessment, and
media albums. Onboarding modules are built for new teachers to be apprised of our initiatives and everyone has access to the resources.
Student Benefits

Schoology: Never Miss A Beat

According to the students I have spoken with, the biggest benefit of using
Schoology for my students has been the ability to access learning on their own
terms. Students can access learning materials, assignments, notes, media,
homework, and anything else deemed necessary for learning at any time, either
Michael Cabral
through the easy access of the Schoology website, or through the Schoology Teacher
Cincinnati Public Schools,
mobile app. Students can miss class for a field trip, illness, internship, job shadow,
or other extra-curricular activity then access what they missed through Schoology.
Being in a large urban district with occasional transportation issues, absences
Years using Schoology: 4
and tardiness, Schoology makes it possible for students stay on track with their
District Enrollment: 35,000
schooling while dealing with all of the daily occurrences of life.
Hardware Structure:
1:1, students cannot take
Staff Benefits them home

Schoology: Collaboration and

The biggest benefit for our whole staff having Schoology is that all staff member have access to professional development,
curriculum and instruction materials, common assessments, and digital lessons. It is very easy to distribute materials and
information to staff members, and it is easy for staff members to submit materials to administration, such as syllabi, evaluations,
and reflections. Teachers can create groups and learning communities and can connect and share materials with one another,
in addition to connecting with other educators that use Schoology around the world. In addition to staff, teachers, and
administration being on the same page in terms of collaborating with one another, Schoology allows for teachers to create a vast
repertoire of lessons, assessments, and materials that they can use, modify, and distribute from year to year.
Student Benefits

Agency For All

Do I have to choose 1? Okay, I would have to say access: access to resources,
access to feedback, access to calendar, access to their community. Putting these
items in the hands of students places an ownership on them that they might not
have previously experienced. It is that ownership, that digital agency, that helps
them to take control of their learning. They know when assignments are due Murray-Carrico
and when assessments occur. They can refer back to the feedback provided by Technology Integration
instructors. They can revisit resources as needed. They can communicate and Specialist, LMS Project
collaborate with their classmates from within the platform. Barriers are removed
Academy District 20, CO
and students can initiate their own next steps.

Years using Schoology: 1

Staff Benefits District Enrollment: 26,000
The Ripple Effect Hardware Structure:
Schoology has opened a door for our staff to communicate and collaborate in new
and different ways. They are no longer dependent on someone from the district
level answering questions and solving problems. Through Updates they are reaching
out to each other as well as others in the Schoology community for answers and
ideas. With Groups and AMP Teams, they are collaborating on curriculum and assessment across buildings in ways they haven’t
before. They do contact their district support, of course, not only for support, but also to provide ideas, solutions, and to
celebrate successes. This began with a small group of high-flyers which is producing a ripple effect through the district, one that
is continuing to grow.
Student Benefits

Gaining Access to the Classroom

Outside of It
Students are able to see what is coming up and have access to material for most
of their courses. This has impacted students most who struggle with organization Alicia Nussbaum
especially at the middle school level. Students also know what is coming and
can manage their time to get things completed by seeing what is happening each Ottoville Local Schools,
week. Unfortunately, not all classrooms are enforced to use this system, but OH
parent and students appreciate having access to everything they need. As a result
of Schoology use, middle school parents are invited to a technology night each Years using Schoology: 6
fall to be taught by the teachers how to use Schoology, what tools are housed in District Enrollment: 1,000
Schoology, and what they have access to in the Learning Management System.
Hardware Structure:
Combination of shared
carts for K-8 and ipads that
Staff Benefits go home with high school
Bringing Content Together students

Staff is able to aid any student on work outside their classroom as we all have advisor
rights to help with this. Staff is also able to remind students of missing work through
messaging as well as send entire classes reminders after the class period if they forget
to share something. With parent accounts, staff is also able to contact parents quickly and easily to keep them informed
especially if a student falls behind. Several teachers who have the same group of students or share them for ELA are able to share
rubrics and material through the shared collection. This allows them to not have to re-create material and to quickly place them
in their blended course in Schoology.
Student Benefits

Owning The Learning

Now that the whole district has access to Schoology, students are better equipped
to own their learning. Teachers seamlessly integrate resources stored in our
curriculum groups into their courses, students interact within the platform,
and parents are in-the-loop as well. Students are able to access materials that
Kate Faulkner
were used in the classroom to complete make-up work as well as see applicable Intervention and
Enrichment Coordinator
options for enrichments in their courses. Students at the elementary level get
Fort Bend ISD, TX
excited to interact with their classmates when they showcase their work through
media albums, and middle schoolers are happy to chat with each other through
Years using Schoology: 3
Schoology discussion boards.
District Enrollment: 78,000

Hardware Structure:
Staff Benefits Shared carts of devices
Featuring The Features
We use Schoology for professional learning, to house our curriculum resources, and
for meeting materials and collaboration within our division. Teachers are able to pull
resources in our curriculum groups to use with their courses, which integrate so seamlessly with our SIS. Every day we’re
finding new features that we showcase to the teachers in professional learning setting. For example, our district is moving to
a 2:1 technology ratio, so blended learning is an embedded focus of all of our summer professional learning this year. We are
incorporating some of the robust assessment features as well as Microsoft Assignment integration into our sessions to show how
easy it is to collect formative assessment data and facilitate collaboration and feedback with students. The other huge benefit
has been the collaboration between professionals that we’ve all witnessed in our curriculum groups. Teachers from across the
district are problem solving and sharing ideas.

Giving students access to learn on their own terms paired with the access teachers have to
professional development, curriculum resources, and student data are among the top benefits of a
district-wide LMS. As you determine the direction your district will go in the coming school year, be
sure to take into account the candid words of your fellow educators, reach out to your professional
learning network for their opinions, too. And as always, please share the benefits of district-wide LMS
usage with us on Twitter @Schoology.

To learn more about how you can take Schoology district-wide,

contact your Client Success Manager at Schoology.

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