DistrictWide Crowdsourced Ebook r4 PDF
DistrictWide Crowdsourced Ebook r4 PDF
DistrictWide Crowdsourced Ebook r4 PDF
Schoology District-Wide
A Crowdsourced Anthology of Strategies from Real Education Professionals
A Word From the Editors
As educators, we love the idea of students taking ownership of their learning. But, admittedly, many
of us are unaware of how to embark on this journey while still maintaining order and holding onto
the reins. For many schools and districts, the adoption of a district-wide learning management
system (LMS) has been the ideal solution. Not only do students have access to personalized and
differentiated learning, a repository for their own work and resources, and unlimited access to
curriculum and content from anywhere, but teachers get the added benefits of more flexibility in the
classroom, being connected to colleagues across the district, and much more.
This eBook is a compilation of ideas directly the Schoology community—diverse educators from
across the country who are currently reaping the benefits of using an LMS across the district. What
they’ve discovered along the way is that these benefits are just as plentiful for students as they are
for the teachers who guide them.
As you read through the pages in this book, consider how students and teachers in your district can
grow and learn through the implementation of a district-wide LMS.
Student Benefits
No More Stacks!
Teachers are simultaneously the most and the least organized people. With a
dozen PDs on our plates and multiple preps, it can be really difficult to feel like the
planning time we’re given has been productive or efficient. My favorite “teacher”
aspect of Schoology is the reminders box on my dashboard. My grading policy
allows for students to resubmit work, so I am always able to regrade (quickly)
without having to sort through a stack of papers. It is also a nice thing to show
students when they ask, “Why didn’t you grade this yet?” and I can reply with
“Please look at how many submitted assignments I have to grade before yours.”
Student Benefits
Schoology is not a difficult platform to learn. While there may be some learning
curves for staff who are not as familiar with technology I have found that overall my
colleagues find Schoology to be unencumbered and streamlined. As a professional
development platform I have found that it builds camaraderie among Educators and provides for a meaningful set of learning
activities and assessments that can be embedded in the workplace to provide on demand as well as structured learning in and
out of the classroom. However what I find most beneficial in using Schoology as a professional development platform is the
ability to personalize learning for teachers with different needs, interests, and levels of experience.
Student Benefits
Staff Benefits
Ownership of Learning
I have found that the biggest benefit for students has been the enhancement of
learning that can happen both in and outside of the classroom. While it’s been
incredibly beneficial to have access to Schoology and its tools in the classroom
-- discussions! assessments! assignments! -- the best part about Schoology is the
Denise Shovlin
way in which my students can interact with class materials outside of school and English Teacher,
Tech Innovator
learning hours. Asynchronous discussions, assignment submissions, and even
Downingtown West HS, PA
assessment retakes can be undertaken on the students’ time, even if it doesn’t
align with the 48 minutes per day that I normally see them. This access allows my
Years using Schoology: 3
students to have some ownership of their learning in a world that does not offer
District Enrollment: 1,100
them ownership of many things.
Hardware Structure: 1:1
students can take home 7-12,
Staff Benefits 1:1 5-6
Staff Benefits
Schoology allows teachers to have more flexibility in their classroom. Teachers are
able to have different materials ready to go if they need it. Schoology allows us to
easily change due dates or publish and unpublish our materials as we need them.
Using Schoology as our digital workflow can also allow for last minute changes. If you
have a PDF, you can make it happen! No more running to the copy machine at the last second to try to get those last minute
copies of something! A few clicks of a button and you are good to go! Schoology also allows for the flexibility of allowing
students to have personalized learning in their class. Teachers can easily assign materials to different individuals or grading
groups. Love that Schoology is available for me to make things easier for all!
Student Benefits
Staff PD
Schoology has helped our staff in so many ways. Our teachers have learned that
when they put in the time on the front end, it saves them in so many ways on the
back end. It also makes personalized and differentiated learning so much easier. Teachers tell me time and time again, how
much more time they can actually spend with their students now using Schoology. From a PD perspective, we are able to offer
so much more. We still have face to face trainings, but everything from mandatory to optional PD is loaded into Schoology. I use
badges and color code them to track what teachers have completed. We even rolled out a gamified pd course that has been a big
Student Benefits
Staff Benefits
Hardware Structure:
Staff Benefits Shared carts of devices
Learning: On Demand!
Schoology has allowed learning to become transparent for students and families.
Because the material is now online, not only can students see the course content
posted on their computer, tablet, or phone, but they can also access the material
they need in an organized fashion. Material organized by standard, content, unit,
Lane Halterman
date, or type of assignment gives students some choice in how they want to Ed Tech Coach
Westerville City Schools,
search for and complete their work. Gone are the days of lost homework papers
or not knowing what a student missed when they went to an appointment. This
transparency has helped kids take ownership of their learning.
Years using Schoology: 6
The collaborative nature of Schoology has allowed teachers to more easily share
resources, as well as communicate with students, parents, and co-workers. Storing
material in personal or group resources gives teachers the ability to organize and
collaborate using materials that best fit the needs of their students year after year.
The 24/7 access nature of Schoology gives teachers the ability to assign, assess, and provide feedback without being tethered to
a stack of papers, a desk, or a clock. Basically, teachers can work on their course material when it is most convenient for them.
Also, communication has increased with the use of private messaging, course updates, and parent access codes. Removing
barriers has allowed teachers to reach families and make resources available more than ever.
Student Benefits
Schoology, Too
For staff who went “all in” with our initial rollout, the most significant impact of Schoology has
been the ability to reuse resources. It is so easy to pull from question banks, or start with last
year’s final exam and improve it with a few tweaks. Those teachers are genuinely feeling
empowered to improve without constantly reinventing the proverbial wheel. All staff have benefitted from our most recent Schoology venture
- using a Schoology Course to manage professional development. We started this with Schoology-based PD sessions. For 2018-19, we were
intentional about getting presenter materials in advance, had pre- and post-assessments, and followed best-practice teaching methodology.
Rather than telling staff in a separate PD on how to implement Schoology, we showed them using discussion boards, test/quiz, assessment, and
media albums. Onboarding modules are built for new teachers to be apprised of our initiatives and everyone has access to the resources.
Student Benefits
Staff is able to aid any student on work outside their classroom as we all have advisor
rights to help with this. Staff is also able to remind students of missing work through
messaging as well as send entire classes reminders after the class period if they forget
to share something. With parent accounts, staff is also able to contact parents quickly and easily to keep them informed
especially if a student falls behind. Several teachers who have the same group of students or share them for ELA are able to share
rubrics and material through the shared collection. This allows them to not have to re-create material and to quickly place them
in their blended course in Schoology.
Student Benefits
Hardware Structure:
Staff Benefits Shared carts of devices
Featuring The Features
We use Schoology for professional learning, to house our curriculum resources, and
for meeting materials and collaboration within our division. Teachers are able to pull
resources in our curriculum groups to use with their courses, which integrate so seamlessly with our SIS. Every day we’re
finding new features that we showcase to the teachers in professional learning setting. For example, our district is moving to
a 2:1 technology ratio, so blended learning is an embedded focus of all of our summer professional learning this year. We are
incorporating some of the robust assessment features as well as Microsoft Assignment integration into our sessions to show how
easy it is to collect formative assessment data and facilitate collaboration and feedback with students. The other huge benefit
has been the collaboration between professionals that we’ve all witnessed in our curriculum groups. Teachers from across the
district are problem solving and sharing ideas.
Giving students access to learn on their own terms paired with the access teachers have to
professional development, curriculum resources, and student data are among the top benefits of a
district-wide LMS. As you determine the direction your district will go in the coming school year, be
sure to take into account the candid words of your fellow educators, reach out to your professional
learning network for their opinions, too. And as always, please share the benefits of district-wide LMS
usage with us on Twitter @Schoology.