Harsh Truths About In-Class Peer Review 3: Best Practices Series
Harsh Truths About In-Class Peer Review 3: Best Practices Series
Harsh Truths About In-Class Peer Review 3: Best Practices Series
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#3 If Your Purpose for Doing Peer Review is to Improve the Papers, You’ll Probably End Up Disappointed
Peer review should be about improving the writer by As they do so, I tell them to pay attention to places
helping them to learn how to read more closely, and where they or their peer becomes confused or trips
to learn to identify ways in which a piece of writing up or gets lost. I tell them to listen for times when
does or doesn’t accomplish what it intends to do their readers, or they themselves, get bored. These
and why. situations will be a strong indicator to them about
whether their writing is accomplishing its task.
You need to help students have the experience of where they or their peer becomes confused or trips
coming face to face with the effectiveness of their up or gets lost. I tell them to listen for times when
writing. their readers, or they themselves, get bored. These
situations will be a strong indicator to them about
I’ve done this in a few ways that hopefully you can whether their writing is accomplishing its task.
use to create more meaningful experiences for your
students. This can be done in pairs as well. When students
hear their own writing being read out loud, without
First, have your students read their own writing out their ability to immediately correct it, they begin to
loud to each other. Or even better yet, have their see how their writing sometimes takes a new life
peers read their own writing to them. I often have that they can’t control once they’ve written it.
students do their writing in a Discussion Board on
Schoology so that they can easily locate their own This ultimately helps them to learn to anticipate and
work, and the work of their peers. plan for moments of confusion, which can make
their writing better by helping them reach more
I’ll often pull the page up on a projector so I know audiences more easily.
the whole class is looking at the same piece of
writing, and have the student read their own, or
another student’s writing, out loud to the class.
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