3m Scott Safety PDF
3m Scott Safety PDF
3m Scott Safety PDF
Working in Confined
Space: Applying Science
and Innovation across the
Spectrum of Operations
3M | Scott Safety’s Brian Clesham discusses some innovative solutions for surviving and maintaining
mission orientation in confined space
hat do Special Forces and ships’ crews have in 3M | Scott Safety’s
common? Apart from numerous professional atmosphere and
attributes, a good answer would also be the gas detection
ability to work in confined space, but for contrasting monitors for special
forces and first
reasons. One may need to gain entry and use lethal responders. A few
force while the other may be seeking to control damage life-saving ounces
or escape; but it is never as simple as that. For sure, to inform your
breathing options.
both parties must be prepared to work in confined Photo credit:
space and there are a host of scenarios that may see 3M | Scott Safety.
operators breaking into, operating in, transiting through
or escaping from smoke filled, noxious and poor air
atmospheres. This might also include atmospheres
characterised by incapacitating, deadly and volatile
gases and particulates.
Some baseline challenges are immediately apparent for
operations in confined space; how to detect and monitor
adverse air atmospheres, how to maintain visual acuity
for situational awareness and rapid decision making, good
communications and finally, how to adapt breathing options
during the execution of an operation. All of these challenges
must be met with minimum impact on operational
performance in the most stringent and life threatening
circumstances. It is up to Industry to deliver the life safety
products that mitigate these challenges and in such a way ‘IDLH’ situations involves extensive preparation. Being well
that the physiological and psychological burden on the equipped with a practised rescue plan may also define
individual is minimised to the greatest extent possible. success or failure.
After all, it is not just about preventing injury and saving life. Within the industrial sector there is a sad record of
Operators have a job to do. avoidable injury and death through exposure to oxygen
Many of the concepts and operating procedures for deficient and toxic air atmospheres. In the USA, enhanced
assuring life safety in smoke filled and poor air atmospheres safety standards were imposed when statistics showed an
stem from the emergency services and both the marine average of 122 accidents per year with 173 fatalities. Of
and energy sectors; while the diverse interests of military these, 60% of the fatalities were during rescue attempts by
operations are very often served by similar capability on-site colleagues.
requirements. For all responders and operators, equipping, Take carbon monoxide, for instance. It is colourless,
training and maintaining high states of readiness are key. odourless and tasteless and it also defeats negative pressure
Avoidance of Immediate Danger to Life and Health or filters, so the last thing you want to is to breathe carbon
54 Volume 20
56 Volume 20
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Innovation at First Sight
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