ISMS Control of Risks and Opportunities
ISMS Control of Risks and Opportunities
ISMS Control of Risks and Opportunities
1 Introduction
2 Scope
This procedure sets out <Short Name>’s arrangements for identifying, assessing and
treating information security risks.
3 Revision History
Revision Date Record of Changes Approved By
0.0 [Date of Issue] Initial Issue
5 References
Standard Title Description
ISO 27000:2014 Information security management systems Overview and vocabulary
ISO 27001:2013 Information security management systems Requirements
ISO 27002:2013 Information technology - security Code of practice for information security
techniques controls
7 Responsibilities
The <ISMS Manager> is responsible for all aspects of the implementation and management
of this procedure, unless noted otherwise.
Managers and supervisors are responsible for the implementation of this policy, within the
scope of their responsibilities, and must ensure that all staff under their control understand
and undertake their responsibilities accordingly.
ensure that repeated information security risk assessments produce consistent, valid
and comparable results
identify the information security risks which may lead to a potential loss of
confidentiality, integrity or availability of information
The <ISMS Manager> maintains records of the information security risk assessment process
and its outcomes.
10 Risk Identification
To identify potential information security risks we:
identify the risks that might lead to a loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability of
identify the vulnerabilities that might lead to the risks being realised
identify the assets that are impacted by the risk by way of loss of confidentiality,
integrity or availability
The <ISMS Manager> ensures that the findings of the identification process are recorded on
the ISMS Risk Register.
the nature and types of the causes and consequences that can occur and how they
will be measured
whether combinations of risks should be taken into account and, if so, how and which
combinations should be considered
These factors are bought together in the comparison of a Risk Index score with a risk
treatment threshold, see 3.3 below.
12 Risk Assessment
13 General
We have adopted a straightforward risk assessment methodology that we consider to be
well suited to both this information security management system and the identified business
and regulatory information security requirements.
We have developed our criteria for accepting risks and identifying the acceptable levels of
risk and expect our adopted methodology will comparable and reproducible results.
assess the severity of the impacts that might result from security failures, taking into
account the consequences of loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability of the
assess the realistic probability of security failures occurring in the light of prevailing
threats and vulnerabilities, the impacts associated with these assets, and the controls
currently implemented
using our criteria for accepting risks, determine whether the risks are acceptable or
require treatment
16 Risk Treatment
17 General
Based on the steps involved in risk treatment as set out below, the <ISMS Manager>
consults with the risk owner and the owner of the information assets, as well as with those
with expert knowledge if necessary, to agree appropriate methods to eliminate or lower the
risk to an acceptable level.
Based on the outcome of this consultation, the <ISMS Manager> ensures that an ISMS Risk
Treatment Plan is prepared, that the ISMS Risk Register, ISMS Risk Worksheet are
maintained and that the ISMS Risk Treatment Plan is executed according to its priority.
knowingly and objectively accepting risks, if they clearly satisfy our policies and the
criteria for accepting risks
avoiding risks
transferring the associated business risks to other parties, e.g. insurers, suppliers
19 Statement of Applicability
The <ISMS Manager> ensures that an ISMS Statement of Applicability is prepared and
maintained for the entire scope of our information security management system. The ISMS
Statement of Applicability provides a summary of decisions concerning risk treatment,
justifies exclusions and provides a cross-check that no controls have been inadvertently
The Statement of Applicability includes:
the control objectives and controls selected, and the reasons for their selection
any specific control objectives and controls which we have adopted and which are
not covered by Annex A of ISO27001:2013, the reason(s) for their adoption, and the
status of implementation
21 Approval
The <ISMS Manager> is required to obtain formal approval from the risk owners and
<Senior Management Team> for the ISMS Risk Treatment Plan, including the proposed
residual risks.
22 Implementation
The <ISMS Manager> ensures the implementation of the ISMS Risk Treatment Plan and
reports on its status at information security management meetings.
23 Records
Records retained in support of this procedure are listed in the Controlled ISMS Records
Register and controlled according to the Control of Management System Records