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Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis, VI, 1, 2007



Iosif Vasile Ferencz (Romania)

Key words: Celts, La Tène, Transylvania, Mureş River, Funerary

Abstract. Acording with the archaeological discoveries, on the Middle Mureş Course, during the La Tène
C1 phase, we know a clear Celtic presence. Many of the archaeological artifacts had been discovered
fortunately, that’s why our knowlegements about life, society and the history of the people who lived in the
area are not so extensive.
We do not know the exactly number of graves in none of the cemeteries and generaly speaking we know just
a fiew informations about them. In accordance with the informations about the discoveries, we can say that
in the area we found both rites of burials: cremation and also inhumations.

1. Middle Mureş River Course

The Transylvanian Intracarpathical area is a large one and it includes the area we are studying.
Although in this paper our aim is mainly the Middle Mureş River, some aspects of the civilization from the
Second Iron Age mean the connection with a larger area, including the whole Transylvania.
The area wich is in our interes in this paper, is a verry well individualized one, speaking about the
geographical and historical point of view (Pl. I). The northern limit of the reserched space being established
in the Luna commune, Cluj County and the second, towards west is on the area of Săvârşin, Arad County.
Generaly speaking, the aspect of the relief is characterized by plains along the rivers, and hills. The area is
very good for agriculture and it is considered as one of the Celts penetration way in Transylvania (Nestor
1041-1942, p. 457; Rusu, Bandula 1970, p. 35).
Through the Mureş Valley the main trades between the Transylvanian basin and central european
parts these ways being also the main way of acces used by different populations who came to Transylvania,
among who were the Celts (Ferencz 2007, p. 19-26).
2. Carachteristic traces of La Tène C1 phase on The Middle Mureş Course
Acording with the archaeological discoveries, on the Middle Mureş Course, during the La Tène C1
phase, we know a clear Celtic presence (Pl. I). Many of the archaeological artifacts have discovered
fortunately, that’s why our knowlegements about life, society and historical events of the people who lived
in the area are not so extensive, but there are enough for us to make some considerations.
So, we can count today the amplacements of some shure settlements, belonging to the La Tène C1
phase, in the area of the next localities: Aiud (Ciugudeanu 1978, p. 39, nr. 44; Takács, Bogdan 1997, p. 94,
note 8: Ferencz 2007, p. 40, 56-57), Gligoreşti (Gogâltan, Aldea, Ursuţiu 1996, p. 51-52; Găgâltan, Aldea,
Ursuţiu 2004, p. 66, 69, 74, Pl. II; Ferencz 2007, p. 41, 55), Sebeş (Horedt and all 1967, p. 19-25; Crişan
1969, p. 273, nr. 261; Horedt 1965, p. 59; Crişan 1966, p. 74; RepAlba, p. 167, nr. 4; Ferencz 2007, p. 44-
45, 56), Şeuşa (Crişan and all 1997, p. 27-40; Paul, Ciută 1998, p.74-76; Ferencz, Ciută 2000, p. 22-50;
Ciută and all 2000, p. 101; Ciută and all 2001, p. 239-242 ; Ferencz, Ciută 2005, p. 239-254; Ferencz 2007, p.
45-46, 55) and Vinţu de Jos (RepAlba, p. 207, nr. 1 b; Plantos 2000, p. 87-96; Ferencz 2007, p. 47-48).
Another settlement dated with probability in the same chronological phase was investigated at Lancrăm,
near Sebeş (Popa, Totoianu 2000, p. 51-134; Popa, Simina 2004; Ferencz 2007, p. 55-56). In the same time,
we know some isolated discoveries of archaeological artefacts belonging to La Tène C1 phase, that indicate
the presence of the Celts in the area of the middle Mureş River Valey. A good example for that asemption is
the silver fibula discovered in a cave, at Ohaba Ponor (Nicolăescu-Plopşor and all 1957, p. 46-47, fig. 5, 6;
Feencz 2007, p. 43-44, Pl. 105/3).

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Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis, VI, 1, 2007

3. Funerar discoveries belonging to La Tène C1 phase on The Middle Mureş Course

Some other archaeological discoveries could indicate the presence of some necropolies, or just
isolated funerary complexes. This are the cases of the discoveries from Aiud (Crişan 1973, p. 51; Crişan
1974, p. 71-92; Ferencz 2007, p. 37-40, 75-77), were we have certain informations about two necropolies.
Other places where the discoveries indicate a cerain necropolies is Blandiana village (Aldea 1976, p. 415-
421; Aldea, Ciugudean 1985, p. 37-43; RepAlba, p. 60, nr. 3; Ferencz 2007, p. 40-41, 77-78).
In some other cases, some isolated discoveries could indicate some funerrary discoveries (Pl. II, 3,
Pl. IV). This are the cases of the artefacts belonging to Jidvei (Crişan 1973, p. 58; RepAlba, p. 114, nr. 2;
Roska 1942, p. 313, nr. 8; Roska 1944, p.73 nr. 146; Ferencz 2007, p. 42), Şona (Crişan 1973, p. 62, nr. 70
a, b; RepAlba, p. 183, nr. 11 d; Petică 1994, p. 33; Ferencz 2007, p. 46), Uroi (Popescu 1941-1944, p. 183;
Popescu 1944, p. 648; Roska 1944, p. 58, nr. 7; Crişan, 1973, p. 64; Ferencz 2007, p. 47, 114-115), and
Veţel (Roska 1942, p. 301, nr. 52; Roska 1944, p.73, nr. 64; Popescu 1944, p. 648; Crişan 1973, p. 67, nr.
80; Ferencz 2007, p. 47, 119).
With just a singular exception, at Aiud (Herepey 1901, p. 76, 96, pl. XXI, 222-223; M. Roska 1944,
p. 66, 35; Crişan 1973, p. 51, Crişan 1974, p. 71-92; RepAlba, p. 22-23, nr. 11a; Ferencz 2007, p. 38-39, 76),
all of the funerrary discoveries on the middle Mureş valey, belonging to La Tène C1 had made fortunately.
We do not know the exactly number of graves in none of the cemeteries and generaly speaking we know
just a fiew informations about them. In spite of the lach of discoveries, in accordance with the informations
about them, we can say that in the area the funerary discoveries had both rites of burials: cremation and also
On the middle Mureş course were identified the necropolis from Aiud and Blandiana to which it
could be add some materials which could be included in the inventory objects category discovered in
different kind of places. The number of this types of archaeological sites known till now are less numerous
on the middle Mureş in comparison with those coming from settlements. The archaeological artifacts found
as grave goods are represented by weapons, harness pieces, jewelry, accesories for clothes and potteries
vessels. Sometimes there was found also some kind or implements, represented only by scissors. There are
missing some artifacts with prestigious value (graves with helmets or chariots or women’s graves with many
jewelry for example), all of them are usual. The vessel with anthropomorphic handles discovered at
Blandiana (Pl. III), could be an exception, but we don’t know anything about it’s context.
Also it has to be notice that any kind of necropolis known in our area of interest has not been
researched as a result of a systematic investigation, till now.
The most numerous discoveries known until now in our area of interest are contemporary with the
graves framed in III and IV horizons from Pişcolt (Pl. II, Pl. III, Pl. IV). About the dating of the end of this
stage are necessary some words. The final moment of the cemetery and of the sub-phase C1 in that area was
somewhere around 120-130. The end of sub-phase C1 was placed, in other parts of Central Europe between
190-175 B.C, one of the dating being between 185-170. The same moment in Transylvania was placed in
the first part of the II Century B.C. As it can be noticed, the very late dating done by J. Nemeti is against the
others chronological systems. Although in nowadays west and northwest Romania it is possible that the
Celtic presence to continue along the C2 sub-phase.
4. Conclusions
Our knowledge about funerary discoveries belonging to La Tène C1 phase, on the Middle Mureş
Course area are just a few. But there are very important for us to understand social and politic events
involved the population who lived in those times. The La Tène C1 phase has ending in the same time with
the presence of the Celts on the area with the presence of the Celts in the first part of the IInd Century B. C.
(Ferencz, Ciută 2005, p. 240-241, 245; Ferencz 2007, p. 159).
The next period is specific for some other civilization which have characteristics who had been
observed in the believes and in the ideas about the after life (Sîrbu 1993, p. 37), but also in the material
civilization. In western and central Europe, starting with La Tène C2 horizon had been developed the oppida
civilization (Ferencz 2007, p. 159), wich is characterized by archaeological with Celtic inventories. In
Transylvania the rural civilization continues and fortified settlements and fortress appeared (Ferencz 2007,

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Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis, VI, 1, 2007

p. 159, nota 1231). From these sites inventory are missing almost entirely Celtic materials (Rustoiu 1999, p.


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Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis, VI, 1, 2007

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Iosif Vasile Ferencz

Dacian and Roman Civlisation Museum - Deva
E-mail: fiosifvasile@yahoo.com

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