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The Journey Towards Commercial Operations: Issue No.7 - Volume 3 - 2016

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Issue No.

7•Volume 3•2016

T h e j o u r n e y
co m m e r c i a l

The Official Newsletter of the 135-MW

Coal-Fired Power Plant Project of Palm
Concepcion Power Corporation
“We are the preferred “We partner in powering progress
supplier of reliable by proactively responding to the
and affordable power dynamic aspirations of our OUR VALUES
in the country stakeholders and creating
through innovative innovative business and V - Value People
solutions and technological solutions aimed E - Excellence
practices.” at providing reliable and competitive H - Health, Safety and Environment
power while upholding our A - Accountability
commitment to the protection of the P - Professionalism
environment and the communities I - Innovation
where we operate in.”
Valuing the journey
It was in 2011 when we started to have a dream—a dream to empower more Filipinos
by providing reliable, sufficient and affordable power supply. It was a huge aspiration
back then to build a power plant, it seemed idealistic and surreal for many. Then little
by little, we started on working with that dream with the goal of being able to contribute
something of value to our country.
And now, we’ve proven that with inspiration, one can dream big and make it real
through hard work and determination.
We take pride that everything about this project was accomplished just in the right time.
Along with our commitment to serve the needs of our customers and all power users,
we remain to be steadfast in the implementation of our environmental and social de-
velopment projects as a way of showing our sensitivity to the impacts of our power
infrastructure on the environment and host communities.
Now going to commercial operations, we have witnessed the significant development
of what was once a vision. The farmland covered with grass and sheltered cows and
carabaos is now an area filled with larger than life establishments – a facility that would
help light homes, run industries and contribute to the nation’s growth.
But before all of this happened, we had our own share of ups and downs. To fulfill our
dreams, we have had our share of sacrifices – sacrifices that are all worth it; our own
share of shortcomings – shortcomings which hereafter will serve as life lessons that will
make us stronger and wiser; and our share of happiness – happiness from the friend-
ships made, achievements from all the hard work, and the joy every time we overcome
the challenges we encountered in this journey.
With this, we will never get tired of saying how grateful we are for the trust and support
of our shareholders, and you – our valued customers. We have accomplished so much
because you were there with us every step of the way. The journey on the construction
phase of the plant is about to end now, but we know that a new beginning awaits us as
we go to another phase, that is the commercial operations. All of us from PCPC are
excited to share with everyone the ultimate purpose of this project, to be able to light up
communities and help brighten our country’s future.
Indeed, it is not always about the destination, but also about the journey that got us

A showcase of the development of the PCPC 135-MW Coal-Fired Power Plant Project

Dormitory and Guesthouse

Control Board shows the plant running at 135-MW output

PCPC President and CEO Roel Z. Castro (left) accom-
panies Mr. Jacinto Ng, Jr. (right) during a plant site visit.

Desalination and Treatment Plant and the Admin Building

Discussion between PCPC President and CEO Roel Z.

Castro (right), Engr. Barry L. Calig, PCPC Mechanical
Engineering Specialist and Engr. Albino C. Kintanar,
PCPC Operations Head

Front of the Main Power Building

Rungs of opportunities and countless
possibilities can be anticipated by the PCPC runs at
community PCPC serves as the plant
showcases its final form before the full capacity;
with Visayas
Palm Concepcion Power Corporation
(PCPC) took a major step forward with
the synchronization of its 135-megawatt
coal-fired power plant to the grid.

PCPC successfully synchronized to the

Visayas Grid on June 19 through close
coordination with the National Grid Cor-
poration of the Philippines (NGCP) West-
ern Visayas.

Coal Yard Area and Jetty Port According to Mr. Winifredo Pangilinan,
PCPC Chief Operating Officer, the plant
is now running in full capacity and made
sure that the quality of power is accept-
able to NGCP.

“By August, if we finish all the tests, PCPC

can already go to commercial operations,”
Mr. Pangilinan said.

Engr. Edwin G. Ladignon, Vice President

for Technical Services, said that PCPC is
working hard to ensure that the operating
Coal crusher house connecting to the conveyor system parameters needed by the plant meet the

The synchronization process is a close

coordination between PCPC, its Engi-
neering, Procurement and Construction
Team as well as the Operation and Main-
tenance Team from the First Northeast
Electric Power Engineering Co., SNC-La-
valin, project manager and NGCP, system

Synchronization is the process when the

system voltage and frequency of the plant
Stacker reclaimer inside the coal shed
is in symmetry with the transmission grid.
Power Lines Energized for Concepcion Plant
The Concepcion-Barotac 138-kV Transmission Line (TL) including the new Concepcion 138kV GIS Substation and the expan-
sion of Barotac Viejo Substation constructed by Palm Concepcion Power Corporation (PCPC), are now energized.


(from left) are Ma Rouxin, NGCP Director; Raul
Galano, NGCP Visayas Systems Operations and Roel
Castro, PCPC President and CEO. Below photo: The
Substation and the Tower no. 1 stationed at the site.

“The immediate completion of the associated transmission .. PCPC’s power plant was synchronized with the Visayas grid on
facilities can be attributed to the hard work of the whole .. June 19, 2016 and will be delivering its power capacities to cus-
Transmission Line team of PCPC and the dedicated effort .. tomers in Panay, Negros and the rest of Visayas. Synchronization
and full support that NGCP extended to us,” Mr. Roel Z. .. was done in coordination with NGCP.
Castro, PCPC President and Chief Executive Officer said. ..
.. “The schedule of the commercial operations is just right on track
Mr. Castro also mentioned that another factor, which con- .. as what we have committed to our customers,” Mr. Winifredo
tributed to the fast completion of the transmission lines, is .. Pangilinan, PCPC Chief Operating Officer said.
the early settlement of the Transmission Line Right-of-Way.
.. Ten (10) distribution utilities and electric cooperatives have
“We made sure that all those affected by the construction .. signed up with PCPC for their baseload power capacity require-
of the transmission facilities were compensated accordingly .. ments, who also need to deliver reliable and stable power genera-
and that all documentary requirements are in place for the .. tion supply to their individual customers (industrial, commercial
proper turn-over of these transmission assets to NGCP,” he .. and residential consumers). WN
added. ..
NGCP, PCPC tie up for
Balik-Eskwela Program
More than 200 students of Nipa Elementary School benefited from the
Balik-Eskwela Program of the National Grid Corporation of the Philip-
pines (NGCP), held in partnership with Palm Concepcion Power Cor-
poration (PCPC), owner of the 135-megawatt coal-fired power plant
project in Concepcion, Iloilo. According to Mr. Roel Z. Castro, President
and CEO of PCPC, giving of school supplies is their way of showing their
continued support in the community in all aspects, including education.
Above photo: Mr. Roel Z. Castro, PCPC President and CEO (in yellow green), Mr. Nelson
Cabangon, NGCP Corporate Affairs Head (in black, middle), Ms. Mara Grace Bayona, School
Head of Nipa Elem. School, Mr. Rey Jaleco, NGCP District Head (in white, utmost right), to-
gether with Barangay Nipa and Municipality of Concepcion officials graced the Balik-Eskwela
Below photo: PCPC Community Relations Specialist Virgilio V. Dakila assisted in giving school
supplies to the students.
Fit for a king. The jetty port staged the new vessel which shipped the 33,000 metric tons of coal for the plant.


Concepcion, Iloilo—Sailing all the way .. to have a fine quality as required in the .. Pevensey Pte. Limited, a company based
.. ..
from East Kalimantan, Indonesia, the .. specifications in terms of heating value, .. in Singapore, has obtained a long-term
first coal supply of the 135-MW power .. assuring its efficiency for power plants. .. contract with the company to regularly
.. ..
plant of Palm Concepcion Power Cor- .. .. supply the coal needs of the plant.
poration (PCPC) arrived last March 24. .. “It is our commitment to the com- ..
.. ..
.. munity and the environment to use .. Now sheltered at the coal shed, the coal
A new vessel provided by Grab- .. clean coal technology, and rest assured .. is already being used for the testing and
.. ..
beling International Corp. shipped .. that we will operate our plant, strict- .. commissioning process of the plant.
the 33,000 metric tons of coal. .. ly following the environmental stan- ..
.. ..
.. dards set by regulators and authori- .. The second coal shipment delivery
The Arjuna Coal, which shall be used by .. ties,” Mr. Winifredo S.M. Pangilinan, .. has arrived on May 23 and a third
.. ..
the coal plant upon operation has known .. PCPC Chief Operating Officer said. .. one is expected by August 2016. WN
. .

One with Iloilo. One with the community.

Palm Concepcion Power Corporation has always been in close coordination with the Local Government Units of Iloilo,
local businessmen and even those from the religious sector, through the continous updates on the power plant’s construc-
tion and the company’s efforts to help make its host community a better place to live in.

Photos below: (Left and Right) PCPC update given by Dr. Walter W. Brown, PCPC Chairman and Mr. Roel Z. Castro, PCPC President and CEO, at the Business-
men-Bishop Conference in Iloilo City on June 23. (Middle) Photo opportunity at the plant after Mr. Roel Z. Castro’s presentation at Sangguniang Bayan on July 11.
PCPC, Univ. of Iloilo partner for scholarship program

j ith a vision to brighten the future of deserv- PCPC, owner of the 135-megawatt coal-fired the scholars, said.
ing students in Iloilo, Palm Concepcion Power power plant being constructed in Concepcion,
Corporation (PCPC) and University of Iloilo (UI) Iloilo and UI, a PHINMA education network, The scholars under this program will receive 100
recently sealed a partnership for a scholarship program. signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on percent scholarship grant for tuition including
June 2. all mandated miscellaneous fees and a fixed
monthly allowance.
Dubbed as PCPC Bright Scholarship, the pro-
“To our scholars, it’s up to you on how to make
gram aims to help deserving college students in
good use of this opportunity PCPC is giving.
PCPC’s host communities, to finish their college
And to the parents, encourage your children to
education and achieve a bright future.
do well. The LGU, our partner institution, UI and
The MOA signing was followed by the award- us at PCPC will be your support group in achiev-
ing of the scholars as witnessed by their parents. ing your goals,” Mr. Roel Z. Castro, PCPC Presi-
Concepcion Mayor Milliard Villanueva, Nipa Ba- dent and CEO said during
rangay Captain Leobert Villaruz, Nipa barangay his welcome remarks.
officials and PCPC employees led by the Corpo- According to Mr.
rate Services Group Head, Ms. Anna Lynn Derpo Castro, PCPC Bright
were present during the ceremony. has plans to increase
the number of their
“Kung hindi dahil sa scholarship program na ito,
scholars in the com-
hindi namin maitataguyod ang pag-aaral ng am-
ing years and hop-
ing mga anak dahil sa kawalan ng perang pam-
ing that after the
pa-aral sa kanilang pagko-kolehiyo. Kaya nagpa-
education, an offer for
Road to success. Ms. Anna Lynn D. Derpo, PCPC Corporate Services Group pasalamat kami sa PCPC at University of Iloilo employment will follow.
Head (second to the left), together with Ms. Maita G. Magalong, UI’s Direc- sa oportunidad na ibinigay nila sa amin,” Mrs.
tor for Scholarship (left) and Mayor Milliard Villanueva of Concepcion (right), Jacqueline Isabel V. Dela Cruz, mother of one of
congratulates one of the students chosen for the Bright Scholarship Program.

PCPC holds second leg of

Medical, Dental Mission
Fulfilling the commitment of developing the Provincial Government of Iloilo’s Proj-
sustainable health care services, Palm ect Buligay, the medical and dental mission
Concepcion Power Corporation (PCPC) succeeded in achieving their aim to offer
and the local government units of Iloilo health aid to the people of Iloilo especially
once again partnered for a medical and in the secluded areas in the province.
dental mission.
Meanwhile, free medicines and vitamins
Over 500 residents benefited from the were also given to the beneficiaries and
said program held at Barangay Lo-ong, supplemental feeding was also conducted
Concepcion, Iloilo on April 5. with the help of Philippine Red Cross.
In this photo: PCPC team led by Ms. Cabalhin turned-over
For the volunteer doctors and nurses, “We are glad by the overwhelming re- desktop computers and a financial assistance for instructional
they consider it to be both as a privilegesponse of the people—from the benefi- and educational materials, to school officials of NIPSC.
and responsibility to be part of the mis- ciaries and even to our increasing number
sion that offers quality medical services of volunteers and partners. These are the
things that keep us inspired to do more in
to their fellow Ilonggos.
order to serve those in need,” Ma. Cristina
With the partnership of PCPC CARES (Co- Cabalhin, PCPC’s Corporate Affairs Head
To improve the quality of educa-
operation Alliance on Restorative Efforts said.
tion and the readiness of schools
and Sustenance) for Health project and this coming academic year, PCPC re-
cently donated desktop computers
and extended financial assistance
to five chosen educational institu-
tions in Concepcion, Iloilo — Nipa
Elementary School, Lo-ong Elemen-
tary School, Lo-ong National High
School, Roberto H. Tirol National
High School and Northern Iloilo Poly-
technic State College (NIPSC). Ac-
cording to Ma. Cristina D. Cabalhin,
PCPC Corporate Affairs Head, the
assistance extended to the schools
will help the students of Concep-
cion enrich their learning experience.

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