Assignment No. 1 ME-595 Solar Energy Utilization: Course Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif
Assignment No. 1 ME-595 Solar Energy Utilization: Course Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif
Assignment No. 1 ME-595 Solar Energy Utilization: Course Instructor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif
ME-595 Solar Energy Utilization
Course Instructor:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif
Submitted By:
Jawad Rabbi GME-2060
λmax = 1.87 μm
λ1 = 0.7 μm
λ2 = 5 μm
Find F1-2
λ1 T = 1084.812 μm K
λ2 T = 7748.631 μm K
F0-1 = 0.001089712
F0-2 = 0.84572
F1-2 = 0.8446301
Question: 2
A blackbody has a hemispherical spectral emissive power of 0.03500 W/ (m2 · μm) at a
wavelength of 90 μm. What is the wavelength for the maximum emissive power of this
Eb,λ = 0.035 W/ (m2 μm)
λ = 90 μm
Find λmax
Using Formula:
Eb λ = C2
λ5 (e λ T −1)
T = 154.72 K
λmax T = 2898 μm K
λmax = 18.7304 μm
Question: 3
A radiometer is sensitive to radiation only in the interval 3.6 ≤ λ ≤ 8.5 μm. The radiometer
is used to calibrate a blackbody source at 850 K. The radiometer records that the emitted
energy is 4200 W/m2. What percentage of the blackbody radiated energy in the
prescribed wavelength range is the source actually emitting?
T = 850 K
Recorded Energy, Ebr = 4200 W/m2
λ1 = 3.6 μm
λ2 =8.5 μm
Find percentage of the blackbody radiated energy in the prescribed wavelength range is the
source actually emitting.
Eb =σ T 4
Eb =29597.754 W /m2
λ1 T = 3060 μm K
λ2 T = 7225 μm K
F0-1 = 0.2844495
F0-2 = 0.82050575
F1-2 = 0.53605625
= 15866.06 W /m2
Percentage to the original = x 100
= 26.471 %
Question: 4
What temperature must a blackbody have for 33% of its emitted energy to be in the
visible wavelength region?
F1-2 = 0.33
λ1 = 3.6 μm
λ2 =8.5 μm
Find T
F0-1 = 0.076728
From Table:
λ1 T = 2069.6 μm K
λ2 T = 3621.8 μm K
T = 5174 K
Question: 5
Calculate the F1-2.
Zb = Z1 = 0.2 m
Za = Z3 = 0.4 m
Zb = 0.2 m
Y = 0.3 m
X = 0.5 m
Z4 = 0.2 m
F2-3 = F2-4 + F2-1
F2-1 = F2-3 - F2-4
Z4/X = 0.4
Y/X = 0.6
F2-4 = 0.19
Z3/X = 0.8
Y/X = 0.6
F2-3 = 0.25
F2-1 = F2-3 - F2-4 = 0.06
Now, A2 F2-1 = A1 F1-2
F1-2 = (0.06)(0.3 x 0.5) / (0.2 x 0.5)
F1-2 = 0.09
Question: 6
Consider two infinite large plates with diffuse gray surfaces. Calculate irradiation and radiosity
for the upper and lower plate, and the net radiation heat exchange per unit area of the plates.
T1 = 1000 K
T2 = 500 K
e1 = 1
e2 = 0.8
Finding G1:
The irradiation to the upper plate is defined as the radiant flux incident on that surface. The
irradiation to the upper plate G is comprised of flux emitted by surface 2 and reflected flux emitted
by surface 1
G1 = e2Eb2 + r2 Eb1
G1 = 14175 W/m2
Finding J1:
The radiosity is defined as the radiant flux leaving the surface by emission and reflection. For the
blackbody surface 1.
Finding G2:
G2 = e1Eb1 + r1 Eb2
G2 = sT14
G2 = 14175 W/m2
Finding J2:
J2 = 14175 W/m2
Finding Q1-2
Q1-2 = J1 - G1
Q1-2 = 42525 W / m2
Question: 7
Consider a double walled flask may be considered equivalent to two infinite parallel planes.
The two walls have emissivities of 0.3 and 0.8. There is no absorption between the walls.
Calculate the heat transfer per unit area when inner and outer surface temperatures are 300 K
and 260 K. To reduce heat flow, a shield of polished aluminum with emissivity 0.05 is placed
between walls. Calculate reduction in heat transfer.
T1 = 300 K
T2 = 260 K
e1 = 0.3
e2 = 0.8
e3 = 0.05
q12 σ (T 14−T 24 )
A 1 1
+ −1
ε1 ε2
q12 2
=55.8598W /m
Now with Shield,
q12 σ (T 14 −T 24)
A 1 1 1−ε 3
+ +2( )
ε 1 ε2 ε3
q12 2
=4.7 W /m
Decrease in heat transfer = (55.8598-4.7)/55.8598 x 100 = 91.5 % Decrease