Different Virulence Levels of The Species of Sporothrix in A Murine Model
Different Virulence Levels of The Species of Sporothrix in A Murine Model
Different Virulence Levels of The Species of Sporothrix in A Murine Model
A comparative study on the experimental pathogenicity of five species of Sporothrix of clinical interest, Sporothrix albicans, Sporothrix
brasiliensis, Sporothrix globosa, Sporothrix mexicana, and Sporothrix schenckii sensu stricto, was performed using an immunocompetent
murine model. Two strains of each species and two levels of inoculum for each strain (2 · 107 and 2 · 104 conidia/animal) were tested
by intravenous inoculation of mice (ten per group). Mortality was caused by the low inoculum of one strain of S. brasiliensis only, and
the high inocula of S. brasiliensis and S. schenckii strains. Other inocula and other species tested did not kill any of the experimental
animals. Tissue burden studies showed fungal spread to kidneys, lungs, spleen, brain, and testicles. S. brasiliensis was recovered exten-
sively from all of the studied organs, and S. schenckii and S. globosa were recovered in lower amounts. Histopathological studies revealed
differences in the lesions, which ranged from local inflammation with a low number of fungal cells at the injection site in mice infected
with S. globosa, to massive infiltration of fungal cells in organs of those infected with S. brasiliensis. Our findings showed that S. brasiliensis
and S. schenckii were the most virulent species, and suggest that lesional mechanisms could be species-specific.
Interestingly, S. brasiliensis showed marked brain tropism white nodules, approximately 1 mm in diameter, randomly
(7.31 ± 0.64 CFU/g), whereas this organ was minimally distributed on parenchyma of liver and spleen (Fig. 3b). An
affected by S. schenckii or S. globosa (3.84 ± 2.10 CFU/g and increase in testicular volume was observed, but changes
0.74 ± 1.33 CFU/g, respectively). Fifty per cent of the ani- were not noted macroscopically in other organs. Microscopi-
mals infected with S. globosa cleared the infection in all of cally, all of the organs of mice challenged with S. schenckii
the organs. showed granulomas with a necrotic centre (Fig. 4a), with
mature round and immature oval and cigar-shaped fungal
Histopathology cells (Fig. 4b,c). Inside the tissue vessels, some fungal thrombi
During the experimental period, mice infected with S. brasili- were present without observable infarction. Although granu-
ensis or S. schenckii showed cutaneous lesions of the tail lomatous lesions affected the paratesticular soft tissue, the
(Fig. 3a) and orchitis 10 days post-inoculation, whereas those testicles did not show any inflammatory response. No
infected with the other three species did not show any lesions were found in brain or meninges. The organs of mice
apparent lesion with either of the two inocula. Macroscopi- infected with S. brasiliensis showed necrotic areas, lacking
cally, only animals infected with S. schenckii showed lesions in inflammatory cells, with substitution of tissue by massive
internal organs, consisting of abundant but not confluent infiltration of fungal cells, mostly located in the Kupffer cells
(Fig. 4d–f). Paratesticular and meningeal tissues showed gran-
ulomatous lesions, with some fungal cells located in the cen-
tre of the granuloma.
No inflammation or fungal cells were observed in the
organs of mice infected with S. globosa. The tails of these
mice showed a subcutaneous inflammation with scattered
fungal cigar-shaped cells.
FIG. 1. Survival of mice infected with Sporothrix spp. Mice were
infected with 2 · 107 conidia/animal, with the exception of Sporothrix Different studies using animal models have shown differences
brasiliensis 1 (2 · 104 conidia/animal). Ss, Sporothrix schenckii; Sb, S. bra- in virulence between Sporothrix isolates, but the causes
siliensis; Sg, Sporothrix globosa; Sm, Sporothrix mexicana; Sa, Sporothrix remain unclear. Studies evaluating the pigmentation, capacity
albicans. for growth at 37C and the clinical or environmental origin
of the strains have shown a correlation with virulence. Mesa- S. globosa strains included in our study showed no pigmented
Arango et al. [4] found that environmental isolates generally conidia, did not grow at 37C, and were avirulent in our
showed higher virulence than isolates from clinical sources, murine model. More recently, it has been demonstrated that
independently of geographical origin. By contrast, Dixon isolates from cutaneous infections are more virulent than
et al. [13] studied clinical and environmental isolates from isolates from fixed infections in a systemic murine model
the largest US epidemic of sporotrichosis, and concluded [14,17].
that isolates with pigmented conidia and that grew at 37C Comparisons with previous studies are difficult to make,
were equivalently virulent in a murine model, independently as it not known which of the currently accepted species of
of their origin. Our results agree with these findings, as the Sporothrix are being referred to. Our results showed
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
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