Awesome Taleb - Letter PDF
Awesome Taleb - Letter PDF
Awesome Taleb - Letter PDF
Social Media
Book Recommendations
Biographies & Memoirs
Business & Money
Computers & Technology
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Politics, Humanities & Social Sciences
Science & Math
List of websites where you can find content related to Nassim Nicholas Taleb
List of books written by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options - (1997)
Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets - (2001)
The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable - (2007)
The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms - (2010)
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder - (2014)
Incerto: Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragile - (2016)
Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life - (2018)
Incerto (Deluxe Edition): Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragile, Skin in
the Game - (2019)
The Technical Incerto - Vol 1: The Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails - (2019)
The Technical Incerto - Vol 2: Fragility, Risk, and Convexity - (2020)
Social Media
list of official and unofficial social media accounts
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Twitter (@nntaleb) - Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Official Twitter Page
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Facebook (@nntaleb) - Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Official Facebook Page
Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Wisdom (@TalebWisdom) - Unofficial Twitter account sharing Nassim Nicholas
Taleb's wisdom from his books, interviews, and tweets
The Black Swan Man (@black_swan_man) - Twitter account sharing comics based on Nassim Nicholas
Taleb's books
Nassim Nicholas Taleb Bot (@nntalebbot) - Unofficial bot that scrapes highlights from @nntaleb’s Incerto
N N Taleb's Probability Moocs - These are mini MOOCs explaining technical points in Taleb's INCERTO
(Antifragile, The Black Swan, etc.). They are split into "Technical Notes" and "Tutorials"
Book Recommendations
List of book recommendations by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Nassim Taleb leaves reviews for his favorite
books on Amazon. This list includes the books, which he has given 5-stars. Nassim Taleb used to have a list
of books he read more than once on his personal website. The list is not available anymore, but it can be
accessed via the Way Back Machine.
Mean Genes: From Sex to Money to Food: Taming Our Primal Instincts by Terry Burnham
A History of the Mind: Evolution and the Birth of Consciousness by Nicholas Humphrey
Body by Science: A Research Based Program to Get the Results You Want in 12 Minutes a Week by John
Little and Doug McGuff
Free The Animal: Lose Weight & Fat With The Paleo Diet by Richard Nikoley
Good Calories, Bad Calories: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Control, and Disease
by Gary Taubes
Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Modern Medical Breakthroughs by Morton A. Meyers
Mapping the Mind by Rita Carter
Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious by Timothy D.Wilson
The Wisdom Paradox: How Your Mind Can Grow Stronger As Your Brain Grows Older by Elkhonon Goldberg
Critical Phenomena in Natural Sciences: Chaos, Fractals, Selforganization and Disorder: Concepts and Tools
by Didier Sornette
Information: The New Language of Science by Hans Christian von Baeyer
Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning by A. D. Aleksandrov, A. N. Kolmogorov, and M. A.
Modelling Extremal Events: for Insurance and Finance (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability by
Paul Embrechts, Claudia Klüppelberg, and Thomas Mikosch
Probability Theory (Courant Lecture Notes) by S. R. S. Varadhan
Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes by Athanasios Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai
Rational Decisions by Ken Binmore
Statistical Models: Theory and Practice by David Freedman
The Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion: Theory and Practice by Leonard C. MacLean, Edward O.
Thorp, and William T. Ziemba
The Science of Conjecture: Evidence and Probability before Pascal by James Franklin
The Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets by Johannes Voit
Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems by Didier Sornette
1,000 Foods To Eat Before You Die: A Food Lover's Life List by Mimi Sheraton
Modern Aramaic-English/English-Modern Aramaic Dictionary & Phrasebook: Assyrian/Syriac by Nicholas
List of podcasts where Nassim Nicholas Taleb was interviewed
List of talks, lectures, and interviews where you can watch Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Bloomberg: 'Black Swan' Investor Nassim Taleb on Covid Misconceptions, Fed Policy, Inflation - (2020/09)
Cavaleria Com: The antidote for chaos! - Nassim Taleb Interview - (2020/09)
SophieCo. Visionaries: Nassim Taleb - Covid-19 brought socialism to America - (2020/08)
Social Discovery Ventures: Dmitry Volkov Talk with Nassim Taleb - (2020/08)
EconTalk with Russ Roberts: Nassim Nicholas Taleb on the Pandemic - (2020/07)
New England Complex Systems Institute: EndCoronavirus org Town Hall with Nassim Taleb & Yaneer Bar-
Yam on May 15, 2020 - (2020/05)
ET NOW: Nassim Nicholas Taleb says, 'Likely to see the emergence of more and more viruses' - (2020/05)
Tail risk of contagious diseases: a conversation with Nassim Nicholas Taleb - (2020/05)
CNBC: 'Black Swan' author Nassim Taleb on warnings over systemic risks from global pandemics -
Nassim Taleb Interview on Pandemics (2016) - (2020/04)
Nassim Taleb Teaches Trading - Convex Theory - (2020/04)
Bloomberg: Nassim Taleb Says 'White Swan' Coronavirus Pandemic Was Preventable - (2020/03)
Bloomberg: Taleb Blames Government, Corporations for Not Being Prepeared for Pandemic - (2020/03)
Darwin College Lecture Series: Extreme events and how to live with them by Nassim Nicholas Taleb -
Gillian Tett & Nassim Taleb at Greenwich Economic Forum - (2020/02)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb speaks on "How India Can Achieve Anti-fragile Growth" | IEC 2019 - (2019/12)
Why Nassim Taleb is still betting on crypto - (2019/12)
Localism and its Application to Lebanon - (2019/11)
Studio Axess Idéspecial 2019 - Nassim Nicholas Taleb - (2019/11)
EFN: Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Skin in the Game - (2019/10)
Nassim Taleb Talk at a Conference in Brazil - (2019/09)
Nassim Taleb Lecture: Don't be fooled! | The truth about science technology education and wealth -
2035 University: Nassim Taleb and Dmitry Peskov. Debate about the risk-engineering, WorldSkills
Conference - (2019/08)
Nassim Taleb at the 2018 Prime Quadrant Conference - (2019/04)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb at ICCS 2018 - (2019/02)
RiskMindsTV: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: "you should study risk taking, not risk management" - (2018/12)
JLF at Boulder 2018: Skin in the Game - (2018/12)
Talks at Google: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: "Skin in the Game" - (2018/11)
#BLOCKCON: Fireside Chat: Nassim Nicholas Taleb & Naval Ravikant - (2018/10)
Bloomberg: Taleb Says World Is More Fragile Today Than in 2007 - (2018/10)
Ron Paul Liberty Report: Nassim Nicholas Taleb Speech At RPI's Media & War Conference - (2018/09)
LinkedIn - Nassim Taleb - (2018/06)
Ron Paul Liberty Report: 'Skin In The Game' - With Special Guest Nassim Nicholas Taleb - (2018/03)
Bloomberg: Nassim Taleb Says Investors Need 'Insurance' From Market Drops - (2018/03)
THE SAAD TRUTH #597: My Chat with Nassim Nicholas Taleb - (2018/02)
Bloomberg: Nassim Taleb on Black Monday, Fed, Market Lessons - (2017/10)
Bloomberg: Nassim Taleb on His Black Monday Positions - (2017/10)
Problems with probability - (2017/09)
Bloomberg: Nassim Nicholas Taleb Sees Worse Tail Risks Than in 2007 - (2017/03)
India Today Conclave: A Session With Dr. Nassim Nicholas - (2017/02)
Jaipur Literature Festival: Of Black Swans and Intellectual Fallacies - (2017/01)
RiskMindsTV: Gerd Gigerenzer & Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The dichotomy of behavioural economics -
Nutanix .NEXT 2016 Europe - Closing Keynote [Nassim N. Taleb] - (2016/11)
Taleb Delivers Commencement Speech at American University of Beirut 2016 - (2016/06)
Tail Risk Measurement Heuristics by Nassim Nicholas Taleb - (2016/02)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb at the ET Global Business Summit - (2016/02)
Keynote Address, 2015 Fletcher Conference on Managing Political Risk - (2015/08)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb interview | Tomorrow 2015 - (2015/06)
Nassim Taleb: Small is Beautiful - but Also Less Fragile - (2014/12)
The New Yorker: Financial Collapse: A Panel with Nassim N. Taleb & Robert Shiller - (2014/07)
The 2008 financial crisis and the economy - The New Yorker Festival - (2014/07)
Nassim Taleb lectures at National Science Foundation - (2013/10)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (and Rory Sutherland) - Nudgestock - (2013/05)
Stanford Seminar - Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders: Nassim Taleb - (2013/04)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: How to Live in a World we Don't Understand - (2013/04)
Nassim Taleb and Daniel Kahneman discusses Antifragility at NYPL - (2013/02)
Talks at Google - Nassim Nicholas Taleb - (2013/01)
ReasonTV: Nassim Taleb Talks Antifragile, Libertarianism, and Capitalism's Genius for Failure - (2013/01)
The RSA: Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb - (2013/01)
The Motley Fool: Nassim Taleb on the Benefits of Uncertainty - (2012/12)
Penguin Books UK: Nassim Nicholas Taleb explains Antifragile - (2012/11)
WGBHForum: Nassim Nicholas Taleb - The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable - (2012/09)
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs: Nassim Taleb - "The Black Swan" - (2012/04)
Bloomberg: Nassim Taleb Discusses `Fragility' in Banking System - (2012/03)
Bloomberg: Taleb Says Bernanke Doesn't Understand Risks of QE2 - (2012/03)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb ZURICH.MINDS. Talk with Rolf Dobelli - (2012/01)
The RSA: The Predictability of Unpredictability - (2012/01)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - India Today Conclave 2010 - Part2 - (2011/03)
TIME: 10 Questions for Nassim Taleb - (2010/12)
The RSA: David Cameron in conversation with Nassim Taleb - (2010/02)
Alan Grayson and Nassim Taleb Talk Punishment - (2009/09)
Reflection on a Crisis (John Brockman, Nassim Taleb, Daniel Kahneman) - (2009/02)
The Long Now Foundation: Nassim Nicholas Taleb - The Future Has Always Been Crazier Than We Thought
- (2008/02)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Early Interview - (2001/03)
Publications on ResearchGate - Nassim Nicholas Taleb's research while affiliated with New York University
and other places
Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Google Scholar Page - Google Scholar Citations of Nassim Taleb's work
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