Gita in Pix - Final
Gita in Pix - Final
Gita in Pix - Final
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y that
.../con't [41]
Here a man is conducting business. If he goes to the
marketplace it will be very nice, since there are so many
customers. Similarly, one looking for spiritual life goes to
where there are devotees and associates with them. One
must go to a particular type of place for a particular type of
activity, and the person acting must be well-versed, or
expert, just like an expert salesman whose method of
business is bona fide. The senses must be in order, to
guard against cheating, hear offers, etc. Above all is the
help from Supersoul, who dictates in such a way that
everything is successful, spiritually or materially. Among
the five factors portrayed here, the endeavor is the
business which is being conducted.
Bhagavad-gita 18.41-46
While engaged in their
prescribed duties, these four
representatives of the four
social orders (varnas) are
thinking of Lord Krsna and
offering Him the results of
their work. [42]
Bhagavad-gita 18.65
Gopala Krsna, the beautiful
original form of the Lord. [43]
Bhagavad-gita 18.73 Arjuna's
illusion is now gone, and he is
acting according to Krs'sna
instructions. Arjuna’s last words in
the Gita: “Karishye vacanam tava”
– “I am now prepared to carry out
your instructions.”
Krsna, the driver of countless
universes, is now driving the
chariot of Arjuna, who has got
back into action. [44]
-the end-