Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire
Volcanoes have terrorized people for centuries. In the 1800s, explorers and scientists started grouping them together.
In fact, the whole Ring of Fire is marked here. Scientists recognized the belt activity, but it would take another 100 years until they agreed
on what caused it. By the 1960s, most scientists concluded the Earth’s surface is made up of a series of tectonic plates that slowly move into and
apart from each other. Take a look at the plates that make up the Pacific. Now look at where the eruptions and earthquakes occur. The Ring of Fire
is the result of these plates cashinginto each other.
The plates in the Pacific are moving faster than other plates around the world, adding stress where the plates interact.
This plate is moving is moving northwest, crashing into the North American plate, which explains all the volcanoes here.
Over in California, the Pacific plate is grinding past the North American plate - where they meet is called the San Andreas Fault.
The movement causes thousands of Earthquakes a year. A few of them are even large enough to cause serious damage. All these plate
interactions are independent from each other. But wen grouped together, they make up the most seismically active region in the world.
The problem with Ring of Fire is that geologists can’t accurately predict when a volcano is going to erupt or an earthquake will shake the
ground. They can monitor tremors, gas emissions and temperature changes around a volcano to estimate when it might erupt, but they can’t be
sure of the exact timing or the severity. And those predictions get even weaker with earthquakes which aren’t preceded by a warning signs, so we
can’t even see them coming.
One way scientists forecast the future of these phenomena is by looking at the past. In fact, many countries along the Ring of Fire will
continue to be at risk for the foreseeable future. They can’t get out of harm’s way, but there is something they can do about it.
We know for certain that there will be more natural disasters along this belt. What we don’t know is if we’ll be prepared for them.
Plate Boundaries
The Ring of Fire is the result of plate tectonics. Tectonic plates are huge slabs of the Earth’s crust, which fit together like pieces of a puzzle. The
plates are not fixed but are constantly moving atop a layer of solid and molten rock called the mantle. Sometimes these plates collide, move apart,
or slide next to each other. Most tectonic activity in the Ring of Fire occurs in these geologically active zones.
Convergent Boundaries
A convergent plate boundary is formed by tectonic plates crashing into each other. Convergent boundaries are often subduction zones, where the
heavier plate slips under the lighter plate, creating a deep trench. This subduction changes the dense mantle material into buoyant magma, which
rises through the crust to the Earth’s surface. Over millions of years, the rising magma creates a series of active volcanoes known as a volcanic arc.
If you were to drain the water out of the Pacific Ocean, you would see a series of deep ocean trenches that run parallel to corresponding volcanic
arcs along the Ring of Fire. These arcs create both islands and continental mountain ranges.
The Aleutian Islands in the U.S. state of Alaska, for example, run parallel to the Aleutian Trench. Both geographic features continue to form as the
Pacific Plate subducts beneath the North American Plate. The Aleutian Trench reaches a maximum depth of 7,679 meters (25,194 feet). The
Aleutian Islands have 27 of the United States’ 65 historically active volcanoes.
The Andes Mountains of South America run parallel to the Peru-Chile Trench, created as the Nazca Plate subducts beneath the South American
Plate. The Andes Mountains include the world’s highest active volcano, Nevados Ojos del Salado, which rises to 6,879 meters (over 22,500 feet)
along the Chile-Argentina border. Many volcanoes in Antarctica are so geologically linked to the South American part of the Ring of Fire that some
geologists refer to the region as the “Antarctandes.”
Divergent Boundaries
A divergent boundary is formed by tectonic plates pulling apart from each other. Divergent boundaries are the site of seafloor spreading and rift
valleys. Seafloor spreading is the process of magma welling up in the rift as the old crust pulls itself in opposite directions. Cold seawater cools the
magma, creating new crust. The upward movement and eventual cooling of this magma has created high ridges on the ocean floor over millions of
The East Pacific Rise is a site of major seafloor spreading in the Ring of Fire. The East Pacific Rise is located on the divergent boundary of the Pacific
Plate and the Cocos Plate (west of Central America), the Nazca Plate (west of South America), and the Antarctic Plate. In addition to volcanic
activity, the rise also has a number of hydrothermal vents.
Transform Boundaries
A transform boundary is formed as tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other. Parts of these plates get stuck at the places where they
touch. Stress builds in those areas as the rest of the plates continue to move. This stress causes the rock to break or slip, suddenly lurching the
plates forward and causing earthquakes. These areas of breakage or slippage are called faults. The majority of Earth’s faults can be found along
transform boundaries in the Ring of Fire.
The San Andreas Fault, stretching along the central west coast of North America, is one of the most active faults on the Ring of Fire. It lies on the
transform boundary between the North American Plate, which is moving south, and the Pacific Plate, which is moving north. Measuring about
1,287 kilometers (800 miles) long and 16 kilometers (10 miles) deep, the fault cuts through the western part of the U.S. state of California.
Movement along the fault caused the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, which destroyed nearly 500 city blocks. The earthquake and accompanying
fires killed roughly 3,000 people and left half of the city’s residents homeless.
Hot Spots
The Ring of Fire is also home to hot spots, areas deep within the Earth’s mantle from which heat rises. This heat facilitates the melting of rock in
the brittle, upper portion of the mantle. The melted rock, known as magma, often pushes through cracks in the crust to form volcanoes.
Hot spots are not generally associated with the interaction or movement of Earth’s tectonic plates. For this reason, many geologists do not consider
hot spot volcanoes part of the Ring of Fire.
Mount Erebus, the most southern active volcano on Earth, sits over the eruptive zone of the Erebus hot spot in Antarctica. This glacier-covered
volcano has a lava lake at its summit and has been consistently erupting since it was first discovered in 1841.