Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal: Who Should Use This Form?
Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal: Who Should Use This Form?
Refugee and Special Humanitarian Proposal: Who Should Use This Form?
Who should use this form? In Part D of this form, you will be asked to indicate whether
you are able to provide accommodation and information and
This form should be used by persons wishing to propose
orientation assistance to the entrant.
applicants under the Refugee and Special Humanitarian
Program, including those eligible under the special rules that You should carefully consider your ability to fulfil the
apply to immediate family members.* requirements of a proposer. Unless there are exceptional
circumstances, your failure to provide the level of support
Proposals may be submitted by individuals or by organisations
indicated in your undertaking in Part D may adversely affect
operating in Australia. To be eligible to propose as an individual,
any future proposals you submit under the Humanitarian
you must be:
• an Australian citizen; or
• a permanent resident of Australia; or
Am I eligible for support in my role as a proposer?
• an eligible New Zealand citizen.
Yes. Proposer Support is available to all proposers. The aim of
If you are eligible to propose, you will also need form 842 this service is to ensure that proposers are able to:
Application for offshore humanitarian visa to be completed
• respond to the needs of entrants; and
by the applicant.
• fulfil their obligations to directly support entrants.
What is required of proposers? As part of this service, prior to the entrant’s arrival, you will be
provided with information and guidance on how to:
Successful applicants under this programme or their proposers
• assist an entrant to settle in Australia; and
must pay for the applicant’s travel to Australia, including airfares.
• obtain further information and guidance, if required, after
An ‘applicant’ who is granted a visa and travels to Australia the entrant has arrived. This may include referral to other
becomes an ‘entrant’ on arrival. service providers, for example, to assess the physical and
The proposer’s role is to assist in the settlement of the entrant psychological health of the entrant.
they have proposed. This includes:
• meeting the entrant at the airport; Options for receiving written communications
• providing accommodation for the entrant on arrival; You may authorise another person to receive all
• assisting the entrant to find permanent accommodation; and communications, both written and electronic, about your
• providing information and orientation assistance to the application with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship
entrant. (the department). You will be taken to have received any
documents sent to that person as if they had been sent to you.
To do this you will need to complete Part G Options for
‘Information and orientation assistance’ means assisting
receiving written communications and form 956 Appointment
the entrant to access:
of a migration agent or exempt agent or other authorised
• Income support through Centrelink; recipient. For an explanation of what a migration agent or
• Permanent housing; exempt agent or authorised recipient can do please read the
• Medicare; sections below.
• Health services (eg. doctor, dentist and pharmacy); To change or end the appointment of your migration agent or
• Employment services (eg. Job Network); exempt agent or authorised recipient you must promptly advise
• Education and training services (eg. Adult Migrant the department in writing. You can do this by using form 956
English Program, children’s schooling); Appointment of a migration agent or exempt agent or other
• Translating and interpreting services; authorised recipient.
• Banking services;
• Childcare services; and Authorised recipient information
• Transport. An authorised recipient is someone you appoint to receive
written communications about your application with the
All written communication about your application will be sent
to your authorised recipient, unless you indicate that you wish
to have health and/or character information sent directly to
The department will communicate with the most recently
appointed authorised recipient as you may only appoint one
authorised recipient at any time for a particular application.
* Under the ‘split family’ provisions holders of permanent humanitarian
visas granted overseas or permanent protection visas granted in Australia Continued on the next page
may support the applications of immediate family members to enter
Australia under the Humanitarian Programme. (‘Immediate family’ is defined
as spouse, dependent child or parents of dependent child under 18.)
Part A – Details of the person you wish to 11 Details of dependent family members who would accompany the person
propose for entry to Australia you wish to propose
1 Full name
Family name
Family name
Given names
Given names
Family name A2
Given names
3 Citizenship
Sex Male Female
4 Sex Male Female
Date of birth
DAY MONTH YEAR Relationship to
5 Date of birth person proposed
6 Country of birth
Family name
Given names
7 Marital status
Married Divorced Widowed Sex Male Female
De facto Separated Never married
Date of birth
8 Precise relationship to you (give full details)
Relationship to
person proposed
Date of birth
Date of arrival in Australia 24 Name of person authorised to sign this form on behalf of
the organisation
17 Are you an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident or Family name
eligible New Zealand citizen?
No You are unable to propose Given names
26 Please list all other office holders
19 Postal address
(If the same as your residential address, write ‘AS ABOVE’)
20 Telephone numbers
Office hours ( ) ( )
After hours ( ) ( )
Fax number ( ) ( )
E-mail address
Fax number ( ) ( )
E-mail address
30 Telephone numbers
COUNTRY CODE AREA CODE NUMBER How many bedrooms does it have?
Office hours ( ) ( )
How many people will occupy the
After hours ( ) ( )
dwelling, including the entrants?
Date of application
File number
Australian mission where the application was lodged
Printed name 41 Is the person an agent registered with the Migration Agents Registration
Authority (MARA)?
Yes Go to Part G
You must complete the Acknowledgement Advice on page 12. 42 Is the person/agent in Australia?
No Go to Part G
43 Did you pay the person/agent and/or give a gift for this assistance?
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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