Key Words: Neuropsychological Evaluation, Standardized Assessment
Key Words: Neuropsychological Evaluation, Standardized Assessment
Key Words: Neuropsychological Evaluation, Standardized Assessment
determine whether they are suffering from conditions that may not be readily detectable
assessment across a variety of contexts, examines widely used reliable and valid
concludes with a suggested approach for summarizing assessment findings in the form of
should be noted that the selected assessments discussed in this chapter are not an
properties at length. The interested reader is encouraged to review the manuals associated
with each assessment, and cited within the text. Furthermore, neuropsychological
assessments related to speech deficits are not covered in this chapter, and the interested
ones stand out: diagnosis; patient care; treatment planning and remediation; treatment
evaluation; research; and forensic applications (Lezak, Howieson, & Loring, 2004).
The first goal of neuropsychology, diagnosis, may seem quite obvious. Although
superior medical techniques exist for identifying sites of brain damage, it is often a
neuropsychological evaluation that illuminates the extent of deficits related to that injury,
and how they manifest behaviorally and cognitively. Moreover, sensitive diagnostic
neuroimaging techniques do not yet exits for identifying certain organic brain disorders
assessment can provide insight into whether a patient is able to care for him or herself or
surgical procedures.
research protocols, including those reporting slower processing speed abilities among
soldiers with comorbid traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress (Nelson, Yoash-
Gantz, Pickett, & Campbell, 2009). Another recent study comparing neurocognitive
functions among preterm and full-term children found that preterm children performed
called to the stand to address issues in the legal arena, such as the economic
to stand trial or to explain how neuropsychological factors may help explain criminal
assessments can help individuals with cognitive, intellectual, and physical impairments.
The interested reader is encouraged to find a more comprehensive review of
symptoms, and can be done in two primary ways: (a) deliberate exaggeration of
symptoms that are difficult to measure; and (b) intentional poor performance on
avoid standing trial, or are trying to plead insanity in a criminal case, psychologists
should always be cautious of this phenomenon when working with any patient.
Malingering may manifest in various ways: individuals may exaggerate memory loss,
Failure-to-Maintain Set, and the Lees-Haley Fake Bad Scale from the MMPI-2. Using the
cut-offs established from his analyses, Larrabee was able to correctly identify 15 of 17
subjects meeting criteria for probable malingering. These findings suggest that examiners
can utilize “built-in” empirical methods for assessing malingering without having to
purpose of the assessment. More specifically, the clinician should have a clear picture of
the patient’s referral questions, as well as an understanding of what the patient can gain
environment). A patient being evaluated for a possible ADHD diagnosis may require a
very different battery from someone who needs an assessment following a traumatic
brain injury. One of the benefits of neuropsychological testing is that it allows for the
selection of tests that tap into specific cognitive functions, and more importantly, a
The Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE; Folstein et al., 1975) is not a standardized
that can oftentimes be used as a screening tool, mostly commonly as a screener for
The first category addresses orientation to time (e.g., year, day of the week) and the
second addresses orientation to place (e.g., can the patient state where he or she is). Next,
the patient’s registration? is assessed, which is his or her ability to repeat three randomly
selected words. In order to assess attention and calculation, a neuropsychologist may ask
had asked him to repeat verbatim earlier during the registration assessment. The examiner
may also wish to assess the patient’s language by asking him to name everyday objects
(e.g., the examiner’s pen). The patient may also be asked to repeat a phrase back to the
examiner exactly as she says it. The examiner may then conclude the MMSE by asking
the patient to carry out more complex commands (e.g., follow three-sequence series of
Cognitive Assessments
Intelligence. The Wechsler scales are among the most reliable and widely used
assessment: the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th Edition (WISC-IV), which
measures, the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, now in its second edition
The WAIS-IV and WISC-IV subtests are grouped into four indices or factors, and
one global composite score, which is known as the Full Scale IQ (FSIQ). The four factors
Speed. The Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) taps verbal reasoning and knowledge of
word meanings; the Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) taps spatial visualization, visual
relationships, and nonverbal reasoning; the Working Memory Index (WMI) taps short-
term auditory information and the ability to hold and manipulate information in memory;
and the Processing Speed Index (PSI) assesses overall speed of information processing
Both the WISC-IV and WAIS-IV have 10 subtests (although the specific subtests
on each assessment vary, as will be discussed below); 3 subtests comprise the VCI, 3
subtests comprise the PRI, and 2 subtests each comprise the WMI and PSI. Additionally,
on both the WAIS-IV and WISC-IV, the 3 verbal comprehension subtests and 3
perceptual reasoning subtests can be utilized in the calculation of the General Ability
Index (GAI), which is useful when the FSIQ is uninterpretable. The FSIQ may be
uninterpretable in cases where the difference between the highest Index and the lowest
Index exceeds 1.5 standard deviations or 23 points (Cite Essentials of WISC Assessment
by Flanagan).
The three subtests that tap into the Verbal Comprehension Index on the WAIS are
the similarities subtest, vocabulary subtest, and the information subtest. There is also a
supplemental comprehension subtest. The three subtests that tap into the Perceptual
Reasoning Index are the block design subtest, matrix reasoning subtest, and the visual
puzzles subtest. The two supplemental subtests that tap into this Index are the picture
completion and figure weights subtests. The Working Memory Index is comprised of two
core subtests, digit span and arithmetic, as well as one supplemental subtest, letter-
number sequencing. The two subtests making up the Processing Speed Index are symbol
The organization and administration of the WISC-IV are very similar, but some of
the individual subtests comprising the indices differ from the WAIS-IV. Three subtests
comprise the VCI, including vocabulary, similarities, and comprehension, with optional
administering two or four subtests to generate the FSIQ (Cite manual). The two-subtest
form requires the administration of the vocabulary and matrix reasoning subtests, and
only yields the FSIQ. The four-subtest form requires the examiner to administer the
vocabulary, similarities, block design, and matrix reasoning subtests, and generates a
FSIQ-4, a VCI score, and a PRI score. Whereas the WISC and WAIS each take anywhere
between 60 and 90 minutes to administer to core battery, the WASI-II can take about 15
research setting.
months), and provides similar information as the other Wechsler instruments. The 14
core, supplemental, and optional subtests combine to generate five Primary Index scales.
These scales include a Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Visual Spatial Index (VSI),
Working Memory Index (WMI), Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI), and Processing Speed
Index (PSI). A Full Scale IQ is also calculated. The WPSSI-IV has adequate reliability,
and improved normative sampling from previous editions (cite manual). Furthermore, the
age range was extended from 7 years, 3 months (which was the maximum age in previous
The Differential Abilities Scale, 2nd Edition (DAS-II; Elliott, 2007) is another
cognitive assessment that is available for those testing children. The DAS-II provides
scores reflecting verbal, nonverbal, and spatial abilities, as well as a composite measure
of general cognitive ability (General Conceptual Ability score, GCA). The GCA is the
addition to the composite measure, two or three lower-level composite or cluster scores
can also be calculated. These cluster scores vary by age. The DAS-II is divided into two
batteries, an Early Years Battery (2 years, 6 months to 6 years, 11 months) and a School
The DAS-II has shown very good internal reliability, with subtest coefficients
ranging from 0.74 to 0.96 across both the Early Years and School-Age batteries.
Interrater rater among subtests requiring examiner judgment (e.g., Copying, Recall of
Designs) reliability was also high, ranging from 0.95 to 0.99. There is also evidence for
the high internal validity of the DAS-II (Davis, Finch, & Tindal, 2012).
designed to tap into various verbal and nonverbal executive functions. Each of the nine
subtests generates its own information about an individual’s performance, eliminating the
need for an overall composite score. In fact, one of the many strengths of the D-KEFS is
that it provides great flexibility in administration because the examiner can choose only
those specific subtests that will answer the assessment question, and does not have to
high internal consistency on the Trail Making Test, Verbal Fluency Test, and Color-Word
Interference Test (Cite Mental Measurements Yearbook). The authors of the manual also
explain that factor analytic studies aimed at deriving index scores were not necessary
given that each test is designed to be a stand-alone measure. The D-KEFS can be
individuals, and when this becomes the case, tests like the D-KEFS are not normed for
younger populations. The NEPSY-II is available in two forms, one for 3 to 4 year-old
patients (Pre-school Age), and one for 5 through 16 year-old patients (School Age). The
six functional domains of the NEPSY-II were derived theoretically rather than
empirically. These six domains cover attention and executive functioning, language,
memory and learning, sensorimotor, social perception, and visuospatial processing). Like
the D-KEFS, the NEPSY-II is a very versatile assessment, with selection of subtests
Memory Assessment
One of the best-known memory assessments in the field is the Wechsler Memory
Scale, Fourth Edition (WMS-IV). This assessment is comprised of seven subtests that tap
into five Index Scores: Auditory Memory, Visual Memory, Visual Working Memory,
adolescent and adult patients (16 years, 0 months through 90 years, 11 months).
measure used to specifically evaluate verbal memory, and is available for adolescents and
adults (16 years to 89 years), as well as for children (5 years, 0 months through 16 years,
11 months). In both assessments, individuals are asked to recall a list immediately, after a
Another memory assessment that was uniquely designed for children is the
Children’s Memory Scale (CMS), which is normed for children ages 5 to 16. Unlike the
CVLT, which is specific to verbal memory, the CMS assesses a broader range of memory
dimensions, including attention and working memory, recall and recognition, short-delay
and long-delay memory, as well as both verbal and visual memory (CITE manual).
Finally, the Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (TOMAL-2; cite) is a
comprehensive memory assessment available for children and adults (5 years, 0 months
to 59 years, 11 months). The assessment consists of eight core subtests, six supplemental
subtests, and two delayed recall tasks. These various subtests generate three core Indices
(Verbal Memory Index, Nonverbal Memory Index, and Composite Memory Index) and
six supplemental Indices (Verbal Delayed Recall Index, Learning Index, Attention and
Concentration Index, Sequential Memory Index, Free Recall Index, and Associative
Recall Index).
Motor Functions
The Finger Tapping Test (FTT; Reitan & Wolfson, 1993) is one of the most
widely recognized tests of manual dexterity. Previous studies have found that individuals
with traumatic brain injuries will have a slower average number of taps in a 10-second
fine and gross motor skills among children from birth to five months. The PDMS
assesses both quantitative and qualitative aspects of motor development among children.
For example, a child’s grasp is evaluated and judged by an examiner as to whether or not
the grasp is mature for the child’s age. In order to obtain quantitative measures, a child
may be timed as she tries to grasp a cube. The developers of the PDMS believe that the
developing remediation strategies. The six subtests of the PDMS assess various
milestones of fine and gross motor development, including grasping, locomotion, object
manipulation, body control and equilibrium, and visual motor integration (cite manual).
Academic Functioning
While academic problems and specific learning disabilities are typically assessed
reason for referral. For example, a child with sickle cell anemia may present with recent
Upon further medical examination, it is determined that this child has experienced a
series of silent strokes, one of the many typical complications of his disorder. He is
referred for a neuropsychological evaluation to determine the cognitive consequences of
his strokes, but in order to obtain special accommodations at his school, the
neuropsychologist may need to provide evidence that the cognitive impairments influence
the academic concerns that were reported. In this case, using standardized measures of
academic concern.
The Standard Battery includes 12 subtests that assess performance in areas such as
reading, oral language, math, written language, and general academic skills, and certain
subtests can be administered to individuals as early as 2 years of age. The different start
points within each subtest are determined based on the individual’s level of schooling
reading, math, writing, and oral language in a total of 16 subtests. It is a useful tool for
identifying academic strengths and weaknesses, and can inform an examiner’s decision
Specialized assessments of various academic subjects are also available, but are
beyond the scope of this chapter. Examples of these assessments would be the
KeyMath3 (CITE), the Gray Oral Reading Tests- Fifth Edition (Cite), the Clinical
Evaluation of Language Fundamentals- Fourth Edition (CITE), and the Test of Written
Personality Assessment
Similarly to academic functioning, personality assessment is not necessarily a
thought that these responses may reveal important characteristics about an individual’s
hidden emotions. Some of the better know projective measures include the Rorschach
Inkblot Test, the Thematic Apperception Test, and the Draw-A-Person test. For the
and the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI). Unlike the projective tests listed above,
objective tests require the individual examiner to answer specific questions typically
generated from the normative samples utilized in the creation of the assessment.
of which are the well-known “clinical scales.” A strength of the MMPI is its use of
validity indicators, which can be useful to detect threats to a valid administration, such as
schizophrenia; (9) hypomania; (0) and social introversion. On the clinical scales of the
from a clinical interview with the participant. An adolescent version (MMPI-A) was also
developed, and is currently one of the most commonly used assessments of personality
psychopathology in individuals ages 18 to 89. There are 344 items on this assessment,
and together they make up 22 scales, including four validity scales, eleven clinical scales,
five treatment scales, and two interpersonal scales. This measure has been found to have
high internal consistency, convergent validity, and discriminant validity (CITE manual).
Behavioral Assessment
assessments, but are not necessarily core features of a neuropsychological battery. Since a
clear picture of this individual’s behavioral context outside the testing session. As a
result, administration of behavior rating scales to the individual, caregivers, parents, and
other important individuals with whom the client interacts can provide a wealth of
While there are certainly several empirically validated rating forms available
(e.g., Child Behavior Checklist, Behavior Assessment System for Children, etc.), this
chapter will focus on briefly describing the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive
and teachers of children ages 5 to 18. There are also adolescent self-report forms
(BRIEF-SR), pre-school age forms for children between the ages of 2 to 5 (BRIEF-P),
and self and informant rating forms for adults ranging in age from 18 to 90 (BRIEF-A).
While the number of items on each of the versions of the BRIEF differs, the
overall clinical scales tap into the same constructs, including working memory, emotional
validity, and clinical utility make this a useful addition to any neuropsychological battery
The Report
summarizing the referral questions, pertinent background information, data gathered from
recommendations and/or accommodations for the patient. After stating the referral
summarizing the referral question and reasons for the assessment, the neuropsychologist
will then highlight relevant background history information. This section may include
observation section of the report that outlines information about the client’s mood,
affective state, as well as any observations that clinician made about the client’s
performance, effort, and/or behavior across the different tests. Based on these
the results of the assessment are an accurate reflection of the client’s current level of
functioning. Next, the clinician generally presents the data gathered from the assessment
batteries that were administered, explaining why certain assessments were selected, and
what conclusions can be drawn about the individual’s functioning across the various
After the data are thoroughly presented, the report typically concludes with a brief
overview of the findings. This portion of the report should emphasize the most important
findings clearly and concisely so that it is apparent how the diagnostic impressions
(which are listed after the summary) were determined. Finally, the clinician concludes the
report with important accommodations and recommendations that the individual, his or
her family, other professionals, etc. may find to be useful in treatment planning, academic
of purposes. Parents can use these reports to help their children obtain 504 plans or
forensic settings to determine whether someone is mentally fit to stand trial or to help an
individual obtain worker’s compensation in a lawsuit. Because individuals rely on these
with the patient, her family, or both in order to communicate the findings of the
recommendations about treatment and services that an individual may need to thrive in
spite of having neuropsychological deficits. It is the authors’ hope that this very brief
introduction has introduced the reader to some of the more widely used
All of the assessments listed above are administered using pencil, paper, and
stimulus materials. As newer assessments are developed, test developers are taking
administered entirely on computers and tablets CITE). Not only does the portability of
to administer assessments in less time and simplifies the scoring process by having all
necessary materials in one place (the tablet/computer). The CVLT-II is one example of a
standardized measure that can now be administered in its entirety using this tablet-based
References (I will add/format this section once we have finalized the chapter)
Achenbach, T. M. (1991). Manual for the Child Behavior Checklist/4-18 & 1991 Profile.
Burlington, V.A.
Bigler, E. D., & Brooks, M. (2009). Traumatic brain injury and forensic
neuropsychology. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 24(2), 76–87.
Davis, A. S., Finch, W. H., & Tindal, G. (2012). Review of the Differential Ability
Scales- Second Edition. The eighteenth mental measurements yearbook.
Retrieved October 08, 2013, from
Potharst, E. S., van Wassenaer-Leemhuis, A. G., Houtzager, B. a, Livesey, D., Kok, J. H.,
Last, B. F., & Oosterlaan, J. (2013). Perinatal risk factors for neurocognitive
impairments in preschool children born very preterm. Developmental medicine
and child neurology, 55(2), 178–84. doi:10.1111/dmcn.12018
Raine, A. (2013). The anatomy of violence: The biologial roots of crime. New York:
Pantheon Books.