Widya Dharma Husada: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan
Widya Dharma Husada: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan
Widya Dharma Husada: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan
Miscarriage, also called spontaneous abortion, spontaneous expulsion of
the embryo or fetus from the uterus before the 20th week of pregnancy,
prior to the conceptus having developed sufciently to live without maternal
support. An estimated 10 to 25 percent of recognized pregnancies are lost as
a result of miscarriage, with the risk of loss being highest in the frst six
weeks of pregnancy. Because many miscarriages occur prior to a woman
knowing she is pregnant, the actual prevalence of miscarriage is suspected
to be higher than that refected in the data for clinically recognized cases.
1. What is miscarriage?
amniotic, birth, breech, dilated, fallopian, baby, blood, canal, cervix, contraction, cord,
fluid, hair, monitoring, period, position,
foetal, lanugo, maternal, menstrual, multiple, pregnancy, tubes
premature, umbilical, uterine
1. I have returned the book to the library and she …she is……………../………
5. Mr. Harun has not come yet, and his assistant ………was not……………../
7. She does not take an English course, her sister ……does not…………./ ……
8. He attends the lecture nearly every day and his friends ……was…………../
9. The nurse has not given an injection, and the other nurse ……was
10. Doctor Ahmad performed the operation, and doctor Amir ………
11. He had eaten before he went to work, and his father ………did………../
12. His father did not attend the wedding party, and his mother ……
did………../ ………too…….
15. She has not made the report, and her friend ………were not………………/
Ciri utama aborsi adalah dilatasi serviks. Seperti namanya, akibatnya adalah
keguguran yang tak terhindarkan. Pendarahan lebih parah daripada aborsi
mengancam dan wanita bisa pingsan karena kehilangan darah. Kantung
kehamilan terpisah dari dinding rahim dan rahim berkontraksi untuk
mengeluarkan konsep tersebut. Kontraksi uterus menyebabkan
ketidaknyamanan yang mirip dengan kontraksi persalinan. Jika pemeriksaan
vagina dilakukan, dokter akan menemukan serviks melebar, kemungkinan
dengan hasil konsepsi menonjol melalui itu. Kantung kehamilan dapat
dikeluarkan seluruhnya atau sebagian, biasanya jaringan plasenta dapat