Akhila Sem (22
Akhila Sem (22
Akhila Sem (22
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering
G.Akhila (16HK1A0507)
2.Proposed Architecture:
3.Global functioning proposed architecture:
3.1Status diagram
4. Implementation:
5.System behavior results
5.1Robot Mobility
5.2 Robot sensing
5.3 Surveillance camera
6. conclusion
The process of communication between the robot and the IoT objects in the
environment through the MQTT protocol [NAI 17]. The IoT Things can control the
robot directly through orders received by the robot.
We have implemented this Robot with a Raspberry Pi B perfected electronic card
which has both sensors and Arduino UNO card for robot movement management
[WAR 11]. It is also equipped with sensors to protect the robot from colliding with
barriers and obstructions.
connected in the same model (WIFI router). If the robot in a remote site the robot
receives the commands via internet Public network.
Wiring the L293D with DC motor : L293D tabs 2, 7, 8 are connected to pins 2,9
and 10 of the Arduino, and the DC motor with tabs 3,6 to control the motor direction
(front and rear).
Wiring of servomotors: Servo drive [11] pin is connected with Arduino pin 8
which is responsible for camera rotation, and also the second servo drive pin with
Arduino pin 7 which is responsible for the orientation of the wheels.
Complete wiring with the Arduino: We do the complete wiring with the
Arduino, we connect the anode of the red LEDs with the pin 4 and their cathode with
(GND) .and also the anode of the white LEDs with the pin 3 and their cathode with
(GND). We can control the power on and off of the white LEDs, but the red LEDs
come on when the robot stops.
Fig . The general electronic Robot circuit
In this paper we implemented an IoT Robot robot to sensing the environment
for smart home, we implemented this approach using a Raspberry with sensors
integration and using MQTT protocol for communications.
As close perspectives of this research work we want to integrate this platform
in the cloud computing environment for device data storage, transfer and process.
[ALJ ] Al-Joboury I. M. and E. H. Al-Hemiary, “Internet of Things (IoT):
Readme,” Qalaai Zanist Sci. J., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 343–358, 2017.
[VER 17] Vermesan O. et al., “Internet of Robotic Things – Converging
Sensing/Actuating, Hyperconnectivity, Artificial Intelligence and IoT
Platforms,” pp. 97–155, 2017.
[NAI 17] Naik N., “Choice of effective messaging protocols for IoT systems:
MQTT, CoAP, AMQP and HTTP,” 2017 IEEE Int. Symp. Syst. Eng. ISSE 2017
- Proc., 2017.
[WAR 11] J.-D. Warren, J. Adams, and H. Molle, Arduino Robotics. 2011.
[ALS XX] S. H. Alsamhi, O. Ma, and M. S. Ansari, “Artificial Intelligence-
Based Techniques for Emerging Robotics Communication : A Survey and
Future Perspectives.”