Night Patrol Robot
Night Patrol Robot
Night Patrol Robot
ID Name
Khaled Omar Mohammed Shaml
Table of Contents
Components Used.......................................................................................................................................4
Software used..............................................................................................................................................4
Arduino Mega Code.....................................................................................................................................8
Cost Estimation............................................................................................................................................9
Night Patrol Robot (IOT)
IoT which is known as Internet of Things is refers to a reciprocal connected system , internet-
connected things that are able to gather and transfer data through a wireless network without
human action. The personal or business potentials are unlimited. A “thing “ can be a various
things such as a medical device , a biochip transponder or a connected vehicle with sensors that
notifies the driver to a million of possible issues in other word (fuel , tire pressure , required
maintenance , and soon) or any items , equipped with sensors , that are able to collect data and
send through a network. Presently, business are motivated by IoT and future success of
increasing revenue and saving operating expenses , and enhance productivity .Businesses also
are driven by a need for regulatory compliance. Regardless, IoT device implementations give
the data and a deep perception crucial to improve workflows , visualize usage patterns , run
processes , satisfy compliance needed and challenge more efficiently in altering business
Our planet tend to have more connected devices more than people. IoT will be a gamechanger
for the way governments , business and humans deal with the rest of the connect globe. For
pros , there is a cons as for IoT such as people to embrace it , cost , connectivity , security and
much more. Regardless the challenges, IoT undoubtedly will deliver its goals. As technologies
and connectivity plans are hitting the market, IoT innovation will keep advancing , in addition to
this , the change of unconnected things into smart gadgets. This will have a great impact in all
aspects in different ways even our personal lives.[ CITATION Aer21 \l 1033 ]
The idea of Night patrol robot has been one of the best IoT projects that’s has been discussed.
The essence of the idea is guarding houses and properties particularly at night which usually
most crimes are committed.
Figure 1 Autonomous patrolling robot
Components Used
SZDoit C3 Smart DIY Robot KIT or 4WD Smart RC Robot Car Chassis 353 RM
2x Metal On/Off Button 20 RM
Lipo Battery 7.4V 5000mAh 120 RM
Arduino Mega 2560 160 RM
IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor x1 80 RM
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Board BMP280 (optional) 40 RM
Lipo Battery Voltage Tester x2 40RM
2x Motor Driver BTS7960B 160 RM
Lipo Battery 11.1V 5500mAh 180 RM
Xiaomi 1080P Panoramic Smart WIFI Camera 50 RM
RunCam Split HD fpv camera 200 RM
RadioLink AT10 II 2.4G 10CH RC Transmitter or FrSky Taranis X9D Plus 500 RM
Camera preview:
Eachine EV800D Goggles 380 RM
These are the all the hardware are used to build the patrol robot system.
Software used
Software wise Arduino 1.8.5 is used to program Arduino mega 2560.
Steps to implement the project
1. The List of Parts and Materials
Figure 1.2
First of all , we collect the parts needed mentioned above.
2. Assembling the Robot Chassis
Figure 1.3
After assembling the parts , We follow the photos posted above.The order of the assembly is as folows:
MotorRight_R_EN - 22
MotorRight_L_EN - 23
MotorLeft_R_EN - 26
MotorLeft_L_EN - 27
Rpwm1 - 2
Lpwm1 - 3
Rpwm2 - 4
Lpwm2 - 5
VCC - 5V
ch2 - 7 // Aileron
ch3 - 8 // Elevator
VCC - 5V
Before starting the robot's control from the RadioLink AT10 2.4GHz transmitter you should previously
bind the transmitter with the R12DS receiver.
4.Arduino Mega Code
"RC 2.4GHz Receiver Test" will simplify start and check the 2.4 Ghz receiver connected to Arduino, and
“RadioLinkAT10” allows to control the robot’s movement.Choose "Arduino Mega 2560" as the target
The commands from RadioLink AT10 2.4 GHz transmitter are sent to the receiver.platform as shown
above (Arduino IDE -> Tools -> Board -> Arduino Mega or Mega 2560).Channel 3 and of the receiver are
connected to the Arduino digital pins 7 and 8 Arduino digital pins 7 and 8 in the order given. In the
Arduino standard library we can find function "pulseIn()" that returns the length of the pulse in
microseconds.We will use it to read the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal from the receiver which
is proportional to the tilt of the transmitter's control stick. The pulseIn() function takes three arguments
(pin, value and timeout):
1. pin (int) - the number of the pin on which you want to read the pulse
3. timeout (int) - optional number of microseconds to wait for the pulse to be completed
The read pulse length value is then mapped to a value between -255 and 255 that representing
forward/backward ("moveValue") or turn right/left ("turnValue") speed. So, for example if we push the
control stick fully forward we should get the "moveValue" = 255 and pushing fully back get "moveValue"
= -255. Thanks to this type of control, we can regulate the speed of the robot's movement in the full
The last step is testing the security patrol how it functions.
Cost Estimation
The cost of the project will be around 2283 Malaysian ringgit.However, some projects cost
more according to the gadgets needed(sensors and devices , communication , platform and
application) which start from 1000$ to much more thousands ringgit.
Overall, IoT has started to dominate the world through different angles.IoT projects have
benefitted companies and our personal lives. Manufacturers are adding sensors to the
components of their products so that they can transmit data back about how they are
performing. This can help companies spot when a component is likely to fail and to swap it out
before it causes damage. Companies can also use the data generated by these sensors to make
their systems and their supply chains more efficient, because they will have much more
accurate data about what's really going on.Industrial revolution 4.0 and smart factory will not
be there without Internet of Things.Its implementation of smart technology is the foundation
for new industrial advancement and self-governed devices. It is the base for increased product
customization and higher flexibility while at the same time allowing stronger consumer and
supplier impact of automated processes. Industry 4.0 is set to be the new manufacturing
standard in the new future. The time for systematic in-house change is now.